#NOT draw one of creams princesses here !!!!! and i have to do it NOW!!!!
readychilledwine · 1 day
✨️ACOTAR Hands Handcanons✨️
Warnings - sexual references
A/N - "But liz! Where is Az?" I didn't include Azriel because I don't think some people understand how brutally scarred his hands are. A lot of people headcanon him wear rings and watches to distract from his scarring, but his scarring would be so brutal from his hands being set on fire with oil that wearing jewelry for him would be nearly impossible and more than likely very uncomfortable both physically and in the sense that jewelry will draw attention to his hands, something we know canon Azriel hates. If it is wanted, I will do a reblog with Azzy's hands, but they will be accurate, not pretty.
Also, if you're a hand whore like I am, you have to go look at this post from the lovely @thehighladywrites about asking for hand pics 🥵🥵 it's one of my favorites.
✨️ Acotar Body Headcanons Masterlist ✨️ Master Masterlist ✨️
Rhys is a firm believer in hands speaking of how well you care for yourself, so the man have perfect hands.
Rhys keeps his nails neat and trimmed, his cuticles cut, and his nail bed moisturized.
Rhys has fine hand creams imported from across the seas. It's made with water from some river you don't remember the name of. It matches his skincare line. Very spoiled Illyrian baby.
Rhys does have calloused hands, but they are not rough and dry. The calloused mainly rest towards the top of his palm near where his fingers begin. It's one small sigh of his skill with blades.
Rhys like to accessorize, but not too much, a few unique rings and a bracelet
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We're just here to make sure @sarawritestories can't sleep without dreaming of Cassian.
These are some of my favorite hands in all of Hollywood. Say hello to the hands of Alexander Skarsgård. His hands are massive.
Cassian does have rougher hands, but he can not help it. He's tried Rhysie little princess routine, but it doesn't work. That is more than likely due to the fact that he's constantly training and teaching someone.
You truly do not mind, though. Cassian's callouses and small scars in his hands remind you that you are safe. That no one will ever harm you as long as he is around.
One of Cassian's favorite acts of service you provide for him is little at home hand care sessions. You will soak his hands in warm water and then wash and care for them. You trim his nails, apply cuticle oils, and then use a very expensive lotion that helps keep his hands softer.
Cassian's hands are constantly on you. His favorite placement is when he gets to cup under your breasts. Preferably below your shirt. And he doesn't care who sees him doing it. His second favorite placement is your hips or ass.
Cassian does not accessorize since he rarely does not have his hand siphons on. The only jewelry on his hands is his wedding band
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Soft, warm, and gentle. Lucien's hands are a personification of the male himself.
They are not too large, but they're definitely big, and Lucien has strong hands.
Lucien tries his very best to keep his hands very soft he is constantly greeting and meeting new fae as an emissary, so he ensures his hands are covered while training.
Lucien also knows you appreciate how soft his hands are. He loves watching as you lean into his touch. He loves watching you shiver when he runs them along your body.
Lucien will wear jewelry for special occasions. Otherwise, he tends to avoid it. You never know when he will need to fish with his hair and bare hands to impress you. He had a reputation to maintain there.
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Eris is constantly wearing rings and fine jewelry. His hands are part of his mask of cruelty only you and a few others get to see beyond.
Eris hates his hands. He hates how they've been used to cause pain. He hates how they remind him of his father's, he hates the small scars on them.
It almost confuses him when his hands bring you pleasure. When he watches as you fall apart under his touch.
He has started to care for them more now that he has you. His beautiful wonderful you.
You have noticed the rough skin getting softer. How his nail beds seem healthier. You catch him one night with his expensive hand creme and cuticle oils and your heart melts.
Soon, the jewelry becomes a little less and less, but you told him it would be a lie of you ever said you didn't love the way rings sat on his slender hands.
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Nail, simple, and with a touch of sparkle.
Nesta keeps her hands very pretty and very soft.
Her nails are also always professionally done on Rhysand's dime.
Nesta goes to the salon once a month. She gets the works. The expensive manicures. Rhys owes her, and she wants pretty hands.
Her grandmother and mama told her hands can make or break a marriage, and this is something she can not shake.
She loves clean, simple polish. Neutral colors or a French tip, that's all. For special occasions, she will do an iridescent polish.
As Lady Death, she tries not to wear too much jewelry, but she does have two favorite rings she wears. One from you, one from Cassian.
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I am a garden hobby girl, so this one was fun.
Elain keeps her nails very short. She is constantly struggling with dirt under and around her nails, so she figures keeping them short is best.
Elain has surprisingly rough hands. A garden is a lot of manual labor, and she refuses to wear gloves, so she constantly dealing with little cuts and callouses.
You bought Elain a nail brush and special soaps meant to help her keep her nails clean so it doesn't interfere with her love of baking or... other activities involving you.
Elain's hands are very small, but they fit perfectly into yours.
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This is the hands I identified most with.
Feyre's hands are constantly covered in paint now that the lands are in a time of peace.
She's been known to wipe her palette knife off on the back of her hand or dab a paint brush on them if she picks up too much color. Or use them to swatch shades as she's mixing.
It is messy, but you adore it. You love helping her peel off the bigger chunks and helping her scrub them clean.
Underneath that paint, her hands can be a little dry, so you two have been caught many times sneaking into Rhysand's room to steal his hand creme.
Feyre keeps her nails a medium length. She will paint them for fun every so often, but she sees no point since they are typically covered in her medium of choice.
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The baddie of the group.
Mor keeps her hands ready to greet royalty. They are so soft, so well kept, and constantly being pampered.
Mor used hand creme at least once and hour.
She keeps her nails longer, minus two on each hand. Iykyk.
Her nails have to be red. She will not paint them any color but her power color.
She is constantly wearing a ton of rings and jewelry as well.
I personally see Mor as a gold tone girlie.
The only ring she consistently wears is her wedding ring. Otherwise, all her other jewelry is subject to change.
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Nails sharp enough to rip your eye out. Sorry, Lucien.
Amren sees her hands as weapons and her nails as weapons as well. But like all powerful weapons, they need to hidden.
She hides them using fae beauty standards. Manicures, jewelry, nail polish. Amren fully believes she's fooling other fae with those daggers attached to five small fingers but she isn't.
Amren does not do two curtesy nails. Amren is a starfish. You should be spoiling her. Not the other way around.
Finding out she could do jewels on her manicure was a life changing moment for her.
She practically purrs when she gets a fresh set now.
You swear she is secretly a fire drake with the amount of jewelry she has for her hands and on her nails.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp @itsswritten @milswrites
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penguin--rat · 28 days
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the web belongs to @simcardiac-arrested :)
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chuluoyi · 3 months
yours, indefinitely
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- geto suguru x reader
each memorable and meaningful moment shared by the two of you during your journey to parenthood ♡
genre/warnings: 18+ suggestive content—minors do not interact! (yes i can't resist it) pregnancy, a lot of comfort and love, insecurities, hurt/comfort, a dash of crack, soft!geto, massive and absolute fluff !!
note: based on this and this. this... is an idea i got after writing drabbles about soft dad gojo :') you all know this is my first time writing geto and the first time in a while i'm writing a longer fic so i'm having a lot of doubts but i hope you'll enjoy it!! wc. 3k !
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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When you found out that you were five weeks pregnant, you were genuinely conflicted for two reasons— one, it was unexpected as you weren't even married yet, and two, you were anxious about your boyfriend's reaction to the news.
But contrary to your worries and fears, doubts and tears... Geto Suguru marries you. He led you to the city hall almost immediately— and just like that, in the eyes of the law, you were officially husband and wife.
Because he has always known that he wants to share his life with you, and with this newfound responsibility, it only reinforces his conviction that he wants that kind of forever with you.
Your pregnancy wasn't a breeze—no pregnancy is, to be exact—and you had resigned yourself to mornings of throwing up, but you definitely didn't expect that you would get so sick to the point of almost passing out in the bathroom.
You never wanted Suguru to see you like this, but when a strong arm got a hold of you and pulled back your hair, your heart soared regardless.
"Hey, you okay?" Suguru asked, clear worry lined in his eyes. It was five in the morning—he must've been awoken by the ruckus you caused in the bathroom.
When you heaved a breath and nodded, his frown deepened. "Why didn't you call me?"
"N-no, Sugu—" the words barely left your lips before the overwhelming urge to retch hit you again and you doubled over the toilet bowl.
Suguru maintained a steady hold on your body, and not once did he waver even when you puked your guts out. His grip only loosened when you were done, supporting you up and assisting you in rinsing your mouth at the sink.
"Do you feel better?" he asked gently, dabbing your mouth with a tissue. "Do you want me to get you some water?"
"Suguru, you don't have to—" you untangled yourself from him feebly, still feeling faint. "It stinks here—"
"I have to," he reinforced, gaze boring straight at you. "Do you really think a smelly bathroom will stop me?"
“I d-don't want to trouble you...”
Suguru sighed and the next thing you knew, you found yourself being lifted in a princess carry, his hands securely under your knees. Surprised, you let out a yelp. "Suguru! P-put me down!"
"I'm telling you, you should trouble me," he pursed his lips together, face inching closer to yours, his dark eyes captivating, almost drawing you in. "We're in this together, remember?"
And in that very second, the sound of your heartbeat echoed in your ears, and with it a renewed sense of love you had for this man, once just a figure you admired from afar and now, wholly your husband.
"Yeah..." you responded with a soft smile, completely unaware that Suguru cherished seeing that expression on your face more than anything else.
When you reached the third month, you thank all heavenly deities out there that your nausea was getting much better.
But in its place was your outrageous craving requests that more often than not sent Suguru into a daze.
"Wha? Say that again?" he looked at you with twitching eyes, mostly in disbelief. "You can't seriously ask me to... get what?"
"Ice cream with lemon toothpaste flavor," you looked at him with sad puppy eyes, almost resembling that glassy-eyed emoji. "It seemed tasty, Suguru... I want it."
His immediate response was clear this time. "No. Love, that... I doubt that combination even exists."
"Hmph... but baby wants it."
"Or I'll just get the toothpaste and—"
"No! Absolutely no!" okay, this was crazy, but Suguru would figure it out, somehow. "You can't eat toothpaste! I'll get it for you, okay!"
"Teehee~" your small giggle actually made his head spin even further, but if it meant you and your baby's wellbeing, Geto Suguru would cross the roads and did something to get you that non-existent ice cream.
In the end, he settled for mint and orange (because the parlor ran out of lemon) to recreate the nonsense of lemon toothpaste flavor. But when you tasted it, your eyes welled up with tears though.
“This... doesn't taste like toothpaste or lemon,” you sniffled, feeling betrayed. “Suguru, you liar.”
. . . oh, and here goes round two of wild goose chase of recreating edible ice cream for you and the baby. Sigh.
With each passing day, your belly swelled, becoming increasingly prominent and rounder. And you wouldn’t believe it but the pregnancy glow was there—through your husband’s eyes, you looked most radiant, carrying his baby.
And it multiplied more when he saw you interact with his two girls.
"Miss Y/N, is it a boy or a girl?" Nanako inquired, touching your bump, her voice filled with excitement.
"Ah, we haven't found out yet..." you patted her in the head, quite touched that now she cared for you this much too. "What do you think it's going to be, Nanako-chan?"
"Ooh, it has to be a boy! If it's a boy, surely he'll be as handsome as Master Geto!"
Mimiko, ever the calmer of the two, hummed. "Hmm, personally I think it's going to be a girl."
"Ehh? If it's a girl... I guess, yeah— at least she's going to be cute!"
Maybe it was your hormones at play, but your spirits dampened somewhat when you noticed how Nanako leaned more towards the prospect of baby brother. The thought lingered in your mind even later that night on your marital bed, as Suguru spooned you from behind.
“Come to think about it, I think we can find out the gender right about now…” you mused, stroking your belly absentmindedly. “Suguru, do you think it’s a boy or a girl?”
Suguru chuckled, placing his warm, bigger hand over yours on your growing tummy. “Hmm, you first. What do you think?”
"Honestly... a girl. At least, if it were up to me, I want a girl though."
"Ah, cute." Suguru felt his smile broaden at the very idea. "Mimiko and Nanako will get an adorable sister to play dress up with."
You nibbled your lower lip. "But you'd want a boy, wouldn't you?"
"Hm? No," he responded almost immediately. "Quite the opposite, actually. I'm with you on this one. A girl would be nice."
"Even when you already have the twins?"
"Another baby girl— what's so bad with that?" Suguru sighed against your neck, his palm still tenderly caressing your belly. "One who will look like you—the woman whom I love the most... what are you worried about?"
One thing you loved about Suguru was his eloquence. His words had the power to persuade you, even when they seemed at odds with your own beliefs. And more often than not, his words were always aimed to make you feel safe.
And right now, you couldn't have loved him more.
. . .
In your next checkup, as if the gods were all granting your wish all this time— you're having a girl.
“Why won’t she kick?” Suguru pressed his ears on your tummy on the bed, brows knitting together.
You grinned. “She was quite lively a little while ago. She's probably resting now.”
Suguru pursed his lips into a pout, snuggling closer to your round belly. “Hmm, little one, can you hear me? Just one kick for papa, please?”
Moments like this were ones you cherished the most. Your husband's love for your unborn child always filled your heart with warmth.
“She’s not responding.” Suguru sat up with a gentle sigh, a hint of disappointment shadowing his expression. Yet, he quickly mustered a warm smile for you. “Tired after bothering mama, huh?”
Suddenly, you let out a hearty chuckle. “You know, Suguru… I think our baby resembles you.”
He blinked in puzzlement. “Eh? How so?”
“She’s so peaceful, hardly causes me any discomfort lately—she’s idyllic, just like you.” You could feel your face getting warm but you just had to say this to your husband.
Suguru was visibly taken aback, but then the hints of pink tinted his face as he smiled. “Well… I’m glad that it’s been a smooth experience for you so far.”
Your heart swelled at his tender, genuine smile. Then, as if on cue, you felt the familiar stirrings and flutter inside—
You caught his hand and placed it on your tummy, just in time for your daughter to kick.
Suguru’s eyes sparkled with awe. "Did she just—?"
It was a profound moment for him, feeling the tangible sign of the new life you both had created. And as your laughter filled the room, light and joyful, Suguru knew with unwavering certainty—
He would do everything in his power to protect you and this baby. Who had become his whole world now.
It began as one ordinary day— before came the most horrific incident Suguru never thought would happen to you.
He got a call that you had passed out in the train station. Suguru had never truly known fear until then, feeling every hair on his body stand on end. The details he was provided were frustratingly vague, and he desperately tried not to think the worst.
He was teetering on the edge of a panic attack as he made his way towards the hospital you were brought to. The mere possibility of anything harmful happening to either you or the baby was unbearable. He didn't allow himself to consider any negative outcomes, driven by the need to be by your side.
By the time he arrived, you had regained consciousness, though you were still drifting in and out, clinging onto your swimming consciousness.
"Are you okay? Love, talk to me." Suguru got a hold of your hand as soon as he arrived, voice trembling. "What happened?"
"Suguru..." you managed to reply in feeble voice, still feeling the dull pounding in your temples. You could feel him squeeze your hand tighter. "I-I'm sorry... to m-make you worry..."
"Why are you saying sorry?" Suguru gritted his teeth in frustration. Always putting others first, he loved and sometimes hated that trait of yours. He stroked your hair. "Tell me how you feel. Do you feel better? Or should I call the doctor?"
Seeing how deeply concerned he was for both you and your baby brought a tear to your eyes. "I'm f-fine... just a little dizzy is all."
Once the doctor examined you and determined that you needed to stay in the hospital for a day due to low blood pressure, Suguru was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.
"You really, really scared me," he said in a raspy voice. "So many things could've gone wrong. What if you fell into the tracks instead? You would— I —" his voice actually hitched. "I could've lost both of you today."
At his words, a new flood of tears threatened to spill from your eyes, and you couldn't help but sniffle. Suguru immediately comforted you.
“You’re okay, you’re okay… Don’t cry, please.” He cradled your face gently, thinking he had spooked you. “Just rest. I’m here,” and his other hand rubbed your belly for reassurance. “You and the baby are safe.”
Through this, you realized once again just how secure you were, with him.
You had been taking the prenatal classes lately—Suguru insisted on it because there was nothing he wouldn't spare for you— and the reality once again sank into you that you were going to have a little human to love and care soon.
"You need to hold her like this..." the friendly instructor guided, positioning her hand on the back of the doll's head. "Be gentle when washing the head, and make sure not to scratch her—"
Now you were once again learning how to bathe the baby. It felt complicated at first, but after the fifth session, you were getting the hang of it.
Not the case with Suguru though. He seemed to be genuinely struggling.
"No, sir! You're going to drown her like that!" the instructor gasped in horror, pulling the baby doll out of your husband's grasp. "I'm sorry, but the way you're holding her is too risky! You have to lower her slowly—"
It brought a wide smile on your face. It was a rare sight to see him not being good at what he was doing, so seeing him totally confused like this was refreshing.
"This is... not quite as easy as it looks," he let out a long sigh, still trying to wash the doll's head as gently as he was instructed. "And I can't really tell when I'm being too rough or not."
"Just imagine it's a real baby, how soft you think you can be?" you advised, almost giggling. "Babies are delicate, sort of like... oh! You can think of them as sensitive as Gojo!"
Suguru gave you a look. "If it were a baby with Satoru's face... I might just flip and toss him away."
And yet despite having a hard time for it, Suguru was persistent in this practice. Because no way was he going to miss out bathing his baby.
"Suguru... we—" you said in one intake of breath, but unable to continue as he crashed his lips into yours.
With skilled hands, Suguru deftly maneuvered the inside of your maternity sleepwear, unclasping your bra and your breasts—now heavy and full of milk—spilling out.
You didn’t mean to drag him into this. You just made one comment about how you thought that he no longer seemed to desire you as much now and Suguru responded by pulling you into a searing kiss, as if to show you that he, in fact, very much still does.
He groped your left breast and your body spasmed as you let out a hitched moan, writhing under him.
“What part of you—” he drawled, eyes blazing with certain electricity, voice deep and low—and you couldn’t help getting even wetter down there. “—that you said I’m not interested in anymore, mama?”
You mewled, feeling so small under him. You could only whine as he stripped you out of your silken undergarments and let you lay there bare, ready for the taking.
In Suguru’s eyes, you were the most divine. The mother of his child couldn't be less than heavenly. Seeing you so swollen and so full, with everything that was his—made him harder than ever possible.
You would learn it the fast way as his lips latched on your neck, nimble fingers worked through your breasts, and then your pussy—
“Ride me,” he commanded, right after turning you into a wet mush three times and tasting your cum—which was still as sweet as ever. He helped you get up and sat on his hardened member, that slid so easily inside you as you let out a whimper.
Gone was your gentle husband—he always turned into another beast entirely in bed.
“Look at you, sitting so pretty for me like this,” Suguru remarked with a meaningful grin as he placed his hands on both sides of your enormous belly.
“Mmnghh!” you scrunched your eyes shut. The sounds you made were completely beyond your will by now. Everything was just overwhelming you. The way his thick cock sheathed itself inside you and made you feel full, and the way your baby twisted and turned inside you at the same time was mind-blowing— and you haven't even started moving yet.
You could already see it already, how much of a mess you were going to be in once this ended.
Suguru noticed the baby’s rambunctious movement too and lightly tapped the skin of your belly, maintaining his sly smile.
“Oh, baby… forgive your papa and mama and buckle up, yeah? It’s going to be a rough ride for a bit.”
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And soon, on one fateful morning, you were awoken by signs of labor, followed by your water breaking and full-blown contractions.
Suguru was beside you the entire time, worriedly hovering over you for support. He held you tight, providing comfort as you curled inwards each time intense contraction gripped your womb like a vice, hardening it into a rock-hard mass. Now is the real deal, he thought. Suddenly he was having doubts himself— he was going to become a parent. Both of you are.
Seeing you subjected to that much pain was almost unbearable, and even more so when your pained cries and screams echoed through the room as you brought your baby into the world, but then, then, suddenly—
His baby girl is here. She fit perfectly in his arms, round and snug in her blanket, with the softest black tufts of hair that she inherited from him. She cooed and mewled in her sleep—
—and Geto Suguru thought, nothing—absolutely nothing else mattered the very moment he laid eyes on his beautiful daughter.
"She is so tiny, so precious," Suguru whispered, his finger gently tracing the soft cheeks of the sleeping baby. Leaning on his shoulder, you could only sigh in awe, marveling at the sight of your husband and your new baby.
"Thank you," he turned to you then, eyes brimming with unshed tears and emotions. For giving me a another person to care for and love.
And you were at your happiest, finding yourself falling in love with your husband all over again, knowing well that he would cherish you with everything he had.
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Days and months following the birth of your daughter was hectic and eventful.
Nanako and Mimiko had been a really great help around the house, and they adored your baby daughter more than anything, always taking turns to entertain her and make her all giggly, which brought you to another level of happiness.
And most of all, Suguru had taken his new role as a dad very seriously. You remembered him visibly struggling at baby care classes, but now he was a master of diaper changing and baby bathing— and you wouldn't be surprised if he was even better than you by now.
"Suguru, how are you so great at this all of a sudden?" you genuinely wondered with a literal question mark as you watched him washing your daughter in a bubble bath, her laughter filling the room.
"Hard work and perseverance, love," he replied, his tone light but proud. And you snorted when he gave you a wink.
Your daughter had never been shy to cry her heart out at 3 in the morning too, and each time she did, whenever you were about to leave the bed, Suguru would gently hold you back with a raspy voice, murmuring, "I'll get her. Go back to sleep."
He was the best husband a woman could ask for. Throughout the five months of your postpartum, he always made sure that you stayed hydrated, had a lot of rest and consumed nutritious food to replenish your strength. He always took over the baby-rearing duties whenever possible. You were treated no less than a princess, and honestly you were ever so grateful.
And so this time, despite his willingness, you got up from the bed and went to the baby's room. And the sight there caught your heart—
"There, there..." Suguru's voice was thick with sleep, yet he rocked your daughter back and forth with gentle patience. "Do you want to change your blanket? Is it not comfy for you?"
Your heart softened, melted—perhaps even fluttered away with the wind, turning into mush. When you first discovered a year ago that you were going to have a baby, you could never have anticipated that this was the life you would find yourself in.
Suguru opted to switch the blanket for a new one, but as you watched him fold and unfold it several times, confusion evident on his face, you decided it was time to step in.
"Here, you do it like this," your sudden appearance startled him, as you gently took the fabric away from him and wrapped your fussy daughter in it. "Looks like I finally found something you're still not great at," you teased, a playful smile dancing on your lips.
He was about to usher you back to the bedroom until you said that. "Heh."
You loved this life, and he too wouldn't trade it for the world. In the quiet tranquility of dawn, after both of you had successfully put your baby back to sleep, you spoke, "Thank you... and I love you, Suguru."
But he thought— you shouldn't have to thank him for anything, because after all, Geto Suguru lives for two princesses in his life; you and his baby daughter.
And after this, all that was left was giving you the wedding celebration of your dreams, one that both of you had been setting aside for a while now.
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sungiesbabygirl · 3 months
TEASER : Is this what love feels like? | p.j
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pairings : CEO!park jay x VIRGIN FEM!reader
warnings : swearing, jealousy, nicknames fem!reader (baby girl, princess, slut, cock whore), nicknames jay (daddy, sir, bastard), pure smut, choking, cream pie, jay being a dick, hair pulling, breeding, swearing, arguments, mentions of jake, fluff, small acts of affection, CEO JAY, age gap (reader is 19, jay is 21), VIRGIN READER, let me know if I missed anything
release date : tba
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Ever since you were small you had dreamed of being with your prince charming, someone who was sweet, family orientated and someone who loved you for you. There was one specific drawing you kept in a box under your bed from when you were in primary school, it was of you and your husband outside of a big castle with birds and cherry blossom trees surrounding the both of you.
That photo was something you knew would never become true but if you had three wishes you'd wish for it to be a reality. Instead of the fairy tale you had pictured as a little girl, you got another type of marriage. To be precise, a forced marriage. You were 19 years old and your parents thought it was the perfect time for you to get a husband, stop having fun and settle down. It's not something you exactly wanted considering you were still a teenager but you knew not to argue with your parents.
So here you was with your new husband in your guys new mansion, it had been a few months since you had gotten married. Now if your wondering who the lucky guy was it was Park jay, he was the CEO of the fashion brand 'blue jays'. It was a huge brand globally which meant jay had so much money compared to you, which also meant he bought up how he pays the bills in arguments you both have. To say it hurt was an understatement, every time he talked about the money you didn't have it always felt like you had been stabbed in the heart.
but what could you do about it, it was your life now.
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a/n : hey loves I’m really excited for this to be released, it’ll be released later on this week buttt I’m proud to say it will be one of my best works, if you wanna be added to the tag list your more than welcome to be :)
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bettysupremacy · 1 year
sending in a request for anything summer/sprint related + steve harrington!! <3
hope you’re having a nice day :)
Hi baby!! Thank you for the request. I wrote this in one sitting (something I’ve never achieved.), it’s like you knew my weak spot was Steve and Summertime. Also we we r bff’s now. ily!
Summer was good for 3 things. The beach, ice cream, and Steve.
You don’t remember the first time you met the 6’3 boy, it being sometime before your brain retained memories, but he’s always been there. During the summer at least.
You’d drag through the winter seasons and school, and then he’d always be there waiting on the other side. Next door, in the white wrap around house that mirrored your own, waiting for you.
A romance was something the moms had been praying for since summer three. Wouldn’t it be beautiful? Their summer babies young and in love? Though, when the whirling romance did start during their 17th summer, so did the night visits.
That’s why when you hear the soft knocks of rock against your balcony door, you don’t second guess it. Opening the doors to the warm summer night, letting the breeze swoosh your white curtains off the ground.
“Steve?” You whisper, walking closer to the overlook.
“Yes?” He whispers back, as though he hadn’t been vying for your attention seconds before.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m here for you.”
“I’d hope.” You laugh breathlessly, letting your arms cross on the stone railing.
“Cute pajamas.”
You look down at the matching set your mom bought you for Christmas. “Christmas present.” You give.
“That’s why I haven’t seen it?”
“You haven’t seen a lot of my pj’s.” You laugh.
“Come down.”
“In this?”
“If you want.”
You think about it. Looking down at him and picturing this from outside view. The image is positively fairy tale, Romeo and Juliet. You wish you could capture it in a drawing and keep it under your pillow.
“What’s in it for me?”
He steps back, letting his arms widen. “A kiss from Prince Steve.” He confidently jests, as though he’d been reading your mind.
“A drive as well?”
“In my bmw carriage.” He nods. He knows you so well. Like the palm of his hand, forward and backward.
“Sounds convincing.”
“That’s what I was going for.” He smiles.
“Can we drive down to the beach?”
“You’re bargaining a lot, princess.”
You laugh, cringing at the loudness of it and looking behind you for the watchful eyes of your parents. “Please?”
“Anything for you, Juliet.” He nods, more serious. “Come down, Rapunzel.”
“So many identities.” You tease.
“Just come down, will you?” He breathes, smiley.
You nod, climbing down the latter Steve stuck under the balcony for nights like these. He grabs at you as you hop down, greedy for your touch, greedy for your lips. “Hi, Johnny.” You smile against his lips.
“Hi, baby.” He smiles against your own. “You ready to get out of here?”
“Can we stop for ice cream?”
“Wasn’t even a question.”
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l0serloki · 2 years
hii! good evening i love your writing and wondering if i could just request some hardcore chamber and/or yoru smut? i’m fine with anything <3 tysm
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CEO!Chamber x Reader, Yakuza Boss!Yoru x Reader
Genre : Smut
CW : Degrading, dumbification, fem!reader, praise, princess/good girl/cumdump/pretty little bitch, panty mouth gag?, breeding kink, spanking
A/N : hiii!! Thank you so much for the request and I’m so honored you like my writing! I hope this was good enough, if you want something a little different feel free to send me ideas. Enjoy!!
- Having Chamber as your boss was a dangerous game
- He would call you in for anything and everything, only to bend you over the desk and fuck the shit out of you
- He’d keep your underwear after and promise he’d give them back at the end of the day (he keeps a pair in his desk)
- Would have you bent over his desk, cock deep inside you as he answered phone calls
- Would see how long it would take for you to make a noise
- “Dirty little office slut fucking her boss. Make a noise and the others might hear you. You’d like that though, wouldn’t you whore?”
You had just made your boss coffee and made your way down the hall. Your outfits were getting more scandalizing as you flaunted around the main floor. You knew how much it turned on Chamber to see you walking around with the tight pencil skirt he bought you.
“Chamber! Your coffee.” You walked in and smiled as he looked up from some paperwork.
“You’re in early princess. Almost nobody is here yet. Eager start this morning?” His grin almost as big as the Cheshire Cat as you made your way into his lap. “Mm yeah just wanted to see you baby.” He groaned as he pulled down your shirt and bra, tits spilling over the top. His hands fondled your nipples and he made marks down your neck. “That’s my good girl. Always ready to please her boss. This is why you’re my best employee.”
Chamber had lifted you up onto the hard desk and ripped down your panties. Your skirt pushed over your ass as he smacked each cheek roughly. “Gonna make this ass red, count for me.” You moaned out a one as he began the torturous cycle.
“20! Fuck!” You let out as his hands finally came to rest on your burning ass, rubbing comforting circles. “That was good princess. Give me such a show. Now I’m gonna fuck you but I need you to be quiet, okay? Just in case you can’t I’m going to do this.” Chamber was quick to open your mouth and shovel your sopping underwear into it. He kissed your cheek as he lined up with your hole and you couldn’t only mumble into the fabric. Tears welled up in your eyes as he fully sheathed himself into you, your poor cunt adjusting to the length.
“God, fucking take it. Take it like the little office whore you are.” You clenched around him at his words and your eyes rolled back, creaming all over his cock. “Did you just fucking cum? Of course you did. Guess I gotta fill you up like the little cumdump you are, huh?” You could only let out silent moans as he finally dumped his hot load into your cunt.
“Can’t wait for later princess.”
- You caught his eye when he was on a mission to find some guy who stole from him
- He offered you a nice room and whatever you wanted if you just let him fuck you
- He dresses you up in fancy clothes and makes you walk into his office, flaunting that you’re his
- Fucks the shit out of you against every surface possible, makes sure his subordinates hear the two of you as well
- He picks you up in nice cars and fingers you in the back while the driver is forced to listen
- “God Y/N, built to be my spoiled little brat. Gonna give me a new heir?”
The moment Yoru saw you he knew you had to be his. He was a materialistic man, yes, but he knew when to draw a line.
“Please be mine. You can be my wife, my whore, whatever you want. I just need you in my life to be able to fuck. I’ll provide for you in every way possible.” How could you turn down such a good offer?
You had gotten dressed in the clothes Yoru bought you for the week, stepping out of your penthouse doors. You had waited for the limo to pull up and hopped in.
“My flower, you look ravishing. Bet you look even better down here.” Yoru’s thick fingers had trailed down your thighs and reached your wet heat. He raised an eyebrow as you bit your lip. “No panties? Makes things easier I suppose.. What a fucking nasty girl you are.” Two of his fingers pumped into you as he circled your clit with his thumb. “Come on my little pretty bitch. Come from my fingers.” You felt your cunt tighten around him and gushed all on the leather seats.
Yoru had finally gotten you inside, your body pressed tightly against the wall. His hard cock was pumping in and out of you as he bite down your neck and shoulders. Those would definitely leave bruises but you couldn’t care about that. “Yeah, little fucking whore taking my cock. Only want money and dick huh? Too dumb to get anything yourself. Look at how pathetic you are.” Yoru’s hands gripped your face as he showed your reflection. You felt yourself getting so close, the mirror only adding to the sensation. “I know you’re gonna cum. Might as well, we have all night to get more. Gonna have you milk me dry.” Yoru gripped your tit harshly as you finally hit your high. You could only hear groans as his cum seeped down your legs.
“You wasted my cum. Guess we will have to try again.”
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vidjausers-fable · 6 months
Pen Pals(Veneer X OC)Chapter 1
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Oh my god, I fell in love with Veneer and Velvet the moment I heard their silly little quotes and songs. I also have fun drawing them!? Anyway, this story is completely for fun, though it’s been a while since I’ve last written a fanfiction. Nothing is beta read in this chapter, so be kind if pointing out mistakes. Below is something I drew specifically for this fiction (though obviously it was inspired by the Barbie and Ken meme)
Also located on Wattpad and AO3. Chapter 2 and 3 are already located there, but soon will be here as well.
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Once they had been arrested, Veneer and Velvet were booked and thrown into prison immediately. Well, it was more of a correctional facility if anything. A place where they wanted to prepare young adults who had made stupid mistakes for the outside world. Velvet didn’t take the change well but Veneer made no complaints, believing that it was the right thing to do because of the crimes they had committed. All those Trolls they had hurt…It weighed on him more than it did his sister. Velvet received a harsher sentence compared to her brother. Veneer’s was smaller because his heartfelt confession helped save the Trolls from his sister and expose their scam right away. 
However, the two shared a cell in the correctional facility due to a bit of a crowding issue. Their rooms were split in two, one side for Veneer and the other for Velvet. It wasn’t the ideal living situation, but Velvet was the only one complaining about it. 
The siblings looked completely different than what they used to. With no access to makeup in the facility, their faces were blank and deprived of any makeup and creams, and both adored the orange jumpsuits that read “Mount Rageous Correctional Facility” on the back. Velvet complained about her looks and image on the daily, as if it had not already been diminished. 
Veneer sat at his desk with one of the books checked out from the Library, trying to somehow read and drown out the voice of his sister whining in the background. It was hard to do both at the same time so he closed the book with a loud sigh, “What is it this time, Vel?” he asked and spun around in his chair to look at his sister. 
Velvet was half laying on the bed, her knees hanging over the edge. She threw her hands up and around dramatically as she spoke, “This isn’t fair! They took away another hour of my rec time from me just because I wanted an extra five minutes to eat. Didn’t I tell them I’m a slow eater?” She kicked her feet around as if she were a child having a tantrum.
Veneer leaned against his palm, unimpressed. As always. “And how did you ask for this extra five minutes?”
His sister glared. Did he Really ask her that as if she had done something wrong? “I asked, like a normal person! DUH!” she retorted sarcastically, throwing her hands up. 
Veneer rolled his eyes. He seriously doubted that, but he wouldn’t say that out loud. “Maybe…just maybe Vel, you should ask a bit nicer,” he suggested and added before she could interrupt, “Unfortunately, the people here don’t like to deal with our attitudes.”
“Me? An attitude! As if! This place is worse than a shoe store with no branding,” she groaned. “And a restaurant without lobster.”
Veneer gave up talking to his sister and turned back toward his desk. There was no use arguing with Velvet. She was an entitled brat. She always tried to get the last word in, and it was impossible to point out her mistakes, or her flaws. In her eyes, she was flawless and never did wrong, and only did right. He’d dealt with that entitled attitude his whole life, and that attitude was the reason that he was in the correctional facility right now. It was honestly pathetic, but there was nothing that he could do about it except not give in to her tantrums and ignore them when they arose. Of course, it was easier said than done. She practically threw a rich snobby princess tantrum every day. “Why don’t you back me up anymore, like you used to?” Velvet abruptly sneered. Veneer could already see her expression without turning back around.  
“Veneer, don’t ignore me.”
Over time, Veneer had found ways to stand up for himself. It was easier when they weren’t next to each other, but also because he was over her and her dramatic antics. 
“Because.” Veneer closed the book he was trying to read, “It’s your fault we got into this whole situation in the first place.” He had to resist the urge to turn around and throw the book directly at her head.
“You didn’t exactly stop me when I kidnapped the Troll.”
“Because I couldn’t Velvet!” He argued, finally turning to her, “You took the Troll without even telling me at first. You put him in a diamond perfume bottle without a word. I knew it was suspicious when I suddenly caught you singing one day, or remotely have any talent. I bet if I didn’t walk in on you in your room that day with the Troll, that you would have kept all of that stolen talent yourself and left me at home with our parents, which by the way, I CARE about the fact that they disowned us. They get death threats because we scammed everyone, and can’t practice their dentistry anymore. They sold their business to pay off our debts, and you think they hate us? I know you hated them, but do you honestly think that they deserved all of that?” The entire ramble left him in a single mouthful it felt, leaving his sister appalled. He had so much to say to her that his words tumbled out almost all at once.
Velvet gasped, her jaw wide open and a hand over her heart, as if he tried to strike it. “They deserved it, Veneer, for the way they treated us growing up! They were nobodies and didn’t give us anything.”
“How did they treat us, Vel?! They literally did nothing wrong our entire lives! We had everything we wanted! You got a car for your sixteenth birthday and you pawned it off to buy a stupid golden ring! You don’t even have it anymore, you threw it down the drain when we became total frauds and got more money, which you used to buy worthless junk. Our parents are saints compared to how you talk about them.”
“Are you saying this is all my fault?”
“It is, Vel. It’s your fault we’re in here because of you. And I won’t change my mind about that.” He turned his back to her once again. Ever since they had been arrested, it had been nothing but anger between the siblings, bubbling over the tea kettle. Veneer swore that his steam was running out fast around her. 
“It’s your fault too! You used the Troll as much as I did!”
Veneer ignored her. 
“Veneer, you can’t throw all the blame at me!”
Veneer ignored her again, at least until he heard her stand up and stomp toward him. Right as he flipped around, she grabbed the front of his orange jumpsuit and began to shake him. She bared her teeth in anger at him, shaking him until his neck popped, “You can’t throw all the blame on me, Veneer! That’s just not fair. You used the Trolls just as much as me, so you’re not a perfect saint. Neither were our parents. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“What do you mean?!”
Metal clanged on metal and the siblings turned around to face the door of the cell. One of the Correctional Guards stood at the door, his baton against the cell bars, clinging back and forth until he had their attention. He glared at the two, though mostly at Velvet—the universal trouble maker. “Behave yourself Velvet, and stop arguing. That or I can extend your banishment from the rec room to the whole week. You wouldn’t want that would you?”
Velvet, still holding onto her brother’s shirt, glared at the officer, debating in her head if this was still worth it. If fighting her brother was worth the only freedom that they got in that joint. The two shared a long eye contact battle before she gave in, letting her brother go after shoving him back into the chair, and returned to her bed. “Whatever,” she snapped before rolling onto her side with her back facing the two. 
Veneer adjusted his shirt before looking at the guard, a bit frazzled and his heart racing. Even she got to him sometimes. “Whew…” Saved by the guard.
The guard watched Velvet and when he felt as though she was calm enough, looked to Veneer, the one he really wanted to talk to. He took out his keys from his side pocket and the clanging of the metal made the two perk up. “Veneer, your counselor wants to see you now.”
Velvet immediately interrupted, sitting up, “What about mine? Doesn’t she want to see me?”
“She would, if you would stop destroying her office at every appointment.” He stopped fiddling with the keys and glared at the sister, waiting for her to settle down again. He looked to Veneer and waited for him to approach the bars, as part of the protocol for entering and leaving the cells. 
“What for?” Veneer asked, approaching the cell door. “It’s not time for my appointment, is it? I don’t think it would be…” He sounded panicked. 
The guard opened the door. Veneer was required to step out and press his back to the wall with his arms out and palms faced down. Veneer was a low threat so only one guard was needed, though at some point Velvet needed four. He quickly locked the door because as expected, Velvet threw herself against the door and grabbed the bars in rage and growled. She even reached down to try and swipe the keys as they were shoved back into a secure pocket. The guard scoffed in her face and turned to Veneer, patting him down. The guard took his shoulder and pulled him in front of him, letting him walk where he could see him. 
Patting Veneer’s shoulder, he chuckled, “We really need to get you your own cell, buddy boy. Your sister gives me an ulcer everytime I open her cage. She’s like a dog who’s had everything handed to him, but still darts out the damn door whenever it opens.”
Veneer chuckled nervously, “Yeah…Uh, do you know why my counselor wants to see me? I didn’t do anything bad, did I?” He tried not to panic or ruminate like he used to. Besides, nothing he did was as bad as his sister…Though he honestly still felt as though he was a kid again, being sent to the principal's office, just multiplied by ten and with more consequences.
“I dunno, they don’t tell me anything. She didn’t seem mad, if that makes you feel any better.”
“I think it does.”
Veneer fidgeted his hands on the walk to his counselor’s office, guided by the guard. The guard opened the door and only shut it once Veneer sat across from his counselor. His counselor was a middle-aged blonde Mount Rageous person. She was prim and proper, and despite her strict posture and formalities of speech, she was a caring woman with bright blonde hair and honey amber eyes. Her office space matched the same atmosphere of her person. Everything was neatly arranged. There was a funky splash of red paint on the wall, pictures of cute animals under cheesy motivational quotes. There were also nick nacks scattered across the room. One of them was one of those solar powered bobble heads dancing along to no beat, sitting across from Veneer with a playful catty smile.
Linda greeted him with a warm smile. Veneer was still getting used to having someone like Linda to talk to. She always listened and never interrupted him, like his sister did. 
“Dr. Graham…Uh, why am I here?” he asked and the emotions immediately flooded in, trapped within from where he had been dealing with his sister all day. He sunk down into his chair, trying to hide, “I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”
Linda gasped and reached across the table. She knew that Veneer wasn’t a touchy-feely person, so she touched the desk right in front of him instead. “No, no, no, dear! Actually, I have something exciting to share with you.” She waited for Veneer to slide back up into his chair and sit properly.
“What…is it?” Veneer asked hesitantly. He expectedly leaned forward.
Linda bounced, her own excitement showing as she pulled out a folder from her file cabinet. Everything was so perfectly organized that it took no time for her to find anything. “Since our system runs on good behavior, and you’ve been on your best behavior—might I say even better than those who have been here for years—we decided to give you a huge reward. Now, we don’t just give these away to every patient here!” Her hand was on a document, which she pushed across the desk then flipped it so it faced him. 
Before him was a blank tan file cabinet folder. 
Veneer’s eyebrow raised. “What’s in that?”
“You won’t know until you open it. Go on!” She pulled her hands back and clapped as Veneer reached for the folder. He picked it up and opened it to the first page. He read it and frowned. 
Before he could get words out, Linda cheered and clapped her hands some more, “It’s our Pen Pal Program! We like to give these out to our top most behaved patients here. We were quite surprised to see how well you turned out, and how quick and well mannered you were, so don’t take this reward lightly!” She said and took the document back, flipping through the pages, explaining every single one of them until Veneer’s eyes couldn’t keep up with his brain. 
“Wait, wait…So I earned this?” he asked and put his hands on the papers, taking them when Linda let go of them. “What do I do with this? How does it work?”
“It’s easy!” Linda began to explain, “You fill out these forms and I scan and put it into the system. After a bit of Beep Booping on the keyboard, the system finds a pen pal that will be suitable for you! The system is surprisingly 95 percent accurate. When a Pen Pal is assigned to you, you receive their first letter and then write a response to them. After that, you basically send letters back and forth to each other. It’s very old school and the only part that technically plays a role is to keep your documents up to hand and sort out who your Pen Pal is!” 
Veneer was distracted by the exaggerated hand gestures Linda made as she talked. He shrugged it off and began to flip through the papers, looking at them carefully to make a decision. Having someone new and different to talk to sounded…different.
“If you fill this out right now while I still have you in my office, I should get everything uploaded and submitted within a couple hours.” Her fingers clacked loudly against the keyboard. Then she looked to Veneer and gave him one of her trusting, and warm smiles. “Is that something you’re interested in, Veneer?”
After looking through the last of the papers, Veneer took a second to think it over in his head. It would be nice to have conversations with someone from the outside world, considering he no longer had his parents. For once, he wouldn’t have a conversation centered around how did you get here? How did you get busted? Best of all, he could have someone to communicate with that wasn’t his sister. That was the icing on the cake. That’s what stood out to him the most. 
Placing the papers back down on the desk, he looked to Linda with a determined expression. He held out a hand to her, brows knitting together. “Pen, please.”
“That’s it! YAY!” Linda took out a pen from the pen box that was organized by type of pen, colors, and probably even ink levels. Veneer took the pen and began to read everything meticulously and filled out blanks while he glanced over the paper. Linda was quiet, but played calming and relaxing music that she knew Veneer liked to help him focus. 
The paperwork didn’t take long, and he finished it in less than thirty minutes. “Can you look it over and make sure I didn’t forget anything?” he asked, sounding timid as he handed the papers over. 
Linda took the papers and flicked through the pages at lightning speed. A smile crossed her lips. “It’s perfect, I’ll get everything ready for you and you should get your Pen Pal within a week or two.” She looked at the watch on her wrist. “Woo, look at the time. You have to get back to the cell for quiet time. Your favorite time!” She clasped her hands together. “Veneer, I’m so proud of the growth you’ve gone through these past months. You must have been eager for change before you walked through our doors.”
Veneer blushed at the compliments and rubbed the back of his neck. She wasn’t necessarily wrong. “I’m not used to all these compliments…I don’t think I deserve all this praise.”
Linda shook her head and placed her hand back on Veneer’s spot on the desk, giving him a soft and understanding smile. “Just because your sister made you fight for affections, and do terrible things, doesn’t mean you’re less deserving of love. Remember what we talked about, okay?” She leaned back in her chair. “Also, Veneer?”
“I received your report for transferring rooms and approved it,” she answered, watching as Veneer became brighter every second. “We just have to wait for a room to become available, alright? You’re next on the list, I promise.” She nodded her head. 
Veneer was disappointed knowing that he had to wait a bit longer, but nonetheless was happy that there was at least one person fighting for him. He nodded his head, determined before standing. “Thank you, Dr. Graham. For everything.” He felt appreciative of the woman, who had gone out of his way to help him become a better person.
A different guard stood outside when Veneer came out of the room, and nodded to the male. Walking in front of him again, he walked all the way back to his room. He felt an anxious pit in his stomach, knowing his sister was there waiting for him and already heard her voice hounding him to tell her everything he discussed with Linda, as she always did. And he didn’t want to do that. Sure enough, his sister was waiting for him with her hands on the bars, and once again the guards had to fight simply to keep Velvet within her cell. It was the same thing everyday, and maybe this Pen Pal program would help change things.  
Veneer was tired of this life. 
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seidenbros · 2 years
Happy Birthday Princess
Hello there! This is the first time I'm writing for this fandom (or any fandom apart from The Witcher) but after stumbling upon @holamishamigosj2gotmegood in the tags last night, I had this idea, that I needed to write down, get it out of my head, write this little (it was supposed to be short, I swear) birthday fic, so here you go. I really hope I captured the characters well.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader Warnings/Tags: mostly fluff, friends to lovers, a bit of pining, fluff fluff fluff Word count: 3754 Read on AO3
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It wasn't easy to get through work today, not directly because it was your birthday, more because nobody seemed to care. Yes, your boss had congratulated you on your 18th birthday just like your parents had, but apart from them, none of your friends had bothered. No calls in the morning before you'd headed to work, nobody had showed up here, and nobody had said anything beforehand that they wanted to do something with you, maybe go watch a movie or something, just spend time with your friends. Sure, you could have initiated something, but after hearing that they'd already had plans for the weekend, you hadn't even bothered. Well, good thing there was still ice-cream in your freezer and ordering a pizza while watching a movie wouldn't be so bad in the end, right? Still, it stung a little that seemingly everyone had forgotten your birthday.
You changed out of your working clothes into your denim shorts and plaid shirt. It wasn't a long way home, but maybe you could get something at the store for your one-person-pizza-party tonight.
“Hello princess,” you heard immediately when you exited the building. Swirling around to the source of that voice, you couldn't help but smile in surprise.
“Eddie? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to have a meeting with Dustin and Mike?” At least that was what you'd overheard. Well, they'd talked about it loud enough for pretty much everyone to hear.
“Nah, already finished with that.” He pushed away from the car he was leaning against, grinning to himself. “Planned it so I was finished when you got off work.” Closing the distance between the two of you, he pulled a single sunflower from behind his back and held it out to you. “Didn't think I'd forget your birthday, did you?”
“I...” You didn't know what to say, because yes, you'd thought all of them had forgotten, but that Eddie was the one to remember made you heart beat faster. The sunflower was a nice touch as well, made your smile widen even more when you took it in your hands. “Thank you, that's really sweet.”
“You deserve it.” For a moment there, his grin turned into a warm, sweet smile. A smile that you didn't see often, but that you loved all the more.
Eddie and you had been friends for roughly two years now. You were the new kid, shy, hiding behind books, but Eddie hat taken it upon himself to draw you into his group of friends, after you'd bonded over The Lord of the Rings, the books he'd always seen sou read at lunch break. At first, you'd been apprehensive about the whole situation, but you'd soon discovered that you fit right in with him and his friends. After the first evening you'd spent together just the two of you, you'd fallen for him, but had never said a word about it. To anyone. Moving to Hawkins had been hard enough as it was for you, so you'd been more than happy to finally have made friends. Ruining this by telling the one person who'd gotten you out of your shell again, that you were in love with them could ruin all of that. That's why you'd kept this to yourself and had enjoyed the friendships that had bloomed in this time. You couldn't imagine your life without this assortment of different people, because they all had a special place in your heart, but Eddie was still in its throne.
“Hop in.” Eddie opened the passenger door to his car for you, gesturing for you to take a seat.
“Where are we going?” Not that it really mattered, because you were already getting in, going wherever he'd take you with him. Spending your birthday with Eddie? That won over pizza and a movie all by yourself.
“Now, now, it's a surprise. See it as an adventure.” With a wink he closed your door and got in on th other side, firing up the engine.
“Adventures are nasty disturbing uncomfortable things that make you late for dinner, remember?” you said with a grin on your lips, never one to pass upon a Tolkien quote.
“Want me to call you hobbit then?” Eddie stole a quick glance at you before he kept his eyes on the road ahead again.
“I don't think they'd accept me as a hobbit. I'm too tall for one, my feet are not hairy, but I would love to attend one of their parties, that's for sure.” You closed your eyes for a moment, enjoying the warm breeze that came in through the open windows. “Besides, hobbit or not, I'd always join you in an adventure.” You still kept your eyes close so that you wouldn't see his reaction. It wasn't exactly something that showed what you really felt for him, but to you it felt like he could see right through you. Better not look at him.
“And I'll always make sure you won't be late for dinner. Though dinner might consist of takeout now and then.”
His words made you laugh. Takeout was more than fine, and for the first time today, you felt yourself relax completely. Not all of your friends had forgotten your birthday. Eddie had remembered.
When the car slowed down and stopped, you opened your eyes, only to find yourself in front of the trailer Eddie was living in.
“You do know that I’ve been here before, right?” Raising a questioning eyebrow you look at him. What kind of adventure was this?
“Trust the process,” he simply said before he got up to open the door for you again. Eddie extended his hand so that you could place your hand in his and you did. Trust the process.
“You’re not gonna show me your collection of magazines, are you?” Another grin appeared on your lips, making Eddie roll his eyes.
“Only if you want to see them,” he managed with a chuckle. “Come one, we need to get inside.”
“And I won’t break an ankle trying to walk through your room?”
“Bet you’ve never seen it as clean as today.” Of that much, he was sure. He’d done his best to tidy his room, clean up, and he was rather proud of himself. Sure, you’d seen it in all kinds of states, so he really didn’t need to worry about what you might think, but it was your birthday, and he had a plan. That plan included a clean(er) room.
“Close your eyes,” he said, unlocking the door and leading you inside the trailer, but instead of closing them, you narrowed them at Eddie “Really? Okay, then you leave me no other choice, my lady.”
Eddie was behind you in a second, covering your eyes with his hands. Your back hit his chest, making you hold your breath for a moment. There had been body contact here and there, once you’d even kind of wrestled because he’d wanted to get a book out of your hands to see what you were reading, but this… this felt different. The warmth from his body seeped into your skin, as the smell of cigarettes mixed with his cologne and his own scent filled your nose, leaving you a little lightheaded.
“Ready to walk?” Eddie’s voice was so close, his breath tickling your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. There were no words coming out of your mouth, but you managed to nod, putting your right hand on his forearm to have at least something to hold onto, while you walked step after step into his room.
When he eventually took his hands from your eyes, breaking the contact when stepped next to you, you wanted to protest, but didn’t say a word. That would only lead to problems that you didn’t need. So, instead you blinked to get accustomed to the dim light in here, and looked around.
“Eddie Munson, I never thought I’d see the floor of this room one day, but apparently… it does exist.” Turning your head to look at him, you couldn’t help but grin. Was he blushing? It was probably just a trick of the light in here, but it did look like it.
“Well…” he said, looking for the right words, running a hand through his unruly locks. “While I’m proud of that achievement, that’s not what I brought you here for.” With another wink, he walked up to his bed and picked up the guitar lying on top of it. It wasn’t his usual one - his baby was still hanging on the wall - but apparently a new one. A beauty, that much was for sure, but none that you’d seen here before.
“You got a new guitar! She’s beautiful!” Not that you were able to play, but you knew a couple of things about instruments, guitars especially. 
“It’s not mine,” he said, sitting down on his bed, patting the spot beside him. You follow this invitation and sat down next to him, a frown on your face waiting for him to explain further. “It’s yours.”
“What?” Surely, he must have been joking. Yeah, you’d always said that you wanted to learn how to play, but you’d never been able to teach yourself
“You said you wanted to learn how to play. Means you need your own guitar so you can practice.” He handed it to you, positioned it in your lap. “Happy birthday, princess.”
His gentle words, the soft voice with which he said them, and the way he called you princess made your eyes water for a moment. All this was more than you ever could have expected. Your birthday had turned from a miserable day into a rather special one, where the guy you had feelings for, was the one to give you one of the best presents you’d ever gotten. Why? Because he’d listened to what you’d been talking about, had listened to what you really wanted, had remembered that and gotten you a guitar.
“Thank you, Eds!” Blinking away the tears, you turned a little so that you could hug him, press a kiss to his cheek. When you sat up again, you could see the sheepish smile on his face, because he hadn’t expected that kind of reaction.
“But I still need lessons. You know I suck at teaching myself.”
“That’s the best part, sweetheart. That guitar comes with a teacher.” Eddie winked at you, before he reached for the guitar again to adjust it so that you could get a good grip on the neck of the guitar. “I’ll teach you.”
“You’d really do that?” You didn’t even know why you were surprised, because as much as Eddie portrayed the metalhead, he had a really soft heart, and that was one thing you really loved about him. You’d never met anyone as genuine, as caring as him, which especially showed when he was with the other guys, with the younger ones that still needed a little guidance here and there.
“Who else is going to teach you to play Dio’s Sacred Heart?”
True. At every guitar course, they’d come up with all kinds of songs, but not the ones you’d want to learn, and ever since Sacred Heart came out, you’d heard it once a day at least. It was one of your favourite songs at the moment. You couldn’t help but giggle at his words, while you nodded. He definitely had a point there.
“C’mere!” He gestured you towards him with his hands, but then he thought better of it and got on his knees, moved around a bit so that he could sit behind you, his legs to your left and right, your back leaning against his chest again. “Here…” His hand covers yours, adjusting your fingers on the strings. “The first chord.” His head nearly leans against yours, distracting you, so you need a moment to react and play the first chord, but you manage to do it. His locks are tickling your cheek, the plec on his necklace dangling just right above your shoulder. “And the next one.” His voice was now barely above a whisper. How were you supposed to concentrate, when he was practically hugging you to his chest? You were closer than you’d ever been before and the certain kind of intimacy wasn’t lost on either of you.
“Okay,” you still managed to whisper back, letting your fingers be guided by him, trying your best to memorise what he’d just shown you.
“Now just switch between these two chords. You can do it.” He let go of your hand, let you try that all by yourself now.
Your nose scrunched up in concentration, as you positioned your fingers on the right strings. It sounded right, but still a little bumpy, which was only natural. After all, you were just a beginner. Still, your fingers didn’t start cramping up which they’d done the first time you’d picked up a guitar just to try it out.
“Perfect,” you heard Eddie say as his hand landed on your waist. He didn’t need to adjust your hands anymore right now, because you knew where your fingers belonged and were getting better and faster at switching from one chord to the next. Eddie wasn’t looking at your fingers, though, he was looking at you.
“I'm far from perfect, but I’m trying.” With a laugh, you turned to look at him and found him looking straight at you. The grip he had on your waist tightened just a fraction, but you felt it in your whole body.
“Maybe that’s your point of view. But to me, you’re perfect.”
He hadn’t planned on this day turning out like this, had kept his feelings to himself, because he hadn’t wanted to ruin a wonderful friendship. Losing you was something he wouldn’t be able to deal with. Dustin knew about his feelings, because Eddie had told him at one point, but he’d made him swear that he’d never breathe a word. Dustin had also been the one who’d told him to shoot his shot or regret it, because you would find someone else. Little did he know that you didn’t want anyone else, because you’d kept your feelings completely to yourself.
“No, I mean it.” His right hand came up to brush some loose strands from your face, tuck them behind your ear, his fingers lingering for a moment before he cupped your cheek. “You’re kind, you’re intelligent, you’re funny, you’re-”
“Eddie!” you stopped him. If he kept on talking, you’d probably melt completely, while your heart gave out due to his words, to this moment. You knew that it was the right moment, to show him what you thought, not with your words but with your actions. And so you leaned in, placed your hand on his chest and brought your lips to his.
It was almost innocent, lips lingering on lips for a moment, before you drew back a little bit, suddenly not so sure anymore whether this had been the right decision or not. Doubt was clouding your eyes when you looked at him, but the grin on his lips eased that doubt at least a little bit.
“My, my, who would have thought that you’d be the one to surprise me today.”
“Believe me… that wasn’t on my agenda at all,” you whispered, leaning your head against his shoulder and closing your eyes, hoping that you hadn’t interpreted his words wrongly and ruined a wonderful friendship now.
“I think that should be on your agenda every day.” His chuckle vibrated through his whole body, as he put his fingers beneath your chin to make you raise your head again. “On our agenda,” he corrected himself, before he let go of your chin and instead ran his fingers through your hair to pull you close and kiss you again. Not another innocent kiss, but one that made your toes curl as you felt his tongue against the seam of your lips and you opened them for him. Eddie managed to snatch the guitar from your hands and put it aside so that he could pull you completely into his lap. Your fingers raked through his hair, your fingernails scraping against his scalp until you reached the back of his neck, enjoying every second.
It almost felt like a dream. A dream that was interrupted by the phone ringing, that you could only hear because for once Eddie wasn’t blasting some music - due to teaching you how to play guitar.
He ripped his lips from yours, as the phone rang for the second time. There had only been a couple of seconds between these two phone calls.
“You need to get that?” you asked with a chuckle, lips slightly swollen from the kiss you’d just shared that was still leaving you a little lightheaded.
“Nothing important,” he said, his eyes still fixed on you, dropping to your lips, then back up to your eyes. His hair was dishevelled due to your hands, so you tried to smoothe it down a little bit. 
There was silence for a moment, before the ringing picked up again, making you laugh.
“You sure? Don’t think they’ll leave you alone.”
“Fuck,” he grumbled. Heaving a sigh, he lifted you from his lap,turned around with you to prop you up against the pillows. “Don’t go anywhere!”
It was a fair warning, but you really didn’t want to be anywhere else than here right now.
“For fuck’s sake, WHAT?” he said as he answered the phone. You could hear every word of that conversation, were rather sure that he’d tell the person on the other end to go to hell and leave him alone, but that was not what happened. “Ah fuck… I forgot the time. Be there in a minute.”
You sat up, scooted to the edge of the bed, waiting for an explanation when he returned to you. He was already donning the puppy eyes as an apology.
“We have to get going. There’s another surprise I got for you.” Well he didn’t technically have that surprise for you, but he was supposed to take you to that surprise.
“Okay, let’s go.” When you got up, you reached for your guitar but then thought better of it. Eddie wanted to teach you, and this was the perfect place, wasn’t it? As long as you didn’t get distracted again, but with that distraction, you were willing to put off learning how to play the guitar a little bit longer.
“Can’t wait to get out of here, eh?” he teased, reaching for your hand and not letting it go until you were at his car again.
“I’d love to pick up where we left off,” you admitted with a sheepish grin. “But since your first surprise was already wonderful, I’m curious about this one.”
“Fair enough.”
You both got in, but before Eddie started the engine, he stole another kiss from your lips. Something he wouldn’t get enough of, especially now that you both didn’t need to worry about how the other felt. That had been pretty evident in his room just minutes ago.
When he stopped the car in front of your house, though, you were a little confused.
“Why are we at my house?”
“Patience, sweetheart.” He knew that you weren’t the most patient person out there, which was why he took his time getting out of the car. You would have already been halfway to your door if it weren’t for him reaching for your hand again, slowing down his steps a little more.
“Eddie, come on.” You couldn’t help but chuckle. He behaved as if he’d rather stay out here with you than get inside, which… was the truth. He’d rather have you to himself a little longer than share you with your friends again, but that was why he’d brought you here. There wasn’t even a chance to tell you this, when the door opened and Dustin appeared.
“Finally, we’ve been waiting for you!”
“What?” You looked from one to the other, confusion clouding your face, but in the next moment, Dustin was by your side, taking your hand and practically pulling you inside.
Every one of your friends was here. They’d asked your parents if they could arrange this, and they’d happily agreed, were even staying the night with some friends, knowing that they’d only be in the way. Your friends had arranged this without you even having the slightest idea - and Eddie had kept quiet about it as well, as he’d spent the afternoon with you. 
“Surprise!” they yelled in unison, though Dustin’s voice was the loudest of them all. They’d decorated the living room, had taken care of food and drinks, and the music was already playing. Just a little get together between friends. It was perfect and a real surprise after you’d thought that all of them had forgotten. Your friends had really managed to lead you on.
“You’re crazy! All of you!” you managed to choke out, wiping the few tears away that had fallen.
“Nah, we just love you, so we made this plan.” Dustin spoke up again, grinning at the others. “Eddie was supposed to distract you until we were finished here to surprise you. And it worked.”
You stole a glance at Eddie, who was already on his way with a drink for you, trying to hide his grin behind his own glass.
“I’m surprised none of you blew this,” he said with a laugh, handing you the glass that was meant for you.
“We did our best. It was an important matter,” Steve chimed in carrying what looked like a birthday cake to the table. He only lit the candles before he gestured for you to come over. The cake looked delicious, though all of you would probably get a sugar rush from all chocolate, but honestly? Who cared?
“Make a wish when you blow out the candles,” Eddie reminded you, placing his hand on the small of your back, a smile on your lips.
Surrounded by your friends, having spent the afternoon with the man who’d stolen your heart, what was there left to wish for? The two of you would have to talk about what this was, where this would lead at one point, but right now, you were more than happy. So you blew out the candles, made your wish, and got ready to enjoy the rest of your birthday with the people you loved.
AND I'm tagging @astrangegirlsmind for the wonderful support and hyping me up <3
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Alright, so here’s this au idea I’ve been working on recently
So some time ago, I saw an au where Dark Choco Cookie and Whipped Cream Cookie were raising a young Princess Cookie (I don’t remember if they adopted her or she’s actually theirs, because their designs do make it plausible), and I guess it got me to wonder “well what if Dark Choco Cookie ended up raising Tiger Lily, the one who was left on her own, instead?” Then a couple days ago that idea resurfaced and I started doing some drawings and coming up with ideas
So as shown in the first picture, in this au, sometime after his banishment (but before he joined the CoD, as that seems to have been a relatively recent point in the timeline), Dark Choco ended up in the Hollyberry jungle, and there he found a young Tiger Lily Cookie (around 4-6) all by herself. Maybe she was like, trying to steal his food or something. Anyways, he was shocked to find a small child in the jungle all alone, and tried to help her find someone that knew her or could take care of her, and then upon realizing that she really was all by herself, save for her Butter Tiger, he decided that he couldn’t just leave her there and took her in
And then things just go from there, he raises her and things ensue, not much else to tell you there
I do have more notes about this au, I just don’t know whether I should put them before the design details or after
Screw it, I’ll just put ‘em here
So as stated, this is before Dark Choco joins the Cookies of Darkness, and as such, in this au he never actually ends up joining them. Everything up to Dark Choco getting banished is still the same though
Also as such, Dark Choco is not a villain; a neutral party at worst
The two basically just travel around Earthbread, never staying in one place too long. They don’t really have a set home, but they’re fine with that. The one place they don’t go is the Dark Cacao Kingdom, due to Dark Choco being banished from there and him holding to Dark Cacao’s wish to “never come back”. They do go to the other Ancients’ kingdoms, but they tend to steer clear of the capitals, due to both social awkwardness and Dark Choco feeling uncomfortable with the idea of seeing his dad’s old friends after everything that happened. This is why Dark Choco and Tiger Lily have not met the Hollyberry royal family yet
For now, Tiger Lily Cookie is staying with the name Tiger Lily Cookie, which is a tribute to her Butter Tiger. Also I’m not sure what Dark Choco would call her
Because she was raised by a Cookie, Tiger Lily speaks proper Cookie language. That does not mean to say she won’t hiss or growl at someone
As Dark Choco no longer has an active ticket to the plot, I’m not sure when they’d show up. I want to have them appear during the Hollyberry storyline (since it’s relevant to Tiger Lily, Dark Cacao’s storyline is next and would be good for his development, and also the sheer chaos), but I’m not sure how to fit them in, other than them just randomly showing up
Speaking of which, Dark Choco is aware Tiger Lily looks a lot like Jungleberry, and he knows Jungleberry and Royal Berry were dating and has wondered if they’re related, but he doesn’t do anything about it because it’s been years and he has no clue if Jungleberry even has kids, and even then, he doubted Jungleberry would leave her kid out in the wilderness, whether intentional or not, and if she were dead, then Dark Choco Cookie doesn’t know any family of hers
As shown, Dark Choco Cookie ended up eventually forfeiting the Strawberry Jam Sword years prior to when he did in canon, due to his time taking care of Tiger Lily and him realizing that following the sword is not a path he can take anymore with Tiger Lily. It’s a decision between the sword’s power and Tiger Lily, and he chose Tiger Lily, and he’s much happier for it. As for what happened to the Strawberry Jam Sword, I’m not sure, but I do want to bring it back in somehow
Also the Butter Tiger is still here. It met Dark Choco Cookie not long after Tiger Lily did, but the two ended up reaching some form of mutual respect, as each saw the other truly meant the girl no harm. Butter Tiger does not have a name (other than Butter Tiger) out of respect, and Dark Choco treats the cat like an equal, knowing he’s not some mindless beast and is very intelligent
The second picture was just me messing with concepts, and just me wanting to draw Dark Choco doing her hair
Then after that I tried to come up with some actual designs for them in this au
So for Tiger Lily, I based her look mostly off of her Snow Warrior outfit and some Dark Cacao soldier outfits, though as I say there, I think she looks a bit too much like a Dark Cacao warrior, despite her never actually going there. I also originally gave her a guandao, but I changed it to just a normal spear because I thought it was too similar. I decided to keep her stripe markings because Butter Tiger. As for the eyes, I wanted to make them more normal, since she’s not a feral child, but I wanted to keep in elements of her wild upbringing, so I gave her slit pupils like Crunchy Chip Cookie (another thing I want to mention, while her eyes usually stay like this, they can sometimes go back to her usual eyes, typically when she gets surprised or is being feral). I also gave her a braid like Hollyberry’s huntress outfit, because I liked it and I thought it would be a good way to keep her hair long and not have it drag on the ground
Next for Dark Choco, I mostly drew elements from his most recent design. I made his hair longe because (mini ramble warning) I had heard something about how back in old Korea (I heard China did it too), there was this thing about how you weren’t allowed to cut your hair because it was something given to you by your parents, and cutting it was essentially like cutting off ties with your family (and also it was sometimes a criminal punishment?), and this seemed to be something that Dark Choco and Dark Cacao followed with their hair. Given Dark Choco’s short hair in his Prince of a Lost Kingdom costume, it’s likely that his hair was cut after his betrayal, whether by him or his father (I like to assume it was him due to his guilt over what he did and him thinking there’s no going back for him now). Something else I’ve noticed is that with his short hair, it never looks like it’s naturally that length, rather it always looks like it’s cut, leading me to believe he regularly cuts it as a way of punishing himself and not allowing himself to let go of what he did. Here though, he’s gotten character development and has been letting himself heal and start over, finding a new purpose in life, and thus, he’s let his hair grow longer. It’s nowhere near what it used to be, but it’s a start. I also gave him lighter colored clothes to symbolize the fact that he’s more positive, and is also more on the good side here. Also he has a different sword because no SJS
Anyways yeah, I think that’s all I had. I know I had a few more ideas I wanted to sketch out for this but I didn’t. In any case I hope you enjoyed this!
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marve2014 · 2 years
Tumbling Down
Tumbling Down
Pairing: daddy!Eddie Munson x little!fem!reader Warnings: dd/lg, cuts being cleaned 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI Summary: Eddie’s Baby can’t help falling down. Note from Author: This is my first fic and I am not really sure if it is even any good. 1K Words
If there was one thing Eddie knew, it was that no matter where you were walking, you would inevitably fall down. You see, it wasn’t like you tried to be so clumsy, your head was just too far in the clouds to pay attention to the ground in front of you. After the first few times of you falling Eddie knew he needed to keep a first aid kit in your bookbag no matter where you were going. That being said, it was so unfortunate that today was the day you would deal with your worst fall in history. “Daddy, do you think Steve and Robin will like the drawings I made them?” you asked as you both took the walk from your house to Family Video. “I do, little one. I think they will love them. You know they love everything you make for them.” Eddie says as he carefully watches as you both cross the street. “These are special though! I used my new glitter pens on them.” You smiled to yourself proudly as you clutched the pictures close to your chest. Your lack of paying attention is ultimately what led to your demise, not seeing the large crack in the sidewalk ahead of you until it was too late. You crashed down knees first tearing one of the pictures in the process. Screaming out for Eddie as tears formed in your eyes. “DADDY! MY PICTURES!” Y/n pouted teary eyed. “I’m more worried about your knees than I am your pictures right now little one, come over here please?” Eddie asked as he got out the first aid kit. “You need to pay more attention to your surroundings baby; this isn’t going to feel good. I have to pour some alcohol on this and then cover them both with band aids. Both knees are in bad shape.” “No alcohol please. I’ll pay attention, I promise. No alcohol daddy.” Y/n begged as she gave Eddie her best puppy dog eyes. “What you want and what you need are two different things. I have to put it on them. Why don’t you pick your band aids for me princess; I need two of them.” As you continue crying you do what Eddie asks and you look through your colorful band aid selection bracing for the stinging pain that is going to come from the alcohol. “I need you to be a brave girl for me and let daddy pour this on with no squirming, okay? Eddie explained as he cupped your face and looked deep into your eyes making sure you understood. “Are you sure you need to put that on me? Why not just the band aids?” Y/n asked as she continued looking through the band aids, finally selecting one pink and one purple glittery band aid. “Good choice of colors, but yes, If I don’t wipe it with the alcohol, you could get an infection and get even worse cuts on your knees, is that what you want?” Eddie says sternly trying to get his point across. “I understand Daddy, I don’t like it, But I’ll be brave for you.” Y/n said as she looked up with tears still in her eyes. “Okay baby, on the count of three.. ONE… TWO… THREE!” Eddie counted while he held both your knees and wiped them at the same time to reduce the time you were in pain. You couldn’t help but cry more as Eddie patted your knees dry and placed the bandages on them. He looked at you and wiped your tears and then placed a kiss over each band aid. “is that better? We’re all done. How about we stop and get some ice cream when we leave Steve and Robin?” Eddie tried to bribe, thinking of the one thing you loved most. You began to cry more looking at the picture that was destroyed in the fall. “But they’re ruined now daddy! Cant give them ruined pictures!” you whined as you looked down at the torn edges of your once perfect drawings. “I don’t think they’re ruined little one, I think they will still love them all the same. Why don’t we go find out” Eddie said as he grabbed your hands. “One day I’m going to get you a leash to attach to this backpack.” He joked as you finally made it to Family Video.
Walking into Family Video with a sullen look on your face both Robin and Steve immediately check you over and see the bandages on your knees. “Someone fell again, didn’t they?” Steve jokingly asked while you went and gave Robin a hug and showed her the drawing you made for her. “Be nice or you don’t get the drawing I made you Stevie. I even used my glitter pens.” You explained while Steve knelt down and gave you a hug. “Well let me see then munchkin, what did you make me? Steve asked. “I drew you and Robin working here.” You pointed to the image that has two badly drawn figures and a bunch of video lined shelves. “I love it, Im going to hang mine on the break room fridge.” Steve said while still hugging you. “Even though it has a tear?” Y/n asked as she looked down trying not to start crying again. “I love it even more with the tear, it gives it character.” He laughed and gave you a squeeze. “See, what did I tell you?” Eddie asked. “No one could ever hate something you made just because it had a tear in it. Eddie leaned down to give you a kiss on the forehead as you both said goodbye to Steve and Robin “Can we go get icecream now, Daddy?” you asked with a large smile back on your face. “Of Course little one, lets go.” Eddie smiled as you walked hand in hand to get ice cream.
The End
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yutafrita · 2 years
hi nat!! 😊 hope you've been well <333 i've been sick the last few weeks 😔 but i had some time to start under the blue flames :'') 👍 can i request a halloween-themed drabble or short fic with taeil pls? :> -🚀
Hiiii!! Aw man I’m sorry to hear that, I really hope you’re feeling better! Being sick is the worst. I wanna say I’m mostly okay- just a little stressed out with some stuff at my job atm 😵‍💫 thank you for checking, this really made my day ♥️
Ahhh Under the Blue Flames!! I'm so happy you're getting around to reading it- that was my first NCT fic and was a big undertaking lol. I hope you're liking it!
You absolutely can request Taeil- here you go :)
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Pairing: Taeil x Reader (she/her) Word Count: 1,311 Warnings: Alcohol consumptions, mentions of a fraternity
It had been two months since your ex dumped you, and your roommate was sick of you moping around the apartment- it didn’t help that all of the ice cream in the apartment was gone.
“That’s it, you’re going to the Halloween party with me whether you like it or not!” She shouted, irritated by the empty freezer.
“Why can’t I just give out candy to the kids in our apartment complex?”
“Because there’s only like, two kids that live here.”
So, now you stood in the middle of a packed party with a red solo cup in hand, and and a stupid bow in the other. Your roommate had insisted in shoving you into her costume from last year, not at all pleased with your idea of reusing your Princess Peach costume.
You scrunched your face up, grossed out by the messy concoction of alcohol the freshman fraternity boy has handed to you. You took another sip, hoping the unpleasant drink would dull the ache of the cheap wings digging into your shoulders.
Your roommate was in the corner of the crowded living room, chatting up one of the older brothers of the fraternity. You knew she would dump you when she got one drink in her system- but you didn’t mind too much. You needed to go out again and remember that you were allowed to have fun.
“Cupid- that’s a cute costume,” a voice behind you manage to say over the blaring music and chatty party goers. The owner of the voice moved in front of you and you couldn’t hide the smile on your face.
“A witch, very original,” you chuckled before tilting your head. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”
“We had physics together last year, I’m Taeil,” the man reintroduced himself and nodded as you jogged your own memory.
He sat a couple of rows ahead of you in the class, but typically he was always the one answering the professors questions. He was smart, cute, and was always nice enough to help any classmate who asked.
“Ah, so you could ace physics but not think of a better costume?” You taunted, earning a chuckle from him. The music drowned out his laugh, and was really killing your attempt at being buzzed. “Hey, do you wanna go outside?”
The backyard of the frat house was surprisingly well kept. Taeil explained that every week different pledge classes would draw lots for chores in the house, but the freshman were typically the ones who pulled the unlucky straw of cutting the grass.
“You guys definitely rig that against them. Poor freshmen,” you leaned back on the lawn swing you two shared, watching the gentle lights of the party go.
“We don’t! Plus, I usually get stuck doing the cooking,” Taeil defended.
“My roommate usually does the cooking,” you hummed. “Although, I make a mean mac and cheese.”
“A six year old can make a mean mac and cheese,” he teased. You stuck your tongue out in defiance, and you both burst out laughing.
“So, why were you dragged here tonight?” He leaned back in the swing now, his eyes level with yours.
“Hm, my roommate thinks I need to be more social,” it was partially true. In the past two months, unless you were working or in class, you hardly interacted with anyone besides your roommate. Not like you had many friends before your breakup, but you would at least study with different classmates. Now, you refused to do that, preferring to wallow in your own self pity.
“Had a bad breakup?” Taeil guessed, raising an eyebrow.
“No way it’s that obvious,” you pinched the bridge of your nose, your eyes shut in embarrassment.
Taeil shrugged, “his loss. Now, I get to sit with a pretty girl dressed as Cupid.”
You turned your face away from Taeil’s gaze to hide your blush. Even with the silly makeup he had on for his costume, you knew he was handsome and while you may not feel your best, he was with you as if you deserved all the attention in the world.
You had rejoined the rest of the party at some point, smiling and giggling with Taeil as you did so.
“I was looking for you everywhere!” Your roommate popped up in front of you, her baseball cap askew. She saw the man to your side and furrowed her eyebrows, “who are you?”
“I’m your ride home tonight,” Taeil half laughed.
“I’m definitely sober enough to drive,” you whined, noting the small stumble in your roommates step.
She slung her arm over her shoulder, and whispered (although, her whisper was still clearly loud enough for Taeil to hear), “I think he just wants to spend more time with you.”
Taeil had dropped you off at your place, and before he walked back to the fraternity house (it was about two blocks away), he made sure to get your number and schedule you for a coffee date the following day.
“I hate when Halloween is on a weekday,” you yawned, firmly holding the large coffee in your hand. Sitting with Taeil at your school’s coffee shop, you noticed a few things. Every two minutes someone new would wave hello to him, and he would always greet them back with their full name. You also noticed how oddly organized he was- the planner he had set on the table that detailed all of his time down to the minute, the tablet that had every class perfectly structured, and his hair was perfectly styled despite the visible exhaustion from the night prior.
"I don't understand how you can still look good despite being up so late," Taeil flirted, his eyes not shifting from the schoolwork before him.
This would become commonplace with Taeil by the third date you two would go on to the bowling alley. Random flirtations mixed in with playful teasing and childish banter. In every way, he was a breathe of fresh air in the pitiful routine you had formed after your breakup, but after he dropped you off at your place after bowling, you realized you two still hadn't even kissed.
"He's just flirting and hasn't even tried anything?" your roommate asked afterwards, not looking up from her psychology homework. You had burst into her room shortly afterwards, arms folded and in distress.
You shook your head, "he didn't even do that cheesy thing where he pretends to help me bowl and is just actually rubbing himself against my back."
"Oh," she frowned, "he sees you as a bro."
You pretended to be okay with him just seeing you as a friend- you had just gotten out of a relationship- but you found it tough to not be bothered by this. You liked being around Taeil beyond the confines of a fraternity Halloween party, but you were beginning to worry about him not feeling the same way.
"Taeil?" you met him after chemistry one day, a routine that became commonplace quickly.
"Do you see me as like... just a bro?" you asked, feeling stupid immediately after the words left your mouth. He stopped walking and shot you a confused look you hadn't seen on him before.
You tightened the grip on your backpack, now speaking a mile a minute out of sheer embarrassment, "BecauseMyRoommateSaysThatYouJustSeeMeAsaBroAndThatsFineIfYouDoThatsOkayButIJustWantToBeOnTheSamePage-."
Taeil stopped your word vomit but gently grabbing your face in his hands and dropping a small but affirming kiss against your lips, surprising you before you kissed him back in the now empty university hallway.
"I didn't want to make the first move," he admitted, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, "but, I do want to... potentially...actually explore us as a couple- only if you are."
You giggled, a smile now on your face you swore you lost as you then nodded at the man, "I would like that."
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Summer wedding drabble request
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A request from @nana1000night to make ari feel a worse pain than he inflected on the reader. You asked for it.
18+ just incase horrible angst discussions of 1 divorce and trying to explain divorce to a child. I'm not a psychologist so don't quote me on that. It also can explain why Maya is so cold to ari in red sea diving resort No reporting or republishing but comments and reboots are welcome
They called Maya Queenie on occasion. Ari's ex girlfriend is called Princess by Maya and subsequently by Ari. Ima in Hebrew is mother Abba is Father
At the airport Maya runs up to Ari his arms are opened for her but she stops short
"Where's Princess?"
Ari took a deep breath he knew this was comming.
"Well Queenies she's- not here."
"Oh the bathroom?" Maya nodded her head in understanding and Ari knew right then and there it was going to be a long visit.
"What'd she say about the ring Daddy did she love it?"
"I made her a drawing see- thats me and mama and that you and princess and me can I have a lavender flower girl dress?"
"What's princess holding? A puppy?"
"A baby I want a baby sibling I want to be a big sister. "
"Hey we need to talk."
Ari took her to Dylan candy shop and let her get whatever she wanted hoping to keep her happier for longer and he'd be willing to deal with the sugar fallout later.
"What do you mean she won't be here?" Maya was curious. Then her face dropped "is she on a work trip like you did?"
"No sweetheart see she and me, we, it's complicated"
"Ima says complicated means you messed things up."
Ari rolls his eyes of course Sara would say that but this time she's right which he hates.
"You see Princess we don't live together anymore. "
"Oh" Maya peps up.
Ari is relieved because she understands.
"I don't like that house either are we having dinner at her place? Can we stay there I wanna-"
"See the diansaurs and-"
"We learned about Egypt and mummies in school and when we talked on the phone remember? When said she was afraid of the mummies."
Ari smiled for a second Maya wanted to go and princess pretended to be scared of Mummies asking Maya to help her be brave. Ari had such trouble not laughing at that. At how sweet it was. At how much he was looking forward to having kids together she'd make the perfect mother. He wanted all the babies to look like her. So beautiful so-
"Aba- are you listening? I dont want to break my promise to help her. Can we go today or tomorroe."
"Maya honey no."
"But whhhhyy." She whined
"We aren't," he had to take a deep breath to steady himself for this but the lump in his throat... he almost couldn't breathe "we aren't together anymore baby, we broke uo."
"Like you and Mommy?"
"Yea sweetheart like me and Mommy."
'We have to go back to court again?"
Oh God was Ari's heart breaking especially because he was now breaking his little girl's heart too.
"No sweetheart see you you're not. It's not like that see Mommy and Daddy fought over you because we-"
"Princess helped you fight for me."
"Yea she did baby but um this sort of break up is diffrent. We- why don't you have some more ice cream?"
She shook her head no.
"This isn't the type of break up you go to court over see she," God how do you explain this to a child? "Mommy and I both love you and-"
"I know half my genes that make make me, me come from you and half from mommy but you both went to court because you both love me so much that you both want me around 24/7. You faught because you both love me too much and that's a good type of fighting. That I wasn't at fault but you both were to greedy to give up any time with me and wasn't something I was in trouble for. You both wanted me around all the time."
Ari was taken back "where did you come up with that?"
"Princess told me one day when I was upset. She said you both love me so much that you didn't want to spend time without me but I wasnt to blame at all."
Ari teared up.
"She's right baby. Everyone loves you so very much."
"So why won't princess fight for me? I thought she loves me."
"Oh darling she does you know that but we weren't married and you just can't see her again its just the way things are."
"Did I make her mad? A Smidgen? Does she think I was forcing her to see the mummies because I-"
"No no nothing like that its just. I messed up and we broke up we went our seperate ways and she can't go to court to fight over tou. Mommy and I are you parents so that's why we could but-"
"But princess isn't." Maya's face dropped.
"I hate you" Maya suddenly screamed taking Ari back surprising him. That's how the whole day went crying screaming i hate you and even two year old were taken back by her tantrums. Maya wouldn't let Ari hold or her or barely anything. She refused to even take a cup of juice from him. But she didn't run from him, well not too far other wise she knows she'd be in trouble.
"Hey its me )"
"I know"
"Look im calling about Maya she-"
"How'd she take the news?"
"Well um-"
"That well hu? When does she want to see the mummies."
"You don't have to."
"So what you were just calling me to say hey Maya hates you too."
"No she misses you and-"
"And I promised to take her to see the mummies. She doesn't deserve everyone to let her down."
"Why do you hate Abba? Can I fix it?"
Sweetheart you knew you can't fix relationships we talked about this. It has nothing you can do or can't do to change that.
You know how sometimes you just aren't friends with people or you were but now you aren't?"
"Well thats how it is with me your father but I will always love you, you know that. Unless you keep beating me at battleship."
"I thought you said I shouldn't turn my light or my smarts down for anyone."
"And you shouldn't but can't you give me a fighting chance"
"No? not even 1 hint of your strategy and how you beat me every time?"
"No hints I'm just smart."
"You are smart but you have a strategy maybe you'll tell the tickle monster. Maya had fallen on the floor in laughter and and tickles and neither cared it eas in a museum. And people walked past smiling. Thinking it was a mother and daughter having a joyful day out."
Ari wad been keeping his wide stance wishing he was there with them. The tickle fight the hand holding, the smiles and joy and just the everything. He was starting to think his heart could break into dust.
The two of them sat on a bench and Ari could listen. From a corner... just when he thought he couldn't hurt anymore.
"Can I see you again?"
Well Maya honey you're here to spend time with your Abba. Not me. Plus you'll have more fun I won't be distracting him."
"But then I dont get away with nothing."
"With anything you mean. You will. Don't tell him I told you to you have him wrapped around your finger. You're his baby girl and there isn't ANYTHING he wouldn't do for you."
"But what about having a baby brother or sister?"
Sweetheart," she sighed.
"Daddy said he wanted babies with yoy and ill be the best big sister ever Ill even change poopy diapers and I was so brave helping you didnt cry when we saw the mummies.i'd do the same for them."
"I know Bubba and you made me very brave because you're very brave. But once your Daddy finds someone he loves and wants to marry they might have babies then or your mother might."
He wanted them with you. He missed so much with Maya but you he wanted to be there every step of the way for everything everywhere. He was thinking it felt it more than he did with his ex wife.. He was looking forward to sleepless nights and 2 am feedings and love he missed that love you two had so bad. You helped Maya and him get closer and Maya was just as in love with you being her new mother as Ari.
"Maya, honey its not going to happen ok. I know you're sad right now but I promise you in a few days you'll be ok. In a few months you won't even remember me." She added a soft smile.
Tears were streaming down Ari's face.
Everything he ever wanted in life was round the corner, his two girls, and he just killed it. She had eveplained everything better than he or his ex-wife had. But Maya hates him. It's always him because its always his fault. He promised Maya you'd be a family. Ari really did think you'd say yes.
Maya got upset and went to Ran but Ari caught her within a few of her steps. Going to return her, they walked into eachother
"Ari really? God." She was surprised and took a breath "Maya honey I think, " she really wanted to end the day, "Why don't we go out for dinner."
"Does we include you?" Maya pounted. Which only worked on Ari Princess did that with Ari herself and her own father to fall for it. But she did fell bad for the little one.
"Well honey I" she looked at Ari. "I can't stay long I have to go to work. But I suppose I have time for a slice of Pizza."
"Yay!" And just like that her tantrum was gone.
Princess really couldn't even stay for a slice. She had to take it to go.
"I'm sorry queenie but I can't stay i need to go to work"
"But why?"
"Because I need money"
Why my Daddy can give you some"
"No he can't"
"I can" Aris offer was ignored like he wasn't even there.
"Why do you need money?" Maya was still to innocent to understand.
"To pay for things that your smart and pretty head doesn't have to worry about until you're an adult." She booped her nose.
Maya threw arms around her.
"Promise you'll be good to your dad for me?"
Maya nodded. With that she left not saying a word to or looking at Ari. Who was internally begging for just one more glance- even one out of spite or hatred. But Ari's eyes never left her.
"Maya stay here for a second" he followed her out
"Hey, hey," Ari grabbed her fore arm
She pulled away with a "Don't touch me"
"Sorry I'm sorry." he held his hands up in defeat and was he defeated.
"I did more then most ex girlfriends would ever do."
"I know" he said in a small voice putting his hands in his front pocket he felt small he looked small despite his stature.
"You're lucky I love that little girl. I know what an asshole she has for a father."
"If you need money I could help."
"I would say I'd rather sell my soul to Satan but I dont want to be involved in a business transaction with you."
"Isn't there something I can do-"
"Yea be a good father to your little girl. And stay away from me."
She left and ari watched her walk away and then Nick showed up. Her bright eyes and huge smile returned. They kissed eacother deeply.
"How'd it go?"Nick asked even though he knew the answer
"Not that bad he was following us at the museum but I knew he would. He did a bad job of it though. What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to walk you to work."
His hands were on her head and her body and there was nothing he could do but gripe and dig his dingernails into his palm so tightly
"Ok and maybe I wanted to kiss you." Nick smirked
"I didn't want you to walk alone" he moves some hair off her face that the wind had blown in. She giggled. All Ari could think of was that it used to be his his hands his lips his heart in her hands. Her heart in his. The smile he longed for to be directed to him. He still remeberes the peppermint lip balm you'd wear so your breath always senmed fresh.
That night Maya was yelling and crying the biggest tantrum he's ever seen her had.she was slapping him, hitting . He made no attempt to stop her he felt he deserved every. Single. Pain.
Maya was crying in him begging him to fix it. Ari was crying by then too.
"I want to baby I wish I could I wish I could. Baby but I can't I can't fix it."
"If you love me you'd fix it."
"I tried baby I tried to fix it but I can't I can't." He was cry and shy was crying. In fact Maya cried herself to sleep. Ari layed Her down in bed and then just slid down in the hallway crying he wanted to fix things so bad he lost the loves of his life twice, his wife and his now ex she had moved on so quick but all he thought was that he deserved that pain. A peice of him , well more than a peice, had hoped it was just a rebound relationship.. But he didn't want to lose Maya... not her too. Not his little girl. He knew he ruined things for Maya.
The rest of her trip Maya was mad and sad and crying. Ari felt like the worst person on the planet, the univeree. He thought about just telling his ex-wife just to keep Maya for the rest of her life as she didn't deserve a father like him. He had loved his ex-wife once upon a time but not now. But he promised the real love of his life he'd be a good father to that little girl. The one that his ex girlfriend had loved and spent countless hours playing battleship and trying to distract Maya at the court house, making sure Maya knew she was loved. Ari knew there was no one better for his little girl than the woman he let slip through his fingers over a bad, what? 48 hours? And now he ruined both thier lives Maya she deserved better and Ari didnt know if he could but he promise so he was going to try. But Maya never completely forgave him and Maya never forgot her.
Tag list @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit
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dcbbw · 1 year
Sneak Peek Sunday
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Hoppy Easter to all the Tumblrs that celebrate! 
I am behind on a ton of deadlines posting-wise. I’m just dealing with a LOT: medical issues, legal issues, family drama, and hot-ass messiness at work. I’m also pondering my future on tumblr, but for now I do have at least 4 more fics that I intend to write, and post here: an MC lunch ask, #KLAW submission, @bebepac​’s birthday fic, and possibly a Drake-centric fic inspired by a song (or two) currently on repeat in my Spotify.
All of that is to say I DO have something to share: snippets from two fics that WILL be posted this week: my submission for Maxwell Beaumont’s birthday appreciation and my Luck of the Draw fic.
Snippets are below the cut, and a little longer than six sentences as I only have two entries this time around. As always everything is in a state of rough draft; final versions may vary.
Birthday Boy
Once again, it’s my birthday. A milestone one: The big 3-5.
I remember when I thought 35 was old.
I’m celebrating at the Great House that belongs to the duchy King Liam bestowed upon my wife. I’m celebrating with family, friends, and members of Cordonian Court. How I’m greeted lets me know which category a person falls into.
The East Ballroom has been transformed from cold marble and stiff curtains into a discotheque, complete with sequined balls suspended from the ceiling, a DJ, and a dance floor with color-lit tiles. At the moment, the children of Court are playing hopscotch on it while the adults partake of the buffet tables and open bars.
As I make my way through the throng, I grin, shake hands, and thank people for coming. I see my children in my peripheral vision and feel my heart swell to near bursting; my daughter is the spit and image of her namesake, Annabelle. My mother. Her tobacco-colored ringlets bounce as she skips over squares colored green, blue, red, purple. Her sapphire-blue eyes squint in concentration, and her plump lips part as she emits laughs and squeals.  
Her brother Dimitri, two years younger, follows behind her as he clumsily mimics her movements while yelling it’s his turn. He has dark hair and brown eyes like his mother, but he gets his personality from me.
I press forward, my wife now in my sights. Her dark hair is in an upsweep knot, and her cream-colored gown flows over her body. I pause to take her in and marvel at how far she’s advanced since Social Season. She’s no longer coarse and rough-edged; now she’s polished and cultured.
She’s talking to the King and Queen, and I can tell from her posture the conversation is either agitating or exciting her. Her hands are gesticulating wildly; I already know words are tumbling from her lips as if they were balls being lobbed from a machine.
The King’s eyes roll in amusement while my wife talks; I assume it’s excitement that has my partner so animated. Liam tugs his Queen closer to him just as Crown Princess Eleanor tugs at her mother’s dress and pulls the monarchs’ attention.
As I draw closer to the trio, I wonder for the zillionth time how she’s with me.
After all, she came to Cordonia for Liam.
She stays in Cordonia because of Liam.
Three Blind Mice (LotD, Chapter 6 of The Commoner’s Wife)
“I appreciate your obvious…. attraction to me, Your Highness, but my heart and affections have been claimed by another.”
“You mean your best friend’s wife? Listen to me, Your Majesty….no royal or noble worth their salt will accept a divorced commoner as Queen. Your court will be the laughingstock of Europe and you…. you’ll be the biggest scandal since King Edward VIII. At least he was lucky enough to choose love over Crown, but you don’t have that luxury, do you? Your brother beat you to it.”
“What I do with my personal life, especially when it takes place in Cordonia, is no one’s business but mine. And if you wish our countries to remain in good standing, you will stop talking,” Liam growled.
“Even when it involves fucking other men’s wives?” Marguerite arched an eyebrow.
She lowered it when Liam’s eyes narrowed dangerously. The Princess still needed to make an advantageous match; Liam was the best of the lot. When she spoke again, her tone was more conciliatory.
“Darling, I’m offering you not only a union, but an alliance … a chance to rule over two countries, not just one. We don’t need to be in love and arrangements can be put in place, but only one of us can be scandalous, and I’ve already claimed dibs on that.”
The Princess smiled brightly before downing the remainder of her beverage. She looked around the room before setting the champagne flute on the table in front of her and gathering her purse.
“I’m sure the three of you have much to discuss; I’ll see myself out,” she spoke to everyone and no one.
She began rummaging inside her bag, murmuring to Liam that he could email her a non-disclosure agreement. “As juicy as this morning has been, I wouldn’t tell anyone; however, I understand the need for assurance.”
Marguerite rose, a plastic keycard between her fingers which she offered to Drake.
“Retaliation fucks can be most satisfying. I have a standing room at the Savoy Five Kingdoms. They have an excellent bar and even better room service. Drop by anytime today; I fly out in the morning.”
Riley’s face was dark with anger; her eyes held a flicker of fear.
Liam’s head fell into his open palms.
Drake stared blankly at the key before raising his eyes to the monarch of Monaco.
“Fuck you,” he spat.
Marguerite looked puzzled as she tucked the key into his jacket’s breast pocket.
“That’s the entire purpose, darling.”
Tagging: @jared2612​ @ao719​ @marietrinmimi​ @queenjilian​ @indiacater​ @kingliam2019​ @bebepac​ @liamxs-world​ @mom2000aggie​ @liamrhysstalker2020​ @neotericthemis​ @twinkleallnight​ @umccall71​ @superharriet​ @busywoman​ @gabesmommie1130​ @tessa-liam​ @beezm​ @gardeningourmet​ @lovingchoices14​ @mainstreetreader​ @angelasscribbles​ @lady-calypso​ @emkay512​ @princessleac1​ @charlotteg234​ @queenrileyrose​ @alj4890​ @yourfavaquarius111​ @motorcitymademadame​ @queenmiarys​ @choicesficwriterscreations​
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sacredthefran · 1 year
Cream & Sugar Pt 7 teaser
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka + Female Reader 
Warnings: Sugar Daddy
Authors Notes: soooooo this isn’t really the first half of pt 7…it’s more like a long teaser :) also Happy Late Birthday Aaliyah 🧡
Looking into the mirror that is placed delicately on the dresser in front of you - meeting the eyes of the long haired man standing in the doorway.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your back.” Jake pushed himself off the doorframe and slowly made his way over to you. “I guess I really did a number on you last night.”
“Oh these little things?” Turning around so your back was facing the mirror, moving your hand in a motion gesturing towards the blue spots that were kissing your skin.
You arched your back gently as he pressed a digit into painted skin, hissing softly as he gave you a small smirk.
“Yeah, these little things.”
“Well if I remember correctly, I believe it was the door that did this.”
Looking into the coffee irises that you have become very fond of before looking over your shoulder, smiling to yourself as you recalled the night prior where Jacob had you bent over - face pressed against the door as his hands ran over your back endlessly.
“What part of ‘drop it’ do you not understand?”
Fuck. You were positive your eyes were the size of golf balls, you started off with the whole ‘Killing my boss’ thing as a joke but once you saw it start to ignite a fire in Jake’s eyes - you couldn’t help yourself. There’s just something about him when he gets angry that draws you in - it makes you want him even more.
You stood silently for a couple of minutes just watching the way his back would tighten and then relax with every movement of his shoulders - the black linen shirt hugging him tight, showing every muscle on his frame. Jake pounded his fist on the door before pushing himself off of it, slowly turning around, making every inch of air you had in your body leave.
Maybe it was the squeak that left your body with the air or maybe it was your doe eyed look, Jake couldn’t help but to tilt his head back and let out a cackle.
“You’re so fucking hilarious. Has anyone ever told you that before?”
Jake paused for a minute, waiting for you to respond to his anger with your own.
“What? Now you have nothing to say? You gave me such an attitude at the table. Now, you’re silent.”
Jake went silent again only to be met with the sounds of you guys taking deep breaths - him out of anger and you out of anticipation for what was coming next.
“Speak y/n.”
“I’m not a dog Jake.” You bite back at him in a sharp tone.
“Oh you’re not? Could’ve fooled me, based on the way you do whatever I want whenever I say. Except you still have this one little habit that I can’t seem to break you of.”
“What’s that?”
“You don’t know when to shut your fucking mouth.”
“You know that’s not true.” You whispered, trying to find the little bit of courage that you had still stored in your body from moments prior.
“No, it is. You’re always trying to push my buttons and princess, you’ve sure perfected it.”
“Don’t speak unless you’re spoken to. Are you going to be a good little girl and do that for me?” Jake made his way across the restroom, lifting up his hand to brush the hair away from the side of your neck before placing his hand on the nape of your neck.
Slowly nodding your head while maintaining eye contact with the man in front of you - scared to look away. You’ve seen Jake pissed before when it came to you ‘flirting’ with Danny, but this? This was something completely different.
“Good girl. Now, you see this right here?” He held up his black iPhone directly in your line of vision, waiting for you to give him a nod to confirm that you were staying right here in this moment with him.
“I’m going to use this little app right here and bring you to the brink of cumming, but I’m not going to let you. Only good girls deserve to cum.”
You wanted to believe that he was bluffing, but the buzz that started in between your legs just proved that he was telling the truth. Of course, Jake wouldn’t start the vibrations on a low level, he wanted to torture you - he loved the watching you squirm infront of him, the harsh vibration making your thighs jolt in surprise and your mouth parting slightly as a small whimper came out.
“Quiet, princess.” Jake mumbled watching your lips in particular almost as if he was in awe with the way your bottom lip would puff in and out as you tried to steady your breathing.
“Ja- Daddy. Please.”
“I thought, I told you to be quiet.” Jake huffed, giving you that smirk that always graced his face when you were in his presence.
“Please.” You whimpered out, biting your bottom lip, knowing that it was a weakness of his.
“Look at you.” He whispered - tugging your lip out of your mouth “I don’t even have it on the highest setting and you’re already losing it.”
You got this y/n. Just keep eye contact with him and he won’t suspect a thing. You repeated that sentence over and over again, hoping that it wasn’t obvious to Jake that you were on the brink of an orgasm.
“Nope, no you don’t. Panties off now.”
Fuck of course he caught on to what I was doing.
“Oh, so you’re deaf now? Take off the panties.” Jake growled out, becoming annoyed once again by your defiance.
“I swear to God. I can’t wait ‘till we’re back home. I can’t wait ruin you, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you forget your name. Turn around.”
You were frozen in your spot - almost as if someone had glued the bottom of your Louboutin’s to the burgundy tile that made the floor of this restroom that Jake seemed so eager to fuck you in.
With a final huff, Jake grabbed your arm, turning you around so the front of your body was pressed firmly against the wall.
“Since you seem to have a hard time following directions, I’ll do it for you.” Jake hissed in your ear as he lifted up the back of your yellow sundress, fingers dipping into the sides of the black fabric, pulling it away and then letting it snap back onto your skin, before slowly inching them off your body.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t know you were about to cum? Baby, I know all the signs your body gives to me. I don’t have to be in your tight little cunt to know when you’re about to cum.”
“Da- '' You were quickly cut off by Jake, him sucking his teeth at you disapprovingly.
“Shut up. I didn’t tell you to speak. Where was I? Oh, that’s right. Your inner thighs always twitch when you start to get close, your bottom lip starts trembling, and your eyes - God, your eyes. They start to gloss over while you stare at me with that innocent look you always have.”
Jake speaks into your ear, watching in amusement as his hot breath hits your cartilage, causing your body to shudder. That was one thing you noticed early on about Jake, he always seemed to find pleasure with watching you react to him. Everytime you guys would fuck, you noticed how his eyes would gloss over with lust as he saw your breathing change and when he felt your heartbeat fastening. If you were to be honest with yourself - you would admit that deep down inside you got off on him getting off on the way you looked.
“Turn around.”
Jake moved a couple of inches backwards, giving you the space to turn around, slowly moving your eyes to meet his gaze. Anger looks good on him, thinking to yourself that this version of him right now is something that you will always want to keep engraved into your brain.
“I’m going to fuck you right now. It’s going to be hard and fast, I need you to stay quiet for me. You got that princess?”
The man in front of you sneered out - holding himself up by the one hand that is placed parallel to your right ear - as Jake holds your gaze, eyes searching yours constantly to make sure you understand every word he’s saying.
“You know I need words, baby.” Jake mumbled out as you nodded your head.
“Yes Jake.”
Letting out a small squeal as Jake landed a harsh blow to your right ass cheek, fuck that’s going to leave a mark.
“I said I understood.” You quirked your eyebrows back at him, surprising yourself with the new found boldness that was in your chest.
“Watch your fucking tone. You know how to address me. Do it correctly.”
“Yes Daddy. I understand perfectly. Crystal clear.”
“I was going to let you cum this time, looks like that’s not happening now.”
Your mouth falling open in shock as Jake raised his eyebrows at you. It’s been a month since you’ve had any sort of relief. Due to the rules of a specific claus in the contract - it stated that you were not allowed to perform the act of masturbating without Jacob T. Kiszka present. Sure, you tried to do it on countless nights when he was busy. But, in true Jake fashion, he would always call you right when you are nestled in bed with your favorite candle lit, running your freshly shaven legs against your satin sheets - feeling moisture in between your legs rising.
“What have I told you about having your mouth open?”
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boilingrain · 10 months
Rain Draws Squirrelflight, Leafpool & Bramblestar a Few Times
Since these three won my poll on which protagonists I should draw, here they are!
They don't get as much art per character as Ashfur did, because that was one character and this is three. Trust me, this was faster and more do-able
So anyways, first up is the Squirrel herself!
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I draw Squirrelpaw generally softer & bouncier looking than I draw Squirrelflight, because at this point in time she's just a kid. She has not yet witnessed the Horrors(tm)
Even when I was reading The New Prophecy for the first time as a kid, I always imagined Squirrelpaw/Squirrelflight as having little round ears. Maybe it was just the "Squirrel" prefix, but that trait has always stuck with me and I've always drawn her with small ears.
This isn't a trait unique to Squirrelflight with my designs though! In her family alone, Cloudtail, Alderheart, Lionblaze and Nutmeg also have small, rounded ears (Princess might also have them, but I haven't decided yet. I also haven't decided if any of Cloudtail or Lionblaze's kits have the rounded ears, but at least one probably does)
I wish that she had kept her telepathy thing with her sister, I honestly thought it was interesting. It's a shame that the Erins quickly ran out of uses for it and decided to pretend it never existed. This may or may not be why in my rewrite of Warriors that exists in my head (like many others in this fandom), the telepathy thing didn't stop existing as soon as it wasn't super useful the plot anymore.
Admittedly, she's always been my favorite of the cats who journeyed to the sun-drown place (though tbf, most of them didn't really get any proper development, and the other one was Brambleclaw. I do have a soft spot for Stormfur and Tawnypelt, though).
Also I... forgot to color Squirrelkit's mouth. Whoops
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The lady with a somehow worse taste in men than her sister, Squirrelflight!
Please Squirrelflight, you could've done so much better than Bramblestar. You deserve so much better than Bramblestar.
That aside, Squirrelflight has been one of my favorites for a long time. I just think she's a fun and interesting character
I think I said basically all of the things I was going to say when I was talking about Squirrelpaw, tbh. Also, much like a lot of the fandom for some reason, I don't really remember much of what happened during OotS? I don't think Squilf was particularly relevant during that arc, but it's possible she was and I just genuinely do not remember.
Why is Omen of the Stars basically just a void in everyone's memory. What's going on there.
Anyways, those aren't the final designs for Lionkit, Hollykit & Jaykit in that little doodle. Those are just kind of rough concept designs for them, and when I eventually draw them they'll probably look different. Also this is tortie Hollyleaf propaganda
If Lionblaze can be golden (though I typically draw him as cream) when both of his parents are functionally black (brown = black when it comes to cats. Also Leafpool shouldn't be a brown tabby anyways, because her dad is red and her mom is cream, which is a dilute version of red. I should stop talking now, before I get too deep into rambling about cat genetics), then Hollyleaf can be a tortie. (Jayfeather's fine btw. Gray is a dilute version of black, and both of his parents carry dilute. Crowfeather from Ashfoot & Leafpool from Sandstorm)
Okay, I'll finally shut up about cat genetics now
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If Squirrelstar doesn't happen, I will eat my hat. I will eat several hats.
I actually don't even know how old Squirrelflight is currently in the books. It doesn't help that the Erins are weird with ages and don't seem to know how cats work.
For my purposes, I choose to believe that the Clans have been at the lake for at least a decade, making Squilf at least 10 1/2 - 11 years old, depending on how old she was when the Clans left the forest territories. And putting her around that age would, in fact, make her a senior (for a house cat, at least. Real feral cats don't typically live that long, but tbf the clans have medicine and stuff, so their life expectancy might be longer than regular feral cats. But cats are considered seniors once they hit 10 years old)
Also all things considered, she's probably been stressed as hell for a while and experiencing the Horrors(tm). So she gets some gray on her muzzle from a combination of age and stress.
Honestly she deserves to go on a nice, relaxing vacation where she doesn't have to deal with the Erin's less than good writing choices and shitty treatment of female characters.
Anyways Squirrelstar's leader mark is her nose spot becoming star shaped, because I love it when leaders are depicted with some sort of star shaped marking. I eat it up every time.
I'll talk more about leader marks and how I do them at a later time, though.
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Leafpaw! My sweet baby Leafpaw!
My version of Leafpool is big and very fluffy, and you can't stop me from drawing her that way
Right off the bat, you'll probably notice that her design has changed a bit from the original concept design that I posted, as she's now a tortie instead of a regular brown tabby. Admittedly, a big part of why she's a tortie now is that I just love torties & calicos haha
If anything, her name makes even more sense now, because the combination of brown and orange makes her look more like leaves during fall! :)
Why's Leaf a tortie but Squirrel isn't? Maybe Squirrelflight is a secret tortie, or maybe she's trans, who knows? (The actual answer is that I had already finished all the Squilf art when I randomly decided to have Leaf be a tortie, but I didn't want to go back and change Squilf's design because I love it)
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I hope it's obvious that I love Leafpool a whole lot
Once again, Holly, Lion & Jay's designs in this are not their final designs and when I eventually get around to actually drawing them, they'll definitely have at least a few design changes.
Also it's really hard to draw tiny little newborn kittens on a small scale like this.
Anyways I've never actually read Leafpool's Wish, so I don't know if it proves or disproves what I'm about to say, but I think that with how much Leafpool loved her kits, I believe that she would've raised them herself if she had the ability to.
I also personally believe that if Squirrelflight hadn't decided to take in the kits, or if Leafpool had decided that she wanted to raise her kits instead of her sister doing it, Thunderclan wouldn't have done shit about it. I mean, she definitely wouldn't be as trusted as she was before, but I don't think she'd lose her job (at least at first) or be exiled. She was their only medicine cat, they literally couldn't do shit about it. Additionally, she's Firestar's daughter and also related to Sandstorm and Squirrelflight, who are both individually forces to be reckoned with.
She'd probably have to train an apprentice as soon as possible and then have to step down from her role as medicine cat, but I definitely don't think she'd be exiled or anything.
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Leafpool but she sparkles
For anyone who didn't see my Ashfur post, some of the rules I have for Starclan designs is that Starclan cats are lighter in color and have sharper & more star shaped markings compared to when they were alive. They also have their appearances change over time in a way connected to their names, which is why Leafpool is starting to grow leaves out of her neck fluff.
Additionally, Starclan cats will typically have a sharper shape, to go with their sharper markings. You'll notice that while she has the sharper markings, Leafpool's fur is still soft and rounded.
I feel like Leafpool's whole thing with her trial would affect her Starclan appearance, but that's not really something that results from a trial, so her not becoming sharper in shape is the exception rather than the rule.
I didn't design a Dark Forest Leafpool, but I imagine that the changes she'd get there (because my DF cats have their appearances change based on their crimes) would be that she would still grow leaves out of her body, but she'd also grow feathers and would have particularly long and sharp claws that she wouldn't be able to sheath. Each of these things is representative of the "crime" that she was sentenced for (even though Spottedleaf, a Starclan cat, literally encouraged her to do that)
The leaves would specifically be holly leaves (representing, well... Hollyleaf), the feathers would be a mix of jay and crow (representing Jayfeather & Crowfeather) and the claws would represent Lionblaze (though for this one I went with something meant to represent his power instead of his name. With Leafpool being a medicine cat, I think it fits)
If Leafpool doesn't give Squirrelstar a life we riot
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The bramble man
Honestly even as a kid Brambleclaw wasn't exactly my favorite character. I wasn't really old enough to really process how he sucks, honestly I just kind of remember thinking that he was boring. Maybe that's just the fact that I've always liked Squirrelflight & Leafpool way more than him, but I just didn't really care for his POV chapters during The New Prophecy
I did love the Hawkfrost scene, though. Because I wasn't on any warrior cats forums or anything as a kid, I didn't get spoiled about stuff like Hawkfrost's death or the Fire Scene (along with many other important scenes), so I think those scenes hit way harder for me.
When I was a kid reading Po3 for the first time, I genuinely didn't even suspect that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw weren't Hollyleaf, Lionblaze & Jayfeather's biological parents. So you can probably imagine how shocked little elementary school me was
But anyways, yeah. While I didn't hate Brambleclaw as a kid, I just didn't really care about him.
On another note, my Brambleclaw/star design is pretty similar in shape to my Lionheart design (just with extra toes and not as big of a mane). Since Lionheart was Goldenflower's brother, I thought it would be interesting if while everyone else just saw Tigerclawstar in Bramble's appearance, Goldenflower didn't.
My Tawnypelt design has a more similar shape to Tigerclawstar, though.
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Leader marks are usually an already existing marking that becomes star shaped (like how I made Squirrelstar's nose spot star shaped), but sometimes a new marking entirely will appear as the leader mark.
While I easily could've made one of the spots on the backs of his ears into a star shaped for his leader mark, I have plans relating to Bramblefake/The Imposter and Bramblestar's mark.
You'll see said plans in a moment, but what I will mention about it is that my Ashfur design has a broken heart shaped marking on his chest.
On an unrelated note, Bramblestar should have someone else name warriors for him because great Starclan is he bad at names.
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There's totally nothing wrong with Bramblestar, what possibly could've made you think that
Anyways, a combination of the whole being possessed thing & Ashfur's broken heart marking have caused Bramblestar's leader mark to "break". It actually doesn't get fixed after he's no longer possessed, his leader mark stays that way.
The Imposter's fur is darker and droopier than regular Brambkestar. I don't have a real reason for the darker color (other than that it looks cool), but the fur is Ashfur's doing.
Another thing that is Ashfur's doing is the blue pupils. Bramblestar is supposed to have red pupils (due to him training in the Dark Forest in TNP), but being possessed kind of overrides that and so The Imposter's pupils are blue. They do turn red again after Bramblestar is no longer possessed, though.
Honestly, I still kind of wish that the theory that Bramblestar had rabies was canon. The possession was interesting, but I don't think rabies has even been mentioned in the series. Which is a bit surprising considering that it's basically a soap opera with cats, but then again the Erins sure do love taking the opportunity to ignore possible interesting new plots. Why do anything interesting when we could instead have a billion more badly written romances
But I will admit, it was interesting to have Ashfur come back to be awful again. I'm still mad that he got let into Starclan after trying to kill at least 4 people because he "loved too much" and that gave him more of an opportunity to pull this shit. They absolutely butchered Yellowfang after she died. Not really even recognizable as the same character as her living self.
I'm not doing more art for this post. I'm tired and I'm going to go get some sleep. Tomorrow I will get back to work on hypokit requests, but for now it is time to put away my art supplies and lay in bed.
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
Sana x M Reader- “Ikaw Pa Rin” (It’s Still You)
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As a commemoration of her special day today and being true from what I mentioned on my announcement I gave days ago, HERE'S A TRIPLE UPDATE FOR YALL READERS!
But beware, this has an angst also just like the female reader featured one yet don't worry cuz the additional special one-shot will be FULL ON FLUFF.
Also, as you can see in the title ... it's in a different language called Tagalog (which is my native language and yes, I am a Filipino) so I guess you guys have a clue already on what you would encounter in this story, but don't worry... I tried my best to translate although it's not a bit perfectly accurate.
Lastly, these three new updates will be my final ones for this year and also to finally close Set 4 before I go on to my indefinite hiatus.
(This story is based on a Filipino song titled "Ikaw Pa Rin" by mrld. Go and give it a listen because I swear the song is so good!)
---------- START ----------
You were standing in front of the altar with your friend and the priest nearby.
All of the visitors were staring in the same direction as you through the closed huge door.It suddenly opened. A dazzling light from outside greeted everyone within the church initially, until a figure slowly enters, highlighted by the light behind her.
Minatozaki Sana, the love of your life, finally enters the chapel in her white wedding gown. She had everyone's attention, even yours.
Of course, who can resist looking at how stunning she looks in white?
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As she gradually began to go down the aisle, each step she took and her presence drawing closer to you reminded you of all the memories you shared with her, dating back to when you two first met.
(25 YEARS AGO - 1997)
You were 8 years old when you went with your Filipino parents to a friend's wedding at Manila Catheral in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines.
You were standing behind your father, who was now conversing with some of his associates, when he spotted you glancing around, quiet and unsure of what to do or why you were staying with him.
He kneeled in front of you and placed his hand on your shoulder. "Nak, huwag kang magpapalayo ha? Dito ka lang, babalikan kita kapag malapit na magstart okay?" (Son, don't get too far. Just stay here, I will return to you when it's about to start, okay?), your father Mr. Torres, told you with his small smile in the end of his words.
"Opo, papa.", you nodded at him before he patted your head.
"Good, sige dito ka lang muna ha? Puntahan ko lang mga ibang bisita natin.", (Good, all right, just stay here first, right? I'm just going to see our other guests.) you nodded your head once again before your father walked next to a group of people standing near at one of the statues of the saints displayed inside the church.
You decided to walked into the front of the church and sat at one of the steps in its staircase.
Pulling out your phone in your small bean bag, you opened it and pressed some installed game of yours to play with.
During your playtime, you suddenly heard someone crying near at you which got curious.
You tried to ignore it but it just seems to keep on getting louder. It raised your concern.
"Kanino yun?", (Whose is that?) you asked to yourself.
You paused your game for a while, putting it back to your bean bag as you stood up from your seat.
You turned your body and slowly walked to the side where some benches near the barricated plants are placed.
It made you saw that a girl sitting at the last bench, looking down on the ground while crying.
Worried at this girl who was exactly the same age as yours before, you slowly walked up to her and looked at where she's looking at.
There, you noticed that a melted ice cream was on the ground in front of her.
"Hey, bakit ka umiiyak? Anong nangyari sayo?", (Hey, why are you crying? What happened to you?) you asked the girl wearing a plain purple dress designed with an image of Betty Boop character on the chest.
She only glanced at you with a puzzled expression when you questioned her.
"Nani o itte iru?", (What are you saying?) she said. It made you furrow your eyebrows instantly as you didn't understood what she just said... however, that language sounded very familiar to your ears.
"I- I said I... don't know much Tagalog...", she stuttered as she translated for you on what she meant to respond at your question.
"Oh... sorry. You speak English and...? Wait, are you a foreigner?", you started to speak English the same as her since she does look like she can speak with it after all too.
"Yes, Japanese.", her tiny voice declared her nationality. That confirmed your initial thoughts after hearing her familiar language, though you're confident that you're right.
The advantages of playing multilingual video games, you thought.
"Woah, so you're from Japan? Cool.", you said in awe, shocked that you just met a foreigner too early in your age. "I am a Filipino though."
"Me too. I- I'm half.", she revealed to you the reason why she can atleast understand a bit of Tagalog words, making you gasp. Her mom was actually a Filipina while her father is a Japanese, hence giving her a half Filipino- half Japanese race.
"So, why are you crying?"
"Ice cream... nahulog? (fell) Was that the word?", she asked you, wanting to know if the Tagalog word she picked to explain was accurate.
"Yeah it is.", you answered, impressed and confused that she can somehow learn how to use some words she knew already well.
"Ohh... now I know. Is that your favorite?", she only nodded while pouting her lips. She looked really cute.
You went silent as you think of a way to cheer her up.
"Wait, stay here and I'll be back.", you said to her after finally gaining an idea to do so. She mouthed okay while continuing to wipe out her tears as you left her for a minute, returning back inside the church.
Afterwards, you returned with money on your hand. You went towards Sana who is still silent and sniffling as she cleaned her reddish wet eyes from crying.
"Follow me, I'm giving you something.", she just listened to you although she hd no clue what are you're planning to do for her
You and her went to the ice cream truck parked in front of the chapel. Her eyed shined as she was now back at the truck where she bought her wasted ice cream.
"Pabili po ng isang strawberry at isang mango. Eto po bayad.", (Can I buy one strawberry and one mango. Here's the payment.) you said to the ice cream vendor man who followed your order.
He started to prepare it, scooping two three times on the chosen flavor and putting it on the cones.
All finished, the vendor gave to you the two ice creams you bought.
"Salamat po." (Thank you.)
After receiving it, you gave the mango-flavored ice cream to Sana who is still staring in surprise at you.
You observed a while ago that the flavor of the ice cream she dropped was mango so you just ordered the same then.
"Take it. It's yours.", you said to Sana, lending the mango ice cream to her.
"B-but... I don't have any money to give back...", she shyly looked away, swaying her body back and forth slowly.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine.", you shook your head. "It's my family's money and I wanted to get some ice cream too so... to be fair, I just bought us one each."
Enough to be satisfied at your defense and just let you do what you want since you assured her, she accepted it. "T-thank you."
You licked at your chocolate flavored ice cream before asking and introducing yourself to her. "I am YN, what is your name?"
"Sana.", she smiled, her fluffy cheek inflated with it, contributing to her cuteness.
"Okay, nice to meet you Sana...", you gave your hand to her for a handshake gesture which she unreluctantly accepted. " Uhh do you want to sit with me and watch me play games on my phone?"
And because of that, Sana officially became your first childhood friend, starting a long impressive strong friendship with her.
She sat beside you on one of the steps in the staircase in front of the entrance door as she watched you beat down the boss of the level in the game you're playing on your phone.
(20 YEARS AGO - 2002)
You and Sana both entered high school in the same school also at 13 years old.Joining her on your first day of class, each sought on your respective classrooms where your section is assigned.
"Here is my room, my name is on the list.", you said to Sana after locating your name on the list posted at the wall beside the door of your classroom.
"Kimi wa dōdeshou? Samahan kita maghanap?" (How about you? Should I assist you on searching?), you asked her since she haven't found her room yet.
"It's fine, kahit huwag na YN.", Sana tried to reject your offer. She can also speak Tagalog now since you've been helping her Filipina mom to speak your native language for 3 years after she got to know about you being Sana's new found friend. You also want her to speak more comfortably and easier to understoood each other.
"May 20 minutes pa pala bago magstart.", (There's still 20 minutes left before it starts.) you said after looking at your phone. "Halika, hanapin nalang natin muna yung sayo.", (Come on, let's find yours first.) you didn't mind her declining anymore as you decided to initiate on your own to help her instead.
You and Sana proceeded at the next room adjacent to yours. Just like what you did, Sana tried to find her name if it belongs with the other names listed inside.
"Take your time."
Sana was gliding her eyes up and down while searching until it stopped when the surname initial M on the girls list caught her eyes.
Reading the full name, she immediately recognized it as hers.
"OH YN! YN, LOOK!", Sana excitingly called you as she points on the list. You followed where her finger is leading you and there, you read Sana's imprinted name; confirming that she now had a section and a room to enter everyday to participate in the class.
"Looks like we won't take us longer to find, magkatabi lang naman pala tayo ng room.", (Our rooms are just next to each other.) you chuckled.
"Mabuti nalang." (Thank goodness.), she stated, sighing in relief. "Sā, jugyō ni ikimashou, malapit na rin dumating teachers natin.", (Come on, let's go to class, our teachers will also come soon.) she bid goodbye to you for a while, stepping away from your side as she waved her hands.
"Okay. See you later sa recess Sana!"
After the end of the class, you and her walked together again on your way home while eating your favorite street food with as both stopped by to buy some.
Before entering your house, you invited Sana to play together tomorrow since it's weekend. As her suggestion, she wants you rather to teach her how to ride the bike as she admitted that she kinda felt jealous seeing you few days ago bringing your newly bought bike with you into your house.
Since that's what she wanted to do with you, you were eager to oblige and granted her request; setting a different plan on your time with her tomorrow.
The next day, you lived up to your words as you taught her by letting her borrow your bike for tutorial. As you keep on teaching her the techniques and tips to help her focus and balance riding on the bike, Sana attentively listens to her friend's lessons.
"Ulitin natin?" (Let's repeat again?), you asked her, still holding her to support her posture for balancing. Shenodded her head as a yes in response.
"Okay... 1,2,3 Pedal!", you let go of her as you gently pushed her to some minor force, allowing Sana to do the work as she started moving her legs to drive the bike.
She observed that she wasn't falling yet as she just kept continuing on pedaling the bike, maintaining the wheels to stood straight while rolling across the road and guiding her away from you. "YN!!!", she shouted in glee as she's getting a glimpse of success on what she's doing.
"Yan sige tuloy lang! (Yes, go keep on going!) Keep your eyes straight!", you reminded her by yelling, forming your hands like a megaphone to echo your voice for her to hear.
"Anatanara dekiru! (You can do it!)", you cheered her more before you were satisfied enough at her progress.
"YES! STOP, STOP THE BIKE NOW, SANA.", she listened to your direction, pulling the brake to lessen the speed of the bike. She slowly hopped out from the seat as she ran in front of you.
"Oh my God, nakita mo yun YN?!", (Oh my God, did you see that YN?!) she asked you with those huge gorgeous grin on her face.
"Yup, malinaw na malinaw.", (Yup, very clear.) you said confidently to her.
"AAAAAA MARUNONG NAKO MAGBIKE!", (I KNOW HOW TO BIKE NOW!) she squealed, raising her pair of arms and wiggled it in joyfulness. You just calmly laughed at her actions.
"HAHAHAHAHAH see? I told you na madali lang. But keep on practicing okay? Para masanay ka talaga lalo.", (I told you it's easy. But keep on practicing okay? So you can really get used to it.) you said to her, presenting your hands forming a thumbs up as your another way to inform her that she did a good job.
"Gusto ko umulit pero siguro bukas ko nalang itutuloy.", (I want to repeat again but maybe I will just continue it tomorrow.) she lets out a slightly dismayed expression.
"Why? Pagod kana?", (You're already tired?) she nodded her head while pouting her lips to tell you silently that she is.
"Oh sige, pahinga muna tayo dito bago tayo umuwi.", (Oh well, let's rest here before we go home.) you said as you sat on the sidewalk in front of your house while she took the space beside yours, drinking the water inside her tumbler.
After a few minutes, you saw the sky about to turn dark for the sun the start setting down and let the moon in for nighttime. Both of you decided to return in your respective homes.
"Oshiete kurete arigatō (Thank you for teaching me), YN-kun", she gave her gratitude to you after you escorted her in front of her house.
"Daijōbu (No problem),-sana chan.", you smiled at her.
"If masanay na talaga ako, pwede bang sabayan moko mag bike?" (If I really get used to it, can you always join me on riding our bikes together?)
"Yeah, sure. Gusto ko yan.", (Yeah, sure. I like that.) you accepted her favor. "Another way of bonding narin natin." (Another way of our own bonding together.)
"YAYYYYY!!! SALAMAT ULIT YN!", (THANK YOU YN!) she exclaimed again in excitement and happiness. You just laughed at her before it halted in a snap when you just experienced for the first time what she did next to you that completely transformed your perspective on your childhood bestfriend.
She leaned her against face closer against you and planted a soft kiss on your left cheek then releasing it with a tiny smooch sound. Your eyes sprung wide in astonishment when she did that unexpectedly.
"BYEEE HEHE", she said goodbye to you before sprinting ahead inside her house.
"B-bye... Sana.", you only spoke that under your breath, unable to make her hear as she already closed her door quickly, leaving you standing alone still in disbelief at the kiss she just gave you.
If you could have seen your reflection at that moment, you would have noticed the heavy blush created around your cheeks, particularly in the spot where she kissed you, which troubled you for days as you gradually began to grow fascinating profound affection for Sana while thinking whether did that kiss meant something else.
(15 YEARS AGO - 2007)
You and Sana turned 18 years old and both were still studying at the same school as seniors.
It was the month of February and Valentines Day has arrived. You just left the auditorium where your club just held a meeting and ended it exactly in recess for the members to have lunch before returning to your classes.
Walking down the hallway, you encountered Sana who was walking too along with some... gifts in her hands that she's carrying with. It made you became suspicious on whoever gave that to her.
"Hey, Sana," you said to her. You cast a downward glance at the paper bag and flowers in her hands. She hadn't even responded yet, but you had a suspicion you wouldn't like what she was about to say, which made you uneasy.
"Ano iyang mga dala mo?" (What are those you're carrying?)
"Well... hehe eto?", she looked down on the gifts she's holding, her smile seemed embarassed and fluttered which got you gulped nervously.
"Ahh may nagbigay sakin." (Ahh, somebody gave these to me.)
Just like that, your smile immediately shrinked down.
"Woah... seryoso? May nagbigay sayo ng Valentines Gift?"
"Yup! Shōgeki-tekidesu yo ne?(Shocking, right?)", she giggled. "Hindi ko nga ineexpect na may magbibigay sakin eh pero... heto." (I didn't even expected that there will be somebody who will give to me but... here it is.), she reached the thing inside the paper bag, which revealed to be a squirrel plushie.
"Ang cute diba?!" (It's cute, right?), she asked you as she gripped it tightly.
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You can see in her face that she was really happy with the gift she received, but that wasn't supposed to make you happy for her because... it should've been you who had to make her feel like that.
You were now having a crush on Sana since 7th grade where the kiss she gave to you on that weekend awakened and bloomed something different in your heart that you never felt before when it come to her.
And that is none other than this crazy little thing called love.
You started to act more active whenever you're with her, giving her some hints or signs that everything you've been doing for her holds a different reason with all of it.
But unfortunately, her heart was too blind to make her see it all. Her kiss that she gave to you back then was just nothing but a false hope.
That is because she was the polar opposite of you, she doesn't see and think of you more than just a friend. She only stays like that for you.
Most importantly, how could she even develop a loving fond to you if she wasn't even interested at all to you? Instead, her attention is all set on this other unknown guy that she found probably from the other class who was the same mysterious person that gave her these precious gifts for Valentines.
"A-ah... oo." (yes), you agreed. It really does cute, also looks like same as her because for sure that guy knows also that Sana has a similarity and considers hamsters as her spirit animal.
"Ang sweet naman ng nagbigay sayo. Baka naman... c-crush ka nun?", (Whoever gave you that is so sweet, could it be... that one has a crush on you?) you tried to tease her but that only left a bitter taste in your mouth when you said it.
"S-sana nga... (I hope so)", she hoped. It hurted you, hearing this girl that made you fall in love with, wishing that the other guys she prefers than you would want her too.
It's almost as if you felt like she doesn't even need your love at all because she has this one that she would likely glad to have more of.
"O-oh sige, balik nako sa room ko.", (O-oh okay, I'll go back to my room.) you excused yourself to her, only to escape this conversation you're having with her because you don't know whether you could insert yourself to it much longer and hear more inappopriate story about that guy who gave her the gifts. "Need ko magreview konti sa quiz namin." (I need to review a little on our quiz.)
"Okiii goodluck YN!"
"Thanks.", you solemnly said before entering to your classroom and went back to your seat.
You sat down as you sighed off the pain that you were enduring after what Sana commented regarding your teasing.
You unzipped your bag hanging in the back of your classmate's seat and there, what contains inside made you grimace completely in remorse.
Inside your bag was supposed to be your Valentines gift you were about to give to Sana today. But after what you just witnessed and heard from her, you guessed that it would rather need to be cancelled instead because someone already went ahead of you already of doing so for Sana.
"I guess this wasn't needed anymore. May nauna naman na sakin.", (Someone has already made it first before me. you muttered to yourself before closing again and laid your head to your armdesk, spending the whole 10 minutes break remaining for a short nap in loneliness.
As you went home with Sana, you regretted pulling off a cold treatment to Sana throughout the rest of the walk as she tried to share her stories with you about what happened to her today, including the full summary about her admirer giving her the gifts you examined a while ago.
When she spotted your blank expression, you just reasoned that you weren't feeling well. She wished you to get well and hugged you before entering her house, earning atleast an uplifting moment from her today to recover from earlier.
"Hi Ma", you greeted your mother who is sitting in the couch, scrolling on her phone.
"Musta ang klase anak?", (How is the class, son?) your mother Mrs. Torres, asked you as you gave her a respectful bless by the hand after walking closer to her.
"Okay lang naman po.", (It's just okay.) you lie but thankfully it was enough convincing for her to accept.
"Good, kikilos na muna ako sa kusina at nang maipagluto na kita ng paborito mong ulam ngayon.", (Good, I'll go ahead for now in the kitchen so that I can cook for you your favorite dish today. ) well that atleast made your mood brightened up a little bit.
"Yey! Patawag nalang po ako, ma. Magpapahinga lang po ako sa taas.", (Yay! Can you please just call me, mom? I'm just going to rest upstairs.) she got it understood as you made your way upstairs.
Entering your bedroom with your uniform still around your body, you laid down on the bed. The smile you're wearing in front of your mother disappeared.
You opened your bag and took out your supposed to be gifts for Sana: a flower and a box of chocolates. To keep it handy, you planned to give it to your father later as an additional Valentine's present for your mother when he returns to home instead.
You opened his phone and saw a new message notification from Sana's account.
You clicked to look at its contents which made you saw two recently sent pictures, one is the gifts Sana received and one is her picture with the guy who gave her gifts, which revealed to be the most popular guy around the campus because of his intelligence and good looks in your batch year named Seth.
You closed again your phone and placed it beside you, staring through the ceiling as you felt saddened that you already considered yourself defeated knowing that you have no match against someone like Seth.
(10 YEARS AGO - 2012)
You and Sana both graduated and finished your four years of college education. In recognition of your accomplishment with her, both of your parents agreed to attend dinner together, where they showered you two with praises and congratulatory notes.
Not forgetting about your own ways of having fun with Sana, she urged you to join her and Seth tomorrow going outside to hang out.
Yes, Seth unintentionally became your friend just because when Sana introduced you to him. There was no uncertainty that some girls would fall for him based on your observations of him. He actually embodies what a woman's ideal man might be in reality.
Although he is a pure Filipino just like you, his appearance seems like he is a foreigner just like Sana, his facial features might even reach and qualify to the standards of men's looks in other countries.
You wanted to say no ofcourse because you know that these two both share the same mutual strong admiration towards each other.
And you don't want to take the VIP pass just to see them being lovey-dovey throughout your whole time being with them while you're still having a crush wth Sana, considering it as a torture to your heart.
But, not wanting to disappoint Sana that you declined the opportunity to spend time with her and also to your friend Seth, you just accepted her invitation and there you are with them in the park, sitting on the bench as you used your phone for a while to entertain yourself while waiting for them to return.
Sana approached you while holding two hamburgers on her hands.
"YN!", she called your name, grabbing your attention away from your phone. You looked up her and saw her giving you the other wrapped burger she had in her right hand.
You took it from her willingly. "Thank you."
"May binili pa si Seth kaya pinahatid niya nalang muna sa akin yung sayo.", (Seth still bought something else so he sent yours to me first.) she said, pointing her thumb backwards.
"Lawak ng ngiti mo ngayon ah.", (Your smile is so wide today, huh.) you said after spotting her apparent big grin pasted on her face. That grin that never fails to melt your heart when you see how captivating it is.
"Anong iniisip mo?", (What are you thinking?) you asked her teasingly, wiggling your eyebrows while smirking.
"Aah... oo nga pala, a-ano kasi... nag-usap kami ni Seth kanina.", (Aah... yes, by the way, what... Seth and I talked earlier.) she said sheepishly.
"Tinanong niya ako kung gusto niya ba daw akong maging girlfriend so... (He asked me if he wanted me to be his girlfriend so...)
... YES sinagot ko agad siya.", (YES I answered him immediately.) she said that one word that rang into your eyes annoyingly.
Your heart felt like it just stopped beating when you heard it. Body frozen, breath stolen, heart clenching. All of that happened simulteanously because of that single statement.
A game where you are completely dominated by the final boss leading you to a game over. That's exactly what it felt like when Sana said that one yes to do, confirming your biggest fear when it comes to her.
That game is called "Race For Sana's Heart", you were the challenger and the final boss was none other than Seth who just beat you easily, claiming the victory you tried your best to fight for.
It was unfair if you will look on the other angle, because Seth has the advantage already since that prize he's chasing for chooses him to be as the rightful possessor more than you.
"O-oh... so... kayo na?" (Oh, so... you two are now together?), your smile shifted into a fake one. Every pound of your heart to your chest was getting heavier and intense in pain the more you look at her happy state you know who's capable of doing that to her every single day.
"Hai,-sōdesu. (Yes, we are) Boyfriend ko na siya.", she nodded with a smile.
You tightened your lips and sighed. Eyes were blinking rapidly, fighting the urge to cry in front of her to avoid worrying her because of your stupid crush issue. "W-wow... nice. C-congrats sa inyong dalawa, Sana. Di ko inexpect h-ha?" (W-wow... nice. C-congrats to both of you, Sana. I didn't expect it huh?)
"Yah, sorry. Kita ko nga sayo na gulat ka.", (Yeah, sorry. I can really see that you are surprised.) she chuckled, slapping your arm that made your body broke out in its frozen form.
The sting came from the impact of her hit didn't do much damage to you because you are completely numb as of the moment due to your heart shattering in half.
"Masyadong out of nowhere. Puntahan ko lang ulit siya ha?" (Too out of nowhere. I'll just go back to him, okay?)
"Sure.", you nodded your heard, giving her the permission to return back to her now-proclaimed boyfriend Seth.
Watching her shrink from your sight, you wandered your eyes around at the park to distract yourself just so you won't be bawling your eyes out in tears after learning that your crush was now successfully claimed by someone else.
(6 YEARS AGO - 2016)
You spent your day-off and what better way to do so than having your childhood bestfriend Sana on your side throughout the entire day.
It was 9PM at night and drove her home by using your car after you ate with her in a restaurant and leaving the mall where you two went shopping together.
Parking the car just in front of the gate of her house and opening the headlights to light up the street, you turned your head to Sana who is sitting next to you on the drivers seat.
"Koko ni ita, (We're here) Sana", you informed her. She stretched her body posture, removing her back away from leaning onto the car seat.
"Oh... thank you, YN."
She was about to exit the car but you haven't pressed the button to unlock it, preventing her from going out because you remembered the main reason why you decided to bring her with you everywhere like the usual thing you do together since childhood.
"Wait... Sana, uhm... bago ka lumabas may sasabihin lang ako.", (before you go out I just want to say something.) you said, alerting her.
She glanced at you, curiousity struck her. "I'm all ears, YN. Sorehanandesuka? (What is it?)"
"May rason ako kung bakit talaga kita inimbita ngayon na lumabas tayo.", (I have a reason why I really invited you today for us to go out.) you looked away from her, setting your gaze to the steering wheel where you're holding at, tapping your fingers uneasefully.
"Uhm... kasi..." (because)
"Kasi ano?" (Because what?)
"Gusto ko munang magbonding tayo bago ako... umalis.", (I want us to go bonding together before I... leave.) you bitten your lower lip, closing your eyes as you felt the immense sadness you're feeling knowing that this would be the last time you'll get to meet her again for now.
"Umalis? Wait, YN... s-saan ka pupunta? (Leave? Wait, YN... w-where are you going?", she crunched her forehead, eyebrows nearly connecting in confusion.
"Well... yung company na pinagtatrabahuan ko inofferan ako ng kontrata sa isang company sa Canada for 6 years.", (Well... the company I was working for offered me a contract with a company in Canada for 6 years.) you shrugged your shoulders, eyes still watching your fingers grazing and sliding through the texture of the steering wheel nervously.
"Naexplain nila sakin ng maayos na mas magiging mataas yung sweldo na makukuha ko and opportunity narin na matuto ng marami sa field ng engineering." (They explained to me properly that the salary I will get will be higher and I will have the opportunity to learn a lot more in the field of engineering.
"Inisip ko sila mama, papa pati mga kapatid ko kaya ayun... k-kinuha ko.", "Pati rin ikaw, gusto ko mang tanggihan pero mas kailangan ito ng pamilya ko." (I thought of my mom, dad, and my siblings so... I took it. You too, I wanted to reject it but my family needs it more.) your voice lowered at the end before you mentally said those words you wanted to say to her.
"K-Kailan alis mo?" (W-when is your leave?)
"Bukas." (Tomorrow.)
"At mawawala ka ng... ilan? 6 years?", (And.. you'll disappear for... how many? 6 years?) you just nodded in response to her clarification.
"Tagal rin.", (Still long too.) she muttered, heaving out a sigh then her lips formed a pout. "Bale magaantay ako ng ganun kahaba para makita ulit bestfriend ko." (That means I'll be waiting that long to see my bestfriend again.)
"Kanashīkedo dō shiyō (It's sad but what could I do), pangarap mo yan and ang magagawa ko lang is to support you." (That's your dream and all I can do is support you.) , she lets out a bitter smile.
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She holds your free hand laying on your lap firmly as glanced at it, sending chills through your skin.
"Pero thank you, dahil kahit papaano ako agad naalala mo bago ka umalis. Sapat na yun para hindi ako malungkot masyado sa pag alis mo.", (But thank you, because somehow you immediately remembered me before you leave. That's enough for me not to be too sad when you leave.) she showed a smile that's indicating she was touched by it.
"Ofcourse, ikaw yung long time b-bestfriend ko and masyado na tayong malapit sa isa't isa... dapat lang.", (Ofcourse, you are my long time b-bestfriend and we are too close to each other... it should be.) you said, stuttering at the word you wished it wasn't just your role to her life.
You gripped her hand, bending all your fingers to lock her hand within your warm grasp.
She narrowed her gap between you and her, pushing her body forward to wrap you in a hug for comfort, knowing that you were probably feeling very low that you won't be seeing her around for quite a long time starting tomorrow.
"I will miss you, YN. Mag-ingat ka doon ha?" (Be careful there, okay?), you heard her clearly that she started sniffing, signifying that she's getting teared up at how sad she's feeling seeing her bestfriend need to be gone afar to pursue a part of his dreams to come true.
"Noted, Sana. Gusto ko pa kitang makita syempre." (I still want to see you of course.), you chuckled, she felt your body vibrated because of your laughter. "Thank you for spending your time with me today.", you whispered to her as you pushed her closer through your body, enjoying how it feels so good to embrace the woman that had got head over heels for so long.
2 minutes later, you found Sana sleeping peacefully in your arms after noticing that it's becoming awkwardly quiet now inside the car, no one taking the dare to break the silence.
"Pagod ka na pala pero pinili paring makinig sakin. Hays, di talaga ako nagtataka bat gusto kita sobra.", you murmured under your breath, staring at her sleeping face placed on top of your broad shoulder. (You're tired but still choose to listen to me. Sigh, I'm not really surprised that I like you a lot.)
You carefully carried Sana in your arms in a bridal style and entered her house, greeting and reminding Mr. and Mrs. Minatozaki that their daughter is now asleep. They understood as they let you bring her to her own room.
Placing her in the bed and tucking in the blanket in her body, you looked at her peacefully sleeping face and cupped his cheek one last time before planting a kiss on it.
"Goodnight, Sana. Babalik ako para sayo, promise.", (I'll be back for you, promise.) you whispered to her as you swayed some strands of her hair away to unblock the view of her unreal beauty before leaving her room, marking the start of your 6 years disappearance as you left Philippines to Canada to continue your work there.
Back in the present, your senses revived, teleporting you back to reality as flashbacks in your head stopped.
You were still standing in front of the altar, facing the audience... but not as the groom of the bride striding down the aisle, catching everyone's attention as if an angel had just descended within the sacred place.
Instead, you were picked as best man, and the wedding that was held today was none other than Sana and her partner Seth.
Sana reached the end of the path, both yours and her pair of eyes connected at each other.
You walked closer to her as she did the same, hands placed in your pants' pockets.
"Thank you, YN.", she mouthed to you with a smile escaped at the end.
"Welcome. C-congrats again, Sana.", you nodded, providing a timid smile before passing ahead of her, returning back to seat as you let her go to the man she was destined instead to share her love for the rest of her life in this world.
A little recall, during your stay in Canada in the entire 6 years; everyday before and after going to work... your mind and heart was filled by the same and only woman you loved.
When you were feeling exhausted, all you had to do was check up her images on your phone to restore your energy.
When you were longing for her, you basically drowned yourself out of reality by rewinding every wonderful moment you spent with her, either by zoning out or by watching videos you filmed with her.
When you're feeling down, you just call or speak with her like you normally do to keep in touch. Just seeing and hearing her voice especially her adorable laugh as she responds to your messages immediately puts a smile on your face.
Summaring it all, everything is just her. Aside from your parents, your other purpose of living is because of Sana.
Without one of these two, that purpose would quickly fade to black.
Just weeks ago, after you returned back in the Philippines; she was the first person you wanted to see as you landed in the airport.
After you arrived in your house with your luggages on hand, Sana was standing along with your parents. She immediately ran and crashed her body to wrap you in a tight, longing hug that she missed for 6 years.
Your heart blossomed in bliss after you got to able to touch her and witness her beautiful face once again. Noticing her new hairstyle which she colored her hair brown, that sidn't do much difference to her appearance anyways since she remained the same as always: deadly attractive.
As you decided to catch up those last times with her, she informed you about a news during your conversation with her that switched your mood in an instant.
She told you that she was now engaged to Seth after he proposed to her few months ago during their vacation in Boracay. She even showed you the engagement ring she has on her finger that took your attention when you saw it as she held her phone, facing at you.
And what broke your heart even worse was that she appointed you as the best man, which was opposite of what you wanted to experience with her.
You wanted to marry her and be the husband of her family not that but you don't have any more choice but to accept her invitation.
She was taken anyways and you will never make her yours whatever you do, that's the truth and you cannot change it.
Now leading you to where you at right now, you painfully watched them sealed their wedding vow and end the event with a loving kiss to each other while feeling devastated and burdened with heartbreak.
You clapped along with the guests with tears flowing out on your eyes, mixed with happiness and sorrow knowing that Sana is now married but with another man.
The after-wedding reception is currently being held beside the chapel.
The guests including the newlyweds are having fun, eating delicious foods, chatting along with friends, families and relatives and dancing along to every song being played by the host and the DJ.
You on the other hand, walked out and seperated yourself away from the crowd after you saw that Sana and Seth are about to take the turn next for their slow romantic dance on the center, which is precisely what you wished to do with her...but now it only can be possible in your dreams.
You went in front of the chapel, holding the wineglass full of red wine in your hands, and sat on one of the steps to drink.
After more than ten minutes of being alone, you weren't even aware that Sana just appeared beside you, holding her white gown to support her steps and prevent her from tripping, since she was worried that it might happen due to her clumsiness.
"YN!", she called your name,which completely took you aback as she gave you a mini heart attack at her jumpscare.
"S-Sana.", you mentioned her name while caressing your chest, still fresh from your surprised state.
"Bakit ka nandito?" (Why are you here?)
"Ah... wala, nagpapahangin lang.", (Ah, nothing. Just taking in some air.) that was only a half-lie.
"Tara, doon tayo sa loob.", (Come on, let's go inside.) she encouraged you. "Samahan mo kami sa table, nandoon sila Mama lahat ngayon." (Join us at the table, they are all there now.)
You didn't listened to her as you only stared at her hand offering to assist you from standing up.
Drinking the last shot of wine in the glass, you placed it carefully on the surface before standing up on your own, tempting Sana to lower down her free hand instead.
You looked straight at her with your exhausted and powerless glare as you prepared yourself from what you were about to do tonight, with only you and her could know this secret you've been hiding from her since you two were little.
"Congrats pala sa inyo ulit ni Seth.", (Congratulations again to you and Seth.) she smiled at your greeting. "Seryoso, masaya ako para sa inyo na kasal na kayong dalawa." (Seriously, I'm so happy for both of you that you two are now married.)
"Arigato, (Thanks) YN.", she said, grinning. "Grateful rin kami lalo na ako na... inaccept mo yung invitation." (We are also grateful especially me that... you accepted the invitation.)
"Sabi ko nga sayo diba sasamahan kita sa ganitong okasyon kasama ng lalaking para sayo balang araw.", (I told you that I will accompany you on this occasion with the man destined for you one day.) you blurted, snickering a bit that caused her to let out a chortle. "Ngayon na nandito na tayo, tinandaan ko talaga sa sarili ko na gawing totoo yun." (Now that we're here, I really kept it in mind to myself that I will make it true.)
"Ang supportive mo talaga, YN.", (You are so supportive, YN. she grabbed both your shoulders and playfully shook your body while saying it to you with her groaning tone of amusement at her bestfriend's kind-hearted attitude.
"Shinpaishinaide (Don't worry), dadalo rin ako sa kasal mo balang araw.", (I will also attend your wedding one day.) she chuckled, patting you in the chest. Thankfully, she didn't felt your unique rapid heartbeat only her could able to do that. "Kaya ikaw, maghanap kana kasi ng babaeng sa tingin mo ay para sayo." (So you, you should look for a girl who you think is right for you.)
"Nah. Hindi narin naman kailangan.", (Nah. It's not necessary.) you chuckled bitterly. "Hindi narin naman mangyayari yung kasal na gugustuhin ko.", (The wedding I want will never happen anyways.) you glanced at her, sadness starting to form in her your emotion.
"Bakit mo naman nasabi?" (Why can you say so?)
"Kasi yung babaeng minamahal ko, nauna na siya sakin.", (Because the woman I love, she has gone first before me already.) you smiled weakly and looked at her devastatingly.
"At nakatayo ako mismo sa harapan niya ngayon." (And I'm standing right in front of her now.)
"H-huh? YN?", she was puzzled, unable to comprehend what you were implying to convey.
You stepped closer towards her, roaming your eyes around her admirable face that charmed you no other women could ever do the same for you.
You stroke her long hair from behind, she remained staring directly at you monitoring your actions.
"Sana, di ko alam kung may sense paba yung mga susunod pang mga araw, buwan o taon para ilihim ko sayo to.", (I don't know if the next few days, months or years will make sense for me to keep this a secret from you.) you started your revelation as she continued listening on what you're trying to tell her.
That's why naisipang kong sabihin ko nalang sayo agad to and alam kong hindi sa tamang oras itong gagawin ngayon, but I just want to say it to you already so that I couldn't make myself suffer any longer and to let you know finally about this secret I've been keeping within me for years. (That's why I decided to tell you right away and I know it's not the right time to do it now, but I just want to say it to you already so that I couldn't make myself suffer any longer and to let you know finally about this secret I've been keeping within me for years.)
Sana... masaya ako sa inyo ni Seth. Masaya ako na nakita kitang ikinasal na pero... masakit sakin dahil ikaw yung babae na gusto kong makasama sa ganitong sandali.", (Sana.. I'm happy for you and Seth. I'm happy to see you finally got married but... it hurts me because you're the woman I wanted to be with at this kind of moment.) your voice became shaky as body shivered from your emotions about to urge yourself to began crying in front of her.
You sniffed before and snorted some fresh night air before finally saying those three words to confess to her at long last.
"Sana, mahal kita." (Sana, I love you.)
Sana just stared at you, speechless for her longtime bestfriend who just admitted his true feelings he developed only because of her.
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She swallowed some pride to speak in response for your confession although still dumbfounded that she just heard it loud and clear to the man she never thought would fall in love for her too.
"YN... s-seryoso ka?", (YN... you serious?) she asked you in a low tone. You nodded as an alternative way to say yes.
"Yup. I've been admiring you for way too long already. Simula pa noong buong childhood natin.", (Ever since our whole childhood.) you replied to her. She just sighed heavily and tilted her head in disbelief, gasping.
"Ewan ko rin ba, nagsimula lang naman lahat nang makakuha ako ng unang halik mo sa pisngi ko.", (I don't know, it all started when I got your first kiss on my cheek.) you pointed to your cheek where she did that to you many years ago.
"Nagagandahan narin ako sayo nun sobra pero doon ko lang narealize kung bakit ako nagkakaganon lagi pagdating sayo." (I always found you to be so beautiful but that's when I just realized why I always act like that when it comes to you.)
"Gusto kong umamin sayo dati pa kaso hindi ko magawa. I gave you so many signs pero hindi mo makita, yun pala naunahan na ako ni Seth nang hindi ko alam.", (I wanted to confess to you before but I couldn't. I gave you so many signs but you couldn't see, that's why Seth had preceded me without me knowing.) you clicked your tongue in disappointment for yourself. She lowered down her head in guilt as she discovered her own fault for destroying your hopes and dreams you want to share with her.
You looked above and saw the towering structure of the chapel standing highly in front of you two. A memory flashed in your mind and it got you sharing it to her too since she's part of it anyways.
"Naaalala mo ba yung nagsimba tayo dito parehas kasama parents natin noong bata pa tayo?", (Do you remember when we went to church here together with our parents when we were kids?) you asked to her. Sana just realized that both you and her were standing exactly to your favorite spot here in this place where you also first found and met her as the girl who dropped her ice cream when you were just a kid back then.
"Oo. Ayun yung unang beses na parehas lumabas magkasama family natin right?", (Yes. That's the first time our family went out together, right?) you nodded in response, she looked up at you; now both her eyes were cooperating with her lips whose forming a frown right now in pity for you.
"Sabay nating inamin parehas na gusto nating ikasal dito sa simbahan nato, katulad ng parents natin.", (We both admitted together that we wanted to get married here in our church, just like our parents.) you recalled what happened in that moment.
"Doon palang na alam kong may gusto na ako sayo nun, at ang nasa isip ko lamang nun ay ikaw lamang ang gugustuhin kong babaeng ikakasal sakin balang araw.", (That's when I knew I had a crush on you, and the only thing on my mind was that you were the only woman I would want to marry me one day.) you then proceeded to hold her hands. She looked at it and thought that it could've meant more also for her if she wasn't ignoring those signals you've been trying to send her for years.
"Pero sinira ko yung tadhana nayun na gusto ko, lalo na't hindi na ikaw ang aking makakasama.", (But I broke that destiny I desired of, especially since you are no longer the one I'll be with.).that words hurted you so much that it was enough for you to let go one single teardrop to flow down in your cheek.
Sana saw it and her heart clenched knowing she was the cause of that and never intended to give you that.
"Kaya deserve ko rin naman to. Pinili kong maging duwag at iskreto sayo ng matagal. Nagmukha pa akong nagtatangkang sirain yung pinakamasayang araw ng buhay mo dahil sa mali ko.", (So I deserve it too. I chose to be a coward and kept it a secret to you for a long time. I even looked like I tried to ruin the happiest day of your life because of my mistake.) you said, referring to your confession tonight at the same time her wedding just ended hours ago.
Your arm raised, hand placed on the side of her face as you started caressing it. Sana just shut her eyes down, feeling the bittersweet effect of your touch through every nerves cursing around her body as her own tears started to rush out from her.
"Alam kong wala na akong chance Sana, pero... hindi na siguro magbabago isip ko.", (I know I have no chance, Sana but... I might not change my mind.) you shrugged your shoulders as you continued admiring her elegant facial features.
You grasped both her hands tenderly and stared deeply at her.
"Ikaw pa rin ang pipiliin ko. Bahala na kung araw araw na akong masasaktan... (It's still you I will choose. It's up to me even if I get hurt every day...)
... ikaw pa rin ang hahanapin ko dahil Sana Minatozaki, (It's still you I'll find for because Sana Minatozaki,)
ikaw lamang ang aking dahilan, ang aking pahinga, ang aking sinta at ang tanging ninanais... (you are my only reason, my rest and the only one I want...
... kahit na hindi ka naman sakin papunta." (... even if you're not going for me.)
Sana quickly hugged you, trapping you to her comforting embrace which was effective for you to finally release the heavy burden you've been carrying for such a lengthy amount of years you spent secretly admiring her from a far.
Your lips quivered, breathing intensified, reflexes gone weak as you cried harder in her arms, Sana felt your whole body shake so she hurriedly calmed you down by rubbing your back gently.
"Parang napakasama kong kaibigan, YN. Hindi ko alam kung magagalit, malulungkot o madidismaya ako sa sarili ko. Patawarin moko, sobra.", (It seems like as if I am a very bad friend to you, YN. I don't know if I will be angry, sad or disappointed in myself. Forgive me, so much.) she begged as her voice began cracking due to her cries of empathy for her heartbroken bestfriend and admirer.
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"Hindi ko naman sadyang maging bulag sa nararamdaman mo sakin at saktan ka ng napakatagal. Kung hindi lang ako din naging manhid, alam kong may pag-asa sana na... magustuhan rin kita." (I didn't mean to be blind to your feelings for me and hurt you for so long. If only I hadn't been so numb, I knew there was hope that... I would like you too.)
"Napakabuti mong tao, YN... hindi ako magdadalawang isip na makasama ka habambuhay... pero dahil sa ginawa ko, hindi ko to magagawa nang higit sa kaibigan ang turing ko sayo.", (You're such a good person, YN... I wouldn't hesitate to be with you forever... but because of what I did, I can't treat you more than a friend.) she kept on pleading to receive your forgiveness for her mistake but you interrupted her at the end of her words to take the turn to speak in your part.
"Wag mong sisihin ang sarili mo, Sana please. Hindi ko narin sisisihin ang sarili ko, wala narin tayong magagawa nandito na tayo.", (Don't blame yourself, Sana please. I won't blame myself neither, there's nothing we can do now since we're now here.) you told her. "Magiging masaya ka rin kay Seth, alam natin sa isat isa yan. Don't take this confession of mine and make yourself overthink about it too much to distract you from him, please." (You'll be happy with Seth too, we know that. Don't take this confession of mine and make yourself overthink about it too much to distract you from him, please.)
"Siguro nga, mas magiging higit pa yung pagmamahal niya kaysa sakin", (Maybe, his love will be more than mine.) you confidently said, since you knew that Seth is still quite the example of what a husband material should be.
"Kaya huwag ka magalala sakin, Sana. Basta tandaan mo lang na nandito parin ako lagi para sayo whenever you need help." (So don't worry about me, Sana. Just remember that I'm always here for you whenever you need help...)
"I will stay and remain here always as one of the most special person and the one and only first bestfriend you had in your whole life.", you assured her.
You released yourself from the hug. Pursing your head forward, you kissed her forehead with pure tender.
Sana knows that it was your usual symbolization to signify a perfect heartwarming message you created during your young days with her, so she smiled at your nostalgic act.
"My special kind of love and care will always kept reserved only for you.", you said, repeating the meaning behind that sweet gesture you did aside from using it as a way to express your respect for her as a woman like she is.
"Thank you sa closure, Sana. Makakahinga narin ako ng maluwag.", (Thank you for the closure, Sana. I can finally breathe in relief.) you chuckled as you started to wipe away the tears that might ruin her make up even more.
"Thank you rin for finally deciding to open up your true feelings for me, YN.", she formed a smile again, tapping your chest where it contains the source you used to pour out your words of affirming your admiration towards her.
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You nodded your head before sharing a wide smile, this time it was sincere and unforced for the first time. It was such a relief you thought that you were able to finally let Sana know about it although the result you were orginally expecting to receive was gone already.
"Tara na, masyado na tayong nagtagal dito.", (Come on, we've spent too much time here.) you said, breaking the topic and returning the good vibes to make yourselves continue to enjoy the night.
Both of you chuckled as Sana also can't deny the truth that because of your confession, she had to stay with you alone longer just to hear what you wanted to say for her. "Inaantay na ata nila tayo." (They're probably waiting for us.)
You presented your hand for her to freely take it without hesitation. "Motto hayaku soko ni ikimashou! (Lets go there faster!)", she exclaimed.
Grabbing your hand along to hers, you reached for your empty wineglass before she pulled you with her as both ran back to the venue where the visitors are still celebrating.
---------- END ---------- - 🐹 -
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