sovamurka · 2 years
Me, smiling: it’s such a wonderful day! Bubble comics: *releases new Exlibrium chapter* Me, suddenly sweating: Oh no-   ~fifteen minutes later~ Me, crying intensely: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-
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dabisbratz · 1 year
can we cam up? eren yeager x male reader
w.c: 4.3k
genitalia terms: dick, cock, hole, fuckhole, cunt (1 time), pussy (1 time)
WARNING: spit, blowjob, rimming, anal (obvi), creampie, dirty talk, humiliation, filming, degradation, humiliation, nerd!eren, jock!reader, intoxication, may read kinda dubious but it’s 100% consensual, light d/s dynamic, alcohol, weed mention, dumbification, eren compares you to a hentai character one (1) time bc he’s deranged
a/n: i was kicking my feet twirling my locs screaming into my pillow writing this and it shows. also eren has a BIIIIG phat crush on you but i didn’t wanna get too into it… you definitely remember him, probably even sexted him w/o even knowing it was him
Let’s get one thing straight: You're not an arrogant man. Not at all— in fact, you’d consider yourself to be quite humble. This night may be about you and your winning score, but you’re humble about it. Considerate, even. So you feel no guilt when you accidentally spill alcohol on someone’s shirt, explaining that if they can somehow find you on instagram and send a DM, you’ll pay for the laundry and potential damages. The stranger peers at you with a funny glint in his green eyes as his hands pull the wet fabric apart from his skin, his glasses falling down the arched bridge of his nose.
You shrug and wave to your teammates, your football jersey loose on your form as you make way through the frat house’s large interior. Music blares in your ears for the millionth time tonight, the bass rattling your skeletal system with each increasingly tipsy step you take. Grinding, flushed bodies invade your vision, all around you as you shimmy through the sea of bodies to pour yourself another generous shot. Cool, blue rays of strobe lights dance and flicker across your eyelids. Warm, pink rays that caress your cheek like the confines of your safety helmet, the vinyl of your mouth guards. It overwhelmed you at first, so bright and unapologetic as your eyes adjusted and focused.
Somewhere beneath the tranquil hum of alcohol flowing through your veins you can feel your phone buzz in your pocket, rippling through your skin and sobering you up just a little.
Your girlfriend.
She’d been blowing up your phone all night, something along the lines of forgetting her gift for your anniversary— what was a few weeks, anyway? — and how ungrateful you were for yours. She was a good lay, a quick way to resort to getting your dick wet on particularly lonely nights; when you couldn’t stand the sound of silence dancing around your head. But that was all.
You shake the thought of her squawking voice the second you find Connie, surrounded by sorority girls with glossed lips and pink-tinted eyes. Finding solstice in his company, they’re huddled relatively close, knit together in some sort of baked clique. He’s perched over a bong, lighter in hand as he inhales the fumes with muffled haste. Pothead.
Your hand finds the crown of his head, palm nestled in the bristles of his buzz cut. Noone is allowed to touch Connie’s hair, at least not when he’s coherent enough to stop them. It usually ends in flying fists and bruised cheekbones, but all the man sends your way is a hazy glare. Someone punching the university’s all star just isn’t a good look. Especially when he’s pretty and popular with the public.
“Do that again and I’ll throw this bong at your head.” It’s an empty threat, clear of malice and slurred on Connie’s bitten lips.
“Yeah, yeah,” You steal the smoke exuding from his mouth, swishing the fog in your mouth a few times before blowing it back into his face. “Never again. Scouts honor.”
You shoot back up, mind reeling and posture straightening as a particularly pretty cheerleader hands you a bottle of something you can’t quite make out. It’s brown and rich though, smacking against the glass as you take a swig and chase it down with Connie’s leftover beer of all things.
One thing leads to another and suddenly you’re trapped between sobriety and full on plastered drunk. You remember chugging something sickeningly sweet, despite it leaving a harsh burn in the back of your throat as you took in a deep breath of victory. There were many eyes on you, loud cheers reverberating off the walls as you’re hoisted into the air for your skillful performance and high-fived by your frat brothers. But there are those green eyes again, staring straight through you with a look you can’t quite place.
Not that you can place much. You’re shitfaced.
He smells good, you later discover. There’s a strum of wind as he pushes forward and straight by you, weaving through the crowd like he’s invisible. The swaying of bodies— the sight is still so freshly imprinted in his brain, and it makes his head swim while liquor glides across his tongue, clumsy and inexperienced. He must not get invited to parties often. Or maybe he does, and you’ve just never noticed him.
He’s quite nerdy, some sort of graphic design on his stained shirt that resembles that of a video game or cartoon logo, and a poor excuse of a beard litters his chiseled jaw. And oddly handsome, pale face flushed from the alcohol, pink and pooling at the apples of his cheeks as he stares at you expectantly. But you’re not into men, and all the shots in the world couldn’t get you to even think of advancing with one. He quirks his thick brow in passing, settling back into his seat with a depleting mumble you can’t make out under the loud music.
But the alcohol paired with the sultry music-choice is doing things to you, you can’t help but stare longer than you should when he swallows down his adams apple, throat bobbing as he downs a fruity drink. His tongue darts over his lips, quick and steady as he nods along to the bass. You’re thinking with your dick, pushing past the batting lashes of cheerleaders and curvy bodies of sorority girls until you’re uncomfortably close to the guy who won’t stop looking at you.
“Do you- do you have a staring problem?” You ask, a slight slur to your voice as your face leans in close enough to count the nerd’s lashes individually.
Just to reiterate, you’re not arrogant. In the slightest.
He jumps back in response to the evasive question, strands of hair falling over his glasses as his emerald eyes roam your face. The lines are blurring now, his nerdy, almost irritating face looks kissable and inviting— his parted lips look warm and skilled. You can smell the pineapple on his tongue, sweet and citrusy.
“You heard me,” You hiccup straight into his face, watching his gorgeous features distort into something not even remotely akin to disgust, which makes confusion rack your brain. “Do you talk, or what?”
Your tongue is sharp, much to Eren’s chagrin. You’re too pretty to talk to people like that, especially him. He may look the way he does, but that doesn’t mean you can talk to him like that. It’s not like he can’t recognize a brat when he sees one. Usually, you’re a bubbly team player— everyone likes you, even if they say they don’t. Still, he shakes his head, humoring your drunken irritation. He understands, at least a bit, as he has a natural temper of his own.
Truthfully, Eren has been keeping his eyes on you for the past millennia. It started when he accidentally walked in on your practice, a sunny day that simply got brighter when he saw your face, cheerful and bright as you joked along with your teammates— Jean, Reiner, Levi? Was it? It didn’t matter, his focus was on you.
You and your sinfully tight compression shorts. You and your hands that curl into fists as you grasp at his sheets like a lifeline, as if holding them tight will somehow keep him inside of you, right where he belongs.
You and your stupid football that’d smacked him right in the face at full speed. But it was in his favor, you came running over apologetically as he rubbed away the blooming bruise. Your voice was sweet then, a melodic chirp that he couldn’t stop thinking about since then. He wants to hear it break.
It seems you too always meet at the expense of his dignity. But not tonight.
“Your phone is buzzing,” Eren grunts, sliding his glasses back up his nose and turning his head away. His glasses are fogged up, but it might just be saving his pride. He’d rather not get hard in front of the person he’s been fantasizing about for the past few months, not when you clearly had no recollection of him. He doesn’t blame you. “My bad. I’m not, yknow, stalking you or anything.”
“Oh, because staring for hours and stalking are very different things,” You’re staring at his lips now, ignoring the vibration in your hand. The second your phone screen lights up you slam it face-down into your front pocket. There isn’t an ounce of remorse in his voice, like his response is calculated and open-ended. “What if I like that?”
Your eyebrows wiggle, even with the mind splitting sensation of your brain beating against your skull. Almost as hard as your heart hammering in your chest. Eren’s scoff is barely audible over the music, but the comment has his heart racing.
You pull him in by the collar of his t-shirt, fists bunched up in the dark fabric as your lips press against his. It’s feverish and sloppy, your teeth occasionally grazing his own. His mouth is hot and wet, fruity essence on his tongue as it slips past your lips and into your mouth. You’ve never had a kiss feel this good. He nips at your bottom lip, pearly teeth digging into the skin until he feels you make an embarrassingly high pitched noise in your throat.
There’s a twinkle in his teal eyes as his posture straightens, slowly leaning back to catch a breath of fresh air (as fresh as it can get, anyway). You watch him readjust his position, lifting his hips instead of his actual body, practically rutting into the thickening air as he shifts. His bubblegum lips curl into a lazy smile as his fingertips circle the rim of the red solo-cup he’s been drinking from. “What if I like you?”
Your breath catches in your throat.
“Your phone just doesn’t shut up, does it?” There’s clear agitation in his voice, his arched eyebrows furrowed as your feet carry you somewhere much more secluded. Eren trails behind you, his eyes glued on the mound of your ass as you walk. He has to help you occasionally, without even knowing the layout of the place, just so you don’t fall over. The light shine of your phone screen emits across your hip, and he can see the contact of whoever it is that’s so deeply desperate for your attention.
Too bad it’s all on him.
“I’m a pop— popular man.” You finally respond, shutting the door behind you to what Eren assumes is your bedroom in the frat house. It’s between two other bedrooms and across from three more, with a sizable closet that holds more trophies than clothing.
“Can see why, pretty mouth like that,” The words slip before he can think, but it’s worth it to see the way you oh, so conveniently hiccup in response. The implication of you being some type of campus whore makes your throat feel tight, and you can’t help but twitch in your tight pants. “Talks a lot of shit, though.”
“You talk too much.” Correction: he doesn’t talk enough. But you shut him up with a kiss anyway, hungry and frantic because whatever this is, whatever you feel when you look at him, you don’t want it to end. His hands travel under your shirt, cold from his previous icy drinks, and you squirm under his palms. He spreads goosebumps across your skin, and when his fingers brush the bud of your nipples you can’t help but jolt where you stand.
A malicious grin snakes across Eren’s face, all teeth and predatory as he runs his tongue over his sharp canine teeth. “Been thinking about fucking you for weeks. The whole time we were talking, all I could think about was shoving you down on my dick.”
Oh. Your cock aches at that, which is almost already too much for you, you’ve never done this before. Not with a man, not with someone who looks at you like they’re going to devour you whole. You swallow hard, alcohol dispelling from your body the more blood rushes south, and suddenly you’re on your knees, unbuttoning Eren’s jeans with trembling hands.
The door locks behind you, a small click that only the two of you can hear. You look back up at the nerd, who’s watching you intently with a smirk.
He’s a complete juxtaposition to his appearance— if you were a bad man you’d call him a loser, but he exudes dominance and power. You want to wiggle under his gaze, shifting your weight between knees. Eren’s large hands cradle your face, oddly tender and affectionate as he rubs your cheekbones, slowly sliding them to the sides of your head. He lifts your gaze, forcing eye contact.
His glasses hang low on his nose, clouded from his breath as he lets out a satisfied sigh. You want to pull on his hair, flyaways barely reaching the base of his neck as the rest remains in a ponytail.
“This okay?” His tone is beyond sincere.
“Yeah,” You breathe, momentarily losing yourself in the forest of his irises. Blinking rapidly, Eren removes his hands from your head to free himself from his jeans, his long cock decorated in a small vein that disappears below his head. It’s pretty, arched against his stomach and dripping onto his shirt. The leaking precum makes you wonder how long he’s been hard. “Yeah. This is—this is more than okay.”
“Open,” It’s more of a command than anything, Eren’s very hands on, his fingers slipping into your mouth to pull at the corners of your mouth. Your tongue covers your teeth, your mouth watering as his salty fingertips graze your tongue. His other hand is busy working at the head of his cock, twisting smooth circles over the slit until it crashes down against your tongue. Again, and again, and again. “Good boy.”
You find yourself drooling on your jersey, sucking in a deep breath through your nose as his tip rests on your tongue. He goes slow at first, letting you suck on the tip while his fist roams his shaft. You’re a big boy, he knows you can handle much more than just the head— even if he is thick. Your eyes water immediately, gagging instinctually as he shoves his dick deeper into your mouth. “Say thank you.”
Before you can pull away with an answer, both hands return to the back of your head, holding you in place. He encourages you to breathe through your nose, cooing at your inexperienced efforts to catch the drool escaping your mouth, and even goes as far as to wipe one of your tears, “Gonna thank me? F’letting you be such a good, warm n’ wet hole for me?”
You feel yourself nodding, blinking hazily as he rocks in and out of your mouth. There’s a sound you don’t recognize coming from your throat, squelching and soaked, and it has you whimpering on the mouthful of cock. You don’t mean to make such a pitiful noise, but it feels so good, letting yourself go a little brainless over a cute boy.
You slurp loudly— not on purpose, but it earns a throaty chuckle from the man above you. He pulls out to let you breathe, his cock slowly sliding up your throat and past your lips until all you can do is whine and lean forward, lips wet with spit. The tears in your eyes spill unabashedly, your face nearly crashing against his dick.
“Thank you.”
“Hm? For what?”
You want to groan, to bang your fists against the wall because he’s being so mean. He knows what you mean, you know what you mean. Regardless, still focused on his cock just inches away from your face, you moan against nothing. It’s a light noise, breathy and quiet but effective enough to make his cock jump. “Please, please— I mean- fuck, thank you for letting me be…yours.”
Eren tuts, feigning annoyance as he grips your chin between his fingers, digging into the soft skin so you’re actually focused on his face. You smile into his palm, eyelashes batting against your cheek and he just can’t help but spit onto your cheek.
“What, d’you just go dumb the second you see some dick?”
You’re barely listening, instead grinding against the fabric of your jeans because his touch treatment has you feeling some kind of way. “Does your girlfriend know her boyfriend’s a cockslut too? Does she know other boys spend their nights getting your holes wet, fuckin’ you in the same bed?”
It’s much easier to hear the vibrations in your pocket now that you’re alone, the only barrier between you being the muffled music on the other side of the door. Eren’s hand leaves your jaw, and you have no complaints when he helps you to remove your jeans.
The jersey can stay on, though. He wants to fuck you in it.
He pushes you into your bed, watching you bounce in the mattress in nothing but your jersey, and helps himself into solely his birthday suit. You’re just as exposed, seemingly moreso, as he pulls your bottom half into his lap. It’s an odd position, not anything you’re used to, maybe your exes and past hookups— but never you.
Eren hunches over, his breath tantalizingly close to your hole. First, he licks a fat stripe across the surface, holding your thighs open when they threaten to instinctively close. You can’t prop yourself up on your elbows at this angle, your feet dangling over his shoulders while he holds you up. The nerd is stronger than he looks.
His tongue is hot and wet, and you feel yourself clenching when a glob of spit lands on your hole. He massages it in with his ring and middle finger, and your body finds itself squirming against his touch. You expect fingers, one at first, maybe, then another. But instead he uses his tongue, lets it dip inside and lap at your insides. Eren looks hungry, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he spreads you open and holds you there with an iron grip. A punched-out “Eren!” leaves your lips the second his tongue is lapping you up, leaving tingles up your spine and smog in your brain.
He kneads his fingers into the fat of your thighs, nipping occasionally where your skin folds into your ass, just to get another choked whine out of you. And, oh, you whine. The intrusion isn’t unwelcome, in fact, the feeling of Eren’s face slick with his spit as he tries to get his tongue as deep as he can into you makes your toes curl. You fist your bedsheets, finding comfort in the pillows you’re pressed into, and go as far as to hold yourself open for the man while he goes to grab something.
“Oh, baby. You shouldn’t have,” You shiver at the sound of his dark chuckle, and squeal when his ring finger finds a spot next to his tongue. “Look at that. Hole’s leaking. You just sit here and look pretty while I fuck it on my tongue, hm? Think you can do that?”
“Mhmmm, mhm, yeah! I can— I can do that, ‘Ren.” You sound like a bitch, with your nose buried in your pillow as you moan with every brush to that special spot inside of you. Your cock jumps against your stomach, leaking into your belly button and down your chest. Your jersey is ruined, but so are you, especially when Eren rubs your cock once, twice—
Holy shit. You’re cumming.
“That’s it, come on, give it to me.” Your jersey catches it all, right over your reserved number and embroidered nameplate. Your brain is too fried for you to care, tears streaming down your face as your hole flutters on his tongue and fingers. Sensitive now, moreso than you were before, you whimper and shimmy in Eren’s lap, simultaneously moving toward and away from his touch. He keeps you where you are though, staring at your blissed out face through clouded glasses and licking his lips like he’s just finished eating the best meal he’s ever had. And as if that’s not enough to have you cumming again already, he places an open-mouthed kiss to your puffy hole just for good measure.
“You felt so soft on my tongue, fuck, I almost busted right on you,” His cheeks are pink, and the rosy shade blooms down his neck and disappears into his chest. He pulls you forward by your wrist, sucking on your tongue and licking over your lips so you can taste yourself. He’s gonna be the death of you.“Bet this hole’s gonna be even softer. Nice and warm while you take my cock. Gonna let me cum inside? Pump that soft cunt full until it’s all creamy and used?”
He’s so filthy, so unashamed. The nickname doesn’t go unheard, and despite the slutty moan that you let out in response, part of you wants to pinch him just for that. Damn Eren and his shameless mouth! But you nod anyway, an everlasting stream of ‘yesyesyes’ floating in the air as he lines himself up to finally give you what you’ve been gagging for so prettily.
Eren just can’t help himself. Not when you’re folded up and presenting yourself to him like this. Not when your eyes are wide and your lips are parted and you’re letting out such pretty sounds. Sounds that belong to him. Plus it’s not all on him, you’re the one with an unlocked phone. You’re the one with space in your camera roll.
He’s sure the camera is shaky, maybe even a little blurry, but he makes sure to get your face in it, fucked-out and crosseyed as he pounds his dick into you, keeps you steady with his hand on your jaw. A string of precum connects you together, pooling at your ass and Eren’s thighs as his hips crash down, yours convulsing upward to meet him halfway. It’s a bit half-assed on your part, but who’s gonna blame the guy getting fucked stupid?
“‘Ren, you’re,” You sob in disbelief, eyes rolling along with your hips. “You’re— ohh, you’re fuckin’ me.”
He smiles down at you, feral and heated as he buries himself to the hilt inside you, his balls slapping against the curve of your ass. He never seems to stop, always chasing that feeling of you clamping down on him even when you’re almost too sensitive to take it. “That’s right, I’m fuckin’ you. Just how you like it, hm? Right in your fuckhole. S’what it’s there for, right?”
“That’s—“ Absurd? Vulgar? Objectification? It’s hot. It’s hot and you know it, Eren knows it, and your dick sure as hell knows it too because you can feel your next orgasm coming. “Yeah. N’my fuckhole.”
He makes a pleased sound in response, groans and pants joining your moans when he speeds up, his slow and deep strokes becoming fast and hollow, pounding that sensitive spot deep inside you over and over and over. “Should train you to take this dick.”
“Hold on,” Despite looking straight at him you can’t understand what he’s saying, not until his glasses are placed over your eyes and you’re blinking away the prescription blur. You struggle to collect yourself, wailing as you reach for his free hand that begins to nestle between your jawline and your neck. He squeezes affectionately, lets you cry and arch on his cock while he breathlessly sighs, “You look straight outta my favorite hentai.”
And, technically, you’re making a sextape now. A tape that showcases closeups of his cock disappearing deep inside you, pummeling your puffy hole until it carves the shape of his dick into you. Until only Eren can fit, big and thick and unbelievably deep. A tape that has you, a popular and well-known straight jock, crying on the dick of a guy you just met.
“Eren, m’gonna… ‘Ren—” You may as well scream, your body tensing as you spray across your chest — when did your jersey get bunched up enough to expose you like that? — sticky cum shooting out your spent cock until you’re twitching, handsfree and body ablaze. He doesn’t let up, castelon eyes narrowed as he fucks you through it, watching more cum squirt from your cock, milking himself for all he’s worth. “Inside, wanna be full, I deserve it, please, Rennie.”
He bounces you a few times, watching you fall back onto his cock until he feels himself aching hard, hard enough to start cumming inside you. It’s the nickname that gets him, groaning loud as he pumps a load inside you. It’s messy, and downright pornographic watching his cum leak out of you, just for him to fuck it back in with the head of his dick. It’s clear you feel proud of yourself for making him tremble inside you, and Eren takes the opportunity to scrapbook the memory.
“C’mere,” He’s not asking, simply pulling you closer to the camera so it can focus on your cum-stained face. “Smile for me, baby. Tell your ‘girlfriend’ how much you like it in your pussy too.”
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rans-baby · 2 years
when they find out you're being bullied
tw // bullying, implied murder, sexual harassment
psa: if you can only send hate on anon, then you have no right to send hate. you are literally choosing to consume the content, why are you acting like writers are holding you hostage and making you read their works? if you don't like it, simply block them or keep your mouth shut ♡
@megumi-divine for you my love
rin loved and supported you in all of your endeavors and knew how much your blog meant to you
so when he woke up to you glaring at your computer like it had personally wronged you, he could take a pretty good guess as to what was going on
"what's got my baby so worked up?"
all you could do was turn back to look at him and silently show him your screen
rin would die for you, kill for you and maybe this seemed like a trivial matter to the rest of the world but it was genuinely bothering you, making it a serious problem for him too
"how about you close that laptop and come back to bed? promise i'll take care of it pretty girl"
dating an executive of the most powerful gang in japan had its perks, and he would take full advantage and go to the ends of the earth to see you smile
you were the light of his life, his princess, HIS
so when you came back with bruises on your arm that looked eerily similar to handprints, he silently beckoned you to sit on his lap and stared into your eyes
"who thought they could damage my property?"
you looked up at him with a wobbly smile and tears in your eyes
"'s nothing, really"
he could never be angry with you, but he did have a bit of a temper when it came to matters than concerned you
"now princess, you know i hate when you lie to me so let's try again, who did this?"
it was like a dam broke and words were pouring out faster than you could keep up with
you explained how there was a guy in your class that wouldn't stop bothering you, asking you on dates, asking you for nudes and when you said that you had a boyfriend, he had gotten mad, really mad
he let you cry in his arms until you fell asleep and he gently laid your body down onto the bed
he put on his jacket and headed out and when you groggily asked him where he was going all he had to say was "i have some business to take care of, you trust me right?"
now who would mess with his girlfriend? surely there was no one dumb enough out there to do that right? wrong
he noticed that you had been acting a bit odd the past few weeks but you waved him off with a "it's nothing i can't take care of!" and a forced smile
he trusted you, he really did, but he decided enough was enough when he started to notice the bags under your eyes get darker and the light slowly drain from your eyes
deciding to cheer you up, he picked you up from work for a surprise lunch but was instead greeted with the scene of some girls surrounding you in your office, seemingly berating you
he watched as you did nothing to defend yourself from their words
before he knew it, he was grabbing one of the girl's arms and twisting it behind her back, ignoring her cries
your head slowly lifted and you were met with empty eyes
"so this is what you were hiding from me princess?"
the girls all scattered and left the ringleader to take the punishment, thinking they were in the clear
"let me make this abundantly fucking clear, if you ever step foot in this building ever again i can't guarantee the safety of your family and friends. make sure to let those other girls know too"
he released her, watching as she scampered away
"now princess, how about we go get some ice cream!♡"
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jujutsukgojo · 2 years
Prayed For the Lambs
Summary: In Deika city, you met a little boy and just wanted to do a nice thing. If only you knew who the hell you gave shelter to. So busy praying for the lambs, you forgot to pray for yourself.
TW: deaths, destruction, spoilers from my villain academia, angst, isolation, cult, religious under tones, animal abuse
If there is anything else let me know!
A/N: i posted this on ao3 last year and i'm still debating on a part 2?
You want to say that you truly do not know where it went wrong as the buildings collapse around you. Mr. Rikiya, whom you have grown up with your entire life, is doing something just as dark and sinister as Tomura. Mr. Rikiya grows in size and reaches for your childhood friend. The disaster that is spreading all around registers completely. It just doesn’t stop you from hoping for Tomura’s safety. Suddenly, Mr. Rikiya throws Tomura and looks at his finger, wincing. He had decayed the tips of the giant’s finger. That does not compare to the damage Tomura is taking. His hands are crushed and he is bleeding in several areas.  
 If only you had known to pray before you met him. To pray for yourself and Deika before that little boy with light bluish grey hair and suspicious red eyes touched the ground and ruined your home. You shouldn’t have even given him shelter. Your ass should have ran.  
“What’cha doing out here, little one?”  
“H-hey! I’m just as big as you if not bigger.” He jots out his bottom lip and tries to stand tall but can’t. He plops down on the dirt ground.  It is only you two that are in the woods. No one else can hear his fall.
You giggle and sit next to him. His hands coated in blood that you think is his, the dryness around his face highlight the dark rim around his eyes. For some reason, you aren’t scared of this little kid. He  is the one that must be so scared.  
“Come with me, little lamb.” You reach for his hand. “No!” He quickly yanks it back before it can be touched. Is he like Mr. Kai? Not able to touch people because of germs?  
“Okay, how about this?” You loop your arm through his instead. “I guess that’s okay.” You take him to the church and before you can call for Mr. Rikiya to tell him of this lost child, you see a farmer beat one of his innocent sheep. He often times sells his goods on the street or donate them to Mr. Rikiya and his church. This man has never sat right with you. You gasp and freeze at the sight. It isn’t the first time you have seen this man commit such a violent act. Each time a sheep is beaten, you send a prayer for them to be saved. Now, you gather the courage to stand up for them.
“Stop it!” You shout. You know the circle of life. You know the sheep will be eaten and such. That doesn’t mean he can beat them before their time! Why torture them? What is the point? His brown hair is stick straight and cut horribly. He probably did it himself.   
“Don’t tell me to stop girl.” He aims to swing that cane at you. That stick to guide him and his animals and here he goes, wanting to hit you. Its chipped and splintered, but sturdy all the same. It’s gonna hurt.   
Just as you close your eyes, a strangled groan and a weird noise is the only thing coming. You open your eyes to see nothing but ash. The boy has a weird look in his eyes, a look you foolishly translated to fear and shock. His eyes are wide and his mouth is open.   
Yes, you asked him how he did that and he told you he had no memory of what happened before he entered the woods. So, the origin of such a curse, or gift as you said, is unknown. He has no reason to lie to you since he had your full confidentiality. The heroic boy starts to smile at you. “Alright, what’s your name then? D’you remember that?”  
He shakes his head no.  
So, you name him Tomura Shigaraki. The last name is a name you found in a story and Tomura is because it sounds pretty.   
You named the boy after mourning.  
Little did you know that that boy not only had the power to bring it, but craved it.   
You never told anyone what happened to that mean man. The man with an occupation that didn’t fit with a city like Deika anyway.   
“Out! Everybody out now!” Ms. Y screams. Her screaming voice is foreign to you, an orphan who visited the church on a daily and who slept in the basement with Tomura. It is where you hid him after the death of the shepherd. Afraid of what people would do if they found out and without any other place to put him, you hid him in the basement of the church. It was somewhere they didn’t go into since you volunteered to clean it when you had taken Tomura in. At the time in your five-yar-old mind, it was the perfect cover.   
 You planned for the two of you to rest there. Not for it to be a holding cell or a prison. Tomura wouldn’t come out of there. He stayed, harboring the darkness that the basement brought. No matter how many candles and nightlights you brought, it always seemed like it was never enough.   
That was the problem, maybe. Isolation of a boy with a power to turn things into dust and you being his only companion. He tried once to venture out and befriend someone, what was that kid’s name, Bakugou? A kid your age that had an attitude and a half and a mouth of a sailor but damn. You never saw him again after the third day of them hanging out.   
 Bakugou called Tomura a freak, crusty, ugly, no-name. After repeated scolds and hits from you, he still didn’t stop. He would push Tomura playfully, as he said. However, you got the feeling that it wasn’t playful at all. Tomura’s eyes never looked right whenever he saw Bakugou. And he would scratch his neck with a fierceness.   
That third day, you saw some lambs being slaughtered when you wondered too far. So, you prayed for them.   
That day, when he was ten years old, was the last time Bakugou was seen. His mother is still looking for him.   
Deep down you knew how Tomura was.  
In denial is what you were. Refusing to see the truth and instead of praying for the lambs, you should have prayed for the boy and yourself; for your home, friends, and Bakugou despite your dislike for him.   
Deika City is being ruined by the Mr. Rikiya and Tomura. Is it possible for a human to get that big? To look like that? Possible for a man whose hand lingered on your back longer than you wanted, for his hand to gently caress your face since you were a child till now, and to have kind eyes yet become that big and battle a boy your cared for? A boy you yourself named.  
“What do you call it?” Curiously, he looked at you. “Call what?”   
“Your hand thingy.”   
“I have no idea what it is, I told you. Please don’t tell!” He gathers tears in his eyes. “I won’t Tomura! Don’t worry!” How could anyone tell of something like that? Surely they would persecute him. With soothing strokes on his back you calm him.  
What had happened to the farmer hasn’t really sunk in yet. It’s been two years.   
“Hey! I have an idea. Why don’t we go outside and play?”   
“Why not?” He pulls out a game board, one you excel in, and says, “I haven’t beaten you yet.”  
“When will we ever play outside then? When will you?”  
“Soon, I guess.” After a minute or two of silence, you came up with a name for it. “I got it. We’ll call it decay. Get it?”  
“Isn’t more like disintegrating?”  
“Those are cinnamons.” You inform him. He furrows his brows. “Synonyms?”   
“Whatever. I can’t pronounce either of those words so I'm calling it decay.” He nods and says that’s okay. You end up winning again.
Mr. Rikiya is throwing some kind of purple force at him.  
Don’t hurt him!  
Tomura’s voice sounded strained and he said his head was splitting. Why? What’s wrong with him? You want to go over there and knock some sense in him. To hold him and piece his head back together if it splits completely.   
Tons of people, random people with black clothing and masks scurry the streets. The men look familiar yet cannot be placed because of their masks. They feel familiar yet cold. Not anymore though.  
Blue erupts into a building you used to know so well and gathers on your clothes. A gas station that you went into for Tomura’s chips. They were the only ones that sold those things. Ms. Y smacks the blue flames away from your pant leg somehow and grabs your neck and drags you away. The offender, a man with severe scars is so easy to recognize.  
“Is he okay?”   
“No, Y/n, he isn’t. Help me get him on here.” To pay for your stay, you often help with the hospital as a helper for Ms. Y and as a candy striper. It was a slow night until a boy comes in with burns all over his body. Slowly he opens his eyes to see you. They are the most beautiful things you ever saw. Almost like gems, really. Not sure what to do and waiting for one of the slow doctors to arrive, you pet his head and tell him he’ll be just fine.   
“Don’t touch him! He’s in pain!” You doubt that for some reason. He just doesn’t look like he is. He looks like he has determination burning within. It is something that won’t recognize pain or allow him to cry.  
“He’s far away from home, that’s for sure.” One of the doctors say as he finally arrives with the excuse of traffic being congested.   
Quickly, you pet his head gently and whisper reassuring words again before anyone can see. He blinks at you and gives you a slight smile.   
The man with gems for eyes stares at you as you’re being dragged away, as the rocks underneath your feet are shaking like an earthquake. “Run away!” You shout at him. He smirks at you and continues to join the destruction. It’s all too shocking, too horrifying to see the people you grew up with be destroyed or join it. You notice that his flames are avoiding you.   
How is he able to do that? Emit blue flames? Is that how he got burned? Tomura may bring death at his hands, but the jewel eyed man certainly brings pain. How they are able to do this you may never know to be honest and you don’t want to.   
“That poor family…” At five years old with a curious mind, you stand on your tip toes to see what the newspaper that Ms. Y’s holding. A list of names are on the newspaper. The Shimura family. All they can find are bits of remains but no mention of the actual cause. They ruled out an earthquake since it only affected one house. They aren’t sure if it is bad contracting because of how the family and family’s dog was found but they are saying it is a possibility. In the paper is a boy they list as presumed dead. Tenko Shimura. You study the picture and notice the facial similarities of Tenko and Tomura. But Tomura has red eyes and light blue hair while Tenko seemed to have dark hair and eyes. As far as you could tell by newspaper print at least.   
It can’t be the same boy. If so, you at least found his real name.  
He denied it and said he hadn’t a clue of his life before.  
  “We have to get out of Deika! That boy is the devil incarnate!” How can she say that?  
“And Rikiya?” You challenge. Mr. Rikiya has always held a large amount of power in this city. Too much of it actually. If Tomura is the devil, then what is he? Her wrinkly face scowls. “Show him some respect! He is fighting for us to get out of Deika. Don’t be ungrateful!” You aren’t so sure he is. What he’s saying doesn’t make sense. Shouldn’t be along the lines of “don’t hurt these people”? Instead, it is more along the lines of degrading Tomura because he thinks he’s weak. Mr. Rikiya doesn’t acknowledge the damage around him as well as the people; only the supposed lack of strength.   
She must have known of how he could get larger in size and throw his “burdens”. Have you been lied to all your life? Can everyone but you do such things? You can’t. In Deika, you went all over the place. The schools you snuck into, trains, libraries, and the church, and much more. You can't recall ever seeing things like this other than Tomura. You never actually participated in the church but it was familiar to you. All of this was. Deika, no matter what, was home for you. Only once had you left this city.  
“How can they do that?” She stops to look at you with no expression on her face. “They are blessings or curses. But not both.” She didn’t outright answer your question.  
“Tomura I’m serious.” You hand him gloves that the store you visited recently started selling. “Why should I?” He plops down with his legs crossed and a pout on his lips.    
“It’s so you don’t decay anything.” Your reasoning is valid. For precaution and to lure him out, he needs to be careful.  
“You mean so I won’t decay  you . Because it isn’t a gift, is it?” Partially it. But you would never say that out loud. It would be wrong to hurt his feelings like that. “C’mon put them on.” You cautiously slide it on his hand.   
“Admit it, Y/n. You’re scared of me.” He grabs your foot and thankfully the gloves work. Yet you are a little perturbed that he tested them on you. Couldn't he have used a candle or something?  
“I’m not scared of you. I’m just a little worried for your fingers. It’s in your fingers and they slip y’know? I know you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose, right?” You want him to say that he never will. He crawls over to your sitting position. The candles burn dimly in the basement where you stored him and tried to get him out of. The two of you are almost out of your teens now. He can’t stay down here forever. It’s getting harder to find clothes for him without him being in the stores with you. He has grown so much over the years.  
Tomura kisses your neck repeatedly. It’s shocking and feels weird in a good way. The friendship that you have has lasted for almost fifteen years, ever since you were five, you feel is starting to change. Him kissing your neck like a lover does, so intimately, is strange. Gently the two of you fall back on the floor that’s covered in blankets and pillows you provided over the years.   
“What are you doing?” His eyes gleam just a tad. “Asking you to not be scared of me.” He kisses your neck again. “You didn’t ask for my consent, Tomura.” He hums and nods.   
“Don’t be scared of me.” He whispers earnestly. As time passes and the solitude starts to show more and more on Tomura, fear is starting to set in you no matter how much you deny it. He is starting to change and it is worrying you.   
You and Ms. Y climb up the fire escape on one building. The streets are filled with civilians, crazed and scared. She takes you on top of the roof and runs. Surprisingly,  she is a spry older woman. Scared of the jump, you grab her hand and go from one roof to the other. The previous building with a red shingled roof is now falling and...decaying. Tomura found a way to use his gift, his own special quirk, with crushed hands. To make his gift put on a larger scale.   
How could he do this? What happened during that time apart? One year. He was gone for a year. You had promised to come back in a few months. With a smile, he told you that he had made friends. Of course, you were happy.   
“What do you mean you’re leaving?” He crosses his arms. You, just today, got the opportunity of a lifetime. “Tomu, if I do this I can be set for the future.”  
“What about me?” He looks so sad. “I’ll take you with me!” He can’t stay cooped up here. It can’t be healthy. You go to and fro and always come back every day. However, you are still his only source of companionship. “Okay.”  
It was fine until the next day he wasn’t there. Knowing how he was, you couldn’t help be shocked at his absence. Of course, you searched for him. Afterwards on the same night, you stayed over to see if he’d come back and he did. He said he just walked around to adjust to the outside and even stated some of his opinions on people. They annoyed him.   
When it was time to leave, he didn’t want to go. “I’ll wait for you. Don’t worry about me.” Was his parting words.  
“How are you going to eat?”  
“I like the outside now.” He had a bright smile and you couldn’t be happier for his progress.   
“I made a few friends that share the same interests as I do.” He had told you that people annoyed him, yet he has friends? Of course, you didn’t question it. How could you?  He went out and made friends! Seeing him grow made you happy and slightly eased your worries.  
You should have known that when he went outside, he was meeting the worst.   
A girl with blonde buns on her head jumps out at you. Confusion turned into recognition as she tried to grab your wrist. Ms. Y. jumps in and slaps the girl away. The urge to just close your eyes and ignore the whole thing is becoming stronger with each passing moment. But each time the ground rumbles underneath you, each time the buildings start to crack, your eyes snap open.   
  Ms. Y. continues to drag you along. The insane but care-free laughter echoes throughout your home. Mr. Rikiya body is sent flying in the air. You are increasingly becoming terrified of the destruction caused by the boy you took in and told no one about other than Bakugou, who is long gone.   
This is punishment. Your denial is now biting you and everyone else in the ass.  
Ms. Y. pushes you out of the way once the cracks in the ground catch up with the two of you. You stare as her body decays in front of you with the last word of, “Run!”  
So, you do just that. It hurts, all of it. How could you be so blind? When you came back from just being away for a couple of months, you discovered that he was long gone. Only by games and journal logs, expired food, and dust that was not caused by his hands did you know. He had left for good while you were absent.  
The night before you both left was sweet and full of Tomura’s venting. You hugged him, something that you would do every so often, but that last time he was more confident about it. On the blankets and pillows laid out for him for all those years, the two of you sat and talked. He ranted about the church and the world. He was angry, furious, at those who believed in Mr. Rikiya and those who disagreed with his opinions of the world, his hatred. He despises it.  
You should have known then. His contradicting statement of hating the people but finding friends should have rung alarms. His last words to you were reassuring and encouraging on your departure despite the rest of the conversations that night. So many red flags that you blatantly ignored.   
  Somehow, you outrun his gift. People start fighting in front of you, killing each other mercilessly. None of this makes sense. It was once a boring town that had nothing in it. Totally plain to look at and be in but it was home. Now, Deika is crumbling from the inside to the outside. The exit as far as you can tell of this small town is crashing. Those who run to it crumble as well.  
There truly is nowhere to go.  
So, as a last decision you walk to the church where you would visit and had stored the boy with death for hands. The building has fallen except for the few windows and the graves. The foundation still stands with a few pews but that is it. What was once a spectacular building is now rubble. You walk down the aisle towards the podium. Mr. Rikiya, now that you think about it, did hold a weird church. The loyalty to him was fierce. It never sat right with you but at least it was warm and dry. It was another thing you ignored. This wasn’t really much of a church at all.  
Tomura limps from behind a broken wall next to the podium. He is bloody and shirtless with long white hair. Last you saw him it was a light blue and you had cut it. How had this much changed?   
“Is this it, Tomu?” You ask. How could the five-year-old boy turn out this way? Is he going to end you too?  
“Y/n...” He is shining, completely glowing in the sunlight. “Do you know why I did this?”  
“No.” He chuckles at your partial lie. “It was all a lie. A cult. Deika under the rule of a fraud and I was placed under him. Living underneath his hive.”  
“What do you want me to say? I didn’t know. I just wanted you to stay warm and dry and safe.” Did you really not know? Their praise towards the man were exaggerated and frequent. Nothing about it seemed dramatic in your eyes since you ignored most of it. Especially when all you wanted to do is survive and take care of Tomura. Perhaps he did know more than you. It took all of this to notice what was odd.
You hold back the tears that are filled with guilt and regret. This wasn’t supposed to happen. All you wanted was to do a good thing.   He limps a little closer. “Of course you didn’t. You are the most oblivious person I know. How can you go throughout your life not realizing things? Piecing shit together?” You agree with him. Once upon a time, you did consider yourself a curious mind; evidently you lied to yourself.  
  He decays a candle. “Imagine that, Y/n. Imagine that the world that I hated got even bigger.”  
Dear mercy.   
“Hate the world? How? You haven’t seen or experienced anything,”  
Wiping your face, you continue. “What now? You already ruined Deika. So now you’re gonna ruin the world?”  
He smiles. “I know enough to know that this is all trash; trust me. Why shouldn’t I lead it?”  
“What the hell happened to you?” You whisper. It is almost as if you are afraid of the question.  
“Nothing, absolutely nothing but growth. Isn’t that great?” The sun somehow shines brighter. Your leg which the blue flames touched your pants is warm and tender. You know it’s painful but it doesn’t register. Not now. This is the end of your life. His answer to your question literally answers the rest of them. Tomura Shigaraki has always been like this. The farmer and Bakugou were testaments that he got enjoyment out of killing. That look on his face at the death of the farmer wasn’t fear or shock at all. It was euphoria. At five years old, you didn’t want to believe in such evil. Seeing a man beat sheep was already enough for you.   
 Even now you don't want to believe in this kind of evil. Closing your eyes, you take deep breaths through your wobbling lips. Tomura’s limping is getting closer. The noise is heavy and slow.  
You should have prayed for the people, yourself, and the farmer. You should have prayed for Deika. You should have prayed for Bakugou when he and Tomura went on an adventure that day and said “no girls allowed.”. Maybe then he would have been spared.  
“Y/n?” He calls. His breath is on your face. Tomura sounds concerned and soft. With his actions however, who knows if that is genuine?  
Why did you pray for the lambs when there were people in pain?  
You’re warm.  
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angelamajiki · 3 years
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PARINGS: Pro Hero! Dabi x Sister! Reader
TW: yandere, incest, no con, voyeurism, choking, burning, unprotected/no prep sex, breeding/creampies, snowballing, public sex, degradation, lots of dirty talk
AN: WHEEWW my first fic in a while, so excited for my first join intro collab!! thank you to the lovely jo for writing it <33 enjoy
A BNHarem Server Collab! Check out the other works here.
Breaking news: We have yet another report to add to the slew of attacks this month, this comes just days after we broadcast rumours of villains running rampant over the city. This spate of attacks has put the entire metropolitan area at a standstill, road closures and damaged property making it difficult for commuters to get to work in the morning. Road maintenance endeavour to do its best to keep the city running, but it seems futile when these attacks continue to increase. The entire city was brought to a standstill by the mysterious villain who has still not been named, but reports show they are nothing like we have ever experienced before.
Where are the heroes now? Who will save us from the terror overwhelming our city?
Every day the crime toll continues to rise and we have no one here to protect us. The Hero Public Safety Commission assured us earlier in the week that the crime rate would go down, that the top Heroes are out there protecting our city, but if so, where are they? Is it really safe to go out anymore, who can we trust? Would you put your life in the hands of a Hero today? When they have proved our streets are no longer safe. We still have no information on what is going on, or who is involved but we must remain observant. We will continue to report the latest news as we receive it, but for now, we must implore you to heed the warnings of the city-wide curfew that is soon to be implemented. If anyone has any information on these occurrences in the city please send them to us or contact the police, you can remain anonymous. The safety of our citizens is what is most important, stay vigilant and don’t go out unless it is absolutely necessary.
Christ, what a load of bullshit the news was nowadays. Constantly whining and squealing about what heroes did and didn’t do, promoting fear-mongering like it was the hottest trend. Between your father and two older brothers dedicating their life to the cause of justice, the world always felt just a little safer to you, the naive little thing that you were. And tonight was no exception.
Despite the rapidly increasing crime rates, your judgment to grab a couple of drinks in the city with your friends was hardly swayed. The stress of it all was getting to you and you’d love nothing more to drink your heart out at one of the few spots still left open. It was a sleazy place, but it was fun. If anything, you found a bar in the area where your eldest brother was currently stationed patrolling.
Touya had always been protective of you ever since the two of you were children, and he carried that same possessiveness well into your adulthood. Always chasing off any potential suitors, keeping you out of trouble, and generally being a menace to anyone who thought they were good enough to be around his favorite little sister.
By the end of the night, stumbling around drunkenly was the only thing keeping you upright as you made your way out of the club and onto the street, looking for a taxi to get you home. Sirens wailed faintly in the distance, a mess of blue and red lighting up the darkened streets.
“Hey sweetheart. Need a hand?”
Grubby hands met your arms the same time the cool air of the night did, tugging and pulling at you to come closer, wherever that may be. Jaunts and laughter echoed off the buildings, only adding to the haziness the alcohol induced. “What’s a pretty little thing like yourself doing out here all on your lonesome?”
Weak attempts to push the group of assaulters off you were in vain as they groped and squeezed your body at their pleasure. “Come on, we’re just trying to keep ya company. Right, boys?”
Your whine came across much more pathetic than you could have ever hoped, only earning more chuckles from the men. “Just relax, sweetheart. We’ll take good care of you.”
Blue flames danced around the group of you, closing the lot of you against the building wall in a small circle of fire.
“Will you now? Last I checked, I'm the only man suited for that.” Touya was less than amused to have found out from Fuyumi that you traveled into the city given its state, even more so when he saw how drunk and disorderly you were being.
The men untangled themselves from you with ease, tossing you into the arms of your expectant brother, who was more than glad to pull you into a tight embrace. “Shit! It's the number three, Heatstroke!”
The comforting warmth of his body and scent of his cologne settled your frantic nerves, tucking yourself closer into his arms. “Honestly, it’s like you're asking for it at this point.”
Your heart sank low in your chest, but you couldn't find the strength to move away from him as he scowled down at you.
“Look at what you're wearing, you little tease. Bet you would have loved to have them violate you, huh slut?”
Never has Touya been so venomous with you before; it made your heart hurt, even more, to see your beloved nii-san be so cruel.
“Don’t you worry, that’s why your big brother is here to show you who you really belong to.”
Shoved against the wall, he pinned your trembling form with his right knee in between your legs and his hands wandering over your skimpy dress.
“You boys can stick around to watch; let a real man show you how it's done.”
Flames singed at your dress, burning it to ashes to expose you in the cool wind of the night. Hot fingers pressed into your skin, littering marks in their wake before they wrapped around your throat. “You were just begging for nii-san to come to save your slutty ass, huh, princess? I know you checked my patrol schedule before ending up at this dive.”
His hand tightened around your neck, his lips at your ear. “Wanted nii-san to come put you in your place, yeah? After fuckin’ teasing me all these years, you finally cracked me. Are you proud of yourself, little girl?”
A whine slipped from your constricted throat, your smaller hand gripping at the large one squeezing you with everything it had. “And now you've got an audience to witness my ownership over you. You're mine, little girl.”
Finally releasing your throat, his hands traveled down to your chest and groped at your roughly, pinching and pulling at your soft, sensitive nipples. Bile was rising in your throat as you drowned in your own fear, feeling him drag you into the depths of depravity.
“What’s the matter, imouto? I thought you said I was your favorite. You're hurting my feelings, y’know.”
“Touya, please-”
A scoff slapped you hard in the face as his knee jerked up against your cunt. “Don’t start with me. I know who you really are and what you really want, even better than yourself.”
His words stabbed at your heart, and his wandering hands only seemed to pour salt over the wounds. “You’re nothing more than my whore, little sister.”
Hips ground against your backside in a slow, teasing manner, groans pushing past his lips as he did so. “You have no one to blame but yourself.”
His erection was pressed flush against you, straining in his pants before he unzipped himself. At this point, you were more than sobered up running on fear and adrenaline alone. Your panties were ripped clean off with his free hand while the other stroked his hardening cock. “Look at me.”
The tip was aligned with your hole, rubbing slightly to gather the minimal wetness between your lips. “I said look at me.”
Teary eyes peaked up at him through wet lashes, silently pleading with a man who was not known for mercy.
“Good fuckin’ girl, so obedient for your big brother.”
With one snap of his hips, Touya fully sheathed himself inside of your tight cunt, groaning at the way you squealed for him. “Aw, you like that, huh, princess. Feeling good?”
A warbled moan was the only response you could give him as he slowly began to pull out. The alcohol had you buzzing enough to block out the pain of the stretch, and damn did you feel filled to the brim.
“Can’t wait to breed this greedy little cunt of yours.”
His pace was slow, agonizingly so. Touya couldn't help but savor every second of the first time having been inside you, especially after dreaming about it for so long. God, if it didn't turn him on to have an audience, knowing that these men knew he was fucking his sister.
What would the media think? God, the news cycle would be ripped to shreds tomorrow over this breaking story. But hey, no PR is bad PR.
The thought of finally having staked his claim in you almost had him coming prematurely, but he had to hold out for your very first time together, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.
Heh, your crying face was so cute. Those tears weren't shy by any means and neither were your sobs. It's alright, you’ll learn to love being Touya’s cocksleeve.
“Say you love me.”
An impossible request when you're being violated by the person you held dearest to your heart.
His pace had picked up brutally, slamming into you without care for his flames spreading wildly nor the group of assaulters who seemed to vanish once they had the opening to.
“I-I love you, nii-san! I love you!”
Your cries were shrill and whiny, echoing into the chaotic night. The grip on your hips was heating up, so much so that his handprints were burned into your love handles.
“Good girl, good little slut.”
His breathing was erratic, hot against your neck as he growled and grunted into your ear. “Gonna let nii-san breed this pretty little pussy? Yes, you are. I know you are because you're fuckin’ mine, bitch.”
Moaning out your name, Touya came deep inside your womb, thick ropes of his cum painting your insides. You were soon to follow thanks to his thumb against your clit, causing you to writhe and whine in his arms.
Utterly spent, you rested against the brick wall you were pinned to, feeling the cum drip out of your still filled hole.
“Let’s get you home and into my bed, princess. I gotta go have a chat with Dad and Shouto, let ‘em know you’re fully off limits now.”
— tagging: @libiraki @bonesoftheimpala @tomurasprincess @sightoru
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1kook · 3 years
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this is part of my netflix & chill series takes place directly after vickey & hickeys !
SUMMARY See, there’s no one in this world who ignores his house rules more than you. Even worse, there’s no one on this planet who can make Jungkook ignore his own rules like you do.  WARNING smut, kissing, unprotected sex, missionary, a love for cum/precum, mentions of hickeys, uhhh idk what else lol MISC valentines day, jk cute housewife tbh, jk being in love again u know the usual, jk clean freak  RATING m (18+) WC 1.4k
NOTES its not proofread bc im lazy but i love them... doesn't that amount to something.... YES! we move lads 
Jungkook has been living by himself for about four years now, give or take, and in that time he has come to understand the dire need for order when maintaining a home. He never understood why his mom was such a stickler for rules until he began living on his own. Those first few months had been awful, just the mere memory makes him shiver. His kitchen counters had been littered with an array of stains. His laundry basket seemed to fill up faster than usual. He never envisioned his adult life would start off with him polishing each and every inch of his hardwood floors. But because of that experience, Jungkook has finally followed in his mother’s footsteps and composed his own list of rules, eponymously titled Jeon Jungkook’s 5 Rules for a Happy Home.
He liked order and peace, liked when his coats were lined up from lightest to heaviest, when his glass plates were all stacked according to size and collection. He’s generally a neat person, prides himself in maintaining a clean personal environment. But of course, because the universe just loves him so, they repay him for all his efforts by giving him an absolute wildcard of a girlfriend. 
See, there’s no one in this world who ignores his house rules more than you. Even worse, there’s no one on this planet who can make Jungkook ignore his own rules like you do. 
The list goes like this:
1. Shoes must always come off at the door; this keeps them clean and allows the hardwood floors to retain their glossy sheen for as long as possible.
The plan is to spend Valentine’s Day at his house, watch some Netflix, maybe chill. You had been giggly the whole drive back from the store, brandishing your repaired phone screen like it was something incredible. And because Jungkook had so graciously paid for it, he is reimbursed with a flurry of kisses that have the two of you stumbling into his house. “Baby,” he pants, hand at your waist. He hears rather than sees the loud thump of your sneakers against his hardwood floor. But Jungkook has long since mastered the careful art of distracting you, and it only takes one twirl and careful push until you’re pressed against the door, his hardwood flooring saved from your outside shoes. 
Of course, you misread the action. “Are you gonna be mean to me again?” you purr, throwing your hands over his shoulders. Your breathing is a little shallow now, lips kissing against his jawline as he helps you out of your shoes. You surge forward once more, press those satin lips against his. But this time, it’s your sock-clad feet that step onto his flooring, a soft whimper falling through your lips. 
2. Return everything to where it belongs; coats should go in the closet, keys on the key rack, etc, etc. 
“Take it off,” you husk out, pushing his jacket off his shoulders, and then rather mindlessly tossing it against the base of the stairs, where it was certain to be a safety hazard. Jungkook doesn’t even have time to protest, because then your coat follows. And then your top. And then your bra. 
He’s a weak man. 
He kisses down your throat, makes sure to glide his tongue over the bruises from last night. Not because he wants to see them heal, but because they ignite this sort of possessiveness in him that has him pushing you against the wall once more, guiding your leg over his hip. “So pretty for me,” he mumbles, letting you manhandle him out of his own shirt. And when your pebbled nipples press against his chest, the blood rushes down to his nether regions. You whimper, an airy little sound that sends him to the brink of insanity.
3. Always hold the stair railing; the steps can be slippery sometimes, so it is best to be safe. 
Just as predicted, his discarded coat ends up being the safety hazard it was destined to be. One blind step backwards sends him tumbling onto his behind, the edge of another step digging painfully into his back. “Fuck,” he groans, but not at his blossoming bruise. You shimmy out of your bottoms, present him with this stringy little thong he doesn’t think he’s seen before. “C’mere, baby.”
You’re his good girl, always, so you climb onto his lap with ease, slot yourself over him where you belong. “Right here?” you ask in the soft voice, look at him with this sinful gaze that sends shivers over every inch of his body. 
“Right there,” he confirms, wrapping an arm around you, uses it to pull you flush to his chest. The other slides over the curve of your ass, along the length of your thigh. His gentle touch makes you arch against him, a soft sigh escaping through your lips. “Gonna be good for me?” Jungkook murmurs, pressing a kiss to the tops of your breasts. You nod, and he slips his hand just behind your knee, uses it as he hauls you into his arms. He can’t even see his own two feet as he stumbles up the stairs with you in his arms. 
4. Don’t slam doors or unnecessarily swing them open; you can damage the walls or the door itself. 
It’s a joint effort; you twist the doorknob and Jungkook kicks it open. It slams against the wall, but Jungkook doesn’t really care, not when you look like that sprawled over his sheets. He can’t get his pants off fast enough, eyes trained on you as you slip out of your thong. You’re already so wet, gliding your fingers through your arousal as he stumbles out of his jeans and boxers. Always a tease. 
“Open,” you murmur. It’s what he should be saying to you, hand lingering on your knee, but he does it anyway. Jungkook parts his lips and savors the sweet taste of your arousal on your fingers, sucks and licks until you’re pulling away with a whine, spreading your legs for him to slot himself in between. He has half the thought to reach for the lube in his nightstand, the warming one that you love so much. But Jungkook is desperate and impatient: he spits in his hand and calls it a day, grips his cock in one hand and gives it a harsh tug. Unexpectedly, it’s an action that impresses his audience. “Me too,” you beg, tugging at his forearm. 
And Jungkook complies. He revs up his throat and leans over you, spits in your mouth like you wanted him to. But he’s off today, not completely sane, and half of it splatters against the corner of your mouth, over your cheek. You flinch, eyes squeezing shut. A moan slips past your lips.  And then Jungkook watches in awe as your tongue peeks out, licks at the corner of your lips like you’re trying to save it from going to waste. “Oh, baby,” he groans, and it’s with that final thought that he guides himself in. 
You’re so warm, tighter than usual. He hopes it doesn’t hurt. By the sound of your cries, it doesn’t seem to. Still, despite his concern, Jungkook can’t bring himself to hold back and begins thrusting after only a couple seconds. You claw at his shoulders, probably leave bright red marks all over him. You’re exceptionally needy today, cross your ankles at the base of his neck and make it impossible for him to get too far. 
Jungkook isn’t any better. He can’t let go of you even if he tried. If he’s not holding your waist, then it’s your breasts. If not there, then it’s your throat. There’s something so sexy about you today, so needy for him. He just fucked you last night, made you cum until you cried, and yet you always want more. More and more, just like him. 
Neither of you last that long. Normally, he’d be embarrassed about that. But today, one press of his thumb against your clit has you spasming around him, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your cum coats his cock. So he’s not embarrassed, mostly proud. It’s a new record. 
5. Always say I love you. 
“I love you,” he gasps, holding your leg against his chest as he follows in your stead, vision fuzzy as his orgasm overcomes him. A hand touches his abdomen, gentle and encouraging. “I love you, I love you— I wanna marry you,” he shudders, before the pleasure eventually subsides and he’s slumping over your equally tired, equally sweaty form. 
That he’s embarrassed about, hiding his face in your neck as you card your fingers through his hair. “Me too, sweet boy,” you hum, pressing your lips against his forehead. 
Jungkook isn’t sure which of those two confessions you’re addressing.
(He hopes it’s both.)
Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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heliads · 3 years
Time Can Heal (But This Won’t) Chapter Three: Bloodstains
You’ve been a lone demigoddess, daughter of Hecate, ever since your home of Hellas sank beneath the waves centuries ago. You loved the Darkling until he crossed you and you fled the Little Palace. Now you’re disguised as a mere cartographer. Can you face him again, knowing what he’s done?
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There was no way around it, no way to avoid it. Like it or not, you would be returning to the only place you’ve ever truly called home since you left behind the sinking shores of Hellas, past a people who would never rise again. You had seen Os Alta built, walked the newly constructed halls of the Grand and Little Palaces with the Darkling before you knew enough to run from him. This is where you’ll be going- not to a new future, but a chance to drown in all the memories you’ve tried so hard to forget.
However, you’ll have to survive the journey to Os Alta first. You’re not here as an esteemed guest or prisoner, you’re here as a double, a lure. Someone who can be killed so that Alina Starkov walks out alive. You know this as well as your ice-eyed Darkling who rides next to you, who thinks nothing of you but that you share a name with a woman he thought he could manipulate. That is all.
So you force your gaze away from the Darkling and back towards your hands, which grip the reins of your offered steed. You mentally catalogue the scant few weapons you had on you before you were dragged along after Alina- two knives, a medium length dagger, and the small pistol all First Army soldiers were forced to have on them. You’ve never particularly cared for guns, though- they’re dirty, loud things, nothing compared to the damage you could wreak with a syllable from your tongue. Then again, if it came down to it, you’d rather have a pistol in your palm then risk using your magic in front of the Darkling. In the end, you’re here to stay hidden, not reveal yourself in the most dramatic way possible.
That being said, you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. You’ve learned long ago to listen to the voices that whisper past your ear, speaking of dangers lurking in the woods and ill-intentioned beings who wait for women who walk alone. Some are remnants of past protection spells, and others are shades from the Underworld who’d managed to conjure up some corporeal strength and warn you of an attack. You are the last living Hellenid to walk the earth, and so they feel duty-bound to protect you. Through you, your people live on, and so even the dead watch your back.
So when the voices come, you listen. Your eyes flicker shut for just a second as you listen, past the thump of your heart and the pattern of horse hooves on the dusty ground. The carriage rolls noisily some distance in front of you, and then you hear it stop. Around the bend, you hear the disgruntled mutterings of the guards even though they’re too far for a human ear to pick up. A tree has fallen down, blocking the path. You know it’s a trap even before the shots ring out.
You hear the choked screams of men falling with arrows through their throats and eyes and begin to panic. They’ve come for Alina Starkov, the Sun Summoner who could damn the Fjerdans to a lifetime under Ravka’s watchful eye. They’ve come to kill her. You sense the Darkling rearing his horse beside you, and his stallion picks up into a canter. You don’t have to say a word, just listen to his commands to his men. There are more men attempting to circle behind you and pick you off, you can distract them and the remaining attackers trying to get into the carriage.
A Heartrender turns to you, gesturing for his fellow Grisha to follow you. “Come, Alina! We have to get you to safety!” This command is far too loud for any self-respecting Second Army soldier to ever utter, but to the Fjerdans, it is nothing out of the ordinary. Ravka already swears by its legions of witches, why shouldn’t the ice-haired drüskelle believe themselves above the pathetically obvious Grisha? They follow you without a second thought.
You wait a minute, listening to the sound of boots crashing through the forest floor after you, then jump down from your horse in one swift motion. Your knives appear in your hands and you sprint towards your attackers, knocking them down again and again. You slam the hilt of one knife into a Fjerdan’s nose, and you can hear the bone shatter as if it was your own. Light flashes off of the Grisha steel blades as you slash and stab, drawing blood without taking a break. 
A small part of your mind gleefully notices the way the Fjerdans are running towards you now, drawn towards the sunlight reflected by your knives. They think you the Sun Summoner now, all because of metal polished to a shine. And why shouldn’t they? You have enough power to tear this continent in half, to let the sun pierce the planet’s very core. Why shouldn’t you be feared? Why shouldn’t you be the Sun Summoner yourself?
The man in front of you cries out, and you come back to your senses. Your eyes follow your knife, twisting in his windpipe, and you withdraw it hastily. You wipe the scarlet blood on the grass before turning to fight another Fjerdan attacker, but none come forward. You realize that they’re all dead, either by your hand or by the Heartrenders. Although, you notice with a sickening twist, most are killed by you. You’re supposed to be a shy First Army soldier, and you’re not exactly playing your part quite right.
Across a clearing, you see the Darkling helping Alina to her feet. She looks stunned, most likely due to the body of a Fjerdan lying at her toes. It’s been sliced perfectly in half- so he’s used the Cut. No wonder she looks as if the world has just been exposed for being woven from nightmares. She glances over at you and blanches even further. Shame twists in your gut as you realize your hands are covered in blood, none of it yours. You were borne of a race of warriors, fighting has been in your history for as long as Hellas has stood. To Alina Starkov, however, this is a massacre like she’s never seen before. You carefully sheath your knives again once you’re sure there’s no blood left on them.
You stare at the bodies, forcing your eyes to remember every last detail. May your gods or their Saints watch over them, wherever they may go. You don’t have enough coins to place under their tongues as per the Hellan tradition, although even if you did you couldn’t risk drawing the Darkling’s attention with such a specific ritual. Instead, you burn their faces into your mind. Memories and legacies were how your people retained their power, and being forgotten was a large part of how they crumbled away. At last you can remember these men.
A voice sounds from in front of you, and you look up hastily. “Do not pity them. They attacked the Sun Summoner, your friend.” The Darkling stands before you, something strange in his eyes. You’ve seen this look before, a few centuries ago. You had been careful to hide the true extent of your magic from him, perhaps knowing even then that he would want nothing more from you then the power you could give him.
In that long ago instant, you had let go, allowing your spells to run wild as stallions through the air. You were attacked, yes, but you had used it as an excuse for true bloodshed. It had been so long since you had truly tested your limits, always making sure to hide what you truly were, even from the other Grisha. You wanted to see what you could do, just this once. Even then, you were just scratching the surface, but the wash of inky emerald over the scene threatened to drown out the world. Bodies dropped, trees were stripped of bark, entire buildings crumbled despite the strongest of foundations. 
The few other Grisha present looked at you with true horror, but not the Darkling. No, he looked at you as he does now, with a sort of hunger that could consume entire countries and never be filled. He saw no girl or lover, he saw a weapon. He saw you standing before him, pulling a blade from your chest and offering him the hilt. He’d take it, not caring (or even relishing) your blood still dripping from the blade. The things he could do with you were unimaginable even in your worst nightmares, and it would never be enough. The worst part is that you thought you might go along with it, that you’d be willing to watch the end of the world with him.
This is how the Darkling looks at you now, a weapon ready for the taking. You remember hastily that he’s likely expecting something of you, so you duck your chin and do your best to summon up the modesty expected by the likes of Y/N Stassov, mapmaker and nothing more. “It’s just, well, a lot of death.” The Darkling inclines his head. “Maybe. Where did you learn to fight like that?” You don’t like this line of questioning, where it could lead. “The First Army. Sir.”
The Darkling’s lips quirk at the last minute honorific. “I’ve seen no First Army mapmaker who could take out a dozen Fjerdans with a pair of knives. Maybe I should send some of my soldiers to learn from your generals.” You panic, sure he’s testing you, then realize that he’s joking. Ridiculous. You force a smile. “I think they’re probably fine with their heartrending and all that.” The two of you have begun walking back to the horses now. The Darkling mounts his steed, then looks back at you. “Maybe so.” When he takes off, you’re not sure which scares you most- him figuring out who you are, or the idea that he would not look for you at all.
The Darkling calls for the party to take a respite that night, waiting until the moon shines low in the sky for everyone to tie up their horses and rest in a long-abandoned barn. Alina runs over to you as soon as she gets off of her mount, flinging her arms around you in gratitude. You can tell from the hammering of her heart whenever she looks at the Darkling that she hasn’t forgotten his use of the Cut, and probably won’t for a while.
“Saints, Y/N, I’m so glad you’re here. I couldn’t do this alone.” You can sense the eyes of the Darkling and the other Grisha on your back, and you know what’s expected of you. To them, you are no more than an otkazat’sya mapmaker, someone utterly unworthy of their Sun Summoner’s company. They’ll leave you to make your way back to Kribirsk when Alina is safe at the Little Palace, and they no doubt expect you to make her path easier.
So, you smile, smoothing back an errant piece of her hair into place. “That’s a lie, and we both know that. If you can punch an irritating officer or survive the Fold, you can ride a horse to Os Alta. Promise.” Alina rolls her eyes. “It’s not like that.” You raise an eyebrow. “It totally is. Believe me. Now come on, chasing after you all day is exhausting. I intend to go to sleep right now.” Alina grins. “That sounds good to me.”
Despite your weary eyes, you can’t seem to fall asleep at all. Alina sleeps next to you, the few Grisha lookouts stand unmoving at their posts. Eventually, you get sick of tossing and turning and staring up through the rotting beams through the barn roof. You stand, making your way quietly out of the barn. If the sentries see you, they do not stop you. Evidently, they trust you enough to let you walk around, or they view you as useless enough to not stop you from trying to run. Either works for you.
You don’t go far, just outside of the doors lying at odd angles on their hinges. You take a seat on a rusting metal bench, leaning back against the faded paint of the barn walls. You stare up at the sky, eyes tracing the constellations. Somewhere up in the night, there were once heroes and monsters, prideful queens and stubborn kings whose stories were famous enough to warrant them a place amongst the stars. You’ve been looking for them for a while, though, and know that the skies are empty of all souls who were once cast up there. It’s just another reminder that you are well and truly alone. The last remainder of a long dead culture.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” You startle, turning to see the Darkling walking out of the barn beside you. You manage to cover up your surprise with an apology. “Sorry, I didn’t think I’d woken anybody.” The Darkling shrugs. “You didn’t. I was already awake.” This feels somewhat surreal- here you sit, a false face and a fake history as a farmer turned soldier. Here stands the Darkling, looking just the same as always. It makes no sense, though- why would he keep seeking you out? Why would the general of the Second Army keep looking for an otkazat’sya soldier? He must know you, somehow. There’s no other explanation for it.
The Darkling clears his throat. “Thank you for speaking to Alina. I appreciate your words.” You dismiss the gratitude with a lift of your shoulder. “She’s my friend. I couldn’t exactly make her feel worse, could I?” The Darkling turns to look at you now, familiar quartz eyes seeming to tear you in two. “You could. You could have refused to play along with the role of double, you could have refused to fight by her side, you could have done your best to turn her away from us. You did none of that.”
You raise an eyebrow. “I could have resisted a team of the most skilled Grisha in all of Ravka? I intend to keep my life.” Something almost like a smile appears on the Darkling’s lips. You’ve seen this look before, in sunset afternoons and deepest nights. It’s so familiar that it seems to cut at you like a knife. You almost want to call out to him now- know me, please. Remember me. If you look close enough, you will see the woman you pretended to love. We could pretend again, if we wanted to.
You silent the murmurings, and he speaks again. “All the same, it was appreciated.” You turn back towards the sky, partly to take in the sight of the night sky again and partially to hide the smile giddily appearing on your own face. How is that after all this time, all these hurts, he still has this effect on you? “Well, I want her to have some good memories after this. I’ll be shipped back to Kribirsk, I don’t really want to leave on bad terms.”
The Darkling remains silent for so long that you’re worried you’ve said something wrong, opened up too much. A simple mapmaker would never confide in a centuries-old Shadow Summoner, he must suspect something. Surely, hopefully, he does. But instead, he turns to you, a softness present in his eyes that wasn’t there before. It rounds the edges of his quartz gaze, making it easier to fall hard and fast. “You aren’t going to leave for Kribirsk. You’re staying in Os Alta.”
You stare at him, night sky forgotten. “What? But I’m no Sun Summoner.” The Darkling laughs quietly in the night. “No, but few of us are. I have a personal guard, the oprichniki. I would like you to begin training with them once we arrive.” The sentence is phrased so casually that it almost floats by you completely undetected. The monumental weight of the words, however, is enough to shake you whole. The oprichniki are not Grisha, so you would fit in, but they are the Darkling’s special guards. Only the toughest and bravest of fighters are selected, certainly not a mapmaker who’s best skill is pretending to be a Sun Summoner.
You tell him as much, so stunned by this that you forget to hold your tongue. When you remember who you are and who you’re doing your best to pretend you’re not, you wish you had remained silent. For some reason, however, the Darkling doesn’t seem taken aback by this momentary lapse. Instead, it just makes his lips twitch even more. He is most certainly hiding a smile. “I saw you fight, Miss Stassov. If you can do that without any of our training at all, I’d say you’re a good candidate.”
You lean back against the barn wall. “Oprichnik. Me.” You whistle quietly, letting the sound echo in the night air like the call of a dove. The Darkling inclines his head. “You are free to turn the offer down at any point-” his smile grows at your raised eyebrow- “Although it is not an offer I take lightly. You have potential. Besides, keeping you in Os Alta will be a support for Miss Starkov.”
You furrow your brow. “I thought you would want to separate her from her old life, not keep having ties to it.” It’s what the Darkling would do when you knew him. He would have cut out another mapmaker without a second thought. The Darkling considers this. “Perhaps. But if she feels too alone, she may draw in on herself and feel unwilling to use her power at all. You have your merits, Miss Stassov. Perhaps more than you see yourself.”
You barely hear him when he goes back inside the barn. He has always had this ability to disguise his footsteps, letting the shadows cloak him in sound as well as in sight. For once, it doesn’t trouble you. Instead, you’re troubled by the future ahead of you. If you were an oprichnik, a guard loyal only to him, there would be even more chance of the Darkling finding out that you were Hecari, the woman he’d loved and who had run from him, feigning death rather than stay by his side and fear his knife.
Being near him, though, it makes you think back to every moment you’d shared. Could it be possible that you had misheard? Would the man you know, the man drenched by moonlight who makes offers of joining the ranks of the oprichniki to mapmakers he’s barely met, truly want you dead? The answer is yes, you know that. But your heart whispers differently, telling you that you could be wrong on this. You’ve always trusted your whispers, the ghosts of the past. The only problem is that these aren’t Hellenid spirits now, they’re your own. Longings for what might have been, what you left behind. 
In the end, you retreat back inside the barn. When you sleep, you dream of a quartz-eyed boy, dark-haired and smiling before he thought to use you.
series tag list: fave @underc0vercryptid​, @hotleaf-juice​, @aleksanderwh0r3​, @kaqua​, @nemesis729​, @imma-too-many-fandoms​
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch - Part 26.
The Darkling x Reader
You didn't speak a word, didn't move a muscle. The anger raged inside of you like a storm, tearing every rational thought down on its path. it didn't help that even though he lied to you, your love for him never dwindled. You might as well have been back at Kribirsk, for you were so in your head you didn't pay attention to anything going on around you. The only thing that broke your trance was the unmistakable sound of volcra closing in. You listened to their shrill cries, the wails reverberating across the Fold.
'I should just tear this down' You heard Alina urge, desperation seeping into her words. She was powerless, only her words had any effect. You longed to help them too, to end the volcra's suffering but that couldn't happen without you sacrificing yourself in the process. Alina had her heart set in the right place, but you wouldn't ever let the Fold fall.
'And what can you really do on your own?.....besides, it would be a monumental waste of power.' Aleksander was quick to shut her down, his own reasons for keeping the Fold standing up against hers.
They swopped lower and lower, their black wings visible from beneath the shadows. You peered closer to the edge of the skiff, looking out for more of the poor creatures and spotting one right above the skiff.
Reaching your hands out in an attempt to move the volcra, a bright flash of light beat you to it, the rays burning your skin like nothing you'd ever felt in your life. Your knees hit the deck before you could register what was happening as your hands gripped the edge of the skiff. It hurts. A silent groan left your lips, too quiet for anyone to notice. The burning continued, this time in your mind. It left a buzzing sound behind so loud it echoed along the walls of your mind, deafening you in the process. The pounding was paralyzing.
Nobody on the deck noticed the Deputy General kneeling in pain, they were all too fixated on the Sun-Summoner and the Darkling to glance an eye in your direction. Alina's light had hurt you, hurt the child of Merzost as if you were a volcra.
Even in the depths of the Fold and in your home, you were too weak to spare a look at what was going on at the front of the deck. The skiff was approaching Novokribirsk now, the natural light from the other side filtering through Alina's tunnel. You had been bent over in pain for majority of the trip and still, nobody noticed.
You felt a lull in the skiff's movement, but the pain in your head was still too much. It stung and pulsed, dulling every single sense in your body. There was nothing else you could concentrate on but the pain, this horrid debilitating pain. You grasped at your power, trying to calm your spiraling heart rate, trying to stop the blood from rushing so quickly but you were stumped; helpless. Your eyes had long shut tightly, seeing only a pure white sight. Not even your mind spared you the safety blanket of darkness.
A hand on your shoulder suddenly snapped you out of it, grounding you back to the deck of the skiff but its touch disappeared almost as soon as you'd felt it. The buzzing was still deep within your skull, playing like an out-of-tune violin. You snapped your head up, meeting the eyes of none other than Ivan. His expression read one of fear and utter terror and you didn't understand why.
You stood up wearily, coming face to face with the heartrenderer, and watched as he took measured steps away from you before coming to Aleksander's right hand yet again. You looked to Aleksander, though your eyes were still squinted in pain, you could make out his unforgettable stature.
'And I shall do mine.' His arms were outstretched- ready to pounce
You turned your attention to the skyline and watched as the light from Novokribirsk mellowed and the view of the port diminished. In horror, you watched as the Fold expanded, as directed by Aleksander, and destroyed the lives of many in the process. You could hear their screams and shouts; the pain.
But you also felt a surge of strength and of power. It fought the buzzing sound idly as you watched the shadows bleed into the air.
'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' You ran up to the front of the deck, shoving him aside and watching with wide eyes the damage that had been done. His hand came to entangle around your arm but you shoved him away, both with your strength and a gust of wind.
You turned your head to look at him but instead found your eyes looking to Alina, who took it as her queue to further project the tunnel of light into the docks. A volcra flew by, disintegrating into the wrecked town and its surroundings. Novokribirsk was gone. Zoya looked at it with pure terror and dread and an earlier conversation came back to you, one where she spoke of her family. Oh Saints.
'No you don't' He took hold of Alina's hands and brought back the shadows already pooling at light's edge. The screams ripped through the air once more, the volcra cries stabbing at your heart again. You turned your head to look back to Zoya when a strand of your hair caught your attention. It no longer contrasted the black kefta at all. You ran to the small mirror on the deck and stilled at the reflection.
The person staring back at you in the plane was not you. The girl in the mirror donned black hair. Hair so dark it left no traces of other pigments. Her eyes were a glittering onyx with small black capillaries shooting through the whites of her eyes. Black veins poked out from under her kefta collar, and upon further inspection, the same black veins traveled down to her hands, curling around her wrists like a bracelet. The running of the veins was like a design, it flowed like a pen on paper drawn by an artist. They were Merzost.
You stared at yourself in shock. This was not you; it couldn't be. But the girl in the mirror said otherwise.
A scream broke you out of your trance, the familiar name snapping your neck to its origin. Mal.
Mal lay splayed out on the ground with blood pooling out of his mouth and Alina perched next to him, reaching for his hand. The foreign dignitaries stood frozen as they watched the scene play out, their fear filling the atmosphere pungently. The skiff abruptly moved, its sails once again filling with air. Zoya stood at the top, hands outstretched and eager.
'General Kirigan, this will only turn the world against you and all Grisha. You’ll be seen not as a savior, but a heretic.' The irony.
In a swift motion, Ivan takes control of all their hearts and one by one they drop dead-like lifeless dolls. A gasp escaped your lips as your position is once again known and Aleksander's eyes land on you, all of you. His brows raise at your appearance.
'I’ll have to give that speech again now, Y/N, won't I? Or will you have the decency to join me next time?' He directs your way.
'Me? Are you insane?' Your anger could no longer contain itself as you launch the Cut his way knowing well he would dodge it. He moved to the side, launching one your way too. Instead of dodging it, you split it right down the middle, sending it over the rails. The skiff picked up its speed, making you slightly lose your footing and Aleksander noticed too.
'ZOYA' He roared up to her in warning, but you willed her not to listen. Instead, she egged the skiff forward.
'You promised me!' Two slivers of shadows crept up your legs and wrapped themselves around your wrists, pulling your hands away from each other and rendering you useless.
'That was before you murdered a whole town!' You strained your arms, trying your hardest to loosen the grip of his shadows. 'You took her light, General. If you wanted to be like me you could have just asked' Even in the face of his betrayal, you still couldn't bring yourself to say his name in public. His name was sacred, it was your secret.
'I don't want to hurt you Y/N' He took calculated steps toward you, eyes flooded with despair. His hand came up to your hair, taking a piece and inspecting it carefully 'What happened?'
'I came onto this skiff, that's what happened.' you spit. 'How are you alright with what you've just done?' Your own previous experience haunts your mind for a brief second, the occurrence still a trauma. He on the other hand looks unbothered. Another day at work.
'I did what I had to -' His words get interrupted by the sound of gunshots, ones you can feel zip by your ear and head his way. He sends the cut flying behind you and the shadows at your wrists let up just as a knife embeds itself in his chest. You watch as the same veins on your body crawl up his neck. His are more abundant, nothing like yours in appearance, but they are there.
'It will take more than THIS' he rips the knife out and folds his hands in front of him and the shadows race forward 'You stay in the dark' The back of the skiff now settled itself into the Fold, the volcra flying above like the predators they are.
Zoya. You take a look at Aleksander whose eyes are closely watching you along with Ivan's.
'Don't.' His words are clear but you don't care. Zoya is back there. You listen to his steady heartbeat and feel the air in his lungs. The Fold's nothingness swims in his lungs, swirling from each breath he takes. Without thinking, you knock the air out of him and slam his body against the rail of the skiff, running to the back of the skiff to help Zoya. Just as you clamber up the stairs, you see her blue kefta dropping to the ground and a volcra swarming toward her.
'NO' You knock it out of the way and cushion her fall with a gust. A Suli girl runs over, checking on Zoya briefly but turns to you. The volcra circle over the skiff.
'Ready?' You nod. The young girl nods back and clutches knives to her chest. You count the number of pulses on this side of the skiff, too many to risk.
You start by sending out your flames and then the shadows, filling the volcra's lungs with the tendrils while she attacks it with her knives. Its shrills are pitiful but you block them out. It doesn't seem to give up as it flies closer to her, completely ignoring you. The wind blows it away briefly before a man with a cane goes toward the volcra mercilessly. You curse out loudly, knowing that the noise attracts others, you can feel them coming.
'Alina, for Saints sake!' You shout as you watch her from your position laying on the ground, not even trying. You run back down to the deck, only one thing on your mind. If she can't light it up then I will, but as you run, his strong hands come to lock yours behind your back and one comes to your throat.
'Was this the plan all along? He says in your ear and his hold tightens, slowly blocking off your air. His voice is strained and you could swear he sounds hurt.
'I came back for you, it's always been you.' you plead. You still love him, you do. But my morals and my love are two different things.
'I really thought I could trust you again. But you only ever want what is mine.' Your vision turns blurry as you feel your chest contract. Ivan. 'If you love something let it go, isn't that the saying?' Your head bops forward slightly which seems to be enough for him to let your drop to your knees in front of him, right next to a dying Mal.
As you try to regain your awareness, the sounds of volcra in your head become too much to bear. They drown out everything as they approach the skiff, silently letting you know they will kill everything on the other side of the light. You struggle to get up, hands clawing at your throat as air enters your lungs again. As if that wasn't enough for your already frail body, another flash of light expels from Alina. The burning sensation overwhelms you again, dwindling your will to live. It burns worse this time, singeing you all over. A scream of pain erupts from your lips as you watch the veins on your hand become darker and darker.
A hand around your waist surprised you as it helps you get up from the ground. 'It's okay, It's okay' Aleksander. His forehead is pressed up against your temple as you continue to cry out in pain. You open your eyes briefly and look at the hand holding your waist- void of a Stag bone. The shock is barely enough to let you forget the pain though.
'It hurts' Your own tears burn as they roll down your face.
'I know' He leaves a kiss to your temple before leaning down to your ear 'I love you, you can still keep the promise Y/N. Please' His arms tighten one last time before leaving you feeling cold in the absence of the Fold.
Slowly, the reality of the situation settles in your stomach. He just said his goodbye, and I never told him I loved him too. Everything stills again and nothing seems to process in your mind. Maybe I'm dying, maybe Alina killed me.
You can hear her shout for Mal as he and Aleksander battle it out on the unlit sands. You can hear her struggling as Ivan collapses her blood vessels. You can hear Ivan's lifeless body drop to the ground. But your mind refuses to cooperate.
Even as a volcra sweeps down and grabs Aleksander mercilessly, you push your body past the limit and jump overboard, letting out pathetic shouts of plea to the volcra, bring him back to me, please. Your powers don't rise to your call, your mind won't listen.
The light shoots out again from a now awake Alina, but your numb now, the pain had reached its limit.
Zoya begs for you to come back to safety, Mal grabs your limp body and tugs you back but you shove him off with the last of your strength. The Crows stand by on the deck and listen to your heartbreaking sobs. Nobody misses the way the atmosphere in the Fold shifts with every cry, how the usually empty place emanates one single emotion; anguish.
They sit and watch in fear and astonishment as volcra fly above you, never once attacking. They watch as they settle on the sands, heads cowering to your shaken body, and they listen to the cries, ones very alike in pain to yours.
They watched as the Little Witch loses her soulmate, in the one place she ever knew as home.
Taglist (tell me if you want to be added to the Little Witch taglist!!)
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess @lunas1x1 @adoringb @grisha-of-shadow-bone @rosiethefairy @carlywhomever @allisjustok @keepdaydreamingbb @luciadiosa @azkahanif
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
You are a melody: lyric-based prompts (Event) (CLOSED)
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"If you were to look back Would you remember it too? The hit song which was always playing In those days." -Kimi wa Melody, AKB48
Hello! I'm Mel, or Melody, and I'm a new writing blog! I put my playlists on shuffle and took some lyrics from the songs I got to make this prompt list event!
How will this event work?
Simple! Send in an ask with the prompt number + a character of any of the fandoms I write for (+ any small extra details if you want)! (for example: number 4 + xiao + gn reader + romantic + fluff)
Fandoms I write for: Genshin Impact, Ensemble Stars, Idolish7, Diabolik Lovers.
A single character per ask! You can request multiple times, but please do it in different asks!
I'll write small scenarios based on the prompts!
This event will probably be open until july 9! Might extend it for a bit or finish it a bit before, it all depends on how many requests for it I get!
**Please read the rules for requesting on my pinned post!!!
Here are the prompts!!
"Long for love even if it hurts every time." Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK
"You pity me, but I pity you more for pitying me." Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK
"Who will listen to the sound from the bottom of my heart after the end of the world?" 那幕 (Falling Down) - THE8
"The lonely moments just get lonelier the longer you're in love." House of Memories - Panic! at the disco
"Look, the crescent moon is beautiful." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"In this fleeting moment, even if it goes against my fate, today again I pray for you." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"I wish you happiness." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"Just be yourself, what are you so worried about?" HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN
"There may be no end to our journey of dreams, so let's take a break for today." HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN
"Happiness has a tiny sorrow to it, wherein we always realize for the first time that it was happiness once we part with it." Happily Ever After - Shoko Nakagawa
"You're like a continuous, honey-like damage to me." Good to Me - SEVENTEEN
"If a second life that's different from now came to me, would I be by your side? Would you be by my side?" Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"I hope we remember each other even in our next life." Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"Being forgotten is a common thing. Why are those common occurrences rather difficult for me?" Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"It feels like time stopped. Oh, that would be my first death I've been always afraid of." Black Swan - BTS
"Every little moment becomes an eternity." Black Swan - BTS
"I still can't believe I took it all for granted." Crossroads - GFRIEND
"No matter what road I take, they will always lead back to you." Crossroads - GFRIEND
"You've always stayed by my side, didn't you?" Hitorijanai - SEVENTEEN
"There's no need for tears, because you're not alone." Hitorijanai - SEVENTEEN
"What does it mean to be 'yourself'?" Kado wo magaru - Hirate Yurina
"Open up the time where only the two of us can exist." Lilili Yabbay - SEVENTEEN
"If we could see each other with sincerity instead of with eyes, then us meeting on the 13th month will come true." Lilili Yabbay - SEVENTEEN
"Don't apologize, don't worry, don't be afraid, now, stop crying." Hug - SEVENTEEN
"To you, who had a hard day today, I'll tell you: I'm here. You've done well. I love you. Let me hug you." Hug - SEVENTEEN
"Every reason and path is beautiful because of you." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"If we pass the turning point at the end of the road, I will protect you so you won't be worn out anymore." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"Whatever happens to us, let's meet again." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"A shiny light will come in to light up the darkness." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"By sharing the warmth, we can find the way again. No need to be afraid." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"The warmth and warm smiles at the end of the road will protect us from the time quickly passing by us." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"I despise being ashamed of feeling inferior." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"The most sorrowful things is that encounters are regarded as a waste." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"All the crows in the world are black, but they are not heartless." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Love is neither inferior or superior, crows can fly bravely for love too." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"The happiest thing is no more than a word of comfort." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Giving up, but I'm still willing to keep company." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Fate becomes a burden, sacrificng myself for your safety." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Love is poignant, once destroyed, it will hurt." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Sprinting towards the fire for you, absolutely in love, yet really exhausting." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Give yourself a chance, to prove that you're actually really beautiful as well." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"You should have some good news to share, but you haven’t said very much. It makes me feel like I’m to blame for not stopping you back then." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"Someday I planned to sweep my memories under the rug. But now I’m seeing you off to your boyfriend’s house." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"As long as the new guy you found is someone kinder than me, there’s nothing I can do. I guess I’ll have to give up." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"Times with you, Just going down the drain. Now I know, they're never coming back." Koigokoro (English Version) - Da-ICE
"I never said I love you, keeping that pain in my heart." Kimi wa melody - AKB48
"I wonder if you’re humming it, that melody from days long past." Kimi wa melody - AKB48
"I've never been in love before, so you gotta go easy on me." Count on You - Big Time Rush
"I'm glad I've met you. I love you." When the first love ends - Ryo (supercell) ft. Hatsune Miku
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: The First Young Avenger —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
Words: 2,351
Warnings: bit of violence, but mostly happy stuff
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next chapter
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v: The Next Phase.
A giant ship flew in front of the city, Fury spoke up.
"Nice, right? Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty but she'll do."
"Funny, that's exactly what we say about you," C.C. taunted.
"Fury, you son of a bitch," Steve said.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury exclaimed. "And don't push your luck, kid," He warned her, "consider yourself lucky to be alive."
"I do that every day, sir."
Out of the giant ship, smaller ones came out, they approached the city, little vessels to transport the civilians to safety.
"This is S.H.I.E.L.D?" Pietro asked in awe.
"This is what S.H.I.E.L.D's supposed to be," Steve agreed.
"This is not so bad," The boy smiled.
"I agree," C.C. finally landed next to Pietro, shaking her hand twice so the repulsor could deactivate. "Best field trip ever."
"Let's load them up," Steve told them.
C.C. went back up, shielding the civilians from the android's attacks, four of them fell one after the other, she looked ahead and saw War machine destroying twice as much.
"This is turning into a mess, isn't it? How are we gonna clean this afterward?"
'Mr. Stark will send damage control after we're done.'
"Ah, so I don't have to clean my own mess," She grinned. "Sweet."
"C.C. we're going back to the church," Barton told her. "Hurry up."
The girl sped up and directed herself to the building, she arrived at the same time as Nat, landing next to Tony.
"See you've found the jetpack," He commented. "How d'you like your new toy?"
"I'm impressed."
"I can die in peace now."
"What's the drill?" Nat asked.
"This is the drill," Tony pointed to the stuff behind him. "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."
Ultron showed up right after Hulk joined them, Thor stepped forward.
"Is that the best you can do?" He shouted.
In a second, the creature gathered his whole army in one place, all ready to attack them.
"You had to ask," Steve groaned.
"This is the best I can do," Ultron answered. "This is exactly what I wanted, all of you, against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?"
"Well, like the old man said," Stark answered. "Together."
They rejoined the fight. C.C. looked all around her, she saw seven enhanced humans, all working for the same end, a team. She'd been lonesome her whole life, and now, after almost fifteen years, she felt like she belonged.
"Watch out!" Wanda stopped the bullets that had almost hit her. "I look after you, see?"
C.C. felt a lump in her throat, but she was happy, happier than she'd been in her whole life.
"Are we friends?" She asked.
"Sure," Wanda lifted three puppets and shattered them in the air. "Best friends, if you want. Just help me get rid of these."
C.C. fought as she'd never done before, she'd never had a good motivation to do it, nor something else than simply 'not dying'. This was different, she wanted to live another day, but most importantly, she wanted to spend more time with the Avengers, and only if they survived she'd be able to do that.
"They're trying to leave the city!" Thor yelled.
"We can't let them, not even one— Rhodey!"
"I'm on it!"
"We gotta move out," Steve gathered them around once they'd finished with the army surrounding them. "Even I can tell the air is getting thin— you guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you."
"What about the core?"
"I'll protect it," Wanda said. "It's my job."
"C.C." Steve called. "Go up, be our eyes in the sky, if you find any civilians take them to the edge of the city."
"On it, Cap."
She flew around for a few minutes, when she couldn't find anyone she started to fly towards the boats, something caught her attention.
"There's a little boy behind some debris! Right in front of the second boat!"
"Going!" Barton replied.
Gunshots startled her, C.C. turned around and found an incoming ship flying directly towards Clint and the little boy.
"Behind you!"
Pietro and she moved towards the pair, C.C. faced the craft and created a shield, stopping most of the bullets, behind her she heard Pietro pushing Barton to the ground.
"Time for a nap, puppet!"
C.C. dropped the shield and directed her powers to it, she threw it back towards a distant building. However, Ultron gained control at the last minute and turned the other way.
"Everyone okay?" She turned. "How's your back, old man?"
"Shut up, C.C.," Barton grunted.
"I'm good," Pietro pushed himself up, clumsily getting to his feet. "That was a nice shield you did."
"I'm just looking out for my friends," She smiled.
"Guys, come back to the boats, it's time to leave," Steve announced.
"Come on," Pietro grabbed her without a warning and carried her to the nearest boat.
"Ouch!" He dropped her roughly once they landed. "You scratched me!"
"It's a defense mechanism!" She blushed. "Don't pick me up without consent!"
C.C. pulled her claws back in, she got closer and stood on her tiptoes to examine Pietro's shoulder.
"Eh, you'll survive," The girl shrugged.
"I have to go back for my sister—"
The city fell dramatically fast, Pietro launched forward, but Barton and C.C. stopped him from going.
"Wanda! WANDA!"
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C.C. rolled over on her bed, the sheets caught her ankle and her eyes opened in alarm.
She saw Wanda sleeping quietly in front of her. The girl let out a deep breath, she faced the ceiling and smiled, she was safe. C.C. got out of bed on her own, dressed with a pair of old sweatpants, her special boots, and put on Tony's old shirt. Later in the morning Pietro and Wanda joined her for breakfast. When she was finishing, Fury came to find her.
"We need to talk."
"Uh-oh, someone's in trouble," Pietro teased. Wanda kicked his leg lightly.
C.C. stood from her chair and threw one last worried look to her friends, they encouraged her to keep walking.
"I know what you'll say," She started once they were out of the room.
"Really?" Fury raised a brow.
"I was irresponsible, maybe you think I wasn't ready to join the fight and that I put my identity at risk—"
"Well, it may be harder to keep your existence hidden from the world now... but you were ready to join the fight."
"Really?" She said in surprise. "But I'm a kid—"
"And you've been trained for this your whole life, two days ago you proved to us what you're capable of, but you've also shown us the shortcomings of our system."
"What shortcomings?" She frowned. "I know all a S.H.I.E.L.D agent's supposed to know, I was trained by the bests in each area, I even know how to use a bow and arrow!"
"We forgot a key point," Fury continued, guiding her towards the exit of the building. "The best way to keep someone hidden is to place them in plain sight."
C.C. tilted her head. "Meaning?"
"There she is! The star of the show!" Stark's voice caught their attention, he was standing in front of his car, with Rogers next to him. "Ready for those party lessons, kid?"
"What?" She looked up at Fury. "What is he talking about?"
"You did well in Sokovia, C.C.," He said. "It's time you learn to be on your own in a different kind of environment... New York is waiting for you."
"W-What?" She stumbled back. "What about my place here? What about Wanda and Pietro— they said they would help me, I can't do it without them!"
"You'll see them often," Cap approached. "On Fridays you'll come, you'll help us train them, then you'll go back to the city every Sunday night."
"Where am I going to live?"
"Same place as usual, KitKat," Stark smiled briefly. "After Fury threatened me with placing explosives in my house while I sleep, I came to the conclusion that maybe having a really young intern at Stark industries isn't so bad. But if you're going to live under my roof, there are some rules we'll have to set."
"You guys can talk about that later," Cap intervened. "But first, we need your authorization."
"Mine?" C.C. said in confusion. "You're the ones in charge..."
"Not of your life, not anymore," Cap retorted. "Fury and I had a talk, we both think that part of being grown-up has a lot to do with individual thinking, so you should start to put it to practice. Besides, we can't expect you to become a savior of the people if you don't even know the people, right?"
"I... guess?"
"Cheer up, kit, you're having a second chance of a normal life— a teenager's life."
"Will it be good?"
"That'll depend on you," Stark opened the door to his car and looked at Steve. "You'll be alright?"
The Cap looked around, he nodded shortly. "I'm home."
C.C. was happy in the new facility, she had friends, and she was no longer a prisoner... was this how it felt to have a home? To be loved?
"See you in two weeks, kit!" Stark said, entering his car.
"Two weeks?"
"That's when the school year starts," Fury commented casually, he turned around and left her with Rogers.
"Sch-school year? I'm going to school?" C.C.'s eyes widened, she looked back at the Cap. "I don't know a thing about school."
Steve grinned. "Good thing Pietro and Wanda said they'll help you, right?"
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"Freshman year," Pietro laid back on her bed, reading the pamphlet. "You have a lot to catch up to in a week, Copy, at least you know how to read, write and count with your titchy fingers."
"Fury says they'll make up an excuse for how behind I could be, once I'm there," She scratched her arm anxiously. "They also gave me a new identity."
"Who are you now?" Wanda asked.
"C.C. Stark," She scrunched up her nose. "Doesn't sound as good as plain Copycat, but they wanted to keep it simple: I'm Tony's niece, from a distant cousin that lives in Mexico— he'll say his cousin sent me here to have a proper education... hope it checks out."
"It'll be good, no one questions a Stark," Wanda smirked. "Well, we have two weeks to teach you a little bit about how the world works— and we have a perfect way."
"Pop culture, they call it," Pietro wriggled his eyebrows. "We'll be sleeping in the projection room for the rest of this week."
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The number of movies, shows, and music C.C. consumed during those two weeks was overwhelming. She enjoyed most of it, though. When Wanda and Pietro had to continue their training, Vision carried on the responsibility to teach her everything a fifteen-year-old about to start high school should know.
"Copy, there's something I don't understand," Pietro stretched on the couch. "If you can take any form... is this your original form, or did you just like how you look like this?"
C.C. examined her hands and hair, she shrugged.
"Whenever I'm not copying a person this is how I look, for as long as I can remember. Can't tell if this is my 'original' form, I should have something Skrull in me in that case, but I don't see it."
"I know where the Skrull part comes in," Wanda said, leaning closer. "Your eyes."
"My eyes?"
"Yes. When we turn off the lights in our room sometimes your eyes shine strangely— like a cat's."
"Ah, well, I can see in the dark... maybe that explains it."
"You also have claws that come out when we scare you," Pietro mentioned. "I still have the scratches."
"Hmm... maybe it is my original form."
"Brown hair and eyes, fair skin... yes, I say you'll go unnoticed very easily."
"Thanks, Wanda," C.C. said happily.
"I'd be harder for the idiot here, with his white hair and blue eyes," Wanda threw a pillow at his brother playfully.
"But he'd get dates in no time," C.C. grinned.
"I'd say is a fair trade," Pietro smirked. "But hey, you're not terribly ugly, Copy, surely you'll get dates."
"I would settle with finding friends," She grabbed the pamphlet, staring at it wistfully. "I keep thinking there's no way I'll fit in. I'm too different, they'll see right through me."
"Nonsense, you're a copycat! Just mimic their actions, they won't notice. Besides, remember you'll be using Stark's name, it's them who should be nervous, they'll want you to like them."
"Because Stark's a big deal, don't you know? He's the richest man in New York, everyone will want to be your friend."
"That sounds like too much."
"It is, which reminds me," Wanda got up and crouched in front of her, holding her hand. "You're a sweet girl, C.C.— don't let others take advantage of you. You're a little naive, but you're not silly, I trust you can tell the difference between someone who means well, and someone who doesn't care?"
"If not, give us a call and we'll pay you a visit, we'll see what those kids are made of," Pietro added.
"You're not allowed to leave the facility on your own, though."
"I'm sure Stark can help us out if it comes to it."
The girl smiled, her voice came out more skittish.
"I don't wanna leave you so soon... I just found you... I really like having friends."
"We're one call away," Wanda patted her hand. "We'll still be your friends, even if we live a little far."
"I'll call you every night, Copy," Pietro put an arm around her shoulders. "Do look for some cute girls for me? Junior and Senior girls, preferably, I'm too old for girls in your year."
"You're too dumb for any girl in that school."
Wanda and Pietro started a playful banter which C.C. ignored, her eyes were glued to the small piece of paper in her hands:
Midtown School of Science & Technology.
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Next Chapter —>
@ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​ @23victoria​​@siriuslysirius1107​​ @greengarsstuff​
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dolliedarlin · 4 years
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s a f e  i n  h i s  a r m s ⏤katsuki b. 
s u m m a r y : after rescuing you during a rescue exercise gone wrong, now Bakugou can't shake you off from clinging onto his arm.
l e n g t h : 2.9k
g e n r e : fluff
w a r n i n g s : cursing from our beloved explosion boy
p a i r i n g : bakugou katsuki x f.reader
a / n : this idea came out of nowhere so instantly got to writing it. i'm sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. this honestly gives me Juvia and Gray vibes from Fairy Tail...they were my favorite couple after all so, yeah...even reader has a water quirk -oopsie! whelp! we can see where my inspiration comes from at least. enjoy they read my lovelies!
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It all started when Bakugou saved you during a rescue exercise that went horribly wrong for you.
The ceiling had collapsed from above you and, no matter how fast you were at trying to avoid the falling debris, it was still able to trap your leg. With it's crushing weight, several bones in your leg were snapped, leaving you vulnerable and immobile. Your horrifying cry of pain could be heard throughout the building as it bounced off the walls, alerting your classmates, who were sent into an instant panic.
Most of them had traversed through the fragile maze left by the torn-down structure as you had stubbornly stayed behind to ensure that everything transpired smoothly behind your teammates. With the frail state of the infrastructure, it was difficult for your team to travel back to your location without possibly triggering further collateral damage that could potentially cause further harm to you.
Things weren't looking their brightest.
The pain in your leg had crawled up the rest of your body and paralysed you with its stinging bite. It almost brought tears to your eyes but you had to be strong, you couldn't just sit around and wait for help. That isn't what a future hero should do. With the dry air around you, you wouldn't be able to use your quirk so you got started on trying to push away the sizable chunk of ceiling that had trapped your leg beneath it yourself.
It didn't take long before you realised that your attempts were futile. Judging from the way your arms shock under the weight as you awkwardly gripped at the ceiling fragment, you wouldn't be able to get out on your own. Losing hope, you let your tears accumulate to the surface of your eyes and were just about to let them flood over your lashes when an explosion broke a hole in the wall to the right of you. The instant you turned to its direction, your (e/c) orbs met with the piercing red eyes of Bakugou. The explosive blonde didn't say anything and just hurried to your side with a scowl, easily lifting the weight off of your leg before delivering a blast that pushed the hard stone ceiling over onto it's back. You were about to say your thanks when the blonde saw the state of your leg and grumbled as he picked you up in his arms and made a run for the exit he had made.
Everything happened in the blink of an eye, primarily because the jumbled emotions you were going through was hard to process individually as well as conjointly. However, one thing that you were sure of as you stared up at the frowning blonde carrying you in his arms, was that you had never felt safer than in that moment.
After that day, the way you acted around Bakugou was never the same.
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You never really had a fixed friendship group. Sometimes you would sit with Midoriya and his friends, sometimes with the Bakusquad, sometimes with the rest of your classmates (but not Mineta) and even with those from class 2B. However, you were beginning to hang around the Bakusquad more and more after the incident of your rescue.
None of them really complained about it, not even Bakugou, in fact, they loved that you were spending time with them, especially Mina as she finally had another girl to help her through the other boys' antics. It was a surprising thing coming from her, seeing as she partook in mischievous antics of her own from time to time, sometimes, even joining in with Kaminari and Sero's playful pranks.
Truthfully, you seemed to be the only other level-headed person aside from Kirishima in Baukgou's eyes so, although he was grumbling under his breath at first, he wasn't too opposed at your newly established presence amongst the group of 'annoying weirdos that followed him around'.
This was a good sign for you and helped you to quickly get comfortable around the blonde.
Nobody knew this about you at the time but you're actually a very affectionate person, you just haven't been able to find someone to direct that affection towards so you've been a bit touch-staved. That was getting fixed really soon, however, because, now, you know exactly who to shower your affection on.
It started with little things such as simply standing closer to Bakugou than usual. He would throw you a narrowed glare but after you flashed him a smile, he would relent with a huff as he turned his attention away from you. It didn't take long for him to get used to you being so close but the instant he had grown familiar with your close proximity, you gave him a reason to send another harsh stare and growl your way.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing to my hand you stupid extra?!" he snapped at you, almost showering you in saliva from the way he was shouting in your face.
"Holding your hand," you replied bluntly, flashing a wide grin up at him with your eyes closed. In protest, the explosive blonde tried to tug your hand away, shouting demands for you to let go. This is when he realised that you had suddenly grown a monstrous amount of strength as he wasn't able to successfully pull his hand away from you. In fact, his tugging had the opposite effect and encouraged you, to not only, interlace your fingers with his but also to hug his arm to your chest using your other hand.
"Don't you like holding my hand, Bakugou?" you asked with an endearing pout and subtle whine in your voice as you looked up at him with big teary eyes.
"NO! I DON'T!" his hopes of getting you to let go proved futile as you just continued to smile and hold him tightly. Eventually, he gave up and let you cuddle his arm throughout the school day, glaring at the people that dared to look and point. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina all commented on his laughable position, chuckling under their breath at how it didn't suit him to be so close and affectionate with a girl.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! SAY THAT AGAIN YOU BASTARDS AND I'LL BLAST YOUR FACES OFF!" he was about to chase them down as they shouted and ran away from him, their laughter hanging in the air. If only you weren't still hugging his arm.
"Don't do that Bakugou," you pouted and pressed your cheek into his shoulder.
"Hah?" he gave you a look of offended confusion. No one dared to keep him from beating up those idiots, who called themselves his friends, before.
"I'll have to let go of your arm if you do that,"
Bakugou doesn't know why but he didn't put up much of a fight after seeing how dejected you looked at the idea of having to let go of his arm.
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As time progressed, many people grew bolder in teasing Bakugou as your holds on the male grew even more restricted, which gave them ample time to run away if need be.
One day, when you had been cuddling into Bakugou's side whilst hanging out in the common room with the rest of his group, Kaminari couldn't hold back his jealousy at the fact that someone as ill-tempered as Bakugou was getting more attention from a girl than he was.
"I can't believe you get cuddles from (Y/N) every day, Bakugou," Kaminari began as you giggled in return, "It's Not Fair!" the electric emitter cried with tears in his eyes.
"Then you have her!" Bakugou barked, attempting to pry you off him just to throw you at Kaminari as you flashed the explosive boy an extremely upset expression.
"No!" you cried, clinging onto him as tightly as possible, "I only wanna cuddle Bakugou!"
At this, the explosion quirk user sighed in exasperation and slumped back into his seat on the sofa, letting you sit on his lap and nuzzling into his chest as his arms stayed immobile at his sides. In the background, Kirishima set about comforting Kaminari as Mina and Sero laughed at the comical scene before them.
Your need to cuddle and be close to Bakugou didn't stop there, however, you even had the guts to embrace him at inconvenient times.
There were instances where Bakugou would be cooking dinner in the dorm kitchen and you'd come up to hug him from behind. His only response to your embrace, after you had done this to him time and time again, was to continue cooking and to cook enough for the two of you.
The first few times you were valiant enough to bring the red-eyed temper teen into your arms, he had put up his usual fight before ultimately giving up. The case would be that you'd skip up to him with your usual close-eyed smile, pull him into a hug that he wouldn't return as he'd do his best to continue whatever it was that he was doing, treating you like dead-weight hanging off his torso. Sometimes, he needed to throw you over his shoulder or carry you in his arms to be able to do whatever he had to do properly.
Take for example, walking up a set of stairs, he would throw you over his shoulder and make his way up the steps as quickly as possible to ensure that fewer people saw. Times when you had been particularly eager to stand beside him, even when he's training, he'd use you for practice.
It started off as your idea, actually.
"Why don't you pretend that I'm an injured person and carry me in your arms as you run to safety?" you suggested as you held your arms out, smiling happily up at him. He was stubborn at first but eventually, he was carrying you in his arms as he ran laps on the UA track lines. It felt so good to be in his arms again that you would always end up nuzzling your face into his neck no matter how sweaty he got.
"Don't do that, idiot. I'm fucking sweaty!" he'd reprimand you often.
"But I like your sweat Bakugou,"
"It saved me that one time and I'm sure it'll save me and others many more times in the future too," you'll never forget the tomato-red blush his face flourished into that day.
Nobody knows why you came across as so persuasive to the blonde that he let you do whatever you wanted. However, from their observations and the speculation that stayed between the rest of class 1A ended up reasoning that Bakugou was too touch-starved to willingly fight you off him. It was cute. The two of you were secretly dubbed the cutest couple in class 1A despite not officially dating.
Your admirable persistence at staying beside Bakugou at all hours of the day has continued for several months, and now, Bakugou as well as the rest of your classmates, wouldn't be able to see you without seeing the explosive blonde close by. Often times, you would cuddle up to him on the common room sofas as he read a book or played the games he was forced into doing by his 'idiot' friends. Your interactions were amusing to watch and helped the rest of your classmates see a different side to Bakugou.
The desire you had to stay by Bakugou's side flourished and blossomed over the months as your initiation on being close to him made you learn more endearing things about him. He's very misunderstood so you're glad you took the time to get to know him.
"You don't mean to be mean, do you, Katsuki?" you whispered his name with the most affection and ever so gently as you reached up a hand to tenderly caress his sleeping face. He had managed to fall asleep with everyone else at a weekend night together. The previous week had been exhausting and so the Bakusquad suggested an evening of fun to lift the weight of stress off everyone's shoulders before another week of stress is piled on top of them again. "I sometimes wish more people can see the good in you," you continued, suppressing a yawn, "but I'm greedy,"
Bakugou will never admit that he heard your little confession that night as you slipped into the world of sleep cuddled into his chest atop him.
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As of recently, you had been pestering Bakugou to hug you back whenever you went up to embrace him but he wasn't going to willingly comply until he found out why exactly you were being so clingy. He knows he isn't the best person to be affectionate with and that you somehow were able to see through that, not that he would ever admit to there being something deeper going on behind his constant untamable temper.
The blonde can see you with so many other guys who were more deserving of you than he was, like Kirishima and even that stupid Deku. No matter how irritated it made him feel to see you with other guys, he knows that it was ultimately better for you to be affectionate towards them than him. It didn't make sense to that someone like you was always so desperate to be beside someone like him.
The day he saved you during the rescue exercise was a one-time thing. That couldn't be your only reason. Bakugou needed to know your way of thinking and decide for himself if it was equitable enough to let you continue what you were doing or to push you towards someone else, whether you do it willingly or not, he didn't care. He needed to focus on becoming the number one hero, not you.
It wasn't until the class had another hero rescue exercise that Bakugou finally got an answer to the reasoning behind your behavior towards him.
Somehow, the two of you ended up trapped together. Bakugou could easily cause an explosion to get out but not without causing the rest of the building collapse atop both of you at a rate and amount that would overwhelm the explosion emitter. Your water emitting quirk was limited at the moisture in the dry air surrounding you so you wouldn't be able to help much if you wanted to.
Despite the dire situation, you were still smiling and moving about without a care in the world.
"What are you smiling about idiot?!" Bakugou snapped at you, his frustration at his helpless situation making him act out, what made it all the more infuriating, however, was knowing that you knew from the gentle and understanding smile you directed towards him.
"Because you're with me Bakugou," he was speechless, "whenever I'm with you, I know I'm safe so I can be calm and think of things rationally," your smile only grew at his stunned and blinking expression, it took a moment but a boost of Bakugou's ego was soon rushing in as he felt his heart do something weird in his chest. It made him blush but you didn't need to see that so he quickly turned away so that the only evidence of the blush on his face you witnessed was at the tips of his ears, "in fact, I think I have an idea on how to get out,"
Using your water quirk, you drew as much moisture from the air as you could before you took a limited amount from your lungs. You fashioned the water in your hands into a gentle drill that you then used to dig your way out from the building. You needed to take multiple breaks, however, as utilising water from your lungs required you to hold your breath but in no time at all, you and Bakugou were out and safe.
After that day, Bakugou finally hugged you back every time you embraced him.
He became less grumbly at the fact that you were always reaching out to touch and cuddle up to him, actually, he made it a point that you would only want to be close to him and no one else. Everyone practically saw the hidden smirk on his lips every time he pressed your happily smiling face into his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist tightly, with his smirk all the boys around him he would glower at as if to stake his claim over you and the affection you were showering him with.
Bakugou could get used to this. He should've given you a chance earlier because he surprisingly liked having you wrapped up in his arms, your face tucked into the crook of his neck, your chest pressed up against his as your arms wrapped around his torso.
"Katsuki," you looked up at him as he grunted in return, maneuvering your face back into the junction between his shoulder and neck. It was a place that your face fit perfectly into and he needed you to always have your face pressed up against that area or else his neck would feel too exposed and naked, "since you're okay with hugging me back now..."
"What is it?" you didn't answer so he pulled away to look you in the eyes, "Spit it out,"
"Can I have a kiss?"
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n a v i . | bnha mlist
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helnjk · 4 years
Lost In The Night - D.M.
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Draco Malfoy x fem!gryffindor!reader
Requested: yes
Ello! Hope your not too busy. If you could, could you write a prompt #42 and a prompt#46 together as in, in one story.. If you could that would be lovely and if you can't no worries! ♥️; 
Hey if your requests are open could you do a prompt #42 & promot#46 for draco. Much appreciated!
“what the hell were you thinking?”  “who hurt you?”
Word count: 2.2k 
Warnings: Umbridge & her quill, blood, slight angst but with a happy ending!
Summary: Somehow, Umbridge finds a way to ruin everything. Luckily, Draco is there to pick up the pieces and hold you tight. 
Prompts are in bold 
Being in Gryffindor was great. Being a Gryffindor dating a Slytherin, not as great. Being a Gryffindor secretly dating a Slytherin who just so happened to be Draco Malfoy, a little complicated. 
You couldn't pinpoint the exact moment you fell in love with Draco, but he chipped away at your armor little by little until he held your heart firmly in his hands. 
You could tell that something was different about him around third year, he was less of an entitled prick and actually managed not to bother your housemates much that year. It seemed like he finally managed to get it in his head that he wasn’t any better than the rest of you, despite his pure bloodline. 
It was fourth year that you had started actually paying some more attention to him. Your eyes automatically finding him whenever you were in the same room together. He noticed too, sending you discreet smirks that caused a flutter in your stomach. One day in Potions he decided to sit by you instead of his usual seat and you merely raised an eyebrow at him. That was when the note passing began. 
Hogsmeade this weekend? He wrote down on a scrap piece of parchment beside his ingredients, pretending to take down notes on what was brewing in his cauldron. 
You asking me out on a date, Malfoy? You wrote back, managing to slip it back to him while Snape had his back turned. 
Possibly. Was his only reply.
It’s gonna take much more than that for me to say yes.
Neither of you could continue passing this note between yourselves as your attentions turned back to the complicated potions were brewing and Snape had begun making his rounds around the room. 
It wasn’t unusual after that for you to find scraps of parchment shoved into your books or between your notes, all containing Draco’s distinct handwriting. The contents of the notes were never the same, sometimes he would tell you about his day, other times he would write down clever little jokes or interesting food combinations for you to try out. Soon, you had found yourself eagerly waiting for these little messages and tidbits of information about the blonde haired boy. 
The Astronomy tower is my favorite place in the whole castle. It’s nice to just sit there and be with my thoughts.  
The Giant Squid is a girl. Don’t ask how I know. 
Next time you’re down in the kitchens, ask the house elves for some vanilla ice cream and a plate of fresh chips. 
It wasn’t long before you finally agreed to go on that date to Hogsmeade. 
After that, your feelings for Draco bloomed quite quickly. Discrete study sessions in the library lasted long into the night, little gifts would appear in your bag or on your bed when you would have a rough day, subtle touches were shared whenever you had class together. You two were never seen publicly displaying any kind of affection though, which made it seem like you guys weren’t exactly dating. 
You were fine with that kind of set up, preferring to keep your love life private and away from prying eyes. It also helped filter out the gossip about you and the questions you knew your friends would ask if they knew. They thought your friendship with Draco was a little off-putting, but chose not to say anything because they saw how he was different from your first few years in Hogwarts. 
Fifth year was a little more tricky to deal with since Umbridge was around and stomping around like she owned the place. 
Tensions were high as she constantly berated and belittled Harry, calling him a liar and embarrassing him in front of everyone in class. You were friends with him, Ron, and Hermione and of course you knew the truth. It made your blood boil that she thought she could treat him, or any other student for that matter, like that. 
Draco, on the other hand, chose to keep quiet and keep out of Umbridge’s way. He didn’t want to get on her bad side, understandably, since his father was so closely involved in the Ministry. 
“The more you keep your head down, the better love,” He would say as you complained to him about how awful she could be to Harry during your study sessions at the library, “I know for a fact that she wouldn’t hesitate to make you use that damn quill too if you gave her any reason. I don’t want you going through that.” 
For the most part, you listened to his advice. 
One day, however, you were just so over everything Umbridge had to say. She had gotten a dig in at Harry and his “lies” one too many times during class and you had just lost it. 
“Oh shut up,” You snapped out loud. 
Hermione’s head snapped to yours as quickly as you had said it, eyes wide in panic. Even Harry, who was trying his hardest not to retaliate because of his already sore and cut hand, gave you a look that said don’t bother. 
“Excuse me?” The toad dressed in pink sent you a sarcastic smile, “What did you just say?” 
You felt Hermione grip your arm as if to say please don’t. You shook her off.
“I said, shut up.” You spoke clearly, “You have no right to be ridiculing, and frankly humiliating, someone who is just a student and a minor, especially when you’re in a position of authority.” 
The whole room was silent. Usually those who got on Umbridge’s bad side were those who chose not to follow her stupid educational degrees, or who spoke of Voldemort’s return. No one had ever called her out so publicly and straight to her face. 
“Detention for the rest of the week, Miss Y/L/N. For speaking out of turn,” Was all Umbridge said. 
You rolled your eyes but stayed silent, heart hammering in your chest when the realization of what exactly detention with her meant. A puff of breath escaped your lips and your mind wandered for the rest of the period, none of your friends bothering to ask if you were okay, clearly seeing that you weren’t in the right headspace. 
The first few days of detention, you didn’t tell Draco where you were going, just saying that you were busy those nights and couldn’t really spend as much time with him as you liked. He was skeptical, but understood nonetheless. Every night before you two split ways, you going to Umbridge’s office and him heading for the dungeons, he would gently kiss you on the lips and whisper a soft I love you. 
Those little reassurances were what helped you power through every sting of the words “I will not speak out of turn” on the back of your hand. As each detention wore on, though, you could feel your strength wavering. 
On Friday night, the last night of your detention, you walked into Umbridge’s office and every breath you took shook from nerves. Your hand hadn’t healed from the previous night and it was more than painful. It pulsed as you waited for her to give you the go signal to start writing, and four hours later, it was red and raw. Blood dripped down from the edges of the words that no doubt left a scar and you couldn’t help the tears as they escaped the corners of your eyes. 
The moment you stepped through the threshold of her office and into the silent corridor, a sob escaped your lips. You couldn’t bear to go back to Gryffindor tower yet but it was way past curfew and you couldn’t be seen wandering around the corridors. That meant that you found yourself in an empty alcove, trying to contain your tears and murmur quick healing spells on your hand. 
You felt like such a baby, letting that foul woman get the better of you, but there was no mistaking the damage she did on you, both physically and mentally. 
“Y/N?” You heard someone whisper. You nearly jumped out of your skin, quickly wiping your eyes with your good hand and strategically hiding the other as you saw Draco at the end of the hallway. 
“Draco,” You breathed, “What’re you doing out so late?” 
“Prefect duties, it’s my turn to patrol tonight,” He said simply, “I could ask you the same thing, are you alright?” 
A beat passed as you debated on what your answer should be. 
“No, not really.” You replied weakly, knowing that he would see right past any form of lie or distraction you could create, eyes glancing at your bloodied hand. 
He was quick to take notice too, “Who hurt you?” He said before rushed forward, gently cradling your injured hand in his. 
“You can take a guess,” You muttered as his eyes scanned over the words etched onto the back of your hand. 
“Oh darling,” He murmured, making his way into the alcove and gathering you up into his arms, “How did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?” 
You sighed into his chest, “You should’ve heard her! She was going on and on about how malicious and not right in the head she thought Harry was. I couldn’t just sit there and let her talk about him like that. You know that he’s telling the truth, he shouldn’t be singled out and punished for that! I called her out on it and she gave me detention the whole week.” 
“What the hell were you thinking?” He asked more harshly than he intended and you felt like a toddler being scolded, “I told you that keeping your head down wouldn’t land you in situations like this.” 
You knew he meant well and that he was just thinking of your happiness and safety, but with the rush of emotions running through you tonight, you didn’t want to be treated like a child. All you wanted was to be comforted and you had foolishly thought that Draco could give that to you.
“Oh sod off, Draco,” You huffed, pulling away from him and wincing as you lent on your injured hand, “I didn’t ask for a lecture, I’ve had my fill of that for today I would think.” 
Tears had started to form in your eyes again as your frustration grew at your boyfriend. It had been a long night and this was not how you had seen it going when you spotted him down the hallway. You were about to move and make your way back to Gryffindor tower when you felt his hand softly grip your wrist. 
“Hey, I’m sorry I snapped.” He said, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you back to his chest, “I just don’t like knowing that you got hurt when it could’ve been avoided.” 
“I know,” You mumbled, still slightly put off at the boy whose arms enveloped you and whose scent was already calming you down. 
Before you knew it, he was standing and sending you one of his trademark soft smiles that never failed to melt your heart. 
“C’mon, you’re staying with me tonight.” He said, taking your uninjured hand in his and tugging slightly to get you to start moving. 
“What if Umbridge catches us?” You asked, fear creeping in at the thought of more detentions being doled out to you. The thought of Draco having to go through it too made your stomach churn. 
“She won’t.” He said confidently, “And if she does, I’m a prefect and she’s favors Slytherin anyway, I can tell her that I’m escorting you back to your dorm.” 
The two of you walked silently hand-in-hand all the way to the slab of wall that indicated the Slytherin dorms. Draco gave you a large jumper to put on once you got to his dorm, as he went about getting ready for bed. The familiar scent of his cologne was enough to help you relax as you sank into the soft mattress and closed your eyes. Soon you felt the bed dip and Draco once again wrapped his arms around your waist. 
A contented sigh escaped your lips as he peppered soft kisses along your neck and shoulder.
“I love you,” He mumbled against your shoulder, “You know that right?” 
Turning to face him, you sent him a soft smile, “Yeah. I love you too.” 
For a while, Draco was content leaning down and pecking your lips every so often. No words were spoken and none were needed as both of you basked in the presence of the other. After a while, your stomach grumbled as you hadn’t had much to eat before your detention with Umbridge. The nerves were too much for you to stomach anything substantial. 
Draco shifted away slightly and asked, “Do you want me to go grab you something from the kitchens? I’m sure the house elves would be happy to whip something up for you.” 
You only shuffled closer to him, letting his warmth wash over you, “I’m alright, I’d rather be with you anyway.” 
He gave out a soft hum and pressed a kiss to your forehead, letting you know that he heard you. It wasn’t long until you drifted off to sleep in his arms. 
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Anesthesia | Tom Hiddleston x Reader
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary:  Tom suffers a serious car accident and the reader is the nurse on duty in the ER. Tom and anesthesia don't mix and Tom acts very out of character. Can Tom regain his composure or will he continue to shamelessly flirt with the reader? And is Benedict going to work all of this to his advantage?
Warnings: Car Accidents, Hospitals, Anesthesia Makes people act crazy, Tom quoting Shakespeare
Tom’s eyes fluttered, and he blinked several times, adjusting to the bright white light.
“Nurse! He is waking up!”
Nurse? Waking up? Tom reached out and cold metal hit his hands. Safety rails. The air was cool, dry, and sterile. As he attempted to sit up, he felt a cold air hit his bare back.
“Hey buddy, lie back down. You gave us quite a scare,” the familiar voice reassured him as he lowered himself back down to the bed.
Tom turned his head to the sound and once he saw Benedict’s face he smiled. Ben smiled back.
“Welcome back to Earth, Tom.”
“Thanks, what happened?”
The last thing Tom remembered was climbing into the stunt car to rehearse the big action shot. After that, it was just flashes of fire, screams and sirens.
“The brakes failed and the stunt coordinator doesn’t know what happened. But the important thing is you got out alive.”
Tom attempted to sit up again and felt winces of pain throughout his body.
“What was the damage?”
Benedict looked down.
“To you or the car?”
“The car… of course me! I feel as though a Mack truck hit me.”
“You are not far off. You broke your clavicle, wrist, and a few ribs. Um… lacerations everywhere and a… a ruptured spleen.”
Tom twisted to see his friend’s face better and felt the stitches and bandages strain. He winced at the sharp pain on his left side. Benedict hit the call button and in minutes, the nurse arrived.
She smiled as she approached the bed.
“Feeling pain?”
Tom nodded.
She looked at your chart before adding some pain meds to Tom’s IV.
“That should do. I would suggest lying down and the doctor should be in about twenty minutes.”
Tom thanked her and couldn’t help but notice her gazing over her shoulder as she left the room. Her smile barely contained her giggles. Tom’s eyes widened.
“Do they know who I am?”
Benedict averted his eyes and rose from the chair, feigning interest in the generic artwork on the wall. Tom narrowed his eyes at the clear avoidance of the question.
“What are you not telling me?”
“Oh boy, you don’t remember anything when you got here, do you?”
Tom shook his head.
“No, what happened?”
“You were in a lot of pain. Tell me have you ever been under anesthesia before?”
“Maybe, once or twice…” Tom questioned, but then he stared his friend down for answers.
“What did I say, Ben?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“Yes, I do. Sit down and tell me, and I will decide if you live or die.”
Dejected, Ben returned to the chair and let a sigh out.
“I’m sorry, Tom.”
Four Hours Earlier
The gurney burst through the ER doors just fifteen minutes after you started your shift. Emergency room shifts are never boring but physically and emotionally draining. You put down your cup of coffee and headed in to assess the patient.
A man lied, groaning on the gurney. His face covered in scrapes and blood staining his ginger whiskers. His left wrist sat at an unnatural angle and his shirt cut away by the paramedics to administer help.
“Car accident,” the EMT relayed, “stunt gone wrong.”
A specific hazard unique to Los Angeles. They wheeled him to the examination room and put him onto the bed with care. He wore a C-collar, but the jostling stirred the man. His eyelids fluttered open and his blue eyes work to focus on his surroundings.
“Hey…” you looked down at his chart, “Tom. How are you doing?”
“I know you are in pain, but where?”
Tom gestured to the left side of his abdomen.
“Okay.” You grabbed some morphine and added it to his IV. “Any allergies?”
He shook his head.
“Anyone come with you?”
As if on cue, Benedict pulled back the curtain.
“I did.”
You recognized the man standing before you. Benedict Cumberbatch was quite the movie star.
“Really?” You attempted to keep your cool. This was no time for fan girling.
Within minutes, Benedict could communicate the information about not only the accident but Tom’s medical history as well. It had all been on file with the production company.
The doctor came in and did a quick examination.
“We need to get a CT scan and X-rays. Looks like there may be internal injuries.”
You nodded as you prepared to wheel Tom down the hall.
“Ready to go for a ride?” you asked.
Tom nodded and gave a goofy smile.
“What’s your name?”
“Y/N, Y/N. That’s a beautiful name. My name is Tom Fucking Hiddleston.”
The drugs were doing their job.
“Nice to meet you, Tom. We will take you for some tests.”
“But I didn’t study!” he sounded dismayed.
You could not suppress your laugh.
“I think you will be fine.”
Tom grabbed your hand and looked up at you, tears in his eyes.
“Will you help me study?” he asked with a serious tone.
“Of course.”
Tom continued to babble on for the rest of the trip to imaging. He spoke about how nice you smelled and how pretty your eyes look. The full court press of flirting. As you reached the room, you and the other nurse lifted Tom onto the machine.
“Here you go.”
Tom grabbed your hand once again.
“Please don’t leave. I’m scared of the dark.”
While his words spoke of her fear, his eyes and smile said something else.
“Are you flirting with me, Mr. Hiddleston?”
His smile only grew.
“Is it working?”
You leaned in to his ear to whisper, “No, but the drugs are.”
Tom pouted.
“Not fair.”
“But you are cute.”
His face lit up once again.
“I came, saw and overcame.” Tom was being dramatic.
At that point, the other nurse started up the machine, and you walked away to let the rest of nurses to care for his needs. After his scans, you headed back to the waiting area. You found Benedict pacing the floor in anticipation. His long fingers alternating between steepling in front of his face and raking through his hair. As you approached, you cleared your throat.
“Yes?” his voice shared a tone of concern and hopefulness.
“A few broken bones but the big thing is that his spleen has ruptured. He needs surgery right away.”
Ben’s face fell.
“Will he be okay?”
You nodded.
“He will make a full recovery. Would you like to see him before they send him in to operating?”
You led Ben back to where they were prepping Tom for surgery. The anesthesiologist added drugs to the IV and Tom was now in a full hospital gown. His tattered rags of clothes in the garbage.
“No fair!” Tom bellowed as you entered with Ben throwing the thin sheet over his legs. The two of you shared a knowing look, “You have seen me naked but I have not had the chance to see you naked.”
You leaned into Benedict.
“It would seem that the medicine does not agree with your friend,” you smirked.
“Oh, I don’t know, I rather like him like this, so not proper. So not Tom Hiddleston.”
You smiled as you looked upon Tom who, in vain, tried to cover his body. Even loopy on drugs, he charmed and warmed your heart.
“I will leave you to it.”
As you turned to leave, Tom shouted at you.
“I love thee, Y/N. By which honor I dare not swear thou lovest me, yet my blood begins to flatter me that thou dost, not withstanding the poor and untempering effect of visage. And therefore tell me, most fair Y/N, will you have me?”
You suppressed a small giggle.
“I will see you later,” you let them both know as you shut the door.
As soon as the door latched, Tom grabbed Benedict’s arm and pulled him down close.
“Ben! Ben! Have you met my wife?”
Benedict screwed his face up with confusion.
“The nurse? That is just the drugs talking, Tom. You barely know her.”
“Nonsense. She will be my wife and you shall be my best man.”
Benedict looked at Tom with an exasperated face but Tom’s only contained earnest. With a chuckle, Benedict conceded.
“Very well, Tom. I will be your best man.”
Tom slapped Benedict’s shoulder.
“That’s the spirit. As my best man, I require you to acquire my future bride’s number.”
Benedict could not resist at this point to play along with his friend’s drug-addled fantasy.
“I will, on one condition.”
“Name your price.”
“Name your firstborn after me.”
“Consider it done.”
“Then consider the number yours.”
Tom’s face beamed and as if on cue, the nurses came to wheel Tom into surgery.
“Oh dear, God. I quoted Shakespeare.”
Tom hung his head and his face and neck turned a bright shade of red.
“Yep. The Henry the Fifth wooing speech too. Honestly, it was one of your better performances. Might I suggest doing all your roles drugged from now on.”
Tom shot Benedict a withering look.
“Ha ha. Very funny. I can’t show my face to her again.”
At that moment, the door opened, and you entered. The color drained from Tom’s face, while the smile grew on Benedict’s.
“Y/N!” Benedict cooed, “We were just talking about you. So nice of you to stop in.”
Your shift ended half an hour ago, but you wanted to check in on Tom before going home. Today was not the first time a patient hit on you, although they are usually not an award-winning actor with a penchant for quoting Shakespeare. But, you would remain ever the professional. You checked the chart before wishing the two men well.
As you turned to exit, Benedict walked you out.
“Thank you, Y/N for attending to Tom.”
“My pleasure. Even under the influence, he is quite charming.”
Benedict took this opportunity.
“Speaking about that…”
3 years later
You yelled down the hall of your London home, beckoning your husband. At six months pregnant, getting up and down was no easy task. Tom rushed to your side. He gave you his arm and with a rocking start; you extracted yourself from the chair.
“Thanks, darling.”
“I am at your beck and call.”
You rubbed your swollen belly as you waddled your way down the hall. Tom followed you to the kitchen.
“Now about names for this little young man here.”
Tom grew ashen. He thought he could avoid this conversation, but it seems his luck had run out.
“Yeah, I have I mentioned today that I love you.”
Tom kissed your lips, and you looked at him with distrust.
“What have you done?”
Tom smiled and rubbed his neck, a nervous habit.
“I may have promised to name the child after Benedict.”
Tom flinched.
“You what? Why on earth would you do that?”
“It was for a good cause.”
“Which was?”
“Your phone number.”
With that, Tom took off down the hallway. You smiled as you walked with much effort behind him.
“We are NOT naming our child after breakfast food!”
You heard Tom’s laughter fill the house.
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melzula · 4 years
A New Battle Begins
pairing: Zuko x Princess!reader
notes: requested by anon
summary: Now that the war is over, Zuko and the Princess can finally live a life of peace together. Or so they think...
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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“Careful now, you don’t want to hurt yourself,” you chide gently as you help guide Zuko’s arms through the sleeves of his robe before neatly tying the sash around his waist. His wound is still tender from Azula’s lightning strike and limits most of his movements, so he’s grateful for your help in his preparation for the coronation. You work precisely and gracefully with no error and no faltering despite the hindrance of your freshly bandaged hands, and though the room is quiet a sense of calm and peacefulness washes over Zuko at your mere comforting presence. Today he will be crowned Fire Lord, and you will be right by his side just like you have been since you were children— Zuko couldn’t ask for anything more than that.
“Thank you for your help,” he says with a grateful smile. “I can’t imagine doing this without you.”
“We’ve come a long way,” you note thoughtfully, “and there’s no place I’d rather be than right here with you in this very moment.”
With the final piece of his wardrobe secured to his body, Zuko takes it upon himself to tie his top knot— you still haven’t quite mastered the hairstyle yet— and complete his Fire Lord ensemble. You smile fondly at the sight of him, leaning forward to grace his lips with a sweet kiss.
“You make a handsome Fire Lord.”
“And one day you’ll make a beautiful Fire Lady,” Zuko counters with a small smirk, one that sends you into an embarrassed fit of giggles.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, mister,” you say with a laugh. “I’m going to join the others out in the courtyard. I’ll see you shortly.”
You bid your love goodbye with a chaste kiss to the cheek before excusing yourself from his presence and making your way back outside. The palace is empty other than the few guards that line the hallways, and you have to remind yourself that they aren’t your enemies any longer. With Zuko on the throne and your status as his girlfriend no one will lay a single finger on you while you are here, especially not with your title as Princess of the Southern Water Tribe. It will take some time to break your habit of immediately going on the defensive in the presence of Fire Nation soldiers, but you have faith that Zuko and Aang will be able to restore balance to the world.
Your path to the outside is suddenly blocked by a woman who stands at the very end of the hall and gazes thoughtfully out the grand window before her. Her hair is graying but the lines that worry her face are kind and familiar. Seemingly sensing your presence, she turns to you with a tired smile, one you recognize immediately despite the many years you’ve spent away from home.
“Mother,” you murmur quietly, eyes welling with tears and breath catching in your throat at the sight of her.
“You’ve grown so much I almost didn’t recognize you,” she replies with a teasing tone. Her arms open to you then, warm and inviting, and with a small sob you gather the skirt of your dress before sprinting towards her.
“Mother!” You cry, melting into her bone crushing embrace as you weep into the fabric of her coat. “I can’t believe it’s you! How- What are you doing here?”
“The Fire Prince sent a messenger hawk to tell me of your bravery and requested my presence in the Fire Nation immediately,” she explains before carefully taking your hands in her own and assessing the bandages wrapped neatly around your wrists and extending all the way to your fingertips. It’s only one layer and it’s mostly just for protection, but it’s obvious that extensive damage has been done to your skin. “Does it hurt?”
“No. The healing took away the pain, but the scars will stay forever.”
“My brave girl,” your mother coos with a tearful smile, hand resting upon your cheek and cupping your face. “Your father would be so proud.”
“Thank you, mom,” you reply. A single tear slides down your cheek but you’re quick to brush it away before it can ruin your ceremonial makeup. “But if I’m being honest, I thought you’d be angry with me... I was afraid when I came back home you’d want nothing to do with me.”
“I was heartbroken when you left,” she admits thoughtfully, “you were my only child and I feared for your safety. I thought of you every day, and when I heard the news of your father’s death I worried that one day I might get the same news about you.”
You look closely at your mother as she explains, appreciating the details of her face and the change of her features. She wasn’t very old, but your absence and your father’s passing weighed heavily upon her through the lines on her skin. She was strong, but she’d also been through a lot these last couple of years, managing her grief while trying to run an entire tribe on her own. You could only hope to be as great of a leader as she was.
“But instead I received news of your bravery, your compassion, and your courage. I couldn’t be more proud to call you my daughter, y/n, and I can’t wait to see what you do next.”
She pulls you into yet another embrace before joining you out in the courtyard to meet your friends, and for the first time in a long time all is right in the world.
Zuko’s coronation goes off without a hitch, and after successfully establishing the plans for the Harmony Restoration Movement with King Kuei you and your friends decide to visit the Jasmine Dragon to celebrate before the announcement. It’s your last night away from home, and though you’re reluctant to say goodbye to Zuko and your friends you know you’re needed back in the south. You’ve been away for too long, and the Southern Water Tribe is in desperate need of a ruler. With your father gone and your mother growing older it will only be a matter of time before the tribe is left in your hands, so there’s no better time than now to start leaning how to lead.
“Your tsungi horn playing is beautiful as always, Uncle,” you compliment Iroh as Zuko sets your tea before you. He gifts you a chaste kiss to the cheek in passing, an act that has you shyly hiding your smile behind your cup and taking a drink of the jasmine taste you’ve missed so dearly. The last time you’d been in Ba Sing Se you were living under a false identity, settling down into your new life with a reluctant Zuko and trying to start anew. There had been obstacles of course, from the encounters with your midnight stranger to Zuko’s inevitable betrayal down in the crystal caves, but you don’t wish to take any of it back for a second. Because otherwise you wouldn’t be here now, surrounded by your friends as you critique Sokka’s drawing.
“You know the burns are only on my hands and not the rest of me, right?” You ask, pointing out the scars that weave around your arms like vines in the drawing.
“Yeah, but this makes you look cooler!” Sokka defends.
“Well I think you all look perfect,” Toph compliments enthusiastically, and you can’t help but laugh at yet another one of her blind jokes. You’ll miss those once you get back home.
The celebration will be starting soon, and so you join your friends on the back of Appa to fly through the skies and enjoy your time together before the night can end. You sit in the back with Suki who carefully adjusts the flowers in your hair and distracts you from the serious conversation Zuko holds with Aang.
“Are you excited to go back home?”
“Very, but I am going to miss you guys. I’ve spent a whole year with you all, it’ll be so strange being without you.”
“I’m sure we can visit you,” Suki suggests. “And don’t you have that tunnel thing with Zuko?”
“Yeah, we have a tunnel thing,” you nod, a faint smile playing upon your lips. A part of you is excited to see the tunnel again just because it’s been so long, and really it was probably the pivotal force on which your journey began. “I hope my people will be happy to see me.”
“They will. You are the Princess, after all.”
You don’t get to talk any further about the subject before brilliant bursts of fireworks begin to explode in the sky. They’re breathtaking, and by the looks of the crowd down below the Earth King has just announced the harmony restoration movement. Huddling close to Suki, you stare up at the display in awe and with a bittersweet sense of joy. Someone clears their throat from beside you, and both you and Suki turn to see Zuko smiling sheepishly at your pair.
“Mind if I steal my girlfriend away from you for a bit?”
“Not at all,” Suki smiles knowingly before scooting over and allowing you and Zuko some space to yourselves. His arm easily wraps around your frame and pulls you into his side, and already you can feel his warmth beginning to encompass you as you rest your head upon his shoulder.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” You murmur in quiet appreciation for the fireworks.
“It is,” Zuko agrees with a faint smile. You’re too engrossed to notice the uneasiness in his tone, but he doesn’t want you to anyway. If you were to find out about the promise Aang had sworn to you’d surely delay your return home just to try and talk him out of it, and Zuko couldn’t have the Princess of the Southern Water Tribe missing on his behalf.
(At least not again.)
Besides, he’d made up his mind and he didn’t plan on changing it any time soon.
He hopes it’ll never come down to that, so for now Zuko is simply content with holding you close and enjoying your last peaceful night together in Ba Sing Se.
Spirits know it will be quite some time before you ever share a night like this again.
It’s strange being back home. Everything is so... different. Your tribe had dwindled significantly in number what with the casualties of the war, and the smaller villages that resided outside of the palace walls had been reduced to practically nothing. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you as you walked off the ship alongside your mother, could hear their gossiping whispers about how much you’d changed and if you were back for good this time, and it made you anxious. You reach for a hand that isn’t there and have to remind yourself that you’re on your own now. Sokka, Zuko, and Suki are no longer around to provide you comfort, so you’ll have to rely on your own inner strength to make it through the day.
“Princess,” a snide voice you’re all too familiar with calls from front steps of the palace. “It is so wonderful to have you home again.”
“Thank you, Advisor Koa,” you reply calmly, bowing in respect to the man but never once pulling your gaze from him. The smirk that plays upon his lips has you fuming but you keep your emotions at bay and remain cordial.
Koa was your father’s most trusted advisor, but you yourself never found him to be very trust worthy. His eyes were always shifty and there was something in the way he carried himself that made it seem as if he had a big secret to hide. The way he talked to your father always came off aggressive and scheming, yet the chief said nothing. As unbearable as Koa could be, he had a bright mind and skillful war tactics, so he stayed in his position of power beneath the royal family. You were meant to marry his son Kai but had ran off with Zuko before the marriage could take place, and you were sure Koa must be bitter about the fact that he hadn’t managed to marry his way into your family.
“Did you enjoy your time galavanting with the Fire Prince while the rest of your tribe was left to fend for themselves in the result of your absence?”
“I helped the Avatar bring balance to the world which is more than you can say, Koa. Need I remind you you were the only man who chose to say behind during the war?” You snap back harshly, holding back a triumphant smirk at the man’s obvious annoyance with your insult. Two can play at that game.
“Always a joy,” he mutters with an insincere grin.
“Now if you’ll excuse me I have a tribe to run,” you say, but before you can even take a step towards the palace Koa is blocking your path.
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. You see, the Southern Water Tribe already has a leader: me.”
“What nonsense are you talking about?” You retort harshly, features falling at the guilty look that forms on your mother’s face. “What is he talking about?”
“I couldn’t run an entire tribe by myself,” she admits desperately, pleading for you to understand. “With you and your father gone I had no choice but to accept Koa’s offer to stand in as Chief until one of you returned.”
“Well I have returned, and as the rightful heir of this tribe I am ordering you to step down!” You demand pointedly, blood boiling at the laugh that leaves Koa in response.
“You’re absolutely adorable,” he coos condescendingly, pinching your cheek before you harshly yank yourself away from his grasp. “Do you really think a little girl is capable of ruling?”
“I’m a water bending master and I helped the Avatar defeat the Fire Lord and end the war! I am not a little girl!”
“You were selfish and ran away from your duties. You left your people in their time of need. You’re lucky you were even allowed back here considering the treachery you’ve partaken in against the Southern Water Tribe.”
“Koa,” your mother interrupts timidly. “I may have put you in charge but I will not allow you to speak to my daughter that way.”
“My apologies, your highness,” Koa utters respectfully before returning his attention to you. A snide smile rests upon his lips. “It really was so lovely to see you again, Princess y/n.”
“Mother, you can’t-“
“Not now,” she consoles quietly, watching his triumphantly retreating form disappear behind the palace doors before glancing around at the small crowd that had gathered to observe the dispute. “If you want to get the throne back you can’t act irrationally.”
Your once hardened features slowly soften as you let out a defeated sigh, collapsing into the comforting embrace of your mother.
Restoring balance to the world hadn’t been enough to save face with your people, and now you found yourself entangled in a whole new fight. With your friends gone and your father unable to help you win the crown what were you to do?
So much for home sweet home...
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @zukh03s @taeeemin @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal |
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siriushxney · 3 years
➛ searing light | chapter three
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— pairing ; darkling!dream x sun summoner!reader
— au ; shadow & bone
— wordcount ; 2k
— warnings ; death, blood, guns, cursing(?)
— note ; this chapter was super fun for me to write, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
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if it hadn’t been for the squallers standing over head, hands held in front of them manipulating the air around them to glide them forward — you wouldn’t have been able to tell which way was west.
with the only light sprouting from a blue lantern — a light specificity designed by the materialki as to not draw the volcra’s attention, yet provide the otherwise blind grisha and soldiers present on the skiff with light.
wilbur had wandered off slightly — far enough that with the minimal light on board, you weren’t able to make out his facial features, but close enough that if something did happen, he would be able to get to you swiftly.
niki had chosen to stay by your side — out of the two of you, she was unsurprisingly the most confident and collected given the circumstances.
“you’re worrying too much,” niki’s voice was soft — not even loud enough to be considered a whisper, but with the fold demanding utmost silence, you could make her out.
“it’s hard not to worry when you’re in the middle of a place you were taught to fear,” the darkness stretched for miles on all sides of the skiff. “wilbur shouldn’t have even been on this damn thing, let alone me.”
“well whose fault is that?”
not offering a response, you turned your back to the blonde as much as you could. grisha stood at every corner of the deck. there were squallers, heartrenders, a single inferni, and niki — the durast.
they had for the most part gone with grisha that could inflict damage without a dramatic show — but the inferni was there for if things flipped suddenly.
the sharp and ice-like wind didn’t cease the further you had made it into the fold — instead, it’s currents were stronger and more harsh — its temperature making your fingers feel as if they had frostbite within seconds of being exposed.
if you didn’t die from a volcra, maybe the cold would do it.
you swayed forward with the gust of wind that carried from behind — a foot coming to balance yourself alongside your hands placed on the edge.
“shit!” a tiny whisper was heard from your side, but as you turned to look — you couldn’t make out anything.
while her presences was still beside you, you couldn’t see her at all — wilbur either.
“what just happened?”
“the lights out,” niki’s voice was more distanced now, no doubt trying to get the light back on without causing a fuss. “it’s not lighting.”
“just give it a few seconds,” another voice joined her own — it was the inferni.
clicks and taps could be heard from the two as the poke and prodded at the light, desperate for the thing to light up once more.
“miss, what’s happening?”
“the light is out, but we’ll get it back on in a few moments, soldier.”
you had heard it before you had seen it.
the attempted drags of it against the side of the box, the nervous and desperate pants, and the sound of the flame bursting to life.
an orange light emitted from the single match held in carey’s hand.
grisha stood dumbfoundedly and soldiers starred in fear.
“blow it out!” the inferni rushed forward, stopping only short so she wasn’t directly in the light. “you need to put that flame out right now, or you’re going to get us killed!”
carey’s hands shook as he brought the match closer to his face — his shaky breaths making the flame dance wildly the closer it got.
but with the dancing flame and the devastatingly fear-stricken boy, the thing behind him was illuminated as the flame was brought to his face.
the creature screeched as it launched up and off of the skiff, swooping down to sink its claws into the boy's shoulders, and dragging him into the darkness above — his screams echoing through the fold.
orange, yellows, and reds erupted from beside you — the match that had once been in carey's hand now laid in the center of a large and rapidly spreading fire.
volcra’s cries and wings flapping could be heard drawing closer, and with the ever growing light, you could see the shapes of them swoop and fly overhead.
“everyone get down-“ the inferni was grabbed by a volcra — the creature dragging the girls body towards the side of the skiff and through the wood and steel entirely.
splinters of wood and shards of grisha steel bursted upon impact, sending you and those around it back and shielding yourself with anything you could. with clumsy and stiff feet, you had fallen to the deck — hands and arms brought up to protect your face from the wood and steel.
“are you okay!” niki called from the pole that held the blue light — no longer concerned with lighting it, but hiding and protecting herself.
“I don’t know-“
screams of soldiers and grisha alike polluted the air — the scratching of claws on the deck, the sound of flesh being torn, guns firing from all angles, and pleas for help going unanswered.
they were being picked off one by one by the volcra.
“Y/N, look at me!” you turned your head from the scenes of violence — too shocked and fearful of what you were witnessing to fully pay attention to your surroundings. “you stay right there okay? you don’t move from that spot — i’m going to try and get wilbur back here, okay?”
where was wilbur?
“oh my saints-“ you were on your feet in an instant, shakily walking with knees about to give out, searching for your best friend- your family.
niki watched as you abandoned your place of safety, despite her words encouraging you to stay put.
you were stubborn — and that was going to get you killed.
with a frustrated grunt and a quick glance around the deck, niki searched for anything she could use as a weapon. as strong as she may have been both in sheer power and the small science — her hands were of no use against them.
she manipulated metal, glass, and plants — not flesh and beasts.
instead, she searched for a weapon.
a lone gun, no doubt dropped by a now fallen soldier, laid in the middle of the deck, catching her eyes as it glinted in the light.
with outstretched and still hands, niki focused on the molecules of the steel that made up most of the firearm — drawing them tighter and tighter as if she was gripping it with her own bare hands.
she jerked her hands closer to her body, the weapon following — the gun slid across the deck of the skiff as it knocked into her boot.
picking up and inspecting it quickly, she nodded. “you’ll do just fine.”
looking up, her eyes searched through the chaos on board, trying to find either you or the lanky boy that she had come to learn was named wilbur.
“why couldn’t you have stayed put, and why did you have to walk away?”
“wilbur! where the hell are you!”
a soldier knocked into you in his haste to get away from the beast that flew overhead. while you had expected the volcra to follow after the screaming man, it swooped in for someone else — their gun falling from their hands, and their body dangling from the creatures boney and grey claws.
it had taken you a moment to realize what was unfolding in front of you.
“oh my saints- wilbur!”
the man clawed at the grotesque talons that gripped his uniform, trying desperately to get the creature to let his body drop.
frantic eyes looked for something to help him with, but you came up short — every thing that could have been helpful, was too far away — and with the height that the creature held him at, there was no way to reach for him.
a body crashed into the side of yours, and a gun was seen in your peripherals. niki stood, shoulders squared and eyes full of disgust and determination — no one was fighting back, so she would take this into her own hands.
the trigger clicked as she pulled it — bullet after bullet emptying into the creatures pale skin causing blood and anything else you could think of, falling down onto you and the deck.
with a final round buried into the creatures flesh, it’s talons loosened and gravity pulled wilbur down — his body crashing into the wood below.
your feet moved before you could even process anything — niki following shortly behind.
sliding on the deck was painful — your knees filing with splinters and soaking in the blood of the now deceased, and your own from your own wounds. but you paid no mind to it — not when wilbur coughed wildly, clutching his chest as he blinked up into the darkness.
“are you okay!?” your hands searched for any wounds that could’ve been caused from the nasty creatures sharp claws.
“i’m fine, i’m fine,” he brushed your searching hands away — and while his eyes told you that he was in fact okay, they also held fear.
that could’ve been the end.
this could be the end.
“not to break up this cute moment, but I advise us to get to the back of the skiff — we’ll be sheltered there.”
wilbur sat up with the help of niki and you — his chest still rapidly rising and falling from the adrenaline that had rushed through him moments before.
he looked up, his eyes taking in your watery and distressed eyes — you had seen your life flash before your eyes despite being the one watching his life get out on the line.
it was terrifying to watch someone that you considered family teetering on the edge of life and death.
taking your hands into his own, wilbur smiled to the best of his ability. “i’m fine, Y/N.”
you offered a smile back.
and watched as his eyes widened, and mouth opened in a shout.
this time, you had felt it before you had heard it.
the claws ripping through the fabric of your uniform — parts of your skin being scratched and bloodied by the creature dragging you up.
wilbur's hands held onto yours — niki gripping your arm as if it was her lifeline, desperate to get you out of the volcra’s hold.
the gun that had been used before laid bulletless and ultimately useless now.
there was no way to help you like you had wilbur.
“goddammit! let them go you bastard!” wilbur screamed at the creature as if it would understand him. at this rate, he was going to attract a lot more volcra with the screaming he was doing.
“wilbur, you have to let go-“
“for once in your life, worry about yourself more the those around you!”
volcra grew closer and closer to the last remaining soldiers and grisha on deck — wilbur and niki in the open for attack.
you had been here to protect wilbur.
and it seemed that you might be the one to get him killed.
“wilbur- wilbur look at me!”
his eyes met your own — tears falling without care as he watched you give him a grim look.
“you have to let me go-“
the volcra jerked your body in attempt to free you from their grip — but the two persisted and held on. but the heat from the flames and the fear and adrenaline pumping through your veins caused their hands to slip — the grip they once had faltering as your body was pulled higher and higher.
with one last jerk of its body, the volcra had torn you away from the duo who now sat horrified, looking up at your body that was being pulled further and further up.
this was the end.
it had to be.
heat had been the first thing to flood your body. cold fingers and cheeks that felt like ice, now turned to hot blood pulsing under the skin.
the next thing was the light. a searing light, before you felt the claws that held you in the air disappear, sending you hurtling back down to the deck below.
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@dreamslittlebitch // @sleepingalaska // @infinitelycharmed23 // @dovesgrangers //
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capaimagines · 4 years
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im jaebeom - underworld
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Pairing: mafia leader!Im Jaebeom x Reader | Genre: angst & mafia | Warnings: alludes to sexual assault, fighting, weapons, drugs, blood, swearing | WC: 2.6k
Request: Hi, I'm not too sure if you write them or not but if you do, may I please request a mafia/gang fic? Or if you don't want to do gang maybe just like JB got7 sells drugs or something?? Anyways I'll let you decide but maybe something goes wrong during the mission and they are led to the wrong place and in the mean time they take JB fiance and sexually assault her? Of course you don't have to write in detail. Maybe Mark and Jinyoung come in mid way and lose their shit and you are just limp and weak that you start screaming whenever they touch you but they need to get you to safety. Lots and lots of angst please. I understand if you can't. Thank you!!!
part two
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You would consider yourself as an adventurous soul. Ever since you were little you were never one to back down from a fight. You spoke your mind no matter what anyone else said which, when you were younger, got you into a shit load of trouble. So, when you had met Jaebeom at your dingy workplace, which was some dirty ass, barely-lit bar, no one should have been surprised that you had a go at him for being a prick.
He had been rude all night but being a mafia leader to one of the biggest groups in the nation at the moment could stress you out a little. He had snapped at you because the food they had ordered hadn’t been cooked right or something. You had rolled your eyes, not caring if you got fired and snapped right back at him.  
“Feisty,” He commented with a smirk.
Now, had you known at the time who he was and what he did you probably would have dialed it back just a little bit. Then you wouldn’t be where you were now, years later. Engaged to Jaebeom and living a lavish lifestyle. You weren’t that surprised when you found out he was in the mafia and he really hadn’t done much to hide it. It had only enticed you even more.
Let alone the six others that were always by his side always made for good entertainment.  They had all become family to you and like all cliché romances, you had fallen in love with Jaebeom and it only took a year of dating before he proposed to you. You excited him and while your feisty attitude sometimes got on his nerves or came dangerously close to putting you in jeopardy, he loved that you weren’t afraid of him. That you embraced this lifestyle like it had been the only thing you had ever known.
Now, he never wanted to actually put you out on missions but you weren’t having it. You refused to freeload off them and wanted to help wherever you could. Being a housewife, cooking and cleaning had never been something you wanted to do. So, Mark has thankfully shown you how to fight properly. Jackson and Jinyoung had frequently brought you to the shooting range which was located below the mansion. You had a sharp eye and caught on quick and while you were adventurous, you hoped you’d never have to shoot anyone.
Youngjae had shown you a little of hacking skills and all the equipment they used. How to fix things if they broke or were damaged during a mission quickly. Yugyeom and BamBam have taught you better acting skills. You could play the role of whoever they needed you too, lure in whoever was needed without issue. Plus, BamBam loved shopping and so did you so, lots of new clothes and shopping trips. Especially when a new mission came up.
Jaebeom had done his best to keep you quiet. He didn’t need enemies knowing about you because he knew they’d try to harm you to get to him. While he knew you could hold your own, he loved you and he was protective. He never wanted anything to happen to you. Until what was supposed to be just a meeting to discuss terms on some product coming in that went bad.
Then you went missing.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
You spat blood out of your mouth, wanting to vomit from the iron taste. Just a mere few hours ago you were sitting next to Jaebeom, proudly, while he negotiated terms for some drugs that were smuggled in. You had insisted on going as you had planned on helping Jaebeom run and build this empire up. You never wanted him to change everything just for you. Sure, the danger was high but you didn’t care, you loved him and if this was what he wanted to do, you would stand by him.
You aren’t really sure what happened though. You remembered a loud bang, blinding white lights and then someone hitting the back of your head. You groaned at the memory; that’s probably why the back of your head hurt. You knew something was off when you had first arrived at the meeting. The other goons around the leader were too fidgety, eyes constantly shooting around the room. Your mistake was brushing it off, thinking that Jaebeom would keep you safe. Yet, here you sat, tied up with your throbbing head and a stinging cheek.  
“We can’t kill her yet,” You heard someone say.  
“Well, isn’t that a damn relief,” You scoffed as you rolled your eyes. Whoever was standing next to you kicked you harshly, to which you groaned and bit down your lip to keep quiet. Your mouth always did get you in trouble.
“Once he gets here, you’re all dead anyways. He wouldn’t lose to someone as pathetic as you,” you growled to which you spat at him. You remembered him from the meeting earlier. Here we are again, your mouth getting you into trouble as he punched you across the face. You spat out some more blood, surprised your jaw wasn’t broken yet. You were also surprised at how calm you were. That just showed how much you trusted your fiancé to come to your rescue. He’d never let anything bad happen to you, or so you thought.
Except when the leader got tired of your snarky comments and changed tactics. Instead of physical violence, he gave permission to his goons to do whatever they wanted to you. With you being tied up, you couldn’t fight back. You tried, of course, but without the use of your limbs it didn’t do much. You screamed, you bit them, you tried kicking and headbutting. Though it always ended with them hitting you and doing what they wanted anyways.
You don’t know how long you had been in that room, in that place, but it felt like years. They never opened the blinds so you didn’t see the sun rise or fall. The leader came back a few times, ensuring that JB was well aware where you were and what he wanted in order to send you back. You knew he wouldn’t send you back. JB would come to save you and he’d kill you both.
You felt like an empty shell now. What you had been saving for your wedding night had been taken away without your will. You hated how timid you had become in just a few days. Every noise, every footstep, every breath made you flinch. You tried to be strong, but you were breaking little by little. When you heard the door open and smelled the alcohol you squeezed your eyes shut, willing the vomit to stay down. You knew what was coming, yet you still hadn’t prepared yourself for further damage. 
Again, you tried to fight. You swung your tied legs around wildly, tried biting and headbutting. All it took was one swift kick to your stomach to stop you. Everything hurt and you heard the unbuckling of a belt. You gulped, willing yourself to stay strong. Then you heard a gunshot.  Then another. One after another followed by the sound of screams. Then the door slammed open to where you were.
You squeezed your eyes shut. This was it. Either JB was here to take you home or they were really going to kill you. 
“What the actual fuck?!” You knew that voice. That was Mark.  
“M-Mark,” You said weakly, opening one of your eyes and sure enough there stood Mark and Jinyoung, eyes fuming with rage.  
“You’ve fucked up royally,” Jinyoung said, deadly serious. Before you knew it, the guns were dropped and the two boys had started beating the life out of the two males in the room with you.
You knew they were dead, they were in the room with two of the best fighters you knew of. You also heard a neck crack and another gurgle. Mark and Jinyoung were breathing heavily, blood littering their clothes and their knuckles as well as some splatters on their faces.  
“Y/N,” Mark said, turning to you and reaching to pull your shirt up over your shoulders and push your skirt down before he could untie you. You flinched at the sudden touch, trying to scoot back and immediately felt guilty at the hurt look in his eyes.
It hardened quicker, Mark’s specialty. Not showing his emotions, especially on missions, “I’m just going to untie you, okay?” He said quietly and you nodded. Jinyoung was still fuming but kneeled down to try and help you sit up. He touched your shoulder to help pull you up but you jerked away. 
“J-just d-don’t touch me right now,” You stuttered, “Please,” Your voice was low.
The two boys looked at each other, worried. The once feisty girl that had no problem running into the middle of a gun fight, who was usually the first to throw a punch, who seemed to have no fear of anything except spiders, was afraid of them. Of the people she should trust most, she was afraid of them. Never had they seen her look this weak, this broken. They both exchanged another glance while you pushed yourself up on shaky legs and fixed your clothing.
You walked out, looking for your fiancé. You weren’t okay. Not in the slightest and honestly?  You really didn’t want anyone touching you right now, but you needed to see him, just to know that he was there and that you still had something to fight for. Mark and Jinyoung followed close behind, but made sure they didn’t touch you. You saw JB, in the middle of killing the few remaining men and nodded your head in relief, walking outside to the car where you knew Youngjae was waiting.
JB saw you walk out and went to run after you but Jinyoung stepped in front of him, pushing on his chest and shaking his head, “D-don’t, hyung,” He said quietly and JB raised a brow.  
“Is she okay? Is she hurt?” He had been worried sick for days, not sleeping or eating until he found you. Mark cleared his throat, shaking his head and not meeting JB’s eyes.
“No. No, she’s not.”
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
You were different. Everyone noticed, but JB really noticed. The once confident, feisty woman he had met at the bar all those years ago that wasn’t afraid to run her mouth. The girl that looked down the barrel of his gun all those years ago with a smirk and a laugh wasn’t there anymore.
You were jumpy, timid, hypervigilant. Jaebeom noticed how whenever you went out, even just around the mansion that you had come to call home, you were always on alert. Always checking over your shoulder. Jumping and tensing at every little noise. How the affection you used to show the boys was near non-existent at this point.
The affection you showed him was barely there. He was lucky if you let him hold your hand every now and then or kiss your temple. Everyone had stopped trying to initiate skinship with you. The one time, a few days after they had brought you home and you had managed to get yourself out of bed, Jackson had come up behind you. 
He was excited to see you out of bed and moving around the kitchen. Excited to see that you had showered and were looking more like your normal self. Mark and Jinyoung hadn’t told the others outside of JB what they had walked into that night. At least not at that point. So, Jackson, without knowing, wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled himself into your shoulder.
You panicked, your elbow came back to his ribs and you flipped him on his back on the tiled ground. While his breath was knocked out of him he was more in shock than anything else.  Mark had been in the kitchen at that time too and he wasn’t as shocked, but more surprised. It was enough to tell him that it wasn’t the only time that had happened when they walked in on it.
They all sat down and had a meeting. Jinyoung and Mark explained what had happened when they did walk into the room that night. What was happening. How terrified, scared and vulnerable you looked. How, even though you could barely walk yourself, you would not let them touch you, let them help you.
You hadn’t spoken to anyone about what had happened while you were in captivity. You didn’t want to or need to. You didn’t want them to pity you and you didn’t want them to view you as a weak little girl that couldn’t defend herself. So, you did what you had to do and you bottled it up.  Tried to go on as if things were normal, as if you weren’t disgusted with yourself, but the boys knew you better than you knew yourself, they weren’t dumb.
They could see right through you.  JB could see right through you. He didn’t get down on one knee and ask you to marry him if he wouldn’t be able to know when you weren’t okay. While he wanted nothing more than for you to just talk to him, to let him in and let him help, he knew you didn’t want his pity.
He stood in the doorway of your shared bedroom, watching you. He’d been here for at least fifteen minutes just watching you and if you noticed, you hadn’t said anything. He leaned against the door frame, eyes trailing over you. On the outside, you looked okay, but he knew inside, you were in turmoil. He wanted nothing more than to take that turmoil away for you. To bear it all himself.
“What is it, Jaebeom?” You sighed, turning to face him.  
He straightened up, brown orbs meetings yours, but you instantly looked away. You’ve never looked away from him, “I want you to talk to me about that night,  about those days locked up there.”  
You groaned, sitting on the edge of the bed and burying your face in your hands. He had asked you this every night since you had gotten back, “Nothing, Jaebeom. Nothing at all.” You said, no trace of emotion in your voice.
He sat down next to you and you tensed. He felt his heart break; you were afraid. Afraid of him.
“Are you afraid of me?” He murmured, not making eye contact. You, however, looked at him with wide eyes. Did he really think you were afraid of him? Were you? You shook your head, you knew he would never hurt you. Never do anything to purposely put you in danger. You did that enough on your own.
“I could never be afraid of you, Jae.” You mumbled back in response as you reached for his hand but hesitating along the way. He grabbed yours, heart breaking more as you tensed but then he felt a little glimmer of hope as you slowly relaxed and weakly squeezed his hand a little tighter.  
“I just don’t want to talk about it Jae. I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want- I don’t want you to see me as weak and vulnerable,” You sucked in your bottom lip, feeling the familiar burn of tears in your eyes.
“I would never think that about you. You’re the strongest woman I know, Y/N. I love you and nothing is going to change that. Ever,” You squeezed his hand a little tighter, eyes trained on the floor.  
“I love you too, Jae. More than you can imagine,” You took a breath, your glossy eyes turning to meet his, “But I don’t know if I will ever be the same again.”
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