#del in a nutshell
pianokantzart · 4 months
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lanaknowsitried0 · 1 year
Almost everyday I’ve been going on little walks to go pet all my neighbors cats 😭❤️
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cinnamonhabibi · 1 year
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pulquedeguayaba · 2 years
Not Gus being featured in the Chile ad 💚😭
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lokisrealpurpous · 2 months
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dating loki would include
dating loki in a nutshell
loki would be obsessed with you hair and would probably be touching it with any chance he gets. he would always offer to wash it and braid it, style it or to even just run his hands through it. It would also work both ways, loki would love it when you played with his hair.
physical touch
this man is touchstarved. he will never be able to keep his hands off you, no matter where you are. he'd love hugging you from behind and nuzzling into your neck, taking in your sent, holding you as he sleeps, holding hands. He also would always have you in his arms or lap.
Before loki does anything, this being touching or doing things for you, he would always ask, unless he knows 100%, you are okay with it. he's very strong on consent and always listens to your feelings and checks you're comftable even if you say something is fine. If you change your mind or refuse he will immediately stop and make sure everything is okay.
Loki would love reading to you, reccomending you books and would constantly be ranting on about books he's reading. When you can't sleep, he'd often let you lay against his chest as he reads you an old book from his childhood while running his hands through your hair.
Even if you're his lover loki is still the most sarcastic, witty person to exist. He'd constantly be messing around or teasing you, always making sure you know his jokes are jokes and picking a right time but he'd probably be pranking you alot.
He secretly loves them. After a long day he will search for you just to wrap himself around you or cling onto you any way he can. he loves hugs from people he trusts, and he would always make sure he falls asleep cuddled up with you.
He barely sleeps and is always awake when you wake up. He loves the night but also the sound of birds at the crack of dawn. Although he doesn't sleep himself, he will always make sure you get enough rest.
Loki loves kissing you, his favourite places probably being your neck, thighs, hands, forehead, cheeks, and his overall favourite your lips. Even a peck is enough as long as he gets his kisses. When he's touchstarved, he won't get his lips away from you.
words of affirmation
he loves praising you, and he loves it when you say nice things to him, especially after his neglection as a kid. He will always make sure you feel loved, and it goes both ways. You'd often have him sneeking behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and whispering small things in your ear like, 'you look so beautiful, my darling' 'that dress looks gorgeous on you'
gift giving
He would buy you the entire 9 realms if he could. Loki would spoil you every single day. Whatever you wanted, he would buy for you, and you'd always be getting small gifts off of him
princess treatment
loki would unshamefully do everything for you, even in public. If your heels were hurting he'd take them off, carry them, and then carry you to wherever you both need to be, if you had laces, he'd tie them up, if you were unwell he would honestly slave for you, you'd have breakfast in bed, a hot water bottle and literally whatever you ask him for. He'd probably make you some chocolate covered strawberries as well.
he loves music and deffinatly has a viynal and cd player in his room. He likes all genres depending on the mood he's in, and he is the type of person to play his music loud enough for the whole of Asgard to hear. You've introduced loki to many 'midgardian' artists such as lana del rey, amy winehouse, artic monkeys, the weeknd, billie eilish, and rihannah and he loves them, especially the older artists such as Bowie, Queen, ABBA, Elvis and Harry James. Loki also has quite a soft singing voice himself, and you'd often catch him singing or humming to songs. After a lot of persuading, he'd sometimes sing you old norse lullabies his mother used to sing to him to help you sleep.
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cosmicanakin · 2 months
rules ⎯ url song meme.
thank you @dilfverz & @spcncershasting for the tags ilysm.
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C ⎯ clocks by coldplay.
O ⎯ orion by metallica.
S ⎯ sex on fire by kings of leon.
M ⎯ marjorie by taylor swift.
I ⎯ into you by tamia.
C ⎯ cinnamon girl by lana del rey.
A ⎯ a year without rain by selena gomez.
N ⎯ nutshell by alice in chains.
A ⎯ as it was by harry styles.
K ⎯ kiss it better by rihanna.
I ⎯ in the end by linkin park.
N ⎯ no need to argue by the cranberries.
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no pressure tags. @anqeliclust @anakin-pilled @st4rfckerz @stargirlrchive @heartsforvin @venuscameron @obxsprincess @forevergirlposts @fawnchives ⎯ ᡣ𐭩.
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chloe12801 · 6 months
Honest question.
Why are you into Trevor?
Well, idk a lot of factors I guess.
I like his rugged exterior, his chaos and erraticness. He’s dangerous, interesting, I think he’s funny. He has a good taste in music. Has some good viewpoints oddly enough (“and that, in a nutshell, is why trickle down economics is a load of shit”). He has a child-like side I find cute (playing with his impotent rage action figures, for example). He’s the type to be down bad for everyone he’s slightly into and I would love to have someone be that obsessed with me. He’s voiced and visually based off of Steven Ogg, who is an attractive man to me. I personally imagine he’d be good intimately just based off of vibe. He has similar issues to me, like abandonment issues. He wouldn’t be the one to leave in a relationship, they’d have to leave him if he really cared about them, he’s loyal. He’s a very broken person, I’m often attracted to that bc I want to comfort and help. He’s bi/pan/whatever and as a bisexual myself I’m very fond of that.
Doesn’t help that I’m a mentally ill Lana Del Rey stan who has mommy issues and a penchant for older men already either x
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monsterblogging · 5 months
How Pacific Rim correlates to fairy tales & fantasy tropes, in a nutshell
The Shatterdome: The Castle Marshal Stacker Pentecost: The King Mako Mori: The Princess Dr. Hermann Gottlieb and Dr. Newt Geiszler: The Court Wizards Rangers: The Knights Jaegers: The Knights' Armors Rangers' Assistant Technicians: The Squires Kaiju: The Dragons Hannibal Chau & Crew: Pirates
Some notes:
Travis Beacham explicitly associated rangers with Saint George in particular. The Tales From Year Zero comic depicts a statue of Saint George slaying a dragon in a graveyard for dead rangers.
Pacific Rim: Man, Machines, & Monsters recounts that Guillermo del Toro told actor Ron Perlman "he's a pirate" in regard to Hannibal Chau.
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abr · 1 year
Della serie, tutto è relativo.
Quel che qui non viene detto è che noio abbiam chiesto molto, molto di più di tutti gli altri. Quindi siamo ancora più bravi se ne abbiam realizzato una quota superiore - anche se siamo i fessi che si sono caricati di più di tutti di PRESTITI ONEROSI - perché questo è.
Ma l'italico medio lo conosci: è bravo a menarla e fin che sta sullo zero a zero è convinto che sta vincendo. Poi, quando fatalmente prende il primo gol (arrivano le rate da rendere) allora diventano frenetici frustrati, si mangiano gol fatti (opere lasciate a metà) e iniziano a insultarsi tra loro - la finale Champions in a nutshell.
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
Hey!! I love the stuff u write any chris evans!! I was wondering if you could write for him and sister reader where she gets fainting spells but one day faints in the car when Chris is driving ! :) thanks hope ur doing okayy
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The story of how I scared America's Golden Boy to death.
Paring: Chris x Sister! Reader
Warnings: Fainting, mentions of fainting spells, low iron *hehe me in a nutshell*, Chris is the best concerned big brother, anxiety on Chris' part and mild swearing.
Summary: Y/n suffers from fainting spells due to iron deficiency anaemia and has a spell whilst Chris is driving, even though he thought Y/n was sleeping for a hot minute.
So I'm y/n and well I would say having a deficiency in iron is fun but let me tell you it's not.
Now let me tell you about the time I scared the absolute life out of my older brother Chris it is a funny story to tell but it wasn't fun for me because fainting is not fun in anyway.
You and Chris were always two peas in a pod, the Evans sibling duo when he found out that you were anaemic he got a little bit more protective of his sister than he already was. Like he could get anymore protective but here we are. Always making sure you were taking your meds, not overdoing it and when you need it resting and eating the right food because fatigue hit you hard, fainting did too.
Now the brief backstory is over let's get to the fateful day that lead to this story that scared the shit out of everyone's beloved America's ass.
You felt faint when you woke up, fatigue swamping your body convincing your brain to shut your eyes in order to wash away the feeling but you had to get up Chris and I had a whole day planned, sibling bonding time was the best since he was always away, it was time that I loved and cherished so much. It just sucked that being anaemic gets in the way sometimes, you can do everything right and it still goes to shit.
You just went about your day with Chris acting like nothing was wrong and that you were absolutely fine right because you were.
You couldn't be more wrong, Chris did think you were a bit off since you were always dancing whilst you made breakfast together which you always did when he was home.
"Bubs, you feeling okay today come 'ere" Chris spoke softly opening his arms for y/n to join him in an embrace
"Mmhmm just feeling a little tired I guess" I replied stifling a yawn in Chris' chest
"Did you take your meds today baby?, Not feeling too dizzy?" Chris replied
cough cough protective brother mode activated
"Yeah I did take my meds, but I do feel a bit dizzy but nothing more than usual. Can we go for a drive with Dodger?" I asked just wanting to get out of the house.
"Of course bubs, you go get yourself ready and I'll meet you in the car" Chris replied loudly since I was already walking away.
15 minutes into the drive that feeling you know all too well, the likes of Billy Joel & Lana Del Ray swirled through your ears, and all the turns of the roads spun your head tenfold.
Hoping the inevitable wouldn't happen the anxiety bubbled in your stomach causing the faint feeling to become evermore present, soon that feeling did take over your brain on autopilot.
Eyes stooping to a close.
Body going slack.
Now you might ask is this the part of the story where I scare the shit out of America's golden boy, yes yes it is.
I thought y/n was being a bit too quiet for my liking, I glance over to the passenger side of the car noticing y/n was sleeping.
Calling her name, she didn't respond. That’s strange because she’s a light sleeper. Anxiety started to run ramped in my body not wanting anything to be wrong with my baby sister. I pulled over knowing I had to check on her, my full undivided attention on her which in this case was very needed.
Safely pulled over, I jogged over to the passenger side to wake y/n up believing that she fainted since it clicked how she said she was dizzy this morning and was just really off.
"Bubs wake up for me come on open those eyes, I've gotta see those eyes," I said rubbing her arm.
"Chrissy, what- what happened?" y/n slowly woke up visibly confused as to why I was now by her side of the car, door open, and the car stopped.
"You fainted baby, you feel a little better? Because I thought you were just sleeping." I said slightly chuckling as to why it didn't click because dizzy spells weren't a strange thing for y/n.
"Oh- okay, I'm tired," she said giving me a hug and snuggling into my chest.
"Let's get you home then bug, we can watch something and you can snuggle in my bed if you want to," I replied knowing all too well that would happen anyway
"mmm, okay sounds good" y/n replied somewhat back to herself.
So this is just how y/n's life went with anaemia and with overprotective America's golden boy that was her meatball brother.
Hey! Everyone I hope you enjoy this fic and to the anon who requested this, thank you so much for this idea. This is also a personal one for me too I have anaemia so I thought with the whole fainting thing it was fitting, I hope you all love it <3
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xsilversugar · 15 days
Just Some of my BJDs
Been a while since I’ve done anything with my dolls. It’s slow going getting back into things but I’m enjoying it a ton! These are edited mostly for the backgrounds, color correcting, and fixing stray wig hair where I could. It’s not perfect since my phone is garbage but at the same time I kinda dig the flaws.
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Vishen Muriel Konten Alueshious Sylveryn (He/Any)
Former Water God and current Wanderer of Basn in the forme of a peculiar Serar. (AKA an Aasimar in my homebrew DnD world but that’s his full name and whole deal in a nutshell.)
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Vishen is Volks Ryoya Konoe and was/is my Grail Doll. He’s an unmodded fullset lacking only his original wig, and I think a jewelry piece? No matter. They’re perfect.
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Vishen and Ghost. They’re not a romantic couple but they have my favorite chemistry of my lorge dolls.
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I really loved painting this one. The background itself is in my Discord as a stand-alone haha. As for Ghost… There isn’t much to his story (yet.) I mostly just like having him look pretty. Factory face-ups on both the lads.
Ghost (He/Him) is a Migidoll Ryu!
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Sasha "Shou" Bernard. (He/Him) He’s one of my oldest BJDs. A cat-boy who loves all things cute and fun! He needs a proper wig and ears/tail but man it’s a hard color match. I’m trying to fit him to the design of an adoptable I got from an art-friend aaaaggesss ago. As a doll he’s changed characters and looks a ton over the years. But for now he’s my pretty princess son! I wanna do another photoset in his maid cafe uniform next. uwu Custom face-up by myself, eyes from a friend. <3
Sasha is a Volks Kohaku.
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Francheska "Cheesecake" del Sune (She/He)
Cheska was my first BJD. Originally on a female body, I hybridized her onto a male one but it was via trade so I genuinely cannot recall the sculpt anymore. Their story is that they literally are a {collective?) spirit possessing a doll. He can move on his own but cannot speak audibly. They communicate exclusively through their traveling companion Morgan del Sune. Their relationship is not very clear currently as Morgan tends to embellish any stories on the subject to the deliberate and relative horror of their audience. I’m gonna be exploring them both (only Cheska is shelled as a BJD in real life, Morgan is a Tiefling tho) more in a DnD game hopefully pretty soon and I am so excited! Face-up and wig by yours truly!
Cheesecake is a Luts Dreaming Shiwoo.
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undrthelights · 6 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨ 🫶🫶🫶
okay let’s seeeeee
1. december - neck deep (literally blaming the fact that this song has been on repeat on you 😭)
2. golden age - ethel cain
3. swallowed - bush
4. thunder - lana del rey
5. nutshell - alice in chains
this feels like such a random list but at the same time i have three of these in a playlist together soooooo
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bitchinbarzal · 2 months
the way delilah loves kniesy so much she’d be whatever he wanted and the way matthew loves delilah so much he’d never let her change anything
It’s really just them in a nutshell
“Matthew I don’t want to lose you, I’ll do anything!”
“Del, I love you too much as you are don’t do anything”
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fairypaw · 1 year
Anthro JuiceBox 💥💥
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Hcs i just thought of rn:
• 5'8 . just tall enough to fit modeling qualifications
• Doesn't really listen to music, he just zones out, his head is full of static. But the ONLY exception is lana del rey because his daughter constantly plays it on blast
• Majored in fashion
• Starts gaining 15 different new niche hobbies every week post running away moving in with whirlpool
• The best was i can describe him in a nutshell is if Rapunzel had Eugene's personality
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• bonus jox with a tshirt of whirls face based on the convo i had with goob, they have various different "whirl merch" around the house
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trashsketch · 11 months
tropes game
tagged by @hxhhasmysoul thank you!!! I saw this making the rounds on twitter and i'm excited to do it here too
How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 ->  very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional… There are no points, you’re not marked on this, don’t worry :3
Add tropes that you think I missed XD
Tag others if you’re nosy like I am :D
Have fun!
Trope List
age gap   -2/10 
ultimately to me it only depends on the ship dynamic itself? I enjoyed the ship in Canis: Dear Hatter, but it's not because of the age gap. I also will get kinda dissuaded if one of them isnt an adult but the other is when they first meet
codependency   9/10
oh boy me and my gf for real. we met through killugon and codependency really is killugon. It can be extremely cathartic to see it in fiction to me
enemies to lovers   8/10
it really depends on who handles it. i dont like how reylo does it, but man, This Is How You Lose the Time War is like a masterclass in how to do it. I rate it more favourably cause I think I enjoy the slight forbidden aspect to it? And I can immediately think of more stories that do this well (in the sense that, "enemies" are more like two rival factions and both sides are like equally grey, and your rival just so happens to be your equal, you hold no grudge besides what your faction has told you to believe)
enemies with benefits   10/10
now THIS has a nice flavour. I love it when it fulfills that meme "you wanna fuck me so bad you look stupid". Bonus points if the benefits begin when A is injured and goes to B's place for shelter (it was great watching this happening in zoolander)
fake dating/relationship   9/10
I've been won over by my friends, i love the awkwardness that comes with fake dating for meeting a mutual need that is essentially kinda stupid (like impressing grandma or to spite your ex)
found family   9/10
it's hxh in a nutshell
friends to lovers   10/10
GOD help me i love this a lot. it's my fave fic trope and it was literally my life experience
friends with benefits   10/10
my god. top tier. I love it so much it's good good mess
hurt/comfort   10/10
the comfort comforts better after the hurt has hurted real good :)
love triangle   5/10
I would love to see different ways of it being handled than anything from old and tired cishet dramas, so any queer spin on it kinda makes me go insane. Also bonus points if everyone can talk through it as sanely as they can while still feeling like their world is crumbling. It can be such good angst. Bonus bonus points if they can all agree on some level of poly
mistaken/hidden identity   10/10
very delicious in like, spy or superhero stories (and also what brought me on board with miraculous ladybug to begin with)
monster fu… relationship   10/10
I feel like most of us monster relationship enjoyers had an awakening after watching a Guillermo del Toro movie. For me it was the Shape of Water, and afterwards a wlw beauty and the beast drawing i did that really won me over. I have a monster AU thingy over on my danganronpa account that I love to bits.
obsession, possessiveness, etc   7/10
can be handled so well or SO BADLY. it helps when any act of possessiveness isn't too serious but is also laced with the real angst, the good shit, the flavour of insecurity. it helps even more if the couple knows how to communicate through this rather than lashing out at each other with passive aggressive arguments, which I hate to see :)
opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc)    10/10
LITERALLY KILLUGON. literally all of our preteen angel/devil OC obsession coming back as a popular trope. what's not to love about opposites being together and balancing each other out!
poly   10/10
So a poly ship took over my brain for a good 2 years. I'm in the middle of writing a fic about how three people get together, and even researching by picking up The Ethical Slut (which btw is a great read on how to have healthy relationships in general too, it has so much good advice)
pregnancy   -9/10
It's a personal choice, only because i'm scared of conceiving so i really prefer not to see it in fic. Giving it a -9 cause I do have exceptions in fic (being whether it was recommended to me or whether it's from authors whose work I enjoy)
second chance   5/10
Again it’s really down to the characters and how it’s handled. I enjoyed it in some fics I’ve read long ago, but I won’t go out of my way to find it
sex to feelings   10/10
the one thing i love about friends with benefits is exactly this. the potential for MESS
slowburn   9/10
It can be so so good. A kagehina fic once destroyed me with how slow the burn was but it was so neat to see it growing slowly but surely. I think it can only work if you and the author agree on the eventual endgame ship
soulmates   7/10
it can be a bit tired, but I still personally like reading it! I like any soulmates au with a good spin on it though, like a potential fear behind not liking your destined partner or liking someone else who isnt your soulmate
thanks for letting me ramble LMAO
i’m gonna tag @xyliane @thehuntyhunties @icefeather112 @murderkitten666 @loudpartythumpingmusic (no pressure though!)
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visityaratoday · 1 year
Places to Visit: Segunda: A City Divided.
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Beautifully painted sign at the entrance of the town, Segunda, Cruz Del Salvador, Valle de Oro; Picture by @mynonsenseistingling.
Segunda is the largest city in the province of Cruz Del Salvador in the central region of Valle de Oro. It is home to music, culture, and is rich in our history. This article will take you on a virtual tour of this bustling and lively city.
Main Attractions
Architecture, Shops, etc
There is not one main attraction in Segunda. Rather many small streets surrounding a central square, El Toro Square, featuring brightly painted buildings of Spanish colonial architecture. Taking a stroll through the streets of Segunda is considered by many the town’s main attraction, where you will find shops, restaurants, bars, and old classic cars. The people of Segunda are generally quite friendly and approachable.
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FND Recruitment Offices building, Segunda.
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Another Church with no name, let's call it La Iglesia de Segunda
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One of many businesses in Segunda; Picture by @mynonsenseistingling.
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Awh the classic cars... What would be life in Yara without them?
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A tourist takes a picture in El Toro Square, Segunda.
And of course, who says public town square says some fellow trying to sell you something. However, Segunda being much more touristy, you will find people selling refresco, food, and of course cigars. Buy some!
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Where to Stay
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We searched long and hard but were unable to locate any good places to stay within Segunda. The closest venues are located a short drive around El Tiburón Lagoon. There is a peninsula with many options including the prestigious El Tigre Dormido Hotel. Check local listings for pricing and availability. Also we were told the pool might be closed for maintenance.
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El Tigre Dormido Hotel, Burros Bay, Cruz Del Salvador, Yara.
Where to Eat
Good eateries are not hard to find around the city. Just walk around and you will come across many cafes and cantinas. We recommend the Taberna El Escritor Jalado among others.
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Taberna El Escritor Jalado, Opened during curfew hours; Segunda.
If you are in the mood for a little adventure and want to try something different, you can check out Los Langostinos Cafe located a short drive north of the city. As the name suggests, they serve fresh langoustines. This author has not personally tried it due to an allergy to shellfish but it looks like a decent place with a large terrace overlooking an old plantation that is still operational today. Plenty of parking at the bottom of the hill and you will need to climb a few stairs to get there, but it’s good para tu trasero.
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Los Langostinos Cafe, Cruz Del Salvador, Valle de Oro, Yara.
Art and Culture
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Mural painted on the side of a building, Segunda, Yara.
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Mural by local artist, Segunda; Picture taken by @mynonsenseistingling.
You will toss a pebble in Segunda and find a beautiful mural or piece of art by local artists. (But not the metal statues. We do not talk about the metal statues.)
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This authoritarian-looking monument was apparently given to Yara by the, at the time, USSR, in 1974 and represents “the country’s new, modern pursuits born from its past” or something; Picture by @mynonsenseistingling.
Historical stuff square
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You will find an inner courtyard with various artifacts and plaques with bits and pieces of our history. You can go read them but in a nutshell, they recount how Segunda used to be surrounded by many sugar plantations in the 1800’s. “Settlers in the Caribbean used rum as currency in the New World.” Slaves were brought into Yara from east Africa by the Spanish settlers to work the sugar cane plantations. A pretty common historical thread among Caribbean nations except ours has a little bit more “controlling” leaders.
Segunda After Hours
The streets are dead after hours, mainly due to the curfew in place. Curfew starts at 9:00pm and is in effect until 6:00am. But it is not hardcore psycho curfew and it is certainly not as violently enforced as in other towns, but there are armed soldados patrolling after dark.
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They will ask you where you are going and may apprehend you if you are visibly inebriated or if they’re just in a mood and they don’t like your face.
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A citizen breaking curfew is being searched. She may or may not have a bad day;
However, despite the curfew order in Segunda, on some evenings, government approved live music shows are still running at a bar that is mainly frequented by military service men and women. Maybe that's why they aren't tooooo adamant about enforcing it.
Segunda: A City Divided
Segunda is an interesting place because the people are very polarized when it comes to politics. Perhaps because there is an FND Recruiting Office in town, there is a particularly strong pro-Castillo sentiment amongst citizens. Wear a blue scarf in the street, and you might even be cat-called a traitor.
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Pro-Castillo rallies are common in El Toro Square, Segunda, Yara.
This is met by an equally vehement anti-Castillo sentiment, visible in the many anti-government graffiti and general disobedience and mischief. However, this should not affect you as a tourist. Avoid appearing overly pro or con and generally try to leave our politics to our people. This is true across the rest of Yara as well.
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We hope that you enjoyed this tour of Segunda. For more information on activities, places, events, and all things Yara, consult our content index at the top of this page. Follow this page and come back often for more content!
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This photo encompasses all of the chaotic beauty that is Segunda in one glance.
Special Acknowledgement
A special thanks to our guest photographer, @mynonsenseistingling, who graciously provided some of the shots for this article and for being one of our agency’s first and most faithful supporters.
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A side road to Segunda; Picture by @mynonsenseistingling
Editor's Note:
We did visit inside of the FND Recruiting Office. The lady at the counter gave us the side eye.
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And later on, some FND recruiter briefly took us in his car. Poor fellow probably thought we were interested in enlisting. Sorry, hermano. Already did our time and paid our dues. Sweet ride though.
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