#Nancy and Marjan friendship
chaotictarlos · 2 years
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happy thanksgiving to all those who celebrate - and even if you don't, may your day be filled with love, friendship, and happiness.
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alidravana · 2 years
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Finding Yourself Along the Way
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Pairing: Marjan Marwani & Nancy Gillian (pre-Marcy)
Length/Rating: ~1k, Teen
Tags: Self-Love, Self-Discover, Childhood Friends, Developing Relationship, Sexuality Crisis
Upon finding a friendship bracelet in her closet, Marjan comes to a conclusion about her sexuality.  
Written for Day 5: Self-Love/Self-Discovery for @911prideweek!  Thanks to the wonderful @alilypea for editing!  
I just want to say that I’m really happy with this fic, and I hope you all enjoy it.  I get a bit teary at the end myself, but it’s not meant to be sad.
Check it out here on A03 or continue reading below!
Everything was easier when they were children.
Marjan could remember the first day that she had met Salim. She had been practicing her soccer kicks in the backyard, and instead of hitting the upper right corner of the net, her ball sailed way past the goal post, over the fence, and into a neighbour’s yard. Sighing loudly, Marjan went to tell her mom where she was going and started knocking on doors to find her ball.
Before she could knock on the third house’s door, she could hear a shout from the backyard. Having a gut feeling, she paused on her knock and looked around the side of the house. There was her ball, in the hands of a taller boy.
Salim had been good-looking then, too, if a bit gangly. And that mischievous look in his eye as he held out the ball for her to take, that stuck around into adulthood too.
“Thanks,” Marjan answered quietly, turning to go back to her house to keep practicing.
“My name’s Salim,” the boy said before she left, and she responded in kind before taking off. Boys were nothing but trouble anyway, Marjan told herself as she returned to her house. Nothing but trouble.
Truer words had never been spoken. Salim and Marjan eventually became partners in crime, climbing every tree, hitting every ball over the fences, and playing small pranks on their neighbours. Their two families bonded as well, and before long, it was decided that Marjan and Salim would eventually marry.
Marjan was thrilled. She had been hesitant about the whole idea, never feeling much attraction towards the opposite sex. But now that her future husband was going to be her best friend, she could feel her whole body ease.
One of the older neighbours down the street passed away a couple of years later, and a new family moved in. A younger family, with three siblings, the oldest of which was Marjan’s age. Nadia, her name was.
Nadia was amazing. She was super smart, funny, and active, quickly joining the all-girls soccer team that Marjan was also on. The two of them quickly became the best of friends, to which Salim was not particularly happy about. Since Nadia’s arrival, Marjan had spent less and less time with Salim. Still, as Marjan ran her fingers over the sparkly beans adorning her friendship bracelet, she figured that that was fine, that she and Salim had plenty of time to spend together when they got older.
And so Marjan continued to focus her energy towards her friendship with Nadia. Then she started noticing the little things, like how nicely a dress looked on Nadia, how she would lean into Nadia when the two of them were cuddling and watching a movie, how their fingers would sometimes become intertwined as they walked on their own. And then, at one point Nadia pulled her hijab off when it was just the two of them, and as her long brown hair tumbled down her shoulders, Marjan had frozen at the sight.
Nadia was beautiful.
No, no, this wasn’t right. She wasn’t supposed to be feeling these sorts of feelings about another girl. Marjan was supposed to grow up, get married to Salim, and make a family.
Instead of taking the time to think about what those feelings were really telling her, Marjan pushed them all to the side. She told Nadia that they shouldn’t be friends anymore and stopped visiting with her. She asked the teacher at school to switch their desks around, she ended up withdrawing from soccer, and generally just ignored her. But she couldn’t get rid of the bracelet though, even though she tried.
The bracelet that was now staring her in the face. She had forgotten all about it until now. But as it laid there on the bed, resting on the scarf it had been wrapped in, everything came rushing back. She let out a chuckle, wiping a couple stray tears away.
When Salim had asked if she loved loved him, at first, she didn’t understand the question. But the more she thought about it, the more she knew that she didn’t. They kept in contact with semi-regular updates, but Marjan couldn’t remember who Salim’s friends were or why he was so excited about his latest presentation. She couldn’t push herself to be interested in his profession. When she laid down at the end of the day, Salim wasn’t the first thing she thought of or when she woke up in the morning, he wasn’t the first thing she thought of then either.
It was Nancy.
Nancy was the first person she thought of when she woke up in the morning, the person who was on her mind all through her day, her last thought before she fell asleep.
Her beautiful smile when Marjan walked into work, the sound of her laughter at Mateo’s bad jokes, the look she got in her eyes when she was about to make a devastating move in Catan; everything about Nancy was memorizing.
Every little thing that she did made Marjan want to hold her forever, and never let her go.
Marjan reached out, her fingers tracing over the beads, the glitter faded slightly over the years that it was stored. She whispered a brief apology to Nadia, wrapping the bracelet carefully in the scarf, and placed it back into the closet.
Maybe sometime soon, when the time was right, she’d be able to tell Nancy all about Nadia. About that beautiful girl that Marjan fell in love with, but didn’t know that then. Didn’t have the right words to explain her emotions, her feelings; didn’t feel at peace with her identity as she does right now.
But that lesson would be for another day, another time.
Because right now, Marjan needed to share her truth with Nancy, to share her story…in the hopes that it would maybe become theirs.
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theghostofashton · 2 years
#one of the things i have loved so much about falling headfirst into this lone star obsession is just.... this show is full of poc#full of it#most of the main cast is people of color like i don't even know how to articulate what that means to me#none of the other shows i've watched in so long can say that#and it's just like#every time grace and tommy have a scene or marjan gets a storyline or nancy is on my fucking screen i'm emotional#especially grace and tommy like seeing how much time the writers have dedicated to their friendship it's just like#usually shows will have like one woc and she'll mostly be treated like shit#this show has four amazing beautiful spectacular women that are just like. everything to me#and paul carlos and mateo also just#believe me i do wish screentime was more balanced between all of the characters but even this is so much#because it's really truly rare#something i've wanted for a very long time is shows w poc in the main cast where the storylines aren't just about racism or racial trauma#i fully understand the need for those stories but sometimes it gets exhausting and painful bc we are so much more than that#so these characters playing first responders just getting to see them excel at their jobs and bring good into the world is just like#idk it's a lot lol#basically i am just very happy with it#i have three more eps to watch and i'm trying to stretch them out to make it till january bc i know i'll miss this show sm#it may also just be hitting me harder bc i've spent the past couple years watching glee and. well. woc are treated like shit there lmfao#so this is the biggest breath of fresh air and i think i really needed it lol#neha rambles
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paperstorm · 3 months
I'm forever so obsessed with all the different friendship pairings on this show and the way you can just put nearly any two of them together and get magic because there's so much love and they all have special connections with each other that go beyond the romantic pairings. Nancy and TK. Judd and Owen. Tommy and Grace. Judd and Tommy. Tk and Mateo. Carlos and Owen. Marjan and Paul. Paul and Carlos. Mateo and Owen. TK and Judd. Grace and Carlos. Marjan and Mateo. TK and Paul. Tommy and Nancy. It's just all so good the found/chosen family is so good.
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nancys-braids · 6 days
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thanks for the tags - @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @strandnreyes @birdclowns
and @tellmegoodbye you're all queued <3
+ thank you to @your-catfish-friend for the tuesday tag :) this is me tagging you back for wednesday if you'd like to share again
Nancy was incredibly torn seeing Marjan this way. It was already hard enough seeing her at work every day the EMS and fire schedules synced. She loved seeing her gorgeous smile, but also it killed her. She just wanted to scream how much she liked her, how much she wanted to spend every waking moment with her, how she wanted to make everything better.  Last week, Marjan ran to her apartment. Bleeding ankles, smeared mascara, a broken heart. They drank tea and talked about what happened with Salim. She cried in her arms, and then Marjan slept in her bed while Nancy slept on the couch. All she wanted was to hold her all night long, bask in her beautiful scent until the sun came up, but Marjan wasn’t in that place. She was grieving the loss of this life-long friendship and relationship. She needed time to process, and Nancy couldn’t fall in love with another straight girl. She’s been here before, and it’s too painful. 
no pressure tagging: @captain-gillian @americansrequiems @reyesstrand @literateowl @sugdenlovesdingle
@bonheur-cafe @carlos-in-glasses @oldfangirl81 @actualalligator @paperstorm
@kiwichaeng @eclectic-sassycoweyes @welcometololaland @pelorsdyke @fallout-mars
@alrightbuckaroo @carlos-tk @honeybee-taskforce + open tag
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sugdenlovesdingle · 16 days
Seven sentence Sunday
thanks for the tags @welcometololaland @bonheur-cafe @sznofthesticks
I started reading Rachel's Carlos & Nancy bffs fic last night (I *WILL* leave a comment when I finish it, I promise, I just got too tired last night to keep reading) and I just love their friendship and it kind of inspired this. It's not really much of anything yet (i wrote it on my phone while out walking my dog) but hopefully i can work it in my nancy/marjan fic somehow.
"Nancy?" Carlos opened the door for her further to let her in. "Is everything alright?"
"TK isn't home is he?" she asked, looking around.
"No... he's at a meeting with his sponsor... But I can call him for you if you want."
"No. I want to talk to you, I need to talk to you and TK can't know."
Carlos frowned.
:"Why? It's a bit early to start planning his birthday. You know it's not until December."
"Marjan and I are together. As a couple. We're dating." Nancy blurted out. "And I need to tell someone or else I'm going insane."
"Uh... well... uh... congratulations? I guess?"
"Sorry for dumping all of this on you but normally I'd talk to TK since we're stuck in the bus together all day anyway, but Marj doesn't want him to know yet, but she can talk to Paul. So Judd and cap are the only ones left, but I can't talk to them or captain Strand because Mateo lives with him and he's already moved to B shift because of me and -"
"Hey, take a breath." Carlos grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. "You're always welcome. We're friends, you can always talk to me. I just... wasn't expecting this... any of it to be honest."
"Yeah... it's uhm... new..."
"Yeah? Good new?"
Nancy smiled.
"Oh yeah. So good. I feel like I'm on cloud nine whenever she's just in the same room and when she smiles... when she smiles at me... the rest of the world just fades away."
Carlos smiled, he knew the feeling all too well.
"Come on, sit down. TK won't be back for a while, he and Cooper usually grab something to eat after their meetings." He sat down on the sofa and waited for Nancy to join him. "Tell me everything."
open tag + tagging
@carlos-in-glasses @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @your-catfish-friend @chicgeekgirl89 @lemonlyman-dotcom
@oldfangirl81 @nancygillianmvp @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @sanjuwrites
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Still playing a bit of catch-up with fic recs this week, we're focusing on fic recs from season 3 episodes 7-12:
3x07 Red vs. Blue, 3x08 In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency, 3x09 The Bird, 3x10 Parental Guidance, 3x11 Prince Albert in a Can, 3x12 Negative Space.
Here are this week's prompts:
126 softball
Gwyn's death
TK's relationship with his mom
Owen and Gwyn
Owen and Catherine
Paul and Marjan as ride or die besties
Carlos and Grace teaming up
Every week there will be a different prompt, and everyone is encouraged to share a fic (or a few!) recommendation that meets the prompt and tag a few fic-reading friends. The game can be played all week, so no pressure to post right away. Please feel free to use the banner above, to make your own, or to not use one at all!
Finally, please use the tag ‘Rewatch Read-Along Week 18’ and at the end of the week @911lonestarrewatch will post the link to the tag for the comprehensive list of fic recs!
Thanks to @guardian-angle22 for the banner!
Here are my recs:
Ride or die by @tailoredshirt
In the aftermath of their fight and makeup in 3x09/3x10, Paul and Marjan get in a car accident and have more of a conversation about why Paul was so upset by what happened to him. A beautiful little exploration of Paul and Marjan's friendship.
kiss it better by @sznofthesticks
Nancy/Marjan in the aftermath of the softball game. We always need some more softball-adjacent porn without plot excellence!
"You love this, don't you?" by @irispurpurea
A little missing scene from the softball game. An incredibly accurate portrayal of how much Carlos must have enjoyed seeing TK during the game.
Sex Drive by @welcometololaland
We all know without a doubt what happened between TK and Carlos after they left the softball game 😏 But in this wonderful rendition, they don't even manage to make it home first!
(if this is) goodbye by @fallout-mars
A lovely and heartbreaking missing moment from 3x08. Carlos waits helplessly at the airport and leaves TK a voicemail as TK is in danger in the air.
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines by @carlos-in-glasses
An absolutely gorgeous fic that artfully intertwines Carlos and TK's memories of 9/11 with the events of 3x08.
Let me just tell you, I really should go back to sleep by @ladytessa74
Yes, this is a 4x04 coda, but it's beautiful and I love it and it heavily features Gwyn and TK's grief at losing her, so it absolutely counts as an appropriate fic rec for this week!
i'll go on singing till i know you've heard by @maxbegone
TK runs into Genevieve, the woman he saved on the plane in 3x08, at the grocery store and the meeting provides a bit of a healing experience for him.
let our hearts beat here by @doublel27
A really beautiful fic where TK and Carlos get to have a little vacation in the aftermath of Gwyn's death and before things start getting even worse for them again. These two pretty much always need a vacation, so it always makes me so happy to read about them getting one.
Tagging some fic readers who might have recs to share:
@lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @carlos-in-glasses @reyesstrand @strandnreyes
@vineofroses @bonheur-cafe @alrightbuckaroo @herefortarlos @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
@heartstringsduet @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @fangirl-paba @reyestrandd
@chicgeekgirl89 @firstprince-history-huh @noxsoulmate @ladytessa74 @sznofthesticks
@literateowl @nancygillianmvp @bonheur-cafe and OPEN TAG for anyone else who wants to share some fic recs!
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heartstringsduet · 7 months
perhaps a glee club au ;)
Britt, I've been reading my favorite Glee fanfic this week again and I'm in my feels!!
1. It's 2010. Glee is the craze, the moment. So UT Austin is hopping on and several glee clubs open up. The enthusiastic guy handing out flyers for the 'Fire Pipes'? No other than TK Strand.
2. Carlos. can't. sing. But he can dance and somehow carry a background tune enough to make it into the Fire Pipes. Turns out, he's not the only one with adequate talents at most. They are kind of a ragtag group of mediocrity but it's the easiest friendships he's ever made.
3. TK wants a solo. He always wants a solo, but especially on Valentines, because he's kind of in love with Carlos and what better way than to publically declare it with Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran right in the halftime show? Luckily, Marjan and Nancy tell him maybe the publically of it all isn't what Carlos would like.
4. So the Fire Pipes make up a campus competition that pairs a dancer with a singer and shove Carlos and TK together. TK gets to sing out his heart, Carlos gets an excuse to pull TK close and sway with him to it until they're too busy making out to do either.
5. The Fire Pipes lose every competition, but they celebrate their losses at their favorite Pizzeria, year after year until they sing and dance at each other's weddings, and hog the stage at every karaoke bar Austin has.
Let’s play a game. Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story. 🌟
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sapphire11 · 1 year
all the words you didn't mean for me to hear
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Part 2 of 'Secret Messages' a Break up era Tarlos fic Read Part 1 Here
Hello Again Everyone! Still posting this fic in 'mini' parts here on tumblr before releasing the whole thing on ao3. (still mostly because I need some encouragement and validation despite not feeling ready to publish it yet there and you all have always been supportive) Think of this as a little gift for being wonderful followers/mutuals 💛
Counting this as my Seven Sentence Sunday (Sneak Peak Sunday in my world) Thanks so much for the tags @ramblingdisaster73 & @ravens-words
Thank you to everyone who reached out with encouragement and kind words on the last part! (let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for this fic or my Tarlos fics) @chaotictarlos @firstprince-history-huh @bubblesandroses8
We could lose him.
His own voice echoes in his mind as he shoves open the door to the stairwell. 
We could lose him.
His own voice is too loud in his head. Drowning out all others. Nancy’s reassurances, Captain Vega’s attempts at hopeful optimism. They’re all lost in the terror that grips him by the throat.
We could lose him.
His own voice shaking with fear that he doesn’t want to feel anymore. He needs to feel something else. Anything else. So he collapses on the top step of the stairs and roughly pulls out TK’s phone, headphones coming with it.
We could lose him.
His own voice echoes and he needs to drown it out with another.  
Hey babe … shit. Let me just …. *background noises, buttons being pressed rustling … 
Hey Carlos.
He turns and settles his back against the wall, knees drawn up to his chest, closing his eyes and allowing TK’s voice to block out everything else. 
How are you? I hope you’re doing okay. Nancy let me know that she’s still in touch. I’m glad; even if I think she only told me because she’s trying to get more information out of me about why we … well about what happened.
I hope that you are letting our friends be there for you. They’ve been trying to be there for me. Even as scattered as we all are at work. Paul still texts. Marjan sends me funny memes. Mateo begs for Marvel movie nights every time we have a night off together. It’s not the same, but it’s something. Plus, Doctor Matterson has been telling me to lean into those friendships; to that support. It helps. Sometimes.
On one hand it is worrisome that TK is so freely admitting that he’s struggling in these messages. On the other hand, he is grateful that TK still in some way was turning towards him, trusting him with the truth of his feelings. Of course he wishes that he’s trusted him at the time, but he knows how much it must have cost TK to admit this even in a message. He knows how even saying the words out loud can feel like you are giving them power over you. 
At the same time, he thinks about the way he pushed everyone away during the breakup. He didn’t want them to have to choose, he wanted TK to be able to vent and have people that were safe, away from Carlos, as TK seemed to want to keep them apart. He should have had more faith in his ex, in TK, in person he has always known him to be. Of course he’d want Carlos to have the same support, and of course he wouldn’t tell them anything. 
Other times it honestly just makes me miss you more. But I’m trying and I hope that counts for something.
It counts for everything, because if only in this hollow, cold, hospital stairwell, Carlos can admit that he didn’t try. He just gave up. Let the anger build inside him until there was nothing left to do, but to pretend to forget. To pretend to move on.
Just wanted you to know that I’ll be okay. That you don’t have to worry, because I know you. I want you to be okay too, so take care of yourself Carlos. Let our friends be there for you; it’s the least you deserve.
It’s the least you deserve
Those words burn into his mind, like the flash of light when you look directly at the sun. They’re all he can hear for a long time. 
He knows that TK left this message months ago. That he was alluding to the fact that Carlos doesn’t deserve to deal with what TK would call his ‘fucked up brain and mess’. But listening to this message now, it almost feels prophetic. It is as if TK is telling him that there is no other choice, but to lean on their friends.
If the worst comes to pass and TK doesn’t come back to him, he’ll try to take care of himself, for no other reason than because TK asked him to. Asked him in some stupid message recorded months ago in the middle of a communication drought, but it feels important. Moreover, it feels like the truth. TK asked him to take care of himself and now there might be no other options. 
TK’s wisdom about leaning on their friends propels him back towards the ICU waiting room. He finds Nancy and Tommy in the same chairs he left them, only now Mateo and Judd have joined them. 
“Hey man.” Judd nods, he’s the first one to notice him, and as he shifts off his spot leaning against the wall, Carlos freezes in place. Despite being compelled to come back, and feeling the itch to follow through with TK’s plea of letting their friends be there for him, he feels out of place. It’s been so long since he occupied the same space as all of these people that mean so much to TK, and it’s impossible to ignore the real reason why they’re all here together now. 
Judd watches him carefully, slowly making his way over with the look born of way too much knowledge surrounding grief. Carlos finds himself engulfed in the warmest hug he’s felt in a long while, the older man’s arms wrapped completely around him, shielding him for just a moment. When Judd pulls back and pats a hand on his shoulder, the look of understanding on his face brings tears to Carlos’ eyes. He can’t stand to look at it anymore as he turns towards the rest of the group who are doing their best imitation of not watching the spectacle. 
“Hey Carlos,” Mateo greets him with the least amount of exuberance he’s ever heard from the kid and a soft, careful hug. “We’ve missed you man. Just wish –” he stutters, a shifty glance thrown in the direction of TK’s room. 
“Me too, Mateo,” Carlos offers, “Thanks for coming. I know TK would appreciate it.”
“We’re here for you too.” The fierce insistence in Mateo’s voice is a clear holdover from other times. From months of Carlos’ absence in not just TK’s life, but all of these people’s. For the first time since the break up Carlos allows himself to feel the grief of the loss. The weight of it pulls him down and he sinks into the chair between Nancy and Tommy. Allowing them to take his hands in theirs again, except this time he doesn’t pull away. 
Mateo and Judd excuse themselves sometime soon after that, with mentions of needing to get some rest before starting a new shift early tomorrow. It’s a stark reminder that the world outside the walls of this hospital marches on. He wishes he had the power to slow it down, prevent the inevitable ending that hangs over him.
“Want to go grab some coffee?” Nancy’s voice breaks through his dark thoughts and he meets her gaze before turning towards the room that holds his heart. He knows what he wants to do. 
“I’m gonna go sit with TK.”
He feels Nancy follow his gaze and her hand landing on his shoulder. “I’ll grab you something,” she promises as they both get up and without a second glance he’s striding up to the door to TK’s room. Nothing has changed since the last time Carlos entered this room, the quiet slide of the door opening allows for the sounds inside to reach his ears. His heartbeat kicks up at the too slow, unsteady rhythm of the heart monitor. It brings him back to nights laying tangled up on the couch with TK, fingers and lips finding pulse points. The always higher than average beat of TK’s heart, that Carlos took great pride in making speed up with a well placed kiss. 
As he settles into the chair next to the bed, the hiss and click of the ventilator surrounds him. Wrapping around him like a noose, cutting off his access to the very thing that gives him life. It’s not air though, no that thing is TK, his liveliness, his energy, everything that makes up that man Carlos loves. Desperate to hear something else, besides everything that is wrong, he pulls TK’s phone out of his pocket. 
Opening the app he thinks how it’s better to listen to these now, while there is still hope, rather than later when they’re the words of a ghost. 
November 6th, 2021
Hey Carlos, is it weird if I tell you I saw you on a scene today? Probably. Sorry. You looked good. Really good. I’m glad you seem to be doing okay. 
Startled at the thought that he looked good at any time during the break up, Carlos tries to remember what shift that would have been, but the days blur together in his memory. He’s suddenly sad that he can’t remember the last time he saw TK at a scene before the disastrously awkward meeting earlier that day. 
Doctor Matterson has been encouraging me to reach out, try to talk, but I haven’t told her that I walked out and then ghosted you. I did tell her that I definitely don’t have the right to come waltzing back in, now that I finally have some shit figured out.
She says that having the conversation might do us both some good. Help us move on. Find closure. I think that it’s just easier to keep the door as firmly shut as that day I walked out. Am I a coward for that, probably, but at least I’ll survive to tell the tale. 
Move on. Find Closure. Survive to tell the tale. 
He wonders why TK’s words always land like an arrow to his heart. He wonders if he’ll ever be able to move on after this. Find the closure that TK alludes to in his message. He wonders if TK felt like he was finding closure all those months ago, or if he was just pretending like Carlos was. 
The anguish he feels hearing TK tell him that he thinks it would be better to keep the door shut. That TK forgot he held the key to every door Carlos ever had, all he had to do was come back, be there, talk, and Carlos wouldn’t have kept him out. 
Mind whirling, the sounds of the medical equipment grow louder again and Carlos clicks the next message.
November 8th, 2021
“Hey. So I’ve been keeping busy.  
TK’s voice floats over him as he stares unseeing at the body lying in the bed, unconsciously he closes his eyes, imagining the voice is coming from the man himself. 
Work has been good. Steady.
Scaled down to therapy twice a week. Meetings. I’ve been trying. 
Some days I think it’s working, but then I remember how good we had it before and how that blew up in my face. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m okay. That I’m not giving up. 
It’s such a short message, but the tone of the message is different from all the previous ones. The tone of TK’s voice pitched up, an attempt at lightheartedness. It’s not quite sincere, but there is a flicker of truth underneath it, like TK maybe had started to believe some part of what he was saying, that he wasn’t giving up. 
Carlos longs to reach out and take TK’s hand now, to beg him to keep fighting, to not give up. Old insecurities hold him back, but he moves the chair a bit closer, the legs scratching loudly across the floor, and then he leans closer still as he hits play for the next message.
November 10th, 2021
Dad left. Said he was sorry he couldn’t do more for the 126 and just ran away into hill country. I want to be so mad at him, until I remember that running is exactly what I do, did, have done. I don’t know. Some days it sucks to be a Strand.
And just like that all traces of hope are washed away again. Sucked out by the force of Owen Strand’s distinct lack of ability to be what TK needs when Owen himself is struggling to not be the hero everyone else sees him as. Anger stirs in the pit of Carlos’ stomach at the reminder that no one has been able to reach Owen since TK was admitted. That he’s not here now when TK needs him, and that he apparently hasn’t been for a long time. 
It’s a kick in the gut that despite TK’s own words several messages ago that Owen could tell he wasn’t doing well, the man still couldn’t face being just what TK needs if he couldn’t be what he wanted. 
Mom’s been trying to get me to go visit her. She’s got Jonah and can’t travel, otherwise I know she’d be here right now. She’s worried. She’s also pissed, I heard her yelling at dad through the phone. It didn’t change anything though. 
Nothing really ever changes, does it? At least not the things that matter.
The words are a clear contradiction to who TK is at his core. TK has never believed in permanence of situations/people/feelings, sometimes to the detriment of believing that nothing good ever stays, but he always believed that things could change. 
Once, TK had told him that ‘nothing ever stays the same’ and now he’s saying that ‘nothing ever changes’. He supposes the sentiments aren’t necessarily the same, but the lack of hopefulness in the words blankets him. Even at his most wary, even when he was pushing and pulling Carlos in every direction, TK never completely disregarded the possibility of things changing. 
In the beginning TK had told him he wasn’t ready. Not that he wouldn’t ever be ready.
Before the solar storm TK told him that he needed to figure out himself before he could figure them out. Not that he would never be willing to figure them out.
With Carlos’ parents, TK promised to be whatever he needed, until he was ready because, nothing ever stays the same and he had faith in Carlos being ready sometime. 
After the fire the number of times TK comforted him by reminding him that living with Owen wouldn’t be a forever thing, that things change. 
During their last fight TK had shouted that he knew it wouldn’t last, that nothing ever stays the same. At the time it had just hurt to hear those words that Carlos once took reassurance from used against him. Now he is hit with the realization that TK hasn’t had anything permanent. He hasn’t had anything stay for him, not his parents, not his sobriety, not his love.
Carlos wants to be the one to change that. Same as he always has, but now with a new understanding of why TK doesn’t believe happiness will last. 
With that thought he clicks play on the next message.  
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birdclowns · 9 months
hi jasper!!!! N, R and T for the alphabet game if you haven't already answered 💜
hi lola !! <333
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
I don't know if this is like. what I want to see in canon or more from fics/etc but we'll go vaguely both!
I want to know more about character backstories!! nancy offhandedly mentioned she had a sister ONCE. and you can infer from that scene, her sister is/was sick? please tell me more about her I need to know more about nancy specifically, actually!!! the strands are so fleshed out and carlos is getting there and I love that for them. but I want to see marjans apartment. I want to see nancys apartment. because that can add SO MUCH extra details for characters even without it being explicitly said. I just wanna know more about them altogether tbh
they live in texas. austin is very progressive, but it's still texas. and, as a queer person who lived in texas growing up, there is a severe lack of characters getting shit for being not cishet and white. and like - I'm glad! the characters don't need more shit but it's also so unrealistic? this whole extremely diverse group full of queer and poc characters, and there's rarely anything said about it. in TEXAS. (yes we got that one old lady and the iconic "sure ma'am but I am a homosexual" line. but that was s1) idk I need judd to use his big burly cishet white man privileges and confuse a bigot when he stands up for his family! not that they need it, but the person looks to judd for help and he's like. I'm going to kill you myself, actually.
I want tk covered in more blood doesn't matter who's. it could be his for all I care. thank you<3 (I'll also take him feeling the effects of dying multiple times. his body is FUCKED)
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
nancy and tk besties MY FAV. or tk and paul. the queers having their own little group, where they can talk about growing up and finding themselves. I love them<3
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
answered it already BUT more.
judd, grace, tk & carlos hang out. all the time. tk and carlos are the gay uncles that spoil their godchild. judd & tk watch and play with charlie while carlos and grace gossip and she tries to wiggle her way into helping him with another case bc they're besties
I am also a firm no children for tarlos believer. give them more animals but not a tiny child. many lizards will work
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vineofroses · 7 months
Weekend WIP Game
answering @welcometololaland 's open tag for this one.
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more). (There are also questions for artists/GIF creators below).
For Writers
1. WIP List:
Unnamed Carlos fic that follows the morning after his coming out to his parents when he's 17 to when he and iris decide to get married
Unnamed fic where Marjan forces Carlos to take over her Instagram live
Unnamed fic where Iris and Nancy become besties at Tarlos' wedding
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
The Carlos fic about him and Iris getting married
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Carlos centric coming out --> iris marriage one
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
the social media one. i looooove social media aus or fics that heavily feature a social media aspect. and throwing carlos onto a live unexpectedly is so much fun. this one also has the clearest trajectory in my mind for what i want it to be which makes it even more fun to write
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
The Carlos coming out --> iris marriage one. i think because it's more serious and i really want to do his journey justice. i was not a fan of this plot line in Season 4. it's a ridiculous ret con that disrespects the audience. but i also love iris and can relate to some of Carlos' story when it comes to coming out. basically i want to take a plot line i hated in the show and make it make sense for my own sake lol. but i want to respect carlos' journey too.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
the same as question 5, for the same reasons. i've set before me am impossible task yet i will prevail
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
the Carlos coming out --> iris marriage and also probably the social media one. they are definitely longer fics and i don't want to post them without having them be read over by people.
that being said, i am currently looking for beta readers for these fics. if anyone is interested, my DMs are open!!!
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
so far not yet. fingers crossed lol
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
no OCs so far, but im sure there will be some
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
the social media one because everyone's just thirsting after Carlos while he's on the live lol
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Carlos coming out --> iris marriage. im starting to think i should title these soon lol
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
the Carlos coming --> iris marriage one. since it's basically a deep dive into his history, that just kinda comes naturally in the writing
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
the social media one. when i say this one is so clear in my mind, i am not kidding.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
probably the social media one. i just happen to be actively writing that one right now.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
the Carlos coming out --> iris marriage because it's such a deep dive into a major part of Carlos' backstory that i want to get it right as much as i can
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
nope but that would be helpful
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
the Carlos coming out --> iris marriage story does rely on plotting details since im filling in the years we didn't know Carlos and working within the timeline of his and iris' friendship/marriage and when Iris disappears. a little difficult especially considering the show itself doesnt really are about accurate timelines lol
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
the social media one
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
they do not but i can totally see myself writing an outside POV at some point. those are some of my favorite kind of fics
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
there's more to the social media one than just Carlos being on the instagram live for shits and giggles
tagging @liminalmemories21 @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut + open tags!
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paperstorm · 1 year
It hasn't even been a week and I already have so many thoughts for what I'd like to see next season lol.
1. I think the search for Gabriel's killer should be left until the second half bc it would be way more satisfying to end the season with that.
2. I'd like to see Tarlos just being married. I'm not saying that there can't be some kind of drama but have them face it together. They've had so much growth this season I would like to see that continue rather than just more miscommunication now that they're actually married.
3. Have the first few episodes focus on Judd and the Ryders and how the 126 is affected by Judd not being there. Have some focus on Wyatt's recovery and how that affects his and Judd's relationship. Maybe have some scenes with TK and Judd. I think this would be a good opportunity for that.
4. This would also be a good opportunity to explore dual-certified TK more. Have him filling in for Judd on some cases.
5. Actually more of the usual rescues. I feel like we didn't get a lot of those this season.
6. More light-hearted episodes. This season was darker than any of the others and I think next season should return to having more light-hearted episodes.
7. Bring Iris back. We could see more of her friendship with Carlos. Also, have her and TK interact. Iris obviously sees a kinship with TK and I think it would be cool to explore that. Plus it would be great comedy to have two of them getting up to shenanigans and driving Carlos crazy.
7. Bring TK into the Robert storyline and see him and Owen interact. Along with that, see how it affects their relationship with Robert's family since Owen helped Robert die is likely going to be revealed. Explore Owen's grief and how it triggers his trauma over Tyler and have him and TK talk about that. And explore TK's feelings since he was so excited to get to know his cousins.
8. More of the other couples. I want to see more of Paul and Asha and learn more about Paul's background through that. And see Marjan and Yusef develop. And Nancy and Mateo. Maybe they have some conflict and we get to actually see them being a real couple beyond a few cute moments.
8. Maybe see TK thinking about his faith more. Maybe a rescue makes him think about it and he contemplates returning to temple. And with that, have Marjan exploring her faith more now that she's with a Muslim partner that she chose for herself. All respect but I think it's time that the non-Christian characters got a little more focus.
9. Have Carlos and Andrea talk about how Carlos’s relationship with Gabriel hurt him and have her actually listen instead of invalidating it. Have him tell her how much it hurts that Gabriel was so distant with him for most of his life and how he died before they could actually have a better relationship. Maybe have him talk to his sisters too. It's possible that they just don't get how hard it was for Carlos bc they have different memories of Gabriel and they weren't there when Carlos came out so they don't know just how bad it was.
10. Have the season end with them catching Gabriel's killer. Maybe Carlos decides to become a detective. He's obviously going to be involved in the search somehow but have him do it right instead of him getting obsessed and going off on his own which would also show the growth he had this season.
I know this is a lot lol. But these are just some thoughts I had. I just hope that the strike can end soon so we won't have to wait too long
Look at you with so many coherent thoughts!!!! I am still reeling and can’t even begin to have ideas like this yet but I would be into every one of these. Maybe Tim is lurking 👀👀👀
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cowboytarlos · 1 year
What I want to see in season 4 911 lone star:
This is just my personal opinion, also probably wrong. This is just what I want to see. Some of it (now) has been confirmed but this has been sitting in my drafts for like 3 months now… oops
-Carlos whump! I want to see how TK reacts to finding out Carlos got hurt (depressing I know) but Carlos has been on that side of the bed too many times (cue the ‘if I had nickel every time’ quote)
-More Mateo!!! We need to know more about him. His family, his childhood, more Mateo!
-Weird one, but I want to know how Old Carlos is. We know what year and month TK was born (December 1994) but if you look at Carlos wiki there’s nothing. Personally, I think TK is early December (from a Capricorn, he’s no Capricorn). I get mid May vibes from Carlos, he’s a Taurus. So my opinion, May 1995. But I’d like an official date. Also I want to see what day is TK’s birthday.
- More Paul and Marjan! I love their dynamic.
-GRACE AND CARLOS! The scenes where they’ve worked together on cases but also their friendship is one of personal favourites and I would love to see more.
-i think you might notice a trend of a lot of tarlos wants, but they are my favourite things to exist, so deal with it. I want hugs, some real good, tight, heart crushing hugs.
-i want a scene where TK comforts Carlos the way Carlos has comforted TK.
-more carlos and the 126 crew. Especially Judd. I want to see what their relationship could look like.
-I need more Grace and Judd. Their relationship means everything to me. They are so so cute. More them. AND CHARLIE! She’s so cute.
-More Paul, Carlos and Marjan. That combo could heal all my problems.
-Honestly, more Carlos. More of him with all characters.
-More rangers content.
-I want to learn more on Carlos’ family. We know of family members, but we haven’t seen any. It’s something I’d like to see be explored in canon, and especially with a wedding this season, i think this will happen. Carlos hasn’t talked much of them, so I want to know why.
-Honestly, less of Owen’s bullshit! I’m sick and tired of him!
-More TNT! Their team dynamic is truly amazing and I want more.
-More background information of the rest of the characters. Marjan, Nancy, Paul, Grace, Tommy! We need to know more.
-I don’t want anything to go wrong at the wedding. No angst, no drama, I want a cheery, happy, bubbly, PEACEFUL wedding. Carlos and TK deserves that.
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reyesstrand · 11 months
M and P for the fic asks <3
thank youuu jen 😙
m: got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
here’s a handful from my ever-growing notes app where fic ideas either live or die:
- pottery au (it’s alive!!! and actively being worked on!!!! but mainly just in snippets. i need to actually sit down and work it all out still)
- the andrea & tk fic (it’s forever in limbo, and would explore different times andrea approached tk to talk about something and one time tk approached her about proposing. would explore their budding relationship and how their dynamic changes through the years)
- a nancy/tommy/tk grief introspective piece tied into tk and nancy having a Big Rescue and it resulting in ruminations on their friendship
- an idea that came to me literally in the middle of the night the other day and boiled down the realization that tarlos’ wedding anniversary will forever fall so close to the date of gabriel’s death, and how they deal with that
- tarloft + flowers (i think i noticed flowers in the background of a scene, and thought it might be good one-shot material)
- marjan/nancy dog park meet-cute au (idk. it’ll probably never happen but it’s a cute thought!!!)
p: are you what george r. r. martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (how much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
i feel like i’m much more of a gardener. usually i’ll think up one line/scene/chunk of dialogue and that’ll be the only thing i’ve thought of before sitting down to write. it’s a journey of allowing myself to get to that scene/line/bit of dialogue i really want to, and seeing what emerges to accompany it all. the only time i think i plan in advance is if it’s an episode coda and i need to rewatch to pull dialogue or make sure things are correct or it’s a canon-divergent fic/au and i have to plot out how i might fit in certain canon elements (like with my firefighter!carlos au, or currently with the pottery au).
fanfic asks <3
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P, R, X for the ask meme
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I work at a courthouse, so I've had some thoughts about a courthouse AU. I think Owen and Tommy could be judges, the rest of the 126 could be various court staff. Carlos could potentially stay a police officer in this scenario or he could be an attorney. Maybe he and TK could be a rival prosecutor and defense attorney?
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
I already talked a bit about TK and Marjan here, and that's the first that comes to mind, but another one is TK and Nancy. I love what we get of them on the show, but it's never enough. I always enjoy seeing it expanded upon in fic and other fandom creations, like this amazing art by @birdclowns!
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
answered here!
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911 Lone Star Rewatch Season 2!!
I watched the season 2 premiere of Lone Star and I had ALL THE THOUGHTS!
It is season 2, and we are at a museum!
How awesome are museums….
More shows should feature scenes at museums.
The “I can’t hear with the masks” is REAL — like I know that was supposed to be oh they’re bitching about masks but I have customers at work wearing a mask and talking in the softest voice; I’m like project. Yell at me. I beg of you. I am standing over a bread slicer and I cannot fucking hear you.
A tank literally breaking free of its exhibit would be a crazy thing to see though—
Okay I know (or assume I should say) this isn’t what they were going for, but the little boy who says “they have rides?” looks like a baby TK.
Amazing Grace in action!
They really did it — with their military tank they did the action movie cliché of it out of control destruction takes out a watermelon cart for no reason. Never change, Lone Star.
You tell em Carlos! Love seeing him in action—
“And if he decides to shoot at us with the cannon?” “Duck”.
Also yay we see Carlos’s partner! He needs some coworkers who don’t suck—
Well, it was nice for him not to crush all the police cars.
Paul’s doing a thing — he figures it out.
Although for reasons to steal a tank — that is a really good reason.
This part is so good; although I am briefly distracted that the captions switched from “solemn music” to “somber music” (do those not mean the same thing?)
Everyone coming to stand beside Owen — (why is this making me think of Mulan during the battle scene)
The 126 would be so bad at social distancing — those fuckers love to hug so much.
(Can you tell I love her so much).
Okay, I might have forgot how fucking cute Tommy and her husband are together.
(And I lowkey feeling killing him off helped her character arc — but damn are they adorable together).
“Oh, so many stir sticks”. Charles Vega you are a PRINCE. 
They really are the cutest couple.
They have no right being this adorable for him to randomly die.
“Hey, doesn’t your mama look like a boss?” “Mama IS the boss!” THE AUDACITY. The gall of making this family so adorable.
They have two minutes of screen time and I ALREADY LOVE THEM!!
And then there’s Tim—
I kind of feel bad for that guy, like they brought him back for HIM to die…
That really could have been the tag line for season 2; we got a second year. So people are just going to start dying. Randomly. When we feel like it.
So you have that to look forward to…
Like I do not miss Michelle, like at all — And Tim, I feel bad I will not miss you.
Cause then we get paramedic TK!
And Tim is whiny!
But Nancy!
We see Nancy sassmaster!
She has LINES!
Paul has a giant ass book!
“I remember 2013”.
“Live concerts”.
“Hugs”. Oh Mateo…
Tommy and Owen!
I know this is just the beginning but their friendship is the cutest thing —
Like I feel like they never really figured out what to do with Michelle and Owen, it was like power trippy and weirdly flirty…
Like they did a lot with those ten episodes in most other aspects of the show but I feel that’s where it fell flat.
“I don’t know who you’ve been talking to—” Enter Judd, who is in AWE of Tommy and her badassery.
Like Tommy — you are Tommy MOTHERFUCKING Vega!! Don’t you forget that!
Judd is seriously the cutest that he’s so proud of her and so stoked to have her there.
Okay has anyone done roller derby? What is it like? Were you terribly injured?
It intrigues me so much and looks fun but I’ve never met anyone in life who has done it and I’m curious…
Also the captions identified the song as “Barracuda” by Heart and then labeled it “intense 80’s rock music”.
The Joan Jett song is captioned as “brash punk rock”.
Oh that is horrifying — my irrational fear of splinters feel much more rational now.
I do love they follow up with this and Marjan does join their roller derby team.
I do agree though that Kitten Crusher does sound like she is crushing kittens not the kitten who crushes.
Tim I’m sorry but you are annoying; you don’t tell YOUR CAPTAIN but you haven’t been in the field!
It’s okay Tommy! You can do it!
And she does! She saved her arm!
The furniture store in my area is running commercials for presidents day — they are so, so lame.
And I’m watching this on Hulu but I had to share that with ya;ll.
TK! Great shirt alert!
I love that TK has a whole speech with so much exposition for us prepared before he adds, “and I forgot”.
I’m chuckling at the idea of my store being arranged where everything orange… is with everything else… that is orange.
(Though I was making cookies this morning at work — SO MANY orange M and Ms. I was like why are there not more colors in this box lol).
Sorry, back to the show — how did these hangs start!
Cause did Carlos even know their names before they started doing these? (Like he knew Paul; did he know anyone else??)
Like his back is turned he’s busy at the counter when he comes in, and he’s more introverted anyway — does Carlos participate like out loud in group hangs at this point if TK isn’t in the room??
So many things to think about with this scene, and then—
I seriously cannot get over how good this casting is — like even from a physical standpoint.
Like how do people who are not related resemble each other so goddamn much??
Like if you put Ronen next to Rob’s actual sons, and said okay pick which one he’s biologically related to, you would not pick either of them (no offense, Rob’s real sons).
Lisa Edelstein is just so good — she made me want to try and watch House (I’m sorry I couldn’t make it past a few episodes. I understand this was a thing in the early 2000’s; the guy is a narcissistic abusive dick to everyone BUT HE’S RIGHT and they could get away with it then but it’s like if he wasn’t on it it would be compelling)
Sorry, back to this. Owen, if you hadn’t mentioned it, she might not have moved your hand towel.
Another topic for discussion; the lone star timeline, and how it is basically swiss cheese.
Why does Owen throw out the timeline of four months? She has to have been there for so much longer than four months. They establish (in the episode where they show Nancy they put Tim’s name on the ambulance) that it’s January 2021 like when it aired.
And like Owen says they’ve been sleeping together since before July.
And the thing that makes the most sense is that Gwyn came to see TK after he’d been shot, then the shutdown happened and she stayed (this was so a thing; like I remember this so vividly. My brother couldn’t come home for Christmas for 2019 so he came in March and just happened to come that second week of March and ended up staying with my mom for three months. He tried so hard to get me to like cooking. I’m just terrible at it; but I had really good leftovers those months cause he went to culinary school).
But the biggest thing with the lone star timeline. It makes no goddamn sense. It will turn you into Mr. Krabs from that episode of Spongebob where he is so despondent after losing his one millionth dollar he pulls his eyes out of his head and starts skipping rope with them.
Also — we were so robbed of TK introduces Carlos to his mom scene!
There’s a lot of good fic of it out there (@carlos-in-glasses has a particularly good one) but we were still robbed.
The fact that Owen and Gwyn really think TK doesn’t know what they’re doing; you beautiful, ocean-eyed dum-dums.
I just love Tommy so much — Charles is right. Woman is perfect.
Like this is the first episode we have Tommy and she just has so much life and drive and it’s like where were you the last ten episodes Tommy!
I’m sorry I don’t want to keep complaining about Michelle but just… Tommy.
She is just the best.
Do I sound completely stupid if I point out how call-heavy these early episodes are?
Like I swear season four they cap it at like two calls and then there are adventures.
I hate to be that person, but if she was last on the job in 2013, Gilmore Girls would have ended six years before that (@sznofthesticks why am I this person. I annoy myself actually lol).
Owen was almost hit by an arrow!
How could Owen possibly identify where it had come from? Is this a thing? Do people just… know directions?
I’m like the meme of GPS saying go north and I think what am I, a ship captain?
(Or a dumbass. I’m definitely that lol).
Paul’s doing a thing again!
Seriously imagine if Paul and Carlos and Grace all worked together to solve something — that would be amazing!
I love that TK’s reaction to his dad being trouble is “I NEED AN AXE!” Baby boy, I love you so much.
Judd and TK with the hose — the only thing that could make this better…
Gone are the days where he has the one scene an episode!
“Maybe don’t make us do your job for you next time” In case anyone was wondering if Brat TK would be making an appearance.
Judd is the best hype man it’s the cutest.
Seriously Tommy and Owen just have such a mutual respect for each other and their friendship is so sweet.
The dreaded zoom freeze!!
But yay! Cancer has gone down!
And Owen is definitely freaking out and pretending he’s not.
TK is so precious, he’s so excited.
Can I just say how unnecessary the pregnancy storyline was?
Or, more specifically, why they actually had her have the baby—
Like she was planning to leave for New York when TK was still there; she could’ve done that if it had been a false alarm pregnancy, or if something had happened because it was a geriatric pregnancy which is very risky which they pointed out;
(I know that’s several episodes away but if she was ready to leave when they were both still there she could’ve done that without having another kid, especially since said kid was not mentioned AT ALL when TK got married)
Oh, Charles Vega. I’ll miss you much more than I will miss Tim.
The cutest, most awkward cock block.
Tommy’s shirt is so, so very open.
It takes them way too long to realize what they walked in on.
But also, Tommy and Grace’s friendship.
Why would you go to a bridge with a million bats??
I need an answer to this — why are we past it already!
Ahh Rob and Lisa have such good chemistry together I can’t—
Also, real talk. Like I know they have to try because he’s technically the star of the show, but I don’t see them ever landing a successful Owen relationship.
No one beats this (again, just my opinion).
But  no Owen relationship we’ve seen have they been as connected and just…
(wow. I am so good at coming up with words. Good thing writing isn’t my main hobby/source of joy. Oh wait…)
“Who else knows?”
“Everybody”. And off he skips.
“Well, he’s a wise ass”. Yes Gwyn, yes he is. And there are two really good reasons why.
This girl with the bandanna is so cute!
She is massaging the kale and podcasting it up while there is a LITERAL inferno outside.
I do remember the next one though, and am happy no fate befalls cute bandanna girl…
Thank you for reading my unhinged thoughts! There was a lot I forgot in this episode- it's so good-
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