#Neptune ruled
willsonlmt · 4 months
In a basement, the Arc sisters are standing around a whiteboard.
Azure: Okay, betting is open. Who are yall taking. My money is on Wiess he likes and no one can stay mad at that face for long.
Saphron: Im betting on Pyrrha they're partners, and shes absolutely beautiful. There's no way our dumb brother won't notice that.
Olive: I'm definitely taking Yang she got the spirit to take what she wants, and our brother definitely will be desirable to her.
Aqua: Can all of you just admit he'd look way better with a cute boy on his arm. I'm taking Ren with a side bet on Neptune.
Iris: Oh my god, Aqua. This isn't a yaio novel it's real life. I'm betting on Ruby she's younger, so she'll probably develop hard feelings for him.
Cerise: Okay, brother complex, calm down. I'm saying Blake, you know he likes those mysterious reading types. Are yall forgetting his first crush.
Sky: Are we doing wild cards if so I'm taking the combo of Pyrrha and Blake.
Suddenly, the basement door opens.
Nicholas: Hey girls, what's going on here?
Cerise: We are betting on our brothers love life.
Nicholas: That's..... concerning maybe. Hey honey! Did you know the girls are betting on Jaunes' love life!
Suddenly, there's running down the stairs. As their mother bursts in the room.
Angela: I bet on all of them! One big loving harem. He will continue the arc tradition of lots of kids!
Nicholas: Oh yeah, I forgot who I was married to for a second. Well, have fun girls. Try not to mess with jaunes life too much.
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smilechiales · 2 months
I got so many thoughts about Descendants Hades and his family and I'm totally not normal about them.
So Hades went to Merlin Academy but Zeus and Poseidon/Neptune weren't there. Are they older than Hades? Have they already graduated? Did they go at all?
Ursula's little sister is apparently similiar in age to Hades (or maybe Hades just failed a lot of classes) which is weird because If Poseidon is actually his brother like in the myth then Ursula and her sister are his brother's grandchildren and there should probably be an age gap there, right? And If Neptune is Hades' brother - that's not better - then Hades goes to school at the same time as his nieces.
Don't even get me started on the Neptune is Poseidon's kid-thing, it's weird, I know but sadly canon. And I'm pretty sure Poseidon dies of old age in the Hercules series, so it would make sense that he's older than Hades but Zeus and Hades actually seemed similiar in age?
Okay, I just checked the wiki:
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How big were the age gaps between god siblings?!
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damianstarastrology · 2 months
Saturn in pisces; transgressive politics, trans-panic, and the Christian revivalist movement
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Saturn in pisces backslides. It regresses and rejects nonconformity. Saturn is the preserver of tradition, pisces evaporates all that it touches.
Saturn is pisces is a regressive saturn.
Saturn in pisces is the breakdown of infrastructure, floods and deep sea tragedies; The titanic submarine implosion, severe weather, record breaking floods in China.
The saturn in pisces generation will be highly sensitive to foreign affairs and negatively effected by economic strife. Recession, inflation and shrink-flation put a financial burden on the saturn in pisces generations’ parental figures.
Saturn in pisces also represents the new Christian revivalist movement which has lead to a revocation of reproductive rights and increase in trans-panic; the threat to gender affirming healthcare and attacks on the rights of transgender children.
Saturn in aries (saturn in fall) will be a period of radical individualism which could emphasize these themes or eradicate them entirely.
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royaipercabeth · 7 months
I see your headcanons of Percy on his school's swim team and raise you:
Percy on his school's fencing team.
He won't feel like he's cheating.
He gets to keep up his swordsmanship (which is a skill he has to practice, not a power).
The team still gets someone who is freakishly good.
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
just want to say i have so so so much enjoyed getting asks from y'all!!! it makes me feel like this webbed site used to feel and we used to connect through asks :') please always feel free to send me... literally anything! statements, messages, random thoughts, questions, ask me about meta, ask me for character song recs or send me music, like... literally whatever you want <3
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I had an idea for quite a while...
So, I was incredibly inspired by @seaslugfanclub Disney Villains/ y/n park assistant concept, so I thought something.
What if there was another company (generic name supposedly) that to go against this incredible idea of the Disney Parks to make the Villains turn into actual people decided to do the same thing with non- Disney Villains as well?
And this other y/n had to take care of them, because they are also very chaotic without a lead of some kind?
The Villains i had in mind for this headcanon series are: Rasputin from Anastasia, Eris from Sinbad the Legend of the Seven Seas, Rothbart from Swan Princess, Thrax from Osmosis Jones, Pitch Black from Rise of the Guardians, Mok Swagger from Rock and Rule, maybe the Kung Fu Panda Villains (Tai Lung, Lord Shen and Kai), also the Shrek villains? I'm still undecided tho
They could also interact with the Disney Villains as well, and make up cool scenarios too!
Let me know what you think <3
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lunarblazes · 9 months
also for the record i started my entire pjo/hoo binge to re-evaluate people’s opinions on jason grace. i was like surely he can’t be that bad we must just be mad at him because he’s not percy.
i’m on the lost hero now.
i’m joining the war on jason hate on the side of jason hate THIS BOY—
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snoozaga · 1 year
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They made a Scarecrow in his image 😭
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SON except we follow on from this THL post.
This is a mess... But here we are.
Unfortunately as things usually are, not everyone can go with Jason.
Hera brings up the Argo that Leo had found and Leo remembers that lot of work needs to be done for it.
So they split up.
Jason, Percy and Piper, will head to Camp Jupiter and Annabeth and Leo will stay to work on the Argo with the rest of the Hepheastus cabin.
And as much as Annabeth and Percy hate to be seperated they know that she's better suited to help with the Argo II.
And Piper, with her charmspeak to get them out if things go south.
Thalia just flat out refused to leave Jason.
So our group goes to go do, diplomacy(?).
What could go wrong?
Shocking....Literally no one, things goes wrong.
They still have Juno being carried by Percy, his immunity being washed off.
Jason tries to help but... Juno said nope.
Luckily she leaves them to go and get to the camp and will reappear convienetly later.
Thalia puts together a camp and fire for them to get through the night.
The group pass the time talking.
Piper talks about training with Clarisse, feeling she has to constantly prove herself.
As well as the story of the BMW.
Thalia bants back and forth with Percy and asks about Jason's upbringing.
Jason, gives them all the run down.
... Suffice to say hearing your brother was raised by wolves who would threaten to kill him if he dared show fear and than put in an army... Makes Thalia a bit mad.
... Okay very mad.
Just hugs Jason close and his touch starved little heart melts.
Jason admits he's nervous, that he never quite felt at peace until he was in Camp Half-blood.
Piper is appalled, and Percy... a survivor of military schooling is a teeny...
Tweeny bit absolutely pissed at the idea of kids being in an army.
"... Okay I know we also do that but at least we're more subtle about it..."
He gets mad when he hears about the town like area of New Rome, demigods living peacefully and living their lives.
Wishing Camp Half-blood had the same.
... Though than gets more mad bout the idea of adults nearby doing jack shit while the kids are in the army.
Percy does however swears to Jason than nothing he sees or witnesses will change his opinion of Jason.
A sentiment that Thalia and Piper echo.
They are friends, nothing can change that.
Jason, stumbles out a thank you and maybe cries a little because it's the first time he's had real friends.
He does get a bit embarrassed about it.
Percy just smiles, gives him a hug and tells him crying doesn't make him any less strong.
First time Jason's ever been told that.
Percy tells him a story about how he cried the first time watching finding Nemo.
Leading to a way to in depth explanation about finding Nemo, another hug and a promise to show him when all this is over.
When the time comes, Percy carries Juno though he makes it clear he isn't happy about it.
Thalia even refrains from teasing him about it, having to stop herself from cursing out Juno for putting Jason with these people.
After she admits it was her.
Walking into Camp Jupiter's boundaries the assembled Romans bow before Juno.
And with reluctance, the others bow as well.
"Praetor Grace! Praetor Grace you have returned!"
The assembled Romans salute him abd Jason salutes back with a smile.
Someone runs off and returns with Reyna and Octavian.
"Praetor Ramirez-Arellano and Augur Longinus."
Jason runs to them and embraces them. The two lose all lose all manner of professionalism and hug him back.
With Reyna overjoyed he's returned and Octavian shocked before smiling warmly.
The two bow before Juno who introduces the others as Percy Jackson son of Neptune, Piper Mclean daughter of Venus and Thalia Grace daughter of Jupiter.
A banquet is proposed by Reyna, for Jason's return and to celebrate that he's finally found his missing sister.
Thalia smiles warmly, hugging Jason and says she's been looking forward to meeting them both.
Which is before the entire 5th Cohort comes running in, some tackle Jason into a hug, others are cheering and they all throw him up into the air.
Reyna explains that while Jason was raised at Camp Jupiter, the 5th was his first and true home.
Jason is about to go with the 5th to catch up but doesn't want to leave his friends behind.
Said friends smile and wave him off, telling him to go have fun and Jason happily runs off with the others.
Reyna offers to show them around and Octavian mentions needing to go to consult the augeries about the new comers.
Percy sensing somethings off asks if he should go with him and Octavian agrees.
Reyna gets to know Piper and Thalia, the three trade stories of growing up, learning about Camp and at some point have a sparr.
With Reyna complimenting them both.
Piper is suprised to learn that her skills aren't seen as a suprise here unlike at Camp Half-blood. Nor is her parentage used to make her feel weak.
Being that the founder of Rome, Aneias was the son of Venus. And thus she is held in high regard here.
Giving Piper confidence.
Octavian explains the teddies, that his namesake used actual people but this was a better solution to him.
He does thank the little guys for their service and sews them up though which Percy reckons can't make him all bad.
But he has a feeling.
And that feeling has gotten him this far so he stays on guard.
The group all reunite at the banquet, Jason joining them sitting beside Thalia and Reyna happily talking about his day.
Also Nico is there and introductions and... I definitely don't know you looks are given.
Percy ends up near Frank and Hazel and makes introductions. While shy at first they both manage to open up though Percy notices that Hazel keeps shooting looks at Octavian.
Some point later Mars shows up and Percy feels a very murderous urge but luckily his attention isn't on him.
Frank is issued a quest and a prophecy is given by Mars. Though Octavian seems annoyed by this, because he's supposed to give the prophecies but doesn't say anything.
Percy, feeling bad for Frank offers to go with him and Hazel and the trio set off.
Before he does so, he shares with Thalia and Piper his suspicions on Octavian and the two promise to keep an eye on him.
The quest plays out as canon.
Switching back and fourth between it and Camp Jupiter.
Hazel after revealing her curse explains that it's what Octavian had black mailed her on.
So that she would vote for him to be Praetor.
Percy, seeing vote as kill has them all rush back.
Meanwhile, Thalia and Piper along with Nico realise Octavian is up to something and that more and more campers are getting distant and distrustful with Jason.
Confusing Reyna and them.
And deeply hurting Jason.
Piper is able to corner and charmspeak them into telling her that it's because Octavian's black mailing everyone.
And that he's had visions of Jason is conspiring with the Greeks to overthrow Rome.
They than find Jason's missing and find him on the ground with Octavian over him.
Octavian wearing a Praetor's attire.
Just as Percy, Hazel and Frank show up.
And it's revealed Octavian has been trying to get rid of Jason to become Praetor.
He always wanted to be Praetor and saw Jason as unworthy of such a title.
Believing he earned it simply because of his parentage and not earning it at all.
But why he wanted to get rid of him rather than merely voting him out is because Octavian had a vision.
Of the Camp in flames and Jason hugging the person responsible.
And siding with the Greeks over the Romans.
"He's a traitor"
Reyna glares, stating the only traitor is him and Jason is heartbroken.
Having never wanted the title but was pushed into it.
We also learn now why Jason was running in the lost hero, it was because a hoard of monsters were released by Octavian into the Camps collisium that Jason had been trapped in.
Jason managed to escape but was persued, his coin was in Octavian's grasp and because of the Doors being open the monsters would not die.
Something Jason had only recalled now.
It chased him for days.
What he said to Percy before blacking out was "please! Help! Don't trust Octavian."
In Latin.
It had taken the last of his strength to tear them apart and Juno's last minute divine intervention to kill them off.
And he'd only now recalled what had happened.
Before anyone can do anything, a dagger flys through the air pinning Octavian's stolen Praetor sash to a pillar.
And we see Annabeth aboard the now repaired and airborne Argo II.
Heard everything and pissed.
"Try that again and this time I won't miss."
"Who are you?!"
"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena."
The Greek camp is revealed, along with the true parentages of the others and Reyna rubs her head and sighs.
"Anything else?"
Octavian uses this as fuel to encourage the Romans to arms and to destroy the Greeks.
Reyna, shuts it all down stating that they will handle this diplomatically.
Jason is standing motionless as Thalia holds him, his eyes empty as his truest and closest confident berates and calls him a traitor.
Percy hates that he was right and the group head into the senate to talk and discuss why they did all this and the looming threat of Gaea.
And Jason feeling more alone than ever despite sitting by Thalia.
Also Octavian's last name in this, Longinus comes from Cassius.
Gaius Cassius Longinus, the guy best known from the Shakespeare play Julius Caeser for being one of the conspirators who lead to Casers assassination.
Felt fitting.
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shadydirt · 2 years
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ceexb · 1 year
୨🎃୧ ⋆ Neptune ⋆୨🎃୧ ⋆
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She/her,black. read the rules 🫶🏾 I don’t mind being inclusive,but this is,suppose to be a safe place for black people so don’t be surprised if you see a lot of stories with a black reader.🫰🏾
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5-htagonist · 6 months
if i head the words "jesus" "sacrifice" and "himself" in a sentence again ill scream.
#sorry im back in my anti organized religion specifically white nationalist christianity arc#im always there ofc#but i remembered if any spiritual/religious label applies to me its satanist#with zen and jungian mystic elemts#i use zen as a catchall for the perceived commonalities btwn buddhism hindusm and taoism#but at the heart of it all#im frsure a satanist. not that i necessarily align with tst in every way but#call it my aquarian nature enhanced by my capricorn elements buuut#(my mecury and moon are cap)#(enhancing my aqua sun venus uranus neptune)#but the heart of satanism is the contrarian nature of it.#it is literally an idea that combats common christian interpretation of the bible and the institutions that follow it in the U.S#ultimately jesus didnt sacrifice himself and lucifer did not want to be controlled paternally. even yahweh is flawed. he is an archetype#personally i feel in the human consciousness yahweh/father god/jupiter ETCCCCC learned from that#and his golden child... he probably didnt want to lose another child. JS. probably less of a jesus died so we dont go to hell and more of a#father was sick of losing children#this has strayed from bible concretism bc i do not believe in that#i believe its possible anyone and everyone in the bible was a real person maybe#but ultimately all religious text are archetypal and metaphorical stories#like its sooo funny when ppl say the bible says something or the other and its super literal#like the point... woosh#anyway.#satanism is my jam cause its contrarian and at its core sympathizes with those cast out of privilege#plus the whole i desire an abortion for relgious reasons is not only hilarious trollwise but also like#some peoples bodies are their temples yk?#not me personally but like its valid and that pisses christians off so bad!#and i love pissing uppity nonspiritual christians off!!#i dont hate christians or members of organized religions i have a distaste for the institutions imposing its rules upon nonconsenting people
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hauntingblue · 9 months
Sun pirates under big mom??? JINBE NOOO
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Pisces rules: The Moon 🌙
Also: 8-10 of Cups
Page & Knight of Cups 😍
The Hanged Man (ruled by Neptune)
Wheel of Fortune (ruled by Jupiter)
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astroartmuse · 10 days
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etherealfishyfeelings · 8 months
My progressed moon has FINALLY stopped conjuncting neptune.
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