#National Grammar Day Date
newshansindia · 7 months
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dumbseee · 7 months
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boyfriend!iwaizumi when you’re a famous idol.
iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader.
genre: fluff.
warnings: bad english/grammar :p /mention of the kpop industry (in here, dating someone is less taboo than it is in real life) / first work so it’s not that good.
after high school, you left japan for south korea, you always had this dream of becoming a kpop idol. during your time in seijoh, you were already known for being an amazing dancer but also for your angelic voice.
iwaizumi would always brag about you to the volleyball team, oikawa would tease him about you leaving him for a famous korean actor, after you became famous. to which, iwaizumi would respond with a kick in his friend’s back. truth be told, he was actually very scared of what the future had in store for you two after high school. he didn’t know if long distance would work for you, or if you even wanted it in the first place.
during your last school day, iwaizumi walked you back home, like he always did, but he seemed out of it and almost, sad? you asked him what was wrong and he told you that if you wanted to break up with him to focus on your dreams, he’d respect your decision and always support you. he couldn’t even look at you, tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes as he tried his best to keep a straight face. his words surprised you and broke your heart because you never knew that iwaizumi could be so dumb to think that you’d break up with him like that. "no matter the distance, it will never make me forget about how much i love you, hajime."
so you left for south korea and he left for america to study. you two called each other everyday, when you two were too busy, you’d try to call at least twice a week. iwaizumi was busy with school and finals took all his time while your trainee program took up yours. but somehow you two made it work. a few years later, you debuted as a soloist and sold millions with your first album whilst iwaizumi came back to japan after graduating, and became an athletic trainer for japan national volleyball team. you couldn’t be prouder of him, and you were his pride. he streamed all your songs, putting them on speaker while the boys would practice, he brought all your albums and watched the variety shows you were featured in. he was basically the president of your fanclub. and he wasn’t ashamed of it.
you two always made sure to go together on vacation in a foreign country, where kpop wasn’t really the thing. the distance actually strengthened your relationship since being apart of each other for so long, made the reunion better. you knew iwaizumi was it for you, and he was also your muse for your music. your fans often joked about how inspired and how deep your love songs were. it made you laugh to read all their theories about you being married to a farmer. if only they knew…
iwaizumi never minded being your secret boyfriend, he actually liked it that way. he didn’t know if he could bare being in the public eye every time. knowing that you were south korea’s sweetheart, being your public boyfriend would mean saying goodbye to his peaceful life, and iwaizumi wasn’t ready for that. well, he wasn’t ready yet. one day, he woke up to his phone being blown up by messages, actually tons of messages, from the groupchat he shared with the japan national team. he even had missed calls from oikawa, and all his close friends.
kageyama: learn how to spell, idiot.
ushijima: blowing up his phone isn’t the best way to announce something like that.
atsumu: JUST SHUT UP
let the man wake up peacefully damn
iwaizumi: what the fuck?
ushijima: you should check twitter, hajime.
iwaizumi had frowned, but went on twitter, an app you forced him to subscribe to. apparently it was the genz’s newspaper. to his surprise, your face was all over his feed, it wasn’t surprising because he liked everything about you, followed dozens of fan account and basically became a fan account himself. but what surprised him was seeing those big account talking about your "relationship" with a famous korean actor.
"l/n y/n, the famous soloist who stole everyone’s heart with her heartfelt songs and beautiful looks, is dating a/l a/n!"
his eyes widened as he typed your name to call you immediately. his heart was beating so fast as he didn’t know how to feel about this. of course it was fake news, right? he knew you’d never cheat on him, you loved each other and iwaizumi couldn’t see his life without you in it. he quickly became aware of how much he loved you and how important you were in his life. without you, iwaizumi would be nothing but an empty shell. "hajime? thank god, i tried to call you!" your voice made him release a breath he didn’t know he was holding. "you saw, right?" your voice was small and for a second he thought that maybe you called him to announce your new relationship with this dumbass actor. "yeah, it’s not that fun to wakeup to your friends blowing up your phone and news outlets talking about your girlfriend’s relationship with that fucker." he rubbed his face with his free hand. "these idiots took pictures of us while we were in cabo and thought it was a/n. apparently you two look alike." he heard you chuckle which made him feel warm inside. he hated the fact that he doubted you for a second. suddenly, an idea popped up in his head, a crazy one but still. "you have an award show in a week right?" he asked you, a smile tugging at his lips. "yeah, why?"
well, iwaizumi’s idea was indeed crazy but you didn’t care, you were down for it. and as your name got called in the category, "best female artist", iwaizumi was next to you, he stood up before you could even understand what was going on, and he kissed you. showing to the world, that you were his as much as he was yours. it was a crazy way to launch your relationship to the world, but you didn’t care, because as long as you were together, nothing could happen.
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r0entgen · 1 month
"Why won't Venezuelans just address the blockade?"
If you're wondering why, read below.
Let me start by saying that I wrote this after I finished work, with less than three hours of sleep and a single meal in my body, so if you find any grammar mistakes, my apologies.
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This is the comment that kickstarted this post. I believe I've mentioned this before, but when you're living in a country that weaponizes propaganda and hijacks every single media outlet, you have to master the fine arts of fact checking and cross-referencing. Which is exactly what we're going to do right now, addressing the claim that 40,000 Venezuelans have been killed by the US sanctions, and why We Won't Engage with You In This Particular Argument.
*Note: click the underlined text for links and sources.
In the paper Economic Sanctions as Collective Punishment: The Case of Venezuela by Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs (who will be referred to as WS in this post), WS mention that between the years of 2017-2019, the economic sanctions caused a 31% increase in the general mortality rate in Venezuela, a number that they calculate may be of about 40,000 deaths. While they cite ENCOVI and a UN report from 2019 as the sources of this statistic, they clarify the following in the footnotes:
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The ENCOVI 2018 survey has not been made public, the mortality statistic cited here is from the UN Report (2019).
As of this date, WS has not made public the data source for this estimate, and the UN report used as a source (Venezuela: Overview of Priority Humanitarian Needs, March 2019) is not publicly available.
So let's take a look at some sources that ARE publicly available.
The World Bank Group World Development Indicators registers at least a 30% increase in the infant mortality rate in Venezuela from the dates of 2013 to 2016. Similar numbers are reported in this paper, seeing a 40% increase in the infant mortality rate in Venezuela between the dates on 2008-2016. Here's an excerpt from the paper Impact of the 2017 Sanctions on Venezuela:
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While different than other overall mortality rates, increases in infant mortality rates are generally interpretable as a preventable consequence of inadequate pre- and post-natal care for otherwise healthy but vulnerable infants. Thus, infant mortality is often recognized as a good proxy measure of the quality on overall public health provision.
What this tells us is that THERE HAS BEEN an increase in general mortality rate - one that started long before the 2017 sanctions.
However, this doesn't mean that in the periods of 2017-2019 there wasn't a high death toll. Let's look at another publicly available source.
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The National Hospital Survey (2019) found that between November 2018 and February 2019, 1557 people died owing to the lack of supplies in hospitals [...]. 40 patients died as a result of the power outages in March 2019.
We see the first mention of a number in the 2019 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Something interesting this report mentions is that 40 deaths were caused by the blackout in March 2019. A blackout that lasted 7 days and affected our 23 states.
The energy crisis which caused this nationwide blackout started in 2010. The Wikipedia article is a good summary, if a bit simple, of the events that led to and took place during and after the energy crisis (which affects us Venezuelans living in the country to this day)
Back to the UN Report. Something else this report indicates is the following:
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In 2018, the Government registered 5,287 such killings, while the non-governmental organization Observatorio Venezolano de la Violencia reported at least 7,523 killings under this category. Between 1 January and 19 May 2019, the Government reported 1,569 killings for resistance to authority. The Observatorio Venezolano de la Violencia reported at least 2,124 such killings between January and May 2019. Information analysed by OHCHR suggests many of these killings may constitute extrajudicial executions.
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[...] Six young men executed by the Special Action Forces (SEBIN) in reprisal for their role in anti-government protests in 2019.
This means that between the dates of 2018-2019, there have been approximately 9,647 deaths in the context of security operations - which includes Venezuelans that took part of the protests in 2019. Very similar to what we have been reporting since after the elections in July 28.
2017 to 2019 was one of the most difficult periods in Venezuelan history, marked by the sanctions imposed by Trump which affected oil export, access to diesel, and food and medicine imports. Some people argue that the economic recession in Venezuela was caused by the sanctions - failing to notice the negative trends in the years prior to these.
Bahar, Bustos, Morales and Santos (who will be referred to as BBMS in this post) conclude in their paper, Impact of the 2017 Sanctions on Venezuela, that while the sanctions had a negative effect in the oil production, "it is quite impossible to attribute the fall [...] to one single event (i.e., the sanctions), when many other confounding events were happening at the same time."
Oil production: Oil prices dropped during 2015, and oil production decreased as a result of lack of maintenance and investment.
Energy crisis: By 2009, when the energy crisis was first declared, the electrical grid had already been suffering from the lack of maintenance and investment since 1998. The Chávez administration distributed million dollar contracts [...] that enriched high officials of his government and the works were never built. [1] [2] [3]
Economic decline and hyper-inflation: Actions taken by the Chávez administration such as expropriation and price control, as well as the PDVSA purge in 2002 led the country to depend almost entirely on its already declining oil industry, causing shortages and price rises in common goods, food, medical supplies and so on. By 2015, 60% of the Venezuelan population was living in poverty. [1] [2] [3] [4]
From only these three points, we can establish a negative trend starting way before the first US Sanctions. Thus, we can conclude that by the time the devastating 2017-2019 sanctions took place, Venezuela was already deep in a state of generalized crisis.
WS conclude in their paper:
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[...] One of the most important impacts of the sanctions is to lock Venezuela into a downward economic spiral. [...] An economic recovery could have already begun in the absence of economic sanctions.
While Bahar, Bustos, Morales and Santos declare:
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[...] Our analysis finds insufficient evidence to conclude that they [sanctions] were responsible for the worsening of the socio-economic crisis. [...] The weight of evidence seems to indicate that, rather than being a result of US-imposed sanctions, much of the suffering and devastation in Venezuela has been, in line with most accounts, inflicted by those in power.
In conclusion - both papers seem to agree that the crisis in Venezuela started before 2017, but where WS claim that it worsened due to US sanctions, BBMS place a higher blame on the deterioration caused by the Venezuelan government.
Now, you may keep whichever analysis you prefer, but one thing we know for sure: the 40,000 Venezuelans that WS claimed died due to the sanctions cannot be found in any public report, while the death toll of protests and extrajudicial killings has been extensively reported.
Why is this relevant?
Contrary to what some people on this site would say, Venezuelans generally agree on the negative impacts of US-imposed sanctions (note: this poll accounts only for Venezuelans in Florida, as polls aren't often published inside Venezuela). However, the general consensus is that US-sanctions only added up to a crisis that had been building up since Chávez rose to power, and rather than the cause, it was yet another symptom.
Yes, the US is the Big Bad, but placing the blame solely on the sanctions only takes the responsibility away from the government and diverts the attention from the poor governance, rampaging corruption, violent repression and denialism that we've grown used to in the last 25 years.
So if you ask "why don't you address the blockade?", my response is: why don't you address the 9,647 extrajudicial killings, the 40 deaths caused by the energy crisis, the energy crisis itself, the economic decline, the lack of maintenance in the infrastructure, the violent repression, the forceful abductions and the censoring?
What we want you to understand is that when you center the US as the cause of the crisis, you are actively participating in our state-funded propaganda and knowingly turning a blind eye on the suffering of all Venezuelans. You are no better than imperialists - you ARE participating in imperialism.
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Last, but not least - be careful with your sources. This Venezuelanalysis article was written by Andreína Chávez, former editor-in-chief of TeleSUR, a government-funded news channel known for spreading Maduro propaganda. One of their most recent claims: dead Venezuelans are shown as having voted in the ballots shown in resultadosconvenezuela.com. Needless to say, this is false. This news portal is what some people would call, BIASED.
For more information, please read the amazing analysis written by @systhemes HERE.
A more direct response by @achillesmonochrome HERE.
For other sources, check HERE.
*Fellow Venezuelans, feel free to include anything I might have missed.
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arinzu · 4 months
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My Headcannons for Yoichi Isagi, Rin itoshi and Alexis Ness💕
Part 1 l part 2
Might not be accurate
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Yoichi Isagi :
✿He took a photo once of his hair slick back and his fan went absolutely feral.
✿He time to time stalks Rin to observe what he does.
✿Isagi probably stares at the ceiling when he's about to sleep and think about all of the opportunities he missed.
✿If he played any other sports it would be chess, since his vision is great for mental games.
✿Tbh is he was a sin he would be greed/gluttony.
✿If he could ask anything from his parents, it would be to have a little sis.
✿Does skin, body and hair care every few days.
✿Swears in videos games often. Those little brats think they're so gOoD but once isagi finishes his puzzle he'll devour them
✿Tried to hit Kaiser in the head with the ball after a practice match, but Noel Noah was there
✿Gossips with kurona and hiori about kaiser and ness, It's perfect since kurona doesn't know what they're doing but hiori has a lot of dirt on them.
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Plays football w/ u and teaches you by beating you, not even to destroy your self esteem.
♡ such a sweetheart while you are on your menstrual cycle (if you're a girl)
♡ gossip about every teammate with you, like a whole book of players he wants to gossip to you about
♡ once you were sick, he drove to the local store at 2 am just for you. He's so sweet.
♡ Cooks very well like he'll cook food decently
♡ Not that toxic? Maybe that's probably up for debate
♡tells you about his problems like it's the national news to be discuss
♡ Has that romantic playlist he made just for you and him to enjoy.
♡Due to being in blue lock he hasn't texted you often so in return he tries to send gifts every month
♡ Calls you darling and sweetheart multiple times a day
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Rin itoshi
✿Drools in his sleep (Me too Rin)
✿I feel like he'll stand awkwardly in a party not even interacting with anyone
✿Is good at cleaning, not barou level but up there
✿Perfect grammar, also TOP at his English
✿Never uses any gen-z/alpha slangs or any type of slang infact
✿Dry ass texter...
✿Gets really weirded out by any of his THOSE fangirls/fanboys... Like wdym you wanna have the reproduction LIKE HE'S ONLY 16
✿Knows knife play at some point, don't ask him why (he doesn't know)
✿Artistic in secret... Like he'll paint the beach or anything that shows the happy times of him and sae
✿Gets nightmares of that day... (Pretty sure everyone has that headcannon by now)
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Cuddles every time he gets a chance with you. That kinda prevents him from getting those dreams....
♡ even if he's not as romantic as the others, you guys still go on weekly dates and THEY are expensive or just casual date like movie date🫶
♡After getting traumatized by sae, he almost broke up with you, Thank goodness, that you manage to make him snap out of it.
♡ After getting convinced by your and his parents he went to couple counseling and saw his mistakes
♡One of his favorite things to do with you is Playing football, I mean two things he loves in one? Count him in!
♡ Bring extra clothes with him whenever you're around, just in case it gets cold and he doesn't need to give you his hoodie.
♡Does not have much of a soft spot for you BUT, his eyes sparkle whenever he sees you like the good old times
♡ Almost made you cry when you both were on a movie date, it was those scary ahh movies that you don't know what's coming next.
♡Has a separate Love notebook from his early days of middle school that he reads when he misses you.
♡Calls you lukewarm as a word of affection when he sees you
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Alexis ness
✿Would probably be in good terms with isagi if it didn't end like this
✿Has a mental breakdown every few days because of kaiser paying too much attention to isagi
✿Makes Kaiser a birthday cake every year and even bought him EXPENSIVE stuff from his hometown
✿Keeps the magician outfit he had when he was just a child, he cherish it like it's the most valuable thing in the whole universe
✿Would be friends w/ Charles if they interacted more, I mean like opposite friends, Ya'k
✿If richer than his awful siblings back home, if not then... It's because of the plot.
✿If he didn't met kaiser he'll probably be better than what he is now.
✿Has surprisingly good fashion taste, It's better than most blue lockers I can tell you
✿Has that changing color book lamp at the side of his bed he use when he's upset or just sad
✿He would like science if it weren't for the fact of his childhood
Boyfriend Headcannons 💕
♡Is actually quite the gentleman to you and your family members, since he a very toxic household
♡Always makes your favorite dish, if he doesn't know the recipes he'll find it by your guardian/ by how you like it.
♡Gives you a lot of gifts, I MEAN A LOT like everyday you'll find things that you enjoy at your doorstep
♡Due to being away from blue lock, he gets awfully jealous of the boys around you. Even if it's just a friend
♡Husband material frfr
♡ Punch a dude that was making you uncomfortable, and then ran with you to flee the scene.
♡Prefers the value of affection than the materialistic value of a gift you give him
♡ Loves being the small spoon but if you want, he can be the big spoon, anything for his precious angel.
♡Yandere tendency!!! Whether a girl or boy, he will get jealous if you spend more attention on them than him!
♡Call you angel or any kind of German words of affection, he will use it
That's it y'all💋
Thank you for reading this! It too me longer than expected!
So thank you for staying till the end even tho it was just 3 blue lock characters!
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loviingpedri · 11 months
they caught us - p. gavi
prompt: gavi x gamer!fem!reader. hard launching your relationship on stream
warnings: cursing, grammar issues
credits to owners for all images.
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inspo for this story ^^
you were a growing streamer. big in the minecraft and riot games community. you appreciated your fans from the unconditional support. ever since being an exposed barca fan, your platform definitely grew. content was trending to the point where you met the one and only, pablo gavi. his simple message of complimenting you building camp nou in minecraft ended in a few date nights, a lot of kissing, and some risky nights. your fans wanted some player in barca to notice you, but little did you know that you spent your nights with your dream barca player everyday.
exposing your relationship was not in your agenda any time soon. it was the peak of your gaming career and gavi had big plans for the national team. the internet would practically blow up from the news. both of you were not ready for that amount of personal space to be invaded.
it was that time of the day to start your daily stream. it was a good balance of work and relationship. start your stream when gavi is at practice, and end it when he’s at home to solely focus on him.
“hello, hello everyone! welcome to today's stream." waiting a few seconds as more people started joining. “today will be a minecraft stream. i’m thinking of making the barca logo.”
reading the comments blow up by the mention of the club is probably the funniest thing you’ve seen.
“change your shirt on the minecraft skin the jersey of your favorite player. i love that idea, but i don’t really have a favorite player. maybe i’ll do xavi or something.” lying isn’t the best thing to do to your supporters, but personal business is personal business.
after playing for hours and halfway done with the logo, you hear the door opening. “one second guys, i think my roommate is home.” roommate meaning your boyfriend. the plan is really thought out. your best friend occasionally popped into the streams, pretending to be your roommate, and it works. thinking you muted and turned off your camera (which happens often), gavi walks into your gaming room.
“hi gorgeous,” walking in and instantly kissing you made both of you smile. “are you streaming?”
“yeah, i am. i was building the logo. i can show you later when i’m ‘done greeting my roommate’.” making quotation marks with your fingers.
“yeah i’ll sit over here. i’ll just look while you continue playing.” you blew a kiss at him as you put your headset back on.
“alright guys, i’m back. did i miss anything?” your eyes tried to keep up with the chat. it was going faster than usual. you thought it was a raid, but nothing was happening. everyone was going crazy. finally, a donation came through with a message.
read aloud from the automated voice, “viscabarcaaa_11 donated $10 with a message. 'was that gavi you just kissed?’” fuck. gavi quickly sat up from the seat. you realized your camera and microphone was never off. your eyes panning from screen to screen in panic. speechless, you turned red instantly.
you were kissin’ and they caught you whether you like it or not.
you cleared your throat, still don’t know what to say. gavi unplugged your headphones from your pc tower to be able to hear what was going on. he urged you to get up. you had no idea what he was doing, but you just listened.
sitting down, he spoke slow and steady. “hello everyone. this was a very unexpected thing for you. not to mention, an unexpected plan from us. y/n and i have been seeing each other for a few months now. it wasn’t really planned for us to be revealed this early, but thank you for supporting my girlfriend. i am glad to get this off of our chest, because i’ve been wanting to show her off.”
playfully pushing him to the side, “okay thank you for attending this stream, see you tomorrow. love you guys.” making sure you ended the stream fully before giving off a sigh.
“looks like i can show you off now.”
“okay, that’s enough fame for you.”
author’s note: this story has been sitting in my drafts for months and i’m deciding to complete it on a random weekday.
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eclipseyll · 4 months
HI FIRST POST HERE!! this is my XMEN oc, so if my timeline in the backstory doesn't make sense IM SORRY, I forgot the flow in the XMEN movies so don't come for me hihi
And she doesn't date anyone here, I was gonna put she dates Erik bc he's like super hot but not gonna do that, but I also considered Alex but he's dead so.
I was also inspired by a xmen oc I saw online called "Remnant" so credits for them by matching the shadow and precognition abilities (I only thought about the shadow thingy since my mcu days HAHHAHA)
Eclipse "Serena Rodrigo"
Omega Level Mutant
XMEN Member
Student (Assistant to Hank) in X mansion(17) - Investigative Journalist (at home), Author (published 2 books), the public relations manager (manages media affairs) of the school and runs a newscope club at school (21)
Nationality: Filipino
Tan Skin, Black Hair, Dark Brown Eyes, 5'7 and mid weight
When Using Powers:
Eyes turn into white in her irises and Black in her Cornea and Pupils
Black shadows comes out of her hands, But when using all of her powers it comes out in her upper body (like Raven)
She had learned of her powers at the age of 7 and 8. She had lost control of her powers and had covered her school in a shadow dome. She was taken by Stryker at age of 9 to be with other imprisoned mutant saved by Wolverine (Origins). After being saved, she escaped with other group of mutants to live independently. It last up to 5 years (14) until they were caught by the government who had sent them to Xavier's School for gifted youngsters. In the span of 5 years she had learn how to generate her own darkness and try to control her visions.
In the school she was taught how to use her abilities in combat, offense and defense. She had also learned how to properly handle her visions (as she wore gloves growing up). At school she had befriended Jean and Jubilee. She was 17 when apocalypse came and she officially joined the XMEN to fight him. Throughout her teens up to her 20s, she had found her passion in writing, journalism, politics and science. Hence why she had become a part time assistant of Hank McCoy when she was 17. She is now 21, she had already published 2 books, works at a Media company where her works only required to make at home, and she handles the media affairs of the Xavier's School for gifted youngsters, she will be the one to speak with if ever there will be interviews, events or mission that the Xmen will be needed, she is also the one who reports incidents or events in the school, she is also the one who handles whenever tje school or Xmen have a scandal and she runs a journalism club (newscope) (teaches them to write, report, take photos).
First Mutation:
- The ability to sense the past, present and future by physical touch or her shadow touch.
•Physical Touch: When she directly hold someone or something.
•Shadow Touch: When she extends her dark constructs to hold someone or something.
Her first vision was when she was only 7 and had touch a ground where in the past it was blown up. She had more visions from the past, present and future. Yet nobody believed her.
"I don't know how I do it, I can't control it. That's why I try so hard to control it, to prevent those miserable visions..."
Second Mutation:
- The ability manipulate the dark and shadows.
•Night Vision
•Cut Matter
Only a year she had discovered she was a mutant, she hid her abilities not until when she was 8 where she was shocked to discover she can manipulate existing shadows. She had found out by being mad she had completely dimmed out the room. But growing up, learning and developing her capabilities she had learned to generate her own darkness and not rely on existed dark.
"I am not a Villain, and you shouldn't have treated me as such."
"The dark comes when I say it does."
"I could tear you apart to pieces with a flick of my hand if I wanted to."
"Consider yourself lucky, that I have a conscience."
" I will not be the monster you tried to create. "
What I imagine my powers would look like
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fangirlvibez · 1 year
The Bradshaw son and Seresin daughter - introduction
Characters: Bradley Bradshaw x female!OC Madison Ella Hanscott, Son!OC Nicolas Peter Bradshaw, Jake Seresin x female!OC Quinn Kelsell, Daughter!OC Hazel Alexandra Seresin, Son!OC Benjamin Jacob Seresin
Warnings: in this chapter: mention of (teenage) pregnancy, pregnancy difficulties, Navy inaccuracy. (Let me know if I forgot a warning)
Summary of the story: The 16 year old daughter of Jake Seresin gets pregnant. The dad: the 18 year old son of Bradley Bradshaw. How will the dads react to their kids becoming teen parents?
A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is any spelling or grammar errors: please let me know
next part - masterlist
Introducing the families
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✈️ Name: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
✈️ Birthday: June 27, 1984
✈️ Nationality: American
✈️ Gender: male
✈️ Profession: Naval Aviator
✈️ Husband to Madison Ella Hanscott
✈️ Father to Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
✈️ He and Madison met at the navy base in 2020, 1 year after the dagger mission.
✈️ Madison was there for a documentary about the Navy troughout the years, Bradley was one of the people Madison interviewed.
✈️ Bradley asked her out on the last day of shooting the documentary.
✈️ After 2 years of dating, the couple got married on July 10, 2022. 9 months later Nicolas Peter Bradshaw was born.
✈️ Bradley has a good bond with his son and is very found of the idea of his son becoming a naval aviator like he is.
📓 Name: Madison Ella Hanscott
📓 Birthday: March 5, 1991
📓 Nationality: American
📓 Gender: female
📓 Profession: writer and TV journalist
📓 Wife to Bradley Bradshaw
📓 Mother to Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
📓 She and Bradley met at the navy base in 2020, 1 year after the dagger mission when Madison was in charge of a documentary about the Navy.
📓 She is best friends with Quinn Kelsell.
📓 She is a very busy person and does a lot of overwork.
📓 Her and Bradley decided to buy Sparky for Nick when he was 16. It was around the time both her and Bradley were both very busy with their jobs and they didn’t want Nick to feel alone in his home.
🏈 Name: Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
🏈 Birthday: April 9, 2023
🏈 Nationality: American
🏈 Gender: male
🏈 Profession: Naval academy student
🏈 Son to Bradley Bradshaw and Madison Ella Hanscott
🏈 Boyfriend to Hazel Alexandra Seresin
🏈 Nick used to play football in high school but stopped to focus on getting into the naval academy.
🏈 His best friend is his dog Sparky
🏈 His dads opinion is very important to him.
🏈 He is named after his grandad and his dads godfather.
🏈 He fell in love with Hazel when she came knocking on her door. She was wearing a sundress and crying about her first date standing her up. Nick was 17 and Hazel was 15. Nick took her out and slowly fell in love with his best friend.
🏈 Nobody knows they are together because they don’t want it to be weird between their parents if they ever break up.
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✈️ Name: Jake “Hangman” Seresin
✈️ Birthday: November 17, 1987
✈️ Nationality: American
✈️ Gender: male
✈️ Profession: Naval Aviator
✈️ Husband to Quinn Kelsell
✈️ Father to Hazel Alexandra Seresin and Benjamin Jacob Seresin
✈️ He and Quinn met at a Bradshaw party in 2021. With Jake being Bradley’s best friend and Quinn being Madisons best friend it was bound to happen for them to meet.
✈️ They dated for 3 years before getting married on December 27, 2024.
✈️ Jake comes from a big family and wanted to have a big family like his own.
✈️ He is very over protected of Hazel and Benjamin.
🩺 Name: Quinn Kelsell
🩺 Birthday: January 24, 1992
🩺 Nationality: American
🩺 Gender: female
🩺 Profession: doctor
🩺 Wife to Jake Seresin
🩺 Mother to Hazel Alexandra Seresin and Benjamin Jacob Seresin
🩺 She and Jake met at a Bradshaw party in 2021.
🩺 Quinn comes from a small family but wanted to have a big one of her own.
🩺 She and Jake wanted to have more kids after Benjamin, but the doctors said it could be dangerous for Quinns body to have more. That’s when they decided to just having two kids.
📚 Name: Hazel Alexandra Seresin
📚 Birthday: August 2, 2025
📚 Nationality: American
📚 Gender: female
📚 Profession: High School student
📚 Daughter to Jake Seresin and Quinn Kelsell
📚 Girlfriend to Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
📚 Sister to Benjamin Jacob Seresin
📚 Hazel isn’t sure yet about what she wants to do after high school so she focuses mostly on her studies.
📚 She fell in love with Nick a month after he took her out after her first date stood her up. Nick was playing with Sparky on the beach while she was reading on her towel.
📚 She cares about what people think of her and can get quite emotional at times.
🛹 Name: Benjamin Jacob Seresin
🛹 Birthday: September 16, 2027
🛹 Nationality: American
🛹 Gender: male
🛹 Profession: High School student
🛹 Son to Jake Seresin and Quinn Kelsell
🛹 Younger brother to Hazel Alexandra Seresin
🛹 Benjamin loves skateboarding
🛹 He is close to his sister
🛹 When the Bradshaw family went on vacation or went away for the weekend, Benjamin was in charge if Sparky.
🛹 He wants to be a doctor like his mom.
🛹 Benjamin is named after his grandad and his own dad.
Taglist: @confusedpimp (let me know if you want to be tagged)
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langsandlit · 2 years
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🔵 Brief introduction to the history of Neapolitan: Origin and history of a minoritised language (from @/neapxita on instagram)
✂️ alt text under the cut !!
10th century - Placiti Campani
The first written evidence of Neapolitan dates back to the 10th century, when four sworn declarations were composed in modern-day Campania. Despite the brevity and formulaic nature of the texts, the Placiti campani provide an invaluable early example of the vernacular spoken in Campania, and allegedly the first one in the Italian peninsula.
15th century - Aragonese Court
Neapolitan becomes the main language of public administration and internal affairs of the Aragonese kingdom.
In the 15th century, the newly established Aragonese monarchy in Naples and Southern Italy pioneered the use of Neapolitan as the language of public administration and internal affairs until the end of its rule.
In the 15th century, the newly established Aragonese monarchy in Naples and Southern Italy pioneered the use of Neapolitan as the language of public administration and internal affairs until the end of its rule.
During this time, in addition to being one of the official court languages, Neapolitan slowly replaced Latin, and was used for poems, chronicles, and treatises. The oldest full history of Naples written in this language, however, is the Chronicle of Parthenope, which dates back to 1350, prior the establishment of Aragonese monarchy.
17th century - I
With the spread of Tuscan among elites post-1500, 17th-century intellectuals in Naples were making a case for the dignity of Neapolitan as a literary language.
While Neapolitan had been adopted by earlier authors, monarchs and religious authorities, only in the second half of the 17th century did it establish itself, although not without dissent, as a rich literary language.
Specifically, it is with the works of Giambattista Basile and Giulio Cesare Cortese that Neapolitan transformed into a fully fledged, alternative literary language (as opposed to Tuscan) used for both conventional genres and original ones, including the pastoral, novel, lyric, epic, satire, mock-epic, fairy tale, and opera.
17th century - II
Intellectuals aimed to create an illustrious vernacular that could rival Tuscan and to legitimise it as an equally worthy language. 
According to Neapolitan intellectuals, Tuscan could not be given the label of a more literary language. The use of their native Neapolitan, instead of the foreign Tuscan, served to shape and legitimise an autonomous, and equally respectable, literary reality.
18th century
In the 18th century, to take a stand against the taste for Italian Mannerism in Tuscan, there was an outburst of literary production in Neapolitan.
As the literary production of the early 18th century carried forward the legacy of Cortese and Basile, literary academies in Naples hosted public readings of works in Neapolitan which were written by and for the members of the Neapolitan elites.
The 18th century was also the time in which the first grammars of Neapolitan appeared. The first to be written was Francesco Oliva’s Grammatica della lingua napolitana (1723), while the first to be published was Ferdinando Galiani’s Del dialetto napolitano (1779). Yet, despite the literary success of Neapolitan, many stigmatised it as ignoble, and the exclusive language of the plebs.
Ferdinando Galiani
For Galiani, Neapolitan was not just the language of the populace, but the cultural property of the nation.
“Therefore we do not despair yet (...) Perhaps one day our dialect will achieve the most unexpected fortune: we will defend our causes in this language, pronounce our decrees, promulgate our laws, write our annals, and do everything that the patriotic zeal of the Venetians has allowed them to do in their own harmonious dialect”.
19th century - Music
Neapolitan and Neapolitan-language music have a rich and long-standing tradition.
The earliest mention of the performance of villanellas coincides with the visit of king Charles V (or Charles II of Spain) to Naples between 1535 and 1536. The first anonymous collection of villanellas was published shortly after.
After the king’s visit, villanellas, which were sung in Neapolitan, acquired clear political undertones and became representative of Neapolitans’ national identity in the 16th century.
However, the song fest of Piererotta marks a turning point in Neapolitan music history. Starting officially in 1835, the festival constituted a major festivity attracting tourists from both within and outside the kingdom.
1861 and Fascism
At the moment of the unification of Italy in 1861, less than 2,5% of the population was able to use Italian.  
Much like Latin in the previous centuries, Italian was an exclusively written and literary language known only to a minority of literate people.
The appearance of the first bilingual dictionaries immediately before and after the unification confirms that Neapolitan was not only the language of the common people but also that of the literate.
In the aftermath of the unification, these dictionaries were used to help students who were monolingual in Neapolitan to learn Italian, the language of the new state.
In the 20th century, the nationalist agenda of the fascist regime suppressed the use of all minority languages and enforced the use of Italian in its stead, especially at school. Children were beaten or otherwise punished, generating fear and shame towards their native languages.
Since then, Neapolitan has continued to be spoken, sung and written, albeit without being taught nor recognised by the Italian state, often coexisting in a situation of dangerous diglossia.
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lingthusiasm · 2 years
Lingthusiasm Episode 77: How kids learn language in Singapore - Interview with Woon Fei Ting
Singapore is a small city-state nation with four official languages: English, Mandarin, Tamil, and Malay. Most Singaporeans can also speak a local hybrid variety known as Singlish, which arose from this highly multilingual environment to create something unique to the island. An important part of growing up in Singapore is learning which of your language skills to use in which situation.
In this episode, your host Gretchen McCulloch gets enthusiastic about how kids learn language in Singapore with Woon Fei Ting, who’s a Research Associate and the Lab Manager at the Brain, Language & Intersensory Perception Lab at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. We talk about how the rich multilingual environment in Singapore led Fei Ting and the lab to do language documentation while trying to figure out how kids learn to talk in Singapore, creating a dictionary of Red Dot Baby Talk (named after how Singapore looks like a red dot on the world map). We also talk about Singlish more generally, some words that Gretchen has learned on her trip, doing research with kids and parents via Zoom, and the role of a lab manager and other lab members in doing linguistic research.
Click here for a link to this episode in your podcast player of choice or read the transcript here.
Announcements: Our liveshow is in just a few days!! Gretchen will be chatting to Dr Kirby Conrod (from our episode about the grammar of singular they) about language and gender on February 18th (Canada) slash 19th (Australia)! You can find out what time that is for you here. This liveshow is for Lingthusiam patrons and will take place on the Lingthusiasm Discord server. Become a patron before the event to ask us questions in advance or live-react in the text chat. This episode will also be available as an edited-for-legibility recording in your usual Patreon live feed if you prefer to listen at a later date. In the meantime: ask us questions about gender or tell us about your favourite examples of gender in various languages and we might include them in the show!
In this month’s bonus episode we get enthusiastic about what we've been up to in 2022 and what's coming up for 2023. We also talk about our favourite linguistics paper that we read in 2022 slash possibly ever: okay, yes, academic papers don’t typically do this, but this paper has spoilers, so we STRONGLY recommend reading it yourself here before listening to this episode, or check out the sample paragraph on the Patreon post. Join us on Patreon now to get access to this and 70+ other bonus episodes, as well as access to the Lingthusiasm Discord server where you can chat with other language nerds, and get access to this weekends liveshow!
Here are the links mentioned in the episode:
Woon Fei Ting on Twitter
Lingthusiasm episode ‘What words sound spiky across languages? Interview with Suzy Styles’, the prof whose lab Fei Ting works in
BLIP lab at NTU on Facebook
‘Creating a Corpus of Multilingual Parent-Child Speech Remotely: Lessons Learned in a Large-Scale Onscreen Picturebook Sharing Task’ by Woon Fei Ting et al
BLIP lab’s transcription protocol and FAQ
‘Little Orangutan: What a Scary Storm!’ Wordless picture book by Suzy Styles
‘Spiaking Singlish: A Companion to how Singaporeans communicate’ by Gwee Li Sui
Lingthusiasm episode ‘Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Theory of Mind’
You can listen to this episode via Lingthusiasm.com, Soundcloud, RSS, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also download an mp3 via the Soundcloud page for offline listening.
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Lingthusiasm is on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr. Email us at contact [at] lingthusiasm [dot] com
Gretchen is on Twitter as @GretchenAMcC and blogs at All Things Linguistic.
Lauren is on Twitter as @superlinguo and blogs at Superlinguo.
Lingthusiasm is created by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Our senior producer is Claire Gawne, our production editor is Sarah Dopierala, and our production assistant is Martha Tsutsui Billins. Our music is ‘Ancient City’ by The Triangles.
This episode of Lingthusiasm is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA).
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dastera · 1 year
•~Personal KNY headcanons~•
-A/N:What would it be like if he was your boyfriend
Reader is referred to as a woman♀️
Modern AU
-Pairing: Kyojuro Rengoku (my bby)
-Warnings: Pure fluff!!!
•-🔥Kyojuro Rengoku🔥-•
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Oh my lordd, this guy, he's so obsessed w/ you, when I mean obsessed, I mean it 10000%
He will be always on your side 24/7/365
Only when he can
I headcanon him when he's tired he gets super clingy, like I mean - he will lay his head on your shoulder, when you two are sitting on couch or something he will always put his head on your lap
Ofc we can't forget cuddles!! Everyday, especially when it's bedtime!
He would praise u very often bby🥺🥺🥺like:
"You look gorgeous today Y/N!" or "You did such a good job!"
But praise him too!!! He deserves it, after all!!
Yk yk🥺😏
I also think he has Autophobia = fear of being alone
or Thantophobia = fear of losing someone you love
Bby boy need him now🥺🥺🥺😭
Head pats guaranteed!!! 100%
Kiss, hug, cuddle him when he's upset or sad!
I think he would also share earphones w/ you bcs why not
I can only think about this two songs u two would listen:
On dates:
On random day like when u two cooking and Kyo would play it on bluetooth speaker yk yk:
10000% husband material!!!
Btw art not mine, everything relates to the author!!
(pls no copyright)
Btw sorry for my grammar it's not my national language!!!
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waltwhitmansbeard · 11 months
a my fair lady playlist
a year ago today i posted the first chapter of my fair lady, which was supposed to be a little thing that i just needed to get out of my head after reading @romeoandjulietyouwish's for the love of a princess. 144 chapters and one year of obsession later, what i got is my biggest writing project to date. it was also my first real foray into the cr fandom, which has since become, frankly, the biggest part of my life, and i'm just endlessly grateful to each of you who read and interacted with mfl in any way. i'm so lucky to have gotten to share this with all of you.
so to celebrate, i have assembled a way-too-long playlist inspired by the events of mfl. the songs represent the moments and feelings that most stood out to me (or that i could find an appropriate song for, lol). it was fun trying to remember everything that happened (as of rn the entire fic is 450 pages in google docs so...there's a lot) and piece together the story through song. i've written a little blurb to justify each choice in the cut below, but you can listen to the playlist on spotify here! thanks again for sticking around!
1. "My Fair Lady" - KALEO as the song from which i took all the titles for the series, i couldn't not start off with this one. i can't even hear this song now without thinking of mfl.
2. "Security" - Joss Stone since this is a song about being there for a friend in a time of crisis, i thought it was the perfect choice for the beginning of keyleth and percy's lifelong friendship. percy showed up in zephrah traumatized and barely holding it together, and keyleth was the rock that kept him from collapsing.
3. "Best of Friends" - Pearl Bailey marisha put this one on one of her keyleth playlists to represent keyleth and percy, and she was right! is there any better song for those two growing up as best friends?
4. "Fountain" - Sara Lov keyleth grew up under the shadow of her mother's loss and the pressure of a nation's expectations. someone give this child a BREAK!
5. "Uptown Girl" - Billy Joel oh, you think this is about vax and keyleth? WRONG. percy is an uptown girl and vex is his downtown man coming to shake his world.
6. "Stay Awake" - London Grammar how many nights did keyleth and vax stay up with the moon, learning to love each other? who did they become with no one but the shadows and each other to watch them grow?
7. "goodnight n go" - Ariana Grande this song just gives me such intense vex vibes. she wants so bad to get percy out from under her skin but no dice, he's there to stay.
8. "Foolish Thing" - Darren Criss vax knows that he absolutely cannot be catching feelings for the princess for any number of reasons. but that doesn't stop him from being a dumbfuck in love!
9. "Sacrilege" - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs keyleth knows that she absolutely cannot be catching feelings for her guard for any number of reasons. but that doesn't stop her from being a dumbfuck in love!
10. "You Get Me" - Michelle Branch even though she grew up royalty, keyleth never felt like she fit in in her own world. she was always different, out of place. but vax sees her strange edges and knows the shape they make.
11. "Dreams" - Caroline Glaser keyleth is down bad! she can't sleep without vax there, and vax is more than happy to reassure her that she's it for him.
12. "Take Me to Church" - Hozier this is my pick for some night just seem forever lasting, because if there's one thing vax is gonna do it's worship on his knees at keyleth's altar.
13. "Holy" - King Princess keyleth is busy with a nation and a war but she has time at the end of the day to fuck her man, and that's what really matters.
14. "Into You" - Ariana Grande this one is for the true sluts of the castle, vex and percy. stay horny, you absolute lovesick fools.
15. "River of Tears" - Alessia Cara just absolute depression and forlorn longing from vax and keyleth both when they're forced to be apart. drama queens, the both of them.
16. "The Lightning Strike (Part I: What If This Storm Ends?)" - Snow Patrol remember that time keyleth summoned lightning and used it to strike a bunch of attackers dead? so do i, and so does vax. it was his first time being confronted with the possibilities of the wild power she wields, and it definitely isn't something he was ever going to forget.
17. "Rich Youth" - Hayley Kiyoko keyleth and tiberius were both raised in the shadow of powerful fathers, and they came together to advocate for a future that represents the nations they want to lead.
18. "My Immortal" - Evanescence thank you to @ravendruid for the suggestion! does anything say vaxleth more than melodramatic longing? this song is for all the lingering heartbreak as they tried (and ultimately failed) to stay apart for so long.
19. "I Don't Mind" - Darren Criss one of my favorite pieces of writing from mfl was keyleth's proposal to vax. he's so convinced that she'd be better off without him, and all she wants to do is convince him that he's worth all the trouble waiting them.
20. "Love Story" - Taylor Swift forgive me for adding taylor swift to this list but you gotta admit, it's very appropriate for the vaxleth wedding.
21. "Dancing in the Rain" - Johannes Bornlöf let me be indulgent! this is the song i picked to play while reading the wedding chapter, so ofc it makes the list.
22. "The Deal" - Mitski thank you to @crispysnake for the suggestion! i mean, this is absolutely vax carrying his dead wife's body beneath the castle and striking a deal with the raven queen to bring her back. it's like it's what the song was written for.
23. "Castle" - Halsey just big keyleth charging to the throne room to demand her father release vax energy with this one.
24. "Growing, Growing, Gone" - Theo Katzman korrin was confronted very suddenly with the reality that his little girl wasn't a little girl anymore. she has a whole life ahead of her that is outside of him, and that's hard for a dad to come to terms with.
25. "Kiki (feat. Iron and Wine)" - Rett Madison y'all, the way i SCREAMED when i first heard this song on rett's new album!!! i just imagine vilya trying to reach out to keyleth, to let her know that she's been watching and of course, of course she's proud of her, of course she approves of vax, of course she wants nothing more than for her baby girl to happy.
26. "Wildflowers (Tom Petty Cover)" - Miley Cyrus this song makes me thing of the little cottage on the hill, and of korrin's wish for his daughter to have a place where she feels free. he knows that the castle has never really felt like her home, and so he gives her and her new husband a place they can build a home for themselves.
27. "Bubbly" - Colbie Caillat this song is just the pinnacle of happy love. it's vax and keyleth waking up in their bed, in their house, in their love's arms. it's happiness.
28. "Sunday Morning" - Maroon 5 remember that time vex was like "this was fun but i gotta go home" and percy was like "but what if i was home?" and fluttered his lashes like a harlot? me too.
29. "Family Tree" - Matthew West pending fatherhood is terrifying, especially when your own father is a sack of shit. of course vax would doubt his own ability to be for his child what syldor couldn't be for him and vex.
30. "A Woman's Work" - Kate Bush the definitive anthem for women creating life. keyleth is a goddess for so many reason but especially for making a literal person.
31. "Dear Theodosia" - Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton just DAD feelings up in this bitch! vax is a dad and korrin is a dad and percy (eventually) is a dad! also there's a new nation coming just around the corner! the perfect song!
32. "Brother Run Fast" - KALEO to me, this song represents vax and percy's understanding that the horrors of percy's past are coming for vax's present, and the two of them will stop at nothing to fix what was broken. they are both desperate for forgiveness they do not need, and they are both determined to keep the other on course.
33. "Yours & Mine" - Lucy Dacus imagine telling keyleth of the air ashari to sit at home while her family and friends venture out to save her daughter's life. IMAGINE!
34. "Trials - Demo" - London Grammar what is keyleth and vax's relationship if not an endless gauntlet of trials from which they must continually find their way back to each other?
35. "Delilah" - Florence + the Machine this song is just...everything. it's delilah and sylas. it's cass and the ghosts of the castle she's caged in. it's vilya, crying out for her mother. it's keyleth, coming to kick ass with a daylight spell. it's percy, reclaiming what was his all along.
36. "Show Me the Way" - Styx vax went THRU IT during gocmh, and his turning to the raven queen was a move of absolute desperation. he needed his matron's guidance not only to get his daughter back, but to put the pieces of his life back together.
37. "Glory and Gore" - Lorde what can i say? vox machina fucks shit up.
38. "Work Song" - Hozier percy may die twice but that ain't gonna stop him from simping for vex.
39. "Happiness" - The Fray this song is about happiness, but it has such a melancholic sound to it, which really works for baby vilya's return to zephrah. yes she's home, which is an immense relief, but she's brought home to a tragedy. nothing is simple.
40. "Kingdom of One" - Maren Morris hey vallen: get fucked.
41. "Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)" - Billy Joel this is, to me, the ultimate father-daughter song, and in the context of mfl it makes me think of the unfinished letter keyleth found in her father's room after his death. just a reminder that even after someone dies, their love for those they leave behind never will.
42. "Starts With Goodbye" - Carrie Underwood i don't know what it's like to fundamentally reshape the structure of an entire nation in order to secure a more stable future for your child, but i imagine it feels like this!
43. "Matchstick" - American Royalty thank you to @ravendruid for the suggestion! sometimes self-care is setting the man who murdered your parents and helped kidnap your daughter on fire.
44. "Chords" - The Amazing Devil parents play such a big part in the story of mfl. the absence of keyleth's mother, the fact that her father is also a king, korrin being a father to percy, the twins confronting the father they fled, and of course, vaxleth and perc'ahlia becoming parents themselves. if there's anything they can take away from all of the heartbreak, it's wanting the best for their children, at the cost of everything else.
45. "Everywhere, Everything" - Noah Kahan had to end on some noah kahan in order to keep @crispysnake from gnawing at the bars of their enclosure. again, just the absolute vaxleth melodrama of "wanna love you til we're food for the worms to eat, til our fingers decompose." disgusting. i love them so much.
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 2 years
Shuri x Queen black Fem
Taglist: @2k7-sparkles @atssukoo @happydays0126 @letitias-fav @tuesdaylovesu @niaalove
Summary:You where a ex friend of killmonger and Ex member of wakanda.You made a promise to him if he would pass you would get your payback on wakanda . And that’s what you where doing .
Authors note:I be bored and make story ideas so here’s the finished product . Most likely I did not grammar check this
Y/n’s Pov
“Start rolling into wakanda” you say talking into your watch.You where in your Holokai and Un known nation not most people know about.
You loved being the queen of an unknown nation due to its perks.You can do anything to a big nation and they blame it on another nation .
Right now you where Turing against your home nation all because of your friends death.You’re planning on getting pay back on wakanda because of Erik.
Erik was your best friend and what felt like your brother. You guys never dated you guys where just close. Erik always hinted a relationship .Yet you never wanted to ruin your friendship.
Before Erik passed he had a plan for wakanda . He also said if he passed to get payback.That exactly what you where doing but you also felt bad. But you heart and soul was cold since his death .
You still haven’t been the same after his passing. You used to be kind funny a party animal .but now your the opposite. You barley even smile anymore.
You where in grief,when you first heard the news you thought it was fake news.But you slowly realized it was real.
When you went to the funeral for him you where devastated.You hated seeing him for the last time in a casket.
You started getting your life together.You knew Erik would want to see you like this . He wouldn’t ever want you to be in that state of mind either .
Right now you where having some of your warriors going to a vibranuim base. You where training some warriors for a undercover operation.
wakanda was holding a meeting with the other nations about the shots being fired from “one of them”
You where going to go to this meeting but the only problems is being recognized. You lived in wakanda until after the funeral. So you knew they could most likely recognize you.
You where going to look good in fact you already had your outfit ready . You also had to think what if they recognized you. Most likely they will talk to you after the meeting .
“Start making new weapons and suits with the designs I made “ You say up on top of your stair bride you look over to see scientists and engineers working . You walked down the stairs to your lab room.When you made it inside you turned on music and started working .
You finally leave your office at 2:30 in the morning . You walk out of your office and you hear a noise. You get a weapon from your office .You started to look around trying to see where the noise could have been.You see a tall figure at the door .
You slowly get close but not to close . The figure starts to walk towards you. You turn the lights on just to see your friend Delcia. "Girl you scared the shit out of me" you gasp.
"What are you doing up" Delcia asks in a question able tone. "I was finishing my designs and engineering for the suits an weapons" you say placing your weapon on a table. You and del start to walk out out of the lab
"Y/n look at me when I say this" She puts her hands on your shoulders and moves your body to face her. "Get some sleep before your flight". She says making sure you understand you nod in response.
After delcia told you that you guys went your separate ways. You had a flight at 2:30 pm to the place where the meeting Is held.
You went to your bedroom and took a shower to get the day off of you. After your shower you put on your pj's and slept for the night
You wake up with the the sound of your alarm going off."Ok Ok I'm up" you stretch and check the time it was 10:10.You barley packed because you where going to stay in wakanda for a good week.
You decided to wear a sweat suit and some crocs for the day. You wanted to be comfortable in the plane.
"I need to start packing all I got is the basics lotion and shit" you say to your self.
For the next couple of hours you packed and got done at 1:00That was your time to leave and go to the airport.
You got to the airport at a reasonable time 1:58. You got your ticket for your flight. You found where you needed to sit and got food.
While on your flight it was one thing going through your mind. Do they still remember you after all these years.
You also thought how would they feel because you left wakanda and never told anyone that you where leaving.
Where they happy to see you back in wakanda?
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ermbabyel · 5 months
Hey!!! I was looking over your profile after I got your second request, so I wanted to shoot you my info and see your matchups!! I love reading other people's work! If you are too busy or swamped, though, you don't have to do mine!
I would like to be matched with Mystic Messanger ( I just got into this) and Obey Me!
Your name/nickname
Luna, course, you can also make it a Y/N for other people's enjoyment, I do not mind.
23 in June! Gosh, I feel old, but I am not that old, lol
I am Pansexual; I love them all with no specific preference; I am currently dating a man, though.
Preferred age range for your ship
No one under 18, and also for Obey Me, no Luke. I read him as a child so he is a child in my head I know he's an angel and probably hella old but no.
I love to read and write. I am big into celeb gossip mainly cause I like to psycho-analyze everything. I graduated with my bachelor's in psychology and love the human mind. Due to this, though, I have been told I am very manipulative and read people too well, so I am off-putting. I like people who love to help others and be reasonable. I love an open mind.
Studying especially psychology or technology. Writing stories or reading romance novels. Nature walks, especially in national parks. Magic the gathering. FPS video games.
Love languages
My most extensive love language is Physical Touch
The second would be Words of Affirmation
Ideal type
I don't have a 'type'; I love people for their personalities. If I had to hammer down who I am drawn to, it would be mysterious people. I think they are fun to get to know, and I love to be an outlet for them to express themselves.
A summery of your personality
I am a big goofball; however, I am very serious when I need to be. I work first and play later 90% of the time. I do take breaks, though, to allow myself to fully relax and just be me. I have lived in my mother's shadow my whole life, so I work hard to make a name for myself outside of the name she gave me and her name. I am driven to succeed and help those around me. I tend to be so overly considerate that I end up being walked on, however if I realize I am being walked on I will psycho analyze which is where the rumors of me being manipulative and off putting come from.
astrology sign
Gemini, I know they have a bad wrap, but some are good. I at least hope I am not considered bad.
I have shoulder-length brown hair, pale skin, and light blue eyes, but everyone in my family says they are gray. My style depends on where I am; if I am at work, I wear jeans, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes, and my hair is up in a bun. If I am at home, I wear boho clothes and have my hair down. If I am out on the town, I am super girly with heels, a skirt or dress, and full makeup with curled hair.
Anything else you can think of
I suffer from a speech impediment, and though I have managed to control it better with time and practice, I still lisp whenever I am angry or really, really tired. I also suffer from Dyslexia, so I have to use Grammarly to help with my spelling and grammar.
Thank you so much for your requests from me. I really appreciate them and love writing them. I hope to have your match-up within the next day or two!
Hello~! I’m so excited to do a match up for you as well! I hope you enjoy your matches :3 Also a fellow Gemini, how exciting! ♊️
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Your Mystic Messenger Lover Is…Jumin Han~
You like mysterious people? Jumin is your man! Plus, Jumin is a libra and they are very compatible with Gemini’s. Jumin might be a hard nut to crack because of his upbringing and has been instructed to be the next heir to his father’s company since a young age. But, you are able to see through all of that, which might catch the CEO in line off guard…but he will definitely keep it calm and collected. No one has ever been able to crack right through him as easily as you have. And he’s impressed.
This intrigues you even more. It will take sometime, but little by little Jumin will feel much more secure with your presence around him. He feels confident in your ability to analyze situations and the human mind, which will come in handy when he needs consideration on a business venture/opportunity. “Luna, what do think about this new cat business I’ve been thinking about? I trust your judgment.”
Even though he seems cold and distant, this man gets attached very fast to most people’s surprise. And you’re not an exception. I get a sense of a calming presence while reading your description and I think that’s something Jumin would absolutely love about you. Being in charge of a company can be very grueling and draining at times. So, when he comes home to you after a long day he won’t say much but give you a sweet tired smile and gently lay his head on your welcoming shoulders. He just wants to feel your touch and presence.
I think you and Jumin are very similar too. He especially understands being in a parent’s shadow as well and would confide in you with that as well. I can see you two being each other’s support system.
Definitely the type to call you “Dear” and “Darling”…..”Darling, would you like to accompany me to a restaurant and wine for dinner this evening? I’ve had a long day and I just want to be in your presence.”
Jumin would also ask you to read him some of your stories you’ve been working on. Hearing your voice relaxes him so much to the point where it’s a nightly routine for you to read him to sleep~!
Jumin would find your speech impediment endearing and would be so loving and patient with you. He doesn’t want you to stress out about it and gives you all the time and support you need. Most of the time you think he reads your mind as well.
Also your biggest supporter. He think you are the most exquisite woman he’s every seen! He’ll even help you pick out your night on the town outfits. “Here Darling, I think this necklace will look stunning with your dress…you just look delectable tonight~.”
You’ll definitely be the one to loosen up Jumin with your bubbly, playful nature. He can help but crack a gentle smile when he see you and seven joking around with each other. The RFA are like a family to him are equally important as well. So seeing his love for his love and second family getting along with each other warms his heart~!
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I love this pairing so much~! 😍
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Your Obey Me Lover Is…Lucifer~
Honestly I was debating between Lucifer and Leviathan, since I think you and Levi share similar interests. So I think you can be a good match for him as well~
Another mysterious man for you. Lucifer is the eldest brother and with that comes with a sense of responsibility for his younger brothers. Because of that, he has to keep a stoic and harsh attitude when it comes to dealing with his brothers. Even though his brothers tend to be a pain in the ass and sometimes a burden, he still loves them with his whole heart and want to do his best to make sure his brothers are taken care of. But he only shows that side of himself to you~.
He’s also very shocked that a mere human is able to read right through him. It makes him feel puzzled, how were you able to do that? And in turn, that aspect of you intrigues him!
I can see you trying to convince Lucifer to show a little more warmth towards his brothers, but this man can be very stubborn! “I don’t have the time or interest of giving Mammon a cookie for getting a high score on his test, Luna”. But after sometime he comes around. With your help of course as being this vulnerable and sweet if very difficult for him.
He’ll be taken aback when you give him a hug for the first time or holding his hand on one of your many nature walks together. But Lucifer loves it, he’ll even gently reach for your hand when you least expect it and gingerly place a sweet kiss on said hand.
You are the only person in the whole entire Devildom to make this stoic man smile and laugh. And the brothers think you are some Devine creature because of it lol. They are SO perplexed and ask you what your tricks are to get him to smile. Truth is Lucifer just has a soft spot for you and can’t help but to smile when he gazes at you.
Definitely more of a private lover and prefers to show his love for you when others aren’t around. Only in private will he call you such sweet names like “Darling” and “My Love” being the main names for you.
I can see him being interested in a game you’re playing with Levi and wanted to try it out himself. I have a feeling Lucifer is very competitive and he started the game so confidently that he was going to win. But to his surprise, you were the only to beat him. He is DUMBFOUNDED LOL. He might even get a little pouty, you’ll just giggle and peck him on the lips and remind him to not be such a sore loser LOL.
He’s secretly super cuddly and will cuddle up with you in bed after a long day of babysitting his brothers lol. I can see him being passed out on your chest while you’re gingerly playing with his hair. Slowly lulling the most feared demon to sleep. Sure he’s the most powerful and dangerous demon, but in moments like this is when you fall in love with Lucifer even more~.
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bongboyblog · 2 years
International Mother Language Day:History and Significance
For the people of Bengal as well as language advocates and linguists worldwide, International Mother Language Day is a day of enormous importance. Every year on February 21st, the day is commemorated to encourage multilingualism and linguistic diversity, as well as to remember the sacrifices made by language activists in Bangladesh during the Bengali Language Movement.
In the early 1950s, a political and social movement called the Bengali Language Movement emerged in East Pakistan (modern-day Bangladesh). It was a demonstration against Pakistan’s 1948 declaration of Urdu as its sole national language. The majority of East Pakistanis who spoke Bengali believed that the action was discriminatory and infringed their rights to their language and culture. They pushed for the inclusion of Bengali as one of Pakistan’s official languages.
The demonstrations started on February 21, 1952, when Dhaka University students and members of the general public demanded that Bengali be granted the same status as Urdu. In a violent response, the police opened fire on the demonstrators, killing several of them. In East Pakistan, the incident provoked a wave of protests and turmoil.
Together with language, cultural identity, and political independence were also important aspects of the Bengali Language Movement. Intellectuals, students, and political figures led the campaign, seeing language as a means of asserting their rights and seeking a greater say in the affairs of the country. Bengali was eventually recognised as one of Pakistan’s official languages in 1956 as a result of the struggle.
International Mother Language Day, which was established by the UN in 1999, honours the history of the Bengali Language Movement and the sacrifices made by its participants. The purpose of the day is to encourage linguistic and cultural diversity and to increase awareness of the value of mother tongues for social cohesion, education, and communication.
International Mother Language Day is a day of cultural celebration and national pride for the people of Bangladesh. Cultural activities, processions, and the laying of wreaths at the Shaheed Minar (Martyr’s Monument), which was erected in Dhaka in honour of the language martyrs who died on February 21, 1952, commemorate the day. The structure serves as a reminder of the significance of Bengali to Bangladeshis.
The Bengali language is an integral part of the cultural heritage of Bangladesh, as well as of the Indian subcontinent. With more than 250 million speakers, it is the sixth most widely spoken language in the world. Some of the greatest works of literature, poetry, and music in the area were written in Bengali, a language with a long literary history that dates back to the ninth century.
The language of Bengali has also changed over time as a result of the shifting demands and aspirations of its speakers. Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, English, and other Indian subcontinental languages have all had an impact on it. This has given the language a distinctive grammar and syntax, as well as a rich and varied vocabulary.
In conclusion, International Mother Language Day is an important day for language advocates and linguists around the world, as well as for the people of Bangladesh. This day honours the diversity of languages and cultures and the sacrifices made by the Bangladeshi language martyrs. Bengali language activists and those who support linguistic diversity continue to be inspired by the Bengali Language Movement, which was a pivotal time in the history of the Indian subcontinent.
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toubledrouble · 1 year
Since you guys seem to like my chem teacher, I might just introduce the other teachers too
Strict but also not
Tells us innapropriate jokes
Hangs candy on a tree that's hanging over her fence so kids passing by can take it
Has been present at the centre of Velvet revolution while pregnant. This woman was growing a new human inside of her body and still wanted to be present at the square when Gott and Kryl sang the national anthem
Was interested in a book I brought to class one day so much that she wanted to borrow it
Loves Dead poets society
Literally a manager of an orchestra
Lets us eat during class
Has a resignation letter thing ready at all times in case she just decides to quit, she's prepared for anything
She can be absolutely terrifying but she's also an absolute sweetheart and she teaches so well
When Adam tagged her (as in "tag you're it") she laughed and then ran up to me and tagged me
Disappointed by the lack of knowledge about culture we have
Honestly she's an icon idk what to tell you
Cool teaching methods
Probably will yell at you when you say something stupid but she's actually calm and that yelling somehow works to fix your stupidity? It's magic or something
Told us how many marks we need for her to be able to give us the final mark and let us just chill when we had them, no more tests
She just knows so much stuff
Her son is a doctor, ex army doctor I think? She must have passed the cool smart genes to her kids
Apparently one time I gave her some work of mine to read and then forgot it but she remembers? I'm so afraid what kind of cringe that must have been
Doesn't call me just by my name but by a sort of nickname (literally not even my own mom uses the affectionate version of my name)
Promised to give me a chocolate after partaking in the czech olympics regionals
Literally more proud of me than my family haha
Also teaches German. But speaks even Russian and I think French? And a bit of Latin. And obvi English.
Travelled a lot in her youth, it seems?
Keeps calling herself a grandma xd
Has absolutely stellar hearing and idk how she does that
She's an lgbt ally, yay!
Also wants equal marriage if she can be in a registered partnership (because she doesn't want to get married, she considers it long, boring and unnecessary at her age. And she doesn't need the benefits that marriage has)
Once described types of men using trees... It was a very interesting conversation
Accepted the fact that instead of a summary of one book I wrote about how it represents a metaphor for something because I misunderstood the wording of the assignment. She didn't let it slide with one other guy because he literally wrote the thing that showed up when you searched it up on Google but she let me and my explanation of three different ways the metaphor can work live and honestly I love her for that
Sometimes makes German grammar references in class and makes the russian-taking group confused
Tells us fun facts about the works we talk about in literature
Always says everything how it is
Will call you an idiot (affectionate)
Plays the guitar - both electric and acoustic
Was at a Pink Floyd concert recently
Has a motorcycle
And a cool aviator-like leather jacket (refuses to tell us where he got it, it's top secret)
For some reason is dating our bio teacher and we kind of pity him because at least to us she's mostly a bitch lmao
Tells bad jokes and worse stories (but we love it)
Tells us random innapropriate historical facts (apparently Napoleon didn't last long in bed and idk why he knows that)
Or says something about his past career or family history (randomly drops in how his ancestor had to ski back from Italy after ww1 or something about a client whose family tree he made)
Loves romanticism era literature
Goes fishing
One time he told me I look like I'm going to die (I'm very pale and it was summer)
Used to be my English teacher and it was amazing, we we wrote a postcard from a vacation to our principal and he made a rude comment about him and then quickly told us not to write that
Laughs whenever I have to go to the student council meeting because we both know something about toilets is going to be said
Had me read in the school announcement thing because he remembered that I was in poetry reciting competitions
Also made me start the teacher's day with greeting them as colleagues and then saying "this is prof. *his name* but 20 years younger with a soft, velvety voice"
Actually made me read a second thing there recently because he thinks I have a nice voice
My father figure lmao
We had a totally peaceful discussion about ancient and modern history and which one is better (it's ancient history and I will die on this hill)
Took selfies with us on a trip
Complains about how "see? If they paid attention in their history class, they would see where it was going and this whole thing could be prevented"
When he decided to make me suffer and ask me questions in front of the board (verbal exam) he asked stupidly formulated questions so I gave him just as dumb answers ("and what are these men in the photo doing?" "standing in front of a vagon" *shocked laughter* "I mean, yes, but I meant what are their jobs or... You know" "well you didn't say that" "that's valid")
Makes fun reanactments of situations he's explaining (that could be colonising, class enemies, literally whatever) and it's so fun
But also likes to make me suffer. Literally touched a pen during class? Amazing tell me everything you know about the current situation of native Americans in America (we were talking about the American revolution and this was kind of off topic but I can't really complain because I knew anyways).
Knew I love Joan of Arc, had an assignment about her ready and it was a free topic that he didn't assign to anybody, still decided to make me write my assignment on the structure of society in the middle ages (which you have literally not even one slide of info about because it just isn't that complicated unless you want to go into unnecessary detail which he hates so I was forced into writing a slide about my opinion comparing the society in the middle ages with the current one)
Just enjoys giving me harder assignment with a smirk that makes me want to punch him so bad (still adore him tho)
After I tagged him at lunch (literally ran past him, punched him arm as I was in full speed sprint and yelled "you're it!" in the full dining hall), he called me and my friend (they were filming it) into his office and then turned to one of my friends, tapped her shoulder with one finger and said "you're it." and we honestly lost it
One time accidentally said the Romans had rectangular squares (instead of shields) and I had a fit of laugher and he attempted to send me to the hall to calm down but when I got up to go I literally collapsed on the floor in a stronger fit of laughter and he started laughing at me
Loves to recommend historical movies. Or criticise them, for that matter.
Shittalked one Marie Terezie series with me
Has extremely cool hair
We actually made a meme about him being the hottest teacher and I really hope he has seen it. I might print it and give it to him at the end of the year, who knows
One time during a gingerbread thing I will describe somewhere a bit lower, I needed to make a good symmetrical cross (+) but screwed up so I just turned it into The sword in the stone and joked about giving it to him. Our main teacher actually did give it to him and he thanked me in the hall and I was so confused because I had no idea
One time I accidentally sent him a meme instead of an assignment. A Henry VIII meme. A really bad one.
One time I sent him a meme on purpose, tho. One about Romulus and Remus. He asked me about it and then told me he will be looking forward to receiving more memes in the future
GEO/BIO (aka our main teacher)
Makes tremendous exams even worse by forcing you to recognise pictures of the stuff. Cultural heritage places, trees that look literally the same, freaking moss that you can't tell apart let alone based on a projected photo...
Made us do damn maps of every continent. But at least three for each - river systems, terrain, and then possibly just classic geography. Also made us remember the capitals of every single European state which made me want to stab her because despite being slavic i keep switching some of the balkan countries
Lab work. Just. Lab work is pain.
You know about these weirs streams where it's just someone peeling an egg? Yeah she made us go that during our lab work
Also forced me to go to the bio olympics and j hate her for that because I don't even like biology
Literally makes me and my friend aka the responsible ones do so much stuff that we have basically no free time so she can kiss my ass
I hate her sm
Complains about being overworked, proceeds to dump half her work on teenagers
She sucks most of the time
Only nice to our medic group
Like. She buys us food after competitions
That doesn't change the fact that she's evil and overworks me constantly. One time I screwed my shoulder up after a full day of running around and running errands and carrying stuff and running upstairs with it and-- yeah I was in pain so I don't like her
Actually made us spend part of our Christmas break in the school kitchens baking and decorating gingerbread and doing other arts and crafts for some charity thing. I love charity events but once again I was sick and tired and had no free time
Makes our medic club do a thing where we explain first aid to kids. This includes minimum time to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. One time I got a fever and still had to stay there. When I finally got home, I passed out haha. Spent the next two weeks in agonising muscle pain with a cold and a fever. Once again I refuse to forgive her for making me stay there.
Kind of a pedo if I'm being honest
Somehow always manages to mess up whatever he's explaining and teach us wrong information
Tests basically each class
Sometimes can be convinced to play physics themed Kahoot
Old man
Just... So weird and random
Muted the whole class on zoom during quarantine and then complained that noone responded (we were texting in the chat but he ignored that)
So many weird zoom stories
Has that shirt + beige pants fit
Does so much weird stuff that he refuses to explain because "that's between heaven and earth"
Please just elaborate for once
Exams fron things he never even talked about because why not
Sometimes tells us what nails she is planning to get
Always get the worst bowl/helmet cut and then when it finally grows out a bit she does it again. My heart weeps.
Once made someone cry during geometry??
Threw someone's pen from the window
Threatens to throw more stuff
Honestly so done with us sometimes
Rocks red and black fits most of the time
Wear a light scarf sometimes because it's cold
Keeps saying it's trivial (it either isn't or we're just stupid, jury's still out)
Wears heels all basically all the time
Probably so done with me because I just can't count haha
Loves us but sometimes we piss her off
Sometimes we just have gossip session about our main teacher because she dislikes her as well
Complains about the specific blue chairs we have and use sometimes and she's so real for that
Somehow made us watch psychological horror movie based on a fairytale (probably of German origin like the most of them) instead of... Idk. Something related to the class.
Going out consists of walking to a nearby pub/restaurant and sitting in the garden area
Or the basketball court thing
Thinks he is a local celebrity (he's not exactly correct)
The sweetest
Made us a traditional Ukrainian Christmas dish
Me and my friend made her a list of classic Czech movies we reccomend
Always says "girls, why are you so late?" when you come in not even a minute after the bell rings
Thought I'm from a bilingual family lol
Sometimes we discuss and compare Czech and Ukrainian traditions in English
Confusing pronunciation
One time she said the name Shakespeare in such a funny way but she's sweet so we don't want to tell her
Watched the new Puss in Boots movie with us in class, told us we can bring snacks
A lesbian
Has asthma
Loves art and art history
Seriously she's like me from another universe
Plays audiobooks during art class
Grades mostly based of effort
Made big canvas paintings with us and then decorated the school with them and that was something new and revolutionary
She's cool, I like her
Used to be an equestrian, apparently?
Makes art history quizzes on her insta stories
So many boob flower pots and sketches of women... I love it xd
Oh yeah she also does ceramics and makes cups and flower pots and stuff
Sweetheart as well
Used to be my English teacher before we switched groups
So done with pur group sometimes
Very excited to teach us the longest or funniest words like достопримечательности
One time she watched Masha and the bear with us during class
And Jen Počkej Zajíci (Ну погоди) even tho it's basically the same in all languages since there's minimum speaking
Also made us recite a poem about lunch during the week and I still remember it after rlike three years and I hate that
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spicykaraage · 10 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Tsukimitsu Ochi
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Birthday: August 15th (Leo)
Blood Type: A
Relatives: Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother, Cat
Father’s Occupation: University Professor
Middle School: Hyotei Academy Junior High School (graduate)
High School: Hyotei Academy High School
Grade: Third Year
Committee: Library Committee
Strong Subjects: Modern Literature, English Grammar
Weak Subjects: Biology
U-17 Training Camp Position & Rank: First String | No.9
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives
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Favorite Motto: “Succeeding with the sun, progressing with the moon.”
Hobbies: Go, bonsai [TP]
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Book: Howling at the Moon by Sakutaro Hagiwara
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Favorite Food: Water, sarashina soba
Favorite Anniversary: February 22nd (National Cat Day)
Preferred Type: A girl who doesn’t mind silence
Ideal Date Spot: Eating bento while forest bathing
His Gift for a Special Person: “Words that will express my gratitude.”
Where He Wants to Travel: Malta
What He Wants Most Right Now: A soba-making set ➜ Famous drinking water from across Japan [23.5]
Dislikes: Dogs, smiling ➜ Dogs running away from him, having to smile [TP]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Taking walks (long distance [23.5]), can tame wild animals [TP]
Routine During the World Cup: Practicing smiling
Height: 226cm
Weight: 103kg
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 0.8 Left & Right
Play Style: Counter Puncher
Signature Moves: Mach Serve
Favorite Brands:
Racket: Babolat AEROPRO LITE
Overall Rating: Speed: 6 / Power: 4 / Stamina: 4 / Mental: 7 / Technique: 4 / Total: 25
Kurobe Memo: “With his 100% accuracy serve, he has the markings of an excellent singles tennis player. However, in the match against Niou and Atobe, he showed unwavering will power. He may be a little lonely as his gaze tends to keep even animals away.”
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He attended Hyotei Academy Junior High and was captain of the tennis club
He contemplates on changing the color of his highlights
People are often frightened by him due to his height and long bangs
He takes meticulous care of his racquet
He was drawn in the image of a samurai
He was randomly paired with Mouri by the coaches
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
What’s in His Travel Bag: Graduation gifts from middle school // Cat souvenirs. Given to him from the student with red highlights (Kazuki Yuuki)
He gets cold easily. When he goes to bed, his arms and legs stick out from his futon, and he is always concerned about getting cold. He keeps his jacket zipped all the way up because of it
He and Oishi are Konomi’s favorite high school-middle school pair
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
He and Mouri are nicknamed the “Twin Towers”
His ideal relationship is a quiet one, where he and his partner take things slow
His cat has white fur with blue highlights. He decided to match his hair with them when he entered middle school
He is very popular at his school. Other students have put highlights in their hair because of him
The Prince of Tennis II Hyotei Academy Junior High School Tennis Club Guide: “CALL” | Publication Date: 04/02/2021
During his middle school days, he was an undefeated singles player
Konomi describes him as a “modest man”
One of His Off Days at the Training Camp:
5:30am - Wakes up, has breakfast (just soup)
6:00am - Goes on a walk, finds rare birds
7:30am - Plays a game of Go with Yanagi
9:00am - Attends a meeting with the other First Stringers (several people are absent)
11:30am - Lunch (interested in having tororo soba with Omagari)
1:00pm - Watches the middle schoolers practice their serves
2:30pm - Reads at the library, finds Mouri sleeping beside him out of nowhere
5:00pm - Takes another walk, finds someone’s hat and returns it to them
6:00pm - Dinner, gets mixed up in a fish vs. meat debate but is not interested
8:00pm - Voluntary training, then bathes
10:30pm - Gazes at the moon which boosts his spirit, listens to the playing of a saxophone
11:00pm - Warms his body, then goes to bed
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