#Xeno Speaks
riddlemethisjeremy · 1 year
Jeremy, what do humans normally eat?
Jeremy wasn't entirely sure how long it had been since he'd seen his home planet, but he was beginning to realise he'd hopped headfirst into this adventure with no preparation and he was really wishing he'd grabbed a couple of the cans of tinned food that were in the safe room he'd holed up in. He sighed heavily, wandering the halls of the spaceship in search of his new friend.
Xeno suddenly appeared through a doorway, which scared the crap out of him. The fact that Xeno's arms were literally massive knives was vaguely off-putting after all.
"Is everything alright, Jeremy?" He asked, cocking his head curiously.
Jeremy nodded, taking an involuntary step back, "Yeah, just... Kinda hungry?"
"Oh!" Xeno exclaimed, nodding, "Come, the IceBox is this way!"
Jeremy perked up a little, following Xeno as he led him to the "IceBox". They came to a stop in front of a clear white wall, which Xeno pressed with one of his hooves. It opened out slowly to show a myriad of strangely shaped fruit ranging in many interesting colours that sent off alarm bells in Jeremy's brain.
"I... don't think I can eat that." Jeremy laughed uncomfortably, "Sorry."
Xeno frowned, glancing down at the box of fruit and then back at Jeremy, "You don't eat glorzmoberries?"
"Earth doesn't have... glor-glorsmo-?"
"Right," Jeremy sighed softly, "Uh. Do you have anything else?"
"Well, Jeremy, what do you humans eat?" He asked, cocking his head. It seemed that this motion was fairly similar to an eyebrow raise.
Jeremy shrugged, "Lots of things, I guess. It'd take a while to list it."
Xeno tapped his knife hand patiently, "What do you eat, Jeremy?"
Jeremy thought about this for a second, "I could really go for a grilled cheese sandwich right now."
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xxenobiology · 1 year
Today's brilliant (/sarcasm) realization of the day: Your icon is not the Flight Rising Logo.
I'm not sure why I thought you made your icon that.
[Wheeze] oh my gods, that's hilarious?
Yeah, no, my icon's been a continuous update of an art piece I've been doing for the last few years!
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^ the piece in a bigger format lol
But it would be very funny if it was the FR logo. Just... casually impersonating Flight Rising lmao
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aeriona · 11 days
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personally I'm repping this team like a rabid animal gnawing on the bars of my cage but I do also want to wish a hearty good luck to the other two teams! :)
Team Past - Team Future
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novicecomics-personal · 5 months
There is this one troupe that keeps cropping up with Stanley & Xeno that I absolutely love and I'm living for it. It's that Xeno without Stanley is actually worse off whereas Stanley without Xeno is better.
They split ways after graduation and Stanley enlists. The military is harsh and stressful but not only does he survive; he thrives. In only a few years, he climbed the ranks. He commands a special unit and the whole unit puts their full faith in Stanley fucking Snyder. 
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Xeno goes to school and is faced with not only immense stress and pressure to succeed, but he has to do all of it without his only support: Stanley. We can assume this based on the heavy parallels between him and Senku. Stanley is the equivalent of Senku’s full friend group since he’s the one who’s got great stamina, brute force, and talent in skill heavy tasks. Xeno finds kinship with Senku because he sees himself in the kid, except he didn’t have a mentor to guide him. Due to the heavy parallels we can also assume he had a situation like Senku where his parental figure wasn’t around much in his life. 
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All that stress, a major lack of support, and finding himself trying to make up for the sudden hole left by Stanley who's shown to be a caretaker type to him? Xeno fucking cracks. He gets through school but he’s already changed. He’s got a malice that he brings with him to NASA and it only grows with the constant pressures placed on him by those who hold him back. Those cracks start to widen. His mentality falters and we see him go from the happier, innocent, science-loving doctor who started messaging with a talented boy to a man who’s ready to sell out the whole world in order to progress. 
The manga even alludes to this quick mental degeneration as the first few times he’s shown in the flashback chapter as being dressed in all white with a more relaxed demeanor.
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The first panel that shows him touting the power of science is the first time in the flashback where he’s dressed in something black.
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When it cuts to him giving the dictatorship speech we see him now dressed in a black coat entrenched in shadows. Even his eyebags get more and more noticeable during this change signifying the on-going stress in his life. 
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What makes this the best troupe to me is that its importance hinges on one solid aspect of Stanley and Xeno’s relationship: Stanley needs Xeno. He can command his unit as needed but goes off of the orders given by Xeno. Xeno gets kidnapped? Stanley is the only one who actually cares enough to not only chase him halfway around the world but to conduct a full on operation just to save him. Even after he’s reanimated a second time, Stanley is *always* by Xeno’s side.
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There’s something silently bittersweet about the whole situation. Xeno’s the only one who makes mention that *he* holds *Stanley* back and Stanley ignores it, opting instead to continue on his path. 
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spaghetticat3899 · 8 months
A lot of people make slugcats more slug by making them have feelers, the lip of a “foot” along their body, or even making their eyes not their actual eyes, but rather eyespots. However, there’s a disappointing lack of headcanoning scugs have a radula, it’d seem like something people would latch onto, since both cats and slugs have toothy tongues, but I’m surprised to find no headcanons for it, at least from what I’ve seen.
Go radula scugs!
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kibellah · 6 months
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thank you to the amazing @blighted-elf for this beautiful art of my rogue trader astrid, god-emperor's favorite princess!
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cyberkn1fe · 2 months
Oltyx: chat, what do we think?
Doctrinal and Strategic, briefly pausing from metaphorically strangling each other: can you PLEASE stop calling us that?
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hex12345678910 · 3 months
Another xenogender :3
Nothinggender: When one's gender is Nothing or The Nothing. It is important to note that this is not the same as agender and this term is only for nonhuman and/or alterhuman use.
Based on this post:
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minothtime · 7 months
You don't GET IT mythra was reawakened against her will to a world she no longer knew and had to watch as every single person she once knew was either dead, experimented on, or chaned irrevocably!! She ended up creating bonds only for them to almost be snapped away once she got captured!! She had to watch mikhail and jin die and brighid and aegeon have no memory of her at all!! she saw a decrepit minoth having lived an entire 500 years still immortalizing her and addam as well as he knew !!!! she kept seeing glimmers of hope only for them to be crushed again and again!!!! mikhail is somehow still alive but he hates her and can't even properly talk to her !!!! she had to see the consequences of her creating pyra multiple times !!! she thinks lora died because she wasn't there !!! she thinks haze was preyed on by amalthus because she wasn't there !!!!! gramps and her are the only characters to not be horrified at jin's mercy kill at temperantia !!!! mythra suffered from intense trauma not long after awakening and she hasn't processed any of it and she's still seeing everything she sought to forget !!!! SHE WAS FORCED OUT !!! VANDHAM STILL DIED BEFORE AND SHE COULD HAVE MAYBE AVOIDED IT BUT SHE WAS NOT READY TO FACE THE WORLD AGAIN!!!!! SHE NEEDED TIME SHE DIDN'T HAVE SHE KEPT RETREATING BECAUSE SHE WASN'T READY SHE KEPT PEEKING OUT BECAUSE SHE STILL CRAVED INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS AND THE COMFORT SHE NEVER GOT !!!!! RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
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sanitizarium · 2 years
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we’re not too different, you and i
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riddlemethisjeremy · 1 year
[Xeno entered the atmosphere of Earth, landing his space ship gently off the coast of what was once Toronto. As Xeno prepares to enter Earth's atmosphere - he doesn't require a suit, as his planet has a similar atmosphere, and it would be incredibly difficult to manufacture a space suit to entirely encompass Xeno's form comfortably and in a skintight fashion - his ship bleeps.]
"What do- A sentient life form?" Xeno asked the mainframe.
Xeno's many eyes blinked, dumbounded, and he frowned, scuttling over towards the computer, "I didn't think there were any of those left on this planet?" Xeno stated, trying to identify what exactly was approaching his ship, "Aren't the humans extinct?"
"Is it a human?" Xeno's eyes widen in surprise and elated curiosity, "I'm going to talk to it."
Xeno clicked a couple of buttons on his computer, and the hatch to his space ship opened slowly, the hydralics hissing as air rushed in through the open air.
He trotted down the ramp that had automatically deployed under the open door, looking around for the human he'd seen. He caught the shock of chestnut brown hair first, a much brighter shade of brown than anything else in the ghost-town that Xeno had landed in. The crumbled ruins of high rises and other buildings that Xeno had not spent enough time researching to know what they were called littered the area, all hidden under a layer of gray-white dust - all except the human who seemed surprisingly clean in its bright yellow sweater and blue denim cargo pants. The rim of its vision-enhancing-goggles were shiny, but the lenses were horribly fogged up in the brisk air. Xeno's second layer of fur was struggling to fight off the bite of the chill, so he had to wonder how the nearly hairless human could survive.
The human's eyes widened as it saw Xeno, and it stopped approaching, taking a shaky step backwards. Xeno frowned, fighting hard to remember his lessons in human language. He knew the language fairly well, having always been able to grasp at the finer points of linguistics across many of the ancient alien cultures he'd been forced to study, but he was pretty patchy with it, and wasn't entirely sure how to address the human.
"Stop, please, I mean you no harm!" Xeno called out, "I- I've got homework and you can help, please."
The human stopped, staring quietly at Xeno, "Will you take me out of here?"
"Absolutely, you can stay with me if you want I- There's room in my ship."
The human considered this for a moment, then nodded softly, "What's the assignment?"
Xeno grinned, motioning back up to his ramp, "Let me show you."
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kidfur · 7 months
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wanted to try drawing trunkspeon with his ears up and figured it would be a good excuse to draw xeno trunks cuz of the ponytail but he feels so weird with uppy ears....
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crepuscular-coyote · 1 year
I've made a new gender: Coymasc. It's a masculine non-binary gender that relates to male coyotes and being male in an animal way. Free for anyone to use I doubt it will catch on but nothing fits me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You can totally make similar genders or whatever, like if you want to coin Coyfem or Wolfmasc or anything feel free to! I love seeing people's creativity when it comes to their identity :D Please tag me so I can see it.
Oh, you don't have to be kin or even alterhuman to use this. If it fits you then who am I to stop you from using it? I'm not the Gender Lord. If it's not harming anyone, do what you want to. At least that's how I think. Nothing wrong if you don't agree, we can still be chill lol.
Happy gender :>
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yeonban · 6 months
Talking about ships (as a concept) with some friends made me realize I really AM allergic to popular fandom ships bc wow... I always get attached to the rarest of pairings so if you ever see me ship a popular pairing it means it's a miracle and two things have had to align perfectly for it to happen: 1) the canon dynamic between them is actually solid (I mean not just a convo or canon saying/blatantly hinting they're a thing only for them to have no chemistry; plus I have to see a potential romantic r/s between them as being better than their platonic friendship which is. Hard to say the least), and 2) the fandom shipping them must NOTTT be annoying me at every corner (read as: putting the ship in my face as if it's written in the law that I have to ship it, or alternatively warping canon to unbelievable degrees of delusion to make it happen by changing the charas' personalities to an 180), which. now that I think about it, is the hardest of the two hurdles to get past
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spaghetticat3899 · 7 months
I’m proposing that people try out making their xenolings have crescent pupils. It’s not a demand, I just wonder if anybody else would think it’s neat. A lot of xeno inklings have horizontal pupils, and that’s all personal preference, so I won’t bash it. However, actual squid eyes actually have round or crescent-shaped pupils, and I haven’t seen anyone but myself make a xenoling with that shape.
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It’s just a thought I’ve had awhile. Like I’d said, I’m not bashing people for their preferences, not at all, people are free to do what they want. I just like excuses to tell fun facts at the end of the day. Maybe I can inspire someone to try out something new.
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Slick is the only example at the moment, but maybe I should try it try on some other folks. The art’s old.
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new-squidbese-fattoon · 8 months
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