#Nami is very spoiled. Constantly spoiled. That’s his baby.
poisoned-pearls · 11 months
sims building got me thinking abt my twst fankids so NAMI CONTENT TIMEEE
(also, for clarity, dada refers to Azul, baba refers to Jamil, and dad/father refers to either of them)
Nami always had many homes. Her dada’s apartment in the middle of the city, her baba’s constantly changing locations, (often a much smaller apartment)
but her favorite as a child was the countryside. She remembers the story of why her father bought it in the first place. Her uncle, Jade, lived in the property next door, and immediately alerted azul the moment it went up on sale. Primarily because he wanted access to the properties sprawling hillside and creek access, a treasure trove for the mushrooms he favored so much.
nevertheless. Her father bought it. Something about a business opportunity. She doesn’t remember the details. She does remember the first time she saw it, however.
her baba had suprised her at school, picking her up days earlier than he was supposed to be back. Her father always had done this, traveling far and wide for a month or two at a time, before returning home for the same amount of time. She’d go with him sometimes too, seeing over twenty different cities and countries by the time she was 6. She doesn’t remember most of it, sure, but the photos prove she’s been.
the car ride had been considerably longer than usual. He told her about how ‘her father had made an impulsive purchase’ and how they were going to check it out. When she’d asked why, he’d simply responded with “Because your father is an idiot.” (He often did that. Referred to his husband as “her father” whenever he did something he deemed unintelligent. Like she was the one who picked him out and not he.)
And oh. It was love at first sight. The house was overgrown with ivy and flowers she couldn’t name, unruly rose bushes grown far too big to be reasonable, and utterly gorgeous. She loved it.
She dragged her father by his hand inside, who found it rather humorous that a eight year old was utterly enchanted by a rather old, slightly decrepit house.
then she saw it.
the study.
Walls to walls of large bookshelves, left full by the previous owners. The curtains were large and heavy, covering a fancy window that looked right out into the once manicured backyard.
Once Jamil saw how much she had fallen in love with the building, he called off any of the plans Azul had for it.
It became a summerhouse, of sorts. The ocean was a mile behind the property, and with only some slightly underhanded techniques, Azul and Jade gained access to a backroad that could take them there.
She’d stay in that study for hours, reading every book she could dig up. History, Dramas, classics, math, philosophy- it didn’t matter. She’d read what she’d could and make her fathers read what she couldn’t. She’d take her language lessons there, draw, play, hide.
She loved it. To her, that cottage was her house, her home.
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virgolixx · 11 months
Hi I know this might be a stretch but can I have from one piece how Luffy, Ace, sanji and shanks would take to the news of being told that they’re going to be fathers as their S/O is pregnant?
Head Cannon:
:How would these one piece men react to the news about becoming fathers:
Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Shanks
Theme: Fluff💕
⚠️Warnings: Slight discouragement/very worried op men, overall happy content.
(Note: Apologies for the late request response, I hope to try and get better at releasing more on a weekly schedule.)
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Is absolutely beaming has big ass smile on his face. Does not fully understand the whole concept of pregnancy other than another human will be born, so you teach him and answer all the questions he may have, and yes he has many silly questions. (He will totally ask questions like “Does it poop in your belly” 😂)
Would ask Sanji to make sure you are getting the food you need, and would have chopper constantly making sure your pregnancy is going smoothly.
Would be absolutely excited about buying the baby clothes but would have Nami or Robin with him to help him get the actual necessary supplies
Would be absolutely happy with either gender, just as long your baby is healthy and strong.
I feel like with anyone he meets, well the ones that are save to tell, he would boast about being a father. Would absolutely want ace to know 100%. (N if by following the anime, I feel like luffy would absolutely cry if you named the baby in the memory of ace)
Would spoil you with cuddles, would absolutely love to always have a hand on your belly just to feel your baby move.
Once in labor he would be by your side, letting you squeeze the hell out of his hand, while Robin is aiding chopper with the delivery and Nami is wiping away your sweat.
After you’ve had the skin to skin bonding and the first 24 hours with your baby. Luffy would have you sleep and rest while himself and the rest (Nami and Robin and Chopper) watch over the baby, as Sanji cooks some nutritional food for you and brook plays a soothing song.
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His heart is pounding the hell outta his chest and is in a shocked state, but once he has recovered he has heart eyes
I can imagine Sanji pick you up and spin you around and give you a loving kiss. Like this man is over the moon to know that he will father your child.
Will be at your beckoning call, he will get you anything you need, like he constantly wants you to rest and not harm your self.
Will cook for you all the nutritional foods you need and will of course make you all the cravings you may have.
Would absolutely gives you massages, back rubs, feet rubs he gots you, he wants you to feel as comfortable as you can throughout your pregnancy
I feel like Sanji would be the most educated in the concept of pregnancy and if very prepared for it. Sanji would ask chopper about your pregnancy, see how the baby is, how you are.
I feel like at some moments during your pregnancy Sanji would feel terrified at the idea of being a father what if he’s horrible at it..baby is absolutely scared.
Doesn’t care about the gender he just wants the baby to be healthy and absolutely filled with love.
Once your in labor Sanji is holding your hand while he’s wiping away the sweat on your face with a rag. Sanji is praising about how great you doing and that it’s almost all done.
Once your baby is out, chopper passes the baby over to Sanji, at this moment Sanji is in his own world looking at his son, with a few strands of blond and a smile just like yours, Sanji tears up as his son grips on his pinky. At this moment Sanji’s fears vanish and he knew that he would do anything in his power to be an outstanding father to his newly born son and can’t wait to grow old with you.
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This man is absolutely scared and can’t comprehend a little you or him is growing in you. Honestly he doesn’t think he deserves this much love from you or the idea of having a family with you. So the first 2 times I feel like he’d be kinda distant but only because he’s scared but absolutely craves the idea of being a family with you.
White beard would have a whole ass talk to ace about what’s to happen. Once understanding more ace looks for you to talk, but the moment he sees you in your shared room, how you’ve started to set up a nursery corner and humming while you slowly rub your growing bump. Ace feels at ease and filled with joy, he rushes over to you and hugs you while tearing up.
Ace would say how much of an idiot he’s been and will now be here for both you and the baby, how he’ll push through his fears and wants to begin a family with you.
From that day on ace has always given you cuddles, love, would always go fetch you your cravings and has always accompanied you to ship’s doctor for your pregnancy check ups.
I feel like you both would learn together about the pregnancy and how to better be prepared.
Gender doesn’t matter either to him, as long you and the baby are healthy.
Once on labor ace would be by your side as you grip on his arm, as he’s absolutely concerned for your wellbeing, but once the baby is out and you have a whole sigh of relief he has also calmed, looking at the his daughter he notices his freckles scattered on her little face, feeling so much joy for his little girl ace uses his powers to warm his body temp to sooth the baby as he hands her to you, so you could have your skin to skin bonding moment.
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Man is utterly shocked, he can’t process it and fear sets in, he’s not ready, so the only logical thing he can process right now is to leave, and that he did.
Today marks one month since he left, the exact same day you’ve told him the news about becoming a father. The day you became completely alone, it’s been barely 30 minutes since you got home from you doctor check up, the baby is growing smoothly and is healthy.
You hear a knock at your door, opening the door your are confused until you look down until you see him, Shanks is bowing down fully to the floor slightly shaking, through sobs he tells you he made such a huge mistake and that he wants to fully be with you and the baby.
Angry that now he shows up but also very emotional cause of the hormones you kneel down to him and cry and he hugs you, you want him back but the day he left you so did your trust in him, so you tell him that you just can’t with out the trust.
Understanding you shanks does absolutely everything to win back your trust and that he did, after 6 months you two are absolutely happy together again. I feel like he’s the one who build the nursery room and has read up on pregnancy to better learn and take care of you.
Shanks loves to hold your belly and kiss it while talking to the baby, he always brings you snacks and foods you may need.
Once again doesn’t care about the gender as long the baby is healthy, but would absolutely adore to have a little girl
Once you’re in labor shanks is absolutely sweating, he’s watching you then the doctor then back to you, but the moment he hears the crying he look’s directly at his daughter who has his hair color, shanks is full on crying now not believing that he almost gave up the chance of watching his daughter grow.
Giving you the baby so you can have skin to skin bond he hugs you and kisses the top of your head and whispers to you, “I’m never going to leave and I will protect you and our daughter”.
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dittolicous · 7 months
More on my One Piece x Pokemon train:
Sanji's Milotic is his Little Princess, even before she evolved. Daddy's little girl. Queen of doing no wrong. It's a good thing she's actually quite well-mannered and sweet, because he'd honestly let her get away with murder.
If her and Gyarados do ever have an egg, Zoro will have a fight to keep Sanji from turning Gyarados into sushi. For now, both are entirely unaware their Pokemon are mated.
Actually imagine one day she finally DOES, Sanji coming across her curled around an egg and losing his ever-loving-shit - immediately calls a crew meeting to find out who DEFLOWERED HIS PRECIOUS BABY GIRL, demanding to see every water type in her egg group (which lbr they wouldn't keep up with that so that would then devolve into a debate over egg grouping and pokemon breeding all while sanji is fuming). of course, except for zoro, everyone else knows who the father but is staying quiet either 1) for the lulz 2) to keep damages down or 3) isnt paying attention (aka luffy). this goes on for a while when suddenly
CRRK CRRK the egg begins to hatch! theres silence on the deck as the new baby burst free, sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle
its a shiny fucking magikarp
sanjis neck cracks so loud from the speed he turns on zoro, steam pouring out his ears, chopper almost drags him to the infirmary just to check him out
he'd rather kick Zoro's ass
sends him flying off deck bcuz he was napping the entire time
here come the swords!
its mass chaos
poor franky is overworked
once things calm down it turns into a debate on who takes ownership of the magikarp, zoro n sanji feuding like bitter exes divorced thrice over determining custody time for lil timmy
(they end up leaving it in Momo's care as symbol of friendship - he takes very good care of them)
Luffy never just catches Pokemon. He's the Ash, his team is entirely composed of Pokemon that are like ‘his vibes are immaculate’ and join him. There are numerous Pokemon he considers ‘his’ or part of his crew strewn out across the seas, but he never caught them and they stayed behind for one reason or another.
For a good portion of his travels, he didn’t even actually catch them with Pokeballs. He only did so after Marineford, because having them in Pokeballs would've made things easier and safer for them. Still doesn't keep them put away often.
Sanji and Nami are scared of Bug Types, which made getting along with Zoro's Scythor and Usopp's Spinarak difficult at first. They got used to Sythor easier thanks to his less buggy nature, but Spinarak took time. This was not helped by Spinarak constantly trying to get chummy with them only to accidentally scare them.
One incident involved him pulling a Charlotte's Web in the gally, writing a compliment to Sanji in his web (Usopp taught him how to read and write because why not - bored island kids do whatever). Unfortunately, Sanji's horrified screams could probably be heard in Skypiea. Usopp spent hours cleaning all the webbing up and Sanji smoked about three packs that day.
They do eat Pokemon but it's less common compared to regular animals. There are debates that Pokemon just tend to not taste very good regardless of cooking skills, which lends itself to the idea that their powers are somehow connected to the ever nasty Devil Fruit.
Y'know that gag from Pokemon where Brock's own Pokemon would knock him around when he goes girl-crazy? Ya, that but Sanji. His team absolutely takes him down a peg when he gets too fuck-boy.
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It's usually his Blaziken, who will just straight up knock him out and carry him away if need be
The only one who doesn't is Milotic and that's because Sanji is her baby just as much as she is his and she wuvs him too much. Spoils him, really
Usopp gets Robin one of those baby slings for her Houndour as a joke but they love it (she puts on matching sunglasses too so he can travel in style)
it's to the point that Chopper gets a little jealous so they have to get him one too
Usopp's Octillary is still a lil shit no matter how much he respects Usopp, so it's not uncommon for her to cover whoever happens to be nearby in either ink or water
her favorite victim is Sanji - she never did forgive him calling her scrawny (even tho it meant they wouldn't eat her)
All of Franky's Pokemon have a star painted or carved somewhere on their body. They like posing with him!
Franky does want a Blastoisite but they haven't had much luck finding one
Brook's Chatot picks up many, many phrases…. unfortunately he, much like Brook, favors the one asking to see panties - the only upside is that he asks everyone regardless of gender
Chatot is not allowed to talk to strangers for totally unrelated reasons
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greyskyflowers · 3 years
One Piece headcanons: De-aged Luffy and Ace.
De-aged fics are so great because the idea of any of the characters being small and defenseless in their world is fantastic
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Luffy being de-aged mentally and physically to when he was little.
Big eyes tearing up constantly even though he keeps rubbing at them and declaring that Ace said he wasn't suppose to cry so much and actually wait where is Ace? Or Sabo?
Little feet running around the Sunny and a happy child's laugh chiming in the air. Thousands of questions about adventures and nakama and freedom.
The way he still gets as close as he can to them, climbing in Zoro's lap or trying to climb up Franky or pressing against Robin's side when she reads him stories.
And he's so tiny.
Luffy just being so happy because look at the family he gets! They're the best and they're his!
The crew is terrified though because the sea is no place for a child, especially one as accident prone as Luffy. However, he's theirs and he's weak like this, everything in them snarling at the very idea of him being away from them, being defenseless and alone when he belongs with them.
Luffy playing with Zoro's hands because they're huge and he's fascinated by all the scars.
Curious eyes peeking over a desk to watch Nami sketch her maps and being give paper to draw his own next to her.
Sanji letting Luffy sit in the kitchen with him while he makes dinner, occasionally sneaking bites to Luffy who always smiles like he's surprised.
Usopp making him small toys and telling stories of their adventures, Luffy hanging on every word.
Robin knows everything and reminds him of Makino, Luffy loves sitting with her and asking every question he can think of while she smiles at him.
Chopper and him playing tag and running around the deck and darting between legs.
Luffy climbing all over Franky like a jungle gym, gushing over everything he sees and eyes glowing.
Brook playing all the kids songs he can think of and Luffy dancing with little twirls and shakes, jumping up and down while asking him to play it again.
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Ace being de-aged mentally and physically after being settled in with the whitebeard crew for awhile.
Suddenly a spitfire brat with grief and rage all held tight in the little lines of his body. If they thought Ace was angry when they meet him, that was nothing compared to this wild child.
Trying to coax him out like a feral animal even though he practically spits at them like a pissed off cat.
He keeps asking where Luffy and Sabo are. Eyes watching them with distrust and the expectation of something coming that will hurt him.
Maybe they finally get him to relax, just keeping up with him and not relenting just like Luffy did. Maybe they tell him they know he's Roger's kid and the fear in his eyes will probably stay with them for the rest of their lives but it's the first step to him trusting them.
He's s so small, freckles sprinkled across his cheeks and tan skin that speaks of days outside under the sun. Dark bruises, little lumps where bones healed wrong or sprains were ignored, scars running in white lines on skinny arms and legs, and the only reason they stick out so much is because they shouldn't be there.
Ace is young, small, and skittish. He flinches sometimes when they move too quick and doesn't dare ask for affection but leans into them when they shower him with it.
Something or someone hurt Ace, or at the be very least neglected him. The crew isn't very happy to see it. Ace is basically the baby of the family, and now even more so.
Okay, so they're a little overprotective. So what?
But they spoil the hell out of him as much as they can.
Letting him train with them, teaching him the best ways to defend himself even though he's already pretty good, letting him help Thatch make food, telling stories of their adventures while Ace listens with wide and disbelieving eyes.
The way he lingers on their tattoos, something hopeful and longing in his eyes.
Marco lets him touch his feathers one day, the way hesitant little fingers brush through the fire without being hurt. How Ace lets out the breath he had been holding, turning excited eyes to them and grinning like the sun.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
Dressrosa In Review: Part VII
Get ready to have a lot of absurdity thrown at you at high speeds
Oh look, I found all the non Tashigi female Marines and don't think I'm not calling this sexist bullshit out for putting them all on the housecleaning ship.
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Although I assume their logo is something like "Female Marine Division: We Take Out The Fucking Trash Other Lazy Ass Marines Leave Behind"
Okay so there are exactly four decent biological fathers in the entire world of One Piece. Of those, one of them legit gets his family killed for that decentness, thus leading to the other family's sad backstory.
One Piece Life Lessons: look, it's better if your dad is a jerk
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Robin's eyes say this guy cray cray and I'm a fucking strawhat
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I'm in.
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Let's take a moment to admire these two dorkuses who have either separately or in an act of soulbond level coordination thought to themselves, "who know what makes for an undetectable disguise?"
"Goggles on hat, glasses on face."
You guys, I'm pretty sure when Law told Buffolo and Baby Five his big secret he was holding back. Look, I don't want spoil anything but by stringing together certain small clues I think I have compiled a list of potential other secret names in Trafalgar's family tree.
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Trafalgar "If My Last Breath Is Used Mildly Inconveniencing You It's A Win" D Water Law
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Trafalgar "How Is It I Do So Much Prep Work And Yet Am Constantly Surrounded By These Idiots Who Aren't Even Corazon" D Water Law
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Every time I see anyone use the -kun honorific I remember my brother explaining it to me as Nami's constant reminder to Sanji that they are just buddies and she is not going to sleep with him.
I like to imagine Robin taking this (very serious) time to remind everyone present that her and Law are not gonna be having sex any time soon. "I know he's close to death and we are all in great danger, but I just want to put this out there. I'm not into him like that."
Pretty sure this isn't accurate, but it makes so many scenes that much more amusing
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Law: I could shut my mouth but actually Imma gonna be an uppity bitch.
Me: 10/10. love it.
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-Somewhere, heaven most likely, where they apparently get Crunchyroll-
Whitebeard: You should not have left this self destructive trash fire of a boy all alone. And I say that as someone whose half literal trash fire of a son was raised in a very much actual trash fire.
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multikfantrash · 6 years
Jinho – NaJin/ HoMi
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They do a lot of covers together. She often makes him watch the Harry Potter series with her. She says he gives really good advice and enjoys talking to him about life. He helps her deal with her insecurities. Helps Nami with her vocals. Stick up for each other when members tease about their height.
Hwitaek/ Hui – NamHwi
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Being that Hanami is the youngest and only girl he feels like he has to protect her. He is always asking if she’s okay and if she feels comfortable. Although she teases him sometimes she thinks he’s really adorable. Half of the reason Nami is spoiled, he gives her or does whatever she wants.
Hongseok – HongNami
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Over Protective Big Brother. He sees Nami as an innocent child who he had to protect at all cost. He is her shoulder to cry on and tries to lift her spirits whenever she is down. And for that she clings to him. the other half of the reason Nami is spoiled. They often work out together.
Hyojong/ E’Dawn – Mi’Dawn
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Two cinnamon rolls. She extremely enjoys his 4D personality. She finds him intriguing and love watching him go from silence to rolling on the floor laughing in a matter of seconds. However, he tends to scare her with his screams, from time to time. He brings out a more wild and playful side of Nami. It pains him to see her upset. Both love skinship.
Shinwon – nap squads
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Cuddle buddies. She’s constantly reminding him he can not just strip at the dorms. She helped him a lot with the English in Pentagon Maker. She was surprised to find out that Shinwon is more of a scaredy-cat than she is. He tries hard to be strong/tough whenever someone hurts or scares her.
Chang gu/ Yeo One – Hangu
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They are always crying/ watching dramas together. Nami is extremely supportive of his acting. She often helps him run lines. She said that she thinking his flirting is really cringy. He loves picking on her ever since. Love teasing one another. One usually ends up crying. Both are very emotional and are always comforting each other.
Yanan – Namnan
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Loving siblings. Both are very quiet but enjoy each other’s company. They can spend hours together without talking. She always cooks him a traditional Chinese meal when he is home sick. She said she could not understand how he is still single. Even though he is the older on she babies him.
Yuto – YuMi
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Best friends. They constantly picking on each other and arguing in Japanese. Understands Nami the best. Yuto knows when she is hiding something and can get it out of her the easiest. Even though he’s not good at expressing his feelings she could always tell what’s going on in his brain. Anytime they are in Japan they practically lead the group.
Hyunggu/ Kino – KiMi
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Dance King and Queen. He is very protective and can not hid is anger when she is badly talked about. She loves his aegyo and will ask him to show her some randomly. She cheers on him during any solo. When they shared a room they constantly were practicing girl group dances.
Wooseok – Hanseok/ WooMi
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Teasing. Loud. Talent. He is the best at bringing out the inner extrovert in Nami. They bonded during training on a love for Anime. He is protective but is also very soft when it comes to Nami. She loves seeing his dorky side because it’s a complete contrast of the cool guy look he had. He teases her about the height difference even when she’s in heals.
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poisoned-pearls · 7 months
PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT YOUR FANKIDS THEY ARE SO CUTE.... do they have unique magic?? what are their family dynamics (with their parents, grandparents, etc.)???
AH OKAY SOOO- I have quite a few (I’ll tag them all so you can scroll through their tags- despite not having an organized blog I do have it organized for them) BUT I shall focus on Nami, Enzi, Faraja and Viv because. I’m in a mood for my girls rn-/lh
Nami is an only child, spoiled to hell and back by Azul because look at that man. He was made to be a girl dad spoiling them. She can do no wrong to them and they will defend her and her actions until the end of time. BUT she is the more generous kind of spoiled (if she likes you. If she doesn’t then get slapped by octopus tentacle motherfucker-) where she will give you something like that because she’d always just get another one
she’s the only one to have a fully thought out um (because god why do they take so much brainpower to think of)- Sirens Song. If she wills it, she can use her voice as a tool of mass hypnotism. This ability goes as far as her voice does, so as long as you are in earshot of her voice, you are susceptible. (Which sucks for beastmen with good hearing)
in general though she is very close with both of her dads and admires both of them to an absurd degree. She wants to be just like them, if not better. She is ADORED on Azul’s side (because in my lore, octo babies are RARE. You will only ever probably have one, or maybe two if you are insanely lucky. It ties into their magical prowess) but on Jamil’s side it’s basically just Najma and Jaddah, but she barely sees her (in my lore Jamil’s mom isn’t a bad person, she just was stuck in a bad situation and was very mentally unwell. Jamil and Najma were both ripped from her arms right after she gave birth and it messed her up. Jamil let her hold baby Nami and she cried)
(Design wise she pulls from Ariel and Vanessa. And a bit of jasmine)
Enzi is also technically an only child, but it’s only ever been her and ruggie. She was quite literally plucked off of the street and she’s been with him ever since. She grew up side by side with Faraja, constantly having play dates and such. But overall, she just, loves her dad. They’re a lot more like friends then a normal parent kid dynamic because ruggie understands that as she gets older she wants more respect (and hyena gender roles come in a bit). He taught her things from his culture though (HISPANIC RUGGIEEEE-) and she is fully considered apart of their community. Even if she’s a grey hyena in a sea of blonde and brown.
Faraja is… oh god she is my angst baby. I’m so sorry girl- she is an only child as well. I swear I didn’t mean for this to happen- her other parent.. isn’t in the picture. One day she was at Leona’s doorstep with a note saying she was his, and a week later, after the tests went through, she was. Cursed with being a bastard in a royal family (despite how fucking upset about it Leona was and how much he fought her treatment) she was basically ostracized from the rest of the family except for farena’s wife and Cheka. Leona loves her though. She never got a royal budget so he works as a local magical history professor and gives her his budget instead. Her hair is used throughout her storyline to express her feelings and I have a post detailing some of her angst
Vivienne is Not an only child, she has her brother, Emil- and she’s a musician (a la Taylor swift- said somewhat jokingly) but she only started performed when she was 16, because Vil was absolutely not going to have her have the same childhood he did. Instead she was tossed over to rook and taken out hunting. She has a crossbow in her skirt enchanted to compress at all times. She’s close with her little brother (tho he is annoying. Like all siblings) and she’s pretty close with both of her parents. (She also loves her gf Faraja which was a uh. Shock for Vil, at first.)
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