tvkinvdv · 2 years
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anglepanda · 10 months
Leo x reader patrol gone wrong pt.10 2/3
Narrator: hey guys I have another character in this story your really gonna like…let’s just say their is a lot of flirting…anyways…so it was a nice warm and breezy night and you and April were taking a stroll through the city to find any clues or evidence on what happened after the last incident you and Leo encountered, he decided to come with you and April just in case so nothing bad would happen and as you were walking down the street, your foot hit something sharp and that’s when you reach down to pick it up. You had a shocked look on your face because when you picked up the object, it look like the same color of the magic that was used to hurt you and Leo and then as you, Leo and April were about to head back to the Lair so Donnie could investigate the magic object until you heard some giggling but it sounded like it was close near you guys, but you didn’t know where it came from…
???: *giggles* wow I must say I am impressed you actually managed to find my companions magic shards…I heard about you from my companion…but I never thought I meet you in the flesh…reader…
me: OK so this is the new character I was talking about just to pre-warn you guys. He is very very flirty and I think kind of flamboyant but we don’t talk about that OK so just to let you guys know there’s a lot of flirting but I’m gonna give you guys some detail about him and we can continue on with this story… so this guy is very flirty His code name is neonblade. And you guys will find out his actual name at the end of the story. He is 19 years old. He is 5’11 his date of birth is December 13. His status is that he works for shredder and he’s a hacker. His normal life is going to the School you and April go to but undercover. His ability is to fight and surpass even the most skilled fighters he has hypomotility and he has great flight experience. He is able to create any portal leading to wherever he wants to go as long as he sees the place first and thats he can remember where it is and he can teleport there using his portals. He’s also able to control some type of weather. Like lightning and thunder, along with ice and snow as long as the weather happens automatically…now that you guys have a little bit detail on who he is let’s get back into the story…
narrator: you are honestly shocked that this strange person knew your name maybe he found out from the person who attacked you and Leo last time I mean he did say that that person was his friend, so maybe they have some sort of connection and then you froze when he said the name of the person who sent him to find you…
???: I mean, master shredder did say you were an annoying little brat, but I must say you are quite the looker and very attractive I mean, if you just come with me and join my side, we could have a little fun if you know what I mean….
narrator: before you could say anything, Leo jumped in to protect you and kind of out of jealousy
Leo: first of all shredder is not alive. Last thing I remembered was that me, my brothers, April and my dad defeated him along with reader, so how is he still alive?…and second of all you do not have permission to hit on my girlfriend/boyfriend/lover only I am allowed to do that so back off!!!
narrator: he was shocked by Leo’s outburst but decided to keep his cool and to piss Leo off more he decided to flirt with you more like he didn’t even care about Leo’s threat…nor hear him…
???: hehehe anyways, reader are you sure you wouldn’t want to join us cutie pie I mean think about all the fun we could have just me and you no one else just us alone in privacy having the greatest time of our lives?
Narrator: before you could tell him how disgusted you were by him Leo, uses swords to make a portal to bring you guys back to the layer when you guys got back Leo was so pissed off he went to his room and you just decided to leave him be and go check on him in a few minutes when he’s a little bit more calm down, when the others asked you guys what happen you and April explained everything from investigating what happened the last time you and Leo got hurt and finding the magic shard that you gave to Donnie to finding out that shredder was back and alive and he has companions to help him get rid of you and the turtles…
??? POV: ugh!!! shit I almost could’ve had them to myself even though I’m supposed to be getting rid of those turtles and April that reader is quite attractive. Maybe I could get the master to allow me to have them to myself and I could play with them all I want and feel their body against mine!…ha ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!
narrator: he then called his master on a holographic watch to tell him all the details of what happened when he encountered you, Leo and April
holographic shredder: what is it Koshi I have very important business I have to attend to so you better make.this.quick
Koshi (neonblade): I have good news for you master I found one of those turtles and in those two humans flower pedal(lily) was talking about and may I say the turtle in the human name April are really pains in the ass, but they’re friend reader… they might be a keeper…
me: if you guys don’t know who Lily is, Lily is flower pedal from the last story I had on Leo X reader patrol gone wrong pt.10 1/3 that is her actual name so if you guys haven’t, read that one go check it out…
Holographic shedder: I want you to do whatever you can to find out where their school is and what their weaknesses are and disguise yourself so you can blend in understood?…
koshi(neonblade): yes, master it’s understood I will figure out everything about them and their weaknesses so you can defeat them
holographic shedder: good now, I need to go. I have to finish my business….Don’t disappoint me….
Koshi(neonblade): I won’t master…
narrator: as shredder hangs up, koshi (neonblade) begins to laugh maniacally….
koshi (neonblade): hahahahaha!!!!…once I get my hands on reader I will make them mine no matter…what.it.takes…
me: to be continued…
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aikaterini-drag · 2 years
These two be kissing like there's no tomorrow ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
They kiss each other's souls, not just lips ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
I can easily watch this on repeat and squeal without end!!!!
Plus, the song is: NEONBLADE - MoonDeity
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blackuigryphonvr · 4 months
🍓 My #NewPokeStop gave my GOLDEN RAZBERRIES! #Niantic #Wayfarer #NianticWayfarer #DIY #pokemongo #Phonk #DriftPhonk #NeonBlade
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michaeljpatrick · 9 months
I cleared up a few rules and fixed some wonky writing on this. You can download the one-page game on itch!
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sawbonesbyankur · 2 years
Watch "moondeity neon blade Moon Deity Neon Blade | #music #moondeity #neonblade" on YouTube
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
1. Song of the year?
Moondeity - Neonblade
Scaramouche´s boss battle theme. That song slaps so hard man.
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Grotto (NeonBlade)
Atmospheric explorative puzzle platformer
Free to play (Windows, Mac)
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kassio-is-space · 4 years
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My wrist just hurts like hell now👍
Meet Synth, a neutral femme, she is living in after war timeline with Speefire and Neonblade(Sofi and Ari ocs)
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artskoog · 6 years
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NeonBlades- Packer, main enemy ai for our game! #neonblades #zbrush #gameart #gamedev (at Malmö, Sweden)
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tvkinvdv · 2 years
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tvkinvdv · 2 years
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tvkinvdv · 2 years
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tvkinvdv · 2 years
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tvkinvdv · 2 years
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tvkinvdv · 2 years
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