#But then only gives Chiaki a peck on the cheek before jumping out of the window
donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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The idea of Ranko pretending he has a crush to annoy Chiaki is so funny to me for some reason
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baecvlt · 4 years
Chiaki, Kazuichi, and Nagito’s response to kissing their S/O
requested by: my irl bestie, Kira via literal iMessages lol ily b
a/n: im so happy i finally get to do these AH !
Chiaki Nanami
chiaki was very nervous ab it, yet had no major reaction when it happened.
the two of you were playing a racing game when it happened, a game she was obviously better at than you.
it was the last lap on the track. you had began gaining on her, yet she was still beating you. finally, you decided you weren’t about to lose this round. you leaned near her cheek, pecking it. she gasped and was completely distracted, allowing you to win.
when she felt your lips against her cheek, although the kiss was brief, she blushed instantly. you felt the heat from the blood rush radiating before you completely backed up and continued playing. “no fair!”, she whined. she tried to get back on track, but you had already beaten her.
she playfully smacked your arm as you celebrated your win against the ultimate gamer. you were both left smiling as she eventually accepted the results. she then followed by shaking your hand and saying,“good game”. after you thank her, she then she softly asks,“are you gonna kiss me for real now?”. you nod, slowly leaning in.
once you were close enough, she places both hands on the your face, cupping it and pulls you in to kiss you passionately. the kiss lasted for a good sixth of a minute before you both slowly pulled away. she put her hood up, hiding how red she was with her sleeve as well, making you laugh.
Kazuichi Soda
unlike chiaki, there was no hiding his anxiety when it came to kazuichi. the kiss took place on a thursday afternoon.
you were closing up after a long day of working at the shop. you two had been friends for a few years now, having gone to school together, deciding to start an auto shop. you took care of accounting and expenses, kazuichi did the fixing and tinkering. the two of you were extremely close.
he promised to give you a ride home everyday so long as he was alive. anyway, you both got in his car and normally, he would just start the car no questions asked. this time, before he put the key in the ignition, he stopped himself and asked,“Can I say something before we leave?”. You nodded, attentively listening. He sighed and said,“I’m just trying really hard not to get sentimental or anything, but I look at the shop and I see how far not only I, but we, made it. My old man was hard on me, toughening me up, but it never worked. I still don’t know how I managed to get do far, then I look at you and I’m so grateful because I probably wouldn’t be where I am today, doing what I love, without you. Ultimately, what I’m trying to say is I- thank you, S/O”.
You saw how choked up he was, his words getting to you in many ways. It filled you with joy. Before he could start crying, you put his hands on his shoulders and practically jumped up from your seat to kiss him on the lips.
He kissed back after realizing what was happening. Your smile pressed against his lips and as you pulled away, he was out of breath. “Holy shit,” he cussed.
Your face was only slightly flushed, but he had gone redder than cherries. You had wanted to kiss him for a while, thankful you went through with it.
In the spur of the moment, he just blurts out “I think I’m in love with you”. You laughed, getting pulled back in for another amd much longer kiss. His hands were on your face and when he pulled away, they still remained on the sides. With his thumb, he caressed and rubs your cheeks. Without a word, he starts the car and takes you home.
When he got to your apartments to drop you off, you said “bye” and so did he, but before you coulf enter, he stopped you. “Wait!”. You turned around and asked,“Yeah?”. He then bluntly asks,“Are you free Friday night?”. “Tomorrow?,” he nods,“Yeah”. He smiles and before going home he says,“Alright then. I guess its a date... bye, S/O”.
Nagito Komaeda
he would be dumbfounded by the kiss; speechless at first.
This would all take place in a quiet area of your school. The atmosphere was perfect for a kiss, but it wasn’t really planned.
“I’m glad you actually decided to hang out with a chump like me. If not, I’d probably be a lonely, friendless loser”
He always put himself negatively. While at first you may have seen him as how he described, after getting to know him, you realized he’s not all that bad. You always reassured him of it too
“I happen to like chumps like you” saying that made his eyes light like fire.
The urges within him were too much and on impulse, he put his hand under your jaw and faced you toward him, kissing you softly.
You were shocked at first, but slowly eased into it. You put your hands in his hair, causing his lips to part interrupting the kiss. You felt kt appropriate to pull away.
“That was... amazing,” he said, wide eyed,“It was so full of passion; it alwas beautiful”. You blushed and messed with his hair a little more.
All was pure, until he said,“Let’s do it again”. Guess what? You wanted to as well.
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Helloo, can you make some scenarios or imagines where some characters (up to you) find about their S/O having fear of loud noises? Ii would mean the world for me, thanks for everything <3
Hajime, Gundham, Chiaki x Reader
who is scared of loud noises
Hi!!! Mod Fuyu handed this ask over to me and I’m really happy to answer it!! I really hope my writing suits your taste and you’re satisfied!
For this ask, my mind immediately went to the fireworks scene in SDR2 so enjoy!
Category: Fluff/light angst headcannons and imagines
Specifics: Gender not mentioned, Ultimate not mentioned, takes place in the fireworks scene in SDR2
Warnings: Reader panics over loud noises, fireworks... I think that’s it
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Pops of color burst across the night sky as everyone cheered below. Sparks drifted from the sky and loud applause as well as the traditional oohs and aahs followed right after. You sat on the sand, knuckles clenched tightly around your yukata, so tightly the bone was just about ready to burst from the skin. You flashed a weak smile at anyone who paid attention to you, yet you fixed your eyes to the ground, clenching your jaw tightly. You sorely regret allowing your friends to drag you out for Ibuki’s special surprise. Why, why did it have to be fireworks?! Why couldn’t you all have sat in a circle and...spun a bottle around, you didn’t know!!
Sighing, you flinched as another one was shot into the sky. Just a little bit more, then you could say you didn’t feel good and could head back to your room and shove your face into a pillow, allowing yourself to cool down from all the excitement and loud booms that resonated within your eardrums-
You knew that voice. You looked up to see them looking at you, concern written on their face.
“Are you ok?”
Hajime Hinata
We all know this man has attitude and more anger issues than the other protagonists
He’s got some walls built up due to not knowing his talent and feeling insecure about it, but you were one of the few people like Chiaki who he found himself relaxing around
You both had recently started dating so he didn’t know whole lot about you
When Ibuki had dragged Hajime to the supermarket, he had no clue what she was planning
And he had no idea how you would react
Hajime had been the one who helped Ibuki set up this event, despite not knowing at all what she was scheming when he went to the supermarket with her. He had thought this would be a good couples thing you two could do together! After all, what’s more romantic than sitting together, hand in hand, under the starry sky watching the fireworks?
Apparently, you didn’t feel the same way.
He looked up from where he was crouching down, setting off the explosions, expecting to see you cheering along with the gang with a bright smile on your face. What he didn’t expect was to see you practically curled up in a fetal position, clearly not having fun.
“Hey Ibuki, can you trade off with me for a little?”
“No prob, Hajime!!”
He made his way over to you, noticing the way you flinched as the next firework was launched.
“Y/N? Are you ok?”
“Ha-hajime!! Y-yeah I’m fine! Nothing to worry about!”
“...You don’t look fine. Are you not enjoying this?”
“What are you talking about?? I’m having loads of fu-”
You yelped as another firework was set off, not prepared for the sudden noise.
“Y/N, do you...not like fireworks?”
You didn’t answer but you didn’t have to. Hajime gave you a sympathetic look and took you by the hand, lifting you off your feet.
“Hajime? What are you doing?”
“Just trust me on this. Ibuki! Me and Y/N are going for a little walk!”
“Wowie! Are Hajime and Y/N going to get up to some naughty business??”
“Wh- NO!!!”
You held back a laugh as Hajime shook his head and led you away from the commotion. Side by side, you walked along the shore, the echoes of the celebration fading in the distance.
Once he felt satisfied you both were far enough, he stopped and knelt onto the ground. He looked to you expectantly and you sat beside him.
“Ok...what now?”
“Now, we use these.”
Reaching into the back pocket of his pants, he pulled out a pack of what looked like...sparklers?
“I got these at the supermarket when I was with Ibuki. I didn’t actually think anyone would use them, but I thought they’d be fun you know?”
He handed one to you, with a small smile. “We can have our own fireworks right here.”
You nearly burst into tears. “Awwwwww, Hajime~~.”
“Wh-why are you acting all weird about this?!”
You laughed and gratefully took a sparkler. Using the lighter Hajime brought with him, the two of them lit up the metal sticks and watched the sparks fizzle and glitter in the dark. It was peaceful, quiet. You stole a glance at your boyfriend.
“Yeah, Y/N?”
“Thank you. I’ve...never been comfortable with really loud noises and I was about to leave, honestly. I didn’t want any of you guys to think less of me, especially you, Hajime. I couldn’t ruin everyone’s fun because of me. But this...this is nice. So thank you.”
“D-don’t mention it.”
You turned to see Hajime averting his eyes, face and the tips of his ear practically on fire, as he muttered under his breath, “A-anytime you need to get away...j-just come to me..I mean, couples are supposed to depend on each other right?”
“Right! Thanks again, Hajime.”
The two of you used up nearly all of the sparklers yet you were grateful you had come out that night. Turns out Ibuki’s special surprise was pretty special after all.
Gundham Tanaka
Funny how you don’t like loud noises, yet your boyfriend has no clue what an inside voice is
It startled you at first, but you quickly grew accustomed to the sound of his voice and you started looking forward to talking to him
One of the things that immediately drew you to him was how much the Dark Devas liked you, therefore you must have had the great power of the dark forces just like him!
You never gave him weird looks and allowed him to talk to you about breeding and the occult
Initially, he was going to stay in his cabin that night, but you insisted on going to Ibuki’s special surprise together so he relented
He cheered and whooped along with the others as the next firework shot into the sky. This was truly spectacular!! The bursts of color across the darkness of the night was a remarkable sight to behold.
Yet he heard the meek whimpers of his beloved as though you had been injured. He looked down to see you were curled in on yourself on the ground beside him, evidently not having a good time like the others.
“Y/N? Whatever is the matter?”
“H-huh? Oh, Gundham it’s nothing, I’m fine rea-”
“Of course not! Have you seen the state you are in? What is bothering you, dark one?”
You didn’t answer, but as another firework exploded and cheers rippled through the air, he saw the way you flinched and how white your knuckles were. He recalled the uneasiness you had first displayed when he first met you and how he had to coax you to tell him you were fearful of loud noises.
He immediately took action. What kind of partner would he be if he allowed his beloved to continue to suffer like this?
“Beloved,” Gundham called out to you as you met his heterochromatic eyes. He crouched down beside you and allowed the four Dark Devas to scurry towards you. Grateful for the distraction, you smiled as they practically ran on top of each other, climbing up on your arms, Sun-D placing himself on your shoulder and rubbing against your neck happily. As you played and cooed at the adorable hamsters, Gundham took his scarf and carefully wrapped it around your head, taking great care to secure it around your ears.
Turning to him with a surprised look, he leans close to your face for you to hear him clearly.
“I apologize that this is the best I can do for you currently. I wish...I wish for you to be able to enjoy the earthly festivities as well, Y/N. The fireworks are quite beautiful to behold. Allow the Dark Devas to keep you company...and I as well.”
You blinked, speechless, but smiled and quietly leaned forward to give him a light peck on the cheek.
Without his scarf, Gundham couldn’t effectively hide the blush enveloping his face.
“Thank you, Gundham. Really.”
“Do not mention it!! It is merely a sworn duty of someone of my caliber to care for my partner!!”
You laughed and snuggled into his side, eyes drifting to the sky. He cautiously put an arm around you and squeezed your shoulder in a reassuring manner as the two of you watched the fireworks inside your own little bubble.
Gundham was right. They really were quite beautiful.
Chiaki Nanami
Sweet and sleepy, she keeps to herself a lot and really only talks when she has something to say
The two of you most likely hit it off talking about video games
You always answered her questions about the world with great patience and zero judgement, and she’s probably fallen asleep on you more than once leading to you two cuddling whether in your respective cabins or the hotel lounge she frequents often
She considered you trustworthy like Hajime
Y’all were practically inseparable, someone has asked you more than once if you two were dating before you had even started
The two of you were curious about what Ibuki was planning so you went together
Chiaki stared wide eyed at the sky, in awe of the pops of color sparkling in the dark. She’d never seen anything like it before…
Oddly enough however, you didn’t seem to be enjoying the fireworks like everyone else was. You looked uncomfortable and she took in the way your body slightly jumped as the fireworks exploded one by one.
You looked up to see Chiaki face level with you, her bubble gum pink yukata loosely wrapped around her frame. She tilted her head as her eyes scanned your face.
“Are you not having fun, Y/N?”
“Chi...Chiaki, I-I’m fine, don’t worry about-”
“Are...are the fireworks bothering you?”
“J-just a little, but I’ll be ok, promise! Just enjoy this, ok?”
She didn’t respond, her brows knitting together on her forehead. She seemed to be in thought, but then rising to her feet and holding a hand towards you.
“Let’s get away a little ok?”
“But Chiaki-”
“Come on,” she gave you that beautiful smile, the smile that you had fallen hard for. How could you say no?
“...ok, let’s go.”
The two of you quietly left the others, letting the sound of the waves breaking on the sand and the fading pops of the explosives fill the silence between you.
Once Chiaki was satisfied with the distance, she sat down on the shore, feet brushing against the damp sand the waves had touched. She patted the spot next to her and you flopped down beside your girlfriend. She pulled out a gaming console, the one Chiaki constantly carried on her person.
“Here. You can play this if you want.”
“But...won’t I ruin your score?”
“I’ve already beaten the game twice.”
“Of course you did…” You sighed and shook your head good humoredly, while you watched the screen light up and the soft background music began to play. Your girlfriend nestled her head on your shoulder, her body resting against yours as her eyes drifted shut.
“...Chiaki? Are you sure this is ok? You can go back if you want to, you’re missing the fireworks-”
“I’d rather be with you than some explosives, Y/N. I really care about you...there’s nowhere I’d rather be right now than here.”
You could have cried. How did a girl like her end up with you? Despite the bleakness of your situation on the island, you counted your lucky stars that you were able to meet Chiaki.
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
[Aoi Asahina, Sonia Nevermind, Chiaki Nanami, Rantarou Amami, Ibuki Mioda] x reader imagine: comforting an insecure guitarist s/o after their band plays live
Request: Oh my god, are DR blogs coming back again?? This is the third new one I've found this month!! Really happy about that.  Great writing so far by the way! Could you maybe do Asahina, Sonia, Chiaki, Rantaro, and Ibuki (separate) comforting an insecure, guitarist S/O after they just performed a live show with their band? And like, the S/O is really worried that they sucked even though they did well? Oddly specific, I know. Would appreciate it though! Cheers!
Thank you for this imagine request and being so specific about what you want while still giving me a lot of creative freedom! I immediately had some simple but cute ideas about this! - Mod Kokichi
Gender Neutral reader, a few brief lewd humorous lines, but SFW otherwise.
Aoi Asahina
- You were nervous, pre-show jitters shuddering through your body, but you couldn’t back out now.
- Not when your super hot, super excited, super supportive girlfriend had hyped you up just before the show.
- “Stage fright?! How’d you even get into a band in the first place with that mentality?!” Hina teased you backstage, mere moments before going on out to preform. She saw you chuckle nervously, not taking her joke as well as she’d hoped.
- She took your hand firmly. “Look, you know that face you love, the one I make when I’m thinking about pastries?” She continued.
- “The one that makes you look like a chipmunk?” You answered flatly.
- “I don’t agree, but yes! That one! When you’re scared up there, imagine me doing that face! Or better yet, I’ll be front row, in the V.I.P. standing section anyway. Just look for me there!” With a peck on your cheek, she gave you a determined look before pushing you toward the stage and disappearing.
- “H-hina!” You stuttered, but it couldn’t be helped, it was time.
- To your surprise, the nervousness went away as your band was about half way through the first song.
1. The attention is mainly on the lead singer.
2. You were focusing on playing too much to fully take in the screaming crowd.
3. You were actually enjoying yourself.
- As the first song ended, however, the music fading out and the crowd going wild, you felt that little pinch of panic settle back in. There was no music to focus on and protect you, just a hundred faces to look out upon.
- Your eyes darted back and forth over the audience, searching. Your breathing came out a little heavier, until your eyes landed on a lean, curvy, athletic figure, with tanned skin and a smile sweet like honey...no, like doughnuts
- She put her hands up near her face like paws, closing her eyes in an open-mouth smile. You smirked, nodding and strumming your strings once again.
- At the end of the show, fans flooded to the hallway that connected the venue’s main hall to the dressing rooms backstage, reaching out to try and grab band members, hoping to take how an autograph or lock of hair as a souvenir, and you rushed through, sweating and ultimately disappointed with the overall performance you put on that night.
- Hina was already waiting in your temporary dressing room for the night, standing and throwing her arms around your neck before praising you endlessly.
- “S/O, that was amazing! That third song, I felt like the bass shook the place! It was intense, like the final lap in a freestyle race, you know?! We gotta bring Sakura next time. I think she’d really get into the pull of the steady rhythm!” Her little dramatic expressions, her brow knitted together passionately as she spoke...she reminded you every day why you fell in love with her.
- “You...you really liked it? I thought I was kinda just going down further and further in quality as the show went on. I felt like shit by the end…”
- “Are you kidding me! It was fantastic. I think the whole audience was immersed. I know I was! Hey...you better not have all these groupies flocking you looking for a piece tonight!” She teased, hugging your arm!
Sonia Nevermind
- Sonia was extremely excited to go to a public concert. Anything that brought her closer to commoners, to feeling like she belonged around ordinary people was just swell to her.
- Even better that it was in a country foreign to her, where she could be immersed in the cultural norms and behaviors.
- Even better that she was watching the one she loved play.
- She was afraid that you’d judge her when she first admitted her love for the occult, horror, and all things gothic and metal.
- You thought that was pretty hot.
- So there she stood, in the front row of your concert, in a poofy green dress with expensive jewelry and accessories decorating her frame. She stuck out like a sore thumb, but Sonia, blissfully unaware, felt like one of the normal people.
- She jumped when the crowd did, her fist in the air, entranced by each note that came from your instrument.
- Sweaty metal-heads and ravers bumped into her endlessly in the tightly packed crowd, and she couldn’t care less.
- You looked amazing up on stage, and she felt like she was a part of some fan fiction she read once.
- You know the trope, where the reader is in the crowd at a famous band’s concert reluctantly, and her favorite member locks eyes with her and either pulls her on stage with them or takes her backstage after the show and ravished her!
- And she felt her love for you and your musical talent swell within her heart.
- After the concert, she met you outside the back door of the venue, and you were shocked silent at her appearance.
- “S-Sonia are you okay??” The tights under her dress were ripped, her bracelet missing some jewels, the bow tie falling out of her blonde locks, which by the way looked like a rat’s nest. Topping the look off were the pit stains under her arms and in the valley of her cleavage.
- “I’m sorry. I knew this would be a shitty experience. I shouldn’t have brought you. The music was bad anyway, huh? I shouldn’t practiced more.” You looked down in shame, before she nearly tackled you, her arms around your neck and kissing you everywhere, up and down your face and neck and chest.
- “D-do not say these things! Tonight was the b-best night of my life!!!” she sputtered, too excited to enunciate. “You looked like a hero in this J-Drama I watched years ago! Like the protagonist Sawayama Keito!! And I??? I was your romantic love interest, the plain Jane in the crowd, Ito Aiyaka!”
- “You really enjoyed it that much?” You could smell the body odor and adrenaline pouring off of her, very un-princess-like, but you couldn’t care less, grinning like a fool.
- “I love you, Sonia, you crazy kid.”
- “Play for me again tonight, in the dorm room…” she spoke desperately.
Chiaki Nanami
- Chiaki did not want to be in that crowd that night.
- A short, skinny, lazy, introverted girl at a live concert full of rabid fans and no seats? Standing room only?
- She briefly mentioned this to you days before the show, not wanting to hurt your feelings. It was something mentioned in passing, in her normal flat and tired tone.
- “I hope I don’t get stepped on...maybe I can bring my Gameboy and play when things get too wild?” She mused, leaning back on you as you prepared to start practicing on the edge of the bed next to her.
- You loved Chiaki, and you knew how to take her hints by now.
- “Chi, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I know crowds aren’t your thing.”
- “No, I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she smiled that lazy, half-lidded smile. She loved you too, and she wasn’t about to be the only one on campus not there to support you. She yawned and took your guitar from your hands before falling asleep on your lap.
- You thought the gesture was cute, but inside you were a bit irritated. You’d told her many times prior to that night that you needed all the practice you could get, and that you were afraid of bombing. So why would she purposely stop you in the middle of practicing?
- Oh well. You leaned back, memorizing chords and lyrics in your head until you, too, passed out
- The night of the concert, Chiaki stood in the front row, her backpack strapped to her front, oddly snug on her chest and obviously on backwards, but it was easier to access her Gameboy and fidget toys in case she needed to retreat from the overwhelming noise.
- She told herself they were just for emergencies. She was there for you, and frowned thinking about how you’d feel if you looked down off the stage and saw her not paying attention.
- People piled in, and soon your band came on stage. The lead singer introducing you all.
- Chiaki was already feeling like the ceiling was lowering, like the people around her were far too close, and looked down, hoping seeing just the dark venue floor and her shoes would calm her, one hand on her backpack for security.
- “Oh!” She gasped, her little bangs flying up and her eyes widening like saucers as the lead singer sang the first notes. Three notes, that’s all it took.
- “Aha~aha ah ah...ha~uh huh huh…” the lead singer breathily voiced into the microphone, and Chiaki smiled wider than she had in months.
- You met her eyes on stage knowingly, smirking at first, then suddenly anxious that you might slip up or disappoint her. You strummed two loud, vibrating notes, stern and piercing through the air.
- Again the same two notes, before you joined the singer by the microphone, inhaling before singing in harmony:
- “In you~ and I, there’s a new land~ yeah~he heah!”
- She relaxed, tilting her head back as the sound waves overtook her.
- “Angels in flight~”
- “My sanctuary. My sanctuary, yeah~”
- You didn’t tell her you’d be doing covers that night. Video game covers, nonetheless. Her head shot up, looking at her phone quickly. She looked at the date.
- February 14th.
- Man, she spaced out often…but this…
- She blushed furiously, and her eyes locked with yours. You grew nervous, playing even harder. She swooned and let herself get lost in the bass.
- You played iconic video game themes all night, and by the end, Chiaki was more overwhelmed and exhausted then she’d ever been, but in a good way.
- When you walked into your dressing room back stage with flowers you had hidden earlier, she accepted them with a flush of her cheeks.
- “You didn’t need to do all that...s/o...this was…”
- “Y-you didn’t like it? I was nervous for a month planning this gig. I know I’ve still got a ways to go with playing live but-“
- “I loved it.”
- “What?” You weren’t convinced.
- “I loved it. Every second. I’m sorry I didn’t get you a gift, I didn’t even realize.”
- “Gifts don’t mean anything to me, Chi. You’re all I need.” you pulled her into your chest for a tight embrace. “You’re My Sanctuary.”
Rantarou Amami
- Rantarou was so excited about seeing your debut concert, snatching the tickets as soon as you presented them to him.
- “Can I bring along my sisters, too, S/O? They’ve been wanting to hear you play ever since I first mentioned that you were in a band.
- “Of course, but...I don’t know why they’d wanna all waste a Saturday night on my shitty band. We don’t even play that well ye-“
- “Silence!” He picked you up by your waist and squeezed you until you couldn’t breath, much less put yourself down with a self deprecating jab. He kissed your cheek playfully. “You’re sexy and the way you play guitar is sexy. I listened you practice all night the other day!”
- “Y-you did? I didn’t even see you!”
- “Huh...” he scoffed, “ maybe because you were lost in your passion, becasue news flash, you’re good at it, stinker!” He pinched your cheek, always knowing how to make you flustered. “Yeah, I heard every single note, and even peaked in once or twice, seeing you stroke those strings so tenderly…” He forced you against the wall, his hot breath against your ear “ I wish you’d stroke me like that.” You face ran hot and you roughly shoved him away, him giggling like a fool.
- “Okay, okay you win, Amami, bring whoever you want!” You stomped off with a huff.
- The day of the concert, the entire front row looked like a field of spring grass, the large family of green-haired siblings shouting before you even began your first song. You shook your head at Rantarou and his many sisters, half-embarrassed, half-flattered. You felt your hands stumble across the strings, Rantarou giving you a thumbs up and a wink.
- After the show, you couldn’t run off the stage any faster. You ran into the staff room backstage where refreshments and spare equipment were usually set out, and were greeted by a row of Amami’s swarming you and praising you, talking much too quickly and all at once. 
- Rantarou simply let his sisters flock you, asking you to teach them to play, to help them meet hot musicians you knew, to learn to read music. You felt your ego rise, flustered once again at the hand’s an an Amami.
Ibuki Mioda
- Ibuki shouted to the band backstage, tuning her guitar and hyping up the other members. She noticed you a little out of place, looking a quite queasy and apprehensive.
- “S/O! The hell are you doin’ over there! Hudddddddle up!” She pulled you by your shoulders.
- “I don’t know why I let you force me into joining the music club...I shouldn’t have mentioned my interest at all…” you grumbled.
- Months ago, Ibuki had heard you, her darling and adorable s/o mentioning that you played guitar in elementary school, and wanted to listen in on her band once practice one in awhile. Well, that was the end of that. She decided it was time to freshen up your skills and get you comfortable with the strings again. Now here you were, moments from your first live performance since you were 10 years old.
- “Whaaat! That’s like, a major no no, that low energy, ya dig?!” She held your hand, swinging it back and forth with a feral look on her face. “You’re bitchin’! And Ibuki is bitchin’! And tonight we’re gonna set the stage on fire!”
- The show went on as planned, you and Ibuki on guitar while she screamed into the front mic. Your drummer just barely cut through the vibrations of your combined sound waves, and you buckled down and reminded yourself that with Ibuki at your back, that stage was yours. That audience was yours.
- Plus...who was staring at you when Ibuki was up front, looking like that, acting like that. That passion, that intensity, it’s what drew you to her in the first place.
- The crowd roared viciously, opening up a mosh pit in front of your neon gothic goddess of a girlfriend, and you couldn’t have found her more attractive than you did right now, her arms swinging open, releasing the guitar and simply bellowing into the mic, commanding the hellish pit in front of her like one of the succubi from Gundham’s wild tall tales.
- You suddenly felt so unworthy of her in all her glory, simply providing the backup and harmonies.
- When the show ended, you and Ibuki equally carried each other back stage to the school’s stagehand room, leaning on each other’s sweaty bodies for support.
- “Sheesh, that was straight fire tonight, s/o, huh?! Immolation on the stage, in the fleeeesh!” She shredded an air guitar in front of her before collapsing on a folding chair. How did she still have any energy at all?! You scoffed incredulously. “ Ibuki was worried for a second there, but we pulled it off! I knew we’d be amazing!” Huh???
- “You were worried?” You quickly realized what she probably meant, “Oh...like nervous that I’d mess it up for us?” Her eyes widened, a shocked look on her face as her hands flew up to her hair.
-“What? No! Ibuki was worried about Ibuki~” She grimaced.
- “Why would you ever be nervous, you’re the best musician for miles around.” You drank from a water bottle before tossing it to her. She caught it in one hand, downing it.
- “Hey, Ibuki gets worried too~” She winked at you, a flirty glimmer in her eye as she held up a heart made from her connected hands. “But s/o is Ibuki’s rock! Partners in crime, yeah? No need to worry with you at my back tearing it up!”
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imagineyourstars · 7 years
Since is Midori's and Adonis's birthday, can I request a scenario where s/o bought Midori's favorite plush toy and Adonis's favorite Anpan as a gift and tries to make a birthday cake but actually got caught by both of them. I know I posted a request before this but I would really like to see more of the birthday scenarios more! Lastly I would like to thank you for your good works up until now Mod Mademoiselle!
college has been really hectic these days and ?? i forgot i’ve been done with this request for a while ?? so here you have it ! it’s hopelessly late, but Midori and Adonis deserve their own birthday fluff !! (also thank you very much for the nice words ! nothing fuels motivation more than lovely comments like these ♥) - mod mademoiselle
Birthdays are terrible.
One of them is usually enough suffering.But when you have to care for thirty idol boys single-handedly, something as mundane as a birthday can quickly become an absolute nightmare. Especially when you have two of them onthe very same day.
You’d been running left and rightsince early in the morning, but you wouldn’t let your enthusiasm die down. Notnow at least : you were still far from being done ! But, well, maybe youdeserved a little break…
You were up early that morning : youhad a mission to fulfill. You’djumped in the first train, pinpointing a famous shop on your phone’s GPS. Agood hour later, you were queuing in front of the store with as muchdetermination as you physically could without melting. You did wonder if you were going to even makeit to the inside of the shop, but you didn’t want to back down ! Especially notafter coming all the way here, train tickets are expensive as hell ! Buteventually your patience was rewarded, and you were finally handing the holygrail to the employee behind the cash register… !
It was a rare, ultra limited-editionplushie of Midori’s favorite mascot character. Needless to say, your walletsuffered a lot from it, but you came victorious ! You : 1. World : 0. Oh, butyour ordeals weren’t over yet.
Now that you’d taken the train backhome, you were touring the sweets shops all around town, trying to rememberwhich one Adonis liked. You’d figured you’d buy his favorite dessert,anpan, as a birthday gift for him, but you couldn’t just settle for randomanpan from wherever. No, you’d give himthe best anpan.
But, well, you couldn’t quiteremember which store was his favorite. This made it all much, much harder. Youabsorbed yourself in research for a while. That is, digging through obscure review websites to figure out which shop had the best anpan. Only once you had awinner did you go to the other end of town to buy it, bleeding another holethrough your wallet in the process. (Hey, is anpan even supposed to be thatexpensive ?)
It still wasn’t over yet. You’dthen gone home and armed yourself with gift wrapping and scissors. Did you knowwrapping a gift is surprisingly hard ? After three failed tries, you resignedyourself to go watch a tutorial video on Youtube. It kind of felt like adefeat, but at least your wrapping was decent after that. No one shouldcomplain with this. You even added a handmade greeting card on each. Wrappingphase : over. Now you’d just need to go back to Yumenosaki and make up anexcuse for why you weren’t there today. Easy peasy.
Except as soon as you set foot onthe school’s grounds, you realized something was horribly wrong. The cake.
You’d forgotten the cake.
Well, not that hard to fix this.You’d just go back in town, buy pretty cakes, have “Happy Birthday !” writtenon it in icing, and all should be well.
Yeah, that’s what you’d have done,if only Midori and Adonis weren’t making a beeline straight to you. What werethey even doing in the courtyard ? Why were they all alone ? Who ruined yourplans ?!
“Oh, it’s you… Do you know, maybe…why there’s no one who wants to talk to us… ?” Poor Midori looked like hepretty much wanted to die right then and there.
“It’s strange. They all go away andmake up excuses when we approach.” Even Adonis looked utterly lost. Just likeyou were. You had no idea why they were being ignored by everyone else, and tobe fair you had more urgent matters on hand. Seriously, why couldn’t someonedistract them at least long enough for you to fix your cake mistake ?!
“Uh, that’s…. strange…. Oh, Adonis,behind you !” Despite your best attempt at gasping in surprise, Adonis didn’tmove an inch. “A bunch of adorable puppies !” was what you added in a panic,and you definitely didn’t expect Adonis to make a literal 180 and to startsprinting immediately.
“Wait, senpai…. Don’t make me run…”Midori slowly followed him, dragging his feet on the ground. You jumped on theoccasion and ran in the opposite direction, sprinting to the cafeteria’skitchens. You needed to get some cake ready, and quick.
Fast forward thirty minutes or so,and you were gritting your teeth, whisking cream as fast as you could. It’sridiculously hard, too. Feels like muscle training, actually. A sudden cramphit, but you wouldn’t let it defeat you and kept whisking harder. You startedwondering if you should shout to channel your inner strength to whisk even harderwhen you heard sudden footsteps right out the door.
“Are you sure they’re here,Otogari-senpai… ? I didn’t even see them…” Oh shit. It was Midori’s voice.
“I saw them coming in here in ahurry. They almost crashed in the door.” Yeah, no doubt about it, it was thetwo of them. And you were nowhere near done with the cake. Why wouldn’t theyjust take the hint and let you work ?! You needed to figure something out, andquick.
The door was already slowly openingwhen you suddenly had an idea. “Uh, Midori ! D-Don’t come in !” A puzzledsilence answered your sudden warning, but at least the door stopped moving.
“… Um, why… ? Is there something Ishouldn’t see inside… ?” You were running out of time, so you just saidwhatever sprang to mind.
“Ghosts ! There are—oh my god thiskitchen is haunted !” To your surprise, the kitchen door suddenly closed andyou heard footsteps running away.
“Hey, Takamine-kun—” Adonis ended uprunning after him, which prompted a huge sigh of relief to leave your lips.Maybe you’d finally be able to focus on your cooking ! Now you had no excuse :you needed to get those cakes done as soon as humanly possible.
Forty minutes later, you werepondering about life and its cruelty. One of the two cakes you’d made turnedout just fine, but the other… Yeah, there was no way you could show that toanyone. But you couldn’t just give one of them a cake. And sharing one cake forthe two of them seemed stingy… You were only just starting to spread the icing on your onlyvalid cake when a sudden knock on the door made you jump in surprise, causing asplotch of icing to ruin the decoration.
“Hey… T-There may be ghosts but… canwe come in ? We know you’re inside, we saw you…” Midori’s voice somehow soundedeven more dejected than usual. You were trying to figure out another excuse,but when you heard even Adonis sounded disheartened, you gave up.
“I don’t understand. Everyone’savoiding us… It’s really lonely. Did we do something wrong ?” There was no wayyou’d just leave them be, so you gave up on your half-finished cake and youopened the door, a resigned smile on your lips.
“Midori, Adonis… Happy birthday.”Both boys just stood there, staring incredulously at the half done cake and thetwo gifts sitting on the table.
“So that means… they were not ignoring us…”Midori visibly didn’t know what to do with himself, and shyly looked away whenyou tried to meet his eyes.
“Yeah, we were just trying to get asurprise party going for the two of you…” Well, you guessed so, at least. There was no way Rei or Chiaki would have missed the occasion. “Sorry, we’ve been a bit mean withoutmeaning to. But, well, it’s not a surprise anymore”, you laughed. Adonis gentlyshook his head, scooping up a bit of the cream from the messed up,half-finished birthday cake. “Hey, Adonis, it’s not… !” Too late. He’d stuffedit in his mouth already, and you couldn’t help but freeze when he smiled.
“It’s delicious.” His smile was so warm you had to look away before your entire face catch on fire.Midori was looking at the cake too, eyes suddenly bright.
“I think it’s cute… It’s a bit uglyand still not done, but I can see you tried your best… I like it.” He quietlylaughed when your eyes widened the size of saucers. You definitely weren’texpecting compliments on that failure of a cake, and yet…
Before you could ponder aboutyour failures any more, Midori awkwardly moved towards you, arms shyly extended.It took you a while to register he may have been wanting a hug, and so yougently embraced him. Adonis was looking away already, but you smiled to him.
“You can join in too, Adonis. Isn’tit your birthday too ?” Adonis’ cheeks definitely got rosier, but he delicatelyembraced you too, leaning his chin against your temple. You just stayed therefor a while, basking in the moment and in the warmth of both boys, when youfelt lips pressing against your forehead.
“Thank you. I’m really happy.” Asecond pair shyly joined in, pecking your temple only lightly.
“Yes, thank you so much… I thinkthis may be the happiest day of my life…” Your smile got uncontrollably wider,and you opted to just hide in Midori’s chest, making him jump up a bit at thesudden contact.
You were the one who should thankthem for making your life so bright, not the reverse.
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Hello! It seems like you're busy but can i request a scenario? Can you do Chiaki x Reader going on a date? Although you don't have to rush on this. I'll be waiting, do your very best! Good luck ~ (o´▽`o)ノ
Ahh, thank you! Sorry this took so long ,,, I ended up writing this scenario before the Trickstar one, sorry! Chiaki’s personality is a lot easier for me to write;; I’m currently reading some Trickstar events to get a better grasp on their personalities! And don’t worry, I’m also working on the other requests that have come in. But just so it’s known, I’m probably going to start skipping around instead of going in order! I promise to still get everything done, but it’s faster if I write things that i can do easier first, while working on making the harder ones. That way, you guys won’t be waiting as long! This goes for matchups as well! The next matchup I’m working on is from an anon that said they were new to Ensemble Stars, though that was a while ago- but maybe I’ll still help? I hope OvO ?
Also, I just wanted to say, the matchup you sent in was received, and of course I’ll do it !! 
Anyway, here it is! Hope you enjoy !!
Chiaki Morisawa x Reader
Just the day before, the self-proclaimed “Hero of justice, ryusei red!” had asked you out on a date. You two were already a couple, but of course he felt a strong need to give an over-the-top proposal, just for a date. He even got the other members of Ryusetai to pitch in. Just the memory was enough to make your lips tug upward in a smile.
The familiar ring of your doorbell sounded through the house. Your eyes widened- you still weren’t ready yet. It was only 10:30, you still had half an hour until he was supposed to be here. Why was he here so early?
As you made your way to the door, you guessed maybe it wasn’t actually him. Maybe it was a package, or someone selling something. At least, you hoped. After all, you were still in pajamas. There was a bit of trouble picking out something to wear, so you hadn’t exactly chosen yet.
The door swung open, revealing a mop of brown hair. A huge grin was plastered on the male’s face as he gazed down at you. You questioned what he’s doing here- he’s half an hour early.
“It is a hero’s duty to be on time!” he responded enthusiastically, striking a pose. He probably thought it looked cool; the confidence he had suggested that he had practiced in front of a mirror. A giggle escaped your lips, resulting in his cheeks to tint pink. If possible, his smile grew. But you still had to ask- he could have been on time without coming half an hour early, right?
Apparently, it was also a hero’s duty to be early.
You let him inside, shutting the door as he entered. Instructing him to stay there and wait while you get dressed, you went back to your current dilemma. What should you wear? Something casual, but still cute. Probably easy to move in, knowing Chiaki. You might end up chasing after him while he runs off to save a cat or something.
“Are you in need of assistance?”
The loud voice boomed. He was apparently on the otber side of your door now.
“Are you decent?”
He rephrased his question before you could answer the first. When you responded with a yes, the door flung open.
“What seems to be the trouble? Whatever the cause, never fear! The red hero of justice is here to save the day!”
He scanned your room, seeing all the clothes lying everywhere. You could practically hear the gears turning in his head as he processed the situation.
He doesn’t know much about fashion, but he picked up a t-shirt with a hero on the front. It was a shirt he had gifted you randomly.
You should wear this!“ he concluded, holding the piece up for you to see. You smiled at him, agreeing. Picking up a pair of shorts off the floor, you shooed him out to get changed. The male waited patiently outside as you dressed yourself. If he was being honest, he was so pumped! His enthusiasm was bubbling over, and he could hardly stand still! He had so much planned, this was going to be great!
The sound of your doorknob turning prompted him to spring at you as soon as you exited your room. You were a but surprised with the sudden hug, but loved it nonetheless.
Listening to him ramble on about heroic duties, you two left the house a full fifteen minutes early.
The two of you walked down the path, hand in hand. Chiaki was close to skipping, with the way he was bouncing with every step. He was in an overly good mood. You spoke up, questioning where he planned to take you.
The answer didn’t surprise you. You were stopped, facing your destination. Chiaki dragged you to the entrance, standing at the ticket booth. He purchased two tickets to a movie, which he said to the employee very quietly. He wanted it as a surprise, most likely. Once the tickets were given to him, He took you inside to buy snacks. He left it to you to decide what candy and drink you wanted. Holding the drink, popcorn, candy, and tickets in his hands, he guided you to the theater. He seemed to be struggling a bit, holding everything, but would refuse if you offered to help. He’s got this!
And, surprise surprise, you were sitting in the chair in the theater, watching the newest addition to Chiaki’s favorite hero movie series. Not that you didn’t like it, it was always fun to see Chiaki get excited over his favorite heroes.
The entire time, his eyes were glued to the screen. He was so absorbed in the movie, is was pretty cute. You couldn’t help but chuckle at him. The noise caused the brunette’s ears to perk up. He turned his head to look at you, catching your gaze. That grin of his never seemed to fade. Before you knew what was happening, he had given you a confident peck on the lips. He leaned over in his chair, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. Of course, right after, his eyes turned back to the screen. But he never released his grip on you. To be able to get his attention away from his favorite movie for that long was something you considered an achievement.
With the movie over, Chiaki began chattering happily about the movie, how cool it was, and stating how he aspired to be that amazing of a hero.
After leaving the theater, Chiaki led you to the nearby park. He explained that he loved walking through here, and wanted to share it with you. So you strolled leisurely through the park, holding hands as Chiaki pointed at all his favorite things around there. You understood why he liked it here almost immediately. Everyone was smiling, laughing, and all around happy. It gave a wonderful atmosphere. It might actually be impossible to walk through here and not smile.
So you spotted a group of people surrounding someone, you felt your heart squeeze. This wouldn’t be good.
Chiaki had let go of your hand, dashing toward the group. You chased after him, but didn’t stop him.
Judging by appearance and actions, the kids were probably around middle school. They didn’t look quite like high schoolers. That would also explain their immature actions. The person they were cornering finally came into view; it was another kid, about their age. And ther were covered in bruises. Tears stained their cheeks, and they were visibly shaking.
"What do you think you’re doing?”
Chiaki had finally made it to the group, standing with his chest puffed out proudly. He had cut the bullies off from the victim, standing between the groups. He began to ask why they had become villains, and pushed them to becoming friends with the person they had been bullying. You stood by, ready to jump in if necessary.
The group stared at him for a moment before beaking into laughter.
“Is this guy serious?” the group continued to laugh at Chiaki’s behavior. You could tell by the look on his face that he took those comments to heart.
“Look at me! I’m all cool! I’m the red justice hero, here to save the day!” they mocked. Chiaki stayed calm, though you could tell that their remarks hurt. He never really was made fun of like that. He wasn’t used to having enemies, after all. Usually just the trees that trap innocent cats.
Standing his ground, Chiaki tried to lecture them once again. It’s not nice to hurt others, he reasoned. But the kids didn’t let up.
You wanted to let Chiaki have this victory, but obviously that wasn’t going to happen. These kids were too immature to listen to anything Chiaki would have to say.
You marched over to them, placing your hands sternly on your hips. You immediately told them off. They thought it was funny to laugh at others? That was pretty pathetic behavior. The group had gone silent.
“Whatever, let’s just go. These people are no fun.”
You let out a sigh as they turned away, leaving the you with Chiaki and the other kid.
Chiaki had already helped the victim up, bandaging his wounds. Wait- he had bandages? Getting a better look at them, you noticed that they had pictures of heroes on them. What else would be expected from Chiaki?
The kid thanked the both of you before running off. The older male stood up, watching the child as he happily bounded away.
Your voice pierced the silence, asking if he was okay. He didn’t do anything for a moment, just standing and staring at the little boy that you had saved. He didn’t answer you, instead taking your hand and leading you through the park.
He was obviously deep in thought. You had told those kids off so easily. What was he if he couldn’t even get a few children to stop picking on someone?
It was terrible, seeing him like this. Just earlier, he had been brimming over with enthusiasm. Now, all that joy seemed to be sucked out of him, leaving him with nothing. You had never seen him this down before.
Unable to stand for it, you stepped in front of the brunette, stopping him in his tracks. His gaze lifted from the floor, locking eyes with you. You placed a quick kiss on his cheek, doing your best to reassure that he was a great hero. At the very least, he was a hero to you.
It warmed your heart to watch as that cheesy smile graced his face once again. He pulled you close, giving you an overdramatic smooch on the lips. He began babbling on about how amazing you are. He let it be known how impressed he was with you, asking if you would join ryusetai. He claimed he already had a costume ready for you, too.
“You have what it takes to be a great hero of justice! Surely, with your help, Ryusetai will become even stronger! We will vanquish evil!”
You listened to him chatter happily once again as he led you to whatever he had planned next. You were sure that wasn’t going to be the last heroic thing Chiaki would do today, but you didn’t mind. After all, that’s what you loved about him.
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imagineyourstars · 7 years
Hey! I just found this blog, and it's super cute! All your writing is so great! I hope you don't mind me requesting? Sorry if I'm bothering you, but could I ask for scenarios/headcanons with Leo, Hinata, Natsume, and Chiaki taking their childish s/o to a Matsuri? Or if you don't know enough about Matsuris then just something cute like watching fireworks or lighting sparklers will do! Thank you! And you don't need to rush on this, since it seems you have alot :v
watch me rush on this anyway lmao i’d better post that while it’s stillsummer !!! aaah a matsuri request !!!! fortunately I knew enough about it towrite these  ! I hope you’ll enjoy them ♥ natsume ended up a tiny bit longer than the others bc he a thot  - mod mademoiselle
Leo :
The summer festival was packed fullwith people, tonight ! You were hesitantly walking amongst the crowd, reachingon your tiptoes to try and see if your boyfriend was here. Unfortunately, he’snot exactly the tallest, so he doesn’t stand out in crowds… that is, unless hestarts shouting.
“Heeeeeyyy ! Over heeeere !” Ah, that was definitely Leo’s voice ! You turned around, and here hewas, grinning widely at you. Not paying mind to the people still going about,you rushed in your boyfriend’s arms, giggling happily. He was laughing too,even carrying you to the best of his ability. You were surprised to see he waswearing a yukata, and it suited him really well ! The garment reallycomplimented his skinny frame. He took in your own figure with a wide smile.
“Whoooaa, you’re wearing a yukata too ! It’s so cute !” he exclaimed, and yousmiled, a bit relieved to hear he liked it.
“Thanks, yours looks really good too !” He grinned at the compliment, his hand naturally finding yours andsqueezing it tight. That’s what you loved about your boyfriend : he tended toact on impulse ! That just made his every action so much more genuine.
“Ruka-tan helped me put it on, since I’m so bad at it!” Leo laughed loudly, prompting a few people to turnand watch him in amusement. He seemed to be in an even better mood than usual !The colorful and enthusiastic atmosphere of the festival probably had a part inthis… but before you had the time to ponder about that, he was already pullingyour hand and pointing at a stall in the distance.
“Whoa, not so fast, Leo !” Youwere struggling to match his pace, but this just made it so much funnier. Leodidn’t slow down anyway, just drawing his tongue at you before going evenfaster. Your wooden sandals were making it pretty hard to run, at least withoutstumbling. Leo was excitedly blabbering, visibly not noticing your struggles.
“Hurry hurry, there’s a game I wanna play ! I betyou’ve never tried it, too !” He stopped in front of a stallwhere children were lining up, eyes twinkling with impatience. To be honest,his enthusiasm was extremely contagious and you found yourself smiling widelytoo.
When it was finally your turn, Leorushed to the stand owner to pay for the game. It seemed to be about catchingfish with a scoop… Goldfish were swimming calmly in the water, their long finsundulating in the ripples. Leo was focusing already, squatting down to observethe fish at eye-level. His tongue was slightly drawing from his mouth in hisconcentration, and that sight made you giggle.
“Whaaat ? You making fun of me ? I bet you suck atthis though, even more than me !” He tried to scoop one of thegoldfish out of the water, but it swam away immediately. With an impatient little groan, hetried again, and once more the fish went to hide at his brusque movements.
“Hey, you’re doing it too fast ! Look, the fish areafraid. Let me try !” You tried to take the scoop out ofyour boyfriend’s hand, but he wouldn’t let you, eyebrows furrowed.
“Aah, don’t steal my scoop ! It’s mine, I paid for it!” You huffed your cheeks in protest, but he wouldn’tbudge and you eventually gave up, groaning. Leo’s triumphant smile was soonwashed away by concentration again as he tried scooping out one of the fish, onlyto fail again.
“I told you, you’re too fast, but you wouldn’tlisten.” You were pouting, much to Leo’s dismay.
“Hey, don’t be angry at me ! You’re not angry, right?” You didn’t answer, looking away. The stand ownerlaughed, shaking his head, and Leo tried to meet your gaze, to no avail.
“Of course I���m not angry.” Youturned a bit towards your boyfriend’s worried face, but your lips were stillcontorted in a small pout.
“Thank god ! Here, I’ll let you try. I bet you can’tdo it anyway !” Leo handed you the scoop, and you grinned at him,kissing his cheek before looking the fish over.
“I think you have to go for it more slowly”, you whispered, gently approaching one of the fish with the scoop. Assoon as you were getting close to it, you scooped it out of the water, andLeo’s eyes widened… only for it to fall in the water. The scoop was made ofpaper, and it softly tore right under the fish you’d managed to catch.
“Ah, that’s not fair ! You were so close !” Leo was pouting, and you smiled, taking your wallet. Once you’d given afew more coins to the stand owner, you had a brand-new scoop and were trying tocatch the fish again. That is, until Leo suddenly started flailing about.
“Not that one, not that one !” He’d suddenly screamed way too close to your ear, and you jumped a bitin surprise, causing the fish to swim away quickly.
“Hey, don’t scare me like that, Leo ! See, the fishare afraid again now.” Leo quickly pecked your cheek inapology, then pointed to a bright orange fish with a white tail.
“Try to catch this one ! I want it.”
“Why ? I think the white one is cuter”, you retorted, watching your favorite fish leisurely swim with theothers. Leo grinned at you, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Because it has cute eyes. They remind me of yours !” You just stared blankly at the huge, empty eyes of the fish. Was thatsupposed to be a compliment… ?
“Uh, thanks, I guess ? But I don’t know, it reminds meof you, actually. It’s the same color as your hair !” Leo gasped at your comment, nodding furiously.
“Ah, you’re right ! Then I’m going to call him Leo theSecond !” Well, at least he has an interesting naming sense.
“Wait until I catch him first”, you laughed. You tried to focus on the one fish Leo wanted, when hesuddenly grabbed your face with two hands and loudly smooched you. You wereleft blinking in surprise, cheeks slightly pink.
“It’s a good luck charm ! Now scoop Leo the Secondout, I really wanna bring him home !” Leo wassmiling widely, the colorful lights from the paper lanterns reflecting in hiseyes. He looked absolutely gorgeous, and you suddenly realized you’d beenstaring at him in awe for a moment. With a sheepish little nod, you got readyto try scooping the fish again. You approached it as slowly as you could,hoping the paper wouldn’t break this time… and you successfully scooped it outof the water, proudly showing it to the owner. Leo laughed brightly, clappingas the owner gently put the fish in a small plastic bag filled with water.
“Be careful, alright ? Treat him well.” You took the bag from the stand owner with a smile, then handed itover to your boyfriend, whose eyes widened slightly in surprise.
“Eh, why are you giving it to me… ? You won it, soit’s yours !” he chirped, giving you the bag again. You shook yourhead, teasingly pecking Leo’s lips.
“You’re the one who really wanted it. It’s all yours !Let’s say it’s a gift from me.” Leo stared at you incredulously, notsure if he should believe you. He then shyly took the bag, cheeks tinted pink.
“Thank you… It’s the first time someone ever—” He suddenly stopped, mouth hanging open. You briefly wondered why, butthen you heard them. The fireworks. Leo gasped, and you could swear his facehad literally lightened up in just a second.
“Aah, it’s the fireworks show ! We can’t miss it !!Come on, hurry up, I wanna get a nice spot !” And heleft running, tugging on your hand to get you to move. You laughed, trying yourbest to match his pace without stumbling.
“Don’t run so fast ! What if you harm the fish ?” He just sent a boyish grin your way as a response, but actually sloweddown a bit.
“I won’t, promise ! You gave it to me, after all. It’skinda like we’re its parents !” You stopped in your tracks,blushing a bit. Parents, huh… ? You couldn’t help but imagine, maybe… you andLeo, older but even happier, with kids of your own…
“Come on, you’re soooo slow ! Hurry or we’re gonnamiss it all !!” You hadno time to dawdle on these thoughts any longer : as usual, Leo was pulling onyour hand and laughing brightly. But there was no way you’d ever get tired ofit.
Hinata :
You were nervously fiddling withyour yukata’s sash, sitting on a bench. You weren’t usually so nervous, buttonight, the festival was crowded. People were looking at you, and youself-consciously fixed your hair. You just hoped you didn’t look too weird…
Your boyfriend was just a little bitlate, but as you suddenly spotted him amongst the crowd you understood why. Hewas with his twin brother and some of his classmates, joking around. As soon ashis eyes met yours, he waved at them and happily trotted to you.
“Sorry I’m late ! Yuta-kun had some trouble with hisyukata, and I couldn’t leave him looking ridiculous, you know ?” He winked at you, then gently helped you get up. Only then did he fullytake in the view, and he grinned, blushing a bit.
“Ah, you’re wearing a yukata too !It looks really nice on you~” He regretfully took his eyes awayfrom you, but took your hand with a mischievous grin. You looked around a bitand saw some other couples holding hands, so you decided to throw yourembarrassment by the window and intertwine your fingers together.
“Is it fine that you’re with me rather than with yourfriends ?” you asked, and he fervently nodded, squeezing yourfingers briefly.
“It’s a date, so of course yes ! I don’t wanna be withanyone else tonight, you know~” He wiggled his eyebrowssuggestively, making you giggle. Hinata looked positively delighted at thesound.
“Well that’s good, because I didn’t plan to give youaway to anyone else”, you airily answered, prompting yourboyfriend to smile. That was obviously the answer he’d been expecting.
You looked around a bit, unfamiliarwith the stalls and games of the festival. Hinata was quick to catch on,smirking teasingly.
“You’ve never come here before, right ?” he asked, and you nodded. “Then,does it make tonight your ‘first time’ ?” He sent a pointed look your way,eyes twinkling with amusement. You drew your tongue at him, making him chuckle.
“It’s just a joke, a joke~ Well anyway, hope you’rehungry, because tonight’s schedule revolves around sweets !” He looked so happy at that prospect, and you found his excited smile tobe contagious.
“Sounds good ! What’s first ?” He just pointed at an endless line of food stalls with a huge grin.Before you knew it, you were queueing alongside him, while he happily ordered abit of everything, from most of the stalls. Did he… intend to eat all of that ?
Soon enough, you were seated at atable near the main street, lit up by paper lanterns. Hinata went to get papernapkins and gave half of them to you with a little smile. “Believe me, you’re gonna get cream or chocolate all over your chin atsome point.” You could only stare at the impressive number of plates andcups filled with various desserts, your stomach grumbling in hunger.
“Yeah, looks that way… Ah, can I try that ?” you asked, pointing towards what looked like a fish-shaped waffle.Taiyaki, right ? Hinata nodded happily, handing you the treat.
“Just eat whatever you want ! There’s more than enoughfor two~” And he was right : even after sampling a bit ofeverything, there was still a lot more. But Hinata was certainly not planningto stop there.
“Come on, aaah~” Youhappily opened your mouth when he prompted you to, letting him spoon-feed you icecream. It was delicious, too ! Hinata looked pleased you liked it, taking aspoonful of it to try it too.
“Ah, wait”, youinterrupted, “I have to spoon-feed youtoo, right~ ?” He grinned, handing you the spoon and exaggeratedly openinghis mouth, prompting you to giggle. He didn’t look like he liked the icream though, andyou curiously titled your head sideways.
“I thought it was amazing, but you don’t seem to… ?” He shook your head at your question, even grimacing a bit.
“Nah, actually I think it’s not sweet enough.” But it was just perfect to you ? He grinned devilishly as he added : “But I know something that will make itmuch, much sweeter.” Before you had the time to answer anything, he leaneda bit and gently kissed your still-parted lips. You could only close your eyesand melt into the kiss as he deepened it, his hands finding your own. His lipswere warm and tasted of strawberry ice cream… You were surprised when hesuddenly pulled back, cheeks pink but smiling.
“There, much better, right ?” You just blinked, still dazed from the kiss, and he laughed, adding : “Man, I’ve always wanted to do that ! Sorryif it was cheesy.” He winked, prompting you to smile.
“I wouldn’t mind if you did stuff like that moreoften, though !” You stood up, throwing away the napkins and emptycontainers with your boyfriend’s help, before he gently guided you amongst thecrowd again. His hand was softly squeezing yours again, and it felt so nice tobe connected to him…
“I have something else in store for you~ I hope you’renot afraid of fire ?” You answered his question with asmall frown. You hoped he wasn’t planning anything dangerous…
“It depends, I guess ? Why ? Don’t tell me—” He cut you off with a laugh, gently stroking the back of your hand withhis thumb in a soothing motion.
“Hey, do you really think of me as someone sodangerous ? Naah, it’s nothing like that !” Hestopped in front of a stall, which seemed to sell…
“Sparklers ?” youasked, and he nodded happily. He definitely seemed to know a lot about them,asking for specific ones and happily going through the bag once he was donewith his purchase.
“Yep ! I’ve been playing with them a lot~ I remember,when I was little, Yuta-kun was really afraid of them for some reason ! I’dchase after him with sparklers and say ‘Yuta-kun, I’m going to burn you alive’…! Ah, fun times.” Well, at least hewas having fun…
“You know, Hinata, I think I’m starting to grasp whyYuta always runs away from you.” You smiled at your boyfriend, wholaughed loudly before playfully elbowing you.
“Don’t say that ! It’s just that he’s shy aboutshowing his love for me~ Anyway, help me find a nice, secluded little cornerplease ! Wouldn’t want to accidentally burn anyone alive, for real this time~” You giggled and started looking for a quiet place where you could gowith him, and eventually you found a perfect spot.
As you were holding the bag open andexamining its contents carefully, Hinata took one of the sparklers and expertlylit it up. You reflexively took a few steps back, but he was laughing, waving thecolored light around.
“Don’t be afraid, it’s not dangerous or anything !Look, it’s so pretty.” He lit up another one and wasforming intricate shapes and patterns by moving them fast. You couldn’t tearyour eyes away from him.
“You’re right ! It’s really beautiful”, you whispered. He grinned before gently handing you one of hissparklers. You hesitantly took it, but soon got used to it and started to playaround with it just like Hinata did. Whenever one of the sparklers would gooff, Hinata would light up a new one. Some of them sent bright sparkles flyingabout, while some were best to move around fast, and your boyfriend knew whatevery single one of them was just perfect for !
“Hey, hey, look !” Hinatacalled out, and you turned your head his way. He was forming a heart out ofbright light, grinning happily. You smiled, trying it out too to see if youcould do it.
“I can do it too ! I really wish I could take somepictures though…” Hinata shook his head at your comment, whichsurprised you for a moment.
“No need for pictures ! Just carve tonight into yourmemories~ Y’know, I’m going to remember you for my entire life !” Maybe he was just joking around, as he usually was, but for some reasonyou profusely blushed at that thought. If he was serious… then it would be oneof the prettiest things you were ever told. Not noticing your sudden shyness,Hinata was still playing around with the sparklers.
“Look, look, I’m writing your name ! And mine too !H…. I…. N… Oh wait, we should totally carve them in a tree somewhere !” He suddenly stopped moving his sparklers around, looking for a suitabletree nearby.
“I don’t have anything you could use for that though”,you answered. Hinata nodded dejectedly, visiblydisappointed at the thought he wouldn’t get to carve your initials here foreveryone to see.
“Maybe that’s better for the trees anyway… Well,sometimes I want everyone to know about us, but I probably don’t need to~” You thought his face looked just a bit more serious for a moment, butmaybe it was just the weak lighting of the sparklers…
He lit up another sparkler, and youcould briefly distinguish his face in more detail. He was looking at you, asmall smile on his lips, so uncharacteristically different of his usual grin.
“I mean”, he added, “why should I need everyone knowing ? As long as you do, I’m happy.”
You smiled bashfully at his words,watching your last sparkler go off. Hinata’s went off too, and suddenly it wasjust the two of you, holding hands and kissing, with just the stars knowing.But it was more than enough.
Chiaki :
Everyone was so fired up tonight !It made you smile, your heart thumping loudly in your chest. You lovedfestivals, and you were so happy your boyfriend invited you to a datethere ! Besides, it seemed like he’d love the festival too.
… Right. It seemed. You couldn’tfind him anywhere, and even though you tried to call him, he never picked uphis phone. Well, knowing him, he must have gotten pulled into something andyou’d run into him soon enough. You took your time strolling peacefully in thefestival, stopping by at stalls for a moment, buying delicious-looking food andenjoying it quietly. While it wasn’t bad to relax once in a while, you kind ofmissed the boisterous excitement your boyfriend would bring anywhere just by beingthere.
As you thought, it’s a lot lessfunny without Chiaki, right… ?
You were contemplating buying someapple candy when something else that was bright red suddenly caught yourattention. On the next stall were displayed a variety of masks to be worn witha yukata. You smiled as you looked one of them over. It was a tokusatsu hero’smask, red and all ! Once more, you were reminded of your boyfriend. You didn’thesitate one second and bought it, thinking you’d give it to Chiaki once you’dfind him.
As you were strolling down theendless line of stalls, you suddenly heard the distant sound of singing anddrums. The people who were walking about as you were had stopped, lining upalong the stalls. Was there a procession of some sort over there ? You tried tostand on tip-toe, but you couldn’t see much. The crowd seemed enthusiasticthough, whispering happily as the sound drew closer and closer.
Eventually, the procession came by.It was preceded by singing women in traditional attire, and you watched thempass by with wide eyes. The sight was so impressive ! Then came men carrying amikoshi, those portable shrines. They were chanting proudly, even though theylooked exhausted. That shrine certainly looked heavy… And then came the taikodrummers, led by… none other than Chiaki ?
Wait, was that Chiaki ? Yeah,actually, no doubt about that ! He was leading up the drummers proudly, joiningin the chants once in a while. When his eyes met yours, he gave you a brightsmile, full of enthusiasm and energy, before he went away with the rest of theprocession.
As soon as the procession had ended,he immediately rushed to you. Before you could say anything, he swooped you ina rib-crushing bear hug, even spinning you around.
“Chiaki ! I’m so happy you’re here !” You hugged him tight too, secretly relieved he didn’t just forget yourdate.
“About that… I’m awfully sorry ! I’m so late, this isunforgivable… ! I was held back by the procession, as you can see… They weremissing a drummer, and I couldn’t just leave them be !” He gave you an apologetic smile, to which you answered with one of yourown.
“It’s fine ! I’m just really, really glad you’rehere…” He gently stroked your hair, a small frown on hislips, seemingly not reassured by your comment.
“But still, I made you wait… I shall be all yours fromnow on ! You can make me do whatever you please— what is that ?” You were handing him a paper bag, inside of which was the mask you’dbought for him earlier. Your mischievous smile made him grin happily in histurn, and before you knew it, he’d opened it.
“It’s a gift I bought for you ! Do you like it ?” He was admiring the mask reverently, touching it with the utmost care,as if he were afraid to break it.
“It’s… absolutely perfect ! Well, anything from you isperfect anyway, but ! This is… !” He stopped a moment, clearly at aloss for words, then he put it on the side of his head with a smile. He wastrying his best to look composed, but his fingers were slightly trembling. Youeven had to help him, your fingers brushing against him and making him smileeven more. Once it was on, he leaned down to gently peck at your lips. Itlasted only a few seconds, but his cheeks were already red.
“T-The fireworks should start shortly, so I suggest wego and try to find a nice spot to watch them !” Younodded, and he looked a bit relieved. He didn’t even tense up too much when youtook his hand, instead stealing a glance at you and starting to smileuncontrollably when he noticed how happy you looked.
The locals seemed to know Chiaki, asa lot of people would smile to him or wave as he passed them by, and it madeyou acutely aware of how much people were looking at you too. They were mostlysmiling, their eyes falling on your jointed hands. Chiaki was still blushing,but bravely smiled back, even squeezing your fingers tighter. How cute…
You stopped on the way to buy somesweets, and as you were done, a sound suddenly caught your attention. Was that…crying ? More accurately, a child was crying. He looked like he was about threeor four years old, sobbing uncontrollably between two stalls. Chiakiimmediately spotted him and rushed to him, kneeling in front of him.
“Are you okay ? Did you get lost… ?” The child nodded, sniffing loudly. You quickly looked for a tissue, andhelped the poor little boy wipe away his tears. Chiaki sent you a worried gaze,then looked back to the child. He was visibly conflicted. Finally, he took ashaky breath.
“Do you mind if…” Youinterrupted him, smiling gently.
“Of course not ! Let’s help him find his parents.” Chiaki looked immensely relieved, and smiled shakily at you before hegently swooped up the boy in his arms. He seemed like he was used to it !
“Don’t cry, young boy ! We will help you find yourparents again ! I’m a hero, you know, so it’s nothing unusual for me !” The boy had calmed down a bit, and was staring at your boyfriend withwide eyes.
“You’re a… real hero ?” Chiakinodded fervently, before shooting you a meaningful look and adding in a boomingvoice :
“We’re both heroes, actually !”
“That’s true !” youchirped, nodding proudly. The child looked half-impressed, half-overjoyed atthe thought of meeting heroes, and Chiaki skillfully kept going, captivatinghis single-member audience fully.
“So you shouldn’t worry, alright ? We will definitelyfind your parents !” He kept reassuring the boy, addingin funny stories of his past hardships as a hero and soon enough, the child waslaughing in his arms, having completely forgotten about his parents. You justlooked at him with a happy smile. Chiaki seemed to be having a lot of fun too…
A sudden noise made you jump insurprise. That’s right, the fireworks… ! Chiaki immediately turned your way,panicked.
“I forgot, but we were supposed to go see the fire—”
“Hey, it’s alright ! I really don’t mind. Shouldn’t wemove away from them actually ? Isn’t the boy afraid of them ?” You and Chiaki looked over to the child, still cozily snug in Chiaki’sarms… and he was peacefully asleep against his chest, even drooling a bit overhim. You smiled at the sight, and Chiaki got a bit closer to your ear towhisper :
“Then let’s just stay here and watch ! We can stillsee them from here, look !” He was right : it was pretty crowdedhere, but at least you had a nice view of the night sky. The fireworks weregorgeous… You were so absorbed in your contemplation that you were surprisedwhen Chiaki shyly put his free arm around your waist, and you leaned your headagainst his shoulder. The night was so calm and peaceful…
“Oh my, isn’t your little boy a darling ?” A kind-looking old lady standing near you smiled at you, and Chiakisent you an embarrassed little smile. You felt your cheeks heat up a bit andshakily raised your voice.
“Oh, actually, this is—”
“He is, isn’t he ?” Chiakihad suddenly cut you off, and for a moment, you completely lost track of yourthoughts. Did he just… agree with her ? His cheeks were getting increasinglyredder, but he was smiling happily at the child snuggled up in his arms, like afather would.
“How nice, to be young and in love !” The old lady laughed and raised her head to admire the night sky again.You sneaked a glance at your boyfriend, who did exactly the same thing, and thetwo of you just exchanged a happy, if flustered smile.
Sure, you’d find the boy’s parentssoon enough but… maybe you could enjoy your evening for just a little bitlonger, beforehand. It’s okay to be a little bit selfish sometimes, right… ?
Natsume :
You were absorbed in yourcontemplation of the colorful paper lanterns lighting up the streets, notreally paying attention to the people going about. It was a warm and pleasantsummer evening, buzzing with excitement. Children were running about andlaughing, people were chatting… but Natsume looked strangely serene, when youran up to him.
“Natsume !” You jumped in his arms,hugging him tight. He chuckled and held you briefly, eyes twinkling withamusement.
“Did you really miss me that much ?I’m touched, little kitten.” You couldn’t help but smile when you noticed hereally had a dissonant air of calm about him, almost as if the overexcitedatmosphere wasn’t contagious to him. He casually slipped an arm around yourwaist, strolling lazily between the stalls and examining your every reaction.If you knew him any less than you did, you’d think he was used to festivals orjust very casual about them…
… but Natsume’s probably the one personyou know best. His eyes were constantly darting all over the place, and hiseyebrows were just a tiny bit furrowed. He never came here. It’s his first time,and as much as he was trying to guide you in the stall-lined streets, he justended up following the other people strolling about. You couldn’t help but feellike teasing him…
“Feels weird to finally get out ofyour room, huh ? How’s the outside world ?” He smirked in response, bringingyou a bit closer to him.
“I can still go back home, you know.”He said that in a light, teasing tone, but you wondered if he wasn’thalf-serious… You couldn’t help but sneak a glance at him, when he was notlooking. He did wear a yukata and was carrying a folding fan in his free hand,but he looked over-cautious. To you, it was painfully obvious he wasn’t feelingat ease here. Maybe he’s really the indoor-type…
His eyes widened subtly for just asecond when you gently took his hand, softly removing it from your waist tohold it in yours instead. The pressure of your fingers against his was warm andgentle, just enough to remind him you were there, with him.
“It’s all good, Natsume, I’m here”,you smiled to him. He immediately answered back with a smirk of his own, butyou did sense his confusion just moments ago.
“I do hope it is. I came here foryou, you know.” His golden eyes reflected the colorful lights from the paperlanterns, and for a moment you were lost deep inside them. They didn’t look nearly asteasing as they usually did and were instead much softer… Was that gratitude ?
Too soon, the usual Natsume was backthough, whispering snarky comments to make you laugh. You didn’t exactlydislike this Natsume, but… you also were curious about the one you caughtglimpses of, sometimes. The quieter, more emotional Natsume that hid behind hisusual witty façade. Today, you faintly felt his presence, as your boyfriendgently squeezed your fingers in his from time to time. A particularly insistentsqueeze brought you back to the real world, as he nodded towards a stall.
“If it isn’t thatone plushie you really wanted last time…” You gasped, suddenlyremembering it. This small cat plushie ! You’d seen it in a crane game lastweek ! Neither you nor Natsume could win it though, so you had to give it up…
“Ah, you’re right ! I still want itthough ! Come on, Natsume, win it for me… !” You were practically bouncing inexcitement, gripping your boyfriend’s hand tighter, and he chuckled. He didlove your childish side…
“Aren’t you a lucky one, kitten.Shooting games are one of my specialties.” You laughed at his comment, as he wasgetting his wallet and paying the stand owner.
“What isn’t ? You’re always so good ateverything you try”, you retorted teasingly. He smiled in response, but itlacked the usual slyness he had most of the time.
“I wish, kitten.” Another glimpse ofhis hidden self, but it disappeared with just a blink. The usual, smirkingNatsume was back, studying attentively the display with his air gun in hand.
“You’d better focus real hard,Natsume ! I really want this plushie, you know ?” He chuckled in response,already aiming. His eyes were calmly roaming about, catching every detail, and he looked sofocused already…
“You can count on me. I’m not goingto let it slip me right by another time.” And with that, he shot. You gaspedloudly : he really was good ! The targets fell one after the other, and he onlymissed one, although you could tell he was pretty annoyed at it. Once he wasdone, he gave the gun back to the owner with a smirk while you rushed to hughim tight.
“Hey, you’re so good ! I thought itwas just a bluff !” He shook his head at your comment, amused.
“I don’t make it a habit to backdown when it’s for you, you know.” Your attention was quickly caught by thestand owner, who was smiling at you.
“You definitely earned one of theprizes from here ! Which one do you want ?” Ah, he was showing the display inwhich the plushie you wanted was ! You pointed at it immediately.
“This kitty here, please !” Theowner took it from the display and handed it to you, and you couldn’t refrain ahappy little laugh. Natsume chuckled when you jumped in his arms, hugginghim so tight you might leave bruises.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou ! Youreally did it ! Aaah, I’m so happy !” Natsume was about to tease you for beingso childish, but you kissed him right then and there, effectively making himshut up for the first time since you started dating him. He quickly got a hangof himself though, and broke the kiss soon enough.
“People are waiting, kitten. If youwant to do that sort of things, you’d better find a quiet place before.” Youcould tell he was serious though, so you quickly gripped his hand with a blush.Right now, there was nothing you wanted more than being alone with yourboyfriend…
Soon enough, you and Natsume hadfound a quiet little corner, not far from the nearby river. You were out ofbreath from all the kissing, but he wouldn’t stop, gently pushing you against atree and nibbling at your neck. He looked unusually serious today… There was noteasing, no smirks and no chuckles. He was just quietly longing for your warmth,eyes half-lidded as he kissed you over and over again. That is, until henoticed you were looking pointedly away.
“Could it be that you’re notsatisfied yet, kitten ? You’re distracted.” You blushed a bit but drew yourtongue at him in response, prompting him to kiss you a bit more roughly thistime.
“No, actually, I was looking at theriver… It’s really pretty, with all those lanterns.” Intrigued, he shot a lookat the river and his eyes widened a bit at the sight. Square lanterns weredrifting on the water, lit up by candles. It seemed like people were lightingthem up further away before putting them on the water… Your boyfriend’s lipsparted for a moment, but quickly closed.
“It is.” It was all he couldeventually say, surprising you a little. Was he moved by the beauty of thesight ? That thought made you smile lovingly, and suddenly, you had an idea.
“Do you want to go and light up alantern too ? These people must be getting them from somewhere”, you remarked,and he looked a bit surprised but nodded slowly.
“If you wouldn’t mind, then… By allmeans.” When you took his hand to guide him to the riverbank, it was grippingyours almost shyly, prompting you to giggle. It’s like you caught anotherglimpse of the quieter and shier Natsume…
You and your boyfriend got each alantern, and you were kneeling on the grass bed before the river, a sharpie inhand. “Looks like we have to write a wish inside before we light them up”, youcommented, lost in your thoughts.
What could you write… ? It’s prettyhard to come with a wish on the spot. Natsume looked just as deep in thoughtsas you were, then slowly started to write. You tried to sneak a glance, but heprotectively hid his lantern under his arms. When he realized it, he smirkedlightly, leaving you to chuckle. Secretive, isn’t he ?
Once you were done with your ownlantern, you lit up the candle inside. Natsume soon did the same, and the twoof you gently placed the lanterns on the rippling water. You were worried itwould just sink, but it floated instead, softly illuminating the river as itwent further away. You just sat there, watching as the lanterns drifted away,carried by the water. Your boyfriend looked so absorbed in his thoughts thatyou had to gently squeeze his hand for him to get back on earth.
“Come on, Natsume, our clothes aregoing to get dirty. Let’s move !” He nodded, helping you up. He did try to makea few sarcastic comments, as you were going back to the colorful andenthusiastic atmosphere of the festival, but you faintly felt he was feelingcontemplative tonight. He looked a bit more withdrawn than usual, too… Which is whyyou were surprised when he suddenly hugged you from behind, just before you gotback to the main area of the festival.
“Can I ask what you wished for ?” Hewhispered near your ear, making you shiver. You tried looking at him, but hehid his face in your neck, gently biting it as an excuse. Oh, but he wouldn’tfool you…
“It’s a secret ! If I tell you, itwon’t get true, you know~” You felt his lips curl into a small smile againstyour skin, but he didn’t insist. He seemed to be taking this whole wish thingvery seriously, which was uncharacteristic of him… “Well, I can tell youit’s something related to you though”, you added as an afterthought. You didn’treally say what exactly you wished for, so it shouldn’t count, right ?
Natsume just stayed silent a moment,arms unmoving around your shoulders. You closed your eyes, lettingyourself be swept by the moment. When your boyfriend finally answered, hisvoice was quieter than usual.
“I’m glad.” He kissed your neck onelast time, then your cheek, and finally the corners of your mouth. You turnedyour head sideway, trying to kiss him too, but he denied you with a littlechuckle. Now that you could see his face, his eyes were brighter than usual andlooked so much softer…
Before you could look at him formuch longer, he suddenly kissed you. Usually, he’s all teeth and tongue, buttoday he was oh so gentle. His hand even slowly cupped your cheek, stroking itsoftly with his thumb. You closed your eyes and melted into the kiss, losingtrack of time. It felt just right… Warm, safe and right.
When Natsume softly broke the kiss,you hugged him tight. You could faintly hear his heartbeat under his skin… andin the absolute silence surrounding you, the words he whispered in your earsounded so much louder.
“I don’t really believe in wishes, but Ithink mine just came true.”
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