#Neuro Copywriting
creativecourse · 10 months
NLP Copywriting Mastery Information The Internet Changed Everything and It Could Mean the Demise of Your Business If You Don’t Learn This Powerful Skill Before It’s Too Late… There used to be a day when the old phrase, “If you build it, they will come…” was somewhat true. Now, that’s just a pipe dream… Today, we live in an world where people are overwhelmed and oversaturated on a daily basis. People are more skeptical, more cynical and more closed-minded than ever before. The result? It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is (or how good your intentions are)… most people will probably reject you. I remember feeling the sharp sting of having a great product that I knew would help people, but for some reason, few people were buying. I was in my mid-twenties… a single dad, working in a career I hated. I was trying to figure out a way I could get more people to even consider my product. I knew if I could just get people to pay attention, I would be able to sell more product, help more people and quit my stinkin’ day job. I was frustrated to the core, feeling completely beaten and rejected, until a trusted friend read my website and solved the mystery for me. Copywriting was the missing piece. When I learned it, not only did I start selling more than ever before, but within a very short time, I was being paid to professionally write copy for others and watching their sales skyrocket, too. Are you the kind of person who wants to find out how to make your product or service irresistible? Then read on… Think of a time in your life when you saw something you just had to have… Something that practically made your mouth water… As you think of much you wanted that “irresistible thing,” the thought of getting it tickles your mind and calls out your name, and you find yourself saying, “I have to get this…” And as you go back to that time, now, thinking about what you saw or heard that made you feel you want this thing so much, locate that growing feeling of desire inside of you… That’s the feeling you want every customer to have when they read about your product or service. So how do you get people to feel this feeling of deep desire when they come to your website, read your brochure, or see your ads on social media? Hi, my name is Michael Stevenson. I’ve been a business consultant to some of the most celebrated, powerful and successful people in the world. I’ve been professionally writing “copy” (the text that makes up an ad or marketing piece) since 1998, both in my own highly-successful businesses and as a professional copywriter for hire. I’ve been fusing copywriting with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming: the gateway to the mind) for over 18 years. Copywriting is the art of creating words that make people practically salivate over your products and services, and even though it seems like magic, it’s a learnable skill and you can come to master this easier than you may think. Typically, hiring a copywriter to write even one page of copy for your business costs anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000… even $20,000, because once you’ve found the solution to create words to stimulate unstoppable desire within your clients, your profit potential is virtually unlimited. Of all the things in business and marketing, the most powerful thing I’ve ever learned is how to write in a persuasive way that gets people to buy, combining copywriting with Neuro-Linguistic Programming. If you’re a business owner, marketer, or copywriter this could be the big break you’ve been looking for… If You’re Sick and Tired of Knowing You Could Be Generating More Leads, Closing More Clients and Enjoying More Profit, But Not Sure How, Then Copywriting is the Missing Key to Your Success Marketing, online or offline, is no longer about just statistics and demographics… To survive in this rapidly changing world, you need to truly understand the psychology of the mind and how people make decisions. For example, did you know… There are certain colors, numbers
and visuals that people are subconsciously drawn to and attracted to more than others? (some may be used on this page) That different personality types will respond to different kinds of motivation statements and ignore the rest.Learning this can almost double your prospects’ interest (by letting you appeal to 44.7% to 54.9% more people than before) That there are certain words that are so penetrating that they go directly into the subconscious mind (discovered by famed psychiatrist, Dr. Milton H. Erickson, M.D., and so powerful, he refused to teach them to ordinary people like you and me) That one, and only one, particular aspect of your product or service will determine how long or short your copy should be? And that if you get it wrong, statistics show that your audience simply won’t buy (maybe this is why they aren’t buying now) That there are secret ways to subliminally influence your audience to act that can be used in print and online? (Yes, I’m using them somewhere on this page and I’ll tell you exactly where when you watch the course) That there are mental “filters” through which people will be reading your marketing messages (three sensory inputs, four learning styles, and sixteen personality types). Miss even one, and you’ll lose a percentage of your audience. But chances are you’re missing, not one, but at least 66% to 75% of them. Speak to all of them all and you’ll potentially double your sales or more with this skill In This Video Home Study Training, Taught by NLP Master and Marketing Coach, Michael Stevenson… You’ll discover why you have the capability to be a great copywriter, even if you think your writing stinks! You’ll learn how to sell your products or services with great copy on your website, in your ads, brochures, mailers and even social media You’ll find out how to use NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming — the science of the mind) in your copywriting to get even more sales You’ll gain masterful skills from copywriting legends without the years of education and experience it took them to achieve it (through the NLP process of “modeling”) You’ll learn how to use ethical influence and persuasion in copy with step-by-step instructions and checklists You’ll discover and master influencing through stories. Facts tell, but stories sell. You’ll learn one of the most powerful and covert ways of influencing others through story-telling You’ll learn research tactics to zero in on your “dream client” and know how to find them anywhere and speak their language so they naturally want to say yes You’ll complete the training knowing everything you need to know to get better results from your marketing, for the rest of your life, easily and effortlessly You’ll learn insider secrets of copywriting not taught in any other copywriting or marketing course You’ll know exactly what and how to write to sell practically anything using written word Your competitors will wonder what the heck happened as you “steal” client after client, right out from under their nose This is the most ADVANCED and practical, copywriting home study training anywhere. What you’ll learn in this course will, by far, exceed anything you’ve learned in any other copywriting or marketing course and is suitable for both newbies and experts More courses from the same author: Michael Stevenson
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john-morrad · 2 years
Copywriting For Social Media
Copywriting For Social Media
Copywriting For Social Media, 10 Tips.   As internet marketers you all know that copywriting for social media is an essential part of your overarching digital marketing strategy Social media is by far and away the best way to get your message across to the younger generations but it’s also a chance for you to get more personal with your older prospects and explain your business in more…
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cassandrablah · 3 years
Has anyone ever thought about completely rewriting the Harry Potter books to where all of the anti semitism, homophobia, transphobia and all the other horrible things that R*wling put in are just, gone?
Like I’m not taking fanfiction I mean each book, page by horrible page and putting in good and proper representation for POC and neuro-divergant peoples?
I don’t give a shit about copywrite laws I’ll do it myself
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neurocopywriting · 4 years
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“Hello, I am Nataly, I currently live in Berlin and this is my english edition of the original book ‘Metacopywriting’ in Russian. I write for business since 2010 and teach people how to write since 2014. I founded a private school of copywriting and narrative coaching and I use the method I called metacopywriting. At first, it was called neurocopywriting, from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), but I completely switched to a term ‘metacopywriting’, because historically NLP is a wrong name. There is no direct connection with brain or neurons, but it is about ‘meta’, a prefix meaning more comprehensive or transcending. However the name ‘neurocopywriting’ is quite trendy (especially in Russia), so my website is still called neurocopywriting.ru. It was pretty difficult to translate such a specific text, because I work only in my native language, so thanks to my editors I hope I did well. But if you think there is a mistake or a blooper, please feel free to contact me.”
Excerpt From: Natalia Maiorova. “Metacopywriting or Neurocopywring? How to write between the lines”. Apple Books.
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metacopywriting · 4 years
Metacopywriting or Neurocopywring?
“Hello, I am Nataly, I currently live in Berlin and this is my english edition of the original book ‘Metacopywriting’ in Russian. I write for business since 2010 and teach people how to write since 2014. I founded a private school of copywriting and narrative coaching and I use the method I called metacopywriting. At first, it was called neurocopywriting, from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), but I completely switched to a term ‘metacopywriting’, because historically NLP is a wrong name. There is no direct connection with brain or neurons, but it is about ‘meta’, a prefix meaning more comprehensive or transcending. However the name ‘neurocopywriting’ is quite trendy (especially in Russia), so my website is still called neurocopywriting.ru. It was pretty difficult to translate such a specific text, because I work only in my native language, so thanks to my editors I hope I did well. But if you think there is a mistake or a blooper, please feel free to contact me.”
Excerpt From: Natalia Maiorova. “Metacopywriting or Neurocopywring? How to write between the lines”. Apple Books.
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emailmarketin · 3 years
It’s the most potent form of human communication and has been around since prehistoric times.
So yes, it’s as old as time.
Yet new stories are being told every single day, Storytelling evokes all of your senses.
According to storytelling analyst Lisa Cron in her book, Wired For Story: the regions
of the brain that process the sights, sounds, tastes, and movement of real life are activated
when we’re engrossed in a compelling narrative.
So, when a story enthralls us, we are inside of it, feeling what the protagonist feels,
and experiencing it as if it were indeed happening to us.
So there you have it, you can hear it, see it, smell it, taste it, feel it…
Yet it’s completely invisible.
Every culture on the planet has storytelling built into its DNA.
It’s how traditions and customs and norms are passed through the generations.
And before there was the printing press, and digital archives, and voice memos and Siri,
and YouTube, verbal storytelling was the backbone of education and advancement.
We all remember the stories that our parents and grandparents have told us about their
parents and their grandparents, and we’ll pass those stories onto our children too.
So yes, storytelling exists in every single country in the world, yet you take it with
you on your journey through life, everywhere you go.
There’s no doubt that storytelling is insanely powerful…
is absolutely critical for engaging your audience...
Especially in a saturated, and highly-competitive market.
Every good copywriter and marketer knows this to be true, and uses storytelling structures in their sales letters, landing pages, campaigns, and website copy.
It creates relatability, authority, and trust with your prospect.
But how exactly do you weave storytelling into your copy, and what are some of the best
formulas that have worked time and time again?
list of storytelling techniques,
Number One!!!"The Hero’s Journey"
The Hero’s Journey Also known as the Monomyth, The Hero’s Journey was conceptualized by Joseph Campbell in his
book, A Hero With A Thousand Faces.
This story structure has been used in films, and comics, and literature around the world.
It features a hero — also known as the protagonist — as they are called to awaken their potential by setting out on a difficult journey, and ultimately triumphing over adversity.
The Hero’s Journey, which has inspired marketers and screenwriters throughout the past century,
can be summarized into three main acts: The first is The Departure: When an external
event compels the Hero to leave their ordinary world.
Second, The Initiation: When the hero ventures into an unfamiliar territory (also known as
the “unknown world"), meets a mentor or guide and, of course, deals with a variety
of trials and challenges along the way.
And lastly, The Return: The Hero overcomes their struggles and is stronger and wiser,
returning to their Ordinary World with a sense of victory.
You can clearly see this story arc in works like Star Wars, Batman, Game of Thrones
Number Two !! "Future Pacing"
Future Pacing is a type of storytelling that allows the reader to imagine themselves in
their ideal future.
It’s a technique famously used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP, a unique approach to influential
communication that is used by many of the world's notable communicators like Oprah,
Martin Luther King, Tony Robbins, and many more.
Now NLP is a whole science that takes hours and hours and hours to master,
but this one particular technique can be used pretty powerfully in copywriting
The only thing you really need to know is the ONE thing your prospects are looking for.
That singular benefit.
And once you’ve discovered it, use Future Pacing throughout your sales copy to help
them visualize their dream life – or in other words, the life that they’d have AFTER
you help them overcome their problem.
Remember, your brain can not tell the difference between positive memories that have already happened or positive future dreams.
So by allowing your reader to imagine what’s to come, you’re telling their brain that
it’s already happened and therefore possible to achieve.
If you can believe it, you can achieve it, as they say.
The trick, though, is to use present tense so that their brain recognizes it as an event
that is happening or has already happened.
It’s also important to get highly specific with your future pacing.
Number Three !!"The Trouble Maker"
Trouble creates drama, drama creates attention, therefore making the story more memorable and effective
And, of course, the trouble scenarios i write about reflect the problem that his product or service is attempting to solve.
i encourages copywriters to introduce trouble early on to capture attention and
there are two ways you can do this...
The first is what I call The Build-Up: Where everything seems to be going right, you’re
setting the scene, you’re describing the main character, you’re building the tension…
Ad then, just as the reader suspects, everything goes terribly wrong…
And the second is what I call the “Sh*t Storm”: Where you start your story right in the middle of chaos.
Making your reader go- Wait?
How did we get here?
What happened?
And how do we get out?
You’ll see this technique used more and more nowadays because people want trouble
right away!
Or else they get bored and they bounce.
The key though is to draw your prospects into that story world, and then turn it upside
down with trouble.
So this can be done by describing color, emotions, season, time, texture, activity, geography,
mood, sound, or even smell.
This technique is conceptualized by Blake Snyder in his bestselling screenwriting book,
Save The Cat!
Number four! " The Before-After-Bridge"
This B-A-B technique is one of the simplest copywriting tools that has been
used in advertising since the dawn of the Mad Men era.
The Before-After-Bridge works because it moves your prospect from focusing on features and tools, to how it will help them improve their life.
So here’s a quick breakdown.
In the Before: You show your reader the world before your solution.
The key is to get them to identify with the problem you are presenting.
A company that uses this technique really well is M.M.La Fleur, a wardrobe solution
for professional women who, guess what — don’t like to shop.
It goes something like this: “You’re bored of wearing boring pant suits but you have
better things to worry about than what to wear.
You want to take the work out of dressing for work.
If only there were a practical, inspired wardrobe for professional women.”
You then move on to the After.
Which is where you show your readers what their world will look like after your solution.
La Fleur describes the After like so…
“But imagine if you could instead just focus on succeeding in the workplace and harnessing the power of your self-presentation…
While dressing with ease.”
So now you’ve now created a gap in between these two worlds, the before and the after
that your prospects want to fill.
So now all you have to do is Bridge that gap.
Enter your product or service.
M.M La Fleur bridges the gap by saying...
“Fill out a brief survey and arrive to a dressing room curated based on your fit and
style preferences.
Work one-on-one with a personal stylist, while enjoying coffee or prosecco.
Our goal is to treat you to the most productive, personalized, and stress-free shopping experience of your life.”
To their practical target audience, that sounds heavenly.
They feel heard, they feel understood, and they’re given an easy solution to solve
their problem.
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margaretbeagle · 4 years
How to Optimize Content for Maximum Traffic in 2021
With over four billion daily searches, Google continues to dominate the search engine market in 2021. More than that, its first SERP page is enough for 90% of users to find the desired results.
What does it mean for content marketers and SEO specialists?
If you want potential leads to come across your website, do your best to rank high enough for them to see it.
Searching habits change, and Google changes the criteria of what your content should look like to drive more organic website traffic and rank higher. Even the slightest modifications to content can influence your SEO and overall marketing efforts. All you need to do is play by Google’s rules and ensure that you make full use of your marketing content in 2021.
In this article, you’ll find actionable tips on how to optimize content for maximum traffic and higher ranks in search engines.
What Google Wants from Your Content in 2021
To rank high and bring traffic in 2021, your content needs to meet user search intent. While it’s not a new concept, it enjoys a new lease on life after 2020, when searcher behavior changed so rapidly.
As you know, search intent is the reason behind a user’s search. Three main types of search intent are:
informational (when a user looks for answers to how, what, or when queries);
navigational (when a user looks for a specific URL or brand);
transactional (when a user looks to purchase, download something, start a trial, etc.)
Your task is to define the search intent and optimize your content with related keywords accordingly.
Another crucial detail to consider:
Draw on Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust) guidelines when publishing your content. Google mentions E-A-T in its Quality Raters Guidelines; and while it’s not a technical ranking factor itself, appealing to E-A-T in content can help you optimize it much better to outrank competitors.
Do your best to create longer-form content in 2021. First, it allows you to meet the above-mentioned E-A-T guidelines easier. And second, it’s your chance to outperform websites publishing shorter and vague articles on their blog.
As Ron Lieback, CEO at ContentMender mentioned lately, “Throughout 2020, blogs over 2,000 words dramatically outperform blogs of 1,000 words or less. Expect this long-form content trend to continue in 2021.”
Plus, longer content will earn more quality backlinks for your website, influencing its ratings and overall traffic too:
  Content Formats That Are Working Now
Sure thing, there’s no single type of content that would appeal to every user. That’s the reason marketers vary the content formats and submit them to resources with corresponding user preferences.
And yet, some formats are more popular and traffic-potential than others. In 2021, they are as follows:
White papers. It’s your chance to engage the audience with useful information and show that you’re not just about selling but authority and trust too. White papers are about in-depth and research-based content, so corresponding writing apps can help you organize it the best way possible.
Checklists. One of the easiest content formats to create, checklists are extremely popular among the audience because of their usability.
Videos. 72% of people prefer video over text, and it makes landing pages 86% more convertible. If you don’t have video content in your marketing strategy yet, it’s high time to start.
Webinars. They help you show off expertise and demonstrate products or services at work. After the pandemic of 2020, when all the communication went online, webinars have become a must-have of most marketing strategies.
Email newsletters. Not only does it help you highlight other content formats, but it can also be an independent source of traffic and conversion. Given the email’s huge ROI of 40%, you can’t ignore this content format in 2021.
“Be the Source” blog posts and content hubs. These are in-depth, research-backed content pieces that bring new, useful information to readers. According to statistics, such posts bring more traffic and get more backlinks and shares. A great reason to start a blog in 2021, don’t you agree? Just focus on validity and visualize your data for better perception. (You’ve probably noticed that all the images of this article are data visualization, haven’t you?)
Case studies. One of the most effective content formats, case studies allow highlighting your competitive advantage. They are your instrument to build authority and trust, as well as publish niche-specific content that will bring value to your target audience.
  Content Optimization Strategies:
And now, for the most interesting part: Your steps to content optimization for maximum traffic.
1) Optimize for Video- and Email Marketing
When creating video content, make sure its intro is engaging: You have only 15 seconds to make viewers decide whether they want to continue watching.
When on Youtube, remember about proper optimization:
Add keywords to titles and descriptions.
Think of eye-pleasing YouTube banners and engaging thumbnails.
Add closed captions, subtitles, and tags.
Promote your content with email newsletters. Optimize their content so that subscribers won’t have any chance to miss it. Backlinko’s Brian Dean suggests sending them exclusive content, using a blog post newsletter formula:
2) Optimize for Mobile and Voice Search
More than half of Internet traffic comes from mobile devices today, making a mobile-friendly website a must for those willing to succeed. We know that Google rewards mobile-optimized platforms with higher visibility and traffic, so do your best to produce mobile-optimized content this year:
Stay concise, write in short sentences and paragraphs, and avoid overly complicated lexical items. It will serve for more comfortable content consumption from small mobile screens.
Use mobile-optimized keywords.
Place the more engaging information to the page-top so that it would load first.
And now, for voice search. Two words:
It grows.
More than 40% of users perform at least one voice search every day, so why not optimize your content accordingly? Therefore, you’ll help them find your website and attract more traffic to it.
Include relevant questions to your content and answer them as clearly as possible. Organize content into sections with a title for each to help Google understand what’s in there.
3) Optimize for Snippets
We know snippets as Position Zero in Google. They can take the form of a paragraph, list, video, or table, and they steal tons of clicks from the first position in SERPs.
Featured snippets look like this:
By optimizing your content accordingly, you can increase your chances of getting there. For that:
Make it well-structured: use headings, subheads, step-by-step instructions, concise descriptions, etc.
Optimize for a keyword you already rank in the top 10 but not a snippet.
Design a content block on your page, looking like a snippet: add a list, draw a table, or write a definition.
4) Optimize for Common Questions
Google’s algorithms become smarter with every passing year. Not only do they understand questions and feature them in SERPs, but they also consider related concepts to answer too, therefore satisfying a user’s intent.
In plain English, Google implements semantic factors to search.
Optimizing your content for common questions, you’ll improve its organic search visibility and rankings, influence its chances of getting to featured snippets, and engage more users.
Consider “People also ask,” “People also search for,” “Searches related to,” and other tactics to find relevant questions to include in your content.
  5) Remember On-Page SEO Tricks
Revise your every content piece before publishing and make sure it’s as SEO-optimized as possible. Keywords, meta tags, inbound and outbound links’ quality — you can control all this for better visibility and traffic.
Please pay attention to a page’s URL: Make it short and use a keyword in it. (Short URLs get more clicks, and that’s why they rank better.)
Use a kind of the 80/20 rule for keywords in your content: Target 80% evergreen keywords (those adding value and solving users’ problems) and 20% trending keywords. Also, remember to mention related keywords in your content too.
Optimize meta tags: Keep a title short (40-50 characters) and a description — shorter than 150-160 (remember about optimization for mobile). Use your target keyword in at least one subheading of your content. And don’t ignore alt-tags!
Always add internal links to your content. They signal to Google about the relevance of other pages on your website.
A couple of outbound links to authority websites are worth adding too.
  6) Use Content Design Tactics
The way you format content pieces can drastically influence the dwell time and bounce rate of your page. (Both are critical to convincing Google that your information is worth higher rankings.)
These content design tactics from experienced SEO copywriters can help:
Master the art of writing opening paragraphs: use hooks, bucket brigades, and APP (agree, promise, preview) or PPB (preview, proof, bridge) introduction formulas from Brian Dean.
Remember content usability: write in short sentences and paragraphs, add a call to action in conclusion, and avoid usability blunders such as hard-to-see subheads, wrong color-contrast ratio, etc.
Use high-quality visual content: brand images, original graphs, interactive infographics.
Consider emotional writing tactics and neuro-copywriting tricks when applicable: They engage and appeal to users’ needs, therefore influencing your content virality.
  7) Repurpose and Update Content Regularly
Content standards and formats change so often that we have no time to craft all of them from scratch. However, two tactics can help to get a new boost of traffic and scale up your marketing endeavors:
Repurpose your content: Match it to different formats or reuse its specific sections for other platforms. You can also try organizing content in topic clusters for more traffic.
Update your old content pieces regularly: Google ranks new content higher; plus, users will hardly click a five-year-old article, considering its information outdated. Focus on those still relevant for your content strategy.
In 2021, content quality matters more than ever:
Searching habits and content standards change, Google’s algorithms become even smarter, and all this makes marketers wrestle with a question, “How to please both a user and a search engine? How to get both higher ranks in Google and more clicks from users?”
Proper content optimization is what can help. Even the slightest modifications can influence your marketing efforts. So, be familiar with the most recent searching habits and content optimization trends, and play by Google’s rules to win SERPs.
The post How to Optimize Content for Maximum Traffic in 2021 appeared first on Scoop.it Blog.
How to Optimize Content for Maximum Traffic in 2021 published first on https://improfitninja.weebly.com/
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findmoneycoach77 · 4 years
How Everyone Can Use the Copywriting Secrets Free Book!
Copywriting Secrets Book Review - Is It Worth It?!
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
You’re tired of seeing your competitors make sales when you KNOW you’re smarter than they are and you’ve got a better product. Maybe you’ve thought about hiring a copywriter, but when you see their prices you have a heart attack (not only from the upfront fees, but they even want a percentage of your hard-earned money for as long as you run the sales letter)!
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Does This Sound Familiar… You’ve got a dream to make your fortune online. Maybe you want to sell a book as I did… or sell coaching… or software… or a service… or an Ecomm product. Maybe you’re a professional, or a speaker, or an author, or a coach.
You’ve probably heard “gurus” brag about the millions of dollars they made. They all seem to have an “I made a million dollars and look how cool I am” story. It makes you want to bang your head against a wall because it all feels so out of reach!
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
Maybe your dream is to make a LOT more sales online using a funnel, store, or website. Maybe you need more leads in your business or for the phone to ring a little more often. Or maybe your dream is just to get something going so you can pay your bills each month and have a nice chunk leftover (instead of working a second job just to make ends meet).
Whichever level you want to hit, it’s a sure bet you’d like to do it quickly and on “auto-pilot” so you can enjoy your life and family… instead of working all the time!
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
In the past, you may have experienced failure trying to sell online (or offline) and now what really petrifies you is potentially wasting a ton of time and money (like you may have done before).
None Of This Is Your Fault
You just don’t know the formulas that actually work to sell in today’s fast-paced world… yet! It’s not that you’re not smart enough or lack the ability or will power to “make it happen.”
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
The actual issue is you’ve just not learned what the “professional copywriters” know, but won’t (or can’t) teach you.
But, the great news for you is I’m going to show you how to increase your clicks, sales, and subscribers instantly (with the traffic you already have… even if it’s not much)!
And That’s Not Even HALF What You’ll Discover Inside The Pages Of This Breakthrough NEW Book You Can Get FREE
How to find the EXACT right “magic” words your customers and potential customers use to describe what they want to buy! (So you can USE those “magic” words in your sales letters, ads, emails and more… which means people buy from you by the truckload!) – pg. 104
The single most deadly trap you can fall into when you start writing sales copy… and it’s even worse the smarter you are. (Seriously! Smart people struggle with this trap the most. But I’ll show you how to instantly sidestep it and never look back!) – pg. 110
The FOUR biggest reasons people WON’T BUY from you – and how to avoid those obstacles like the plague! (Don’t self-sabotage when you’re this close to making sales because you commit one of these blunders… and cause customers to avoid you like a skunk at a Sunday church social)! – pg. 112
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
My single biggest shortcut for writing amazing emails and sales copy that makes your audience say “Wow! He really gets me. He understands me. He knows exactly where I’m coming from!” (This secret gets them to buy from you over, and over, and over again!). – pg. 114
What to do if you don’t have any testimonials yet, but you need proof that what you’re selling is important and works (RELAX: I’ll show you specific ways to sell WITHOUT ever getting the first testimonial). – pg. 118
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
How to create a WIN-WIN scenario with your dream customers AND get testimonials by the truckload (while you also prove your product or service works to the point that ANYONE in your target market would be crazy not to buy it!). – pg. 121
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
The EXACT Sales Copy FORMULA that turns problems into profits. (No other sales copy formula has done more to change lives and fill bank accounts than this one… and I’ll show you EXACTLY how to use this proven formula in any situation you can think of!) – pg. 125
Use your customer’s “hidden” desires (the ones they might not even realize or even admit to themselves) and turn them into sales “rocket fuel” with this “3X B” Sales Copy FORMULA! – pg. 127
The “future pace” FORMULA that uses the science of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming – the study of how language gets people to take action) to get people to visualize their perfect future with your product, service, or coaching and then BUY from you! – pg. 129
My go-to format for a sales funnel when I first start to test market a new product, offer, or affiliate link. (Drop these three simple “building blocks” on the page and you’re off to the races. MISS one… and you’re hosed!). – pg. 137
Does length matter? The TRUTH about whether “long form sales letters” still work or whether you should go with a VSL (Video Sales Letter)… my answer may SHOCK you, especially if you sell offline or market high-ticket items! – pg. 138
How to write an amazing sales letter fast! I share the PROVEN 13-STEP sales message formula I use that WILL hit every button your customers need to make a purchase decision NOW! (This is the “slippery slide” that makes them buy!) – pg. 143-158
The ONE and only purpose of an email teaser! (Miss this one and you might as well just throw your emails in the trash or spam folder yourself and not even bother to send them!) – pg. 160
The ONE and only purpose of your email subject line! (Again, miss this one and you might as well go out in your driveway and slam your hand in the car door… you’ll get more reaction!) – pg. 161
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
How to QUICKLY write amazing email teasers people actually open and take ACTION on (as in click on the links in your email and then go buy your stuff… which is what we want, right? Right!). – pg. 162
My SIX-POINT email formula that’s GUARANTEED to get you clicks from people who WANT what you’ve got right now! (And they’re willing to whip out their wallets and pay for it!) – pg. 165
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
The secret to go from a blank screen with a blinking cursor to a finished piece of sales copy FASTER than you could ever do it “from scratch.” (If you’ve ever suffered from writer’s block, this is the solution you’ve prayed for!) – pg. 168
It’s true that you “can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” But it’s also true you CAN make that horse so THIRSTY he’ll beg to buy a drink of water from you at any price! – pg. 172
The “3 M’s Of Content” that make customers STOP in their tracks, pay attention to every word you say, and then whack the buy, try, or apply button on your page (faster than a schnauzer jumps on a bacon snack)! – pg. 173
Four ways to sell with FREE content! (Use these four angles to turn videos, articles, blog posts, tweets and Facebook posts into raging cash registers that bring you clicks by the wagonload!) – pg. 175
The “Yellow Brick Road” Formula that literally leads people step by step to the point of buying from you (and they’ll think it was THEIR idea to buy the whole time as they head off to see the wizard… with credit card in hand)! – pg. 178
The “give them a shovel… then sell them a bulldozer” method for skyrocketing sales! (How teaching people exactly what to do will make them buy from you in droves.) – pg. 179
“Love me. Hate me. There’s no money in the middle!” Why forcing people to make a decision about you personally is one of the most profitable things you can do with your sales copy. (And why trying to please everyone means you WON’T sell to ANYONE!) – pg. 181
Even if your product has nothing to do with making money, you still need to learn how to make a “profitable product promise!” (This 4-part FORMULA makes it simple to create offers even The Godfather can’t refuse!) – pg. 188
“Put lipstick on that pig!” What to do if your sales copy just isn’t working. (What to try. What to test… And even when to throw in the towel and just plain start over.) – pg. 197
“What should I charge?” You get the answers you need to this critical question about price and sales copy once and for all (so you can minimize pain and maximize profit in your business – FAST)! – pg. 203 How to “go negative” with your sales copy and not get sued! (Why, when, and how “joining the dark side” can massively increase your profits… or blow up your business. Learn the difference here!) – pg. 208
The “one thing” you should NEVER, ever, EVER do this in your sales copy (unless you want an avalanche of letters from lawyers, a mountain of legal bills, and a firm court date that has nothing to with jury duty)! – pg. 211
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
“Stealth Closes” – the secret to selling without selling! (These are my secret weapons to fly under a prospect’s “anti-sales” radar defenses and get them to click, buy, try or sign up!) – pg. 213
“The Hired Gun” – the truth about how and when you should (and should NOT) hire a copywriter to help you with your sales copy. – pg. 223
How a small “test” can save you TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS – or MORE – in copywriting fees. – pg. 226
How to instantly “get inside the mind” of your ideal prospect and have them TELL you EXACTLY what they want to buy, try, or subscribe! (This unique visualization exercise will give you the insider perspective about your customers all business owners crave!) – pg. 229
13 questions that instantly reveal customers’ emotional hot buttons that lead to sales (these are the shortcuts to PUSH THEIR BUTTONS so they buy, try, and subscribe)! – pg. 235-236
The one and ONLY purpose of an online ad (and no, it’s not to build your brand awareness or “retarget” someone who didn’t buy from you last week. Miss this and you can kiss your entire advertising budget goodbye!). – pg. 241
The #1 ingredient that increases your advertising results 10X, 100X or more! (Skip this and it’s like trying to bake cookies without flour… you waste time and get results that taste like crap!) – pg. 243
The MAGIC “Ads” FORMULA to INSTANTLY find the ads that work and dump the ones that don’t… without taking weeks or spending thousands to do it. (Follow this plan and you’re guaranteed to find the winner ads that drive traffic like crazy!) – pg. 250
Just like you can’t catch fish without a hook, you can’t make sales without a “hook”! Discover the easiest and FASTEST hooks that land the big fish and fat paydays. (FYI, this is NOT your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).) – pg. 254
Success leaves clues! Build yourself the same copywriting “treasure chest” the greatest copywriters of all time use to write ads, sales letters, and more (FASTER than you could ever do from scratch)! – pg. 261
Why people pass judgement on you and the quality of your product or service based on this one single “boo boo” in your sales copy (Good News: you have 100% COMPLETE control over it)! – pg. 268
And much, MUCH More!!! Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
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bioayurvedaonline · 4 years
The Ultimate Benefits of Cinnamon Essential Body Oil
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Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavoring additive in a wide variety of traditional foods. Many brands are using Cinnamon for face creams, shampoos, and oils. But amazingly the essential oil derived from cinnamon provides a warming effect on the body, invigorates senses, and can actually provide an energy boost. This effectively stimulates the brain and boost focus. Additionally, researches have shown that cinnamon essential oil can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, prevents lethargy, stimulates metabolism, and boost overall energy levels, vitality, and stamina.
How Essential Oils Are Useful?
There are many ways of uplifting energy levels: getting proper sleep by going to bed earlier or taking a nap, eating a healthy diet, staying well-hydrated, and regular exercise regimen. But, from the centuries, massage therapy is one of the best alternative that not only rejuvenate skin luminescence but also is another great, natural choice for an energy boost.
Essential oils are known to have multitude of health benefits. Research has shown that they affect multiple biological factors in the body including heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels.
When used aromatically or applied topically, essential oils directly influences neuro health and controls tiredness and stress.
The essential oils allows to shift mood at the physiological level also, leaving you feeling more awake, focused, and prepared to take on the day on an energized note.
Many essential oils offer energy-boosting benefits, and some even help improve focus and motivation.
Cinnamon Perfect poise Essential body oil is one the best oils to increase energy, stamina and relieve fatigue.
Key Benefits of Cinnamon Body oil
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The natural body oil is the perfect way to energize your day, fortify your body, restore vitality & enhance stamina.
This organic body massage oil is invigorating that re-energizes awake senses and revitalizes the skin.
This massage oil also moisturizes the skin and gets easily absorbed into it. Cinnamon for face benefits is well-known so it also helps in repairing dry skin and improves skin complexion.
This multi-nutrient and vitamin-enriched oil helps to soothe your body and relieve stress.
It delivers the goodness of pure naturals with many other oil blends that help to restore youthful radiance to your skin.
Massaging with this oil helps to strengthen the skin texture and helps to repair damaged skin.
Unlike the traditional body oils which are sticky, this is moisturizing, non-greasy oil which is perfect to apply both in summers and winters.
It gives optimum hydration and a spa-like feeling throughout the day.
It is a blend of wisely selected revitalizing herbs that are processed in the oil to nourish the muscles and the skin.
Regular massaging stimulates blood circulation, cleanses impurities and makes the skin glow. It also smoothens skin, reduces wrinkles and sagging skin, giving a fresh, suppled and radiant look.
The cinnamon essential oil can be used in aromatherapy or with a room diffuser
Organic infusions
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Carom or Ajwain  
It has anti-fungal and germicidal properties. A natural aphrodisiac, it improves strength and vigor. It gives relief in respiratory ailments like asthma and bronchitis. It is also considered to counter premature greying of hair. It is beneficial for urinary, cardiac, and reproductive health. It is also useful in addressing eye
Cinnamon or Dalchini
It is rich in antioxidants and minerals. It boosts memory and cognitive capacity. It has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, aphrodisiac, and many more properties. It is a cardio-stimulant and regulates blood sugar. It helps lower cholesterol, and is a detoxifier and decongestant. It helps to boost blood circulation for invigorating strength.
Olive Oil or Jaitun Oil
This is one of the best benefits of olive oil for the body. Excessive strain, sitting in front of the computer for a long time or over-exercise can often lead to strained and inflamed muscles and joints, although our instinct is to reach for over the counter pain killers, what it provides, in reality, is just temporary relief while what our body needs is a nourishing and intense body massage. Massaging the body with olive oil helps in relieving muscle pains, sprains, spasms, and inflamed joints. Relaxing olive oil body massage helps in calming nerves, throughout the body, thereby improving energy levels and supplying overall nourishment and strength to the body.
Orange or Narangi
It is high in vitamin C and citric acid. It helps in drying up acne and unclogs pores, preventing breakouts. It has wonderful anti-aging and anti-oxidant properties to keep skin moisturized, refreshed and toned, giving it a soft radiance. It uplifts mood and mind. Its refreshing aroma brings on cheerful energy, pleasant mood, and positivity. With anti-depressant and sedative action, it relaxes and alleviates anxiety and helps in restful peace and calm reducing stress and other causes of fatigue.
Massage awhile for absorption into the skin. For sensitive skin, you can also add more of the carrier oil. Apply on your rough skin, feel it soak into your skin and leave it feeling smooth, supple and silken soft all through the day along with restored energy vitality and strength.
Rejuvenate your body and mind; keep skin healthy with BIOAYURVEDA Cinnamon Poise Essential Body Oil. This not only supports in improving skin texture and appearance. But also promote skin cell regeneration. CINNAMON PERFECT POISE ESSENTIAL BODY OIL is a unique blend of vital essential & natural oils that is formulated for combating fatigue and weariness. With powerful anti-inflammatory action, it fights free radicals, fungal infections, signs of aging, loss of tone, body ache and enhances skin resilience and renewal.
BIOAYURVEDA, one of the biggest Ayurvedic Brand in India offers products that are free of any chemicals or synthetics and are purely 100% organic and natural. With international quality certifications, it offers a comprehensive ecosystem for addressing lifestyle concerns and enabling self-care with the power of ancient Ayurveda in the modern context. For more details and a vast range of selection, visit www.bioayurveda.in.
Author Bio: Preeti Bansal is a Senior Strategic Digital marketer – Content & Communications. She is a vivid content writer, blogger, copywriter, editor with the latest digital media skills. She constantly contributes articles, blogs, press releases, product reviews, etc. regularly across Sooperarticles, Medium, Ghost, Vocal Media, hatenadiary media, and many more platforms.
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webbygraphic001 · 4 years
20 Best New Websites, April 2020
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In April’s 20 Best New Websites roundup we’ve got some awesome examples of current design trends, and one or two sites that have struck out in their own direction. There’s an experimental typeface, a museum making perfect use of video, and lots of large type. But the two dominant themes are lots of color, and lots of transitions. Enjoy!
This incredible site for THC-infused beverages from Calexo, is bursting with color, and positivity. We absolutely love the animated hamburger menu that seems to embody the spirit of the product.
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Illustration has been a huge trend for the last couple of years, what we love about Moderne’s approach is that it’s embraced the trend, but adopted a completely unique style of illustration that’s certain to spark a trend of its own.
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Play is a new app for designing experiences on your phone instead of your desktop. Its site features some awesome, atmospheric product demos, with beautifully shot hand overlays.
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If you’re stuck in lockdown thanks to the coronavirus, or just at a loose end, you’ll appreciate the bored.solutions site which styles a simple collection of links with amazing color blobbing.
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It’s pretty hard to enthuse about socks, especially as compression socks aren’t the sexiest option, but Comrad’s site does the job perfectly. And check out the social proof, a 3-times Olympic champion no less.
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Digital Horizon
Digital Horizon is a venture capitalist investment fund. Its site has some nice slick text transitions, but what really stands out is the incredible use of the animated liquid effect to bring its huge hero image to life.
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Érika Moreira
This is a fabulous, simple site for Sao Paulo-based copywriter Érika Moreira. We love the big type, and the creative use of case studies. It’s tough to produce a great portfolio for a writer but this is definitely an awesome example.
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Odunpazarı Modern Museum
Set mid-way between Ankara and Istanbul, in Turkey, is Odunpazarı Modern Museum, a modern art gallery that expertly uses video to convey the experience of visiting the current series of exhibits.
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MoreSleep is a Berlin-based agency, with a presence in LA; Its branding makes fascinating use of some exaggerated ink traps, and we love the animated scribble hover states of the links.
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Käthe Kollwitz Memorial
The Käthe Kollwitz memorial site is a tribute to the life and work of the Expressionist printmaker. The site features stunning examples of her work, presented alongside large type and splash style color transitions.
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The Ruby Company
Blending video, photography, and some woodcut-style illustrations, The Ruby Company’s site conveys a sense of rising to the challenge, with positivity and some excellent UX writing.
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Neuro sells gum and mints with a hint of caffeine to help you stay calm and focussed. Its modern brand, with bold warm colors, and simple typography, is perfectly pitched for the millennial market.
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Ride Out
The intriguingly masked video that introduces us to Ride Out, Amsterdam’s ultimate bike store, does so much to tease the in-store content. And we love the wheel inspired spinning links.
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Andrew Benson
Andrew Benson’s site is a crazy single-page site with color, motion, energy, and creative coding. He’s come up with the kind of personal site we loved 20 years ago.
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Ballsystem is an Italian company that smooths out dents in vehicle bodywork. What we love about this site is that every transition, state change, and animation is super smooth, mimicking the company’s product.
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Basic is a West-coast experience design and branding agency with an exceptional site. There’s awesome attention to detail, from the barely-noticeable glitch effect in the background, to the graceful state transitions.
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Mosaic Foods
Any food site needs to have great photography, which Mosaic achieves, but we’re also fans of the organic, natural-feeling shapes and colors, and the carefully considered user experience.
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Capo La Gala
The site for Capo La Gala perfectly captures the glamor and light of the Gulf of Naples. With views to both Capri and Vesuvius, the site makes great use of photography combined with video.
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Yuta Onoda
The real strength of Yuta Onoda’s site is having the confidence to present such great work, in such a simple format. It’s a fantastic example of invisible design, and less is more.
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Max is an experimental typeface that would be perfect for somebody’s branding project. It’s a variable font, and the promotional site is a fun digital playground. This is one time when a dark mode option really does help.
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Source from Webdesigner Depot https://ift.tt/2xXCCh9 from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Xds604
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john-morrad · 3 years
Neuro Copywriting.
Three Tips From Neuroscience For Better Copywriting. As Marketers We Should All Learn Neuro Copywriting. – Click the pic! What is neuro copywriting? And why is it important to affiliate marketers? Neuro copywriting is the practical application of the discoveries of neuroscientists and psychological science to copywriting in order to make our written communication more effective. Neuro copywriting…
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thedanny522 · 4 years
👋 Hey, I write sales copy that makes you more money.​I sell using words that persuade your visitors to take an action, whether it's buying a product/service, signing up in a squeeze page, or clicking a button on your site.​I also turn your sales funnels into "well oiled machines" that pump out conversions faster than the actual friggin speed of light. (Disclaimer: I didn't actually test that)��Now, for many of you, I am going to make your day. I suspect what I am going to write next is going to put smiles on the faces of people all over Reddit....​I'm going to make you smile by telling you that the above sentence secretly manipulated you!​It's called a "Slippery Slope" transition statement. It's designed to make you read the next sentence!​That's why people hire me! I get people to read one sentence, and then the next... and the next...​I could go on and on, but here's what you need to know right now...​It just worked on you again! Another slippery slope transition statement. 😎​Okay, I'm done..but there are a couple psychological reasons you're still reading this I want to share with you:​It's actually been 100% about what I can do for you, you feel you're getting some "nuggets" of information. I write like I'm talking to YOU, to ONE person, not an "internet crowd".​You might think my "two sentences per paragraph" spacing is annoying, but it makes mobile users more engaged because they read it faster, and scroll down constantly with a physical action of their finger. This is called "Neuro-Linguistic-Programming".​I just response blocked your objection to my writing being annoying in the point above, if you're a user who thought it was. This is where It's ME who brings up the objection so I CAN control it, and do what I want with it, instead of you being in control throwing it in the comments.​I write like I speak. That's super important when you want to keep people engaged and flowing down your page to make a conversion!​If even YOU are surprised that you just read 364 words by the end of this sentence.​Then let me do the same for your emails or website for FREE!​(Also, sorry for the weird sentence stop, I wanted to make a point)​I'm offering to do the following copy work for 3 users, 100% free (more would be too large a workload)​Sales Letter CopyEmails/Email Autoresponder Sequence copyLead Magnet Creation Copy (Ebook, Email Course, Checklist, Quickstart Guide, etc...)Blog Article that leads to a call to action or has affiliate links in it.Landing Page CopyIf you want me to write copy to increase your sales toss me a message with the details of the work you'd like.​I'm giving the first 3 people to message me with serious work, free consult and copy work. You'll own the copy and do what you want with it, it's all yours!​Thanks for hanging out with me, it's been fun!​PS: I'm doing this because I have some down-time this week, and I LOVE Copywriting. I seriously just enjoy writing good copy and seeing the results roll in. I don't think I could take on more than three, because I have client work coming up. via /r/Affiliatemarketing
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caop-op · 4 years
★★Money, Entrepreneur and Persuasion Program: https://www.tailopez.com/flow.php?id=FS-2605&aff=3086240 
★★Ecommerce Specialist Program Certification New Program. https://www.tailopez.com/flow.php?id=FS-2230&aff=944638 
Money Program: - Three Bucket Money Mastery - Investing In The Stock Market - How To Own Multiple Properties - How To Properly Leverage Your Insurance - How To Find The Right Business Mentors - Best Businesses To Make A Million Dollars - The Secrets To Stocks And Bonds - Asset Diversification - Time Value Of Money Concepts - Planning For Your Retirement and more... Entrepreneur Program: - Raising Capital - The Foundation Of A Social Media Strategy - Stacking The Trends - Profit Maximization Strategies - How To Use Email Marketing - How To Write A Business Plan - How To Scale Your Business - How To Generate Leads - Identifying Target Markets - Front Loaded Business Models and more... Persuasion Program: - The P.A.S.E. System: Understanding Personality Types - Closing The Sale - The Psychology Of Attracting Investors - How To Overcome Objections When Closing - Advanced Copywriting And Neuro-Marketing - Advanced Negotiating - Advanced Networking: How To Sell Yourself - The Advanced Investor Pitch - Sales Mastery and more...
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earnxmoney-blog · 4 years
Copywriting Secrets Book Review – Is It Worth It?!
Learning How To Make Money.The Definitive Earn X Money Guide To Earning Money While You’re On The Learning How To Make Money Online.
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Copywriting Secrets Book Review – Is It Worth It?!
How Everyone Can Use the Copywriting Secrets Free Book.
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
Does This Sound Familiar…
You’ve got a dream to make your fortune online. Maybe you want to sell a book as I did… or sell coaching… or software… or a service… or an Ecomm product. Maybe you’re a professional, or a speaker, or an author, or a coach.
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Copywriting Secrets Book Review – Is It Worth It?!
You’re tired of seeing your competitors make sales when you KNOW you’re smarter than they are and you’ve got a better product. Maybe you’ve thought about hiring a copywriter, but when you see their prices you have a heart attack (not only from the upfront fees, but they even want a percentage of your hard-earned money for as long as you run the sales letter)!
You’ve probably heard “gurus” brag about the millions of dollars they made. They all seem to have an “I made a million dollars and look how cool I am” story. It makes you want to bang your head against a wall because it all feels so out of reach!
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
Maybe your dream is to make a LOT more sales online using a funnel, store, or website. Maybe you need more leads in your business or for the phone to ring a little more often. Or maybe your dream is just to get something going so you can pay your bills each month and have a nice chunk leftover (instead of working a second job just to make ends meet).
Whichever level you want to hit, it’s a sure bet you’d like to do it quickly and on “auto-pilot” so you can enjoy your life and family… instead of working all the time!
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
In the past, you may have experienced failure trying to sell online (or offline) and now what really petrifies you is potentially wasting a ton of time and money (like you may have done before).
None Of This Is Your Fault
You just don’t know the formulas that actually work to sell in today’s fast-paced world… yet! It’s not that you’re not smart enough or lack the ability or will power to “make it happen.”
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
The actual issue is you’ve just not learned what the “professional copywriters” know, but won’t (or can’t) teach you.
But, the great news for you is I’m going to show you how to increase your clicks, sales, and subscribers instantly (with the traffic you already have… even if it’s not much)!
And That’s Not Even HALF What You’ll Discover Inside The Pages Of This Breakthrough NEW Book You Can Get FREE
How to find the EXACT right “magic” words your customers and potential customers use to describe what they want to buy! (So you can USE those “magic” words in your sales letters, ads, emails and more… which means people buy from you by the truckload!) – pg. 104
The single most deadly trap you can fall into when you start writing sales copy… and it’s even worse the smarter you are. (Seriously! Smart people struggle with this trap the most. But I’ll show you how to instantly sidestep it and never look back!) – pg. 110
The FOUR biggest reasons people WON’T BUY from you – and how to avoid those obstacles like the plague! (Don’t self-sabotage when you’re this close to making sales because you commit one of these blunders… and cause customers to avoid you like a skunk at a Sunday church social)! – pg. 112
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
My single biggest shortcut for writing amazing emails and sales copy that makes your audience say “Wow! He really gets me. He understands me. He knows exactly where I’m coming from!” (This secret gets them to buy from you over, and over, and over again!). – pg. 114
What to do if you don’t have any testimonials yet, but you need proof that what you’re selling is important and works (RELAX: I’ll show you specific ways to sell WITHOUT ever getting the first testimonial). – pg. 118
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
How to create a WIN-WIN scenario with your dream customers AND get testimonials by the truckload (while you also prove your product or service works to the point that ANYONE in your target market would be crazy not to buy it!). – pg. 121
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
The EXACT Sales Copy FORMULA that turns problems into profits. (No other sales copy formula has done more to change lives and fill bank accounts than this one… and I’ll show you EXACTLY how to use this proven formula in any situation you can think of!) – pg. 125
Use your customer’s “hidden” desires (the ones they might not even realize or even admit to themselves) and turn them into sales “rocket fuel” with this “3X B” Sales Copy FORMULA! – pg. 127
The “future pace” FORMULA that uses the science of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming – the study of how language gets people to take action) to get people to visualize their perfect future with your product, service, or coaching and then BUY from you! – pg. 129
My go-to format for a sales funnel when I first start to test market a new product, offer, or affiliate link. (Drop these three simple “building blocks” on the page and you’re off to the races. MISS one… and you’re hosed!). – pg. 137
Does length matter? The TRUTH about whether “long form sales letters” still work or whether you should go with a VSL (Video Sales Letter)… my answer may SHOCK you, especially if you sell offline or market high-ticket items! – pg. 138
How to write an amazing sales letter fast! I share the PROVEN 13-STEP sales message formula I use that WILL hit every button your customers need to make a purchase decision NOW! (This is the “slippery slide” that makes them buy!) – pg. 143-158
The ONE and only purpose of an email teaser! (Miss this one and you might as well just throw your emails in the trash or spam folder yourself and not even bother to send them!) – pg. 160
The ONE and only purpose of your email subject line! (Again, miss this one and you might as well go out in your driveway and slam your hand in the car door… you’ll get more reaction!) – pg. 161
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
How to QUICKLY write amazing email teasers people actually open and take ACTION on (as in click on the links in your email and then go buy your stuff… which is what we want, right? Right!). – pg. 162
My SIX-POINT email formula that’s GUARANTEED to get you clicks from people who WANT what you’ve got right now! (And they’re willing to whip out their wallets and pay for it!) – pg. 165
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
The secret to go from a blank screen with a blinking cursor to a finished piece of sales copy FASTER than you could ever do it “from scratch.” (If you’ve ever suffered from writer’s block, this is the solution you’ve prayed for!) – pg. 168
It’s true that you “can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” But it’s also true you CAN make that horse so THIRSTY he’ll beg to buy a drink of water from you at any price! – pg. 172
The “3 M’s Of Content” that make customers STOP in their tracks, pay attention to every word you say, and then whack the buy, try, or apply button on your page (faster than a schnauzer jumps on a bacon snack)! – pg. 173
Four ways to sell with FREE content! (Use these four angles to turn videos, articles, blog posts, tweets and Facebook posts into raging cash registers that bring you clicks by the wagonload!) – pg. 175
The “Yellow Brick Road” Formula that literally leads people step by step to the point of buying from you (and they’ll think it was THEIR idea to buy the whole time as they head off to see the wizard… with credit card in hand)! – pg. 178
The “give them a shovel… then sell them a bulldozer” method for skyrocketing sales! (How teaching people exactly what to do will make them buy from you in droves.) – pg. 179
“Love me. Hate me. There’s no money in the middle!” Why forcing people to make a decision about you personally is one of the most profitable things you can do with your sales copy. (And why trying to please everyone means you WON’T sell to ANYONE!) – pg. 181
Even if your product has nothing to do with making money, you still need to learn how to make a “profitable product promise!” (This 4-part FORMULA makes it simple to create offers even The Godfather can’t refuse!) – pg. 188
“Put lipstick on that pig!” What to do if your sales copy just isn’t working.(What to try. What to test… And even when to throw in the towel and just plain start over.) – pg. 197
“What should I charge?” You get the answers you need to this critical question about price and sales copy once and for all (so you can minimize pain and maximize profit in your business – FAST)! – pg. 203
How to “go negative” with your sales copy and not get sued! (Why, when, and how “joining the dark side” can massively increase your profits… or blow up your business. Learn the difference here!) – pg. 208
The “one thing” you should NEVER, ever, EVER do this in your sales copy (unless you want an avalanche of letters from lawyers, a mountain of legal bills, and a firm court date that has nothing to with jury duty)! – pg. 211
Copywriting Secrets Book! Free of Cost +Shipping
“Stealth Closes” – the secret to selling without selling! (These are my secret weapons to fly under a prospect’s “anti-sales” radar defenses and get them to click, buy, try or sign up!) – pg. 213
“The Hired Gun” – the truth about how and when you should (and should NOT) hire a copywriter to help you with your sales copy. – pg. 223
How a small “test” can save you TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS – or MORE – in copywriting fees. – pg. 226
How to instantly “get inside the mind” of your ideal prospect and have them TELL you EXACTLY what they want to buy, try, or subscribe! (This unique visualization exercise will give you the insider perspective about your customers all business owners crave!) – pg. 229
13 questions that instantly reveal customers’ emotional hot buttons that lead to sales (these are the shortcuts to PUSH THEIR BUTTONS so they buy, try, and subscribe)! – pg. 235-236
The one and ONLY purpose of an online ad (and no, it’s not to build your brand awareness or “retarget” someone who didn’t buy from you last week. Miss this and you can kiss your entire advertising budget goodbye!). – pg. 241
The #1 ingredient that increases your advertising results 10X, 100X or more! (Skip this and it’s like trying to bake cookies without flour… you waste time and get results that taste like crap!) – pg. 243
The MAGIC “Ads” FORMULA to INSTANTLY find the ads that work and dump the ones that don’t… without taking weeks or spending thousands to do it. (Follow this plan and you’re guaranteed to find the winner ads that drive traffic like crazy!) – pg. 250
Just like you can’t catch fish without a hook, you can’t make sales without a “hook”! Discover the easiest and FASTEST hooks that land the big fish and fat paydays. (FYI, this is NOT your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).) – pg. 254
Success leaves clues! Build yourself the same copywriting “treasure chest” the greatest copywriters of all time use to write ads, sales letters, and more (FASTER than you could ever do from scratch)! – pg. 261
Why people pass judgement on you and the quality of your product or service based on this one single “boo boo” in your sales copy (Good News: you have 100% COMPLETE control over it)! – pg. 268
and much, MUCH More!!!
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top1course · 5 years
The Ladder of Wealth: How to Climb Your Way to Financial Independence
Another one, this is fun, this is good, yes, hi everybody my name is Lee and lie, we spoken before in my partner for this exercise is Danny and we both, working for a mortgage broker at work for an incredible mortgage broker Danny is a business and life coach and we are, we’re both Professionals in a hugely saturated Market, you can’t go to any networking event and find three or four mortgage brokers three or four business life coaches, i don’t know Danny while but my business my mortgage broker Partners phenomenal has been in lending for over 10 years, he could get, a cat approved for mortgage I’m kidding, he’s just phenomenal his contacts his resources his abilities people find him on LinkedIn they see, he came on LinkedIn people I met at networking events bounce me and they connect with him months later online, linkedIn I know that person I met them while they came after me, How do we Market ourselves brand ourselves, in a very very saturated Market of, semi-professional to self live cultures mortgage broker real estate agent, or, consultants in all these things, what’s an integer, daddy daddy, good night, so, now they’re not to put you down but you know what I mean like with people in to tell people to all my life coach, one of those right, it’s like this so many people I liked on his coaches out there, the problem with those type of, professions, is that, from most people’s point of view., that they can, tell, the difference, maybe you do care about your clients more and maybe you are smarter maybe you have more experience but from the consumers, point of view they can’t tell the difference, they can’t tell the difference, so to differentiate yourself it’s let me see a couple principles with you, And it’s apply to everybody number one is you want to call yourself anything but, because the Dominica Samurai one of a life coach, people have a preconceived idea what that is, so did you finish yourself I would do a couple things, number one, knowing that in any industry, this is a framework that I teach I’m trying to see if I can remember it so bear with me okay bear with me I might not get a hundred, so you have what I call a a generalist, okay a generalist is someone a doctor write a a lawyer a mortgage, broker a, coach, and then you have what I call a specialist they specialize maybe like Andre lawyer, 74 Tremont right or acquisition lawyer, or in the doctor you have surgeons, call Anil cosmetic surgeons maybe not let me ask you a question who makes more money JLo or special, Specialist specialist.
So then, you have still from there you’re General specialist so the first that we got to do is how can U Niche what you do, so instead of, then what kind of Coach what who do you coach, 45 to 60 years old, what type of people, like what what what what problems you solve for them, yeah he was fierce you see how f****** bra that is, that is like a bra, 45 to 60 years old, how can you specialize it some more, how can you narrow it down and say you know what this is who I serve, who is your ideal client, you might think while but then did I’m giving my tenant business away yes you are, but then in the moth from the marketplace point of view when you say I do this, people can’t people like to pigeonhole you, Do you want to know that you are an expert at something, when you say you do such a bra thing is like, it’s like imagine you go to your dentist, in the dentist checking your teeth, checking a teeth, and you like you know what your teeth is pretty good you want to let me check your food as well, why I’m at this right, chiropractor work on you, you like what the f*** is this, because it’s going to be everything everybody, so you want to be a special assistant first step, okay and then you wanted what I call become the expert, this is kind of a lot of wealth, expert in any industry makes more money than specialist, and more money than generous, an expert people is the go-to person, it’s just like the Punisher you work with, he’s an expert they can say people talk about him on LinkedIn people seek him out and keep the sea, We have to Chase business has no business comes to you, okay, so as an expert, that’s good, and then the highest letter well is what I call, celebrity Authority, that’s the one that makes the most amount of money, i think now, i think I’m somewhere between here, givens bold maybe 3-4 years I’ll be here, celebrity Authority, tony Robbins yes, dan Kennedy yes Tony Robbins for sure yes, who else, oprah Winfrey yes, gordon Ramsay absolutely right, any other names in other names, so you know any category that usually only one or two of them, and the other one the next, emergeortho of the majority of the money, you have how many Tony Robbins wannabe, copycat, you think about motivational speaker you know how how much money do you know by the way, Do you know, huh, normal in a year hr21 for coaching, a million a year, no that’s not how much you make if you know, yes, guess just have fun, i know the number you know, so let me compare other motivational speaker Tony comes from, comes from the NLP industry, neuro linguistic programming, all the NLP guys hate him, they hate him, cuz they he thinks he’s not very least doesn’t fall the traditional NLP path and kind of comes up with his own thing, so these guys, speaking of which I had actually back pain 11 years ago in Toastmasters there’s an NLP guy when my data, wannabe NLP guy and he hates Tony, he’s in disgrace to NLP Community he’s probably, you know what have you complained this about anyway, he from his seminal how do I know these things because I’m a friend with his son, Red Robins.
So Tony his Empire, from Unleash the Power siente with Destiny 2 seminar coaching all that a hundred million a year, but that’s only part of what he does, tony almost 20-something Parts Company total, kids group of companies do you have a 6 billion dollars a year, the sum of the pieces like a tiny percentage of what he actually money, but you keep mix, but that’s that’s right, he’s a celebrity Authority, gordon Ramsay same thing, so then the question is what, what are the yes, we take on construction mortgage, nice so that’s being a small specialist right construction Mortgage in what type of mortgages, not able to, whatever Josh to all the people who can approve the mortgages at you like you know what, how do people can do it we can do it the top ones, awesome so that’s a specialist that’s awesome, so from here for your for yourself, How can I go from here then to here, so my question to you is how do you go from here to here, by the book that’s how it would be good, what else, volume, adding value, yes speaking for free speaking that’s good yes, a block, yeah, publish content online articles, youTube yes, videos yes videos, interviews, interview all the experts, that’s a good powerful how many years ago, when I was getting started as a copywriter, and I was trying to get clients, and I was, how to remember open up the yellow page, and I would call their business owners, hey you know you need a ride I can I talk to you, a lot of rejection a lot of hang up so I’m like okay this is no good, sorry I did not talk to spill these acts expert copywriter, You got to know what cop reading is, do you know, okay call printing meaning, it’s the people who ride your your ass, marketing advertising, so they write the headline there right there a full-page ad yellow page ad on your website, operator, so, and I would talk to all the copywriters who all has been in business for many many years and I would say what can I do I want, want to do what you do I want to be more successful, oh damn you got a you’re too young, omni Hotel before, right and then you know how it is you’re too young you’re too young and you’re too young and one day you are, like somehow like, what the hell is a 1 is the perfect age is it, it’s a 36 in 10 months nobody can answer that, anyway so, and you got to work with people and you know in about 10 years because at the time the top copywriters in the world, Talked about $10,000 in campaign, $10,000 I was charging $200, i’m like okay so $10 and lost $200 how do I do what you do 10 years, i don’t have 10 years, look up ticket my mom I got to pay the bills, so what could I do there’s no shortcut, it has to be, okay, i said, what are the who are the experts in the industry who are charging, this kind of money is what I did, it stopped raining by association breading by what, association, so at a time I put together a product information product, cuz septic, cassette tapes okay I came up product ratings, a million million million dollar marketing secrets of the greatest copywriters there was a long title, but I put together product, and I picked a top, 1518 Copper Ridge in the world, and I interviewed him, Cathartic.
I was doing it from my home, like that with a cassette tape recorder, does notebook know Skype Batman it was just like that, and I would record the conversations, and because, speak this date because I have the cassette tape right so loud, so we doing like that, okay for an hour was stupid, anyway I put together this product, pinch A Penny, but what happens is, all these guys are charging $10,000 to write a campaign, the best in the world, i find a friend to interview me, and I put myself in there, it as a package, and I use this package, and I give it to you potential client, and so you know what I am feature in the here, it’s my product but I’m featuring here, and I say and and you know I know right coffee for people, 10000 mm, oh I’m not going to pay $10 so that’s what I did I used it as a zombie generator, Mission as a, trust-building thing so I didn’t tell any of it but I just give it away, and sometimes I give that cassette to some people I see your name and I’ll how are you what would he need soda, that’s how I got my foot in the door, let me tell you one more thing, how many have heard of Jay Conrad Levinson, do you know Jake on Levinson, so J, Levinson hero a, mini photo book of guerrilla marketing, telemarketing, today, Levinson is, the all time best selling author for business book, daiso about 30 million books worldwide, post offices, sogo lahmacun series online, so at a time I know going back to this tragic I share with you, who could I get if I get that person as a client with give me everybody else, Chapo J, Levinson, aJ, i saw your, can I rewire your ad for you no charge, i just, if it is good great if not, if it’s good just give me legal testimony I would appreciate it, a&J Cycle young guy that’s awesome. I’ll do it for you and we did so we’re always at and actually nothing AAA, conversion, aAA cell, was there a happy, give me a little testimonial morning., hillier smart guy, why do I, endorse you to my list, linda happens what do you say, hell yeah right thank you and and he did, and if I’m there did he mention through the roots of Mm Mm within 2 years, maybe even a year-and-a-half, b200 box 2002 from here from here getting the endorsement from Jay, v 5710 pain, very short period of time, people talk about this, do not, we are conditioned to want to call climbing the ladder of success, From school, grace by Grace 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9, and then what you do gray 10 11 12 right enough to that what you do, what are you, no but then you go to university right, and then I go to university how many years, there for years and I’ll figure out University what do you do, get a job and you work your way, yeah and then until you, that’s what it is, recondition to climb this ladder of success, instead of what I do I say don’t look for the ladder to climb, took the elevator incident, and that’s how I stink, it takes 10 years, f*** that, how could I get there faster, well I do some other box stuff, associate myself with expert successful people, get endorsements from celebrities in their niche, and I could increase my prices, and move up to this ladder, This is not fair but it’s a fact.
The top the top Discord is this, triangle this celebrity Authority experts they make more money than 4% mix, lights 1% in money, justic the most really trying to fight, they trying to lower the price, trying to be cheap trying to lowball try to do what everybody else is doing these guys I gotta let you do what you do, they do something that makes sense Take 2 minutes how long, discuss fun you Ponder what I just said what I share with you so far, yep 2 minutes ago, 10 times your finances 10 times your business 10 times your marketing, end times your life hit the Subscribe button now,
from WordPress https://top1course.com/the-ladder-of-wealth-how-to-climb-your-way-to-financial-independence/
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freelance-arc · 5 years
How Ricky Gutierrez, Tony Robbins, Dan Lok and Youtube transformed (destroyed) my world view.
Basically, copy writing is the WHOLE point of this blog.
Sure, Freelancers Kill is the title, and busting out of that 9-5 rut is the inspiration, but learning to write effective copy is why I am writing this, and why you’re here reading it. 
I always looked for ways to make more money. ALWAYS. Training, courses, small business,  self study, climbing the career ladder... I tried all of these. In my career in music stores, then in Hospitality, then recently, in my Engineering career (I’m a Plant Fitter for those who are interested).
EVERY. TIME. I found the way blocked by colleagues resisting change, company politics, a lack of attention from senior management (Seriously, the amount of bad managers in workplaces is shocking, god knows how much they’re costing the economy!)
It all got me thinking, “There really has to be more than this”. Running around every day for someone else.. Hell, they didn’t notice what I did do, only ever the things I DIDN’T. Sounds familiar right?
I was having a conversation one night with my friend, telling him the plans I had for selling cheap items from Alibaba through a Facebook page, and seeing which were the most popular. He’d been doing his own research, luckily, as it opened a whole new door for me!
Thing is see, when people are run down, tired, trying to keep up with the rent and bills, you don’t have a whole bunch of time to seek out new opportunities. Possibly, like I did, you stay in the same mental tram lines, trying out new versions of effectively the same idea, and never really thinking new thoughts...
ANYWAY, he put me on to a couple of guys on Youtube talking about FBA stuff (Fulfilled BY Amazon), and another guy, Ricky Gutierrez. Now, Ricky REALLY resonated with me.
Ricky is a day trader based in Arizona, and immediately I was grabbed by Day Trading. 
I immersed myself in Ricky’s stuff as much as I could. Cypress Hill on the morning drive to work was gone, I bought a Bluetooth speaker for the car and just listened to his Youtube channel as I drove... EMA, SMA, VWAP, ETF, DGAZ, UGAZ, TSLA.
ALL the acronyms were flying into my ears! But what do they mean?? (I will actually be covering a bunch of that stuff in future posts).
A lot of the stuff that struck me, not just about the astronomic gains to be made, was the stuff about mindset. Traders mindset, positivity, the psychology of it. It reminded me of a book I had bought, Money, Master the Game, by Tony Robbins. I was intrigued, I’d trained for a good job, I was doing the right things, why wasn’t I living the life I wanted? Was my thinking “wrong”?
I knew Tony did motivational stuff, but that was it, so I put him into the ‘tube to see what he was about.
THAT was a real turning point. Tony’s stuff just blew my mind. it made me see in the plain light of day that my dreams were never going to come true on the path I was on, and that in his own words, “MASSIVE ACTION” was needed. 
We’re told from very young to get a good job, work hard, climb the career ladder, seek stability. I always assumed that with these things the happiness would come. I’d work hard, get the promotion, the pay rise, the house, the car.
Tony made me see I had to change my entire outlook, especially cos no one ever got rich working for someone else!
If you want the lifestyle, the financial freedom, the independence, the ability to do the things that fulfil you every day, then you too have to take MASSIVE ACTION.
So I delved further. Tony had so successfully cranked up my pain points, even from an audio track on Youtube that my world view was entirely skewed. I started to look into trading and investments seriously, learning what the indicators meant, how to use them, how trading in the UK is different to trading in the US (The PDT rule DOESN’T count if you’re a UK trader incidentally). I listened to Tony, looked into NLP (Neuro-Lingustic Programming), kept looking to improve my mindset and find the key to (what genuinely feels like) my escape.
On it went, research and study in my spare time, lunch breaks at work, then one day there’s this guy, Dan Lok, pops up in my channel feed. He tells you how using his program, you can make A LOT of money. So I’m listening. He had released an interview with another author, Diane Mulcahy. Diane had written a book entitled The Gig Economy, and the two of them were talking about how the gig economy is the workforce of the future, and how freelancers have an increasing share of the workload.
It was truly eye opening. Many of the things I knew to be true clicked. Employers don’t want full time staff, the gig economy isn’t just about Uber drivers getting stitched up in London. The gig economy represents a real chance to embrace the change of traditional working roles, particularly with the prevalence of digital disciplines and remote working.
Freelance. Remote. Working.
That’s the key. The ability to make my own money from wherever I am in the world. No more sitting in rush hour traffic to be a work at 8am, no more having to be there when there’s nothing to do to make sure the hours are met, just, no more of any of the pain points I’m getting tired of dealing with.
By this point, I had realised I had to be my own boss, whether as a trader, author, financial expert, coder, whatever I was going to do, I had to do it for myself. I enrolled in an online marketing course, for two reasons; the inability to sell  correctly was a key reason that my former business wasn’t as profitable as it could have been, but also digital marketing is something I can do from anywhere. Home, an office, Starbucks, the beach!
I was focused on the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) side of things, but once again Dan Lok shook things up. He said (to surmise), IF YOU WANT TO LEARN A HIGH INCOME SKILL, MAKE IT COPYWRITING.
BOOM. That was it. Learn how to talk to your audience. Make it compelling. Sell them your product.
So here we are, practising copywriting.  
So in the process of this journey, I have uncovered a whole bunch of stuff that can allow you, yes YOU, to take control of your own future, and your financial freedom, and literally live your dreams.
Sure enough, there will be other pain points, where do I work from? Can I get WI-FI by the pool? How do I deal with THAT client? Do I want Colombian or Kenyan coffee whilst the laptop boots up? They remain to be seen. BUT, nicer problems to have huh? 
If you have feedback, please do feed it back, thanks.
Have a nice day.
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