#Nct university au
justwritedreams · 2 years
Highway to heaven | Yuta
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Yuta x Reader, university au!
Word count: 2143 Genre: Kinda fluff, suggestive. Warning: mentions of make out, yuta getting hard. That’s I think. Author: Maari Note: Thanks sammy for the tips for this one 🤭 love you bro Request: I'm taking my chances here again with another song request 🥹 maybe you could do something inspired by Highway To Heaven with Yuta? like maybe ya'll are in that phase of *something*, like the flirting more than friends and getting there kinda phase, ya'll in a party making eyes and hidden smiles until the clashing moment because y'all are just too addicted to each other, did I make sense? lol always thank you you are so so good to us ❤️❤️
⪢ NCT Masterlist  
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Y/N kept her thumb between her teeth as she tried to hide the mischievous smile that her lips insisted on keeping when looking across the room she was in. She couldn't contain the excitement when noticed that the intense eyes like an eagle didn't leave her for a minute. Her mind raced through the memories of the past few weeks that made her thighs tremble, memories that those same eyes dominated. “Y/N!” She was brought back by her best friend's loud voice and quickly undid the exchange of glances. “Huh?” she asked confused, feeling that she was being watched. “Did you hear what I said?” the friend asked suspiciously. “Yes, about Taeyong.” she replied, with an obvious tone and saw her friend smile. "I know I shouldn't look at him like that, considering he's the RA for college but I can't help it." "You and half of the other students." Y/N laughed, turning her head to look for the same eyes and ended up seeing that Taeyong was approaching who she had been watching for a while. An idea popped into her head and she smiled widely. "He just arrived, you should talk to him." she suggested and her friend looked in surprise. "Don't you think-" Y/N rolled her eyes as she got up from the couch and pushed her friend towards where he and the other friends were. "Go on and act natural." Y/N replied, smiling as they approached. "You're asking too much." The friend said, forcing a smile. "Hi guys!"
"Girls!" Taeyong smiled widely and her friend approached to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, Y/N went the opposite way and started with Yuta feeling her legs tremble as he analyzed her intensely. As usual. "Your ass looks delicious in that skirt." he spoke quietly so only Y/N could hear. She felt her cheeks heat up as Yuta's lips touched the red-hot skin. "You're a pervert." she replied, her voice weaker than it should have sounded and she tried to hide a shy smile, in vain of course. It wasn't like she had any control over her body thanks to Yuta's feline eyes. She went on to greet the other boys, Johnny, Taeil, Jungwoo and Taeyong as she felt Yuta's eyes watching her again. When she finished, stopped by Yuta's side as her friend was too mesmerized by Taeyong. But she didn't even care, she had created the opportunity for her friend so she started talking to the guys. Y/N started biting the skin of her lower lip while Yuta watched her with a smile playing in the corner of his mouth, he wasn't even touching her and it already made her sigh. Not that it was new, it wasn't the first time they'd done that and although they could call each other friends, there was a flame there that didn't go unnoticed by anyone. Yuta loved to flirt with Y/N, watching her cheeks turn red was fun and even though she tried to respond in the same tone, he could see how much it affected her. And Y/N couldn't deny it, she liked that little game. Even though she'd never had anything like that with anyone before, having Yuta's attention fully focused on her every time they were in the same room was enough for her self-esteem, her ego screamed as much as her body when his eyes locked on hers. The scenes from last night flooded her mind again, Yuta's hands roaming every inch of her body as his lips sought hers thirstily and pressed her against the locker of the men's bathroom at the end of the college athletes training. Her eyes dropped to Yuta's hands and she bit her lip when saw the veins popping out of his arm, she didn't know why but it made her much more excited than should have. And just remembering the way those same wide, strong hands had touched her body the night before… "...Y/N?" she heard Johnny's voice and turned to face him, confused. "Huh?" she saw the boys discreetly laugh at her. "What do you think of the competition this year, do you think our team has a chance?" Johnny asked, apparently, for the second time and she raised her eyebrow, coming back to reality. "Well, considering you all have a great…" she looked at the guys and her eyes found Yuta again. "Physical bearing.” she swallowed hard when she saw Yuta run his tongue between his lips and looked back at Johnny, feeling her body temperature rise. "You bet." "Hell yeah!" Taeil spoke excitedly and held out his hand for her to high five with him, Y/N did so with a laugh. "We have the best crowd too." Yuta replied and received Y/N's attention again, and gave her the wide smile that took the poor girl's breath away. Unable to contain it, she mimicked the smile and the rest of the world didn't even seem to matter at that moment. In fact, the bodies now more than ever felt like magnets that no force seemed to be enough to keep them away. Well, except for Johnny and the forced cough to bring them both back to Earth. Y/N lowered her head, smiling shyly and Taeil brought up another subject, when she looked back at the circle of friends she saw Jungwoo raise his eyebrow as if he understood what was happening between them. In fact, everyone knew. It was clear the way they both looked at each other, even if so far no one knew they were making out in the college hallways. Y/N even tried to pay attention to the conversation, because now her friend and Taeyong also participated, but even though she looked at Taeil talking, her head was elsewhere because Yuta was still looking at her. Even though she was wearing a skirt and a tank top, she felt an unusual heat all over her body. "I'll be right back." Yuta announced before stepping behind Y/N and giving her a light slap on the ass, who clenched the jaw so as not to show any reaction. Discreetly, or so she thought, she followed Yuta with her gaze and saw that he nodded for her to follow him. Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, not because she was in any doubt whether she should or not, but because she was mentally counting time so it wouldn't seem too obvious. And when she saw that everyone was too busy talking about how boring Johnny's course teacher was, she slipped away. She already felt her heart beating against her ear and rubbed the sweaty hands on her skirt as she went to the place where she knew Yuta was, the bathroom. She gave three taps, the signal that only the two of them recognized and the door was open, and before she could smile at Yuta he pulled her inside, almost knocking her off balance. "Are you crazy?" she asked, laughing as brushed back the hair that had fallen out of her face and heard him lock the door. "Since I saw you coming in wearing that skirt, yes." he replied and without holding that space any longer, he pulled her by the waist against his own body. "I thought you liked my legs." she raised an eyebrow, feigning an innocent look. "You know I do but it's a low blow for you to swing around like that, you know?" Y/N laughed in response and Yuta grabbed her chin, making her stare into his eyes. "Bad girl." "You didn't complain last night." He smiled mischievously and she felt a shiver run down her spine. "And who said I'm complaining?" he replied, and lowered his head to place a wet kiss on her neck. Y/N rolled her eyes before closing them completely, a surge of electricity surging from Yuta's lips and stopping at the specific point where she started to pulse for him. But it didn't seem like enough for him, so started to distribute more kisses in the area and his tongue followed, tasting Y/N's skin like she was the tastiest candy. When Yuta's teeth followed the movement of his mouth, Y/N brought her hands to his shoulder and squeezed the region, stifling a moan biting her lip. "This is torture." She complained softly and felt him chuckle against her skin. "Are you sure?" He asked before pushing her against the wall and putting one leg between Y/N's, the heat emanating from Yuta's thigh was so appealing that Y/N's hips didn't respond to her brain's orders and rubbed against his tight jeans. "Yuta." she tried not to moan too soon but the friction made the job impossible. He had his leg where she needed it most, and even then it wasn't nearly enough. "Tell me what you want." he teased and she huffed, opening her eyes and forcing her hands against his shoulder, glaring at him angrily. "You are a-" "Watch your mouth." he warned, eyebrows rising and he rubbed his leg more precisely, drawing a sigh from Y/N. "You." she replied impatiently and Yuta just smiled teasingly. Y/N was even used to it, it was always the answer she got from him and it always worked to leave her breathless. Yuta held her by the back of her neck tightly and pressed their lips together, she just had time to sigh and close her eyes as he hugged her tighter. She almost laughed when realized she wasn't the only one impatient there, Yuta's lips moved in a desperate and thirsty way, the hand that was on the back of her neck made her move her head to the side and the kiss became deeper, his tongue ready to meet hers and drive her crazy. And that's what happened, the kiss became faster and fiercer, causing Y/N to bring her hands up to his long hair and grab the strands as if her life depended on it as she felt a shiver run through the back of her neck that Yuta still held. Yuta's lips were sweet and tasted like peach, but the hands that were on Y/N's body were the opposite, bordering on exasperation and the contrast made her pull the strands of his hair. She managed to get a grunt out of him and that fueled even more the desire he wanted to externalize, so the teeth tugged at Y/N's bottom lip as if retaliating for what she'd done with him and she pressed their foreheads together, trying to draw air back into her lungs, keeping her eyes closed. But not for long, as she could feel Yuta staring at her. When she opened her eyes, she felt her legs get even weaker. He had the power to look so deep into her eyes that he seemed to find her soul. Yuta smiled once more and without letting even the slightest space be imposed between them, he kept Y/N’s back against the wall, she was ready to climb her leg to his waist when the hand that was on the back of her neck went to the waist and he pulled away completely. Allowing an emptiness and a cold to settle in Y/N's body, who, unable to speak, just looked at him confused. Yuta laughed and headed for the door. “Wait, where are you going?” she asked in disbelief, her voice as weak as she was. "Up. I have to take care of a… certain thing.” he looked down and she followed him, her eyes stopping on his hip and widening when she saw the volume. Y/N bit her bottom lip and felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment, she scratched her head trying to hide it. "You can accompany me if you want." he suggested and Y/N's mouth opened slightly, forming a perfect O. She blinked a few times to make sure she had heard him right but Yuta didn't have any hints of taking back and she had to confess, all that confidence was very sexy. "Huh." it sounded more like a moan than an answer and she cleared her throat. "Fine." Yuta raised his eyebrow and extended his hand to Y/N, she wet her lips with her own tongue before accepting, Yuta's palm was as hot as her body. But to her surprise, when Yuta waited for her to go first, imagining that he would wait for her to go and would stay there for a minute, he hugged her from behind and sent another shiver through her body as she felt how much he wanted her. Yuta rested his chin on her shoulder and turned his face towards her ear. “We'll take the highway to heaven, baby.”
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neocrias · 1 month
The Ultimate Test (MarkLee Oneshot)
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Synopsis: In which you hear that Mark Lee, a cocky classmate from college, is a bad kisser, so he personally offers to prove you wrong.
wc: 3,3k genre: party! au; university! au; slightly suggestive
You didn't used to come to parties like this. Well, at least not on weekdays. Definitely not when you had a Calculus 3 exam in a couple of days to worry about. However, the pleading eyes of your three best friends who couldn't bear to see you go through the whole grueling college experience without going through the whole drinking-and-partying stereotypical uni thing managed to convince you this time.
And you were thankful to have a little black strapless dress tucked away in the back of your closet for specific situations like this. And you were also grateful when your friends offered to pay for your Uber - after all, being an university student also brought with it the unhappiness of lack of money and the small joy of when you get something for free.
You just weren't very grateful when you realized that you barely spoke to those people at the party and your friends had "very important" things to do, which included kissing and boys, and didn't include you staring at them while all of this was going on. Of course, this was expected, and you didn't want to be a party-pooper, so you just started walking around and drinking a few shots of beverages you weren't exactly interested in knowing what were. Again, it was for free.
Your slight shyness wasn't limiting or controlling, but it was certainly a bit inconvenient. More than once a few good-looking guys came up to talk to you, but your clumsiness simply drove them away within a few minutes. Damn.
And now here you were: listening to incredibly loud music in a modern mid-century house that you didn't know who it belonged to - or even if it was a fraternity, or anything like that - with a plastic cup of a drink that you didn't know what it was, eyeliner that you could swear would melt at any moment with the human warmth around you, a little black dress that had already gone out of fashion and an uncontrollable urge to do something outrageous, just so you could distract yourself from the fact that normally at that time you would either be sleeping or freaking out about the imminent calculus exam. "Damn that motherfucking calculus," you thought, "I'm at a party."
On the other side of the large, high-ceiling living room, a group of recognizably annoying boys were playing beer pong while dozens of girls surrounded them. All of them were engineering students, except for their leader, Mark Lee, who was the most disturbing of the seven and was a literature major (which in some way that was incomprehensible to you, attracted a lot of girls) and he obviosuly took advantage of this, which was visible by the girl leaning loosely on his waist at this very moment.
— YES! — Haechan, one of them, shouted over the loud music as he hit the ping-pong ball into a glass of beer. Mark cracked his neck twice before picking up the glass and drinking until the very last drop, defeated.
You stared at him as he shrugged and grimaced before returning the glass to the table and flashing a smile at everyone in the game, preparing for his turn to throw the ball.
It wasn't that he wasn't handsome, or attractive. Yes, he was. And he didn't fall short on either count. You could understand why he was so chasen after by the girls on campus. It's just that you'd had the opportunity to have a few dialogues with Mark Lee, and they were all pretty unpleasant. There was something about his manner, his attitude, that you just couldn't endure. He was irritating. Smug. Sloppy. And you don't have time or patience for that.
He then flexed his arm, his biceps visible thanks to his tank top, and threw the ping-pong ball, but someone blocked your view just in time to watch him hit the cup.
— You won't believe what I've just found out! — Jennie, one of your three cheeky friends, appears smiling and clearly drunk. — Mark Lee is a total soft kisser!
— What? — You almost scream, startled by the sudden mention of the boy you've been shamelessly watching for the past few moments. And even worse: worried about how your friend had acquired this information.
— I'm serious! — She laughed out loud, bending her body forward and knocking some of what looked like a fruit cocktail out of the glass in her hand. You sidestep cautiously, but some of the pink liquid still splashes on your legs. — Lin said they kissed earlier in the evening, and he barely even moved! Can you believe that?
You laugh at the irony of the facts. That was valid information to share. You feel a bit bad for Lin, your classmate, but honestly? You wouldn't trade knowing that for anything. Of course, Mark, the most conceited person who ever lived, would be the type to talk a lot and do nothing. Was there anything more coherent than that? Absolutely not!
Your laughter joins Jennie's, and you both enjoy the gossip for a while. Suddenly, Rihanna's "You Da One" starts playing through the dozens of speakers scattered around the house and you and your friend stare at each other, wide-eyed, as your laughter stops.
— THAT'S OUR SONG! — You shout at the same time. Jennie pulls you by the arm to the most spacious part of the room, where everyone was dancing, and you let yourself go for the first time all night.
The lively melody and beat combine with the rhythm of your heart, and not much later you can hardly feel the world around you. Tests, lack of money, shyness or cocky boys, none of it mattered. The few drinks you've consumed so far finally seem to take effect, and with every song that plays, your body feels looser and your mind feels further away.
Not long after that, a tall, muscular guy starts to whisper something to Jennie, who smiles back shyly. You realize that maybe this is your cue to take a break from the dance floor to grab another drink and finally quench your thirst caused by the sudden exercise.
You see the familiar counter full of disposable cups and bottles of all kinds on the other side of the hall, in what appears to be a dining room combined with a kitchen that is now full of young people and very messy. It's easy to let yourself imagine what that environment would look like if it weren't in its most chaotic state: perhaps a cozy place or a shared-house of intelligent students. But right now, that was just the alcohol talking.
As soon as you reach the counter, you grab a plastic cup and fill it with what looks like clear alcohol - perhaps a vodka, or gin - topped off with a generic soft drink from the other side of the counter. That mix will be enough at the moment to keep you from passing out, but it won't let the dance sober you up again either.
The first sip brings the sweetness of soda and the bitterness of strong alcohol down your throat.
— Vodka. That's for sure. — You conclude to yourself, looking at the cup in your hands.
— I thought you were some kind of female-hermit or something. — A voice pulls you out of your little dialog with the inanimate object in your hands, and you look up to see the person on the other side of the bar, only to roll your eyes deeply.
— That' not even a thing.
But Mark Lee just shrugs, filling his own cup with what looked like a brownish liquor.
— You get the idea. — He smiles and tilts his head, stopping to watch you. His eyes scan along your little black dress and you suddenly feel embarrassed by all the attention you're getting. He just lets out a muffled laugh, probably noticing the way you flinch slightly, and walks away with his drink - not without turning around and giving you a wink, which you answered with a frown.
After the not-so-pleasant appearance of the cocky college student, you remember the funniest piece of information of the evening: "Mark Lee is a total soft kisser!". Of course! He could be as arrogant as he wanted around you or any other girl, but you knew what he really was. You knew his secret. And he may have walked out of there thinking he'd rocked it, or that he'd made you uncomfortable as usual, but it was you who had won your little dispute. After all, you're going to have the last laugh.
A few more drinks away and no word from your friends. The small anger you had felt towards Mark had been transformed into an important mission to tell almost every girl you knew there about the new gossip you had been entrusted with.
You were at a stage in your drinking where your conscience was no longer so affected - so you could tell that your actions were the result of a real desire to unmask the most annoying guy you knew. Of course, the drink made you bold enough to carry out the plan, but the rest was all yours.
— So… Mark Lee, do you know who that is? — You were excitedly telling Lane, a girl from your business class. Lane nodded, curious. — The rumors are that…
She then arched her eyebrows, looking past you. Unfortunately, or not, you didn't exactly notice that.
— He's a very bad kisser! — And then you started laughing for the nth time that night, thinking about how funny that was and hoping for a good reaction from your colleague.
— Oh really? And how do you know that? — A voice echoes from behind you and you feel your spine freeze. Lane stares at you and the person behind you alternately, getting a front row view of your giant screwup.
"Shit", you thought before turning to face the known voice owner.
— Mark. — It's all you can say. You try your best not to show the shame of having been caught in such a…vulnerable moment. The brown-haired guy just stared at you intensely, arms crossed in front of his chest and a deadly look in his eyes. You don't let yourself be intimidated this time, and give him an ironic look in return.
— Funny you should be saying that, hermit.
— Funny that you're a literature student and yet misuse that word.
Okay, that wasn't your best take at the moment. But it was all you could think of as a response. You wait for a laugh from Mark, or anything else that would reveal his smug spirit - or that would show that he had been shaken by your comment about the kiss.
However, he just takes a step forward, still with his arms crossed, coming dangerously close to you and tilting his head and shoulders in your direction, to look you right in the eye as he says:
— Who did you call a "bad kisser" again? — He teases, starting to crack a sly smile. — Why don't you kiss me to prove who's the bad kisser?
You swallow a lump in your throat, not knowing what to say. That's right, it seems that his idiotic manners had appeared in the worst possible way, and now it was up to you to make things right, even though you felt nervous and your stomach twisted with a feeling you didn't understand where it was coming from.
Suddenly, a flash of confidence came over you. And there, staring at your nemesis' frowning eyebrows and the nonchalant way in which he crossed his well-shaped arms, with that stupid grin on his face and a growing challenge in his gaze, you understood what was happening to you. Damn it, you want to kiss Mark.
Of course you don't want to give him a taste of being right, or yet another reason for him to think he's the man. Of course you don't want to hurt your own pride, and you'd hold on to it like your life depended on it.
But you also wanted to be able to test that gossip you'd heard earlier that evening. And you also wanted the taste of knowing that you'd totally destabilized that arrogant man. You wanted to see the look of surprise on his face when you accepted his proposal, or would he be… satisfied? Or bewildered? All the options seemed alluring in your imagination.
And you wanted to. Oh, you really did. You really wanted to kiss Mark Lee.
— Prove me wrong, then. — You boldly held the gaze of the boy who was testing your patience so much these past weeks. Your smile gradually widened as you watched his mouth slowly open in confusion. Oh, he hadn't expected that. Mark's eyebrows drew together and he seemed to search for words. His posture stretched, and the shadow of his body moved away from you.
— Wait, what did you say? — He pointed to his own ear and then to his surroundings, indicating the muffled sound of the party music. His face showed, however, that he had heard very well - he just wanted to make sure he wasn't hallucinating those words.
— Prove. me. wrong.
— What the actual f… — He practically whispered, but you could understand the words just by watching the movement of his lips. Mark's gaze in your direction was puzzled and surprised, but not in a childish way. He stared at you as if he were really trying to understand what on earth could be happening to you at that moment.
So, without letting him think too much about your sudden acceptance, you took the boy's wrist in one hand and began to lead him out of there.
— Let's find somewhere to go. — You said, with an assurance that had never come through your voice before, which Mark seemed to like. Then he took the lead himself, gently leading you through the party with the calm of someone who seemed to have done it many times before - and he probably had. You mentally thanked him, because if you had to continue to pull up your little confident act, your knees might have given out. Or your stomach would explode. Something in between.
Suddenly, Mark stopped in front of a door, already on the second story of the house. You didn't even notice how your feet made it all the way up the stairs, but they did. He opens the door, but not before turning to look at you one last time, trying to make sure that was happening.
He enters the room before you and turns on the light, making you realize that it was a rather narrow bathroom. Your heart beats rapidly before you take the final steps towards that unexpected destination. You enter and close the door behind you. Mark leans lazily against the wall opposite to the sink, facing the bathroom mirror. He takes a deep breath, looks at the floor with a sly smile and says:
— I thought you hated me… — But you don't let him finish, because you quickly stand in front of him and put both hands behind the back of the head of the boy you hated. You see Mark's eyes widen one last time as he is interrupted, before you can bring your lips together in a rushed kiss.
Your nervous fingers run through the end of Mark's hair, which seemed freshly cut and slightly spiky. You smiled into the kiss at the tickling sensation, while he barely had time to react to your approach.
Then, when he finally understands, Mark pulls you close, holding your waist with both hands and spreading his legs to fit you between them. His grip is firm but still, as if he's nervous.
You continue to enjoy the moment, moving according to the rhythm between you, but always wanting more. The air in the bathroom seems increasingly thin, but the chaos of your mind barely lets you notice. You leave Mark's lips to make a trail of kisses between his chin and neck, hearing him sigh above you. You feel the warmth of his skin, and the short traces of freshly shaved beard on his face. It's only when Mark gently pulls his face away and leans his forehead against yours, pausing to take a deep breath, that you realize he's barely had time to think.
— Okay, hasty. — He lets out a weak laugh between sighs. — Now it's my turn.
Without letting you answer - and in a classic revenge move - Mark leans over until you have to walk backwards. His steps are short, but they work until your back hits the sink counter. His exposed arms encircle you, holding you firmly on the worktop as he brings his body closer to yours until you're completely touching.
You let out an exclamation before he presses your lips together again, this time taking the lead.
Mark's lips feel like uncharted territory, as this time he takes control. His kiss is firm, but not at all restrained. Slowly, you feel one of his hands rise from the counter and run down your spine from the base to the nape of your neck, tracing it with his fingers and leaving you extremely sensitive. At the nape of your neck, Mark's hand fiddles with your hair, precisely catching the strands in a ponytail that he pulls back slightly.
His index finger makes a few deft turns through the strand, twisting it until it is completely in his grasp. He squeezes your strands with a force that doesn't hurt, but makes you grunt into the kiss - which he answers with a smile.
Still enraptured by the unexpected movements, you barely notice when Mark's two hands gather around your thighs, pushing them up until you're sitting on the sink counter and he has to tilt his head slightly to avoid breaking the kiss. The ease with which he had lifted you, and without pulling away. Oh my God.
Jennie's words about Mark seem further and further away, as if they had been in another life. They also seem, fortunately or not, untrue.
"Lin said they kissed earlier in the evening, and he barely even moved! Can you believe that? ", you hear your friend's voice in your head. Oh, no… Lin must have been completely out of her mind.
But there's barely time to think about anything outside that small bathroom. Or at least not when Mark is running his tongue lightly over your lower lip before moving on to your neck. The warm breath against your cold skin sends shivers down your spine, and you wriggle under the boy's grip - which still hasn't left your thigh.
With no time to lose, you pull back on Mark's neck to press your lips together again, and he seems to love it. For a few more moments, you exchange hurried kisses and firm squeezes, until Mark's kiss begins to slow down, becoming even more attractive. The movement of your lips, so sure and certain, gradually stops, until he leaves a few lingering kisses and rests with your faces close together.
— I think you've proved me wrong. — You say, in a whisper, then let out a muffled laugh, unable to stop smiling.
— That's a shame… — He begins, tilting his head with a sideways smile. — Because if you weren't convinced, I'd have to keep proving it to you.
You face each other directly, and you can't help but roll your eyes at his comment, and then say:
— Mark Lee, you're an incredibly bad kisser.
— That's exactly what I wanted to hear. — He mumbles and moves closer again. You can still hear him let out one last dry, drawn-out laugh before closing your eyes and surrendering to the darkness.
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00127am · 6 months
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"it's a wonder how you don't have girls falling at your feet," "i have you,"
@ notyourmalelead top of his class, hallway crush kim doyoung isn't very interested in his semester long partnership with sailor moon obsessed, popular vlogger: you. until your larger than life crush on him is revealed. then he's much more interested in proving that he's not your male lead (and subsequently wishing he was).
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@ information [🦀] class president! kim doyoung & afab! vlogger! reader genre smau, fluff, comedy, uni au, enemies to lovers, crush at first sight, mutual pining, lots of sailor moon references warnings dark humor (kys jokes), sexual humor/innuendos, cursing status updates every monday and friday @ 9AM ⤷ taglist always open!
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@ masterlist @ ♡♡♡♡ @ soundtrack
follow others like this! playlists. yn ⟢ doyoung profiles. taeilenators ⟢ doyoung fan club ⟢ assorted
user notyourmalelead's posts C01. pretty sailor soldier meets her tuxedo mask C02. practically dating (give or take) C03. get an inch take a mile C04. chiba marmoru! or not... C05. in defense of usagi tsukino ⟢ new years special C06. on the dark side of the (sailor) moon C07. one step forward ten steps back C08. coming soon!
🧾 © 00127am 2024
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sungiejpg · 2 months
characters 01; yn & friends
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ pairing: haechan x fem!reader
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ tags: college au, smau, fake acc
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ synopsis: when renjun asked her to create a fake twitter acc to take revenge on haechan she did not expect to fall in love
𓂃⊹ y/n’s twitter acc (+ private)
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𓂃⊹ y/n’s fake twitter acc:
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𓂃⊹renjun twitter acc (y/n’s bff)
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𓂃⊹belle’s twitter acc
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𓂃⊹chenle’s twitter acc
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𓂃⊹ningning’s twitter acc
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𓂃 next
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bangchansimpxo · 5 months
Behind Closed Doors
pairing: mark lee x reader
genre: fluff
summary: mark lee is a member of the popular dance crew on campus, dream. he brings you to meet the other members and accidentally lets you glimpse the feelings he has for you.
cw: n/a
~originally posted on AO3~
Mark watched as you smoothed down your skirt, examining yourself in the mirror. Your hair fell in gentle waves, kissing your shoulders.
You turned towards him, his breath catching as he beheld the way the eyeliner brought out the sweetness of your eyes, “Do I look okay?” you asked.
Okay? Mark thought to himself. Okay was so incorrect. Stunning. Beautiful. Breathtaking. Okay was an insult when compared to the way you were shining.
But he couldn’t say that out loud; you were just friends. He wouldn’t mess up the friendship by telling you how perfect you were to him even when you were begrudgingly opening the door to your dorm room in your ratty t-shirt and baggy sweats when he came to bother you too early in the morning. So instead he settled on saying, “Yes.”
A pout formed on your lips but he stopped you from turning back to the mirror, “Come on, we don’t wanna be late.”
You were meeting his dance group today and you were very clearly intimidated. Sure they’d reached incredible heights with the views they’d wracked up on YouTube and TikTok. They’d even had TV performances and been asked to dance with stars during their concerts. But to Mark they were just a bunch of dorks who sometimes set aside their stupidity long enough to actually put on a few good performances — nothing to be intimidated by.
“It’ll be fine,” he said laughing at you as you twirled your hair nervously.
He watched your delicate finger twist a soft strand around in repeated spirals, running through so often some stray pieces came off around your finger.
Mark grabbed the fabric of your sleeve, gently tugging your arm down and the finger out of your hair with it. “Seriously, you need to relax, there’s nothing to worry about.”
“I know, I know,” you muttered, more to yourself than to him.
You fell into an easy silence, the only sound the soft hush of your steps on the floor.
He could tell you were still nervous. He watched your small hands fiddle with the fabric of your skirt, twist the rings on your fingers, brush through and straighten your hair. He wished he had the balls to tell you how beautiful your were. How it wasn’t what you were wearing. It wasn’t what makeup look you’d decided upon that day. It wasn’t how your hair looked. It wasn’t how you looked at all. It was just you. There was a glow about you as a person. Sure sometimes the clothes, the hair, the makeup, it enhanced that. But when you took all that away you were still as beautiful as before.
“Y/N,” his mouth started before his brain had caught up.
But the two of you had reached your destination — a classroom outside of class time where Mark and his teammates would be reviewing footage to note areas of improvement and you’d been invited to tag along because you were a fan. Or so Mark told you. He conveniently left out the relentless pestering from his friends to finally let them meet the girl he would frequently ditch them for. No matter how many times he told them it wasn’t like that, both he and they knew how he felt about you even if he never said it out loud.
Mark could hear the six voices inside fighting for dominance over each other. Leave it to Dream to generate enough noise to hear them down the hallway.
Your eyes met his as you both stopped in front of the door. He could see the nerves in them. He knew you weren’t the best around new people and big social functions tended to give you more anxiety than excitement. Perhaps it was the fact that he saw a twinge of genuine fear in your eyes that had his mouth opening before he could process the words he let loose.
“Y/N,” he started, “They’re going to love you, seriously, you have nothing to worry about.”
He sighed at the small restrained smile you gave him, not really letting the words sink in.
He reached out to tentatively hold your wrist, stopping your hands from wringing together. His touch was feather light but he could still feel the softness of your exposed skin.
“Y/N you’re talented, smart, driven, and beautiful. You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met and I wish you could see what I see in you in yourself. You’re about to walk into a room full of doofuses who literally have half a brain cell between the six of them. They sometimes dance well, but I promise you they’re nothing to be intimidated by.”
It was then that Mark listened to what was around him.
Complete silence.
Internally groaning, he turned toward the view he was dreading but none the less expecting to see.
The classroom door was open, six faces were all peering out from the doorway. All wearing an identical shit-eating grin.
It was Haechan who started, “Jaemin you are talented and so so beautiful.”
“Chenle you’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met,” Jaemin continued, the male he mentioned making a dramatic show of delicately taking a hold of Jisung’s wrists. Renjun and Jeno made kissy faces, lips over-puckered in a way that was almost grotesque, at Mark.
Mark could feel the heat in his ears as he turned back toward you, “Y/N meet Dream.”
He would have been so much more embarrassed had you not been beaming at him with the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen.
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chocojae · 1 year
𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐒 — kim doyoung
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summary ▸ seven signs you are in love according to not so love expert, kim doyoung ft. a tired and frustrated kun
genre ▸ doyoung x female reader | pure fluff | university au 
word count ▸ 3.2k
warnings ▸ none! 
luna’s note ▸ hello @beautifulchris​ ! I am your author for the exchange event held by @kflixnet​! i enjoyed writing this piece and really hope you will like this ♡ since the event’s main motive was to be friends, i hope we can get to know each other!
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Doyoung’s eyes widen as he notices the words he just scribbled on his notebook. He was spacing out in the lecture hall, and guess what he wrote? Your name, once again. 
It astonished Doyoung when he realised just how much he has been thinking about you these past few days. 
When he got to learn that you have a (secret) crush on him, all he did was think about you and notice your likes and dislikes. From him eating his breakfast and getting reminded (out of nowhere) that you love cats to him putting on an outfit of your favourite shade because you like that colour, his life was suddenly revolving around you.
It bugged him that it was you who occupied his mind 24/7 when it should have been his studies. Lately, he gets on his bus every day thinking if you would attend today or not and can’t help but get a little disappointed when he notices your absence. 
Something is wrong with him, but what? It’s the question that messes his mind the most. Doyoung angrily stabs the paper with frustration, his mind running a thousand miles per second, trying to figure out what could be the possible cause of his sudden curiosity and then his face suddenly drops. A tiny voice in his head whispers: You couldn’t like her back, could you?
Doyoung shakes his head violently, trying to shush the tiny voice. Through the corner of his eye, he looks at you for a split second. Right, there was no freaking way he possibly could.
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Fine, Doyoung takes back whatever he said a few hours prior. There might be a possible, tiny, tiny chance that he might like you, romantically. 
He stares at your laughing figure for a little longer than he would before tearing his eyes off you, gulping soon after. God, why wasn’t he able to look away? Sure, you are attractive and kind but does he really like like you? Like as in a boy liking a girl? That type of like? 
He presses his lips into a thin line and steals another glance, soon feeling his cheeks burn up. Shit, have you always been that pretty?
“I don’t think this tragic piece of literature is supposed to be making you blush, Doyoung.” Kun squints his eyes at the younger male sitting beside him, noticing how Doyoung looked completely taken aback by his comment. 
Wait, Doyoung was blushing? BLUSHING? Now, that was unexpected. Doyoung cleared his throat, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I know. It’s just the weather. You know how hot it can get in summers here.”
Kun squinted his eyes, not satisfied with the so called answer. There was no way he was buying the “reason” Doyoung was beetroot red. It was a white lie. Sure, he agrees that summers are hot in here but with all the fans and air conditioners present and just a simple black t-shirt thrown over him, Doyoung couldn’t possibly be reddening because of it.
“Are you sure you were not checking out someone and blushing?” Kun asks with suspense laced through his words, crossing his arms and giving a look that indicated he was ready to hear the tea. 
“Jesus, no!” Doyoung responds immediately. Hey, it was the truth. He wasn’t checking you out or something, he was just glancing at you. Glancing. There’s a difference, okay?
“Sure.” Kun shrugged, not convinced and continued his explanation, hoping Doyoung would get whatever he was trying to make him understand. Doyoung slumped down on the table, Kun’s words becoming white noise to him. With his head resting on his arm, he dragged his eyes towards you. Hell, you look absolutely breathtaking—
Here he goes thinking about you once again, not like he could help it.
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Considering that he thinks about you most time of the day, it should have been natural for Doyoung to accept that he likes stealing glances at you. It would have been easy if that was the case. But it’s not.
Every single time he is reminded about you or glances at you, Doyoung tries to convince himself that he does not like you. It is tiring, very tiring since he thinks about you so much that it makes him frustrated.
If he would tell someone about this train of thoughts running through his head, he is one hundred one per cent sure that it would conclude he likes you. 
The thought that he might have harboured feelings for you, for unacceptable for him.
He chose to ignore those confusing feelings, shoving them aside. But what he couldn’t control was the way his eyes always gravitated towards you, taking his time to adore you like you were his love interest in some cheesy romance novel. 
You looked so ethereal in his eyes, so beautiful that he believed you were the most beautiful person to exist. 
He sneaked glances at you now and then and most of the time, you were already looking at him. So when he looked back to admire you out of nowhere, you both were caught off guard and turned away in a beat at being caught.
 Kun, who observed this quite often, found it pretty cute and enjoyed teasing Doyoung about this. Doyoung would shake his head, saying he was just spacing out and it was not what Kun thinks. But Kun could see how just two seconds after calling him out, Doyoung’s gaze was fixated on you once again.
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Seriously, painting and Doyoung? 
Doyoung looks around helplessly in the room filled with what seemed like skilled and passionate students. They all seemed so focused and determined, unlike him who stood there awkwardly, face laced with confusion.
Doyoung should have been studying in the library for the upcoming exam, or doing his laundry that has stacked up for about two weeks now. He should have been anywhere but here, occupied with the set of brushes he has no idea how to use.
Painting never once intrigued Doyoung, so why was he here? Answer: For you.
Through his secret source obviously Kun, he found out you liked to paint in your free time. 
To Doyoung, painting was something uninteresting but since you liked it, he was adamant to try it out as this would mean him finally having a common topic to start a conversation with you.
In the past two months, Doyoung got so frustrated with himself that he accepted he liked you, and yes, romantically. He disclosed this to Kun, who didn’t waste a single second to tease Doyoung by revealing he already figured out his “secret” long ago by the way he gawked at you.
And the more Kun teased him, the more Doyoung’s feelings grew and so did his desire to get to know you.
He wanted to start a conversation multiple times but the blush on his cheeks whenever he was with you prevented him from doing so. Doyoung did draft the convo scenes with you in his head, preparing different things to say based on your supposed replies in his imagination.
But to actually start a conversation with you was hard. His mind just goes blank whenever he decides to start a small talk with you, and the script he had prepared for weeks in his head, gets blurry. He stammers, and he blushes. 
You too, wanted to talk to him and spend some time together but you didn’t have the courage to. He made you feel so euphoric, it was hard to focus on anything else, including your words.
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Doyoung’s standing behind you. You are standing in front of him. The proximity is so close that Doyoung could catch the faint smell of your perfume lingering over him. 
Kun nudges Doyoung from behind, leaning in and whispering. “You are red like a tomato. Don’t be this obvious.” Doyoung nods. He could feel the loud thumping of his stupid heart and is doing everything in his power to avoid looking at you, not because he doesn’t want to glance at you, but because he knows his heart will beat louder the more he will look at you.
What Doyoung didn’t notice was the way you were being a mess too. Eyes roaming everywhere in nervousness, cheeks painted pink and your friends passing you a teasing look.
You are so sure that Doyoung knows you have a little crush on him, and that didn’t bother you— until now. Because he is behind you, just behind you. The prettiest and kindest man (with utterly attractive hands and a honey like voice) you have ever known is behind you. Your freaking crush is behind you.
It feels awkward, nervous and exciting all at the same time and the adrenaline rushing through your system makes you go numb. Do you look good? Is your hair alright? What about you back? Oh, you should have taken your roommate’s advice and done some back exercises so you weren’t regretting right now. And what about your perfume? Is it still there? What if Doyoung doesn’t like scents?
The train of thought was never ending, and Doyoung could relate too. He should’ve worn something more presentable. The tray in his hands was shaking. Why the hell did Kun pushed him to stand next to you?
“I hate you, Kun.” Kun raised an eyebrow at his words, a small smirk adoring his face as he answered back. “But you also love me for this.” 
Doyoung bit back a smile. Kun just knows him too well.
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Doyoung has no right to worry about you but it’s the third day he hasn’t seen your pretty face and it’s making him nervous. What if something happened to you? Or what if you left the university?
Millions of baseless thoughts ran through his head, his body stiffening. You couldn’t have gotten sick, right?
But what if you did? Cold sweat broke out on his forehead at the mere thought. Doyoung’s ears perked up hearing the giggles of your friends and he looked at them curiously. 
Maybe he should ask them, but wait, wouldn’t it seem extremely suspicious when he would randomly ask about you? Screw it, he says to himself and marches towards your friends.
“Hi.” The sudden appearance of Doyoung made their giggles come to a halt and they were visibly confused. “So, I was saying that..” Shit, he can’t do it. 
“Do you have the notes from the previous lesson? I forgot to jot down mine!” He passes them an awkward smile, hoping they won’t catch his unusual behaviour. 
“Sure” One of the girls, which he vividly remembers seeing by your side the most, takes out a notebook from her bag, handing it to Doyoung with the same expression as earlier. “Here,” Doyoung mumbles a quiet thank you before completely disappearing. 
The girls, confused, shrugged their shoulders and decided to not think much, later joking about how you should have been there.
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Doyoug gave Kun his best puppy eyes. “Please.” Kun sighed and asked, “Why can’t you do this?” 
“Because it would seem weird.” Kun raised an eyebrow at the reply. “And it wouldn’t when I will? 
“No, because even if it will do seem that way, you are not me. That’s why.”
“Your logic is so…….baseless.”
Doyoung clung onto his arm, swinging it in an attempt to persuade him. “Oh come one, please, please.” 
Kun closed his eyes. “I am deaf, I can’t hear anything.”
“Please, only you could save me from this misery.”
“Misery? Misery? You not being able to find out why Y/N has not been coming for three days has driven you into misery?” Kun’s voice was laced with sarcasm followed by an eye roll. “And FYI, I don’t even talk to Y/N that much.”
“Well, you can ask just out of curiosity. I am sure they would understand.”
“Then why can’t you do it?” 
“Because it feels weird!” 
“Just say you are shy.” 
“I am not!” 
“You are.”
“I am not, okay!?”
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“So?” Doyoung asks in anticipation, eyes full of hope darting at the tired Kun. “She is at her grandma’s. No big deal.” 
“That means she is okay, right?” Kun slumps down beside him. “Yeah, I guess.”
Doyoung glares at him. “What do you mean you guess? You didn’t ask?”
“Obviously dude, I am not her boyfriend or something!”
“You had one job. One.” 
“Not again.”
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caution ▸ cringy dad joke ahead
Doyoung has been observing you every single time so it wasn’t long before he picked up your humour. You were the dad jokes type and while Doyoung wasn’t interested a bit in them, the humour grew on him and now he has made Kun’s life a little harder than it was before.
“Wanna hear a knock joke?” Doyoung grins at the annoyed Kun. 
“It’s not like I have a choice.” He mumbled. Doyoung cleared his throat, “Knock Knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“Nobel.” There was still that grin on his face when Doyoung waited for Kun to respond. “Ask Nobel who?”
Kun rolled his eyes. “Nobel, who?”
“No bell so I just knocked.” Doyoung bursts into fists of laughter and smacks Kun’s shoulder. “Be real, isn’t it funny?”
“It’s not—” Kun pauses sensing a glare thrown at him  “It’s so hilarious, I can’t even laugh!” Kun sends Doyoung a small, scared smile and releases a sigh of relief when Doyoung takes the comment as a positive one.
If Kun is going to stick around Doyoung who will find humour in dad jokes because of you, you both better get married for his unthinkable sacrifice. 
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Doyoung grasps the bouquet of flowers tight in his hands. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and calming his nerves down. 
You can do this, Doyoung! He says to himself, glancing at the flowers in his sweaty palms. He is finally doing this, Kim Doyoung is finally asking you out. Seems unreal, right? For Doyoung too.
He had never imagined he would ask you out, but here he is. 
He was smitten over you, everyone knew. You were referred to as his crush but that label soon was ripped away when Doyoung started seeing you in a new light. When everything about you seemed more lovely than it could ever be. When your flaws, which he had previously ignored seemed so perfect to him. When instead of getting all nervous and excited, he felt warmth and comfort from your presence.
The tag of a crush got removed and replaced by the one called love.
He imagined doing everything with you, going out on dates, meeting your family, late night celebrations, unexpected calls and what not. It become clear Kim Doyoung was in love with you. 
He had finally mustered up the courage to ask you out, for real. His heart was beating a thousand miles per second. He doesn’t know if you were ready for this, or even if you still had feelings for him but he was going to do it. It’s now or never.
Doyoung had called you in a cafe near by, and as much as you were puzzled, you were internally screaming. You were attracted to him, no doubt. He was kind, he was cute. He was everything you looked for in a man. So when you met Doyoung with a bouquet of flowers in his hands and cheeks flushed red, your heart beat synced with his, uncontrollable and messy. Your palms become sweaty as you sat down opposite him.
“Hi, how have you been?” You asked, a smile spread across your lips. The talk started off great. It seemed so pleasant and comfortable with Doyoung and you wished you could stop time. The moment felt surreal. 
Doyoung cleared his throat before scratching the back of his nape. “I don’t know how to say this, but I um….I…..like you.” Wait, he what??? “What?” 
“I like you.” Your eyes were about to pop off. Are you dreaming? Doyoung noticed your reaction and was quick to say, “We will pretend this never happened if you are not comfortable.”
“No—. Well, I— oh, god. I like you too.” Dooung blinked a few times. Okay, what should he respond with now? 
“Here,” He handles the bouquet with utmost gentleness and care. His cheeks you red, and so were yours. 
“What I was saying is…..how about we get to know each other first? This would help us to decide if we want to become official or not.”
“Like, get to know each other on ‘dates’?” You asked with a broad smile.
“Yeah, small dates.” he smiled back and finally made eye contact and was washed over with the warmth that spread through his entire body. His shoulders relaxed and leaned in, ready to hear all about you. “So tell me about yourself, Y/N L/N.” You chuckled, the smile never leaving your lips.
You both were over the moon, and the memory easily become your and his favourite.
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Doyoung smiled as he closed his diary. Reading his old entries, he felt nostalgic and happy. He glanced at your sleeping figure beside him. One thing that he had never ever regretted was loving you. He was grateful to have you by his side. 
You were his first love, and now, his wife. 
The diamond ring on your finger sparkled every so slightly in the dim light of your shared bedroom. Doyoung lay down on the bed beside you, staring at your sleeping face with a silly grin on his face.
It was your third wedding anniversary today and you being all excited and proud drank a little too much than you could handle,  knocking out soon after. Doyoung, being a smitten man for you found it hilarious, and adorable.
He tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear and continued to look at you with fond eyes over flowing with love. He kissed your forehead. He loves you so much, and nothing can ever change that.
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links ▸ navigation | masterlist | works in progress
luna’s note ▸ congrats for making it to the end of the story, i hope you enjoyed reading! thank you for taking out your time and giving a chance to this work ♡ as always, feeback is much appreciated! please share your thoughts as a a small feedback can change my day for the better and give me motivation to bring more of such stories to you.
you can find more of my posted works here and fic ideas here!
© chocojae 2023
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luxurijh · 1 year
jaehyun fanfics recommendation.
last update: 25 dec 2022 (merry xmas!)
disclaimer! these works belong to the respective authors and are not mine. i will continously update this post as i found more and more gems (read: jae fic) on the internet).
warning! most of the works are containing smut aka not safe for work aka explicit sexual contents, so minors PLEASE do not engage.
some of fics are in indonesian (i'll give it a note).
you're welcome to message me if you have any jaehyun fics recommendation (i'll put them here if i like it).
here we go!
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all these years. by @domjaehyun. jaehyun x female reader. fluff, angst, smut, slowburn. college!au. childhood friend to lover!au. how does your relationship with jaehyun stand the test of time? note: i LOVE this soooo much! the slowburn drives me nuts but jaehyun is SO fucking flirty i wanna punch his face.
domaine de la romanée. by @heartau. jaehyun x female reader. angst, smut, slowburn. richkid!au. warning: very, very, very explicit sexual content. even the most pure become tainted when their eyes meet his. this was doomed from the start; you knew it was dangerous, you knew it was bad - but all those thoughts left your mind the second he made you feel good. 
dive. by @yougotthatbilly. jaehyun x female reader. smut. fratboy!au, college!au. warning: oiud smoking.
sleep well, princess. by @anashins. jaehyun x female reader. ft. big brother!taeyong. fluff, angst, romance, smut, slow burn. big brother's bestfriend!au, childhood friend-to-lover!au.
hot girl bummer. by @domjaehyun. jaehyun x female reader. smut. tw: dubcon, potentially triggering. you hate your brother's bestfriend.
team captain. by @smileysuh. jaehyun x female reader. smut, crack. fratboy!au, college!au. jaehyun is a notorious lady killer, everyone wants him. except for you, yuta's bestfriend.
mr.jung. by @domjaehyun. jaehyun x female reader. smut. ceo!jaehyun. secretary!reader.
kating ganteng. by lanlunanit. jaehyun x female oc. fluff, angst. college!au. tw: car crash, potentially triggering. written in indonesian. fics in chat format.
wine, vinyls, and flannels. by teenfinite123. jaehyun x rose. nctpink. angst. romance. leaving a friend's crowded apartment party, playing vinyls, and drinking cheap wine at 1 am.
please stay. by Diana_1203. jaehyun x rose. nctpink. angst, romance. for she was just a mere princess who was head over heels for the brave warrior.
ethereal. by @celestialmark. jaehyun x female reader. fluff, slice of life, slow burns. he was the living definition of ethereal, and his beauty shone the most on the inside.
aurora. sequel of ethereal by @celestialmark. jaehyun x female reader. fluff, angst, slice of life, slow burns. even when you were in the middle of breaking his heart, he still made the conscious decision to see the best in you. note: i love this masterpiece SOOOOO fucking much! so much feeling that's wrecking my heart (i'm SO glad it has a happy ending). i hate how jaehyun is so surreal, too beautiful to be true. wishing we have this kind of jaehyun at least one in our live.
secrets of the hill. by @baobaojng. jaehyun x female reader. angst, fluff. 1800's jaehyun!au, arranged marriage!au. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? inactive. in the present day you are confused; you do not know who you are and you find yourself on an impossible quest to find out— until you wake up in the 1800’s, engaged to a hauntingly beautiful and uptight man who tries to figure out why the girl he’s been betrothed to has drastically changed. note: i love this fic sooooooooo much and it makes me sad the last time the author updated this fic was back then in 2020 ;;
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venuran · 3 months
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚓𝚞𝚖𝚙, 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞, "𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑?"
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
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liliansun · 8 months
OUR LAST KISS : 14 : breedable and submissive
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summary : he was cute, he knew how to poke at her soft spots and he knew what to say to make her laugh, but mal wasn’t like any other girl. she knew his type and she knew they’d never get past messing around in the night and forgetting about it during the day. so why is he always on her mind, even after he left? guess that last kiss he gave left more of an impact on her then he thought it did.
prev : 15 : joy? life360 : masterlist
taglist : @dinonuguaegi @shwizhies @jaylaxies @dearlyminhyung @minkyuncutie @cutesince2000 @haechansbbg @i6renj @luv4jeno @softieluvsyou @haechology
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04ira · 9 months
invisible string h.rj
how life is with bff Renjun :’)
warnings: none. fluff w/ a little bit of angst
note: not proof read bare w me 😔☝🏻
Renjun have been your friend for 15 years. Both of you grew up together, basically spent half of your life with him. You were used to people assuming that you guys are dating, and both of you usually doesn’t care.
Even your and his friends ships the both of you, sometimes even questions if you guys are really just friends. Because who the hell cancels a blind date just to go grocery shopping with his bestfriend?? who the hell leaves on a clubbing night with his friends because you were craving mcdonalds????
Renjun Huang. Renjun Huang would do that. He was always one call away. He’s always ready to drop everything when it comes to you, and sometimes you wonder “why is he like this?” but you know…. maybe it was an act of kindness..? since you’re his bestfriend for 15 years. You can’t be falling for this can you??
9:35 AM
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard someone open your bedroom door.
It was Renjun.
“You’re awake. Let’s eat, i cooked breakfast”
He always do this too. It’s like you get a bestfriend premium package. Renjun goes to your dorm every weekends to apparently spend time with his 15 years bestfriend. This only happened recently though. Since his university was far from yours, he came up with this idea to hang out every weekend to stay connected and relevant to each other.
“Will you stop typing on your phone and actually eat and talk to me?” Renjun said while looking at you annoyed because he was blabbering already about his week only to realize you weren’t listening.
“Sorry, i was talking to my friends.” You reasoned, but you were actually tweeting in your private account freaking out because you were still not used to this set up.
“You’re talking to your friends while your bestfriend HERE for 15 YEARS is staring at you because you were supposed to spend time with him and not let him watch you talk to others.”
Rj said completely annoyed. You laughed at his half annoyed half sulking face. You said you’re sorry and actually talked to him happily.
10:28 AM
Both of you finished breakfast and went to watch a movie in your living room. At first, you guys argued about what genre of the movie will be. You wanted to watch a horror movie but he said it was too early for that and suggested watching romance movie instead.
You ended up agreeing with him and both decided to watch Titanic. You guys were halfway through the movie and this isn’t the first time both of you watched this movie. But you hated him and yourself for choosing this movie
because now you’re actually fucking crying at 11:30 AM. Seriously? WHY would you be crying at 11 freaking am??
You’re sitting in the couch laying your head in Renjun’s chest sobbing and crying your heart out while munching your popcorn while Renjun was laughing at your crying face. This isn’t the first time he sees you crying, he just finds it amusing that you really do cry because of a movie.
01:18 PM
You were sound asleep in Renjun’s chest. Tired from all the crying and you were comfortable leaning on his chest. He only stared at you, wiping the dried tears on your face and sometimes giggles everytime he remembers your crying face. He lets you sleep on his chest and slept on his own.
03:10 PM
You woke up without Renjun beside you. You checked your phone notifications and saw his message that said he was buying ingredients for dinner and that he couldn’t wake you up because you were sleeping peacefully. You smiled at his thoughtfulness. You’d be lying if you say that you don’t think about if you guys were something else. But you already accepted that you guys were only bestfriends long time ago.
You liked him back in 7th grade until 9th grade. You only acted as his friend though. You didn’t try sending signals and making a move, you knew he didn’t look at you and think of you that way. He would tell you about girls he like and his type, you would do the same but the difference is you actually talk about him. He just doesn’t know.
7th grade.
It’s monday. You were seating next to the window in your classroom, watching sport players training in the field while listening to music playing in your airpods. You felt someone seat next to you, but didn’t bother looking because you already knew it was Renjun. He would always do this during class break and annoy you, but this time, he didn’t do anything but actually just sat next to you while reading a book you recommended him a week ago.
You looked at him, he suddenly looked different…? Him actually focused in reading a book and his hair styled differently than usual…made you think he looked different..
of course, he looked different. He changed his hairstyle to the hairstyle you also recommended to him a week ago saying that it would look good in him. You weren’t aware that him changing his hairstyle would also make your feelings for him change.
8th grade.
Today was nothing different from your other school days. You went to class, studied future lessons in the library after and now you’re going home. Went to the convenience store first to buy ice cream and eat it while walking home.
You were walking home when you walk past your village’s park. You saw a figure that looked familiar with another figure that also looked familiar.
It was Renjun. With your class muse…?
They were talking. Renjun was saying something while she was only smiling at him and listening. Renjun pulled her into a hug.
And she hugs him back. She was the girl Renjun was talking about days ago. She’s pretty, smart, sporty, and kind. Totally his type.
Did he confess? Did she say yes?
The ice cream you were eating melts as your heart also breaks. Salty tears were about to fall so you walked fast while trying to stop yourself from crying. So many thoughts was running into your mind. “Why am i crying? why does it hurt? I’m only his bestfriend.”
“What am i gonna say when he tells me about this?”
You finally got up to your room, went straight to your bed to cry your heart out. You already put your phone on dnd to avoid receiving calls and messages from him. And to also distance yourself from everyone. You would just make up an excuse tomorrow why you weren’t able to answer his calls and messages.
9th grade.
It was thursday. You were eating with your other friends at your school watching the sport players train in the field. They were blabbering about their crushes when they asked you “What about you? Are you interested in someone?” Your friend asked smiling.
You smiled back, bittersweet smile. “No, i’m not interested on someone right now.” Your other friend suddenly giggled. “Are you sure? because the first time i saw you, you were with a guy! A little too close with him to only just be friends.” She was a transferee. She didn’t know much about my friendship with Renjun.
You and your friend also laughed.
“That was her childhood bestfriend, dummy!” Your friend butted in. You watched her mouth form an 0 shape and smiled apologetically.
You smiled back. You were used to people mistaking your relationship with Renjun.
But it’s true. You guys were a little too close to each other especially now that he has a girlfriend. And so you’ve decided to avoid him. It’s been 2 weeks actually, going 3 weeks. You haven’t talked to him, not even a single word.
You weren’t replying to his messages, he was restricted from all of your social media accounts and you also avoid bumping into him at school. Though, he tries to talk to you at school but during lunch break he would always be with his girlfriend or his bball team after class.
But today you saw him walking from the other side of the field. Your friends were talking to each other and you were staring at him, it was lunch break. He’s with his girlfriend. Of course.
He saw you. He waved. You also waved back.
Maybe it was time to stop avoiding him and let him go. You thought that it was immature to just throw your friendship with him just like that. Though, you really needed that space.
That day was the day when you accepted that he was only your bestfriend. Only ever will be your bestfriend. Maybe he’s your soulmate. Platonic soulmate. A soulmate doesn’t have to be a romantic partner.
03:49 PM
You smiled at the bittersweet memories as you heard the door open revealing Renjun carrying what he bought at the market. You sat up and walked towards him to help him. He says thank you as you helped him organize the foods he bought.
You went to your room and took a shower while Renjun was in the living room playing PUBG with Haechan and Chenle. You heard their arguments and playful remarks while playing.
04:45 PM
You finished showering and doing your skincare. You cleaned your room and when you went out of your room, you saw Renjun preparing the ingredients in the kitchen to start cooking. You went up to him and asks how can you help.
Both of you did your parts in preparing dinner.
06:35 PM
Both of you just finished preparing for dinner and were just waiting for the rice to cook. While waiting, he opens up the photo album from your bookshelf. It was the photo album of the both of you ever since you guys were kids.
Reminiscing memories with him. “I still remember this. This was the day when you cried because i didn’t want to play princess tea party with you.” Renjun said staring at the picture of you crying while he was standing cluelessly. You were 9 years old and he was 10 years old in this picture.
07:20 PM
You were eating dinner with him. Both of you talked about how university life was treating the both of you. How you both wants to go back to your province and spend time with family.
He smiles listening to you talk about how you miss going to you guys’ spot in the province, you stopped talking as he wiped the side of your lip. “There was a stain.”
Both of you finished eating, as you offered to wash the dishes since he has been doing all the chores since earlier. He agreed.
You thought he went to the living room while you were washing the dishes but he’s actually watching you from behind. When he suddenly comes up behind you and hugs you from behind.
“I really missed you. Wish i could stay here all the time.” You laughed.
“You’re so dramatic.”
“I’m trying to be sweet what.” He said sounding offended as you literally made him feel like you’re rejecting his affection for you.
You’re used to this. His love language was physical touch. You don’t think differently of his actions anymore.
10:45 PM
You’re seating in the couch with Renjun beside you as you watch him play PUBG on his Ipad.
You yawned as you were already sleepy. Renjun heard and also noticed that your eyes were almost closing.
“You’re such a sleepy head.”
“You’re still not used to it? You have to.” You defended as he only laughed at your defense.
You told him that you’re gonna go to your room and sleep already since you can’t wait for him to finish his game. He said okay and kissed your forehead and went back to play his game.
You went to your room and slept. You smiled as you wish nothing of this would change. You don’t wish for anything else and you’re contented with what you have with him. He is indeed your soulmate. :)
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cloudparadise · 11 months
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Lead guitarist yangyang 🐑🎸and drummer hendery 🦄🥁!!!! I’m making a new au, a wayv rockstar au 😼 I really hope you like it 🫶
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sungberry · 1 year
1x1 roleplay partner search !
update 28 January 2024: i’m currently no longer looking for enhypen rps. consider this post as CLOSED
hi hi! my name is emery and it's been a while since i have made a proper request on my blog so here we are<3
i'm 20 years old, and i am looking for 18+ writing partners to do member x member bxb roleplay with ! note that i do not accept ocs. 3rd person, past tense, the range would be 350+ words with proper grammar.
other: i talk a lot so BEWARE... just your local crackhead (although i'll be trying to make this post sound cool)
i am into most genres except for a few. i tend to always include fantasy themes in my roleplays, so if you're not okay with some magic here and there, we probably wouldn't be the best match !
okay with nsfw themes (including smut) if it flows. i want my partner to be a switch, especially when we have more pairings than just one. this is something i am not willing to compromise about. with that being said, i am all for multiple ships! not doubles... but multiverse type of a deal.
discord is the only platform i write / interact on!
while i prefer active writing partners, i do get that life gets in the way sometimes. personally, i reply once a day depending on how many replies i have to write down and my overall inspiration<3 please communicate if anything, because i can't stand ghosting and being left in the dark for weeks / months.
currently looking for enhypen roleplays mostly. i'd be willing to write anyone in the group depending on the plot, although i will not participate in romantic pairings with niki. i have many other groups i am familiar with, although enha has been my main brainrot so far! lastly, i'm also semi-okay with other k-pop crossovers, tho i am especially picky with them ><
pls collaborate. i will not lead the entire plot by myself - no need to be afraid to drop your ideas. with that being said, i’ll repeat myself that i can’t deal with dry texters, one way replies and such, pls show me at least some interest if you wanna rp with me! ^^
i'm a big ooc person - i can't rp with people i cannot be friends with ooc! something about it just feels awkward UDFHBGJDF
below is my carrd, you can find me rambling into detail about what i have written above + triggers + limits + writing samples and more groups i am familiar with. please kindly read it if i have caught your interest so far c:
with all of that being said, thank you for reading! make sure to like this post or directly message me in case of interest ^^
note: i tend to exchange writing samples with my partner to make sure that we match writing-wise and enjoy each other's content!
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neocrias · 1 month
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really nice guy who only hates you
Sinopse : Jeno hates you and always makes it clear, but you don't care because the feeling is mutual. Until one day, your mutual friends set you up and the unwanted encounter ends in a way neither of you could have imagined.
wc: 4,6K gênero: fluff; kind of haters to lovers; slightly suggestive
Jeno doesn't know why he hates you so much, but he definitely hates you.
From the minute you walked into the arcade, walked into the hangout of his friends, clinging to Jaemin's arm and pretending to be all cute and innocent, he knew he didn't like you and decided to make it clear. Jeno didn't look in your direction when you spoke, he didn't laugh at your jokes - even though his whole group of friends thought it was funny - and whenever he had to talk to you he was harsh and rude.
He never bothered to be at least a little polite to you and there were many times when he bumped into you on purpose just to annoy you. He succeeded every time, by the way. 
Also, you were never a very patient girl and this only worsened the hostile atmosphere between the two of you. 
Maybe it was your very confident manner, or your different style, maybe it was the way you gestured when you spoke... Jeno doesn't know what it was, but he knows he hates you. And if he could do everything he wants, surely, "spill a bucket of paint when you pass him in the hallway" would be the first thing. Oh, he longed for the moment when he could tear the confident, self-centered expression off your face, removing all the happy sparkle from your eyes was his biggest dream.
You hated it too. So maybe the enmity was reciprocated, but you knew it wasn't. You didn't hate Jeno, not in the same way he hated you, but you sure hated the way he treated you.
He never bothered to be even a little polite to you and there were many times when he bumped into you on purpose just to annoy you. He succeeded every time, by the way. You were never a very patient girl and that only made the hostile atmosphere between the two of you even worse.
One day you went to see the new cafeteria that opened on the university campus.
At first the whole group would go, until everyone, one by one, canceled. Leaving only you, Jaemin and Jeno to go alone. Of course, none of the three bothered to check the group chat conversations, so the reaction of disgust you and Jeno had when meeting each other was too dramatic and annoying even for Jaemin – who has always been very patient and playful with your mutual hatred.
That day, however, he didn't want to hear about the bullshits between you, feeling too tired to deal with it. Jeno didn't take the hint and made sure to hit the bottom of your glass when you went to drink your juice, consequently dirtying you on purpose. You also didn't act as polite as you should’ve and on impulse threw all the rest of your cold drink in his face in retaliation.
— I told you, man — Jeno commented when you shot back. The boy wiped his face with his hands and then twisted his wet shirt with an arrogant look and proud of the reaction he managed to get out of you. He was talking exclusively to Jaemin, his best friend, as if you weren't by their side. — She hides behind this sweet girl façade, but she's stupid.
— YOU are stupid, stupid asshole.
— You don't even know how to curse —  Jeno crossed his arms, being the arrogant bastard he's always been with you. He had a sneer gracing his thin lips and an eyebrow raised in defiance.
You wanted to rip that evil smile off his face in the most violent way, but you prioritized your friendship with Jaemin and only for that reason you made an effort to have a greater tolerance for the boy's teasing, unfortunately you lost control this time and already felt the guilt because of the disappointed look Jaemin gave you.
— Jaem… — you called in a restrained voice, pouting your lips when your eyes filled with tears of anger and frustration, you tried to hold back the tears, refusing to cry in front of Jeno.
The blond let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his temples hard, looking at you with the most tired and annoyed expression. — That's it, let's go.
— Oh, what's up!? — Jeno complained nervously. — Are you going to stay by her side even when she does shit?
— You're the one who started it — Jaemin warned.
— It was just a joke — Jeno said.
— A joke, my ass — you grumbled and Jeno gave you an angry look, silently yelling at you to keep your mouth shut.
— I'm tired of you two — Jaemin complained. The blond chattered endlessly, complaining about you at such a fast speed that the two of you missed half of the scrambled words. — Act like an adult at least once in your life and stop messing it up for everyone.
This happened a few weeks ago. About the same number of weeks you don't see Jaemin, or the other boys in the group. It's not that they're purposely excluding you. You're just too ashamed of your lack of control to face any of them, especially your best friend.
Even remembering it makes you angry. Because of the damn Lee Jeno you don't even have the courage to look at Jaemin and what makes it worse, is the knowledge that he's only like that with you.
You see how Jeno is so kind to everyone else, always offering to help anyone who needs it, even the ones he doesn't know, always promoting group study sessions for friends who are struggling, and you've been actively excluded from all the sessions by him. Jeno has even driven his car over a puddle of water just to get you wet, when earlier that same day he handed over the umbrella to a pair of freshmen to get home without getting wet.
Tired of feeling lonely and miserable, you decided that you would go after Jaemin today. You felt the need to apologize for your behavior before, even after the boy asked you incessantly to have a little more patience.
The walk to Jaemin's dorm was very quick, taking no more than 15 minutes at a slow pace, and the cool spring weather was an incentive for his apology. Without realizing it, you arrived in front of the small and old dull yellow apartment, the doorman didn't even bother to announce your presence, already used to you wandering around the building. Tired of feeling lonely and miserable, you decided that you would go after Jaemin today. I felt the need to apologize for your behavior before, even after the blond asked you incessantly to have a little more patience.
— I haven't seen you in a while! — he greeted.
— Hi, Mr. Choi — you replied with a sympathetic smile. — Is Jaem home?
— Oh, yes. He arrived a few minutes ago, you were lucky. 
With a restrained thank you you took the stairs up to the third floor, where he shared an apartment with Renjun, a design student, and Jisung, a freshman in the dance course.
You give three rhythmic knocks on the door, his trademark and after a few minutes of waiting, Jaemin appears disheveled and with swollen eyes. 
— Thank God, I thought you were going to run away from me forever — he complained, but he wasn't mad, and pulled you into a tight hug. 
— I was embarrassed — muttered. — I know I promised I wouldn't do anything stupid, but…
— But Jeno won't give you a break — Renjun shouted from the couch.
— You didn't have an internship today? — you asked. 
— I traded my time off with Soohee — he replied simply.
— That's weird, you know? — Jisung, who was coming back from the kitchen, eating another one of his many packages of ramen, asked rhetorically. — Jeno hyung is usually very nice and kind, I don't understand why you guys are like that... 
— Because he hates me!
— That's the problem, Jeno hyung doesn't hate anyone.
— Well, there's a first time for everything, I guess.
Jaemin remained silent during the conversation and sat down next to Renjun on the couch, going back to paying attention to the movie they were watching before you arrived.
— I’m really really sorry, Jaem
— Don’t be. He had it coming — Jaemin comforted you, pulling you to sit with them and watch the movie. Suddenly, everything was fine again.
— Dude, I think you're crossing the line with her — Chenle complained about the drama between Jeno and Jaemin's best friend.
The Chinese didn't understand what his friend had against you, in fact, Chenle liked you. To him, you were a nice, funny, decisive girl, you knew very well what you wanted and you didn't give much confidence to anyone who wasn't your friend. This, of course, gave you a bad name in the halls of college during integration week, some upperclassmen didn't like being continually let go by you, so they made up a rumor or two out there, but you never cared. Chenle admired that. 
— Fuck, even you, dude? — Jeno was unhappy. No one was on his side, and he began to question whether he was really overreacting to you. This made him hate you even more, again for no reason.
— At this point it just seems like you can't control that you're like SUPER into her — Haechan proves.
— Not everyone is a weirdo like you who likes to make girls cry, Haechan — Jeno pinched the tip of his nose.
— Not everyone — the brunette agreed — but you sure do.
Chenle let out a loud laugh, amused by Jeno's irritation, but he couldn't help but think about how Haechan's theory made a bit of sense, so the Chinese asked incredulously. — Dude, are you seriously into her?
— Of course not, idiot. 
— So you're intimidated by her? — Chenle insisted once more, and that only made Jeno even angrier. Jeno rolled his eyes hard and crossed his arms uncomfortably and replied with an arrogant voice.
— Intimidated by what?
— Well, she has a reputation.
— So? 
— SO you are afraid to get dumped by her? 
— Ugh! As if!
The two boys continued arguing heatedly as Jeno grew more and more annoyed, which only amused Chenle more and more and made the Chinese man laugh loudly. Eventually, Jeno got up and locked himself in his room, slamming the door hard to make his anger clear.
Haechan smirks and Chenle realized right away that their older friend was planning something bad – or good, if seen from the right point of view. 
— What are you planning?
— Only good things — Haechan replied. Then the two exchanged complicit glances and smiled mischievously at each other, already knowing where they wanted to go and immediately agreeing to the plan.
haechan created the "genius idea" group haechan added renjunnie haechan added Jaemin
jisung: I don’t think this is a good idea, hyung
haechan: Don’t be a pussy, jisung
Jaemin: no, he is right, haechan-ah that’s a terrible idea
haechan: Jaemin, trust me a little, ok? I know what I'm doing, man!
Jaemin: i don't think so… rejunnie: maybe he’s right
haechan: I’m always right, man.
chenle: My thought exactly
Jaemin: i should know you’ll be involved on this you little brat
chenle: You know what they say: great minds think alike
haechan: Come on, he’s so into her. It’s getting stupid!
renjunnie: what could go wrong? they already hate each other…
jisung: So… what do you think, hyung?
Jaemin let out a tired, thoughtful sigh. He knew that this was definitely not a good idea, but maybe it was a necessary move.
If Haechan's theory was right and in fact Jeno was into you and just didn't know how to react, then maybe it would change things for all of you and for the whole group to be honest. But if Haechan was wrong...
Jaemin doesn't even like to think about that possibility.
In the end, he decided to give his - almost always - well-meaning friend's crazy ideas a chance. Without giving it much thought, Jaemin typed his reply:
Jaemin: fine let’s do it
Now he just needed to talk to the two of you, especially you. 
It would be easy to convince Jeno to go out with the group, all he needed to say was that it would be a date with the boys and the brunette would be there in a flash. But it was different with you. 
You two hung out a lot, Renjun and Jisung joining you often, but when Haechan and Chenle got together, it meant that Jeno would join in too. And you'd been avoiding him like the plague ever since the incident in the cafeteria, wanting to ignore him at all costs. So it would be hard to convince you to go out with the whole group again and Jaemin was the one responsible for thinking of something to change that.
He called you earlier that evening, biting his nails anxiously at having to lie to you when one of his promises was never to lie. Guilt was already coursing through him, so he hoped it would pay off.
— Jaem? Did something happen? — your sleepy, soft voice rang out on the other end of the line when you picked up after the fifth ring. — Are you all right? Do you need help?
He only realized he'd been too long without answering when you started firing off questions in a hurried and worried manner. Jaemin let out a nervous, breathy laugh before answering. - I'm fine. A bit anxious, actually.
— What do you want now, Na Jaemin? — you asked from the other side, this time in an impatient and accusatory voice.
— The boys are going to have a meeting at the usual arcade, to celebrate Haechan's scientific initiation…
— No — you cut him off, knowing full well that he was going to ask you to go along and, normally, you would have accepted, because you liked going out with the boys, but now you were avoiding Jeno like the plague.
— Please, I need you there! — Jaemin hurried. — Yuki's going and she hasn't left my side for months, I kind of need...
— That I help you get her off your back? — you cut him off once again. — Why don't you just tell him you're not interested? 
— I've already tried!
— Jaem, I don't know if...
— Please, for me? — Jaemin knew it was a low blow, but if he wanted you to go he'd have to appeal to the emotional. Anyway, it's your fault for being a butter heart.
He heard her heavy sigh on the other end of the line along with annoyed grumbles, cursing herself for being so soft.
— Okay...
— Yes! I love you, you know that, right? — he thanked you, and imitated various kissing noises. You laughed tiredly and hung up on him, not wanting to put up with any more of your best friend's mushiness.
Okay, you've gone, now all that's left is Jeno.
You entered the arcade alone after waiting for Jaemin for long minutes outside. You also flooded his number with messages and calls that he deliberately decided to ignore. 
— Na Jaemin, I swear to God... — you grumbled, entering the vintage arcade that no one knows how it has managed to hold together over the decades and looking for the boys at the tables in the integrated cafeteria, but finding no one.
You picked up your cell phone again and checked the time: it was just after 6 p.m. "Maybe I'm too early," you thought to yourself, calculating the possibilities and deciding that this was what had happened.
To pass the time, you ordered a strawberry milkshake. You were happily savoring the sweetness of your frozen dessert, feeling minimally happy at the start of the evening, but your happiness didn't last long because it was at that moment that you noticed Jeno entering the arcade, also alone and angry.
— Of all people… — you grumbled, rolling your eyes.
If the boy saw you here, he made a point of not showing it and walked straight past you. Jeno sat at the last table, sprawled on the brown leather sofa and typing furiously on his cell phone, his thick eyebrows furrowed in concentration until he raised his face in confusion, feeling that he was being watched.
So your eyes met and he made a sneer that was promptly reciprocated by you. When Jeno raised an eyebrow, as if to silently say "what are you looking at?", you responded with an exaggerated roll of the eyes and turned away from him.
The arcade was still partially empty and therefore quieter than usual, so it wasn't hard to hear the sound of heavy boxes falling to the floor in a loud thud, followed by a thin scream that aroused your attention and concern.
— Oh my God! Are you all right? — you asked hurriedly and got up from the bench you were sitting on. Just as you were about to lift the mobile bench to help the attendant, Jeno pushed you, getting in front of you to get to the little accident faster.
— Idiot — you grumbled.
— Are you all right? — he asked, gently lifting the girl off the floor and checking that she had no apparent injuries.
— I'm fine — the girl replied quietly. — I was startled by the boxes falling, but they're all empty, so I'm fine.
She let out an embarrassed laugh, looking at Jeno and then at you with cheeks red with embarrassment. You realized that there was no point in trying to help her, thanks to Jeno who monopolized the girl's attention with his exaggerated worries, so you decided to pick up the boxes that were scattered on the floor and the few packages that fell out of them.
— Thank you, you've been very kind — she thanked you for what seemed like the fifth time in a row. — You can order whatever you like — she suggested, looking hopefully at the two of you as you gathered outside the counter again. Seeing your refusal, she insisted — It's on the house.
— I've already eaten — You pointed to the half-empty glass of milk shake.
— My friends aren't coming anymore, so I'm leaving — Jeno denied it and you turned your face away in confusion, looking at him in shock and denial. 
You took your cell phone out of your pocket, looking for the group chat and frantically reading the messages in search of answers. You refused to believe Jeno, but Jaemin's singular message apologizing was the cruel confirmation you needed.
— Shit! — you both complained together - which surprised both of you - but the reasons were quite different for you.
You were stressed that Jaemin had let you down, you felt angry and disappointed that he had lied to you and used the "for our friendship" card to manipulate you into meeting the tormentor of your nightmares.
For Jeno, the situation was a little worse, as his stalker was walking towards him with a wide, frightening smile that didn't reach his glazed blue eyes. In the same minute he felt his breathing become heavy and his knees give way, he looked around, thinking of the best way to get out of there without the girl catching up with him.
You noticed your enemy's desperate face, trembling hands and ragged breathing after noticing the foreign girl approaching. You looked at him, then at her, then back at him and decided that you could revel in the suffering of the boy who was too nice to everyone but you. So you turned your back on him and picked up your bag, preparing to leave and leave him behind.
Jeno didn't react with anything other than frightened glances and an unsure step backwards when the girl started to come closer and try to touch his face with her pale hands. You wanted to punch yourself in the face for worrying about the boy who had been nothing but cruel and rude to you, but his cowed reactions got to you.
Jaemin was right, you do have a heart of butter.
With an exasperated sigh you moved back closer to the boy, entwining your arms with his and stared at the girl with your typical cold, sharp eyes that you wore as your personal armor against the harassment you suffered from seniors at the beginning of college.
The blonde girl looked at you with the same fury in her eyes as you looked at her, but you didn't let yourself be intimidated. She was no match for you anyway.
— Is something wrong? — you asked with disinterest.
— Yes! — she was impatient and clenched her fists in a firm, furious grip. — You're touching my boyfriend!
— Your boyfriend? Are you sure? - you replied condescendingly. — Because it seems he can't even stand to look at you and neither can I.
— You don't know who you're messing with — said the girl, trying to look intimidating.
You just smiled mischievously in response and took two steps towards her, towering over her who is considerably smaller than you. With your chin held high and a glint of pure evil in your eyes, you replied: — And do you know who you're messing with?
You must have looked really scary because she blinked in shock and staggered backwards, her eyes blinking nervously, trying to understand what had just happened. Jeno was also surprised - and a little scared - by your attitude, suddenly remembering the feeling he had when he first saw you on campus.
Contrary to what he remembered, it wasn't with Jaemin. On the first day, the veterans organized a hazing to welcome the freshmen and you were there, looking all proud and fearless for refusing each of the challenges they proposed until the leader got too angry to deal with you and sent you away with a simple wave of his hand and a tired sigh. 
That day he realized that you were everything he wanted to be and would never be: able to stand up for yourself. That day he also realized that he was jealous and intimidated by you, so when you showed up behind Jaemin, acting completely different from when you were alone, he decided that he didn't trust you and therefore hated you.
Now, Jeno couldn't feel more grateful for your duality. Thanks to you, Ava was gone and he could return home without having to deal with the girl's obsessive and stalkerish attitude.
He sighed with relief. But the feeling only lasted a brief moment, because as soon as he looked at you again, he saw the way your eyes looked worried. Worried about him.
Without understanding what he were feeling, Jeno got angry again and shoved his shoulder into yours as he walked away. You snorted in disbelief and glared at him angrily, watching his broad back move away towards the alley where he had stashed his bike. 
In an impulse of rage, you went after him, stepping heavily as you were equally annoyed, running a little to catch up with him.
— Is that what I get for my thanks? — you shout marching after him and when all he does is walk faster without looking back, taking the bike key out of his jacket to leave, you feel even angrier and run after him, pushing his back hard.
Jeno stumbles, but manages to balance himself and turns to you with a red face and furious eyes. — I didn't ask for your fucking help, okay? — he shouts back and towers over you.
You don't back down, in fact you take another brave step forward, coming face to face with him. — You couldn't do that even if you wanted to. You were acting like a puppy who'd lost its mother — you teased, pushing his chest with your index finger. It wouldn't hurt, but if you were going to annoy him, you'd take your chance. — You missed peeing your pants, scaredy little puppy.
He pushed your shoulders back in retaliation and, after a shocked sigh, you retaliated by doing the same thing to him. The two of you repeated the childish act a few times, never too hard to hurt, but enough to cause a nuisance.
— Dude, what's your problem with me? What the fuck have I ever done to you? — you shouted. Lucky for you, the street was empty, except for a trio of friends who had passed you both earlier without caring. — Apart from getting you rid of that crazy bitch, of course!?
— You get in my way all the fucking time. You've wormed your way into my group of friends, into my life and now I can't even hate you in peace because you can't stop being the Miss heroine who has to save the day, can you?
You laughed out loud, throwing your head back. — Have you heard yourself? — you asked incredulously. — You sound like you're into me and you don't know how to ask me out.
You tried to joke, hoping that sarcasm would be able to get you out of this weird and confusing situation you've gotten yourselves into, but Jeno was serious. Staring at you in shock and realization, expressions that you were quick to copy the next second.
Before you could say anything else, Jeno grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you eagerly. It was quick, strong and desperate, like the first impulse to breathe after drowning for so long. You gave in almost automatically, your body instinctively knowing what to do, accepting him as if he had always been yours. In fact, he was, he just didn't want to admit it.
You melted in Jeno's warm hands. The boy's soft lips tasted like paradise itself. You almost felt your knees give out when he circled his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. 
You encircled the boy's neck with your arms and propelled yourself on tiptoe so that you were at the same height, making the kiss more comfortable for both of you. You pushed back, trying to make space between you so that you could breathe.
Jeno wasted no time and trailed kisses down your cheek, jaw and neck, sending shivers down your spine at the ghostly sensation of his touch. Everything was so new and intense for both of you that all you wanted to do was give yourself to each other right then and there.
He took precise steps forward, pushing your body back until you were leaning slightly against the leather seat of his motorcycle. His right hand went to the back of your neck, gripping your hair to keep you where he wanted you.
Your lungs were burning from lack of air, and although you didn't want to, you pushed back, trying to make space between you so that you could breathe.
But Jeno wasn't satisfied with just that. When you pulled away, he wasted no time in trailing kisses down your cheek, jaw and neck, sending shivers down your spine at the ghostly sensation of his touch. It was all so new and intense for both of you that all you wanted to do was give yourself to each other right then and there.
— I can't fucking believe it, Lee Jeno — you complained, but this time your voice had a tone of amusement, causado by the situation and the playful little bites the boy was leaving at the base of your neck.
— I don't believe it either… — he replied and gently brushed the hair from your face. — I still hate you, just so you know.
— It's mutual — you replied teasingly and they both smiled mischievously.
— Yeah? — he replied before coming closer once more, surrounding you with his scent. His lips brushed against yours so lightly that you leaned in, wanting to kiss him again.
Você acenou com a cabeça em confirmação, o que só fez Jeno sorrir ainda mais.
— That's even better.
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00127am · 5 months
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CHAPTER SIX : on the dark side of the (sailor) moon
@ notyourmalelead top of his class, hallway crush kim doyoung isn't very interested in his semester long partnership with sailor moon obsessed, popular vlogger ln yn. until your larger than life crush on him is revealed. then he's much more interested in proving that he's not your male lead (and subsequently wishing he was).
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taglist. @haechansbbg @evilsailorsenshi @firstdonutllamafarm @90s-belladonna thank for you for supporting not your male lead! ♥︎
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🧾 © 00127am 2024
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neodreamzenie · 1 year
Mafia Member j.jh SERIES
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Mafia Member pt. 4
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Wc: 0.4k Warnings: Mention of kidnapping Genre: Angst
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Y/n P.O.V
I was casually staring at the white ceiling, thinking about the most random things, when the door opened, revealing Taeyong and 7 other men. "So, we have a question." He started. "Well, sure, but who are these people?" I replied. "They're other members. Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle and our youngest; Jisung." Two of them looked very familiar to you, you just couldn't sort them...
"So, back to what I was saying, we wanted to know if you'd like to join us." Taeyong said. "Wait. So you're kidnapping me, keeping me on this goddamn chair even tying me to it, just to ask me to join you? Did you think those few hours in this stupid chair brain washed me? I know I said that there's no fucking point in living to me, but I didn't mean it in a way of 'Oh let me join your mafia group and practically kill myself'! Are you crazy?" You said, completely dumb founded by that question.
"So, I'm asking you one more time. Will you join us, or not?" He asked, with a complete blank expression, obviously annoyed by your reaction. "What are my alternative options?" You asked, hoping for him to not say die. "You'd probably spend the rest of your life on this chair. At least until you die from starvation and thirst." Renjun stated your one and only option. "Well do I even have a choice? Count me in then." You said, rolling back your eyes in annoyance of how your life became something you never could've imagined it to be.
As soon as Jeno finished releasing you from these ropes, they took you to Taeyong's office with little difficultiesin the beginning, your legs aching. Arriving at the door, they signaled you to go in, so you knocked on the door waiting for Jaehyun to open the door for you. So you walked into the room and sat down on the chair that was across from Taeyong - on the other side of the table - who then told Jaehyun to leave the room.
He proceeded to ask you about your age, date of birth, nationality and about relations to other mafia groups or the police. "I'm 22, born on april 14, 1998 and I don't have anything to do with the police or any other mafioso. Also, I'm chinese." Taeyong wrote down what you said in his laptop, mumbling something, ycouldn't quite understand. "What did you say?" "Uh, nothing."
He then handed me a staple of papers and told to read, sign and bring them back until tomorrow.
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kaesficrecarchive · 10 months
[johnny x taeyong]
The Spell That Binds by taeyongseo (35/35 | 201,775 | E)
It was not that Johnny and his friends had a penchant for getting into trouble. It was just that letting the Gryffindors win was not an option. And then there was Taeyong, top-of-the-class Taeyong, who always seemed to be around to watch them all with a disapproving frown. Getting a rise out of the Ravenclaw prefect was half the fun, really.
part 1 of Tales of the Tablespoon Universe
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