#not my salads
rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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National Salad Day
Hey there, salad enthusiasts! Get ready to celebrate National Salad Day, a day dedicated to our leafy green friends and their fellow vegetable companions. Get your forks ready and prepare to dive into some delicious, healthy, and colorful creations. This national day is all about celebrating the wonders of salads and encouraging everyone to incorporate more greens into their diets. So, let's explore the history and delights of National Salad Day!
When is Salad Day?
It's national salad day on the 1st May.
The Birth of National Salad Day
While salads have been around for centuries, National Salad Day is a relatively new addition to the calendar. It started gaining popularity in recent years as people became more conscious of their health and nutrition. The origins of this day are closely tied to the rise of social media and food blogging. Influencers and health-conscious individuals shared their love for salads online, inspiring a wave of salad enthusiasts.
On May 1st, 2015, the internet exploded with mentions of National Salad Day. It became an annual celebration, bringing people together to appreciate the wonders of fresh veggies and creative combinations. From tangy dressings to crunchy toppings, it's a day to experiment and create salads that satisfy both your taste buds and your nutrition goals.
Salads Around the World
Salads come in countless varieties, each reflecting the unique culinary traditions of different cultures. Let's take a whirlwind tour around the world to explore some famous salads:
Greek Salad: A refreshing mix of tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, feta cheese, and olives.
Caesar Salad: A classic made with romaine lettuce, croutons, Parmesan cheese, and a creamy dressing.
Cobb Salad: A hearty salad with a bed of lettuce topped with avocado, bacon, chicken, hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes, and blue cheese. It's a meal in itself!
Caprese Salad: A simple and elegant combination of fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil, drizzled with olive oil.
Tabbouleh: A Middle Eastern salad made with parsley, bulgur wheat, tomatoes, and a lemony dressing.
How to Celebrate National Salad Day
Now that you know the history and some famous salad recipes, it's time to celebrate National Salad Day in style. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Organize a salad potluck with friends and family. Each person can bring a unique salad creation to share.
Try out a new salad recipe you've never made before. Challenge yourself to experiment with different ingredients and flavors.
Visit a local farmer's market and stock up on fresh produce for your salads. Supporting local farmers is always a good idea!
Share your favorite salad recipe on social media using the hashtag #NationalSaladDay. Spread the salad love!
Did You Know?
Did you know that the largest salad ever made weighed a whopping 20,100 pounds? It was created in Romania in 2012 and included a mix of lettuce, cabbage, carrots, peppers, and onions. That's one gigantic and healthy serving!
History behind the term 'Salad'
500 BC
The Birth of Salads
Salads have been enjoyed for centuries. The ancient Greeks and Romans were known to eat mixed greens with dressing as a way to cleanse their digestive systems. They believed that the combination of raw vegetables and herbs had medicinal properties.
17th Century
Salad as a Symbol of Wealth
In the 17th century, salads became associated with wealth and nobility. It was considered a luxury to have fresh greens and exotic ingredients on one's table. Salads were often served as a grand gesture to impress guests.
The Word 'Salad' Enters English
The word 'salad' entered the English language in 1763, derived from the French word 'salade.' The French had a significant influence on culinary customs during that period, and the term quickly gained popularity in the English-speaking world.
19th Century
Salads Evolve with New Ingredients
During the 19th century, salads started to incorporate a wider variety of ingredients. Fruits, nuts, and mayonnaise-based dressings became popular additions. Salads also became more decorative, with intricate garnishes and arrangements.
20th Century
The Rise of Salad Bars
In the mid-20th century, salad bars gained popularity in restaurants and cafeterias. Salad bars offered a wide selection of fresh ingredients, giving people the freedom to customize their salads. This concept revolutionized the way salads were served.
21st Century
Salads for Health and Green Living
In the 21st century, salads have become synonymous with healthy eating and green living. As more people seek nutritious options and environmental sustainability, salads have become a popular choice. From kale salads to quinoa salads, there are endless variations to suit different tastes and dietary preferences.
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vreliskriri · 2 years
Hi people. As the boy billionaire has bought the birdsite and corporate accounts joke about moving to Tumblr, I kindly ask y'all to give the brands the treatment they deserve: silence.
Make your own posts if you wanna post bugass but do NOT engage the brands. Gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss. In containment they will wither.
62K notes · View notes
vanillacherie · 10 months
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they are going to make fruit salad 🍎🍐🍊🍒🍑🍉
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jay-wasstuff · 8 months
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vongulli · 8 months
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more things!!!!!! (mostly buggy!!!!!!! specifically 🥗!!!!)
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biting is a love language biting is a love language Biting Is A Love Language-
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eyefoes · 29 days
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dadtaro + uncle polnareff brainrot bc i can't stop thinking about them
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rosekasa · 2 months
im feeling so unwell about them tonight
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podcastwizard · 4 months
saw a billboard advertising a low calorie pasta as having "the same amount of calories as a salad." brother if you saw the salads i ate you'd hurl
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Crouton Day 
These crunchy bread bites are the perfect addition to any salad or soup, adding texture and flavor — easy to make at home and can be seasoned to your liking!
That amazing crispy-crunchy goodness that comes from a crouton really just can’t be beat for a delicious salad topping. Though croutons are often unassuming and probably fairly happy to be a sidekick, it’s time to pay respect and let them be the star of the show, at least for this one special day.
And National Crouton Day is here to celebrate this little salad accessory that often gets overlooked but deserves a bit of attention!
History of National Crouton Day
Croutons have a history that can be traced back to the country of France. Well, at least the word “crouton” has its roots in the French language as it comes from the word croûte, which means “crust”. This is likely because the original croutons were made from the crusts of day-old bread that had gone a bit stale but could be cut into cubes and toasted with herbs and butter to keep from wasting food.
National Crouton Day began in 2015 when it was established by Rothbury Farms, a family owned business located in the United States. The idea for National Crouton Day was presented in February of that year and the first celebration took place on May 13, 2015.
As far as Rothbury Farms is concerned, the best croutons should be made starting with fresh bread that is carefully toasted and then seasoned with tasty spices, herbs and cheeses. The result is a super crunchy, amazingly flavorful bit of zest and interest that can be added to any salad or soup to make it much tastier.
How to Celebrate National Crouton Day
Whether throwing a whole party in honor of croutons or just sharing some with a friend, National Crouton Day comes with many options for observing the day. Or come up with a few of your own ideas or have fun with some of these:
Enjoy Eating Some Croutons
The most standard and expected way to pay respect to the crouton might be to simply eat a garden salad that is topped with croutons and a favorite salad dressing. Or choose to add them to a traditional Caesar salad. And those are certainly some viable options.
But some people might want to make things a bit more interesting on National Crouton Day by placing some croutons on top of a bowl of soup, using them as a garnish with chili, or even try putting them in scrambled eggs. Actually, croutons are so delicious that they can even just be eaten as a snack all by themselves!
Try Making Croutons at Home
When there’s a bit of stale bread left in the bread box, don’t just throw it away! Repurpose that day-old bread and make it into croutons. Start by cutting the bread into small squares and place them on a lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, and toss with spices. Bake until golden, turning once halfway through, about 15-20 minutes.
Enjoy a delicious batch of homemade croutons on various dishes at home, or share them with friends in honor and celebration of National Crouton Day!
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"salad dressing" don't be so pretentious it's sauce. it's salad sauce
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dreemurr-skelememer · 10 months
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warm-ups turned into brainrotting abt my pj variant
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jay-wasstuff · 7 months
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Actually love how this is his "You fucked around and now you about to find out" stance
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5K notes · View notes
i don't know what this is. the plush has invaded my brain. it has the controls now
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theacebard · 6 months
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This whole island is gossips
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