#Narrator Speaks
mrthenarrator · 3 months
What does a man have to do to get some fucking ice cream in this heat? Where are the ice cream trucks that I've heard so much about? Are they fictional? Like Santa Claus and Stanley's wife?
Please. I would give a swimming pool for an ice cream sandwich. 🥺
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riddlemethisjeremy · 1 year
Jeremy, what do humans normally eat?
Jeremy wasn't entirely sure how long it had been since he'd seen his home planet, but he was beginning to realise he'd hopped headfirst into this adventure with no preparation and he was really wishing he'd grabbed a couple of the cans of tinned food that were in the safe room he'd holed up in. He sighed heavily, wandering the halls of the spaceship in search of his new friend.
Xeno suddenly appeared through a doorway, which scared the crap out of him. The fact that Xeno's arms were literally massive knives was vaguely off-putting after all.
"Is everything alright, Jeremy?" He asked, cocking his head curiously.
Jeremy nodded, taking an involuntary step back, "Yeah, just... Kinda hungry?"
"Oh!" Xeno exclaimed, nodding, "Come, the IceBox is this way!"
Jeremy perked up a little, following Xeno as he led him to the "IceBox". They came to a stop in front of a clear white wall, which Xeno pressed with one of his hooves. It opened out slowly to show a myriad of strangely shaped fruit ranging in many interesting colours that sent off alarm bells in Jeremy's brain.
"I... don't think I can eat that." Jeremy laughed uncomfortably, "Sorry."
Xeno frowned, glancing down at the box of fruit and then back at Jeremy, "You don't eat glorzmoberries?"
"Earth doesn't have... glor-glorsmo-?"
"Right," Jeremy sighed softly, "Uh. Do you have anything else?"
"Well, Jeremy, what do you humans eat?" He asked, cocking his head. It seemed that this motion was fairly similar to an eyebrow raise.
Jeremy shrugged, "Lots of things, I guess. It'd take a while to list it."
Xeno tapped his knife hand patiently, "What do you eat, Jeremy?"
Jeremy thought about this for a second, "I could really go for a grilled cheese sandwich right now."
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jane-lynndrake-t · 28 days
Do you actually want a reason why you may be kidnapped?
I- might have some ideas.
But how would you know? We haven't spoken before this? Nor have we met?
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allmightisgay · 1 year
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will-you-pick-me · 1 year
Narrator Blurb (Comfort/Fluff)
Dedicated to YaBoi <3 (I know you never asked for anything but I'm still grateful for that donation so yea :3)
He stared for a moment, heart sinking as he saw you crying. Quietly, he drew you into his arms, gently shushing you and running his fingers through your hair as he guided you into leaning on his chest. You could feel the material of his dark grey button-up shift against your cheek as he curled his shoulders around you protectively, shielding you from the world. "Darling, it's alright... I'm here for you. And if I can help it, I'll never allow that to happen to you again, ok...?"
He gently hooked his index finger under your chin, to guide your head up so you could see the sincerity in his golden eyes. His thumb gently brushed over your cheek, wiping away the trail of tears with tenderness.
"I'm here, whenever you need me. Always. And I'll do whatever I can to help you feel better, ok? So... Let's go get you bundled up in some nice soft blankets, and if you want, I'll read you your favorite book until you fall asleep. How does that sound?"
He smiled gently, shadowy skin crinkling at the corners of his eyes at the movement, as he moved his other hand to gently wipe at the tears on your other cheek, eventually settling into cupping your face between his hands gently, leaning in for a brief moment to place a quick but tender kiss on your forehead. "Or I can kill them for you," he joked, "but I doubt you actually want that, haha." His eyes glanced to the side and down, the smile fading slightly. "It does make me upset to know you were treated that way, though. I wish I could do more for you, darling. I hope this is enough..."
He trailed off as he curled himself around you a bit more, holding you close and burying his face in your hair, sighing softly as he carefully walked the two of you over to the couch, gently scooping you sideways into his lap for cuddles and flicking a fuzzy blanket around your shoulders. "Just... please know, that you are always loved. I'll be here for you, as long as you want me by your side."
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wylde-lore · 11 months
[She wakes up with a start]
Where the hell am I?
*she's locked in some kind of containment cell*
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Ok its been a while but according to the scanner she's close by... Evelyn? EVELYN! ITS ALEX! ARE YOU HERE?
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*a strange symbol appears and opens a portal. From that portal steps Evelyn, who's now back in her biological form. She's now physically 16, well tanned, muscular, and 6 feet (72 inches) tall. Her eyes are pitch black and the same symbol is in her left eye. That same eye also has a scar running through it that looks similar to the crack in her Drone body's visor. There are a pair of black and green draconic wings folded up behind her back and a similarly colored draconic tail is wrapped around her waist, the tip of which is bladed.*
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askacultleader · 4 days
This TV is making so much more chaos than I expected
(I know, right? Guy's gonna put me out of a job!)
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abstraction-an0n · 6 months
Your second delusion, she growls, is thinking you could get away with it. Right after, she kicks Abstranon, beginning to push them down, before waiting. Aren't you going to fight back? Aren't you going to hurt me, you pathetic scum?
the abstracted abominations all stare at her, they created a perfect circle around the two of them
Abstractions body began to contort into an inhuman horrifying structure, it's neck made a extremely sickening Crack as it turned its head to face her
You wanted a fight, welp you're going to get one
You fucked up
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ask-wylde-and-co · 8 months
*Someone or... Something...? Is wondering around, she's smiling and talking to herself*
The perimeter guards activate and turn to look at the being.
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mrthenarrator · 3 months
As wonderful as escaping the Parable and being free in the real world is, the only thing im saddened about is that I now have to abide by local law enforcement and the law of the country.
Yes, I know having the legal documentation means I can make my own purchases and have a passport and do whatever it is you do with forged papers. But now if I do anything illegal like say, stealing a car, I would get arrested. And im far too handsome and intelligent to get caught like that. I simply will not let it happen!
And yet. I must behave. How cruel the world works. I just can't give out chainsaws like I used to. (especially not after last year. The cardboard car is still in our basement.)
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riddlemethisjeremy · 1 year
[Xeno entered the atmosphere of Earth, landing his space ship gently off the coast of what was once Toronto. As Xeno prepares to enter Earth's atmosphere - he doesn't require a suit, as his planet has a similar atmosphere, and it would be incredibly difficult to manufacture a space suit to entirely encompass Xeno's form comfortably and in a skintight fashion - his ship bleeps.]
"What do- A sentient life form?" Xeno asked the mainframe.
Xeno's many eyes blinked, dumbounded, and he frowned, scuttling over towards the computer, "I didn't think there were any of those left on this planet?" Xeno stated, trying to identify what exactly was approaching his ship, "Aren't the humans extinct?"
"Is it a human?" Xeno's eyes widen in surprise and elated curiosity, "I'm going to talk to it."
Xeno clicked a couple of buttons on his computer, and the hatch to his space ship opened slowly, the hydralics hissing as air rushed in through the open air.
He trotted down the ramp that had automatically deployed under the open door, looking around for the human he'd seen. He caught the shock of chestnut brown hair first, a much brighter shade of brown than anything else in the ghost-town that Xeno had landed in. The crumbled ruins of high rises and other buildings that Xeno had not spent enough time researching to know what they were called littered the area, all hidden under a layer of gray-white dust - all except the human who seemed surprisingly clean in its bright yellow sweater and blue denim cargo pants. The rim of its vision-enhancing-goggles were shiny, but the lenses were horribly fogged up in the brisk air. Xeno's second layer of fur was struggling to fight off the bite of the chill, so he had to wonder how the nearly hairless human could survive.
The human's eyes widened as it saw Xeno, and it stopped approaching, taking a shaky step backwards. Xeno frowned, fighting hard to remember his lessons in human language. He knew the language fairly well, having always been able to grasp at the finer points of linguistics across many of the ancient alien cultures he'd been forced to study, but he was pretty patchy with it, and wasn't entirely sure how to address the human.
"Stop, please, I mean you no harm!" Xeno called out, "I- I've got homework and you can help, please."
The human stopped, staring quietly at Xeno, "Will you take me out of here?"
"Absolutely, you can stay with me if you want I- There's room in my ship."
The human considered this for a moment, then nodded softly, "What's the assignment?"
Xeno grinned, motioning back up to his ramp, "Let me show you."
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the-rainbow-overflow · 10 months
Come on admit it, you hate them in a romantic way, and what you two are doing is pitch flirting. Admit it dar.
>-(<) Is not. He's just some guy who comments on my writing, and I comment on his. (>)-<
>|someone's in denial|<
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will-you-pick-me · 2 months
what if we told the narrator to leave us alone? Like if we die, we die. we're gonna die at some point so why stop the inevitable?
Hrm... Well, it'd probably go something like- "... I'm sorry, but I can't. Don't you know how much you mean to me? How important you are? And not just me - you've made so many others smile, as well. You might not be aware of it, but you do impact the lives of those around you. The people you let go first in line who were in a rush, the small child you waved at that you caught staring at you, the dropped notebook you returned, it all matters. I... I'm sorry. I can't let that end. It means too much."
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wylde-lore · 1 year
*the worker drone explores the tunnels clutching his satchel and a void recorder*
Case Number 24, Log 1. I am currently exploring some strange tunnels near the colony. They are not natural and show signs of being man made. Am I the only one concerned with what may be down here? I am following a set up marks to an unknown destination.
*around the corner is a dead Worker Drone, who seems to have gotten stuck in some spider webs*
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ask-the-elden-lords · 11 months
evy did you get the nieuws
*the door to her secret hideout is open and someone's crying inside*
@emily-and-friends @worker-drone-alex
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