#Never enough Mark Pellegrino
heavnofhell · 2 years
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Mark Pellegrino Appreciation IX.XXVI.MMXXII
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eisforeidolon · 5 months
[Following on from talking about Kim Manners for a while]
Mark: He was just an amazing guy -
Jared: The best.
Mark: He was something else. And look, I've worked with a lot of people, and I've known you since you were a lot younger.
Jared: Hey! Same! Same!
Mark: A lot younger. And the truth is, to - it sounds so corny [mocking voice] 'Oh, this show is a family'. Look, this is a place where we went to work with 150 of our friends for over, y'know, a decade and a half. I did nearly a decade of it. And I think the energy that he instilled upon how to behave on a set was absolutely the reason why anybody could walk on that show and be treated like gold. [Jared nods as he's talking] You could succeed if you came with your A game, you were looked after and you were carried. And if you were crap? You were looked after and you were carried. I swear to God I have seen this, couple people that didn't - I won't ever say what it is, but didn't make it beyond a certain small amount of an arc, they just didn't have the right thing or didn't get it or whatever.
Jared: Yeah, the right attitude. We even had people that recurred and returned, who maybe they weren't as solid of an actor as a Mark Sheppard or a Mark Pellegrino type, but they were good enough and they were kind. And they showed up and they wanted to work and they wanted to laugh and they knew their lines and hit their marks and they showed up on time and there was no bullshit. It was like, okay, we can work with this. And so let's keep on going -
Mark: There was a trust element that was mind-blowing, and I've worked on some amazing sets in my time, but it was special, man. To know that every single person in that crew had my back every single day.
Jared: Amen.
Mark: When we did the end of season 8, when you and I were doing hours [Jared says something here I can't make out] and hours and hours of this stuff. That group, right, so in between shots, right? In between shots, you've gotta move lights, you've gotta move cameras, you've gotta do stuff. And they don't have to be quiet. They're working all day, they've been there three hours before us, they're leaving three hours after us -
Jared: And it was a long trek, it was like an hour away from town. On some, like, beautiful lake that Phil Sgriccia -
Mark: Oh, on the outside when we did - but when we went to the stage, when we came back to do the interiors?
Jared: Yes, yes.
Mark: And we did the interiors in there, they didn't make a sound between takes for two days. Because the boys are being serious, we'll support 'em. And that's how we got through those pages and pages of stuff. Jensen -
Jared: It was a couple of - two or three days or something.
Mark: It was two or three days -
Jared: And then Jensen and Alaina come in.
Mark: It was nuts. It was so - but we, like, you see all the gag reels, right? You see how silly everything gets? The reason why the gag reels are fun is cause we work hard, so one mistake -
Jared: [?] you're done, never forget. I will say this, a lot of y'all know Mark and have known him many times or met him many times, and a lot of y'all know, can agree with me, he doesn't shut the fuck up. Ever.
Mark: [Mark holds his hands up and nods] I talked my way through six heart attacks, trust me.
Jared: Other than the two or three day span where we were in that chapel. And it was so - it was before the AKF campaigns, it was - what Sam was going through, in a very different way, was similar to what Jared kinda had gone through and was going through? And so I went to a weird place, it's the only time in my 480 episodes of television I've ever listened to music during - in between scenes? And Mark is tied up, you know, you're my Marley moose and all that bit? And like, usually when you're tied up during a scene, they call cut and they move the cameras, it takes twenty minutes and you go like, untie me, I'm going to my trailer to pee and have some water? He just stayed there and was quiet the whole time, because I just sat there in the corner, he was just there for me, so kudos to you, Mark Sheppard.
Mark: And kudos to Jensen. Jensen was off-camera for a day and a half. Off-camera, in character, for a day and a half. It's - you suddenly realize that everybody's got your back and it's just the greatest feeling in the world. When you're trying to do - there's never enough time, there's never enough money, there's never enough ability to make the best that you can make of it, you know? We're all trying, but when you know everybody is trying to make the best possible thing for you guys [gestures to audience] that we can make, with all our hearts, with everything that we care about? It's just a fantastic experience. And what I love about, I was talking about the gag reels, what I love about the gag reels is you're seeing the antidote to that.
Jared: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mark: So when Jensen for the first time in his entire history can't get a line out of his mouth, which is I'd rather be smacked during sex by a girl with a Zorro mask -
Jared: He kept messing it up!
Mark: He messed it one time, and you killed him.
Jared: Oh for sure. For sure.
Mark: We have thirty eight takes of that. He never messed a line up in -
Jared: Worth it. He kept on removing a word or adding a word and I was like [frustrated voice] that's not the word! But it was good. Anyways. Great time, great family, let's get some questions.
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ananke-xiii · 8 months
My ranking of SPN seasons (based only on their PLOT) pt. 1
Okay so I've finally watched all 15 seasons of Supernatural and, I must say, what a journey!
The show has releaved itself to be a pleasant surprise, I've learned a lot thanks to it. I must confess that I had strong prejudices against it and had been avoiding it all these years because I thought it was... well, tbh not worthy.
Of course, since now I am here writing about it, it's useless to say that I was wrong. It's not the perfect show, sometimes it's not even a good show, but for sure it's an enjoyable, interesting and exciting show.
The following ranking is based solely on the plot (and subplot) of each seasons and my personal opinion about it.
15. Season 14: Frankly, I don't know what to say about this season, LOL. There is no real plot. We are led to believe that the story will revolve around Dean being possessed by Michael, okay. Basically Michael!Dean from the AU goes to Earth 1 to create an army of monsters (?) but then says bye bye to Dean and leaves (??), but oh wait, no, he re-possesses him (???), and then the army disappears (???) and then he gets trapped in Dean's mind and then he posseses Rowena (???????????). In the mean time, Jack is sick, dies, gets rescued by Castiel who makes a crazy deal with The Empty, then kinda goes crazy and starts killing angels (?????) and then gets killed by God. He also accidentally kills Mary Winchester (???????) in the process. I dont' get it, okay? Maybe it's just me! At any rate, we discover that Michael can possess whoever he wants since he easily changes his vessel without consent multiple times. This fact alone contradicts the whole of season 5 (Dean is the chosen one, the one and only Michael's vessel, hello writers?). Finally, the whole Nick/Lucifer thing. I get it, Mark Pellegrino was GREAT as Lucifer, I loved him, I wanted to see more of him. But his subplot was nonsense and meh. So, yes, the plot was bad. Reeeeeal bad.
14. Season 15: One of the the fun things about Supernatural is, for me, the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Throughout the whole series we have continuous meta incursions and I find that extremely interesting. However, I think that with the final season they went too far. The plot (kiling the manipulative and frankly insufferable God) is stimulating enough until the episode named "The Trap". After that, I felt like the writers didn't know how to fill the remaining episodes until the end and just wasted half of the show on basically nothing really noteworthy. Also, one could totally see that the main worry was not the plot but trying to tie all loose ends off. It was unsuccessful. I would have preferred a well-executed plot rather than a plot that aimed at"filling in" all the gaps of a 15-year-old TV show (read: it's almost impossible, also unnecessary). The final episode was just bad, like really really bad. The plot was resolved by episode 19, so the last episode really felt like something made to end the show forever, kill everyone off and never talk about them anymore. It didn't make any sense at all.
13. Season 7: I didn't hate season 7 per se, but the plot was not great. Like season 15, the season starts off strong with the main event but then it drags itself out until the end. There's no meat in between. The gist is to kill the Leviathans, the subplot is Sam's confronting Lucifer's mental abuse. The most interesting stuff (aka the introduction of the Word of God) happens around the last 3 episodes. This is one of those seasons that are needed to "connect" different points in the myth-arc, however it was not done brilliantly. I felt like Bobby's death was not necessary to the events, it was poorly done for emotional sake. The"Dick jokes" are funny at first, then they are tiresome. After a while I couldn't take the characters seriously, it was all one big dick joke after another, please stop. At the end, we find out that the whole subplot was utterly useless: Castiel shifts the Sam's mental problem from Sam's mind to his, goes crazy in exchange, ultimately to be cured once he's in Purgatory. I'm sorry, what? Also: the Leviathans (the close-to unkillable monsters the heroes have been fighting for the whole series) become just "regular monsters" and that's it. I'm sorry, WHAT?!
12. Season 3: This season contains arguably some of the best episodes of the whole show. The 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America Strike affected the way the plot was planned (I presume) but I think it was for good. As a result, the plot is clean, simple, easy: the heroes need to rescue Deam from the demonic deal he has made. I like when there's a sort of "deadline" in the plot, it keeps things interesing for me. That's it, that's the plot. There's no subplot either. So why this low in the ranking? WELL. The first half of the show made me very uncomfortable. The jokes sounded very, very problematic and I had a very hard time finishing the episodes. Now I know this has nothing to do with the plot, but hey. It made me feel uneasy and the ranking is mine so ranking n. 12 it is!
11. Season 6: I appreciated the writers' attempt with this season. Basically, both the plot and the two main subplots make zero to no sense until the end, when we discover "the truth". As a matter of fact, until episode 19 we don't really understand what's going on. The plot seems to be the hunting of the Alphas and, eventually, of the Mother of them all: Eve. One subplot seems to be a civil war in Heaven, although we are only told about it and never see anything. The other subplots is Sam being soulless + the fact that now he's been hunting with his resurrected grandfather who, in turn, was resurrected by Crowley and now works under him (LOL). For the plot and the first subplot to make sense the missing link is this: Castiel and Crowley have been pulling the strings all along without the heroes' knowing. For the subplot... well, for the subplot (Sam being soulless), too LOL. Cas and Crowley are having an "affair of sorts" and plan to open the door to Purgatory to take souls from there and use them as... energy? Yeaaah. I liked the "whoaa I didn't see it coming" factor. HOWEVER, for it to REALLY make sense one needs to acknowledge Cas and Crowley relationship. Like, seriously, the reason why everything starts to go wrong (and interesting) is because Dean feels "betrayed" by Cas. Which makes zero sense. But I digress. What I want to say is that the turning point of the plot is understated unless you get the "romantic" implications. It's left to the audience to get it but, honestly, I didn't get it at first so I didn't get why the characters were so angry at Cas and why Cas didn't tell Dean about his affair with Crowley. Then when you get it, you get it but anyway the plot is not the best the show has to offer.
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s12e17 the british invasion (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad buckner)
trying to reserve judgement but 30 seconds in a flipped back to football when i tried this yesterday. let me count the ways i do not care about bmol backstory. glad to see eileen again
are you fucking kidding me. children have to battle to the death at the fancy magic school. quite possibly the least believable premise for traumatic backstory starter they could have thrown out there
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sam really leaning into dean's space there lol
so american mol were just this chill little group of dorky researchers but british mol are this child crushing machine to churn out good little soldiers? mommy's blunt little instruments?
DR HESS Then let me make it blisteringly simple. We don't have time to court a handful of mangy Colonials. Not anymore. So either Sam and Dean and the rest of their ill-bred lot learn to obey, or you turn them over to Mr. Ketch... and start fresh. MICK Look, I don't think... DR HESS This is not a discussion. It's an order. Are you hearing me, Michael? Assimilate or eliminate.
this is so.... ridiculous. cliche, out of left field. really not gonna beat the "we're out of ideas" rap. speaking of, was trying to explain this season's plotlines to my friend and had the sudden brainwave of OF COURSE i know who the product of the lucifer kelly KLINE union is. typing out the name had me 🤦lol
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SAM Hey, you talk to Mom lately? MICK Oh, shouldn't worry about your mum. Her and Ketch make quite the team. DEAN Would you want your mom working with him? MICK Well, I can't say. I never really knew my mum. Or my dad. I was on the streets till the Men of Letters found me.
oh a street urchin too! *adds to the pile*
WHY ARE YOU LICKING THE FLOOR'S PUSSY LIKE THAT I AM SO DISTRESSED. the licking was enough to make me cover the screen but the moaning i wasn't expecting 😭 dear lord. ace thing/me thing but my faves doing sex scenes weirds me out and this might have been worse lol way too much like actual sex
LUCIFER I figured out the rules of the house, and…well, all things considered, think I'd rather be here than rotting in the Cage with my drooling, insane – and not in a fun way – little bro Michael.
how did he manage to break michael? i'll be generous and assume it's a lie along with the whole "you win" business
so is mary humanizing mr ketchup or gonna fuck him or what
CROWLEY My loyal…ish subjects, these troubled times, I'm aware there might be some confusion as to where you're supposed to place your loyalty. Even with Lucifer back in the Cage, there are those of you who would try to help him… because he scares you or engorges you.
ew :p
i don't think even mark pellegrino can save this tired little game we're playing again
padalecki, please, no with the bad accent
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very pretty lighting and backdrop
eileen accidentally killing sniveling bootheel of the machine so mick can overcome some childhood murderous brainwashing? and set up conflict with the mothership?
(yes to the fucking mr ketchup and she's gonna Have It All *beanie toss*)
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wasn't sure if that was swoony over the flirting or freaked out, so i guess it was supposed to be swoony
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his plotline is frustrating me but goddamn pellegrino is so good at making lucifer genuinely, distressingly creepy
ah so the plot conflict with bmol and an emotional beat for eileen. twofer
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does the flirtation business ever go anywhere with eileen? i will admit that ellen eileen jody donna all kind of blur in my head from what i've read in fic (side characters that generally aren't involved in what i'm reading except very briefly that may have a familial-ish relationship with the boys, as i might them in the show i have small oh moments)
(oh the actress who plays dagon, ali ahn, was in 27 out of 36 episodes of the path, which i briefly tried to watch because hugh dancy is in it but it was a little too topical for my tolerance at the moment)
DR HESS These Hunters are out of control. The brothers Winchester, in particular, which Lady Bevell has exhaustively documented.
so fancy, brothers winchester. the whole moral high ground lady this is trying to sell is so fucking dumb because yeah forcing children to murder each other, they're totally better than the monsters! pick something else, writers, because this is just asinine
redemption arc for mick complete, time to shuffle him off this mortal coil ofc
DR HESS The grand experiment recruiting American Hunters has failed. Utterly. KETCH Mm. What would you like me to do? DR HESS Exterminate them. Every...last...one.
comically bad. where's your pet cat and eye patch
look they keep trying to reach cas and nothing, because cas decided to pop off to heaven and not tell them. le sigh!
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ihatedean · 10 months
we finished ep10 and i neeeed to say some shit.
of course they'd bring missouri back just to kill her. i'm the idiot for believing they'd actually do something fun with her.
i've only had jack for 9 episodes and i would genuinely die for him. not even joking. he's the only good thing to come out of the bunker era. also. mama bear sam??? wow. i don't know how i feel about dean yet- i know he grows fond of jack later, but i don't think i've ever seen him treat anybody like this. at least not people who didn't deserve it... it's weird.
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oh god. they did that for me actually. my cringe little girl. he looks soooo dumb and its so so hot. i love the boots. i love it when he cosplays. i love that they had absolutely NO privacy in that motel. wow.
4. i want ketch gone. not in a "ohhh he's so evil i want him gone!" way. it's a "please please erase everything BMOL-related from existence" way. i don't like him, the only thing he brings to the table so far is mentioning rowena. but i genuinely hope he's here just for a few episodes until something kills him.
5.e8.... happened. i guess it was....... different. e9 and... uh. dinosaurs? i HATED the camera movement, though. there's that.
6. what the fuck was up with dean forcing kaia to get in the car. holy fuck. i know we're supposed to believe its because he's doing whatever he can to bring his mother back but.... jesus. he just. wouldn't do that. it was genuinely devastating to see him act like that- it crossed too many lines.
7. holy fuck. holy fuck WAYWARD SISTERS. ugh, so many feelings. we could not shut up while watching. it was sooo much fun and such a cool way to get the girls together!! i love that you can tell they have different dynamics w each other- it feels real. there's a gentleness in claire that she shows to the "new girls" of the gang, cool big-sister vibes that she uses to calm them down, ease them into it. and another one, deeper, reserved just for her sister alex. when alex and claire are talking you can FEEL the years of growing up together. they've said some nasty things to each other, you just know it. and yeah i ship it. but: it does sting that they've been building all these great female characters who are strong and funny and smart and caring, and then proceeded to give them an episode that felt.... ugh, i don't know. i hate the word performative, but i just wish it had been treated with more seriousness? like. give them a scary looking monster, at least. let them look messy. i couldn't stop looking at claire's perfectly curled hair throughout the whole episode. they're beautiful women, i already know that, they would look pretty even if you roughen them up, i promise. it felt like the show kept repeating "wow these women are BAD-ASS, right? right!? they shoot guns!" in a way that they never needed to with jo or ellen or fuck, jody. one look at ellen and i was straightening my back, man. i miss that. i miss characters that didn't need to show their scars to show how bad-ass they are.
Anyways. I hated season 12. But it was something. And it showed the hunter world outside of Sam and Dean, something I missed a lot. With season 13 I can officially say I'm just here to watch Jensen Ackles' mouth moving. That's it. Asmodeus might have been a fun character for a video game. I hate him in this show. I want Mary gone, or at least I want someone to remember who Mary Winchester is and write her as such. Kevin was there for a moment, that was cool. Mark Pellegrino was not paid enough.
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
14-19 for the ask game! (@skyhighchibi)
oh god ok lemme check hte list. ik u probably meant like dsmp so i shoudl have clarified but im gonna do this for spn bc im brainrottign
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
whenever someone writes gabe they always make him use the most godawful nicknames. he used nicknames like. maybe two or htree times and mostly just called sam sammy. nicknames are crowley's thing and he would NEVER use somethign as boring as samsquatch and i can never take it seriously
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
i feel like people are basically married to cas' wings being black or grey but i still really like hte blue wings headcanon. like a really dark navy blue or smth i feel like it'd fit
adn ik mark pellegrino said he saw lucifer's wings as bright pink as a joke but white would line up really well with the description of him being the perfect angel before his fall. maybe it gets singed and turns greyish or smth idk
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
cas said he liked bees ONCE when he was completely out of his mind from the cage sickness adn so many people latched onto it and treated it like it was a core part of his personality. it's like hte pie thing all over again
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
literally any kind of drowley or crowstiel. please. im starvign. destiel's great and all but NONE of u want to talk abuot the other ships??? cowards
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
nobody fucking talks about anna milton for some reason. everybody's always like ohhhhh cas was the angel who invented free will. no he fuckign wasn't. anna did not fall from grace and be reborn as a human and stand up against uriel and all of heaven for you to just forget about her. she literally inspired cas to rebel. anyway. i love her i miss her hse deserved better etc etc
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
demon dean at the start of season 10. i still think they missed out not making him an actual villain but the idea of him instead representing dean's lingering resentment for the fact that he's basically been saddled with taking care of sam for his entire life is interesting and i wish the writers kept him around for longer and developed that characterization we've always seen hints of him feeling upset that he never got to leave the hunting life and go to university like he wanted but dean's also mature enough to realize that it definitely isn't sam's fault. which makes it complicated because not only is john dead now, he literally died selling his soul for dean. so to see some of that like. honestly very reasonable anger manifest towards sam when dean's soulless is sooooo. alsdhglhkasskdh
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incarnateirony · 2 years
You say 2p0 is a scam artist that screams and threatens when he doesn't get his way and thinks he's better than everyone but so do you. Worse you threaten violence when you get worked up. Some tptb are in your server feeding you information? They should lose all professional credibility to be associated with you or 2p0. Same with anyone that buys into this, it means they're ok with these unhinged outbursts. That's scary.
Nah. See, I don't threaten violence when I'm worked up. I invite the sources 2po has that was threatening hellers at con to come visit me if they would like a resolution from someone that isn't afraid of them. But that's a nice spin tho. 2po doesn't threaten. Nono. See, he runs this mask of "oh I am being very whitely pleasant, and hospitable, and civil, and thus everything I say is logic, even when whipped up from thin air." but the people he SPEAKS FOR are violent. You whine that I compare anons to ripping their faces off when they get out of hand, a clearly digital metaphor unless you think I'm reaching through the screen and will divide you from your face by the end of this reply. His own source got busted in real life for physically threatening to cut people up. There's no parallel.
Amazing that all of you just want to hide on anon when I've told Suzanne if she would like to test her ability to Cut Hellers like she was hollering, I will gladly give her my address to visit if she DMs me. Strangely, no DM yet. You guys just want to hide the real accountability here. Or are you talking about my digital puns describing how I handle you cowardly shitbags?
I don't ask this fandom for thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of dollars for years on end to joyride gold conventions like he does. There's no parallel. He spends his time actively lying, refusing to delete misinformation when confronted with receipts, and moving on to lie, after lie, after lie. There's no parallel. He spends his time amidst antis, j2 tinhats and more, and spins their propaganda to everyone. There's no parallel. He has been caught actively lying about M&Gs and trying to retaliate when the truth comes out. There's no parallel.
Listen dude. You're never gonna find who all I talk to. You ain't got a dirt digger that can dig deep enough to get me out of here. Even if you stalked down heads in my server that are too anonymous to find, there's a fuckton never in it. I've been integrated with this shit since 2017 while 2po sat oblivious. I've come very close to taking literal bullets for Misha in the past. There's a reason travis aaron wade updated his doxxing page of me to "Armed and Dangerous." I have run messages. I've made mute lists for crew. I've made danger watch lists for cast. I've moved small mountains without saying much of shit. I've made myself a real life target to take heat off of this cast. AND other fans that Travis, Mark P and Shatner were after.
I've religiously leaked to this fandom accurate things that came true no matter what "ITK" people screamed. 2po just sits there being a gossip rag and fucking up fandom dialogue to people like you that refuse to use their head on "HM, THIS GUY USES VIOLENT ANTIS AS HIS M&G SOURCE AND TRIED TO RETALIATE WHEN THE TRUTH CAME OUT. SHOULD I TRUST HIM????"
I've put blood, sweat and tears in without ever making a fucking fuss about it or trying to wave my banner. Even the whole story origin thing like. The only reason I said it was because a few banned people had recognized it already and asked and I was like. Yeah. Then the dedicated antis 2po groomed his server into--because it's not bizarre that there's an anti-GOB quarter of just a fan--picked that up, probed, poked, freaked out, shit their pants, screamed denial, just like all the other backwards denials that washed out, said I was faking, and sent a new wave of bullshit at me, then ignored when Mark Pellegrino started vanishing from cons immediately after or the lack of engagement on what Shatner tagged.
Meanwhile 2po gets one coffee runner in his server that ain't know shit from shit and starts screeching about his fuckin sources.
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Supernatural Season 12 rewatch thoughts...
Okay so we all know that my main problem is that I just can't get past everyone's terrible English accent but we'll put that aside for now
I enjoyed Rick Springfield, though I know many didn't
They shouldn't have put in that weird dub of Cas saying hey assbut again though
Sorry to be a bitch but The One You've Been Waiting For was ruined by Gil Darnell. I've never seen him in anything else so he might be good elsewhere but he really wasn't in this. The ep was far-fetched just like all the Thule stuff but they could've got away with it if he'd delivered a different performance imho
Alicia Witt killed it in Lily Sunder, so did Ian Tracey
I liked the secret service terrorism investigation guys
I don't buy Billie being so immediately happy about taking Mary. She made it clear she wanted Dean or Sam, I feel like she could've at least thought about it for a second or two before agreeing
Regarding Dean is such a good ep, and JA was just wonderful in it, but why did we need Dean fooling around with a woman who looked 22 max
Something about Stuck in the Middle falls flat with me and I don't know what it is, though I do appreciate Speight's commitment to going off-piste, and all his shenanigans in the editing suite
Why did David Hadyn Jones have so much foundation on
Absolutely thrilled to see Eileen again and I love how happy she made my best friend Sam
I know I wasn't going to mention it, but just real quick - NO ONE IN ENGLAND TALKS LIKE THAT I PROMISE YOU EVEN THE REALLY POSH ONES okay thanks
This whole BMOL murdery boarding school thing wound me up like wtf and also having Hess say things like 'mangy colonials' honestly why do you hate English people when Mark Sheppard has been so good to you
Nothing against the guy but I just don't like DHJ as Ketch and I really did try. They set the character up to be so scary and cold and then they let this man caricature-James-Bond his way through the season and it's frustrating
Speaking of caricatures, we really really really don't need to put a cup of tea in the hand of every English character. Please fuck off with that (picks up tea)
The sheriff with his taxidermy squirrel did NOT get enough love, what an icon
The waitress Dean slept with looks like Alona Tal and I'd like to know if that was intentional, and also please look at this for some top drawer analysis on that whole mess
I know the Destiel community love the whole mixtape thing but to this day I have no idea what the point of that moment was. Cas could've gone into Dean's room to talk, or just waited til he wasn't in there to look for the Colt, I just don't get why the zep cassette
Cas really was a hot mess in this season, he was all over the shop
Explain to me again how Ketch is able to control a Hell Hound??????
The back and forth between Lucifer and Crowley got a bit tiresome but I think both Marks did the best they could with slightly worn material
Still livid that they killed Eileen
The writers really did JP dirty by giving him a half-baked Braveheart speech and then having JA steal the frickin episode with his "I hate you and I love you" emotional monologue to Mary
I do enjoy the way Mark Pellegrino says Castiel (Cast-chell). Lucifer will pronounce your name however he likes
In conclusion I watched this season again to check if I'd misjudged it the first time round, but turns out I do in fact mostly hate it
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I have an addiction.
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angel-e-v-a · 5 years
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Nick in Every Scene ➤ 7/?
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raith-way · 2 years
🎬 and your last written OC
thank you for the ask!! the last oc that i wrote for is emma motley, so this is going to be a twisted supernatural mess. some spoilers for emma’s fic, but i’ll be sticking to the actual canon as closely as possible.
how they’d be introduced
in the first episode of season five, emma would bust in while meg and the demons had dean cornered and bobby possessed. she’d stop bobby from stabbing himself and instead exorcise the demon while dean and then a returned sam dealt with the other demons. once the commotion was over, bobby would thank emma for showing up so quickly after he called her. it would be revealed that she has a year left on her demon deal, and that she’ll tag along to john’s storage as backup. once there, zachariah would tell the winchesters that their sister won’t be needed for what’s coming. after castiel shows up and zachariah is gone, castiel is able to confirm that emma is john winchester’s daughter. despite the distrust and tension, it’s agreed that emma will help with the apocalypse because she doesn’t want the world to end and not because she suddenly has brothers.
who the fandom ships them with
michael. as the apocalypse winds down and before her deal comes due, emma says yes to michael to spare dean and sam. (because despite their rocky beginning, they do grow close over their year of getting to know each other.) michael and lucifer fight, and dean and sam open the hole into hell. emma takes control long enough to say goodbye to her brothers and then grabs lucifer to pull him into hell along with herself and michael. emma isn’t seen again until season fifteen, when her and michael are finally released from the cage. by that point, they’ve grown close and trust each other completely.
why the fandom loves them
emma’s only around for season five and isn’t seen again until season fifteen, but she is a fan favorite. she has a personality that’s similar to dean’s while having no problems with being emotional, and she can be equally fun and heartbreaking. it also helps that she isn’t shipped with any of the male leads.
why the fandom hates them
she tries too hard to be a female version of dean. she’s proof that john and mary didn’t have a perfect marriage like fans were led to believe. shoehorning in another sibling detracts from the sam and dean dynamic.
what the cast relationship would be like
zoey would absolutely love jensen, jared, and misha. would most likely refer to them as her boys. she would adore rob and richard, despite never sharing the screen with them, and would go all out for the singing parts of the cons. zoey and mark pellegrino would be the closest of the cast, and she would really look up to him and enjoy just spending time with him.
what was their audition scene
zoey’s audition scene would come from closer to the end of season five. after saying yes to michael, she would have to play two roles while the two of them had a conversation. basically, acting by herself and portraying two vastly different characters. very dialogue heavy and emotional on emma’s side.
dependent on the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with
zoey would occasionally be paired with jensen and jared, but she would usually be with mark pellegrino to play up the “michael vs lucifer” story.
if they spoil things
zoey is a locked box, especially after her descent into the cage at the end of season five. mostly because she has no idea what’s going to happen next and had no idea that she would ever return.
if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large
zoey, as both emma and michael, was able to appear several times throughout the last season. after emma is resurrected by jack and realizes that michael is truly gone, she leaves a note for sam and dean at the bunker explaining that she’s going to be on her own for a while. the last shot of emma is her driving away from the bunker. zoey doesn’t like her ending, that emma abandons her brothers after everything and that michael never got a chance to experience freedom. she also doesn’t like the overall ending. she always believed sam and dean would go out together, and don’t get her started on castiel’s death.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
Misha made a comment about The Boys over the weekend and I'm going to be so angry if he's cast on the show. I love the show and I don't want him anywhere near it, the whole cast on The Boys is so talented and I don't think Misha has the skill to keep up. This may be harsh but I think he's a lazy actor, he doesn't put any effort into his roles, it was bad enough on spn but I expect more/better from The Boys. Also, there are already 4 spn alumni in The Boys universe, that's enough.
Yeah, I totally feel you on that. It would be absolutely unfair to The Boys as a show and its stellar cast, which do not deserve to be dragged down by stunt casting actors who don't have the ability to justify the choice.
However, and I've said this when it came up before - including the time that another anon was rightfully peeved at a minion equating Misha's acting as Lucifer to Antony Starr's as Homelander? (I wish I was joking.) There is a mean little part of me that would actually be okay with it. Sure, Kripke, go ahead and do it. Put Misha in a scene where he has to try and keep up with Antony Starr, with Karl Urban, with Laz Alonzo, with Colbie Minifie, with anyone and everyone on that cast. I personally don't have a problem with casting any number of SPN alums that can keep up, but Misha?
Misha would either have to step up 1000% more than he has in years or be utterly humiliated by how obviously outclassed he was. This is the guy who did a grotesque gurning pantomime of Mark Pellegrino's mannerisms to play Lucifer when literally no other SPN bodyswap worked that way. The guy who decided the best way to do not just The Empty as a different character but apocalypse world Castiel as a different character was ... cartoonishly bad accents. Not even to mention what was presumably his best attempt at emoting during Castiel's goodbye scene, because hello nightmare fuel. I don't think he started out completely incapable as an actor, but I agree that he hasn't bothered to put the work in for years because nobody cared so long as he remained a "fan favorite" shipbaiter who could eat up screen time to get J2 enough time off. So yeah, if nobody involved had better sense? I would find a certain amount of glee in him thinking he could just coast his way onto another Kripke show and then falling flat on his entitled, egotistical how-dare-people-actually-expect-me-to-audition face.
Most of his stans would never notice, too busy writing fanfic in their heads about shoving his character at Jensen's, but the whole rest of the world? Including anyone not-a-minion who might consider hiring him? Well.
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fcntasmas-archive · 3 years
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I didn't even notice mark pellegrino... like, we dont know anything about this episode but he's got bad guy vibes right? That's what I'm picturing now😂
(Also, I second your no to the copaganda. We've had enough 911! You hear us? WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!)
i don't remember a time when that man wasn't playing a villain, so, yes. definite bad guy vibes. would have loved to have never seen him again in my life and yet here we are. and i just hope to everything good and holy that he doesn't serve to further perpetuate this copaganda bullshit fadsjklf
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s12e2 mamma mia (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
whatever the fuck is happening here, no fucking thank you. evil mol lady in sam's head fucking information out of him? need to tally all the times someone's messed with his head, jesus. being resurrected soulless, having said soul shoved back in by dean via death with a wall, said wall being destroyed by cas to keep the boys occupied, trauma from said breaking causing lucifer hallucinations, becky's love potion, dean tricking him into saying yes to gadreel, am i forgetting anything? (too much plot to keep track of)
CASTIEL Don't make things needlessly complicated, as you humans tend to do. I'll call you.
oh damn, i need to get on that too. keep it simple, stupid
i really like the hair and makeup on mary this time. reminiscent of her s1 makeup
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s4e21 sam hallucinating mom (nigh on unrecognizable, i thought she'd been recast!) / s1
MARY That yellow-eyed thing would never have come for him that night if I... I started all of this.
respectfully, what with the being michael and lucifer's One True Vessels, i don't think it matters what you did. which tripped some signal in my brain for a techno?? song with a line 'this has all happened before and it will all happen again'. i keep thinking the messiah album from 94 but hmm. argh. i need to drop this and figure it out later
thought we were done with the physical torture. silly me.
why are we with rowena now. and this dude who's been in a million things but who knows what i recognize him from. could be commercials, for all i know. and rick springfield, right. we're just going on with our weird little goofy plotlines and just cutting to awful torture periodically. sure.
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MARY Sam had a chance to get out? And he came back? DEAN When Dad disappeared, Sam and I looked around, and something became very clear. That the only thing we had in this world – the only thing, aside from this car – was each other.
i will take that and tuck it in my pocket. mary looking (understandably) concerned
ROWENA I can't believe I'm once again down some dank hole seeking the devil! When does it end? It's exactly why I'm retiring to Boca Raton. With Ben.
stopped clenching my jaw over sam long enough to laugh, that was a good one
great, now dean's getting a beating too. just go wander about this place that's heavily warded, alone. not making good choices, dean (so we can get mary to come save the day again?)
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the wing shadows are always fun and a lot easier to execute well compared to actual (practical or cg) wings but do miss a real wing unfurling from time to time. you know what had great wings?
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clash of the titans (2010) that and shiny armor on the gods is all i remember honestly
internet died unexpectedly mid-episode so here i am day 2, again.
i will say. also. i really appreciate spn does cast people that are older for things that could be cool and badass or sexy or whatever. but i dunno if rick springfield was the best choice exactly for lucifer. since we're like, in theory trying to still do mark pellegrino's lucifer, maybe getting an actor-actor would have been a better fit
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the way dean replied "hey" so soft and with a hint of a smile, my heart
(back to muting with evil lady)
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and yes, to mary saving the day. man, she looks great. shoutout again to the makeup artists and stylists (and good lighting!)
they are really going above and beyond making this mol woman irredeemably awful. not one to encourage them just killing people straight out of the gate but i was hoping mary (or dean) would just shoot her. i dunno if the goal was try to get information or something but she has proven to be exceptionally dangerous time and time again. sam shoulda just shouted out for them to shoot. but less angsty drama so
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seen this in meme format and knew it must be from this plotline, didn't realize they'd cropped mary out
gather there must have been some offscreen cas-healing. convenient
MARY But do you still like pie?
reminds me of a gifset i saw recently with jensen talking about his been conditioned to be excited about pie via dean lol
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i have a variety of gags i don't love on this show, but dean eating as piggishly as possible is up there near the top.
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i can't get over how beautiful she looks. bewitched me
MARY Well, we should call the Internet and find out as much as we can about these people. Did I say that right? DEAN So close. SAM Yeah, it was close.
that was very cute
the crazy awkward i can't begin to fathom for sam, not knowing mary at all (though dean barely did too, especially considering most kids don't retain those very early childhood memories)
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SAM Dad's journal. His writing, his words. Helped me fill in some blanks, answer some questions I didn't know I had. And, you know, it – it – it keeps him with us, sort of. MARY Thank you. SAM Good night. MARY Dean said you got out of hunting. SAM Yeah. MARY And yet here you are. SAM Well, this is my family. My family hunts, you know? It's what we do. Mom. For me... just, um... having you here... fills in the biggest blank.
❤️ got me to tear up too - despite the slightly odd music cue for the hug - lyrics yes but not quite the right mood musically to me? (heart's lost angel). i think it works for the montage but the tone feels not quite right for the hug
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i hope they're taking more pictures these days. damn bobby for burning the family picture with jo and ellen in 5x10. sam and dean both look at them regularly, should add some new ones
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the apocalypse au picture?? had it paused trying to find jdm and then like whaa that's cas being human-apocalypse-casual. 5x04 (which includes some really wonky romantic music when sam and dean reunite, clip included)
and now we're back to cheesy action spy thriller with the whatever, expert assassin torturer whatever the fuck. giving whiplash
brief-ish rant. i've complained, often, annoyingly, about the torture in this show. pushing aside the fact that torturing for information doesn't work, i think it's the sheer volume in this show in particular that has me so kneejerk upset about it. most shows or movies i watch (because i'm not going to pick to watch things that advertised to have a lot of torture in them), i can look away through maybe a few scenes and okay moving on. but torture itself became an Important Character / Plot note thing for dean, and with the torture subjects often being not-human there's (presumably) less moral qualms about torturing them, along with just a general standard action trope of using it for information. it's just so common and so accepted as standard operating procedure. and i don't like it. i don't like depictions of it ever, but especially not with this show's frequency, and especially-especially not with my special guys doing the torturing or being subjected to it.
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lonnieontherun · 3 years
supernatural discourse asks (snagged from here: source)
1) Is John misunderstood or a villain? Well he’s not a villain. I’ve mostly been 50/50 about him. Not a big fan, but I don’t hate him either. I think he did wrong in how he raised his kids and how he treated them not to mention the writers were so contradicting in their writing of him. So I get why some fans hate him and say he abused Sam and Dean, but I also get why some say he didn’t. So I’m like ?? He was a man put in an inhuman situation.
2) Overall worst season? Huh Season 10 probably. Man was that MOC dragged on for far too long. If they had done it kinda like soulless Sam - half a season instead of a season and a half then maaaybe it’d be better. But what we got was cr*p and didn’t help Dean’s character for me at all. Season 12 and 13 were pretty bad too I don’t even remember them. In fact they were so bad I didn’t bother finishing the show and the last two seasons. It didn’t feel like Supernatural anymore.
Back when I first joined the show right before season 3 aired up to the end of season 7, I hated s4. It’s an interesting plot and storylines and all that, but it was a rough time being a Sam fan. I loved the powers storyline, but yeah it was nasty overall. Never enjoyed the angels being added. First half of season 8 was pretty bad too.
3) Are Sam and Dean good people? I’d say yeah, but obviously good people having done a lot of awful things. But also so much bad has been done to them you can’t really blame them for being messed up?
4) Meg!Sam or Lucifer!Sam? Oh Lucifer Sam no question.
5) Was the treatment of Cas genuinely homophobic? No? He was an angel, genderless. 
6) Most compelling dynamic (outside of the brothers)? Sam and Lucifer. Now they went overboard with Lucifer in the later seasons and frankly when he’s not interacting with Sam he’s losing a lot of... well, everything. Not really Mark Pellegrino’s fault, but terrible writing. But I even love Hallucifer. While I agree he was a bit too comedic, some was also very dark humor.
7) Amelia or Lisa? Lisa. While I don’t really care for either one Amelia was basically Lisa 2.0 just unlikable and annoying. I hated that whole storyline even though I agree Sam should be able to want his own normal life. Season 8 could have been handled way differently and connect better with Sam’s mental issues in season 7 rather than pulling that nasty trick on him. I hate it. Lisa was at least - to me - likeable and to a degree quite supportive of Dean and his hunting life for a while. By the time she had enough I couldn’t really blame her? Her storyline just was so boring to me though.
8) How should the afterlife have been “resolved”? Did the fixing of Heaven work? I honestly loved the design of Heaven/afterlife in “The Dark Side of the Moon”. It was beautiful with the magic sky and locations and memories. What little we got of Heaven in the series finale is basically Earth 2.0, but then again we only see oh so little. I don’t really know. 
9) Best season finale? Hmm well i’d go with season 6 finale - The Man Who Knew Too Much. Yes it’s a Sam focused episode so of course I’d love that. It was interesting getting to go inside Sam’s mind and set us up for a real good storyline in Season 7 - that they really let us down on :/ Though like most people i’d say Season 5′s Swan Song is a close second along with Season 8′s Sacrefice.
10) What are your thoughts on Dean and Cas’s dynamic/its resolution? I have always found their scenes and interactions so boring from day one. I can’t help it. They were such a snooze fest for me even in season 4 when Cas was still a better, interesting character despite not being a fan of him. Their resolution was simple shipping fanservice and completely did injustice to Cas as a character too (even I say that despite thinking he should have stayed dead in season 7 before his character was completely destroyed).
11) Should the show have ended happily? While I’m 50/50 about the finale I’m fine with it. It was cheesy and I hated that they killed off one brother. After 15 seasons both brothers deserved to live. That being said I did love them for making it a brother focused episode and at least they did reunite in Heaven. So it’s a bittersweet ending, but it should have been a happier one I think with a little less cheese and without that awful cover of Kansas’ song.
12) Favorite season of Sam? It’s between season 2, 5 and 6. Only reason 7 isn’t on here is because they totally failed his mental illness storyline. What we got was good, but not enough and way too easily resolved. The three other mentioned seasons though are my favorite overall. I loved the special children and hated that it was cut short. I loved the Apocalypse storyline despite Sam (again) getting the blame for everything and season 6 oh man soulles Sam my beloved. 
13) Leather jacket or Mary’s ring? Lol I don’t even remember Mary’s ring? And I usually don’t like leather jackets, not even Dean’s so neither?
14) Thoughts on: the Harvelles. I loved them. One of the main issues with this show is their need to kill every side character which is just pointless. They could have just left them out for a few seasons instead of killing them. I loved when there were other hunters involved in the storylines - preferably not to be enemies to Sam though lol.
15) Was reviving Mary the right choice? No. Such a true sign of the writers running out of ideas. I didn’t hate Mary, but ew. The whole season for forgettable and cringy.
16) Was Lebanon a good episode? It was so odd? Again I haven’t watched seasons 14 and 15 fully, just selected episodes, this being one of them. I liked it, but it still didn’t feel like Supernatural anymore which is why I stopped watching after s13. But it was a cute episode and I liked it, but it’s not the best.
17) Favorite villain? Lucifer.
18) When did Supernatural start declining in quality? (If it did?) Season 7 I guess? While I enjoyed plenty of episodes following - the last half of season 8 is great and season 11 for the most was good for a while too. But the quality of seasons overall went out the window with s7 I guess. I just had it when they healed Sam’s mental issues so easily. Instead of making it a part of Sam being alone at the start of s8 they just made him so ooc it p*ssed me off.
19) Do people have a responsibility to critique the show they watch? They have the opinion to do so and responsibility to not make up s*it as they go by calling it something it wasn’t just because you’re too deep into a fictional non-canon ship. Critique the fandom is important too though because SPN’s in particular is a sickness.
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sibsteria · 4 years
cheatercheater [rob benedict] [part 2]
prompts: ''I don't love you anymore'', ''look what you do to me'', ''let's just stay in bed'', ''it was you the whole time''
summary: a year after [part 1] took place, about 6 months after you and Jensen broke up the fans found out about his cheating. Most of the fans supported you, some of them remained blinded by the media 'he wouldn't do that' or 'it's not like Jensen' but a full year after the incident, you and Rob were happy
characters: Rob Benedict, Jensen Ackles, Richard Speight Jr, Matt Cohen, Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, (mentioned) Mark Pellegrino
warnings: fluff and a fraction of smut
part 2/2
The pristine sheets of the hotel room seemed rather grim against the beauty of the sun, that shone through the thin curtains. Lay beside me, Rob, looking so alluring wrapped up in light covers that contrasted his dark curls. His head lay soft against the pillow opposite to mine, light exhales from his nose calmed me in the early hours of the morning. I watched him for a while and wanted to run my hand against his beard, but I decides against it, today is going to be a long one.
Slowly creeping out of the warm covers, I slipped into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I zoned out as I felt the bristled against my teeth and gums. I could never stop thinking about him, the way his hand felt, brushing against the most delicate parts of my skin. The delicate trace of his lips against my shoulder as heaven revelled.
I filled up the kettle with water before flicking on the lever, illuminating an ugly orange hue. Clad in only an oversized shirt, I decided it was time to get dressed.
Walking in to the room where he lay, sleeping, or so I thought- I picked out the most simple clothes. A soft, grumble of a 'hi' sounded from the plush bed.
''Mornin', Robbie.'' I turn around and smile at him, tongue poking between my teeth as I grin from the sight of him.
''Time is it?'' His voice was light yet gravelly, still tired.
''Early, you could have had a few more minutes. Didn't want to wake you, sorry.'' Giving up on getting dressed just yet, I sat back down next to him.
''You didn't, don't worry.'' He directed his gaze at me, picking up his hand to trace my cheek as I lay facing him. ''God, so beautiful.'' An almost whisper resonated from him, my heart as it always does, flipped and flared due to him.
''Shut up.'' I whined, he tugged to roll me on top of him, in a straddling position. I lay my head against his shoulder as his hands grazed up my skin. From the skin of my thigh, to my hip, following under my shirt.
''Rob.'' I sighed against him, his face leant down to place a kiss on my shoulder. ''Don't think about it, we have a big day.'' He pouts, how fucking adorable.
''I'm not doing anything, I promise.'' I see the glimmer in his eyes.
I lift my head up and places my hands on his chest, leaning down and hovering over his lips.
''Don't tease me, you won't kiss me until I brush my teeth, I know you.'' He groaned, placing a rogue strand of hair behind my ear.
''Do you?'' I raise an eyebrow, before pressing my aching lips against his, desperate for attention. He pushed back with an unrequited fever, releasing the quietest of moans into my mouth.
''Now that is love, guys and gals.'' Groaning in appreciation, he grips my waist.
His hips involuntarily bucked up to mine, pressing his against me, nothing in between us but the fabric of his boxers. He gasps, his parts his lips, this can't go any further. There's no time.
''Robbieee, no.'' I try to shuffle off him only to be flipped over and crushed by his body.
''Look what you do to me.'' He whispers, his mouth trailing wet, hot kisses down the fixate of my neck. I sigh before putting my hand over his lips. ''Let's just stay in bed.'' He mumbled into my skin.
''We literally have to be in the lobby in an hour and a half. Come on.'' He grouses, removing himself from on top of me.
''Maybe I'll catch you backstage later, if you're lucky.'' He winks my way, I bite my lip and laugh.
''Not backstage, maybe the restrooms if I feel like you deserve it.'' I give him finger guns and start to pull on what I picked out.
''Ca-Can you, leave why I get dressed?'' I turn back to look at him.
''There's nothing I haven't seen befo- Oh?'' I smirked at him. ''Got a problem?'' A raging boner poked against his boxers.
''As much as I'd love to help you, I think I'll leave it to you so we can get there quicker.'' I bite my lip, a fuchsia hue painted my face.
''See you out there.'' I leave the room and finish getting ready.
''Where is he?'' Misha huffed. ''Usually I'm the late one.'' Our group of six agree in a short burst of laughter.
''We had some problems this morning.'' I tried to sound as casual as possible, but as Rich is a mind reader, he chooses this as an appropriate time to tease me.
''Problems, eh? Why are you not up there?'' He flamboyantly drums my arm with his fingers, I glare at him.
''Didn't want to get carried away, told him we had to be earlier.'' I cross my arms, a shy blush plastered on my featured. An awkward silence fell over Jensen and I, although I thought we had moved past us, he clearly hadn't. Leaving it to Matt to break the tension for us.
''Tonight is karaoke night then, huh? Let's try and get Mark to revisit Rocky Horror.'' I nod in agreement.
''I can do that, he'll listen to me.'' Bad choice of words, Y/n.
''Oh, I bet he will.'' I her come from Ackles, low yet loud enough for me to hear.
''Excuse me, what?'' I ask him, innocently.
''No, if you have something to say then say it, we're all family here.'' I gesture to us all.
''It was nothing.'' I pull him to the side angrily, Jared walks from his side to the group of us.
''Look, I don't have to be here if you have a problem with me-'' I start, Rob's entered the lobby, he reads the situation.
''I still love you.'' He rushes out, a hand holds his forehead.
''Jensen, I don't love you anymore. And you clearly didn't love me, or else you wouldn't have cheated.'' Rob can make out the conversation from the distance he's in, so can the rest of the group. ''I'm happier, aren't you? We don't have to lie to ourselves any longer. You can sleep with as many women you want and I can be in the loving relationship I need.'' Rob's heart swells as I defend our relationship.
''Please, I'm not myself without you, I miss you. Give me another chance?'' His pleading eyes do nothing for me.
''You had one, you fucked it up. Let's move on from this, go fall in love, go fuck, go have fun. It's what you wanted to do whilst we were together, so do it.'' I put a hand on his shoulder as he inhales.
''I can't promise I won't let you go.'' He whispers, I shake my head.
''Try, please?'' I walk away from him, before Rob steps in.
''You okay?'' He whispers into my ear, as I stood next to him and the group.
''Yeah, just clarifying some things.'' I reach up and rub the space under his eye with my thumb.
''You-You wouldn't go back to him, would you?'' The hopeful look in his eyes almost me into tears.
''No, never, it was you the whole time. Always will be, you ain't getting rid of me now.'' I kiss his cheek before we jog to keep up with the group who had already started to move as some handlers arrived.
''Good.'' He says to himself, although I hear him, he needs to work on that.
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