#National Grammar Day India
newshansindia · 7 months
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
25. Nordic Countries
Welcome to day 25! We're doing pretty well here, huh? :D Today we're learning the names for the nordic countries!
land (n) - country
Norden - the north (specifically the nordics)
Norge - Norway
Danmark - Denmark
Sverige - Sweden
Finland - Finland
Island - Iceland
Færøyene - The Faroe Islands
språk (n) - language
nasjonalitet (m) - nationality
Grammar: Language & Nationality
Unlike English where we can change the word of the country in any number of ways to get the language/nationality (France -> French, Germany -> German, Norway -> Norwegian, Sweden -> Swedish, China -> Chinese etc), it's pretty easy in Norwegian: it'll always end in -sk:
Norge -> norsk (Norwegian)
Sverige -> svensk (Swedish)
Danmark -> dansk (Danish)
Finland -> finsk (Finnish)
Island -> islandsk (Icelandic)
Færøyene -> færøysk (Faroese)
This pertains to both the language and the nationality:
Han er norsk. Han snakker norsk. (He's Norwegian. He speaks Norwegian)
Vi er finske. Vi snakker finsk og svensk. (We're Finnish. We speak Finnish and Swedish)
Den islandske mannen snakker islandsk og dansk. (The Icelandic man speaks Icelandic and Danish)
Er dere færøysk? Snakker dere færøysk? (Are you Faroese? Do you speak Faroese?)
Note: all countries are capitalised just like in English, but languages and nationalities aren't.
Your turn!
Here's a list of countries in alphabetical order. Find your country and tell me what languages you speak! If your country or language isn't there, you're welcome to look it up, reblog and add it (there's like 200 countries and over 7000 languages in the world so I'm not gonna list them all, sorry. I chose the countries I did because I have or have had followers of those nationalities)
I'll go first!
Jeg kommer fra Storbritannia. Jeg er britisk. Jeg bor i Japan. Jeg snakker engelsk og norsk, og jeg lærer meg japansk. (I come from the UK. I am British. I live in Japan. I speak English and Norwegian, and I'm learning Japanese)
Argentina/Argentinian -> Argentina/argentisk
Australia/Australian -> Australia/australsk
Austria/Austrian -> Østerrike/østerrisk
Belarus/Belarusian -> Hviterussland/hviterussisk
Belgium/Belgian -> Belgia/belgisk (Flemmish = flamsk)
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Bosnian -> Bosnia og Hercegovina/bosnisk
Brazil/Brazilian -> Brasil/brasiliansk
Bulgaria/Bulgarian -> Bulgaria/bulgarsk
Canada/Canadian -> Canada/kanadisk
China/Chinese -> Kina/kinesisk
Croatia/Croatian -> Kroatia/kroatisk
Cyprus/Cypriot -> Kypros/kypriotisk
Czechia/Czech -> Tsjekkia/tsjekkisk
Egypt/Egyptian -> Egypt/egyptisk (Arabic = arabisk)
England/English -> England/engelsk
Estonia/Estonian -> Estland/estlandsk
France/French -> Frankrike/fransk
Germany/German -> Tyskland/tysk (Yiddish = jiddisk)
Georgia/Georgian -> Georgia/georgisk
Greece/Greek -> Hellas/gresk
Greenland/Greenlandic -> Grønland/grønlandsk
Hungary/Hungarian -> Ungarn/ungarsk
India/Indian -> India/indisk
Ireland/Irish -> Irland/irsk
Israel/Israeli -> Israel/israelsk
Japan/Japanese -> Japan/japansk
Korea/Korean -> Korea/koreansk
Latvia/Latvian -> Latvia/latvisk
Lithuania/Lithuanian -> Litauen/litauisk
Mexico/Mexican -> Mexico/meksicansk
Moldova/Moldovan -> Moldova/Moldovisk
The Netherlands/Dutch -> Nederland/nederlandsk (Frisian = frisisk)
New Zealand/New Zealander -> New/Ny Zealand/new/ny zealandsk (Aotearoa = Aotearoa)
Palestine/Palestinian -> Palestina/palestinsk (Gaza = Gaza, the West Bank - Vestbredden)
The Philippines/Filipino -> Filippinene/filipinsk
Poland/Polish -> Polen/polsk
Portugal/Portuguese -> Portugal/portugisisk
Romania/Romanian -> Romania/rumensk
Russia/Russian -> Russland/russisk
Scotland/Scottish -> Skottland/skotsk (Scots = skotsk, Scottish Gaelic = skotsk-gælisk)
Serbia/Serbian -> Serbia/serbisk
Slovakia/Slovak -> Slovakia/slovakisk
Slovenia/Slovenian -> Slovenia/slovensk
South Africa/South African -> Sør-Afrika/sørafrikansk
Spain/Spanish -> Spania/spansk
Thailand/Thai -> Thailand/thailandsk
Turkey/Turkish -> Tyrkia
The UK/British -> Storbritannia/britisk
Ukraine/Ukrainian -> Ukraina/ukrainsk
The USA/American -> USA/amerikansk
Vietnam/Vietnamese -> Vietnam/vietnamsk
Wales/Welsh -> Wales/walisisk
Zimbabwe/Zimbabwean -> Zimbabwe/zimbabwisk (Shona = sjona)
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hindisoup · 1 year
15-week learning review
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Reading and Writing (15 out of 15 weeks)
Since I reached out to Hindi speakers in search of penpals in a couple of places (namely Conversation Exchange and Slowly app) I've found some interesting people who are patient enough to correspond with me using Devanagari and bookish language. It's been quite fun and I've been able to reply to emails quite regularly. Both my reading and writing skills have improved and I've learned many useful phrases for discussing opinions etc.
Listening (8 out of 15 weeks)
I found an interesting podcast for Hindi learners, All About India Insider Tales, where they make short about 15-minute episodes about Indian history in both English and Hindi. They have a Patreon through which a listener can download the full script of each episode in both Hindi and English for a small monthly fee. This is not an ad, I was just so happy to find this resource that I need to share it. I've also listened to some episodes of विश्व चर्चित हत्याएँ and Indian Crime Story but so far I haven't found the perfect true crime podcast in Hindi or Hinglish - recommendations welcome!
Watching (7 out of 15 weeks)
Another, and completely free resource I want to share is STARTALK Hindi Audio-Visual project which is a collection of 42 videos with complete downloadable .pdf scripts in Hindi. These videos are based on real-life situations and show naturally spoken Hindi, sometimes mixed with English and local languages. I've also watched three Hindi films, finished Mismatched and started to watch Taj Mahal 1989 on Netflix.
Grammar (6 out of 15 weeks)
Because of regular correspondence, I have had less time for grammar books. One of my pen pals shared a great resource, however, for both reading and grammar: a vast collection of online textbooks by the Indian NCERT - National Council of Education Research and Training. There are Hindi and Urdu textbooks starting from grade 1 upwards and there are also adult education materials downloadable as pdf. Speaking (2 out of 15 weeks)
I've spoken to myself in Hindi almost every day, but only on two occasions, I have spoken with a native Hindi speaker. I'm still seriously considering finding a new Hindi tutor on iTalki. I just got a new job and getting adjusted to it makes me super tired on the weeknights at the moment, so this plan is on pause.
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blahblahblaw18 · 2 years
Grammar of Anarchy in Modern India
“...it is quite possible in a country like India – where democracy from its long disuse must be regarded as something quite new – there is danger of democracy giving place to dictatorship. It is quite possible for this newborn democracy to retain its form but give place to dictatorship in fact.” These lines are excerpted from Dr Ambedkar’s famous speech “The Grammar of Anarchy”, delivered on November 25th 1949, the eve of the adoption of the Indian Constitution. In this address, Babasaheb defined the difference between a real democracy and a facile one and laid down certain principles that he expected the future generations to adhere to, if they wished for the Indian constitutional democracy to coincide in form and in fact.
It was indeed amid much pomp and publicity that in 2015, the 125th birth anniversary of Dr Ambedkar, the current government decided to attest the tag of National Constitution Day to November 26th. It was just one of the many ways in which governments, over the years, have tried to appropriate the idea of Ambedkar for their vested interests without giving any thought to his ideals. Seen in this context, it becomes important to analyse whether today’s democratic India has lived up to the expectations of the architect of its constitution.
The first principle that Ambedkar mentioned in his speech was that in a real democracy, progress should be brought about only through constitutional methods. He sought an end to methods of Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience which, unless restricted, could paralyze development and saw protests as a symbol of facile democracies. Today’s India is far from realising that goal. We are a country that protests at the drop of a hat. However, more often than not, these protests, far from stifling development, have been used to coerce those in power to take the right step. Be it the 2011 anti-corruption dharnas pushing for passage of appropriate legislations or the CAA-NRC protests or the more recent anti-farm law sit-ins appealing for retraction of unpopular legislations, agitations against the ruling dispensations have been the guiding light of our democracy, seeking adherence to the constitution. So does this mean Ambedkar was wrong in his assessment of protests? No. In his speech, Babasaheb, while advocating for an end to unconstitutional protests, specifically spelled out that when there is no possibility of achieving change through constitutional means, resorting to unconstitutional methods was the only way forward. When constitutionally elected governments show apathy towards the needs or worse, go against the wishes of the very people who put them in power and constitutionally established courts and politically established opposition also leave people in the lurch, the only recourse left for the people is to mobilise and swerve those in power in the right direction. Thus, the very fact that today mass mobilisations and protests are needed to exhort governments to do what they’re elected to do, points towards the disuse and misuse of constitutional machinery.
His second prescription of eschewing the deification of leaders, is perhaps also the most pertinent advice in contemporary times. Today we have downgraded ourselves into a nation of hero-worshipping fanatics, divinizing our political leaders to the point where we fail to accept that they can ever err and ignore them when they actually do so. Living in times when being anti-Modi is routinely equated to being anti-India, Babasaheb’s warning that in politics Bhakti is a sure road to eventual dictatorship rings truer than ever.
Finally, Ambedkar in his speech, recommends us to evolve into a social democracy i.e., we mustn’t be content with the mere political sanction of liberty, equality and fraternity, but should strive to make these ideals, a way of life. Acknowledging the chasm between ‘constitutional guarantees’ and ‘social realities’, Babasaheb had famously remarked that India would, on January 26th 1950, enter into a life of contradictions where political equality would stand in contrast with socioeconomic inequalities. In calling for a social democracy, it was this gap that he sought to bridge. However, it is the sad reality of our times that, even in this aspect we have failed him. 70 more 26th Januarys have passed since that observation was made and still, we find ourselves stuck in the same quagmire. Obdurate lines of caste, class and religious inequalities have been redrawn by politically motivated leaders who find benefit in refusing to let these lines fade; Sectarian affiliations continue to override national unity, crumpling up the ideal of fraternity. And liberty, attacked by both state and non-state actors, has become a mere chimaera.
Thus, our country’s current socio-political standing is far from what the creator of our constitution had hoped it would be. It’s indeed impossible for a country as vast and diverse as ours to embody an ideal democracy, but that shouldn’t mean that we retrograde into becoming a facile democracy. Superficially celebrating the Constitution Day or Mahaparinirvan Diwas will only amount to lip service unless we reinstate adherence to these principles which add life into the soul of India’s democracy, principles prescribed by the father of the constitution himself and principles which will otherwise end up being mere quixotic embellishments for a bleak reality.
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shraddhamatre · 2 days
BPCL Exam Mastery: Your Complete Success Guide
One of the most popular competitive tests in India is the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) exam, which offers high-paying jobs at prestigious public sector enterprises (PSUs). Acquiring a role with BPCL ensures development, stability, and a distinguished career in the oil and gas industry. This blog article will walk you through the key BPCL test preparation techniques, putting you one step closer to landing your ideal job.
Understanding the BPCL Exam The employment of applicants for engineering positions, particularly in the fields of mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, and instrumentation, is the main goal of the BPCL test. Written exams, interviews, and group discussions are all part of the selection process. You will have a lot more success if you have a solid foundation in your main engineering disciplines and a solid knowledge of general aptitude. There are two components in the written BPCL exam: Technical Section: This assesses your understanding of foundational engineering concepts linked to your academic program. Section on ability: This includes broad English, numeric ability, and reasoning.
The Best Ways to Pass the BPCL Exam: 
1. Develop Your Technical Expertise The technical component is the most crucial part of the test, bearing major weight. Make sure you have covered every topic on your engineering discipline's syllabus. By going over past years' exam papers, concentrate on key subjects and commonly questioned ideas. Improve your foundational knowledge and engage in frequent problem-solving exercises.
2. Develop Your Skill in Aptitude Your aptitude for logic, math, and language is tested in this portion. The secret to learning this part is consistent practice. Set aside time each day to complete logical thinking and mathematical aptitude challenges. Focus on developing your vocabulary, grammar, and understanding for the English portion.
3. Go over and practice last year's papers. One of the best methods to comprehend the format and kinds of questions on the test is to practice prior exams. When completing these papers, keep track of your time to help you become comfortable with the test atmosphere. You'll become more accurate and swift as a result.
4. Pay attention to time management Effective time management is essential for both exam day and preparation. Make sure to establish a comprehensive study schedule that includes enough time for review of all subjects. Plan which parts to tackle first on exam day according to your areas of strength and make sure you don't spend too much time on any one question.
5. Keep Up with Current Events Keeping up with current events is essential for the group discussion and interview stages, particularly when it comes to the oil and gas industry. Regularly read trade periodicals, newspapers, and industry reports. Since you work in the energy industry, BPCL could assume you are aware of the most recent developments, regulations, and worldwide trends in the industry. In summary It takes commitment, laser-like preparation, and a solid foundation in your main engineering topics to pass the BPCL test. You may develop the confidence you need to take the test by perfecting your technical knowledge, improving your aptitude, and working through sample exams. Throughout your preparation, be sure to stay motivated, set clear goals, and use your time well. Success in the BPCL exam not only brings you a step closer to a rewarding career in one of India’s leading PSUs but also gives you the opportunity to contribute to the nation’s energy future.
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
Recommended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions / https://www.youtube.com/@gblionsaeje 
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pagebypagereviews · 3 days
Lisa Jewell Biography Lisa Jewell is a bestselling British author known for her gripping psychological thrillers and contemporary novels. With a career spanning over two decades, she has captivated readers worldwide with her compelling storytelling and richly developed characters. Biography Information Details Full Name Lisa Jewell Date of Birth 19 July 1968 Nationality British Genres Popular Fiction Notable Works Ralph's Party Thirtynothing After The Party (sequel to Ralph's Party) Then She Was Gone The Family Upstairs Invisible Girl The Night She Disappeared Latest Book None of This Is True (published in July 2023) Early Life Early Life of Lisa Jewell Lisa Jewell, a renowned author known for her gripping novels, was born in London. She spent her formative years growing up in North London, where she was the eldest of three daughters in a comfortable family setting. Jewell's educational journey began at St. Michael's Catholic Grammar School in Finchley, North London. However, her academic path took a turn when she left school after just one day in the sixth form. She then pursued an art foundation course at Barnet College, which was followed by a diploma in fashion illustration from Epsom School of Art & Design. These early experiences in London not only shaped her educational background but also sparked her interest in exploring the dynamics within families and the secrets that lie behind closed doors. Family Lisa Jewell Family Information table width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; th, td padding: 8px 12px; border: 1px solid #ddd; th background-color: #f4f4f4; Relation Name Information Mother Kay Jewell Kay Jewell, Lisa's mother, worked as a secretary. She was born in India and is of Scottish descent. Father Anthony Jewell Anthony Jewell, Lisa's father, was a textile agent. He played a significant role in Lisa's upbringing. Sister Amelie Mae Amelie Mae is one of Lisa's siblings. She shares a close bond with Lisa and has been mentioned in various contexts. Brother Jascha Gordon Jascha Gordon is Lisa's brother. He has been a supportive figure in Lisa's life and career. Height, Weight, And Other Body Measurements Lisa Jewell - Body Measurements table width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; th, td border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; th background-color: #f2f2f2; Attribute Measurement Height Information not available Weight Information not available Other Body Measurements Information not available Note: Specific details about Lisa Jewell's height, weight, and other body measurements are not publicly available. Wife/husband / Girlfriend/boyfriend Lisa Jewell's Relationship Details Lisa Jewell is currently married to Jascha Gordon. The couple has been together for several years and they reside in London with their two daughters. Unfortunately, the exact date of their marriage is not readily available from the provided sources. There is no detailed information available about Lisa Jewell's previous relationships. However, based on the provided data, it is known that she had a relationship before marrying Jascha Gordon, but specific details such as names and timelines are not mentioned. Lisa Jewell is a renowned author known for her gripping novels. She has explored various themes and genres in her writing, and her personal experiences often influence her storytelling. Despite the lack of comprehensive details about her past relationships, her current marriage to Jascha Gordon seems to be a stable and happy one. For more information about Lisa Jewell, you can visit her Wikipedia page. Career, Achievements And Controversies Career, Achievements, and Controversies of Lisa Jewell Lisa Jewell is a renowned author known for her compelling contemporary fiction and thrillers. Her rise to fame began with her debut novel, Ralph's Party, which became the best-selling debut novel in the UK in 1999.
Her ability to create relatable, modern characters and gripping storylines quickly garnered her a loyal readership. Lisa Jewell's career started in an unusual manner. An unemployed secretary at the time, she was challenged by a friend to write the first three chapters of a novel in exchange for dinner. This challenge led to the creation of Ralph's Party, which was picked up by Penguin Books and launched her writing career. Popular Works Ralph's Party (1999) Vince and Joy (2005) The House We Grew Up In (2013) Then She Was Gone (2017) Watching You (2018) The Family Upstairs (2019) Invisible Girl (2020) None of This Is True (2022) Lisa Jewell has received various accolades throughout her career, including: Excellence in International Crime and Thriller Writing by The Bookseller Shortlisted for various prestigious awards such as the British Book Awards Despite her success, Lisa Jewell has not been without controversies. One notable incident involves her previous marriage, where she opened up about living with a controlling ex-husband. This personal revelation stirred conversations around the challenges she faced and how they influenced her writing. Additionally, like many public figures, she has faced criticism and scrutiny over her work's content and themes. However, she has managed to maintain a strong connection with her audience through her authenticity and storytelling prowess. Lisa Jewell's journey from an unemployed secretary to a best-selling author is a testament to her talent and resilience. Her works continue to captivate readers globally, and despite personal and professional challenges, she remains a significant figure in contemporary fiction and thriller genres. Faq FAQs about Lisa Jewell body font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.6; margin: 20px; .faq-container max-width: 800px; margin: auto; .faq margin-bottom: 20px; .question font-weight: bold; .answer margin-top: 5px; padding-left: 20px; Who is Lisa Jewell? Lisa Jewell is a British author known for her popular novels in the genres of contemporary fiction and psychological thrillers. She has written numerous bestsellers, including "The Family Upstairs" and "Then She Was Gone." What are some of Lisa Jewell's most famous books? When did Lisa Jewell start her writing career? Lisa Jewell started her writing career with her debut novel "Ralph's Party," which was published in 1999 and became an instant bestseller. What is "The Family Upstairs" about? The Family Upstairs" is a psychological thriller that revolves around a young woman who inherits a mansion from her birth parents, only to discover the dark secrets and tragedies that took place there years ago. The story is filled with suspense, twists, and multiple perspectives. Has Lisa Jewell received any awards for her writing? Yes, Lisa Jewell has received several awards for her writing, including the Melissa Nathan Award for Comedy Romance for her book "31 Dream Street." Her works have also been shortlisted for various prestigious awards in the literary world. Where can I find more information about Lisa Jewell and her books? You can find more information about Lisa Jewell and her books on her official website, social media profiles, and various online bookstores. Additionally, her books are available in most libraries and major book retailers.
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IBSAT 2024 Exam Pattern: What to Expect
The IBSAT 2024 (ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test) is a national-level entrance exam conducted annually by ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education. Aspiring MBA and PGPM candidates looking to secure admissions to ICFAI Business Schools across India need to be well-prepared for this exam. Understanding the exam pattern is a crucial step toward achieving success. In this article, we will delve into the IBSAT 2024 exam pattern, helping candidates know what to expect on the test day.
Overview of the IBSAT 2024 Exam Pattern
The IBSAT 2024 exam is a computer-based test (CBT) that spans two hours. The exam is designed to evaluate a candidate’s proficiency in four key areas: Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, and Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency. The total number of questions is 140, all of which are multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
Here’s a breakdown of the key sections in the IBSAT 2024 exam:
Verbal Ability (VA) – Approximately 50 questions
Reading Comprehension (RC) – Approximately 30 questions
Quantitative Ability (QA) – Approximately 30 questions
Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency (DI/DS) – Approximately 30 questions
Each correct answer carries one mark, and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers. This means candidates can attempt all the questions without the fear of losing marks.
Section-Wise Breakdown
Verbal Ability (VA): This section tests the candidate's vocabulary, grammar, and command over the English language. Questions may include sentence correction, synonyms, antonyms, and sentence completion.
Reading Comprehension (RC): The RC section includes passages followed by questions testing the candidate’s ability to understand and interpret the given text.
Quantitative Ability (QA): This section focuses on mathematical problems covering topics like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and number systems.
Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency (DI/DS): In this section, candidates need to interpret data from charts, graphs, and tables. It also involves logical reasoning questions to test problem-solving abilities.
A clear understanding of the IBSAT 2024 exam pattern will help candidates allocate their preparation time wisely. By focusing on each section and practicing regularly, aspirants can approach the exam with confidence and aim for a high score.
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creativeera · 24 days
The Legionella Testing Market is set to grow significantly with key advancements in water testing
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The Legionella testing market involves identification and quantification of Legionella bacteria that causes Legionellosis or Pontiac fever. Legionella testing helps diagnose infections and also monitor the effectiveness of water treatments. The growing complexity and scale of water systems and increasing regulations for testing of potable and recycled water have driven the demand for Legionella testing products and services.
The global legionella testing market size was valued at US$ 312.6 Mn in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 553.3 Mn by 2030, grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5% from 2023 to 2030.
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Legionella Testing market are Eurofins Scientific, ALS Limited, Bio-Rad Laboratories, IDEXX Laboratories, Aqua Legion UK, Palintest, LuminUltra, Special Pathogens Laboratory, Romer Labs, Real Time Lab Services, Abbott, Beckman Coulter, Inc., BD, Pro Lab Diagnostics Inc. These players are focusing on new technologies and product launches to consolidate their position in the market. The growing complexity of building water systems, increasing awareness about Legionella, and strict regulations have been fueling the Legionella Testing Market Demand. Various industries and sectors are implementing preventive Legionella testing plans to safeguard public health. The Legionella testing market is expanding globally with increasing awareness in developing nations. Key players are focusing on partnerships, acquisitions, and geographical expansions to enter new markets and leverage lucrative opportunities. Market Key Trends Adoption of automated and integrated platforms: There is a growing adoption of automated and integrated platforms for Legionella Testing Companies that offer multiplexed detection with high throughput. Automation enables standardization and efficiency in testing. Increasing preference for PCR-based methods: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods are increasingly becoming the standard for Legionella testing due to advantages like sensitivity, accuracy, standardization, and ability to detect low colony-forming units. Real-time PCR is widely adopted for same-day results.
Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: Cost of equipment and accreditation requirements limit new entrants. Bargaining power of buyers: Variety of test methods give buyers options to choose from and negotiate on pricing. Bargaining power of suppliers: Standardization of testing protocols provides less differentiation in supplies, increasing buyer power. Threat of new substitutes: No effective substitutes available for accurate and rapid detection of Legionella bacteria currently exist. Competitive rivalry: High level of competition exists among existing players to gain market share through expanding service capabilities and geographic reach. Geographical Regions North America accounts for the largest share of the Legionella testing market currently, supported by stringent regulations and awareness levels regarding Legionella detection and prevention. The Asia Pacific region is poised to experience the fastest growth over the forecast period due to increasing incidence of Legionnaires' disease, rising healthcare expenditures, and growing adoption of advanced water testing methods across countries like China and India.
Get more insights on Legionella Testing Market
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Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights.
(LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
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educationtech · 3 months
CAT 2024 Exam | Learn about CAT Exam Dates, Eligibility, Registration, Syllabus, Exam Pattern and Preparation Tips
CAT 2024 Exam Overview
The Common Admission Test (CAT) is the premier national-level entrance exam for admission to India's top management institutes, particularly the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). The exam is conducted annually and is considered one of the most competitive exams in the country.
CAT 2024 Exam Dates
CAT 2024 registration is expected to begin in the first week of August 2024 and close in the third or fourth week of September 2024.
The CAT 2024 exam is tentatively scheduled to be held on November 24, 2024.
The CAT 2024 admit card is likely to be released on November 6, 2024.
The CAT 2024 results are expected to be declared in the last week of December 2024 or the first week of January 2025.
CAT 2024 Exam Pattern
The CAT 2024 exam will be a computer-based test (CBT) with a duration of 120 minutes.
The exam will consist of three sections:
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) - 24 questions
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) - 20 questions
Quantitative Aptitude (QA) - 22 questions
The total number of questions in the CAT 2024 exam will be 66.
The exam will be conducted in three sessions on the same day.
CAT 2024 Syllabus
The CAT 2024 syllabus will cover the following topics: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Reading Comprehension
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
Data Interpretation
Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
Geometry and Mensuration
Modern Mathematics
Profit and Loss
CAT 2024 Eligibility Criteria
The candidate must have a bachelor's degree (10+2+3 or equivalent) from a recognized university or institution.
The candidate must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in the bachelor's degree (45% for SC/ST/PwD candidates).
There is no age limit for appearing in the CAT 2024 exam.
CAT 2024 Application Fees
The application fee for the CAT 2024 exam is expected to be:
₹2,400 for general category candidates
₹1,200 for SC/ST/PwD candidates
What Are The Top Resources For Practicing CAT Exam Questions
Here are the top resources for practicing CAT exam questions:
1. CAT-Holic
The CAT-Holic blog provides an excellent sub-topic-wise question bank for CAT aspirants to practice. It mainly focuses on the QA section of CAT, providing a fresh question bank beyond Arun Sharma and TIME, IMS material.
2. 2iim CAT Question Bank
Rajesh Balasubramanian of 2iim has created spectacular CAT-level questions for various QA sub-topics. The question bank has 1600 questions and 300 video solutions, where Rajesh himself explains concepts and tricks to solve even the most complex questions.
3. Best Downloads of GMATClub
GMATClub provides downloadable question banks for practice. For CAT aspirants, solving 600-700 (beginner) and 700-800 level (advanced) questions is recommended. It also offers a daily list of questions in your inbox.
4. MBAtious
MBAtious is a forum for CAT-related discussions and problem-solving. The forum has an extensive question bank, especially for the QA section, including the best of the best questions from CAT 100 percentiles.
5. HitBullsEye's Study Material & Question Bank
HitBullsEye provides free study material, formulae lists, and question banks for all three sections of CAT.
6. Cracku YouTube Channel
This channel contains CAT exam shortcuts, formulas, tips, and tricks for all sections of CAT, including Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Aptitude (QA).
7. CAT Study Planner
This resource helps you plan your CAT preparation, including setting targets, tracking progress, and managing time effectively.
8. Free CAT Concept & Revision Videos
Cracku provides over 10+ hours of free CAT revision videos for all sections, helping students who want to try online CAT prep.
9. 5000+ Must Solve CAT Questions
Cracku has compiled 5000 important actual CAT-level questions, which can be practiced topic-wise.
10. MBA Previous Papers
Cracku provides a list of MBA previous papers, including CAT, XAT, SNAP, NMAT, and others, to help familiarize with the actual exams.
These resources are highly recommended for CAT aspirants to practice and improve their skills in all three sections of the exam also The Best college in Jaipur Rajasthan is Arya College of Engineering & I.T. gives Maximum support to students during exams
0 notes
Bengali Language Essentials: Learn, Connect and Flourish !!
Bengali, spoken by over 250 million people, is a literary powerhouse and an official language in India and Bangladesh.
What’s special about Bengali Language?
Bengali, revered as the world’s seventh most spoken language, is celebrated for its lyrical beauty and poetic finesse. It’s the pride of Bangladesh and holds esteemed status in India. Notably, its grammar transcends gender, a rare feature that adds to its allure. February 21, observed globally as International Mother Language Day, honors the valiant Bengali Language Movement. The language’s literary grandeur is immortalized in India’s national anthem, Jana Gana Mana, composed by the illustrious Rabindranath Tagore. Bengali’s vocabulary, rich and diverse, seamlessly incorporates English words, enriching its lexicon with terms like “dinghy” and “bungalow.”
Why should you Learn Bengali as a foreign language?
Dive into the world of Bengali, where every syllable dances with life and every word paints a vivid picture. Imagine a language so sweet, it’s likened to a melodious song, where the grammar doesn’t confine you with gender but frees you to express with fluidity. Picture yourself conversing with a native Bengali tutor online, where each lesson is a step closer to mastering this enchanting tongue. It’s not just about learning a language; it’s about embracing a culture, a history, a community. So why wait? Unleash the power of Bengali and let your linguistic journey begin!
Why Choose to Learn Bengali Online?
Embark on a digital journey where the Bengali language unfolds like a timeless tapestry. From the bustling streets of the US to the quaint countryside of the UK, and the vast landscapes of Canada, learning Bengali has never been more accessible. Engage with interactive online Bengali courses, connect with Bengali native speakers, and immerse yourself in virtual classrooms. This global learning experience is tailored for the digital nomad, eager to explore the poetic richness of Bengali. It’s not just learning—it’s an adventure in every click.
Certainly! Learning Bengali online offers a plethora of advantages, making it an enticing choice for language enthusiasts. Here are the top reasons why you should consider embarking on your Bengali journey through online platforms:
Remote Learning Convenience: Imagine the freedom to learn Bengali from anywhere with an internet connection. Online courses provide unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to access lessons and resources without leaving the comfort of your home.
Diverse Course Selection: Online platforms cater to all levels of learners. Whether you’re a beginner or aiming for advanced proficiency, you’ll find a wide range of courses. Dive into grammar, vocabulary, literature, and explore various facets of Bengali culture.
Expert Instructors: Ever dreamed of learning from native Bengali speakers? Online courses often feature experienced instructors who are not only fluent in the language but also passionate about sharing their insights. Their expertise enriches your learning journey.
Interactive Learning Tools: Say goodbye to monotony! Online Bengali courses incorporate dynamic elements like multimedia, quizzes, and interactive exercises. Engage with the material in a way that suits your learning style, making the process enjoyable and effective.
Community Engagement: Learning doesn’t happen in isolation. Online platforms foster connections. Join discussion forums, participate in group activities, and attend virtual meetups. Interact with fellow learners, practice your skills, and receive support from instructors.
In summary, learning Bengali online combines convenience, expertise, interactivity, and community—a recipe for successful language acquisition!
What are the Advantages of Choosing a Bengali Online Tutor?
Personalized Attention: How does receiving individualized instruction tailored to your learning style sound? With a Bengali online tutor, you can benefit from personalized attention that addresses your specific needs and goals.
Convenience of Learning from Home: Tired of commuting to in-person tutoring sessions? Opt for a Bengali online tutor and enjoy the convenience of learning from the comfort of your own home. No more wasted time or energy on travel – simply log in and start learning.
Flexible Scheduling Options: Need a tutor who can accommodate your busy schedule? Online tutors offer flexible scheduling options, allowing you to book sessions at times that suit you best. Whether it's early morning, late evening, or weekends, you can find a time that works for you.
Access to Experienced Instructors: Ever wished you could learn from experienced Bengali language experts? Online tutors bring years of teaching experience and expertise to the table, ensuring high-quality instruction that meets your learning needs.
Interactive Learning Experience: Want to engage in meaningful conversations and practice your language skills in real-time? With a Bengali online tutor, you can enjoy interactive learning experiences that foster active participation and engagement.
Bonus Point:Theadvantage of having a personalized learning experience with a native tutor is that your native Bengali tutor can customize a course to meet your needs.
What are the Advantages of Customized Online Bengali Courses specially designed for you?
Let’s delve into the advantages of joining a customized online Bengali course designed just for you. Whether you’re eager to learn Bangla, explore the rich Bengali culture, or enhance your language skills, these points highlight the benefits:
Flexible Learning Schedule:
Learn at Your Own Pace: Imagine having the freedom to study Bengali whenever it suits you. Online courses break free from rigid schedules, allowing you to learn at your convenience.
Anywhere, Anytime: No more classroom constraints! Access your lessons from home, during lunch breaks, or while sipping chai at a cozy café.
Comprehensive Curriculum:
Master All Aspects: Online Bengali courses cover it all—grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing, and speaking. Dive deep into the language, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.
Holistic Approach: Whether you’re a beginner or aiming for fluency, the curriculum caters to your needs.
Expert Instruction:
Learn from the Pros: Qualified instructors with extensive experience in teaching Bengali guide you. Their expertise ensures high-quality instruction.
Tailored Support: Get personalized attention, feedback, and encouragement.
Interactive Learning Environment:
Beyond Textbooks: Engage with dynamic resources. Multimedia elements, interactive exercises, and live sessions keep you motivated.
Practice Makes Perfect: Interact with fellow learners, practice conversations, and immerse yourself in the language.
Access to Resources and Support:
Supplemental Materials: Need extra practice? Online courses provide additional resources like quizzes, videos, and reading materials.
Tutoring Services: Struggling with a concept? Reach out to tutors for clarification.
Community Forums: Connect with instructors and peers. Discuss, share insights, and seek guidance.
Bonus Point:Learn Bengali in 30 Days: Intensive modules accelerate your progress. Imagine confidently conversing in Bengali within a month!
What are the Benefits of the Special Online Bengali Course: Learn Bengali in 30 Days?
Rapid Skill Acquisition: How would you like to achieve fluency in Bengali in just 30 days? With an intensive learning program, you can immerse yourself in the language and rapidly acquire the skills needed for basic communication.
Structured Learning Approach: Looking for a systematic way to learn Bengali? A 30-day program provides a structured curriculum that guides you through essential grammar rules, vocabulary, and conversational phrases, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
Time Efficiency: Short on time but eager to learn Bengali quickly? A 30-day program offers a time-efficient solution, allowing you to make significant progress in a short amount of time. Say goodbye to long, drawn-out language courses and hello to rapid skill development.
Motivation and Focus: Need a boost of motivation to stay committed to your language learning goals? A 30-day program provides a clear timeframe and concrete goals, helping you stay focused and motivated throughout your learning journey.
Immediate Application of Skills: Want to start using your Bengali language skills right away? A 30-day program emphasizes practical, everyday language that you can immediately apply in real-life situations, making your learning experience more meaningful and rewarding.
In summary, the “Learn Bengali in 30 Days” course offers speed, structure, motivation, and real-world applicability. Let’s embark on this linguistic adventure! 
Whether you choose the swift sprint of the 30-day challenge or the personalized path with your native Bengali tutor, remember this: every word learned is a bridge to a new connection, every phrase a gateway to understanding. The rhythmic cadence of Bengali awaits—the vibrant markets, the monsoon-scented evenings, the laughter shared over cups of cha. So, let curiosity be your compass, and let the syllables of Bangla weave their magic. As the sun sets over the Hooghly River, may your journey be as rich and colorful as the saris adorning the streets of Kolkata.
0 notes
brookston · 7 months
Holidays 3.4
Angelina Asteroid Day
Benjamin Harrison Day (Indiana)
Brain Injury Awareness Day
Brooke Davis Day
Casmir’s Day (Lithuania, Poland)
Catherine O’Hara Day
Charter Day (Pennsylvania)
Courageous Followers Day
Dance the Waltz Day
Do Something Day
Festival of Pirate Utopias
Game Master’s Day
Global Day of the Engineer
Guam History and Chamorro Heritage Day (Guam)
Healing From the Inside Out Day
Hedge Mustard Day (French Republic)
Hot Springs National Park Day
Holy Experiment Day
Hug A G.I. Day (a.k.a. Hug a Member of the Military Day)
Inauguration Day (US; Original Date)
International GM Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Game Master’s Day)
International HPV Awareness Day
International Scrapbooking Industry Day
James Ronald Webster Day (Anguilla)
March Forth — Do Something Day
March Forth Racial Healing & Reconciliation Holiday
Marching Music Day (a.k.a. Marching Band Day)
Martyrs’ Day (Malawi)
Militia Day (Belarus)
National Backcountry Ski Day
National Grammar Day
National Ida Day
National Marching Arts Day
National Quinton Day
National Ray Day
National Safety Day (India)
National Sons Day
National Waltz Day
Old Inauguration Day (US)
Racial Healing and Reconciliation Day
Rowlf the Dog Day
Sultan’s Coronation Day (Malaysia)
This Way To the Egress Day
Toy Soldier Day
U.S. Congress Day
Weird Pride Day
World Day of the Fight Against Sexual Exploitation
World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development
World Evanescence Day
World Information Architecture Day
World Obesity Day
Zhonghe Festival (China)
Food & Drink Celebrations
American Tavern Day
Cadbury Chocolate Day
National Pound Cake Day
National Snack Day
1st Monday in March
Black Mental Health Day (Canada) [1st Monday]
Casmir Pulaski Day (Indiana) [1st Monday]
COVID-19 Memorial Day (Arizona) [1st Monday]
Endometriosis Awareness Week [1st Full Week]
Fun Facts About Names Day [Monday of Name Week]
International Badge Day [1st Monday]
Labour Day (Western Australia) [1st Monday]
Magellan Day (a.k.a. Discovery Day; Guam) [1st Monday]
National COVID-19 Victims & Survivors Memorial Day [1st Monday]
World Boarding Staff Day [1st Monday]
World Tennis Day [1st Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 4 (1st Week)
Groundwater Awareness Week [1st Full Week]
National Aardvark Week [1st Full Week]
National School Breakfast Week (U.S.) [thru 3.8]
Newspaper in Education Week [1st Full School Week]
No More Week [Week including 3.8]
Read An E-Book Week [1st Full Week]
Women of Aviation Worldwide Week [1st Full Week]
World Orphan Week [1st Full Week]
Words Matter Week [1st Full Week]
Independence & Related Days
Liberation Day (Bulgaria)
Vermont Statehood Day (#14; 1791)
Festivals Beginning March 4, 2024
Paralympic Winter Games (Beijing, China) [thru 3.14]
United Solo Theatre Festival (New York, New York) [thru 4.28]
Feast Days
Adrian of Nicomedia (Christian; Saint) [brewers] *
Afro Basaldella (Artology)
The Anestheria (Festival of Flowers; Ancient Greece)
Basinus, Bishop of Trier (Christian; Saint)
Bulwar-Lytton Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Casimir, Prince of Poland (Christian; Saint) [Lithuania]
Church of All Worlds Day (Everyday Wicca)
Feast of Ra in His Barge at Heliopolis (Ancient Egypt)
Feast of Rhiannon (Celtic/Welsh Mother Goddess)
Feast of Tou Tei (Earth God; Macau) [2nd Day of 2nd Lunar Month]
Felix of Rhuys (Christian; Saint)
Giovanni Antonio Farina (Catholic Church)
GM Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Game Master Appreciation Day)
Henry Raeburn (Artology)
Humbert III, Count of Savoy (Roman Catholic Church; Blessed)
James Ellroy (Writerism)
Kano Tanyu (Artology)
Lucius, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Mad March Hares Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Maha Shivaratri (Great Night of Shiva, Vigil & Feast for Transendence; Hinduism)
March Dryads’ Display (Shamanism)
March Forth and Demand Something Day (Pastafarian)
Media Hiems II (Pagan)
Paul Cuffee (Episcopal Church)
Peter of Pappacarbone (Christian; Saint)
Random Day (Pastafarian)
Rowlf the Dog (Muppetism)
Smerdley (Muppetism)
Sun Sacrifice Day (Ancient Egypt)
Thales (Positivist; Saint)
Three Absences Day (Celtic Book of Days)
William Dobson (Artology)
Zoltán Meszlényi (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [6 of 24]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [12 of 37]
The Adjustment Bureau (Film; 2011)
Babette’s Feast (Film; 1988)
The Batman (Film; 2022)
The Bridge at Andau James A. Michener (Historical Novel; 1957)
Cinderella (Animated Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Be Cool (Film; 2005)
The Chase (Film; 1994)
Chocolat, by Joanne Harris (Novel; 1999)
Cinderella (Animated Disney Film; 1950)
Deathworld, by Harry Harrison (Novel; 1960)
Fallen, by Evanescence (Album; 2003)
Flip’s Luncheon (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1933)
Gandy the Goose (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
The Hams That Couldn’t Be Cured (Swing Symphony; 1942)
Here’s Little Richard, by Little Richard (Album; 1957)
Hiroshima, by John Hersey (Novel; 1946)
London Has Fallen (Film; 2016)
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner, by Alan Sillitoe (Novel; 1959)
Monster in the Monastery (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #25; 1965)
No, by Meghan Trainor (Song; 2016)
Nosferatu (Silent Film; 1922)
Phoney Booths, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 39 & 40; 1967)
Pluto’s Surprise Package (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
Police Squad! (TV Series; 1982)
Rango (Animated Film; 2011)
’Round About Midnight, by Miles Davis (Album; 1957)
The Scarlet Pumpernickel (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Scooby-Doo! and the Legend of the Vampire (WB Animated Film; 2003)
Sherlock Holmes in “A Study in Scarlet” (Novel; 1881)
Hold ‘Em Ozzie (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1929)
The SpongeBob Movie on the Run (Animated Film; 2021)
Surfing’ U.S.A., by The Beach Boys (Song; 1963)
Swan Lake, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Ballet; 1877)
Symphony No. 2, a.k.a. Resurrection, by Gustav Mahler (Symphony; 1895)
Tender Mercies (Film; 1983)
Up Periscope (Film; 1959)
The Voice of Frank Sinatra, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1946)
Wait ’Till the Sun Shines (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Waterloo, by Abba (Song; 1974)
We're Only in It for the Money, by Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (Film; 2016)
Young and Healthy (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (TV Series; 1992)
Zootopia (Animated Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Edwin, Humbert, Kasimir (Austria)
Bozhidar, Bozhidara, Dora, Gerasim, Teodor, Teodora, Todor (Bulgaria)
Eugen, Kazimir, Miro, Natko (Croatia)
Stela (Czech Republic)
Adrianus (Denmark)
Almar, Eimar, Elmar, Elmer, Elmet, Elmo (Estonia)
Ari, Arsi, Atro (Finland)
Casimir (France)
Edwin, Humbert, Kasimir (Germany)
Gerasimos, Theodoros (Greece)
Kázmér (Hungary)
Casimiro, Lucio, Nestore, Umberto, Urbano (Italy)
Alise, Auce (Latvia)
Daina, Daugvydas, Kazimieras, Vaclava (Lithuania)
Ada, Adrian (Norway)
Adrian, Adrianna, Arkadiusz, Arkady, Eugeniusz, Kazimierz, Lew, Lucja, Łucja, Lucjusz, Wacław, Wacława (Poland)
Gherasim, Teodor (Romania)
Kazimír (Slovakia)
Casimiro (Spain)
Adrian, Adriana (Sweden)
Julianna, Julianna (Ukraine)
Casimir, Humbert, Humberto, Kasimir, Kasimira, Placida, Placidia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 64 of 2024; 302 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 10 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 23 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 23 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 22 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 3 Green; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 19 February 2024
Moon: 38%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 8 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Solon]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 74 of 89)
Week: 1st Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 14 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Holidays 3.4
Angelina Asteroid Day
Benjamin Harrison Day (Indiana)
Brain Injury Awareness Day
Brooke Davis Day
Casmir’s Day (Lithuania, Poland)
Catherine O’Hara Day
Charter Day (Pennsylvania)
Courageous Followers Day
Dance the Waltz Day
Do Something Day
Festival of Pirate Utopias
Game Master’s Day
Global Day of the Engineer
Guam History and Chamorro Heritage Day (Guam)
Healing From the Inside Out Day
Hedge Mustard Day (French Republic)
Hot Springs National Park Day
Holy Experiment Day
Hug A G.I. Day (a.k.a. Hug a Member of the Military Day)
Inauguration Day (US; Original Date)
International GM Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Game Master’s Day)
International HPV Awareness Day
International Scrapbooking Industry Day
James Ronald Webster Day (Anguilla)
March Forth — Do Something Day
March Forth Racial Healing & Reconciliation Holiday
Marching Music Day (a.k.a. Marching Band Day)
Martyrs’ Day (Malawi)
Militia Day (Belarus)
National Backcountry Ski Day
National Grammar Day
National Ida Day
National Marching Arts Day
National Quinton Day
National Ray Day
National Safety Day (India)
National Sons Day
National Waltz Day
Old Inauguration Day (US)
Racial Healing and Reconciliation Day
Rowlf the Dog Day
Sultan’s Coronation Day (Malaysia)
This Way To the Egress Day
Toy Soldier Day
U.S. Congress Day
Weird Pride Day
World Day of the Fight Against Sexual Exploitation
World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development
World Evanescence Day
World Information Architecture Day
World Obesity Day
Zhonghe Festival (China)
Food & Drink Celebrations
American Tavern Day
Cadbury Chocolate Day
National Pound Cake Day
National Snack Day
1st Monday in March
Black Mental Health Day (Canada) [1st Monday]
Casmir Pulaski Day (Indiana) [1st Monday]
COVID-19 Memorial Day (Arizona) [1st Monday]
Endometriosis Awareness Week [1st Full Week]
Fun Facts About Names Day [Monday of Name Week]
International Badge Day [1st Monday]
Labour Day (Western Australia) [1st Monday]
Magellan Day (a.k.a. Discovery Day; Guam) [1st Monday]
National COVID-19 Victims & Survivors Memorial Day [1st Monday]
World Boarding Staff Day [1st Monday]
World Tennis Day [1st Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 4 (1st Week)
Groundwater Awareness Week [1st Full Week]
National Aardvark Week [1st Full Week]
National School Breakfast Week (U.S.) [thru 3.8]
Newspaper in Education Week [1st Full School Week]
No More Week [Week including 3.8]
Read An E-Book Week [1st Full Week]
Women of Aviation Worldwide Week [1st Full Week]
World Orphan Week [1st Full Week]
Words Matter Week [1st Full Week]
Independence & Related Days
Liberation Day (Bulgaria)
Vermont Statehood Day (#14; 1791)
Festivals Beginning March 4, 2024
Paralympic Winter Games (Beijing, China) [thru 3.14]
United Solo Theatre Festival (New York, New York) [thru 4.28]
Feast Days
Adrian of Nicomedia (Christian; Saint) [brewers] *
Afro Basaldella (Artology)
The Anestheria (Festival of Flowers; Ancient Greece)
Basinus, Bishop of Trier (Christian; Saint)
Bulwar-Lytton Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Casimir, Prince of Poland (Christian; Saint) [Lithuania]
Church of All Worlds Day (Everyday Wicca)
Feast of Ra in His Barge at Heliopolis (Ancient Egypt)
Feast of Rhiannon (Celtic/Welsh Mother Goddess)
Feast of Tou Tei (Earth God; Macau) [2nd Day of 2nd Lunar Month]
Felix of Rhuys (Christian; Saint)
Giovanni Antonio Farina (Catholic Church)
GM Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Game Master Appreciation Day)
Henry Raeburn (Artology)
Humbert III, Count of Savoy (Roman Catholic Church; Blessed)
James Ellroy (Writerism)
Kano Tanyu (Artology)
Lucius, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Mad March Hares Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Maha Shivaratri (Great Night of Shiva, Vigil & Feast for Transendence; Hinduism)
March Dryads’ Display (Shamanism)
March Forth and Demand Something Day (Pastafarian)
Media Hiems II (Pagan)
Paul Cuffee (Episcopal Church)
Peter of Pappacarbone (Christian; Saint)
Random Day (Pastafarian)
Rowlf the Dog (Muppetism)
Smerdley (Muppetism)
Sun Sacrifice Day (Ancient Egypt)
Thales (Positivist; Saint)
Three Absences Day (Celtic Book of Days)
William Dobson (Artology)
Zoltán Meszlényi (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [6 of 24]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [12 of 37]
The Adjustment Bureau (Film; 2011)
Babette’s Feast (Film; 1988)
The Batman (Film; 2022)
The Bridge at Andau James A. Michener (Historical Novel; 1957)
Cinderella (Animated Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Be Cool (Film; 2005)
The Chase (Film; 1994)
Chocolat, by Joanne Harris (Novel; 1999)
Cinderella (Animated Disney Film; 1950)
Deathworld, by Harry Harrison (Novel; 1960)
Fallen, by Evanescence (Album; 2003)
Flip’s Luncheon (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1933)
Gandy the Goose (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
The Hams That Couldn’t Be Cured (Swing Symphony; 1942)
Here’s Little Richard, by Little Richard (Album; 1957)
Hiroshima, by John Hersey (Novel; 1946)
London Has Fallen (Film; 2016)
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner, by Alan Sillitoe (Novel; 1959)
Monster in the Monastery (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #25; 1965)
No, by Meghan Trainor (Song; 2016)
Nosferatu (Silent Film; 1922)
Phoney Booths, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 39 & 40; 1967)
Pluto’s Surprise Package (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
Police Squad! (TV Series; 1982)
Rango (Animated Film; 2011)
’Round About Midnight, by Miles Davis (Album; 1957)
The Scarlet Pumpernickel (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Scooby-Doo! and the Legend of the Vampire (WB Animated Film; 2003)
Sherlock Holmes in “A Study in Scarlet” (Novel; 1881)
Hold ‘Em Ozzie (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit; 1929)
The SpongeBob Movie on the Run (Animated Film; 2021)
Surfing’ U.S.A., by The Beach Boys (Song; 1963)
Swan Lake, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Ballet; 1877)
Symphony No. 2, a.k.a. Resurrection, by Gustav Mahler (Symphony; 1895)
Tender Mercies (Film; 1983)
Up Periscope (Film; 1959)
The Voice of Frank Sinatra, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1946)
Wait ’Till the Sun Shines (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Waterloo, by Abba (Song; 1974)
We're Only in It for the Money, by Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (Film; 2016)
Young and Healthy (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (TV Series; 1992)
Zootopia (Animated Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Edwin, Humbert, Kasimir (Austria)
Bozhidar, Bozhidara, Dora, Gerasim, Teodor, Teodora, Todor (Bulgaria)
Eugen, Kazimir, Miro, Natko (Croatia)
Stela (Czech Republic)
Adrianus (Denmark)
Almar, Eimar, Elmar, Elmer, Elmet, Elmo (Estonia)
Ari, Arsi, Atro (Finland)
Casimir (France)
Edwin, Humbert, Kasimir (Germany)
Gerasimos, Theodoros (Greece)
Kázmér (Hungary)
Casimiro, Lucio, Nestore, Umberto, Urbano (Italy)
Alise, Auce (Latvia)
Daina, Daugvydas, Kazimieras, Vaclava (Lithuania)
Ada, Adrian (Norway)
Adrian, Adrianna, Arkadiusz, Arkady, Eugeniusz, Kazimierz, Lew, Lucja, Łucja, Lucjusz, Wacław, Wacława (Poland)
Gherasim, Teodor (Romania)
Kazimír (Slovakia)
Casimiro (Spain)
Adrian, Adriana (Sweden)
Julianna, Julianna (Ukraine)
Casimir, Humbert, Humberto, Kasimir, Kasimira, Placida, Placidia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 64 of 2024; 302 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 10 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 23 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 23 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 22 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 3 Green; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 19 February 2024
Moon: 38%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 8 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Solon]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 74 of 89)
Week: 1st Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 14 of 30)
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ayushkmindz69 · 7 months
Mastering the TOEFL: Your Path to English Proficiency with Faridabad's Top Coaching Classes
In the bustling city of Faridabad, nestled within the National Capital Region of India, a growing number of individuals are embarking on a journey towards English language mastery through TOEFL coaching classes. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) stands as a gateway to countless opportunities, whether it be pursuing higher education abroad, securing international employment, or simply broadening one's horizons. In Faridabad, aspiring test-takers find themselves equipped with the tools, resources, and support necessary to conquer the TOEFL exam and unlock a world of possibilities.
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At the heart of Faridabad's TOEFL coaching classes lies a commitment to excellence in education and a dedication to student success. Experienced instructors, well-versed in the nuances of the TOEFL exam, guide students through a structured curriculum designed to build and strengthen their English language skills. From grammar fundamentals to advanced vocabulary acquisition, these classes cover all facets of English proficiency, ensuring that students are equipped with the knowledge and confidence needed to excel on test day.
One of the key advantages of TOEFL coaching classes in Faridabad is the personalized attention and support offered to each student. Recognizing that every learner is unique, instructors tailor their approach to address individual strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. Through one-on-one guidance, targeted feedback, and continuous assessment, students receive the focused assistance needed to overcome challenges and maximize their potential. This personalized approach not only enhances academic performance but also fosters a sense of empowerment and self-assurance among students as they progress through their TOEFL preparation journey.
In addition to individualized instruction, Faridabad's TOEFL coaching classes provide access to a wealth of resources and practice materials essential for comprehensive exam preparation. From simulated practice tests to interactive study aids, students are exposed to a variety of learning tools designed to simulate the test-taking experience and reinforce key concepts. Moreover, these classes offer valuable insights and strategies for navigating the various sections of the TOEFL exam, helping students develop effective test-taking strategies and optimize their performance on test day.
Beyond academic preparation, TOEFL coaching classes in Faridabad foster a supportive and collaborative learning environment that encourages peer interaction and engagement. Group discussions, collaborative projects, and interactive activities enable students to exchange ideas, share experiences, and learn from one another's perspectives. This collaborative approach not only enhances learning but also cultivates a sense of camaraderie and motivation among students, driving them towards their shared goal of TOEFL success.
Furthermore, Faridabad's TOEFL coaching classes offer flexibility and convenience, with options for both in-person and online instruction. Whether attending classes at a physical location or participating in virtual sessions from the comfort of their homes, students have the flexibility to choose the learning mode that best suits their schedules and preferences. This flexibility ensures that students can pursue their TOEFL preparation journey in a manner that is convenient and accessible, without compromising on the quality of instruction or support received.
In conclusion
TOEFL coaching classes in Faridabad  serve as a beacon of opportunity for individuals seeking to master the English language and achieve their academic and professional goals. With expert instruction, comprehensive resources, and a supportive learning environment, these classes empower students to conquer the TOEFL exam and embark on a journey towards success in the global arena. Whether aiming to pursue higher education abroad, advance in their careers, or simply broaden their horizons, Faridabad's TOEFL coaching classes provide the guidance and support needed to turn aspirations into achievements. Kmindz Education provides expert guidance for pursuing higher education across several countries, such as New Zealand, the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and Singapore. Our consultancy services are dedicated to dispelling common myths surrounding studying abroad and streamlining the process to ensure that students from all backgrounds can access international education opportunities. Over time, countless students have benefited from our support to pursue their academic endeavors in diverse destinations. At Kmindz Education, we go beyond just academic preparation; we focus on boosting students' confidence and interpersonal skills. Our team is here to help you enhance your subject mastery, reading comprehension, and problem-solving aptitude, ensuring a well-rounded academic experience.
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manasastuff-blog · 8 months
NDA Group C Exam Pattern 2024
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Are you considering a career in the defense forces and looking to appear for the NDA Group C Exam in 2024? Look no further! At Manasa Defense Academy, we provide the best training and guidance to help you ace the exam and secure your dream spot in the prestigious National Defense Academy. In this blog post, we will explore the comprehensive exam pattern for the NDA Group C Exam in 2024, giving you an insight into what to expect and how to prepare effectively.
NDA Group C Exam Pattern 2024
The NDA Group C Exam in 2024 consists of two stages: the written examination followed by an interview conducted by the Services Selection Board (SSB). Let's delve into the details of each stage:
Written Examination
The written examination comprises of two papers, Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT). Both papers are conducted on the same day and have a total duration of five hours, allowing sufficient time to answer all questions.
The Mathematics paper is of 300 marks and covers various topics, including algebra, trigonometry, statistics, and calculus. It is essential to have a strong foundation in these subjects and practice solving a wide range of problems to excel in this section. At Manasa Defense Academy, our expert faculty provide comprehensive study materials, regular mock tests, and personal guidance to help you master the mathematics concepts and techniques required for this exam.
General Ability Test (GAT)
The General Ability Test is divided into two parts: English and General Knowledge. Each part carries 600 marks, making it a significant section to focus on during your preparation.
The English section evaluates your proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Practice is key to improve your understanding of grammar rules, expand your vocabulary, and enhance your reading comprehension abilities. Through our specialized English classes and mock exams, we equip you with the necessary skills and strategies to excel in this section.
General Knowledge
The General Knowledge section aims to assess your awareness of current affairs, history, geography, science, and general understanding of India and the world. Stay updated with current events, read newspapers, and refer to reliable study materials to keep yourself well-informed. Our faculty at Manasa Defense Academy conduct regular discussions and provide valuable resources to help you stay ahead in the General Knowledge section.
Services Selection Board (SSB) Interview
Once you clear the written examination, you will proceed to the second stage, the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview. This interview assesses your personality traits, leadership qualities, and suitability to join the defense forces. The interview process includes various stages such as intelligence tests, group discussions, psychological tests, and personal interviews. At Manasa Defense Academy, we offer specific training modules and personalized guidance to enhance your interview skills and enhance your chances of excelling in the SSB interview.
With a comprehensive understanding of the NDA Group C Exam pattern for 2024, you are now better prepared to embark on your journey towards a career in the defense forces. At Manasa Defense Academy, we are committed to providing the best training and guidance to our students, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in this highly prestigious exam. Enroll with us today and let us help you achieve your dreams of serving the nation.
Practice solving a wide range of mathematical problems to excel in the Mathematics section.
Enhance your grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills for the English section.
Stay updated with current affairs and refer to reliable study materials for the General Knowledge section.
Develop your personality traits and leadership qualities for the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview.
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tandavmedia · 9 months
Patwari Syllabus 2023: Your Comprehensive Guide to Exam Preparation
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Get ahead in your Patwari Syllabus 2023 with insights into the latest syllabus. This detailed guide provides a breakdown of key subjects and topics, helping you streamline your study plan for success in the upcoming Patwari recruitment examination.
Aspiring candidates for the Patwari examination in 2023 need to familiarize themselves with the updated syllabus to ensure effective preparation. The Patwari syllabus typically comprises various subjects, each carrying a specific weightage in the examination. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of the key subjects and topics to focus on:
1. General Knowledge and Current Affairs:
History, Geography, and Culture of India and your state.
Current events of national and international importance.
General Science and its applications in day-to-day life.
Indian Polity and Governance.
2. Mathematics:
Number Systems.
Percentage, Profit, and Loss.
Ratio and Proportion.
Data Interpretation.
Time, Speed, and Distance.
3. Reasoning and Mental Ability:
Analogies and Classification.
Coding and Decoding.
Series and Sequences.
Blood Relations.
Logical Reasoning.
4. Computer Awareness:
Basics of Computers and Operating Systems.
Internet and Email.
MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
Computer Networks.
5. Language Proficiency:
Hindi/English Grammar and Comprehension.
Vocabulary and Usage.
Preparation Strategy:
Topic-wise Approach: Break down the syllabus into manageable sections. Allocate specific time to cover each subject, ensuring a balanced approach to preparation.
Practice Regularly: Solve previous years' question papers and take mock tests to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and time management.
Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about current affairs and recent developments to perform well in the General Knowledge and Current Affairs section.
Concept Clarity: Focus on understanding fundamental concepts in mathematics and reasoning. This will enhance your problem-solving skills.
Language Skills: Enhance your language proficiency through regular reading and practice. Pay attention to grammar rules and vocabulary.
Success in the Patwari examination requires a disciplined and strategic approach to cover the diverse syllabus effectively. By understanding the key subjects and topics outlined in the syllabus for 2023, you can tailor your study plan to maximize your chances of success. Stay dedicated, practice consistently, and approach the exam with confidence. Best of luck in your Patwari exam journey!
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shraddhamatre · 18 days
Getting the Most Out of the Coal India  Limited CIL Exam: 10 Crucial Success Strategies
One of the most popular competitive tests for engineering graduates is the Coal India Limited (CIL) exam, particularly for those in the mechanical, civil, electrical, and mining fields. The exam gives candidates the possibility to work for one of the biggest coal-producing firms in the world, which is a rich career opportunity. Nevertheless, diligent study and smart planning are necessary to ace the CIL test. Here is a thorough study guide with 10 key elements to help you ace the test.
Recognizing the CIL Exam Usually, the CIL hiring procedure consists of a written exam and an interview. Both technical and general knowledge are evaluated in the test. The following are the main sections: 1. Technical Section: This is the main portion of the examination where you are tested on the material relevant to your particular engineering profession. 2. General Awareness: Consists of information on business, economics, current events, and general knowledge. 3. Reasoning and Mental Capacity: Evaluates the ability to reason logically, solve problems, and analyze facts.
4. English: Evaluates language skills, including grammar and comprehension.
Top 10 Strategies for acing the CIL Exam: 
1. Thoroughly understand the syllabus Comprehending the test syllabus in its entirety is the first step towards success. The comprehensive syllabus for every engineering subject is released by CIL. Sort themes into priority lists according to weight, giving high-scoring regions greater attention. This will enable you to prepare more efficiently.
2. Establish a Study Schedule Create a study schedule when you get a copy of the syllabus that allows enough time for every topic, including review. Divide up your planning into weekly or monthly objectives. Make sure your study schedule is both comprehensive and adaptable enough to address any last-minute changes.
3. Emphasize Fundamental Technical Subjects Focus on being an expert in your primary engineering disciplines because the technical portion will carry the most weight. Consult standard textbooks and study guides that provide a thorough coverage of the subjects. To comprehend the kinds of questions asked in the technical portion, review the previous year's exam papers.
4. Complete the Question Papers from Last Year Completing last year's exam question papers is essential to comprehending the format and degree of difficulty of the test. It also aids in recognizing recurrent subjects and categories of queries. When completing these papers, time yourself to replicate test circumstances and enhance your accuracy and speed.
5. Edit Frequently The secret to remembering what you've learnt is revision. Plan a certain period of time in your study schedule for revision. To swiftly review key ideas, make use of mind maps, flashcards, or summary notes. Make sure you routinely edit technical formulas and significant current events.
6. Boost Your All-Around Awareness If done correctly, the General Awareness component may really affect the game. To keep up with current events, particularly those related to business, the economy, and national affairs, read newspapers every day. Test your general knowledge with online resources, quizzes, and monthly current events periodicals.
7. Exercise your mental faculties and reasoning It need constant practice to solve problems and use logic. Set aside time each day to go on syllogisms, reasoning challenges, and data interpretation issues. Familiarize yourself with different types of reasoning questions, as they are commonly featured in the exam.
8. Develop Your English Language Proficiency The English portion evaluates your vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills. Practice reading comprehension activities on a regular basis. You may also work on your grammar by completing practice exams. Moreover, reading journals and editorials will improve your vocabulary and understanding.
9. Attend practice exams One of the finest methods to be ready for the CIL exam is to take mock exams. They support self-assurance-building and the identification of areas in need of development. Regularly take full-length practice exams to get comfortable with time management and exam settings. Examine your results after each to identify your areas of strength and weakness.
10. Remain well and self-assured Finally, it's critical to have a healthy lifestyle when preparing for exams. Take regular pauses, eat healthily, and get enough sleep to keep yourself energized. Your performance is greatly influenced by your level of confidence, so maintain an optimistic outlook. To maintain composure and concentration throughout the planning stage, engage in relaxation or meditation exercises.
In summary A well-rounded strategy that incorporates confidence, consistent practice, and in-depth preparation is necessary to pass the CIL test. To assure success, concentrate on your technical topics, keep up with current events, and hone your language and thinking abilities. At Coal India Limited, you can guarantee a fulfilling career with hard work and a well-thought-out plan.
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
Recommended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions / https://www.youtube.com/@gblionsaeje 
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