#National Salad Day
rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Salad Day
Hey there, salad enthusiasts! Get ready to celebrate National Salad Day, a day dedicated to our leafy green friends and their fellow vegetable companions. Get your forks ready and prepare to dive into some delicious, healthy, and colorful creations. This national day is all about celebrating the wonders of salads and encouraging everyone to incorporate more greens into their diets. So, let's explore the history and delights of National Salad Day!
When is Salad Day?
It's national salad day on the 1st May.
The Birth of National Salad Day
While salads have been around for centuries, National Salad Day is a relatively new addition to the calendar. It started gaining popularity in recent years as people became more conscious of their health and nutrition. The origins of this day are closely tied to the rise of social media and food blogging. Influencers and health-conscious individuals shared their love for salads online, inspiring a wave of salad enthusiasts.
On May 1st, 2015, the internet exploded with mentions of National Salad Day. It became an annual celebration, bringing people together to appreciate the wonders of fresh veggies and creative combinations. From tangy dressings to crunchy toppings, it's a day to experiment and create salads that satisfy both your taste buds and your nutrition goals.
Salads Around the World
Salads come in countless varieties, each reflecting the unique culinary traditions of different cultures. Let's take a whirlwind tour around the world to explore some famous salads:
Greek Salad: A refreshing mix of tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, feta cheese, and olives.
Caesar Salad: A classic made with romaine lettuce, croutons, Parmesan cheese, and a creamy dressing.
Cobb Salad: A hearty salad with a bed of lettuce topped with avocado, bacon, chicken, hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes, and blue cheese. It's a meal in itself!
Caprese Salad: A simple and elegant combination of fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil, drizzled with olive oil.
Tabbouleh: A Middle Eastern salad made with parsley, bulgur wheat, tomatoes, and a lemony dressing.
How to Celebrate National Salad Day
Now that you know the history and some famous salad recipes, it's time to celebrate National Salad Day in style. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Organize a salad potluck with friends and family. Each person can bring a unique salad creation to share.
Try out a new salad recipe you've never made before. Challenge yourself to experiment with different ingredients and flavors.
Visit a local farmer's market and stock up on fresh produce for your salads. Supporting local farmers is always a good idea!
Share your favorite salad recipe on social media using the hashtag #NationalSaladDay. Spread the salad love!
Did You Know?
Did you know that the largest salad ever made weighed a whopping 20,100 pounds? It was created in Romania in 2012 and included a mix of lettuce, cabbage, carrots, peppers, and onions. That's one gigantic and healthy serving!
History behind the term 'Salad'
500 BC
The Birth of Salads
Salads have been enjoyed for centuries. The ancient Greeks and Romans were known to eat mixed greens with dressing as a way to cleanse their digestive systems. They believed that the combination of raw vegetables and herbs had medicinal properties.
17th Century
Salad as a Symbol of Wealth
In the 17th century, salads became associated with wealth and nobility. It was considered a luxury to have fresh greens and exotic ingredients on one's table. Salads were often served as a grand gesture to impress guests.
The Word 'Salad' Enters English
The word 'salad' entered the English language in 1763, derived from the French word 'salade.' The French had a significant influence on culinary customs during that period, and the term quickly gained popularity in the English-speaking world.
19th Century
Salads Evolve with New Ingredients
During the 19th century, salads started to incorporate a wider variety of ingredients. Fruits, nuts, and mayonnaise-based dressings became popular additions. Salads also became more decorative, with intricate garnishes and arrangements.
20th Century
The Rise of Salad Bars
In the mid-20th century, salad bars gained popularity in restaurants and cafeterias. Salad bars offered a wide selection of fresh ingredients, giving people the freedom to customize their salads. This concept revolutionized the way salads were served.
21st Century
Salads for Health and Green Living
In the 21st century, salads have become synonymous with healthy eating and green living. As more people seek nutritious options and environmental sustainability, salads have become a popular choice. From kale salads to quinoa salads, there are endless variations to suit different tastes and dietary preferences.
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barbieaemond · 8 months
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requested by @hoosbandewan -> Ewan's characters smiling
+ BONUS: unhinged war criminal
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myfandomprompts · 1 month
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acatnamedsalad · 14 days
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Happy donut day!
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thought--bubble · 3 months
Make You Beg
Ettore X Prison Nurse Reader X Will (Salad Days)
Warnings after the cut
Word Count: 2736
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Ettore Masterlist
Will (Salad Days) Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners by @arcielee
Gorgeous Banner inspired by this story made by @vhagar-balerion-meraxes it is so beautiful!
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A/N: Not me writing the filthiest thing I can imagine with two minor characters. This is purely self-indulgent.
Warnings: Ettore is his own warning, mentions of physical violence, blood, Dubcon , biting, scratching, predatory behaviors, hair pulling, mentions of pain, some sub/dom behaviors, degradation, fingering, oral sex male receiving, PinV unprotected, rough sex, deepthroating, crying, humiliation and praising.
"Again?" You sigh as your favorite frequent flyer, Will, shuffles into your exam room with yet another bloody lip and possible broken nose.
"What can I say? I missed ya. " he chuckles as he makes his way to the gurney on the left.
You put your hand up to the guard that brought him as he goes to handcuff him to the gurney.
"That isn't necessary. Will here won't give me any problems" You smile at Will, you have been through this with him many times and have built a friendly rapport. You trust him to behave.
"It isn't you that I'm concerned about" the guard laughs heartily, as another guard walks in with an inmate you haven't seen before.
The inmate has clear injuries to his mouth but would still be lesser priority than Will.
Will rolls his eyes and audibly groans. "This fucking nonce"
The other inmate lunges toward him, the guard grappling him to the floor.
"Cut it out!" The guard yells authoritatively, the inmate on the ground immediately stops struggling, allowing the guard to get him back to his feet.
You shriek as you jump back. "Should we even have them both in here at the same time?"
"They will be fine as long as this one can learn to shut his gob," the guard by Will says as he latches Will's arm to the metal post of the gurney.
You move to the second inmate as he is also latched to his gurney. "Ettore," the guard next to him says. "Watch out with this one he is a....... just watch out"
You look at the two guards with confusion as they move toward the door. "Where are you going?!" Your voice is laced with panic. You have never been left alone with an inmate, let alone two.
"The fight they started devolved. It's all hands on deck. They are hooked tight. You'll be fine. I will come back as soon as possible"
"Surely you are joking?" You whimper slightly as the two guards leave the room, closing the door quietly behind them.
When you turn back around, you see your two patients. Each handcuffed to their gurney. Will looking over at Ettore, hatred etched across his face while Ettore stares directly at you. Tilting his head slightly to the side as his eyes wander up and down your form.
"Right. Ummm, " You nervously wipe your palms on your thighs trying to quell the nausea creeping its way up your throat. "Will seems to have more injuries, so I should tend to him first"
You nervously move toward Will while trying to position your body so that you don't entirely turn your back on Ettore.
"I wouldn't let him hurt ya, ya gotta know tha" Will smiles at you from his place on the gurney, his voice soft and sweet.
"No offense, but you let him hurt you pretty good." You chuckle as you start to dab away the blood on his lower lip with a cotton ball.
"Yeah, well, that's different. Two blokes throwing blows. Not the same thing as an animal like that coming after a lass. " You can hear Ettore grumble from across the room, his handcuffs clacking against the metal bar of the gurney.
"Will," you say warningly "remember, watch your words. I don't want any further trouble with you two."
"You know what he's in here for?" He asks, making your stomach turn. You don't know and don't want to know.
"You're all in here for something, hardly my business, to know what" You finish tending to his lip and start to clean around his eye.
"I robbed a post office. Then beat my best friend half to death over a girl that never even liked me. I'm an idiot. Not an animal. " You stay silent and continue to tend to his wounds. You had always wondered how he found himself in here. He was scrappy, but he was so sweet.
"He is an entirely different beast." He motions toward Ettore, who simply scoffs.
You swallow nervously. Between the comments from the guard, Will's analysis and Ettore's lecherous gaze you had an inkling of what type of "beast" Ettore might be, making the fact that you have to treat him all the more daunting.
"I'm here to heal, not judge. Now sit back. " You push Will back against The gurney by the shoulder so you can inspect his nose further.
"You have such a handsome face. You really should stop getting punched in it. " You move to set his nose, and he grunts.
"Think I'm handsome, do ya? He wiggles his eyebrows at you and smirks.
You blush and pat his shoulder. "Nose should heal up fine."
You turn and walk towards Ettore, your stomach dropping.
"Hello Ettore, let's take a look at that mouth ok?" You take his chin in your hand and angle his face upward and can't help but notice the goosebumps that ripple across his skin at your touch.
Swallowing deeply, you gently ease his mouth open with your thumb and use your little flashlight to peer inside. "Doesn't look like any teeth were knocked loose or anything like that so you should be fine."
You move to leave his bedside, but his hand shoots up and holds your wrist tightly. "Ettore....." You attempt to sound intimidating so you could assert your authority over him.
"Oi!, let her go!" Will yells from the other side of the room, his cuffs jangling wildly against the metal bar of his gurney.
Ettore pulls you down roughly toward his face and sniffs into your hair with deep, long controlled breaths.
You stay very still, your mind telling you to run but unable to respond physically. Frozen in place while Ettore continued to sniff you.
He clamps his hand tighter still on your wrist as he grips the hand cuff with his other hand pulling tightly until the gurney bar snaps out of place.
Your breath hastens as you hear the light jingle of him sliding the handcuff down and off the bar before bringing his newly freed hand to the back of your head gripping your hair tight and pulling your head back.
You can feel the harsh thump of your heart beating in your chest as he drags his nose down the length of your neck, breathing in deeply. You can still faintly hear the sounds of Will struggling against his confinement on the other side of the room as Ettore begins to speak quietly.
"Do I excite you?" He asks as he nips at your neck. You feel a burning heat building in your core. You know you shouldn't. This is a bad man. A man that you should not be anywhere near. Yet you gently nod your head as he smirks at you.
"Hey! Let her alone!" Will desperately attempts to free himself to no avail. The desperation evident in his tone.
Ettore bites into your neck harshly, and you can't help but squeak. "Mmmm," he grumbles into your neck. Shivers of pleasure and fear make their way down your throat and down the length of your spine. He gently licks at the marks he left, the stinging sensation further adding to the heat building in your core.
Will's struggling is echoing throughout the room, and his desperate pleas pull at your heartstrings, seemingly breaking the spell Ettore has cast upon you. You pull yourself away from Ettore and stumble backward a few steps.
Your brain telling you to put as much distance between him and you as possible, your body begging you to return to him.
Ettore looks at you with curiosity and then smirks, swinging his legs over the side of the gurney.
You turn and walk back to Will quickly. "You alright?" He reaches out and gently touches your cheek before turning his head towards Ettore, who is now stalking over to you.
"Let her alone!" Will wraps his free arm around you, clutching you toward his chest. His heart beating loudly against his rib cage. The feeling comforting.
Ettore wraps his arms around your midsection, pulling you towards him while Will swings at him wildly with his free arm.
"I swear I'll kill ya!" He yells, desperately pulling against his restrained wrist.
"She don't want that..... do ya?" Ettore strokes his hand down the side of your body, lightly grazing over every curve and dip, until he reaches the waistband of your scrubs and quickly brings his hand to your heat.
Pleasure shoots straight through your body all the way down to a pleasant tingle in your toes at the touch.
"No," you just barely whisper, leaning your head back against Ettore's shoulder.
Will's mouth drops open in shock. "What?"
He watches as Ettore rubs at your pearl in circles, your head leaning back against his shoulder, your muffled whimpers growing in volume.
A satisfied smirk crosses Ettore's face as he continues pleasuring you while his gaze is fixed on Will.
"Want more?" He growls in your ear, his never-ending staring contest with Will still raging on.
"Yes," you moan more than whisper desperate for more of the delicious friction his hand was providing. Ettore bends you over the gurney, your chest pushed down into a stunned Will's lap. He makes quick work of your scrubs and panties, bringing his hand to the back of your head and yanking you up by the hair.
"Look at him," Ettore growls as he shoves a finger into your cunt, pumping it furiously. "Make him beg for some"
You lift your eyes to meet Will's while wanton moans escape your lips.
Will brings his hand down to your face and gently strokes your cheek with his fingertips. "You're so beautiful," he whispers, dragging his thumb across your bottom lip. The praise going straight to your heat.
Ettore removes his fingers from you and pulls his own pants down to his mid thighs stroking himself a few times before roughly grasping your hips and shoving his cock inside you all the way to the hilt.
You scream at the sudden intrusion, the pain mixing with pleasure as you feel yourself split open on his girthy length.
"Shhh shhh, you're ok," Will gently coos as Ettore starts to pound into you furiously. Dragging his free hand down your back, his fingernails digging into the skin like an animal marking its territory.
You emit a sound somewhere between a painful screech and a moan while Will takes your face in his hand. Like you were made of glass, his tender touch mixing with the raw animalistic touch of Ettore, causing a swirling of pleasure to radiate up through your stomach.
Will shifts on the gurney, adjusting himself, trying to hide his growing bulge as he watches Ettore take you, all the while providing you with tender words and caresses.
Your mouth hangs open as Ettore roughly drags his cock against your walls battering your insides with reckless abandon. Your eyes connected to Will's as he wipes the tears that stream down your face.
Ettore reaches up and once again grips your hair, yanking your head back.
"You're a little fucking whore aren't ya?" His breathing is labored, each of his thrusts somehow seeming harsher than the last.
"Yes, yes," you whimper your mind blank and fully submissive.
"Then act like one," he grunts as he shoves your head down harshly, your face pushed up against the erection hidden within Will's trousers.
Will looks at Ettore with anger lacing his face.
"You don't have to do anything for me. Don't worry about me. " he pushes Ettore's hand away from the back of your head and caresses the recently abused area with a gentle touch.
"I ... I want to" your voice bounces as Ettore continues to slam into you from behind the skin on your ass going numb from the repeated skin to skin smacking.
"Uhh..." Will's voice is unsteady as you bring your hand up to his bulge, gripping his length over his trousers. He closes his eyes and groans at the pressure, shocks of electricity traveling up his spine.
You pull at the trousers and Will lifts himself up for a moment allowing you to get them down enough to free his cock.
"Only if this is what you want" He says breathlessly as he grips his length tightly the angry red tip leaking pre cum.
"Fuck!" Ettore growls loudly from behind you digging his fingernails into your skin. "Do it you little fucking whore."
At Ettore's demand you take the tip of Will's cock into your mouth swirling your tongue around the tip moaning as you taste the pre cum that has begun to collect there. "Shitttt," Will moans as he pushes your hair out of your face, giving him a better view of you with his cock in your mouth.
Ettore's thrusts grow harder forcing Will's cock further into your mouth as he begins to involuntarily buck his hips. "You're so fucking pretty, so pretty" Will moans stroking the back of your head gently as Ettore's cock continues to roughly spear your cunt and Will's cock batters the back of your throat being pushed further and further until you struggle for oxygen.
Ettore grabs at your ass digging his fingers into the skin before bringing his hand around your hip and rubbing furiously at your pearl.
"Cum you dumb slut. I want to feel you clench around my cock as I fill you up" he snarls like an animal in heat leaning down and biting into the soft skin of your back.
you whimper at the demand and the pain, feeling your climax creep up closer and closer, unable to do anything but succumb to his wishes.
"Let go beautiful," Will whispers pleasure etched across his strong features, his thrusts into your eager mouth growing sloppier by the second.
With his gentle words and Ettore's rough touch, your orgasm wracks your entire frame. You moan loudly in pleasure, eyes rolling back, and legs nearly buckling beneath you.
You hear a loud grunt from behind you as Ettore empties himself into you, his fingernails again digging into the plush flesh of your hips.
Will thrusts into your mouth twice more before he whimpers releasing a salty stream of cum down your throat before collapsing back on the gurney.
Ettore pulls himself from your quivering walls and pulls up his trousers quickly, moving back to his gurney and plopping himself down with a satisfied huff.
Will slowly pulls his softening cock from your mouth pulling your face up towards him and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"You alright?" He asks as he rubs your back soothingly.
You're too winded to speak and can only absent-mindedly nod towards him. He fixed his trousers before leaning over and helping you pull your own bottoms up.
"C'mere," he coos, pulling you onto the gurney with him cuddling you with his free arm.
"You did so good. So, so good, baby. " he kisses your shoulder and gently rubs your hip where Ettore had dug into your flesh.
You jump from the gurney quickly as you hear the deep voices of the guards nearing the door. Running over to Ettore and sliding his cuff back onto the metal bar of the gurney and popping it in place, hoping they wouldn't notice that it is broken.
You fix your hair as quick as you can and wipe the tears out from under your eyes as the door swings open.
"Everything go alright in here?" one of the guards asks, hardly looking at you before moving over to Ettore and unlocking his cuff.
"Yes," you clear your throat, trying to make sure to hide any hint of your dazed and satisfied condition.
"They are both fine and cleared to go back to their cells." You wave your hand towards the door dismissively. Your ultimate goal is to get all of these men out of your exam room immediately.
Ettore is removed first. He says nothing just drags his eyes up and down your frame once more before being dragged out the door.
Will, on the other hand, smiles toward you as he is led out behind him.
"Next time I'm coming alone!" He yells just as the door closes.
You sit down in your chair winded, confused and aching.
"Next time?"
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todayontumblr · 8 months
the question of our times
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myfandompromptsside · 6 months
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Insp [x] Template author unknown
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myfandomprompts · 5 months
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"If I go up those fucking stairs and out of that door... I'm fucking invisible, man."
EWAN MITCHELL - Salad Days (2019)
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thought--bubble · 8 months
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☣Banners & Dividers by: @arcielee ☣
☣Stunning Will Header by @zaldritzosrose ☣
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𝕀'𝕞 𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪:
𝔼𝕨𝕒𝕟 𝕄𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝
𝕀 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕕𝕕 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕓𝕪 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕤 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕀 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝔸𝕖𝕘𝕠𝕟 𝕀𝕀 𝕓𝕪 𝕋𝕠𝕞 𝔾𝕝𝕪𝕟𝕟 ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕪.
𝕀'𝕞 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕪 20'𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕒 𝕓𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕘𝕦𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕤 𝕒𝕟 𝕖𝕞𝕠 𝕜𝕚𝕕. 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕤𝕙𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙 𝕠𝕦𝕥!
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝔸𝕠3 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝔹𝕦𝕓𝕓𝕝𝕖99
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I will accept requests as long as it is for a character included in my masterlist. (Brief set of rules found here) To see if your request was accepted check the WIP page below. Requests are currently CLOSED
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All stories are female reader insert. If I decide to do something different, I will put clear notes.
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☣Ewanverse Characters.☣
HOTD Aemond Targaryen (Canon Era)
HOTD Aemond Targaryen (Modern)
Trigger Point Billy Washington
High Life Ettore
The Halycon Billy Taylor
The Last Kingdom Osferth
Salad Days Will
Saltburn Michael Gavey
World on Fire Tom Bennett
Grantchester Abraham
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☣Miscellaneous Characters☣
HOTD Aegon Targaryen
HOTD Daemon Targaryen
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For Fic Recs click HERE
For all amazing Gif Makers who have made the lovely gifs I have used💚
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Click here to visit the museum of Fine Will Arts
Beautiful Moodboard Gift made for me! 🥰🥰
By the wonderful @vhagar-balerion-meraxes (Luna my love)
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Mɪᴛᴄʜᴇʟʟ Esᴛᴀᴛᴇs (2) "Bɪᴛᴛᴇʀ"
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EwanMitchell Verse x F!Reader & Will x Reader
A/N: Dedicated to the anon who sent me some kind words! Hopefully this isnt horrible 😭 //Dividers by@firefly-graphics
Summary: You settle into you new home pretty well. After a week you've seen all the tenants and eve learned some of their weird habits. After a late night walk you happen to come accross someone in a moment of vulnerability.
TW: 18+, smut, masturbation, protected sex (wrap it before you tap it...sometimes), p in v, rough, soft to rough sex, dry humping, alcohol consumption
Word Count: 4k
Masterlist • ← Previous Chapter • Next Chapter → (WIP)
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A week has gone by since you moved in.
Surprisingly it was a pretty calm week. Your friends dropped off the furniture that they found for your apartment. Since you didn't have any classes you painted the walls, giving the place more color and personality.
You hadn't gotten the chance to talk to anyone in the building really but you spent a good amount of time peering out your window and seeing all the different tenants and their habits.
You noticed that there was this boy about your age who spent most of his time hanging around the mailbox. You thought it was odd at first but then on a different day, you saw him sneakily stop and examine someone else's package. He only ran off and didn't take it because that tenant opened their door.
You also saw him further in town the other day. He was dressed up as a monk and holding a red-painted pail. He was "collecting" money for children for the holidays. It was only later on when you saw him come home did you see him return with that same pail of money.
Mental note. There is a thief here.
Ettore was still cold and rarely talked to you. When you dropped off the rental agreement, he quickly kicked you out of his office and closed the blinds. You thought maybe he just wasn't good with people but he started giving you a weird creepy vibe when you saw him watch the other tenants.
He would stand around the building looking as if he was just checking on things but he was observing and watching. You once caught him watching you as you were talking the trash out and there was that one time when you were doing laundry and you swear you saw him up near your unit.
Your next-door neighbour, the horse tattoo guy, never left his apartment. You start to think he's dead in there but then you hear the occasional TV sounds and shower running. You did see him leave once but that was only to go get beer and then come back home. You've also heard him arguing on the phone with someone though you can never make out what the conversation is about and who he is talking to.
But. The strangest tenant out of all of them. He is a long white-haired guy who has a long scar over one of his eyes. He only comes about twice a week. He comes, walks his dog, stays for one night then leaves the next day and is gone. Three days later he comes back and repeats the same cycle. You were sitting in the neat park when his dog came up to you one day. She was the most friendly thing ever and wanted to play. He didn't say anything but let you play with her until you had to leave. When you tried to say goodbye he answered with "mmm" and that was it.
Everyone else seems to be normal except those guys. There was a boy with glasses and khaki shorts. He looked like he was going to school every day so you only assumed he was attending the university nearby, same as you. The boy with the kid, you did find out that was his brother when you helped the kid after he tripped while riding a scooter. The kid was Liam and he lived with his older brother Jack.
You hadn't gotten to interact much with others but it felt nice that you had met at least one person who lived here.
Your phone alarm went off letting you know it was time to get up. It was the last thing you wanted to do but if you didn't know you never would.
After a shower and getting dressed you grabbed your stuff and headed out the door. You looked around and saw Liam heading for school, he waved at you and you waved back.
You struggled to lock your door but kept trying. The key wouldn't turn.
"It's jammed." You looked over and saw the horse guy standing there with a beer in his hand.
"How do I get it fixed?" He eyes you up and down before taking another swig.
"Jack. Lives in A1. He's maintenance." He spits off the rail and then heads back inside his apartment.
You groan and start heading towards the apartment. You had hoped to avoid any interactions with your neighbors today but it doesn't seem like that will be happening.
You knock on the door but no one answers. You knock again and a minute later the door opens.
"Yeah?" He rubs his eyes and leans against the doorframe and now you feel like shit cause you woke him up.
"Sorry...the lock is jammed. Just wondering if I could get some help." He yawned as he nodded his head.
"Yeah, hold on." He closed the door and you stood outside it awkwardly waiting for him to return. As you stand outside his door waiting, the person next door comes out of their unit and locks the door.
You try not to stare but you kind of do...and you're not good at hiding it. He stops and pulls out a cigarette box putting one in between his lips before offering you one.
"No thanks. Don't smoke." He shrugs his shoulders, putting the box back in his pocket before lighting the one in his mouth.
"Suit yourself, princess." He winks then walks away. You stand there for another minute before Jack opens back up his door now properly dressed and carrying a toolbox.
He follows you in silence towards your door. You drop your bag on the ground and stand off to the side as he tries to open it himself.
"...Your brother's a nice kid." He smiles as you mention his brother.
"You've met him?"
"Yeah. Was out for a walk when he tripped on his scooter. Helped him out." He turns his head and looks at you.
"Oh! You're the girl he was talking about." He turns back to the door and pulls out the key and stares at it before frowning.
"What's wrong?" You step over to him to look. You see the key with something pink and sticky on it.
"Gum. Someone put gum in your lock." He shakes his head and opens up the toolbox. "I'll just replace the lock. Might take a while."
"I have a class to get to...could I come to get the key later?" You pick up your bag.
“Yeah all good.” You turn and leave heading back down the stairs and walking out of the complex. 
After a boring couple of hours of listening to professors and taking notes, you and your classmates decide to head to the library. Planning to study but realistically you are all going to end up talking for hours and doing no work. 
As you all gossip about some campus drama going on you notice someone walking around looking at books. You try to get a better look from your spot and then you recognize him. His name was Osferth and lived on the other side of you in B4. He was super sweet and had helped you with your groceries one time. 
As he grabs a book and walks out the aisle he spots you and gives you a warm smile and a wave. You smile and wave back and can see him blush slightly before he heads towards the front desk. 
“Who was that?” Boyse bumps your shoulder while wiggling her eyebrows. 
“My neighbour.” She hums in response. 
“Cute.” You give her that look that only she tends to ever bring out. Boyse had been trying to convince you for some time now to get back into the dating scene but you couldn’t not after…last time. 
Just like you predicted you all spent the next hour showing each other funny Tik Tok and talking. Being the friend with the car you drove everyone to their homes before heading to yours. 
You stopped at Jack’s to get the key. He was on the phone and quickly handed it to you with a smile before closing the door. You could hear him arguing on the phone. You turn and head towards the stairs to get up to your unit. You look over to the office building and can see Ettore there watching you before he closes the blinds.
Why the fuck he so weird?
You spend the rest of the day making up for the work you didn’t do in the library and attempting to tune out the horse guy arguing again on the phone. 
After spending hours working on essays and group projects you were tired, you had tried going to sleep but for some reason, you just couldn’t. The sheets felt too rough, the bed too lumpy, the room was too hot and it was just too quiet. Everything was bothering you. And above all your brain just wouldn’t shut up. 
You rip the sheets off of you in anger and stand up grabbing your keys off your dresser before leaving your room.
You used to go one walk a lot back home since there was a nice park just behind your old apartment. It was always calming whenever you had a stressful day or...an argument with him.
You pull on your shoes and grab the sweater you threw on the couch to take with you in case it was cold outside.
Locking the door behind you while looking around you spot the white-haired man walking back into his apartment with his dog. You can see the light in the office on but the blinds are closed.
Your brain now full of thoughts of your ex
You walk down the stairs while zipping up your sweater and walk towards the liquor store nearby. You start drinking the second you step out of the store then you head towards the twenty-four-hour convenience store just down the street from your apartment complex.
You purchase your favourite chocolate bar and a drink before walking around your neighbourhood. It was surprisingly empty, nobody was walking around, and barely any cars driving around. The most noise you can hear are dogs barking or the occasional voices or tv noise from houses you pass by. By the end of the walk, you've finished your snacks and alcohol and it's even starting to set in.
The colours from the houses are the tiniest brighter. Your thoughts clear of your asshole of an ex and the whole reason you had to move in the first place. The noises of crickets are louder and whatever lamp lights are almost blinding.
You circle back to the building using the path that leads out from the neighbourhood to the back near the recycling bins. You come around the corner, the area is only covered by a small lamp thats on the wall.
As you turn around you hear a sound. You stop walking and look towards the noise. It's coming around from the recycling bins.
You at first think it's an animal inside looking for something to eat. Something is panting. Your brain under the influence tells you to walk closer and look rather than just turn and walk the other way around the building.
You walk over to the recycling and slowly peer around.
It's not until you turn and look do you hear the moan come from someone's lips. When you finally get a proper look you scream slightly and quickly cover your eyes before turning around.
"Shit." you hear him mumble before he turns and faces the wall.
You try to get the image out of your head but it's engraved in there. Whoever it was had been leaning against the wall, his head angled up and eyes closed as he was lazily stroking himself. Though most of his penis had been inside of his pants you still saw some of it.
"Y'alright?" He finally turns back around after he tucked himself back in his pants. You keep your face covered as you simply nod your head. "It's away now. You can look."
You waringly uncover your eyes and look at him.
"Ever thought of doing that in your own apartment." You cross your arms slightly annoyed. Your eyes wander to the ground and see the empty bottles of alcohol.
"Wasn't expecting someone to be up and about at this hour." He shrugs and leans down shakingly as he grabs one of the cans and brings it to his lips. "What are ya doin' up anyways?"
"Clearing my head." Your words were slurred the tiniest bit as you spoke. He looks you up and down as you throw the garbage into the bins next to him.
He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly as you both kind of just stand there in silence.
ant a cuppa?" He picks up his trash almost falling over as he bends down.
"Cup of what?" you hear him laugh as he throws the empty bottles away.
"A cuppa..." He looks over to you, he can still see the confused look on your face as you simply stare at him. "Cup of tea."
"Ohhh" You stare at him for a while gauging if you should say yes or not. He looks normal enough. But most serial killers looked like normal people then turned out to be psychos behind closed doors. For all you knew he was luring you into his apartment to steal your kidney and sell it on the black market.
"You don't have to say yes. I just feel bad about...what you had to see" You stare at him for a while longer.
"Why not." You shrug then follow him back around the building towards his unit. The second you're back inside you look around the space. You could tell this was one of the old motel rooms that hadn't been renovated yet. "How long you been living here?"
He walks over to the kitchen area and fills up the kettle.
"About 4 months." You walk over to the couch stumbling a bit. You notice the lack of any decorations on the walls. "Do you normally just walk around at night drinking?" You look over at him. He was watching you stumble around with a smirk on his face.
You struggle to take off your sweater, your arm getting caught on absolutely nothing.
"It's a great past time." He laughs and then turns back to getting cups from the cupboards. "Do you normally jerk off next to recycling bins in public?" You can see the smile on his face grow wider and his cheeks flush red.
He turns back around.
"So what made you move here of all places? There had to have been better options." He leans against the counter crossing his arms.
"Other places would have taken longer. More checks are needed. This place was quick and easy." You shrug.
"Quick and easy? Why the rush?" He puts the tea bags in the cups. You watch him for a moment thinking if you should say. You hadn't even really come clean to your friends about why you had to move so quickly. You weren't in the mood to hear their "I told you so's.".
"My ex was a piece of shit. He lived with me in my apartment and I knew he wouldn't go so I did." You pull your legs on the couch. "Left in the middle of the day while he was at work." He nods his head in understanding.
You hear the kettle whistle and watch as he pours the water in the mugs.
"What about you?" He walks over and sits down on the couch handing you one mug and placing the other down on the coffee table.
"Not running from anything...just preventing the inevitable for a while longer. Enjoying what I can." You try to understand what he could mean by that. He notices the confusion on your face. "There was this girl, a school friend. I really liked her but she was dating my best friend."
Though you yourself had never dealt with anything like that some of your friends had. It's never easy to watch someone love another but know they can't be with them.
He blows on his tea before taking a sip.
"I knew I shouldn't like her and that it was possible nothing would come from it but...I just couldn't help but not like her."
You watch as his gaze fixes somewhere random the memory taking over. You grab your tea and take a sip burning your tongue but playing it off.
"We hooked up one, while she was still with him. Afterwards, she said it wouldn't happen again." He leans back into the couch. "The worst part is that not too long before I left I found out she was pregnant. Didn't get the chance to ask her if it was mine or not."
He takes another sip before looking into his cup.
"I'm gonna need something stronger than tea." He stands up and puts the cup on the counter before grabbing two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka and walking back over to the couch.
"Why did you leave?" He sits down and pours the shots.
"I only ever really stayed 'cause I was caring for my nan. She passed...made plans to leave but those plans went south. Now im just...waiting I guess."
He took a shot then poured himself another and took it. You reached forward picked up the other one and downed it, the sting and bitter taste made your face scrunch.
You both sat there and drank for almost an hour. At this point, you both had managed to finish the rest of the vodka. Your conversations bounced around from different topics. At one point you were talking about your favourite colours and then the best place to get pizza in town. You talked about fun stuff then talked a bit about depressing stuff before cracking more jokes.
You were lying on the couch while Will was lying on the floor.
"Ok, but you have to admit apple juice is better than orange juice." You both had been going back and forth about white was better. He was adamant that orange juice was the best of the two. (Apple juice is better don't argue with me 🤣)
"You can get orange juice faster than apple juice. Not to mention it tastes fresher." You rolled your eyes.
"Yeah, but...pulp. And that nasty taste when you brush your teeth and then drink orange juice." Will sits up with a smile, you turn your head to look at him.
"I like that taste." A look of disgust spreads on your face before you both start dying of laughter. Once you both have calmed down Will rests his head against the couch looking at you.
You both narrow your eyes at each other just staring before he reaches upwards and brushes a piece of hair out of your face. His hand lingers as he gently brushes over your cheek.
Before you can do anything he sits up more and leans over to you kissing you deeply. It's messy considering your broth is drunk out of your minds.
He moves up onto the couch getting on top of you. His hands slide down to your waist as he lifts and spreads your legs slightly so he nestles in between them. You wrap your legs around his waist.
He lets you breathe for a moment lowering his head in the crook of your neck planting soft kisses.
Considering you had gotten out of bed to go for a walk you were only wearing a tank top with no bra.
His hands slid up as gently massaged your nipples in between his fingers. You could feel his hard-on pressing right against your clit.
He could clearly feel the friction to as he began rolling his hips chasing some sort of friction.
He starts pulling your tank up slowly kissing his way up your stomach. You lean up so you can slip over your head as you lay back down he takes one of your nipples into his mouth gently sucking on it. He runs his thumb over the other watching it harden under the soft pressure. He lets go of your nipple with a pop and moves over to the other giving it the same attention.
He sits up, you help him take off his shirt before you both shuffle off your pants. You lean over to where you had earlier discarded your sweater reach for your wallet and take your "emergency" condom out. You unwrap it and slowly slide it on him.
Will lays you back down and kisses your cheek.
"Lift your hips." You do as he says and almost moan at the feeling of his tip grazing your clit ever so softly. Will slowly sheathes himself inside of you while peppering kisses all over your chest.
When he finally bottoms out you both moan. His movements are soft and slow at first, dragging himself in and out of you so you can feel every ridge and pulse.
Will sits up and holds on to your hips as he slams into you at a rough and relentless pace. He dips down taking your mouth in his. As he hits that soft spot inside you harshly you moan into the kiss, your moans get louder as he continues to bully the same spot.
He reaches down and brings your legs up as far as they can go trying to get as deep as possible. You reach down circling your clit trying to relieve some of the aches. Your pussy spasms around him pulling him in deeper.
"Fuck- just like that." Will watches as you lean your head back, mouth agape as you moan and whimper.
It all becomes too much as you cum around his cock. Will holds you down as you shake slightly kissing your cheek as he doesn't slow down the pace chasing his own high. Your nails dig into his sides as he his movements begin stuttering, losing rhythm.
Will moans as he continues pounding into you before he lets go of your legs and holds himself up as he cums into the condom.
"Fuck Leah" You almost miss him saying it. But you shrug it off it's not as if he's yours. Will slowly slides out of you with a soft moan before laying down beside you on the couch and pulling you back into him.
He nuzzles into your neck as you both slowly fall asleep.
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You hear the annoying honking of the garbage truck and slowly sit up grabbing your head in pain. You clearly drank more than you could handle.
You look around and notice that this is in fact not your apartment.
Hearing the soft snoring behind you, you turn around and see who it is. As you see Will still sleeping soundly you gently unwrap his arm from your waist and grab your clothes. You get dressed as quietly as possible before grabbing and leaving his apartment and doing the walk of shame back to yours.
The second you're back home you head to the shower feeling relaxed under the warm water. You change into fresh clothes and take an Advil for your pounding headache.
You grab your wallet from your sweater and look through it. You notice the missing condom.
"At least I wasn't dumb enough to go raw." You crash onto your bed planning to just skip all your classes and get some well-deserved rest.
You don't notice the stuff in your apartment that's misplaced. How your closet is open when you know you closed it before you left. One thing is for sure between your headache and the sound of the garbage truck still near by you don't hear the sound of footsteps leaving your apartment and silently closing the door behind them.
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A/N: This took WAAAAYYY longer than it should have. I had it all typed up but then I also had two draft tabs opened...when I saved one and closed it the other was still open and since it does auto saves it got rid of all the new stuff i wrote 😭😭
But it still got done!! Hopefully, this isn't as bad as I feel like it is.
General Taglist: @thought--bubble @valeskafics Mitchell Apartments: @slytherincursebreaker, @watercolorskyy, @dixie-elocin, @venmondiese, @briefcollectivepersona,@fan-goddess, @australia-made-1997
85 notes · View notes
myfandomprompts · 1 year
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Ewan Mitchell in Salad Days (2019) - Oliver Huntington
431 notes · View notes
babyblue711 · 11 months
Will (Salad Days) x Reader - Part 1/Part 2 Summary: You and Will reconnect after spending some time apart and learn that each of you has gone through their own difficult circumstances in those years. Your friendship develops into something more as you help each other heal from the past.  Words: 5.3K
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Warnings: NSFW, language, sexual content (18+), mild BDSM (part 2), miscarriage, prison, divorce, infidelity, alcohol, mention of death A/N: This is my first attempt at fan-fiction ever, so please be kind. Thank you to my incredible beta readers for their expertise @megatardisbaby and @arcielee; your enthusiasm kept pushing me to continue writing this. And thank you to @myfandomprompts for encouraging me to start writing in the first place and for your amazing gifs.  Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Gravel crunches beneath your feet as you walk through the parking lot and a warm summer breeze blows through your hair. The air shimmers with a sense of unreality, a blur of colors and images that swirl around you. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a familiar sight. You turn and realize you are looking at the back of your old black Jeep Wrangler. You know it’s yours because of the custom California license plate MRS M 97.  You want to scoff just looking at the plate, a wave of unease floods you, and confusion tugs at the back of your mind. How did it get here? You had left it behind as you had left everything else behind when you broke free from your cheating ex-husband. Your gaze lingers on the car for a moment. 
“Well, ‘elo, love,” a soft voice teases in your ear. You whirl to see an old friend standing before you. Your brain feels like quicksand as you try to make sense of his mirage-like presence; you aren’t even sure he is real. You hadn’t seen him in years, but when you look at him, it feels like yesterday. You puzzle at him, bemused by his attire. He’s wearing a grey hoodie under a black bomber jacket, joggers, and his typical black Adidas trainers. Very warm clothes for such a hot summer’s day. He’s tall, lean, and angular just as you remembered.  
His lips curve into a cocky smirk, while simultaneously exuding a sort of shy, quiet confidence. The merriment in his eyes slowly fading only to be replaced by something else. He suddenly grows serious, a haunted look in his deep blue eyes. 
“Y/N, I don’t want you to go,” he says unexpectedly. 
Your eyebrows knit together, not understanding what he means. Go? You think to yourself. Colors swirl, the glare from the sun seems to become blindingly bright but he’s the only thing that remains a sharp, clear image. You start to open your mouth to ask how he got there, when he suddenly steps towards you, crowding into your space. Your sense of reality is almost detached, like you are watching yourself from the sidelines. He looks down at you intensely as if making a decision. 
His eyes snap to yours. He presses his lips together as he raises his hands and lightly gives your shoulders a slight shove. Off balance, you fall backwards onto your Jeep. Your back hits the hard surface of the spare tire, bruising your spine but you don’t feel any pain. You huff out a breath and his lips are suddenly on yours, you tangle your hands into this hair as if it's the most natural thing to do, his body presses you firmly against the back of your car. You aren’t sure how things have escalated so quickly but realize you don’t care. You wanted more. 
 “Oh.…Will,” you sigh into his mouth.
The sound of your alarm suddenly jolts you awake. 
You shut it off with a groan and close your eyes again, hoping for more sleep. As your subconscious starts to drift off, you see Will’s face drift through your mind and your eyes snap open again, your heart jumps. Did you really just dream about making out with a childhood friend, let alone someone you hadn’t seen in years?  What the hell? 
You curse your brain for bringing up the past, mentally shaking your head as the memories flood you. Perhaps it was the familiarity of being back home that had conjured him up in your dreams. The last you had heard of Will was him being sent to prison. You didn’t know what became of him and you doubted you’d ever see him again.
You continue to lay in bed as your heartbeat returns to normal. The image of your old car, a gift from your ex-husband for your birthday one year, floats in your mind and gives you another jolt. You cringe inwardly at the bad memories it brought back of the life you used to have...before everything fell apart.
With a sigh, you swing your legs over the edge of the bed and gaze out the window. The view from your childhood bedroom felt so familiar, yet so suffocating. It had been years since you left this place, seeking adventure and a sense of independence. After uni, you spent some time traveling and living abroad. While you were in America, you met, fell in love, and married the perfect man. You loved how easy your relationship was - memories of laying in bed together, giggling over silly TikTok videos or sharing stories of your childhood; he was your best friend, your confidante. He was warm, caring, and compassionate...until he wasn't.
For a few years, you were happy; you both had great jobs, you bought a home and settled in California where his tech company was located. Then, as is the natural progression of any married couple, you tried for a family and quickly learned the hard way that it wasn’t as easy as it looked. Each miscarriage that you suffered began to take its toll on you mentally, emotionally and physically. You became a shell of the person you once were, haunted by the immeasurable grief of your losses. 
Your perfect marriage took a nosedive. He tried to be supportive but you just felt as if he blamed you. The final nail in the coffin was when you caught him cheating with his secretary. You knew at that moment that your marriage was broken beyond repair.
Unbearably heartbroken, you left him and everything behind in California. You fled back home to the UK and wished with every fiber of your being that you could just leave your old life behind in America. That the ocean between the two countries would swallow up your pain so that you couldn’t bring it with you.
Your parents were loving and supportive and had welcomed you back home with open arms, but you sunk into a deep depression. Your anxiety was so bad that anything that reminded you of your ex would make your heart race in fear; you couldn’t look at anything related to babies or children without wanting to vomit. Every breath you took felt like it cost you everything just to inflate your lungs, the weight of your grief felt like it was crushing you. You longed to escape the suffocating grip of your emotions but felt trapped, caught between the life you had lost and the uncertainty of the future.
Eventually though, you slowly began to heal. Every day, you put energy into rebuilding the life you had before you met him. You still couldn't recognize who you had become whenever you looked into the mirror, hating the feeling that you were back at square one, that you had made no actual progress with your life. You would forever be scarred by the events of the past, but you finally started putting one foot in front of the other again.
You got a job you mostly enjoy and your day now begins with a sigh as you start to get ready for work. You were traveling into Nottingham to run a small errand for the company you worked for and was glad for a change of scenery beyond the four walls of your dreary office cubicle. You change into a royal blue sundress, attempt to fix your hair and apply a little bit of makeup. You take a deep breath as you look at your reflection in the mirror and promise yourself that today was going to be a better day. After saying a hasty goodbye to your parents, you leave to catch the train into the city.
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Finishing up work early, you step out from the office building. For once, the rays of warm sunshine seem to lift your mood. Feeling lighter, you decide you are not ready to return to the monotony of home life just yet. Retracing your steps, as you had done many times in your youth, you venture up the cobbled path of Stoney Street, the bustle and charm of the city making you feel a little more alive. Nostalgia swirls through you in waves as you realize so much had remained the same since you’d been gone, yet it felt like everything had changed. 
To your left and right was a colorful array of independent shops that lined the street, their inviting storefronts displaying an assortment of wares. The sunshine seems to brighten everyone’s mood as laughter and animated conversations spill out from cozy pubs and lively cafes, creating an ambiance of warmth and camaraderie. As you walk down the street, you admire the cute coffee shops, stylish boutiques, and quaint bookshops passed along the way. 
Although you considered yourself “well-traveled” by now, you can’t help but smile at how charming Nottingham truly was. Centuries-old architecture, with its intricate detailing and timeless beauty, stood side by side with modern storefronts, old and new melting together harmoniously.
You didn’t intend to stop anywhere, but your eye catches sight of an old favourite haunt of yours during your school days. You reach for the door handle of The Lace Market Fish Bar, deciding you were hungry for a snack. The door swings open and you almost run headlong into a familiar face. A bolt of electricity courses through you as you realize your dream has spilled into reality. 
“Oh, sorry,” Will mutters absentmindedly as you instinctively retreat a few paces. His gaze sweeps over you and it’s evident he doesn’t immediately recognize you. You hold your breath, unsure if you should say anything. 
Suddenly, recognition flickers in his eyes. “Wow, hey, Y/N,” he blinks rapidly, completely caught off guard. “Never expected to see you ‘round here again. Thought you moved away a long time ago.” 
“Will!” you exclaim, just as startled and caught off guard as he is. “I…. I did move away, I’m back now,” you try to contain a grimace. Uncomfortable silence hangs in the air for a beat as you both try to process seeing each other again after such a long time apart. 
A sense of surrealism washes over you, just like in your dream. You can’t help yourself from checking him out. Tall and lean, just as he was in high school, perhaps a little more filled out now. His light brown hair is tousled and shaggy, framing his face. While you always considered him good-looking, age only enhanced his beauty as a grown man now. His face has become a touch more angular, his cheeks slightly hollowed, his jaw defined; his nose, as ever, is sharp and straight. And his lips still curve seductively into the most perfect cupid’s bow that you had to remind yourself not to stare. He swapped his usual black joggers for dark jeans today, with a black t-shirt exposing his toned arms. He looks good, better than you remembered.
“Back?” he asks curiously, raising his eyebrows in surprise. “As in…for good?”
“For the time being,” you say, not wanting to get into the nitty gritty details. “It’s good to see you though,” and you mean it. “How’s your Nan?”
“She’s good, gettin’ on a bit now but she’s doing fine,” his tone is light but his smile is a little stiff. “I gotta bring her this now, actually,” he gestures at the takeaway in his hand. “It’s good seeing you...” he trails off, a little awkward. 
“You too, Will,” you reply, unsure where to go from here. He gives you a small smile, then turns and heads up the street. 
You venture into the shop and take a deep breath, trying to ground yourself in the present moment. You had not been expecting to run into anybody you used to know and you felt like your heartbeat was racing more than it should. Or perhaps it was the strange coincidence that you had just dreamed of him last night? You approach the counter and order your food, your thoughts drifting to memories of Will and his friends… 
You and Will were a part of the same group of friends in your youth. You took turns hanging out at the chip shop, smoking and chatting at the park, or going to the cinema. You smirk a little to yourself, remembering the crush you had on him throughout most of high school. But, at that age, you were the painfully shy type, both introverted and quiet. You wouldn’t really gain confidence and find your own voice until you went away to university. 
But as you were crushing on him, he was crushing on your best friend, Leah. She, on the other hand, was like a shining star, the object of desire for most boys in school; popular, bubbly and sweet, it was easy to see why Will preferred her to you, her quiet wallflower of a friend. You settled for just being his friend, figuring it was better than nothing. The two of you would text almost every day, and hang out together after school sometimes, but it never crossed over into anything other than “friendly”.
In high school, a tragedy struck Will’s life. The loss of his parents in a fatal car accident cast a dark shadow over his soul, forever altering the person he once was. He had a coolness to him now, like he was trying to become untouchable; still cocky and confident, but never loud or boisterous. There were times you would catch him silently brooding when he thought no one was looking, and it was then that you saw the pain behind his eyes. You never wanted to approach him about it, afraid bringing up the topic would only make it worse. Thus, you kept your concerns at bay, choosing silence over potential harm, all the while wishing for a way to ease his burden without risking further damage. When most of your mutual friends were getting ready to leave for school after graduation, essentially leaving him behind, that’s when the trouble worsened. 
Lost in your memories, you think back to the last time you saw him….
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It was the day before you left for uni. Your friend group had one last “going away” party but Will, Tom, and Matt were mysteriously absent. No one could reach them.
He had never not answered your text messages. Concerned, you decided to stop by Will’s house where he lived with his Nan the next morning before you left; one look of his face was enough to know something terrible had happened.
“Let’s take a walk,” you remember him saying. You walked together for a long time in silence, ending up alone with him in a grassy field, away from the town.
“Look, Y/N, I did something terrible,” his lower lip trembled as he stared out into space, his eyes so lost. You had never seen Will cry, not even when his parents died. Alarm bells rung in your head, your heart pounded in your chest at seeing this side of him. 
You grabbed his arm, turning him to face you. He wouldn’t meet your gaze, only staring down at his shoes. 
“Will, please tell me what has happened. Maybe I can help you!” you begged. 
“I don’t want to implicate you,” and your blood chilled with fear. Implicate? Could he be in trouble with the law? You didn’t know what else to do. You hugged him, wrapped your arms around his middle as he sobbed quietly in your ear, his tears terrifying you even further. You felt like crying yourself.
After a moment, he regained his composure, still holding onto you and whispered in your ear “I gotta get back to Nan, but, Y/N, if you hear anything…that something’s happened…just know I never meant for it to go that far.”
He refused to say more. You looked up into his face and saw his haunted, sad eyes pleading into yours. You nod, unsure of what else you could do to help him at this point. 
While at uni a few weeks later, you were chatting with your mum one evening when she broke the news to you. Will, Tom, and Matt had been caught stealing from the post office with a stolen firearm. You were shocked. Although they were always a mischievous and slightly troublesome trio, nobody had known that the boys had started breaking into homes and stealing for extra cash. Your heart broke upon hearing the news. The Will you knew was a good person, he had just traveled down a dark path and lost his way. Your mum explained that Will was most likely headed to prison for theft and possession of a firearm... 
Your order is ready, snapping you back to reality for a moment. You take your food and approach an empty booth, your mind still on Will. You wondered what had happened to him in the time that you had been apart. He obviously was out of prison now and he looked well cared for. You were glad to hear his Nan was doing ok, since she was all the family he had left now. You hadn’t heard about Matt, Tom, or Leah, as you had lost contact when you went away to school. Memories of the past consume you as you sit in the booth and attempt to enjoy your fish and chips, not nearly as excited about it as you had been before your chance encounter. 
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Late that night, you were mindlessly scrolling on your phone, waiting for sleep to take you. You see a Facebook notification indicating a new message. You click it and see Will’s face. 
[Will]: Hey 
You stare at it for a minute until curiosity gets the better of you and you reply back. 
[Y/N]: Hey? 
You can’t help but be a bit surprised. The Will you used to know never had Facebook and hated all forms of social media. You tap on his profile to stalk him, but, aside from his photo, nothing else jumps out at you. His profile is quite blank. 
[Will]: I’m sorry about earlier when we bumped into each other. I was so short with you. 
Intrigued, you hadn’t expected an apology. You can see he is still typing so you wait. 
[Will]: You know... if you ever wanted to meet up sometime for a drink, I’ll always be about. Catch up for old time’s sake? 
You stare at his message. You reason that it would be good for you to get out of the house for once and you were curious to discover what had become of him. You type a reply, and you both agree to meet up after work on Friday. 
[Will]: Brilliant. See you then.
[Will]: Oh and just so you know, I created this profile just to find you. I still fuckin’ hate social media. What’s your number? I want to delete this already.
You press your lips together to try to contain a smile, that’s the Will you used to know. Impressed by the effort he went through to find you, you give him your phone number and he returns his. You go to sleep that night, your thoughts on him, again wondering how in the hell you had just dreamt of him and then he materializes like some sort of fucking premonition. For the first time in a while, you fall asleep easily, hoping to see him again in your dreams.
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A few days later, you sit across from Will at the pub, enjoying a pint and each other’s company. Everything about him seems familiar yet different at the same time. He’s back in dark jeans again but has swapped his black t-shirt for a white one. Because of the heat, you have opted for a light summer dress, your favorite color, blue, with sandals. As usual, he’s a little quiet at first, but eventually warms up, telling you about his life since you had left. For the first time in a long time, you forget about your own painful past as you focus on him.
He looks down as if ashamed to meet your gaze, his knee bouncing up and down, slightly agitated as he recalls the bad memories. “I did a few years in the pen after Tom, Matt and I were busted for stealin’ from the post,” he said. “But after that, I knew I needed to turn my life around and be better, ‘specially for Nan,” he pauses and takes a deep breath through his nose. “After everything that had happened, I just wanted to make her proud,” he adds quietly.  
You nod sympathetically, “I'm sorry you had to go through that. It must have been tough but I’m glad to hear things are better now, Will. And what about your mates? What happened to them?" 
He frowns, “Haven’t seen any of ‘em since we were busted. Last I heard, Leah had Matt’s baby but they aren’t together anymore. Tom went off to school. I know nothin’ else. It’s no loss, really.” 
He shrugs like he doesn’t care but you know better than to believe his nonchalant attitude. His first defense mechanism was always to pretend to be tough and unbothered. You can see through his facade more easily now than when you were younger, the lingering hurt evident by the way he delivered the words. You remembered how tight-knit their group used to be, facing the world together with a sense of invincibility. It was a shame that his friendships didn’t withstand the trials and test of time.  
“Wha’ about you, though? Thought you married some fancy lad and moved across the pond, eh?” Will asks, raising his eyebrows, taking a sip of his beer and you suddenly feel like you’re sitting under a bright light. The memories you’ve tried so hard to bury resurface, anxiety blooming in your chest, attempting to claw its way up your throat. 
It must have shown in your face, for Will leans forward and places his hand on yours, looking concerned. “Hey, it’s ok, I’m sorry I asked. Just curious was all. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, “ he says softly, his thumb tracing small circles on the back of your hand.
You feel your breath hitch a little at the unexpected touch, but something about it calms you slightly, keeping you grounded. You decide to keep your sob story short, just as he did. 
“He cheated on me with his secretary so I divorced him. I told him I didn’t want anything from him. He kept everything, including our savings account. I….I  just wanted to be done with him. So I came back home to stay with mum and dad for a bit while I get back on my feet,” you ramble quickly as if saying it fast wouldn’t hurt as bad, but you knew you kept the worst part of your pain to yourself. You couldn’t find the strength to tell him about your miscarriages; the pain that you carried with you everywhere, thrumming underneath, was still too deep and too raw to talk about so casually over beers. Even though you hated your ex-husband, your babies would still always be yours.
You take a deep breath through your mouth and raise your eyes to meet Will’s gaze. He’s studying you as if he knows there’s something you’ve left out. His blue eyes seem to burn into yours, like he can sense the storm beneath your surface. Or maybe that was just your paranoia? You blink and look away, fearing that if you maintained eye contact, you’d start crying. 
You sit like that for a minute, focusing on your breathing as you try to control your anguish. You hate the way the memories still traumatize you after all this time. You squeeze his fingers, thankful for his calming reassurance. He squeezes yours back and you can feel the tightness in your chest dissipate slowly. 
“He didn’t deserve you anyway,” Will says quietly. Then, “Besides, you were obviously in America too long. You’ve barely got an accent anymore. Doubt you even remember how to make a decent cuppa.” He teases you, trying to lighten the mood. “I bet they don’t even have proper tea over there.”  
You can’t help but manage a small smile. “No, they really don’t”. 
“How did you survive?” he asks in mock horror.
You roll your eyes, enjoying his teasing, “I managed,” you chuckle and swat at his arm; he grins back at you, pleased to see you smile.
“You’ve changed too, you know,” you say after a beat. “You’re not the boy I used to know.”
“Yeah? How’s that?” a mischievous grin spreads across his face as he leans back in his chair, assuming a relaxed posture. He intertwines his fingers behind his head, as if inviting you to take a closer look. His confident demeanor seems almost intentional, like he’s on display for you. 
So you observe him, a small smile tugging at your lips. You shake your head, suddenly feeling shy just by looking at him. “I just think you’ve grown up, Will. You seem confident, happier now. Like...you’ve finally found yourself and know who you are.” 
He shrugs nonchalantly, maintaining his smirk, but there's a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. "And you," he counters, his voice laced with his playful banter, "you've finally outgrown Leah's shadow. You were so shy and quiet when we were younger,” he pauses as he studies you a bit, his eyes flicking over you. “I see that you’re not that same girl anymore. Life has dealt you a shitty hand, but it’s nothin’ you can’t overcome.”
You look down, trying not to blush or look too pleased. It had been ages since you felt “seen” by someone. Silence envelopes the conversation, but it’s not uncomfortable. 
You debate with yourself for a minute as a memory from the past nags at you and decide you have nothing to lose by asking. 
“Why didn’t you tell me, Will? The last time I saw you…” you trail off, looking up at him. You know that he knows exactly what you’re referring to.
His face falls a little as he grows serious again. “What could you have done for me? I would have had to admit to your face what I had done, how stupid I was. I was a coward and afraid. I couldn’t stand to see your disappointment,” he grimaces. “And I didn’t want to bring any trouble upon you either, with you headed to school and all.”
You nod, already expecting an explanation of this sort. 
“We’ve really been through some shit, haven’t we?” you remark with a small smile trying to make light of the past. You take a sip of your beer, realizing that by sharing each other’s pain and hardships, you feel less alone. 
“No kidding,” he huffs, then “C’mere,” he stands and pulls you to your feet. You are hesitant to stand, unsure of what he was doing. Will steps closer, lifting your arms slightly to indicate that you should wrap them around his neck, bending forward and embracing you into a tight hug, his own arms around your waist. 
You aren’t even sure when the last time somebody who wasn’t your mum hugged you like this. You want to scream and cry and crumble into his arms, the pain and memories of the past threatening to overwhelm you. Instead, you take a few deep breaths while Will whispers encouraging words into your ear. You aren’t even sure how long the hug lasts, but when you break free, you inexplicably feel a little lighter, as if the weight of your grief was crushing you a little less. 
Will was the last person you thought you’d reconnect with when you moved back home. Both of you were essentially rebuilding your lives from scratch. Will, having gone through the turmoil of being in prison, understood the weight of redemption and second chances. And you, having endured the pain and upheaval of divorce and multiple miscarriages, were struggling to pick up the broken pieces while navigating the grief that accompanies such profound loss.
You continue to see each other semi-regularly over the next few weeks. Over time, you start waking up feeling hopeful again. Anytime you see he has texted you, your heart skips a beat. You love hearing the sound of his voice: soft and low, it always brings you a sense of comfort. You fought to admit it for a long time, but you realize deep down that he has given you something to look forward to, and you haven’t felt that in such a long time. 
You didn’t necessarily know how to define your relationship as you were very much only looking for friendship. But there was something different about Will. You realize he had already secured a small piece of you, although you didn’t remember giving your heart permission to grant him any space. Your shared past pain of broken circumstances bonded you together and you were more than happy to take things slow while your broken heart mended. 
A few weeks after seeing him at the pub, he invites you to go to the cinema with him. He bought the tickets, you bought the drinks and popcorn, enjoying being able to treat him too. 
After the movie, as you head out of the theatre, you discover a rainstorm is pouring torrentially. You both hover underneath the awning of the cinema, not wanting to be completely soaked from the storm. 
After a few minutes, the rain shows no signs of letting up; Will turns to you and smiles.
“A little bit of rain never hurt anyone, right?” he asks, grinning as he holds out his hand. “I say we make a run for it.” 
So you take his hand and, together, you sprint towards the car, becoming completely drenched along the way. You shriek with laughter as you feel like you're getting hit by a waterfall, not just simple rain. Upon finally reaching the car, you wrench the door open and throw yourself inside the dry interior. 
Once safely inside the car, you turn and look at each other, giggling at the other’s soaked appearance, exhilarated from your sprint and from the chill of the rain. Will’s t-shirt is completely wet, his hair plastered to his forehead. You are quite certain you probably look just as bad, if not a little worse as you wipe mascara from under your eyes. You shiver a little in the passenger seat and Will places a warm hand on your knee as he starts the car to drive off and you can’t help but notice the way his eyes linger on your wet shirt, now clinging to your body. 
The rain has let up by the time he pulls up to your home. He stops in front of your house and, like a gentleman, walks you to the door. 
Turning towards him, you thank him again for the movie and lean up on tiptoe to give him a kiss on the cheek, expressing your gratitude. 
You can hear him hold his breath at your closeness, you see the way his eyes watch you as you lower yourself back down. Wordlessly, he grabs both sides of your face in his warm hands, holding you there. You stare up at each other for a beat; you had felt this coming in your gut and you wait for him to make the next move.
He leans down and kisses you, softly, sweetly, his lips molding into yours. You breathe in, inhaling his breath into your lungs, suddenly feeling your head spin, your heart race. 
He breaks the kiss after a moment. “I hope that wasn't too bold,” he says quietly, hands still cupping your face.
“Not at all,” you breathe back, sincerely meaning the words. 
It was at that moment you knew he had the potential to be more than just your friend.
>>>Part 2
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thought--bubble · 6 months
Breakin You In
Will (Salad Days ) X (Rich Girl Reader)
Warnings After The Cut
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Will Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners by @arcielee
A/N: This was purely self-indulgent. I absolutely LOVE Will. Everything about him is chefs kiss so I legit imagined this scenario (Might need therapy IDK) so I thought I would share some of my crazy.
Warnings:: Smut, Virginity loss, Drinking,
You are a good girl. That's what your friends called you. It's what your parents boasted about you, how your older brother teased you. A good girl. Great student, great grades comes from a great two parent household with a daughter son and a family dog. All the perfect ingredients for you to grow up into some successful adult and achieve all the things your parents have planned for you.
But at 18 freshly graduated with one last summer before uni you were ready to rebel and you knew exactly how you wanted to do it. Your friends all came from the same area. A well off nice area just outside of Derby filled with nice homes with nice cars in the driveways, but when they wanted a little fun they knew where to find the real parties, the parties where everyone went wild happened down in Derby proper.
The kids down there might be broke, come from broken homes or bad situations but one thing they did know was how to have fun and your friends loved to venture down there, and as long as they showed up with a wallet full of cash they were welcomed with open arms.
You had joined them on a few of these excursions before. Usually the designated driver. It was your responsibility to make sure all of your friends made it home and did so in one piece. Which you always did. because you, you are a good girl.
But tonight, tonight was going to be different. Tonight was the night you were going to catch his eye instead of being the invisible observer. All those times you had gone to these parties sipped on water and watched everyone have fun there was one person in particular you always kept your eyes on.
And that someone was named Will. He was handsome, as gorgeous as he was tall, with ocean blue eyes, shaggy blonde hair and a swagger that had you swoon, and every time you went to these outings, a different girl on his arm. sometimes it would be someone you knew, other times someone you didn't recognize, but never the same person and always someone dressed up and clearly looking for fun, and the worst part? Never you.
You, usually in a jumper and jeans hair down with a beanie on have never so much as caught him glancing at you, which is something you were determined to change tonight.
Your best friend Ashley is the assigned designated driver tonight and is fully aware of your plan. She was shocked at first but then decided she wanted to help. So she came to your house early with some clothing options for you to look through.
"you sure this doesn't look absolutely ridiculous?" you ask while checking yourself out in the mirror.
You are wearing Ashley's skin tight black mini dress. You aren't as curvy as Ashley but you had some feminine curves and this dress was definitely built specifically to show them off.
"You look like a snack" she winks at you. "but we have to do something about the shoes you can't wear runners"
"I know, I went out and bought two pairs of shoes today because i knew I wouldn't fit into any of yours" You hold up a pair of chunky Mary Janes and a pair of Chunky healed ankle boots.
"I was hoping for..... something a little more pointy.... but the boots should suffice" Ashley grabs the boots from your hand turning them over "Yeah, these are actually pretty cute"
"You got the stockings?" Ashley asks while wiggling her eyebrows.
"Yes I just don't understand how exactly these are supposed to stay up on my legs?" you hold the sheer black thigh high stockings you had bought at the store today as Ashley had suggested.
"You snap them into this" She holds up a black silky garter belt and you swallow.
"Right, obviously," you chuckle nervously as you take the belt and buckle it into place under the dress and over the small black lace thong you also purchased today.
"Ok" you release a deep sigh and shake your limbs. "Let's go"
The entire ride down to the city, you are wracked with a mixture of nervous and excited energy your leg bouncing in the passengers seat.
"Calm yourself," Ashley rubs your knee. "You look incredible.... if he don't go after ya he's blind"
She pulls up down the street from the dingy old flat, and you can already hear the music playing as you step out of the car.
Ashley holds your hand, your other friends Sasha and Katheryn trailing behind.
"time for your entrance" Ashley teases.
"What do i do?" you ask as she laughs.
"You just walk in the look will do all the heavy lifting"
There are a few people hanging out front smoking cigarettes, they briefly nod as you and your friends pass.
Then you walk in, the air is hot and the smell of alcohol fills the room. People are laughing a few dancing a couple or two kissing on the couch or against the wall.
You squeeze Ashley's hand tightly. "Lets just get you a drink yeah?" she drags you through the crowded room as your eyes flit about looking for him, and you find him easily enough. Sitting with his friends a whiskey in hand laughing about something or other. No girl on his arm. Not yet, it's still early. Not that you would let that stop you tonight.
you reach the kitchen table that is set up with some plastic cups and random bottles of booze. A cup in the middle of the table stuffed with cash. Its known if you're one of the rich kids you are expected to put some money in this cup when you come.
You take out some cash and jam it into the cup.
"Awe the pretty ones don't have to pay" You turn to see one of Will's close friends Tom smiling at you. You know he is one of his closest friends because they always stand around together before will finds his girl of the night.
"That's ok I don't mind" you smile at him as Ashley pours you a drink.
"You been out here before? Don't think i've seen ya" he questions as he moves slightly closer.
"Been here a few times yeah" You take the drink from Ashley.
"Obviously she's been her before ya knob" Will interrupts putting his hand on Tom's shoulder "Just usually aint drinkin" he gives you a sly smile as he leans over the table taking the whiskey bottle towards him to refill his cup.
You blush hard the corners of your mouth raising even though you are desperate to play it cool.
Tom catches this and rolls his eyes. "That would be the way of it"
You look at him confused while Will just chuckles.
Ashley leans into you whispering into your ear "I'll be in the main room by the door if you need me"
You look at her bewildered this is exactly what you wanted but now that you are about to be left alone with him you have gone into full panic mode.
"So what's changed then?" He asks as Ashley passes by him making her way from the area.
"well, your drinkin" he motions to the cup in your hand. "You've.... changed your style up a bit" he raises his eyebrows and smirks. "so.... what's changed?"
"I... Ummm " you can't think of anything to respond to that with that wouldn't sound stupid, but begin to panic when you realize that stuttering also sounds stupid.
He chuckles and walks closer to you cup in hand. "Why's the quiet good girl dressed up like a bad girl tonight?.... you got plans? Something...." he moves right up next to you and whispers "New you wanna try?"
You feel a chill run down your spine. "C'mere i'll show ya how to have fun" his hand slides into yours and he winks and pulls you toward the roar of the party, and just like that for tonight you're the girl his arm is around while he's laughing with his friends. You're the girl sitting on his lap while he plays cards, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
Finally it's you, and you are eating up every moment, as he stands in a circle with his friends, his arms around your midsection his head resting on your shoulder you feel satisfied. The alcohol coursing through your veins and his breath on your neck as he talks and laughs. The sporadic kisses he places on your neck and shoulder in between talking. Everything about this night has been perfect.
"Hey" he whispers rubbing his nose against the shell of your ear. "Come upstairs with me" Your eyes go wide and your stomach flips. You're filled with nerves but, these are the best kind of nerves so you nod your head and he smiles.
He wraps his arm around your shoulder pulling you from the group as they continue talking Tom shooting will a knowing glance. Will doesn't acknowledge this look, keeping his gaze locked on you.
He takes your hand and gently guides you upstairs as Ashley watches you go from her place leaning against the wall in the main room. A small smile on her face accompanied by a look of shock.
She didn't think you would actually do it and honestly you really didn't think you would either but here you are your hand in his as he leads you up the stairs of this dingy place, of whom you don't even know who the owner is but you follow him anyway. You follow him with a smile on your face and a chest burning with anticipation. Any thoughts of turning around and going back downstairs vanish when he turns around and gives you that smile. The smile you have dreamed about, the smile you thought could never be yours but for tonight, just for tonight, that smile is for you and you will hold on to it for as long as the night allows.
When you reach the landing your legs start to shake and he chuckles as he brings you into a nearby bedroom and closes the door.
"i've got the good girl upstairs all by herself..... what am I to do now?" he smiles as he walks closer to you. You swallow, your eyes are wide and your body is trembling and you want him to do whatever it is he wants.
he wraps one arm around your back and pulls you to him sliding his other hand up the back of your neck and into the base of your hair.
"What are you thinkin sweetheart?" he asks as he gently rubs his nose against your cheek. You breath in sharply at a complete loss for words.
"I.. I... ummm" your cheeks flush red with embarrassment, "I've ummm... never done this before"
He chuckles as he guides you towards the bed walking you backwards.
" I guess i'm breakin you in then, aren't i darlin?" He lays you back on the bed and clicks his tongue.
"Such a good girl.... and i've got you all to myself"
He crawls on top of you grabbing one of your thighs and pulling it up to his hip as he brings his lips down on yours in a gentle sweet kiss.
You smile into the kiss and he pushes himself against you. "Never thought I would get you up here" he whispers.
"Never thought you even saw me" you say as you lean up to kiss him again but he pulls back.
"Course i saw you. All beautiful standing there alone." he kisses you slow and sensually the soft click of your mouths the only noise in the room. "Thought to myself, that girl is out of my league. Too smart, Too pretty, too ... good" He kisses you again pressing his body up against you with more pressure.
You grip the back of his neck pressing your lips harshly to his. he pulls back slightly and chuckles. "But if you're looking to be bad tonight.... then i'm your man"
he slides his hand down between your legs pushing your thong to the side and you shiver. as he starts to gently and slowly rub your pearl you moan quietly.
"That's a good girl" he whispers as he nibbles your cheek. He slides a finger into you while rubbing your pearl with his thumb. "So very good" he breathes heavily while you arch your back. The intense pleasure washes over you like a tidal wave. He slides a second finger in and speeds up his pace.
"Please, Please" You don't even know what you are asking for but whatever it is you know you want it and that he can give it to you.
"Oh don't worry darlin, i got you" He quickens his pace again his other hand under your back steadying you and you ride out the sensation.
"Oh, holy - ahh" You open your eyes wide and gasp and you are absolutely rocked by an explosion of pleasure unlike any other you have ever provided to yourself.
he looks down at you will a smile and a chuckle. "Mmmmm.. still such a good girl" he takes out a condom and quickly gets it on positioning himself between your thighs.
"Hold onto me, I promise i'll take it slow" in a daze you nod and grab onto his shoulders as he pushes into your core. it feels like a lot of pressure not exactly pleasurable but not painful.
he growls and bites his bottom lip "fuccccck ..... That's fucking magnificent"
he pushes in slowly until your hips are pressed together. He bites gently at your neck "You ok?"
"Yeah" you struggle to get the words out ass the discomfort starts to fade being replaced with a feeing of fullness.
He starts to move in and out gently. "this o-o-ok?" he says between labored breaths.
"Yes" you sigh the fullness making way for a pleasurable feeling, that feeling building with each gentle buck of his hips.
"So good.. You are so fucking good." he nibbles at the tip of your ear as his pace becomes more regular and his breathing heavier.
"Your so good" you moan back at him.
"No i'm not, but i'll steal something good even if it's just for the night" he pistons his hips into you gradually getting faster and faster. That feeling from before building in your stomach once again.
That feeling builds and builds as he moves faster and faster holding your hips tightly. "give me one more. One more to remember" he demands as his hips slam into yours with purpose. "Be my good girl"
Your legs tense around him like a vice holding him in place, as your eyes roll back in your head a feeling of Euphoria and endorphins flowing into every crevice of your being.
"Good girl.." he grunts and slams into you harder gripping you tight "Good fucking girl!". His thrusts get sloppy and desperate. "Fuck! So fucking....." he grunts loudly and then stills dropping his head onto your chest. he keeps his eyes closed head down but runs his fingers along your cheeks.
"You're so good" He whispers barely loud enough for you to hear it. The two of you lay there for what feels like hours but must have only been about 20 minutes. You make your way back downstairs on unsteady legs.
"Oh the classic walk of shame" Ashley muses as she watches you descend. You give her an annoyed look and the middle finger as you hear Will chuckle from behind you.
"You ready to go?" Ashley asks
"Yeah in just a couple minutes" you respond pushing some hair behind your ear. Ashley nods and walks off no doubt to find Sasha and Katheryn Sasha and Katheryn. Will takes your hand and walks you outside lighting a cigarette.
"You're off to some fancy university in Autumn aren't ya?" he asks looking unbothered as he flicks his cigarette.
"Imperial College" You smile at him as he looks away.
"Makes sense" he nods gently.
Ashley and the girls come out heading toward the car Ashley waving you over.
Before you go to her you place one last kiss on his lips and smile. then walk off to join Ashley and the girls. Will stands there just watching you walk away smoking his cigarette in thought.
"another one to add to the list then?" Tom joins him in his cigarette while nudging his shoulder.
"Nah mate she's far too good for the list" Will says voice low and serious.
"You'll see her again then?" Tom says slightly shocked.
"Nah, i'm not quite good enough for that" he looks away. "I'm gonna call it a night mate" Tom nods at Will as he leaves and starts his walk home.
In the car on your way back home Sasha and Katheryn are in the back seat drunk and giggling. Ashley turns and grabs your knee giving it a little shake.
"You can finally drop that good girl title huh?" she laughs
You stare out the window hair a mess and still in a daze.
"Nah..... I'm still a good girl"
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m4movies · 3 months
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"Loved, Wanted, Unforgettable"
A/N: This is my take on an alternative ending for the wonderful story "If I Had the Love I Needed" by the amazing @thought--bubble! You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here. I strongly recommend reading them both first! You will not regret it!
Summary: Will comes by your house franticly asking you to pack a bag. You find out what he did and that he's leaving town...and he wants you to go with him.
Tw: ANGST ANGST ANGST (for no reason...life is just too good right now let's mix it up 😂), smut, unprotected sex, possible impregnation, oral sex (m receiving), facefucking, fingering, praise, creampie
A/N: And just so we are all clear I did get Jess's permission before using her plot!!
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After he finishes speaking you stare into his eyes searching for a hint that this is a joke. Maybe this was a prank?
"Please. Pack a bag." He holds your hands enveloping them in his own.
"I- I can't just leave Will...my aunt...I can't just leave her." He can feel his heart break as you speak. "I love you. So much. But there has to be another way-"
"There is no other way!" He cuts you off dropping your hands angrily. "Matt will go to the police and I will end up going to jail!." He sits down on your bed running his hands through his hair panicking. He thought you would have said yes without hesitation.
"And what do you think will happen if we get caught on the run? You'll go to jail for even longer...its better you take your chances now. You won't get as much time." His leg is bouncing up and down quickly and his breathing is coming out erraticly. You kneel in front of him and you place your hand on his knees holding them down. "You should turn yourself in...show remorse for whatever it is you did."
He looked up at you tears prickling his eyes. He knew you were right. Running would only get him so far and in the end, he could end up getting you time as well as an accomplice.
"I- I don't wanna be without you." His voice cracked as he spoke bringing tears to your own eyes. "You made me feel wanted, loved and unforgettable." You smile at his use of words. The same ones he used the night he made you his.
"I'll always want you. Always love you, and I'll never forget you." He knows you mean it yet it doesn't reduce any of the pain he's feeling in his chest. You sit on his lap straddling him as his hands hold your waist and his forehead rests against your chest. "I'll wait for you...I know it will be long. But I'll wait." He looks up at you hope glimmering in his eyes.
"Really? You'd do that?" You nod and kiss him passionately knowing it will be one of your lasts.
"Of course, I would. You're my person." Will peppers your face with kisses feeling his mood lighten slightly. He's willing to go through years in jail if it means coming back home to you.
"Marry me." The words come out of his mouth before he has a chance to stop them. "I-I mean...you don't have to but..I'd really li-" You shut him up with a kiss as you nod your head instantly.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." Each word is followed by a kiss somewhere on his face. Will didn't move an inch the one word repeating in his mind. You watch his face waiting for a reaction. All he does is stare at you that same look painted on his face.
You squeal slightly as Will picks you up quickly and has you lying on your back followed by a hungry kiss. You both make quick work of undressing each other. Will's hands explore your body, he commits every curve and shape to memory.
You reach down and palm at Will's cock which earns you a moan.
"I- I want to make you feel good." You pant as Will leaves hickeys across your chest.
"You do. You always do." You roll your eyes and lift his head up so he can see your face.
"Not like that...I want to...I want to suck your cock." You rush out that last part as heat rises to your cheek in embarrassment. Will smiles and then laughs which makes you frown and turn away from him. "Don't laugh at me..."
"I'm sorry baby. Im sorry." He turns you back to face him. "I'd love for you to suck my cock." He leans up off of you and rolls over to your side sitting up against your bed's headboard. You move in between his lap.
"You have to teach me how. I've never done it before." Will holds your chin between his finger and thumb and leans down giving you a quick kiss.
"You're too cute." He leans back up and runs a thumb over your lips while the other strokes his cock slowly. "Just watch for your teeth. And oddly enough think of it as an ice lollie. But, no teeth!" You smile and nod.
You take your hand and you copy what Will was doing before pumping him in your hand. You stare at the slit on the head of his penis and decide to slowly run your tongue over it. You look up to find Will's mouth agape as he watches you explore this new experience.
You finally take him in your mouth. You've seen videos online but you've always wondered what it would actually be like to give someone head.
"oh- fuck." You look up at Will. His head is thrown back and his mouth is still wide open. You feel a sense of pride from being able to make him feel this good. He's always so focused on your pleasure and never his own. "Hollow your cheeks, baby."
You do as he says and get another groan out of him. Will pulls your hair into a makeshift ponytail and starts pushing you down on his own helping you take him further down your throat.
"Breathe through your nose and tap my leg if ts too much." You nod your head and Will wastes no time shoving his cock further down your throat till he's hitting the back. You moan around his cock which only makes his hips stutter as the sound is better than any sound you've ever made.
He quickens still trying not to go too fast so as to not overwhelm you but still wanting to chase that feeling. "Oh fuck I love you so much...i love you, I love you, I love you." You feel his cock twitch in your mouth and you know he's close. As a chain of fucks escapes his lips you take him as far back as you can and hold him there. Flattening your tongue so they can reach a bit of his balls. "Yes- fuck! Just like that.".
You feel your mouth fill with a warm liquid. Will pulls himself out of your mouth panting staring at your face. You make a show of swallowing his cum and showing him your empty mouth. He smiles and wipes your wet cheeks, you hadn't even noticed you were crying.
"Im not done with you yet." You notice Will is still just as hard as he was before. "There is something I want to try." He pulls you up so you're straddling him. "I want you to ride me."
Your face is quick to feel hot again under embarrassment. That was something you also hadn't done, unaware if you'd have the stamina to keep going. Will reaches down and runs a finger through your folds slipping one ever so easily inside.
"All wet just from sucking my cock?" You nod as he curls his finger into that spot only he ever manages to reach. "You gonna play with this pussy while im gone? Imagining it's me?"
"Y-yes yes." He adds another finger slowly pumping in and out of you.
"God im gonna miss this so fucking much." He uses his other hand to palm at one of your breasts while he sits up and takes your other nipple in his mouth. You meet the thrusts of his finger feeling the heel of his hand rub against your clit.
"Fuck...im so close. Don't stop." The pressure in your stomach gets tighter as you feel yourself getting lost in all the pleasure.
"Cum for me baby. Cum on my fingers." You lean down and kiss Will moaning into his mouth as you cum around his fingers clamping down on them. "Thats it, good girl."
He slowly removes his fingers and wipes your wetness all over his cock. He lifts your hips slightly not waiting for you to come down from your high. One of his hands holds your waist while the other holds his cock just below you. "Sit on it."
You slowly sink down on his cock till he's fully inside of you. You place both hands on his chest as you bounce on his cock not bothering to hold in any moans knowing your aunt is too drunk to wake up. Will holds onto your waist and fucks up into you matching your rhythm.
"You're doing so good baby." He sits up and his hands move to gripping your ass. Will knows your stamina won't last long. "Put your arms around me." Your head rests in the crook of his neck as you wrap your arms around him. He helps lower and lift you faster the only sounds filling the room are your moans and lewd wet noises.
"Fuck fuck fuck." You could feel his cock throbbing inside you and knew he was close. And Will could feel you clenching down on him signalling you near your end. "Cum with me baby."
You nod your head and search his lips for another hungry kiss. He ruts into you harder over and over until he feels you squeeze his cock harshly and moan into his mouth. He shoves himself deep inside you one last time and cums in you not remembering or caring that he isn't wearing a condom nor are you on any birth control.
Will lays back down not bothering to take himself out of you and lays you down on his chest.
"Give me 2 days. I'll tell Nan...get some stuff organized. Then I'll turn myself in."
And he did. 2 days later you were crying outside the police station giving him one last long and deep hug. He kissed your forehead repeatedly. Whispering for you to please stop crying for him.
"I love you so much, baby. Take care of Nan yeah?" He looks towards Leah and nods. She walks closer and takes your hand helping you to finally let go of Will. It was hard convincing her to come here but she ended up agreeing to for you.
"I love you too Will and I'll take care of her." He kisses your ring finger on top of the new tattoo you both got. Too broke to get a real engagement ring you convinced a buddy of his to do permanent wedding bands.
Will knew you two wouldn't be able to get married before the police would find him so you both opted to remain engaged until he got out of jail.
Will wipes the tears from his eyes as he turns and starts walking towards the police station.
"WIll! Wait!" You run back to him and he's quick to catch you carrying you in his arms as you give him one last kiss. Will holds you against him tightly wanting to remember this feeling.
Soon enough he slowly puts you back on the ground. No more words are needed and he turns and walks inside the station.
And so you watch as he walks away knowing you won't get to hold him again for a long time. The only person who ever made you feel loved, wanted and unforgettable.
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Characters are not minors. Will is 18. Made a mistake earlier, my brain wanted to make him a minor so he wouldn't get a lot of time but I changed it.
A/N: Do any other writers out there feel like they write so much faster when they're fueled by delusions? I started this 2 hours ago...and somehow finished the whole thing!!!!
Please go and check out the original story here! It is honestly an amazing story and there isn't much Will fanfics out there! He deserves more love!!!
Tell me what you thought!
Taglist: @thought--bubble , @valeskafics
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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National Walnut Day 
Go nuts for walnuts! These crunchy delights pack a punch of flavor and nutrition in every bite. Sprinkle them on salads, bake them into treats, or snack on them straight from the bag. It's a nutty good time!
Go nuts about walnuts in honor of National Walnut Day! This ancient, healthful nut makes a great addition to sweet treats, salads, trail mixes and so many other interesting dishes. While other nuts often take center stage, the walnut is absolutely worth celebrating and appreciating on National Walnut Day.
History of National Walnut Day
As the oldest known tree that has provided food to humans, walnuts have a history that can be traced back for thousands of years. It didn’t take long for humans to discover that the walnut is an easy to store and simple to eat nut. Plus, it travels well and offers great nutritional benefits.
In Persia, the walnut was referred to as the Royal Nut and it was only allowed to be eaten by people of royal heritage. During the reign of Alexander the Great, the walnut was brought to Greece from Persia and it was referred to as the Persian Nut for more than 1000 years. However, over time, the Greek version became smaller and inferior to the Persian walnut. In fact, the Greeks were envious of the Persian walnut, so they brought some Persian cultivars back to Greece to improve their breeds.
The Greek name for the walnut is karyon, which means head. This is actually fairly spot on, because the outside shell resembles a human head and the interior nut looks a bit like a brain!
Walnuts likely made their way further into Europe somewhere between 500–700 BC and then moved west after that. The nut probably traveled to the British Isles with the Roman Empire. It was somewhere around this point that it picked up its name “English walnut”, which is used to distinguish it from the black walnut.
Eventually, the walnut crossed the ocean and found a path to the New World. It was a group of Franciscan Fathers who found that the climate of Southern California was an important one for growing these deciduous trees. And this is likely the reason they picked up the name “mission walnuts”. California walnuts have become so popular that they account for 99% of the commercial walnut industry in the United States, a large portion of walnut trade in the world.
National Walnut Day dates back more than 70 years! It was in 1949 that the Walnut Marketing Board in the United States established the day with the purpose of celebrating and promoting this delicious and nutritious nut. US President Dwight D. Eisenhower made the day a public holiday in 1958 and National Walnut Day has continued to be celebrated every year since that time.
National Walnut Day Timeline
7000 BC Humans cultivate walnuts
The oldest tree food known to man, walnuts are cultivated starting in Persia. 
1754 BC First documented account of the walnut
The cultivation of the walnut is mentioned in The Code of Hammurabi, the oldest code of laws in the world. 
600 BC Walnut plants arrive in Europe
Around this time, the walnut plant makes its way from Persia into Europe. 
17th Century AD Walnuts land in America
English settlers are responsible for bringing walnut plants to the New World.
Late 1900s Walnuts are cultivated in Chile
The climate in Chile does well for growing walnuts and the country eventually becomes the world’s third largest walnut exporter. 
How to Celebrate National Walnut Day
Enjoy tons of fun on National Walnut Day by celebrating in style with some of these tasty ideas:
Learn Some Health Benefits of Walnuts
National Walnut Day is a perfect time to get a bit more familiar with some of the health benefits that are offered by this little nut. Take a look at these ways that the walnut is a healthy choice for snacking and baking:
Filled with Antioxidants
High in Healthy Fat
Promotes Gut Health
May Decrease Inflammation
Walnuts contain the most antioxidants of any of the commonly eaten nuts. The high Vitamin E content, melatonin and polyphenols can help to prevent oxidative damage and promote the lowering of “bad” cholesterol.
Omega-3 fat is an essential ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) that is a vital part of the human diet, especially for the prevention of heart disease. A single one ounce serving of walnuts provides a full daily supply of this important nutrient.
Walnuts offer essential bacteria and microbes that help with the functioning of overall gut health.
One of the common triggers for health problems in inflammation and walnuts offer nutrients, such as polyphenols, that can reduce oxidative stress that tends to cause inflammation. This could be beneficial in reducing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer.
Make Some Candied Walnuts
While candied pecans and toasted almonds are often thought of as some favorite snacks made from nuts, candied walnuts are absolutely worth trying out. Candied walnuts are delicious for snacking, adding as a topping to salads or used as a garnish on cakes and other sweet treats. And, they’re super easy to make!
Really, it’s as simple as just three ingredients: walnuts, butter and sugar. Add all of the ingredients to a skillet and heat for five minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. Separate nuts on parchment paper and allow to cool.
Share Fun Facts About Walnuts
One super clever way to raise awareness about the goodness and health of walnuts might be to learn a few bits of trivia about this nut that can be shared. Tell friends and coworkers about some fun facts while encouraging them to celebrate National Walnut Day in their chosen fashion.
Get started with some of these:
Even since ancient times, walnuts have been used for various health benefits and have even been considered to be medicinal for treating issues such as bad breath, wound healing and reduction of inflammation.
Walnut trees can grow to be very large, up to 60 feet tall. They can produce walnuts for more than 100 years!
Walnuts are best when kept cool, so it’s ideal to store them in the refrigerator or freezer for the best flavor and the longest life.
The state of California produces approximately one billion pounds of walnuts every single year. Now that’s a whole lot of nuts!
Make Baked Goods with Walnuts
Enjoy the delicious National Walnut Day by getting some walnuts for the kitchen and adding them to a variety of baked goods. This might mean adding chopped walnuts to a loaf of banana bread, a selection of oatmeal muffins, a pan of freshly baked brownies or a variety of other tasty baked treats. Be sure to bake up extra treats with walnuts and pass them out at work, share them with neighbors and offer them to family members in observance of National Walnut Day!
National Walnut Day FAQs
Are walnuts good for you?
Some studies have shown that walnuts are a source of vitamins and minerals, as well as lowering “bad” cholesterol. 
How to toast walnuts?
Walnuts can be toasted in a single layer for 8-10 minutes at 350 F. 
Can dogs eat walnuts?
Though it may not hurt them to have a stray walnut, dog owners should avoid feeding them to dogs as they can be a choking hazard.
Do walnuts go bad?
When exposed to heat for a period of time, walnuts can begin to smell rancid and taste bad. 
Do walnuts have protein?
Yes, walnuts have 4.5 grams of protein per ¼ cup.
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