#Nero x reader dmc5
icycoldninja · 4 months
I really like your DMC headcanons
Can you perhaps write a headcanon of the DMC men with a reader who is the granddaughter of Van Helsing (the 2004 version starring Hugh Jackman). She specializes in hunting Supernatural creatures, especially Vampires due to their destructive nature. She took pride of her profession due to it being a sort of family legacy but it brought lots of tragedies to her bloodline (it can be due to her loved one’s passing, etc..) so she felt somewhat conflicted with it as well
In the 2004 film version of Van Helsing, he turned into a Werewolf/Lycanthrope. Imagine how they’d react, seeing their beloved girlfriend, whom they thought was a normal human woman who happens to be a supernatural hunter, turns out to also be a Werewolf, a fearless yet ferocious and aggressive creature by night, craving for violence against those that wronged her
Thanks! Here you go.
Sparda Boys + V x Granddaughter of Van Helsing!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-So, you're the relative of a monstrous legend too? Welcome to the club, you'll fit right in with Dante Sparda.
-You being a supernatural hunter fits well with him--now you two can go on missions together!
-He thinks it's super cool you can turn into a werewolf and really admires that aggressive side of you.
-Your ferociousness gets him thinking all kinds of thoughts, even dirty ones.
-He will gladly follow you anywhere and help you defeat anything. Dante's not scared of no werewolf.
-If you need to be controlled, however, Dante will be there. He'll use his DT to hold you down or drag you off somewhere where you won't hurt others.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil is also intrigued by your profession since it's so similar to his and looks forward to when you and him go on missions together.
-When he saw your werewolf form for the first time, he was shocked for a moment, but otherwise was unfazed. In fact, he's rather fond of this side of you.
-Your ferocity is MOTIVATING and inspires him to be MOTIVATED as well.
-He encourages you to take revenge for those that hurt you and even goes with you so he can see you in action.
-Is very curious to know if silver does actually harm werewolves. If so, he will inspect and put away any dangerous cutlery.
-Really wants to cuddle you when you're in werewolf form. He likes to imagine your fur is soft and fluffy.
□ Nero □
-Respects what you do and is glad you're taking part in your family "business", as he is too.
-Won't interfere with your work, though; he figures you don't need any help.
-Neither does he expect you to help him with his work--he's a grown man, he can manage things on his own.
-When he saw your werewolf form, he was shocked. His girlfriend was a werewolf. Holy fucking shit. Would you eat him?
-When you didn't eat him, however, and ran off to exact vengeance upon old foes, Nero was left standing there, confused.
-He shouldn't let you go and kill people, regardless of your reasoning, but...should he really mess with werewolf business?
● V ●
-V found your lineage to be quite interesting indeed. You, the granddaughter of a vampire hunting legend? Remarkable.
-He would love it if you accompanied him on devil hunting missions because he doesn't trust his own body and could easily collapse in the middle of nowhere with no one to help him.
-The night he discovered your werewolf form was a terrifying night indeed. All this time, he thought you were an ordinary human, when in reality, you were a werewolf?!
-He was apalled when he learned you run off to kill old enemies, but dared not stop you because he was to do so was folly--he was not strong enough.
-Still, he worries about you and what you do, making sure to bring these concerns to your attention when you're back to normal, even though there is little either of you can do about it.
-Best way to control your violent tendencies is to have V tie you down with nylon cord in a basement or other room lined with steel, lock and barricade the door, and have his familiars stand guard.
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ollieolliewrld · 7 months
How The DMC Men Enter Relationships (SFW)
How your relationship with the Sparda Trio start~ gn!reader
1.4k words
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❥ How you meet
♡ You meet Dante late at night 
♡ You were both lonely and looking for a body to ease that pain
♡ He has no intentions of having feelings for you, and you were not looking for a relationship
♡ At first, all that is exchanged are first names and phone numbers 
♡ Conversation is limited to simple greetings and partings 
♡ The interactions are mainly physical 
❥ How the relationship begins
♡ As time goes on Dante begins to miss you when you leave and starts asking you to stay the night
♡ He starts to ask you about yourself, questioning about your hobbies and favorite foods
♡ As much as he does not want to admit it, he is starting to develop feelings for you
♡ He doesn't outright ask you to date him instead he asks if you would like to leave some things at his place 
♡ Late-night phone calls turn into him inviting you to dinner 
♡ After some time Trish refers to you as his s/o in conversation and Dante is taken back
♡ He hadn’t thought of it that way but you two are doing all of the relationship things, but more importantly, he really enjoyed hearing you referred to as his s/o
♡ A few days later Dante is lying in bed with you when he asks if you would like to put a label on things 
♡ He explains that he would like mutual commitment and to pursue a future with you but he understands if you want to keep things more casual
♡ Although he has no interest in anyone else and would not be ok if you were seeing other people no matter if there was a label or not 
♡ When you do agree to put a label on things Dante becomes a little cocky about now bringing you up specifically as his s/o in most conversations
❥ Early relationship dynamics
♡ Dante would want you to stay at home more, not locked in there or anything but more just not overworked
♡ He likes to come home to you, it brings him peace of mind and motivates him
♡ Small disagreements take place when you move in with him, Dante has never had a long-term serious relationship so he is unsure of how to split up housework and tasks like cooking
♡ Nothing ever gets too heated as he comes to an agreement with you pretty quickly
♡ He wants to be in charge of breakfast and dinner when he is home, but would really appreciate it if you could make dinner when he comes home late and you are already home
♡ It’s decided that you will both use Saturday as the day to get all of the house cleaning done together
♡ It takes about a month for you two to settle in together but once the adjustment period is over you two work fluidly together with very few arguments
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❥ How you meet
♡ He comes into your work by accident, he had no reason to be there but the rain outside was terrible and he wanted to find reprieve for just a moment to get himself together
♡ You very kindly offered him your umbrella seeing the state he was in
♡ Not being used to this kind of kindness he simply stares at you unsure of how to respond
♡ Silently he takes the umbrella and walks out 
♡ After this, he happens to wander into your workplace more often hoping to see you again
❥ How the relationship begins
♡ Vergil does not start the conversation but rather you do as you come up behind him
♡ You jokingly ask if he’s stalking you and his demeanor changes to be very flustered with a slight blush appearing across his cheeks 
♡ He stops coming to your workplace after this but you catch him reading a book in a park not too far away about a week later
♡ This time he begins with a simple hello
♡ To his surprise, the conversation flows very naturally and learns that you actually missed his random appearances at work
♡ Never did he expect to be able to talk to anyone like this, casually and freely
♡ Not knowing who he was and what he had been through allows him to start fresh not feeling any levels of judgment
♡ You two stay as friends for a while, he never makes a move as he does not want you to leave when he opens up to you
♡ After a few months, Vergil cannot keep secrets from you anymore and he finally tells you about who he is and what he has done expecting you to be scared and leave
♡ But you are not scared and when he turns to see your reaction you lean in to kiss him
♡ The feeling of your lips on his sets him free, he can finally be his entire self around you without fear
❥ Early relationship dynamics
♡ That day was the start of your romantic relationship, but Vergil does not like to refer to you as his s/o preferring terms like “My light” and “My love”
♡ You two would move in together shortly after that first kiss 
♡ A lot of time is spent teaching Vergil the ways of average human life 
♡ He enjoys taking care of the home and finds a passion for cooking 
♡ Doing things like furniture shopping brings him a lot of joy and finds it to be a very important time with you
♡ He likes to take you on dinner dates at nice restaurants and to museums 
♡ Overall the beginning of your relationship is pretty smooth the only potential issue being that Vergil is a bit reclusive not liking to be in very high-energy areas like a concert or club 
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❥ How you meet
♡ Nero is still young and has not gotten the hang of relationships fully yet
♡ The dating world is still pretty new to him
♡ He meets you in the most cliche way, you were carrying boxes in your hands and Nero was sprinting around the corner knocking into you and sending the boxes to the ground
♡ Dropping what he was doing he cleans up your mess while apologizing and then turns to help you up but when his eyes met yours, the ability to speak the English language left him
♡ Stumbling over words he attempts to introduce himself not making a lot of progress
♡ With a smile you tell him your name and that he can make up for the incident by buying you a coffee
❥ How the relationship begins
♡ He is very nervous around you at first, before getting coffee with you the first time he changed his outfit three times and brushed his teeth twice
♡ Despite the nerves, he was able to talk to you and your sweet demeanor helped to calm him down
♡ You were kind and confident and that combo worked on him as he asked when he could see you again right after you both finished your drinks
♡ Nero is a very sweet guy making sure to hold doors open for you and following the sidewalk rule
♡ His age shows though when he tries to show off in front of you by doing things like attempting to do tricks on a random skateboard despite him having zero experience 
♡ Or telling you very over-the-top embellished stories about his Devil May Cry work
♡ After going out a few more times he asks if he can start calling you his s/o
♡ You agree and the smile that forms on his face tells you how long he has been waiting to ask you that
❥ Early relationship dynamics
♡ Neither of you are in a rush to move in together 
♡ Instead, it’s a lot of sleepovers and him tagging along to run errands with you
♡ Nero discovers that he enjoys going to stores like Target not looking to buy anything and instead just looking around
♡ He also loves to binge shows with you
♡ If you watch any level of reality TV, Nero will become the biggest fan but will deny it if you ever ask him
♡ Finds it romantic to know all of your orders at your favorite food places, Nero likes to surprise you with them whenever you are feeling sad
♡ Some fights happen when he has to leave for work, you don't want him to go and he doesn't want to leave you and because he is young the emotions are a little hard to navigate 
♡ But with proper and open communication these problems fade away
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Author's note: This was so cute to write! I had a lot of fun taking my time with this and really feeling the characters out and I hope you all have fun reading it!
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dawn-dream-crusader · 11 months
DMC boys hedacanons - Sleeping positions
Due to his non-caring attitude about himself, he dozes off right on his chair most of the time. Legs on table, hands hanging down, a magazine on face instead of a sleep mask. Just how he likes it and just how Morrison usually finds him.
When on couch, he sleeps like a little child, really. It's that one position, when hands are under pillow (even though Dante's is flat like a pancake), legs pressed to chest. He seems to relax more than ever while sleeping like this. Gives him memories.
And when you're with him, he would hug you with one of his arms and pull you closer, so your head lays on his chest, so you could hear his heartbeat, how far he's ready to go for you. Dante remembers a similar picture from his magazine, and chuckles slightly, throwing your arm over his body. These pictures lack sensuality. He pats your head and takes your hand just to plant a little kiss on your palm. You mean more to him than any photo could ever convey.
"Hm? What's it, strawberry? Nothing? Then sleep again. I don't want you to knock out on our tomorrow date."
Before meeting up with Dante again, Vergil used to curl up in a ball on ground or a tree to keep himself warm, wrap in his coat, press Yamato to his chest, getting ready for a battle with any entity that would come by. He would wake up from the littlest sound, swinging his sword and accidentally cutting down a tree. There was no rest for him.
After reconnecting with his humanity, Vergil sleeps on a firm bed that Dante bought for him, in his room in Devil May Cry. Now, that he feels a bit safer, he naps, throwing his limbs all apart, still pressing Yamato to his chest, in a grip of disturbing thoughts still covering himself with his coat.
With your help, he slowly becomes more comfortable with not having his katana right next to him. Vergil lays Yamato on ground and finally gives in to his urges: he wraps his arms and legs around you, pressing you closer to him instead of a weapon. He nuzzles your hairline, holding your hands in his, making sure every part of you is warm. As strange as it is, Vergil can't help himself but shower you with compliments all night. He whispers to you, how much he loves you. How much he wants you to stay with him, by his side. Everything that he doesn't know how to say when you're awake.
"I wish I had met you sooner. My star. Maybe, something would change in my life... if you were next to me."
This sweet boy is definitely what you need, if you like people who kick in their sleep. Every night has the same scenario: Nero throws off his blanket, wakes up from cold and then puts in back on, and in the morning he can't understand how to untangle himself from it. One time he used devil magic and burned the blanket to ashes. Don't try at home.
And with you, he wraps you in. Nero'd sleep at the North Pole with no clothes whatsoever, but he'd totally make you a walking mummy from blankets. Even though he is the best listener, Nero won't let you take your rest without anything to warm you. He's a caring guy, just like his father, but at least, he doesn't suffocate you with his limbs. Nero hugs you and pulls you close, so he feels your breath on his neck. A cute guy.
"Where is this damn blanket.. Here it is. Look, I want you to be healthy, so you don't catch cold. Got me? Nice, baby."
P.s. Very short. I woke up and decided to write.
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vinnytotherescue · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a drabble in which the reader is very affectionate with V’s familiars (kisses and pets) and how he would react to it? Thank you so much!
i love this so much! we are just going to ignore the fact that I just learned that Shadow is a male...How did i not notice while playing-_-
also, Shadow i only focused on griffon and shadow hope you don't mind!
warnings: none pure fluff
V x Reader: Cuddles with the familiars
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Being V’s significant other ultimately meant being able to tolerate two seemingly dangerous and overly protective familiars. That made V very anxious since he knew that not a lot of people would be able to handle such creatures. Their dark nature always scared people away. Yet you were not scared, you were fascinated. Somehow, you could even say that you had some kind of invisible bond with both Griffon and Shadow. From the moment you met them you fell in love with them and they with you, V never understood that but he nevertheless he was very grateful. 
Opening the door to your shared apartment you were faced with a silent V reading his book. Two seconds passed and before you could properly enter you were tackled down by shadow, griffon flying right next to your head. V turned his head to observe the scene, something that would occur every time you would return from work. But still it wasn’t something you could get used to. 
“Took you long enough huh (y/n)? Shadow got worried over there” Shadow just gave Griffon a death stare and continued laying in your lap. V had gotten off the couch by now and was standing next to you with a smirk on his face. 
“Griffon don’t be mean to Shadow, or we both know where you will end up” A giggle left your mouth and you turned to see and extended hand waiting for you to take it.
“I see, i think they like you more than me” V pulled you to your feet and you wrapped your arms around his waist , burying your head in the crook of his neck. 
“That’s not true and you know it” The room filled with your giggles as you stared into V’s green eyes. After detaching yourself from him you dragged him back to the couch this time your head in his lap. Your head was pounding like crazy from the intensity of your day at work and the only thing you could think about was how you were going to relax with V close to you. 
“Hard day at work?” his velvety voice was so soothing to your ears after the screaming and yelling in the office. Nero and Dante were a handful to manage. Your body curled closer to his as you nodded and you could feel your muscles relax as he stroked your head. A small smile found its place on your face as you felt something warm curling on your legs. You slightly raised your head and was faced with a sleepy Shadow. 
“You are sleepy too my boy?” you pet the huge jaguar as he now lay still on your legs, his dense fur  providing warmth to your tired body. Griffon felt left out completely so he came and took his usual place close to your chest, your arms slowly curling around him, careful not to hurt his beautiful wings. V could feel his heart warm up at the sight. He never expected this turn of events, he was beyond relieved that you three were so close. You always wanted some kind of a pet and V having two familiars was just perfect. 
Kissing both Griffon and Shadow on their heads you felt your eyes become more and more droopy as time passed by. 
“Don’t I get a kiss?” V stared at you his eyebrows raised from the lack of attention from you. You turned your head toward him mouthing a soft sorry in your way and placed a kiss on his cheek. After seeing his deadpan expression you tiredly giggled again and gave him a normal kiss on the lips. 
Your lips parted and you just went back to your original position, one arm hugging Shadow and one hugging Griffon.
“Want me to read you a bit?” You quickly nodded your head at the suggestion and closed your eyes enjoying his smooth voice filling the room. 
“I love you all” 
The words slowly started to merge into one and your breathing slowed down as you surrendered to dreamland.
thank you for reading!! ;)
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ariseur · 6 months
'Ello luv, it's been a while since I saw someone writing for DMC ugh, miss when dmc(5) was trending... What a good time!
I don't know if your requests are open or not, but catch up with me!! Our pretty girls and boys with a vampire!reader! Or or— A WITCH! BOTH
Like, you choose if it's a bunch of headcanons, blurbs, a full one shot with a character or not, I just really want to see it!
Well, obviously if you can do it honey, if you can't it's fine <3
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dmc crew dating a vampire 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
devil may cry x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
this was actually my first request on this blog!! i don’t know why i put it off for so long bc it’s literally so cool?? i ended up just doing a vampire instead of witch/vampire witch so i hope you guys enjoy considering my phone crashed trying to copy n paste this from my notes to tumblr 💋
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
blood (but in the vampire way ykyk), fangs and mentions of sharp teeth, intended lowercase, kinda spoilers for dmc5 in v’s,
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓓ANTE — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ you are literally so hot in DANTE’s eyes, you could honestly do no wrong.
❥ i think you guys already know what i’m gonna say..
❥ if you feed on blood or need it for some sort of sustenance, dante will gladly volunteer. he thinks it’s the hottest thing ever.
❥ although, i’m not sure if vampires much like demon blood..
❥ eh, oh well. dante will still think it’s attractive, especially if you have fangs or some sort of sharper canines.
❥ only downside to being a vampire and dating dante is that you’ll occasionally hear a super bad transylvanian accent. like.. really bad.
❥ but!! if you’re also a demon hunter like him— and you have some cool freaky powers like draining blood or energy from empusas or really just any ability that’s useful, it’s heart eyes all around from him.
❥ you could be covered in blood or feasting on something and then you’ll spot dante in the corner wielding devil sword dante after defeating like seventy fuckin other demons and he’s just.. mesmerized.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓥ERGIL — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ VERGIL’s much more curious about your species. do you have any weaknesses? are the fictionalized versions of your kind portrayed accurately? what are you exactly?
❥ luckily he’s a lot more quiet about his curiosity compared to, maybe— nico. his staring is intimidating, though. when he sits with you or near you, he’ll usually just study you. maybe it looks like he’s judging but he’s really just analyzing your appearance. especially if you have any distinctive features.
❥ if you have that dark ruddy aesthetic, he’ll likely admire from afar even if red isn’t exactly his favorite color.
❥ if you really needed it, he’d let you feed off of him although it’s definitely not his first choice. he’s not really a fan of being bitten, especially if you need to bite his neck or something like that.
❥ probably finds some esoteric artistic poem or painting with an underlying meaning of having to do with vampires and thinks of you every time he looks at it.
❥ his gothic poetic side is showing
❥ ugh i just wanna kiss his scowl so bad but i also wanna punch him.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓝ERO — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ nero literally thinks it’s so cool.
❥ he might be a little wary once he first meets you? like are you gonna tackle him rn and sacrifice him with your own lil blood ritual?
❥ but once he finds out you’re docile or that you pick and choose on whom you feed on, he’s like, “oh okay that’s cool”
❥ probably like dante where the only version he knows of vampires are the hollywood adaptations of them. so like.. he’s confused if you can go into sunlight? or you can eat certain foods? or if you can go near churches??
❥ he, too, thinks you’re super hot. however!! very iffy about you drinking blood or feeding in front of him. not like it grosses him out but it’s kinda.. weird to watch for him?? idk.
❥ another thing is that he doesn’t want you biting him at all. he’s like vergil where he’ll be baffled if you even ask, except he’s super hesitant to offer himself unless you’re super injured and in dire need of it.
❥ just step on him to shut him up atp
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓥 — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ V’s goth ass won’t shut up about how divine your species is and how fascinating he finds you.
❥ curious on your feeding habits and what you essentially need to survive, tries to find any and every book that he can about vampires so he can learn about you even more.
❥ he’s like those people who romanticize the 1800s or the salem witch trials or greece or ethel cain or lana del rey while kicking their feet and posting about it. he will find a way to make the situation poetic, trust me.
❥ finds it amusing if you’re annoyed by griffon’s teasing and threaten to eat him first if you were to ever go rogue, you might even be able to get a close mouthed chuckle out of v.
❥ utterly fascinated by just your very being, even if it’s just mundane traits. especially loves to see your fangs, dunno why but they’re just aesthetically pleasing to him.
❥ considering he’s kinda like a deteriorating human that’s basically turning into a husk, i wouldn’t recommend feeding on him unless you plan to kill him—which who would wanna murder our emo bae right here? (capcom)
❥ the type of person to roll his eyes at false folklore and representation because he’s literally in love with an actual vampire?? how dare they portray you like this??
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓛ADY — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ LADY also finds you super hot!!
❥ also interested because she’s probably never seen a vampire outside of media— so it’s a nice change of pace rather than being face to face with demons all day.
❥ despite all this, after the initial introduction, i’m not sure she’d care too hard? like— sure, you’re considered a supernatural being and all that.
❥ and although she thinks it’s super dope, i feel like it wouldn’t matter as much to her. she’s seen and done a lot of things at such a young age, i feel as though she’s almost desensitized?
❥ she’s so badass she can’t even care. she’s literally respected by dante, whom is titled ‘the legendary devil hunter’. (dmc5 did her dirty with her lack of part in the storyline 💔)
❥ she’ll respect any of your needs, and ngl also thinks you biting into her neck is hot.
❥ kinda surprised that you’re able to go out into sunlight even if she’ll never tell you that 😭
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓣RISH — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ another one who doesn’t care that much. it’s not like TRISH is dismissive of your species and where you come from, but she’s literally a full on demon who’s probably seen everything.
❥ you guys r so hot though, like the ultimate power couple.
❥ oh, and if you’re a devil hunter, too? you guys r gonna kick sm ass together. she’ll invite you to roll around with her for a while rather than with dante, although if you’re associated with devil may cry then that’s fine too. she’ll put up with dante’s ass just to visit you more often.
❥ i don’t recommend feeding off of trish?
❥ idk how vampires take to drinking demon blood
❥ but shit, if you have that red aesthetic and are just a total femme fatale (or other gender equivalent to that), trish is in charge of your outfits now.
❥ don’t even fight it, you will end up in the outfit regardless.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓝ICO — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ oh boy
❥ if you’re lucky enough to survive the first meeting with NICO and you end up actually being in a relationship? you are def a trooper.
❥ when you’re first introduced, she bombards you with questions.
❥ where did you come from? do you have powers? are you like a demon and are there more of you? if so, can she harvest parts for a new bio-weapon? do vampires reproduce the same as humans? are you gonna suck her blood??
❥ she’s just a curious lady cut my girl some slack
❥ she thinks you’re so cool though!! wants you to tell her everything you know about vampires so she can log it. even if you’ve been in a long term relationship, she still can’t help but ask more questions.
❥ but!! as cool and hot as she thinks you are— like nero, she does not wanna see you feed and does not wanna be fed on!! (except.. maybe just one time to see how it feels.)
❥ ugh she just loves you sm please indulge her
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gor3-hound · 6 months
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ft. nero x fem!reader
a/n: if nero does not stop looksmaxxing omfg why is it so hard to find a pic where he isn't mewing? this is admittedly so super self-indulgent and idek what the dmc fandom on tumblr is saying so... if this gets four notes i'll still die happy. feedback and reblogs appreciated :3 ty to @thevirgincherry for beta reading !! ilysm MWAH
cw: 18+ content, mdlb, nipple play, tit play(?) in general, use of mama, handjob, cum eating, super sappy smut basically
word count: 1.8k words
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“You've gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me.” Is the first thing that spills past Nero's lips when you mention shifting the dynamics a little bit in your relationship. He's giving you an incredulous look, one of his brows arching towards his hairline.
“I'm really not. You're so irritable all the time. You need to let yourself relax. All that cynicism is getting to your head.” You say with a frown, your brows furrowing as you look at your boyfriend. He's giving you that look again - the one that says he's about three seconds away from saying something downright horrific, but he's choosing not to - to spare your feelings, of course.
“Right. And so, what… you coddling me like a kid's meant to… miraculously make me a ray of sunshine?” He scoffs, his own brows pinching together in frustration as he runs his hand through his hair. The cybernetic one, ‘cause his human hand is currently twitching at his side. “Baby, I love you, but seriously. I've been handling myself for a long while. I don't need you to do it.”
You know it's not that - you know Nero well enough to recognise the uncomfortable shift of his feet and the way the tips of his ears turn a slight pink. He's embarrassed, even if he's trying to hide it. A sense of unease always comes over him when he thinks about being taken care of. It's a luxury he's never had - one he thinks he doesn't deserve.
You give him that look that he really, really hates. ‘Cause you really are the only person that's always looked out for him, so seeing the way your eyes narrow in frustration is enough to have him wanting to kneel at your feet with his tail between his legs, rubbing himself against your thighs and pleading until you forgive him.
Shit. Maybe he's more cut out for this whole ‘mama’ shit than he thought.
His resolve wavers, his hand awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck before he lets out a soft sigh and nods. “Alright, alright. I’ll try it out, but I ain't promisin’ shit.”
                              ˗ˏˋ ☆ ˎˊ˗
Turns out all Nero needs is a few stern words and gentle touches and he's rolling over like a good boy, exposing the soft underbelly he tends to try and keep hidden. When he comes home drained and you're quick to guide him to a bath, it's hard for him not to completely melt under your attention.
Scratch his scalp when you're washing his hair, and he's fully ready to go all ‘yes, mama’ to whatever you want. He's happy to bare himself for you. You want him bent over the back of the couch? On all fours? He'll stick his tongue out and beg for it like a good boy if it meant you'd give him that proud expression that makes his heart feel like it's beating again. Mama gets what mama wants, and that's an irrefutable fact.
“C'mere, baby.” You coo after he makes his way into the apartment after a long day of ‘work’. Blood splatters his feet dragging against the floor. His movements are exhausted - slow and rugged. You can see that glazed over look making itself present in his eyes, his gaze somewhere off in the distance.
His body is working on autopilot as he makes his way to the sofa you're sitting on. He flops down next to you, and the change in him is immediate. The tension melts from him as he buries his face into your chest, nuzzling his way between your breasts as his hands clutch your waist tight enough that it's almost painful.
“Mama…” He croaks out, pressing himself right up against you, trying to wriggle his way on your lap without ever having to disconnect any part of himself from your warmth. You cradle him as best you can - it's not necessarily the easiest thing to have a 6’2 demon hybrid trying to curl up on your lap like a kitten, but he always manages to find a way to worm himself into your arms, clinging to you like he's scared you're gonna vanish as soon as he closes his eyes.
He's never found it so easy to be loved by someone. You gave him that unconditional, no strings attached love. You loved him just ‘cause he was worth loving in your eyes. Not because you needed him for something, or because you had some sense of pity for his situation.
You were easy to love, and his love for you was unwavering and all consuming. It was far too easy to fall into you with your kind eyes and gentle touch. He didn't have to deal with the shit of his life when he was with you. He could finally relax. He was safe.
“Missed you.” He breathes out against the skin peeking out from the low collar of your shirt, his blue eyes flicking up to gaze at your face. His nose brushes your skin, his hands pawing at your shirt as if he's trying to entice you to take it off. “Mama… please.”
“You gotta ask properly, baby. Use your big boy words, c'mon. What do you want from mama?” You coo, running a hand through his white hair. You let your nails rake over his scalp lightly, enjoying the way he shivers at the touch.
His hands slide under the fabric of your shirt, trying to tug it off anyway. He's never been good at this part - getting the words out. His cheeks grow all pink and he gets quiet, just whining until you let him pull the shirt off of your body. As soon as your tits are in view, he's licking, biting and sucking at every inch of skin he can get his mouth on.
“So impatient, baby.” You scold lightly, helping him adjust slightly so you can slip down his trousers, freeing his cock. It's already rock hard and leaky, the tip flushed red as it oozes precum down his length. “S'okay though. It's not your fault. Mama knows you can't think straight without her help.”
You give his dick a squeeze, his face scrunching up so prettily as he bucks his hips into your tight grip, his cock pulsing in your hand. “Mama… Mama, please. I'll be good, c'mon. Been good, just tou-”
His words are cut off with a groan as you finally start pumping his length in your hand, circling your wrist and running your thumb along his slit everytime you fist the head of his cock. You let go to spit into your palm before stroking him again, leaving him panting into your breasts.
His lips latch onto one of your nipples as you continue touching him, slick sounds filling the room. He suckles greedily, his eyes becoming heavy-lidded as he looks up at you, his tongue flicking eagerly against your nipple.
Your free hand cups his head, holding him against your tit as you let him fuck your fist. Your thumb brushes back and forth on his scalp as he pulls away from your nipple, biting and sucking marks into the flesh of your tits instead as his thumb plays with one of your nipples, stroking and pinching the bud.
“You're making such a mess, baby. Leaking all over mama's hand.” You tease, digging your nail lightly into his slit as he bucks his hips, a low whine spilling from his lips. “You sound so pretty, though. Lucky I'm so good to you, huh, pretty boy?”
You can see the conflict on his face at that nickname, the twitch of his brows and the way his face heats up, his teeth biting down just a little harsher as if he's trying to protest the choice. He can act all he wants, but his dick doesn't lie - and it always kicks when you call him that.
“Mama… gonna cum, mama, please…” He grits out, fucking your fist with more urgency. He pulls his face away from your tits just so he can shift his body to gain better control of his hips, rutting into your hand desperately as he chases his release. “Tits, mama. Lemme… lemme cum on you, please. I'll clean it up, promise. Please.”
You pause to think about it for a moment, watching him writhe as he struggles not to cum, his eyes tearing up and his face all flushed as he continues to jerk his hips, unable to stop chasing the pleasure you're giving him.
“Alright, baby. C’mere then.” You murmur, shifting to lie on your back. As soon as your grip on him loosens, he's quick to straddle your waist, kneeling over your body as he hungrily fists his cock, aiming it down towards your breasts.
“Fuck, mama. Gonna… gonna cum.” He grits, his hand quickly coming down next to your head to support his weight as he slumps forward, ribbons of white coating your chest. His lips part in a silent moan, his breath coming out in heavy pants.
He takes a couple of seconds before he leans down, his tongue sliding along your soiled skin. He laps up every drop of his release happily, his eyes practically shimmering with satisfaction.
“There we go. Such a good boy, cleaning up your mess.” You say softly, your hand finding his hair once more, scratching behind his ear in a way that never fails to have him melting in your grasp. He rests his head on your stomach when he's cleaned you up fully, his hand reaching out for yours. He yawns a little, letting himself lie across the couch while using you as his personal pillow.
“You sleepy?” You ask softly, gazing down at his hooded eyes. Nero nods softly, blinking slowly a few times. You smile at him, still stroking his hair with one hand as your free hand comes down to rest on his back, your thumb rubbing small circles there. “Take a nap, baby. Mama will be here when you wake up.”
He gives you another one of his looks - the one halfway between pure adoration and complete confusion. He knows you're someone that sees him. That sees Nero behind the front he puts up. Somehow, you're aware of how fucked up he is, and you're still willing to stay. He doesn't know how to take it, he can feel himself getting choked up as he meets your eyes. And he can't cry, not in front of you. So he nods again, closing his eyes to keep in the unshed tears, wrapping you up tightly in his free arm while his hand squeezes yours as hard as he can without hurting you.
“Alright, mama. Night.” He croaks out, the words he wants to say dying on his tongue. But when you rub your thumb over the nape of his neck and squeeze his hand back, he knows you felt it. He knows you love him, too. He knows that despite everything, it's enough for you. 
He's enough for you.
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0000xx10 · 8 months
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//i keep forgetting V exists too-
⚠️the drawing below is nsfw 🔞⚠️
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ransprang · 1 year
Hi! Can I please request DMC boys (Dante, Nero and Vergil) and physical touch hcs with gn!reader? SFW and/or NSFW ;) Up to you. Thanks!
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DMC Boys - SFW and N/SFW Headcanons:
Dante is a very tactile person, so he's constantly touching you in various ways.
He loves wrapping an arm around your shoulders or waist, pulling you close to him whenever you're walking together.
Dante often playfully pokes or lightly taps your nose when he wants to get your attention or tease you.
Whenever you're sitting together, Dante tends to rest his hand on your thigh or hold your hand, absentmindedly tracing circles with his thumb.
He enjoys giving gentle back rubs or shoulder massages when you're feeling tired or stressed.
Dante often surprises you with sudden hugs from behind, burying his face in your hair and breathing in your scent.
Dante is a sensual lover who thrives on touch and exploration.
His hands wander freely across your body, memorizing every curve and contour, his touch setting your skin on fire.
Dante adores leaving a trail of light kisses along your neck and collarbone, savoring the taste of your skin.
He revels in teasing you with feather-light touches, driving you to the edge before finally granting you the release you crave.
Dante loves feeling your nails digging into his back as you cling to him, your bodies moving in perfect harmony.
Afterward, he holds you close, his arms wrapped protectively around you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Nero can be a bit awkward when it comes to physical touch, but he's slowly getting more comfortable expressing affection.
He loves holding your hand, his grip firm and reassuring, especially when you're in a crowded place.
Nero often traces patterns or doodles on the back of your hand or arm with his finger when you're sitting together.
He enjoys cuddling up to you on the couch or in bed, his head resting on your shoulder as he wraps his arm around your waist.
Nero likes running his fingers through your hair, gently untangling any knots he finds, and occasionally pressing soft kisses to your forehead.
When you're feeling down, Nero gives warm and comforting hugs, nestling his head against your neck, and softly murmuring words of reassurance.
Nero is passionate and eager to please, his touch filled with both intensity and tenderness.
His hands are firm and possessive, gripping your hips or thighs as he presses you against the wall or the bed.
Nero loves exploring every inch of your body with his lips and tongue, leaving a trail of heated kisses in his wake.
He takes delight in hearing your breath hitch and feeling your body arch beneath him as he discovers your most sensitive spots.
Nero's pace is a mix of controlled chaos and overwhelming desire, pushing you both to the brink of ecstasy.
Afterward, he holds you tightly, whispering words of adoration against your skin, relishing in the afterglow.
Vergil tends to be more reserved in expressing physical affection, but he has his moments of vulnerability.
He enjoys standing close to you, his presence magnetic and commanding, occasionally brushing his hand against yours.
Vergil often rests his hand on the small of your back when he's leading you or guiding you through a crowd, a subtle way of showing possessiveness and protection.
During quiet moments, he leans his head against yours, sharing the intimacy of being physically connected.
Vergil occasionally allows himself to relax and wrap his arms around you, resting his chin on your head as he takes in the moment of tranquility.
He's not one for extravagant displays, but when he does kiss you, it's slow and passionate, leaving you breathless.
Vergil is intense and commanding, his touch a potent combination of power and restraint.
His hands are deliberate and precise, tracing the lines of your body with reverence and hunger.
Vergil enjoys teasing you, his fingers dancing along your inner thighs, his touch lingering just long enough to leave you wanting more.
He's a master at building anticipation, taking his time to explore every inch of your body, leaving you trembling with desire.
Vergil's movements are controlled and calculated, his skillful touch bringing you to the edge and holding you there until you're begging for release.
Afterward, he cradles you against his chest, his touch gentle and soothing, his whispered praises and affectionate gestures showing a side of him only you get to see.
Your Devil,
Admin Sav
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mannequinreligi0n · 8 months
I loove your fics and lately I've been begging for some new Nero fics 🫡🫡
Could I request a fic with Nero and fem!reader where they're really good friends and yknow It's really cold outside and they both have to stay in an inn. Maybe one of the two offers their bed? And they both finally give in after a long while of hidding their feelings.
I really really crave some cute fluffy Nero smut, reader being her first🤭
Don't stress too much about this, and of course you can choose to write it or not!!
Thank you sweetie🫶🫶
ty for this !! i love a good ‘oh noooo, there’s only one bed’ trope.
tbh im not the biggest nero lover so this was a slight challenge but it ended up pretty good and a lot longer than expected lol. i also didn’t know how to end it but i hope you enjoy !!!!
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Two Pals, One Bed
an unexpected storm puts you and nero in an unlikely situation
PAIRING: DMC5 Nero x afab reader
WARNINGS: (NSFW!: first-time/virgin!reader, fingering, penetration)
The sheets of rain pounded on the windshield of the van, making visibility hard on the patchy road. You flicked out the wrinkles in the map, squinting in the light of your phone to see the web of routes.
“Can’t see a damn foot in front of me like this.”, Nero grumbled from the driver’s seat. “No thanks to you, by the way.”
His pointed blame made you crinkle the map in your hands. You both had been driving for seemingly hours, trying to make it home from a job, but the storm was making it hard to navigate the backroads.
“There’s an inn after the next right, we’ll duck from the rain til morning.”
Nero sighed and shook his head. “We would’ve been home by now, if it wasn’t for your dumbass.” He peered over the steering wheel, on the lookout for the upcoming turn.
“Nuh uh,”, you started, a scowl on your face, “don’t pin this on me! I don’t control the weather.”
Nero makes the right and after a couple miles of silence, the faint beacon of lit windows pierces through the gloom. Pulling into the lot in front of the inn, Nero parks the car and hops out. You follow suit and hastily trail behind him, using your bag as cover from the harsh rain. Entering the inn, you walk slowly to examine the tacky decor - artificial fish and paintings of sunny beaches mocking your drenched clothes. Nero makes a beeline to the front desk and is quick to return with a set of keys in hand.
“We got lucky. Seems like everyone had the same idea, but they had one room left.” Nero pats you on the shoulder and cocks his head toward the direction of the stairs. “C’mon.”
You nod and follow Nero up the stairs to your appointed room, sighing in relief to be out of the storm. Nero drops his backpack on the desk and stares at the single queen-sized bed in the center of the room.
“……..one bed.”
“One bed.”, you repeat. It seems that the universe thought it would be funny if you two shared a bed after a night of endless bickering and side-eyes. You eventually shrug and flop down on the bed, looking up at Nero. “I mean, we’ve slept in worse conditions, right? You remember the cyclops cave?”
That earns a tiny smile from him, chiseling away at the tension from earlier.
“Thanks for reminding me. It’s not like I spend every waking moment trying to forget the smell of decay and ball sweat.”
You both laugh and you feel the frustration slowly leave your body. Nero digs around his bag for a change of clothes and heads to the bathroom to change. You take this as your cue to do the same, pulling out a clean shirt and pair of underwear and discarding your old ones in the corner of the room. You crawl into the bed, flicking on the tv and settling in. Nero returns a few minutes later, changed and seemingly back to his easy-going self. He switches off the lights and gets into the bed, leaving some space between you both. You both watch a rerun of an old sitcom before Nero breaks the silence.
“I’m sorry for being an asshole to you. You were only trying to help, and I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you.”
The apology doesn’t take you completely by surprise, considering that Nero is the most levelheaded person you know, but you appreciate it nonetheless. You pull the covers up over you, sinking down to lay on your pillow as you address him.
“Don’t worry about it, Nero. We’ve had a long day and have gotten thrown every which way - it’s no one’s fault. Besides, I’m happy it was with you and not with anyone else, it could’ve gone a lot worse.”
Nero nods in agreement but he’s not lost on the subtle flirting in your last sentence. Nero glances down at you resting form, your eyes trained on the tv mounted to the wall. For the past few weeks, it seems you two have been dancing around the obvious for the sake of staying focused on work. But considering that you both are literally in the same bed, it’s hard to ignore now. You look up to him, his face turning a pretty pink from being caught staring.
“Was there something else?”, you ask, noting his blush.
“You’re really pretty.”
Nero blurts out the compliment, heart starting to pick up from embarrassment. ‘Reaaaal smooth, Nero. Bet Dante would get a kick out of this’, he thinks to himself. Your own face turns red in response, a shy smile on your face.
“You really think so?”
“I know so.” Nero starts, sliding down to be beside you under the covers. “And smart, funny, brave.”
You stare at him with awe, in disbelief that those words left his mouth. Without another breath, you lean to the side where he’s laying and kiss him. It’s a gentle, tentative kiss, but full of meaning and longing. Nero’s brain short-circuits and it takes a second before he returns the kiss. Slow and cautious, your mouths explore this newfound feeling. Without breaking away, Nero rolls on top of you, hands running up your sides. Feelings of excitement and anxiety intermingle in your stomach and you break the kiss to look up at him, eyes wide. Nero returns the look with concern, his hand cupping your face.
“You okay? Did…did I do something wrong?”
“No, I-“, you cut yourself off, building up confidence before speaking again. “I need to tell you something.”
Nero raises his eyebrows, interest piqued. “You know you can tell me anything.”
You gulp and take a deep breath, making sure that this is really happening. You look down at the empty space between the two of you as you speak. “I’ve never gone this far with anyone.” You pause, frowning slightly. “I mean, I’ve messed around but I’ve never actually….slept with anyone before.”
Nero runs a hand over your hair and kisses your forehead sweetly. There’s a clear look of understanding on his face. “Y/N, you don’t have anything to be sorry about. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. And if you don’t wanna do anything now, I won’t hold that against you either.”
“I want to, I’m just nervous.” Your eyes have a vulnerability to them, like you’re already standing there naked in front of him.
“It’s okay to be nervous. Fuck, I’m nervous. But, it’ll be okay, as long as you enjoy it. And if you change your mind or need me to stop, that’s okay, too.”
With his reassurance, you nod and pull him back down to reinstate the kiss. Nero sighs into your mouth, happy to be connected again. You feel his hands snake down to your thighs, running over the exposed skin with light touches. As scared as you were, everything felt right in this moment. Your own shaky hands moved to tug at his shirt to help him out of it. Nero yanks the shirt over his head before reaching to pull down your underwear. He stops and looks up at you, waiting for the green light from you; you give him an eager nod and he proceeds. You feel his fingers brush against your sensitive bud and your breathing hitches in your chest. His fingers move slow, tracing circles into your flesh as his mouth trails sweet kisses to your ear.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
Nero’s soft voice and tender touches elicits a moan from you, almost forgetting to reply to him. You turn to look at him and mumble a ‘yes’ out, hips rocking against his hand. Nero hums in content, moving his fingers to your already wet slit. He toys with the hole for a moment, testing the waters in case you change your mind. By the way you’re sighing and whimpering, he takes it as his sign to go on, pushing in two fingers slowly. Your back arches, jaw dropping silently. Pumping slowly in and out, his strong, slender fingers tease your g-spot. Your hands fly to his shoulders, gripping onto him for support. Minutes go by as your climax builds up, your walls pulsing around his fingers. Before you can warn him of the oncoming wave, his fingers slip out, making you groan in disappointment. He laughs at your noise, slipping off the rest of his clothes.
“Easy, tiger. I got more to give, believe me.”, he chuckles. Leaning down to kiss you once more, he positions himself between your legs. “Ready, pretty girl?”
You nod and smile into his mouth. “Ready.”
Aligning with your slick, Nero pushes into you with a moan of satisfaction. You bury your head in his neck, stifling a cry from being stretched. Nero’s arm comes up to wrap around your head protectively, cradling you in comfort. Once fully in, he stays still to let you adjust to the new feeling. You feel your breathing slow down and you nod again, letting him know it’s okay to move. His cock slips almost completely out of you until he pushes it back in, repeating this until he creates a steady, sensual rhythm. Mewls from you are muffled by how close Nero’s holding you - his free hand hooking under one of your knees to lift you ever so slightly. Over and over, the head of his cock hits that sweet spot and you feel your orgasm start to build back up, ready to satisfy the delay from earlier. The moment feels surreal, considering how many times you’ve dreamt of this moment, and you flex your fingers every now and then to remind yourself it’s really happening.
You look out from your safe place in Nero’s neck and see him above you - eyes shut, mouth ajar, and a sheen layer of sweat making him glisten in the light of the tv still playing. The display from him is what sets you off, knowing that you’re the cause of it. Your core tightens and those familiar electric pulses make your body quiver with pleasure.
“O-oh, god, that feels so good…. I’m gonna…gonna…”
“Let it out, I’ve got you.”
The encouragement from Nero is all you need to let go, a wave of pleasure taking over all of your senses. Your legs shake around Nero and a sound you’ve never heard from yourself before fills the room. Fuelled by your reactions, Nero chases after his own high, fucking into you passionately. Sweat dripping down his face, he looks down at you with an adoring smile before his eyes squeeze shut, followed by a series of whimpers and curses. Your walls milk him free of every drop of seed, the feeling overwhelming for him. You stare up at him in awe, your vision going in and out from your own orgasm.
His thrusts slow to a stop, allowing him to collapse on you. Both of you lay there panting, the heat of your bodies almost overbearing. You run your hand up and down Nero’s back, soothing him through the end of his orgasm. Eventually, Nero lifts his head and gives you a weak kiss, bumping his nose to yours.
“You did great, y/n. Seriously, that was….”
“Amazing.”, you finish for him, a giggle following it.
“Yeah, that.”
Nero pushes himself up and out of you, rolling onto his back beside you. He reaches over and pulls you into his arms, stationing you to lay on his chest. You can hear his heart thumping strongly, beating a lullaby to you.
“Get some rest, beautiful. You’ve earned it after that.”
You start to protest sleep but a yawn betrays you, realizing how warm and safe you feel in Nero’s arms. As minutes pass, your eyes grow heavier and soon close for the night, your breathing deep and slow. Nero’s hands tangle in the strands of your hair, twirling them mindlessly until sleep triumphs over him as well.
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icycoldninja · 1 month
How would dmc guys carry their partners? ❤️
Dante: Over-the-shoulder. He treats you like a sack of potatoes and thinks it's hilarious.
Vergil: Bridal style. He's authentic and romantic; gentle, yet supportive.
Nero: Piggy-back rides. You guys are basically the dream Disney Channel couple, except edgier and more violent than your average youngsters.
V: Physically cannot carry you. The most he can do is kinda drag you along with your arm over his shoulder like you hurt your ankle or something. Anything else is impossible.
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ollieolliewrld · 8 months
DMC Men in Relationships (SFW)
Dante ☆A playful lover ☆He’s cocky and wants someone who can keep up with him ☆Adventurous dates are big with him always switching between showing off and making sure nothing ever happens to you ☆Very classic will carry you over puddles kind of guy ☆You’ll tease him when he falls into stereotypes ☆He’ll play it off like nothing happened ☆Dante is a player who has finally found the one he’s going to do everything he can to keep you there ☆Rainy days are special that’s when he gets to take a day to stay in with you cuddled up on the couch ☆You two spend those days watching movies and being close ☆He feels like all of his struggles in life are worth it now that he has you
Vergil ☆Vergil cares about you deeply but doesn’t show it in an obvious way ☆He does not mess around and he wants to make sure things work so that you are both happy ☆Dates with Vergil are thought out ☆His love for you shines through with the carefully planned trip to a small bookshop that happens to be next to a tea shop ☆Not too big on pet names but will refer to you as his angel you make him feel safe like he can finally rest ☆Vergil has a lot of knowledge that he wants to share with you ☆You learn from him and he learns from you ☆He enjoys hearing your thoughts on the world ☆Absolutely fascinated with how you see things so differently from him ☆He wants to keep you by his side and never let you go
Nero ☆This man is new to the whole relationship game ☆While he’s unsure at times he makes up for that ☆Like his father, he loves to listen to you ☆Nero may not know everything but he can understand where you’re coming from and makes sure he’s there to support you ☆Dates with him are chill but cute ☆For one of your first dates, he takes you to a park where he’s done his best to surprise you with a picnic ☆He puts effort in but it’s not always perfect ☆Very easily flustered ☆Does not matter how long you’ve been together ☆Will blush when you catch him staring at you ☆You are his everything ☆Everything he does in his day is with you in mind ☆He keeps a small picture of you somewhere on him ☆Frequently has to replace it because of all the action ☆But it’s the thought that counts ☆Nero wants to show his love for you 24/7
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Author's Note: Thank you for all of the support! I did not expect anyone to be as kind as you all have been BEFORE I even made a post! I hope you guys will enjoy this one and there are plenty more in the works. <3<3<3
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cupidscrule · 8 months
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Random Devil May Cry headcanons
A/N: Found them in the drafts and thought they're cute :3
Nero was always a big fan of superheroes and used to always read comics when he was a kid, but he loves the Marvel ones. His favourite superhero is Captain America and he used to impersonate him a lot
Dante tried givind Nero tips on how to get girls and, unfortunately, Nero tried them a few times. Let’s just say that he’ll never listen to his uncle again
Lady and Trish would never admit it, but they have sleepovers from time to time. They tell people that these “meetings” are job related, but they usually end up doing each other’s nails or watching movies together and ramble about random stuff
Nero is very good at math and physics (just like Vergil)
Dante sucks at everything that is techonology related. He usually asks Nero for help but, to his despair, Nero is no better than him
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vinnytotherescue · 1 year
Headcanons for Nero, Dante, Vergil, and V with pet cats?
Of course! we love cats in this household!
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Dante Sparda
+Many would think that Dante would be good around cats, well i beg to differ-
+The moment he saw the cat in your lap grabbing all of your attention and mocking him with its big mischievous eyes it signalled the beginning of a war
+He wanted a kiss from you? No, the cat was in the middle, cuddles maybe? Nope, cat was already sleeping in your lap, Dante had to take matters into his own hands
+So like every sane person would do he simply became as clingy as the cat
+He is literally stuck on you with every chance that he gets
+Are you cooking? Arms around your waist- Are you reading a book? He would make sure to scootch the cat away and get in your lap
+this went as far as arguing with the cat itself
+"Dante are you jealous of a cat-"
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Vergil Sparda
+There is a cat in the house? Vergil would simply not care, as long as it is not bothering him he is fine
+He does appreciate the fact that unlike dogs it is not all over him all the time
+At the beginning he felt annoyed every time the cat gave him attention, attention from you alone was enough a cat was an extra he didn't sign up for
+However as time passed he slowly warmed up to it, he would read his book the cat nuzzled in his lap, and drink his tea while petting it
+And of course, you were more than happy to see that they liked each other (in the back of your mind you thought they would murder each other)
+But there was one thing that annoyed him the most
+"Danteeee where are you hiding?"
+"Why the hell would you name the cat Dante-"
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Nero Sparda
+That boy may seem annoyed at the beginning with your decision to adopt a cat but in the end he loved it as much as you
+At the beginning he would not give it much attention just a small pet if it came close to him
+As time went on like vergil he would get accustomed to it
+I have Nero more like a dog guy rather than a cat guy so he is never gonna be fully melting over the cat, but that doesnt mean he won't love it
+After coming home from a long mission he would long for cuddles with both you and the cat but of course he wouldn't say it out loud
"Do you want the kitty to cuddle you Nerooooo?;)"
"Oh shut up-"
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+In general V is used to being around animals due to his familiars, so a cat would not change things that much for him
+It would be very entertaining watching his familiars react to the cat and especially Griffon
+The phrase i will feed you to the cat was especially present every time Griffon would start getting annoying
+Shadow and the cat would definately be the best cuddle buddies
+Sitting on the couch all together reading books was a must now with the cat and the familiars being your personal heaters.
"Let me go grab a blanket-"
"No worries V, KITTYYYYYY"
Thank you everyone for reading! And don't forget requests are still open for multiple fandoms ;)
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ariseur · 6 months
could i request a slight suggestive makeout session with Nero?
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you suppressed the urge to tug at your collar, desperate for even just a puff of air as nero’s body heat travelled between the two of you while he caged you in on the couch. it definitely didn’t help that demons particularly run hot, even if nero was only had quarter of demon coursing through his blood.
your hands found their way to his hair, tangling themselves in short rough strands painted like snowfall as a groan hitched in the back of his throat at the feeling. you felt his sharp exhales on your skin as his hand came to grasp at your waist, desperately pawing at the fabric of your thin shirt and scrunching the material in his hands.
his lips moved on yours in a sloppy rhythm albeit you didn’t mind, for what he lacked in experience he made up for in enthusiasm. nero’s lips chased yours at any given moment, reveling in the feeling of your hand on the back of his neck to pull him in closer while your legs wrapped around his lower back. your heels pressed down as your hips dangerously bucked up into his, causing him to let out a small groan. the only reason the sound came out was because of the small gap that was left between the corners of your lips due to the utter sloppiness of his assault on your lips, otherwise nero‘s moan would be muted in the periodic strings of noises of both of your lips connecting, barely taking breaks for air.
you pressed the back of your head against the cushion of the couch, experimentally rolling your hips once as you pulled away. hearing nero’s sweet sighs was music to your ears, and you definitely noticed the way his lips tried to chase yours, painted and bruised with a cherry red and coated with saliva.
a small whine emitted from his lips as he opened his eyes, painted a similar color to the midwinter sky. and in that moment, you almost whimpered yourself at the proximity of how close you were to him. his scent engulfed you, a familiar smell of a rich musk that always made you perk up when you smelled something similar in public, your mind instantly reeling back to your lover.
your noses practically brushed together as your breaths mingled, although they were more like quickened pants rather than breaths.
and then, you both smiled. you admired the way nero’s eyebrows furrowed and the outer corners of his eyes crinkled while he grinned at you, obviously satisfied as his eyes raked across from lips to your collarbone, looking over his fine work of love bites and kisses. somehow he looked so ethereal above you, even in such an intimate position with a hard on against your thigh, he still possessed that boyish charm.
“you gonna keep kissing me or what?” was all you needed before you gripped his hair again and slammed your lips back onto his. you two didn’t need anymore words as you felt his lips curl into a smile against yours. you struggled to fight the urge to open and roll your eyes at his antics. boy, did he annoy you sometimes, but boy, did you love it.
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
Dante, Vergil and Nero with an Introvert S/O
This was asked in the master list’s comments two days ago, sorry for being late! Also, for anyone making requests now, I have a couple of requests pending so I might be a little slow but I promise they’re all coming! Thanks for understanding and enjoy!
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gif by @rainbow-cadenza
Dante is a very talkative man. He doesn’t mind that his S/O is an introvert at all, he actually finds it cute and makes it his life mission to have you talk more. 
He will occasionally and unintentionally be annoying by asking them a thousand times if they’re okay because they’re naturally quiet.
Dante: Are you alright 
S/O: Yes
Dante: Really?
S/O:  Yes 
Dante: You sure?
S/O:  Yes,  I’m sure.
Dante: Oh you’re annoyed now.
S/O: No, Dante, I’m not. 
He will try to help them speak out more and he has good intentions, but it can be humiliating.
If they’re eating out or ordering something at a bar, their first instinct would be to let him talk. He always tries to get them to order. 
He may or may not intentionally ask for the most specific things to see them struggle.
S/O: Could I have a cappuccino please and uhm… a non-fat Frappucino with extra whipped cream?
Dante: Aren’t you forgetting something
S/O, blushing, looking at him and the Starbucks employee: And chocolate.
Dante, beaming: Good girl/Good boy.
He can be aggressive in his attempts, but he isn’t malicious. If he notices that they’re struggling too much he will intervene and save the day. 
Their introvertedness gives him a calm he’s not really used to, so he loves staring at them for no reason. 
Whever he sits at his desk and they’re nearby, he always leans on his hand and stares at them with a lovesick smile he can’t seem to brush off.
Overall, he’s a very supportive boyfriend and, while his methods can be brutal, they’re effective.
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gif by @CAPCOM
Vergil is introverted himself so he understands the struggles his S/O goes through. 
Talks with Vergil are usually short and essential, he’ll hardly ever start long conversations.
If he does, he prefers to be on the listening side of things so he’d ask about their interests or hobbies (he has discovered that his S/O gets very chatty when talking about their interests)
Sitting on the couch reading
Vergil: You seem invested, what are you reading?
S/O: Nothing much, just a novel I picked up from the library this morning.
Vergil: Doesn’t look like nothing, you haven’t eaten all day.
S/O, closing the book: OKAY SO let me tell you all about it.
They proceed to talk his ear off for the rest of the day.
If anyone ever bothers his S/O about being too shy or quiet, Vergil will just stand behind them and glare at the person until they leave. 
Nobody messes with his S/O. Dante made that mistake once, almost got himself a one way ticket to Hell.
When planning dates, Vergil makes sure to let his S/O know when, how and where they’re going, in deep detail.
Vergil: Would you like to eat dinner with me at this new restaurant? The place is near that park you like, very quiet and reserved. There usually aren’t many people and the food seems to be delicious.
S/O, worrying about which clothes to wear: Okay
Vergil: I’ll pick you up at seven. I got you some clothes to wear this evening, if you’d like. 
Very caring boyfriend, even though he doesn’t really show it. 
Introvert approved.
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gif by @BlinchixOfRivia (Tenor)
Nobody really knows how Nero does it, but he reads his S/O’s mind.
Everytime they need something they just look at Nero and he’ll suddenly give it to them, no questions asked.
S/O staring at the cupboard: ...
Nero: hi there
S/O looks at him: ...
Nero opening the cupboard and grabbing their favourite mug: You’re welcome sweetheart.
He doesn’t exactly help them with their introvertedness to be honest. He acts like the extroverted boyfriend that fixes all the problems for their introverted S/O. 
This is only what it looks like to outsiders though. In reality Nero and his S/O talk a lot about their introvertedness and he tries to give them advices on how to handle things on their own.
S/O: I get uncomfortable around people because it’s like they’re staring and judging me. What if I say or do something wrong?
Nero: What if you say or do something right? Plus you don’t really know if they’re judging you or not.
S/O: … they look like they do?
Nero, softly flicking their forehead: You’re overthinking this. Besides, even if they were, you should let them. We both know you’re the best.
He often cups his S/O’s cheek and kisses them softly whenever they are feeling insecure. 
The day his S/O orders on their own instead of telling him what they’d like to eat, he’s overjoyed.
See? It wasn’t that bad
Very supportive boyfriend, 10/10 would reccomend.
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It took me an hour and 5 attempts to load this because internet was NOT collaborating. I hope you enjoyed it.
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