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"We The People"
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blahblahblaw18 · 2 years
Grammar of Anarchy in Modern India
“...it is quite possible in a country like India – where democracy from its long disuse must be regarded as something quite new – there is danger of democracy giving place to dictatorship. It is quite possible for this newborn democracy to retain its form but give place to dictatorship in fact.” These lines are excerpted from Dr Ambedkar’s famous speech “The Grammar of Anarchy”, delivered on November 25th 1949, the eve of the adoption of the Indian Constitution. In this address, Babasaheb defined the difference between a real democracy and a facile one and laid down certain principles that he expected the future generations to adhere to, if they wished for the Indian constitutional democracy to coincide in form and in fact.
It was indeed amid much pomp and publicity that in 2015, the 125th birth anniversary of Dr Ambedkar, the current government decided to attest the tag of National Constitution Day to November 26th. It was just one of the many ways in which governments, over the years, have tried to appropriate the idea of Ambedkar for their vested interests without giving any thought to his ideals. Seen in this context, it becomes important to analyse whether today’s democratic India has lived up to the expectations of the architect of its constitution.
The first principle that Ambedkar mentioned in his speech was that in a real democracy, progress should be brought about only through constitutional methods. He sought an end to methods of Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience which, unless restricted, could paralyze development and saw protests as a symbol of facile democracies. Today’s India is far from realising that goal. We are a country that protests at the drop of a hat. However, more often than not, these protests, far from stifling development, have been used to coerce those in power to take the right step. Be it the 2011 anti-corruption dharnas pushing for passage of appropriate legislations or the CAA-NRC protests or the more recent anti-farm law sit-ins appealing for retraction of unpopular legislations, agitations against the ruling dispensations have been the guiding light of our democracy, seeking adherence to the constitution. So does this mean Ambedkar was wrong in his assessment of protests? No. In his speech, Babasaheb, while advocating for an end to unconstitutional protests, specifically spelled out that when there is no possibility of achieving change through constitutional means, resorting to unconstitutional methods was the only way forward. When constitutionally elected governments show apathy towards the needs or worse, go against the wishes of the very people who put them in power and constitutionally established courts and politically established opposition also leave people in the lurch, the only recourse left for the people is to mobilise and swerve those in power in the right direction. Thus, the very fact that today mass mobilisations and protests are needed to exhort governments to do what they’re elected to do, points towards the disuse and misuse of constitutional machinery.
His second prescription of eschewing the deification of leaders, is perhaps also the most pertinent advice in contemporary times. Today we have downgraded ourselves into a nation of hero-worshipping fanatics, divinizing our political leaders to the point where we fail to accept that they can ever err and ignore them when they actually do so. Living in times when being anti-Modi is routinely equated to being anti-India, Babasaheb’s warning that in politics Bhakti is a sure road to eventual dictatorship rings truer than ever.
Finally, Ambedkar in his speech, recommends us to evolve into a social democracy i.e., we mustn’t be content with the mere political sanction of liberty, equality and fraternity, but should strive to make these ideals, a way of life. Acknowledging the chasm between ‘constitutional guarantees’ and ‘social realities’, Babasaheb had famously remarked that India would, on January 26th 1950, enter into a life of contradictions where political equality would stand in contrast with socioeconomic inequalities. In calling for a social democracy, it was this gap that he sought to bridge. However, it is the sad reality of our times that, even in this aspect we have failed him. 70 more 26th Januarys have passed since that observation was made and still, we find ourselves stuck in the same quagmire. Obdurate lines of caste, class and religious inequalities have been redrawn by politically motivated leaders who find benefit in refusing to let these lines fade; Sectarian affiliations continue to override national unity, crumpling up the ideal of fraternity. And liberty, attacked by both state and non-state actors, has become a mere chimaera.
Thus, our country’s current socio-political standing is far from what the creator of our constitution had hoped it would be. It’s indeed impossible for a country as vast and diverse as ours to embody an ideal democracy, but that shouldn’t mean that we retrograde into becoming a facile democracy. Superficially celebrating the Constitution Day or Mahaparinirvan Diwas will only amount to lip service unless we reinstate adherence to these principles which add life into the soul of India’s democracy, principles prescribed by the father of the constitution himself and principles which will otherwise end up being mere quixotic embellishments for a bleak reality.
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a lot of my frustration in the US government comes from the fact that I've grown up learning this
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." - the Preamble of the Constitution
in which the government promises me and EVERYONE else in the US that they will do their best to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity"
and yet the gov has ONLY succeeded in providing for the common defense and even then there's an argument to be had that they don't since they only provide for the defense of the rich because the cops do fuck all for majority of the population.
Based on this preamble, you'd assume that it would be in our best interest to have universal healthcare, and to actively prevent poverty as much as possible, and to actually do things to help prevent hunger, and to overturn our justice system making sure it's actually effective for everyone, and to be sustainable because posterity means for future generations.
We can't possibly expect to just be given the necessities for life, actual justice, and any effort to achieve actual freedom in the country that has been promising us that since the very beginning.
Why would you ever expect any of these things, that's just silly.
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seosanskritiias · 15 days
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rightnewshindi · 2 months
NCERT की पाठ्यपुस्तकों से नहीं हटाई जाएगी संविधान की प्रस्तावना; धर्मेंद्र प्रधान
NCERT Books News: एनसीईआरटी की किताबों से संविधान की प्रस्तावना को हटाने के आरोपों पर मंगलवार को केंद्रीय शिक्षा मंत्री धर्मेंद्र प्रधान जवाब दिया है। उन्होंने इस आरोप को पूरी तरह निराधार बताया है कि प्रस्तावना को एनसीईआरटी की पाठ्यपुस्तकों से हटा दिया गया है। उन्होंने कहा है कि कांग्रेस शिक्षा जैसे विषय को भी अपनी झूठ की राजनीति के लिये इस्तेमाल करती है और इसके लिये बच्चों का सहारा लेती है, यह…
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funkyfreshray · 2 months
Biden accomplished, and his party will continue to, but why???
My problem is, why does his own party have to make it public regarding their thoughts and feelings of having him step down as the candidate for the Democratic party? Are they more concerned about winning and losing than proving that this party can continue to succeed and support as many people as they can, such as mid to lower class workers?? It really isn't about the president alone. It's also about his or her administration. Those conversations need to be had behind closed doors. Not make us look like we can't accept our own POTUS, who, by the way, has done an amazing job so far. What needs to be shared are the plans and ideas of continuing to help continue the success of this country. I'm sorry, Trumplicans, but America was never great. Maybe tried to be great but the people here weren't helping. You can ask Native Americans, African Americans, or anyone that was considered a minority here, yet we are supposed to be the country for the people, of the people, and by the people.
Facts, facts, facts
Numbers speak for themselves, not lies or word of mouth. Message for Democrats, Republicans, the government, Congress, etc. Own what you right and what you wrong. Stop lying to us and convincing us it's the other side's fault. If anything, it's our fault for not trusting but verifying what is said or who is accused of certain things. If Congress or the government is on top of this country, of course, the citizens are going to depend on you to tell us the truth and not convince us otherwise and definitely not talk negatively about others unless they provide proof and gets verified that what is being shared with us through social media or through speech, is true. You're the ones working to make this country better, yet it seems like you're helping make it worse. Any debate should include someone fact-checking whatever is shared by whoever is debating. Facts are important to be proven as well as lies corrected.
Religion and government
Allowing division, hate, lies, and mixing religion in with government doesn't go well. Whether it's one party or not, religion does not run this country. We the People do. Religion is something we as people follow and support in the privacy of our own home or church. Why are we depending on the Bible to allow us to share hate and lies and misconduct? Yet there are a lot of people judging others because of their culture or religion. What if Christians were mocked and made fun of or judged because of the actions of Trump followers and mostly calling their religion to support him. I can only hope that human rights are not being confused as religious rights according to the Bible. Yet we have a candidate saying he's not Christian but supports them and says if you vote for him, you won't have to vote anymore after 4 years. Do people not see what he is saying with that?
The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independance, Preamble, Amendmants to the Constitution, were written by the people of the United States and agreed upon the people of the United States. I thought love thy neighbor was a message to be shared with all. I thought the "Ten Commandments" describes what is right and wrong. I'm not trying to combine the two, but it seems that people will interpret anything to what's convenient to them. We, as adults, are not uneducated children being raised in the dark. We have common sense and common knowledge of what is wrong or right. It may not be the same for everyone, but no one deserves insults or abuse verbally or physically, even mentally and emotionally. I guess we can make a case for those who intentionally hurt others verbally and physically and are deserving of it, but no one is the law or above it.
People put a government and laws in place to help us follow right vs. wrong. That may be different for everyone, but again, we have common sense, and we shouldn't include religion in law making decisions. When it comes to the government and laws of the people by the people and for the people, it doesn't involve religion and its laws. There are many religions that are followed and practiced here. Each religion is right to them. It may sound unfortunate, but it is the truth. It's not for me to convince you of what religion anyone should follow. You want to be American, follow the laws of America. You want to run for president or any other seat available, do use religion to convince people or to be convinced.
Success is not measured by one specific quality.
President Biden is able to run this country. He knows the difference between right and wrong. Yes, his speaking may be off, or his age is a concern, but he's gotten stuff done regardless. The ones who don't know the difference between right and wrong are the people because of all the lies and misinformation out there plus the fact that people don't believe in reading to know what the facts are. They listen to what social media has to say without evidence or what who they support, which says without evidence. Democrats just embarrassed themselves in front of our country, making it public that they don't back the president that has done such good in the short time he's been president. A lot more than Trump did in his 4 years full of insults and complaining and not letting go of conspiracies even after he lost in 2020 til this day, even during his presidency between 2016 and 2020.
Alot of people want to sit here and focus on Bidens faults with speaking and age and just ignore what he's done for all of us in this country and ignore the exaggerating, untrue, violent comments as well as lack of knowing how to speak with truth. A lot of it is the opposing party trying to convince you. Not with facts, but with disrespect and insults, even lies. Biden has proven himself with what he's passed in his term and how it has affected the majority of this country. Not hurt us or turn us against each other. Is that what Republicans wants for the U.S.? To turn us against each other and push buttons to the point that It will cause reactions of violence and give reasons that prove we can't handle the back and forth when one side is pushing and causes reaction from the other?
Biden is one that has been theough a lot of loss in his life and he sits there to help improve our way of living and to help find a way to rid what holds us down. The immigration has been an issue since I could remember. No one is able to come up with a solution. Why do Republicans want to blame it on Biden? Our infrastructure. Biden is doing something about it. Why is that not recognized by Republicans. The economy is heading back up in the right direction. Why doesn't Republicans notice that instead of making false statements for their supporters to believe?
It's up to the people
We are the ones who can make a difference with compassion and acceptance of "We the People" in the U.S. of A!! Not the D.S. of A!! (Divided States of America). I have to sit here and remind people this country became because of the involvement of other cultures. The British, even though we had to start an American Revolution because of them, they did play a part yet Americans treated Native Americans, African Americans, Mexicans worse than they were being treated by the British before the American Revolution. I guess the action was based on greed and not the people? We need to set the example for this country because this country is about its people. Yes, there are some who have other intentions or reasons when it comes to committing crimes or acting out negatively, but that is true for all people here. Whether immigrant or citizen, it makes them no different than the actual criminal when it comes to certain behaviors. We have family and friends that don't agree with what we feel or think. Would you sit there and tell everybody how dump or stupid they are because they agree with your views? Of course not. I'm sure you will either find a way to agree to disagree or come up with a plan where both of you can feel comfortable with each other. Would you wish arm or cause harm or hurt on them? They can't compare to the public or strangers but they are people as well as your family and friends.
Our History
A lot of land here was owned by Spain, Mexico, and Native Americans. I know of a few areas owned by other countries such as Texas, was property of Mexico, Florida was property of Spain, and I'm sure everyone knows by now that the United States was originally inhabited by American Indians. Those are just some examples. The end result of the American Revolution ended up in continuing of slavery and continuing to push Native Americans aside, yet we fought a revolution in response to needing our rights. Or was "our" meant to be for white America. Not according to Lincoln and the then Democratic Republican party before he was assassinated and had a bill in place to pass, giving African Americans the right to be citizens if they were born here and free from slavery. Enough of a history lesson, but I'm starting to wonder why Republicans today want to control what's taught in school. Again, it's word of mouth, but it makes me think of the intentions behind the action that I shared with you here.
There's a saying that reads, "actions speak louder than words." That is very true. But do you know what speaks louder than our actions or words? Our intentions. Unfortunately, we never know what one's true intentions are, and the only one who knows is the person acting or speaking. It is difficult to trust anyone, but we all have common sense and pay attention to one's words and actions. However, the message is being provided and ask the questions that will help you understand the why behind the words being shared as well as the action. Native Americans, African Americans, Mexico, Spaniards, as well as other allies played a part in building this country into what we are supposed to be based on the people and the suffering we were and still are faced with. That includes everyone. Minority or not. HATE AND VIOLENCE AS WELL AS INSULTS ARE NO REMEDY OR SOLUTION FOR ANYTHING ANYONE DOES NOT AGREE WITH!! It's almost like if Trump jumps off Trump Towers, his followers would do the same.
Is it a cult?
I don't get it. How can they not see the evil he is behind? Because it's a cult, and cults follow their leaders no matter how nasty he can be. For all the Trump supporters, look up cult leaders and what they made their followers do. It's the same situation here. Convince their followers what they are doing wrong, is the right thing because of a religion or reading in a bible that gets read and interpreted otherwise and misleads their followers into doing wrong towards others. Based on their interpretation of whatever religion and combining it with their mental breakdown or hate, it's easy to convince people of wrongdoing because, for some reason, that's what gets our attention. When someone running for president just goes up during a debate to insult his opponent and not discuss the economy and any solutions he will provide in his or her term if elected, what purpose do they have debating? That's all he did was repeat the same garbage he talks about regarding Biden and democrats. Is that what democrats need to do? Go up and insult or show hate towards Republicans? No, they are people too. But one side wants to try to declare civil war on our country and for what? Because they want the republican party to win the presidency?? It's not all Republicans though. It's the M.A.G.A. Trymp supporters. You are the ones causing the violence and uproar within our own country. You're not helping your parties image. No one can make everyone happy. If we work together, we can help unite and resolve our problems. We have other leaders or positions of power that can help us locally, and it isn't all on the president. Mayor's, governors, Police cheifs, etc. The factor is we, and they all have to be honest and not favor one side or the other.
Media, whether social or news
I don't understand why news media and how they report news or deliver the news in a way that gets us to worry. It's almost as if they question it even though they were the main ones question, for example, the president's ability to continue running as president with another term. The main ones causing the questions become the main ones to ask the wrong questions instead of trying to realize this was a decision made by the president. What we think is not the truth of whether or not it's the right decision. Wait until you speak with the White House or Biden's administration. Your job is to provide us the news and give us updates, but don't spin it into something that's not. Bidens' decision to drop out of the candidacy his one that we will eventually find out from him or his administration as to why. It's not for the media to scare us into worry or doubt, regardless of what the public has been sharing amongst each other or on social media. Speaking of social media. It's an easy platform to turn truth onto lies or just make up stories for the vulnerable to believe and cause confusion amongst ourselves.
I remember growing up and my parents telling me, "one thing you never do is talk politics or share what party you support." I see why now because it's a topic no one can convince anyone to support either side by discussion. We all have to experience the failures ourselves and the successes and decide for ourselves. It causes enemies within family and friends. We are also the ones causing friction amongst ourselves because we want to feel one side is wrong and the other is right. It's neither. Let them prove themselves through their words and their actions, truth and lies, proof and deception. We are all not helping ourselves. We have something called fact-checking. All of these social media apps should have some type of fact checking and the news needs to stop trying to focus on ratings and start focus on helping to keep us calm and collected until we hear from "the horses mouth" as they say, to find out what's going on instead of causing over reaction or anxiety.
Don't let lies, manipulation, or word of mouth convince you of anything. We all have ways to find out the truth behind everything. Is it easier to believe what someone you look up to or trust says? It doesn't mean you can't trust but verify. There's technological advancement out now that can also manipulate us like A.I., which is something Elon Musk used on his app to try to mislead people about VP Harris using A.I.
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kiwitropique · 3 months
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Kiwi Tropique on Pinterest | ᖴᖇEEᗪOᗰ Iᑎ ᗩᗰEᖇIᑕᗩ: Declaration of Independence (1776)
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sharkspez · 3 months
Tumblr Biography: Napoleon 🇫🇷
With plans to retain their 👑 topmost position in the 🏛️ government, Napoleon and Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès formed a 📜 new constitution. But would their ⚡ ambitions be enough to 🔒 secure their power❓
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letsdiskuss24 · 4 months
Letsdiskuss:- How many articles are there in indian constitution?
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The closing law of India is the Constitution, which went into force on January 26, 1950. Drafted with the aid of the Constituent Assembly, it outlines the essential rights, guiding concepts, and responsibilities of individuals as well as the framework defining primary political standards and governing establishments' shape, operations, and features. The Indian Constitution, which is the longest in the international, was drafted with 395 articles divided into 22 sections and 8 schedules. The maximum latest modification substantially increased the scope of the Constitution. Read more on Letsdikuss.com
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lonomy · 4 months
Preamble beat no the week - beat no.7 - "Masked"
Listen now on Spotify, Apple Music and Bandcamp!
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lonomy; Guest on Nukunu Country. Neurodivergent TTRPG nerd.
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legalpulseblog29 · 6 months
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nocternalrandomness · 7 months
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Artwork by Roberto Montalvo
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shamballalin · 6 months
What Does ANTIFA Mean? Why Should We Care?
This is what the United States really looks like, United Humanity, not only white Americans. “ANTIFA” is a philosophy, not a group of people. It means “Anti Fascist.” What does is mean to be a Fascist? Fascism means: a form of extreme-right authoritarianism ultra nationalism characterized by dictatorial power forceable suppression of opposition strong regimentation of society and the…
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hillpoet-blog-blog · 8 months
Thar She Blows!
Letter to the Editor. 2 February 24. Dear Editor, The Saturday paper listed The Wager as the current #1 non-fiction bestseller non-fiction bestseller, and I’m enjoying the true story, a frightening account of life at sea in the 1700s.  Ironically, it mirrors current U.S. politics. Each sailor crewing an English man-of-war had a purpose; if that purpose went unfulfilled, people died. To become a…
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curtwilde · 8 months
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The Preamble of the Constitution of India. India is still a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic repulic (even though right-wing brainrots are big mad about it)
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bmsmith1176 · 10 months
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