#Naked Ari was amazing
star-daughter · 10 months
So let's talk about Vivziepop's designing skills!
The amount of sadness I feel when I see Vivziepop's designs of the demons in Helluva Boss is impossibly high
Simply comparing them from where she is pulling from feels like looking at a newborn compared to a grandma. Now let's go through them!
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Viv's Lucifer, a popular depiction of Lucifer ("The Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel), and one with Jesus ("The Temptation of Christ" by Ary Scheffer)
You can see a big difference in a lot, as you can see Lucy (which will be Viv's version) has well. Clothing but we can give her a pass for that as I don't think Youtube would be fine with an animated dick on screen. Another thing is his lack of wings, bat-like or feathered along with blonde instead of red curled hair and yellow eyes instead of the blue Lucifer has in The Fallen Angel.
But what I see as the biggest thing is Lucy's lack of muscles! In both of these depictions I have chosen Lucifer appears muscular whilst Lucy has Viv's favorite smile and body shape.
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Here we have Viv's Asmodeus (Ozzie) and Asmodeus from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
I will give Viv major props, I LOVE Ozzie's design. If we removed the feathers, made his head bigger, and some small things it would be AMAZING! But comparing it to Asmodeus it's... wooo.... very different.
First you can see is Asmodeus does not look conventionally attractive with his strange old man face, elf ears, bull head, ram head, serpent tail, and literal chicken legs. Ozzie does have the 2 heads on his shoulders (just very small) and a tail (not a serpent one) but other than that the similarities end. Though I do think taking Asmodeus the direction to being physically attractive to most people was a good way to go.
A personal nit pick is the clear lack of a BADASS DRAGON. Yes, Asmodeus has a BADASS DRAGON. On his little Dictionnaire Infernal image he's sitting on a BADASS DRAGON which he holds a banner as he rides. Viv you could have made Fizz a cool dragon demon! Make him look LESS like Blitz's twin brother and more like something that related to the Ars Goetia canon.
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Now this is Viv's Beelzebub and a fly-like Beelzebub (Beelzebul) (I've left out the more manly versions of Beelzebub to keep it fair as Beelzebub is a woman)
So a big thing we can see is Beelzebub is a furry whilst Beelzebul is a straight up fly, taking the term "Lord of the Flies" much more seriously. Now comparing these two is basically impossible minus their wings and extra arms. Now with them looking nothing alike I'll put some of my own personal critique's in.
One, Beelzebub's hair and tail makes me want to vomit. It's constantly moving thus every frame it must be moved which is HORRIBLE on an animation stand point. Two, Her clothes. A direct quote from the Helluva Boss wiki says "Beelzebub represents the animal tamer/animal shows" when her clothing looks like that it's hard to believe. If it was casual clothes? Okay I'd believe that but it being her debut episode wouldn't you want her in her normal clothes? And that's ignoring her magical disappearing bra... is that just an arm strap? Three, the ear thing. God the ear thing! Viv said they were supposed to appear like beehives... girl what beehives have you been seeing? Maybe she meant honeycomb? Still I see zero resemblance.
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Here we have Viv's Mammon, Mammon (Mam) from the painting "The Worship of Mammon" by Evelyn De Morgan, and Mammon (Mon) from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
As we can see Mammon looks like the Teen Titans Go Robin mixed with a Christmas tree, the Christmas theming is quite clever I'll give Viv that. Christmas is a time of greedily taking all that is given to you through gifts. Now I could complain about how Mammon is poor rep for a fat character and simply is a widened version of her normal body type but I already made a post about that
But comparing him to Mam and Mon? Nothing similar. Mam we can see appears like a very large naked buff dark skinned man whilst Mon is a freakish old man with wide eyes and tattered clothes. Mammon shares zero similarities to either of them.
Another thing is Mammon's monster form... I believe everybody has seen it and hochie momma it is HORRIBLE! From the screenshots I've seen we don't see all of it but he's clearly intended to be a spider of sorts which is great! Spiders can often be seen with 6 flies trapped on their web being hoarded for later but Viv seems to have taken the lazy route of extra legs and 2 extra set of eyes. Anthro spiders can be so so SO cool but I feel scammed. Stolen from. My life savings have been taken by this shitty design.
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Here we have Vivziepop's Paimon and Paimon (Paimonia) from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
As we can see they appear nothing alike minus the crown and odd chicken legs though Paimon lacks the camel that Paimonia has. Paimonia also has a feminine face and a humanoid body, nothing like Paimon. Though I personally think Paimon's design is stunning what made Viv connect the two, is it because the Goetia family is intended to all be ripped from the Ars Goetia? I feel though that Paimon's design takes as much as it can from Paimonia while making him look related to Stolas but why does he need to be named Paimon?
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Here we have Vivzie's Stolas and Stolas (Stolos) from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
So, I have a lot of issues with Stolas's design, it's ugly first of all but compared to Stolos's cute yet shocked wide eyes and charming little beak it's even more obvious how ugly it is.
First, Stolos is shown as an owl (but also is described as a Raven). which Viv got right along with keeping his crown and odd horn-like feathers. However, I believe making Stolas that skinny doesn't follow the model of most owls as they can be pretty fluffy and plump. Even Stolos has a round fluffy chest that trails into his comically long legs.
Second, that cape is very horrifying but not in a good way. Nobody wants to animate a cape with that many rips! Even if they don't have to be precise. Also, why do his buttons have no lineart when everything else around it has lineart? I have the same issue with Blitz's design and his random chest orbs.
Feel free to put in your own reblogs and replies with your opinions! You can also send in asks with designs from HH or HB that aren't linked to previously existing designs unlike these fellows and I'll throw in my personal thoughts.
-Mod Paimon
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biteofcherry · 3 months
Happy Wetnessday 💦
I hope your trip has been nice!
Which hottie boss takes you, his brand new assistant, on a business trip just to get to know you closer? Oh no the meeting was cancelled? Silly him, forgetting to tell you. 😏
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
Hi Wetnessday Anon!🩷 My trip was amazing! I had so much fun. Unfortunately, now I'm back to mundane reality and terrible heatwave, ugh 😫
So really, I wouldn't mind my boss taking me for another trip, even if the meeting was cancelled and now we're stuck with a lot of time on our hands in a double suit in which both bedrooms are linked by a door that's so easy to open and find yourself in his space.
Or him finding himself in your space...
And really, he knocked on the door, you just had to be too distracted with the stunning view to hear it. But now he's here, in your space. Wearing nothing but his pants, because it's so hot and you're off business hours anyway.
You always found him handsome and impressive in whatever suit he was wearing. Hell, even in the casual clothes in which you sometimes got to see him.
But now, when he's half naked and prowling right for you, he appears even more intimidating in his beauty.
Your silk robe feels suddenly too tight and too revealing; the tie too easy to pull free as he steps closer to where you're standing against the floor to ceiling window through which you were admiring the view.
You wet your lips nervously, trying (and failing) to keep your gaze on his face and not on the rest of his body that's nearing closer and closer and...
Your breath hitches in your lungs with a startled, tiny whimper when he crowds you against the window.
His palm slips onto your waist, finger tucking beneath the belt of the robe. His other hand is pressed against the glass next to your head.
His eyes are so blue and his scent - which always made your thighs clench, even as you got a brief whiff of it when you dropped some files onto his desk - his scent makes you dizzy.
"That's inappropriate," your voice sounds husky, your pulse starting into a rapid rattle.
"Would it make you feel better, if I made it into a command?" He asks softly, pinching the silk belt with his fingers and pulling the knot loose.
"After all," he lowers his head, lips almost brushing your cheek, "you're always so eager to follow my orders. Always giving your best performance."
He parts your robe and slips his warm hand beneath the fabric, boldly touching your naked body.
"Mr Levinson-" you gasp, your eyelashes fluttering against your cheek as you close your eyes at the sudden jolt of arousal that his touch evokes.
He slides his other hand across your collarbone, then curls his fingers around the front of your neck. With his thumb, he presses under your chin to tilt your face up.
"It's either Ari or Sir." He reprimands and your eyes flash open.
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thetisming · 5 months
Broadway has turned into something commercialised and all about money, rather than stages for stories to be shared. people only care about how much money shows make, but people never give new shows a try so amazing new shows that tell important stories and production and soundtrack and actors close. if there's not a big tv (specifically tv, people don't care about actual BROADWAY legends anymore) name for the media or it's not a revival people don't care. new musicals that tell historical stories that shouldn't be forgotten close after a few months, no matter how amazing the story or score or set or actors are. Broadway isn't about the heart anymore, it's about money and big names. it's barely even for theatre people.
Lempicka is closing and i am devastated for so many reasons. Harmony already closed earlier this year.
Tamara de Lempicka was a famous painter. she was married to a rich man, and originally painted their daughter or landscapes and things like that, but she eventually painted Rafaela -- her girlfriend. she painted her mainly naked and they loved each other. she was a bisexual painter, and more than that a brilliant painter, and she is being forgotten. she was part Jewish, too. she fled to Paris with her husband, which is where she met Rafaela.
there's a musical about her. it's closing on May 19th. it opened officially on Broadway on April 14th. both this year.
The Comedian Harmonists were a band. they were an internationally popular German band between 1928 and 1934. 3 of the 6 of them were Jewish. Nazi Germany started in 1933. you can probably piece together what happened, but i'll tell you anyway. they were separated and erased. they were not forgotten, they were erased. Nazis destroyed almost all of their recordings. the Harmonists never saw each other again. their names were Ari Leschnikoff, Harry Frommermann, Robert Biberti, Roman Cycowski, Erwin "Chopin" Bootz and Erich A. Collin.
there was a musical about them. it closed on February 4th, and opened officially on Broadway on November 13th (2023).
do not let Tamara or the Harmonists go forgotten. listen to Lempicka and Harmony. research the people. find bootlegs of the musicals if you can. learn about them. teach about them. please, don't let people forget about them.
this isn't about the musicals closing, these are about important people being forgotten and erased from history. please, don't let this happen.
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The final sunrise on the best month of my life ☀️
May 2023- very few words except holy fuck.
I started the month atop Knocknarea naked under the Scorpio Full Moon- a full moon linked to rebirth and sacral energy! Queen Maeve has definitely walked beside me throughout May. It’s been the wildest, most sexual month of my 30 years and I’ve never felt more alive 🔥 it’s a testament to the power of a pilgrimage up a mountain with an intention set, the way our ancestors would have climbed these sacred places.
Then climbing Mama Errigal, such a healing feminine place. If you look at the side of the mountain there is a very distinctive vulva down the side of her. And surrounded by the Seven Sisters- it’s my favourite area in Ireland.
2023 was the first year I have ever intentionally followed the Celtic Wheel, and bejaysus when you go inward in the winter months, you come out at Beltane with an energy that seems almost supernatural.
From the fires and Aries of the Uisneach flames, to bring Bish Boshed with tribe around Bellurgan Park, to the most spectacular weekend celebrating love in its purest form at Kilronan Castle- I am ready for a quiet June. Wishful thinking eh?
📸 photo credit from the Pisces supremo himself Mr Kevin Penrose @wildirishwanderer
We climbed this mountain twice in the space of 10 hours to get to see the sunrise and the sunset (when Pisces get together it’s like a big vortex where time ceases to exist)
Its so amazing to witness Kevin in action creating content- I can confirm he is very fond of clouds 🤣☁️🌥️🌥️🌩️🌨️
I’m hoping KP will start a side hustle called Wild Irish Woman and photograph naked woman in various locations across Ireland!
He has an eye not only for mountains 🍑
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
I’m feeling a little sick and in pain .. and I’m just chillin’ out rereading your trio fics for the zillionth time ( they’re AMAZING). I just wish I was Story for like 5 minutes 🥹 I could use some Ari cuddles .
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In Sickness & In Health: A Trio Drabble
Summary: Daddy Ari takes care of you when you're sick.
Warnings: Fluff, Sick Reader, Daddy Ari, Daddy Kink, Implied Smut, Sex Toys (mentioned), Punishments (mentioned), Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Hope you feel better, my sweet anon friend! This drabble is a part of my Trio Series AU. Likes, Comments, & Reblogs are appreciated. All mistakes are my own.
"Well, look who's finally awake." Ari purrs as he takes a seat beside you on the bed. He strokes one big, slightly calloused hand across your damp brow - grateful that your fever had finally broken. "How are you feeling, sweetness?"
"Achy." You rasp. "I'm so sore, Ari."
"Mmm." Your man hums as he helps you sit up. "My poor baby." Once he's got you comfortable, Ari hands you a glass of water. But he doesn't let go. Instead he holds it to your lips, encouraging you to take your time with slow, steady sips.
Only when he's convinced you've had your fill does he set the empty glass back on the nearby nightstand.
"Good girl." He gently cups your face then, his thumb caressing the apple of your cheek. For a moment you allow yourself to get lost in his rich blue eyes.
This man, your Big Beast, had all but refused to leave your side for the past week as he sweetly nursed you back to health. He'd fixed you tea, fed you soup, and cuddled you close - all while a terrible fever had ravaged your body.
He'd even called off work for you, dismissing your feeble protests when you tried to assure him that you would be just fine on your own. Yeah, that absolutely would not fly with a man like Ari Levinson. He was your Daddy, which meant that it was his duty to care for you. Even more than that, it was is privilege.
Both in sickness, and in health.
And when you'd tried to point out that since you weren't married, those vows didn't apply he'd simply shushed you before pressing a tender kiss to your temple.
But you also had no idea how often Ari held your hand while you slept, his soulful gaze focused intently on your naked ring finger.
"Soon." He would whisper into the air, letting his quiet vow fill the room. "I'm going to get you all better, baby. And then I'm gonna work on giving you my last name."
Your Daddy has no doubt that you'll say "yes" to him one of these days. After all, he's a very persistent man, the kind who always gets what he wants.
And what he wants is you. For today, tomorrow, and every day after that.
Because you are a treasure worth keeping. So, yes. He will keep you - in sickness and in health.
The deep timbre of his voice inadvertently pulls you from your reverie. "Are you hungry, my love. Need more water?" Unable to be without you a moment longer, he pulls you close - gently hauling your small frame into his lap. "I've missed you, Bird."
Instead of responding, you bury your face in his broad chest and inhale his crisp, clean scent. Somehow Ari always managed to smell of clary sage and bergamot.
There was no use in trying to deny it - you were well and truly addicted to this man.
And while this man slept next to you every night, it had been days since he'd taken your body. Even now as you battled sickness, you still ached for him.
"You're not due for another round of meds for at least another hour. " He informs you, his heart seizing just a touch when you let out a pitiful moan. "What do you need from Daddy right now?"
You simply shake your head, your hands clutching at the fabric of his shirt as you contemplate the best way to undo the buttons.
Ari already knows. But he wants to hear you say it.
His nimble fingers tangle their way into your curls, lightly playing with the silky strands. "How else can I make my baby feel better? Are you still cold?"
"I want you." You mumble, briefly pulling away so that he can see the longing in your tired eyes. "I always feel so much better when you hold me."
Ari smiles down at you then, warmth suffusing his handsome features. "If that's what my baby wants." He scrubs a hand over his beard making quick work of unfastening those stupid buttons.
He was always wearing shirts like that - mostly because he loved how desperate you became whenever you attempted to undo them yourself. It usually ended with you ripping the damned thing in two, buttons scattering this way and that.
"I'm gonna set my alarm for an hour." He tosses the shirt to the side and then helps get you settled back in his king-sized bed. "And when we wake up I'm going to feed you and then you're going to be my good girl and take your medicine." He whispers a trail of soft, sweet kisses along your collar bone.
You'd already lost a little too much weight for Ari's liking.
"Okay." You whisper, snuggling into his comforting embrace.
"All of it, baby. Even the yucky stuff."
You make a face, choking back a weak gag.
"I mean it, little girl. And then Daddy's gonna get you into a warm bath. You want me to help you wash your hair?"
"Yes, Sir." You feel your eyes begin to droop. "Can I please have the pink bubbles too?"
"Of course you can, Princess." Ari coos as his hand rubs the small of your back.
"And my toys?" You're slurring now as sleep begins to overtake you.
Your Big Beast chuckles at that, the sound of his amusement rumbling deep in his chest. "I'm afraid not. You're still too sick for us to play any special games right now."
"But I'm not." You whine as the world slowly begins to fade away. All that mattered was Ari. As long as you were in his arms, everything would be okay.
"Hush, brat." He murmurs into your hair. "We'll make up for lost time once we get you on the mend. But if you keep pushing it, Daddy'll have to add a note about you being naughty to your punishment tally. Is that what you want?"
"No thank you, Sir."
"Thought so." Ari gives your ass a gentle squeeze and then a slap. Even sick, your man would never let you forget that he was Daddy. And his word was law.
"Sweet dreams, Daddy."
"You are my dream, sweetness. Now please get some rest. I promise I'll be right here when you wake up."
That's all you need to hear. Your Daddy continues to pepper your face and neck with more kisses as you fall asleep with the knowledge that you were in this together. For better or worse.
In sickness and in health.
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jamneuromain · 11 months
It's a full moon's night. Would you rather be a witch dancing with her coven in the moonlight only to be snatched by dark creature by the name of Steve, or be an unwilling sacrifice for ruthless demon overlord who goes by the name Ar?
Hmmm... this has been troubling me for a whole day >:(
But I've finally comes to terms with-
(Warning: Cult, Murder, demon!Ari, mention of creampie and if you squint basement demon wife)
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Life does flash before your eyes when the silver dagger cuts into your artery, and your boyfriend's sickening grin lingers in your head since it's the last thing you see before losing consciousness.
It's a full moon tonight, a perfect chance to summon the demon he worships. Not that you know any of it - if you did, you would've run out of the door faster than the speed of light.
"Lord, I brought you the purest of souls, and the freshest of blood, as an offering." Your cult-obsessed boyfriend murmurs, watching with fire in his eyes, as your blood flows through the circle carved onto the ground and forms a ring.
Ari steps out of the portal in mid-air. Crooked horns, sooted claws, goat hooves.
"What do you want, human?" He huffs, not exactly pleased with humans casually dumping souls and blood and bodies as "offerings". As if that's what he wanted if he had a choice.
He's a demon, he eats cooked meat and fresh fruit for Hell's sake.
"To be eternal, my Lor-"
Ari snaps his neck in half.
There. The human soul is eternal. Suffering in Hell.
As for this less-than-decent offering-
His eyes land on you.
You wake up in satin sheets and feathered pillows, crimson veils cover the outside of the large king-sized bed so that you can only see the insides of this space. The air is dry and hot. Only seconds have passed before you begin (or realize) that you are sweating. Clear of clothing, stripped naked, with a long-haired man looking at you with his burning eyes sitting in front of you.
"Who are you? What have you done to me?" You claw for the sheets, desperately trying to cover your body.
He likes you. He decides to keep you.
He feeds you fruits and meat by hand (you protested about the lack of utensils, but your disagreements quickly die down when he feasts on your body). The sex is amazing, he'd push his huge demon cock into your tiny holes and fill each and every one of them to the brim (if not leaking). And he would carry you to bed. Clothing is never an option. You can choose between his gown or the thin piece of veil he prepares for you - neither is satisfying enough but that's what you make do with when he's not around.
He rips them off you when he's around.
It's almost impossible to choose between stevie and ariii <333 (my heart is certainly big enough for them both and I want them to have their ways with me with no mercy pls
Thank you for this ask :3
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 years
I guess this is a 2023 astrology overview or something
As we're approaching the new year, I've been thinking a lot not about the passing one, but about the next one... If you could somehow be nostalgic about the future, that would be the feeling I'm getting about 2023. It's some sort of longing mixed with curiosity and something that seems unattainable. But that's exactly what makes my brain go weird... because it is attainable... There ARE new cycles starting next year even if it's hard to wrap my head around it (just think about Pluto being in Aquarius for 20 years. I know. Hard to comprehend).
And as much as I'm sure at some point sooner or later, I'm going to regret my next words, I cannot wait what 2023 has in store.
There's a lot of changes ahead of us, and those changes will be BIG. Starting from Saturn departing from Aquarius after 3 years. And these were a very long 3 years (not just saying that because it was my 1st house transit and that made it feel extra long) but I feel like they were busy and thought-provoking years. Lots of changes in communication (for obvious reasons), the internet, technology and social matters. The collective approach to all these topics changed drastically. And some of which was forced on us. Few months into the pandemic, after seeing the pattern, I said it won't be fully over until Saturn leaves Aquarius. I said that with a big disappointment but somehow we're almost at the end of the transit and the topic is currently mostly not a thing anymore. Like, can we actually take a moment and appreciate that?
I think the keyword for this Saturn in Aquarius transit was: innovation inspired by limitations.
Sure Pluto is going to take over the sign but it's much much slower in its movement, it's not a harsh reality-check in the style of Saturn, it's sneaky and quiet. Aside from the darker qualities it has (and similarly to Saturn it can cause fear), Pluto can be alluring in its power - it's like a Midas touch if it's on your side. But it will bring changes and those changes might be thrilling yet terrifying. Be careful what you wish for because with the new Pluto cycle, if it's affecting your chart, you just might get it. And these are the words I keep hearing when I'm looking at my own chart so I guess that is some sort of an omen for me.
Obviously these are collective energies but with the nodes shifting signs in the middle of the year, and the north node heading into Aries, there will be an emphasis on the individual. It's about taking back your own power and freedom and reevaluating what each of us want from our lives, I'm sure a lot of people will stop and ask themselves, who am I? And if the thing I'm doing truly makes me fullfilled? There might be changes in leaderships as well. People may become more selfish but sometimes selfishness is required if you want to live a happy drama-free life. With the south node in Libra, people may realize it's actually a relationship with a certain person that is blocking them from happiness, so there might be a lot of goodbyes next year... goodbyes that leave space for new connections - and if you're into the idea of south node symbolising past lives - maybe even a beneficial past live connection? (Maybe that's why I said I'm feeling the sense of nostalgia from 2023?)
(PSA: beware of the nasty people from the past from this lifetime during Venus retrograde tho)
And as the north node departs from Taurus and leaves the mess that it made along with Uranus (that will no longer square Saturn), let's hope Jupiter ingressing into the sign will smooth things out a bit. Now Uranus is still there so that won't fix all the issues but I'm hoping there's going to be less of a "shortage of this and that and the crops are dying cause there's war and the gas is too expensive and oh, let's scare people there's going to be shortages of power during the winter and btw we're gonna make your electricity bills super high so there's that" bullshit and more of a "let's just chill and have some amazing food and maybe lay naked in bed cause we have everything we want" type of Jupiter party. That'd be nice. But first Jupiter is going to speed through Aries and give us all the awesome and exciting energy we all need to get us back on our feet.
And back to Saturn, Pisces folks, buckle up cause that can be like a bucket of cold water for you. Not the type of a swim you like but on the bright side, this can potentially bring a bit of a structure into the sloppy and disorganized side of you (yes I just called you sloppy, soz), it can also bring your abstract ideas into a tangible thing. Just don't loose your jupiterian hope and enthusiasm in all of this even if Saturn will try to break your fragile little heart. And we all shouldn't, as Pisces' jupiterian cousin (that is, Sagittarius) I want to remind everyone that there is a way to keep your rose-colored glasses and still have ideas that are grounded in reality, the key is to wisely assess your situation and work on whatever you have in mind and want to achieve. Use the Saturn energy. Also use all the jupiterian things if you want - being aware of astrology or divination is an advantage after all and having Saturn in Pisces can help give us clearer and more black and white answers when using these methods.
And on that (hopefully) uplifting note, happy 2023.
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
Always Meant to Be
Kinktober Day 19: Smoking
Relationship: Ari Levinson x Jake Jensen (Bear and cubby, NLLYL AU)
Words: ~2.4K
Summary: Ari finally has some time off and our soft boys are determined to enjoy it.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected anal sex, rim job, anal fingering, dirty dancing, anal cream pie, hints of cum play) established relationship, babies in love, giggly/playful/high Ari, fluff, weed, they’re so goddamn adorable, soft boys, m/m fic, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: I LOOOOOOOVE THEM!!!!! They are so perfect and sweet and filthy and in love. I sort of see this happening the same weekend Ari asks Jake to move in with him, because c’mon, how could he not?
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!!
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Jake struggled to balance the possibly excessive takeout containers in his arms while he rode the elevator up to Ari’s penthouse, so thrilled that his man was taking a long weekend so they could just spend some quality time together. He’d been missing his giant bear of a boyfriend like crazy, so having three days to just snuggle him and love on him and show him how much he loved him was going to be so amazing.
The elevator started thrumming with loud bass notes before the doors even opened, making Jake cock his head until they did and the sounds of Wu Tang’s Chamber Music and the overpowering smell of weed almost knocked him on his ass.
“Ari? Holy fucking shit.” Jake laughed through his coughing fit while he walked into the apartment, almost getting a contact high from the fragrant air that was permeating Ari’s place. “Have you been hotboxing this place since last night?”
It was clear that Ari hadn’t even heard Jake since he didn’t answer him, leaving Jake to wander into the living room on his own and just grin at the sight that greeted him.
Every damn time he saw this man he fell more in love with him. And why should right now be any different? With the way he was rolling his whole body to the music and shaking his ass while he wore nothing except the tiniest shorts Jake had ever seen on him and had the biggest joint in existence tucked between his teeth. It was the most carefree Ari had ever appeared since Jake met him, and he didn’t think there was a more beautiful sight in the world.
“Jake? Cubby!!” And that beautiful grin when Ari finally turned around and saw him standing there, making him laugh and squeal when his giant boyfriend walked over the couch like it was nothing without taking the joint out of his mouth and wrapped his arms around Jake so tight he almost squished all the food. “Baby baby baby baby baby, get naked and dance with me.”
“Ari, wait… Ari!!!!!” Jake shrieked when Ari unceremoniously tossed the food on the dining room table and threw Jake over his shoulder, the larger man ignoring his screaming and flailing limbs while he just slapped his ass along with the music before yanking his jeans off. “I just got here! The food…”
“Don’t need it, got a full fucking meal right here.” Ari growled and barked playfully when he pulled Jake’s boxer briefs down just past the curve of his ass, taking the joint out of his mouth just long enough to sink his teeth into the firm muscle of Jake’s right cheek while he kept laughing in between scandalized squeaks. “Tastiest fucking meal I’ve ever had.”
“You… hey!” Jake huffed when Ari dropped him to the floor, not even getting a chance to scold the man before he was dragging his shirt over his head then kissing him silly once he was finally naked. “You’re so fucking high, oh my god.”
“Yeah, let’s catch you up, c’mere.” Ari just wound a massive arm around Jake’s waist and yanked his body close, swaying both of them along with the music as he took a deep pull from the joint before slotting his lips over Jake’s and exhaling the smoke into his mouth, grinning when the blonde just sighed and slid his hands over his chest. “Good, yeah?”
“Mmhm, yeah, ‘s good.” It was really good, Jake was already starting to feel warm and flushed after just one pull, his body practically melting into Ari’s when he shotgunned him again even while he kept lewdly grinding their hips together. He must’ve picked this up from the bombshell, she always had the best shit. “So good, god, you’re warm.”
“I know, baby, you always get me all heated up.” Ari slid his hand down to squeeze Jake’s ass when he breathed into his mouth one more time, giving it a teasing jiggle and barely brushing his fingers over his hole before he pulled back with a mischievous grin on his face. “Now, dance for me, c’mon!” Ari laughed at the annoyed huff and pout Jake gave him. “Know your stripper boyfriend had to have taught you somethin’, I wanna see.”
“My entire dick is out… hey!” Jake swatted at Ari when the man started circling him like a fucking cat and smacked and pinched his ass, unable to stop spluttering with laughter when his bear just barked and took a few more long pulls from the joint as his body rolled sensuously to the music. “I really don’t know how sexy me helicoptering my penis around is gonna be.”
“Nah, baby. You’re always sexy.” Ari wrapped his hand around Jake’s throat from behind and purred at the whine he got in response, grinding the massive bulge of his hard cock into the small of Jake’s back until the poor thing was almost melting. “But I wanna watch that pretty dick of yours chub up while you shake that sweet ass in my face then fuck the shit out of you.”
“Menace, fine!” Jake grumbled halfheartedly and gave Ari a playful frown before starting to sway his body to the music, letting himself loosen up a little while he threw his ass into it. “Kinda feel like you should be naked too, though.”
“You’re absolutely right.” Ari beamed at Jake, tucking the joint between his teeth and giving another lovely roll of his body before shoving his shorts down his thick thighs and kicking them away, turning around and giving Jake a teasing wiggle of his ass before dropping onto the sofa and spreading his legs wide. “Now, show me your moves, cubby.”
“Alright.” Jake was determined to not get distracted by the way Ari’s giant, beautiful, heavy cock was just laying on his thigh and leaking like a faucet, biting his lip as he prowled towards his bear to stand between his legs and softly trace his chest while he rocked his hips. “You want a lap dance, baby?”
“Hell yeah, I want a fuckin’ lap dance.” Ari groaned appreciatively when Jake straddled him and shimmied those goddamn perfect tits right in his face, his eyes raking over his baby’s body while the younger man dipped and rolled his hips in time with the music. “Not keeping’ my hands to myself, though, just look at this shit.”
“Ar… fine.” Jake rolled his eyes when Ari grabbed his pec and squeezed, letting him slide his nose up Jake’s throat in that way that made him shiver while his big, warm hand slid down his waist until he was holding his hip. “You’re so spoiled.”
“Your own fuckin’ fault, this tight little body of yours just always knows exactly what I want. See?” Ari purred when he reached between them to just barely tease the head of Jake’s cock, breathing more smoke into the blonde’s mouth when it dropped open with a soft gasp before leaning back with that sly grin. “Now, lemme see that sweet little peach.”
“You fucking mean tease.” Jake huffed at the loss of contact, all the weed and the incredibly warm air in Ari’s apartment was making his dick ache and his hole throb, he needed to get fucked soon. “You wanna see my ass, baby?”
Jake didn’t even give Ari the chance to answer him before pecking him on the lips and immediately turning around, his knees on either side of his man’s thighs while he stretched down languidly until his palms were on the floor. But Ari only had a second to admire the way his sweet boy was all stretched out like a cat before the blonde straightened his legs with a snap and shoved his ass right into Ari’s face, making the man growl when Jake jiggled it in some way that had his cheeks slapping against Ari’s while he rubbed his bitty hole all over his lips. It was a good thing he moved the joint to his hand or he would have lost it.
“Yeah, baby, look at you, holy fuck.” Ari groaned while he dragged his nose over Jake’s taint, nipping at his balls when his baby boy whimpered before licking his way back up to his hole while Jake was just barely able to keep rolling his hips to the music. “Did Ran teach you this? Gonna buy that man some flowers, fuck. Don’t you fucking move.”
“But… oh!” Jake yelped when Ari slapped his ass with a growl, keeping his palms planted on the floor while Ari littered the curve of his ass with appreciative bite marks before he was licking and sucking at his pretty pink hole again. “Okay…”
“Good boy.” Ari kissed the twitching skin almost reverently before he teased the tip of his tongue around the tight ring of muscle, taking another drag from the joint and blowing the smoke back over the curve of Jake’s ass with a purr before slowly pushing a finger inside his cubby’s teeny tiny hole. “So tight, how have I not ruined you yet, baby?”
“You, ah shit…” Jake yipped when Ari somehow managed to grab his thighs and the small of his back at the same time so he was literally folded in half, panting while Ari gnawed on and pulled at his needy hole until he could slide in a second finger. “You did ruin me.”
“Mm-mm. Boy pussy still so fuckin’ perfect.” Ari barely even registered the wretched sob Jake let out at that, shoving his tongue into Jake’s ass and curling it while he dug his fingers into the plush curves of his hips even as the joint kept burning down. “So goddamn sweet for me, openin’ up like a dream all for Daddy, huh? Own this pretty lil hole.”
“Yeah, ‘s yours… Daddy!” Jake squealed when suddenly fingers from both of Ari’s hands were inside him and pulling him apart, an unexpected rush of warm air pushing inside him and making him feel faint while he somehow managed to stay upright. “Did you just blow smoke up my ass?”
“Maybe.” Ari held the two fingers that were clutching the joint as far away from Jake’s skin while he kept holding him open, taking another pull and breathing it into the warm, pink cavern of his baby’s ass and wishing he had just one more hand so he could take a picture. “Look at this pretty fucking boy pussy, want me to make you wet, baby?”
“Oh fuck, Daddy…” Jake whined when Ari spat into his stretched open asshole, the ring trying to snap shut as he practically vibrated in anticipation. “Daddy, fuck my tight little baby pussy or I’m gonna throw a fucking fit.”
“Mmm, yeah, c’mere cub.” Ari finally let Jake out of his pretzel position and turned him around, tucking the joint between his teeth as he splayed him over his lap before reaching down to grasp his achingly hard cock and teasing it against Jake’s clenching hole. “Needy baby, you fuck your little pussy on my fat dick until you make a mess, yeah?”
“Yes Daddy.” Jake sank down and immediately started riding Ari wildly, his hole squelching lewdly as he squeezed Ari’s giant dick while he bounced up and down, opening his mouth when Ari cupped his cheek and letting him shotgun him again. “Fill my tight little ass with that giant cock, want you to come inside me, Daddy.”
“Never gonna come anywhere else, pretty boy.” Ari’s eyes flicked down to where Jake’s cock was bouncing with his thrusts, groaning at the sight and giving his baby’s balls a squeeze to hurry him along while he took another pull from the joint. “You’re never not gonna be full of my cum, good thing you’re not a chick or I’d knock you the fuck up, baby.”
Whyyyyyy was that so hot? Jake couldn’t stop whining at the thought of being constantly full of Ari, of never waking up apart from him and knowing he’d be satisfied for the rest of his life.
“Need that fuckin’ cum, shit.” Jake whined when he leaned forward to smash his lips to Ari’s and breathe in more of the sweet smoke that filled his lungs, his hips still writhing wildly in the older man’s lap as he felt himself drawing close. “Fuck it into me bear, make me fuckin’ feel it.”
“You’re never gonna not feel it, my fuckin’ boy.” Ari slammed his hips up to meet Jake’s and growled at the yelp he was met with, continuing to take puffs from the joint while his hands framed Jake’s tiny waist to help his boy ride him. “Take what you need, cubby, fuck that perfect little body on Daddy’s dick until you feel good.”
The only answer Jake could give was a shuddering wail when Ari’s cock drove against that perfect spot inside him again and he lost control, his whole body shuddering while his cum spurted all over Ari’s hair covered chest and abs while he just whimpered and wriggled and struggled to stay upright. Of course, Ari couldn’t last long once he’d watched his boy completely lose it, his grip on Jake’s waist keeping the blonde still while he pumped him full of his warm cum with slow, sensual rolls of his hips.
“Should… Jesus Christ.” As soon as Jake was done he collapsed against Ari’s chest with a moan, his body limp and warm and his head all fuzzy while he grinned at the kisses his bear was pressing all over his face. “I feel like maybe we should eat.”
“You are just full of all the best ideas.” Ari scooped Jake up after tossing the roach aside like it was nothing and carrying him to the dining room, kissing his giggly face all over while he felt that warm and gooey feeling that wasn’t even from the weed. “I’m gonna keep you stuffed from both ends this weekend, cubby, I hope you’re prepared.”
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day 20- Mirror sex with Ari Levinson
738 words
kinktober masterlist
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A/N: Okay, let's get into this fic. I love to write for Ari more and more. This time, i wanted to have a curvy!reader. And i wanted for him to worship reader. Hopefully you will like it!
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TW: mirror sex, a bit of angst, so little that we pass fast above it. Fingering, p in v. Ari levinson is the biggest menace.
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You came back from a shopping trip with some friends. You didn’t find anything. Nothing fitting you, making you feel fat, ugly and…sad.
You look at yourself in the mirror, sighing, wiping your cheeks.
“Sweeeets, I’m hooome, where are-“, Ari sees you in the mirror and he walks fast to you, holding your face. “What happened, who hurt you?”
You giggle sadly. “The clothes…” He arches a brow.
“The clothes?”, you nod. “nothing fit, I’m fat, ugly…and all my friends are fit, pretty”
Ari kisses your hard. “Don’t ever say that again”. He rounds you so he’s behind you and you face the mirror, you close your eyes, more tears coming.
“I want you to look at me, while I worship your body. I want you to look into this mirror so you can see, what I see. You’re beautiful, amazing, your friends are flat and without colours. You are a rainbow, sweetheart. You make my hearts sweal and my cock hard.”
You open your eyes and looks at his face, not your body. When his hands start to explore your body, you shiver.
His face makes you wonder why you hate your body. His eyes scan you body and he licks his lips, the way he always do when he’s about to eat you out for dear life.
“Can’t you see how much your body is… wonderful. How much every part of you sings for me, how much my body answers to it? You’re my mermaid. And I don’t care that I’m under your spell, I love to be under your spell.” He cups your breasts, the nipple perk. “Love to make you sing for me.” He kisses your neck and the crook of your jaw.  He leaves you but come back with a chair, he sits, and that’s when you realise his naked to now. He sits you on his lap and you feel him.
“Do you realise that my cock comes alive the moment I see you?”, you moan at his words. He spreads you open and rubs your folds, kissing your neck and shoulder. “You’re gorgeous. Your body is beautiful. Your heart and your soul are pure… you deserve to realise that makes you the most amazing woman I have ever met.”
You sob, feeling stupid to let your voices win. Then you gasp, because he plays with your clit with his right hand and plays with your nipple with the left.
“I want you to look at you. Look at your body, feel your body against mine.”
“Ari…” you whimper.
“What?” he murmurs in your ear with his deepest voice.
You rock against his cock.
“Eager, but if I put my dick inside your tight pussy…my lesson won’t stay in your little head. You all but not think…oh I see what you’re doing missy.”, he chuckles and bites your neck softly. “No today, it’s about you, I’ll give you my fingers and only my cock when I hear you say that you’re beautiful… and don’t rush, I know when you’re lying.”
It’s your second orgasm now, you can’t take your eyes of the mirror. You can’t stop looking at your face and how your body moves under Ari ministrations. You turn your face slightly to burry it in his beard, to breath him in.
“Do you see it now?”, he asks.
You nod faintly, your hips rocking to push his fingers deeper.
“Look at you and tell me.”, he orders.
You turn your face, look at you directly in the eyes in the mirror. “I am beautiful.”
“Good girl”, Ari growls. He quickly lifts you and buries his cock in your tight channel. You moan loudly at the intrusion and cum hard, your breath short. Ari pants and groans in your ear.
“I thought I would have open you by now. But I guess your pussy loves to stay tight for me, such a good girl.” You clench and you head lolls back.
“Now we are gonna stay like this and you’re gonna repeat after me. I’m beautiful, my body is gorgeous. My heart and soul are pure.”
You whimper and moan at the same time, your brain to fucked out.
“I’m gonna say it for you while I fuck you.”
And he does just that, thrusting inside you, lifting you like you weight nothing and keeps saying that you’re beautiful, gorgeous, and pure.
By the end of the night, you believe it.
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taglist :
@navybrat817 @christywantspizza @buckyalpine @iloveprettyboysblog @ethreal-love @nailedbymandy
@captainsimagines @buckybarnesandmarvel @rogersandlightwood @sparkledfirecracker @barneswinterraven @hansensgirl @blades-and-heartbreak @runa-falls @chrisdrysdale
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I want your headcanons on this ask you sent me
Can do!
Chenya didn't even try and act 100% good, they just think it's funny pranky him and accept it
Neige was his usual self until question of Vil came up and it did SO MUCH of him to not to say "Oh yeah Vil and Rook are amazing kissers-"
Rielle did his DAMN best to make sure the naked pirate man that is Isaac isn't seen at all and by the time the thing ended he laid down and cuddled
Arie was so sickly sweet acting that Lilia cringed when watching the live stream
Oh the reporters were eating up Neige and the Dwarfs with Toby announcing "Can we go now? We have a date with an angel!" Which forced Dominic's arm to admit they're dating someone, not being specific at all which makes the media question
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mackenzielovee · 2 years
you should def incorporate the scene from the red diving sea resort where ari gets up from the bed and is naked but with the reader sleeping naked next to him😩. also loved the new part of protection you never fail to amaze me with your fics!!
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i can definitely do that for you. much to think about here. very much
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luciajaydekaine · 2 years
The Way I Love You(Kim Hanbin)
Warning: Soft smut, loss of Virginity, handjob, blow job, eating out
Hanbin’s first time
Zaharia and her members walked off the stage as the concert m. They all went to their dressing room to get changed. Zaharia put on joggers and a crop top throwing her hair into a bun. She quickly ran out to find Hanbin.
Zaharia hugged Hanbin tightly pressing a soft kiss to his lips. When she pulled away he smiled brightly.
“You looked incredible tonight.”hanbin said kissing her on the top of her head.
“Thank you my love. I was thinking you and I could have a sleepover at my hotel room. Do face masks and watch k-dramas. I also bought us matching pajamas.”Zaharia said excitedly
Hanbin looked nervous trying to think what to say.
“Babe. When don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. It’s just movies. We can sleep under different blankets.”Zaharia reassured him rubbing his cheek with her thumb
“okay. Can we get some food. I’m starving.”
“Absolutely. How about burgers and milkshakes.”
“Sounds amazing”
Zaharia grabbed his hand leading him to the Girlicious van. When they sat down she cuddled into his chest kissing his cheek making him blush.
When they got to the hotel, Zaharia led him to her room. Hanbin’s eyes widened when he saw how fancy her hotel room was.
“Wow it’s so fancy.” Hanbin exclaimed
“I like luxury hotels better.”
Hanbin followed Ari’s guide to the bathroom which was equally luxurious.
“Would you like a clay mask or sheet mask?”Ari asked
Ari mixed the clay and smoothed it over Hanbin’s face and then hers.
“What movie do you want to watch? I’ll order food while you choose.”
Hanbin’s nodded turning to the tv looking for different dramas trying to find the most romantic one. They waited for their food to arrive before playing the movie. Once the food came they cuddled watching the movie while eating.
“I’m so inlove with you” hanbin softly whispered against her hair
Ari smiled brightly leaning up to kiss his lips. They pulled away after a couple minutes.
“Time to clean the masks off and get into our pajamas.” Ari grabbed his hand after grabbing their pajamas pulling hanbin into the bathroom again.
“We both need to shower before we go to sleep.”
“You go first. I’ll wait.”
“Why don’t we just take a shower together?”
“Like both of us naked. Together?”
“Of course. Can’t shower with our clothes on. And it will help you be more comfortable being naked together when you’re ready to lose your virginity.”
“Uh uh. Okay.”
Ari turned the shower on. Hanbin turned around while she undressed and climbed into the shower.
“Your turn bins”
Hanbin nervously pulled his clothes off and walked into the shower. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from her body. From her large chest to her abs to her legs.
“Hanbin. If you want you can touch me anywhere.”Ari said softly
Hanbin wrapped his arms around her waist and began passionately kissing her. She put her hands in his her gently tugging at his hair to hear him moan. They pulled away and Ari picked up the body wash and a loofah. Pouring soap onto it she sat the bottle down before gently washing his chest.
“Is this okay?”
Hanbin took a deep breath as she washed his abs down to his now hard cock. He loudly moaned as her other hand wrapped around him softly massaging his cock.
“Ahhh fuck. That feels so good. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” Hanbin moaned and grunted as she moved her hand a little faster
Hanbin grabbed her face in his hands and they began kissing passionately. Hanbin couldnt stop moaning into her mouth. Hanbin threw his head back and loudly moaned.
“Fuuck. Ari! I’m so close. Can I cum?”
“Go ahead baby. Let it go.”
Hanbin tensed up letting out a gasp and moan as he released all over her abs. Ari let go of him as he softened.
“Are you okay?” Ari asked lovingly
“That was amazing. Thank you.” Hanbin replied kissing her lips again before grabbing the loofah and washing her body
“You’re body is so amazing.”
“Awe. Thank you Gorgeous.”
Hanbin turned the water off and wrapped her in a soft towel. They dried off putting their pajamas on. Hanbin couldnt stop staring at her perfectly round ass. He just wanted to grab it but was too shy and nervous to touch her.
“Do you like the view?” Ari asked with a laugh
Hanbin’s face turned red. Ari walked up to him grabbing his hands putting his arms around her to her butt. Hanbin grabbed her ass with both of his hands groaning. They started making out for the thousandth time. Hanbin pulled away getting an idea. He picked Ari up bridal style carrying her to the bed.
He gently laid her down covering her in the soft blankets before getting into the other side.
“I love you so much. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone as much as I love you.”Ari told Hanbin holding his face in her hands
“I know we haven’t been together for very long. But I’m sure you are my soulmate. I want to spend the rest of my life in your arms.”Hanbin kissed her deeply pulling her into his arms
The sweet kisses started heating up as his hands roamed her back to her ass. He rolled over onto his back pulling her on top of him. Ari straddled Hanbin’s hips not breaking the kiss as she started slowly grinding on him. Hanbin pulled away moaning
“Oh fuck. That feels so good.”
“Do you want to keep going?”Ari asked making sure she wasn’t doing anything he wasn’t ready for
“I want you.”
“You want me how? I’m not doing anything until you clearly tell me what you want to do.”
“I want you to take my virginity. I know I’m ready. I want to make love with you.”
Ari nodded kissing him before sitting up pulling his tank top up over his head. Zaharia started kissing his neck as he let out weak moans. She made sure to be careful to not leave marks on him. Hanbin sat up kissing her neck down to her shoulder and collar bone. Ari took off her shirt. Hanbin started at her chest for a few moments before kissing down her sternum to her breasts. He reached out trying to unclasp her bra with shaky hands. Zaharia leaded her hands back undoing her bra for him. He slid the straps off looking into her eyes with lust. He’s never been more turned on in his life. Hanbin massaged her breasts before taking her left Brest into his mouth swiping his tongue across her nipple making her moan and grind her pelvis against his. Hanbin switched to her right breast then kissed her shoulder laying her down on his back.
“Do you have a condom?” Hanbin asked hopeful
Zaharia searched the drawer thankfully finding one. She’s never wanted someone as much as she wants hanbin. Hanbin slipped off his pants and boxers then grabbed the condom before realizing he didn’t know how to put one on.
“I don’t know how to put a condom on.”Hanbin said embarrassed
“That’s fine. I’ll teach you.”Ari said not caring at all about him not knowing
Zaharia opened the condom gently rolling onto his hardened erection.
“There. Ready?”Ari asked again
“I’ve never been so hard in my entire life. I need you so bad it’s starting to hurt.”
“Ari nodded as he pulled her shorts and panties down her legs seeing her pussy for the first time. He leaded down to kiss her then grabbed his cock trying to find her entrances Ari smiled assisting him. She was completely soaked. Hanbin took a deep breath as he slowly started to push into her. Hanbin let out a loud gasp as he filled her.
“Holy shit. You’re so tight. I don’t think I’m going to last very long”Hanbin moaned
“That’s normal. Don’t worry.”Ari reassured kissing his mouth
Hanbin started to thrust slowly in and out of her letting out loud moans. Hanbin started to realize Ari wasn’t really moaning
“Am I doing okay.”
“You’re not moaning”
“I was focusing on you”
Hanbin kissed her deeply continuing to thrust into her. He suddenly remembered that his Hyundai told him how to thrust to make her feel good. Hanbin thrusted up hitting her G spot dead on.
“Fuck Hanbin! Right there.”Ari loudly moaned tightly gripping his back
Hanbin couldn’t hide his pride in making her feel good. Hanbin kept hitting her spot as she moaned loudly. Hanbin started to feel himself getting dangerously close to orgasming.
“Zaharia. I’m getting close.”
“Go ahead Binnie. Let it go.”
Hanbin buried his face in her neck as he started moving faster. His whole body started to tense up as he started to cum.
“Uhhh Fuck! Ari! I’m cumming!“ hanbin loudly moaned as he came hard into the condom
Zaharia rubbed his back with her nails as he came down from his orgasm. She was a little sad that she didn’t get to finish but already knew that he wasn’t going to last very long.
Hanbin rolled onto his side facing her after he threw the condom away.
“You didn’t cum”hanbin realized feeling like a failure
“It’s fine. Tonight was about you. You’ll have millions of times to make me finish.”
“Wait. Bobby Tought me how to give oral. I can do that.” Hanbin said excitedly
“How did he teach you?”
“With an orange.”
Zaharia started laughing.
“I’m not going to ever say no. I’m not sure an orange is very accurate.”
Ari laid onto her back spreading her legs for him. Hanbin moved the blanket and kissed her knee before going down her thigh. He kissed her pelvis before kissing her lower lips. He started licking her hole tasting her then licked and sucked on her clit. Ari couldn’t stop moaning. For someone who has never ate pussy he was doing great.
“Finger me while your eating my pussy.” Ari guided
Hanbin started thrusting his index and middle fingers in her hole.
“Cu your fingers like your telling someone to come here.”Zaharia instructed
Hanbin quickly followed her directions wanting nothing more than to make her feel good. Hanbin moved his fingers until Ari began begging him not to stop. He started eating her out like he was starving. Zaharia felt heat pulling at the bottom of her abdomen.
“Hanbin! I’m so close. Don’t stop. It feels so good” Ari moaned grabbing his hair gently tugging on it making him moan into her. Zaharia’s legs started to shake as her orgasm hit her like a train. Ari nearly screamed his name as he kept going until her orgasm stopped. Hanbin sat up looking at her fucked out face.
“How was it?”
Hanbin smiled as she grabbed his arm pulling into a kiss. Zaharia felt his erection against her hip. She smiled at the idea of paying him back. For the longest time she’s wanted to suck him off.
“Lay on your back. It’s my turn.”
“You don’t have to. It’ll go down.”
“I know I don’t have to. I want to. Giving oral is fun.”
Hanbin watch as she crawled over to him laying between his legs. She wrapped her hands around his cock stroking him as she watched him lean his head back. She licked from the base to his tip before wrapping her lips around him. Ari started bobbing her head listening to hanbin moan loudly. She smirked as the fact that he’s going to lose his voice from moaning so loud. Hanbin treaded his hands in her hair as she started to deep throat him. Thank God she didn’t have a gag reflex so deep throating was easy. Zaharia pulled away sucking on his tip stroking him as she leaned down licking his balls taking one into her mouth gently sucking on it.
“Oh my fucking God! Zaharia! UH! That feels so good. UH! If you keep doing that. UH! I’m going to. UH! I’m going to cum so hard.” Hanbin gasped and continuously moaned
Zaharia took his other ball into her mouth stroking him faster slightly tightening her grip. Pre cum started pouring down his cock. Ari licked off all of his pre cum before returning to sucking his cock licking into his tip.
“FUUCCK! IM CUMMING!” Hanbin yelled as his cock started twitching shooting his cum down her throat. She gladly shallowed all of him before kissing his stomach.
“Do you feel okay?”
“I don’t think my brain works anymore.”
“So I sucked your brain out. Next I have to fuck your brains out.”
“Can we sleep first?”
Zaharia nodded settling her alarm and cuddling against his bare chest.
“I love you so much Hanbin.”
“I love you so much more Zaharia”
Exhaustion and sleep took over both of them as they cuddled in each other’s arms.
The end!
The complete story of Hanbin and Zaharia continues on Wattpad called:
The Way I Love You(Kim Hanbin)
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growwithmeastrology · 2 years
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Tuesday, March 28th 2023 Sun in Aries ♈️🔥, Moon in Cancer ♋️🌊 We wake up to some nice and cohesive energies with the Moon moving into its home sign of Cancer early this morning and Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Aries. Unfortunately, here comes Mars to throw a wrench in all of that as it too, is conjunct the Moon. While the Moon is comfortable in Cancer, Mars is actually fallen in this sign. Basically the water energy from Cancer puts out all of Mars’ natural fire therefore it doesn’t have the energy to behave like it should. This results in indirect, passive aggressive energy that creates conflict just because it can. At least the universe adds some balance to this with both the Moon and Mars in a trine with Saturn in Pisces which gives motivation to tackle things you haven’t wanted to deal with. Lastly the Cancer Moon squares the Sun in Aries which can create internal conflict. How we feel on the inside doesn’t match how we need to behave on the outside and can cause problems especially in dealing with authority figures. If you’re in charge of managing people, today isn’t the day to nag your employees. You might have a mutiny on your hands. While the Mercury/Jupiter conjunction really helps today out, the scales aren’t quite balanced so, everyone stay in their corner, do your thing and resist being in other people’s business. Do look up at the sky tonight as these conjunctions are visible with the naked eye, better from the rural areas. Not so much under city lights. Have an amazing day! ☮️💚✨ Learn more about your energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a free consultation. Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps that empowers people to take full control of their lives. Let me reveal to you the most powerful tool you already possess. If you’d like to support or donate: 🅿️ PayPal or Venmo @Kamey Batiz 💲CashApp $NaliniFlor #growwithme #astrology #empowerment #loveyourself #bethechange #healing #dailyhoroscope #selfcare #love #zodiac #sun #moon #aries#cancer #conjunction https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVAFfgu_Zb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Neutral Good
Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Scorpio Rising
⭑ You’re a part of his council; always being present in the meetings. 
⭑ You’re never silenced, and your opinion is the most valued. You’re his person, and you’ll always be above any other,. 
⭑ You take your role as a monarch very seriously. Caspian and yourself are a literal power couple. 
⭑ Everyone feels comfortable around you because you want to hear what they have to say. 
⭑ Your wedding day was a big event. All of Narnia gathered to celebrate the union between you and Caspian. 
⭑ There were parties in the streets, flower petals all over the ground, candles were twinkling in windows and even Aslan was there to officiate. 
⭑ It was the best day of your life; your outfit was handmade, pearl white with iridescent hints within the layers.  
⭑ You were crowned Queen/King and the cheers could be heard nearly from the human world. 
⭑ Caspian had a smile on his face for a week leading up to the wedding and a week after. And as he saw you walk down the aisle, he started to cry. 
⭑ You believe in equality and justice issues are close to your heart. So that was your aim in Narnia - for everyone to feel included and important. 
⭑ If Caspian was ever called away then you were in charge. The first time this happened was absolutely nerve-wracking. And you thought you would have a full panic attack until Caspian returned. But you had brilliant advisors. 
⭑ You love visiting the forests that are full of fawns and talking animals. You even pay respect to the trees. 
⭑ With you and Caspian as rulers, it’s like Narnia glowed. The water was always cold, flowing and shimmering. The crops flourished and there was never a shortage. 
⭑ You missed the Pevensie’s as you were there when they came back. 
⭑ Lucy was your great friend and she shared a lot of wisdom with you. 
⭑ You always treat your servants with respect and share your food with them. You hate having to be served. 
⭑ Narnian baths are amazing; the bath itself is deep - holding a lot of water. It’s gold with opal legs. 
⭑ Caspian likes to spend all his spare time with you. As King he has a lot of duties, as do you. But time together is extra special with him. 
NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Caspian is hot-blooded, and that doesn’t change within the bedroom. 
⭑ He’s very sensual; liking to savor every part of you. He loves seeing your naked form on the bed, ready and waiting for him. 
⭑ At times he can be fast - in a ravenous fashion. Biting your bare skin, pulling at your clothes so he can feel you against him. 
⭑ He’s more into giving than receiving. 
⭑ Caspian loves when you grab onto his hair and pull
⭑ Oh and making you moan fills him with such pride. As if he alone is enough to bring you to orgasm. 
⭑ Rarely do you feel jealous because Caspian has no other desire for anyone but you
⭑ But he does get jealous a lot. Not because you stray, or your head turns for anyone. No, it’s because even if someone dares look at you with lust in their eyes, he’ll remind them who you belong to.
⭑ Likes to tease you, and hearing your whines is his favourite noise. A part from the moans... and he loves your moans. 
⭑ He whispers dirty things in your ear all the time. He loves seeing you wriggle in your seat. 
⭑  And biting is a BIG thing with Caspian. He absolutely loves biting your earlobes, bottom lip, neck, and nipples. 
⭑ Very into aftercare. He loves looking after you. He has so much love to give. 
⭑ Caspian will clean you up, and make sure you’re comfortable before even thinking about himself.
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azraaah177 · 3 years
🌟The beauty, charm and allure of your Rising Sign Pt.1🌟
Hi guys! I've had inspiration to do this topic, so let's go! 🌟❤
Let me say that every planet in your first house and aspecting the ASC, will have influence over your rising sign, meaning you will take some traits from it. ☺❤❤
Enjoy! 🌟❤
Also it is kiiinda 18+! (My lilith in 3rd does this, I-)
Aries rising/Mars in the 1st
Do you guys even know how fucking attractive you are? You walk into the room and all the looks are on you. Men/women feel horny and turned on when you are in their presence, your energy is extremely strong and irresistible which means that you can have A LOT of haters and be gossiped by jealous people. You have a body to die for, even if you don't work out ever, when you do, you easily accomplish the weight you're looking for.
Your eyes naturally seduce, they are sultry and passionate. Baddie vibes overall. You dress provocatively, catching a lot of looks by both genders. Your charm is how you can act like a baddie in any situation, serious but still so flirty and funny.
How tf are you so sexy???
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Taurus rising/Venus in the 1st
You guys are the epitome of class, beauty, sensuality, luxury, lust, pleasure.... your walk is charming, your words, your laugh... your expressions... people will always wonder about you... you are like the painting... a picture from the renaissance era.. a beautiful goddess... your body is voluptuous and soft, your hair voluminous and usually natural.. you have doll eyes and lips... with round face shape. Pleasure and enjoyment... people wonder how you look naked,, they think about you a lot. You always smell good. Your skin tastes like real snac!!! You are like 50s celebrity diva. Everything about you is so sensual. You are magnetic, you love dancing. When you dance your body moves with the music, bringing you in the spotlight.. which you are made for.
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Gemini rising/Mercury in the 1st
Do yall even know that you guys are the ultimate charmers? You can be whatever you set your mind to, you are an absolute actress/actor without even realizing it. Your playfulness and enthusiasm makes you popular, people wanna go out with you all the time, they wanna be in your presence because you charm them, they wanna be your center of attention. You make people imagine you as they masturbate. You are always in their mind. In literal meaning you give off naughty vibes a lot. You look hella innocent and cute but you know damn well you're really dirty and love acting like it. Yes, you are that hella cute girl/boy next door! Your smile and laugh is intoxicating, it makes others daydream about it. It makes them fall in love with your smiley innocence. You look confident and glowing, you love the natural look. You are so naturally beautiful.
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Cancer rising/Moon in the 1st
You are the epitome of femininity. You are an absolute goddess. The Moon, the planet that rules you, embodies the cycle. The phases of the moon symbolize immortality and eternity, enlightenment or the dark side of Nature herself while possessing the divine power of love. You embody that. You are a part of that. It rules the sexuality, birth, womb, intuition. You vibrate and give an energy of divination. You create. Your allure is in your eyes and fluid movement. Your eyes are watery, looking deeply. Your face is pale or it has cold undertone. You blush very easily and smile innocently, like a child. Your body is soft, cold to touch, very fragile looking. Men lure over you. Seeing pure femininity and velvety in you. You are soft like silk. Your hair is shiny. Extremely shiny. Your features or expressions are soft. You love wearing white and lace.
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Leo rising/Sun in 1st
You are luxury! People can only dream of having you. You are "something else". You have a stage presence everywhere you go. People are amazed of you. They can be jealous. They can be envious of you. You are always glamorous. You love shine and everything that catches the eye. You give model vibes. You can have a lot of fake friends. Your hair is extremely thick. You love doing cat eye makeup. You have plump lips. Your skin can be naturally tanned. You look great when sun kissed. Sun rules you, a Star. Just like you are. A largest star that shines the brightest. You present abundance, fame, money, luxury and confidence. You light up every room you enter. People chase you. They can't catch you. You are the Sun. You are a star on the sky millions of light years away. They look up to you. The glamour catches the eye. You are that. You drink that. You only drink glamour.
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Virgo rising/Mercury in 1st
Here we have a complete natural beauty. This ascendant beautifies the appearance and adds symmetrical facial features and figures, as well as graceful manners. You look like the model from the 90s. Your walk is precise, you carry yourself greatly. Your waist is defined. Your body is always neat and symmetrical. Your arms are long. Collar bones are also defined. You love earthy tones and are always elegant and polished. Virgo comes from the latin word that means maiden. It is represented by a goddess of fertility. People want to make babies with you, in a direct saying.
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Libra rising/Venus in 1st
Ah, the sign represented by Aphrodite, a goddess of beauty and sexual love. You are charming. Your looks are intoxicating. You possess a complete classical beauty. The one that is considered "perfect" by society. The symmetry. Everything you do, there is grace in it. You come from Venus, a planet that vibrates love and balance. Real life barbie dolls. You can have absolutely anyone you want, because you know exactly how to play the game. You are very heavenly, yet known for, and talked about your beauty and aggressive sexuality. Understand, this is the energy that you vibrate. It is in your core. People might stare at you, like you are an ancient statue or painting in museum. Songs and stories were written about you. Everywhere you go, they remember you.
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Scorpio rising/Pluto in the 1st
Scorpio... the most intense and sexual sign. You are such a mystery. Noone ever truly knows about you. You keep everything short. You don't like being the loud one.
You have huge energy potentials and fighting spirit, you are very brave and energetic. You are characterized by a dominant passionate nature and emphasized potency. Very intimidating look and personality, people genuinely feel scared when you feel any low spectrum of emotion. You show it in aggressive mode. You do not tolerate anyones behavior. You are, of course, classified as a very passionate lover. You act seductive or irresistible and carry the label of "great love magician". Your eyes are extremely expressive, dark in nature, muddy, and you posses the so called bedroom eyes. Your magnetic aura is very prominent in you. When meeting new people, you might feel a lot of sexual tension in the air, all because, of your magnetism, they can get pornographic images of you.
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Annnddd that is itt guys for part 1! I was late so I am so sorry for that! I wanted this part to have all the 12 signs but tumblr doesn't allow more than 10 pictures in one post. :/ So part 2 coming soon!
I hope you liked it because I really wanted to make this unique and beautiful!! Thank you guys sooo much!! ❤❤❤😩😩😩
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
I’m tired and apologies for the thought that I’m going to share. Imposter syndrome and the shame barrier aren’t present and I will regret this ask in the morning probably. This also might make zero sense and just be all rambles.
Ari walks like he’s got some hefty balls just hanging there. Jake licking his lips when Ari walks in, but my real thought:
Would Jake weigh Ari’s cock? Simply because he wants to know how much weight pounds him so good 😊
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Lilo, the way I fucking guffawed 😂
(Also, never ever regret sending me anything, it always makes my day, no matter what. I get the imposter syndrome though, brains can be so bitchy)
There is a situation where I could see this happening.
They emptied like half of Ari’s bar one night to celebrate that he was finally taking some time off, and once they were significantly drunk, they also broke out the amazing weed they procured from ninja. So they’re all giggly and feeling themselves and just slightly handsy while they lay together all tangled up and naked on Ari’s big ass couch.
And Jake is like, resting his head on the crease in Ari’s hip and and scrunching up his nose all cute when Ari plays with his hair and going between gazing at his Daddy’s face all lovey dovey and staring at his cock because it’s so close and calling to him. And then he just blurts put that he wonders how much it weighs.
So after they finish laughing at the idea Ari says they should do it and wobbles to the kitchen to get the food scale while Jake is screeching and hiding his face in the pillows and turning so red while Ari just says he wants to indulge his baby’s curiosity. And then it weighs almost a whole pound and Jake just can’t stop cracking up and falls on the floor as he talks about how his Daddy’s dick weighs more than most hamburgers (I don’t know why his mind went there, it just did). They definitely text ninja and Ransom a picture of Ari’s dick on the scale with a bunch of ridiculous emojis. Jake is absolutely scandalized the next day. It’s adorable
Ask me anything about Bear and Cubby!
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