#Nazi Zionism
hayarthun · 4 months
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A pomnite «Luchshego pozharnogo 2023 goda». Da-da, togo samogo pol'skogo deputata, tushivshego v dekabre proshlogo goda v parlamente Pol'shi khanukal'nyye svechi ? Pol'skoy natsionalist Gzhegozh Braun izbran teper' deputatom Yevroparlamenta. Net natsistskomu sionizmu.
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And remember the “Best Firefighter of 2023”. Yes, yes, the same Polish deputy who extinguished the Hanukkah candles in the Polish parliament last December? Polish nationalist Grzegorz Braun has now been elected as a member of the European Parliament.
No to Nazi Zionism.
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 9 months
If your “anti-Zionism” includes threatening Jews, synagogues, kosher markets, etc. - it is, in fact antisemitism.
If you are spreading misinformation about Jews and/or about this conflict, I consider you antisemitic.
If you call Jews slurs, or participate in the many dog whistles against us - you are an antisemite.
If you don’t even mention the hostages, but you refer to a Hamas member taken by the IDF for questioning as a “victim of kidnapping” - yep, you guessed it, this is antisemitism.
You don’t “just dislike the Israeli government”, you are a Jew-hater. You hate Jewish people. You are antisemitic.
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sissa-arrows · 4 months
People pretend the issue is with the “Israeli” government. That the people are good beans and innocents…
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Meanwhile a couple days ago French Israelis voted for a guy who said he unconditionally support Netanyahu and is even one of his friends. A guy who is against a Palestinian state, not even the bullshit two state solution that would still be colonialism, he says “Israel” should take it all and just kill all Palestinians if they can’t displace them in other countries. A guy who tried to pressure the cops into dropping the charges against Jewish guys who attacked 2 Muslims in France. A guy who said Palestinians were a “cancer” implying they should be all eradicated. A guy who said “and we’re not done!” When a French representative mentioned at the National Assembly that Israel was dropping bombs on the very same places where they told Palestinians to go to (some in the left wanted to remove his immunity for that but the president of the National Assembly was a Zionist piece of shit so she refused and said he was covered by his immunity as a representative)
(For the record the chick is a piece of shit as well but she didn’t go as far as he did)
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hilacopter · 10 months
Can we add Nazi to the list of words we're not allowing goyim to use until they learn what it really means. I don't think they should be using it until they learn Nazism is a very specific fascist political ideology with antisemitism baked into it's core and not just a placeholder word for "bad guys". If I hear "(((Zionists))) are the new Nazis" one more time I'm gonna fucking snap.
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daloy-politsey · 8 months
Take the case of journalist William Zukerman. A respected Yiddish- and English-language writer in the 1930s and 1940s, with clips in Harpers and the New York Times, Zukerman started his own biweekly, the Jewish Newsletter, in 1948. It was highly critical of Jewish nationalism and its destructive effects in the new state of Israel and beyond.
In one story, Zukerman reported about a Holocaust survivor who had recently resettled in Israel, in the former home of an Arab family. The survivor became “openly obsessed” about her morality, Zukerman wrote, after her children found some of the evicted family’s possessions. “The mother was suddenly struck by the thought that her children were playing with the toys of Arab children who were now exiled and homeless,” Zukerman continued. “Is she not doing to the Arabs what the Nazis did to her and her family?”
By the early 1950s, the Jewish Newsletter had a few thousand subscribers, and its work was republished in many other outlets, Jewish and non-Jewish, with much larger circulations — Time magazine, for instance. Not all of Zukerman’s readers, however, opposed Zionism. Each of the hundreds of chapters of the Jewish student organization Hillel had a subscription to the Jewish Newsletter.
According to declassified Israeli Foreign Ministry files found by Levin, the Israeli government was alarmed by Zukerman’s influence on American Jews. It started a campaign to keep him from “confusing” Zionists about Israel and Palestinian rights. Israel aimed a letter-writing campaign at the New York Herald Post to discourage the paper from running more of Zukerman’s work, and hatched a scheme to distribute boilerplate text for Zionists to mail to other editors, asking them not to publish Zukerman anymore. The head of Israel’s Office of Information in New York worked to have the prestigious London-based Jewish Chronicle get rid of Zukerman’s column, and he lost the position. By 1953, his work no longer appeared in the Jewish press.
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infiniteglitterfall · 8 months
Honestly: Not listening to Jews is one thing.
It takes time for any given person to work their way around to educating themselves about their learned biases, to what tropes and traps they're missing. Much less to learning history and culture and prioritizing the voices of a marginalized group on its own issues.
However. I fucking draw the line at you fools who are SO enthusiastic about getting a free pass on one group, SO happy to cave in to all that unexamined bigotry from the world around you, SO overjoyed at the high of being told it even makes you a BETTER PERSON to do it, that you're fucking SWALLOWING KKK TERMS LIKE "ZIO" AND SPITTING THEM BACK OUT AT JEWS.
When you sound like David Duke, you maybe wanna CHECK WHAT PIPELINE YOU ARE ACTUALLY IN.
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chaiaurchaandni · 1 year
surprise! zionists' murderous hatred of palestinians has existed from the very beginning
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lets-make-light-now · 7 months
The Secret and Explicit Goals and Deeds of the Zionists : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Get it while you can.
Reblog Reblog RE Reblog
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violottie · 8 months
...this... I don't even have words for how evil this is.
for those who dont know, the phrase "final solution" is indicative of the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”, a euphemism used by Nazi Germany’s leaders. It referred to the mass murder of Europe’s Jews. It brought an end to policies aimed at encouraging or forcing Jews to leave the German Reich and other parts of Europe. Those policies were replaced by systematic annihilation.
This should terrify you. Remember: these statements are pre-approved. They know what they're saying.
from African Stream, 23/Feb/2024: (caption under video)
Moments after vetoing a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, US ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the press that Washington would pursue what she termed as a ‘final solution’ to the conflict.
That reminded some of the ‘Final Solution to the Jewish Question,’ a N*zi plan to exterminate the Jewish population in Europe. Whether she meant that or not, it came across as a tone-deaf response negating the grave situation facing Gaza’s people and ignoring the United States’ role in perpetuating the brutal Israeli occupation Palestinians have endured for more than 75 years.
Since 7 October, Washington has reportedly supplied 21,000 precision-guided munitions, including 100 2,000-pound ‘bunker buster’ bombs designed to penetrate hardened structures or underground targets. The remaining weapons are reportedly able to sustain 18 more weeks of bombardments. This is on top of the $3.8 billion the US annually gives Tel Aviv to beef up its military. Plus, billions more in US military aid have been proposed since the escalation began.
Israel has killed close to 30,000 Palestinians and has forced 1.9 million—85 per cent of Gaza residents—to flee their homes. More US arms are reportedly on the way as Tel Aviv prepares to invade Rafah, where 1.5 million Palestinians are trapped on the border with Egypt.
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tomi4i · 7 months
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Al Shifa Hospital
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 3 months
Does anyone else notice how it’s always “Israel” in an English translation, but it’s “Jews” or “the Jews” when they speak in Arabic?
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This reminds me of Ahed Tamimi posting either cutesy “we want peace” or “fighting for the cause” in English. But followed it up with:
המסר שלנו לעדרי המתנחלים מחכים לכם בכל ערי הגדה, מחברון ועד ג׳נין אנחנו נשחט אותכמ ואתמ תגידו שמה שהיטלר עשה לכמ היה בדיחה נשתה את דמכמ ונאכל את הגולגולות שלכמ ילא קדימה, אנחנו מחכים לכמ.
Essentially saying Palestinians are going to slaughter Jews, drink our blood, and eat our skulls. “What Hitler did to you was a joke” compared to what they’ll do to us.
But people still love her because “omg she is fighting for Palestinian rights!”
Pro-tip: if something is posted in 2 languages, consider who the target audience is of each language. Then, research the one not targeted at you. Do not rely on correct translations from the people posting it. If you hear the word “Yahud” in Arabic videos, the translation is not “Israel”, it’s “Jew”.
Maybe then you can avoid championing people who just hate Jews in your movements.
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hussyknee · 10 months
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The greatest threat to the armies of Israel is little dudes throwing rocks. Sometimes the existential irony is so on point that you wonder whether there is a God after all.
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mossadspypigeon · 3 months
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Steven Universe: A Complicated Relationship
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I’m starting to fall out of love with this show. I used to be obsessed with it and it was important to me as a way of figuring out my gender and sexuality. Yet, my relationship to it has become more complicated as of late. I’ve defended it myself and have been passionate about it, yet seeing the way a lot of stans have acted has kind of ruined it for me especially due to dismissing any criticism. This is not me saying I hate it or think it’s irredeemable Nazi propaganda but not everyone who dislikes it watches Lily Orchard and there are valid things to criticize about it.
There’s definitely bad faith criticism of the show such as flanderizing Steven into a crybaby with those Jack Horner/Hitler memes or claiming it was made to attack Christians but some people do have valid points. The episodes Bismuth and Gem Harvest may have not intended to come off as racist but one could interpret them as forcing people to forgive their abusers or bigoted relatives. As someone who’s Asian and knows about the way we’re represented, the way Priyanka and Doug were portrayed in the early seasons as tiger parents has not aged well.
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One other criticism I’ve seen is that the show copies a lot of old sci fi or anime tropes without recognizing the issues with them or removing them from their original context. I and others have compared the show’s ending to the Highbreed arc from Ben 10 Alien Force. The difference is that the Highbreed were treated as supremacists who needed to be stopped, not as abusive family. People can debate over whether they should have gotten more consequences but they were not treated as dorky relatives. The only one Ben befriends was a low ranking officer who became the new leader and convinced the high council to accept having their DNA changed. There’s also the human zoo, another sci fi trope that’s aged badly with the racist implications.
The series is also compared to a lot of anime. There’s references to Ghibli, NGE, Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball and many have compared the show’s idealism to that of magical girl shows like Madoka Magica. The difference is that those shows didn’t use subjects like colonialism as a backdrop for family drama. SW suffers from that as well especially with the rebels only wanting to restore the old liberal system while taking imagery from the Viet Cong. People who wanted a revolution story weren’t necessarily wrong as that’s what the early seasons did set up.
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Some will accuse me of fandomizing the war but I’ve noticed a lot of the hardcore stans are white queers who support Israel or demand complete support for democrats. Not saying every SU fan is a bad person btw. There are a lot of decent people who are anti Zionist and like the show but a lot of these pop progressive cartoons as well as SW, Disney and Marvel/DC are used by people with gross beliefs to infantilize themselves and dismiss any criticism from POC fans. If mainstream kids media is where you’re getting your all political takes from then maybe you do need to branch out and watch more mature stuff. Watching NGE helped me grow up a lot and learn nuance.
As a recap, I’m not saying SU is a bad show or that people are bad for liking it. It was important for my own development as well as a lot of lgbt youth and was a jumping point for a lot of my current interests such as classic anime or Lisa Hannigan, who’s an amazing musician and is pro Palestine btw. Future did help me a bit with mental health yet people are allowed to dislike it or find that even if it wasn’t intentional, there are some implications that should be addressed. I don’t hate it and there’s some stuff worth defending in it but it’s not the greatest show ever and people who get all their politics from it need to grow up. Between it, TOH, Dead End and She-Ra, I think a lot of the pop progressive media that we have today will not age well and that’s something we need to accept.
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infiniteglitterfall · 8 months
Welp. Just had the most horrifying realization.
What determines whether people want to punch Nazis or not isn’t the fact that they're Nazis.
People only want to punch Nazis when they disagree with them.
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i-am-aprl · 11 months
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You both are war criminals.
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