#New BFA Druids
bread-elf · 1 year
This is a post that's primarily directed at people who have known my character Jiroki for a long time and know of her family.
Recently I've been undergoing through some negative life events (I won't talk about it here but my dms are open if anyone would like to know, but ultimately I am ok), and it's made me heavily reconsider my priorities in life. I still intend on rping on my free time as a hobby, but I am undergoing some changes with my character for the sake of my mental well being.
So for those that would like to know what changes, details are below.
First and foremost, my character is no later mated, and she is no longer engaged either or in any relationship. I am having her previous mate dead, he doesn't rp on my server nor am I rping on his anymore, and it's better this way. Her mate, who is a demon hunter named Aztook, is going to be considered dead. The player has not been active since bfa, and their separation will leave an opening for the chance to him to possibly be alive if he were to return, but as it stands that is unlikely.
Jiroki was engaged to Jason Helsong, but because of what I'm going through irl that is not something I can go through with. The player is incredibly supportive and one of the most amazing person's I know, and he is understanding.
We agreed for them to go back to casually dating and we may revisit their romantic story in the future, but at this time I don't want Jiroki to be in any form of relationship. The occasional fling may be fine as a change of pace for me, but my game time has already been reduced drastically since I been focusing on my life, and I'd rather not hold anyone back from rping freely.
Jiroki has four children that she's given birth to, and quite honestly I had considered retconning them entirely, but I don't think I can do it. So I've decided to make them older older they are (as of right now in Dragonflight the oldest who are twins would be 9), and they'll all be sent off for apprenticeships. The Kirin Tor, the druids in Val'sharah, the Tian Monestary, the Explorer's League, etc. Perhaps in the future I may rp them as adults, but at this time it has become more burdensome then it's worth to keep them involved in the story.
Jiroki may even move from her home in Pandaria to elsewhere. I haven't decided where yet, she does own a cabin in Grizzly Hills, so that may be what happens.
I had considered writing short stories for all these changes, but frankly I just couldn't make the energy for it. A lot is going on for me and there's too many memories as is associated with Jiroki and the events I'm going through, so I may even dabble in new character concepts or just focus on other games.
But I'll still be around and doing rp events that I'm already involved in, and still plan on sparkling with all the lovely Tarts. If you took the time to read all this I am genuinely happy at your investment, and will reassure once again that I am safe and ok. Maybe not mentally, but physically yes. Thank you for your time.
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Man I’m still not over how perfect the dracthyr are for me bc 1 being dragon obviously rocks, and 2; Kalec and Wrathion have part of this game for most of my life and I simply never met them. I have loved this game since my age was a single digit and it’s been the only thing my family ever bonded over and it really has a special place in my heart. But I had no idea what the hell the lore was bc I main horde and writers play favorites with campaigns like that so I have, in every sense of the term, been living under a rock in Azeroth. A few months ago I helped one of said family members who was doing achievements kill Deathwing and when we finished Kalec was in the cutscene. Right there. HE WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE CUTSCENE. My BLORBO BABYGIRL. And he was nobody to me at the time. How wild?? Is that? He was one of the muppets that helped make the most annoying necklace ever. That’s all he was to me. (Also I never finished bfa I was exploring Zandalari bc I wanted the trolls allegiance I never even knew abt the eldritch gods till YEARS later and by proxy did not even meet Wrathion.) That’s wild!!!
How fitting is it right? I’ve been sealed off from the rest of this little world because I was in my own bubble, but now that the isles have awakened, I am alive I am looking I’m genuinely curious and excited now to learn about this world. And it’s not just my boys!! I wanna know everything, I made a night elf Druid to fully explore where my main can’t!! I don’t know what this expansion did to my brain chemistry but it’s a world to me now. There’s so much to discover indeed! The isles have awakened indeed! What the hell has happened while I was slumbering? Tell me! How did I miss that shit!!!? There’s a giant f*%king sword in the earth that’s the only big thing I know!! We went to the afterlife and broke heaven apparently!! My boyfriend (the short one) stabbed an eldritch horror that nearly wiped out his species in the f*#king face!?! Good for him!!! I give him smooches!!!
We all existed in this world before we even knew each other and now we’re finally meeting, the stars aligned and ships passed in the night no more, I don’t know what the future holds for us but it would be so awesome if we were together for it. There’s so much for us to learn together, so much to discover, chances to turn new leaves together….I’m feeling a way about this…. /pos
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xellandria · 10 months
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70 #31, Horde #13, Druid #6. Why yes, I am going hard on my druids (only one to go, except I've got another server I want to roll one on once the new SWC alts are at least 60+). Part of that (if not all of that) is the new druid forms they added in 10.2; I now am just missing Aurostor's (the world boss) bear form, Tindral's fire moonkin colourings, and the form that unlocks from obtaining the mythic Fyrakk mount. Which, as a friend of mine said tonight when I told him what I was missing, I could obviously get before the Race to World First (and therefore the first kill of mythic Fyrakk) wasn't even over yet, lmao.
Aurostar now gives me six chances a week (batting 0/11 atm) and I only have one chance per week at the moonkin customizations, because the LFR wing with Tindral isn't out yet and I don't main my druid right now, so I only have the saturday alt/non-prog run. Hopefully that drops soon because I'll be honest: I'm not really enjoying this tier as much as last tier (though I think I made it through last tier exclusively on the basis of APG running the content that prog wasn't anymore, because prog perma-extended again which made me hate myself and also the raid). And, you know. Mythic Fyrakk. Later in the tier I might see what prices for a carry+mount would be (from a legitimate source, not from the trade chat spammers) and if I can afford it, I might do that because there's also a spirit beast tied to having the mount and I don't want to give up that much on a 1% dropchance in War Within and beyond (especially because, much like BfA and Shadowlands content, they're being super slow on readjusting old content to have mechanics that are doable solo).
Then again, I only have ~100k in spendable gold right now so I'm going to have to hustle to be able to afford it cos it's not gonna be less than a million, I'm pretty sure.
Anyway that was a tangent and a half, lmao
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sheepsheeples · 2 years
Gotta say this is the most fun I've had with wow.
Joined a guild, doing normal raids. Got the 411 item from the weekly and it was my BiS preservation evoker staff, im like decently geared cleared a new mythic key level at a +9 for the first time in my first season ever doing them. Have my 2nd charcater that i leveled for pvp sitting at 413 pvp ilvl and having a lot of fun with solo shuffle when i can't talk my pve andy guildies into arenas.
Dragon riding is really fun and ive yet to hit a point with the game where i feel tired of it whereas with BFA and SL i hit that point before i even finished leveling.
Idk if its because i bit the bullet and joined a guild after years of playing mainly solo or with just the handful of irl friends that played the game but. Its been a really good enjoyable time even if my guild got stonewalled on the wimdy bitch last raid night.
I dont usually love the gear treadmill but im having so much fun from other elements of the game (crafting being relevant again my beloved, having a crew pretty much always down to run mythic 0s or keys and helping everyone get gear) that its like? Idk I'm just really vibing with the expansion for the first time since probably MoP
Pres evoker also just slaps imo and it has dethroned resto druid as my favourite healer for like the first time ever. Feels good to play.
Tldr; Dragonflight absolutely fucks and im having a great time
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sigery · 2 years
I love my WoW characters
I feel like showing off some of my World of Warcraft characters and the family connections I made up
Warning, this post gets really long when you open it up, mostly because of the pictures
Starting off is my main Slgery, a Night Elf hunter
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she is beauty, she is grace, she can definitely punch me in the face. She is the matriarch of the family I guess.
Next is her wife and my main during BFA; Sigery, a Worgen druid
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She is actually the only one with a name; Riley Hayfields because I made her in the sims (though long before the werewolf pack). She is a feral druid, mostly because the idea of a dog woman spending majority of her time as a cat amused me.
Then here's their three adopted daughters
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FaeOfCute, a Worgen rogue and the oldest
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WildOfCute the middle child is a Worgen hunter (like Mama)
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SpellOfCute is the baby of the family that decided she would rebel as a Worgen warlock.
This is the centralized family but there are some other relatives too.
Slgery's aunts are a wise old Night Elf priest called FaithOfCute
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and the more chaotic one is EvilSigery (I regret that name so much), a Night Elf demon hunter delighted to find out she has living family after all
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She was probably a sentinel before she devoted herself to Illidan and his cause. Oddly enough, she also found love during the legion invasion in my Light Forged Draenei, BrightNight
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For a race that hates demons so much, it's kind of ironic she loves a woman with demonic blood. They do argue like an old married couple at times but don't insult the other in one's presence or you will end up on the wrong side of a very sharp weapon.
FaithOfCute isn't dating anyone right now but she does remain good friends with her ex, WithoutSoul, a Void Elf monk
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She was originally a High Elf rogue before she became a Void Elf, then she became a monk to help her inner peace against the dark voices whispering to her. Just some backstory for her... and she has a cool lightsaber blade despite supposedly fighting with her fists.
FaithOfCute's other ex is on a bit shakier grounds, but they did rediscover a friendship during the legion invasion, Horde!Slgery is a Blood Elf demon hunter
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She was a bit lost after everything that went down and losing Illidan. She didn't have anyone really to help her. She took some time to find herself, eventually 'adopting', as much as you can adopt an adult, two young women. Horde!WildOfCute is a Mag'har Orc hunter that also felt lost after leaving her home on Draenor.
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Though at least she had her life long companion Arfther.
The other young woman was DinoOfCute, a Zandalari Troll druid she met during the 4th war.
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Despite being very opposite in everything but stubbornness, the two just clicked.
I feel very bad that I kind of skipped over my Gnome mage, TnyButDeadly
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She is a longtime friend of Slgery (and Sigery)'s family. She is less of an aunt, probably closer to a sassy cousin. She seems very stoic until you get to know her though, then you got a handful (get it, handful because gnomes are small) of pure sass and snark.
Final one I want to touch on is my new character, Sigerthyr, a Dracthyr Evoker
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Her personality is still underdevelopment since she only has a few hours of playtime, mostly just the starting area. She will probably remain mostly in her dragonic form, but I did make her visage pretty
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I have like a dozen more characters, but these were my favorite/most relevant to the 'lore'
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rinskiroo · 2 years
Thoughts on new wow
YES finally leaving the Shadowlands! I took a couple extended breaks from WoW this expansion cycle. Moving, lack of internet, and a lack of interest in whatever was happening in the game were just a few reasons. Back for the pre-patch and the new talent trees are SICK. I love that they’re incorporating some of the fun legendary and Torghast interactions into things you can just do. Eventually, of course, there will be the “must have” talents and the most optimized trees for raiding and M+, but for now I’m enjoying taking the ones that sound fun and messing around in the Invasion-Lite pre-expansion event. (Legion invasions were better BUT that’s another box of ants.)
Demo Warlock -- my main for Shadowlands which finally got to dominate there at the end. I picked every talent that could summon a demon because I LOVE THEM. I WANT ALL OF THEM. Who knows if it’ll be good damage later one (it wasn’t in SL 🙁) but for now, it’s fun! I may stick with this class in DF. Still undecided!
Ret Pally -- I mained Paladin from Wrath through MoP and sometimes I miss it! New Ret is a lil weird, but it’s got a lot going on. I’m definitely interested in trying more of the spec (and digging into Prot too eventually!). Exorcism not generating holy power (like it did way back when) keeps throwing me off, though it hits like a truck. Paladins still have some of the best xmogs so def feeling a little lean towards picking Pally for DF!
BM Hunter -- Good old BM hunter. Always easy and solid. But I don’t like it. 🙁 Every class has the options of focusing more on AoE or single target. But Hunter feels really bad about it. Having to spec into both Multi-shot and Beast Cleave, which are useless when you’re focusing on single target. There’s no great way to get a decent cleave build (that I’ve found based on my like hour of messing around). I mean, I could be just missing it, but it doesn’t feel great!
Balance Druid -- Yeeeeessss. It feels so much better than the SL set up. I mained Druid when I lived in Japan, so end of WoD through BfA, and I was not wild about the changes in SL. It’s still very similar, but feels like there’s more things to do. You can also spec into a resto-kin style and pick up some extra healing in the main druid tree. Also a contender for DF! Might have to wait and see how the damage shakes out at lvl 70 and if my guild needs an extra healer.
Havoc DH -- DH has been my main-alt since Legion. It’s a fun class, but not one I’d want to raid with fulltime. I like kicking around WQs and farming mats with it. It feels like I have way less buttons to push with these new talents? Might take some getting used to. I think I cut away too much utility for just fun damage stuff. In the long run, I don’t know if DH is really going to feel great losing a lot of their formerly baseline utilities.
Enhance Shaman -- While DH seemed to lose a lot of buttons, I ended up with way more than I want on Enhancement. Not really a class I’ve played a ton of, usually an alt I end up leveling when I get bored, but yeah. That’s about it. It probably could be a lot of fun! I may need to find a trimmer build.
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Also these xmog dragon wings are SO COOL. Everyone gets dragon wings!
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luxetrust · 2 years
Wow azurite strong together
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Like shadow wont be affected at all because the only thing that isnt already on the gcd is silence. The GCD change will only really affect specs that have a bunch of cooldowns that they just slam all at the same time. I really don't want to have to shell out 20k to get a single piece of heirloom gear in some expansion past BfA. With the gold quests being once a day, it means people will be pulling out characters because they want to play them or gear them and not because it's a quick payout. Also might force them to make some more interesting content, ideally some class WQs to fill the void. Also means removing some of tedious content in regards to leveling alts because Blizz is liable to lock something important there. Except the mission table gold rewards make it worse because unlike the Argus quests, the player can do all of that in less than 10 minutes and that is a bulk of where my gold comes from these days.Īccount wide war hall means less inflation, assuming they don't fuck things up another way. 10k a day could be bad for inflation, but gets even worse once the player can run a minimum of 5 characters through all of that. Then the player runs out to Argus and does about 5 quests that get them another 2k-3K. Right now it's possible to have a day where you have 3 missions on a character and you get 200%, so that ends up being about 8k. The war hall and gold quests being account wide would do wonders for that. It literally takes an extra week max to get HoA lvl 30 and thus unlock all your traits.Yeah, if Blizz was serious about dropping inflation. I don’t understand why you can’t just see AP as an extension of that leveling process. You needed to grind 100-120 levels to get to max level. If you don’t enjoy ANY of it, indeed, why are you even still playing? Raids, IEs, questing, M+: They all give AP. If you don’t enjoy the grind currently in game, the door is that way ->Īnd once again, as has been repeated many, MANY times in this thread: You “grind” AP by playing the game. AP is an arbitrary number on a page that measures only how many seconds you spent logged on, and nothing more. Gear is tangible levels are tangible, abilities are tangible. You might argue that you need a grind to keep people invested in their characters, and I would argue that that is true to an extent, but only insofar as they actually want to be invested in that character for that reason. If there is a grind for the sake of a grind, then it’s time to give up the ghost. You don’t need something to grind just for the sake of having something to grind, because otherwise it isn’t an MMO. The core tenet (the core tenant of an mmo is a 36 year old neckbeard in a basement, just saying) of an MMO is, like every other game, having fun. The extra 5ilvl is the only thing you really need to work at to get it, but that’s hardly needed. Just play the game, do your daily emissaries, and you’ll have both core traits in a week, and all traits unlocked in 3 weeks from when you hit 120. It’s not even like you need to actually make an extra effort to grind it out. And honestly, what’s wrong with that? It’s just another form of “leveling”. If you had nothing to grind, Blizzard might as well start removing all character progression the moment someone hits max level.Ĭharacter progression is no longer linked to just gear and character level. If it’s not gear, because as you said it yourself since it falls from the sky, then obviously the HoA works as an alternate form of it. You need SOMETHING to grind out to stay relevant. AP is the least engaging part of character progression and the only one that maintains any part of its relevance into future content, even if greatly reduced.īut that’s literally the whole point of an MMO. You get gear raining from the sky, my new druid is already my highest ilvl character… but I still had to grind out that neck. Because Blizzard has designed a system where you feel like you arbitrarily need to “prepare” a character to be ready for future content, even though every other aspect of the game shouts the opposite.
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braxiatel · 2 years
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made a nelf druid to conduct fic research 
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howliteart · 4 years
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Got a random burst of inspiration to sketch something that's been in my head for years? Ever since wicker beasts were datamined pre-BfA (before Kul Tiran Druids were a known thing) I desperately wanted to get that wicker aesthetic on my worgen druid 😫
So Lennora got blown up in tree form during a battle, and an old Kul Tiran Druid lady (Nettle's mum actually, I owe her at least a sketched design) patched her up with twigs and animal bones and now all of that translates to her Druid/worgen forms too!
She's not undead (didn't fully die), but it is very sketchy how she's held together. Some of that skin is not her own.
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thegreatyin · 5 years
You play WoW? I do I have a level 20 Worgen druid right now she's my only starter thing maxed out character (I only have the free version right now)
Yes I do play WoW!! I usually play a level 120 (current max in the non-free version) Demon Hunter, but I also have a Worgen alt that's a Warlock (level 59) for funsies.
worgens are honestly just.. so fun to play through in the opening areas. like gd.
But yeah, I've been playing since Mists of Pandaria released for it! My dad has been playing for even longer, and I just sorta... use his account to play in the first place. Many funs.
If you're enjoying the free version so far, I highly recommend paying for full. The latest expansion (Battle for Azeroth) has everyone salty, but I personally really enjoy it.
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khadgars-raven · 7 years
Yea these new BfA models are amazing, but when will we be getting new Worgen and Goblin models? My worgen druid is tired of being out modeled.
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toothydeerwow-blog · 7 years
NEW Zandalari FERAL DRUID FORM & All Forms | Battle For Azeroth
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► [If you'd like to see more content/continuous Battle For Azeroth updates, please hit that subscribe button!] - Touch the bell for notifications!
The new Zandalari Troll Feral Druid form is finally here! This is an in-game preview of the new awesome dinosaur looking cat form!
Currently they do not have an animation, but for sure will most likely have animations next build.
The Zendalari Guardian Druid form now also has animations, so I included those in-game, along with a few of the other forms (Travel/Flight) in-game emotes like (sleep/dance, etc)
► TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ToothyDeerWoW
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braddersbangerz · 7 years
blizzard: gives the horde pretty druid forms
the players: rage and faction fighting
blizzard: my work is done, now you’re fighting
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deathbydarkelves · 3 years
So here's the timeline for my personal AU, where all my fics and art take place (minus that one drawing of Cathala and Tarinne in Ardenweald but shhhh). Basically everything up until BfA is the same, except there's a much longer period in between events. Year dates start at the beginning of Warcraft 1 with the opening of the Dark Portal, for clarity (and because that's how it is on Wowpedia). I can't necessarily account for every single canon character who's age has been flip-flopped a million times, but if my new timeline means Jaina is in her early 50s now or whatever, so be it. I'm not a coward, unlike the cishet men at Blizzard.
Note: Since I want to keep the burning of Teldrassil, but am fully aware Sylvanas as a character had like... no lead up to doing that... I'll need to workshop her character arc to make it make sense 😅 I have some ideas.
Note #2: This is heavily focused on what happens with the night elves because in all honesty, I mostly made this to soothe my aching night elf-loving heart. At last I can know some semblance of peace.
Year 0 - First War begins
3 - First War ends
4 - Second War begins
8 - Second War ends
20 - Third War begins
22/23 - Third War ends
27 - whatever happened in vanilla WoW, I still don't know
29 - Burning Crusade
32 - Wrath of the Lich King
36 - Cataclysm
38 - Mists of Pandaria
?? - idk I guess Warlords or whatever. I don't remember much of that expansion and I'm honestly just cutting it entirely lol I think that's fine. The environments were beautiful but idfk what happened in the story.
43 - Legion
45 - Fourth War begins with the burning of Teldrassil
-Most of the events carry out as they did in-game. Azerite, the night elves won the Battle for Darkshore, Stromgarde was reclaimed by the Alliance (had to google the outcome of that one bc blizz sucked at getting that info across. or maybe that was just me), the same general stuff with Zandalar and Kul Tiras, blah blah blah, except all the stuff with N'Zoth never happened.
-After Tyrande leaves as the Night Warrior, Malfurion becomes the temporary leader of the night elves, aided by Shandris.
47 - Fourth War ends
-Night Warrior Tyrande disappears with Maiev on a mission to hunt down Sylvanas, who herself disappeared after killing Saurfang.
-While the Horde ditches the idea of a warchief and settles on having a ruling council instead bc they're not stupid, internal friction in the Alliance grows.
49 - Portions of Darkshore are habitable again, courtesy of druids from both factions. Not many people want to move back though, as a recent warzone isn't really the most homely or welcoming place. Similar thing goes for Arathi.
50 - My fic, Black Rain (beta title), begins and ends (it takes place over like a week lol). Technically not much of massive importance happens, as I'm writing it to be a standalone, self-contained story, but this is my timeline so I'm including it.
-Tyrande and Maiev kill Sylvanas after tracking her down in Northrend, where she and her loyalists were planning on hiding out for a while until the dust settled.
-Tyrande returns to her role of High Priestess and begins severing already strained ties with the Alliance, in preparation for another long period of isolation for the night elves.
-The Alliance finds another allied race to fill the gap and keep the factions balanced jk
-There is an exodus of most night elves (and some worgen) from the Eastern Kingdoms back to Kalimdor, with a new capital forming around Nordrassil, as they settle into what's essentially a second Long Vigil. Tyrande agrees on a "don't fuck with us, and we won't fuck with you" policy with Orgrimmar. Darkshore, Moonglade, Winterspring, Felwood, Mount Hyjal, most of Ashenvale, and portions of Stonetalon become incredibly risky territory for outsiders as the night elves heavily fortify their borders.
-The sword in the planet gets fixed, somehow. Might have to wait and see how Blizzard decides on doing it before I settle on a method. Either their idea is good and I steal it, or it's bad and I fix it.
-And then everyone gets to relax for a while. Well, if you're not an Alliance politician, because after the Fourth War there's a lot of questioning the validity and intelligence of monarchies, especially HUMAN monarchies because why the hell did we let this college student lead nations in a war? Also why is the shortest-lived race the leader of the Alliance at all? Maybe this leads to a civil war, I think that would be spicy and interesting.
-Lordaeron/Undercity is cleared of Plague and technically habitable again.
-Gilneas is properly reclaimed by the Gilneans/Alliance. (Unless it already has been? idk all the pages I read were confusing)
-N'Zoth and Azshara will have to be dealt with some day, but not for a little while.
-The Horde and Alliance probably fight some more I guess. I haven't thought that far ahead.
Again, I mostly made this to soothe my bleeding elf-loving heart, and this is all extremely self-indulgent. Canon Warcraft lore is in a bad place right now, but it's all made up anyway so I'm just gonna make up my own version and go with that. I'm here for a good time not a long time. And I'm calling this my comfort AU. Might as well just say it like it is.
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notoriouslydevious · 4 years
My First WoW guild experience
As many of you know, I’ve been taking a break from league, while still looking up on who is getting what skins, and I’ve been fully indulging myself in World of Warcraft.  With Shadowlands being released, I’ve been spending a lot of time grinding almost all 14 of my level 50s to level 60, but then being unsure whether I should put a character in a covenant for transmog or because the covenant class abilities synergizes well with their kits. (FUCK BEING A BASTION DRUID, NIGHT FAE IS FOR THE DRUIDS!). I’ve been wanting to put my blood elf fire mage in Venthyr because Venthyr are snotty-snobs who love having tea parties and that’s literally PERFECT for my snotty blood elf, and the transmog is fantastic, BUT the class ability isn’t as strong as Night fae. It’s a struggle, it truly is.  I’m going into this expansion guild-less, sort of like how I started mid-way through bfa guild-less, but I wanted to tell you the roller coaster that was being in a guild for the first time.  The VERY first guild I was in, I can’t even recall the name. I mainly just joined it so I’d stop getting spammed guild invites from random people. I wasn’t even in the guild discord, (guilds can be VERY tight-knit social things. For my league friends reading this, think like clubs with really intense, clingy discord groups). One day, someone messaged the guild chat in-game, “hey, who still hasn’t gotten their Uncorrupted Voidwing mount? I’m down to do a couple more runs.”  I responded back to them, “hey, I’m pretty geared and I haven’t done it yet, I’d love to give it a shot.”  A bit of back story on this mount, it was a mount that you could only get doing the heroic or mythic Ny’zoth raid AND it was going away before the new expansion. (That’s me when I eventually got it)
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My friends had already gotten it without me and they were going on a WoW hiatus. I tried to get my boyfriend on to play some wow with me, he’s a tank, but he hadn’t been leveling up his gear and didn’t complete the raid prior, Azshara’s raid, so he had no interest. He was also working at lot of hours and told me wow is the kind of game where you want to be able to sit down and play a lot of it, “I need to be in the mood to play wow,” which I wasn’t going to force him. The new expansion was coming out soon anyway, so why play the old content when new content is coming? After I had messaged back that guild member, they went offline. I thought that was strange, but I brushed it off and continued doing my embassy world quest dailies. My deadly boss mods or details damage meter later gave me a message that my guild has wiped trying to kill Wraithion in 3 minutes, the first boss of the Nyloth raid.  Oof, they were doing it without me.  IN THEIR DEFENSE, I wasn’t a part of the discord group. Many guilds rely on discord when raiding to hear callouts and be able to communicate; HOWEVER no one reached out to me after seeing my interest of wanting to do the raid.  It wasn’t like I had just joined the guild that day, I was “exalted” with the guild and had been in there for awhile- just had never really done any group activities.  The new expansion was only a couple months away and after getting another message that my guild wiped on Wraithion again, I decided to leave the guild. NOW this is where the hell begins.  I was standing in Boralus when I had finally typed in the /leave. Not even a minute goes by when a big Kul Tiran dude turns around and stares at me for a bit. I then received a private message from the Kul Tiran, “hey, I noticed you left your guild. What happened?”  I responded, “oh, I wasn’t really involved in the guild, but today I was told they were doing heroic Ny’zoth and I wanted to come along- but they went without me. So I left.”  “Oh... Would you want to join my guild?” I wasn’t really sure but the time was ticking to get the Uncorrupted Voidwing.  “Are you guys active and do you do mythic keys and raiding?”  There was a pause.  “Yes, we are a very active guild and update our schedule every tuesday.” “Alright, I’m in.”  They sent the invite and I was a part of this new guild. For the guild’s sake, I’ll leave their name and their respective character names out of this.  Unlike the first time, I decided I was going to go all in and join the discord. I copy pasted the invite link and wa la~ I was in. I then get a message from the guild leader, “Anime or Goth?” At the time I had a really cute picture of goth anime girl as my discord profile pic
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As much as I appreciate the goth aesthetic, I’m not goth BUT I am a huge weeb. After I said that I’m really interested in anime I was hit with another question. “How old are you?”  They did say they were a “mature” guild in their introduction, I shrugged it off and told them my real age, “21.” I told myself they were prob just making sure I wasn’t underaged.  “Male or Female?”  “Huh. Is this how all the guilds do their initiation?” I remembered thinking to myself.  I responded, “I’m a Lady.”  My boyfriend then looked over my shoulder and asked me why some random dude was asking me all these questions. I told him it was the guild leader, even though I was honestly curious why they were asking me so many questions, I didn’t really mind them knowing my age and gender.  I went upstairs to make dinner after letting the Guild leader know, “Hey, I’m not a single pringle, I’m in a relationship,” to having my boyfriend come upstairs saying, “I TOLD YOU!”  “Huh?”  He brings me my phone showing my guild leaders latest message, “Im not single either ;} my girlfriend and I are looking for a 3rd.”  “Oh.” LIKE SHIT MAN, I DIDNT KNOW THAT!  I LITERALLY JUST KNEW THEY WERE ASKING ME FOR MY AGE AND GENDER- LIKE, I DIDNT THINK IT WAS ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT!  A couple days later after doing some dungeons and old raids with the guild and getting to meet a couple people in voice chat, the discord leader sends me porn. Complete 180, out of nowhere, BOOM just sends me hentai. Like, I know I mentioned I like anime and yes, I do like hentai, but it’s not something I like just talking about with anyone. I had a friend, who in her discord server she had a whole chat channel dedicated to hentai BUT IT TOOK ME A LONG ASS TIME GETTING COMFORTABLE TALKING/ SHOWING HER THE STUFF THAT I LIKE AND!!! AND!!! I HAD KNOWN HER FOR LONGER THAN A WEEK!  And what did I do? In all my glorious and infinite wisdom? Did I tell him that him sharing those things with me make me uncomfortable? Nope, I said, “huh, I recognize those artists. Nanoless and tofuubear are great.” Im a fucking idiot. I don't like making other people feel unfordable or awkward or telling people no, so I get into a lot more trouble than if I just would’ve flat out told them no.  The next day we were doing some visions to level up my cloak, one on one, and he kept telling me how cute my voice was and that he liked my laugh, which, ya, I know I have a cute laugh and I'm extremely adorable BUT it made me extremely uncomfortable knowing that he knew I was in a relationship and that he also had a girlfriend. Like I don't need you to be telling me how cute I am, I KNOW how cute I am.  It also made my boyfriend uncomfortable seeing us two alone in a discord chat and knowing that he had been flirting with me and that I wasn’t shutting him down. I dont remember if this happened later that night or the day after but he sent me another hentai pic. It was of a girl, topless, only in panties, with an egg vibrator up her cooch, “I’d love to do this to a sub.” (I was trying to find the pic but the twitter user’s account that he sent me the pic from is suspended. Dangit waifukittyy! Anway,)  What did I do? If you guessed “played stupid” then you guessed correct.  “A sub? We talkin’ subway sandwich?” Dont ask me, I dont even know.  “You don’t know what bsdm is?”  “OOOOOOH, THAT KIND OF SUB. OOOH.”  I don't really remember the rest of that conversation either, I think after my “oohs” I just left him on read. A couple nights after, my boyfriend pulled me aside and told me how uncomfortable my relationship with my new guild master was making him. I told him I just wanted to be in a guild to help me get the Uncorrupted Voidwing mount and I promised to put my foot down and shut down the Guild master. I did and expressed how he was making me uncomfortable and his flirting was affecting not only me but hurting my relationship. The guild master responded with, “I’m sorry, I’m just naturally flirty, it’s how I always am. You’re really cute and I don’t want you to leave the guild or hurt your relationship.”  Just brushing everything off with, “im just flirty, it’s just how I am.” which trust me, I’ve heard that bullshit before, Swordpath, but I made sure to not respond to their messages and they didn't send me any hentai after that.  So all is good and everything worked out right? WRONG. This was just the beginning. 
As I started doing more activities with the guild, there was someone in the guild who, it’s an understatement to say, they weren’t my biggest fan. I’ll call them Guild Master #2, because were there actually two guild masters? No, but they were a treasurer, who was buddy-buddy with the guild master (which I’ll get into more detail later), and basically considered themselves to be the 2nd Guild Master. Like the GM, GM#2, and GM#1′s girlfriend, had a BUNCH of alts and they gave them all Officer positions and shit- so like that meme, they were literally the senate. 
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(I think there were maybe 1 or 2 other people with higher roles that weren’t the GM(s)/GM#1′s girlfriend’s alts) Going back to the lovely GM#2, They were the type to always post in the discord, “Good Morning Guildies!~” and when someone new joined the guild “greetings and salutations” (they thought this was super quirky and cool) and “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee haHA,” (This is just me being petty about how cringey they are but, oh wait, there’s more.)  they’d unironically always say “giggity.” at any chance they could.   Yes, I could feel bits of my soul leave my body every time she’d say it. For example, the GM’s girlfriend would say, “I’m gonna take a shower” and GM #2 would say, “GIGGITY???” “Oooo, pics???” “Pics or it didn’t happen!” (Like, ugh- just gross. THIS WOMAN HAD NO SHAME and apparently was also married and had children... both parties had children and were in relationships. It was just really, really uncomfortable and gross.) Oh, let me include another fun detail about this individual, they were a 50 year old woman with children AS OLD AS ME.  A 30 YEAR FUCKING AGE GAP and they acted like a child* (I’ll get into it below). I know I'm an immature shit at times, but holy shit, this boomer was something else. Going back to GM#1. He told me while we were doing a dungeon, that he and his girlfriend, that he lived with, along with her children, were both 40 years old. (I learned later majority of the people in this guild were in their late 30s to early 50s. I was probably the youngest.)   So some 40 year old dude was sending me hentai and flirting with me, while living with his 40 year old girlfriend and her children (which yes, were also closer to my age) and he had considered me to be a 3rd in their relationship. The more I think about it, the more I feel like he never told her that he was considering me being a 3rd, but I don't fucking know. To be honest, I think they eventually made GM#2 their 3rd, it would explain how super fucking horny and flirty she was towards GM#1 and sometimes his girlfriends, but I have no evidence, other that was I saw/heard from GM#2, confirming if she was or was not.  Moving on,  We’d go into “raids” and GM#2 would interrupt the raid leader, always trying to call shots, and when things wouldn’t go her way, she’d loudly sigh and complain.  *I say “raids” because they’d raid for about an hour, once a week, on Saturdays would usually wipe about 2 or 3 times, and then say, “alright everyone, good try- lets wrap it up and try again next week.” They had NO problem taking time to do old raid content for transmog, since it’s super easy to run through, you dont have to know boss mechanics and literally everything in there is one-shotable, but they didn't put anytime into the new content raid that I specifically joined the guild for. 
We’d do the Call to Arms (PVP) and GM#2 would sit and complain about how people were flying all over and getting kills and going different ways and how much she hated it- like why come if you don’t enjoy pvp? She was just a huge vibe killer. You dont know how hard I’d have to bite my tongue and not say, “Okay, Boomer” every time she complained. I’d join the voice chat and GM#2 would pull their buddy down into a private voice chat to talk. The, “OH, I have to talk to you about something-” pulls them down right after I joined. It was just weird petty shit that you wouldn’t expect from a 50 year old.  When we’d do Mythic Keys, GM #1 would ALWAYS invite GM #2 (which sparked problems later with the guild when I was about to leave*), and when GM #2 would notice I was there, she’d get upset, quiet, snappy at me, but would flirt and throw herself on Guild Master #1. She’d get jealous and mad if GM#1 spoke to me at all, and then if he made a sound or a joke, even when most times it wasn’t funny, she’d start scream laughing-  it was just really fucking weird. She didn’t give a fuck if his girlfriend was listening or if anyone, for that matter, was listening. It just made me feel bad for GM#1′s gf. Maybe GM#1′s gf didn't care. GM#2 would say stuff to her like, “we’re the awesomest club,” “twinsies!~” “send me pics of you naked” like- flirting with her a bit, and trying to make her feel included, but would just make it extremely awkward for everyone else in the voice chat. It also sucked because GM#1′s girlfriend was really sweet and funny. I really enjoyed her company, but she was always with GM#1 and #2, so I never really got to talk to her or know her without GM#2 interrupting me and talking over me to shut me up.  Another fun memory from keys, you only get loot from the last boss of the dungeon and the key we used was my key, I got no loot but the healer got a belt. It was an upgrade for me and I expressed that I’d like the belt.  GM#1: Are you SURE it’s an upgrade for you? Just because it has a higher item level doesn’t mean it’s an upgrade.  Me: The intellect and haste are big upgrades for me-  GM#1: Well I think the healer needs it to, sorry.  The healer was playing on an alt that they rarely used, while I was playing on my main. Was just kinda a slap in the face.    As time went on, my uncomfortable interactions with GM#2 would just prevent me from doing any activities with the guild BECAUSE SHE WAS ALWAYS THERE. There was already a dampener from my earlier interactions with GM#1, but that on top of GM#2 constantly nagging, complaining, and being rude whenever I was there, was too much.  *Someone else in the guild promptly said, “Hey, I notice you guys try to be inclusive and included everyone, but it’s literally always the same people doing dungeons and stuff together. You never really include anyone else except your tight knit little group.”  Gm#1 said something like, “well, certain people I know do big damage or heal really well, so I know they can handle the keys blah, blah, blah” basically saying, “fuck you, they’re my friends. I’m going to do shit with them instead. How dare you tell me how to run my guild??!!”  I don’t know if that person is still in that guild or not, but if they are- I wish you the best of luck, my dude. 
I had been thinking about leaving the guild for awhile now, but I decided to join one last raid, to give the guild a shot and see if everything was in my head or if this guild really wasn’t worth my time. The GM was asking who wanted to go and that they needed one more person, so I said I’d go.  It was the first half of the Eternal Palace raid, a raid I had done ALMOST A YEAR AGO. Completed it, but didn’t remember all the mechanics.  Did they go over the mechanics? Nope, just started hitting the boss and GM#2 would start whining if someone didn't know where to go or where to stand or that you have to stand in the green pufferfish goop so the healers could heal you, etc.  I’m also so thankful to this person, I don’t even remember who it was, but while GM#2 was throwing a temper tantrum they just said, “It’s only game, why do you have to be mad? Chill.”  Like fuck, someone finally saying what I had been thinking the whole time.  Did GM#1 tell her to chill out? No, it was just some other member of the guild. She loudly sighed and GM#1 sat their silently before the other tank said we should try again.   Did we finish the fight? Nope, got super close- boss literally had 10k health but we had all wiped and after that GM#2 left in a huff and GM#1′s girlfriend had to work early in the morning so both of them got off. I left the raid and just thought to myself, “nope... this isn’t worth it and there’s NO FUCKING WAY I’m getting that mount with people quitting this fast.”   It came the day when I finally decided I was going to leave. I first had my alts leave the guild and then after I removed my main from the guild I sent a message to GM#1 on discord, “Thank you for inviting me. I enjoyed being a part of a group however I don’t think this guild is for me. Wish you and the rest of the guild the best in Shadowlands.”  Like I couldn’t have said ANYTHING and just left, but I wanted to thank him for their initial kindness and all the activities we did together as a guild.  I then left the discord. I get a message in-game from GM#1, “I’m really sad to see you go, I really enjoyed having you in my guild. GM#2 and I are very upset that you left and wish to know why. If you ever want to come back, there will always be a home for you in our guild. Best of luck in Shadowlands.”  The “GM#2 and I are upset that you left” really sat with me. GM#2 was the main reason why I left, but I was gonna let bygones be bygones and not return a spiteful message that would just cause more drama.  Am I going to return to this guild? Probably not. While I had some nice adventures and got to experience some of the companionship of being in a guild, the interactions I had with the guild’s leaders really ruined it for me. I’d love to join another guild that’s ACTUALLY active, has a focus on raiding/keys, and are closer to my age, also less horny pls, but for now I’m okay with just running around Ardenweald with my boyfriend and collecting hidden mounts.  OH, how did I get the mount you might ask? As this guild was an alliance guild and we were making NO progress on the raid, I switched over to my horde toon, since she had a higher ilvl after doing all those mythic keys with my friends, and just started scrolling through twitch looking for heroic AOTC giveaways. I joined one guys stream and won his giveaway. BIG SHOUT OUT TO SAXAMON ON TWITCH! THANK YOU FOR THE GIVEAWAY AND FOR THE MOUNT! (The guild I left never completed the raid and thus never got the mount). Thank you for listening to my rant. ♥
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thesolitarystripe · 3 years
This was actually one of the first “chapters” I wrote about Tindyl. I started playing World of Warcraft in Legion and haven’t stopped since. For anyone that plays and is familiar with the expansions; this piece took place in BFA. It’s short and simple but considering it was my first time delving into writing about her and my guild, it’s worth a post.  I also profusely apologize that none of her story is posted in chronological order. It is absolutely all over the place despite there being an order, for sure. If there are questions on what to read first, I’m happy to answer. 
There was little land untouched by her feet but, even still, it felt strange being here in this town upon the sea. The sun was hot and the air thick with salt as it wafted through the alleys of the Tradewinds Market. It seemed there was always a distant call of gulls and the noise of trade echoing between the sturdy buildings. The young night elf had not yet found a favorite spot, one that brought comfort and peace of mind—every city she visited had that one place for her.
Tindyl spent many nights when the breeze was cool and laughter dimly echoed from the inn behind her, sitting upon the stone ledge overlooking the harbor. Perhaps it was the sight of their ship and the Alliance sigil floating above the sea that provided reprieve and an ounce of serenity. Unlike many of her allies, Tindyl did not find comfort in the bottom of a bottle; nor did she particularly enjoy the effect spirits had on her. Though she loved them all, she preferred to listen to the waves crash into each other and watch the moon shine bright above them.
In all her excursions with the Alliance, never had she felt so unattached from the mission. She did her duty, as well as she could. She kept her friends alive no matter the cost while they defeated the horde and made their way closer to Sylvanas. Within her, her heart was uneasy.
No matter how desperately she tried, she could not forget the flames or the smoke that engulfed her home. The smell of burnt wood, how the once lush grass crunched beneath her feet, the screams.
Tindyl bowed her head, slender fingers gripping the cold stone as she sat upon that familiar ledge in Boralus Harbor. If she could forget the screams; wipe away the crimson memories that stained the back of her eye lids—maybe, then she could find peace in this new town.
If Tyrande had been there, she hadn’t seen her. With the orders given to her then, Tindyl worked with blinders on—desperate to save as many of her kin as possible. She bandaged until her fingers were numb and called upon her healing powers until her spirit ran dry. Even then, it was all for naught. So much and so many were lost.
She wished she had stayed until the last ember had fizzled out but, with orders to evacuate, Tindyl left behind her home and the shriek of her dying people.
The briny air smoothed over her skin, ruffling silver locks and pushing them over her eyes. They were dark against her pale complexion. Gone was the soft ivory glow she’d been born with. Becoming a Night Warrior was an easy decision. The return to Darkshore weighed heavily on her. Bearing the memories of that night she followed Dori’thur—chills running down her spine.
Once her boots touched the familiar soil, damaged and strange as it was, it felt familiar and welcoming—as if the earth called to her still, as it did when she was a child. She had pressed one palm to the moist sand and soaked in the rage that had seeped deep into the land. Tindyl let it consume her as she and her allies charged further inland to find Tyrande.
Hearing Tyrande bark orders at their sacred Elune struck both fear and admiration within her breast. Why shouldn’t they be angry? Where was Elune when her people suffered and wailed beneath a night sky, painted in flame?
Tindyl accepted Elune’s power, hoping for a feverish moment, that she would be deemed worthy enough to wield it. It scared her now how quickly it was for her to accept death—should Elune’s power tear her apart. She was grateful it hadn’t.
We will Kill them all.
Tindyl stood, shaken but renewed as this celestial power coursed through her veins.
All her life she had lived to save, to heal, to protect. As she stood now, the looming vision of Teldrassil’s skeleton in the distance, she vowed to follow Tyrande’s orders.
The time for mercy is over.
Tindyl’s eyes opened, glistening as new tears formed and slid down her cheeks. She did not regret the lives she took. Over the years of service to the Alliance, she had followed through on every mission, every target. Yet she wept more than ever now.
Her fingers came up to brush her hair back from her face and quickly hide the shimmering droplets as the sound of footsteps padded behind her. A slight turn of her head brought the vision of a familiar face. Tindyl eased back off her knees and sat her hips down in full upon the ledge so that her feet could dangle over the side.
“Out here alone Archdruid?”
The female panda took a seat beside the night elf, she needn’t ask if her presence was wanted. It always was.
“Please,” Tindyl laughed softly, “don’t call me that.”
Both women rolled their eyes and shared another chuckle. Together they stared out over the sea, Tindyl’s heels thumping against the stone as she kicked out her legs methodically.
“Missing home?” The panda asked boldly. Tindyl glanced sideways at her before fixating on the moon above. Only her dearest friend, Kagurah, could speak so blatantly. Everyone else didn’t dare broach the topic.
“Of course,” Tindyl sighed simply.
Kag nodded, she often found her friend sitting out here staring blankly at the rolling waves.
“We’re going to take it back.”
Tindyl looked at the panda with a plain expression, eyes wide with disbelief. People always said that these days, but it was hard to feel its truth.
“The Alliance has always been met with hard times and we’ve always risen above it.” Kag spoke with a confidence that stirred Tindyl’s heart. “But you can’t keep sulking out here until we do,” she chastised before wrapping one strong arm around the druid. “Come have a drink with us, you can sit between Hibikyoku and me. Felwalker and Heftyweizen are in there,” she nodded back toward Snug Harbor Inn. “Everyone, everyone is in there asking about where you’ve gone off to.”
Tindyl struggled mildly against Kag’s hold; she had forgotten there was comfort to be found in the warm arms of the people she loved. The night elf patted Kag’s soft wrist,
“Fine. Only because you asked and just this once.” Tindyl’s voice came in a slightly annoyed grumbled.
Kag hardly noticed and dragged the silver haired elf to her feet. They were in the warmth of the Inn before Tindyl could protest any further. Seated at the tables were the members of their guild. Shamans, warriors, rogues, monks—humans, pandaren, void elves, draenei.
The shaman’s arm was still around her as Kag laughed at something Kreevus had said. Kag released her and took her place beside her husband, paws wrapped around her half-full tankard.
Tindyl felt the fire in her soul stir as the voices and laughter of her companions filled her ears. Maybe she was luckier than all of them. Perhaps Kul Tiras would never give her a place to feel at home but, she didn’t need one.
She was pulled down into one of the wooden chairs by another familiar pandaren and found herself sandwiched between him and Torvamir, their paladin. Hefty greeted Tindyl with a hearty hello; and a drink was set in front of her by a lovely barmaid.
Tindyl felt so silly for forgetting that this familiarity she craved, the warmth and love, the peace—was with her wherever she went, as long as she was surrounded by the people she loved most. A silent vow was lifted, Elune as her witness, that she would protect these special people until she drew her final breath.
“For the Alliance!” Hibi swung a freshly filled tankard of ale and it sloshed over the sides onto everyone sitting near him. A small army of glasses rose to meet his in the air.
“For the Alliance!” Tindyl lifted hers too, a smile breaking out over her face as the whole room chanted and cheered in tandem.
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