#carly the receptionist
aestheticaltcow · 8 months
I Don't Love You, I Worship You
Summary: Billy Hargrove was enthralled from the second he met Anya Murlock and determined to make her his.
CW: There is smut in later chapters, some threats of violence, overall kinda wholesome...
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Chapter 1: The New Girl
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“Have a beautiful day, my gorgeous girl!” Anya smiled when she heard the sing-songy sound of her mother, Carly, saying her goodbyes that morning. She paused in the doorway and craned to glance into the kitchen where her mother stood drinking a cup of coffee, “Will do, Mommy. I love you.”. Carly responded with, “I love you more, baby!” resulting in Anya shaking her head with a grin. Carly always managed to get the last word in during the morning goodbyes.
Anya pulled on her backpack strap nervously as she walked down the street. She was nervous about starting a new high school her senior year, but it was okay. A new scene was always good; this move felt more permanent to her. She slipped her headphones over her ears to help the walk to school go by faster. 
As she walked into school, Anya felt eyes on her. She pulled her sleeves over her hands and quickly found the front office. “Excuse me?” Anya asked, attempting to get the receptionist’s attention to no avail. “Excuse me?” she asked louder. The woman finally turned to face her and asked, “What’s your last name?” “Murlock.” “Mmhm.” the woman turned to open a drawer. She dug through papers until finding what Anya assumed were student files. The woman turned to face her, “Okay, Anya, here is your schedule, locker assignment, and school map. If you have any problems, feel free to stop by the office at the end of the day, okay?” Anya nodded in response and quickly walked out of the office.
First-period English. Unproductive, boring, and simplistic. Anya was satisfied to pair up with a girl named Nancy for their first essay project. She seemed nice and had a soft face; as their teacher droned on the importance of Shakespeare literature for modern literature, Anya found herself distracted doodling in her notebook. She said goodbye to Nancy at the end of class.
Second-Period Math. Pointless, Anya couldn’t follow her teacher’s rambling and once again found herself doodling in her notebook. The bell couldn’t have rung any sooner.
Third-Period Social Studies. Anya was ready to go home at this point. Unlike the prior classes of the day, the teacher called on her. “Okay, Anna, when was the Mexican border war?” “Oh um, 1910-1919…. Also, my name is Anya, not Anna…” Anya swallowed, hoping she hadn’t pissed the teacher off. “Oh, my apologies. That was correct. The Mexican border war.” Anya turned her attention back to her drawing until the bell rang for lunch period.
Anya loathed the idea of needing to find a place to sit. Her eyes quickly scanned the large room until she found an empty table in the opposite corner. She maneuvered through a maze of tables and took note of the groups she’d passed; it was like any other high school. She was intrigued by a group of boys wearing shirts branded with ‘Hellfire Club.’
Anya sat down and put her bag on the table before slipping her headphones back on. She pulled her notebook out again and went back to her doodling. As the music played, Anya crunched into an apple and looked around the cafeteria for more people to draw. Her eyes settled on a guy a few tables away; she liked his soft blonde curls and blue bedroom eyes. She took a mental picture of him and turned back to her sketchbook.
Fourth-Period Science. Anya felt her eyes glaze over at one point.
Fifth-Period Gym. Thankfully, they didn’t have to do much that day since it was the first day.
Sixth-Period Art. Finally. Anya felt at home. She took her notebook out again and returned to the day's doodles. Art was the one thing Anya felt good at. Drawing, painting, photography, everything felt simple and homey.
The final bell rang, and Anya slipped her notebook into her bag before exiting class. She was distracted with thoughts of what she would do when she got home when she bumped into someone. Anya looked up to see the boy from lunch standing before her, “Oh, I’m sorry.” she apologized; she noticed his jaw clench as he looked down at her. She stepped to the side, but he continued to stare at her, “What’s your name?” he finally asked. “Anya. Anya Murlock.” he nodded. “I’m Billy. Don’t make it a habit of bumping into me.” his face was like stone, and Anya couldn’t help but admire his sharp jawline and high cheekbones. “Okay…” Anya said softly before walking away.
Billy watched Anya as she walked away. She was new. He noticed her breasts as they spoke and couldn’t help but stare at her butt as she walked away. He scoffed as he turned to head into the gym for basketball practice.
Billy slammed the front door as he left for school the following day, it was only 7 AM, and he was already pissed. Neil was yelling at him about taking care of Max and how he needed to be more responsible if he wanted to continue living under his roof after he graduated.
As Billy got closer to school, he noticed Anya walking. He slows to a crawl and rolls down his window, “Anya.” he called out to her. She looked over her shoulder and smiled. “Want a ride?” she shrugged in response, and Billy put his car in park before unlocking the passenger’s door. He watched her smooth the bottom of her dress as she put her backpack at her feet, “So you’ll get into any stranger’s car? Good to know.” he joked as he watched Anya shift in her seat. Anya shrugged before asking, “Are you going to murder me?”. Billy chuckled softly. “Maybe.” he put his car back into drive, and the two drove the rest of the way to school. Billy noticed Anya’s head nodding to the music as she looked out the window. New. Cute. Good taste in music. Billy was fascinated. 
When the two pulled into the school’s parking lot, Anya thanked Billy for the ride and walked inside. Billy stared at her as he also got out of the car. He leaned against the driver’s side door and fiddled with a cigarette before placing it between his lips. Anya would be his.
The first half of the day went by slowly. Billy noticed Anya walk into the cafeteria that day. He watched her sit in the corner and dig through her bag; Billy must have been watching her more intensively than he thought. Tommy H. hit his arm, returning his attention to the group’s conversation. “You tryin' to hook up with the new girl or something?” he questioned, silently wishing he could do the same. Billy shrugged. “She’s interesting.” as he turned his attention back to where Anya had been sitting, she’d left. Billy rolled his eyes and stuck a piece of gum in his mouth; she’ll be his.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 5 months
Is it okay to ask how the rest of the 5ds cast is doing ij not-kansas? I love seeing your takes on how characters would work on it!
YESS totally cool to ask! AND, WELL. TECHNICALLY. THERE ARE SOMETIMES, MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF THE 5DS CAST ON THE TABLE depending on the day/the context/etc :,) see when i started the college AU it was just for gx, as we know, and I thought it'd be funny to slip other ygo characters in for fun, and at the time i was like "it'd be funny to have the 5ds characters there but theyre just like. in their 30s just in the background, chilling," because i wasnt especially invested in them yet/straight up thought i was gonna think 5ds was 'just ok' <---CLUELESS. 😐
Anyway so the 'main' version of the 5ds cast really are just some cool thirtysomethingish year old biker friends. Yusei and Crow both work at a local car repair shop (same auto shop where Syrus and Anna both work as receptionists lol); they and Jack and Kalin are from Satellite, Kansas (real shithole of town)! Crow does a bunch of volunteer work working with LGBT kids and teens, and also is a frequent participant in the Not-Lawrence Queer Birding Group's meetups. Yusei goes to protests and keeps a bunch of shitty project cars on his front lawn and it rules. Akiza works at the Home Depot Garden Center. Jack and Carly live together and Carly runs a blog that is moderately ("moderately") successful :^) Jack works here
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with this guy
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i go back and forth with leo and luna... with this iteration of the team i picture them late teens-early 20sish, leo also works at Home Depot and Luna is a vet tech ❤
but also SOMETIMES if im thinking about my pizza AU just as its own standalone thing, then there's slightly different version of team 5ds on the field, a little younger, mid-late 20s-ish--I think in that version of the setting I was playing around with making Jack a food critic?? Which is still VERY funny imo. And the twins are kids that live in the rich neighborhood Aporia used to live in (and where he accidentally hit Leo with his car.) (LEO WAS FINE. FOR THE RECORD.) But then sometimes also I'll just have Bruno go deliver pizzas to the auto shop and hit it off with 33 year old Yusei or whatever. IT'S VERY LOOSEY GOOSEY SORRY DHFGFG. MEOW WOLF TYPE RULES pizza AU is simultaniously it's own dimension and also a core component of the not-lawrence not-kansas dimension (really absolutely obsessed with Not-Kansas too btw)
regardless of which versions i happen to be thinking about kalin nonetheless has fucked off to Dodge City, Kansas to repent for probably almost killing a cop. Dodge City is probably the most soul sucking cowboy themed town i have ever been too it's a pretty good Crashtown equivalent 🏜
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nowandajenn · 2 months
Blue Christmas- chapter 2
Series warnings: angst (like a lot), mentions of infidelity, language, family drama, pregnancy, sexual situations.
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After taking a hot shower and getting dressed for the day, I let Dodger out once more before I leave for the studio. This time of year is always busy; families coming in wanting photos done of their kids or the whole family for the holidays. I love this time of year and how happy everyone is. Plus, the holidays provide endless possibilities when it comes to the pictures. 
When I get to the studio, I head inside and unlock the door, flip the sign, and turn the lights on and get ready to get down to business. My assistant/receptionist Allie gets there about 15 minutes after I do. 
“I hope you’re full of coffee and perkiness, because we are going to be jam packed today, my girl.” I tell her. 
“Had a cappuccino at home and I have coffee in my trusty travel mug. I’m ready to go.” she says, laughing. 
My first appointment doesn’t come in until 10am, and we don’t get a break to even sit down and eat lunch until about 2:30. Allie and I sit together at our desks, taking and eating our burritos, taking a much needed breather. It’s already December 4th, so we’re going to be pretty busy from now until Christmas. 
“So you must be super happy now that Chris is home for the holidays.” Allie says, wiping her mouth with a napkin. 
“Absolutely. But there’s no way that he would miss Christmas. He knows his mom would kill him.” I laugh. 
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I send Allie home at 5pm and lock up so I can get some work done editing photos and getting them printed and organized on discs for the customers. Truthfully, I could be doing this at home, but there’s something about working here where there’s total peace and quiet that helps me concentrate and get shit done. 
Once I’m done with customer orders, I open up the folder on my computer with the holiday photos that Chris and I and the rest of the Evans clan did a few weeks ago, when Chris had a free weekend. There are a ton of photos, as usual, and they all turned out wonderful. There are ones of each one of the kids, ones of them together, pictures of the whole damn family, ones of Carly, Scott, Chris, and Shanna, ones of Chris and I (Allie took the ones that I was part of). I can’t help but smile as I scroll through all of them, tearing up at how much I love this family and how much they mean to me. 
I pick out one of the pictures of the whole family and email it to Lisa. We had taken the photos both inside and out, since the weather had been particularly good that day. This particular shot was taken outside with all of us standing on the wraparound front porch of Lisa’s house. Chris had made a joke about the porch giving out and us all falling on our asses to the ground because of all of our combined weight, Scott had laughed and replied that if anything was going to bring us down, it was going to be the size of Chris’ ego, and it had taken us way too long to get the giggles and jokes under control to get the picture. 
I sit back in my chair and gaze at one of our favorite wedding pictures that sits in a sterling silver frame on my desk. It was taken right after the ceremony, when we had been escorted to a private room in the church to take a breath and just be with each other for a few moments to bask in finally being married. It’s a black and white shot of us standing close, foreheads resting against each other’s, and both grinning like fools. There’s a bigger, framed copy of it hanging in our house, too. 
Chris surprised me with the studio for my birthday three years ago. I had gotten my degree in photography from U Mass, and was absolutely passionate about it. I took jobs shooting weddings, engagement photos, newborn photos, everything I could get my hands on. I ended up getting so much business that I had converted part of the basement into a darkroom, there were always photos everywhere, and the camera equipment that I needed as I got more work began to take up more space. Chris never complained though; he was thrilled that I was doing something that I loved and that made me happy.
 As a surprise, he and Tara had found the studio space and Chris had bought it for me. The night he had brought me here (blindfolded and slightly drunk) and unveiled the space to me, I had burst into tears and kissed him over and over again until we ended up in the back where nobody could see us, making love on the hardwood floor. The first official thing we did was christen the new place Kelly Evans Photography, a few months before I was technically even Kelly Evans. The whole studio is a big, open floor plan, with the front reception area flowing into the back photography area where there are comfy chairs, different lighting options, backgrounds, and props to use in the photos. Chris had helped me decorate, putting together the desks and painting, and helping me pick out which photos of mine were going to be displayed up front so customers could see examples of my work. 
Chris had declared that the centerpiece for the rest of the photos should be one of the photos from our engagement shoot, blown up and framed. It had been taken outside in the spring time, and the trees and flowers were in full bloom. The shot had been taken as Chris held me piggyback, with my arms thrown around him, both of us in the middle of laughing. It perfectly captured us as a couple; playful and happy and so in love it was ridiculous. It made me grin like the village idiot every time I caught a glance of it on the wall. 
By the time I finally get done working, I’m shocked to look outside and see the roads and sidewalks absolutely covered in snow, and the heavy flakes are still coming down. I had noticed that it had started snowing earlier in the day, but had been so busy I hadn’t really thought anything of it. I check my phone to see there’s a weather alert about blizzard conditions and the possibility of 5-8″ of snow. Gotta love East coast winters. 
There’s also a text from Chris telling me to drive safe coming home from work and that he loved me. I send him a text back saying that I’m leaving work right now and for him to drive safe also. 
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When I walk in the front door, Dodger barks happily and spins around, tail wagging excitedly. I set the pizza that I picked up for dinner down, and scratch him behind the ears, giving him kisses.  
“Come on bubba, let’s go potty.”
I let Dodger out and pour myself a glass of wine and plate up some pizza and head to the living room. Dodger doesn’t stay out too long on account of the cold, so once he comes in and shakes off, he joins me on the couch as I turn on an episode of V Wars on Netflix. 
The house is completely done up for Christmas, lights and garland everywhere, the Christmas tree decorated within an inch of its life. There’s a fire going in the fireplace, and the room is illuminated just by the light of the tree. It’s beautiful and soothing.
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I grab the bottle of red out of the fridge and pour myself another glass, watching through the kitchen window as the snow just keeps coming down, the strong wind carrying it every which way, causing big snow drifts across the yard. I hear the faint sound of the front door opening and then shutting, and Dodger losing his mind. That can only mean one thing.
“Babe?” I call out.
“Yeah, it’s me.” he says.
“God, I’m surprised you didn’t just stay at your mom’s tonight. The roads are a fucking mess.” 
I start heading back into the living room and stop in my tracks when I get a look at Chris. His eyes and nose are red, like he’s been crying. And there’s a look on his face that I haven’t seen before; like he’s devastated. My heart immediately starts pounding in my chest and my mouth goes dry. Someone died. That’s my first thought. He would only look like this if someone had died, or at the very least been in a serious accident.
“Chris? What is it? What’s wrong? Is your mom okay?” I ask, not liking how my voice comes out small and scared. 
He crosses the room to me and wraps me in a hug so tight that it’s a little hard to breathe. He buries his face in my neck and I immediately throw my arms around him, trying to comfort him. I can feel his tears transferring to my skin and I stand there, terrified, clinging to him tightly. 
“Chris, you have to talk to me. You’re scaring the hell out of me.” I murmur in his ear. He pulls back from me after a long moment and wipes his eyes, still holding onto me tightly. 
“I have to tell you something.” 
All those times over the last few days when I’ve been dying for him to tell me what’s going on and why he’s so stressed out, and now that it’s here, I’m not ready. Not in the slightest. 
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, imagining the worst possible scenarios in my head and trying to brace myself for anything. I try to steel myself, knowing that the next words out of his mouth are going to change everything. Without realizing it, I start fidgeting with the hem of Chris’ white cable knit sweater that I threw on over a pair of leggings as pajamas. 
“I love you so much. I love you. I love you.” he murmurs
“I love you too. Chris, whatever is going on, we’ll deal with it. I promise. You just have to tell me what happened.” Seeing him like this has gotten me so shaken that my voice is wavering, like I’m on the verge of bursting into tears. 
He brings his beautiful blue eyes up to meet mine and he takes in a shuddering breath.
“When I was gone, I fucked up. I……fuck……”. He drops to his knees in front of me and hugs my waist, pressing his head against my stomach. I bring my hand to the top of his head, stroking his hair, utterly fucking confused about what’s going on. 
All of the sudden, things seem to snap into place in my brain. The stress, him avoiding me, him sobbing at my feet, him saying he fucked up. But it’s not possible. It can’t be. Chris is the last person on the face of the earth that would do something like that. There’s no way. 
 I keep thinking “please no” to myself over and over in my head, and I’m shocked to realize I’m actually saying it softly out loud. 
“I slept with someone.”
I close my eyes tightly, hoping that this is just a nightmare. Nobody moves. Nobody breathes. Even Dodger is completely silent. Because if anyone makes a sound, it’s going to be real. 
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Portia is still on  the fuck Spencer Cassadine train, I see. lol.
Also, Alexis offering Esme a job as a receptionist just gives me vibes of when Carly (and later on, Nina) gave Nelle jobs that she really wasn’t qualified for and then she tried to murder Michael, manipulated a teen girl, faked her son’s death, pretended she slept with Sonny, slashed Brook Lynn’s throat, stole a dress from Crimson specifically to manipulate a fifteen/sixteen year old, and used Morgan against Carly. What if this job brings out the real Esme and she starts being all creepy and evil again?
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Tess McGill is an ambitious secretary with a unique approach for climbing the ladder to success. When her classy, but villainous boss breaks a leg skiing, Tess takes over her office, her apartment and even her wardrobe. She creates a deal with a handsome investment banker that will either take her to the top, or finish her off for good. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Tess McGill: Melanie Griffith Jack Trainer: Harrison Ford Katharine Parker: Sigourney Weaver Mick Dugan: Alec Baldwin Cyn: Joan Cusack Oren Trask: Philip Bosco Ginny: Nora Dunn Lutz: Oliver Platt Turkel: James Lally Bob Speck: Kevin Spacey Armbriester: Robert Easton Personnel Director: Olympia Dukakis Alice Baxter: Amy Aquino Tim Rourke: Jeffrey Nordling Doreen DiMucci: Elizabeth Whitcraft Tess’s Birthday Party Friend: Maggie Wagner Tess’s Birthday Party Friend: Lou DiMaggio Tess’s Birthday Party Friend: David Duchovny Tess’s Birthday Party Friend: Georgienne Millen Petty Marsh Secretary: Caroline Aaron Petty Marsh Secretary: Nancy Giles Petty Marsh Secretary: Judy Milstein Petty Marsh Secretary: Nicole Chevance Petty Marsh Secretary: Kathleen Gray Petty Marsh Secretary: Jane B. Harris Petty Marsh Secretary: Sondra Hollander Petty Marsh Secretary: Samantha Shane Petty Marsh Secretary: Julia Silverman Jr. Executive: Jim Babchak Jim: Zach Grenier Dewey Stone Reception Guest: Ralph Byers Dewey Stone Reception Guest: Leslie Ayvazian Cab Driver: Steve Cody Dewey Stone Receptionist: Paige Matthews John Romano: Lee Dalton Phyllis Trask: Barbara Garrick Barbara Trask: Madolin B. Archer Hostess at Wedding: Etain O’Malley Bridesmaid: Ricki Lake Bitsy: Marceline Hugot Bridegroom: Tom Rooney Trask Wedding Orchestra: Peter Duchin Trask Secretary: Maeve McGuire Tim Draper: Timothy Carhart TV Weatherman: Lloyd Lindsay Young Bartender: F.X. Vitolo Clerk at Dry Cleaner’s: Lily Froehlich Heliport Attendant: Michael Haley Helicopter Pilot: Mario T. DeFelice Jr. Helicopter Pilot: Anthony Mancini Jr. Trask Receptionist: Suzanne Shepherd Rhumba Guy (uncredited): Matthew Bennett Staten Island Secretary (uncredited): Trish Cook Pretty Brunette Office Girl (uncredited): Priscilla Cory Cyn’s Aunt (uncredited): Marilyn Dobrin Trask Executive (uncredited): Kevin Fennessy Receptionist (uncredited): Anita Finlay Office Worker (uncredited): Tom Sean Foley Staten Island Ferry Commutor (uncredited): George Gerard Secretary (uncredited): Dhonna Harris Goodale Young Businessman (uncredited): Daniel Henning Office Party-Goer (uncredited): Eric Kramer Secretary (uncredited): Elisa London Secretary (uncredited): Karen Starr Petty Marshall Secretary (uncredited): Alison Wachtler Film Crew: Director of Photography: Michael Ballhaus Editor: Sam O’Steen Screenplay: Kevin Wade Costume Design: Ann Roth Makeup Artist: Joseph A. Campayno Makeup Artist: J. Roy Helland Art Direction: Doug Kraner Director: Mike Nichols Unit Production Manager: Robert Greenhut Set Decoration: George DeTitta Jr. Casting: Juliet Taylor Executive Producer: Laurence Mark Producer: Douglas Wick Hairstylist: Alan D’Angerio Gaffer: John W. DeBlau Production Design: Patrizia von Brandenstein Location Manager: Richard Baratta Supervising Sound Editor: Stan Bochner Transportation Captain: Tom O’Donnell Jr. First Assistant Camera: Florian Ballhaus Production Supervisor: Todd Arnow Boom Operator: Linda Murphy Still Photographer: Andrew D. Schwartz Assistant Costume Designer: Gary Jones Camera Operator: David M. Dunlap Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Lee Dichter Art Department Coordinator: Samara Schaffer Transportation Co-Captain: Louis Volpe Script Supervisor: Mary Bailey Assistant Art Director: Tim Galvin Production Coordinator: Ingrid Johanson Production Sound Mixer: Les Lazarowitz Music Editor: Patrick Mullins Sound Editor: Marshall Grupp ADR Editor: Michael Jacobi Property Master: James Mazzola Cableman: Mike Bedard First Assistant Director: Michael Haley Stunt Double: Vic Armstrong Original Music Composer: Carly Simon Stunt Coordinator: Jim Dunn Stunt Coordinator: Frank Ferrara Stunts: Phil Neilson Stunts: ...
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technofinch · 1 year
boy problems session went well btw the players traded the corpse of a long-dead billionaire to a cryptobro dragon in exchange for the rights to 200 unreleased carly rae jepsen songs and a single meatloaf cd then ran away with the bitchy hyper-competent receptionist
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ivy-stclaire · 7 years
My Idiot
Dedicated to @radpeacharbiter , sorry for the long wait honey! Hope you enjoy this!
Original Prompts:
43: Don’t look at me in that tone of voice
47: My turn ons? Well I don’t know, maybe some fucking common sense
Added Prompts:
24: A - If you ever feel stupid, or weak, or powerless, just remember that I, am not. B - Thanks. A - You’re welcome.
37: Today I’m feeling cloudy with a chance of sarcastic.
46: You know, having feelings is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch.
In which the reader is a sarcastic little shit aka one of the residents at St. Bonaventure and has recently started a relationship with Melendez.
Warnings ⚠️: cursing
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Claire was by your side as soon as you walked into the hospital lobby. You merely glanced at her and resumed the familiar path to the locker rooms, knowing your best friend wouldn’t be bothered by the lack of greetings.
“So?” Claire prompted, eyes wide as she watched you put down your bag and enter the code to your personal locker. “How did it go?”
You started humming, intent on ignoring her. Your voice was the only sound in the otherwise silent room. As expected, Claire’s impatient foot tapping quickly stated its presence.
“Okaaaay, let’s start over.” She moved closer to you and put both of her hands on your shoulders, forcing you to turn around and face her. “How are we feeling today?
“Today I’m feeling cloudy with a chance of sarcastic.” You didn’t miss a beat, blinking innocently.
Claire gave you an unimpressed look and smacked her lips together, expressing her silent disapproval. However, you weren’t affected in the slightest and turned back to your locker.
‘So damn predictable’, you thought to yourself, barely refraining yourself from shaking your head as Claire left but was back in a few seconds, Carly trailing behind her.
“Tell us!” Carly snapped once she reached your side. You chuckled, a Cheshire grin fixed on your lips.
“Ugh, you’re impossible Y/N.” Claire growled under her breath. “We know about you.”
You dropped the grin, sighing exasperatedly at your friend. “Who’s your source?”
“You.” Carly deadpanned, shoving her phone into your hands, screen unlocked. “And your Instagram account. Drunk you should really stop posting half naked pictures of your boss.”
Claire’s annoyed façade crumbled as she let out a giggle, unable to contain herself as she saw you facepalming.
“You and Dr. Melendez, huh?” Claire smirked, her voice rising in a suggestive manner as she exchanged a look with Carly.
“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice, Claire Antonia Browne,” you rolled your eyes. You really should get her a boyfriend so she would stop being so interested in your love life.
“C’mon Y/N. Give us some juice.” Carly whined, her eyes lightning up with a familiar glint. “First there was Dr. Hsiao, then Dr. Solomon and now Dr. Melendez. Is that your type? Doctors? Arrogant doctors? Tattooed doctors? Are those your turn ons? The tattoos?” The receptionist leaned forward, face just a few inches away from your own, mischief sparkling in her dark orbs.
You took a step back, folding your arms across your chest.
“My turn ons? Well I don’t know, maybe some fucking common sense. Go back to work Carly, your shift started half an hour ago.” You snapped at her. Seriously, what was up with all these nosy females who claimed to be her best friends?
“No need to be so defensive sweetheart.” Carly raised her hands in a gest of surrender, smirking at you.
“Better leave her alone.” Claire shared a satisfied smile with their curly haired friend. “We already got all the answers we needed.”
“Which were none!” You yelled at their backs, watching them skipping happily out of the locker room.
As you turned around, you were faced with a smirking Dr. Lim and Dr. Andrews. Choosing to ignore the knowing looks the two women sported, you quickly made your way down to the ER.
Later, you were cuddling with Neil on his couch, rewatching Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
“Ready to talk now?” Neil rubbed your back as the credits rolled on the TV screen.
“You know, having feelings is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch.” You told him, staring pensively into the now black screen.
“Your reputation? What about mine? I’m supposed to be the dickhead who’s not even a proper human being,” he shook his head, a smile dancing on his lips as you shifted your gaze to him.
“Yeah, I don’t really care about yours,” you shrugged, shooting him a pointed look, “just feeling sad for myself, now I have to start caring for people.”
Neil sat up straighter on the couch, letting you slide off him, “If you ever feel stupid, or weak, or powerless, just remember that I, am not,” he gave you a cheeky wink.
“Jeez, thanks, bae,” you tilted your head and grinned at him, feeling as if you could burst with joy at the familiar banter.
“You’re welcome,” Neil bopped your nose and pecked you on the lips.
“Are we just a couple of jerks who are attracted to each other?” You asked him, snuggling closer to his larger frame as Neil draped an extra blanket around you.
“I believe you mean we are a couple of attractives who are jerked to each other.” Neil laughed, nuzzling your neck.
“You’re such an idiot.” You giggled, tracing patterns on his bare chest with your fingertips.
“At least I’m your idiot.” Neil kissed the crown of your head. “Go to sleep now, beautiful.” He mumbled, closing his eyes.
“My idiot.” You whispered in the dark, feeling comforted and safe in his arms.
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somethingvaguetodo · 3 years
Program: Outreach
For @into-september who requested “value me” from this prompt list. Read on AO3 here.
“Adrien A-Agreste?”
Adrien winced at the stutter that preceded his last name, but stood, straightening his jacket before turning to the woman with what he hoped was a sincere smile.
“That’s me.”
She bit her lip before smiling tentatively back. “I’m Lena LaRoe.” Adrien held out his hand to shake hers and she stared at it, as if he had offered her a snake's head instead of a regular hand. Self-conscious, he let his fingers ball into a fist and dropped his arm to hang uselessly by his side. “You can come with me.”
She spun on her patent black heel and walked toward a door past the reception area. Adrien hurried to follow her, nodding politely at the receptionist who quickly tried to pretend she wasn’t just staring at him in shock.
Adrien breathed a sigh of relief once the door closed behind him, and the hall was wonderfully absent of any inquisitive eyes.
Adrien absolutely loved the Miraculous Center for Emotional Support. The non-profit was established by Paris’s heroes and funded by the government and generous donors, with the intention of serving the emotional needs of Paris’s citizens, especially those who had been akumatized, targeted by akumas, or generally traumatized by the terror that had gripped Paris for years. And normally, everyone at the Center loved him too. But that’s when he was here as Chat Noir.
Right now he was Adrien Agreste, son of the infamous Hawkmoth.
He could see the difference in everyone he had encountered already. Gus, the security guard, had given him a dirty look while he checked in. Carlie at the reception desk didn’t attempt to hide her slack-jawed expression. Lena, who was normally professional but friendly to Chat Noir, couldn’t meet his eye, and stumbled over his last name like she was uttering the most offensive curse.
It was nothing new, but it didn’t hurt any less.
Lena stepped aside and let Adrien pass into her office. She followed him inside, almost closing the door. She stopped before it clicked closed, swinging it open again and leaving it a few inches open. It was almost as if she was afraid of being closed into the room with him - like he was going to akumatize her just by being near.
Adrien swallowed back a scream of frustration and sat down.
“Well, M. Agreste,” Lena said, managing not to choke on his name this time, which Adrien hoped was a good sign. “Thank you for coming in to talk with me today.”
“Thank you for offering me an interview,” Adrien countered. As upset as he was at the reaction he had gotten so far at the Center, it was nowhere near as bad as all of the other places where he had applied for jobs. It seemed like, no matter what industry, and no matter what qualifications he had, no one wanted to hire a terrorist’s son.
It was a little crazy of him, applying for a job at the Center when he was often here as Chat Noir. But it was work he loved, a place he was happy, and… well… his dwindling trust fund could only last him for so long.
He wondered, briefly, what Ladybug would think if she knew.
“I...well…” Lena looked uncomfortable, like she didn't really want to offer him an interview but wasn’t given a choice. “Of course.” She took a deep breath before pasting on something of a smile. “Why don’t you tell me about what makes you interested in this position?”
“Of course. I have my degree in…” He trailed off, realizing that reciting his resumé wasn't going to get him anywhere. It never did. He went for some form of honesty. “Listen, you’ve got my resumé, you don’t want to hear that from me. I’m here because I think this is the most worthwhile work I could do. I want to help people. I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by your emotions, and to feel like you have no support and no one to turn to. I’d like to do anything I can do to help people who are struggling in that way.”
Lena gave an uncomfortable sigh. “That’s a wonderful sentiment, Adrien. I just… can I be honest with you?”
“I would appreciate that.”
She leaned both elbows on the desk, resting her chin on her folded hands. “Do you really think that it would bring people comfort to come here and see…?”
“The son of Hawkmoth,” he bitterly finished her sentence.
Lena winced, but didn’t back down. “I’m sorry if that seems harsh, but it’s reality.”
Adrien felt his carefully crafted professional façade start to crack. Maybe he should have thought this through before coming here. Now, he would never be able to think about Lena, or anyone else here, the same.
“Right,” he said, before he could let something more frustrated slip out. “Well, I guess I’ve taken up enough of your time.” He started to stand, but Lena gestured him back down.
“Not quite yet. The boss wants to speak with you.”
Adrien was confused - Lena was the head of human resources, she really didn’t have a boss - but made sure he didn’t show it. She pressed a button on the intercom, and they sat together in tense silence. A moment later there was a light knock on the door, and it was nudged open.
Ladybug walked into the room.
That was unexpected. Adrien was worried - did his presence in the building really warrant calling in the big guns? But at the same time, he felt a million times calmer. How could he not; after all, his best friend just came in.
“Hello,” Ladybug said, her voice and her eyes soft. She took a seat in the empty chair next to him.
Lena looked between them, clearly waiting for Ladybug to start talking. Ladybug looked back, annoyed, but if he didn’t know her so well, he never would have detected it. “Your application created quite the stir here, Adrien.”
“I didn’t mean to…”
“I don’t really understand why I was called in, though,” Ladybug steamrollered over him. “I’ve never made hiring decisions before.”
“It’s not that,” Lena finally spoke. “We just thought that it would be helpful to have you on hand in this instance -”
“What?” Ladybug cut her off. “In case he akumatized someone?” Ladybug’s eyes were hard, and her tone was sharp. She was radiating righteous fury. “Might I remind you, Mlle. LaRoe, that Adrien was never accused of association with his father? That he was a minor at the time when Hawkmoth was active and apprehended, and by all means was just as much a victim of his father’s cruelty as the rest of Paris, if not more so? This entire organization was founded on the basis of understanding and respect, and I’m extremely disappointed to learn that this is the approach you had to Adrien’s desire to work here.”
“By showing a desire to come here, Adrien is demonstrating compassion, kindness, and empathy. The desire to help others and do something bigger than himself. By coming here, meeting with you, walking through the halls of this building while people looked out of the corners of their eyes and whispered and gossiped, Adrien is showing that he has the mental fortitude to overcome any adversity. Why, I think he’s the bravest, strongest, and most admirable person I’ve ever met. And if you don’t believe that that is the kind of person that I would want to work alongside, then you have no idea what true bravery and heroism really is.”
Ladybug was staring down Lena, who at least had the decency to look ashamed. Adrien couldn’t take his eyes off his partner, who had defended him with such ferocity, even though she didn’t know him. If possible, he fell a little deeper in love with her.
“I’m sorry,” Lena said, properly chastised.
Ladybug blinked, as if just realizing what had happened. Her cheeks pinkened slightly. “Well… I think that covers it.” She looked down, clearly embarrassed and scraped her toe along the edge of Lena’s desk.
“Of course.” Lena turned toward Adrien. “I think you would make a wonderful addition to the team, Adrien. We’ll do some research into which department would be the best fit for your skills.”
Adrien could barely believe his ears. Ladybug’s fierce exclamation on his character had earned him a job offer on the spot? “I… wow… thank you.”
“Actually,” Ladybug spoke up again, the coloring in her face now back to normal. “I was thinking of having him work with Mlle. Dupain-Cheng.” She turned her body toward him. “Marinette works in program outreach. I think you two will work well together.”
Adrien held her gaze, feeling like something was passing between them. He wondered what it meant that she had come in with an idea of what department she wanted him in, and with someone in mind to work with.
“I’ll be in touch with an offer letter,” Lena said, standing. Adrien rose to meet her. This time, she was the one to reach out a hand for him to shake. He took it, feeling a million times better than when he first came in.
“I’ll walk you out,” Ladybug said, leaving no room for argument. He followed her in silence out of the office, down the hall, and past the reception desk. Carlie still didn’t hide the fact that she was staring, but her gaze meant nothing to him now.
Adrien didn’t speak until they reached the front doors. “Thank you, Ladybug, for what you said about me in there.”
Ladybug waved him aside. “I was just speaking the truth.”
“Not many people feel that way about me.”
Her eyes softened, and she reached out to touch his arm. “It's the truth that I see. I guess I never realized just how prejudiced people are about you until it hit home here.”
Adrien smiled at her. “So that’s why you went to bat for me like that?”
“Can I make a confession?” Ladybug bit her lip and waited for him to nod before continuing. “I was standing outside the office the whole time, and I heard what you said to Lena about feeling overwhelmed, and unsupported. That’s exactly why this company was started, and that’s exactly the type of people Chat and I envisioned staffing it.” Ladybug’s eyes gleamed suddenly, like they were sharing a private joke. “Speaking of Chat… you reminded me of him.”
He felt the old panic of his secret identity rising. “Chat? Chat Noir? Really?”
Ladybug’s smile was sheepish. “In a way. He… don’t tell him I said this, but he puts on a show. His big personality is there to hide just how vulnerable he can be sometimes. I know him pretty well and... let’s just say he didn't have the best upbringing either. So, you reminded me of him.”
As his heart rate settled back down, Adrien thought about it. Would it really be so bad if she knew he was Chat Noir? He knew that she cared for Chat, but after everything that happened with his father, he always feared that she would shy away from him if she learned that he was Adrien Agreste. But maybe today, he learned that he really didn’t have anything to worry about.
“That’s quite a compliment.”
Ladybug shrugged. “It's the highest compliment I can think of.” It looked like she wanted to say more, but couldn’t find the words.
He decided to let her off the hook. “I should get going.”
“Of course,” she agreed, reaching out to shake his hand. He let his fingers envelope hers, the smooth texture of her suit sliding against his skin. “I’m glad you’ll be joining us.”
“You think I’ll be good in program outreach?”
She smiled again, this time full of warmth. Their hands were still connected. “I think it’s the perfect place for you. And I know Marinette will be eager to work with you.”
There was something there, a secret wrapped in her words and her smile and the glint in her eyes, but Adrien figured that he could start figuring that out once his job started. For now, he let himself bask in the warmth of Ladybug’s approval, and the knowledge that no matter what people did and said, she would always be in his corner.
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Hi I have a Rafe request if that’s ok. Maybe him and Y/n got into a stupid fight about something petty so they haven’t been talking, and maybe later she faints from dehydration or something. Her and Rafe still haven’t spoken but he’s on her emergency contacts so he gets a call from the hospital thinking something really bad happened to her and he panics. Maybe she’s still unconscious when he gets there and she wakes up to him in her hospital room. Idk I just need simp Rafe because your work is amazing 💛💛
omg yes ofc!!
TW: swearing, mention of drug usage, hospital, little bit of angst but FLUFFFFFFFFfff
“can you stop yelling and listen for a fucking second?” Y/N was steamed to say the least, her and her boyfriend of a little over a year, Rafe, had gotten to a heated argument about his drug usage
“you’re not my mother, I’m an adult. You can’t tell me what to do”
“well you’re hurting me when you hurt yourself like this. everytime you go out to snort some shitty coke, you’re not only killing you but you’re killing me” Y/N fights tears threatening to escape her Y/E/C eyes. “you’re just so fucking selfish”
Y/N had enough, she grabbed her jean jacket off her strictly reserved dining room chair, and walked outside into the brisk early autumn air
“where are you going?” the anger once prominent in Rafe’s voice was no where to be found in his sweet question
without hesitation, Y/N answers his question bluntly “out”
she closes the door behind her, leaving Rafe all alone in the kitchen
a few hours later
hello?” Rafe answers the phone groggily after he fell asleep on the sofa watching The Master’s golf tournament
“is this Rafe Cameron?”
“This is Carly, I’m a nurse at The Outer Banks Hospital over in Nags Head. I wanted to call to let you know that Y/N L/N is in the ER and you’re her emergency contact so I needed to give you a call.”
“oh my god, is she okay? tell me she’s okay”
“sir, she’s fine, she passed out due to dehydration while out on a jog or a walk it seems. She’ll be fine. If she wakes up before you get here should I let her know you’re on your way?”
“Absolutely, thank you for calling. I’m leaving right now”
Rafe grabs his khaki colored Ralph Lauren windbreaker and Ray Bans before heading outside to the jeep parked in the cobblestone driveway
his grip on the steering wheel is tight, making his knuckles turn ghost white as Rafe swerves in and out of traffic jams trying to make it to Y/N in the hospital as fast as possible.
“where is she?” Rafe asks the receptionist “I’m looking for Y/N L/N. They said she’s here”
“room 208 sir” the woman looks him up and down as he runs a hand through his hair “down the hall on the left”
“thank you, thank you”
Rafe finds 208 and opens the door to see Y/N in a blue hospital gown, her body covered in a white blanket. Two pillows hold her sleeping head, helping her get the rest she needs.
he looks around the room to notice an IV stand in between the bed and the television. Rafe takes a seat and starts looking through a few tabloid magazines to entertain himself as he waits for Y/N to wake up.
A nurse comes in to take vitals and to reassure him that she’ll be up soon
Before he knows it, Rafe is leaning back in his chair and dozing off- finishing his nap from earlier.
his eyes open to see a groggy Y/N smiling softly in her bed
“hey baby, you you feeling?” Rafe practically jumps up from the seat and over to Y/N’s side, already starting to play with her hair
“i’m good, feeling better”
the door opens, disturbing the couple’s little moment
“oh I hope I’m not interrupting anything” the middle aged nurse says as she walks into the room anyways “youre up! would you like some apple juice hun? some water or a popsicle?”
“I’ll take an apple juice please” Y/N smiles up at the nurse before looking over to Rafe “you want anything baby?”
“I’m all good, thanks though” he smiles a tight lipped awkward smile as he nods his head towards the nurse
within a minute, she’s back with an apple juice box ready for Y/N
she leaves again, leaving the young couple alone in the room once again
“you can come lay with me if you want” Y/N says, stabbing the straw into the juice box unsuccessfully
“baby you need your rest, I don’t want to be on top of you” Rafe says as Y/N passes the juice box to the boy for him to put the straw in for her
she takes the juice back from the charming boy and looks up at him as she sips on the straw “I don’t care about my rest, I want you to come lay with me”
“what’s next, the avengers are gonna show up and visit you at your bedside?”
“shut up” Y/N laughs as Rafe makes himself comfortable, wrapping himself around her body “are you still mad at me?” Y/N gives Rafe her puppy dog eyes as she continues to sip on her juce
“how could I ever be mad at you when you look at me like that”
“you’re such a simp”
“only for you”
“that’s disgusting” Y/N lightly shoves him away “quite embarrassing for you”
Rafe smirks, rolling his eyes
“but I love you anyways, even though you’re a loser”
“I love you more” Rafe says, kissing Y/N on her nose
I kinda completely switched it up like he was canon/ asswipe rafe in the beginning but by the time he got to her he rlly switched up on us lol anywayssss I hope u liked it i literally wrote this all today instead of doing hw cuz senioritis is hitting hard and its the FIRST DAY BACK FROM FEB VACATION SO UM RIP
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Girlfriend. Singular (Lindsey Horan x Reader)
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Request: I would love to see something with r and Lindsey being together and then coming out to several of their friends/teammates little by little. Like maybe someone catches them, some guess, and they just tell some?
You weren’t hiding your relationship. You only hid the things that you were ashamed of, and you were 100% not ashamed that you were dating Lindsey Horan. Hell, you were beyond proud that you had wooed the woman they called the Great Horan. She was a fucking catch and you were shocked that she was as into you as you were to her. It was like she was supergirl while you were just Lena’s receptionist Jess, though she would argue that you were her Lena. 
In the beginning, you hadn’t told the rest of your team about your relationship because it was new and you wanted to bask in the honeymoon phase as they called it. You didn’t want to get teased by your teammates all the time. You just wanted to enjoy each other. 
Then you just never got around to spilling the secret. You supposed it was like Kara finally telling Lena that she was Supergirl. They would be hurt that you kept it from them, and each day you waited it got harder. 
Funnily enough, you and Lindsey hadn’t been hiding at all. Your friends were just horrible at taking a hint. You were the dark horse of the team. Known for being more reserved than Alyssa, possessing a glare that could rival Hopes and goal-scoring abilities that shocked even Carlie (especially when you connected with your girlfriend on the field). You weren’t touchy and you rarely ever smiled, unless you were around a certain Blond midfielder, or your older sister (The Christen Press). You also had a bit of a reputation for being the player of the team. In all honesty, serious relationships terrified you, so you had just avoided them. That was until Lindsey had come into your life. 
Ironically, Christin wasn’t the first person you told about your relationship. Instead, it was her girlfriend Tobin who weaseled it out of you. 
You sighed from your place on the bench, watching as Lindsey and Emily fucked around on the field after practice. You licked your lips, your eyes tracing Lindsey’s form. The AC/DC tanktop she had stolen from you this morning perfectly displaying her arms which were shiny with sweat from practice, accentuating just how muscular they were. 
“Dude, if you don’t close your mouth, you’re going to start catching flies” Tobin laughed, sitting down on the bench next to you, using her finger to nudge your chin. Pink dusted your cheeks, as you used the back of your hand to wipe the drool that had gathered at the corner of your mouth. 
“Hm, can’t help it. She just looks so good in that tank top,” You mumbled, your eyes still transfixed on the woman who stole your heart. 
“Isn’t that your tank top?” Tobin asked, bumping your shoulder with her own, finally drawing your attention away from Lindsey. The blush on your cheeks deepened and you grinned sheepishly at the woman who was essentially your sister-in-law at this point. 
“She forgot her’s last night, and we didn’t have time to stop by her apartment this morning,” You shrugged nonchalantly, not thinking anything of the admission that the two of you had spent the night together. You made a mental note to talk to her about restocking the drawer she had at your apartment, or maybe you should just suggest that the two of you move in together because it was rare that you spent the night apart. Was a year in too early to ask for something like that? You weren’t sure, as you had never let a relationship get this far before. 
You were so lost in thoughts that you missed Tobin’s eyes nearly jumping out of her head. Lindsey was essentially her team baby, and not that she didn’t love you, but you didn’t have the greatest track record with women. She didn’t want either of you to get hurt. 
“Does Chris know?” She questioned quietly, worry leaking into her tone. She placed a gentle hand on your knee, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“What?” You shook your head, glancing at the hand on your leg in confusion. 
“That you and Lindsey are doing it?” Tobin mumbled hesitantly, and your eyebrows furrowed. “Doing it? What are we, in middle school Tobs?” You snorted at her verbiage, and it was Tobin’s turn to blush. 
“Fine, does Chris know that you’re screwing your teammates? Is that better?” She snapped at you and you openly laughed at her, scrunching up your nose. It was weird to hear such crude language coming out of her mouth, and you didn’t like to think about the things you were doing with Lindsey like that. 
“First it’s a teammate. Singular and we’re doing a lot more than screwing,” You murmured, suddenly finding your hands very interesting. No, you didn’t have a great track record with women, but you were trying to change that. 
“Gross dude, I don’t need to hear about your sex life. Just… don’t hurt her. She won’t ever tell you this, but she gets emotionally invested, and just...” Tobin began to ramble, and your wide eyes snapped to her’s. You knew that Lindsey was emotionally invested, if she wasn’t you guys would have a very big problem. 
“Tobin, I don’t think you’ve got the situation right,” You tried to interrupt, running a hand through your hair in frustration. She shook her head. No this wasn’t a pleasant conversation but it needed to be had. 
“I know friends with benefits relationships are your thing, but Lindsey deserves more than that,” She stated firmly, the hand that was on your leg clenching. An awkward silence settled between the two of you, your mouth opening and closing several times in an attempt to get the right words to come out of your mouth. 
“Lindsey and I are dating Tobin,” You said quietly, shifting uncomfortably in your seat, insecurity racing through you when Tobin gasped. 
“What?” Tobin’s confusion was clear. She didn’t know what she was expecting to come out of your mouth, but that wasn’t it.
“Lindsey’s not a friend with benefits, she’s my girlfriend,” You said again, a little bit louder, puffing out your chest slightly. 
“Oh,” She said quietly, relief filling her and her shoulders slumped. She didn’t want to have to choose between you and Lindsey, and she didn’t want either of you to get hurt. 
“Yeah, for like the last year,” You responded, inspecting your fingers. You were ashamed that you hadn’t told her or your sister yet, but you hadn’t been sure how to. 
“So it’s serious,” Tobin inquired casually, sending you a sideways look. She wasn’t used to having deep conversations with you. You usually saved that stuff for your sister. 
“Yep,” You nodded, popping the p. 
“Nice,” She smiled, holding her hand up for a high five. Your smile brightened and you slapped her hand, your shoulders relaxing. Maybe telling Tobin first was for the best. Her chillness put you at ease. 
The worst part about camps was that you and your girlfriend were never able to alone time. Vlatko had insisted that rooming the two of you together would just be a distraction, and it had been nearly impossible to shake your respective roommates. So after nearly a week of being unable to so much as hug your girlfriend, you jumped at the chance to finally be able to touch her. 
“How long are Rose and Emily going to be gone?” You asked huskily into her neck, running your hands up and down her strong thighs that were straddling your body. God, you loved how muscular and tan they were. 
“Not sure,” She breathed back, leaning in to kiss your lips before returning her attention to the spot on your neck she knew made you weak. You let out a light moan, completely missing her smirk. 
“We’ll have to be quick,” You mumbled, tilting your head to the side to give her more access, letting your hands drift underneath her shirt, enjoying the warm skin that you found there. 
“It’s funny that you think you’re the one controlling the pace here,” She smirked against your neck, trailing her lips up the curve of your jaw up to your ear. She took the shell carefully between her teeth, sending a shiver down your spine. Nope, you were not in charge right now, but that was fine with you as long as she kept doing her thing.
“Hmm,” You hummed, pulling her hips more firmly against you, she sighed into your mouth. Her hands drifted under your shirt, running circles on your abs. You worked incredibly hard to keep them just because you knew how much Lindsey loved them. 
“Off,” She demanded, tugging at the fabric of your shirt. You complied, leaning back to pull your shirt off. Her eyes traced down your chest, landing on the muscles that lined your stomach. You cupped her face, wiping the drool from her lip, sending her a crooked smile. 
She leaned up to press her lips to yours, tangling her finger in the baby hairs at the back of your neck, pulling you closer and directing your movements. You slid your hands up her thighs, to grab her but, pulling her impossibly closer and thanking God that she was wearing short shorts. You two were so caught up in each other that you didn’t hear the door open, or your two very shocked teammates. 
“Holy shit, Y/n has got some abs,” Emily exclaimed, causing you to jump and Lindsey to almost fall off your lap, had you not been cupping her ass. Your cheeks tinted bright red. 
“Holy shit, Lindsey is the top,” Rose added. Lindsey cackled loudly and your blush got deeper. 
“Fuck,” you muttered, burying your face in your girlfriend’s chest, hiding from your friend’s laughter. 
“There will be no fucking anywhere near any furniture that I’ll be on,” Emily smirked at the two of you. 
“Then don't go to Lindsey’s apartment,” You mumbled, only pulling your face out of your girlfriend's cleavage long enough to stick your tongue out at your friends. Emily scrunched her face up in disgust. 
“So is that what you guys are doing, fucking?” Rose asked, quirking her eyebrows up at Lindsey. She didn’t think Lindsey was into that kinda thing. 
“Right now we’re talking to you guys,” You huffed, running your hands through your very messed up hair, ignoring the pinch Lindsey gave to your side before handing you your shirt. Your abs were for her eyes only. 
“That’s not what I meant,” Rose whined, and you laughed. 
“We’re dating, have been for almost a year and a half,” Lindsey said after a few seconds. 
“Thought baby press didn’t do relationships,” Emily grumbled, her eyebrows furrowing, staring at you in disbelief. 
“Relationship, singular,” You said indignantly. Why couldn’t everyone understand that there was only one girl that you wanted? 
“Aw, she’s blushing!” Rose sent you a wide smile, pinching your very red cheeks. You pulled your head away
“Go Lanessie” Emily laughed, giving Lindsey a high five (which Lindsey returned with a roll of her eyes) very much as the one Tobin had given you. 
After their rude interruption, Rose and Emily demanded that you have a movie night. You didn’t mind, it meant that you got to cuddle with your girlfriend. You just wished that they picked a better movie, not that you didn’t love Disney, but Treasure Planet was never one of your favorites. Between early morning practice and how freaking comfortable you were, you couldn’t help but fall asleep on your girlfriend.
“She’s so cute when she sleeps,” Emily’s whisper broke into your stream of consciousness, as did several clicking sounds. 
“Oh shit,” Emily winced after a few minutes. 
“What?” You felt Lindsey shift beneath you. 
“What time is it?” You groaned, still half asleep. 
“Don’t get mad,” Emily said far too quickly. 
“Tell me what you did first,” Your girlfriend ruby bled, running a hand up and down your back in an attempt to lug you back to sleep. She knew that sleep was already a problem for you, but it combined with you being roomed separately meant that you got far too little of it. 
“I just couldn’t help myself, I didn’t mean to snap it,” Emily mumbled out ashamedly. 
“Snap it to who,” Lindsey asked, trying to keep her voice level, to prevent you from waking up. 
“The whole team,” Emily said quietly. Your sleeping face pressed into her best friend had been too cute to resist. She was going to send it to Tobin and Press, because how could you let that go to waste. 
“What’s going on?” You questioned, your eyes blinking open and meeting Lindsey’s blue ones. Her eyes softened. 
“Shh baby, go back to sleep, Emily’s an idiot,” She whispered, running her fingers through your hair and massaging your scalp. 
“Already knew that,” You cracked a smile. 
“I take offense to that,” Emily huffed indignantly. 
“Everyone’s going to know soon,” Lindsey placed a kiss into your hair. The two of you had been meaning to tell the team for months now. No, this is ant the way the two of you wanted to do it, but at least you didn’t have to hide anymore. 
It was only a few minutes before the knocks began on the door, pulling you again from your sleep. Your nosey freaking teammates. You felt more like a zoo exhibit than a person sometimes.
It was only going to get worse now that they found out that the team's player had been convinced that a relationship was doable.
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The Orange Rogue - chapter two
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Ike Evans Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Cht 1
A/N: song- Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
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Present Day
Checking yourself in the mirror once more, you grabbed your purse and keys and head out to start the day's work.
"Good morning, Ms E... looking lovely as always" the attendant greets as you entered the elevator.
"Good morning, Joe..." you greet in return.
"How's it looking downstairs?"
"A mad-house as usual..." he remarks.
"Here we are..." Joe announces once you reached the ground floor.
"Enjoy your day, Ms. E..."
"You too, Joe..." you reply exiting the elevator.
Crossing the hotel foyer, you greet staff and guests alike as you make your way to the office elevator.
"Good morning, Cindy..." you greet the floor receptionist.
"Any messages?"
"Good morning, Ms. E..." Cindy greets in return.
"Here they are" she hands them over to you. "Mr Evans informed that he'll be dropping by at 10 to speak with you."
"Thanks Cindy... Could you have the kitchen send up a pot of coffee when he does, please."
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You were hard at work, busy drafting up documents when Cindy rang in to remind you that Mr Evans would be up to see you soon, and the coffee should be arriving soon as well.
The bellhop arrived not long after, and you instructed him to place in on the cabinet as you tidied up a bit.
Not long after, there was a knock at the door.
"C'mon in, Stevie..." you called out.
Stevie enters with a broad smirk. "How'd you know it was me?"
"You said, you'd be here at 10, and you're the only that comes into my office without being announced by Cindy" you respond with a smirk.
"There's coffee on the counter. Help yourself while I quickly put these files away."
"How's things going on the business front?" Stevie enquires after taking a sip of his coffee.
"Everything's looking good so far... Just a few more files to go through, then I'll have everything in order for the yearly board meeting."
"That's great news, Y/N/N..." Stevie exhales a breath of relief.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous about whether the board will be happy with the figures."
"Don't worry, Stevie" you reassure him.
"I'm good in what I do, and you that I would immediately inform you if the M.J was in trouble."
"I know, Y/N/N..." Stevie remarks, seeming much calmer as he smiled at you.
"That's why I consider you not only as my best employee, but as a close friend too."
You smile at his remark then.
"You ready for tonight?" he changes the topic then.
"Everything's set to go" you nod.
"Am I working the floor tonight?"
"Yes. But not tomorrow night" Stevie informs you.
"There's a clubbing event at 10pm after the show."
"Sounds like fun..." you remark, tilting your head to the side in thought.
"Always the part-girl..." Stevie chuckles at your remark.
"Anyway... let me leave you to get back to work. I'll see you later tonight at the show."
"Enjoy the rest of your day, Boss..." you remark as he makes his leave.
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Making his way to the elevator, Stevie battles an internal dilemma on whether he was doing the right thing or not by not informing you of HIS presence this week.
Stevie, unfortunately had been ordered to not let any of the employees know about HIM being here at the M.J.
HE wanted to observe them from the side-lines, on how well they were doing their jobs, as well as their interactions with guests.
Of course, HE would be able to pull the ruse, as none of the L.A based staff had ever met or seen HIM.
HE had given Stevie a year to prove himself capable of running the M.J on his own. And now the time had come for Stevie to prove it in the upcoming meeting.
Stevie knew that he succeeded, and the person behind it in helping him have achieved it was, you.
His closest friend... but now he had to unfortunately lie to you.
This just doesn't feel right... Something big is going happen and he could sense it.
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Later That Night
Making your way onto the stage, you flash the band a smile, stepping down onto the dance floor then.
The lights dim as you take position, and the spot-light zones in on you as the music begins to play.
I threw a wish in the well
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell
And now you're in my way
I trade my soul for a wish
Pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this
But now you're in my way
You worked your way through the crowed of tables, smiling as you sang.
Twirling and dancing through the tables, you stop at one. Bending down to sing for a male guest as you pretend to be flustered.
Hey, I just met you, and this crazy
But here's my number, so call me, maybe...
You can him a card with the next night's event details on as you make a 'call me' sing with your hand against your face.
The night continues on as you do a few more sets. Once the performance was over, MC announces the dance floor open, and you would be available to dance with anyone in the next five minutes.
After having freshen up, you make your way back to the dance floor and mingle with the guests.
While working the floor, you had the sense that someone was watching you. A silly thought though, as being the night's entertainment, it was a guarantee for that to happen.
Eyes sharply roaming the room as you danced, trying to pinpoint who it could be, they finally land on the bar area.
It's Him... He was the one watching you!
He was watching you attentively as he smoked a cigarette. Having thought you had imaged things earlier when having making eye contact with him, you were now definitely sure it was him.
Sizing him up, you found him to be quite handsome. Clean shaven, hair sleeked back, wearing a grey tailored suit.
He looked to be between the age of forty to fifty years old, and just your type.
Once your time working the floor had ended, you left, collecting your things from the backstage dressing room and headed to your apartment.
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HE had been silently nursing a glass of whisky while awaiting on the nightly show to begin, when suddenly you had appeared from behind stage.
To say, he was caught off-guard by your appearance and performance would be an understatement, he was mesmerized by you.
What caught his interest even more, was when you began to mingle with the guest thereafter.
HE started to become a little anxious when your eyes had made contact with his and a look of amusement had crossed your face for a split second.
HE found himself highly attracted to you and was a bit disappointed when you had left for the evening. Becoming more determined now to get to know you better.
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Lying in bed, not being able to sleep. Thoughts of your mysterious admirer running through your mind.
There was something about him that intrigued you, you weren't quite sure what it was, but hoped that you would get to see him again.
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
Knucklehead Moves~USWNT x Baby Reader
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Prompt: Similar to the imagine “Skateboarding Shenanigans” baby r gets hurt and faints... 
Requested by: @laikato​
My name is Y/N L/N and I have 22 “moms”and sisters. Now I know what you’re thinking “22 of them? How?” Well you see I’m the youngest player on the USWNT at 16 years old, and as such the older players feel the need to be protective and parental in every situation and the younger ones are treated much the same way that I am. I’m sure if they had it their way I’d be wrapped in bubble wrap and carried around 24/7. They’re always saying how I’m “ the clumsiest kid they know.” and a “knucklehead” when it comes to doing anything that doesn’t involve kicking around a soccer ball. I wholeheartedly disagree but they’ll hear nothing of it. Speaking of the team, they’re picking me up from the airport any minute now. 
I turned around to see all of my teammates running towards me, breaking into a run myself I met them halfway.
“Hey guys!”
“Short stack! How you been?”
“Kiddo! We missed you!”
“You’ve grown since we saw you last!”
I continued to be greeted like that and made sure to give everyone a hug.
“I haven’t grown that much!” I playfully rolled my eyes
“Yes you have.” They all said
After we finished our Hello’s and got my bag from the luggage claim we split into groups and made our way to the hotel we were staying at for this camp. I was in a car with Alex, Tobin, Kelley, Morgan, and Megan.
“So kid, how’s school?” Tobin asked.
‘it’s good. I’m passing all my classes and I nailed my history test last week.”
“That’s awesome! Good job bub.” Christen said
“Any accidents?” Megan said smirking at me.
“U-um, no. No accidents.” I fidgeted in my seat.
“Mhm. How many?”
“How bad.”
“Only ever a 4 or less.”
“A 4 on your scale is a 7 on anyone else’s scale.”
“Is not!”
“Right, well what about that time you injured yourself after you fell down a flight of stairs and then said “It’s only a 4.”?” Alex asked 
Everyone else gave me a knowing look while chuckling at the offended look on my face.
“It was!”
“Okay, okay. Settle down. We’re only teasing.” Morgan said
“in all seriousness though, you have got to be more careful Y/N.”
I just rolled my eyes playfully at them as we pulled up to the hotel. When we got out Megan was determined to carry my bag for me.
“Pinoe I can carry my stuff.” 
“I know but I just want to be helpful.”
“Well, thank you.”
“Besides kiddo, I wanted to carry you.” Alex said taking me by surprise and picking me up and all but cradling me.
“Alexxx. I’m a big girl, I can walk.”
“Just let it happen Y/N.” Tobin laughed
“Ugh, fineee.”
When we got into the lobby to find out room assignments Alex finally put me down, with a pat to my butt and told me to “Stay close.”
“Yes mom.” I said jokingly.
I took off in the direction Morgan had gone and caught up with her, Mal, Lindsey, Sam, Emily, Tierna and Rose.
“Hey guys!”
“Hey Y/N! You ready for camp?” Sam asked
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
“You ready for all the pranks we are gonna pull?”
“Yeah Sonny, I am. What are you guys thinking?” I giggled
“Well what about the good ol’ water bucket above the door trick?”
“Nah, that’s such an amateur move.” Lindsey said
“Ooo, what if we switched the water with… flour?” Mal said
“That sounds like quite the mess but that’s what we’re known for. I’m in.” Sam said
“Me too.”
“Me three.”
“Are you guys sure that’s a good idea? You know how the girls are about their hair.” I said hesitantly
“Aw, come on Y/n. Don’t be a chicken.” 
“I just don’t want the others to kill us.”
“Why would we kill you?” Carli asked coming out of nowhere.
“No reason!” We all said
“Mhm. What’re you hooligans planning?”
“Wha- why would you think we were planning anything?” I said nervously
“Well, for starters I’m talking to the youngest players on this team and every time we come to camp someone always ends up either getting their hair dyed or with itching powder in their underwear and it’s always traced back to one of you.” She said, giving us a look.
“Oh would you look at that, it’s time to go up to our rooms. Come on Y/N, you’re rooming with me!” Lindsey said, grabbing my hand and dragging me away.
“Thanks a lot guys!” Morgan called after us as we ran away.
“Lindsey, Y/n, walk!” Alex scolded as we passed her.
“Yes mom!” We replied
We made it up to our room and decided to do rock paper scissors for the bed closes to the bathroom. I won of course. 
“We have today off to settle in right?” I asked
“Yeah, why?”
“You wanna see if the others wanna go to a park for a little 4v4?” 
I texted the group I had with the other “Youngins” and told them to meet us down stairs in 5 to go to the park. They all agreed and said they would get a ball from the coaching staff. I texted the group I was in with the veterans and let them know where I was going, with who and that we’d be back soon. I received several
“Be safe.” 
“Make sure to wear your sweater, it’s chilly.” And 
“Be careful, don’t get hurt.” Texts. Moms I swear, always thinking it’s chilly.
I was pretty certain I wasn’t going to get hurt and that I didn’t need a sweater but I replied and promised that I’d wear one and that I would be careful. The girls and I met in the lobby and made our way to a park that we knew was nearby. 
The 4v4 started out pretty smoothly, It was me, Lindsey, Tirena, and Sam on one team and Mal, Rose, Emily and Morgan on the other. My team was down by 2 but I knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Sam crossed the ball to me and I went to head it passed Morgan.
 What happened next was like one of those freak accidents that if I had shifted my body even an inch away or had been a second earlier or later it wouldn’t have happened. Emily kicked her foot out to clear the ball away and instead made contact with my forehead. I hit the turf with a deafening thud and stayed down in a heap. Getting kicked in the head is just as nasty as it sounds. I could definitely feel blood gushing from my head.
“Y/N! Oh, shit! I’m so so sorry. I was only ever aiming for the ball I swear!” 
Emily was the first to reach me the others close behind. Her and Sam turned me over to look at my head and gasped when they saw the blood
“Moms are gonna kill us!” Emily said
“Nu uh, Emily they are gonna kill you.”
 “Who cares who they’re gonna kill! We have to do something!”
Mal and Morgan set to work, Morgan texting Abby and telling her what happened, making her swear not to tell until we at least made it look like I wasn’t dying and Mal taking her shirt off and pressing it to my forehead to stop the blood. Rose was doing her best to calm Emily who was distraught and Tierna was doing the same for Sam. 
“How you feeling Y/N?” Mal asked 
“Like I got kicked in the head.” I replied
“We’re gonna take you back to the hotel and have the medical staff stitch you up.”
“How are we gonna get passed all the vets?”
“uhhh… Not a clue.” Rose said
“We’re gonna be in so much trouble.”
After they were finally able to make the bleeding stop just enough to get me up and help me back to the hotel, we sent Morgan ahead to see if the coast was clear. When she signaled to us that it was we made our way in and quickly headed to see the medical staff. The others surrounded me so that I was hidden from any curious onlookers
“What seems to be the problem ladies?” Dawn asked
“Uhh, well… Y/N sorta got kicked in the head during a 4v4 in the park.” Emily said, moving aside to show Dawn.
Dawn just shook her head, said something like “of course she did.” And told me to sit on the table so the medics could stitch me up.
“You know the others will want to know what happened, right?”
“Dawn, please don’t tell them. I will, but not yet.”
She gave me an unimpressed look but agreed none the less.
“Geez kid, you’re always getting hurt.” The medic chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
They finished the stitches and told me how to take care of them and sent us all on our way. The girls did the same thing they did last time in case we ran into the girls, this time I had my hood up to cover my wound.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Ashlyn asked, coming up to us.
“Nothing!” We all said.
“Okay, what are you guys hiding?”
“Nothing. We gotta go though, bye Ash.” I said before I pushed Emily and Lindsey forward so they would start running.
Ashlyn PRO//
“Those kids are definitely hiding something.” I thought, shaking my head and walking back to my room with Ali.
“Hey babe?”
“Have you noticed the youngins acting weird lately?”
“No, why?”
“I dunno, it’s just that they were walking all tightly together and whispering about something and when I asked them what was up they all were acting weird. Especially Y/N.”
“Hmm, I’ll text Alex to see if she can get them to talk about it.”
She sent her a text and received a reply saying that she would wait in Y/N and Lindsey’s room, after asking the staff for an extra key and that she would let us know. 
“I hope they’re okay.”
“I’m sure they are, they probably just set up a messy prank again.” I shrugged.
Alex PRO//
After tricking the receptionist into giving me a key to Y/N and Lindsey’s room, I decided to just wait on Y/N’s bed. I would see what was really going on. I felt like I had been waiting forever when the door opened and all the young players on the team made their way inside.
“Well here’s what we’re not gonna do…”
They didn’t even seem to notice me yet, talking among themselves. Emily was the first to spot me, and when she did I saw all the color drain from her face.
“Alex? What about her?” Morgan asked still not looking in the direction of the bed. Emily stopped her in her tracks and pointed to where I was sitting. Everyone else finally saw me and much like Emily they looked scared. 
“Yeah, oh. Is there something you guys want to tell me?” I said sternly
“W-well… you see… what had happened was-”
I cut her off when I saw Y/N was swaying on her feet and holding her head. She looked like she was going to pass out.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” I asked jumping up and going to her.
She didn’t get to finish because she fainted, I was able to catch her and hold her up with ease. My focus then shifted to the seven guilty players standing timidly by the door.
“Explanation. Now.” I growled
“I kicked Her in the head! I’m sorry!” Emily cried
I picked Y/N up and carried her over to the bed where I laid her head gently on the pillow.
“Someone go get a cold wash cloth and someone call Christen, Ali and Ashlyn. Now.”
They all immediately started scrambling to do what I said and I could tell they were even more scared than before.
“I can’t believe none of you thought to tell us. Completely irresponsible. Does any one else know about this?” 
I gasped when I removed her hoodie and saw the stitches.
“We went to Dawn when we got back and we begged her not to tell. And we texted Abby right after it happened but same thing.” Mal said
Dammit Dawn.
“Tell Abby to get her ass in here, right now.” 
I took the cold rag from Emily and pressed it gently to Y/N’s cheek, neck and then being extra careful around her stitches, pressed it to her head.
“Y/N, open your eyes baby. You’re okay. Please open your eyes.” 
She slowly started to open her eyes, looking around wildly before trying to sit up.
“Wha- where am I?”
“You’re in your room baby. Take it easy, you need to lay down.” I cooed
She kept trying to sit up but I gently pushed her back down every time.
“Shh, it’s okay.”
Knocking sounded from the door and Rose went to answer it.
“Hey Al, what’s the- ”
“Oh my god, what happened?” Christen exclaimed.
“Emily kicked Y/N in the head.”
“You what?!” The newcomers yelled
“And Abby knew about it this whole time.”
“You knew?! Why didn’t you tell us?!”
“Ow, guys cool it with the yelling.” Y/N whined
“Sorry babe.” Ali said
“Sorry, kid. Our bad.” Ash said.
“I said I was sorry! It was an accident, I swear!”
“I swore I wouldn’t tell!”
“Guys, seriously.”
“Sorry, we’ll be quiet.”
“How the fuck did you manage to kick her?”
“We were playing a 4v4 game and when she went to head the ball passed Morgan I went to kick it out and got her forehead instead.”
“Jesus.” Ali said rubbing her temples.
“It was an accident?” I asked
“You’re all grounded.” Christen said.
“What? that’s not fair!”
“ Actually it’s completely fair. You need to be careful and I know it was an accident but what you did was reckless and someone got hurt, and you hid it from us and we only found out after Y/N passed out.” I said leaving no room for argument
“What about Y/N? Why isn’t she grounded?” Tierna whined
“She’s hurt and I think that’s punishment enough.” Ashlyn said
“We’ll be with her 24/7 from now on anyways.” I added
“mmm… Nooooo” Y/N whined.
“it’s for your own good, kiddo.”
Later we told the whole team what happened and to say they weren’t please was an understatement. I had to talk Kelley down from kicking Sonnett’s ass and Becky had to convince Megan to switch rooms with her so she wouldn’t kill Morgan. The same could be said for the others. They understood that it was an accident but they hated that the girls hid it from us.
“How is she?” Kelley asked, having come over to check on our youngest teammate
“She could be better, she’s still groggy but she’s better than she was.” I shrugged
“What are we gonna do with her?”
“I vote bubble wrap.” Christen said
“I second that.” Tobin said
“Guys, that’s a little extreme don’t you think?” Ali chuckled
“She’s such a knucklehead though. She hid a pretty nasty injury from us. It’d be a way to make sure she’s safe.” Ashlyn chimed in
“Mmm, no. Ali is right. We’ll just have to keep a closer eye on her from now on.”
“I can take care of myself.” She mumbled, starting to wake up.
“We’re sure you can bub, but after today and at least for a little while we’re going to be hovering and babying you more than usual.” Chris said
“Ugh. Whatever.” She grumbled
We chuckled at her but we knew she would appreciate it anyways and that she secretly loved it when we babied her. 
She definitely was a piece of work sometimes and she kept us on our toes but we loved her more than anything and would always be there to help her when she was down.
Sorry for any mistakes
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gamergirl929 · 5 years
Accident (USWNT x Reader)
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Anonymous Request:  Your writing is bloody fucking amazing I love it! Maybe a USWNT one where the reader is the youngest and she gets in a car accident and the team gets really worried and take care of her? 
“Seriously, where is she? She’s starting today.” Megan Rapinoe says as she glances around the stadium, though Y/N was nowhere to be seen.  
“I’m starting to get worried; this isn’t like her.” Alex turns to Kelley who swallows hard.  
“I know we’re all worried about Y/N, but we have to focus.” Jill says as she claps her hands together to gather the team’s attention.  
Everyone shares a glance and reluctantly nods as they form a circle to discuss their strategy for the game ahead.  
The half-time whistle blows and everyone rushes to the sideline in the hopes of hearing from Y/N, but Jill shakes her head with a frown.  
“Nothing?” Tobin Heath frowns sadly and she shakes her head again.  
The walk to the locker room is somber, everyone far from in the mood to act cheerful as Y/N’s absence lengthens.  
Everyone sits around the locker room silently, as Jill gives her instructions for the second half, but the players can see that their coach is just as worried as they are.  
Tactic talks end and everyone attempts to call Y/N only to receive an automated message each time.  
“Where the hell is, she?” Ashlyn Harris frowns and everyone glances worriedly around the room.  
Alex calls Y/N’s phone again and again, heart racing each time the automate message plays in her ear.  
“Goddamn it.” She mumbles under her breath as she shakes her head.  
Ali Krieger swallows hard as she too calls the young player’s number again and again only to receive that same automated message.  
“It’s time to head back out girls.” Jill frowns and everyone nods as they move to their feet and shuffle out onto the field, their heads down and hearts heavy with worry.  
The final whistle blows and instead of celebrating their win, the USWNT rushes towards the sideline where Jill is standing only to see she’s shaking her head.  
“Fuck.” Alex growls as she runs her hands down her face. “Something’s wrong, I know Y/N, I can feel something is wrong.” She frowns earning a nod from the rest of the team.  
“She wouldn’t miss the game; she’s been talking about it for days.” Christen Press frowns.  
“There has to be something we can do.” Rose Lavelle adds.  
“Anyone we can call?” Emily Sonnett asks and Alex shakes her head.  
“She’s an only child and her parents passed away a long time ago.” She swallows hard, digging the heels of her palms into her eyes.  
“Let’s head to the locker room, we can come up with a game plan and go from there.” Carli Lloyd says and everyone quickly agrees, basically running to get their things.  
“So, Y/N was running late?” Sam Mewis asks Mallory Pugh who nods.
“She told me she was running really late and said she was going to grab an Uber to the stadium.” She frowns. “She told me not to wait for her.”
Allie Long sighs. “And she was acting normal?” She asks and Mallory nods.  
“I’m scared…” Ali whispers, gathering the attention of the others in the room who are quick to agree.  
“Me too.” Alex whispers with a frown, beside her, Kelley places a hand on her back, though she too is afraid of what may have happened to the youngest player on the team.  
“What do we do?” Christen says as she covers her eyes with her hands.  
Tobin places her hand on her back with a sad sigh.  
“We’ll find her.”  
Alyssa Naeher sighs as she paces the room, while Crystal Dunn is talking softly with Carli, Becky Sauerbrunn, and Morgan Brian.  
“She has to be alright…” Ashlyn whispers under her breath as she slips her arms around Ali.  
“She has to be.” Julie Ertz adds sadly.  
Just as the words leave her mouth, Jill is stepping into the locker room, her cell phone to her ear.  
“Y/N?” She says into the receiver and everyone turns to her, the ache in their hearts ebbing ever so slightly.  
Jill listens for a few minutes before she closes her eyes and sighs deeply.  
“What hospital?” She asks and everyone is instantly on their feet and grabbing their things, hearts racing and tears in their eyes.  
“We’ll be there soon.” Jill says as she hangs up the phone with a sad frown.  
Everyone is standing before her, bags in their hands as they stare at their coach nervously.  
“There’s been an accident.”  
“If they don’t let us back there, so help me FUCKING GOD.” Alex yells at the receptionist who stares at her with wide, fearful eyes.  
Jill does her best to hold back the angry mob of players who’d been refused entry into their fellow player’s hospital room.  
“I’m sorry but there’s too many of y-
She’s cut of when Kelley slips passed Jill and smacks her palm against the counter.  
“You’re going to let us back there, or else.”
It’s then that Ashlyn and Ali get passed Jill, along with Tobin and Christen, all women angrily glaring at the receptionist.  
“I’m going to have to call security.” She says as she grabs the phone but is immediately stopped by a hand on her back.
“Go ahead and call security, we’re going back there.” Kelley snarls.  
The woman who’d come up behind the receptionists smiles kindly.  
“You must be here to see Ms. Y/L/N.” The woman behind her smiles and everyone shares a glance before nodding.  
“Come on, I’ll take you to her.” She nods towards the door, which the receptionist unlocks quickly, ready to get the angry group of players as far from her as possible.  
On their way by, Christen sends the receptionists a glare along with Julie and Alex, before they’re guided towards the back by Alyssa.  
“She’s still unconscious, has been since she was brought in.” The doctor frowns. “I know you are all really close, so keeping you all together is better for Y/N.”
Alex frowns sadly, as she grabs Kelley’s hand and gives it a squeeze.  
They remembered the first practice Y/N had participated in, the younger girl nervous to be around a team of players who’d been to and won the World Cup.  
Kelley and Alex had quickly taken the girl under their wing and that’s where she’d been ever since.  
“Now I need to warn you…” The doctor says as she stops the players in front of a closed door.  
“Warn us…?” Jill asks and everyone swallows roughly.  
“She looks pretty bad, but we’re going to do everything we can for her and she is in stable condition.” She frowns and Alex and Kelley share a glance, both squeezing one another’s hands as the doctor pulls the door open and allows them inside.  
The second they see you Alex and Kelley are in tears as they rush towards the bed, the first thing they see being a deep gash on the right side of your head, along with multiple small cuts and bruises that litter your face and your busted lip.
“Oh my god.” Ali whispers tears running down her face as she and Ashlyn rush hand in hand towards the bed, Christen, Tobin and Megan on their heels.  
Soon the room is full of women, thankfully though the room was larger than most, maybe to accommodate the number of women.  
Everyone in the room is in tears as they stare down at their fallen comrade, someone they’d been worried about most of their day, and sadly, they were right to worry.  
“From what the EMTs that brought her in said, she was in the backseat when another driver ran a red light, unfortunately, your friend was the one who took the brunt of the injuries when the back of the car was hit… It was a roll over.” The doctor frowns.  
Kelley pulls up a chair for Alex who collapses into it as she leans her head on the bed beside Y/N’s body.  
“This can’t be all her injuries…” Megan frowns sadly, knowing that there’s more than they know about wrong with the young player.  
“We had to remove a large amount of glass from her arm and leg, both of which on the right side are broken, along with a few of her ribs. She has a skull fracture, though minor, we still need to test for any residual damage when she wakes up.” The doctor says as she wades through the bodies in the room to get to the stand beside the unconscious girl’s bed.  
“So, what’s the tube for…?” Christen asks and the doctor motions towards the tube down Y/N’s throat.  
“A ventilator, to assist her in breathing at least until she wakes.”  
Alex slips her arm around Kelley’s middle as the shorter girl leans against the forward, tears running down both their cheeks as they stare at the youngest player of the team.  
“We’re not leaving her.” Christen turns to the doctor with a growl and the woman nods.  
“I understand, that’s why she was given this room, to accommodate you all. I knew who she was the moment she was brought in.” She smiles kindly and Christen nods, satisfied with that answer.  
“I’ll leave you alone with her, just be sure to get a nurse if anything changes.” She gives the group a nod before leaving the room.  
The second the doctor is out of the room everyone breaks down, some sitting where they were standing while others move to crowd the bed or slip away to hide in a corner with some of their teammates.  
“You’ve got to wake up kid.” Megan frowns as she places her hand on what looks like the only bit of not marred flesh on your arm.  
“We’re here for you.” Julie adds sadly as she places a hand on Megan’s back.  
“Why did you have to run late…? Why didn’t I wait for you…?” Mallory whispers from the corner before being sandwiched in a hug by Lindsey, Sam, Emily and Rose.  
“Don’t beat yourself up Mal.” Alyssa says as she wraps her arms around the group of girls.  
“You have to be okay; you just have to be.” Alex whispers as she leans heavily against Kelley.  
“She’ll be okay Al… She, she has to be, right?” Ali sniffs from across the bed where Ashlyn, Christen and Tobin are staring down at the sleeping woman.  
“I’m going to head back to the hotel, some of you need to come with me and grab the things you’ll need for the night, I know you won’t be leaving her side.” Jill frowns, earning some narrowed eyes from the players in the room.  
“I know, I know.” She holds her hands up. “But Y/N will need you to take care of yourselves too.” She frowns and reluctantly a number of the players nod, though Alex, Kelley, Ali, Ashlyn, Christen, Tobin and Megan stay stock still.  
“We’re not going anywhere.” Alex says firmly and Jill nods.  
“I didn’t think you would be.”  
Hours later after everyone, though with some complaints, are showered and in comfier clothes they fill the room some piling on top of one another while others are sitting in the room’s uncomfortable chairs.  
Alex and the others who’d been originally surrounding your bed had only moved to use the restroom and to shower, though with much reluctance.  
Alex’s thumb runs gently back and forth across your arm over a small bruise and she frowns, her eyes stinging from the amount of crying she’d been doing since they made it to the hospital.  
A sudden whine sounds from the body on the bed and everyone’s eyes widen as they sit up quickly, thinking the girl in the bed was about to wake.  
Crystal and Morgan rush out of the room, coming back seconds later, the doctor and nurse on their heels, both rushing to scan the machine beside your bed.  
“Pulse is still steady, up the dosage of Morphine.” The doctor nods to the nurse who scurries out of the room.  
“We’ll do our best to make her comfortable.” The doctor says as she places her hand on the nearest teammates back, which happens to be Ali Krieger.  
“Just have some faith.” The doctor smiles before making her way out of the room.  
Alex smiles sadly down at you, tears running down her cheeks.  
“Remember the first day of camp? She was terrified of us.” Alex sniffs and Kelley chuckles sadly along with the others.  
“I thought she was going to pass out when we talked to her.” She smirked.  
“She was so timid.” Ali smiles and Ashlyn grins down at the unconscious girl.  
“I remember when we met the first thing she said was, ‘Holy shit you’re Tobin Heath, the nutmeg queen.’” Tobin smiles at the memory while Christen lets out a sad sniff.  
“She made a horrible joke about how fast I was.”  
The team shares their best memories with Y/N as they stare down at her, hoping that they had the opportunity to make more memories with the young player.  
The machine beside Y/N’s bed begins beeping rapidly and everyone who was nearly asleep is wide awake.  
Alex leaps to her feet and stares down at the player with wide eyes.  
“Y/N?” She whispers hopefully and she inhales sharply when your eyes flutter open, one nearly swollen entirely shut as they dart around the room, fear obviously in your Y/E/C eyes.  
You begin breathing heavily and attempt to sit up, only to be held gently down by Alex and Ashlyn.  
“Hey, look at me.” Alex whispers and your eyes dart towards her, your eyes wide and filling with tears.  
“You have to breathe sweetie.” Ali sniffs and you swallow hard, the tube in your throat as expected, is far from comfortable.  
The doctor and a number of nurses’ rush in, pushing the players back and crowding the bed.  
“I need you to calm down honey, let’s get that tube out.” The doctor reaches for and pulls out the tube, which results in you gasping and hacking loudly, your body racked with pain.  
“It’s okay, shhhh.” Alex whispers as she gently swipes a tear from beneath your nearly swollen shut eye.
You let out a whine, your face scrunching up in pain that has the doctor turning to the nurse.  
“We’ll deal with the pain honey, just try and relax okay?” She whispers and you frown.  
“Al…” You whisper and Alex immediately moves closer with a frown.  
“I’m here.” She whispers with a trembling bottom lip and you sigh, your eyes fluttering.  
“Kell?” She asks and Kelley too moves towards the bed with a small smile.  
“Right here kid.” She smiles and you groan as your eyes dart around the room.  
“You’re all here…” You whisper as your eyes dart from Ali and Ashlyn to Tobin and Christen, and back.  
“Of course, we are.” Tobin says as she moves towards the bed and places her hand beside your own, where you gently drag your fingers against her own.  
“You needed us.” Megan smiles sadly from her place beside Alex and Kelley.
“I’m tired.” You whisper, eye fluttering shut and you let out a hum.  
“I’m sorry I missed the game.” You mumble only to receive a scoff from Ali.  
“Who gives a shit about the fucking game?” She grumbles and you snort, chest aching when you start to laugh.  
“Spicy.” You mumble, it’s then you see Mallory at the end of the bed, bottom lip trembling.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry…” She whispers and you shake your head slowly.  
“Don’t be sorry.” You swallow.  
“But I should’ve stayed…” She whispers and you shake your head.  
“Then it would be two of us here instead of one.” You sigh and Mallory frowns.
“Come here.” You whisper and the forward slips towards the bed passed Ali, Ashlyn, Christen and Tobin to get to you.  
“Don’t blame yourself, okay?” You whisper as she places her hand on your own and she slowly nods, sniffing softly as tears run down her cheeks.  
You flip your hand over and give her hand a squeeze.
“Besides, I was the one who wanted to sleep in.” You crack a small smile and Mallory lets out a watery laugh.  
“Jesus kid you scared the hell out of us.” Sonnett frowns as she, Lindsey and Rose move to stand beside the bed.
Eventually, Mal moves back towards the end of the bed with the other players, allowing Ali and the others to take their place back at your bedside.  
Unbeknownst to you, the nurse has increased your dose of Morphine and you find yourself fighting sleep, your eyes fluttering ever few seconds.  
“Sleep kid.” Megan whispers and you mumble tiredly.  
“Yeah, we know.” Kelley smiles sadly down at you and you mutter again.  
“Shhh.” Alex says as she shushes you, moving to tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear.  
You hum softly as your eye flutters shut, and moments later, you’re fast asleep.  
By the time you wake it’s well passed night time, but the girls are still surrounding your bed, a large number of them fast asleep.  
You let out a deep sigh and glance around, realizing Alex and Kelley are fast asleep, both leaning on the bed next to your casted arm.  
“Hey kid.” You hear a whisper and turn, seeing Ashlyn and Ali are wide awake, the two smiling softly at you.  
“You guys need to sleep…” You rasp out, your throat dry.  
“Thirsty?” You hear a third voice, immediately recognizing it as Tobin’s.  
You wordlessly nod and Tobin leaves the room immediately.  
“We’ve been asleep.” Ali smiles as she cups your cheek gently. “We’ve been kind of taking turns, that way if you woke up you wouldn’t be alone.” She whispers and you smile softly, leaning tiredly into her touch.  
Tobin’s in the room seconds later, a nurse on her heels.  
Tobin hands Ali the water and she ever so gently assists you in downing the entire paper cup.  
You sigh deeply, wincing, your face scrunching up.  
“How are you feeling Ms. Y/L/N?” The smiling nurse asks as she checks your vitals on the machine behind Ali, and Ashlyn, you grunt.  
“Hurts.” You mumble and the nurse gives you a curt nod.  
“Let me get you some water, the doctor will be in early in the morning to check up on you.” The nurse smiles and you nod as you turn back to Christen and Tobin.
“Thanks, Tob.” You sigh tiredly, your eyelids fluttering.  
Tobin gives you her trademark grin.  
“No need to thank me kid, you’re going to have to get use to us babying you.” She smiles and chuckle.  
“You mean more than you guys already do?” You ask and Ashlyn laughs.  
“A lot more.” Christen adds as she brushes her fingers against your own in a calming gesture.  
“Y/N?” You hear a tired sigh and turn, realizing not only Kelley is awake, but Alex too is blinking her eyes rapidly, as well as wiping the sleep from her eyes.  
“Go back to sleep guys…” You mumble and Alex lets out a yawn.  
“Fat chance.” Kelley snorts and you smirk.  
“How are you feeling?” Alex asks as she brushes a piece of hair out of your face and you hum.  
“Hurts. Everything hurts.” You sniff sadly and Alex leans down, kissing the side of your head as gently as possible.  
You smile softly, glancing around the room, your eyes locking on the sleeping Mallory Pugh who’s leaned back against Alyssa Naeher, she too fast asleep.  
“Please, don’t let Mal blame herself, this isn’t her fault.” You whisper and everyone nods.  
“We’ll do our best; she’s really tore up.” Kelley frowns and you close your eyes tiredly.  
“She did nothing wrong, I was the one running late.” You whimper as you attempt to shift a bit, your body sore and stiff.
“Do you remember what happened?” Alex asks and you blink rapidly, wracking your brain for the information they’re asking.  
“I remember talking with my Uber driver… Then…” You swallow hard, the corners of your mouth drooping down. “Something slamming into the side of the car and pain… Then I blacked out.” You frown.  
“Is the Uber driver okay?” You ask with a yawn and Ali gives you a small smile and a nod.  
“Unfortunately, you took the impact.” Christen frowns.  
“At least he’s okay.” You turn as a nurse walks in with a clear plastic pint of water.  
“Here you go, remember if you need anything you can press the button on your remote, or have someone come get me.” The nurse smiles softly and you weakly nod as the nurse takes her leave.  
Alex brings the straw in the pitcher to your lips and you take a healthy chug of water, signing as the cool water soothes your throat.  
“You guys should sleep.” You whisper and everyone scoffs at the same time, and you chuckle, wincing when your chest aches.  
“And you guys say I’m stubborn.” You smile tiredly and the group of women around you grins.  
You frown as you look down at your injured and battered body.  
“I’m not going to be able to play soccer anymore, am I?” You ask, your bottom lip trembling and everyone is quickly to comfort you, Alex cupping your cheek and wiping away a tear rolling down your cheek.  
“Right now, all you need to worry about is getting better.” Kelley whispers as she covers your hand with her own.  
“Soccer is on the back burner right now.” Ali says sternly and you smile, eyes closing as you lean into Alex’s touch.
“You don’t have too much of a choice anyway, not with us around.” Ashlyn arches a brow and you smile.  
“I’m sorry I scared you guys.” You frown and Christen shakes her head, shushing you softly as she and Tobin place their hands on your IV’d hand.  
“It’s okay Y/N.” Christen smiles and Tobin nods.  
“You’re okay and that’s all that matters.” #17 adds and you smile tiredly.  
You glance longingly at the water and Kelley smiles as she brings the straw to your lips and you take a healthy sip.  
You hum as your eyelids begin to flutter and the women surrounding the bed smile.  
“Try and sleep sweetie.” Ali smiles, as does Ashlyn.
“We know you’re tired.” The goalie smiles and you let out a hum.  
“We promise, we’ll be here when you wake up.” Christen adds and Tobin nods.  
“Promise.” She adds.  
You turn to Alex and Kelley who are both lovingly smiling down at you as your eyelids flutter.  
“Sleep.” Alex whispers, her fingers brushing through your hair, while Kelley cups your uninjured cheek.  
“Let go kid.” The defender urges and your eyes flutter shut.  
“I love you guys…” You mumble sleepily and the women around the bed grin, all whispering their assent.  
“We love you too, all of us do.” Alex whispers and you grin.  
“As long as I have you guys… I’ll be alright.” You say as you drift to sleep under the watchful eyes of the veterans of the USWNT, knowing that you’ll be well taken care of when you awaken.  
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zach-the-fox · 4 years
Furiends Episode 2: By Your Side
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The three animals approach upon a wide, two-story brick building, grey in color and long. The entire structure appears as if it’s an old, nineteenth-century psychological ward for the mentally ill. Zach stands still as the entire dwelling looms over him with his new friends beside him, waiting for his further actions.
“You okay, Zach?” asks Emmy.
“Y-yeah,” Zach responds. “Just a bit nervous…”
“Don’t worry,” Carly tells him. “We’re here with you.”
“Thank you.” The fox takes a deep breath with his eyes closed. Opening them once letting out air, he proceeds inside the building with the others by his side. He approaches the counter where the receptionist is, wearing hooded robes to mask their identity. “Hello?” The animal turns to Zach’s attention. “I’m here to claim my birth certificate, high school diploma, and card. My name is Zach the Fox.”
“Oh, aren’t you that flawed fox who got evicted yesterday?” asks the receptionist. Zach nods with ears drooping. “One moment, please.” The receptionist stands and ambles to the doorway, where another hooded figure appears. They exchange words in a low tone before the figure beside the receptionist disappears. The receptionist walks back to the fox. “The headmaster will bring them out to you. Please wait while they do.”
“I’m not sure I can…” His entire body trembles. “I’m not comfortable…”
“Zach?” Carly moves in closer to him, as does Emmy. “What’s wrong?”
“This place… I-It brings back so many painful memories…” His shaky paws find their way to his temples. “I… I can still hear the kids taunting me… belittling me… I can still see them standing over me… throwing food and other things… I don’t want to be here much longer…”
“Don’t worry…” Emmy rubs her hoof against his back. “We’re not going to be here much longer. As soon as you get your things, we’ll be out, right?”
Zach looks to her, lowering his paws, and nodding. “Y-yes… Not much longer…”
“Zach the Fox.” The hooded figure reappears before the group. In their grip are two eight-by-eleven paper with writings and designs on them, as well as a card with Zach’s picture. “Here’s your papers. Now, I don’t ever want to see you after this. You’ve got it?”
Zach stares at the figure before giving them a single nod and taking the documents. “Yes, Headmaster… You don’t need to worry… I will be gone…”
“Well, if it isn’t the flawed fox?!” utters a voice. Zach and his friends turn to where the source had come from; a grey wolf with a red bandana on his left arm. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Oh… hello, Jay.”
“Jay?” Carly repeats. She looks to the wolf. “Hey wait, you’re Jay the Wolf from Team Rescuers.”
Jay turns to her and smiles. “At your service.” He shifts back to the fox. “You come to whine your way back into the orphanage? Doubt they will accept you back considering all the trouble you’ve caused!”
“He’s not here for that,” the headmaster points out. “He was just collecting his possessions before walking out the door. Isn’t that right, Flawed Fox?”
“What possessions?” Jay asks. “All he owns is that stupid bandana that your worker gave to him. He owns nothing, Mom! He is nothing!”
“I will talk to you later, Jay. I am busy! As for you, Fox, don’t stick around any longer. I expect you to be out of here by the time I’m finished with the other children.” The figure turns and leaves the room.
Jay continues to taunt Zach. “Hear that? You’re unwanted. You always were. Nothing but a flawed fox!”
Emmy, agitated with clenching hooves and eyes, steps in front of the fox and into Jay’s gaze. “I wouldn’t pester him if I were you. He’s suffered through a lot, and now he’s left on his own, no thanks to you and every one of Heroto.”
“Emmy, please…” Carly steps near them, worried of the conflict. “Don’t start…”
“You’re defending him?” Jay queries. “A little pipsqueak warthog and a scared cat? Ha! How very interesting for you to defend a flawed fox; very fitting.”
“Hey,” Carly utters. “Don’t talk that way about me or my friends. That isn’t nice!”
“Friends?!” Jay chuckles at the idea and crosses his arms. “The flawed fox has no one! He’s been alone his whole life, and always will be. He’s nothing but trouble. You all sound like crazy people saying that.”
“Us crazy?” spurts Emmy. “You sound like a big jerk. Nothing but a bully and a pushover. How on Earth did you become a protector of Heroto? You don’t seem like one. You’re probably a fraud!”
Jay clenches his paw into a fist as his expression changes. “What the hell did you just say, Piggy? You want to run that by me again?”
Carly gets beside him and Emmy. “We were just leaving. Come on guys, let’s get out of here.”
“Wise choice.” Jay watches as the animals exit the building, giving a mean glare at them.
As the group distances themselves from the structure, they head for the park as a means of escaping. Zach sits on the park bench, hunched over with drooping ears, while Emmy sits beside him, rubbing his back to comfort him.
Carly has her arms crossed as she stands about, looking at the orphanage from the entrance. “Well, they were quite nice,” she says sarcastically. “I thought orphanages were a place to make kids happy until they get adopted… And to think the leader of Team Rescuers was actually a caring kind of person.”
“What a salt bag!” exclaims Emmy. She looks to the fox. “Don’t worry, Zach. We’re not going to let a bunch of disgusting animals throw you under the bus like that ever again.”
“You know what, it’s actually okay…” Zach straightens his ears and his position to meet the eyes on his friends. “I’m actually a bit happy that I don’t have to suffer within that place anymore. I may not have anywhere to go or anything to do, but I’m thankful to be free. I am also grateful to have you guys as my new friends.”
“It’s no worries,” Carly says. “I can’t believe that wolf is so sour.”
“Hey!” calls a voice, feminine in tone. The three turn to the right, pinpointing the voice to a purple rabbit with wide, emerald eyes and a long, smiley mouth with two teeth showing. The fluffy bunny dons a blackened hoodie as her only means of apparel. She points to the fox. “You look familiar… Aren’t you that orange fox with Team Rescuers?”
Zach’s ears droop again. “I… I…”
“Beat it, Bunny!” Emmy snaps. “We’ve had enough to deal with, and don’t want any more trouble!”
“Whoa, whoa…” The rabbit raises her paws up. “Easy… I was just asking a simple question… I mean no harm.” Emmy still grits her teeth at the mammal, huffing and puffing with clenched eyes.
“Yes, I was with Team Rescuers,” Zach answers. “But, not anymore… I’m trying to put all of that past me, ever since I was kicked out.”
“Ouch,” replies the purple animal. “I feel you, man. Name’s Brook. Pleasure to meet you. Um, what’s your name?”
“Zach,” the fox says. “I’m Zach.” Carly and Emmy introduce themselves as well.
“So, what are your plans now that you’re out and about, Zach?”
Zach looks at his newly-obtained items, then back up at Brook. “Well, I was going to start looking for a job. That’s not going to be so easy, though… You wouldn’t happen to know a place that could hire me, would you?”
“Meh, I could try and pull some strings for you. You have a place to stay?”
“Carly said she’d help me out with that.” He turns to the cat. “I think I’m okay.”
Carly rubs the back of her head. “Um, about that, Zach… My mother says we’re not allowed to take you in…”
The fox’s ears stick up to the sky. “What?! I thought you said you’d help me…”
“I know… But, when I called her, she told me I can’t bring you in…”
“She… Let’s say it’s a trust issue, and considering all of the negative things said about you by the town, her decision has been influenced by that factor.”
Zach then turns to Emmy. “Are you okay with me staying at your place?”
“Sorry, Zach,” Emmy tells him. “Would love to have you, and my mother would be, too, but we can’t accept you. My stepdad is the high king of jerks in our domain, and he has power over us… He’d have you kicked out as soon as you walked through the door.”
The fox’s ears droop again. His head lowers closer to the ground. “So… I guess I’ll be sleeping in the alley, then…”
“Nah, you won’t,” utters Brook. “Because you’ll be living under my roof.”
Zach lifts his head to her with his ears sticking up for a second time. “Y-you’d be okay accepting me? Are you sure about that?”
“Course! I’ve got no parents to tell me what to do, and I’ve got some room to shelter you. It’ll all work.”
“I-I don’t know what to say…”
“Say nothing then.” She grabs him by the paw and pulls him off the bench. “Come! I’ll take you home now!” The purple rabbit runs off with him toward the exit of the park, leaving Emmy and Carly by themselves.
“I guess that means we should call it a day then?” Emmy asks. She looks to the fox and rabbit, then cuffs her hooves around her mouth. “We’ll see you tomorrow, Zach!” she shouts. Carly waves at them before the two girls split and part. Zach follows Brook as they head for home.
 The two animals walk through a door and enter into the living room area. A set of stairs against the wall lead up to a balcony with three doors appearing. Under the balcony is a modern-style kitchen complete with a stove, microwave, and pristine countertops. A square dining table with four chairs rests behind the sofa and television set.
Zach stares it amazement as his mouth is in the shape of a small ‘o’. “Whoa…”
“Nice pad, right?” Brook asks. “Just got it not too long ago. My friend and I collected enough money and bought this place out.”
“Brook?!” shouts a voice from a room of the balcony. “You home?!”
“No!” Brook spurts back. “It’s Jack from Safe Farm!”
A figure appears in the doorway and up to the balcony’s rail, showing itself to be a red rabbit. The animal is very similar to Brook, yet has a build of a male. A red shirt, blue jeans, brown shoes, and a barber’s hat is his attire. “Really, Brook? You know how I feel about that commercial…” Brook snickers. “Who’s that with you?”
“Get down here so I can introduce you!” The red rabbit does as he’s ordered, walking down the stairs along the side of the wall and making his way to the two. Brook faces the fox. “Zach, this is my friend. His name’s Hatboy.”
“Hatboy?” Zach repeats. “Interesting name…”
“Hats, this is Zach. He’s the fox from that hero group, Team Rescuers.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” interrupts Hatboy. “The flawed fox? Why is he here, Brook?”
“I brought him, of course. He needs a place to stay, so I offered him to crash here.”
“What?! Why?!”
“He’s got nowhere to go, Hats, and his friends can’t take him in because of their parents. Can’t just leave him out in the streets to rot.”
“I don’t affiliate myself with those animals anymore,” Zach tells him. “I just want to get on with my life now; move on and forget. I want to try and start anew.”
Hatboy stares at him, processing the thoughts in his head. “Well, if that’s the truth, then all right. You can stay… But, we’ve got to lay some ground rules here.”
“Hey, I’m okay with that.”
“Well, now that we’re all acquainted and such, how’s about we have some dinner?” Brook asks. “I’m making my special macaroni casserole with extra cheese!”
@carlycmarathecat @emmy-the-absolute-goof @bendy-bear-15​
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rose-sunlight · 4 years
J&C’s RTA (or, for the boring people: Jake and Charles’ Road Trip Adventure)
Pairings: Implied Jake Peralta/Charles Boyle, Mentioned Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago, Jake Peralta/Original Male Character (OC)
Warnings: One mention of antisemitism, but it isn't graphic.
Summary: When Jake returns from being undercover, Charles realises how depressed he is over Amy's rejection. He decided the perfect remedy is a BFF Road trip. Little does he know, this Road Trip will bring some interesting revelations into the light.
A/n: This is for the @b99fandomevents​ Summer 2020 Fic Exchange written for @impossiblyizzy​! Hope you enjoy!
As soon as Jake returned to the precinct after being undercover, Charles began to plan this trip. He knew about Jake confessing his feelings to Amy (squeal), and how he was horribly rejected. When he returned, unchanged from his stint undercover, Charles vowed to take Jake on a road trip to end all road trips.
He even decided that Jake could dub their trip, hoping that would cheer him up. It did, and so they left on their summer J&C’s RTA—unknowing that what would happen could possibly change the course of their friendship forever.
Of course, Charles knew that they had to have an appropriate car to travel the way in, that’s why he chose a 1960’s panel van, like the one from Scooby-Doo. He thought Jake would look at it and smile; he did, but his smile disappeared almost instantly. Even when he climbed inside and looked around at all the snacks and chips Charles had bought (he had decided on the ones Jake likes, not the ones he liked that had a crunchy mealworm flavour. But Jake looked at them and smiled again, leaning against the window as Charles began to drive to their first location.
The music was blaring: Jake had insisted that Carly Rae-Jepsen and Taylor Swift be playing constantly at full volume. Charles had one hand outside the car, dragging it through the air, feeling the wind between his fingers as they flew past grand houses in the suburbs of New York at break-neck speed. Jake had his eyes closed against the rays of the sunlight coming through the windshield, a small smile tugging on his lips.
He was picturing Amy here with him, experiencing the beginnings of this elysian sunset.
“You know what you need?” Charles said, not taking his eyes off the road.
Jake shrugged, “A dartboard with Teddy’s dumb stupid face on it?”
“No,” Charles sighed, “You need to find someone else. Someone who will make you forget about Amy!”
Jake shook his head “I don’t know, Charles, I just can’t do that. Everyone would remind me of Amy.” He knew this was a lie, he could find someone who was the opposite of Amy and love them for the night, but it wouldn’t be the same, because all he would be able to think of would be how it wasn’t Amy holding him, kissing his neck…
“Well, I’m sure someone where we’re going will have a pair of lips for you.”
“In a weird way, thanks.”
They arrived at their first hotel stop the next day, after taking turns driving. It wasn’t much, but it was grand in its own way, with charming old windows and exposed brick. It was almost like a cottage, but with people and balconies watching you arrive. Charles slung his bag over his bag, slamming his car door shut as Jake did the same.
The receptionist was an older woman, scowling with tiny glasses on the bridge of her nose as Charles smiled and gave their room numbers. He’d decided, for privacy (a new concept for Charles, but one he was willing to learn for the sake of his heartbroken friend), that they would have separate rooms. He looked back from the scornful woman to Jake, who was frantically typing on his phone.
“Who’s that?” Charles asked as Jake shot up, eyes wide, like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“Oh, uh, no one, just…you know, Rosa…”
Charles raised an eyebrow “Oh, yeah, right, we both know Rosa doesn’t text you for that long,” His eyes comically widened in realisation, like the parent who had caught him with said hand in the cookie jar, “you’re texting Amy, aren’t you?”
“What? Charles, no, why would I?”
Before Charles could respond, the scowling woman passed over the two keys, suddenly breaking out into a fond smile that shook Charles slightly. He grabbed them and thanked her “You boys have fun; are you waiting on another couple?” She asked, holding back the other key.
Charles blushed, suddenly a bumbling mess “Uh, no, we-we’re not…uh…we’re not a couple…” He managed to blurt out, watching as the woman pushed her glasses up and smiled awkwardly.
“Oh, I’m sorry, here,” she replied, handing over the second key before gesturing to the stairs “your floor is the third, first two doors on the right, you can’t miss them.”
“Ok, great, thanks” Jake said, grabbing his bags and dragging Charles away from the woman, who he was still gaping at for assuming the two of them were a couple. They were halfway up the stairs when Jake turned back to Charles, who was still frowning as he walked.
“You know,” Jake started “I never imagined you to act so weird just because someone assumed you were with a dude”.
Charles shook his head again, furrowing his eyebrows as they finally got to their respective rooms “Oh, no, it wasn’t that I just realised that she looked like Julia Child! I have all her cookbooks, she looked just like her!”
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
There was a pause as they both stood in their hallways, staring at each other. The night was still hot and the stars that had just peaked out from the New York smog were shining through, creating an almost blue effect on Jake and Charles face. Jake had to stop; in this light, he noted how handsome his best friend truly was, but only in the way that his looks complimented his personality nicely.
Jake swallowed on air, Adam’s apple bobbing “I’m…going to go in. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yeah,” Charles nodded, smiling a toothless grin “See you in the morning.”
They went into their separate rooms. Charles couldn’t sleep: he didn’t really understand why Jake got so offended about his supposed shock around being called a couple. He figured it was just a normal Jake move, standing up for whatever he felt was right. Maybe he felt a compassion to help those marginalised groups. After all, Jake had revealed to them the horrific things said about him in his youth when he wore the star of David around his neck.
Charles decided to sleep it off. Jake wasn’t doing much sleeping, and wasn’t planning on doing so until his casual fling was out of his room. He wanted them to stay, for that bit of closeness he really needed from anyone, but he decided that it was easier this way, for them to sneak out in the early hours of the morning.
Morning came, and the weather had ramped up again. It was a heavy heat that made it almost impossible to breathe, and Boyle was sure he would’ve died if it wasn’t for his sleep apnoea mask keeping him breathing. He almost slept in, like he was planning to, but housekeeping knocked (even though he had put ‘do-not-disturb’ on his door handle), and he found himself scurrying out of the room in shorts and a t-shirt.
Unfortunately—or, fortunately, for Jake, Boyle had stepped out of his room the exact time his fling of the night left, planting a big kiss on his lips, while Jake stood in the doorway of his room, dressed only in a pair of white boxers.
“Thanks for a great night.” The man, Jason, he had introduced himself as, said, walking straight past Boyle’s gobsmacked face. Although, it did make a lot of sense for Jake to like guys, when he thought about it. Jake stared back at Charles with a pale face, one arm outstretched.
“How much of that did you see?” He asked, not as concerned as Charles thought he would be, judging on the nice shade of translucent Jake had seemingly turned “I need to know so I can gauge how big my lie has to be”
Charles cut him off “Jake, you could’ve just told me.”
Jake’s shoulders slumped “I know. But…I don’t know, I’ve been keeping this a secret for so long, I was worried you’d be mad. No one knows, if that helps, not even Gina.”
“Knows what?”
Jake flushed red “You know what.”
Charles took a step forward, trying his best to be comforting to his embarrassed and half-naked friend. “I know, but…but it might help you if you say it out loud.”
He had a glint in his eye, and Charles could detect it as unwavering emotion and unshed tears from years of pent-up frustration. He wonders how many times Jake’s tried to tell the squad, how many times he’s tried to correct the pronouns of whoever he’d been on a date with the day before his shift. “N—” he let out a deep blowing breath, “No one else knows…that I’m Bisexual.”
Charles smiled proudly, reaching out to pull Jake into a hug. He didn’t cry, not even as Charles stroked his back comfortingly. He was just relieved that someone else knew. If it had to be anyone, he was glad it was Charles.
“If it helps…no one would judge you. Especially not me.” Charles gave a stern look, and Jake almost begged him silently to continue. “I’m Pansexual! I thought you knew, Jakey, I talk about my fat crush on Dave from HR all the time!”
If Jake was in a cartoon, his eyes would be like saucers right about now. “I thought you meant in…like, a bro way!”
“There is no way me talking about all the explicit things I’d let him do could possibly be in a bro way.” Charles deadpanned as Jake let out a breathy laugh.
“Cool.” Jake said, smiling at his friend as if their eyes had just met for the first time in their friendship. He sits down on the motel fire escape, and Charles joins him, knees brushing against each other “So how does being Pan work?”
Charles sighed “A lot of people say a lot of different things. For me…I’m attracted to the soul of someone before their body. I don’t care about gender, as long as they’re kind and intellectually sexy.” He was staring straight at Jake now (no pun intended).
“We’re super dumb.” Jake groaned.
“Are our gay-dars that broken that we’ve been friends for what? Five years? And neither of us knew the other was LGBTQIA?”
Charles let out a large giggle, smiling at Jake, nudging him slightly “One hell of a road-trip, right?”
“Yeah,” Jake smiled back, “And it’s only just started.”
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Across Seven Seas
Chapter 3
Description: This fanfiction series is set in the year 2022, after the horrid COVID-19 has finally come to an end. In this fanfiction, Chris Evans holidays with his family in India and meets Meera Shankar. The story explores their rollercoaster journey and raises a question, whether two people, from two contrasting backgrounds and cultures, can build their future together?
This series is Chris Evans x OFC with Chris Evans' family and friends having recurring appearances. Please find below a lot of Original Characters-
Meera Shankar - The female lead
Meera's Mother
Poppy - Meera's maternal grandmother
Rohan - Meera's elder brother who is 6 years older than her.
Ankur - Concierge of the Hotel Maple-Fawn in Mussoorie
Chapter 1 • Chapter 2
Chapter 4
P.S- India follows only one timezone.
P.P.S- All the photographs used in the chapters are of the real locations mentioned. I clicked these photographs on my vacation.
This is a work of fiction. The names of the hotels and companies have been changed to avoid copyright issues. Meera Shankar and her family is based on the author and her kin. No offense is intended.
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
Chapter 3
6th September, 7:30am - Dehradun Hotel, India
Meera barely noticed the morning chatter at the breakfast table, the voices becoming dull thuds in her mind. As she dozed off for the tenth time, her mother snapped. "You just woke up Meera! How can you still be sleepy? People in the mornings are usually active, bright-eyed and alert! Yet here you are going back to sleep." "Who said I slept last night?" spoke Meera, unsuccessfully trying to stifle her yawn, "With you and Poppy snoring into my ears, I could hardly sleep." "We don't snore that bad," said her mother, defensively. "Have you ever hear... (yawn) Have you ever even heard yourself snore?" replied a sleepy Meera. "I slept peacefully in my room. Just like a baby," Rohan chimed in with a smug smile. Her sleep deprived brain could not think of a clever repertoire. At least she would fall asleep on the ride to Mussoorie, hopefully avoiding the nasty motion sickness.
6th September, 9:15am - Delhi, India
🎶tring, tring, tring, tring🎶
Chris heard the faint chime of the landline in his room. Struggling to find it in the darkness, Chris finally answered the call. The receptionist on the other end of the line was kind. She patiently reminded him about the wake-up call that had been scheduled by him and informed him about the buffet breakfast. The Evans family had reached the fancy hotel in the wee hours of the morning. It had been a relief to exit the Delhi airport sans the company of the media. Jet-lagged and exhausted, they had all collapsed into their beds. Even Chris had fallen asleep as soon as his head had touched the pillow. He now stretched on the bed, missing the warmth of his adorable canine. He knew the best way to deal with jet-lag was to condition your body to the local timezone. After freshening up, he headed towards the buffet, seeking to eat his breakfast in peace.
As there were no direct flights from Boston to Dehradun, they had decided to stay for a day in Delhi, just to rest their bones. Tomorrow, they would catch the flight to Dehradun. As Chris understood, their hotel in Mussoorie was around 6 hours away from Dehradun airport. He did not look forward to the excessive travel. He knew they would all be tired out for a week before they started feeling normal again.
He was soon joined by his family for breakfast. A large family of 7 Americans was not an unusual sight for the patrons of this hotel. Being one of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in the city, tourists from across the world flocked to the 5-star property. The best part? Nobody recognized them, especially Chris. While Chris did have a huge fan following in India, he was not immediately recognisable with his large beard and overgrown hair.
"Do we have anything planned for today?" Chris confirmed with Carly as she demolished her pancakes, "Not really. The hotel did offer a tour of the local tourist hotspots, but I didn't think anyone would be up for a day out." "Especially in this heat," chimed in Shanna. "From what I Google searched, Delhi has beautiful forts and structures. There are even expansive gardens in the city! Maybe we can visit just one site before leaving tomorrow?" suggested their mother Lisa. "I will check with the concierge and see what they recommend," offered Scott.
Chris settled back in his room after the breakfast, checking-in with Tara about Dodger. He dozed off while waiting for a reply.
Same day, 11:40pm - Dehradun-Mussoorie road
Meera woke up with a jerk as the car pulled around a corner, her heart beating fast. They were on the last portion of the winding roads, almost at the top of the hill. Dazed, she looked around the SUV, her mother and brother were wide awake and Poppy had nodded off. From the window, Meera saw the mountains and trees in all their glory, but the motion of the car lulled her exhausted mind back to sleep.
Almost 20 minutes later, she woke up again as her mother gently taped her on the shoulder. "We have reached," she quietly said, "Are you feeling okay?" Blinking her eyes, Meera managed to say yes. Chilly breeze greeted her as she opened the door of the car. Audibly shuddering, she shut the door, reluctant to leave the warm vehicle. Her brother pulled it open again, "Wake up sleepy head! Look how beautiful it is!" "It is COLD," replied Meera hoarsely, still struggling to find her bearings. "Okay look, it is just 10 steps from the car to the hotel's entrance. Just 10 steps! Then you will be in nice toasty-warm lobby. Let's go! The hills are calling us! Let's go let's go!!" Meera smiled at her brother's exuberance. Mountains had the same effect on him that beaches had on her. Bracing herself for the cold, Meera dashed from the car and into the hotel.
Maple-Fawn was one of the few 5-star hotels in Mussoorie. The international company had a chain of hotels in the country, but their property at this hill-station had been voted as one of the bests. The lobby section was intimidating to say the least. White marble flooring, polished wood-panelled walls, and elegant paintings and statues gave a sophisticated, warm vibe. As the family was checking-in, the male concierge asked for Meera, "Welcome to Maple-Fawn everyone. Do we have a Mrs Meera Shankar amongst us?" "It is Ms Meera Shankar, and that would be me," she replied. "Hello ma'am. I am Ankur, the resident concierge of this property. As I am led to believe, you are the one with the food allergies, correct?" "Yes absolutely." "We received your email ma'am, the one with the list of foods you are allergic to, and a couple of recipes which would suit you. Can we discuss it once you are settled-in?" "Oh right yes. How about we meet again after one hour?" "Sure ma'am. I will meet you with the chef in your room," confirmed Ankur.
The receptionist handed them the key cards to their rooms. "As I can see in the system, you have booked two rooms, with the 3 women living in one room and Mr Rohan living in another. Would you like to have a single bed mattress in your room ma'am? It would be more comfortable," suggested the receptionist. As her mother refused after hearing the cost for the extra mattress, Meera had to chuckle. Even the receptionist must have wondered how will 3 fat women fit on a queen-sized bed, she thought.
"Why should we spend so much money on a mattress when we call all sleep together on the same bed?" argued Meera's mother as they reached their rooms, "We have already spent so much on this expensive hotel, I am certainly not paying for anything extra." Meera's face fell as she heard those words. It had been difficult to find a hotel which would cater to her food allergies. While various brands offered food for people who were strictly vegetarian or vegan, the hotel staff, usually the chefs, could never wrap their minds around how could a person be allergic to so many things. Luckily, Maple-Fawn had been accommodating, but being on the upper-end luxurious side of things, the stay at the hotel itself had costed them around 4 months of Rohan's salary. "I will get to snuggle-up to my daughter on the same bed and sleep. I can't wait!" continued Meera's mother. "Creep," muttered Meera.
But despite herself, Meera had to admit, the view from their room was to die for...
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Same day, 3pm - Delhi
Chris awoke to someone ringing the doorbell of his room. Stumbling across the room in the darkness, he opened the door to see Carly. "Hey Chris, we are going to Rori gardens, do you want to tag along?" "What? Which gardens?" "Rori, or something like that. I don't understand most of the names here," sheepishly admitted Carly. "Should I show you the brochure?" Nodding his reply, Chris stepped aside to let Carly in. "Oh God, it is dark in here, let there be light!" "No wait sto..." But before Chris could finish his sentence, Carly had opened the curtains, flooding the room with bright sunlight. "Aargh" Chris groaned at the sudden light, hidding under the covers on his bed. Laughing, Carly tried to pull the covers off of him, but Chris held on tight. "C'mon you big baby! You are worse than your niece and nephews! Even they are playing in the swimming pool and here you are, hiding underneath the covers!" "It's too bright! Turn down the sun!" Chris whined. "No way! Get up now! See this garden looks like fun. Don't stay held up in your room." Chris muttered something. "Christopher Evans, come out now or else I WILL tickle you!" Carly threatened. Uncovering his head, Chris opened one eye, "What do you want, you Kraken monster?!" Carly smiled, it had been too long since Chris had called her by the nickname. A change of location was maybe just what he needed afterall.
Chris met Carly, Scott and Lisa in the lobby, Shanna choosing to stay behind with the kids. Their hotel, Maple-Fawn, had provided them with a guide and comfortable cars. If Chris wasn't mistaken, they were going to stay at the brand's property in Mussoorie as well. "What is the name of the garden again?" Chris asked their Guide. "They are called Lodhi Gardens," came the prompt reply. "It is spread over 90 acres and contains some of the best landscaping seen here in Delhi. The garden is also home to tombs of various kings who had once ruled Delhi." "Oh so it's a graveyard," inquired Scott excitedly. Chris chucked at his brother's excitement. "Not at all sir," replied their Guide, "The garden is used as a park, where people jog, do yoga, exercise and kids play around. You will get an idea once we reach."
While the road to Lodhi Gardens had been full of traffic and commotion, the place itself was peaceful and serene. Tall trees surrounded the walkways, manicured green lawns with flower beds covered the uneven terrain, while the graves of the bygone kings were nothing like the Evans family had seen before. These were ancient structures, with delicate ornate carvings on the walls. "Woah," whispered Scott, "If these are their graves, then I can't even imagine how royal their palaces must have been!"
Chris caught himself smiling. As much as he willed himself not to feel happiness, he couldn't help but feel a little bit relaxed. Lodhi Gardens were beautiful.
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