#Neil Melendez x reader imagines
specialagentlokitty · 11 months
Melendez x reader - a chance
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Could I get a Dr. Melendez x reader? The reader is shy, quiet, short, and chubby and she is shocked when he asks her out. She is his age and is a nurse. - Anon💜
Standing next to the desk, you crouched down, smiling at the little girl who has run over to you.
“My mommy wants ice chips, can I have ice chips?” She asked.
“Absolutely, you can both have some.”
The girl grinned from ear to ear and followed you to get the two cups, and you walked her back to her moms room, smiling at the woman.
“I’m sorry, I told her not to ask.”
“You don’t have to worry, it’s what it’s there for, and we’ve got more than enough to share. Do you need anything else?”
The woman shook her head and you smiled as you left her room, heading back to the nurses station.
Humming to yourself, you began to wonder in and out of every room to make sure that everybody was doing okay before writing it all in their files.
“Alright, I’m done, I’m going home.”
“See you later (Y/N).” The other nurse smiled.
Smiling back, you headed to grab you things before making your way towards the stairs.
You looked at the time and sighed to yourself, you were hungry, but you were also tired and didn’t know what you wanted to do first.
If you napped, you could eat later, but you thought maybe eating first would be the best idea.
While you were walking down the stairs, you heard someone fall in line with you and you snapped out of your head, looking towards the side.
“Oh Doctor Melendez, is everything alright? Do you need something?” You asked.
“I just saw you leaving and thought I’d walk out with you if that’s alright?” He asked.
You nodded your head and turned away from him.
“Thank you for doing the rounds on my patients before going, I’d still be here if it weren’t for that.” He chuckled a little.
“You were supposed to go home hours ago, I thought it would help speed up the process after your meeting.”
“Well, it’s much appreciated. Thank you.”
You smiled at him.
Generally doctors didn’t do much with nurses, or interact with them.
In a way Melendez was the same, but you were usually in all of his surgeries, and generally on the same shifts as him so he soon became a familiar face.
Though it wasn’t often that the pair of you talked, not unless it was about work.
Stepping outside, you looked at your phone before walking over stepping to the side of the door, trying to stay out of the rain.
“You aren’t heading home?” Melendez asked.
“Waiting for the bus.”
He looked around before looking at you.
“I can give you a lift if you want, it’s no trouble.”
“I’ll be alright, thanks though.”
He nodded his head and began to leave, offering you once again a lift which you declined.
You did notice a few over the following few weeks how he would talk to you more often, walk you out of the building and sometimes wait for your bus with you.
You didn’t think much about it, you put it down to him needed to get to know his surgical team more, or maybe he was trying to interact with people more.
You weren’t sure.
But you didn’t mind chatting with him, sometimes you would even see him at the bar after work, or the pair of you would walk there together.
So, when you were having lunch you didn’t think twice about him coming over to sit with you.
Smiling you moved your things aside so he could sit in front of you.
“Doctor Melendez.” You greeted.
“You can call me Neil, or just Melendez.” He laughed.
“I know.”
He smiled at you, taking a sip from his coffee.
You went back to eating, the pair of you holding a small conversation as you did.
“Can I ask you something?” He asked.
“You just did.”
You smiled at him as he chuckled.
“Of course you can. What’s up?”
“Would you be open to possibly going on a date with me?”
You nearly dropped your cup, and you quickly set it down as you stared at him in shock.
“I’m sorry?”
“Would you go on a date with me? Maybe dinner? It a few drinks? A movie?”
You took a small breath to compose yourself.
“I… you.. you’re asking me on a date..?”
Melendez smiled softly at you.
“I am.”
He laughed gently.
“Because I think you’re interesting, and beautiful, and smart, and I want to get to know you better.”
You slowly nodded your head, and you stood up from the table.
“I have to go..”
With that you rushed away.
You knew he wouldn’t bring it up while you were both on shift, but during any breaks or when you weren’t all that busy you did everything you could to avoid him.
So when it came for you last break of the day, you decided to head up to the roof to watch the nightlife of the city.
It was peaceful, and gave you time to think.
You heard steps coming closer and you turned around, sighing heavily as you watched the man walk over to you.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have sprung that on you. I shouldn’t have said anything at all, I understand.”
“No.. you don’t have to be sorry..”
You sighed, resting your arms on the rail.
“It’s not.. I mean I’m flattered you asked, I really am..”
“If you’re not interested that’s alright, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. I just hope we can stay friends.”
You looked at him.
“I.. I am interested, believe me I am.”
Melendez furrowed his brows a little bit, and he turned to fully face you.
“You are?”
“Yes. I just.. it’s.. I don’t think it’s a good idea…”
“Can I ask why?”
“You’re you.. and I.. I’m me..”
He rose a brow and you looked away from him, burying your nose into your jacket.
“You’re athletic, and incredibly good looking and successful. I’m me, anything but that, and I can’t even afford a car.”
“I don’t care you can’t afford a car, or that I’m a doctor and you’re a nurse. I think you’re beautiful the way you are, and I would love for the chance to show you that.”
You didn’t reply and he sighed a little, coming over he stood next to you, looking at you.
“You’re the most kind and understanding person k have ever met. I watched you listen to a patient just out of surgery explain to you hundreds of times how they broke their arm and you listened just as enthusiastically as the last time.”
You smiled at the memory.
“He was so high.” You laughed.
“He was.” Melendez chuckled.
You turned to look at him, and he smiled softly, placing his hand on the side of your face.
“I just want the chance to show you how incredible you are, and I’d you don’t want that, it’s alright.”
You sighed a little, and you looked at him.
You had always debated asking him out, but you were always so scared too.
But you looked as the city lights reflected in eyes, and how he smiled so softly at you, and it made your heart skip a beat, made you feel butterflies in your stomach.
“How about dinner?” You asked.
Melendez smiled even more.
“It’s a date, we’ll go after this shift.”
He leant down and kissed your head before he rushed away before anyone started to look for him.
Smiling to yourself, you turned back to watching the city
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chiefdirector · 1 year
hello, can you write an imagine with Dr. Neil Melendez using prompts C & P from fluff? I love your writing, thank youu 🛐🛐🛐
Anaesthesia | Neil Melendez | The Good Doctor
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Doctors, especially surgeons, know the side effects of surgeries like the back of their hands; they have too. The effects of anaesthesia are also commonly known, however they are not usually witnessed or enjoyed by the operating surgeon or anyone on their surgical staff. They tended to check in with the patient thoroughly after the majority of the medication had worn off and had been replaced with morphine.
It had been a while since Neil had experienced it first hand, it was something he swore to himself that he would change. In the beginning he had been worried when (y/n) had to go in for emergency surgery, their appendix had burst. Now, he couldn't help himself from giggling at them whilst encouraging their drug induced antics.
"You're really pretty, you know that right?" They slurred, trying to maintain eye contact with him.
Neil smiled. "Thank you, Dr. (l/n)."
"It is very, very, very, important to me that you know that." They watched as he just laughed alongside them as they continued their rambling. "I don't feel normal."
His smiled dropped.
"`What doesn't feel normal; what's wrong?"
(y/n) pondered his question for a moment, letting the silence thickly drag in the air. They didn't understand the gravity of their declaration and the million thoughts that were rushing through Neil's head. What if the surgery had gone wrong? What if they were experiencing complications and they had to go back under? What if they-?
"I know what it is."
Melendez looked up expectantly.
"I'm cold, I need cuddles."
"Cuddles?" he ask incredulously. (y/n) just nodded their head as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. At this, his worried seem to vanish in a flash and he moved so he could position himself at (y/n)'s side. "Well, who am I do deny a patient."
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americaswritings · 2 years
Warnings: period talk
Summary: You're on your period and Neil offers you a little comfort when he sees you're having a bad day.
Words: 2.2k
Pairing: Neil Melendez x Doctor!reader
A/N: It's ridiculous how much time I wasted searching for a gif and still ending up unsatisfied. But for some reason when I search for gifs on tumblr for my writing I just get reaction memes these days. It's so annoying! Anyway, this was requested. I hope you like it and it's the way you imagined :) I really want to write more again, because it felt so good to just sit down and start typing, but life is so busy at the moment and both my physical and mental health aren't so great too! Hopefully it will all get better soon :)
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You should have known it would be ‘one of those days’ when you walked into work with a belly ache, but you didn’t think much of it, hoping if you just ignored it the pain would eventually go away.
Only it didn’t. Instead it got worse, spreading into your lower back and making it hard to keep standing. All you wanted to do was sit or lie down and not move anymore, perhaps even curl over until the pain faded.
But you were on shift, the ER was buzzing and the hospital was understaffed. Sighing you grabbed the next patient’s file, scanning it quickly as you made your way over to where he was seated. Too late you realized someone was crossing your way and you bumped right into them, startling at the unexpected contact.
“Sorry!” You took a step back and glanced up at the man dressed in the blue scrubs, relieved but also a little nervous to find it was Neil Melendez. The two of you got along well, so well that it made you hope he would eventually ask you out.
But he hadn’t yet and you didn’t have the heart to do it yourself, fearing the humiliation of a rejection since you would have to keep working together.
Neil teased you and he flirted with you, but that didn’t have to mean anything. He was naturally charming. Still you hoped for the moment to come, your heart always losing its steady rhythm for a second when you laid eyes on him.
“It’s nothing.” He smiled at you and you tried to reciprocate it, but a sharp pain in your belly made your face twist in pain instead. “Well, I should get going”, you said once the pain had ebbed a little, but you didn’t make it far as Neil held you back by your elbow.
“You okay?” His brows were knitted and he watched you with a frown, his eyes darting over your face before he locked eyes with you again. You drew in a breath, tensing a little at the proximity and trying to ignore your galloping heart.
“Yeah, I’m fine”, you brushed it off, this time managing a smile. You saw Neil slightly narrow his eyes at you, but before he could say anything else you offered him a nod and hurried away.
You had never looked so much forward to your break, the imagination of finally sitting down and eating a meal keeping you going for the rest of the morning. But just as you handed over your last patient’s file, planning to head to the cafeteria, a voice called you back.
It was Dr. Lim. She was marching over to you and you could tell from her face she wanted something from you.
Not now.
“What is it?”, you asked, once she came to stand beside you, not hiding your frustration. The other doctor looked at you surprised, before holding an iPad out to you. “The imaging and report from Mr. Wellington’s CT just came in.”
You let your eyes flicker over it, not finding anything worth this fuss. “And?”, you asked, sounding as impatient as you felt to get held back. “That’s what I thought too”, Audrey continued unbothered, “but then I found this.” She used her fingers to zoom in on it.
“See this shadow?”
You squinted your eyes. “Could be anything.” “Right, but it looks like a small tumour. I already ran a biopsy. The results should be in soon.”
You glanced up at her, waiting for her to come to the point. When she didn’t say more you sighed. “So? Why are you showing me this?”
“Okay-“, Audrey snapped the iPad’ case shut, handing it over to the nurse’s desk, “Someone’s in a mood today!”
You winced under her glare, regretting how harsh you had sounded. It wasn’t her fault you were having a bad day and she didn’t deserve your attitude. “Sorry.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep inhale, trying to push away your annoyance. You really didn’t want to argue with Audrey today. Especially not over something stupid like this.
“It’s just-” You opened your eyes again, gesturing at the busy ER. “-My back is killing me and I have the worst cramps and I just want to lay down and suffer in silence.”
You let out a chuckle at your dramatic words and the way they came out as if they had been at the tip of your tongue only waiting to slip out, which probably wasn’t far from the truth, and Audrey offered you a sympathetic smile. “That time of the month?”
You nodded, surprised that you didn’t feel embarrassed to talk about it with her. Audrey always seemed so strong and unbothered and you couldn’t imagine her whining over a stupid period. But she seemed to know exactly what you were talking about.
“The mood swings are the worst for me. You might know I’m not the most patient person out there-”, you grinned, thinking of the many incidents she had proven what a short temper she coud have, “but during that time? You really don’t want to pick a fight with me then!”
You laughed. It was just too easy to imagine. “I bet Melendez and Andrews have made that mistake.” Audrey’s face lit up. “Oh, trust me they have!” She shook her head, smiling. “And they learn from it.”
“As they should”, you nodded, “at least they don’t have to attempt 12-hour shifts while it feels like their insides get twisted inside-out.”
Audrey laid her hand on your lower arm, squeezing lightly. “Ibuprofen’s your best friend. And if you ever need to take a break and lay down just tell me.”
You felt a lump forming in your throat and you had to will back your tears. Damn hormones! “Thank you.” You hoped she could hear how sincere you were, the thought of having an escape providing you with relief strong enough to give you a little energy back.
“We women have to stick together.” Audrey squeezed your arm again, before retreating and you looked after her for a moment, grateful to have a friend in her.
When you had finally made it to the cafeteria, your pager had gone off right as it had been your turn to order. “You can’t be serious”, you muttered as you pulled it out and read it. “Hey, are you going to order or what?”, you heard someone ask behind you, but without another word you took off, praying you would make it to your patient in time.
Luckily you had. But afterwards you had been pulled right into another case and before you knew it, it had grown dark outside and your stomach was growling at you.
The cafeteria was long closed and so you got a chocolate bar from the vending machine, promising yourself to get real food once you were off the clock.
The ER had quietened down as it often did at the end of your shift and since you had never taken your break you allowed yourself a moment to take a breath in the resident’s lounge.
Although you weren’t a resident anymore you still liked to come here. Perhaps it was the closeness to Neil’s office or the quiet it provided at the end of the day when the residents had all gone home. There was no one who could tell you off as you curled up on the sofa.
The chocolate tasted heavily in your mouth and you devoured it until the last crumb. “You look like you just fell in love.”
“Huh?” You glanced up, to find Neil at the door, casually entering the room and coming to stand in front of you.
He gestured towards the wrapper you had placed on the table. “The chocolate.”
Oh. You let out a chuckle as you realized you had stared at it longingly while you had contemplated whether it was reasonable to get up and get another one or if it wasn’t worth the effort it would take to search for a vending machine.
“That was probably the best chocolate I’ve ever had”, you declared and Neil chuckled. “Your standards are very low then.” You tried to look offended but failed. “Don’t speak ill of the vending machines. They are real life savers. And it’s been a tough day.”
You said it lightly, but you saw Neil’s jaw twitch at the last part. “What happened?”
He walked over to where you were sitting and you shuffled to the side to make space for him. He leaned against the armrest, his body angled towards yours. “Nothing I-”
But suddenly tears were clouding your eyes as all the emotions you had bottled up threatened to spill over. “Damn it!” You wiped at your eyes before the tears could spill, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
You didn’t need to look at Neil’s face to see the worry on it.
“Sorry”, you let out an embarrassed chuckle and Neil smiled at you softly. “I’m usually not this emotional. It’s been a long day that’s all.”
“You have had longer ones and didn’t bat an eye.” It wasn’t an accusation, only genuine confusion on Neil’s part and your heart swelled at the hidden compliment and how much he cared to understand you.
“Yeah”, you muttered, closing your eyes as another cramp hit you. When you opened them again you hoped your face hadn’t betrayed you and given away your discomfort, but the disadvantage at working so closely together was that Neil could read you by now.
Before he could make any wild guesses, you decided to just tell him the truth.
You didn’t have to be embarrassed about it, shouldn’t feel that way, yet it was easier said than done. You didn’t want him to think you couldn’t take the hardships of the job, that you were weak or dramatic. But even as you thought it you knew Neil would never think that of you.
Or anyone.
He wasn’t like that, wasn’t intimidated by strong willed women or the reality of what it was like to be one.
Taking a long inhale and an even longer exhale you looked up at him. “I got my period this morning and I’ve been in pain all day.” Now that you had gotten the words out you suddenly had the urge to let it all out.
“And my back is like- so bad. But the cramps are the worst. And I snapped at Audrey. And then again at Glassman. And I almost bawled my eyes out when my patient made it out of surgery and his wife came to see him. And this-”, you gestured at yourself, “is the first break I have gotten all day and I don’t think I’m ever gonna stand up again.”
You stared at Neil in shock for a moment as you realized what had just happened, but then you let out a laugh. “Wow and that just came out like one long sentence!”
Neil chuckled in amusement. “That seems like a really crappy day”, he agreed and you nodded in relief that he seemed to take it serious. “Right? I mean, there are worse things, obviously, but still-” You clutched your belly again, letting out a hiss of pain.
When you looked back up Neil had shifted closer to you, his frown back in place. “Why didn’t you call in sick?”
“Really?” You shook your head, amused and a little frustrated. “I can’t just call in sick every month.”
“It’s this bad every month?”
You nodded. “Most of the time, yeah. Sometimes it’s better, other’s it’s worse. But that’s just how it is.”
Neil face twisted, clearly displeased with what you had said or the situation, perhaps both. “It shouldn’t be like that”, he said then and you looked at him for a moment, taking in his sincerity. “I mean, yeah”, you agreed after a moment. “What, you want to change the whole system now?”
Neil’s mouth curled up in the hint of a smile. “Not tonight, no. I have better plans.”
Your face fell a little as you felt a hint of disappointment at his words. Maybe he was just hanging out with friends or visiting his sister you tried to reason. But the thought of him having plans with another woman gnawed at you.
“Really? What could be better than that?”, you asked teasingly and he tipped his head towards you. “Someone needs to show you what real chocolate tastes like.”
Oh. Your hope arose so strongly you almost forgot to breathe for a moment. “And my sofa is even more comfortable than this one.” He patted the couch you were seated on, not breaking eye contact once.
You still looked at him in shock, unable to form words as you processed his. “You’re baiting me with chocolate?”, you asked once the shock had faded a little, cautious not to put too much weight into his words and Neil grinned. “I do give great massages too. I cook. And I have a big movie collection to distract you from, you know, the pain and all that.”
You smiled widely at him. “Now that wins me over”, you stated, although the thought of spending time alone with Neil was already enough. But it didn’t make his promises less appealing. And it made you feel warm inside to know how much he cared and that he had put so much thought into what he could do to make you feel better.
“Great.” He stood up. “So it’s a date?” For the first time he sounded nervous and it made your heart flutter to know it was because of you. That this, whatever it was between you, mattered to him too.
“It’s a date.”
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midearthwritings · 2 years
EpiPen and Girlfriends
When you show up to the ER after an allergic reaction, Claire and Neil finally learn something interesting about Shaun.
Words Count: 1,016
Pairing: Shaun Murphy x F!Reader
Warning: None
Author's Note: This was requested by a very kind anon! It's my very first fic for this fandom so I hope it's not too bad. Also I used my own allergy for this fic just because—
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Holding a small tablet in his hand, followed closely by two of his three residents, Dr. Neil Melendez walked up to the bed you were quietly sitting on. From your cheeks to your hands, itchy red marks covered your skin, and you had to grip the bedsheets to keep yourself from scratching them manically. 
“Good evening,” the oldest surgeon greeted you, briefly looking up from the tablet. “How are you feeling?” 
You shrugged and smiled. “Not too bad, actually,” you replied honestly. “I just feel like ripping my skin off.” 
Melendez nodded before handing your record over to the young lady – Dr. Browne, her blouse read. “Can you tell me what we have there, Dr. Browne?” he questioned. But she barely had time to look at the record when the last person spoke up. 
“It is a case of anaphylactic shock caused by the ingestion of allergens,” Shaun declared, his hands locked tightly against his chest as always. You nodded even if the question hadn’t been from you and looked down at your hands in shame. 
You had been eating dinner with a friend of yours. The both of you had picked a nice restaurant, not too expensive or fancy. Something just nice. And in your arrogant stupidity, you had ordered the one dish you shouldn’t have. You really thought that it wouldn’t be that bad. But here you were, sitting in the ER. And you were the only person to blame. 
“Thank you very much, Dr. Browne, for your diagnosis,” Melendez said again, staring right at Shaun. 
“My name is Shaun. Shaun Murphy.” Shaun corrected, nodding as if to prove his point. “Claire is standing on the other side of you,” he said, pointing at Claire to indicate her position.
Dr. Melendez shook his head and rolled his eyes, and you had to bite your bottom lip to swallow back a laugh. Looking up at Shaun, you noticed his eyes were fixated elsewhere, and you wondered if he had looked at you at all since their arrival. 
“Can you tell us what happened and when?” Claire asked you in a kind tone, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“Of course,” you said, shifting on the bed to get seated in a better position. “I am allergic to seafood, but usually it isn’t so bad. So tonight, when I went to the restaurant, I ordered a dish that contained seafood. There was barely any of it! So I thought nothing would happen. And after a good fifteen minutes, my skin turned red, and I had trouble breathing.” 
“I see. Do you still have trouble breathing?” 
You shook your head. “Not anymore. I used–”
“The patient used an epinephrine auto-injector!” Shaun exclaimed, cutting you off. You smiled at him and nodded. “EpiPens help treat severe allergic reactions. Although it is still recommended to go to the hospital since another reaction can happen later on.”
Dr. Browne sighed quietly and hugged the tablet against her chest in frustration. You felt sympathetic for her. It seemed like the poor woman never had any occasion to talk. 
“Well, Murphy, since you are so interested in the topic, me and Dr. Browne are going to let you do the patient check-ups before we can send her home,” Melendez told him. He patted Shaun on the shoulder but quickly retrieved his hand. 
“No,” Shaun simply replied with a small smile, his eyes fixated in the distance. “I can’t do that.” 
Claire’s eyebrows shot up at Shaun’s refusal, and the older doctor crossed his arms and leaned towards him a little like he hadn’t heard correctly. 
“You can’t?” Melendez asked.
“No,” Shaun repeated. “A physician shouldn’t treat a family member, a friend, or their significant other.” 
At that, Shaun finally looked at you and smiled proudly. You felt your heart swelling inside your chest and heat rising in your cheeks. The butterflies in your stomach were so strong that you almost missed Claire’s question. 
“Are you a member of Dr. Murphy’s family?” she asked politely.
You shook your head and bit your lip. “Actually, Shaun and I are–”
“In a romantic relationship,” he interrupted you again. He had done it a lot tonight, and you would definitely tease him about it later. 
Next to you, you heard Melendez almost choke, and you shot him a dark look, making him regain his composure immediately. Claire, on the other hand, was much quieter about the discovery, her mouth hanging slightly open. 
The longer they remained quiet, the more you wanted to laugh. You had no idea why exactly, but it seemed to be the year’s biggest event to them. Eventually, you giggled, bringing their focus back on you. 
Dr. Melendez cleared his throat before speaking again. “Claire, you’ll do the check-up. Murphy, you can follow me.” 
Shaun shook his head and sat down on the chair next to the bed. “I have to stay there. To make sure everything is alright.” 
“Shaun, I am alright,” you assured. “I’m certain Dr. Browne is very capable of doing a check-up.” 
Claire smiled and nodded gratefully. But it wasn’t enough for Shaun. Of course, it was never enough unless he was the one doing the work.
“Claire is capable of doing a basic check-up, yes,” he agreed. “And you are alright for now. Something could happen. You could have another anaphylactic reaction. I need to be there if it happens.” 
After a lot of arguing between you, Shaun, and Dr. Melendez, it was decided that Shaun would be allowed fifteen minutes to stay with you and would then be called back to work. You tried not to show it too much, but it reassured you to have him by your side. 
After a few minutes, you felt his hand slowly sliding into yours, and you looked at him questioningly. 
“I heard it is nice to hold the hand of someone scared,” he explained, looking again at something that wasn’t you while he talked.
You frowned and tilted your head. “I’m not scared?” 
“I know,” Shaun replied, wiping the palm of his hand onto his pants. “I am.”
All Time Tags: @imnotevenhere9 @shethereadinghobbit @elvish-sky @katbby16 @dark-angel-is-back @shalinizhara @miriel-estelwen @thewhiteladyofrohan @vee-vee-writes @cameronsails @kumqu4t @wlfstxr @thespiritoflife @myselfandfantasy @spidergirla5 @guardianofrivendell
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Flirt With The Boss
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Neil Melendez x Reader imagine.
Word count: 700
Imagine that Shaun asking you what it is to flirt while you are in the hospital cafeteria and from there the story gets more and more complicated until the romantic end.
To the Masterlist.
"What's it to flirt, (Y/N)?" Shaun asked while you were eating your lunch at the cafeteria and sat down next to you.
You didn't like most of the surgeons at the hospital, they were unbearably arrogant! But Shaun was different... Shaun was excellent at his job but not arrogant, he was honest (sometimes rude). And most of all SHAUN WAS A GOOD AND LOYAL FRIEND.
"What...? Why are you asking?" You answered confused and wiped your mouth.
"I heard Claire say that to Jared in the morning, and I didn't understand why." Shaun answered and waited for my answer.
"Flirting is a gentle courtship whose purpose is usually romantic or just to annoy." You answered briefly, You were very embarrassed to have this conversation in the cafeteria.
"How do you know when people are flirting, (Y/N)?" Shaun asked. You didn't want to answer, but you saw that Shaun was so curious to know that you couldn't say "no".
"If they maintain an intimate distance when they talk, touch each other unnecessarily, teasing and provoking each other." You stopped for a second and Shaun signaled you to continue, "Look for Three key things: The pretentious giggle, the squirm and hair sweep."
After a few quiet minutes, Shaun came to a surprising conclusion for you.
"Like you and Dr. Melendez." Shaun said decisively.
"WHAT?!" You screamed... shocked.
"You two are flirting all the time." Shaun answered, very confident in what he said.
"NO! WE NOT!" You said quietly, you were afraid that someone would hear the conversation more than ever.
"Yes you are," Shsun insisted, "You even flirted yesterday."
"Me and Melendez?" You asked, "I don't think so."
"Yes you do." Shsun said, "Yesterday, in Melendez's office He told you 'you did well today, Dr Andrews won't hear about the disaster that could have happened from me' and then you squirm and Dr. Melendes giggle."
Remembering the hard day you had yesterday... That was true and you didn't really notice you were flirting with the arrogant Dr. Melendez. But you know you have to deny.
Before you could respond, a voice behind you said, "I believe the talk can wait. Your break is over."
It was Dr. Melendez... SHIT! How much of it did he hear? You couldn't say because after Melendez said those words, he went and waited for us to follow him to his office.
All the day you tried to avoid Dr. Melendez. And you've managed to avoid him so far...
Dr. Melendez summoned you to his office.
You take a deep breath and go into the Melendez office.
Dr. Melendez looked at you with a look you couldn't read.
"You summoned me?" you asked if you stood in the room and Melendez got up from his chair and headed towards you.
"Yes," Melendez said, "I heard Shsun say we were flirting yesterday."
You didn't know what to say, in the end, you gained strength and you said: "Yes, but..."
"(Y/N), that's true, and it happens quite a few times... I hadn't noticed that we were until now."
You've got a red light on, Melendez always calls you by the last name, never by first name.
"yes... I didn't notice that we were flirting before Shsun told me that" you said and looked at the floor.
"Look at me, (Y/N)" Melendez asked, he was very close to you now.
You looked up, and a second later you felt the lips of Melendez kissing you a gentle and long kiss.
"It's madness..." You whispered. You smiled like a girl in love, when you looked at him, you noticed the broad smile that smiled.
"Yes it is," he agreed, "And very surprising, but it feels so right..."
"Yes it is." You agreed and smiled to the ground, you didn't know what to think.
"We can try and see what happens between us... If you want." Melendez said.
"I think it's an interesting idea..." you smiled.
"So it's okay with you that I ask you out?" Melendez asked.
"Here we are flirting again." you thought to yourself, you couldn't stop smiling happy. You didn't believe you'd feel anything for your arrogant boss.
"Not at all." you sweeped your hair, flirting again.
All rights to writing this story belong to me and it is forbidden to copy them/ publish them anywhere else without explicit permission.
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gemstone-roses · 3 years
Hi, I was the one one who requested the Neil fic, I don’t really mind either of the categories. If you want you can do whichever one you feel most comfortable writing, I’m not picky or anything cause I know it’s going to be fabulous no matter the category 😉
okay nonnie, first I'm sorry this took so long but I'm behind on uni and I have tons of other things to do. Second I hope you like this!
Warnings : tooth rotting fluff, like it'll give you toothache reading this.
Reminder : this imagine is SFW however my blog is not and if I find anyone under 18 interacting with this or any other work or my blog they will be blocked.
Neil Melendez x reader
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it starts so cliche.
Your rushing and your not looking and of course you've got four coffees in your hand for your team and your rushing until something stops you.
Or more like someone.
"Oh shit I'm so -
The person clears his throat before chuckling
"It's okay" he smiles genuinely
You look up from the floor to see his white coat stained brown and you look back down cringing because could this day get any worse?
"Hey" he causes you to look up
"I'm having such a bad day and this is so embarrassing and it's not even 8.30 and my boss is gonna kill me and oh my god I'm late" you tumbled out before abruptly getting to your feet and sprinting down the hallway.
"sorry!" you yelled down the corridor
Leaving the Dr chuckling to himself, forgetting he was drenched in coffee.
You make it only slightly late and your boss is only slightly pissed off thankfully. Working in the legal department, you had to run up 5 flights of stairs because of course the lift was out of order.
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After dealing with the fallout of a doctor telling a rude patient to essentially fuck off you shut your computer down and rubbed your temples.
Coffee you thought
You opened your door to almost knock out the person about to walk in
For the second time today
"what do you want" you said huffing
"well I was-
"what did you do? Because I swear if I have to turn back that computer on then your not going to want to stick around because I have not had my coffee yet and it's 3pm and I'm not getting out of here for at least 4 more hours so I swear doctor if you have done anything to cause me a headache then ill show you what a bloody headache is! "
He stood there with a smirk on his face
"what?" you whined, folding your arms
"I brought you coffee, you know, for earlier" he hands you the cup you'd failed to notice.
"Oh" you whisper
"You wanna take a walk"? He questioned, holding out his arm for you
"I really should be getting back and -
"You need to get out of this office, this stress is not good for your heart and trust me, I know, I'm the heart guy" he winked before leaning into you and your head spun because what was he doing for him to reach the door handle and pull it shut, whilst smirking obviously.
"Come on darling, let's get some air" he whispered and your heart sped up and shit because he's the heart guy what if he could hear it? No of course not.
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You wandered round the hospital gardens for a while, you could feel the tension leaving your body and you geniunley enjoyed his company.
"So, heart guy, you gotta heart girl?" you questioned
"Nope, not yet" he said
You smiled inside at his answer
"I don't have anyone either, I did, but they broke my heart and I don't think I'll ever get some of the pieces back" you said, a bit sad
"well, y/n" he stopped and twirled you around holding your waist
"Dr melendez what are you doing" you laughed
"I'm the heart guy, remember? so, how bout I mend that heart of yours hey?"
Your eyes went wide before he leaned in for a kiss and you gladly kissed him back. One arm around your waist while the other held the back of your head.
Eventually, he broke the kiss.
"is that a yes?" he whispered, leaning his forehead on yours.
"mhmm, yes" you smiled.
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imagine-a-fangirl · 4 years
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 Anon requested: i got you fam - neil melendez x reader but like 70% angst, 30% fluff. rest is up to you :)
A/N: Two stories in one day, this is getting crazy. Also not 400 words but 1700(oops) 
Falling for a surgeon was probably never a good idea just thinking about the long days and crazy hours. But being a nurse and falling for the top surgeon was probably even a worse idea. The two of them had gotten along the moment y/n set foot into the hospital as a new nurse. She had learned so much from him and he always seemed to pick her for the surgeries whenever he could. But for her own good y/n had decided this needed to stop, she was on her way to make some great progress career and even gotten a job offer in a more specialized hospital. Y/n had been hesitant to take it but she also knew she couldn’t let her feelings for Neil Melendez get in the way of that. 
Y/n was busy going through a couple files when Neil leaned against the desk “Morning y/n.” “Good morning Dr. Melendez.” She coldly greeted him without looking up He got a little thrown off by her sudden change in behavior but continued either way “I have an interesting surgery on my schedule next week and I want you to be there.” “I’m afraid I won’t be able to do that Dr. Melendez.” Y/n told him, finally looking up from the files. “Why not?” “Because that is my only day off next week.” “Can’t you change shifts? “No I can’t. I might have to plan my whole schedule around you, but luckily I don’t have to do that in my private life.” Y/n knew it was not fair at all to say something like that and she didn’t mean a word of it, but she needed to do something to get some distance from him and this seemed a good step. “Okay then, I’ll see you later y/n.” He excused himself, everything from his posture showed his confusion from the way she had just spoken to him. Jasmine, one of the older nurses chuckled “I’ve never seen dr. Melendez so shaken, I don’t know what you do to him but he really has the hots for you.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about Jasmine.” Y/n got up from her seat and went to check on her patients.  Behaving like this was nothing like her, but she tried to convince herself that she needed to create some distance between her and Neil to be able to move on.
The week whole week had been a challenge for her, she tried to keep Neil at a distance and had to fight the urge to apologize and tell him how she really felt. Y/n tried communicate with the Residents and Dr. Lim to avoid him as much as possible. Of course people noticed her change in behavior, but barely anyone tried to figure out why. Alex and Claire tried to get something out of her when they went out for drinks but they quickly realized she wasn’t spilling anything. Y/n did tell them about the job offer she had gotten and they both were really excited for her. After they finished Alex walked her home and started talking again “What is holding you back?” “What you mean?” Alex shook his head “The offer is a great opportunity, but something is holding you back.” “It’s nothing Alex, I just need some time to think. It’s a big decision.” “It is.” Alex agreed “But you want to take it, that’s why your behavior changed. Look you don’t have to tell me what it is, all I know is that pushing people away is not going to make this decision easier.”
The next morning y/n was called early, Jasmin had called in sick and they needed someone to fill in for the operation Melendez had told y/n about the week before. With a healthy dose of reluctance she got out of bed and got ready for work. Neil had been right, this surgery was a great opportunity. Not only the surgery was an interesting one, but the patient as well he was some criminal who was both a flight risk and dangerous. Would it been two weeks earlier y/n would be the most excited one there, but things were different now.  “Nurse l/n I’m surprised to see you here, I thought your schedule wasn’t revolved around me.” Neil remarked when he saw her in the OR. “I’m here because Jasmin got sick and someone had to fill in for her Dr. Melendez.” Y/n remained professional, pretending she didn’t hear the angry undertone in his voice. “Alright then.” Without to many more words the team started the operation, Melendez communicated as little as he could with her
Y/n was placed in charge of the care around their patient, protocol stated he was kept handcuffed to his bed, communication mostly went through the intercom and they could never go in the room alone. The officers were guarding the room in case something happened. Everything seemed normal he had woken up, still weak but he responded to all the test, his vital signs were steady and so it looked like she was going to get home on time. Y/n got up to do a final check on the patient “How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get you before the next shift takes over?” Y/n waited a moment  for the man to respond but he didn’t. “Sir, do you hear me?” y/n tapped on the window to see if he’d respond but he didn’t. “Page Dr. Park and Dr. Melendez please.” Y/n called to the nurse station She opened the door to see what was wrong, completely forgetting protocol. “Sir are you alright?” she checked the machines but the vital signs seemed completely normal. She checked his pulse, but when she did she noticed his cuff wasn’t on there. Before she did much as look up she felt multiple punches. She hit her head against the floor as she fell down, but before things could get worse, Park, Melendez and the two officers pulled him away from her. “Claire take care of y/n, now!” Melendez called before sedating the man. Claire helped her up and got her out of the room and into another to treat her. Alex soon followed and told a nurse to prep for both x-ray of her chest and a ct-abdomen. Not much later Dr Melendez stormed into the room “What were you thinking?!” Neil started to yell at her “You knew the protocol!” “Neil.” Claire tried “He wasn’t responding, I did what I thought I needed to do.” Y/n calmly responded, her head was still pounding, her arm hurt and she noticed she had some trouble breathing. “Why didn’t you wait until one of us was there?” Park tried to be the voice of reason between the two of them. “You knew he was dangerous, you knew you shouldn’t go in alone and what you did was stupid!” Neil yelled again. “Why don’t you keep an eye on him next time, if you know it all so well.” “I don’t know what I did to you to deserve this attitude this past week, but you better get it together! You know better than this.” y/n tried to ignore the desperate undertone in his voice “Don’t worry about that Dr. Melendez, I won’t be your problem for very much longer.” “What?” “I’ve been offered a job at another hospital and I’ve just decided to take it.” Y/n tried to get up from the bed, she needed to get away from him before she would do something stupid. “Y/n stop you need to stay in bed, we still have to see if there is internal damage.” Alex tried to get her back into the bed. She tried to push him away but the last thing she felt was the cold floor before her whole world went dark.
Y/n woke up to soothing sound of the monitors, only to realize the monitors were not a normal sound to wake up to. As she opened her eyes it took a minute to realize what had happened. She looked at the clock which was on 3 o’clock and judging by the darkness she saw through the window it was the middle of the night. “You’re awake.” She looked to the other side of her bed, not realizing he had been sitting there holding onto her hand “What are you doing here?” “You collapsed right in front of me, you didn’t think I’d just leave did you?” “I’m sorry.” “Don’t  be.” He assured her “You made a mistake that’s all, I’m just glad that you’re okay now.” “I meant for my behavior this week, I thought it would make it easier for myself to push you away.” She confessed “Would make what easier? Taking that job offer?” Neil was a little confused “You know I’d never hold you back, right? Park told me about it, it’s an amazing opportunity and you deserve it.” “I know you wouldn’t hold me back.” y/n removed her hand from his “But I would hold myself back, because of my feelings for you.” Maybe it were the drugs in her system that made it so easy to tell how she felt or maybe it was the fact that she was just attacked but she wasn’t afraid anymore. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I was to scared to ruin our friendship, I know it’s such a cliché.” Neil couldn’t help but laugh “I don’t care if it’s cliché or not, I wish you told me sooner.” He took her hand in his once again. “Because I could have put your mind at ease, I like you y/n. I might even go as far as to say that I love you.” ���Are you serious?” “I am.” He promised “And that doesn’t change if you take another job. It anything it would make things easier, since we wouldn’t have any problems with HR.” Y/n laughed for a short moment before wincing in pain “We’ll talk about this later over a dinner, okay? Right now you have to rest and get better.”
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fandomimagines1 · 4 years
Requested - I’ve been requested to do a few the good doctor imagines so I’m starting with my personal favourite Dr Melendez.
Neil Melendez x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Y/N is in love with her attending Dr Melendez from the moment she starts at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital. She keeps it under control until her third year when Audrey Lim and Neil Melendez end up together and after they break up she ends up making a move on him after he helps her.
(GIF’s not mine)
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“I think we should talk.” Neil suggests as I go to leave the hospital with Claire and Morgan.
“Sure.” I nod before glancing at the girls who both just shrug.
“Have you got plans tonight?” He asks as we walk through the corridor.
“No.” I shake my head.
“Good. So I’m not holding you back for one of the boyfriends you have?” He asks as we walk into his office.
“Boyfriends? I don’t have a.” I begin.
“You’re friends are worried about you. They came to me asking me to speak to you because they think that might help. I’m not sure if you’ll want to listen to what I have to say and if you don’t want my help you’re free to walk out that door whenever you like.” He tells me.
“My friends asked you to do this?” I ask.
“Yeah. They know you’ve been struggling with something and instead of having healthy coping mechanisms, you’ve been drinking a lot and flirting with random men. That has nothing to do with me. You can do what you want when you leave them doors, but I want to help you.” He tells me.
“There’s nothing you can do to help.” I sigh.
“There’s something I can think of.” He smiles.
“Neil.” I shout out of breath.
“Keep up.” He smirks as he runs ahead of me.
“Seriously.” I sigh before powering through the pain and chasing after him.
“See how much better that made you feel.” Neil laughs.
“Totally.” I roll my eyes before laughing with him.
“You don’t need alcohol and strange men to be happy Y/N.” He tells me and I lean in gently kissing him before pulling away.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have.” I begin but he cuts me off by putting his lips back onto mine.
“If anyone finds out I could get into some serious trouble.” He tells me.
“I know.” I nod.
“So can you keep a secret?” He asks.
“I think I may be able to.” I smile.
“Good.” He smiles before kissing me again.
“Maybe if we’re going to keep this a secret, we should stop doing it in public.” I laugh.
“You have a good point.” He realises.
“I thought you were never getting out the shower.” Neil laughs as I leave the bathroom.
“What can I say it’s a nice shower.” I smirk.
“Maybe you could enjoy the shower more often.” He suggests.
“Who knows.” I shrug.
“I know you’ve liked me for a while.” He smirks walking up behind me wrapping his arms arounds my waist.
“Since the moment I met you.” I turn to face him.
“That long?” He asks.
“That long.” I nod.
“Was it worth the wait?” He raises an eyebrow at me.
“We’ll see.” I smile.
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beanzykin · 4 years
Hands and Heart
A Morgan Reznick x Reader fanfiction
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You took her fragile hands into yours, caressing her scarred skin slowly. Morgan took a deep, shaky breath, watching you play with her fingers.
"What you did was stupid." You admitted quite harshly. "I helped save a life," 
"You took ten years off your career-"
"I thought you said you'd support me, no matter what the situation was," she argued back, her hands still in yours. "That's not what I'm saying-" she pulled her hands to her chest. 
"Then what are you saying?" A silence washed over the both of you like the previous one. You sighed for what felt like the millionth time that night.
"What I'm saying is, I hate seeing you like this," she raised an eyebrow in the judgingly motion you loved so much. "You don't like seeing my scarred hands-"
"I don't like seeing you work." Her expression fell. "Watching you look at Claire or Alex or any of the other surgeons, it hurts." 
Looking anywhere but towards you, Morgan opened her mouth, only for air to move its way through.
"You're not a surgeon anymore."
"Y/N, I know. You-"
"You probably will never be able to operate properly again-"
"You don't need to tell me-" Her voice was getting weak, something she was insecure about. No one has ever seen the sides of Morgan that you have.
"You don't think it hurts me? Not being able to do what I love, having to work by that annoying old man all day." 
Taking her hands once again, you raised them to your cheeks. You ghosted your skin above hers with such care it pained her heart. 
She was shaking, her eyes met yours. Those green, sparkling eyes you thought about day and night since day one. 
"I love you, Morgan." You could feel her soft fingertips tickling your face. "Nothing will change that. Not your hands, not some stupid surgery. But seeing you do something you hate each day? Especially since you could've prevented it from happening…"
Her sniffles made your heart ache. You moved one of her hands to the corner of your mouth and gave her palm a little kiss. You grasped her gently and pulling away.
"I'm sorry," it was just above a whisper, but you were certain Morgan heard it. "I'm sorry that I was harsh, I'm sorry that I wasn't acting like a supportive girlfriend,"
Reznick had tears trickle at the edges of her eyes. Giving a tight-lipped semi-smile, she nodded her head. "Yeah, yeah… you should be," Your giggle was muffled by your sobs. 
You both pulled each other into a hug. Laying there, you stroked her hair the same way you did her hands. Her hands that were still clasped in yours. 
Before you drifted off, you heard her small whisper followed by a little nuzzle. 
"I love you too,"
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pinkykitten · 4 years
Shy Love
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Neil Melendez x female! reader
Genre: comedy, angst, prompt, romance, fluff 
Words: 2,304 (ok where did she come out of ?)
Request: By anon Could you do a Melendez x reader oneshot where at the hospital he’s the most shy person he’s ever seen but he happened to see her out and she’s totally different like loud and reckless and stuff, and he can’t decide which side of her he loves more and confesses
and another anon hiii idk if you’re taking requests but if you could do a neil melendez x reader fic w/ angst prompts 7 and 11 I’d be the happiest!!! (like mostly angst but ending with fluff if that makes sense)
Prompts: 7 -  “you should’ve said that yesterday.” 11 -  “it’s over, it’s done, just leave it be.”
Authors Note: MiX iT aLl ToGeThEr AnD yOu KnOw ThAt It’S tHe BeSt Of BoTh WoRlDSs!!!!!!! if you didnt get by the song i mixed two requests cuz why not but this one has a lot to do w walmart and like its funny and silly but then super angsty and gets rlly in the feels,,like its a whole lot but i love my boo sm he is lemonade
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“Y/N, how would you like to join us? We’re going to the bar when our shift is over,” Neil asked you with dreamy eyes. His hand resting on your shoulder. Neil was always trying to bring you out of your shell and make you associate with your coworkers. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to gather with your workmates its you were shy around them. With your friends from your hometown they knew how odd you were and would never judge you or dislike you but all these doctors you knew were way more mature than you. They had their life figured out and you were worried they wouldn’t like the real you and who you really are. 
You grabbed all your books that you were going to study that night for a patient of yours and carried your bag. “Thanks for the invite, but I think I’m going to call it a night.” You said with a small voice, thanking him with a kiss on the cheek. 
“You sure?” Neil smirked.
You waved, “bye Neil.”
Neil shook his head at you declining his offer. All he wanted was to have a night out with you. He wanted to get to know you better.
As you stepped out of the hospital your phone buzzed with a call. You chuckled as you saw the caller ID display your friend and roommate's name. 
“Yes, Janelle?” 
“Girl, meet me at Walmart! They got the good stuff you like so much on sale.” She was sparking with such enthusiasm for something so mellow. 
Giggling you put your friend on speaker as you started your car, “I think you’re the only person I know that gets excited for Walmart.”
“I thought since you’re always so busy-”
You rolled your e/c eyes, “here we go again! Always the same topic of conversation. I’m sorry I’m over here saving lives!”
“I’m just saying I barely see you anymore. I miss you. I want to know whats going on with your life. Any guys? Lets just hang out for a little bit, please.” 
You felt bad, your friend sounded lonely and you could go for some best friend advice and love at this moment. “Sure, why not? I’m coming over! Order me something from McDonald’s okay? I’m starving.”
Janelle laughed loudly on the other end.
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The burger hit the spot of your hunger. You licked your lips and wiped your fingers. 
“Do you think we need more of this?” Janelle pulled out the coffee creamer from the milk aisle. 
“Yes,” you said with a definite answer. “You drank all of the other one?”
Janelle looked at you bashfully, “oops, that was me?”
“Oops, that was me?” You repeated sarcastically. “Of course that was you. I barely get to drink coffee creamers anymore. I now drink that dark stuff at work.”
“Right, work. So how’s that Melendez doctor?”
You almost choked right there. People were eyeing you as you playfully slapped your friend in embarrassment. “Janelle! What if he’s here?”
“Honey, he probably shops at Whole Foods not at some Walmart, okay. Besides why are you so secretive about him?”
You waved your hands in front of your face to try hide your bashful expression, “Because, he’s so handsome and more mature than me. He has his whole life figured out. I’m still living off of Ramen while he probably eats with Beyonce!”
“Oh, someone has a crush! And he’s rich!”
You put bread in the cart and almost knocked the cart into an old woman, “Just because he may be rich, Janelle, doesn’t mean that’s the most important thing. But yes, Neil Melendez may be rich.” 
Your best friend and wing girl squealed louder than a pig. “Oh my God! You like him! You like him! You like him! Why don’t you just ask him out then? You are so pretty, he’d probably say yes.”
“That’s the problem. He may say yes. It’s not definite. I’m, I’m too afraid. It doesn’t matter. We are just coworkers he’s my boss and we have a professional relationship, nothing more.”
“Alright, I won’t push it anymore.” Janelle grew a big, evil, smile on her face. She skipped behind you and pushed you in the shopping cart. 
You screamed loud and whipped your head around to her, “what are you doing Janelle?”
“You’re too stressed out Y/N. Let loose. It’s time we have fun.” Janelle didn’t even give you enough time to interject because she was already speeding down the shopping lanes. She pushed you faster and faster. 
At first you were afraid but then the adrenaline got to you and you started laughing. She poured chip bags and bags of marshmallows on you to replicate rain. She twirled the cart and your cheery cackles were heard through out the whole store. 
This is what you meant. You could be a silly willy with your best friend and people that knew you. But you were too shy and afraid to reveal your fun self to others but more to Neil. You were frightened he would say you were too stupid for him or that you were not serious enough. Neil meant so much to you that you were always shy around him. You liked him so much and you never wanted to jeopardize your relationship you have with him. 
What you didn’t know was Neil did indeed shop at Walmart and he was doing some last minute shopping. 
He was peering at a bag of pistachios when he could of sworn he heard your shrieks. He paid no attention to it at first until he heard your voice nearby. It couldn’t have been you! No, not shy, flustered, Y/N. Neil turned the corner and was met with the surprise of you dancing in the shopping cart. He was a bit confused. You were always shy around him when Neil would talk and hang out with you. It was a complete 180. Who was this person? He couldn’t help but smile. You looked so adorable and cute having fun. You were being a ball of excitement. So different than how he knew you or what he thought he knew. He loved how sweet you were when you were shy but you seemed more happy now. He loved the real you. Neil even found himself getting jealous. Why didn’t you show your true, inner self to him? Were you afraid of him? He wanted to know everything about you and he felt like he didn’t know you at all. His smile started to disappeared. Neil didn’t think. Before he knew it he was making his way towards you and your roommate. 
“Hello Y/N,” Neil created a fake grin. 
You were completely horrified. Your heart pounded vigorously. Was he watching you this whole time? He probably thought you were being absurd. At once all the nerves consumed you. You became speechless. You were so embarrassed! You quickly hopped out of the cart and sheepishly put your hands behind your back. “H-hey Doctor Melendez. I didn’t know you shop here?”
“It’s Walmart. I hope I can shop here.”
Your eyes bugged out of your head. 
“What my friend means is that you look rich and so handsome that we suspected you might shop at places like Whole Foods and what not.” Janelle saved your butt.
Neil chuckled, “no, I need my junk food.” He then eyed you. “Saw you having fun here.”
You looked down, scared for his talk. 
“Why don’t I ever see this side of you? I think you should let that fire out more at work in front of all of us. I think its cute.” He winked at you as he walked away. 
“Oh my God Janelle,” you fell against the cart, leaning against it. “I think I just died. That was so embarrassing!”
Janelle danced around you, “are you serious? He said you were cute! Agh, I wish a guy would say that about me!”
“I’m so glad that’s over.”
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It wasn’t over. Far from it.
Neil couldn’t sleep that night. He was angry and jealous. He wanted to start a relationship with you but he didn’t even know who you were. How was it going to work? He didn’t understand why you kept who you were away from him? Do you hate him that much?
Neil paged you and texted you that he needed to discuss something with you, asap the next day at work.
Your bones shook like a tree. You were more than nervous, you were petrified. Was this about the fiasco at Walmart or was this something more? Neil meant so much to you, you didn’t want to ruin what you two already had. 
You knocked on the door to a vacant room. You saw Neil sitting at the table through the glass windows. 
“Come in,” he said loud for you to hear. 
You walked in slowly. 
“Please sit.”
You sat, biting your lip. You played with your fingers awaiting the blow. 
“I just want to say I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me but I wanted to discuss something that’s been bothering me.”
“I thought I knew you. I don’t know why but when I saw you having fun yesterday my heart hurt. It’s weird to explain.” Neil rubbed his temples, clearly this was effecting him. “I fell asleep that night thinking about you.”
“About me?” You felt flustered. 
Neil heard how that sounded and quickly tried to save himself from the grave he dug himself, “please, let me rephrase that. What I mean is, I know you for being this quiet, shy woman and who I saw yesterday was this outspoken, fun, burst of fire. Why is there such a change?”
You were afraid he was going to bring it up. You felt hot. You weren’t really sure how you were going to respond. “I don’t know.” You became shy. 
“I just don’t understand why you are so...afraid of me? Have I done something to scare you?”
“It’s not you okay,” you were becoming overwhelmed. Why did he have to bring up something you were insecure about? Why couldn’t he just let it go? “It’s me. I just I don’t-”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I just want a complete honest answer. I don’t want you to dislike me. Please tell me what happened.”
You wanted to shut out everything. You were self conscious of your personality. You felt like crying. You stared at your hands and wanted to be sucked in a hole. Your lips trembled as a tear fell.
Neil saw that and felt like a monster. “I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to-”
You wiped your tears away and stood up, “You said enough. It’s over, it’s done, just leave it be.” You were about to leave but entered the room again. “I’m insecure about myself and I don’t like the real me. I’m afraid you won’t like who I am because I really like you Neil. I hide because who I really am is this crazy, reckless person. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I’m sorry I’m weird.” You walked away leaving Neil feeling defeated and hating himself because all he wanted to do was tell you how he truly felt. 
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It was the next day and you were swallowed up in your blanket, eating ice cream and watching rom cons that were too good to be true. You felt hollow. You thought you maybe had a chance with Neil but he hated you and found you unattractive. 
Janelle came in with a guilty look on her face, “it’s okay babes.” She hugged you tight. “If he doesn’t love you then he doesn’t deserve you because you are a gorgeous thing.” She smiled trying to make you laugh. 
You chuckled weakly and cried into Janelle’s shoulder feeling like a glob rather than a person. “I even told him how I felt.”
There was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it.” You slipped on your slippers and walked around the apartment gloomy. You opened the door and standing there was Neil holding a bouquet of roses. “Oh its you.” You threw the door in his face. 
“Please Y/N I really need to talk to you.”
Janelle turned you around like a mother, “go talk to him. Now.”
You groaned as you met with Neil’s body. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to apologize for the way I acted towards you yesterday. It was wrong and I am very sorry. I was being stupid. I was jealous because I wanted you to be yourself around me. I wanted to know how adorable you act and I want to push you in a cart. I want to have those fun moments with you because you are special Y/N. You have this beautiful, amazing personality that lights up the room and that makes me feel giddy. I’m a complete idiot for treating you like how I did but Y/N I like you. I like you a lot. I would love to take you on a date like a gentleman because you deserve the best. These are for you.” He handed you the roses. 
You were speechless, mouth agape as you stared at this man completely smitten with you and confessing. You smelled the roses and smiled, “they smell amazing. Thank you.”
“Phew, I’m glad you liked them because I was really nervous you were allergic or something-”
You pulled Neil’s collar and gave him a big kiss. It was sensual and perfect. It wasn’t too quick but not too long. Both lips moved in perfect sync. “You should’ve said that yesterday.”
“I really should of if I was going to get that outcome.”
Janelle started clapping in the background like a victorious warrior. “Amazing! So when’s the wedding?”
(ENDING A/N: i’m not sponsored by walmart sAdly i swear hhhhh)
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​​, @fandomchick80​
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
Please Reblog, like or comment! It means a lot to me and I truly appreciate it:)
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neilmelendez-md · 5 years
Specialty: Love. (Part Two).
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On Monday, you were at St. Bonaventure Hospital precisely at 8:30 am. You’ve decided to arrive a little early so you could pay Dr. Aaron Glassman a visit before your meeting with him and Dr. Melendez. You knock on his door and open it up as soon as you hear him yell for you to come in.
— Hey, Glassy! — You exclaim playfully.
— Oh, no, you too with that stupid nickname? — He laughs, getting up of his presidential chair to hug you.
— I like it better than Glaaron Assman, if I’m allowed to say so, — you answer with a loud laugh.
— Well, me too, — he says, also with a laugh. — How’s my favorite neurosurgeon?
— Former neurosurgeon, — you correct him. — I’m doing fine, how about you? And please don’t ask me to reconsider my decision. It’s final.
A knock on the door interrupts your chit chat before Dr. Glassman got the chance to answer you.
— Dr. Melendez is ready for you both in the meeting room, — Dr. Glassman’s secretary announce.
— Thank you, we’ll be there in a minute, — he answers and the secretary leaves, leaving the door open.
— What’s his deal? — You ask Glassman while observing Dr. Melendez typing on his phone inside the meeting room. You’ve heard a lot of wonderful things about him as a doctor, but also a lot of crappy things about him as a person.
— Neil can be a little arrogant and cocky sometimes, but that’s only because he knows he is the absolute best. Just like someone I know, — he answers you with a cynical smile.
— Well, I hope you’re not talking about me! — you say, taking your hand to your chest and playing offended. — At least when it comes to the arrogant part, because we both know you got it right when you said I’m the absolute best.
You give him a playful smile and he rolls his eyes at you, laughing.
— Let’s go, we don’t want to keep your new boss waiting!
— You might wanna hold your horses for a little while because I haven’t been officially hired yet, Glassy, — you remember him.
— Oh, please (Y/N)! He’ll love you. Now come on! — Dr. Glassman says, pointing the door for you.
— Okay, let’s do this, — you answer, starting to feel a little nervous.
— Neil! — Dr. Glassman says, causing Dr. Melendez to look away from his phone.
— Aaron, Dr. (L/N), — he says, getting up and offering you his hand.
— Dr. Melendez, — you answer, shaking his hand and smiling.
Dr. Melendez nods to you, as professionally and serious as he could get. He did look arrogant even when he wasn’t saying anything or doing any facial expressions. “Great, a jackass boss,” you think, suppressing the urge to roll your eyes at him.
The three of you take your seats and Dr. Melendez observes you for a while.
— You’ve got yourself a pretty good resume, Dr. (L/N), I’m impressed, — he says to you.
— Thanks, Dr. Melendez, — you answer, knowing what he was gonna ask next.
— You were the head of your department and a worldwide famous doctor. Why did you choose to leave Grey Sloan and quit your career as a neurosurgeon? — He asks, looking genuinely intrigued.
— I was only filling in for Dr. Shepherd during her maternity leave. And as for why I quit neuro, the answer is I wanna reinvent myself as a doctor. I used to have several doubts between cardio and neuro before choosing my first fellow specialty, and ended up choosing neurosurgery. But now it just feels... wrong, — you answer him, truthfully and confidently.
— Still, the fact that you were filling in for somebody else doesn’t make the fact that you were the head of your department at age 26 any less impressive, — he says, lifting his brows.
— I suppose it doesn’t, — you answer with a cocky smile.
Neil smiles back at you for a second, and you two stare at each other in a sort of cold battle for power.
— I do have one more question though, — he says after a few moments.
— Go ahead, — you encourage him.
— If you work under me, you’ll be working under my rules. This means no questioning my authority, no overruling my orders nor going over my head. I understand that you used to be an attending doctor which means you had full independency and this could difficult those things for you, but here you’ll be one of my students and I’ll be your teacher, and you’ll have to respect that. Can you do that? — He asks, looking straight into your eyes.
“God, this guy smells like pure arrogance,” you think, tightening your eyes a bit.
— Yes, I can, — you answer, holding the intense eye contact.
— Good. Welcome to the team, Dr. (L/N). See you tomorrow, — he nods at you with a victorious smile knowing he won your little power battle, leaving the room without waiting for your response.
— He’s a jackass, — you say to Dr. Glassman, who had been quiet this entire time, while lifting both of your eyebrows.
— He’s just a little competitive, — Glassman answers you, laughing. — But he’s a good person. And an extraordinary cardiothoracic surgeon.
— Let’s see about that once I complete my fellow specialty and become a thousand times better than him, — you say with a challenging expression.
— Just don’t forget you’ll need him to accomplish this (Y/N), — Glassman says, wisely. — Wanna grab a bite? I know a certain person who’d be thrilled to see you.
— Sure! — You answer him with a bright smile.
You pressed your body against the wall while waiting for Dr. Melendez and his three fellow students to leave a patient’s room, using this precious time to study Dr. Melendez’s actions and body language in order to know what you were dealing with.
— You’re analyzing him, aren’t you? — Dr. Glassman asks, knowing you too well.
— What can I say? You know me way too well, — you answer.
In this moment, a skinny guy with vivid green eyes and a brown messy hair leaves the room followed by Dr. Melendez and two other doctors. He doesn’t notice your presence at first, stopping suddenly after a few seconds.
— This perfume... (Y/N) is here! — He exclaims excitedly, lifting his hands and turning around to face you and Dr. Glassman.
— Hello, Smurf! — You say to him with a bright and genuine smile.
— Hello, (Y/N)! — He answers, running to you and hugging you awkwardly.
Everyone — except for Dr. Glassman — were surprised when you hugged him back and he hugged you even tighter for a short while.
— You two know each other? — Dr. Melendez asked with a confused expression.
— Yes! Yes we do! (Y/N) is my friend! She’s almost as smart as I am, — Shaun Murphy answers to him.
— Good to know that, Murphy, since she’s going to be working with us, — Dr. Melendez says.
— Is she? Are you? — Shaun asks to both you and Dr. Melendez.
— Yes! I didn’t wanna tell you until I was sure about it. How does that sound? We’re finally working together! — You tell him excitedly.
— I like that very much, — Shaun answers, looking at the wall behind you, a smile in his face.
— Excuse me, aren’t you Dr. (L/N)? — A curly haired girl with a kind face and a warm smile asks.
— Yes, but you can call me (Y/N), — you answer, offering her your hand and smiling back at her.
— Nice to meet you (Y/N)! I’m Dr. Claire Browne, and I’m a huge fan of your work, — she says, shaking your hand excitedly.
— She’s your new colleague Dr. Browne, not a celebrity, — Dr. Melendez says sarcastically to Claire as he walked into the elevator behind her.
— Is he always this obnoxious? — You ask no one in particular once the elevator doors closed.
— Pretty much. But it gets better, eventually. Just don’t let him get to you. Hi, I’m Dr. Kalu. Jared. — A tall British guy with a captivating smile answered you, offering his hand.
— I’ll try. Nice to meet you, by the way, — you tell him after shaking his hand, adding to the small group: — Would you guys like to grab a bite? I’m starving.
After an excited confirmation from the three doctors you leave with them and Dr. Glassman to the cafeteria. Your lunch was fun and pleasant and allowed you to get to know your new coworkers better. By the end of the meal, all of you looked like old friends. Claire and Jared were nice and friendly, and seemed like really good people. You were happy to see how good they treated Shaun and that he had made such nice friends.
— Crap, we gotta go! Our patient went in cardiac arrest! — Claire shout suddenly at Shaun and Jared after checking her phone, and soon they were running away through the hallway, leaving you alone with Dr. Glassman.
— So, how are you feeling about starting a new specialty at a new hospital from tomorrow? Must be pretty hard to let neuro, Grey Sloan and all of your friends behind, — Dr. Glassman says casually.
— Do we really have to talk about it? It’s not like I don’t have any friends here, I mean, I’ve got you and Shaun, — you answer him with a shrug.
— (Y/N), sooner or later you’ll have to talk about this. Might not be with me, might not be with Shaun, nor Meredith, nor Maggie, nor Amelia, but you’ll have to talk to someone, — he tells you concerned.
— You know what they say, better late than never. Anyway, gotta go. See you tomorrow, Glassy! — You say, leaving before he could answer so you were able to avoid the topic he was really trying to approach.
On your way out of the hospital, you’re intercepted by a male voice.
— Dr. (L/N), wait!
When you turn around, you see Dr. Melendez facing you. As much as you try, you can’t read his expression.
— Yeah?! — You finally answer him.
— Can we talk? In private, — he says.
— Sure... — you answer, a little suspicious.
He opens the door of the room on his left and holds it open for you to enter. You stare at him a little while before entering, followed by him.
— An On-Call Room, huh? Classy, — you tease him, trying to break the ice.
— Don’t get your hopes up, I’m about to disappoint you, — he surprisingly teases you back, lifting a brow and giving you a side smirk. You suddenly don’t know how to react.
— I—I... Hmm... — you stutter.
He gives you a victorious smile, full of presumption while you blush, not sure if it were embarrassment or anger.
— I believe you wanted to talk to me?! — You say coldly.
— I need to know why you left neuro and your old job, — he answers you bluntly.
— I’m sorry, but I don’t see how it’s any of your business, — you tell him.
— And I don’t see how it’s not, — he says. — I need to know, did you leave your old job because you screwed up? Did you do anything medically wrong? Or criminally wrong?
You couldn’t believe his audacity. You felt your blood boil inside your veins. How dare him?
— Well, why don’t you give Grey Sloan a call to find out? Chief Miranda Bailey would be thrilled to answer your questions. See you tomorrow, — you tell him harshly before storming out of the room. It would be a long year.
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specialagentlokitty · 11 months
Melendez x reader - need you
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Dating people you worked with was never a good idea, and now you understood why.
Because you had decided to go to the ER to get away from Melendez after an explosive argument the night before, and now you were stuck in quarantine.
“If we take this whole ER in half, we can tackle this easier.”
Lim nodded her head.
“Right, we’ll swap between patient care and tending to the rest.”
“I’ll take first patient care.”
You headed over to where the main quarantine was and suited up to head inside.
You couldn’t think of anything else, you had a job to do and you needed to be in top mind in order to do it.
You couldn’t be distracted right now, so you pushed everything else to the back of your mind, throwing your all into your work.
What you weren’t expecting was for you to be the next person to get infected, and you backed yourself into the room.
“Listen Morgan, I can keep an eye on Lim while I’m in here, just focus on everyone else.”
“I need to keep an eye on you both.”
“It’ll do no good, just focus on them, I have this, okay? Shaun needs support.”
She reluctantly nodded, and you walked over to your friend, placing a hand on her arm.
“You’ll get through this.”
You paced back and forth, checked on Lim, gave help to Shaun and Morgan when you could, but there wasn’t much you can do.
You could feel yourself getting weak and you knew it was getting worse, you tried heard your phone ringing somewhere but didn’t bother to find it.
Sitting on the chair, you lowered your head, taking deep and shallow breaths.
“It’s Andrews, he’s looking for you.”
You looked up at Alex and laughed weakly.
“You.. you shouldn’t be here…”
“Neither should you. I’m coming in.”
You coughed, shaking your head as you held up your hand.
“You need the help.”
“I.. I’m fine…”
Andrews looked at the screen to see you sitting in the chair talking to Alex, and Melendez burst into the room once more.
He looked at the screens briefly, but didn’t seem to notice you as he began to talk.
Nobody had told him where you were.
Nobody had told your boyfriend you were in that room on the verge of death.
He was worried enough for Lim, and was stressed as it was, they couldn’t bring themselves to tell him that you were in there.
And Andrews had to decide on what to do.
Did he tell Melendez and stress him even more?
Or did he keep it to himself and you possibly die in there without your own boyfriend knowing?
If this were a normal patient their family would’ve been notified by now.
“Andrews I need a decision now.”
Andrews snapped out of his head.
Melendez looked up, and he furrowed his brows a little bit.
Andrews quickly began to help him come up with a game plan for his patient.
You on the other hand we’re getting worse, your temperature had gone up, and you were getting worse and worse.
“You’ll be okay.”
You smiled weakly.
“I.. tell.. tell him I didn’t mean it…”
“Who? Doctor Melendez?”
You weakly nodded.
Morgan smiled at you, taking your hand with her gloved one.
“You’ll be able to tell him yourself…”
Even she wasn’t convinced by her own words, but she had to flick between caring for you and Lim who you were now in the same state as.
And even when Morgan’s treatment plan seemed to work for Lim, and she was awake and talking, you still had made no improvement.
“You need to tell him…” Lim whispered.
“Andrews already has.” Morgan replied.
You were rushed away from them the moment it was safe.
Melendez was stood frozen in his office as he stared at his boss.
“You.. you knew?!” He hissed.
“I decided it was best not to tell you, you already had enough going on.”
“You knew that (Y/N) was in there and didn’t think to tell me?!”
“I made a choice and I stand by that choice, but as of now (Y/N) is being rushed to intensive care.”
So that’s where he ran off to, grabbing the nearest to help him find your room and he walked in.
You were pale, and the machines were beeping, and he slowly walked over, sitting on the edge of your bed.
Melendez reached out, gently touching your face.
“You need to wake up..” he whispered.
He moved to a chair, leaning over the bed, resting his head on your stomach as he looked up at you.
He was mindful not to lay on your chest, or any wires, but he laid there just staring at you. Waiting.
He fell asleep like that, and he woke up like that.
Except you still weren’t awake, and you made no progress or decline.
You just stayed steady.
It was like you were awake but you weren’t.
And for the next few hours he just laid there watching you.
“Please wake up…”
He sat up, resting his forehead on your hand as he clutched it in his.
And he felt it.
The small twitch, and heard the small grumble you made as you moved.
Snapping his head up he looked at you as you opened your eyes.
You moved your eyes towards him and smiled tiredly.
“You look like crap…”
He laughed, pressing a kiss to your knuckles as he looked at you.
“So do you.”
You smiled a bit, resting your head back as you took a deep breath.
“I love you.” he said.
You smiled at him, squeezing his hand.
“I’m so sorry…”
He shook his head, standing up so he could lay on the bed next to you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Don’t be, I started that argument. It’s my fault.”
He sighed.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you…”
You closed your eyes, holding his hand tightly.
“I love you too Neil…”
Even though he could’ve been anywhere, done anything else, he stayed there with you, holding you and reassuring you he loved you
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chiefdirector · 1 year
Hellooo I fell in love with your Neil Melendez story's !! They're so good, are you gonna write new one-shot or anything else about him ? thanks and love uu 🫶🏼🫶🏼
i am so glad you like them, it has been a while since i thought about my favourite from the good doctor (i mean look at that man 🥵🥵🥵)
but this ask genuinely reminded me to post one of my drafts so thanks bestie. It's a Neil Melendez x reader fluff drabble with prompts c & p from my prompt list
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Fic is here ->-> Anesthesia
if you wanted to send another request, id be thrilled do do another one: my prompt list is here ->-> prompts
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ivy-stclaire · 7 years
My Idiot
Dedicated to @radpeacharbiter , sorry for the long wait honey! Hope you enjoy this!
Original Prompts:
43: Don’t look at me in that tone of voice
47: My turn ons? Well I don’t know, maybe some fucking common sense
Added Prompts:
24: A - If you ever feel stupid, or weak, or powerless, just remember that I, am not. B - Thanks. A - You’re welcome.
37: Today I’m feeling cloudy with a chance of sarcastic.
46: You know, having feelings is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch.
In which the reader is a sarcastic little shit aka one of the residents at St. Bonaventure and has recently started a relationship with Melendez.
Warnings ⚠️: cursing
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Claire was by your side as soon as you walked into the hospital lobby. You merely glanced at her and resumed the familiar path to the locker rooms, knowing your best friend wouldn’t be bothered by the lack of greetings.
“So?” Claire prompted, eyes wide as she watched you put down your bag and enter the code to your personal locker. “How did it go?”
You started humming, intent on ignoring her. Your voice was the only sound in the otherwise silent room. As expected, Claire’s impatient foot tapping quickly stated its presence.
“Okaaaay, let’s start over.” She moved closer to you and put both of her hands on your shoulders, forcing you to turn around and face her. “How are we feeling today?
“Today I’m feeling cloudy with a chance of sarcastic.” You didn’t miss a beat, blinking innocently.
Claire gave you an unimpressed look and smacked her lips together, expressing her silent disapproval. However, you weren’t affected in the slightest and turned back to your locker.
‘So damn predictable’, you thought to yourself, barely refraining yourself from shaking your head as Claire left but was back in a few seconds, Carly trailing behind her.
“Tell us!” Carly snapped once she reached your side. You chuckled, a Cheshire grin fixed on your lips.
“Ugh, you’re impossible Y/N.” Claire growled under her breath. “We know about you.”
You dropped the grin, sighing exasperatedly at your friend. “Who’s your source?”
“You.” Carly deadpanned, shoving her phone into your hands, screen unlocked. “And your Instagram account. Drunk you should really stop posting half naked pictures of your boss.”
Claire’s annoyed façade crumbled as she let out a giggle, unable to contain herself as she saw you facepalming.
“You and Dr. Melendez, huh?” Claire smirked, her voice rising in a suggestive manner as she exchanged a look with Carly.
“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice, Claire Antonia Browne,” you rolled your eyes. You really should get her a boyfriend so she would stop being so interested in your love life.
“C’mon Y/N. Give us some juice.” Carly whined, her eyes lightning up with a familiar glint. “First there was Dr. Hsiao, then Dr. Solomon and now Dr. Melendez. Is that your type? Doctors? Arrogant doctors? Tattooed doctors? Are those your turn ons? The tattoos?” The receptionist leaned forward, face just a few inches away from your own, mischief sparkling in her dark orbs.
You took a step back, folding your arms across your chest.
“My turn ons? Well I don’t know, maybe some fucking common sense. Go back to work Carly, your shift started half an hour ago.” You snapped at her. Seriously, what was up with all these nosy females who claimed to be her best friends?
“No need to be so defensive sweetheart.” Carly raised her hands in a gest of surrender, smirking at you.
“Better leave her alone.” Claire shared a satisfied smile with their curly haired friend. “We already got all the answers we needed.”
“Which were none!” You yelled at their backs, watching them skipping happily out of the locker room.
As you turned around, you were faced with a smirking Dr. Lim and Dr. Andrews. Choosing to ignore the knowing looks the two women sported, you quickly made your way down to the ER.
Later, you were cuddling with Neil on his couch, rewatching Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
“Ready to talk now?” Neil rubbed your back as the credits rolled on the TV screen.
“You know, having feelings is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch.” You told him, staring pensively into the now black screen.
“Your reputation? What about mine? I’m supposed to be the dickhead who’s not even a proper human being,” he shook his head, a smile dancing on his lips as you shifted your gaze to him.
“Yeah, I don’t really care about yours,” you shrugged, shooting him a pointed look, “just feeling sad for myself, now I have to start caring for people.”
Neil sat up straighter on the couch, letting you slide off him, “If you ever feel stupid, or weak, or powerless, just remember that I, am not,” he gave you a cheeky wink.
“Jeez, thanks, bae,” you tilted your head and grinned at him, feeling as if you could burst with joy at the familiar banter.
“You’re welcome,” Neil bopped your nose and pecked you on the lips.
“Are we just a couple of jerks who are attracted to each other?” You asked him, snuggling closer to his larger frame as Neil draped an extra blanket around you.
“I believe you mean we are a couple of attractives who are jerked to each other.” Neil laughed, nuzzling your neck.
“You’re such an idiot.” You giggled, tracing patterns on his bare chest with your fingertips.
“At least I’m your idiot.” Neil kissed the crown of your head. “Go to sleep now, beautiful.” He mumbled, closing his eyes.
“My idiot.” You whispered in the dark, feeling comforted and safe in his arms.
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midearthwritings · 2 years
I am opening requests for The Good Doctor!
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maximoff-pan · 7 years
Being Shaun Murphy's First Kiss Would Include
Request: What about a "being Shaun Murphy's first kiss would include?" (P.S screw that girl who tricked him when he was a kid she was a jerk)
Although you hadn't had many, this was not your first kiss
Shaun would be quite blunt about the subject
He'd ask you a few questions first though 
“(Y/n)! Have you ever kissed anyone?”
You really weren't sure what brought this on, but the young doctor was always surprising you 
He'd look at you curiously, awaiting your answer
Claire would start giggling beside you before announcing
“I’m going to go get some sleep.  See ya later Shaun.”
But not before tapping your shoulder and whispering in your ear “Have fun.”
You'd tell him a bit about your first kiss
“It wasn't all that great.  Too much tongue, but it wasn't awful either.”
He would laugh at the face you made, claiming that “your expressions were funny,” but he just wasn't good at showing it
“I came close to kissing a girl once.  Would you kiss me?”
It was a little out of the blue for you, but it wasn't unexpected of him to ask per se
You liked Shaun, a lot, but you weren't sure he liked you that way
“Uh, sure!”
His eyes would light up
“Of course Shaun, but don't you want your first kiss to be with someone special?”
He would look very confused
“But you are someone who is special to me.”
This would cause your face to warm as you smile at him
“I would like to kiss you now.”
Leaning in, you would press your lips against his
It would be a little awkward at first, neither one of you being very experienced and it wouldn't last too long 
Shaun started to get the hang of it as you ran your hands through his hair
Usually he wouldn't want anyone to do that besides himself and his brother (before he had died) but with you, it just felt right
He didn't feel any anxiety kissing you
While it was short and sweet, it made him calm
Pulling away, his breath would be slightly heavy and he would be in a sort of daze
The PA system would go off, calling “Dr. (L/n) to the OR, Dr. (L/n) to the OR.”
 Smiling at Shaun you looked at the floor slightly 
“I have to go.  But I'll see you later, yeah?”
Shaun, still in a slight daze, lets out a breath of air
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