#Naturally he is banned from the student council room
mollywog · 11 months
🎃👻Trick or treat! 👻🎃 A prompt if you like: Katniss and Peeta trying to decide what 'spooky-season' movie to watch. (Whether horror, spooky, creepy, or romcom)
This is not what you asked for… but hopefully still a treat!
In an alternate/alternate modern universe where Haymitch isn’t the potato man, but somewhat of an old man Marley figure. Living alone on a street full of old houses that have fallen into disrepair.
Inspired by part of @bodyelectric77 trick or treat (that I’m still working on 😬)
On Ao3
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He enters his kitchen to find the trio looking sullen. He’s not too surprised by the older girl’s scowl, it’s her natural state as far as he can tell, but the frowns on the boy and the little girl’s faces are foreign to him.
Haymitch has heard the rumors about himself: Old Man Abernathy - a drunk, a nut, a felon, a murder, possessed - just like his haunted house. Some of what they say is true, but he doesn’t bother to correct the inaccuracies; the stories keep most people away and that’s how he prefers it. So he was surprised and a little impressed two years ago when the Mellark kid knocked on his door looking for work, offering to do grunt jobs for a couple bucks. By then Haymitch had already had Katniss helping twice a week with the lawn and landscaping, so he’d offhandedly remarked he had nothing for the boy to do unless he wanted to clean his toilets, scrub his gout, and cook his meals. He never expected the boy to agree and to continue to return. Peeta began coming regularly, conveniently matching his schedule to that of the girl, who would often bring her younger sister along. He has found that he quite enjoys the lively chatter of the three teens who invade his house twice a week.
They’d ceased their discussion when he’d entered the room, gloomily staring into their mugs, “Alright, who kicked your puppy?”
The little girl looks as if she’ll speak, but her sister picks up her mug and subtly shakes her head. He turns to the boy, raising an eyebrow.
“It's silly really,” he shrugs, “Prim mentioned the Winter Formal. As a freshman this would be her first chance to go, but I was telling her it probably won’t happen this year. I’m on Student Council.” This doesn’t surprise Haymitch. “In past years we’ve used the school cafeteria for free, but last year someone had the bright idea to set off glitter bombs. It was a nightmare to clean; There’s still blue and silver glitter wedged in every crevice. And now Principal Coin won’t let us use it again as punishment. So if we want the dance this year, we have to have it somewhere else. But even the deposit at The Hob is more than we can afford.”
Haymitch’s struck with a rush of nostalgia: memories of the crappy cafeteria bathed in blue twinkle lights and covered in paper snowflakes as he danced with his girl. He may be old and jaded now, but he can remember how important silly dances we’re back then. He covers his feelings with a pull from his flask, “Can’t you do a fundraiser or some shit? A deposit can’t be more than what… Two hundred bucks? Throw a bake sale.”
The kid huffs in a mixture of annoyance and amusement, “My mom’s on the PTO board. She’s gotten them to ban bake sale fundraisers. Says she’s looking out for local family owned shops who lose business to them.” The kid smirks, “though she never took issue with the wrestling team’s candy bar fundraiser, despite the Donner’s sweet shop next door.”
Haymitch snorts, taking another swig from his flask before continuing, “There are other ways to raise money. What about a carwash?” He doesn’t even have a car, but he remembers them being popular back in his day.
“Who’s going to want to wash cars in this weather?” Katniss snaps gesturing to the window.
“Besides, that’s the cheerleader's thing. There aren’t many options, all the other usual fundraisers are already taken by other teams or clubs; if the Student Council tried them, they’d be cutting into someone else’s profits.” Prim adds.
They fall back into silence. He watches as the boy steals glances at the older girl: Haymitch would gamble he had plans to ask her to the dance. She’s as enamored with him as she is oblivious and is currently preoccupied worrying over the little girl’s disappointment, while Prim shoots sympathetic looks in the boy’s direction.
It’s pretty pathetic.
but unfortunately also oddly endearing. “Alright” Haymitch rubs his eyebrows. Three pairs of eyes look up at him in confusion, “I’ll give you the deposit: an anonymous donation to the youth of District 12.”
“What? No.” The boy shakes his head, “it’s a generous offer, but that's not why I brought it up. I’d feel like I swindled you with a sob story if I just accepted your money like that.”
“Fine,” Haymitch huffs, “then earn it. The whole town already thinks I live in a haunted house. It’s the season. Doll up this place to meet expectations. Charge admission. Bet no one’s cornered that market.”
The older girl looks skeptical, while the younger one looks ready to vibrate out of her seat in excitement. The boy begins to nod, “that could work. We could ask to borrow props from the theater department and I can try to convince the football team to play scarers.”
“I could talk to the other cheerleaders about helping too,” Prim squeals.
“There are plenty of pumpkins and gourds in the garden for decorating and we could set up a hot beverage stand for extra sales,” Katniss reluctantly adds.
“People would easily pay $5 just for the chance to get a glimpse of this place. Hell, even my mother would pay triple that for a peak!” Peeta says before contemplating the insinuation and tempering his enthusiasm, turning towards Haymitch in a more subdued tone, “You’re sure?”
Haymitch shrugs, “I got a couple-a kids who clean my house, the aftermath will be their problem.” This earns him a chorus of laughter and even a smirk from the girl.
He’ll likely regret this later, but as he watches their growing excitement as they sit at his table and plan, he can’t seem to care.
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skelezomperman · 8 months
Gen II trio are running for student's council presidency! They're vying for the throne because Arion and Altena are graduating. Between you and me (and the whole world), who will you support?
Seliph: wants mental health to be a priority, will pressure the school to bring a psychologist to school clinic. Wants everything to be democratically decided by having people vote for student council's programs, such as what festival should be held next and where. Challenge so far: having to dispel rumor that he's coming from family of attorneys. Some loud naysayers unsure if he can uphold what he promised because to them he looks like a cute duck. Rumored wanting to ban swearing at school and replace it with weekly slam poetry session. The animal lovers like it when he thinks students should be able to have a yearly tour to zoos or aquarium to volunteer.
Leif: Runs on the premise that boys shouldn't be discriminated because of their height; inclusive basketball team because he thinks height will get you to the ring, but anger makes the best dunks. Wants to reinstate state-sanctioned mandatory free edible lunches and adds fishing in a secluded lake with a homestay of forest cottage into yearly school activity. Thinks every school needs a stress room where students go to destroy stuff and come out feeling better. Challenges so far: rumors about him being a communist, and whispers about him having slashed teachers' tires. The stress room is most favored, however.
Ares: The most radical premises out of the three. Wants to abolish school uniforms. Wants to bring back honorable sword duel to settle dispute, which gets criticized a lot. He argues it will make people to think twice before being an asshole, mutual deterrence. Thinks students should be able to oust a teacher from their class if the teacher is deemed unfit or doesn't care for the students' well-being. Surprisingly wants more funding for art programs, which leads to the infamous controversy where science and sports clubs point at his face asking why he hate them. It's only infamous because he says, "Like I give a fuck." Broadcast to the teacher's and principal's offices. Wants students who get caught being cruel to cats expelled without appeal.
There are also rumors that Ced will run although the certainties are still kept in the dark. His program includes extra math hours to help struggling students, which he will call Math Clinic. Wants school bus rides to be free. Favored for inclusive school environment, including more funding for cultural exchanges and foreign language classes. Wants school uniforms to be proper again, which invites some naysayers. The hardest challenge for him so far, however, is to stop people from calling him a nerd. His fans love the idea of mandatory sign language matriculation class, though!
If Ced actually runs, who is actually going to not vote for him? Many people, actually, because people are naturally distrustful of lofty promises like that. Not to mention, he sounds like a technocrat, and that is not in style right now.
I'd support Seliph, of course, because slashing teacher's tires is very bad. And while I agree with Ares that being cruel to cats should be an offense meriting expulsion, sword duels aren't the most safe thing.
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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The idea of Ranko pretending he has a crush to annoy Chiaki is so funny to me for some reason
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
PLS PLS LIST THE SWAPS!! TELL ME ABOUT THE SIBLINGS AND ALSO HIFUMI BECAUSE I LOVE HIM (IF YOU WANT!) I will also send more questions in the morning too, excited to see what you’ve been working on!!
OK OK OK !!!!! AHH! So, before assigning talents, I swapped the pools, so for the first game, I use the talents from the second game, and vis versa! For some i listed gender, sexuality, or neurodivergencies, though this isn’t all of them, and I haven’t developed them all to the same level!
This is SO long. I didn’t even bother mentioning things like my plans for the killing games. (I have DR1 planned out in full, but only parts of DR2 and the v3 anime)
Trigger Happy Havoc (first game)
Kyoko Kirigiri- Ultimate Luckster- Mastermind (: Sometimes lesbians can be evil okay! was trained as a detective like everyone in her family and didn’t get the ultimate :) she’s definitely not mad about that :) her luck cycle depends on how far she plans things ahead. her good luck is when she’s spontaneous! She hates when ‘normal’ people are accepted by ultimates.
Makoto Naegi- Photographer (Mostly wildlife and nature photography, with Sayaka helping him for some animal photography (: trans and bi <3 One of sayaka’s birds nests in his hair like all the time)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Ultimate Swordsman (AUTISTIC ICON, has trained in kendo since he was a kid, then was essentially given away to the Fujisaki clan by his very stressed dad. Semiverbal, rarely speaks.)
Chihiro Fujisaki- Ultimate Yakuza (Taka is her bodyguard! His family is in debt to hers, the Fujisaki clan is the most powerful in Japan. trans icon, of course, dates Sayaka! Very direct, though she’s far more delicate and polite when talking to taka, her best friend)
Sakura Oogami- Ultimate Nurse (Works as an EMT- her clan still is in martial arts, so she’s still very buff, she assists in injuries at the family dojo. Autistic Icon)
Asahina Aoi- Ultimate Gamer (ULTIMATE ADHD. streams and has a ton of fun, will ramble while breaking records, demigirl who loves her girlfriend sakura :)
Mukuro Ikusaba- Ultimate Chef (Works best with ‘cheap’ food, and making them taste good. a byproduct of growing up on the streets with junko, and junko being bored of the same old food they dug out of the trash. now works closely with junko for her teams’ nutritional needs! autistic and sapphic.)
Junko Enoshima- Ultimate Team Manager (there are SO many sports she can never get bored, and the professional scene is always changing! prefers coaching womens’ teams, because being an ultimate brings them more publicity and usually higher pay :)
Mondo Oowada- Ultimate Prince (OH MY BOY. trans adhd icon. now the crown prince of Novoselic, with a reagent in his place until he comes of age. His service dog Chuck is a maltese and an absolute sweetheart. Chihiro takes him under her wing to teach leadership. also dates taka later OF COURSE, though they’re poly and I may add more ppl to their relationship later.)
Celestia Ludenburg- Ultimate Musician (specializes in violin, most strings, though she can play any instrument. grew up poor, dedicated herself to an instrument and persona to cope)
Byakuya Togami- Ultimate Musician (Yep. two musicians. two catty trans gay icons about to throw down. they HATE each other and grew up as rivals. specialize in classical, they literally tore a professional orchestra full of grown adults apart trying to make them side with who was the best musician. they’re so good that they’re matched, and Hope’s Peak accepts them as one student and combined ultimate. they room together. they fight. Literally if one of them gets expelled, the other does too, so they’re STUCK. eventually they become literally inseparable and insufferable together like the WORST siblings. I love them.)
Sayaka Maizono- Breeder (animal handler) (Specializes in birds!!!!!! has songbirds on her shoulders all the time. will give unsettling animal facts without realizing they’re unsettling. sends her songbirds to serenade chihiro when they start dating <3)
Yasuhiro Hagakure- Gymnast (you see this tall goof who acts like an older brother to everyone and wonder HOW he’s a gymnast. he’s completely different in competitions, though still lighthearted. becomes a big brother figure to mukuro and junko especially <3 also trans bc i say so.)
Leon Kuwata- Traditional Dancer (he just. kinda hates it. it takes SO much work and effort but he takes to it naturally. his cousin kanon is NOT like in canon, instead she’s helpful. he’d literally rather be doing anything else. doesn’t know how to do anything like... basic either. can’t cook. cant do his own laundry. everything was dedicated to traditional japanese dancing before he attended HPA.)
Toko Fukawa- Engineer (writes schematics and is very good at it. gets VERY upset when her plans go wrong. her notes are orderly and perfect. host for their system!)
Syo- Mechanic (a factive of genocider syo, NOT an actual killer. she’s a protector mainly, and also is more adept at hands on skills when it comes to fixing things, her hands are less shaky. Her notes are a disaster and she does it to spite Toko.)
Hifumi Yamada- (???) (reserve course) Protagonist! My BOY. HIFUMI IS GOOD OKAY. He’s autistic and loves anime and gaming! he’s not particularly ultimate-leveled at them, or anything else! Attending Hope’s Peak as a reserve course student! At one point he joins the student council as a reserve course representative even if he’s only a freshman :) He’s also a moderator in Hina’s livestream chat, under the username of JusticeHammer, fastest ban hammer this side of the internet. He's internet friends with hina and sakura, and doesn’t realize Oh We Go To the same SCHOOL until he bumps into them. and realizes hina doesnt know what he looks like. but sakura does. its hilarious. he’s aroace, and during the year they’re locked in HPA, is in a queer platonic partnership with Hina and Sakura, while they’re dating each other. it’s great.)
Goodbye Despair! (second game)
Peko Pekoyama- Lucky student (ohohoh. her luck relies on her conviction. if she has doubts her bad luck strikes HARD. trans!, was taken in by Fuyuhiko’s family when she was a baby, grew up as just another kid in the family. They all expected Fuyu to go off to HPA on his own and then BOOM acceptance letter)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu- Programmer (He. gets so angry while coding. He has an array of rubber ducks to talk to and work through his coding issues with. trans of course. Very protective of Peko when people say she doesn’t have a ‘real’ ultimate. ADHD and Autistic)
Sonia Nevermind- Writer (Literary Girl) (Her family immigrated to Japan when she was young! She writes a lot of serial killer novels, murder mysteries and horror and all that! Trans and bi :)
Gundham Tanaka- Detective (YEAH my guy is a detective. still talks Like That. Trans and bi and he and Sonia were kinda-dating (t4t autistic power couple in the making) when things started happening. He spends some time with his cool older sister who he looks up to a LOT. He and Sonia talk through things together a lot, they both have those red string walls, one for murder cases, another for a fictional plot lmao.)
Mahiru Koizumi- Moral Compass (my GIRL. autistic. Her morals rely a lot on people taking responsibility and being reliable, and she ends up having to work through some biases she didn’t realize she had when she arrived at HPA. Is still protective of Hiyoko, though that protectiveness is spread a bit thinner to extend to the rest of the class.)
Hiyoko Saionji- Clairvoyant!!! (HI YES I COULD TALK ABOUT HER FOR DAYS. Has actual visions in dreams and when she suddenly faints, but doesn’t really realize they’re uhh Real Visions for a WHILE. uses her status as an ultimate clairvoyant to trick and bully kids when in school for a LONG time, though her homelife wasn’t great with her grandmother trying to find ways to make her visions more consistent. SHES ALSO 12 WHEN SHE JOINS THE 77TH CLASS. she’s just so advanced in academics and her ultimate is so interesting hope’s peak cant HELP but scout her early. she has SO many issues guys no one appreciates hiyoko enough, autistic gifted kid hiyoko my beloved.)
Akane Owari- Gambler (started gambling to help out her family and Got Good at it. is very very conscious of money and food like all the time. Runs the hope’s peak betting pools once she arrives. these ultimates bet on a lot of things. she ALWAYS wins. until she doesnt!!!)
Mikan Tsumiki- Martial Artist (ohhhh Mikan. Still anxious and clumsy (though not like THAT in canon) and literally no one looks at her and thinks Oh The ULTIMATE martial artist?? it isn’t until you see her in the ring that you understand. She started learning self defense as a kid because her (bad) parents essentially said she had to rely on and protect herself and no one else would help.)
Kazuichi Souda- Pop Idol (OH TRANS ICON? he’s nervous and paranoid about Everything still, though now it’s like. oh the entire world is always watching my every move this is Okay (: has the brightest neon album eras. he literally keeps up a like. weird chad persona when interacting with people because he’s masking how hard he’s constantly just internally screaming.)
Nagito Komaeda- Soldier (AHAHAH my mans got issues problems disorder he’s a messssss, this trans guy, this absolute gay. this boy leveled a city of thousands of people with his own hands and some bombs. Still has medical issues, but most of his like. treatments and medicine is hold hostage as long as he stays in line. believes the ends justify the means and anyone who dies to him is obviously weak, because look at him! he’s weak, but that doesn’t matter because he doesn’t have to be the strongest, he just has to be stronger than the weakest scum.)
Chiaki Nanami- Heir (OOF. Agender, uses any pronouns. Doesn’t really. enjoy being the heir. grew up with Byakuya in the same circles. she treats the economy and stock market and stuff like games. enjoys gaming but isn’t good at them. collects so many things. has halls full of collections. Her parents stopped controlling her once she was able to prove she had more money than them and could literally bankrupt them if she wanted.)
Hajime Hinata- Baseball Star (Chiaki’s best friend, his family was upper middle class until he hit it BIG as a baseball star. wants to do BIG things and wants to attend hope’s peak more than anything!! Doesn’t really think of baseball as his THING, just a means to an end! trans :)
Teruteru Hanamura- Biker Gang Leader (started with shaking down some jerks who didn’t pay their food and drink tabs at his mama’s restaurant. now he RUNS their tiny town. His siblings are essentially gang mascots, he works hard to keep them out of trouble (while bringing them to like. meetings where he ends up beating a dude almost to death. its fine). most of what he does it to get more money to keep the restaurant afloat and care for his mama with her health conditions.)
Nekomaru Nidai- Fashionista (the drama. the CHAOS. most people are like ohhh we can never understand this artistic genius when he’s literally just. vibing and has ADHD and a love for coffee. Works a lot on accessible clothing lines for disabled people! Also he and Kazuichi work together sometimes, Nekomaru is good at calming Kaz down and seeing like, the root of whatever problem and making it better. ALSO A TRANS ICON and just flaunts it.)
Imposter- In the hope’s peak days they are impersonating Ryota Mitarai, as a part of the 77th class. In the Killing Game they impersonate Mondo Oowada as the Ultimate Prince. They’re doin’ their best.
Ibuki Mioda- (???) (Izuru Kamakura) Protagonist! Gundham Tanaka’s older sister (though they’re in the same school year). Nonbinary and using just. an array of pronouns alongside she/her, and jokingly fights with gundham for neopronouns like MOM said it’s MY TURN on the rawrself pronouns. She attends the reserve course to stay at her brother’s side. She dresses loudly and acts even louder because !!! she wants to stand out!! in the middle of this drab reserve course hell!!  but when things go down, she wants to be someone, to be worthy of being her amazing brother’s big sister. so she accepts some offers.
Ryota Mitarai- Ultimate Analyst (stays in his room. He’s terrified of the outside world but fascinated by it. watches hope’s peak academy through security feeds, picking up on little details. he just wants to understand things but never looks at the big picture.)
Chisa Yukizome- Ultimate Boxer (Homeroom teacher!! She’s working really hard and believes in everyone! Some are intimidated by talent, but she’s never hurt anyone outside of the ring! Dating Kyosuke)
Juzo Sakakura- Ultimate Student Council President (Has anger issues, though his work at reigning them in assisted in becoming an Ultimate. Was responsible for security and the Hope’s Peak student council. Dating Kyosuke)
Kyosuke Munakata- Ultimate Housekeeper (Meticulous, works himself to the BONE even if he’s good enough to not have to do that. Is working on establishing another Hope’s Peak! Dating Chisa and Jozu!!!)
Seiko Kimura- Ultimate Blacksmith (GIVE MY GIRL KNIVES!! She’s an anxious gal, always wearing a facemask that filters the air in her forge because she has some respiratory problems. she prefers making more decorative pieces like an artist, but sometimes can create utilitarian pieces or tools to fit specific needs. Still a doormat)
Ruruka Ando- Ultimate Pharmacist (She constantly asks Seiko for new tools for her developments in medicine, saying its all for the advancement of humanity, so Seiko denying any request is SELFISH, though she never thinks to make anything for seiko’s health issues. Dating Izayoi. Specializes in medicine for mental health. Not Doing Great :)
Sonosuke Izayoi- Ultimate Confectioner (He loves sweets. LOVES them. Creates things that look plain, ordinary. but taste so GOOD you CRY and maybe ascend for a little bit. sometimes Ando makes cool new drugs to put in the sweets, who knows! It’s a mystery! He always has like. a huge refrigerated case of fresh cakes, and constantly has a lollipop in his own specialty recipe in his mouth.)
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Termination Evaluation.”
Starting to heat things up since the last post.. I hope you all enjoy :)
It w  the day of the intergalactic peace summit, another annual event (or the equivalent to what annual was) in intergalactic standardized time. With his rising position in importance with the GA as Commander of all interstellar military operations, Vir advised (expected) to attend. Sunny and Krill came with as was expected, both as members of his crew and as holding important significance when it came to intergalactic relations. Conn was there too having been invited by the GA despite telling him that he had no way to speak for his people, and that it was unlikely, even if he could, that they would ever say yes to such a disagreement.
Commander Vir was speaking with one of the Iotin representatives. For both the comfort and safety of some of the representatives in the room, he was wearing gloves, and a surgical mask practically marinated in vics so he wouldn’t be able to smell any of the Iotins, who were, understandably, uncomfortable with the fact that their natural scent was so enticing to humans.
Otherwise he was dressed in his military best, to match both UN and UNSC representatives. 
Krill was proud of the Commander, he had come a long way when it came to social maturity, probably as a side effect of having to spend so much time involved in politics.
He could, now, hold his own with the best of them , serious and frowning as was expected of him. 
Of course, Vir would always be Vir, so krill doubted he would ever grow out of his more private juvenile side. He had, in fact, just ordered a pair of heelies online for kicks and giggles after all, not that anyone minded really, it would have been a real shame if he had gone and changed THAT much.
Either way it was good to see, and Krill was happy to let the human and Sunny do most of the talking. Though she was not a member of the GA representatives, her acceptance onto a UNSC ship, and her relationship with general Cosma had spurred her into quiet notoriety. She was, in essence, the representation of what good a working relationship between Drev and Humans could be.
As for Krill, well, he was content to hang out in the background and simply watch. He was only a doctor after all and had no significant importance when it came to matters of politics. Growing bored with his position towards the side of the room, he carefully past by the commander, who, now, had a small group of delegates gathered around him.
“I am telling you bad blood with the LFIL isn’t worth the internal conflict it is going to cost. If interspecies transmissible disease is what you are worried about, than its best to make it legal so that we can monitor the issue. Banning interspecies relationships isn’t going to stop them, it just means that they are going to do it under the table and not seek help if they DO get sick. The spreading of disease will be more rampant. Just ask the CDC, they have done plenty of research on the subject…..”
Krill turned his head over to where Sunny was speaking with the Drev and Celzex delegates on the specific uses of war tactics. On his right he passed by where the Vrul delegation was standing with the Gibb, and had to pause when he saw them acting strangely. As he turned to look at them, he watched as a couple backed away slightly.
He brushed it off and continued walking.
No matter.
The room was very stuffy and hot from so many bodies, so he stepped out into the hall where the air was cleaner.
“Dr. Krill.” 
He turned on the spot surprised to find the Vrul delegate standing behind him.
Off to either side, he was being flanked by two Beta handlers and their four Omega assistants. Of course he could tell which biological class each of the Vrul were. The delegat was clearly an alpha, and two beta were marked by short antenna and slightly underdeveloped hydrogen sacks. The Omega’s on the other hand were easier to spot, they had no hydrogen sacks, only numbs for antenna, and they were thick about the trunk legs and arms with barely any nec to speak of, in order to support their bulbous heads.
They were ugly but functional.
Krill looked between the group of them.
“Representative? What is this?”
The two beta handlers stepped forward flanked by their trundling Omegas, “Dr Krill. The Vrul council has sent us to speak with you considering a matter of some significance.” They looked almost nervous, and our omegas slowly began to fan outwards. If they were trying to be less obvious than it was not working .
Krill stood his ground, “Enough with this, speak your mind quickly.”
The Betas stopped in their track glancing towards the Alpha who took a step forward, “We are sorry to have to conduct this meeting at such a time and in such a manner, but this was the only time that we could catch you in person.” He looked as if he was about to step forward, but then stepped back, “It seems as if the Vrul council is rather concerned about your recent behavior.”
Krill looked on in surprise, “The council. What does my behavior have to do with the council….. Why would my behavior have anything to do with the council at all and why did it even make it that high up.”
The other alpha shook his head, “Dr. Is it really that surprising. You are one of the greatest medical minds in your field, perhaps ever, and your…. Involvement with the GA and the UNSC has caused some ripples throughout our community.”
“Ripples.” krill demanded incredulously.
“Yes, ripples. You are being called in for an evaluation.”
Krill crossed his arms in surprise, “What sort of evaluation?”
“Well….. We aren’t entirely sure yet. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a termination evaluation ... but ...”
“But what?” Krill elt the heat now, something that the human had taught him how to do, how to feel the anger rising up through his body.
The beta’s stepped back and the Omega’s stepped forward.
“Call it, an intensive psychological evaluation to determine if you are, in fact, capable of continuing your work.”
Krill was dumbfounded, “Psychological evaluation- continuing my work. What sort of ass-backwards nonsense is that. I personally have no qualms with the council. I haven’t seen another of my species for the past year, I hold no danger to them, and take up NO resources. They have no right to discuss termination on the basis of trumped up psychological charges.”
The Alpha remained calm, though it appeared as if he was very nervous, “You are still a Vrul, and by GA agreement are still under the rules of your own species as was agreed. Furthermore your argument only leads me to believe what they suspect to be true.”
“I am arguing because they are being stupid and irrational.  There is no doubt in my mind that if they continue this course of action will cause strain throughout the Assembly. Does the council really want the Drev or the Humans as enemies? IN fact how stupid do you have to be to antagonize the TWO most  dangrous species in the galazy.”
“The Commander and the General’s daughter are hardly representative of their species, and if they know what is good for them, they will stay out of business that is not theirs.”
Krill threw his hands into the air making those that surrounded him leap back in shock and fear, “Of course they don’t know what’s good for them! That’s why I am there!. Clearly you don’t know either of them very well. Commander Vir may love his job, but he doesn't love it that much, and Sunny is generally on board with whatever stupid decision he makes.”
The Alpha continued to stand his ground, “This request is non-negotiable. You either come with us peacefully, or you will be detained.” he motioned to the four Omegas.
In that moment Krill wasn’t entirely sure if he should be insulted or flattered. They had brought four Omegas to subdue just one of him….. He had never really thought about it, but it WAS kind of flattering made him feel a little more than powerful to think that they were so afraid of him. And at the same time he wondered if they were right, he was mad, insulted even, that they would question his behavior seemed well beyond.
However, Krill was a student of logic and knew that there was no way he would be able to fight off four Omegas or even escape them. They may have thought he was a great danger to them, but he wasn’t. It was a trick that he had picked up from the commander. If you fake it hard enough, soon others will start to believe you.
He held out his hands, “No need to force anyone to do anything. He said calmly, “But I do advise that you are making a horrible political error by taking me in I have a good relationship with many humans and Drev including, but not limited to the commander and the UN representative.
“All of which are bound by the laws of GA policy.”
“Policy can be changed.”
“But it won’t.”
“Policy can also be broken. Don’t hide behind rules like those are going to protect you.” 
The omega’s had come up to his sides hemming him in between the four of them like a prison escort…. Then again that’s practically what they were.
Off down the hall there was a commotion, and the group of them looked back to see, the chairwoman, commander Vir, the UN rep, Sunny, and a few more delegates storming up the hall, commander vir at their head.
It was impossible to see his face past the surgical mask, but Krill could see in the eye the anger held there one eyebrow slanted downwards.
“What is the meaning of this.” The chairwoman began before the human could even begin speaking.”
“The Council has called the Dr. back for a critical evaluation on his mental health.”
“Were were none of us unformed on this.” A few of the other delegates demanded.
“Because this is Vrul business and the Dr is not a member of the council.” “He is a member of my crew.” The human shot back the lines around his eyes twisting into a snarl. It was probably good he was wearing a mask so the Vrul couldn’t see his barred teeth. Krill knew though.
“The council has no qualms with you, human.”
“It would be Commander and I have a feeling it does have something to do with humans.”
At his sides, the omegas were quelling before the anger of the human, perhaps they could see the anger welling up behind his eyes like the licking tongues of fire.
“The council is concerned at the psychological effects that humanity has on the Vrull. We are very concerned, and wished to take care of this matter privately, but here you have forced our hand.”
The Un representative stepped back in consternation, “The psychological effects HUMANS have? IS your council accusing us of something, representative?”
The Vrul was staying annoyingly calm though even he was growing wary around the humans, “We are not accusing you of anything more than being yourselves. You cannot change what you are any more than we can, but that still does not change the fact that you may be having an affect on members of our species.” he motioned wildly to Krill, “The doctor has shown increasingly  worrying symptoms associated with HUMAN behavior including but not limited to predatory and aggressive tendencies. We have no idea what this behavior might escalate to, and must know in order to deal with whatever consequences may arise.” 
The human waved his hands in frustration, “We…” In Annoyance he ripped the mask from his face, “Krill has been aboard OUR ship for the past few months. He has NO contact with your species, his behavior does not influence anyone.” Krill silently prayed the human wouldn’t do anything rash his sharp k-9 teeth glittering dangerously in the light above. By this point Krill knew enough to know humans didn’t generally use their teeth in a fight, but the others didn’t know that and shied away.
“To the contrary, Commander. News of his behavior has gotten out, and is causing issue in our community. I suggest you drop your involvement here and let us deal with the issue.” 
The commander opened his mouth to speak, but krill cut him off, “Be very careful, Commander, the way we handle this may well shape the future of the assembly.”
The two of them locked eyes, amber prisms to a single green orb.
And to krill, it seemed as if silent understanding passed between them. The human backed down, ad the others looked on in surprise glancing between each other.
The human lifted his chin to Krill.
The Vrul looked between them in confusion unable to determine the meaning of the silent communication.
“Very well.” the commander said backing down eyes still locked on krill, 
“Good choice, commander.”
Krill was pushed forward into a scuttling walk eyes staring at him the entire time as he moved. Passing the human he looked up.
As he looked, the muscles around the human’s eye twitched, and to anyone else it may have looked like a simple blink.
But krill knew better.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Winner’s Curse: Epilogue
Note: Wooo boy, it’s over. Now I know not many people may have read this, it may not have the best editing and some parts are a bit vague and not the best. In fact I’ll probably revise some parts at a later date or if I ever decide to post on A03, but I am still super proud of it. I think I did some great character parts and there are some sections that I’m just super proud of. I’m also happy that I actually finished it. It’s my longest fic to date and I actually completed it! 30 chapters. Well 32 if you include the prologue and epilogue. So cool! Plus I wrote what I really wanted, which I’ll admit was not the plot. The plot was a bit wonky and maybe I had too many characters that I didn’t juggle well and didn’t give them all equal exploration. Also action scenes were hard for me to write so those were not the best. But still- getting to explore these characters and their relationships and include several of my favorite Disney characters. Very fun. Also thanks to @edream93 for encouraging me when this was just a little idea, looking over some sections and offering advice and for overall being an amazing person. Check out her WLTF and other descendants fics like London Fog Nightcaps. And for the final time, hope y’all enjoy reading.
Flash forward to summer break in Agrabah
Jordan stretched, cracking her back after sitting hunched at her desk for the past hour editing her latest video How to Date a Djinn Episode 3. She had finally convinced the tech-averse Calix to join her in making satire videos of all the most terrible dates she had been on. Initially, she had planned for it to be a serious thing where she reminded her viewers of genie autonomy and the idea they had feelings behind their wishing powers, but Calix was never good at playing emotional PSAs.
Besides it was more fun that way to spoof how terrible, and sometimes ridiculous her romantic suitors were. Plus the hilarity kept her from thinking too much about the bitterness of the memories.
She cracked her neck and poofed outside to Aziz’s room where her lamp laid on its usual perch. Outside she could hear the thump of running feet and the screech of confused peacocks.
“Malik! No riding the peacocks!” A servant shouted
“Yes, riding peacocks!”
“No, Noor, Fahran, that’s not allowed. Get off of them!”
Jordan shook her head in amusement at the kids' antics.
Noor and Fahran were having a blast hanging out with their new “little” brother as they called the 5 year old. Though they were family in a way. Jade was the half sister to Aladdin’s half brother, Mozonroth. And Malik was their nephew. Even though the family tree was a bit tangled and confusing to visualize in your head.
And where Jade and Malik were concerned, Jay was also included as Aladdin had originally planned in inviting the former thief to Agrabah so they could get to know each other, and Jay, to get in touch with the more savory side of his heritage. Jay and Aladdin had especially hit off as they compared lives on the streets and bragged about some of their more daring heists so any concern of whether the Jafar connection would sour things was gone. All together, Jay, Jade and Malik were new, though unofficial members of the family. Aladdin, and Jasmine decided to hold off any official adoption in respect to Jay and Jade’s feelings.
Though, having three new members meant triple the chaos, the running in the halls and inevitable breaking of antique objects. It was still triple the fun.
Razoul, predictably, despised the decision. But hey, he wasn’t the sultan.
Jordan peeked out to the hall, no sign of peacock racing or frazzled servants anywhere. Since she’d been inside so long she decided to go outside to the backyard.
Passing the living room, she saw Jay playing some sort of Wii-fit game against Carlos, Lonnie and Gil whose scores were also reflected on the screen even as they played millions of miles away in their own living rooms. Jordan checked the time, ah it was 2’o clock on the doubt. Jay always called his friends at this time since it was when the time zones converged suitably for all of them to chat.
Jade was lounging on the couch, facetiming her girlfriend, Yzla. Jordan waved, and Jade waved in return, focusing mainly on their conversation which involved some llama prank with Empress Malina. Yzla was staying with Emperor Kuzco and his family. A arrangement Kuzco had initially been against but his wife and son overruled him. Which was for the best because apparently Yzla and him were hitting it off like two peas in a pod, scaring Malina, by tricking her into thinking Kuzco had changed into a llama again.
Huh, that reminded her, she hadn’t checked social media in a few hours. So she scrolled through, looking at Ben’s new post that there was to be a new class in the fall. Magic 101 with Flora, Fauna and Merrywhether and many surprise guest lecturers.
The Magic 101 class had been one of Uma’s many ideas for the new and improved Auradon. She told Ben of Alexandria’s reasoning for the revolt, explaining that the pressure for magic creatures to deny their magic was a strong reason for resentment, and most importantly, unfair. And Ben, who had been present at several meetings where mermaids, fairies and others stated their petitions of complaints, agreed. King Ben had removed the magic ban and decided to institute the Magic 101 class. Contrary to the name, the class wasn’t for magical beings, they already knew how to deal with their powers and not use them to affect others or supposedly cheat at life. The class was a requirement for Auradonians to learn about their fellow beings, how it was a vital part of them and the greater natural world.
Ben had actually suggested that she’d be the magical liaison and teacher assistant for the new Magic 101 classes but she had politely declined. She did accept going as a demonstrator whenever it was time for her Dad’s guest lecture.
But a fulltime TA? It sounded like too much work, her powers were not applicable to the greater magical population, and most importantly, she really wanted to get back to doing her auratube show. Especially now that she was bound to have so many new subscribers thanks to her newfound fame for helping to defeat the Coven.
Jordan had considered doing a series about the Isle mission against the Coven in order to get the story straight and not create too wild legends regarding their month and a half there. And okay, there was also the fact that she wanted to renew her hits after losing subscribers after not posting for a month.
But she ultimately decided not to. It was their mission, only they’d get what happened in that wild untamed place of evil and poverty. Besides, it was very personal and she didn’t want to have to go into her fights with Aziz and Jay on Auratube. Or her encounter with Antiquam.
No she’d rather not think about the latter for a very long time.
Dismissing those thoughts she scrolled through several more posted announcements like the newly formed Minority Kingdom Council made up of representatives from Atlantis, Atlantica, Arrendelle, Kuzcoropia, and Pydrian, who were overrun by environmental and tourism concerns as Alexandria brought up. There was also a new class of Vks that were coming in. Basically the teen population of the Isle.
The orphans and kids from the Isle were sent to boarding elementary schools around Auradon as well as foster care with professional trained therapists for the abused youngsters.
Ben’s decision to bring the whole teen population in had been a controversial one. But he had stood by it, stating that he was taking the advice of his people, the ones from his generation who were to make up the future generation and a schoolwide vote had agreed that the Vks should be let in.
Granted it had taken a two month lobbying campaign led by Mal and Evie with Lonnie, Carlos, Jane and Jay’s help. But they did, they persuaded lots of royal kids that it was better to bring Vks over. It also helped that Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos and Uma had been pronounced Auradon’s saviors thrice in a row so…
Though it wouldn’t be until August that all the Vks, with a few exceptions like the resolutely bad CJ Hook and Prince Lars, and Antiquam, would be able to get to Auradon. But they would, Uma was making sure of it. Even Zevon and Ginny were coming despite their actions in proudly helping the Coven, Ben believed they just needed to be removed from the negative influences of their mothers.
Some Vks had already come over like Carlos’ cousin. Diego had refused to enter the VK program through school, but through the work progrm. Now he and his band, Rotten Apples, could introduce Isle grunge rock to Auradon’s farmer populations and inspire them to use music to express themselves. Carlos informed them that Diego wasn’t too into that inspiration and empowerment stuff, but he was loving the popularity. And he often crashed to the Radcliff house to catch up with Carlos and get a break from his adoring fans.
Harriet Hook, also in the work program, was working in Neverland, serving as guard for docks and a pretty mean one too, Jordan heard. Any tourist that tried to sneak
Not that everyone was residing in the homes of their parents’ enemies. Celia Facilier was living with her sister Freddie, and Freddie’s girlfriend, Ally at the Mad for Tea Shop. Also as a student by day and helping her sister as the evening entertainment at night. Singing only. FG was still wary of introducing such sketchy magic as card readings. Celia did choose to be a TA to her sister’s class, Goodness 101. Freddie was taking over for FG to make it a revamped, less patronizing seminar of how to act in Auradon with Ally popping in for politeness lessons and Carlos with therapy dogs. Though FG still stayed in the room to supervise and make sure the class stayed on track and not turn into “Everything that’s wrong about sappy sweet Auradon.”
Dizzy was reunited with her mother, her aunt Anastasia, her uncle, the Baker and Anthony Tremine and they lived in the faculty building of Auradon Prep. Easy for Anthony and Dizzy to get to school and for the Baker to go to his new job as school cook.
His baguettes were to die for, so flaky and crispy. Even Chad reluctantly agreed to their goodness when she interviewed him for student reactions to the new cook. Anastasia and Drizella were the new cosmeticians in training at the school’s day spa even though the two still argued over what was a better color and such.
Also working in Auradon’s kitchen were Gil, and Cosette’s mothers who had taken in their other’s sister’s sons, Gaston Jr, Gaston the Third and Gaston (IV) the Great. Their mother had been deemed just as abusive as Gaston and was to stay on the Isle with him. Gil had been nervous about living with his brothers again but he had Cosette by his side and Harry and Uma just a street away. Harry was just as fiercely loyal as ever to his crew and to Uma, who he’d wait for outside of Ben’s office, waiting for their meetings to end.
Gil also had Jay on his side. And though Jordan had absolutely no proof, she just felt something between them, and she was planning to use this summer to sniff out just what it was.
It had been more controversial to bring back some adult villains like Anastasia and Circe, but Ben had explained that he was not in the business of tearing families apart and adults were able to change too. Smee, for instance, wanted to retire from swabbing desks and wanted his second act in life to follow his lifelong dream. Be a clockmaker, ironically enough considering his boss’ fear of the ticking. Same with other low level henchmen like Jace and Harry, and Hun soldiers that had been following the battle orders and propaganda Shan Yu had fed them.
Ben had promised not all adults would come over, especially not ones that had abused their children, and that he, Mal and Uma were designing a careful vetting process for this program.
As for the Auradonian bred villains. Morgana and Morgaine hadn’t stayed in the dungeon for long. One day the guards had come down to give their food and they were just gone. No one knew where they went and no magic had been able to locate them. Merlin said it was no use trying. The Le Feys were tricky and wouldn’t reappear again unless they wanted to.
Kyro, Victoria and Alexandria were in therapy now in a new building away from the dorms and those who would shun them for their actions like the media that had reviled them when the news leaked out. It was a bit of a depressing building Jordan thought since one could see it if they leaned far out their windows. The outside of it looked like an insane asylum but Evie enthused about how open- aired and peaceful it was inside. The point of it was to clear the outside world, and focus on healing. What’s more, since Uma learned of FG’s somewhat oblivious and condescending advice from Alexandria, they hired a new counselor. A Dr. Mickey Mouse.
So yeah, things seemed to wrapping out into a happily ever after for all.
Jordan walked into a door, rubbing her head of the bruise and cursing herself for not looking up. Tucking the phone in her pocket, she was about to open the door when Aziz opened it for her, heading inside from hanging out on the hammock.
He didn’t even look at her as he entered, he was busy chatting on the phone with who else, his new girlfriend.
Aziz had stayed true to his word that he and Lala were just friends, and remained just friends for three months. It had irritated Jordan to no end to watch them sneak discreet looks, study together since Lala only knew the Atlantean alphabet and not the English, and dance around their feelings as if the obvious wasn’t there. And it took all her self control to honor her vow to not meddle and send a flying carpet in to speed things up.
At least Aziz did not shut her out completely and still went to her advice for what to do when he asked her to be his girlfriend.
“What if she says no? Or doesn’t know what that is. Jay did say it was only gang activity. Or maybe she’ll just say no because she thinks she’ll go crazy like her mom. But I really want her to say yes. Oh Allah, what if I mess it up instead by acting like an idiot. Or she already thinks that. I walked into a wall yesterday.”
“Aziz, she likes you,” Jordan reassured him, “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Like a leopard with dinner, she totally wants to eat you. In a sexy, hungry with desire way. Not cannibal way. And really, walking into a wall? That’s not a dealbreaker or even embarrassing. If you want to talk about embarrassing, nothing can top the time you popped in front of that yoga instructor you were trying to impress.” “I had food poisoning from the oysters!” Aziz yelled indiginantly.
“Doesn’t change the fact that you shitted during downward dog,” Jordan smirked at Aziz’s flustered angry face, “Nor was it like that time when you tried to impress Anxlin with a butterfly knife and ended up-”
“Will you stop bringing up the past?” Jordan decided to change tactics and be the serious, comforting big sister that he wanted, “Just speak from the heart. You’re on the same page with so many things, and you talk so much. Sooo much, it’s kinda annoying. Especially when you’re yapping in my room when I’m trying to watch a movie. But anyway, I think when the time comes your heart will guide you to say the right thing. And if not… your lips can speak for you.”
So with that fabulous advice if Jordan said so herself, on the last day of school, before they went their separate ways for vacation. Aziz went to her room and asked her.
And while she said she wouldn’t meddle, Jordan totally turned into a bee to go through the keyhole and eavesdrop on their conversation. For moral support. Just Aziz didn’t know about it.
It was endearingly awkward as Aziz stammered through some rambling monologue of how he liked her a lot, and only if she was okay with it, but he really thought they had something so woud she maybe consider being his girlfriend.
Aziz should probably have gotten some lessons from Jay on the art of smooth, but Lala seemed to get it. “So if we’re in a relationship we do what we do now… but with kissing?” she clarified.
“Yes!” Aziz agreed eagerly, then tried to dial down his excitement, “I mean sure, if you want.”
“I would really like that,” Lala bit her lip nervously but her expression was hopefully as Aziz leaned in.
Their kiss was short, two seconds at the most. Jordan would have given it a three out of five. It was unsure and the two seemed to be surprised they even did it. But it was clear from the look in their eyes, that they only saw each other and the rest of the world was already fading away for them, that that small kiss was perfect to them.
So they kissed again. Much more purposefully this time. Oh Allah, Jordan was so proud when Aziz added some passion and slipped tongue first. He was really growing up.
And they kissed again, and again and soon they were making out on Lala’s bed, which was starting to get kinda gross and Jordan was feeling weird about watching them. So she took that as her cue to leave.
But now she had plenty of new things to annoy Aziz about so she took it as a plus.
Grabbing him by the arm to stop, Jordan grabbed his camera.
“Hi, Lala, how are you?” Jordan waved, mugging for the camera as Aziz grabbed it back, and tried to push her out of the frame. The white-haired girl was dressed up in Evie’s new line of summer clothes with her hair up in a bun, and most startingly, her brown eyes were human.
It was silly that Jordan was surprised by Lala’s human eyes, she had been the one to change them when in a burst of good will offered all their allies on the adventure a wish. Lala hadn’t used the offered three wishes, just one, which was to remove the leopard spell Queen La had put on her. She lost her cat eyes and the habit of walking on all fours, but she still had her cat-like grace which Jordan chalked up to natural ability. It had been three months since that wish, but she had been so used to Lala’s cat-like slits with the dilated pupils. It had been a unique marker like the scar that everyone could see on Lala’s leg when she wore shorts.
“I’m well. Aziz sent me your new vlog about Odiferous, it was very interesting.” Lala nodded curtly. Jordan knew Lala was usually guarded against everyone so the coldness didn’t bother her as much as it used to. Thanks to hanging out with Aziz and Jade, she was starting to slowly warm up to people she wasn’t close to even though her tone didn’t reflect it.
“How are the Porters?” Jordan asked, cutting off whatever Aziz was about to say next. He glared at her, but she ignored. Hey, she said she’d stop mothering him. So now it was back to  annoying big sister privileges.
“They’re well. Kerchak and I are going tree surfing tomorrow.” Lala answered. When Ben put up the invitation of Vks in need of foster homes or adoptive families, the Porters offered to take in Clay Clayton, and Lala. Clay refused and went with his Aunt, Lady Waltham who was thrilled to meet her surly nephew for the first time. Lala joined the Porters where she was helping their gorilla reserve, connecting with animals instead of hunting them for food and survival.
It was bound to be awkward considering their daughter’s actions, but Auradon seemed to consider it part of their penance even though they hadn’t known what Victoria had planned to wrought. But according to Lala, they did their best to skirt around that sensitive issue and treat her like a guest, and she was starting to befriend Kerchak. He even gave her a leopard of her own which she named Euware II though the pet made Tarzan a bit wary. Still, Lala had to stay in her room on weekends when Victoria visited from therapy.
“That’s great. When are you coming to visit? I know Jade is just dying for you to visit. It’d be fun. We can go sand surfing, oh and explore some of the caves under the citadel. Oh, oh and I just know Aziz wants to show you some of the secret alcoves in the palace. They’re great for making out and-” “Go away!” Aziz waved her off
“You want me to leave? But who will chaperon you two? Who will tell Lala all the embarrassing stories from your childhood? I’ve been holding onto blackmail for a reason, Aziz. I must tell her,” Jordan turned to the screen, “But seriously, come visit. I’ll leave you to it.”
“Thank you!” Aziz sighed in exasperation, “Give me 5 minutes, I’ll join you to go to the bazaar later, Jord.”
“See ya!” Jordan called over the shoulder as she headed to the palace kitchen, still hearing some snippets of Aziz’s conversation about his summer psychology classes. His new passion since Jordan had suggested that since he liked overanalyzing and counselling other people's problems, he could research into being a psychologist.
Upon reaching the outside, Jordan took a big breath of the sweet summer air with a hint of jasmine and the coconut and sighed.
Life was good.
Of course, life was always good when it was summer vacation but it was more than that. She had really committed to what she had learned on the Isle. She lived in the present now, and tried not to wallow in the anger and resentment that extended to almost every human she met.
Did that kind of positive mindset always work? Hell no, sometimes, someone would grab her arm, requesting for a wish, rubbing her jacket as if that was the lamp and not her. Yeah, that stupid event would irritate her all morning but she didn’t go into her spiral of how all humans were greedy monsters, her life sucked that she had to walk among them and so on and so forth. She learned to vent to Aziz and let it go.
She would always meet bad people in her life, when that happened, if the situation was appropriate, she would blow a mini sandstorm in their face and move on.
She’d also gotten more sensitive about complaining about humanity in front of Aziz. She tried to complain of an individual person and not make broad generalizations about the mortal race, and repeat that Aziz and his family were the exception.
Well Aladdin’s family, and Uma, and Jay, and Lonnie, and Calix and Ben, and she was starting to realize her circle of those she trusted was expanding.
It felt good to have that knowledge.
Even if Aziz might not always be there, though she’d kill him if he wasn’t, she still had others who cared about her.
Then again, she, Calix, Aziz, Jay and Uma had been through a harrowing adventure that nearly destroyed the world they knew, and had to face their greatest fears and insecurities to do so. If that didn’t make you trust a person, what would?
There were also her parents. Her parents always had her back.
That was another thing she’d been committed to doing since she got back from the Isle and saved Auradon.
Her parents had been the first ones to get there, magical teleportation after all and were laying out the blue carpet and making plans for the greatest party in all of Agrabah for their daughter, the hero. Instead of getting annoyed by their zany antics as usual, and annoyed at how they ignored the fact she faced possibly life-ending danger against their enemies, she just hugged them.
The act had clearly surprised them because both of their jaws broke off and fell to the floor before snapping back up like a ball. But they loved the change in her nonetheless.
Ever since then, she’d been going out with them every other weekend, be it ice skating on Saturn’s rings or clubbing or going out to drink in celebration of the banning of the Magic Ban.
She had thought for so long that if she let herself act even a little bit like them, she’d be signing herself to a fate of servitude, never being taken seriously, and becoming a negligent oblivious person who only wanted to focus on fun.
She had worried that if these things didn’t come naturally to her, she’d have to fake it in order to fit in and be palatable to her own parents. So they wouldn’t become bored with her. She hadn’t liked thinking about it, but she always felt that was the underlying reason they left her.
But she lived in the present now and shoved all those thoughts away. She did what she wanted without thinking of the implications. And she found that actively listening to what they were saying, how they constantly suggested ideas for their next adventure, how it was too bad she had school and couldn’t come with them to their trip. They didn’t think she was a damper on their party style, they wanted her to be with them. And she usually said to each invitation.
YOLO, right. Well more like YOLFSMAWEI.
(You Only Live Forever So Might As Well Enjoy It. Not as catchy but infinitely more accurate)
Family time was a lot more enjoyable that way instead of brooding that once it was over, they were going to forget about her and go about their lives as if they didn’t have a daughter.
Although, Jordan still did crave for a meaningful talk where she got to tell them about some of her issues with their lack of parenting oversight, and maybe delve into how abandoned she felt when they wouldn’t discuss such issues like her rape, they still weren’t ready for that.
Though Aladdin was talking to her dad on her behalf, and it seemed he was starting to soften to it.
Until then, she had two sets of parents. Aladdin and Jasmine, probably the first humans who she trusted, and respected. The first ones who saw her as a child and not a being for wishes. They gave her the love and attention she had craved when she needed it. They stood by treating her like everyone else, as she wished, even when it meant disregarding her excuses that her genie-ness exempted her from getting in trouble. They were always present her lives and were the ones that reminded her that her supposed fate was not a fate, that no one could shackle her, not unless they went through them. They encouraged that there other sides to her besides being a genie. That she should work hard, be kind, be honest and be independent.
Her mom and dad, who loved her with all their hearts and thought of her as their best friend. It wasn’t the most parental relationship but she had started to accept that it would never be. They were genie parents, not human ones, and it was finally sinking in that the rules would always be different from them. No matter that Jordan looked human and was raised by them. But that’s what made them special. No one else in the world would get her quite like her mom and dad.
Aziz opened the door, knocking her in the back and she moved over so he could wait beside her.
She checked her phone. Her parents were supposed to come here five minutes ago so they culd go to the bazaar together.
They probably weren’t going to come for another twenty minutes.
Ah genies, Jordan sighed, they were never going to be punctual. She wondered how many years it would be before she started viewing time as an unimportant mortal construct.
She was about to pose that question to Aziz, whether it would occur in his lifetime or in her 5,000s when a green and blue poof popped up in front of them.
“We’re here!” The two blew the smoke away to reveal the pair in matching red and white striped tuxedos with a blinking “Genie and Eden” sign hanging behind them.
“It’s Genie and Eden!” Eden announced
“Eden and Genie!” Genie intoned.
Then with a snap of a finger, the props and costumes disappeared, and Genie sat thoughtfully in the air, “We can’t quite choose which sounds better.”
Eden went back to a form-fitting black leotard with a black bowler hat, smoking a cigar in her best Liza Minelli voice, “Whaddya think, daughter dear, whaddya think?”
“I think we should go to the bazaar and have the people decide which is better.” Jordan suggested, knowing that if they did it here, they wouldn’t leave.
“By george, she’s right!” Genie exclaimed transforming into a nerdy account, “Statistically, it is always better to test things with a test audience, and according to my calculations that the Agrabah bazaar has the best cross-pool of audience with 10% bearded, 40% kids..” He transformed into his usually big blue self, “Aaand let’s get outta here!”
“Wait up!” Jay yelled, nearly running into the four of them with Jade at his side, “I wanna go to the bazaar too, there was that awesome scimir I wanted to buy.” “Yeah me too, I want to steal things too… I-I mean buy. Buy with money. That I did not steal from the mean guard.” “His name is Razoul, and you really shouldn’t. He already doesn’t like you.” Aziz shook his head.
“I don’t like him, and that’s what makes it so tempting.” Jade defended.
“Yeah, he kinda has it coming,” Jay agreed.
“Now, now, we won’t say anything about it. But you must stop,” Eden warned in a prim British accent, poofing into a blue serge suit like a certain famous nanny, “Now spit spot, hurry up, we don’t want to be late to the bazaar.”
Genie transformed into a Bert to his wife’s Mary Poppins, adding, “Come ‘ere ye kiddos and ‘urry it ‘up.”
Jay and Jade stared at each in the classic “What the hell?” expression that bystanders always had whereas her parents were concerned. Aziz and Jordan just shrugged and smiled.
And so they went off to the bazaar and as the sun beated down on them, and Jordan whipped up a hijab from air to keep off the heat, she hummed a familiar tune which Aziz and her dad easily picked up.
“As you wind through the streets at the fabled bazaars with the cardamom-cluttered stalls. You can smell every spice while you haggle the price of the silks and the satin shawls. Oh, the music that plays as you move through a maze in the haze of your pure delight. You are caught in a dance. You are lost in the trance of another Arabian night…”
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How to Break Every Rule in The Caretaker’s Handbook: Excerpt
The First (of many?) Group Sessions with Sunflare
Characters: Dewdrop, Fifi, Helia (mentioned), Plume, Sunflare, Violet
Themes: how to keep an open mind, reminiscing, character study
Words: 1297
"I'm only here to observe," Sunflare says while hanging off my arm. It's the third time he repeats himself and I still don't know what he wants to hear from me.
Maybe he just wants to turn back to spend time together in the privacy of my room. I won't lie, that does sound tempting, but we shouldn't right now.
I tug Sunflare along the road to the meeting place and sense his ever-growing resistance as he starts dragging his feet. I stop in my tracks and turn to him.
Placing both of my hands on his shoulders, I say: "My Sunbeam, no one is gonna force you to talk, but I would really appreciate it if you could go into this with an open mind and don't be afraid to voice your opinions."
"I can't make you any promises," Sunflare fixes me that warm, 'you're so irritating but I like you regardless' look and sighs, "but I'll try my best to be open-minded today."
"That's all I can hope for."
"Now let's go before I change my mind."
I let go of his shoulders and lead him further into the garden. I feel his hand slip into mine, oh so naturally, and suddenly it's like we're young saplings again, exploring our world with a naïve sense of wonder. Our adventures would last hours or even days if we were lucky. They always left me more energised, but in hindsight, I think Sunflare had trouble keeping up with me.
Our adventure in the garden lasts only a few minutes before we reach a clearing where the others are already waiting for us. Fifi's sitting behind Violet, braiding little daisies in her hair. Plume lies down in the grass beside them, one foot sticking up in the air, twirling idly in circles.
"Do I wanna know where Helia is?" I ask, as countless doom-scenarios fill my mind.
Violet opens her mouth to speak, but Plume is faster, "No, but she's gonna regret she missed you bringing your beau over."
My attention is pulled back to my hand still holding Sunflare's. I inconspicuously slip my hand out of his hold in favour of crossing my arms. I ignore Plume's remark and turn to Violet. "What were you about to say, Violet?"
Violet smiles like she bit into a sour plum and says, "Well, it's just, Helia told me to tell you that she's, um, busy reading a book."
"Wow, she really didn't even try with that lie, did she?" Plume comments dryly and receives a punch from Violet in the shoulder along with distressed shushing noises.
They're acting as if I haven't already figured out how Helia works. If I didn't know her any better, I'd assume this was indeed a poorly crafted lie, but Helia very well may be reading a book right now...  in the library... from which she is banned to enter. Well, if she manages to break in, then I'm sure she'll worm her way out of trouble as well.
I let all thoughts and worries about Helia drift from my mind (for now) and sit down cross-legged on the grass. It takes only a few moments and a couple of looks from Violet and Fifi, for me to realise Sunflare is still standing up, like his feet are frozen to the ground.
"You can sit down, you know," Plume says without looking. Even though they've switched which foot to stick in the air, the twirling motion never stops. It’s a nervous tic, but who it’s making more nervous I don’t know. Plume, Sunflare or me?
Sunflare focuses his dark brown eyes on me and for a split-second I struggle to breathe.
"Where do you want me to sit?"
It's difficult to hear him speak when his voice gets soft like that, but not impossible.
I reply, "Sit wherever you want."
"On the grass?"
"Did you expect us to sit on chairs placed in a neat circle or something?" My question is 90 percent sarcasm, but from the way Sunflare stays quiet, I realise that yes, he did think that. "Never mind, just..." I end my sentence by patting the empty spot on the grass next to me.
I don't even need to look at Sunflare to know he's on edge. The tension is so thick it practically radiates off of him. After what seems like ages, he obliges, but the tension doesn't let up.
I decide not to waste anymore time with idle chatter and jump right into this meeting.
"Violet, why don't you start," I suggest, "I believe you had something you wanted to discuss during this session?"
"Right, right," She mutters. It's clear she hasn't prepared what she's planning to say yet, but she makes a valiant attempt anyway. "I've, uh, been having a bit of trouble with Nia lately. She's really excited about going to college and all, but I think she's been taking on too much stuff, you know? I just know it's gonna take a toll on her physical and mental well-being in the long run, but... I really don't know how I can broach the topic without bursting the happy bubble she's in." Her eyes make contact with Sunflare and she needlessly adds, "Nia's my human by the way."
"I figured as much," replies Sunflare.
Plume puffs their cheeks and groans as if listening to the problems of others is the greatest kind of punishment they could suffer through. "I think you should just rip off the band-aid and give her a reality check."
Fifi, who's only been observing up till now, shakes her head vigorously. "Slow down." She gestures by trailing her index finger up her arm. "There's more to consider before offering advice."
Plume has a tendency to ignore Fifi, purely because they don't look at others when speaking. However, Fifi makes a good point, so I reiterate what she said to Plume.
Plume's foot stops moving for a moment and they open their eyes. "Sorry, Fifi."
She raises her thumb. "It's okay."
"Anything else you want to add, Fifi?"
"Nia is taking on too much stuff, how come?" She directs this question to Violet.
"Oh, well, she's taken up art classes again and sighed up to be a student council member. On top of that she has to balance her actual classes. It's only the beginning of the semester so she doesn't have too many assignments yet, but... she will soon."
"Is it possible that you might be getting worried a bit prematurely?" I ask.
"No offense, Dewdrop, but her human has a history of frequent hospital stays and health scares. She has every right to be concerned," Plume interjects.
I raise my hands up in defense, "Hold on, Plume, I was merely considering the possibility."
"And it isn't possible, obviously," Plume snaps in return. Something is clearly going on with them, but confronting them right here and now about their negative attitude would be the singlemost foolish thing to do.
Plume will have to talk eventually (I hope) and my focus now should be on de-escalating the conversation and bring it back to the topic at hand. 
I wonder what Sunflare is thinking about all of this. I'm slightly surprised he hasn't attempted to run away yet, considering how tense he was at the start of this. Furthermore, he's always been terrified of even the slightest hint of a conflict brewing. And Plume is singlehandedly brewing up a storm.
But instead of meeting a frightened little sapling, I'm greeted by a seasoned caretaker who has seen his fair share of conflict over the many centuries he's been alive. The expression on Sunflare's face is a far cry from fear, it's interest and a hint of amusement.
"What's so funny?" I lean in to whisper to him.
"Seems like keeping an open mind to consider all possibilities isn't doing you any favours, is it?"
Taglist: @theramwrites, @giosele
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testenopcorona · 4 years
Daily Life During the Period of Corona Virus
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   For more than a month, Italians had heard of the 'Corona Virus' in China, having seen the stories on the news about how the Chinese Government was handling the epidemic. This news seemed like something that was from a far off land that could never hit the Italian peninsula because it was the kind of situation that only happened to 'others', quite a normal response, much like many other populations responded. Thus, people were slow to put any emergency plans into place. At one point in early January, it was suggested that an Italian manager come up with an emergency plan, but this had not been the first time this manager had been advised that establishing rules to protect people from the normal flu was in order. However, one had to think positively rather than to living in fear of the Corona Virus, which was considered 'unlikely' to spread beyond China. People from all backgrounds, not just Italians, tend to be more favourable of looking at life from a positive point of view; however, planning for the best is sometimes the equivalent of kicking the bucket down the road to someone else. Politicians are now trying to find a solution to help small businesses that are facing difficulties during this trying period, and money is being allocated to help families with children who need to keep a mother or father at home to watch the children whose schools have recently been closed. On the surface, these seem to be the best solutions to problems facing the country, but the long-term effects could potentially bury the nation in outstanding debt, causing difficulties for future generations. Not only have hugs, kisses, and handshakes been banned. Soccer games open to fans have also been banned for thirty days by the decreet of Giuseppe Conte, the Prime Minister of Italy. This has saddened the majority of Italians, although many argue that even soccer players should have the right to keep their distance from one another. Furthermore, all sports' events must be held behind closed doors until the third of April, something that remains incredible in the country known for kisses on the cheeks.  If you have any kind of concerns pertaining to where and how to use Corona tester inzetten, you could contact us at the website. COVID-19 has interfered dramatically with the practice of religion, especially the Catholic religion, during February and March 2020. Yesterday, the author visited the Church of Santo Stefano in Borgomanero, where custodians had just cleaned the floors and disinfected the church. Not a living soul was to be found, neither a priest nor a tourist, which allowed the author to focus on the frescoes and the beautiful stained-glass windows in silence. If one travels across Italy this month, he or she will encounter numerous churches without parishioners because people are naturally afraid to meet one another in closed spaces no matter how large and accommodating they might be. It has been recommended that priests remove the holy water from Catholic Churches for fear of spreading the virus. Although citizens and tourists can visit holy shrines, church services have to be conducted via television and internet. Furthermore, churches have been closed because, in recent years, people have begun to steal religious artefacts from them when the churches and shrines are not guarded. The author has been researching what is happening in the churches throughout Italy; however, there is much more information available about soccer games and the survival of the economy, which seems to be the main focus right now. For instance, in the news one finds much information about saving the reputation of 'Made in Italy', so low-level employees are forced to work even harder than before as they hope other countries will continue to demand their products in times of trouble. A company which had had to quit producing medical face masks for fifteen years (due to Chinese competition), suddenly had to reopen its doors to help meet the needs of the Italian population that did not have enough masks to protect citizens from COVID-19. Not having enough masks was ironic in a country known for its Venetian Carnival celebration. Sadly, Venetian Carnival parades had to be cancelled this year for fear of contagion, causing the country to lose many tourist dollars and initiating the current crisis in Italian tourism. According to Assoturismo, ninety per cent of hotel bookings in Rome have been cancelled, and the United States has issued a level-3 warning to its citizens, stating that they should avoid travel to Italy in March. Travelers who visit Italy are required to stay home for 14 days after returning to the United States. A well-known leader of the Five Star Party was worried that such travel restrictions might lead to discrimination against Italians and 'Made in Italy'. Many members of La Lega believe in a bailout amounting to 50 billion euros. Citizens who used to hate watching the news because they generally detest politics are now glued to the TV to see what will happen next, whether or not they should stock up on food and masks, whether or not they will go to work, and who will help them get over the crisis. On a positive note, unlike most Americans who have to worry about paying much money to be treated for the Corona Virus, Italians know they will not take on a load of personal debt to pay for initial testing and further cures. The Sistema Sanitario Nazionale aims to heal all Italian citizens as well as those who have the appropriate visa to be in the country. Notwithstanding these good intentions, there is the likelihood that the health system will become overburdoned with too many patients to care for during the crisis. For example, in a message written at 12:30 on the third of March, the Piemonte Region announced that simple surgical procedures that utilize the operating rooms have had to be suspended (if they are not urgent procedures) in order to assure that the diffusion of the virus is contained. On the fourth of March, the Government decreed that all schools and universities would be closed for a month until the fifteenth of March although they are allowed to give lessons online when possible with the goal of stopping the spread of the virus or at least slowing down its spread. Until now, most Italians have been suspicious of online education; therefore, most teachers have not had training in how to convert to the online platform; nor have most students been prepared for this new learning curve. Fortunately, this experience will change the Italian mindset, so that everyone will learn to utilize the internet for learning, telecommuting, and flexitime. The Decree of the Prime Minister of the Council (DPCM) advises citizens to limit exiting the home if they are over the age of 65, to refrain from shaking hands, to refrain from kissing and hugging, and to avoid visiting family members in hospice or in assisted living. Citizens have been advised not to go directly to the emergency rooms, but that they should dial 112 before going in order to assure they are not positive with the Corona Virus. The Lombardia Region, having closed the gyms and swimming pools, had also ordered its citizens not to go to the local health clubs. Many citizens living in Lombardia interpreted the orders differently, thus deciding to go to use the sport clubs in the nearby Piemonte Region. Therefore, the Mayor of Novara, one of the cities in Piemonte, had to order that all of the city's health clubs be closed. Likewise, some people have tried to escape the Red Zones of containment in Lombardia to reach their families elsewhere. One example was that of two public school teachers from the southern town of Irpinia who had been ordered not to leave Codogno, but who returned home to Irpinia near Naples as fast as they could where they were forced to be quarantined with their families, causing the entire condominium to have to be quarantined. Whether museums should be kept open during the COVID-19 crisis remains a topic for debate amongst art enthusiasts. Museums take in much money while also attracting much-needed tourists from across the globe. Moreover, foreign tourists have to pay the much-needed tourist taxes, known as the tassa di soggiorno, which is going to be missed by the cities of Rome, Florence, and Venice (as well as many other cities) if tourism decreases, not to mention the tickets to museums which are sometimes higher for non-citizens. Italians themselves love to visit museums throughout their country, so they know they will be disappointed if they find museums closed for a month.
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The temple librarian loved Jack, since he was always trying to write a book or story. But she hated his twin brother, the pau'an who would become the grand inquisitor. (He will be referred to as Q or Quizzy in this story.)
So after years of the library lady having such an obvious prefrence, Quizzy (sitting in their shared quarters) finds himself holding a book his brother snuck out... about ancient sith tecniques, including the ability to disguise and mymic force signatures. (J was doing reasearch for a book <he only snuck a few people into his room in the temple> but didn't want to be accused of dark side worship, since his eyes are naturally gold)
So Q studies the book, and perfects mymicing his brother's signature.
At first it was innocent, he just wanted people to be warmer towards him. And maybe gain access to some of the sections that his master banned him from. He easily fooled scanners, and J had been spending more time exploring Corasaunt and pretending to be republic intelligence (he ignored the rumors of how his brother got information, why would any self respecting Pau'an bare himself so easily?) so the chances of two Js was pretty low.
Then he found his brothers hide. A small hole hidden behind a bookshelf just big enough for a pillow, blanket, a stack of books, and all of Jack's manuscripts.
Unfortunately Jack had started compiling stories about great sith lords, and writing about a shadow king and his spy in the Jedi order. A story styled to look like the spy's logbook.
Combined with Js tendency to sneak around, and the stack of forbidden sith books, he worried if J was going too far.
He fled, and in his panic the bookcase was left somewhat askew.
Later, the librarian was making her rounds. She almost missed the hole and the slight darkness leaking out, hidden by the lingering signature of her favorite student
Yet she still did.
It's not unheard of for senior padawans to have little hides in the temple, some hides are even passed down. But ancient sith Tomes that only masters and shadows were allowed to see...
J was always too curious for his own good.
She was already planning on sending the padawan to the mind healers to make sure he wasnt tainted, and she would have to find a suitable punishment for the thefts.
Then she saw the datapad still open to Jack's newest story. Picking it up to proof read (she loved helping him edit) she expected another almost corny romance novel or a nonfiction story based on an old mission report. Not what appeared to be a mission log only days old... She was horrified by the vivid discription of a fight between the log's owner (she prayed it wasn't J, that this was some complicated prank) and a Jedi who followed them into the seedy underbelly of Corasaunt.
He had been out of the temple more often than not as of late
Jack was arrested the moment he stepped foot on Temple grounds. With a Jedi Gaurdian on either side he was escorted to the council chambers, and tried.
He may have been found innocent of being a dark side spy, but his master found the Pau'an to be no longer worthy of Knighthood.
Q stopped mymicing his brother's signature as it no longer offered him anything, instead choosing to focus on his studies to become a gaurdian. One just like the tall statue watching his brother pack his things to never return.
He should have returned the book that started this whole mess when he found it.
Thanks to @star-wars-rebels-5 for inspiring this ficlett.
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toloveawarlord · 5 years
can you tell us a bit about your ikevamp ocs?
*crackles knuckles* Alright, but hear me out. I have currently 15 ocs (13 of them being children but is anyone surprised?) I will certainly be creating suitor specific ocs, but those typically come knocking at my door whenever I am playing a route so it’ll be a few days before I get any of those. 
This is gonna be long so strap yourselves in fam.
I’ll start off with the first OC that I wanted created and that is *drum roll*
1. Amelia Earhart! 
I wanted to have at least one oc that is history based like the rest of the bitey boys, and through my research, I settled on her. Or rather, she flew her airplane right into my oc pile and said “pick me! pick me! I am amazing!” and thus she was the first oc for Ikevamp. 
Amelia or “Melia” as she goes by at the bar she owns in town, was plucked from her time by the Count after her final flight when she disappeared from time itself. In this story, she crashed at her destination but was seriously injured. The Count turned her into a vampire and then took her back to the mansion
I won’t spoil too much or there won’t a reason to write the story, but she ends up moving out of the mansion some time later and opens her own bar, which Arthur frequents as she assists him in finding women who won’t cause a fuss if he drinks their blood. Why did she leave the mansion? Guess I’ll have to write that story soon. 
2. Alara Bayar 
I’m a sucker for kids ending up in the care of the suitors, so I have my little baby Alara. Originally hailing from Turkey, her mother was forced into a marriage with a French noble and Alara came with the two to France. Her step-father barely acknowledges her, and is very cruel to the two. She witnesses an argument that ends in her mother’s death. Attempting to escape her feral step-father, she runs away and finds herself at the mansion late at night. Long story short, they vampire boys take her in as their own child. She was 6 years old when they met her and she has just turned 16 at the present of the game.
And now to get into the kids. Unlike my Ikerev Kids, I’m not planning on doing an origin toddler story for this bunch. I don’t want to run it into the ground. So instead, I’m going to focus on them as teenagers and have some one-shots of them from their toddler days or maybe do some headcannons about them. It’s up in the air at the moment.
Vanessa “Nessa” Bonaparte 
As a child: Generally a happy and good “sister” to the other kids. She typically followed the rules and doesn’t argue with her dad or “Grandpa Count” when asked to do something. 
As a Teenager: Loves swordplay more than any other hobby, sparring and training with her dad is her favorite thing. Attends a public Academy for school and is considered a social butterfly. She has plenty of human friends and cares for them deeply, despite knowing that once high school ends, that she will have to cut them off.
Lyric Mozart (Twin)
As a child: Intimidated by his father’s brilliance and cold nature, he struggled to learn to play the piano. He played the best when doing duets with his twin sister. Began violin lessons at the age of 8. Timid and soft-spoken, he was often left out of play because of his indecisiveness.
As a teenager- Prince Charming, according to his classmates. He solely plays the violin now, accompanying his sister as she plays the piano. He won as President of the Student Council as a second year student at the Academy. He is kind and thoughtful of his fellow students, but keeps the humans at arms length, afraid of rejection because of him being a vampire.
Aria Mozart (Twin)
As a child- Innate talent with the piano, reading musical composition was easy for her, but she struggled to play with how small her hands were. Much more outgoing than her brother, dragging him along with her when playing with the other kids. Vies for her father’s approval more than her twin.
As a teenager- More introverted and focused on her craft. She has a strained relationship with her father, feeling inferior to his skill and pours her energy into catching up with him. Tends to be a loner at school, spending most of her time in the music room, practicing. She struggles with her own identity as a musician.
Emery Newton
As a child- Overly curious and sneaky in nature. She blamed any and all accidents that happened in the mansion on Vanessa, knowing that if she played the cute and innocent card that she would not get in trouble. This only fueled her behavior to play pranks and cause mischief in the home.
As a teenager- Currently suspended from the academy for blowing up the science laboratory. She did it to spite the teacher who she claims is ill-qualified to teach them. She is currently studying along side her father, preferring this to school as she finds school dull and boring. Skips class often whenever she does attend.
Owen Da Vinci 
As a child- Ring leader of the kids. If they all played together, he made the rules and was the only one who could change them. Hated losing and would bend the rules so that he could win. Could be a bit of a bully if things weren’t going his way.
As a teenager- Exudes charm and is always surrounded by both girls and boys. He competes in horse races and is the captain of the school team. He drinks the blood of some of his classmates but uses a drug to put them into a fog so that they don’t remember. 
Alaina Conan Doyle 
As a child - Cried all the time for attention. Thick as thieves with Emery. The two were practically inseperable.The biggest troublemaker of the girls. Even as child, her blood lust was hard to control. She couldn’t enter a public school until high school. Her thirst was easy to quench as a child, since she couldn’t drink that much blood. 
As a teenager- Attends the academy but has to take a bottle of blood with her to sip on throughout the day. she calls them her smoothies to help with a “health condition”. In her first year of school, she killed a classmate by accident and was nearly banned from returning. Loves to play around with humans, especially timid boys. She cuts them to drink the blood without biting. 
Clarisse Van Gogh
As a child- Pure flower child. She loved being outdoors and in nature. She would often get lost in the forest chasing after a butterfly and would have to constantly be watched when outside. She likes to play with her dad’s paints and would rather spend time with him than playing games with the other kids. 
As a teenager- Still a pure bean. Her classmates refer to her as an airhead and gullible. She makes good marks in class but is typically doodling or daydreaming during lessons. She is willing to help anyone out no matter how busy she is. Paints a lot of abstract things, simply adding color and strokes based on her feelings. 
Malachi Van Gogh (Twin)
As a child- Big brother to his twin and his cousin. He often bumped heads with Owen if the other child ever tried to pick on the other two Van Goghs. He especially cared for Clarrise, because he could tell she could not fend for herself at all. 
As a teenager- Wary of humans. He did not attend the academy until Clarisse did, joining a second year when she was in first. He has no interest in art, but has a deep love for baking. He makes the lunches for all the kids attending school.
Knox Van Gogh (Twin)
As a child - Constantly felt like he had to compete for his brothers attention. He could be intentionally mean to Clarisse but regretted instantly because of her soft nature and she never got upset with him. He cried easily.
As a teenager- Bad boy, loner. He is the only child not attending school. He tends to wander at night, getting close to humans. He finds them fascinating in how they don’t sense danger lurking around them as a vampire would. He sometimes steals Clarisse’s art and sells it for cash.
Katsuro Dazai
As a Child- Quiet and introverted. He prefers to read books and play alone. He questions everything in his path, trying to find the meaning behind it. His favorite things to play with was sand. 
As a teenager- Still relatively quiet. He spends most of his time with Clarisse, either reading or writing while she paints. He follows her around at school, not conversing with other classmates. He finds her light to be so blinding that he can’t help but be near her.
Nina Shakespeare 
As a child- Nina was locked away in her room until the age of 8, not allowed out or allowed visitors other than her father. Developed an imaginary friend that she kept even as she grew older. When she was finally allowed out into the mansion, she hated the other children out of jealousy and lashed out often.
As a teenager- Aloof at school and unapproachable. Many of classmates are afraid of her. She absolutely despises discussing her father’s works as she blames him for her horrible and lonesome childhood. She creates dark and tragic stories to reflect her own feelings towards the world. Nina cannot connect with her classmates because she fears them rejecting her and leaving her alone.
Nico Moreau (The Count’s Son with his mother's maiden name)
As a child - Curteous and inclusive, he always tried to keep the peace among the kids. Never a fussy child. He did whatever was asked of him and thoroughly respects his father. 
As a teenager- Keeps up with all the happenings at the school, especially anything related to the other vampires. He is the one tasked with making sure that Alaina doesn’t kill any other students. He is suspected to be the next student council president after Lyric graudates as his classmates find him to be gentle and kind and very smart. He hides his own bloodlust well. He falls only 3rd behind Alaina and Owen in thirst level, but he has the most self control.
Lucien D’Arc
As a child- A follower of the other kids. He never stood out, and was called lazy most of the time. The only game he ever excelled at was hide and seek, and he  loved to be the seeker, feeding off the others fear of being found. Had a tendency to harm small animals. 
As a teenager- Learned sword play but finds it tedious and dull. Has a sadistic side. He loves human girls because of the smell of their blood when they are frightened. Rarely follows through with drinking their blood, finding satisfaction in bringing them to the brink of breaking from their fears. 
The kids are all going to the academy under the family name Moreau so that no one questions their original surnames. 
The kids are not set in stone fully, as they might get more siblings or they might slightly change. 
And there you have it! All my current ocs for the game! 
Let me know which ones you are most interested in! ^_^
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thurdyyy · 5 years
Self-awareness in the disaster situation of Barangay San Isidro, Valley 2, Parañaque City
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On December 26, 2019, I had a visit on our Barangay City Hall, which is located on San Isidro, Sucat, Parañaque City (Hence, Barangay San Isidro). The Barangay Hall will be confusing to many, especially to newcomers like me, since there are many doors which lead to different organizations and departments of the Barangay.
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On my visit there with my mom, I was greeted by two people from the information desk and was asked what my initiative was of being there, to which I asked of who I can interview inside the Barangay pertaining to BDRRM. They then pointed the door to the left which led to another room, in which I met Mr. Raul Grafil, a Barangay Executive Officer.
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I asked him if I can interview him for my NSTP, specifically about BDRRM I said, to which he obliged. I showed him first the list of questions and soon after, we got the interview going. When asked about the hazard identification questions, he remembered when Bagyong Ondoy striked us (on 2009), then there was the rally and violent confrontation between the police and the people of Silverio (the place beside the Barangay Hall), and Parañaque being under the state of calamity because of the rising number of dengue cases. For typhoons, it randomly appears and God-made, so it is usually frequent, but not as great as of Ondoy. Then for the rally and the rising dengue cases, it seldomly happens, since those were man made, and the dengue cases were the result of our own negligence, specifically, by not throwing our trashes in proper places, accumulated unclean water in some places, etc.
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Silverio Demolition
Credits to: ABS-CBN News
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For the vulnerability and risk assessment, he (Mr. Grafil) brought me to the hazard map of Barangay San Isidro. The map showed everything I needed to know about where to go and not to go in times of need. The map indicated where flood and fire hazards are most probable and evacuation areas, places that are the safest to go to if a typhoon or calamity happens. He told me that those near the flood and fire hazard symbols in the map are the most affected if a typhoon is to happen since they are the ones that need to evacuate early and leave their homes since it not safe anymore, and that they are the most prone to the effects of the calamity to happen. He also added that everytime a calamity happens, it’s very hard since people don’t usually listen to what they’re saying, thinking that it’s not going to have a disastrous effect and “lilipas rin”. He said, “Okay naman paminsan minsan, kasi minsan hindi naman talaga kailangan mag evacuate, para lang sigurado, pero may mga beses talaga na kahit pinipiliit na nating mag evacuate, wala talaga, ayaw.” This was one of the hardest problems they encounter which also gives a harder after effect, since those who did not evacuate are those most needing of help.
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After that, I took some pictures of their emergency equipment stored besides the stairs. They have the necessary equipment needed in cases of emergencies, such as life vests, ropes, hoses, machineries and such.
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Soon after, he showed me proof that Parañaque is always prepared and preparing for the better by showing the awards the Barangay won (Disaster Resilient Barangay, Best in Solid Waste Management and Cleanest Waterways).
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We then got back to the room where we first met, and in there I asked the questions pertaining to the Disaster Management Assessment. He told me that if constant rain is imminent or a typhoon is coming, they usually post announcements, warnings, reminders and important information in their Facebook page (Paranaque City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office). He said that the Barangay conducts assessments before, during, and after a typhoon to have the proper preparations made for the people and for future typhoons to come. They also conduct trainings and orientations for people who may help the community in the future in times of hazards and disasters, and immersions for students which include community preparation. It is the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council/Office, with the help of Consumer Welfare Office, and Bureau of Fire Protection, that help the community in facing a calamity or disaster. After that, I thanked him and took a picture with him, before leaving and learning new things on how to help in having a better tomorrow.
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As we took pictures outside for the community walk, I can’t help but notice clogged sewages in front of the Barangay Hall, and as we crossed the street, there was a big dumpster of garbage on the road. This is a very hazardous practice since if those garbages drain our sewages in times of typhoons and heavy rain, the flooding is very much imminent.
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As for safe spaces, the St. Catherine Court (can be seen in the “evacuation area” part of the hazard map) is located in Valley 2, Sucat inside the St. Catherine Subdivision and is open to everyone who needs to evacuate out of their homes. It is very much safe since it is in the higher ground of the subdivision and not prone to flooding. 
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They also practice waste segregation and collection of water bottles, which is the best practice since it prevents clogging of sewages. They are also constructing new sewage systems, an extension of those already constructed near our homes, to further decrease flooding in times of rain. For me, it’s harmful in the short run but beneficial in the long run, since the construction of those sewage systems are left behind and when it rains, it makes it hard for pedestrians to walk in the proper sidewalk and are forced to walk on the road which is dangerous, but when all of it is complete, we will all benefit and be less prone to the effects of flooding.
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Based on the kwentuhan and community walk, I can describe the community as well prepared, since they have the necessary equipment needed ready in cases of calamities and disasters. They have fire trucks, life rafts, the equipment, and they also have a hazard map. One thing that was not provided to me was a BDRRM plan, which could have been very helpful, since they did not have any more copies. They know in what areas of the Barangay are more prone to fire and flood, which is very much needed in times of calamity so that they know what their area of focus will be. This also shows that the barangay knows the strengths and weaknesses of different places in the community, which is very helpful in times of emergencies. Then, the government agencies and departments of our city and Barangay are helping together to reaching out to our fellow people of San Isidro in how we can all prepare and minimize risks and the disasters that are to come. The community is clean due to the practice of solid waste management, but can be better since garbage are still everywhere (not solely based on them but also because of the lack of discipline of the people).  If the Barangay can easily provide anyone with their BDRRM plan, clean the sewages, and create more seminars and programs for its people, then I can say that they really are deserving of the awards they were given. The issues confronting the community are flooding, the rising number of cases of dengue, and garbage everywhere. I think these issues are happening in the community primarily because of clogged sewages and drainages, which is because of garbage everywhere, which is because of the lack of discipline of the members of the community that don’t practice “clean as you go” and simply throw their trash anywhere, and because of this, water is left in different places, which then becomes the source of mosquitos which then causes dengue. For me, all of the problems are interconnected because all of the reasons for it happening are also interconnected. The possible solutions the local government to address these issues are first, implement a better policy in waste management, like banning plastics, making those who are not following the law clean sewers and garbages, and be more vocal in waste management practices by creating seminars, workshops, immersions for students, and posting in social media for better awareness of the people. Relating this to the disaster situation of our country, we ourselves are the ones who are making us unprepared for disaster and even we do become prepared, politics and corruption take place. We cut off trees and replace it with buildings, we throw our trash in improper places, we don’t listen to the authorities when a calamity is to strike, and when a calamity or disaster happens, it is us who cries the loudest for help. Yes, it is in the nature of the Filipinos to help each other in times of need. President Manuel L. Quezon once said, “the Philippines is our country, and the only country God has given us. We must live for it and die for it, if necessary.” Yet, we live for our country and let it die on its own. If only the country realizes that money won’t give us second lives. The country needs to have discipline, politics that actually care for the country and not for the congress’ sake only, and actually helping each other in giving life and preserving life with one another. Only by then can we actually be prepared and rise up from disasters and calamities. My realizations from the kwentuhan and community walk that even the smallest of things can make the biggest difference. By practicing “clean as you go” in everywhere I go, I contribute in helping the community have a proper waste management system, which then lessens clogged sewages, which then results to less or no accumulated water, which then results to no presence of dengue. The community is affected by everything we do, and if only every member of the community can see it, then we will all benefit from it. We need to address the issue of disaster in our country because it disregards the value of human life. Disasters kill innocent people and affects usually the poor and the needy, for they don’t have the necessary items they need to protect themselves from the disasters to come. We need to address it because it is a problem that we cannot control, but we can reduce its harmful effects to the people and lessen the number of casualties. By addressing disasters, we preserve the value of human life, as all humans should do. We can address it first and foremost, by planning. We can address it by knowing what the problems are, what are our weaknesses, our strengths, what can and cannot be fixed, all the variables present, and how can we solve it. Second, by helping each other. One cannot do it alone, but together, together we are strong. And lastly, by throwing our pride aside and caring for our country and its’ future. As a member of the community and this nation, the possible solutions I can do to address the vulnerabilities by being vocal of how I can help and how others can also help. Since we are in the age of technology, I can make publishing materials in social media which aims to show awareness in our community in terms of disaster, waste management, and how we can all help create a better community. Also, people today are visual learners, so them seeing videos and images, even memes, whose goal is to show awareness will create much more awareness to everyone. Actions that I should take to increase the capacities of my community and country, as a student, is listening and being active in my NSTP class and volunteering in Red Cross. For me, I cannot help others if I am still powerless. Therefore, if I listen to my NSTP professor, read the modules, opening my eyes in the bigger picture, then I become prepared in teaching to others what was taught to me. By volunteering again in Red Cross (I volunteered in High School), I then have the necessary skills to help others and at the same time, hone my skills so that when the time comes, I can help others so that may also help those who are in need. In this way, we create a system in the community that cares for itself and creates a better future for our children, our childrens’ children, until the world is no more.
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
draco & headcanon : a brief history of the malfoy family, 58 BC - 1970
the earliest known written records of the magical family lineage originates from the commentarii de bello gallico (58-49 BC), an account of the gallic wars (58-50 BC) as described by julius caesar (100-44 BC). in chapters 13-14 and 16-18, caesar wrote of the druids of gaul ( present-day france and luxembourg ), noting that their high social standing and education set them apart from the other barbarians. they were also well-versed in “the stars and their movements, the size of the cosmos and the earth, the nature of the world, and the powers of immortal deities.” the magic possessed by the druids complemented well the natural magic of the roman augures publici, who used their magical abilities to interpret the will of the gods through the behaviour of birds – particularly ravens and eagles ( the predisposition the modern malfoy family has for keeping birds derives from their historical augury ). the family’s pure-blooded magical lineage originates from a pairing of a gallic druid and a roman augur in the 1st or 2nd century AD. evidence suggests that the family settled in gallo-roman territory, and remained there for many years.
the middle ages & the viking age
the distinct white-blonde hair that runs in the family line developed from centuries of contact with the gauls, germanics, and their collective ancestors, the visigoths, during the migration period of the 4th and 6th centuries AD. during this period, the family lineage becomes relatively untraceable due to lack of historical record. the family reappears once more in the 9th century AD during the viking settlement of west francia. due to insufficient records, it is currently not known whether the family was of frankish or viking origin during this period of invasion. there is, however, evidence that suggests that the family had attached themselves closely to the newly created duchy of normandy by the late 10th or early 11th century, implying that by this time they already had formed a not-insignificant connection to either king carolus simplex (879-929 AD) or rollo the viking (c 860-930 AD), first duke of normandy. their connection to nobility either way would be cemented with the rise of william the conqueror (1028-1087) to the duchy.
armand malfoy (fl. 1066) arrived in england with the norman conquest in the 11th century. when william the conqueror secured his throne in 1072, he seized the lands of resisting english elite and granted them to his loyalists. having provided various unspecified, but undoubtedly magical, services to the king, armand was granted a 180 acre plot of land in wiltshire that would become the site of malfoy manor. when the manor was constructed, it covered 30,000 square feet and contained 300 rooms, 61 of which were bedrooms ( approximately 50 of the 300 total rooms of the manor as of the modern era are now uninhabitable due to a lack of upkeep ). at the time of the land being granted, the 180 acre malfoy estate housed four muggle tennant farmstead households ( for a total of about 16-20 total farmer tenants, none of whom remain on the malfoy estate as of 1692, when they were forcibly evicted due to requirements set forward in the international statute of wizarding secrecy ), and was capable of yielding up to 900 bushels of grain during a peak and fertile harvesting season. the malfoy family as the landlords absorbed 15% of the total harvest yield from each individual farmstead, and 35% of all profits made from grain sold, accounting for the immense wealth that the malfoys were able to accumulate early into their english residency. as their wealth grew, the malfoys were able to annex neighbouring muggle farmland until the estate grew to a peak of 6,000 acres ( most of which has since been lost as of the modern era. the modern estate consists now only of the original 180 acre plot ). 
the malfoy family maintained a close relationship with the muggle tenant farmers on the estate, being lenient landlords who would not evict the sick or elderly even if their land was not yielding profit. a church, two cemeteries ( one for the muggles and one for the malfoys ), and a muggle school were eventually built. once a year, the malfoy manor would open itself to visits from the muggle tenants, and they would be treated to a grand dinner held in the drawing room. nicholas malfoy (fl. 1340) was a very brief dark mark on the history of the malfoy family’s interactions with their muggle tenants. nicholas murdered many of the muggle farmers under the guise of the black death in the late 1300’s. his motivations for the murders are currently unknown, and his actions escaped the notice of the wizards’ council. he was never charged for his crimes.
the elizabethan period & the renaissance & the age of exploration
the malfoy family continued to thrive well into the 16th century, with lucius malfoy i (fl. 1560) rising to queen elizabeth i’s (1533-1603) court. lucius had, like many, aspired to take the queen’s hand in marriage, but was declined. although never proven, many historians believe that this refusal brought lucius to hex the queen. this bit of spiteful spellwork resulted in queen elizabeth i never marrying and eventually gaining notoriety as the virgin queen. the malfoy family’s opinion of muggles shifted following these events, and eventually culminated into strong anti-muggle sentiment. lucius malfoy i’s daughter, elizabeth malfoy-burke (fl. 1592) ( who was named after queen elizabeth i ) served as headmistress of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry at the age of 35, marking her as one of the youngest persons to hold the post of head at hogwarts. elizabeth held strong pureblood supremacist beliefs, and therefore deeply favoured the slytherin house ( which was, of course, her own house ). like many of her predecessors, elizabeth would lobby for increased selectivity in the students hogwarts accepted. she was unsuccessful in instituting a complete ban on muggle-born admissions.
in the 17th century when persecution of wizarding kind by muggles was at its height. the malfoy family began to steadily isolate itself from their muggle tenant farmers, and by 1692, with the passing of the international statute of wizarding secrecy, all muggles were evicted from the malfoy estate. the malfoys then turned to wizarding society as a place where political and social power and influence could be gained. brutus malfoy (fl. 1675) began to gain notoriety in the wizarding community as an editor for an anti-muggle periodical called warlock at war. his opinions, although still considered to be radical and outrageous at the time, led him to work in the ministry of magic where the malfoy family would find the political influence they had been lacking since their isolation from the muggles separated them from the courts of muggle royalty. septimus malfoy (fl. 1780) grew to be incredibly influential within the ministry of magic. many historians claim that while he worked only as an advisor to he minister for magic unctuous osbert (fl. 1772) from 1789-1798, septimus was more the minister than osbert. osbert was elected two terms, with septimus serving as the de facto minister. the malfoy family continued to hold such influential ministry positions into the modern age.
the modern era
the modern era saw many changes for the malfoy family. with no muggle tenant farmers remaining on the estate property and no monetary investment placed in muggle industry, their wealth began to decline. eventually, 5,820 acres of the 6,000 acre estate were sold, leaving the estate with only its original grant size of 180 acres. the malfoy family continued to foster their connections within both hogwarts and the ministry in an attempt to prevent their line from dying. in 1962, nobby leach (fl. 1960) became the first muggle-born to be appointed to the post of minister for magic. several members of the wizengamot, which was packed primarily with prominent members of pure-blooded and sacred 28 families, resigned in protest. abraxas malfoy (fl. 1954-1968), however, did not resign. instead, he grew close enough to the minister that he was able to hex the minister, causing him to come down with a sickness that forced him to prematurely resign his post in 1968. no conclusive evidence was ever brought forward against abraxas, and he was heralded a hero in pure-blooded wizarding circles. two years later, the first wizarding war would begin, with abraxas’s son, lucius abraxas malfoy ii (1954-current), fighting at the frontlines in support of pureblood superiority.
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dipulb3 · 3 years
Looking to 2024, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem gets caught in GOP culture war over transgender athletes
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/looking-to-2024-south-dakota-gov-kristi-noem-gets-caught-in-gop-culture-war-over-transgender-athletes/
Looking to 2024, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem gets caught in GOP culture war over transgender athletes
After saying earlier this month she was “excited” to sign a bill preventing transgender ​students from competing in ​same-gender sports, Noem effectively killed the legislation last week that had been passed by Republican majorities in the state House and Senate — citing concerns the bill as-is would invite lawsuits.
On ​Monday, however, she followed up by issuing two executive orders that implemented a ban on people assigned ​male on their ​original birth certificates from participating in women’s sports in public high schools and colleges. That predictably sparked opposition from ​trans rights advocates who say the orders are unconstitutional and discriminatory because they reference the supposed harms of the participation of “males” in women’s athletics — an echo of the transphobic claim that transgender women are not women.
But the move also prompted criticism from conservatives, who claim the executive orders are unenforceable and toothless.
Noem’s action is the latest in a growing trend among Republican-leaning states, where GOP politicians are embracing laws and executive orders to limit the participation of transgender students in school-sponsored sports. In recent weeks, Republican governors in Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee have all signed similar bills into law. There are dozens of other bills proposed by Republican lawmakers in states across the country. The subject has been discussed frequently in conservative media and featured prominently at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference.
All of that suggests Republicans have found a new way to drum up support in their base by challenging the rights of a minority group. It’s the latest front in their ongoing culture war, one that puts them in the familiar position of having to choose between social conservatives and the business community. It indicates the challenge Republicans have in balancing the cultural concerns of the party’s base with assembling a winning national coalition.
It also recalls the fight in 2016 over North Carolina’s so-called bathroom law that people at a government-run facility must use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to the ​sex on their birth certificate. ​In practice, the law meant that many transgender and nonbinary people were unable to use a restroom in government buildings, and felt unsafe to do so elsewhere in public. The law was enacted by Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and sparked an immediate backlash in the form of economic boycotts and saw the relocation of two major sporting events — the NBA All-Star Game and part of the NCAA basketball tournament — out of the state. McCrory lost his bid for reelection later that year.
Some social conservatives say that in rejecting the original bill, Noem bowed to pressure from the business community and the fear of lawsuits ​– a fear Noem herself cited in her statement at the time. Business groups like the Sioux Falls Greater Chamber of Commerce, for instance, were opposed to the original bill.
“The chamber’s long-term policy is to not pass laws that are discriminatory in nature that would affect our economy,” said Debra Owen, the Sioux Falls chamber’s public policy director.
And Noem herself expressed concern the bill as worded would put college programs out of compliance with collegiate athletics governing bodies. Six colleges and universities in South Dakota belong to the NCAA, the largest such governing body.
Social conservatives were not convinced.
“What we saw play out in South Dakota is the divide within the Republican party, and the divide is between the elites … and the voters,” said Terry Schilling, the executive director of the American Principles Project. “Noem ultimately capitulated to the chambers of commerce, the NCAA, and gave them what they’re wanting.”
Noem has insisted the executive orders are temporary and has called the legislature to hold a special session to draft a new bill that addresses her concerns.
“She’s still vocally supportive of the issue, and is still excited to sign a bill” achieving the same result, said Ian Fury, a spokesman for the governor​.
Bubbling up at CPAC
Noem herself appeared poised to handle the ​competing constituencies effectively.
As the breakout star at CPAC, she touted her strident resistance to mask mandates and shutdown orders in South Dakota, even as ​her state has seen one of the highest per capita death rates from Covid-19, and governors across the country did otherwise during the pandemic. Unlike many potential presidential candidates who spoke there, Noem articulated a broad definition of what the party’s principles should be.
“We must more closely articulate to the American people that we are the only ones who respect them as human beings,” Noem said. “That we are the only ones who believe the American people have God-given rights. We are not here to tell you how to live your life, how to treat you like a child or criminal because you go to church or you defend yourself.”
But ​trans rights issues were already surfacing at CPAC. One panel focused on the perceived problems of allowing transgender ​girls to compete in girls’ school athletics, and multiple speakers criticized the Equality Act, passed by the House of Representatives earlier this month, which would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include protections against discrimination over sex, sexual orientation and gender identity.
And CPAC’s headline speaker, former President Donald Trump, asserted President Joe Biden was seeking to “destroy women’s sports.”
“We must protect the integrity of women’s sports. So important. Have to,” Trump said.
Focusing on children
Republicans have raised related topics in Congress, including at the recent confirmation hearing for Dr. Rachel Levine, Biden’s nominee for assistant health secretary and the first Senate-confirmed out transgender federal official. In a line of questioning criticized as transphobic, Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky ​equated life-affirming medical treatments for trans kids with “genital mutilation.”
Meanwhile, a number of social conservative groups have taken up the issue of fighting against transgender rights and are focusing on issues involving children. Among them is the Family Research Council, which has lobbied on behalf of what it calls a “biblical worldview” and in opposition to what it refers to as a “gender ideology” that promotes transgender rights.
“There are a number of manifestations of this worldview and this idea which we see as harmful, many see as harmful,” said Travis Weber, the vice president for policy and government affairs at the Family Research Council. “I think many are saying, look, this needs to be addressed in our communities, in our states.”
Weber says the FRC has identified more than 90 pieces of legislation in states across the country to limit participation of transgender women in girls’ school sports or to ban gender transition procedures for minors.
The Human Rights Campaign is also tracking bills and counts 48 anti-transgender sports bills in 26 states.
But advocates for transgender people say the actions of Republicans in state legislatures are alarming​, and risks bringing real harm to the lives of kids who are already at risk.
“As trans people, we still very much live in a world where our existence is an act of resistance and our visibility is an act of bravery,” said Carrie Davis, the chief community officer at The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ youth.
“In the face of such constant, vitriolic rhetoric and a record number of anti-trans bills, it is crucial to show up and show support for transgender and nonbinary youth year-round,” she added.
While it’s unclear if the South Dakota legislature would actually take another look at the legislation in a special session this year, Noem continues to insist she’d support a ban under the right conditions.
“Governor Noem has been engaged in this very fight for years,” said Fury. “But we have to pursue this fight in a smart way, with the same type of strategic approach​” used by activists who oppose abortion rights.
Schilling, however, said it’s disappointing Noem cast her lot with what he characterized as the business wing of the GOP.
“The business elites have been so entrenched in the Republican party forever,” Schilling said. “They don’t like these cultural fights.”
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foxfeaturewriting · 5 years
Local Climate Action: Giddens Warns Cedar Falls Constituents
By Cole Fox
 Taking initiative is imperative as the consequences of climate change become sinisterly imminent, warns Sen. Eric Giddens of District 30. He spoke to nearly 50 Cedar Falls citizens on Sept. 23 at the public library.
 “We’re not here to argue [climate science],” Giddens begins. “We’re just going to talk about what we’re going to do about it.”
 In an hour-long presentation, sponsored by the United Nations Association chapter in Cedar Falls, Giddens displayed several data graphics arguing that America’s heartland faces dire repercussions – drastically rising temperatures, increased rainfall, destroyed ecosystems – if immediate action is not taken.
 Giddens, who sits on the Dry Run Creek Advisory Board and holds several other ranking positions in the community. He won a highly contested special election in March 2019, defeating former 60th District Rep. Walt Rogers. He is the program manager for the Center for Energy and Environmental Education at the University of Northern Iowa.
After the end of the 2019 legislative session in April, Giddens noted in a newsletter which opportunities Iowa lawmakers missed. In the Senate, SF 548 aimed to prohibit state dollars from acquiring public land for conservation and recreation. Giddens voted against it.
 What can local governments do to deter the devastation greenhouse gases are striking on the planet, Giddens asked.
 Gidden’s first slide flashed data of over hundreds of thousands of years displaying the recent spike in carbon particles per million in the Earth’s atmosphere.
 A man’s hand sharply raises from the center row.
 “How do we have data from over 100,000 years ago?”
 Giddens explained that scientists use data from ‘ice cores’ in the north and south poles. According to NASA, ice sheets accumulate snow for thousands of years, compressing into layers of ice sheets. Researchers are known to drill further than a mile below to receive data to determine environmental variabilities from Earth’s history.
 Slide after slide of troubling data centered the audience’s attention from international calamities to the Iowa Climate Statement of 2019.
 “Dangerous Heat Events to Become More Frequent and Severe,” the report reads upfront.
 According to the data, Iowa summers are going to be above 90 degrees for twice as many days – and that is a low-emissions scenario.
 Prior to 2005, Des Moines experienced an average of 23 days with temperatures soaring above 90. By midcentury, the state will be enduring nearly 70 days of sweltering heat, worst-case scenario.
 July 2019 was the hottest month on record across the planet, states the report.
 “That’s all the bad news,” Giddens said.
 His words elicited an uncomfortable laughter from the room.
 “We cannot bury our heads in the sand,” he said.
 His disposition was hopeful, but seemingly eager to ignite the community.
 Senator Giddens introduced ICLEI: The International Council for Local Environment Initiatives. ICLEI is a program across more than 100 countries in over 1,750 local and regional governments. The website, ICLEI.org, claims its commitment to sustainable urbanization develops eco-friendly plans for cities. Giddens laid the blueprints for a plan he sees fit in the Cedar Valley:
 1.       Reduce emissions.
 The city of Cedar Falls has been built for vehicular commute. Side by side, Giddens depicted how neighborhoods in the western half of the city are built to require travel by road, contrary to older districts like Downtown Cedar Falls.
 The audience and Giddens concluded - projects like the controversially installed series of roundabouts along University Avenue are steps in the right direction. Studies from the city of Lincoln, Nebraska explain the drastic reduction of emissions by eliminating the stop-go process of traditional intersections.
 “We’re building in the need to drive for decades,” Giddens said.
 Under a broad proposal by Giddens, Cedar Falls and Waterloo need to improve the MET (Metropolitan Transit Authority).
 2.       The electricity grid – reduce energy use.
 Though Iowa is notorious for its natural resources – ethanol, wind, hydroelectric – a state profile and energy estimate lists that only two-fifths of the state’s net electricity generation comes from renewable resources. The senator explained that wind energy is becoming more affordable. According to the state profile, nearly 18% of Iowa’s electricity comes from towering turbines in fields across the state.
 Senator Giddens emphasizes, however: “Be efficient. We need to go back to using less energy.”
 3.       Address demand.
Plastic straws, plastic bags, water bottles – a grocery list of single use plastics that can be harmful to the environment, end up in a landfill that sits south of Waterloo on East Washburn Road. Basic information from the EPA places municipal solid waste as the third largest source of methane emissions from humans. At 14.1% of total methane emissions in 2017, this waste also marks as a loss for recycled energy sources.
 Giddens claimed boldly, “We have to ban single use plastics.”
 States like California and Hawaii have phased out plastic bags with government intervention. Alongside any piece of legislation, serious opposition poses threat to possible infringement on American’s daily lives. In Iowa, local governments seem to be losing the battles.
 Congressman Kressig from the back of the room mentions, “There are ten different bills in state congress right now that threaten to take away local control.”
 In March of 2017, Governor Kim Reynolds signed into law legislation that prohibits localities from increasing minimum wage, slamming counties like Linn, Johnson, and Polk, where the minimum wages were up to $10.10 per hour.
 “So, are there any feasible ways to capture greenhouse gases?” Asked a man in the audience.
 Senator Giddens concisely said, “Well, trees.”
 Giddens shared the story from the week before when he stood by North Cedar Elementary students as they planted 50 new crabapple trees along Lone Tree Road in Cedar Falls.  Several volunteers with the Lions Club, Trees Forever, and many city organizations participated.
 There is a planning process when achieving sustainability with smaller communities. Giddens has been working with the Iowa City School District, since government operations contribute highly to emissions. After developing data from the community and its ‘business as usual’ forecast, that’s when reduction goals take form.
 “We have a menu,” Giddens told the audience regarding programs to alleviate harm on the planet. “It consists of comprehensive plans including sustainability.”
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The Center for Energy and Environmental Education  at the University of Northern Iowa is located on the southern portion of campus in Cedar Falls.
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According to it’s website:  “ The Center for Energy & Environmental Education (CEEE) creates opportunities for UNI students, faculty and staff to work with community leaders to arrive at evidence-based, solution-oriented responses to the problems they wish to address. We offer technical assistance, educational programs, and leadership in energy conservation and renewable energy, environmental conservation and community-based agriculture. The CEEE serves Iowa cities, counties, school districts, teachers, farmers, businesses, elected officials, state agencies, community leaders, and citizen organizations”
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Its ICLEI Regional membership gives local governments access to ICLEI’s extensive tools and resources through the University of Northern Iowa Conservation Corps.
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studentcouncil · 6 years
Chapter 1
There it is. Finally. Ms. Baker’s homeroom. These textbooks are breaking my back.
Ms. Baker is a cheery lady whose voice fills the room as soon as I enter. “Welcome, welcome, welcome! Come, find your seat.” Unfortunately, she does not offer to help with my giant boulder.
It’s fine. I find the locker labeled “Sy Ziller” (yours truly), hurl my backpack inside, and quickly find my assigned place as the entire class watches. Late on the first day of school. Not a great look.
Thankfully, Ms. Baker ignores my tardiness. “I’m so happy to see so many new faces!” she exclaims. “I know this will be a great year. You’re in a new place and change can be hard, but I’m here to make your transition to middle school easy breezy. Here’s lesson number one. Always remember the Three S’s for Successes: Study, Sleep, and Second Helpings.” Ms. Baker points to a laminated sign listing the Three S’s as she sings them with gusto.
I overslept this morning and missed breakfast, so although I’m well rested, the mention of second helpings turns my stomach into an angry bear. The girl to my left turns and shoots a cold stare. The growling must have frightened her.
“Ms. Baker, I think it’s time for Wake Up Wildcats,” a boy in the front row says.
“Well, James. Right you are!” Ms. Baker grabs the remote, and the classroom television awakens from its own summer slumber.
Towards the end of fifth grade, we visited Ellis Arnall Middle School in order to prepare for our next adventure in education. One thing we learned is that middle school has a lot of cool extracurricular activities and clubs. Wake Up Wildcats is one of them. It’s a morning show produced by students. The whole thing – hosting the show, working the cameras, setting the lights, writing the scripts. It’s pretty cool, and when young James asked about it, I was excited to watch my first episode.
The intro is rolling. There’s an aerial shot of the school and then images of students in class, playing soccer, sculpting flower vases, and performing in orchestra.
“This is Wake Up Wildcats from Studio 1Z with Frank Papatakis and Charlotte Winston,” announces a voice as the camera focuses on the news desk.
“Wake up, Wildcats! Today is Monday, August 10, and it’s the first day of the new school year! I’m Frank Papatakis.”
“And, I’m Charlotte Winston. It’s great to be with you on a beautiful Monday morning. We hope you’re as jazzed about the new school year as we are. Let’s start as usual with a look at today’s headlines. Here’s our trusty correspondent, Erica Burton.”
“Thanks, Frank and Charlotte. Good morning again, Wildcats.” Wake Up Wildcats is so well produced. You know on the news when the anchor is telling a story and there’s a graphic above her shoulder matching the story? Like, if it’s a story about the annual Thanksgiving Day Parade, there’s a picture from the parade on screen. Wake Up Wildcats has graphics like this. The first graphic above Erica’s shoulder shows kids running through the halls of Ellis Arnall in panic. Hm. Wonder what that’s about.
“Good news for the ophidiophobes amongst us. Over the summer, Ms. Simpson finally caught her boa constrictor Gus. It turns out, he was hiding in the boys’ locker room all along. Ms. Simpson has promised to keep the cage door closed from now on, so we shouldn’t have another scare this year. If you were worried when you returned to school this morning, you can rest assured that you’re in a snake free school. Or at least a school where the snakes don’t roam the halls!”
Erica continues with her next story. “This Friday is the season opener for your Ellis Arnall Wildcats. The football game against the Morristown Mammoths will begin at 6:00PM. Last year, Morristown won on a last second field goal. We need all of your school spirit, so get to the stadium early and bring your loudest voices. The first 100 students at the game will receive a special Wildcats rally tail to wear on the bum. The tail is sponsored by Teri’s Ice Cream, your neighborhood spot for the freshest ice cream served by the friendliest faces.”
Another change in graphics. “With the start of a new school year, we have some new faces to welcome to the Wildcats faculty. First is Ms. June Simmons. Ms. Simmons will be teaching sixth grade English. She can’t wait to explain Shakespeare and extol the importance of the oxford comma to all of you. Next, Monsieur François Croissant. Monsieur Croissant comes to Ellis Arnall all the way from Paris, France and will be teaching, you guessed it, French. Finally, Coach Chipper Gant is joining the PE staff and will also manage the baseball team this spring.”
Monsieur Croissant? You’ve got to be kidding me! What a name! Looks like Erica is done with the news as she looks over to Frank and Charlotte. “Guys, we’re happy to have such fantastic additions to our faculty.”
Frank looks into the camera. “Wildcats, when you see these new teachers, make sure to give each one a hearty Wildcat welcome. Show Ms. Simmons, Monsieur Croissant, and Coach Gant our true colors.” Charlotte turns to Frank. “Speaking of those true colors, do you know anyone who exemplifies them better than our guy Bo?” These two are real pros. They act like best friends and make the morning pleasant.
“No. No, I don’t!” Frank answers.
Charlotte sends us to the next segment. “It’s that time. Let’s go to Bo Norris in our cafeteria for today’s lunch menu.” The shot switches to Bo standing in the cafeteria. He’s wearing a loud plaid shirt, which perfectly foreshadows his energy. “Goooooooooooooooooood morning, Wildcats! Man, oh, man, that felt good. Frank, Charlotte, it’s great to be back here in the cafeteria. I’ve missed you crazy kids.”
“And, we’ve missed seeing you, Bo. How was your summer?” asks Frank.
“Great summer! We had our Norris family reunion at the mud pit. Grandpa Norris won this year’s Norris Mudder race, which was a surprise. The odds were on Uncle Tucker, but Gramps beat Tucker in the end by running over hot coals in a new Norris family record. 100 yards of hot coals in 12.1 seconds.”
“That Norris clan knows how to throw a reunion,” says Charlotte. Depends on what you’re looking for in a reunion I think to myself.
“You better believe it!” cheers Bo. “It was a heck of a time, but I’m happy to be back for another year as your Menuologist! Let’s get to it. Today, we’ve got two entrees. First, tilapia tacos with a jicama slaw, and second, meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans. As always the salad and sandwich bar are available to you. For dessert, today’s options are assorted cookies or tropical fruit salad.”
Bo’s face hardens like stale bread as he continues. “Also, remember that today marks the first day of our no-soda campus initiative which has been instituted by Principal Berkowitz. Soda will no longer be available in the cafeteria. As a campus community, we’re focusing on improving our health, and the soda ban will cut down on sugary drinks. There is a great selection of milk, water, and natural juices that will pair nicely with your lunches. Frank and Charlotte, this is definitely a controversial move, but we’re all hoping it’s for the best.”
“We’ll see how it plays out,” replies Charlotte. “A significant group of students is still vocally against the ban, and I’m sure they’ll continue to make themselves heard. It’ll be interesting to see how the issue impacts the upcoming Student Council election.”
“And that’s a nice segue to our next segment,” Frank says.
My ears perk up. An election? Cool. I dig politics.
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