#Neopets is spoiling us this year
corrie-zodori · 6 months
DID NEOPETS JUST GIVE US A KADOATIE FOR TODAY'S ADVENT?? REAL?????????? Edit: Nah but I don't think yall understand how with no one in the room I did the advent calender and saw that was today's prize and an AUDIBLE "holy SHIT??" left my mouth A Kad is probably one of the most high demand petpets on the site. It was worth HIGH millions and to actually get one prior to today, (or with the addition of quests), was literally nigh impossible. Like with the addition of quests giving them out as prizes that's helping but it's still VERY rare to find a kad under a mil, even with the economic boost. I had genuinely written off EVER actually getting one, and they're just handing them out (AND PAINTABLE TOO) for FREE today??? Nah fam I'm stoked haha
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laprimera · 1 year
name: Leche
pronouns: He/Him , They/Them
preference of communication: Disco and Tumblr IMs - discord for closer mutuals though.
name of muse(s): Geeta
other muse(s): active: Geeta ( here ), Koraidon ( @koraichalcum ), Penny ( soon )
dormant/request: Gordie ( @stonedtm ), Candela ( @valorformed ) and two more other fandom rp blogs
experience/how long (months/years?): tumblr? 2016-ish? roleplay wise? uuuuuuuuh
platforms you’ve used: neopets, deviantart, tumblr current and by god hoping this ends here get me out of this--
best experience: Could be nostalgia but neopets will always bring a smile when I think back to it. Just silly kids roleplaying as their angsty fake pets via neomail with a 500 character counter and so many blacklisted words--
rp pet peeves/deal breakers: vague blogging, mass negative posts, and two faced partners, blegh
fluff, angst or smut: all three, and mood dependent. Smut is actually pretty fun and engages a character in the most intimate settings of character exploration ( though usually done with shipping partners / mutuals who are okay with it ). Course this is also based on the muse.
Fluff is for light hearted moments or breaks between the heavy stuff. Im not looking for too much character or plot development, I just like to see characters be domestic and happy--
Angst I’ve actually become a little pickier with due to past experiences making unplotted heavy threads turn messy. We’re gonna need at least a faint a to b plot ( and you’re gonna have to spoil me ahead of time if the outcome is happy or not cause fdggfd IM WEAK AND I NEED TO PREPARE... ) 
plots or memes: both! though Im more plot leaning. Memes are good for quick engagement though
long or short replies: Long, I just .. run with it. 
best time to write: Late evenings regardless of day. Im at work or freelancing most of the time.
are you like your muse(s): You can’t really write a character unless there’s a small reflection of you in it 🤔 a whole “you write what you know”. 
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50--blessings · 6 months
[The Hunting Grounds/Abandoned House Sys.] Host(s): Bunny || Co-Host(s): Conner, Silas
>Body's birth year is '96 (27->28 as of current) >Please refer to us as it/they when just referring to us in general >All members are 18+ in age, some far older than that >Fictive/Introject heavy (send help /lh) >Gore & NSFW content providers an consumers <<DNI: N*zis,Z00s,MAPs,Endogenic/Tulpa/etc 'Systems',SysCourse,AntiNSFW,etc.>> Where to find us >Twitter: hiatus >TH: 50blessings >FA: meathookz >Neopets: meathookz (will spoil you with items) >Discord: ask
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ladala99 · 3 years
Scrying my Neopets as Flight Rising Dragons Day 2: CJ the Lab Pet
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(Neopet image: Blue Shoyru in the old Circle pose)
(Flight Rising image: Caribbean Basic/Sky Basic/Cornflower Underbelly Male Banescale)
CJ. My second pet and the first one I adopted from the Pound. When I was a kid, I only adopted pets with the personality "likes making friends" and when meeting others would "try and make friends." It didn't affect the actual personality in my lore, though (and when the server transfer happened, everyone was defaulted to "likes gathering food" and when meeting others would "act very friendly," much to my annoyance. I sent in a ticket but they didn't change them back for me :().
I honestly wonder if his name is someone real's initials and birthday. It certainly isn't his birthday. Whoever it was would have been 2 years old when CJ was created, so it probably wasn't the original owner, either. Just kinda wonder what happened that he ended up in the Pound. He did have Neomonia when I got him, so maybe whoever had him didn't know how to cure him.
Whatever happened, he's my most spoiled pet now. He's my lab pet - which is why I'm using the old Shoyru art here because he hasn't really been a Shoyru since. He's also my battle pet - although his stats are so skewed from the lab that I can't train anything but Level. I am trying to keep up with that, though - the lab lowers Level more than it raises it.
He's also spoiled in that he's the one with a story/backstory. When I was a kid and first made it up, I decided that there was an evil spirit in a cell phone (later retconned to an amulet when I got serious about writing this... but never finished) that could possess him, and believed he was the rightful owner of the body.
The evil cell phone/amulet spirit was actually ancient, and was a leader of an evil secret society that secretly directed every happening in Neopia (I made this up years before the Sway existed), and he believed himself to be the son of the Darkest Faerie (initially I headcanoned that male Faeries became Shoyrus, later retconned it to have him being created by the Darkest Faerie instead), and his goal was to free her.
And free her he did. He was the one who managed to remove the amulet from her and free her from her stony prison. She, however, did not reward him for his loyalty, and trapped him in stone. While Tormund and Roberta stopped the Darkest Faerie's reign, CJ's family searched for and freed him, and also got their brother back, trapping the evil spirit back in the cell phone/amulet.
CJ was convinced that the evil spirit was a victim, too, however, and kept the artifact. When he became a lab pet, his body no longer was a compatible host, though, as the body needed to be a Shoyru, and one with similar DNA at that, so the evil spirit was trapped for good. Or... was he? (to be continued when I get to other related pets in the write-ups!)
For the Flight Rising form, I was initially torn on what to do. CJ's the lab pet, and there's not really any equivalent on FR. Scatter projects I guess, but it's not really the same.
So I went with CJs original Shoyru form and just tried to make a close match. Basic/Basic/Underbelly since a Blue Shoyru was as basic as you could get. Banescale mainly because the pose has a similar feel. I'm not 100% happy with it since I love dressing CJ up, but I don't know what I could do to properly showcase who he is. Fae, maybe, but they're too dainty.
If it comes to a point where I actually create him on FR, he'll be called CJay due to FR's naming restrictions.
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saijspellhart · 4 years
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Happy Anniversay Zackary. I love you so very much.
For my wedding anniversary. Here’s to 7 years of marriage. Happy, loving, wonderful years. For context, We love Pokémon. Zack’s friends always told him his Pokesona would be an Arcanine, and they said I would definitely be a cat pokemon. And my husband spoils me enough and makes me feel beautiful that I feel like a big happy Persian. So I drew our Pokesonas together.
Just a few of my happy memories over the years:
The day after our wedding our car broke down so we couldn’t do anything fun. But we bought each other a Nintendo 3DS and he bought me a copy of Pokemon Y and I bought him Pokémon X. We spent out honeymoon playing Pokémon together, and it was just wonderful.
In our early years of marriage we were incredibly poor and struggled. My Birthday came around and my husband couldn’t afford a present or to take me out to dinner. He also had to work. But he knew my favorite food was hamburgers, and he sprang for a hamburger. Surprising me, even though we could barely afford it. It was so sweet.
I’d been hospitalized a few times the past couple years. One of the times I came home from the hospital Zack made me dinner, even though he’s not a very good cook. By accident he made me Macaroni and cheese with a side of more macaroni and cheese. He’d mistaken a package of pasta as a package of rice, trying to make me rice and macaroni. I laughed so hard when he served me two different macaronis and he was red as a tomato.
I went to Oregon to visit my family, and when I got home my husband surprised me with the full series of Blood+ on DVD. He knew I loved the anime and he’d never seen it. So he binged it with me for the next few days.
Zack made a Neopets account so he could play with me. He knew I loved it, and wanted to play it with me. He bought me a scamander on Neopets for my petpet collection. In turn I gave him cream-based food for his Quiggle, (knowing full well Quiggles are allergic to cream) and made his Quiggle sick. After a good laugh, I sent him medicine to make his Neopet well again. And bought his Quiggle nice clothes to make up for the prank.
I’d never seen the Great Lakes. Zack took me on vacation to the Great Lakes, he arranged the whole trip so we could feed bears, and deer together at the deer and bear farms. I got to see the lakes, they were beautiful, and I even paid for us to stay in a hotel room on the lake shore. It was like a dream.
Zack and I had a fight at an anime convention once and became separated for a few hours. I wasn’t sure he’d be able to find me. But He found me again when we’d both had time to cool off. I’d been in the vintage anime room. He found me because he remembered I wanted to see the Record of Lodoss War screening. And I was so touched he remembered that. He showed up with gifts, and an apology.
I’d never been a big fan of shooting games. But I started playing Borderlands 2 just so Zack had someone to play with, and ended up getting really into the game. It’s now one of my favorite games. It’s become a ritual to name our cats after characters in the game.
I spent three weeks breeding mudkips in Pokémon. (So many baby mudkips) I bred a Shiny mudkip with perfect IVs so that Zack could start his game on Alpha Sappire with a shiny starter. He was so greatful, and he played the whole game with that Mudkip.
We started reading Howl’s Moving Castle together, and take turns reading the chapters aloud to each other.
Zack went with me to Oregon for my late Mother’s memorial and when it became my turn to spread her ashes. I couldnt bring myself to touch them. He took a handful for me and spread them in my place. And when I inevitably broke down he held me tight until I calmed down.
We found a pond at the edge of our neighborhood and we spent several weeks in the summer catching frogs together.
He watched the Exorcist with me, even though he hates horror movies. We both agreed it was a great scary movie, but decided neither of us wanted to ever watch it again.
I saw a trailer for Bayonetta 2 and knew immediately he would love it, and showed it to him. (If you know Bayonetta then you know why this is so funny.) He bought the game, and absolutely loved it. And it makes me happy watching him play it.
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priorireverte · 3 years
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Congratulations Nat!
Your application for Lavender Brown has been accepted. My werewolf(?) flower child! Let’s focus on the trouble she’s going to get into and NOT how this is a day late.
Please look to the checklist for the next steps and reach out if you have any questions!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Nat, she series
AGE: Old enough to have played Neopets when it was considered a popular thing
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Usually around 2-3 times a week. Sometimes more frequently. Sometimes I may be on once a week if my chronic illness decides to throw me for a loop.
ANYTHING ELSE: No triggers.
NAME: Lavender Brown
BIRTHDATE: April 27, 1980
DEATHDATE: May 2, 1998
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Female, she/her/hers, pansexual - openly
HOUSE ALUMNI: Gryffindor
OCCUPATION: N/A due to recently returning
FACECLAIM: Sydney Park
Returning brought the news that Lavender’s father died several months after she did, leaving the Ministry with the option of handing her over to her mother. The woman is rather uneasy about the whole situation since she has no training in regards to what to do if the attack on her daughter results in the full moon affecting her.
Coping is confusing and has left Lavender rather anxious. The last thing she can recall was a searing pain in her neck and Fenrir Greyback being bent over her— the one face that truly haunts her memories. Having fought for what was right and just leaves Lavender with little regret toward the side she chose. After all, her father always encouraged her to follow her heart, and doing so meant not risking allowing the Dark Lord to take over. It will be a bit of a relief to know her death wasn’t for nothing (a big fear of hers includes discovering that their side lost) but the after-effects will haunt her waking moments.
Being attacked was certainly not how she imagined her life to end, with her returning focused on fretting about what will happen the first full moon she experiences. Her parents carried prejudices toward werewolves that she didn’t exactly support or question as a child past deciding she would come to a conclusion based on her own experiences. With Remus Lupin as the only werewolf she came across before the one that ended her life, she has some hope that things won’t be too unbearable. There’s just the matter of her mother making occasionally rude remarks and not wanting to spend long periods of time with her.
Before her passing, Lavender could be described as boisterous. She appreciated being the center of attention and was prone to being loud and behaving in ways that would get others to pay attention to her. Some would even go as far as describing her behavior as childish. It was merely a matter of getting the attention that her parents didn’t provide while growing up.
Although friendly, her personality had a way of grating on people. She had few friends and was grateful for the ones she kept throughout her time at Hogwarts. Reading situations is something she struggled with, often relying on Parvarti to keep her in check if she seemed too overbearing.
Divination was easily her favorite school subject, with care for magical creatures as a close second. She was rather clever, hiding behind the habit of playing dumb around her classmates.
Returning has left Lavender on the anxious side, feeling like people are paying extra attention to her because of the mystery around coming back from the particularly gruesome way she died. Falling from a balcony could have left her alive (damaged but alive). The attack from Fenrir, however, was too much to handle. Knowing he was what caused her to perish has her fearing the attention that is on her. There are too many unknowns and she feels as though the attention she is receiving is out of treating her as an experiment - not people being relieved to see her as one of the familiar faces among the returned.
Lavender is the only child of Isaac and Seraphina Brown. She was a welcomed addition to the family, with her parents doting on her during the first few years of her life. The novelty of having a child wore off once Lavender was old enough to have her own opinion. Her mother didn’t appreciate the attention-seeking ways of her child and kept the girl at a distance. Her father loved her but wasn’t overly affectionate, relying on material goods as a way of showing his feelings toward his child. She was rather spoiled but her childhood lacked the traditional warmth most parents provided their children with.
Although purebloods, the Browns did not officially pick a side during either war. Her father focused on the Ministry and managed to avoid being recruited by the death eaters. The main family values involved her father mentioning Lavender was destined for greatness that would be guided by her own decisions. He wanted her to have the confidence to think for herself and use her mistakes as learning experiences but did not have a constructive way of instilling those values that didn’t involve lecturing at his daughter.
Spoiled and lonely. The years leading up to going to Hogwarts were spent getting whatever she asked for from her father. It didn’t matter how expensive the item was or whether or not it was an appropriate item for her age. Although grateful the threat of tears served as a way of getting whatever she wanted, material goods did not make up for the emotional distance her parents used while raising her. The Browns were not overly social and Lavender spent her early life surrounded by books, dogs, the outdoors, and having minimal contact with other people.
Hogwarts was challenging since it meant meeting children her age. She didn’t know how to behave around others and struggled with understanding social norms during her first two years of school. The little guidance from her parents and peers made making friends hard but she did manage to befriend a few of the girls in her dormitory.
She was quite close with Parvarti Patil and the two were inseparable for most of Hogwarts — the teen serving as one of the first thoughts on her mind moments after coming through the veil.
Voldemort’s return was something Lavender didn’t immediately acknowledge. Her mother had made scathing remarks about Harry during the summer after the first bit of news spread about it and she went along with it in an attempt at getting attention from her mother. Peer pressure eventually led to her accepting Harry was telling the truth.
Lavender sided with Dumbledore’s Army and spent her last year of life being quite vocal about disliking the Death Eater’s interference at Hogwarts. She eventually took to hiding in the room of requirement since running her mouth was too risky and the castle had taken a rather dark turn.
Ugh. I would never - how dare you even suggest I enjoy this group enough to take on two characters, let alone three. I said the third would be a calm muse and here we are with the dice gods deciding the possibility of postmortem lycanthropy means chill.
Anyway, oof. Let me see the chaos of returning after being attacked by a werewolf and the uncertainty of not knowing if Fenrir did enough damage to have caused her to become one. (Emmy side note of we’ll need to further discuss this since I’m fine with either her getting a few wolf-ish traits from the attack or her returned life getting the hiccup of transforming on the full moon :|)
I would love to see Fenrir come into play and know that is rather wishful thinking but he could prove to be an interesting addition.
I’m mostly wanting to further explore Lavender’s character traits. I feel like J.K. Rowling deliberately made her annoying and gave her few reasons for readers to forgive her for her personality/basically went “wow loud girl that giggles too much and is emotional. Let’s keep her development  at that.” Returning would mean those overly obnoxious traits being a little muted since she no longer likes the idea of all eyes being on her.
Mock blog: https://lavlavbrown.tumblr.com/
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skekteksfurby · 3 years
So let's talk about that 80-page neopets fanfic i wrote when i was like 14
so I posted about this a while ago but people to my surprise showed genuine interest in this thing. alas, the fanfic has been lost to time, i still have the file but it's damaged and I can't seem to restore it. Also, the entire thing was in dutch bc i no spoke english very well at the time. but i do remember a lot of the details, so i decided to post about this here to recall this embarrassing product of my imagination.
the plot: a found family consisting of a bunch of assholes tries to find jelly world and is then sent on a quest by the leader of jelly world to find a bunch of magical crystal shards spread across neopia. Reunite the shards, jelly world will be brought back to the main dimension in neopia.
the key players:
tama: oc, orange kougra. Prissy and extremely girly-girl type rich kid who was raised on krawk island being very spoiled by her governor parents or whatever. current chosen one that can open the gate to jelly world.
number twelve: oc, green lupe. number five's younger brother (by a lot of years). I never thought up a proper name for him so he is just number twelve.
sinsi: canon, brown ixi. she never really served a point but she liked to hang out with clop and play cellblock with him. idk i just thought her design was cute so i shoved her in.
shari: oc, blue wocky. basically the no1 fan of the prisoners with an enormous ego and amount of self confidence. she could change colors at will like a chameleon because she was a mary sue and i didn't fully understand the concept of paint brushes back then.
zeetin: someone else's neopet i was allowed to use, halloween kougra. Just the bad boy love interest for tama. shari's adoptive brother but after he and tama started dating they drifted apart.
the prisoners except the yellow knight because i thought he was boring: canon. Consisting of: clop (mute darigan moehog), barallus (unhinged korbat), meekel (shy and fearful blue kacheek) and number five (twelve's older brother, previous chosen one that could open the dimensional rift to jelly world).
shinwa: oc, fairy jelly acara because she's Special. basically the last leader of jelly world before the downfall. She sends everyone on a quest and appears in dream visions idk she's magic. her name means legend in japanese because i'm a genious /s
galgarrath and haskol: canon, grarrl and skeith. minibosses that chased the Crew to add some peril to the story because otherwise it would've been boring as tar
other bits about the story i recall:
running gags included disliking the faerie aesthetic and purple stuff in general. there was also a weird amount of alcoholic cider involved.
so the whole reason jelly world was cast into another dimension was because of some nondescript skeith wizard who was jealous of their prosperity cursed the land by shattering the magical crystal powering it idk. shinwa, having magical abilities herself, had the power to select a new chosen one that could open the rift and thus possibly restore JW every sixty years or so. 5 was the last one and succeeded in going there, but failed to restore the crystal and was promptly locked away in the dungeons of the darigan citadel. Tama, being the next, was our main Chosen One for the story. She was the main character i guess but i hated writing her pov a whole lot because she's so unlike me in every way.
The Crew(trademark) consisted of tama, shari, zeetin, sinsi, 12 and the (ex-)prisoners sans YK and yes they did succeed in finding JW.
oh yeah btw the prisoners broke out during some kind of plot convenience it was never properly explained nor was it ever established why the yellow knight wasn't there. Meekel also bailed on the quest for JW pretty soon when he figured out haskol and galgarrath were after them (to retrieve the prisoners because it pissed vex off that nobody would play his game anymore now).
Forced Hetero Romance(trademark) between Zeetin and Tama which I also hated writing
Shari had like 4 near-death experiences but kept getting into trouble either way because she's Stupid
the most compelling thing in the entire story was honestly the relationship beteen Shari and zeetin.
some of the official neopets canon was obviously thrown out the window because I didn't know everything (still don't) and also the canon in and of itself is wobbly to begin with.
one thing i established in my canon was that uni's didn't fly gracefully like pegasi, but rather had their wings move very fast like insects because they're so damn small and they're pretty hefty creatures. Clop also flew this way due to his similar wings-to-body ratio.
strangely enough, zeetin, who did have wings that were more proportional to his body, couldn't fly
Clop spoke in CTL: clop tapping language. 5 and meekel were his interpreters.
twelve had no personality to speak of seriously he was only there to prompt tama to go on her quest and run away from her dull life
the story ended at about 80 pages in when i lost my neopets hyperfocus and just kinda gave up. at this point in the story they had just gotten to JW for the first time, met shinwa, and been sent on their quest to look up the shards and restore the crystal to bring JW back into existence in neopia.
From here on the plan for me was for the Crew to split up and go across different parts of neopia to retrieve the crystals. would they end up restoring it? I have no fucking clue man i never got that far. i know that zeetinxtama was endgame, though his relationship with shari would be mended as well. think up your own ending if you will idc
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by pandaphant
Who's your favorite comedian? Sindhu Vee, probably. But that’s only counting the fact that I’ve only seen two of her skits. Out of all the acts I’ve seen, she’s the one who’s made me laugh the loudest so far, though.
Aren't you sick of all the *Are We Alike?* surveys? I’m not sick of them. I just think they’re too easy and fast to take so I like elaborating my answers so that I can still get a little ~reflective~ while taking that kind of survey.
Do you think there's anything you did better, when you were younger? Physical activities. I had a better stamina for jump roping and running when I was younger, and I was also a lot more flexible; I used to be able to bend all the way backwards and also have my toes reach my head while on my stomach.
Would you take the advice you give others? I usually don’t. I find that I’m better at giving advice than actually following through with them.
What did you have for lunch yesterday? I just had my leftover sushi. I didn’t want to eat all 24 that I ordered from the other night in one go, so I saved a little more than half of it for yesterday.
What's one thing that you would change about yourself physically? I’d go for the obvious and have my front teeth straightened, so I can finally stop feeling conscious about it.
What song has made you cry? Life Goes On by BTS.
How would you define success? Accomplishment of something for which I could be proud of myself.
Who was the craziest teacher you've ever had? Ironically, it was my Christianity teacher in grade school. Crazy old man who flipped out and humiliated students who didn’t bring their own box of crayons to school, and he also made me feel sexually violated when I encountered him shortly after my high school graduation. 
Do you think the Earth will face an apocalypse one day? I don’t think so.
What's the last thing you got paid to do? Work.
What's the one thing you could eat everyday? Sushi.
What do you hate about yourself? How frugal I can be, especially towards myself. Buy yourself nice things sometimes, @robyn hahahaha
What's your favorite alcoholic drink? Long Island Iced Tea. Or tequila.
Are you hyper today? No, but I was yesterday for Bang Bang Con haha. It was my first BTS event as a new fan and I had so much fun :(
Does Bzoink need an upgrade? I don’t mind what it looks like now. I don’t think they ever changed it ever since I first started visiting the site in 2009 anyway, and I’ve already gotten used to the layout. It’s easy enough to navigate.
Do you have a Millsberry account? No. I’m not sure I even know what that is.
Do you have a Neopets account? I didn’t, but I had an offline Neopets game on one of my old phones that I liked to play as a kid.
What's your life philosophy? I don’t really follow a specific one and let it serve as a guide all my actions. I just do whatever I think is right and what would help both me and the people around me.
What was the last thing you talked to your friends about? Angela and I were just talking about BTS lol. She was the one who reeled me in :((
If you are interested in going out with someone, what do you do? I simply like staying physically close to them and doing nice things for them. I’m not very expressive when it comes to this; I just let my actions speak for themselves.
Do you ever go to the beach? Yeah, of course. I love the beach. I’ve been aching for a trip for well over a year.
Would you rather have a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Coffee.
How's your hair looking right now? I washed it last night, so it looks okay.
What's something your mother always says? Well these days, she always reminds us to spray alcohol and disinfectant spray every time a delivery for someone in the family arrives. Which is an understandable thing to nag us about.
What's something your dad always says? He doesn’t really have a catchphrase, though these days he does like sharing about the funny or educational videos he’s been seeing on TikTok.
What's your favorite thing to wear? Tank tops or airy oversized shirts.
Have you ever had a near-death experience? Nope.
What do you order at Starbucks? Grande iced caramel macchiato + whatever pastry they have that I happen to be in the mood for.
What kind of exercise do you enjoy? Taking a walk with my dogs.
What's the worst injury you've ever had, and what was it from? The infection/wound I got from when I went snorkeling without flippers and ended up grazing my left foot against coral reefs one too many times.
Do you still have any of your childhood toys? If so, what? Nope, my mom threw them all out as I grew up and when we moved in to our current house.
Did you have a Precious Moments colouring book? No, I’m also not sure what that is.
Don't you miss being 13? No, puberty wasn’t exactly a fun time as there was a lot of emotional turmoil happening.
How'd you react to receiving your very first pimple? I didn’t keep a journal entry or anything from that day but I would imagine I was surprised and horrified.
Are you spoiled? Only when it’s deserved. My parents have stopped buying things for me since I now earn for myself, but back when I was younger I will say I was the most pampered out of us siblings. That said, I still made sure I worked hard for whatever it is I was asking from them, like promising them straight As for a quarter or semester in class.
What's your favorite day of the week? Friday.
What room of your house do you spend the most time in? My own. I’m back to working there again since I’ve started to find the dining room noisy.
Do you believe in the death penalty? Only for extreme offenses.
Do you have MSN, Yahoo, or Skype? I don’t have accounts on any of these.
What is your biggest turn-on? Continued from...sometime last weekend? I think? Thighs or fingers.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? I’d rather be in a not-stuck-in-a-pandemic world altogether, to be honest.
Do you ever have any problems just *moving on*? At first, because I hate change and try to resist it as much as I can. Assessing myself in the last few months though, it looks like I’m much better at moving on with my life as I thought.
Do you collect anything? I collect BTS merch now...my collection is gradually getting bigger hahaha. I currently have all 7 of their Cold Brew Lattes, then I recently placed an order for their most recent album. Once I finish all the coffee I’ll move on to the Hot Brew ones, then I plan to buy 1-2 albums per month until I complete my collection, then move on to the DVDs, magazines, and other novelty merch. ZERO REGRETS
If you saw a shooting star, what would you wish on it? Sustained happiness.
Do you like rollercoasters? I’ve never ridden one and I don’t plan to.
What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone else? Get them a customized locket/necklace. Either that or make a video compiling greetings and photos with friends when I had no clue how to edit videos and had to learn from scratch.
How do you celebrate Halloween? I don’t strictly observe it, but when I do it’s usually because someone else organizes a party for it. Last year my company had a Halloween party, then the year before that Rita’s sister invited us to their college party, etc.
Who is your favorite villain? Gus Fring from Breaking Bad.
Do you have a favorite coloring book artist? I have a couple of Steve McDonald coloring books; I like his works because they’re gigantic and yet super detailed. Keeps me occupied (if I ever do color) :)
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Idk, I think around 10 would be a safe guess.
Have you ever wanted to model? I did, back in middle school. That was when VSFS was still a thing and I had wanted to be like those girls lol.
When you want to unwind, how do you relax? Light up a scented candle, take surveys, and, lately, watch whatever BTS content I feel like consuming hehe.
How do you react when someone you know's having a freak out? Try to calm them down as best as I can and make sure they aren’t hurting themselves.
Have you ever seen someone have a seizure? No.
Do you have a phobia? Cockroaches and any sharp points.
Who is your hero? I don’t have one.
If you were to commit a crime, what would it be? No thanks.
Have you ever used drugs? Nothing beyond caffeine, nicotine, pills I take for headaches.
How would you define what you want out of life? Self-satisfaction, I guess.
What's your favorite car? A Mini Countryman.
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passionate-reply · 4 years
Ever since leaving Ultravox to pursue weirder and wilder things, John Foxx has been something of a serial collaborator, constantly teaming up with sundry other artists. I could list them all out, here, but I would quickly run out of space on this post, and spoil all of my ideas for other things I want to write about on my blog. Suffice it to say that I think it’s very valuable for creative people to collaborate, and that it forces us to rethink things and come to insightful new conclusions. The major threads of his style have remained very consistent, but each new partnership he forges seems to bring a bit of new light to his work in a way that’s satisfying to the devoted fan while still being interesting and breaking some new ground. 
I especially admire Foxx’s ability to indulge in what we might consider “trendy” movements in electronic music. One of my other hobbies besides music is fashion, and I see discourse about trends and their significance there all the time. The common-sense consensus always seems to be that one should feel free to reject trends entirely, while also feeling free to indulge in items that are trendy and have fun with them, as long as one is true to their own style and wearing what one genuinely enjoys. I think a lot of music critics are guilty of rejecting trendy movements out of hand, or at least believing that a trend is only valuable if it manages to stick around and turn into a more permanent fixture. You likely won’t be surprised that I see it more like leopard mini-skirts. Over the years, John Foxx has dabbled in everything from “electroclash” in the Aughts to “vapourwave” more recently, and earlier this past decade he went a little “hauntology.”
Chiefly associated with the independent record label Ghost Box Records, the brainchild of one Jim Jupp, the hauntology aesthetic is sort of like vapourwave for an earlier generation. They’re both heavily anchored in nostalgia and warped, incomplete remembrance of the cultural landmarks of the past, and portray that with indistinct or ambiguous artistic elements. They’re a little creepy and unnerving at times, distorting the familiar, and gaslighting one’s own memories of childhood innocence. But where vapourwave channels the bubblegum excitement of Neopets, hit clips, and the SEGA Dreamcast, hauntology is more interested in things like Mid-Century public broadcasting, old science fiction, and tales of the Fortean or occult. (“The Belbury Circle” are simply the “house band” of Jupp and associates of his record label.)
Anyway, “Suit” is one of my favourite things to come from this collaboration. The styles of Foxx and Jupp mesh together incredibly well, and it feels like a very organic progression for Foxx, who’s been wistfully musing about mercurial, laconic Englishmen in grey suits drifting through desolate groves for some forty years anyhow. Whatever you want to call it, it’s the perfect thing to put on to soothe you, while cozying up indoors, or perhaps on a train, in some chilly fall or winter weather. Hot tea optional, but preferred.
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magicalusuki · 5 years
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progen dragon sharing, inspired by a post by @goannafr that ive had in my drafts since may 12th of this year! wow i am good at being late
varsha- custom progen
so the colors i chose for varsha.... well, i didnt choose them. which is fully. i was in school in the middle of a movie in health class, and id snuck onto my phone and made an fr account because the registration window was about to close and i was going to be busy the rest of the time it was open, or maybe i was just too impatient.
i didnt realize you could even change the colors of the dragon- i just chose the breed and my flight (wind), and actually moved to ice almost immediately after because wind was such an impulse decision. 
i actually hated her colors once i realized that i could have picked them myself, because i would have probably made a seafoam/rose dragon. but now i love her. it might have been cool if she at least had a different blue for the wings, so if i could remake her (and assume she got the same tert) i would give her storm wings. it brings out that gray tert in a really cool way and just makes her a biiit more interesting. i mean, look at that! it look great with her apparel, too.
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i chose to make her a fae, because i though that they were cute. i didnt like any of the other starter breeds when i joined because i was a coward. i wanted the cutesiest dragons ever, which is funny considering now varsha is super badass
i had like... the vaguest clue of what fr was, because i was in the neopets community and a ton of the blogs i followed were into it, but i didnt really understand it in depth. fun fact! my original username was twinkling. 
so when i first joined fr, from what i remember we had... very few tert options. i believe we had basic, crackle, underbelly and circuit? and with varsha’s tert being grey, and yukienne’s being denim... basically nothing looked even slightly decent.
on top of this, i really wasnt in the forums or community much at all- so i wasnt aware that maybe exalting your progens wasnt a great plan, and how special they can be. and i certainly wasnt thinking about future genes. i mean, its been 5 years and STILL the best tert for varsha is stained and i dont particularly love any i have for yukienne!  ive grown to like stained on varsha, but for real. even irishim couldnt save that grey tert, and i used to be OBSESSED with irishim
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.im not against geneing yukienne fully and i have a few options planned, but denim is not.... its not an easy color to work with, which sucks because sky and violet work together so well, and then you have this random greenish-grayish blue. why. which is why he is not gened at all because oh my god. please fr give me something that makes denim purpley ill die for you
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this is his current most likely scry but im still... not sold... at least sky is one of my favorite colors on site! hes still a pretty lucky random progen all things considered, i know some people were truly cursed. they also have a pretty okay range, so thats nice! i brought these guys back as quick as possible and was so excited i got the option so do so.
lore and clan roles
in the end, exaltation gave my progens a lot of character- although i was so upset about having done it for literal years, lol. my clan lore felt super weak up until bringing them back.
varsha is clan leader, but im undecided about yukiennes role- all i know is that he did essentially abandon varsha in exaltation and didnt actually fight to earn his right back to this plane, and she resents him for that. i can imagine they did talk initially about him rising up the politcal ladder rather than being involved in the war itself, and i imagine initially he was actually quite gentle and perhaps a bit skittish- she had more pity for him then, and understood he wouldnt fare as well. maybe she even thought it would help his confidence. but seeing him live a bejeweled life as she fought endlessly.... well, thats just not great. on top of it, he sees himself as responsible for their return, not acknowledging varshas efforts, and he does this despite the fact that there was no evidence of it.  so yukienne likely doesnt do much in the clan, and i imagine varshas bodyguard- nevara- keeps an eye on him until or if varsha decides hes trustworthy to help. in the end, he doesnt especially want to do things for the clan anyways- he doesnt feel the dedication that varsha does, and though varsha doesnt realize it hes worn himself. hes tired of lies and a political lifestyle, and i dont imagine hes as confident as he might come off- its likely more a force of habit, and in saying it was because of him they got home, he just more than anything wants validation that his suffering was just as painful and he worked just as hard as varsha. but she really cant see that. in her eyes, hes still sitting on a pedestal, lying and spoiled rotten. even if now hes just lost and tired more than anything else.
varsha obviously is very strong willed and stubborn, and sometimes has difficulty empathizing with others- particularly those she perceives as having caused her harm. shes not especially friendly, and a bit paranoid. still she cares a lot about others, particularly her clan members who she views as her responsibility, and so she pushes away her own feelings best she can. shes more prone to trust those from wind than from any other flight, and is working on her distrust of those from ice. 
she has a close bond to nevara due to her wind heritage and time spend together on the battlefield, and trusts her deeply. she also deeply trusts aer, the very dragon that first found her and yukienne, and the only from the clan at the time that did not know of her exaltation until it was too late. she appreciates the effort on her behalf to keep the clan in order and understands aer was also very hurt by what her clan members had done, and is glad to have someone from that time who had missed her. 
varsha also finds amaryllis sort of cute and charming.the wind heritage probably helps yet again in this case, but even beyond that, she appreciates someone so unfit for the role trying their very hardest to play leader to keep their clan together in her absence. she sees her somewhat like a little sibling, despite not having a large gap in age.
since mako worked so close to both amyrllis and aer during her absence, she was one of the first ice flight members in their clan that she warmed to. with her optimistic and free spirited attitude, and the fact that shes still willing to work in a political position (unlike amaryllis, who was happy to retire) she helps to balance out varshas negative views of people and also is very useful in giving intel and helping create strong bonds between their clan and others, since varsha... would probably never do so on her own, but does see the necessity.
yukienne, at this point, lives a fairly solitary lifestyle. being rejected by the person he admires most as well as feeling he betrayed and failed her, he sees himself unworthy of deeper relationships. at the same time, he is stubborn and unwilling to discuss and feels he doesnt deserve sympathy or to explain his side. all interactions and relationships he has are shallow. at the very least, he is genuinely very proud of his appearance, so thats probably the one thing he has actual confidence in.
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akindlymonster-a · 5 years
Name:  Vivien Age:   27 Pronouns:   she / her Sexuality:   possibly ace, definitely into girls Zodiac sign:   leo Taken or single:   single
–– i’ve only had this blog a few months, and moved into this quieter fandom for a break from a much bigger muse –– i have a soft spot for redeemable monsters, hence why i chose regis out of all the witcher muses –– i didn’t mean to ship as much as i have but fuck it, i love love. –– i seriously need to read the books. i’ve had pretty much everything already spoiled, but I need a better handle on regis’ book dialogue/interactions
–– i have a full-time corporate job which, to be honest, is a little too busy for my liking sometimes. I work a lot of overtime which frequently interferes with my hobbies, and that’s partially why I moved to this smaller, quieter fandom to begin with. –– i studied languages at university and speak semi-fluent German. i say semi because my social anxiety means that i tend to forget my entire vocabulary the second someone asks me to demonstrate. i’m still working on speaking more naturally and translating faster, but it’s a bitch. –– i’m a prolific baker and am trying to start up my own side business selling cakes and sweets
How’d you start:   i’ve always written for pleasure, but a friend in the girl guides directed me to the neopets rp boards when I was thirteen. fourteen years later, I’m still doing it. Platforms you’ve used:   neopets, skype, AIM, proboards and tumblr Best experience:   the friendships I’ve made, specifically one from my tolkien muse days who remains one of my dearest, most beloved friends IRL. We visit one-another’s countries as often as possible and I live for it. Worst experience:   becoming a victim of toxic ‘friendships’, particularly with people who used their mental illness as an excuse to lie, manipulate and abuse. as someone who HAS a mental illness i now can and will call you out on that regardless of the damage to your precious feelings
Original or canon:   canon Favourite face:   none at the moment Least favorite face:   i hate anime face claims - i don’t know why, but i can’t stand them Multi or single:  single. i’d like to manage more blogs (particularly to go back to my last muse), but i’m too freaking busy for more than one
Plots or memes:   both - though i’d really like more consistent plots atm Best time to write:   in the evenings and/or weekends - but mostly it depends when i have the energy Do you like your muse(s):    if i dislike them, i don’t use them? How long (months/years?):   about fourteen years? Fluff, angst or smut:   all of the above
tagged by: @epheemere tagging: @toussainttwins, @betemorne, @sapientiaethumanitas, @winterfollow, @thoseofonen
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bonjourxrenae · 6 years
17, 20, 23? c:
17) If you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
JUST WRITE. Don’t sweat the details, the flowery language, the metaphors and similes. All of that will come in time. Write, even if it’s bad. Even if it’s in the heat of the moment. Don’t let the idea go, don’t just enjoy it while it’s passing through. Even if the idea gets spoiled later on, just WRITE IT DOWN. WRITE. You can fix things later!
20) Do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
I guess it depends??? Usually I write in little spurts! Especially now that it’s the busiest time of the year for retail workers, I really don’t have the energy to write in long sit-down sessions like I used to…
23) Any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
I don’t know how obscure this is, but I guess the, uh… the internet coming around was a big thing. I was fairly young when a computer was put in my house and we had dial up internet… but I think more than that, it was probably going on RP forums. I frequented forums on sites like Neopets and Gaia Online A LOT, and RPing with people has helped me a significant amount! Some of those RPs helped me properly plan an original work that I’ve kept in my head since FOREVER (it’s an urban fantasy with some mystery, horror, and supernatural elements. Vampires are involved.)
In fact! I RP with my girlfriend still! She’s been working on characters and a story featuring monsters and such, and I’ve been part of that process (along with our friend Carson!) We also RP Hetalia sometimes, and that has resulted in at least two stories, sooooo yeah. RP forums. Changed my life, and changed the way I look at writing. :)
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delcat177 · 6 years
Rules! Tag (numbers) people you want to get to know!
I was tagged by @heliodora97 while between PCs, made a note not to forget that shit, promptly forgot that shit, and just remembered that shit 8,D
This got long (of course)
Name: Del Terance-Theodore Scott
Gender: Trans guy
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 4′10″, 147.32cm, a smol, just a real smol boy
Sexuality: 5.9 on the Kinsey scale.  Like, maybe one woman in three hundred piques my interest, and that’s usually because they’re coded masculine.  The entire nonbinary spectrum is a case-by-case deal, although again, I’m more inclined toward masc coding.  Basically, I’m panromantic but with the BIGGEST FUCKING BIAS toward gay and 99.8% gay sexually, and since I’m in a monogamous relationship, identifying as gay is really just easier and more gender euphoric.
Also I wanna fuck the fish
What image do you have as your lock screen: 
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This has been my lock screen, header, and PC background for two years now and I do not anticipate it changing, thank you @nooneandeveryone
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: Two or three notable teachers in college and a little schoolboy crush on my high school teacher because he liked and understood me better than 90% of the kids in Crazy Fundie School (he liked MST3K!!!)
Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years: Holding a big folder of fanfiction marked “DONE” with a big red rubber stamp
If you could go anywhere else right now where would it be?: France, my fiance is probably on their second cup of morning coffee by now
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: Since Halloween is my birthday and Mom was INCREDIBLY patient and skilled, I had some real bangers.  A few that stand out are Queen of the Butterflies and The Most Extra Grizabella the Glamour Cat Cosplay Ever because I am very very gay, plus a not-too-shabby DIY Pyramid Head costume for my last year ever going out.  I think I’m proudest of the year I decided I wasn’t too old for trick-or-treating at the VERY last second, though--I found a huge picture frame and Mom pinned some fabric to the top as a backdrop and bam, I was a portrait.  I taped a “plaque” made out of a post-it reading “(NAME), AUTHOR, AGE 9″ on the bottom because I had Aspirations.  My arms were killing me from carrying it by the end of the night but folks loved it.
What was your favorite 90’s TV show?: 
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First fandom and one of the greatest.
Just don’t talk to me about the remake.  Don’t fukken do it.
Last kiss?: Last August, at the airport...I wanna go drink coffee wah
Favorite book?: 
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My love of Discworld and The Phantom Tollbooth should be very apparent, I adore short horror fiction, but one of my favorite unsung heroes is Bruce Coville.  He was one of my greatest influences growing up, both through his books and through his stubbornness in getting anthologies aimed at kids with REAL stories published.  Seriously, the Bruce Coville’s Book Of... series has To Serve Man, Zero Hour, It’s a Good Life, all these sci-fi classics that were in Real Adult Anthologies and the most fucking surreal shit I have ever read and I am counting my adult experiences.  I read Joe R. Lansdale’s The Fat Man at 9 because Bruce Coville thought I should have that right and bless him, I have never been the same.
When I was 10, Mom found out that Bruce was doing school presentations in Michigan and made some calls (I was still homeschooled at the time) and got me in not just to see the presentation, but meet him in person beforehand and talk to him one-on-one.  It was one of the greatest experiences of my life, but I spent a long time wondering if he’d still accept me if I met him as a trans gay adult, because part of being trans is having your fantasies cut short with “shit what if he misgendered me”.
So I wrote him a long letter about it and it turns out he’s progressive as fuck and totally accepts me and now we’re honest-to-God comment-on-each-other’s-posts Facebook friends.
No seriously.  Sometimes your idols actually turn out to be heroes.  Every time I see him lambast Trump my kokoro doki dokis and boy howdy that’s a lot of dokis.
Have you ever been stood up?: I dated all of two people before falling in love with Crow, so I didn’t really get the chance, which is probably a good thing?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: I lost two life’s savings on Neopets in one day when the slot machines came out, I spent everything I had and then sold one of my most expensive items and spent all of the proceeds from that, so I’m just gonna play the occasional quiet game of Poker Night 2 ok
Favorite pair of shoes: I have Achilles’ tendonitis so I can really only wear specific sneakers, but before we knew that, I used to beg Mom to let me buy boots at the Army Surplus store and I would wear them until the sides gave out (yes, the sides, my ankles are fucked up and weird).  Gender euphoria to the NINES.  I miss it augh.
Favorite fruit?: A L L OF T H E M
ok actually I’m not too much into citrus except for pomelos and kiwis are too sour and these things can fuck right off but buddy I avoid putting on stoner weight because I will just sit there slowly eating individual blueberries like a lizard for four hours, or crack open a can of jackfruit, or make myself positively ill on cherries, FRUIT IS AMAZING
I think if I absolutely HAD to choose, it’d be cherries.  Cherries are Michigan’s Thing and we used to pick them ourselves from tourist farms and oh God I am forever spoiled on cherry flavor because that shit does NOT compare.  It’s so good.  It’s so so good.
Casul is a fruit bat for a reason ok
Stupidest thing you have ever done?: 
Boy howdy that’s a long dark road to potentially go down so let’s have three lesser stupids instead of my sincere regrets:
--I got a virus when I was 15 and someone hacked my comp saying that if I didn’t give him my Neopets password he’d delete all my shit and I didn’t disconnect but instead made fun of him in whatever janky chat thing he installed because I didn’t think he could do it (he could) (funny in retrospect except I’m still pissed over losing all of my progress on the RM2K game I was making at the time) --When I was but an amateur stoner I didn’t realize my body would lie to me about how much it could actually eat and I ingested so, so many cashews and then staggered into the bathroom and de-ingested them violently while my dumbass brain went “haha whoops” --In Hawaii I fell on the sidewalk, completely erased the skin on my knee, terrified a family of Asian tourists by trying to patch up my profuse bleeding while the wind blew my hastily-bought medkit down the road, and spent two months nursing the two-inch-square wound it left behind.  I have related this before.  I have not related that the entire reason I tripped was I noticed a small dog on the other side of the street and got so excited I forgot how to walk.
I tag uhhhhh @thegrinningcrow, @qglas, @sugarburger, @machi-tobaye, @melancthe, @squid-ichorous, @panur, @i-like-too-many-boys, and @clumsyshark, but I would happily read responses from absolutely anyone, just tag me back please!
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ash-etherwood · 7 years
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are those ... fucking.... horse ocs ..... what the hell man how old are you, 14?
I’m reeeeally trying to make more or less nice customs for my neopets. These are Ayakurayah, a white uni, and Doxontra, a Halloween uni, who I painted 23434 years ago with my first and up to date only FFQ. (I’m using quest cookies to train Aye now so maybe I can count on another one someday) Dox’ custom is based on her last one, which is..... from 2008 or 2009 I think. Back when I did my lines with fineliner and didn’t even clean them after scanning.
I’m still (re-)working their characters ..... Aye is a spoiled but good-natured, adventurous pony who likes to hang out with faeries and beat up assholes (she’s my bd pet); Dox is an evil witch who lives in the depths of the Haunted Woods and probably wants to eat you. She might be offering quests and her prizes are like ... blumaroo steaks and mutant petpets I guess. I want Sophie and Edna to be her best pals.
Please look at my horses. my horses are amazing. (yep it really is 2009 again)
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song-of-the-rune · 4 years
In case someone's gonna ask for proof, yes, I've been on timblr for a long time. No, you can't have my old urls, unless I recognize yours.
Moreos guy, fishingboatproceeds, I remember when people still liked sixpencee and none of us knew who pukicho or gaud or humgwy were. Egberts was popular and Redglarestuck was infamous and I remember drama about oddnose and buttereggs (the "secret" otherkin tags) leaking (because otherkin seemed to just leak everywhere in general - or was that a homestuck thing). Speaking of otherkin, kinfoods had some great recipes but they also started posting about how to replicate the taste of human flesh. NASA and pizza were accounts that found keywords regardless of tags but then pizza turned out to be a racist? How you say a slur on a nlog that simply reblogs all posts with the word "pizza" is beyond me. The Tumblr community scared off the first xkit guy with some kind of false accusations, I don't remember what exactly it was at this point, I used TumblrSavior anyway. I remember the suicide attempt from an artist being harassed by the SU or Undertale fandom (probably both, tbh). People didn't really know the difference between reddit and 4chan (though maybe that's still a thing in some corner of this site) and sometimes Anonymous. We got fun top hats for april fool's one year! But there was discourse over this somehow. There were comics with personified fandoms where Homestuck was portrayed as a spoiled brat (not that it wasn't!) because other people's hiatuses were longer (that's not the reason!). Also liking things wasn't treated as some kind of sin but liking them the wrong way sure as hell was. I was around before dashcon and there was this weird silence about it during and right after before everything really started circulating - or maybe I just thought the ball pit piss thing was a joke. I remember the site being bought by Yahoo. I remember the launch of flightrising despite not using the site or even really knowing what it was (turns out it's neopets but dragons). Please do not bring it up, it was terrible. Do you love the color of the sky? was always the original, I didn't get tricked all the time. The dalek girl getting reblogged by hipster blogs and then them getting mad that it wasn't just some cute aesthetic because how dare you make me like something popular. You could edit other people's posts because the reblog system stored everything as text. Discourse was unreadable because the OP's text was one character per row. Comments weren't a thing for way too long. There were no direct messages, just fanmail. You could find out an anon's url by blocking them. You couldn't attach a picture normally to a reblog, you had to use the markup syntax.
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dazedclarity · 7 years
Kanrik didn't mean to be friends with her. He didn't mean to feel indebted to her. He most certainly never, ever, meant to fall in love with her as he was trying to place himself as the new leader of the Thieves Guild.
How Hannah and Kanrik came to be married, and how Kanrik came to be at all.
Rating: G
Fandom: Neopets
Chapter: 1/5
Holy crap. This fic has been abandoned in the Safety Deposit Box of my Documents for coming on probably five years, 15000+ words in and hardly touched throughout my entire college career. But like a sad girlfriend who can’t let the relationship go, I always come back to Neopets, and I will finish this fic even if I’m the only one who reads it...
I posted an excerpt of this first chapter back in the far forgotten years. People seemed to like it and thankfully those people are still around, so @lacedra, @neojammy, @clarenecessities, @ladyzsgolla, better late than never eh? Hey, the TNT made us wait 8 years for a couple sentences of new Kannah content, I’m practically spoiling you!
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