#Natural Hair Dye Benefits
directsellingnow · 5 months
Natural Hair Dye Tips: इन चीजों से बनाएं घर पर हेयर कलर और Dye; बाल काले ही नहीं, घने भी होंगे
Natural Hair Dye Tips: पहले बढ़ती उम्र के साथ बाल सफ़ेद होने लगते थे, लेकिन आजकल कम उम्र में ही सफ़ेद बालों की समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। आज बहुत से लोग इस समस्या से पीड़ित हैं और उन्हें सफेद बालों को छुपाने के लिए केमिकल हेयर डाई का सहारा लेना पड़ता है। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि आप घर पर ही प्राकृतिक हेयर डाई (Natural Hair Dye & Colour) बना सकते हैं, जो आपके बालों को 1-2 महीने तक काला बनाए…
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wetslug · 10 months
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homunculus-argument · 3 months
My hair is naturally light-coloured and bullet straight. If I got to choose, I'd rather have dark, curly hair. Now that my hair is almost long enough to be curled, I'm tempted to start perming it as well as dyeing it every six months or so, but alternating between them. So my hair is either fully dark but with straight roots, letting people assume my hair is naturally dark but that I perm it, or fully curled but with blond roots, letting people assume that my hair is naturally curly but that I dye it.
Absolutely nobody will notice nor care, and this entire exercise will have no point, benefit, nor goal other than to amuse me, which is the main purpose of my hair anyhow.
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toweringclam · 4 months
After reading some responses to the latest Doctor Who, "73 Yards," I realized that a folkloric faerie story might be alien to modern audiences. However, there's a good modern equivalent, and I thought I'd try my hand at putting the story in a more familiar form.
"73 Yards"
Item #: SCP-17347
Clearance Level: 2/Restricted
Object Class: Euclid
Disruption Class: 2/Elam
Risk Class: 3/Warning
Special Containment Procedures: All Foundation personnel are to maintain at least a 32-foot (10 meters) distance from SCP-17347-1 unless necessary to protect civilians, in which case personnel are to use antimemetic ear and eye covering to reduce exposure to her effects. Otherwise, Foundation personnel in the field are forbidden from approaching, interacting with, or acknowledging the existence of the entity in any way. Should this prove unavoidable, personnel are to disable all communication devices to prevent the effect spreading. Any Foundation personnel inadvertently exposed to SCP-17347-1's effects are to be administered class A amnestics and transferred to a different site. Should this fail to relieve symptoms, they are to be offered early retirement with full benefits and disability pay.
Grade C surveillance is to be maintained on SCP-17347-2 with a primary goal of preventing civilian exposure to SCP-17347-1's effects. While SCP-17347-2 will generally avoid being separated from SCP-17347-1, should this occur Foundation assets are to intervene and ensure the 73 yard (67.75 meter) distance is maintained.
Description: SCP-17347-2 is a 21-year-old female Caucasian approximately 5'2" (157 cm) tall, with green eyes and natural brown hair that she prefers to dye blonde. A major identifying feature is a scar on her right eyebrow of unknown origin. Her demeanor is generally cooperative despite signs of psychological trauma related to abandonment. Attempts to gain SCP-17347-2's cooperation should use the subject's given name, "Ruby S█████," while focusing on reassurance that she is not alone and that the Foundation has her best interests at heart.
SCP-17347-1 is an entity of unknown origin, appearing as an elderly female Caucasian with white hair and wearing a long black overcoat. Due to its anomalous properties, it is impossible to form a more precise image of the entity. Methods of indirect observation such as cameras always show the subject with the same resolution as a human eye with 20/20 vision observing the subject from a distance of 73 yards (67.75 meters). Even anomalous means of observation are subject to this effect.
SCP-17347-1 maintains a constant distance of 73 yards (67.75 meters) from -2. Despite having a demonstrable physical presence, she does not appear to move when observed, instead relocating between blinks or lapses in attention. This effect is observable even on recorded video. Objects offer no hindrance, and the entity is able to keep pace with the fastest available Foundation land vehicles.
Attempting to transport SCP-17347-2 via air, sea, or other methods where SCP-17347-1 would theoretically not be able to follow have thus far failed due to anomalous weather activity. The temperature will plummet rapidly and produce out-of-season snowfall, escalating to blizzard conditions, and in one case flash-freezing a portion of the English Channel. The effects abate immediately should efforts to transport SCP-17347-2 cease.
Any attempt to interact with SCP-17347-1, including but not limited to attempts to harm, hinder, communicate with, or describe the entity will trigger her memetic effects, and can spread to secondary subjects nearby or through live audio/visual communication. Anyone subject to these effects will develop an intense antipathy towards SCP-17347-2. In civilians, this most often manifests as fear, but it can take other forms, such as anger, disgust, hurt, and disdain. The particular manifestation appears to matter less than the effect: an immediate and overwhelming desire to completely distance oneself from SCP-17347-2 in the most expedient and thorough way possible, including refusing to enter an establishment she frequents, changing their name and moving to a different country, resigning public positions, and, in one case, self-termination. Amnestics have no effect on this, though they may be administered to affected individuals to reduce psychological trauma associated with past and theoretical future interactions with SCP-17347-2
Testing has concluded that this effect includes indirect and negative means of interaction, with no known limit on range. D-Class subjects proved unwilling to push a button if informed that it would expose SCP-17347-2 to an intense, loud noise, even under threat of termination.
Those affected by SCP-17347-1 will only be able to refer to her in the most vague terms, describing her as "Shaped like she is," or "Looking like she is supposed to." They are unable or unwilling to explain the source of their antipathy, even under extreme duress, with the most common response being, "Ask her," refusing to clarify whether they mean -1 or -2.
At all times, SCP-17347-1 performs a looping series of gestures that appear to be an attempt to communicate in a form of sign language. However, the gestures are either not found in ASL or BSL (American or British Sign Language), or performed so poorly as to be unrecognizable.
Discovery: SCP-17347 came to the Foundation's attention following a failed operation to apprehend SCP-17347-1 by UK paranatural security organization UNIT (Unified Intelligence Taskforce). UNIT director Dr. K███ L█████████-S██████ (Dr. K for brevity) was exposed to the effects during an operation and ordered all information on SCP-17347-2 purged from UNIT databases and her files burned, on grounds of "Wasting precious resources on someone who doesn't f██████ matter)." Embedded agents and spy software were alerted to the purge and managed to save some documents. Official UNIT liaisons attempted to recover the remainder of the documents, but Dr. K vehemently refused and threatened to cut ties between our organization if pressed on the issue, yet she readily accepted amnestics when offered, to "Get her out of my goddamn head forever."
Addendum 1: From recovered documents, SCP-17347-2 appears to be a former associate of PoI-3 ("The Doctor") though what relevance that may have is unknown. -2 has shown reluctance to speak on this subject explaining, "That's when it started. The second time someone abandoned me forever. Not the last, though. Not the last."
PoI-3 has not been sighted since the anomaly began.
Addendum 2: Additional anomalous properties only came t o light during the documentation process. All measurements related to her must be conveyed in Imperial units first, though metric can be provided in parentheses. Also, both entities must be referred to with feminine singular pronouns, even when referring to both of her. Further research into this effect with languages lacking singular feminine pronouns is pending.
(I thought about adding interviews and testing logs, but I think you get the idea, and this had better get me like 500 notes from how much effort I put into it even without that)
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psychicdisaster · 5 months
I know everyone jokes about how Saiki decided to use his mind control power to make his pink hair seem natural instead of dyeing his hair, and how it's ridiculous that he doesn't use his power to get rid of world hunger instead, but his perspective makes a lot of sense to me.
Imagine if he did solve world hunger. Then, he would come across another evil, say sexism, and he would feel the need to solve that issue too. I mean, if he solved world hunger, why can't he solve another issue too? He'd fall down this slippery slope of solving every issue on Earth until the world becomes a utopia. But is that alright for him to do? Is he allowed to use his powers to control the thoughts and actions of others and make the world unrecognizable for the sake of removing all evil? Is helping people enough of a reason to turn the world into his playground?
And so, he chooses to leave the world as is.
But then there's the guilt of having all the power in the world and doing nothing about the evil he sees, which is why he pretends to be a selfish jerk. "I'm only helping you because it benefits me. Don't get the wrong idea about this." Because as soon as he admits to himself that he is doing something that is selfless, he will have to confront how hypocritical he is.
He makes excuses because he can't cope with his power. After all, he's only just a child.
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loud-sound · 9 months
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(part 1 of part 2!!)
for shits n giggles, i tried my hand at redesigning dr stone characters (read: three)
i have too many emotions when it comes to this show's character design lmao. a vicious hate-love of the century
a couple of my process notes if anyone's interested: (vague spoilers up to season 3 of the anime)
there's a criminal lack of skin tones that i immediately wanted to take advantage of; and before Certain People start saying race-swapping; none is happening here, it's all just taking account of tanning and sunburns. sunscreen is a thing of the past here and a lot of time is spent outdoors in order to gather food
dramatic shifts in skin tones from what's given at birth happen pretty frequently in real life even with A/C and sunscreen; a huge missed opportunity to play with this in the color department methinks, but here we are (don't even get me started on the massive range of skin tones in east asian genetics alone)
so i played around a bit with contrast, nothing outlandish aside from giving Kohaku noticeable sunburns and freckles from (1) having caucasian blood in her to begin with and (2) not having access to any of the skin products our moderners would have
that being said, realism in the clothing color department was just about entirely thrown out the window. the blue dyes we know about are nowhere (naturally) near Japan, and here Ishigami village is in canon with deep navy on every villager; Inagaki and Boichi decided realism specifically here wasn't as important as color symbolism (which i personally think was a good creative decision), so cut me some slack-
so for colors it was just my personal taste on streamlining the palettes-
Gen in particular i thought would benefit from exposed shoulders without taking away how he needs bigger sleeves to hide shit up there. a lot of the guys have plain shirts and sleeves or just go shirtless entirely and i felt like it'd be fun to have him wear something in between to really push the magician/entertainer vibe
hairstyles were changed mostly to be easier to draw and to make their silhouettes just a bit easier to distinguish from each other. (hair colors were untouched except for Kohaku, purely because i have a personal preference for the more natural blonde color than any actual design significance lmao)
partial exception for Kohaku, cuz it annoyed me that the other characters say she has super thick, unruly hair...but then her hair is drawn no differently from everyone else's 💀
didn't wanna play into the stereotype of naturally curly hair being seen as something to be fixed (especially within the context of a makeover-), so i tried to imply chronically unbrushed hairdsjfsdf
can you tell from how many bullets are here about Kohaku how i feel about her design? last thing: body types.
Gen is supposed to be significantly tall, Kohaku is one of the strongest characters while being one of the shortest; it is very hard to tell that from their designs alone. it's mostly just the limitations of Boichi's art style,,,proportions that's i'm aware is nitpicky, but i wanted to show it here anyway 💀💀💀
smth smth disclaimer about subjectivitydsfsdfsd-
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uhhhh, congrats for reading all that, have some silhouettes!
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Greetings, fellow Shadowhunters, Downworlders, and in-the-know mundanes. Jace Lightwood Herondale here, your favorite Shadowhunter and three-time winner of the Golden Stele for Most Attractive and Sinewy Institute Head[1]. Recently it has been brought to my attention that I have been the victim of a terrible slander. I present this report today, to be sent in fire-message format to all Institute Heads worldwide: to correct the record, yes, but more importantly to provide a more thorough survey of the relevant information regarding the New York Institute and its main officers. I. SITUATION REPORT As you know, a schism has caused our homeland of Idris to be occupied by an insurgent, reactionary faction of Nephilim. This has severed the Clave’s ability to enter Idris and to engage in normal governmental operations. As a result, the New York Institute has become a much more central and important location than ever before. Not only are we now the home office of the Consul-in-Exile, the Headmaster of the Shadowhunter Academy-Also-in-Exile as well as the Warlock and Werewolf representatives to the Council, we are also the closest Institute to said Academy and therefore charged with its defense. As such, the interests of the New York Institute can be said to truly be commensurate with the interests of the Clave at large. II. THE SLANDER A most dire accusation has been made against me, and in doing so, it has impacted the morale of my Institute, which, as per §1, is of utmost importance at this precarious time in Shadowhunter history. Specifically, I have been accused of DYEING MY HAIR.
III. THE RESPONSE The accusation is, unfortunately, not more specific than this. It is unclear if the accuser means to suggest that I merely add artificial highlights to my hair, or that I use dye to alter its natural hue -- or much more dire allegations. That I, perhaps, actually use bleach to lighten my hair to the blond color for which it is famous across six continents, or even that I might have need to mask the appearance of early-onset gray hairs. Let me be clear: none of these have any basis in fact. My hair is and has only ever been its own natural shade and tone, inherited genuinely from my parents and untouched by any treatment or modification by magic or chemical. Its thick texture, gentle waves, and brilliant luster are merely the result of good fortune and a regular regimen of washing and conditioning. To suggest otherwise is to undermine the cause of the liberation of Idris and to weaken the resolve of our allies. A few, more given to conflict resolution than I, have tried to find a position of compromise, suggesting that it is possible that my hair has been positively affected by the experiments my father performed on me as an infant involving angel blood. It is true that I cannot fully rule out the possibility. But I strongly doubt it, and I believe you should as well, for one can find (through rigorous searching) hair that is nearly as superb as mine even among the mundane population, who obviously have not benefited from any such magics.
IV. RELEVANCE TO THE NEW YORK INSTITUTE AT LARGE While the slander has been directed solely at me, the other main representatives of the New York Institute are also aggrieved, and feel strongly that an attack on the hair of one of us is an attack on the hair of all of us. To that end, and at their request[2], I want to provide reassurances regarding the current status of the hair of all of us here. I hope that it will offer comfort and optimism in this dark time. I have provided a helpful letter grade for each of those mentioned here, using the standard measure where “S” is the highest grade, followed by A, B, C, D, F. My own hair will be used as the S-tier standard. CLARY FAIRCHILD If anyone on this list qualifies for the highest tier, it is of course Clary Fairchild, the co-head of the Institute and my constant beloved. Her hair is of the finest red color, shining gold in the light and flowing around her face in waves that only serve to highlight the natural blush of her cheeks and the freckles which so fetchingly decorate her face. To look upon Clary is to be reminded of the beauty given to us by the Angel; to run one’s hands through her hair is to weep with the beauty of this world. RANK: S SIMON LOVELACE Unfortunately, Clary’s parabatai’s hair has suffered greatly, perhaps the most of any of us, with the rupturing of the Clave. Out of sorrow and discontent he has, unwisely, been dedicating a significant portion of his time to his rock band, in which he plays the electric bass guitar alongside several mundanes (of no other consequence). Under the wretched influence of these mundanes, he has made an attempt at lightening his own hair to create an effect he described to me as “kinda punk and a little emo, but also not.” I cannot tell you what this is intended to mean: only that applying bleaching agents to his previously completely acceptable brown hair has turned it an unpleasant color which Clary has labeled “chromium green.” For the moment, he looks as though he has a dead snake on his head. Both Clary and Isabelle have volunteered to shave the green out of his hair entirely, but he has so far avoided their clippers and announced he will wait for it to grow out naturally. All of us here are looking forward to his full recovery in time; rest assured that, like the loss of Idris, Simon’s appalling appearance is only temporary. RANK: D (under normal circumstances: B). ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD As in all things, Isabelle Lightwood’s hair is immaculate and worthy of the great admiration it inspires. The contrast between her and Simon Lovelace is always quite striking, but never more so than now, as her appearance lights up each room she enters while his prompts questions about possible chemical spills and comparisons to a fictional mundane character known as “The Joker.” (Again, his situation is temporary, and we trust he will be restored to full strength soon.) When braided and set for battle, Isabelle’s hair inspires her allies and strikes fear into demons. RANK: S ALEC LIGHTWOOD Here we have a curious situation, it is true that Alec Lightwood’s hair is the parabatai to my own. As such, it is attractive, steadfast, brave, and rousing. Alas, while the hair itself is fine material, he simply WILL NOT TAKE CARE OF IT THE WAY I TELL HIM TO. No matter how many excellent products are gifted to him, no matter how many times he is lured into a fine salon with a promise that it is actually an arrow shop, the Consul continues to look as if he cuts his hair in the dark with nail scissors. And yet - allowances must be made. Our Consul struggles beneath a heavy burden of responsibility, by which I mean he has two children who constantly put gum in his hair. Considering all he has to face, I cannot but feel that the hair of Alec Lightwood is hair that one would not hesitate to follow into battle, which is what truly matters.  RANK: A MAGNUS BANE At this moment in time, Magnus Bane, the Consul’s husband and warlock representative to the Council, has hair that cannot be achieved through mundane or even Shadowhunter means. Though largely black, it is shot through with flecks of gold, and at the tips it faded smoothly to an electric blue that closely resembles the color of his own magic. As always, Magnus takes a look that might not pass muster on a lesser man and makes it not only his own, but a target of envy from all around him. It is widely believed (though denied) that such an effect is what Simon Lovelace was hoping to attain in his recent unlucky tonsorial experiments. That the effect of his hair can only be created so perfectly with the use of magic does not diminish what Magnus manages to achieve here. RANK: A CHURCH THE CAT While the oddly long-lived cat known as Church is currently residing in the UK under the care of others, he was a longtime resident of this Institute and is still considered by most of us here as a kind of unofficial mascot. Recent photos have confirmed that, as befits a cat of the New York Institute, Church continues to have a fine, rich coat of  the slate-blue color normally associated with his Persian breeding. Despite his usual bad temper, he is a fastidious groomer and keeps himself free of mats and unsightly tufts of shedding fur. His color is set off by his luminous gold eyes, which provide an excellent contrast. His coat presents an excellent picture when seen as a whole, but special consideration should be made to its greatest details, namely the slightly lighter color between his toes, and the tufts that rise from his owl-like ears. RANK: S V. CONCLUSION I hope that the thoroughness of the information contained here has brought reassurance and inspiration to all those who receive it. To sum up, my own hair has never been better, and remains entirely natural in its source. The state of the hair of the New York Institute is strong, and with the exception of a single mishap, which we are recovering from, we foresee only positive developments in the domain of our hair in the months and years to come. Yours in the Name of the Angel, Jace Herondale [1]This award was created by Clary Fairchild and is presented once a year on my birthday by a jury consisting of only the most discerning and aesthetically informed Nephilim available: specifically, Clary Fairchild. [2]Or at least, with only their mildest objection. Note: From Cassandra Clare’s newsletter on 01/04/2023. 
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randomidiocyncrazies · 9 months
#12K12Days: 12/13 Favorite Character
Nakajima Youko is fr fr my favorite character in 12K, and one of my favorite fictional characters in general.
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I first came across the Twelve Kingdoms anime as a pre-teen, and the historical fantasy vibe immediately captured my interest. The synopsis sounded cool, and—most importantly to baby ace me—there was no talk of romance being a defining arc in the show.
there's nothing wrong with romance arcs, but because most of the female-led stuff i was aware of at the time had one—especially Fushigi Yugi, which was around at the same time and had superficial similarities with Twelve Kingdoms—I was elated that Youko's story never centers around romance, but on her growth and integrity in other aspects.
Like. She starts out as being a hypocritical, wishy-washy people-pleaser who doesn’t really stand up for her own values, mostly because of how she was raised in a household with rigid gender roles. Her father demanded meek submission from her as a "proper lady", and her mother was complicit in it. Youko was taught to "be a good girl," where being a good girl meant being subservient to other people's wishes—especially men—and never standing out... something that her natural-born auburn hair complicates. It's something she's born with, but her father and teacher makes her dye it to fit in, and places the fault on Youko for "standing out too much" even though she had no control over it.
After all the Bad Shit that happened to her after arriving in the 12 Kingdoms—being thrown into a confusing world with no information and hunted by deadly demons who are specifically out to get her, the discrimination she gets being in a country that hates people like her, being betrayed and almost dying multiple times—she becomes cold and calculating, distrustful of everyone around her and shuts down her emotion.
but unlike grimdark cutthroat fantasies where trust is derided as foolish by the narrative, Youko's triumph comes from refusing to give up on the goodness in people after meeting a kind person who is also discriminated for being different, and resolves to defend her values with concrete action, taking responsibility for her own actions. Her confrontation with the Blue Monkey is breathtaking, and the way she rejects his nihilistic despair by staying true to herself left a strong impression on pre-teen me. Going along with other people may seem easier, but staying true to yourself and taking responsibility for your life is true fulfillment.
She continues to grow after the first novel. As she takes the throne—a duty and responsibility tied to her life, as well as the lives of the people in her kingdom—she realizes how much she still has to learn, and takes action so that she would not be reduced to a mere figure head and people-pleaser, like she had been. She questions the structure of the world, and makes changes to not only benefit her own kingdom, but to also strengthen international diplomatic relations across the 12 Kingdoms.
In short, Youko is cool as hell and an admirable person to look up to, especially after seeing how much she's changed from her first appearance.
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crimsonhydrangeavn · 5 months
GENUINE QUESTION, this is going to sound so silly, oh God........but was making Teagan a redhead on purpose (actually, I just thought of the possibility of them dyeing their...)? I mean, don't get me wrong, I like the color red but “full of red flags + DANGEROUS + IS a readhead = Teagan”. Their whole self and background is so interesting to me, it makes me wonder what inspired you to create them (apologies if something similar was asked and answered). There isn't much but man, I can't wait for the next updates! Thank you for your hard work <3
Please don't feel silly or apologize for asking your question! I really am so honored to hear that you're so invested in learning more about Teagan and have thought so deeply about them!
To get the easy part of your question out of your way, no Teagan isn't a natural redhead. They actually dye their hair all the time (Their hair was actually bright blue before they dying it red.)
As for the redhead = red flags + danger equation, I honestly can't deny that didn't cross my mind when I was creating them. Though you know what else is red? Herrings. ;)
As for the second part of your question, Teagan was honestly inspired by a lot of different sources.
One of the main sources of inspiration from Teagan are from a few toxic/manipulative friendships I had growing up. You see, I was a huge people pleaser/ pushover as a child and I would always give people the benefit of the doubt even when they didn't always deserve it.
Now that I'm older, I can look back on those toxic friendships and immediately spot those bright red flags that I missed as a kid. Of course, after seeing and learning of the home life that they had, I can understand why they developed those toxic traits in the first place.
Of course that doesn't excuse it, but it explains their actions and helped me realize that I wasn't the only reason why they acted the way that they did. It was their own slew of internal, and sometimes external, issues that caused them to act out.
Teagan also embodies the abandonment issues I developed after those toxic friendships inevitably failed. ( Not always by my own choice, even though in retrospect it was a net positive for me.) Granted, Teagan's issues dwarf my own, but they're rooted in the same fears and insecurities that I am still working on to this day. ( Unlike Teagan, I actively work on my issues and try my best NOT to project them onto others)
Of course, they were also loosely inspired by a lot of other yandere visual novels I've played. If you look at fanart I've made on my main accounts you'll probably get a hint of which specific games I drew some inspiration from haha.
I will say that even though Teagan is a manifestation of a variety of issues I've dealt with over the years, they are obviously 100x more toxic than anything I've experienced in IRL.
I've also found some sick enjoyment in coming up with creative and increasingly more messed up scenarios on how to make Teagan as toxic as humanly possible.
It's almost cathartic in a way, being able to control these fictional scenarios instead of being forced into them by outside sources.
That being said, I also believe in everyone's innate ability to heal, change for the better, and grow as a person. Of course I don't want to give too much away, but just know that my belief extends to Crimson Hydrangea as well. <3
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elekid · 1 year
uhm happy juneteenth
i just got the news im going to interview for a really good job this week 0_0 I would have amazing benefits and make good money but..
I need to get an outfit for the interview put together as well as dye my hair back to natural and cover my tattoo..since its the day of freedom can yall please please help me get $$$$ for shoes and interview fit? That is all the reperation I want today. And for everyone to play and dance with me! But thats free. =)
^^^^ can send here
>>>> or here
ily all ⛄️🤎🪃🥜🪺🦣🐌👞
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lafleshlumpeater · 2 years
can you do a travis stoll x reader frienemies to lovers
like they have a rivalry or something
maybe an apollo kid reader
idc if it’s smutty or fluffy but not a lot of angst plz
Ofc!! Tysm for requesting x
Warnings: Hand to hand fighting (no blood or severe injuries tho), mentions of weapons??, swearing, kinda public grinding but no- one notices or intervenes, I think that's it?? lmk if theres smth i missed :))
Kinda got carried away with this one
travis stoll masterlist
The war was coming.
Before Perseus Jackson arrived at camp, it was easy to brush the idea off, to convince themselves that the Prophecy of the Seven couldn’t possibly be fulfilled anytime soon; that all the current residents of camp would probably be buried six feet under before the seven were even born. But ever since Percy had arrived at camp all those years ago, it was safe to say that most of the older campers- and Chiron- could clearly see that Percy was simply way too powerful to not be one of the fated seven. It was never discussed, and it was an unspoken rule that the matter was never conferred about. The possibility of the fulfilling of the prophecy was kept from any new campers who would be reduced to panic- even Percy himself was kept blissfully oblivious, though he always was. You truly felt sorry for the boy; even Annabeth knew of the predicament he would be thrown into in the near- future, and it seemed unfair that someone so close to him (and who he obviously took a romantic interest in) would keep from him a secret so big.
And this was why Percy, the newer campers and the younger campers, were greatly confused by Chiron’s out- of- pocket announcement when he’d gathered everyone one summer morning. Without indulging in any formalities, he spoke.
“It is with the decision of both Mr D-” here, he glanced at Mr D through his peripherals, who, as always, looked bored whilst lazily stirring ice at the bottom of his red cup of Diet Coke with a straw- “- and myself that you are now all restricted from training and completing activities of your choice,” he declared in an empathetic yet firm tone which was not to be reckoned with. Despite the protests and whines of campers ringing out in the crowd, he continued in a slightly louder voice.
“In case of events the future holds, this would benefit you all greatly. This way, we can incorporate all skills needed to- fight- into activities at camp, so you will not be caught off- guard or vulnerable in any possible life or death situation. You will all be given schedules which work in a two week rotation, and you have to follow them. If not, there will be consequences.” At this, you noticed at the corner of your eye, standing some metres away, the Stoll brothers turned to each other. Usually, you’d stand with them in a little trio but you had been pointedly ignoring Travis after an incident a couple of weeks ago involving your shampoo and a neon green hair dye that the seemingly innocent boy had sworn he had nothing to do with. Now, if you hadn’t known the sly boy for the amount of time you had, you would’ve missed the way his eyes glinted with mischief, the way his facial muscles were twitching frantically, aching to laugh at your crisis- all of which caused you to be ignoring him in the first place.
You felt slightly guilty for having to avoid Connor due to the brothers’ closeness, as he was a very close friend with whom you held no grudges against, but your stubborn nature and will overrode the sorrowful feeling almost as immediately as it came. 
You hadn’t even properly looked at them, and yet you knew they were giving each other almost identical grins at the prospect of even more rule- breaking. Connor’s, as you had come to know as sly and plotting, and Travis’s more playful and vexatious. That, you wouldn’t be able to forget even if you wanted to. And gods, how much you wanted to forget, yet at the same time want the image to never leave your mind; Travis Stoll’s wolfish, cheeky grin.
Travis Stoll. It was complicated. Sometimes you just wanted to wipe the stupid labrador grin off of his stupid face by shoving it down the stupid toilet; at others you just wanted to talk, and talk, and talk with him for hours on end, about anything and everything as you’d done many times. More often, particularly when he taunted you for your poor archery skills despite being a child of Apollo, you wanted to shove your bow and arrows so far down his throat he’d choke to death before he even had time to make another witty comment- they were useless to you anyway, you wouldn’t suffer much of a loss without them.
It was when you felt a hand on your shoulder that you finally snapped out of your daydream with a small gasp. A familiar, chipper voice which was far more interesting than whatever Chiron was droning on about now.
“How are we gonna win the war with your dumbass who can’t even hit an arrow at a target?” 
Finding yourself face to face with a neon orange- clad chest, you looked up, although you already knew who it was. Those damn Hermes kids- always able to soundlessly, gracefully sneak up on people. Something you admired, but at the same time despised about them. Especially due to a certain, ocean- eyes individual.
You grumbled, shrugging his hand off of your shoulder. “Fuck off, you insufferable being.” Despite what your tongue said, you had admittedly missed the boy’s company over the last few weeks- the way he always raced you everywhere, the way you always taunted him while he swordfought with his siblings- but your ego. Your ego was too big to accept his half- assed apology that quickly, and you would rather die than tell him that.
He scoffed in protest and huffed indignantly, blowing a few stray curls off of his sticky forehead, beads of perspiration gleaming in the bright sun.
“What have I done now? I haven’t even been anywhere near you the last couple of weeks after…” he trailed off in an uncertain realisation, and his doubt was quickly confirmed after receiving a glare sharper than the knives they threw at targets during practice.
“Oh y/ln, you aren’t still petty about the hair?” he questioned, the slight exasperation in his voice overruled by the usual patronising tone he used when addressing you. Your huff and sassy cross of your arms confirmed his suspicions even further, and he let out a disbelieving laugh. 
“Y/n, you ray of fucking sunshine? There’s a war coming soon, no time or place for holding grudges- and shame, I won’t be able to watch you shoot bull’s eyes in the arena every day,” he bantered challengingly.
Note sarcasm.
The little trickle of fondness which had found its way into your heart dissolved as quickly as it had formed, and a scowl wrinkled your pretty features.
“Shut the fuck up and listen-”, you hissed a sharp retort, proposing a peace treaty for now as you didn’t want to miss anything important. The curly- headed boy only smirked, relishing in his pleasure at knowing exactly how to wind you up and at his shortly- earnt victory, placing his hands in his pockets. Although Chiron had gained your attention once again, your mind was elsewhere- the fact that Travis was standing so close that you could smell his cologne and the unmistakable scent of the lime and apple shampoo, his regular, deep breathing and his foot gently tapping on the ground was just enough to make you hotter than the blaring sun ever could- and more irritated. 
Shoving him, you scowled. “Could you not stand so close to me.”
He shoved you back. “Gods, okay, calm down. Don’t think I even want to stand next to you anyways.”
“Excuse me? If I recall correctly, you were the one who sauntered up to me with all your arrogance and bravado- stop laughing at me- STOP LAUGHING, I said!”
As Travis laughed at your indignant manner, you stamped your foot in frustration, taking your own turn to huff.
“You are so annoying- it’s obvious Connor is the better sibling.”
Connor, having cocked his head at the sound of his name from where he was standing a couple of metres away, grinned at you. You smiled back.
“You can’t complain, you know exactly how and when to wind me up-”
Chiron’s sharp voice rang out and caused the mentioned pair to jump.
“Since the two of you are so eager to be partners, you shall be,” he declared. You both looked at each other, his blue eyes squinted into upside- down crescents and nose crinkled in confusion. You grinned, seeing a window of opportunity to annoy him as he had you, and booped his ski- slope nose- just the way you know he hated.
“Y/n!” he groaned, exasperated, swatting your hand away uselessly. You just laughed and elbowed him, shushing him when Chiron gave you both a stern look once again.
“Which leads me onto my next point. You all will be in assigned pairs-” cue groans from all the campers- “-which I will read out now.”
What he said next fell to deaf ears as said pair looked at each other again, this time in amusement. You both were constantly in competition of everything and anything, often to the annoyance of other campers. This time was no different.
“You are going down, Stoll.”
“You’re on.” Travis smirked back. You nodded at each other mischievously and listened to what other shit, in your opinion, Chiron had to say.
“Pairs one to ten will be working on fitness- that includes the lava wall, archery and the climbing wall. Pairs eleven to twenty will be in the creative areas, so at the armoury, making shields, swords and for the younger campers, learning how to wear helmets and armour correctly. Pairs twenty- one to thirty-” here he gave you and Connor a reproachful look- “-physical training, so hand to hand combat. Pairs thirty- one to forty are on pegasus care and riding, and everyone else is on capture the flag.”
Before the centaur had even finished talking, you turned to the mop- headed boy. 
“This is going to be fun.”
“Agreed,” he smirked.
Time skip bc I’m lazy and supposed to be doing history work rn lol
Standing in a fighting stance, you held your fists up.
“Come at me, Stoll.”
Connor grinned and threw a half- hearted punch at your side. You dodged it in one smooth move.
“That all you got?” you bantered challengingly. “Come on, even a baby karpoi will be able to defeat you in the war at this rate.”
“Taking it easy on you, y/ln.” He attacked again, this time aiming a swift kick at your legs, aiming to get you to fall. He wasn’t quick enough.
You grabbed his leg, which happened to be his dominant one, and gave it a sharp yank. He fell on his back with a small “oomph”, eliciting laughs from other training pairs.
“What’s up, Travis?”
He grumbled, rubbing the bag of his head, face slack in a daze. You took pity on him due to the uncomfortable embarrassment written all over his features, and good- naturedly reached a hand out for him to take.
He looked at it for a second as if it was alien, before smirking. You hadn’t realised your mistake until he grasped your hand tightly, used it as a leverage to pick himself up before twirling you around so your back was to him. He held his forearm to your throat, firm enough to keep you there but not enough to hurt.
“Fuck,” you grunted, twisting around in an attempt to escape. He laughed, and you felt his chest rumble, his lean muscles rippling slightly through his thin camp shirt.
“Going somewhere?” he taunted in a whisper, and if you weren’t blushing before you were now. His words tickled your ear and he finally released you, still laughing.
You flew at him, not in an attempt to hurt him but enough to catch him off- guard. Still laughing, he hadn’t expected it. You both went tumbling backwards into a wall, now your elbow against his throat.
He tilted his chin upwards, looking down his nose at you. “Stronger than you look aren’t you, y/n?”
The flirtatious use of your first name made your face burn up even more, and the fire spread to the rest of your body as your grip faltered. Connor smirked, eyes half- lidded. Seeing a window of opportunity at your flushed state, he spun you around once again; your back now against the wall. He caged you in- chest mere centimetres away from yours, face leaning down to observe you. You noticed his laboured breathing was just as turbulent as your own, ears as crimson as yours felt.
Until his smell hit you. The scent of apple and citrusy body wash was emphasised further by the amount he was sweating, making it distinctly more masculine, more attractive, more him. The heat was now spreading elsewhere, down to your core, causing an insatiable ache in the bottom of your stomach. It all made you feel weak to your knees, and you were now clawing uselessly at the wall behind you to stop yourself from falling.
As a final resort from doing anything you would later regret, you bit your lip and whispered huskily. 
“Go fuck yourself, Stoll.”
His nose brushing yours, his breath fanning your lips. “Why don’t you do it yourself, y/n?” 
That’s what did it, he could tell. He could see the lust in your darkened eyes only for a second before you grabbed the collar of his shirt, tugging him to meet your lips. Instantaneously, he groaned into your mouth as your tongues battled for dominance. You soon gave in to him, and let out an embarrassingly needy whine as his tongue massaged yours, imagining what it would feel like elsewhere. After its venture into your mouth, his tongue dipped back out and swiped across your swollen lips. After a playful nip to the bottom one, his lips disconnected from yours, and you felt his clothed crotch between your legs, grinding earnestly. A delicious groan left his mouth; he suppressed a desperate noise as your hands entwined themselves in his hair, pulling as hard as you dared yourself to. His hips disconnected from yours, and he held a hand out.
“My cabin?”
You took in his appearance. Swollen, saliva- coated lips, messier hair than usual, flushed cheeks- and a clear tent in his pants. You couldn’t help the smile from spreading across your lips; you had gotten him in this state, you and no- one else.
Your lips curved upwards at him, licking your lips, and took his hand.
Let’s just say you couldn’t walk properly for the next two days.
tysm if you read until the end :)) requests are always open xx
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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genderfluiddoppio · 7 months
okay here are my pakunoda headcanons in no particular order dont ask me to elaborate if you understand you understand
does most of the philanthropic work for the spiders, donates to charitys that benefit victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse
is more low-key than most other members; when she's operating alone, she's very subtle
she mostly runs scams and does fraud, when she outright steals a physical item she's extremely stealthy
tries not to resort to killing, not for any moral reason but because it's more of a hassle for her
I headcanon her as having schizo affective disorder and I headcanon all conjurers are more prone to hallucinations and psychotic disorders, usually the more powerful a conjurer is the more likely it is they deal w some form of psychosis.
i also think she's autistic because.
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very adept at dismantling, cleaning, and reassembling firearms.
also very good shot w any firearm. Shes more familiar w pistols and revolvers, but she's used pretty much every type of gun there is
actually has a tough time speaking about her emotions/complex/abstract concepts and will rely on her memory bombs to communicate w the troupe. Tends to go nonverbal when she's overthinking
also she's not as cold/apathetic as she seems. She has a very apathetic resting face, but she's actually pretty expressive. She used to be even more expressive, but she's trained herself to suppress her emotions
extremely weak to flattery
i headcanon Paku as a natural redhead who dyes her hair blonde and I actually kind of have evidence for this one
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(from the phantom troupe foundation flashback from the ova)
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(from the phantom rouge promotional stuff. i cant stand phantom rouge but it gave me redhead paku crumbs so)
i go back and forth between headcanoning her as a lesbian and headcanoning her as like unlabeled
A lot of people read her dedication to chrollo as romantic but tbh I see them more as queerplatonic partners
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gyldowen-draws · 4 months
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Portraits of a Drow
Gal’vyn goes through a lot of changes in his life, and his look reflects that. Here are some portraits of my beautiful boy!
(In-depth story under the cut)
Underdark: Gal’vyn was born the third son of a poor family in the the city of Bel’laus Elamshin, a collective obsessed with “traditional drow values” and carrying out the First and Second Part of the Destiny of the People in the Spider Queen’s name. Because of his birth and station, he was sold to work in the mines. Although he spent his time doing hard labor, he was still expected to look beautiful for the Jabresses. No matter how time-consuming, inconvenient, or impractical, he was forced to braid, style, and pin his long hair to signify his station with a severe penalty for every infraction. He hated it. Although he was a devout follower of Lolth, he never truly fit in, the oppressive culture chafing against something deep inside. Eventually he couldn’t take it anymore, and he left his city, never to return.
Surface: The surface and his newfound freedom were strange, terrifying and exhilarating. It was hard to shed a lifetime of oppression, and it took Gal a while before he started to take control of his body and style. After a year still wearing his hair the same way, he finally got fed up and shaved it off himself. Though he ended up cutting himself and not liking the look anyway, that was his first act of self ownership.
Act 1: Since cutting his hair the first time, Gal evolved his look, dying his hair and getting tattoos. He enjoyed getting piercings, which had the added benefit of making him look really intimidating. People often steered clear of the scary drow, which suited him just fine. That is until he was captured by mindflayers and somehow made leader of a particularly mismatched group. It was then he discovered his new favorite accessory: a fresh pair of vampire bites.
Act 2: The shadowlands were not kind to Gal, in more ways than one. Away from light and civilization as they were, Gal couldn’t find the ingredients he needed for his hair dye or buy new khol when he ran out. The horrors of the shadow curse and Moonrise didn’t help his looks either. Astarion teased him for looking like shit, but still mended and embroidered his shirt regardless.
Act 3: Luckily for Gal, he was able to immediately buy the dye he needed from the mummy at the circus outside of the city. With a fresh cut and new clothes courtesy of a very grateful Figaro (and a collar to keep people from asking about the house brand on the back of his neck), he was able to take the Gate by storm.
Reunion: If there was one thing Gal learned the shadowlands, it was that his red hair was hard to maintain. So when he and Astarion decide to keep adventuring after the Elder Brain’s defeat, he chooses to go back to his natural color (after the vampire convinces him it looks dashing in the moonlight). With a different hairstyle and some exciting new piercings, Gal completes his new look with something he’s never worn before: happiness.
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clacesource · 1 year
From Cassandra Clare's Newsletter
Greetings, fellow Shadowhunters, Downworlders, and in-the-know mundanes. Jace Lightwood Herondale here, your favorite Shadowhunter and three-time winner of the Golden Stele for Most Attractive and Sinewy Institute Head[1]. Recently it has been brought to my attention that I have been the victim of a terrible slander. I present this report today, to be sent in fire-message format to all Institute Heads worldwide: to correct the record, yes, but more importantly to provide a more thorough survey of the relevant information regarding the New York Institute and its main officers.
As you know, a schism has caused our homeland of Idris to be occupied by an insurgent, reactionary faction of Nephilim. This has severed the Clave’s ability to enter Idris and to engage in normal governmental operations. As a result, the New York Institute has become a much more central and important location than ever before. Not only are we now the home office of the Consul-in-Exile, the Headmaster of the Shadowhunter Academy-Also-in-Exile as well as the Warlock and Werewolf representatives to the Council, we are also the closest Institute to said Academy and therefore charged with its defense. As such, the interests of the New York Institute can be said to truly be commensurate with the interests of the Clave at large.
A most dire accusation has been made against me, and in doing so, it has impacted the morale of my Institute, which, as per §1, is of utmost importance at this precarious time in Shadowhunter history.
Specifically, I have been accused of DYEING MY HAIR.
The accusation is, unfortunately, not more specific than this. It is unclear if the accuser means to suggest that I merely add artificial highlights to my hair, or that I use dye to alter its natural hue -- or much more dire allegations. That I, perhaps, actually use bleach to lighten my hair to the blond color for which it is famous across six continents, or even that I might have need to mask the appearance of early-onset gray hairs.
Let me be clear: none of these have any basis in fact. My hair is and has only ever been its own natural shade and tone, inherited genuinely from my parents and untouched by any treatment or modification by magic or chemical. Its thick texture, gentle waves, and brilliant luster are merely the result of good fortune and a regular regimen of washing and conditioning.
To suggest otherwise is to undermine the cause of the liberation of Idris and to weaken the resolve of our allies.
A few, more given to conflict resolution than I, have tried to find a position of compromise, suggesting that it is possible that my hair has been positively affected by the experiments my father performed on me as an infant involving angel blood. It is true that I cannot fully rule out the possibility. But I strongly doubt it, and I believe you should as well, for one can find (through rigorous searching) hair that is nearly as superb as mine even among the mundane population, who obviously have not benefited from any such magics.
While the slander has been directed solely at me, the other main representatives of the New York Institute are also aggrieved, and feel strongly that an attack on the hair of one of us is an attack on the hair of all of us. To that end, and at their request[2], I want to provide reassurances regarding the current status of the hair of all of us here. I hope that it will offer comfort and optimism in this dark time. I have provided a helpful letter grade for each of those mentioned here, using the standard measure where “S” is the highest grade, followed by A, B, C, D, F. My own hair will be used as the S-tier standard.
CLARY FAIRCHILD If anyone on this list qualifies for the highest tier, it is of course Clary Fairchild, the co-head of the Institute and my constant beloved. Her hair is of the finest red color, shining gold in the light and flowing around her face in waves that only serve to highlight the natural blush of her cheeks and the freckles which so fetchingly decorate her face. To look upon Clary is to be reminded of the beauty given to us by the Angel; to run one’s hands through her hair is to weep with the beauty of this world. RANK: S
SIMON LOVELACE Unfortunately, Clary’s parabatai’s hair has suffered greatly, perhaps the most of any of us, with the rupturing of the Clave. Out of sorrow and discontent he has, unwisely, been dedicating a significant portion of his time to his rock band, in which he plays the electric bass guitar alongside several mundanes (of no other consequence). Under the wretched influence of these mundanes, he has made an attempt at lightening his own hair to create an effect he described to me as “kinda punk and a little emo, but also not.” I cannot tell you what this is intended to mean: only that applying bleaching agents to his previously completely acceptable brown hair has turned it an unpleasant color which Clary has labeled “chromium green.” For the moment, he looks as though he has a dead snake on his head. Both Clary and Isabelle have volunteered to shave the green out of his hair entirely, but he has so far avoided their clippers and announced he will wait for it to grow out naturally. All of us here are looking forward to his full recovery in time; rest assured that, like the loss of Idris, Simon’s appalling appearance is only temporary. RANK: D (under normal circumstances: B).
ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD As in all things, Isabelle Lightwood’s hair is immaculate and worthy of the great admiration it inspires. The contrast between her and Simon Lovelace is always quite striking, but never more so than now, as her appearance lights up each room she enters while his prompts questions about possible chemical spills and comparisons to a fictional mundane character known as “The Joker.” (Again, his situation is temporary, and we trust he will be restored to full strength soon.) When braided and set for battle, Isabelle’s hair inspires her allies and strikes fear into demons. RANK: S
ALEC LIGHTWOOD Here we have a curious situation, it is true that Alec Lightwood’s hair is the parabatai to my own. As such, it is attractive, steadfast, brave, and rousing. Alas, while the hair itself is fine material, he simply WILL NOT TAKE CARE OF IT THE WAY I TELL HIM TO. No matter how many excellent products are gifted to him, no matter how many times he is lured into a fine salon with a promise that it is actually an arrow shop, the Consul continues to look as if he cuts his hair in the dark with nail scissors. And yet - allowances must be made. Our Consul struggles beneath a heavy burden of responsibility, by which I mean he has two children who constantly put gum in his hair. Considering all he has to face, I cannot but feel that the hair of Alec Lightwood is hair that one would not hesitate to follow into battle, which is what truly matters. RANK: A
MAGNUS BANE At this moment in time, Magnus Bane, the Consul’s husband and warlock representative to the Council, has hair that cannot be achieved through mundane or even Shadowhunter means. Though largely black, it is shot through with flecks of gold, and at the tips it faded smoothly to an electric blue that closely resembles the color of his own magic. As always, Magnus takes a look that might not pass muster on a lesser man and makes it not only his own, but a target of envy from all around him. It is widely believed (though denied) that such an effect is what Simon Lovelace was hoping to attain in his recent unlucky tonsorial experiments. That the effect of his hair can only be created so perfectly with the use of magic does not diminish what Magnus manages to achieve here. RANK: A
CHURCH THE CAT While the oddly long-lived cat known as Church is currently residing in the UK under the care of others, he was a longtime resident of this Institute and is still considered by most of us here as a kind of unofficial mascot. Recent photos have confirmed that, as befits a cat of the New York Institute, Church continues to have a fine, rich coat of the slate-blue color normally associated with his Persian breeding. Despite his usual bad temper, he is a fastidious groomer and keeps himself free of mats and unsightly tufts of shedding fur. His color is set off by his luminous gold eyes, which provide an excellent contrast. His coat presents an excellent picture when seen as a whole, but special consideration should be made to its greatest details, namely the slightly lighter color between his toes, and the tufts that rise from his owl-like ears. RANK: S
I hope that the thoroughness of the information contained here has brought reassurance and inspiration to all those who receive it. To sum up, my own hair has never been better, and remains entirely natural in its source. The state of the hair of the New York Institute is strong, and with the exception of a single mishap, which we are recovering from, we foresee only positive developments in the domain of our hair in the months and years to come.
Yours in the Name of the Angel, Jace Herondale
[1]This award was created by Clary Fairchild and is presented once a year on my birthday by a jury consisting of only the most discerning and aesthetically informed Nephilim available: specifically, Clary Fairchild.
[2]Or at least, with only their mildest objection.
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banhtet · 7 months
hii. been busy here and there so all ive done is rewatching unfinished anime series and dealing w both asthma and acute laryngitis and depression 🤡🤡
but ive been thinking abt hayami whenever i listen to mitski so. I Have To make a post abf her
this will be hcs mostly.............. 💀 some hcs/interpretation will be ooc as i need to rewatch the anime + reread the manga and the korotan series. but it physically hurts me sometimes bc i get too excited, then ill spiral into hatred for the series. ALSO MY INTEREST IN IT HAS BEEN DILUTING? THATS NOT GOOD!
- i think hayami straightens her hair for the majority of her middle school final yr. bc in the manga, its shown in the manga that she still has curly frilly hair but to separate herself from Irina, its tied up and straightened
- which leaves me to think shes those cases of blonde suddenly turn brunette as they grow older but in her case its like hella obvious. I dont think her mom would let her dye her hair so the dying hair thing is out of the question for me
- this mostly stems from the ova where she has blonde hair + some ppls interpretation of hayami in which she has brown hair and i think thats so swag
- i think hayami has hazel eyes.. just bc it just seems fitting that she does yk. and also brown hair + hazel eyes combo hayami ? God Bless
- how others see hayamis eyes can depend on the lighting.. like when its sunset it appears more brown to others or when its morning, it appears more green. could even be gold in a very specific moment
- its mentioned that hayami is more expressive in the beginning of assclass and gets more stoic later on.
- And then i think abt how matsui tried to box hayami into the tsundere stereotype even tho it just makes me see her more as a person w communication problems and issues handling her facial expressions
- i think hayami naturally just has like an angry face (furrowed brows and all that)..
- combined w her communication problems, hayami is pretty much just misunderstood by her classmates as someone whos difficult and irritable (one example is the boys group chat thing where okajima expresses that he likes hayami and in turns maehara is like "eeeehh... uhhhhh.. dunno dude shes kinda scary")
- its also Very Important to me that hayami has said tsundere-esque lines.. Like the infamous "Dont get the wrong idea" when saving itona and also her line in the popularity ranking ("Its not like im happy or anything" or smth of that nature)
- Ik why she said those but Why is she saying them specifically? like whys she trying to Stay Neutral/not opinionated abt her ranking in particular.
- shes so catcore. Hayami was a latchkey child from a very young age. we dont rlly have any info on hayamis life from her graduation forward aside from some in the korotan, the epilogue and like some meta info,,
hayami was relied on a lot and had to do others dirty bidding. i imagine her believing that it was some form of friendship, some way of maintaining their relationship (considering the absence of her father and mother and her chasing for validations)
i think her previous classmates were afraid of her at the beginning, but when realized that hayami had good intentions, they used her loneliness to benefit themselves
(UTTER OVERTHINKING) do you think that her being "sassy" or smth of that nature is to barricade others from getting too close in hopes of not being fooled/used for dirty works again, its also her nature in general But like at the same time, its prob one of the only approach of communication shes used to (knowing what happens after and all that). Do you think she has disorganized (leaning a bit more on anxious) attachment. Do you think that her communication problems already make her appear to be cold but her interpersonal difficulties drive it further . Why does she have such little connections to the girls despite being seen w them often. do you think abt yada, whos multitalented, jealous of hayami ,whos noted by others for mostly her sniping talent and the rest is ignored. do y
its so weird to me that hayami stagnated in her development? (her being a receptionist, the whole "she strives to be a coworker everyone can rely on" and also singlehandedly fishing chiba out of unemployment)
its great that shes honed her receptionist skills but in the end, its mostly just for helping someone else. and the fact that chiba isnt depicted as like being against it is kinda off.. hayamis known for her stretching thin of herself and chiba, being arguably hayamis closest friend, would. at least realize that she has a self-sacrificing tendency (seeing how observant he is yk)
?? apparently she singlehandledly handles every business and sales matters. insane. also,, ig its fitting that hayami chose a fast-paced position for her job but idk man. Idk its still insane to me that hayami is chibas receptionist..
on a lighter note she cut her hair at some point in the future so thats cool
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demi hayami forever. shes 100% demi. i also think shes unlabeled, like she doesnt rlly care what she is tbh. others ask her abt it and shes like "idk up to interpretation" (ooc)
its so funny to me. that in korotan c, apparently she showed up to watch asano having a lil date w princess lea? bc it mentioned her name later on helping lea from the "bodyguards" (along w chiba too.. this makes their viewing their classmates from afar in the animated koro q funnier tbh)
hayami in the skiing club.....
i think her interest/reason for joining is mostly that she wanna try it and also bc i think she saw it on tv a few times and got fascinated by the ppl skiing/snowboarding
dunno where the clubs got the budget to apparently Go Fucking Skiing frequently,, or how the club would even operate (in Middle School no less). but i think itd be pretty funny if the club disbanded some time later and hayami joined a dance club instead (which would make more sense)
i think hayami had done ballet before. as a kid. Just a hc but she wanted smth to do rather than. Sitting watching tv bc no ones home
horrible horrible thought but hayami seems semi like those kids whose parents are on the verge of a divorce (projection) 💀
i think one of the reasons why i tend to read hayami as having avpd is. just the fact that she pays attention to 'the class dynamic and harmony and such'? im not 100% sure on the meaning of that sentence but that just reminds me of my experience w avpd and i Have To hc her as having it
as a final thing :
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sinkorhair · 5 months
Raw Virgin Hair: See The Magic of True Elegance
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Raw virgin hair bundles have become increasingly popular in the beauty industry. These unprocessed hair extensions offer a natural and versatile look that cannot be achieved with synthetic alternatives. The demand for raw virgin hair bundles has grown as more people seek high-quality hair extensions that blend seamlessly with their hair. Whether it's for length, volume, or a new style, raw virgin hair bundles provide a solution that meets the needs of diverse individuals.
Benefits of Wearing Raw Virgin Hair
Raw Virgin Hair is the purest form of human hair extensions, becoming popular among African-American women. This can be the best bet if you are seeking a natural, exquisite look for the day. Let us explore the top benefits of wearing 100% raw virgin hair.
Natural Look
Minimal Shedding and Tangling
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly
Superior Quality and Durability
Being a black woman, you might want to invest in hair extensions that will last long. Raw virgin hair is an excellent choice. It can be the best decision you have ever made for your hair. Raw virgin hair is made of unprocessed hair, meaning no perms or dyes are used. Wearing raw virgin hair can assure you the most gorgeous and natural-looking curls. To buy raw virgin hair bundles and to learn more about the benefits of wearing raw virgin hair, visit our website or the link provided below.
Source: raw virgin hair
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