#Niall x oc
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Posting Schedule!
Minors DNI
(They Long To Be) Close To You
(Harry Styles x reader)
(No mention of pandemic.This starts as Harry writes Harry's house)Y/N lived a simple life. She worked and she loved what she did. She loved her family and she was happy. She didn't think she needed anything else. But one day, on a flight to a new adventure, she meets the one person she never expected to meet.
Basic warnings: mention of verbal abuse, insecurities, age gap(9 years), smut, mature language.
She threw her life into her work. The next role, the next script. No time for love. The life as a director and voice actor was fulfilling, as she wasn't alone, and she was always busy. She had her friends and her roommates. She worked with so many people. And yet, she couldn't feel more alone. But on an odd night, visiting some family overseas, she meets a man.
Ch. 1 Fire Away
Ch.2 Arms Of A Stranger
Ch. 3 You And Me
Ch. 4 Bend The Rules(Contains Smut)
Ch. 5 Heaven (Contains Smut)
Ch. 6 WIP
Birthday special- God Only Knows
Harry Styles
Don’t Let The Flame Die (Part One)
-9-1-1 Fox crossover
Little One(Mikaelson! Reader)
-Yours, To Eternity
Just For You
The Arrangement pt.1? (Harry Styles x Bridgerton)
I’m Here, Right Here Pt.1
-Wishing I Could Be There For You Pt. 2
Through the Dark(The Last of Us AU)- 1
You & I
Something Great
I Want Forever
Everything About You
Fake Happy(1)
Summer Love (Contains Smut)
Sky High- {1}
Hope We Grow Up But We Never Grow Old(BIRTHDAY BLURB)
What Did I Miss?(Niall Horan x Reader)
Welcome To The Show(Niall Horan x reader)
Meltdown(Niall Horan x Reader)
Save My Life(Niall Horan x Reader)
I Don’t Like This Game! (Harry Styles x reader)
On A Night Like Tonight (Niall Horan x Reader)
Tag List Form
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@be-with-me-so-happily @swiftmendeshoran @babyiamperfectforyou @freedomfireflies @kaminokatie @harrysmimi @violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @cupidsdolll @rafaaoli @kimmi-kat @erggggggggg @cayleyhannha-blog @acesofspadess @that-mcu-fan @styles-barnes-bitch @purple9950 @justmystyles @itslottiehere @cinnamonone
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cc-horan28 · 9 months
New Angel - Chapter 1
Okay so here goes nothing! I have no posting schedule whatsoever, Uni is busy and I will get to it whenever I can!
There's gonna be a fair amount of smut, and I'll do my best to separate it from any actual plot. However, if you ever want a summary of anything, feel free to message me anytime!
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And a huge shoutout to you, A. I know we've changed a lot, and I don't even know if you'll see this, but thank you for giving me this idea, and the motivation to actually do it ily. Never gonna stop loving you. ! 💕
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A/N: Here's my AO3 and Wattpad, if you ever wanna just drop by!
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Their moodboards (A huge ty to Bella for these! ily darlin'; this one's for you!):
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The music was thumping loud enough to aggravate me further. Just because someone was signed to the label, doesn’t mean they need to play their music at parties, I thought a bolt of irritation. I felt my phone buzz and was just about to reach into my bag but I saw a bejeweled woman walking towards me.
I sighed inwardly, putting on a fake smile. Probably the wife of one of yet another operations executive. Why do they think schmoozing up to me would get their husbands a promotion?  If that’s how people got higher up in this industry, wouldn’t everyone do it? Her nasal voice broke my train of thought.
"Hello, you must be Mrs. Rivera. I’m Jan Harmon, you must know my husband, Gavin. He works in Budgeting. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Gavin has nothing but praise for you.” She spoke with the ease of someone who had practiced this in her bedroom mirror a lot of times.
“It’s Ms. Rivera,” I said coolly, “and no, I’m sorry, I don’t think I know him. I don’t work directly with a lot of people.” I smiled, faking regret, and was about to tell her just how Gavin Harmon could get that raise he was pandering for when my gaze caught on a man in a russet suit.
He was nursing a glass of what looked like whiskey in his hands as he stared around the room. Weird, this wasn’t a whiskey kind of event. I found myself wondering why he was standing alone at a party like this. The way he held himself suggested something was off. He looked down, noticed his glass was empty, and went back to looking around the room. I was intrigued.
I excused myself and went to the bar. I ordered two whiskeys and was waiting on them when I noticed the man walking towards the bar. The barman slid the two tumblers towards me. I thanked him and saw that the man had sat on a stool just off to my right. I slid the glass across the wooden countertop, praying it didn’t bump and splatter all over him
It didn’t. It stopped against his forearm, sloshing inside the glass a little but thankfully none came out. He had his head in his hands, thumbs massaging his temples. At the sudden touch, he looked up, confused. His eyes were a startlingly clear blue, I noticed vaguely. I nodded at him with a small smirk. He blinked a few times, clearly dazed, before giving me a weak smile as he took the glass into his hands.
I got up with my own tumbler clutched in my hand and quickly walked over to my assistant, Blakely, nodding, as I stood in front of her.
“What have you been up to?” She whispered to me, her eyes focused somewhere behind me. I shrugged, “Nothing, I’ve been dealing with people begging me for promotions all night.” I looked at her from the corner of my eye. “Why, Blake? Something wrong?” She narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re telling me you haven’t noticed that guy ogling you?” She whispered disbelievingly. 
“Huh? Who?” I asked, feigning confusion. Shit, how would I explain what I did, I thought hurriedly. She held me by my shoulders and pulled me until I was standing beside her. “Him!” She whispered, tilting her chin slightly to the man from before. I watched wordlessly as he brought the glass to his lips and threw his head back, downing all of the liquor in one go. That must’ve burnt, I found myself thinking. There was an air of melancholy that hung about him. I was intrigued as to what must’ve happened that had him drinking whiskey at a work party.
Blakely elbowed me, “Hello? Earth to Ayra?” I pulled my eyes away from him, turning to face her. “What? Who is he?” I whispered back sharply. She raised an eyebrow at me, “You don’t know who one of the biggest pop stars right now is?” she asked. “I don’t have time to keep up with them, I couldn’t care less!” I burst out. “Ayra Rivera!” She gasped exasperatedly, shaking her head.
I was about to reply to her when I saw another woman in a slinky dress coming my way and quickly threw back the whiskey. I was gonna need it, by the look of her. “Ugh, another one. Gotta go, Blake. Talk soon.” I whispered to her as I plastered on a smile. 
I was right about the whiskey. The rest of the night passed by in a daze, people coming randomly, wanting to chat. I kept catching sight of the man from before, here and there; sometimes absorbed in a conversation, mostly just nursing a glass.
The party was coming to an end and I thought it would be appropriate to get drunk now, all the polished teeth and botoxed cheeks had made my head throb. I had just sat down on the stool, looking to check if Blakely was around, when a glass slid across the countertop and bumped into my forearm. I looked up, surprised, and saw the man from before looking at me intently. I raised an eyebrow questioningly at him and he stood up and walked over, taking the stool beside mine. His fingers were still wrapped around a crystal glass.
He cleared his throat and looked at me again. “Thanks for the drink earlier, it hasn’t been the best day, if you were wonderin’. Let me return the favor. Pay you back, if you will.”He slurred his s’ as he spoke, and I couldn’t quite place his accent. The way his voice sounded smooth despite the drinks, I figured he wasn’t an executive; must be an artist signed to the label. “It’s a party, hon?” I replied sarcastically.
This was all a bit ridiculous. He shot me a dazzling smile, “Not the way I intended to return the favor, darlin’” he said suggestively with a small wink. His accent made everything that came out of his mouth salacious, I thought in a fugue. I would be lying if I said his tone didn’t make me clench my thighs together. My eyebrows went up in surprise as I considered his offer for a moment. I didn’t have much to do tomorrow, just one meeting, and it was quite late. And he looked like he would be a good time.
I shifted on my stool, turning towards him slightly so that my knee brushed his thigh. I saw him take a sharp inhale and bite his lower lip. His fingers tightened around the glass. They were long, the pads looked rough, I noticed, mind jumping to what else I would like to have his fingers on. He caught my eye, staring intensely. I gave him a small smirk, dropping my eyes to his lips. 
He pushed his glass away as he stood up, eyes still fixed on me. I took a few seconds to throw back the whiskey he’d gotten. Wouldn’t wanna let it go to waste. As I stood up, I saw a look of worry fleet over his face. Must’ve thought I was going to reject his offer, I thought, suppressing a laugh and got up. He waited until I was a step ahead of him and put his hand on the small of my back. “This okay?” he whispered, hot breath fanning across the back of my neck. I nodded, “Better than okay,” He smirked slightly, and a small dimple popped out on his left cheek
“You’re too forward for someone whose name I don’t even know,” I said, as we headed toward the door. “You don’t know who I am?” he asked, disbelief apparent in his voice. I shrugged with a little laugh, “Nope,” I said, popping the p. “But I want to,” I said as I turned a little to catch his eyes. I put my palm on his chest to motion for him to stop. I leaned in on my tiptoes; he had a few inches on me despite my heels. “I want to know what I’ll be screaming tonight,” I said with a smirk as I pulled back. I saw his eyes darken, the clear blue turning stormy. “ ‘M Name’s Niall,” he murmured.
I turned as I took his hand, placed it on my waist, and resumed walking. “Well, Niall - My hotel or yours?” I whispered we were nearly at the exit, and I didn’t want anyone to overhear. “Mine,” he replied in a raspy voice “It’s just two blocks down. I messaged my driver, he’ll be here soon.” I nodded at him, not trusting myself to say anything. There was something about his voice that made me doubt my ability to think straight.
We stepped out, crisp autumn air feeling cool against my skin. I didn’t realize I had been feeling a bit hot until now. My attention was on making sure Blakely didn’t spot me leaving with him, she would kill me but I was watching Niall out of the corner of my eye, as we stood there silently, air thick with tension. “I never caught your name,” he asked shortly. “Ayra,” I replied with a small smile.
He shot me a quick smile back, but his was loaded with all his intentions for the night, and I felt like my collar was suddenly too tight. His eyes weren’t on me anymore, he was pointedly looking around for his car. It was almost like he didn’t trust himself to look at me and not do anything he’d regret later. I couldn’t help but smirk at the thought.
He suddenly said, “He’s here,” before taking my waist again to lead me to his car. I reached out to open the door, but he stopped me, reaching out himself “Least I can do, and I don’t mean it chauvinistically.” He said with a small smile. 
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stylesparadise · 1 year
Hi friends! I hope this post finds you well! I’m going to cut to the chase and say that I am once again looking for someone to (telegram) roleplay with!
My life has been a bit crazy lately, but I’m finding some inspiration and free time that I would love to put into a creative outlet to strengthen myself as a writer. I am over 21 so I request that my partners are the same, maybe 18+, but absolutely no minors. I’ve been writing for at least 9 years and would like to say that I’m well seasoned in this! I normally write a page (or more) depending on how well detailed the other response is so that I feel I can have enough to write off of. I’m more than okay with switching plots and trying new things so please do not hesitate to ask on any of those. I also get lives get in the way and I will put in here that I do work a full time early morning job!
I am interested in broadening from my normal and would like to search for someone to write for Sirius Black (or Harry Potter in general), Pedro Pascal or Joel Miller, and as always Harry Styles, One Direction (and solo!), 5SOS. if any of this interests you please message me and hopefully we can connect!
I do ask that you use “,” quotations when speaking, proper grammar and spelling, and are able to write in this lengthier responses (I understand short ones happen). I normally prefer doubles and would like to stick to that as I feel it’s only fair and wouldn’t want to make someone write as only a male lead. We can discuss everything else!
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daisyblog · 2 months
Watermelon Sugar
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: How Watermelon Sugar was made.
warning: smut, oral (female receiving), swearing
Very highly requested.
“So Styles…what are we working on today? Do you want to keep working on Treat People?”. Kid asked as he span around on his chair to face everyone, readjusting his hat as he did.
Harry gently licked his bottom lip as he thought about his options. “I’ve kinda got these lyrics that I can’t stop humming…I wanna work on them…see if they go anywhere, but if anyone feels uncomfortable then just say and we’ll scrap the whole thing!”.
“Shit it’s getting fucking deep in here today!”. Tyler joked, earning a snigger from Kid and a small grin from Mitch.
“What are you talking about man, every song is fucking deep”. Kid couldn’t bite his tongue. Harry only flipped him off with a sarcastic smile.
This is what Harry liked about the team, they could joke around, not taking anything to serious. But at the same time, they’d all shared many of the deepest conversations.
“Have you got like a melody or anything H?”. Mitch quietly asked as he prepared to play.
Harry shook his head as he pulled his lips into his mouth. “Nah just go with it and see what happens”.
“Tastes like strawberries…on a summer evenin'…and it sounds just like a song”. Harry acoustically sang, trying to find the right notes and melody.
“What’s with you and fruit, man?”. Mitch asked the question everyone was dying to know. “Plus what the fuck sounds like a song?”.
Harry ran his finger under his nose, a nervous habit he had. “Nothing…it’s nothing…just open for interpretation”.
Anne didn’t need an excuse to host a summer garden party, so the moment the sun came out she invited all her close family and friends over for food, drinks and a good time.
Harry and YN had been finding it difficult to leave each others sides, whether that was Harry’s arm reaching around her waist to sit on her hip, an arm over her shoulder or sharing a quick peck when they thought nobody was looking.
So when YN was in the kitchen, reaching across the spectacular spread Anne had put on to place a few strawberries on her plate, she felt two hands slide around her middle and a face nuzzle into her neck.
“I’ve missed you”. Harry placed small kisses up her neck, YN trying not to let her body respond as she took a bite of a strawberry, placing the green on the plate.
“I haven’t been anywhere”. YN giggled as she swallowed the fruit, placing the plate down so she could turn in his arms.
As she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers gently played with his loose curls. Harry met her lips with his, the sweet taste of strawberry lingered between them.
“Let’s go upstairs”. Harry mumbled against her lips, that were now a darker shade of red.
“Bubs we’re in your mums…there’s a party going on”. YN pointed out as Harry’s lips nibbled down her neck, teasing and distracting her from her thoughts.
Harry only shrugged his shoulders in response. “When has that ever stopped us?”. YN knew he had a point, but she was still reluctant, glancing around to see if anyone would see them wonder off. “Please baby”.
“But I want more berries”. YN wined as she glanced back at her plate, sitting there full of fresh strawberries.
“Well I want you!”. Harry gently pulled her by the neck to place a lingering kiss to her swollen red lips.
”All I’m getting so far is you’ve eaten strawberries on a summer evening and it sounds like a song!”. Mitch was literal with his interpretation, looking at Harry like he’d gone crazy.
“Mitch just listen to the fucking lyrics man…we’re only like three lines in and I already know what it’s about.” Tyler laughed at how naive his friend was being right now.
Whilst Kid and Tyler fiddled about with some ideas for mixing and editing ‘Golden’, Mitch tested out a few chords to see what would fit with the current song Harry was writing.
Harry was noticing some lyrics down in his leather book, when Mitch played a particular melody that caught his ears. He listened carefully trying to find the right timing.
“I want more berries…And that summer feelin'…It's so wonderful and warm”. Harry sung, catching the other’s attention, all invested in where he was going with it. “Breathe me in…Breathe me out…i don't know if I could ever go without..”.
Harry paused as he processed where this song was going. But glancing around the room, he spotted a book on the table. Giggling to himself, he couldn’t stop his hands from reaching for it. “I don't know if I could ever go without…Watermelon sugar…High!”.
“Sounds like you’ve just named your next song”.
Once their hidden by the four walls in Harry’s room, he quickly reaches for YN’s waist, leaving traces of his fingers behind. Pulling her closer to him as their lips become ones and their fronts meet.
The warmth from their bodies being so close has caused them both to feel hot. Their movements feel quick and fast, but slow and soft all at the same time.
As Harry walks them blindly over to the bed, YN’s hands become greedy and pulls his T-shirt off and leaves it drop to the floor. Taking YN’s route, Harry’s ring clad fingers, find their way to the front of YN’s skirt unbuttoning it as their lips stay together like magnets.
Once her skirt and underwear are pooled on the floor, keeping Harry’s tahirt company, YN finds herself lying with her back on the duvet covered bed. Instead of joining her, YN feels his lips attach themselves to her inner thigh. Her mind becomes dizzy as she feels his wet lips trailing further up.
“Harry!”. Her lips moan, wanting to feel more as her lower stomach began to tighter already. His lips are now needier, moving higher and closer. In a quick movement, Harry grabs a pillow from the bed and places it under her hips.
Leaning forward Harry’s tongue meets her, licking up and down with a slow teasing start. His hands move her thighs so her bare legs are resting over his shoulders. Another moan leaves YN’s lips as she feels his mouth move against her.
“Oh, fook!”.
Her moaning only encourages his movements, as well as feeds his ego. Whilst his tongue teases her, swirling around as he tastes the wetness as it drips down his chin, he moves his left hand to rest on her lower stomach, pushing down gently.
“Fookin’ ‘ell, that’s good!”.
Harry could feel YN’s hips start to buck against him, so he gently held her hips down so the sensations hit harder. The sound of her heavy pants outplayed the sound of Harry’s tongue hitting the wetness between her legs.
Knowing YN was close as she muttered out small encouragements, Harry moved his tongue faster against her, lapping up the sweet taste. The addicted sensation began to build and the heat travelled down YN’s body. Her head swung back on the sheet behind her as the pressure built.
It hit her with force, causing her to feel light headed and unable to think of anything but the climax, when her thighs clenched around his head, Harry had no choice than to keep up his movements as he rode her through her high.
“Oh Harry, oh yes!”.
The sound was like heaven to Harry’s ears as he felt her vibrate against him. Watching her orgasm was still something he could never get bored of.
The energy had been wiped away from YN as she now laid still on the bed, unable to move due to the shakiness. Harry lifted himself up from his position between her legs, wiping away the wetness left behind on his chin.
Harry moved further up the bed with his knees, hoovering over YN’s tired body. He leaned forward pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
“Worth missing out on eating your strawberries?”. Harry sarcastically asked, as he held himself up with his arms.
As they continued to work on the song, now known as ‘Watermelon Sugar’, the penny dropped for Mitch as Harry sang, trying to perfect the melody and pre-chorus.
“Tastes like strawberries on a summer evenin'…And it sounds just like a song…I want your belly and that summer feelin'…I don't know if I could ever go without”.
Mitch’s eyes went wide at the realisation. “Shit…fucking hell man…you’re singing about eating-”.
Before Mitch could finish his sentence, Harry cut him short. A large cheeky smirk covering his face as he did so.
“It’s a song about wanting to eat strawberries!”.
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994 @macy-tpwk
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hsdiaries · 6 months
Oh Anna.
4.9k words - LHH!harry x best friend!original character x Niall.
Threesome, oral f & m recieving, p in v. Slight praise, slight dom.
Harry & Niall play a game on who can make Anna come more.
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I pushed through the crowd, making my way to the back of the house. I hated parties, truly everything about them was pointless to me. Drunken fake conversations with people I wouldn't even remember tomorrow. I wasn't planning on coming, I was already in my bed when Anna texted me.
Please come Haz. I want you here.
That was all it took and I was out of bed in skinny black jeans and a baggy grey tee; hair tied up in a bun. Now I was here, pushing my way through the crowd at Niall's house; all because his girlfriend said she wanted me here.
Yeah, that's right, his girlfriend.
Anna, Niall and I had been best friends for as long as I can remember. Niall and I always fighting for her attention since the moment we met her.
Obviously he won.
Yet, I was never fully convinced that he won every bit of it. She never stopped being flirty with me. Never stopped being touchy. Never stopped staring at me with those damn honey eyes.
I finally spotted my friends at the back of the house, on the normal grey couch we would all always congregate at. I pushed through the final group of people, as Niall turned and faced me.
"H! You came! What the hell?" He said walking over and embracing me. I chuckled and nodded.
"Decided I missed your pale Irish arse," I raised my eyebrows at him, causing him to laugh a big belly laugh.
"What's so funny?" I heard the sweetness of her voice behind us, and I released Niall, turning to face in her direction.
"Nothing, just Niall's face." I shrugged and he shoved me as we both laughed.
Anna giggled, her bottom lip disappearing behind her teeth before pursing out softly, "I mean, sometimes." She moved her honey brown eyes from me to wink at Niall.
"Yet you love me." Niall said, leaning close and kissing her nose, making me look away.
"Sometimes." She responded, glancing over at me. She was wearing a green crop top, high waisted jeans. She moved over to hug me and the smell of Black Opium filled my lungs. It was her signature scent.
"Thanks for coming." She said once Niall turned his attention back to the group. The pink of her lips was almost red today, I loved how the plumpness of the bottom always settled on her chin a bit.
"Only for you. Just remember that." I winked at her as she let me go, a smirk appearing on her face.
"Sooo, I brought us something..." she said addressing the group while still holding my gaze.
"And what would that be?" Tanya said, Anna moving her attention over. She reached into her pocket, pulling out a small baggie with blue pills. Blue pills this group was really familiar with.
Tanya's eyes widened and she snatched the bag waving it around at the group, "Baby Anna always pulling through!" She quickly opened the bag, taking one out and popping it in her mouth like it was candy. She passed the bag around, our group each taking one. The baggie got to me and I grabbed it, handing it back to Anna.
"That's yours, H." She said, just looking at the bag then back at me.
"Not tonight, Anna." I said, and instantly she had those eyes. The soft ones, that narrowed in such a sexy manner.
"Please H. We have so much more fun." She pouted, her hand on my arm, causing me to swallow hard. Niall wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her towards him.
"Yeah, H, come on." He pretended to pout, fluttering his lashes at me causing me to laugh.
"Alright, alright, but you lot are responsible for waking my ass up tomorrow!" I said, emptying out the last pill in my hand before popping it in my mouth. Anna smirked, peeking up at Niall then back at me.
"Deal." She said, biting her lip.
Everyone started to feel the drug around the same time. It became an instant love fest. Hugs, kisses and so much touching. This was the normal with us, a giant orgy of a fucking friend group. Truth was everyone had fucked, touched, kissed done just about everything with everyone.
Except Anna and I.
It was the one boundary I never crossed.
But tonight, I wanted to cross it a million times over. I sat on the couch as everyone was up dancing. Tanya had found herself attached to my neck, her legs across mine as she nipped, sucked and kissed at my skin. She was trying to work me up, to get me to return the same lust towards her, but my eyes were fixed on Anna as she danced on Niall.
I watched as she reached her hands up, wrapping around Niall's neck, her perfect ass moving in motions that would drive any man wild, pushing back against him. He had his hands all over her, along her waist line, her hips. I saw him reaching between her legs, applying pressure in ways I knew I could do better. She tossed her head back onto his shoulder, turning her face so she could suck at his neck. I closed my eyes, pretending Tanya was Anna. Pretending she was dancing on me, her ass moving against my cock, it hardening at the idea of being that close to her.
I opened my eyes, looking back over at her and to my surprise she was already looking at me. Her eyes were skimming over the situation that was Tanya, her lips pursing. She shook her head, using it to call me over. I wasn't sure at first, until she mouthed the word.
"Come here." Her lips curled and I didn't hesitate.
"'Scuse me." I said pushing Tanya gently off of me.
"Harry, what the fuck!" I heard her say, but it didn't matter because I was moving straight to where I was being called.
I moved to stand in front of Anna, licking my lower lip, "You called."
She giggled and nodded, peeking up at Niall, "Baby, can I dance with Harry?"
Niall opened his eyes, as if coming to for the first time in a while, clearly on more than just the molly, "Yeah, that's fine." He said kissing her neck, "Just for a little." He started to let her go and she quickly grabbed his arm, turning around to face him.
"No, I want to dance with both of you." She said slyly, her hand moving up his arm. He looked down at her hand, then back to her face. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, feeling overwhelmed by everything going on. I wanted to touch her already, and I didn't want to wait for his response.
I moved forward, wrapping my arm around Anna's waist, pressing my cock into her ass. I was already hard and I wanted her to know it. I felt a pang of energy flow through me as she rolled her hips softly back, grinding on me. I felt my eyes want to close, but I had to do something first. I had to make Niall think this was his idea.
"She thinks she can handle us both mate, ain't that a funny thought." I said, smirking over at him. He narrowed his eyes a bit at me, taking in the situation then shaking his head.
"We ain't doing this mate. Not with her." He said, running his hands through his hair, watching my hands move over her stomach.
"Doing what?" Anna said, a slight innocence that didn't suit her layering her voice.
I took a chance, the risk of Niall decking me was something I could take. I turned my face into her neck, running the tip of my nose along the length of it. I heard her inhale sharply, pressing my lips against her neck. I didn't kiss her, I just spoke against it.
"Niall and I, we used to have a certain thing we liked to do. It was a game almost." I said, pressing a soft kiss against her neck.
I heard her hum softly, a slight laugh escaping her lips, "Mm, a game? What was the game baby?" She said, pulling him closer to her. Niall's eyes searched Anna's face before his eyes shifted to me.
"Haz..." he said, his face so serious.
"He's scared I'll win if we dare to play again." I smirked, and he cocked his head to the side.
"You forget I have the upper hand here Styles." He said, challenging me, so I knew my taunting was working.
"And yet, I'd still win." I said, raising and lowering both my eyebrows, my lips moving back to Anna's neck causing her head to fall back slightly.
That's when it happened, the switch in Niall's head, "We used to see who could make a girl come more. That's the game."
Anna's head went straight, her face turning to me and then to Niall, "But then couldn't one of you just lie?"
"Oh no, Anna," I said, my hand wrapping around her neck, my thumb and pointer finger applying the softest pressure. I moved my lips to her ear, "We did it at the same time, taking turns. Whatever worked."
"Oh..." she swallowed, her face turned to me, and I loosened my grip on her neck a bit, then back to Niall. She licked her pink lips, "I wanna play." She said softly.
Niall took a deep breath, swallowing hard before he glared up at me, "Fine. Once everyone leaves, until then, keep your hands off her." He pulled her out of my arms and I chuckled, quickly reaching down and adjusting myself. I threw my hands up in defense and nodded.
"Hands off. 'Til later anyways." I smirked.
Everyone had slowly left the party, I sat on the couch, sipping on a whiskey. I laid my head back on the couch, closing my eyes, the molly was making me jittery at this point, but I didn't know what to do with all the extra energy.
As I sat, I felt someone climb on me, a leg on either side of me. My freehand moved to feel a bare leg, making me question who it was; but it was the damn Black Opium that let me know it was Anna. I smirked, keeping my head back and eyes closed.
"Is it game time already?" I teased and she giggled. I was surprised to feel her lips on my neck, my senses flying out the window the moment it happened. She kissed up to my ear, biting it softly.
"Niall's just locking up. I told him I was going to get started." She said, before pressing her lips on my earlobe.
Fucking hell.
I opened my eyes, sitting up and she pushed back so we could lock eyes, "Be an angel and place this down for me." I said, before quickly downing my whiskey and handing her the glass. I held onto her waist as she bent back placing the glass on the floor. She was in just her crop top and lace burgundy thong. I helped her sit back straight on me, but I pulled her closer to me, so our faces were inches from each other.
"I'm going to win," I whispered, "And you're going to regret not picking me."
Anna's POV
I searched his eyes and swallowed hard. There was a darkness that filled his eyes, just as his hand cupped my face pulling me in and kissing me deeply. His tongue quickly finding mine. For a moment I didn't know what to do with my hands, still completely stunned by his initial comment. Before I even had a chance to think about it, I felt someone pull me off of him; flipping me around. My back was pressed into Harry, both of us falling back against the couch. Niall leaned down, biting at my lower lip, before kissing me deeply. He broke the kiss, looking over my shoulder at Harry, "I'll start."
He winked, standing up straight and slipping off his shirt; before lowering himself back down. He slipped his arms under the bend of my knees, slipping me down Harry's body so that my ass was hanging between the open space of Harry's legs. He dropped down to his knees, his lips moving up right thigh, placing kisses up it. His tongue moved up my thigh, skimming along the front line of my thong; tracing the bend of my upper thigh and hip. It drove chills through me, his lips moving to my center, his tongue lapping on my clit over the thin material of my thong.
My head fell back, remembering I was laying on Harry. I peeked up at him and he smirked, his hands soon on my body. His hands were so big, strong as they touched me, moving over my tits. He palmed at them over my crop top, my nipples hardening and I wanted nothing more than for him to slip it off me. Meanwhile, Niall's hands were on my hips, pulling my thong down and off my body. He bit at my legs as he made his way back to my middle, his tongue soon met my folds, moving my wetness along every part of my center.
"Mmm," I hummed, my hands reaching down into Niall's hair and as if I was giving him too much attention; Harry's hands pushed down my top, one hand on each of my tits, his fingers teasing at my nipples.
His lips were on my cheek, placing kisses on it as his hands moved on me. His lips moving down to my ear, whispering softly, "You feel good, Anna?" I felt myself nod, as Niall's tongue rolled on my clit, he sucked at it, causing my eyes to roll back, "You like when he eats you out like that angel? His tongue taking in your sweetness."
His words made me push Niall's head down further on me, his tongue moving down my slit, creating a figure eight motion along my opening, up to my clit. Each time he reached my clit he would suck on it softly, building an anticipation in me for every time it would come. Niall knew it drove me insane and he was using it to his advantage.
"Oh god, yes." I moaned out, and Harry pulled at my already hard nipples, causing me to yelp from the mixture of pain and pleasure I was feeling. He slapped my tits, palming at them to soothing the pain, and I heard myself whimper at the sensation. He did it, again and again, Niall adjusting himself to slip two fingers inside of me, instantly curling in me and meeting my sweet spot.
"Oh, fuck, Ni—that feels so...oh god." I moaned, my hips beginning to buck towards him, his fingers curving in me, his tongue on my clit. I felt every bit of me tremble at the feeling of being touched like I was, Niall's gentle roughness, mixed with Harry's aggressive nature was driving me to my edge.
"That's it angel, does he feel good? Do you feel good being eat out like that by him, hmm?" His hand moved up to my neck, choking me as his other hand kept rolling my nipples in his fingers. Niall moved his face, his thumb replacing his tongue on my clit, his fingers still moving inside me, quickly along my g spot, in and out.
"Look at me, petal." He cooed at me, and I bit my lip, struggling to move my eyes to him, "Come for me love." He encouraged me as my eyes found his. His thumb moving quick circles over my clit. My mess was clear on his chin and when he licked his lips, my back arched.
"Oh ... fu .. Niall." I moaned his name, my head falling back. Harry turned my face to his, kissing me deeply, his tongue running past mine. I moaned into our kiss, feeling the knot in my stomach the quicker Niall moved his thumb and his fingers. I broke the kiss, rest my forehead against Harry's cheek, whimpers escaping me.
"Come Anna, come so I can finally show you what you've been missing." Harry whispered and that was enough to take me there. The thought alone of finally have Harry touch me in this way carried me straight to my high. I felt myself clench around Niall's fingers, my mess spilling all over him.
"Oh god, yes. Mmm..." I said, feeling my body go limp. I didn't have a moment to breath, soon Harry was pulling me up, and laying me on the couch, leaving space between my head and the arm rest. I watched as he hovered over me, I took him in, his muscles, his tattoos. He was beautiful and I couldn't deny it. He unbuttoned his pants, his hard length clearly being suffocated by his tight pants. I pushed up, trying to help him, to offer relief and he quickly pushed me down.
"He's going to need you more than me." He said, pointing with his eyes in Niall's direction. I turned to face him, he was down to just his briefs, his hard length filling them up. He walked over and kneeled down, kissing me. I reached up and pulled his face closer to mine, thanking him for my high. He groaned against my lips, and I reach down, my hand palming over his length.
In that moment Harry placed three fingers on my clit, his motions were painstakingly slow on me, but due to my sensitivity from my previous high, it felt like he was moving quickly. I broke my kiss from Niall. Looking over at Harry, I felt a whine escape me, my hips pushing forward against his fingers and he used his free hand to push me down.
"Patience, angel. I know your sensitive right now. I know this still feels so good, don't it?" He teased and I felt my eyes roll back slightly.
"Harry please, oh god..." I begged but his fingers kept moving slowly on me.
"Come here." I heard Niall say, turning my face towards him, he squeezed my cheeks softly, slipping his thumb into my mouth, "Lend me your mouth, petal?" He said as he pulled out his cock from his briefs, precum already on his pink tip. I nodded in his hold, hungry for him, feeling so many sensations all over my body being touched by both of them. He pushed his cock in my mouth, not allowing anytime to adjust, shoving his length to the back of my throat. I swallowed against his length causing him to groan.
"Fuck Anna, your mouth." He said, pulling out only to thrust back in, over and over. My saliva was all over his cock, dribbling down my chin as he moved. His groans mixed with my name and Harry's slow movement on my clit made the knots in my stomach start to form.
"You look so pretty with his cock in your mouth, Angel." Harry said, his finger still moving in slow circles on my clit, my moan vibrating against Niall's cock as he pushed it deep in my throat.
"An — fuck baby." He pulled out, ramming back into my mouth, holding my head tight so I couldn't pull away. I felt my legs start to tremble, Harry's teasing movements on my clit starting to become so overbearing I knew I was going to come again. I pushed against Niall, needing to gasp for air. He pulled out, a string of my saliva clinging onto his cock. I turned to look at Harry, his cock was in his hand, pumping up and down his length as his fingers moved on me.
"Har — Uh, Harry I'm going to come, please don't stop." I said, my head falling back as I felt my release happen. As I began coming, he began moving his fingers faster on me, moving quickly from side to side on my clit. I screamed out in pleasure, "Harry, please." I moved my hand down to grab his but Niall quickly stopped it, wrapping his hand around my wrist. He brought it over my head, grabbing the other and doing the same. He had placed his foot up on the couch behind my head. He leaned down and kissed me, his tongue finding mine as Harry's fingers kept moving quickly on my clit.
"We can't play the game if you interrupt, baby." He said against our kiss, my moans causing me to turn my head away. Niall pushed up, letting go of my hands and moving to palm at my breasts, pinching my nipples as he did. I couldn't find the end of my current high and the start of the new one Harry was causing.
"Oh, oh god...fuck that feels so good." I moaned, my back arching, my hands reaching up to grab Niall's cock in them, I moved them along his length, my palm running over his tip. I moved another to palm at his balls.
"Fucking hell Anna. Fuck." He groaned, pinching my nipples hard and tugging them up. I licked my lips, feeling my releasing coming again, Harry fingers moving quicker.
"Come for me angel, come for me" Harry said, Niall's groans lacing with my moans created the most beautiful sound in the living space we were in, "God, yours so fucking wet Anna, come all over me baby, make more of mess on me, come on be a good girl my sweet angel."
"Oh—fuck, fuck, fuck." I yelled out, my legs trying to squeeze shut as he made me come again, an orgasm like I had never felt before shot through my body. I didn't have a moment ride it out, to come down from it, because soon Niall was sitting me up.
He sat on the arm rest of the couch, pulling me up so that my legs were between his. He held my body up, so I was hovering over him. I felt him wasting no time, rubbing the tip of his cock against my opening. The thing about Niall was, his cock was not only big in length, but in girth as well. He began pushing himself in me, lowering me onto himself. I moaned out in pleasure, my hands gripping onto his thighs. I was so wet, I had no problem adjusting around him. He moved me up and down his cock, my hips rolling on him each time he lowered me down.
"Niall, you feel so good." I moaned, tossing my head back onto his shoulder, I turned my head, kissing at his neck, biting it causing him to groan. I could see Harry out of the corner of my eye moving towards us on the couch. He stopped right in front of us on his knees.
I watched as he lowered his head down, his tongue finding my clit, rolling circles on it as I rolled my hips on Niall's cock. In doing so I kept pushing against his tongue, my head pushing back further on Niall's shoulders, my moans escaping me as my hand reached down and tangled itself in Harry's hair. His bun had become loose and messy, and I wanted it completely out. I pulled his mouth off me, pulling him up so we could lock eyes, Niall beginning to thrust fast into me as I kept rolling my hips.
"Fu—Fuck, oh god yes Niall...fuck." I said, all while holding eye contact with Harry. He narrowed his eyes at me, reaching between my legs, moving his fingers roughly against my clit, causing screams to escape me.
"I thought it was a game?" I said, forcing the words out of me.
"Fuck the game," he said, moving his fingers on me faster, he moved his body closer to mine, kissing me deeply, his tongue messily moving on mine. I felt Niall yank my head back by the hair, moving my lips to his but this didn't stop Harry. He moved it kiss me as well, all of our lips moving against each others, Niall's cock thrusting deeper inside me, Harry's fingers slowing down against my clit only to speed up, rolling along it, moving side to side.
"Oh, god, fu—uck...please..." my moans were interrupted by Harry taking control and kissing me deeply, his tongue running along mine, as his fingers kept moving on me. I could feel ever single one of my muscles tense up. I was so close to my high. I gripped onto Niall's thighs so I could bounce on him. Moving up and down his length, squeezing against him as I did, causing him to groan.
"Fuck Anna, fuck baby." He said, thrusting up as I moved my body down, hitting right against my sweet spot, pushing me over the edge. I felt every muscle release, I felt my release all over him. I broke from my kiss with Harry, my head tossing back as I moaned out in pleasure. Harry's mouth moving to my tits, sucking them as I rode out my high on Niall's cock.
"Come 'ere." I heard Harry say, my head falling back straight as he pulled me off Niall. He quickly flipped me so I was laying on the couch, bringing my left leg over his shoulder. He held his cock in his hand, rubbing against my opening, his thumb on clit. He began to slip inside me, his eyebrows furrowing as he hissed.
"God damn it, Anna...uh.." he groaned as he slipped inside me, my hands gripping at his biceps as he did. I took him in, in a way I hadn't ever before. His bare skin, his tattoos, they way his muscles flexed as he pushed in and out of me. He was so god like it felt unfair. As he pushed further in me, he pushed my leg toward my body, my thigh pushing against my torso. He was slipping in so deep, I felt like I couldn't handle all of him.
"Fuck, Harry...don't stop." I moaned, my eyes locked on his as I felt him pick up his pace. I for a moment forgot Niall was there until he appeared over me.
"I hate how much you're enjoying this petal." He said, reaching down and choking me, "I hate his bloody name coming out of your mouth like that." He said, Harry snickering, moving quicker in me, his strokes felt long and hard. I knew he was getting off on making Niall jealous and it was turning me on more.
"But he feels so fucking good." I choked out, knowing I was only adding fuel to the fire. I let my eyes roll back, moans escaping me as Harry kissed along my calf as he fucked me.
Niall slid his hand up to my jaw, turning my face toward his, "Open that pretty mouth petal, let me see your tongue."
I did as he asked, my tongue sticking out for him as he spit on it, before shoving his length in my mouth. My tongue immediately smooth along him, gagging as he pushed himself deeper in me. He was holding my face, his hand under my chin, groan escaping him.
Both of them, were fucking me relentlessly, Niall giving me small breaks to catch my breath before is cock filled my mouth again. Harry's thumb teasing my clit, slow and fast circles on me. He would add more of his body weight on my leg, pushing it closer to my body allowing him deeper in me.
I moaned, gagging every time I did, I was going to come again, I couldn't fight it. I knew they both were close to. Harry's movements becoming sloppy, his moans more consistent. Niall was gripping at his balls as he kept fucking my mouth, muttering my name like he did just before he came.
We were all going to come undone together, the thought making me push my hips up to meet Harry's. Niall's hand moving over my tits, pinching hard at my nipples.
And then everything went still. Quiet. Both of them groaning, exhaling that breath they had take as they came, their release filling me one way or another. Niall pulled out of my mouth, his thumb pressing on my lower lip, as I squeezed against Harry, keeping him inside me. He whimpered at the feeling, gripping onto my hips.
"Swallow like a good girl." Niall said, and I nodded, closing my lips against his thumb, and swallowing his come. I licked my lips and he bent down, kissing me deeply as Harry pulled out of me slowly, both of us groaning at the sensation. I felt him place a small kiss on my clit, then my thighs, before removing himself from me. He pushed off the couch, walking around so he was behind my head, leaning down, and shoving Niall's face from mine. He kissed me deeply and soon Niall and him were fighting for my lips.
I chuckled, turning so neither of them could kiss me. I turned back and looked at both of them, a small smirk on my face. "I'll gladly play this game again."
"Right now?" Harry teased.
"You two couldn't keep up." I winked, both of them looking at each other then back at me.
"Try us." Niall smirked, before kissing me again.
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d-targaryenshoe · 1 month
Guitar Strings of Joy - Harry Styles
Word Count: 1702
Summary: Big moments, yet small ones are rather special to share with the people who support you through it all aren't they?
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You stood backstage, your fingers running across the familiar strings of your guitar.
The hum of the crowd vibrated through the floor beneath your feet, and you could hear the murmur of excitement building as the lights dimmed in the arena.
It was one of those nights—one of those moments—that made your heart race, even after years of touring with Harry.
As one of his guitarists, you had played in some of the biggest venues worldwide, but tonight was different.
Tonight, you weren't just his guitarist, you were also his girlfriend and the soon-to-be mother of your first child.
A flutter of nervous excitement mingled with your anticipation.
In just a few minutes, your secret would no longer be yours.
Harry had insisted on making this night special, and you had agreed. You'd been planning it for weeks, keeping your little secret close.
The gender reveal of your baby would happen right here, on stage, in front of thousands of fans.
And it would be you who would announce it with the iconic guitar solo of Harry's song, 'Adore You'.
The thought made your stomach flip with both nerves and excitement.
Harry's voice came through the speakers as he greeted the crowd, his tone warm and familiar, like a friend welcoming everyone into his home.
He had that effect on people, a natural ease that made even the largest of crowds feel intimate.
"Hey, everybody! How are we feeling tonight?" Harry's voice boomed through the arena, and the crowd erupted in cheers.
You could almost see him in your mind, smiling that boyish grin that had captured hearts all over the world.
You listened as Harry went through the opening set, your fingers moving instinctively over your guitar strings, getting in sync with the rhythm of the band.
You had played these songs a hundred times, but tonight there was an added weight to every note.
Then, it was time.
The moment you had both been waiting for.
Harry paused after finishing the previous song, letting the last note fade into the electric buzz of the crowd.
He looked over at you, his eyes sparkling with something that made your heart skip.
There was a pause, the kind that stretched just long enough to build anticipation.
“So, before we go on,” Harry began, his voice suddenly quieter, more intimate, “I want to share something special with you all. Tonight isn’t just another concert for us. It’s also a really special night for me and someone you all know pretty well.”
The crowd murmured in curiosity, a wave of whispers rippling through the sea of people.
You felt your pulse quicken. You knew this was it.
Harry's eyes met yours again, and for a second, it was just the two of you.
You smiled, trying to steady your breathing.
“For those of you who don’t know, the amazing guitarist who’s been up here with me every night is also the love of my life, y/n.” Harry's words sent a surge of applause and cheers through the crowd.
You felt your cheeks flush, both from the warmth of the spotlight and the love that emanated from the audience.
“And we’ve got a little surprise for you all tonight,” Harry continued, his voice tinged with excitement. “You see, y/n and I are expecting a baby!”
The cheers grew louder, and you felt a wave of emotion wash over you.
The audience’s energy was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile even wider.
Harry waited for the noise to die down before speaking again. “Now, we thought long and hard about how we wanted to reveal the gender of our baby, and we decided there was no better place to do it than right here, with all of you."
"So, during the next song, when y/n plays the guitar solo, you’re going to see some fireworks. And when you do, the color of those fireworks will tell you if we’re having a boy or a girl.”
The crowd erupted again, this time with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
This was it.
You nodded at Harry, who gave you a reassuring smile, and then he turned back to the crowd.
“This is ‘Adore You,’” Harry announced, and the familiar notes began to fill the arena.
Your fingers moved over the strings, finding the melody with ease.
The song had always been special to you and Harry.
It was one of the first songs you had worked on together, back when your relationship was still new, still fragile.
Now, it felt like a full-circle moment, standing here with him, about to share the biggest news of your lives with thousands of people.
As the song built towards the solo, your nerves returned, but so did a deep sense of calm.
This was your moment.
You closed your eyes for a brief second, grounding yourself, and then you stepped forward, into the spotlight.
The world seemed to hold its breath as you played the opening notes of the solo.
The sound of your guitar echoed through the arena, each note carrying with it the weight of the moment.
The crowd fell silent, waiting, watching.
And then, as the solo reached its peak, the arena exploded in a dazzling display of color.
Fireworks shot into the sky, bursting into a shower of brilliant blue.
The crowd gasped in unison, and then the cheers began, louder than ever before.
You felt a wave of emotion crash over you, tears springing to your eyes as you played the final notes of the solo.
A boy.
You were having a boy.
Harry was beside you in an instant, his arms wrapping around you as the crowd continued to cheer.
You could feel him shaking, overwhelmed with emotion, just as you were.
You held onto each other, sharing the moment, as the blue fireworks continued to light up the sky above you.
Harry took the microphone again, his voice thick with emotion.
“Thank you, thank you so much,” he said, his words directed both to the audience and to you. “We can’t wait to meet our little fella, and we’re so grateful to have you all here with us tonight to share this moment.”
The crowd roared in response, and you felt another wave of tears threaten to spill over.
You glanced at Harry, who was looking at you with a mixture of love and awe.
It was a look you would never tire of.
As the final notes of "Adore You" faded into the night, Harry turned back to the audience.
“I think we’re going to need to play one more song after that,” he said with a laugh, and the crowd cheered in agreement.
But before you started the next song, Harry leaned in close to you, his voice low enough that only you could hear.
“I love you,” he said, his eyes shining.
You smiled, your heart full. “I love you too,” you replied, and in that moment, everything else faded away.
It was just you, standing on stage, under a sky filled with blue fireworks, ready to welcome the next chapter of your lives together.
Harry turned back to the microphone, and the band launched into the next song, the energy in the arena electric.
You picked up the melody, your fingers moving effortlessly over the strings, but your mind was still on what had just happened.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the look on Harry's face when the fireworks had exploded in blue.
The pure, unfiltered joy, mixed with a touch of disbelief, as if he couldn’t quite believe this was all real.
As you played through the set, you found yourself sneaking glances at Harry, catching his eye whenever you could.
Each time, he would smile at you, that same look of love and awe in his eyes.
It was a look that told you everything you needed to know about your future.
You were going to be just fine.
More than fine—you were going to be a family.
The rest of the concert flew by in a blur of music and lights.
The crowd was more alive than ever, feeding off the energy of the night.
When the final notes of the last song echoed through the arena, the applause was deafening.
Harry and you stood side by side, looking out at the sea of faces, each one filled with love and joy.
It was a moment neither of you would ever forget.
As the band left the stage, Harry grabbed your hand, pulling you close.
“We did it,” he whispered in your ear, his voice filled with pride.
You smiled, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you. “We did,” you agreed. “And now, we get to do the next part.”
Harry grinned, his hand resting on your belly. “I can’t wait.”
Backstage, the rest of the band and crew congratulated you, the air filled with hugs and laughter.
Everyone was buzzing with excitement, still riding the high of the reveal.
You couldn’t stop smiling, your heart full to bursting.
Later that night, after the arena had emptied and the crew had packed up, Harry and you found yourselves alone in your dressing room.
The adrenaline was wearing off, leaving behind a warm, contented glow.
Harry sat down on the couch, pulling you down beside him.
“I still can’t believe it,” Harry said, his voice soft as he rested his hand on your belly. “A boy.”
You leaned into him, your head resting on his shoulder. “I know,” you said, your voice equally soft. “It feels like a dream.”
Harry kissed the top of your head, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your stomach. “It’s a dream I never want to wake up from,” he whispered.
You sat like that for a long time, wrapped up in each other, the excitement of the night giving way to a peaceful calm.
The future stretched out before you, bright and full of possibilities.
And as you sat there, in the quiet of the night, you knew that no matter what came next, you would face it together, as a family.
And that was all you needed.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 7 months
Harry Girls
note: very short!
just had the idea in my head and had to get it out, also i really like writing short little blurbs like this and would love some requests!!
warnings: none <3
word count: 440
♡ summary: Reader and Niall reunite on The Voice, fighting over the One Direction fans
♡ Harry Styles x reader, Platonic!Niall Horan x reader
request ✗
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Y/n closed her eyes, listening to the soft guitar strums that weirdly sounded very similar. The sound was comforting, and brought a smile to her face when she recognized it. Before the girl on stage even begins to sing, Y/n opens her eyes, looking towards Niall. Both realised at the same time the song that was being performed. 
“I’m like a crow on a wire”
The voice sang, her voice mature yet so young at the same time. Y/n would have guessed about 19 years old, give or take. Adding her own flair to the song, to showcase her talent. Niall pressed his buzzer, causing his chair to turn around after hearing the girl finish the chorus, Y/n shortly after hearing her flawlessly hit a high note. During the song, Y/n and Niall lip-sync the words to each other, them both swaying to the song. And as the song comes to an end, Reba and John’s chairs turn as well. They’re both clapping and looking at the two ex-band members, laughing. 
“Great song choice.” “Truely.” Y/n and Niall joked, before John continued to ask the basic questions, before talking about the performance.
“What’s your name?” “Umm, my name is Jenna, I am 16. And I’m from Denver, Colorado.” 
“16?! I was totally picturing you older, I mean your voice is so mature for your age!” Y/n said, truly shocked, “Thank you.” Jenna replied, she was clearly nervous, not only did she just perform in front of an audience for the first time, but it was in front of two of her biggest idols. 
They move on to the four judges talking about Jenna’s performance, John then directs the conversation to Jenna choosing which judge will be her coach, “Now you have two amazing judges to pick from, but I’m sure you know that, as you picked their song. And I’m just really very excited to see who you will pick.” 
“I mean, I think it comes down to who your favourite was back in the day?” The woman says, looking at Niall for agreement, and when the man nods, they both turn back to the young girl on the stage.
“I mean- ah, I was always a Harry girl.” “Dammit!” “Yes! Look, we already have so much in common!”
The others laugh, the producers telling John to get to the point so he asks, “Who will you pick as your coach?” “I have to pick Y/n.” “Ahhh! Yay!” Y/n says, getting up out of her chair and saying a quick “Haha!” to Niall before running onto the stage to hug the girl.
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sparkrls · 8 months
Youtuber!Y/N x Harry Styles
Summary: Y/N is a Youtuber who does videos on celebrity gossip, then gets cancelled for the unethical nature of her channel. And finds her way to Harry to be better and learn from her mistakes.
Author’s Note: Tumblr exclusive! We’re feeding the girlies 🤪
After months of a brutal and relentless feud between Youtube influencer Y/N Y/L/N and actress Amanda McAdams, it seems that Y/N has finally disappeared
After deleting all social media posts, and wiping her accounts clean, Y/N released a statement on twitter, declaring:
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Y/N Y/L/N started off as a Youtube creator, filming videos of her singing covers of her favorite songs. After finding no success, she began to venture into creating videos about the one thing she knew everything about: celebrity culture.
Y/N found rapid success and her videos soon became viral, with her first series, ‘Internet Gossip’, explaining various cases of infamous celebrity deama. With the rise of social media and a wave of consuming media based on celebrity drama and gossip, Y/N found her place among an audience of mostly young women.
Soon becoming very successful with her videos, she branched out, beginning a few series, among them, ‘Salty Scandal’, focused on celebrity feuds and ‘Radical Romance’, about ongoing or previous famous relationships.
Although Y/N had a large fanbase, her rise to celebrity status was her first red carpet at the People’s Choice Awards, where she participated as an interviewer. It didn’t take long for her to become viral, as she was abrasive and blunt with her questions, not wasting time by beating around the bush.
Among fans and watchers, she was known as someone who searched for truth. Among those questioned, she was thought of as a person who dedicated their life to exposing others and invading privacy.
Y/N began to see the results of her fame. Her community grew and she hosted countless red carpets, interviewing the most famous people on the planet. And just as she seemed on top of the world, her downfall came from her own creation.
With the video, ‘Amanda McAdam: Actress or Victim?’, Y/N claimed that McAdam’s had dramatized her experience with a verbally abusive director, and that it was all for ‘a pity party’.
Following this video, McAdam’s and Y/L/N began a long feud, including several Twitter arguments and subtle shade thrown at each other in interviews or Instagram posts.
It culminated in what seemed to be the final blow; McAdam leaking Y/L/N's address. People and paparazzi alike stood outside of Y/L/N's home, with signs and hollers to let her know what they thought of her. This caused the Youtuber to have to hire private security to escort her as she moved to an undisclosed new home.
Everyone is glad to see Y/N, the devil of the internet, finally gone from the public view. Hopefully forever.
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liked by y/nstan07 and 188,242 others
celebrityupdates Y/N Y/L/N spotted for the first time in THREE MONTHS out in LONDON today!
view all 2,541 comments
username1 wtf? who wants to see her?
username2 Did I miss something? Since when is she in hiding? And didn't she use to live in LA?
-> username3 Since her address was leaked by Amanda
-> username2 omg, that’s so fucked up
-> username3 Y/N had it coming after all the shit she said about Amanda
username4 idc what y’all say, y/n is still an icon and that b**ch
username5 I don't agree with anything that Y/N does, but her having to move to another CONTINENT to avoid stalkers and death threats is too far
username6 she should’ve stayed in hiding
username7 Y/N is so fake, she deserves all the hate, tbh
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liked by yourinstagram and 5,927 others
ynisthatbitch Y/N for her newest interview with Variety
view all 1,876 comments
username1 WTF? Isn’t she cancelled?
username2 I really don’t care how much she claims to have ‘changed and improved’. Once a devil always a devil
username3 Y/N does NOT deserve a redemption arc after all the shit she talked
username4 Does Y/N seriously think that she can disappear a few months, claim to have gone to therapy and done self-reflection and everything will be fine?
-> username5 I think she just craves attention
-> username6 LMAO fr, Y/N just wants to be famous again. TOO BAD!
username7 Honestly y’all, if you took the time to read the article properly, you’d understand that Y/N was just a teenager!
-> username8 Y/N was literally fifteen when she started making those videos. Every 15-year-old makes mistakes
-> username9 Y/N is no longer 15. She’s now 21 and should know better.
-> username10 Or maybe it took a reality check to burst Y/N’s bubble and make her realize that she’d normalized things that shouldn’t be normalized?
-> username9 That sounds like excuses to me
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liked by sparkrls and 107,187 others
view all 15,678 comments
username1 WHAT THE FUCK???
username2 this cannot be real
username3 why would harry associate with the devil?
-> username4 lmao fr fr
username5 It has to be a coincidence
-> username6 Did Harry conveniently forget that Y/N once made a whole video about his relationship with Kendall Jenner and called it a 'wretched PR stunt’???
-> username7 I find it crazy to believe that THIS isn’t a PR stunt
username8 Maybe y’all shouldn’t make assumptions about people you haven’t met? Harry clearly knows Y/N personally and has good judgment.
-> username9 stfu, no one asked for your opinion
username10 Is it so wild to believe that people can change (Y/N)?
-> username11 once a devil, always a devil
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liked by gemmastyles and 833,384 others
annetwist It was wonderful to meet the lovely @yourinstagram and finally hear her perspective on her life! Read the article, written by yours truly. Thank you, Y/N, for your well-thought and introspective words ❤️
view all 22,864 comments
yourinstagram Thank you for giving me the chance to talk to you and share my side of the story 🫶
-> annetwist 💕
username1 Y/N is Anne-approved. That’s all I need to know.
username2 what is wrong with the world?
username3 I expected better of you. I thought you had common decency than to associate with the devil
-> annetwist I believe that God is all about forgiveness and Y/N has found her way to kindness and forgiveness ❤️
username4 say it with me, 4+4=
-> username5 ATEEE
username6 Thank you, Anne, for interviewing Y/N and giving us such a fresh perspective on everything that happened in her life. Loved the article 💕
-> annetwist Thank you, love
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liked by gemmastyles and 2,194,801 others
yourinstagram Hell Is My Birthplace. New Single. Jun 1, 2022.
view all 7,657 comments
annetwist Can’t wait to hear it
harrystyles 🔥
-> username1 EXCUSE ME?!?
taylorswift WOW. Loved the preview 😉
-> username2 MOTHER?
-> username3 nothing is more iconic than y/n’s once greatest rivals now becoming her biggest supporters
username4 Y’all doubting if Y/N changed, but if Taylor and Harry can forgive her, so can I
username5 ICON. MOTHER.
username6 you don’t get it. y/n was called a devil and now she’s saying hell is her birthplace. and it was announced on the anniversary of her cancellation. you just don’t get it.
username7 no one will ever love y/n and her cunty moves more than me
username8 I LOVE YOU
username9 I hope your address gets leaked again
-> username11 stfu
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liked by ynstan07 and 15,768 others
view all 1,656 comments
username1 I can’t imagine Harry with someone with Y/N
username2 Honestly, I get it. As an ‘I can fix him’ girlie, I understand Harry 😔
username3 not my husband with the devil!!!
username4 Speechless
username5 they lowkey seem cute together
username6 I'm happy if Harry is happy
username7 If Harry is dating her, then Y/N has definitely changed
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liked by harrystyles and 1,646,410 others
yourinstagram Paint the Town Red. 2nd Single.
view all 2,678 comments
username1 not harry liking all of her posts 😭
-> username2 man is WHIPPED
-> username4 obsessed with y/n leaning into the devil image during her comeback
username5 is anyone concerned that she’s being so provocative?
-> username6 y/n has been laying low and keeping her life to herself. i’m not concerned
-> username7 i think she’s the happiest she’s ever been, tbh
username8 that line "You can't talk no shit without penalties" DAMN
-> yourinstagram I said what I said
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liked by harrystyles and 1,121,107 others
yourinstagram dancing with our hands tied. a good metaphor and my 3rd single. out now <3
view all 3,787 comments
harrystyles 💕
-> username1 harry KNOWS this song is about him and y/n
-> username2 He’s a proud boyfriend and we stan
username3 omg the soft launch
username4 PARENTS 😭
username5 lowkey concerned about the two together
username6 am i the only one who doesn’t like the two of them together? it feels icky
-> username7 good thing it’s not your relationship
-> username6 y/n is a terrible person
-> username8 you’ve never met her. don’t make assumptions
username9 awww my babies 😭
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liked by yourinstagram and 5,677,207 others
harrystyles Grammys. February 2024.
view all 87,567 comments
yourinstagram thanks for being my date <3
-> harrystyles always xx
username1 not my parents flirting in the comments 😭😭😭
annetwist cuties 💕
gemmastyles love you both ❤️
username6 Y/N is officially the first gf to be on Harry’s IG feed
username7 tbh, I think that Harry really helped Y/N at her worst and allowed her to redeem herself
-> username8 FR. look at her smile. She’s never seemed so happy. I think Y/N is finally being herself
-> harrystyles Y/N did all the work herself, I was just along for the ride x
-> yourinstagram Don’t be fooled no matter what he says, he saved me.
username11 I love seeing Y/N grow so much in her life
-> username12 I don’t think she ever liked who she was before. She seems so happy now
-> yourinstagram Funny how being yourself can fulfill a person. Become a version of yourself that you can love and love will surround you
178 notes · View notes
themultifandomgal · 10 months
Harry Styles- From 2010 Series Master List
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*I will try my best to credit the original poster for any edits featured that aren’t mine
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
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overwhitesandpinkss · 6 months
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ahhh! i started writing my first fic for this account. harry’s a tattoo artist and my oc is just the sweetest thing 😭 is this a fic you guys would be interested in?
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hazz-a-bear · 3 months
F A M I L Y ​​​​​ 2.0  — young dumb broke high school kids.
meet the friend group the actual family.
masterlist | wattpad
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──── ★
BEXLEY GREEN » the soulmate
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1994 // BRITISH
⊹ ࣪ ˖ pursues photography and filmmaking...
how they met .ᐟ
When aviana first joined North Hampstead High and started going to her classes, Bexley - who was on the same class - was on a week-long leave. When she returned to school, she found the new girl sitting on her usual seat and immediately, an unspoken rift was created. The two despised each other for months because of the incident. But one day, Bexley was moved out of her usual seat as a punishment and sat next to Aviana. And the rest - is history.
[ aviana + bexley ␥ *whispers* + "she said no cheese, asshole" ]
Bexley is the person Aviana considers to be her lifeline. In contrast to their rather embarrassing past, the two girls share a friendship that runs deeper than pictures together or birthday wishes at twelve. With their quite opposite personalities, Bexley and Aviana almost perfectly complete each other. Though Bexley is the last person Aviana imagines being best friends with, she will forever thank the stars for bringing the girl to her.
Bexley loves reading. Aviana prefers movies over books. Bexley communicates in spam texts. Aviana leaves her on read most of the time. Aviana plays three sports. Bexley is unable to move a muscle without one complaint. Bexley's favourite ice cream flavour is mint chocolate. Aviana loathes it and calls it toothpaste. Despite all their petty differences, Bexley and Aviana balance each other out like the yin and yang. If it had to be personified, it would most probably be the two of them. Though the two of them can't remember each other's birthdates and go months without talking to each other, they'll still be each other's first choice no matter what.
₊ ⊹
❝Aviana is singlehandedly the biggest asshole I've ever met. She's fake and she's rude to people without a reason. I'm rude too but, you know? She needs to get that fakeness beaten out of her❞
❝Bexley called me a failed abortion the other day. I just don't understand how she has the audacity to say stuff like that when she literally looks like a failed Area 51 experiment❞
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played by: charlotte lawrence
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KIM YUNGHO » the twin
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ pursues business and management...
how they met .ᐟ
The first sport Aviana joined at North Hampstead High was badminton. On her very first day of practice, she took her new duffel bag and water bottle and left them on the bleachers instead of the locker room - All without noticing the bag in the exact same design sitting on a row of seats behind hers. Once Aviana finished practices, she grabbed her bag for a change of clothes and instead of the familiar tracksuit she expected to find, she discovered a pair of Hello Kitty pyjama pants and a body spray that had expired in 2004. Too struck with the whole situation of mixing up bags with a stranger, Aviana simply decided to inform the coach, take the bag home, give it a good wash and throw away the body spray because what the hell. When an announcement rings through the school the next day about returning missing bags, Aviana gets up from her seat to make eye contact with a taller boy from the other side of the class, also standing with her bag thrown over his shoulder. The class falls into a quiet laugh and he asks her to join her for lunch and oh, this guy is kind of cool.
[ aviana + yungho ␥ black cat + chaotic black cat ]
Aviana and Yungho initially bonded over being in the same sport, going from senior-junior to captain-vice captain of the NHH badminton team in a matter of years. Aside from that - Sanrio, SHINee and a shared love for Disney shows is what brought them close. Though Youngho and Aviana get to know each other rather early, they only become close friends outside the court later in the year. While Bexley is the closest to her heart, Youngho is the one Aviana spends the most time with. Maybe it's because he has attachment issues or their interests align with each other perfectly - but the two consistently keep up with each other more than the rest.
Aviana and Yungho is always supporting each other's obsessions despite how niche or ridiculous they are. Aviana is the one to be blamed for the hoard of cats that reside in the Kim household while it is partly Yungho's fault that she has to hide 114 plushies in her closet. The two are in sync with each other when it comes to hate and pop culture - unstoppable once they've started talking shit about anything and everything. Though the two speak in internet memes half the time, Aviana and Yungho share a special bond that runs deep in their veins.
₊ ⊹
❝I can't believe Aviana hasn't bought me a mansion with an infinity pool and a basement with an arcade. Like, what do you think we made you famous for? To sit in my 2003 garage and watch you be successful? By yourself?❞
❝My spirit animal? If I had to choose, I'd say Yungho. He's my friend and I'm aware that he is indeed very much human. But he isn't far from being an animal so, might as well❞
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played by: yang jeongin
──── ★
FARRAH ABDHUL  » the mom friend
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ pursues psychology...
how they met .ᐟ
Aviana's first introduction is very expected, very traditional and cliche. When Aviana is first enrolled at North Hampstead High, she is sent home advised about how she'd get a student buddy by her side for the first week - giving her tours, guiding her around the school and helping her settle in. When she comes to school on the first day, Aviana is approached by a girl with a big smile and shy eyes peeking from beneath a stack of fliers. "Are you Aviana?" She's asked, fingers twiddling with her lilac hijab. Once they've got it cleared, the girl introduces herself as Farrah, her student buddy. Though Aviana doesn't expect herself to follow the girl around the school not only for the week but for the rest of her time, she can't exactly say she regrets anything.
[ aviana + fuzzy ␥ mom + daughter ]
Farrah is the calmest and sweetest soul Aviana has met, that is the simplest way to put it. Not only with her quiet and naturally kind personality, Farrah is considered to be the mom friend of the group - always keeping track of them and never letting them out of her child. She has a pure instinct to be responsible for the four others that makes her stress like a woman in her 30s, always fussing over them like a single mom and not letting them slip through the cracks of the family bond she'd created.
Aside from being overly protective and compassionate towards a bunch of losers like that, Farrah is also a child of nature. Farrah simply has a lot of love to give. Growing up in a big family with multiple siblings, she isn't one to shy away from showing her love through hugs, kisses and friendship bracelets.
₊ ⊹
❝Aviana and me - we're like the sky and the ocean. We're so different but so...attuned with each other? She's like my baby, my actual daughter. She makes me want to be a mom sometimes. Wait, is that weird?❞
❝Farrah is the only one who can actually calm me down without doing anything. I can feel the world around me quiet down just by looking at her❞
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played by: n/a
──── ★
MAXWELL O'CONNELL » the single dad
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ pursues hotel management...
how they met .ᐟ
Being a long-time friend of Yungho, Maxwell was introduced to the girls by the latter. The two had initially been friends because they were office-bearers of their respective sports teams, Yungho with Badminton and Maxwell with Hockey. After being introduced and slowly fitting into their little circle of friends, the rest realise that he's the personality they were desperately lacking between them - someone sane to keep their insanity at bay.
[ aviana + max ␥ sunshine + sunshine protector ]
Maxwell O'Connell is one of aviana's close friends. Introduced by Yungho to the rest, Maxwell is the last one to be a part of their friend group despite knowing them from afar. Max's family owns the popularized restaurant in Hampstead Heath, The Lodge and Meadow. In between toggling high school and being teenagers together, Max invited the others to help him out in the kitchen of the restaurant on a particularly busy Sunday. And eventually, the rest ended up with part-time jobs at the place on weekends. He is also, unsurprisingly, the best at culinary out of them.
Aviana knows Max to be the most sensible and responsible one in the group. He's considered to be the dad friend who keeps track of everyone and glues them together. Though Max is very reserved and quiet at first, he's one of the funniest people Aviana has met. With his million-dollar smile and knowledge of dad jokes, Max is someone who can make you laugh regardless of where you are. Aviana takes impromptu cooking classes from him when she has time - which almost always ends up with aviana rage quitting and Max finishing the food by himself.
₊ ⊹
❝Aviana Fernsby, global popstar, yeah, yeah, whatever. To me, she'll forever be the one who put the mayo stains on my mom's kitchen ceiling❞
❝Max is the most husband-material person I've met. You've got the looks, you've got the cooking skills, the shy adorable vibes - it's basically hitting the male wife jackpot❞
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played by: n/a
──── thank you.
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Heaven- Flicker Chapter 5
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Warning. This chapter contains smut. Use of toys, teasing, fingering. Probably a bunch more. Language. Proceed with caution. Minors DNI
Friday, February 3rd. 8:30am
I wake up with the sun glaring in my eyes. I move to sit up when I feel something pulling me back down. I'm turned around only to face a sleepy Niall, who is squinting with a smile on his face.
He leans in and pecks my lips, sighing into the kiss.
"G'mornin' Em."
I smile and snuggle up to him.
Before I can finish, my bedroom door slams open and in stomps a fiery Jenny.
"Em, I can't fucking take them anymore! I swear to god I'm going to actually kill them!"
My mouth gapes open as I turn my head to her and she finally calms down enough to look at me clearly. It then seems to sync in with her that I am not alone.
"Oh... Well this is very awkward. Okay.. Um just letting you know, I'm gonna be burying some bodies. Cool okay so you guys have fun and um use protection!"
She rushes through her words and quickly leaves, though her embarrassment is clear on her face as she closes the door.
Niall and I burst out laughing and he hugs me tight.
"Should we go see what that was about?"
I giggle, running my fingers through his hair as I nod.
"I suppose we should before I find blood on my hardwood floors. But I think I need coffee now."
He smiles and nods, squeezing me one more time before he lets me go. I sit up, getting out of bed as I run my fingers through my hair, too lazy to grab a brush. I walk over to my dresser, pulling out Niall's sweatpants he gave me and a pair of basketball shorts.
He looks up at me from across the room as he rummages through his bag, just soon enough to catch him the sweatpants I tossed to him.
"Ah! Thank ya, Petal! Perfect! Maybe a shirt too? All I've got is polos."
I smile and nod, slipping on my shorts and throwing my hair in a ponytail before walking over to my closet. I pull out an old Fall Out shirt and hand it to him. He chuckles when he sees the shirt and shakes his head.
"What? Would you rather I give you a shirt with your face on it?"
I pull out my Midnight Memories shirt slightly and he throws his head back in a laugh.
"I'm fine, Babe. This is perfect."
I smirk and let the shirt go before closing my closet. He takes the shirt from me and quickly gets dressed, taking my hand when he's finished. I open my bedroom door and we walk down the hallway and down the stairs, reaching the living room.
Jenny is standing at the kitchen island, voice raised at she yells at Aleks and Zach. We walk past them into the kitchen and I start preparing my coffee when Jenny snags my attention.
"Em! Will you please remind these idiots about our rules for takeout containers?"
I sigh, setting down my mug as I lean on Niall. I turn around, all eyes on me and nod my head.
"If you didn't buy it, don't touch it. If you really want it, text the group chat and ask. If you're told no then it's no. Now can we chill out? It's way too early for this shit and I haven't even had coffee."
Jenny huffs and the boys, excluding Niall, groan. I pour creamer into my steaming coffee and stir it as I continue to talk.
"Zachary, you're replacing Jenny's sushi."
"How did you-"
With my coffee ready, I pull down a mug for Niall and step aside a little, giving him room to make his own before turning around.
"I'm not stupid? You ate my leftover Kura last week too but I didn't care and was in no mood to complain. You've been doing it a lot. Aleks ate my leftover Firehouse too. You guys just gotta get better about asking."
I begin to sip my coffee but stop mid sip as Zach lets out a snarky reply.
"Maybe you should be asking if you can have people over."
I drink the remainder of my coffee, setting my mug down on the counter behind me before grabbing the collar of Zach's shirt.
"Listen up, buttercup. Last time I checked, you're not paying rent on the house. I do, so I have a say in who comes into my home. And another thing! We never made a rule about bringing anyone home! You've brought all your girlfriends home! Check your bull shit at the door or don't bother coming home. I'm getting kind of sick of your attitude lately."
I let go of him and walk back over to Niall, leaning on him for comfort.He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close, rocking me back and forth.
"I'm sorry... You guys were... Just a bit loud last night. We're all a little tired."
My face heats up and I bury my head into Niall's chest as his hold on me tightens.
"Um... 'M sorry about that. Not really used t' havin' others in the house. We'll try and keep it down next time."
Jenny snorts, Zach rolls his eyes and Aleks begins to make gagging sounds. I lift my head up and glare at them as Niall chuckles.
"You're children. All of you. I hate you."
Everyone laughs and Niall starts to rub my back when I hear a phone begin to ring.
I can feel it vibrating and that's when I realize that it's Niall's phone.
Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place (such a lovely place) Such a lovely face Plenty of room at-
Niall sighs and reaches into the pocket of his sweatpants and pulls out his phone before hitting the green button and raising it to his ear.
"Yeah, what's up- What?! Yer fuckin' kidding me... Alright... Yeah yeah I'll be there soon. Okay... bye."
He hangs up and tucks his phone back into his pocket before wrapping his arms back around me and I look up at him and he stares into my eyes.
"M sorry Petal, but I have t' go. Somethin' went wrong at the studio and I gotta go fix it."
I nod, trying to hide my sadness. He lets me go and we head upstairs so he can get dressed. He quickly gets dressed and gets his things together, so we head downstairs. He waves to everyone, but only Jenny and Aleks wave back to him.
"It was nice seein' you all! See ya Sunday!"
I nod to them and open the door, walking Niall out to his car. He loads his bag in and opens the driver door before turning back to me, holding his arms wide open.
Tears threaten to spill as I walk into his arms and he squeezes me tight as I start to let out little sniffles. He kisses the top of my head and begins to rub my back with one hand and caress my head with the other.
"Shh I know. It'll be okay though, Em."
I pout and bury my head in his chest.
"Just... I'm gonna miss you a lot."
He pushes me away and before I can argue, he lifts me up and presses his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer as my lips move against his.
He squeezes me tight before pulling away, setting me back down on the ground. He kisses my forehead and lets go of me, a small smile on his face.
"I promise, it'll go by fast. It's only 2 days. Think you can do that for me?"
I pout but nod my head.
He's right... It is just two day but the thought of him leaving... It hurts thinking about it, let alone seeing him leave...
With one last kiss, he lets me go and gets into his car, waving as he pulls out of the driveway. I sigh and head back inside, praying for the days to go by fast.
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Sunday, February 5th 2:15pm
It's the day of the party and we've been running around the house all morning. Cleaning up messes the boys forgot to clean up and putting away all the miscellaneous shit that shouldn't have been out in the first place.
Jenny and Aleks went to go pick up the food and Zach is doing a last minute recording session, leaving me home to decorate and wait for people to get here. I finish hanging up some extra decorations Aleks had picked up when there's a knock at the door.
I look down at my watch and furrow my brows.
It's not even 3. Who could possibly be here?
I pin up the decorations in my hands and step off the stool before walking over to the front door and opening it. As soon as I see who it is, a wide smile makes its way on to my face.
Before I can say anything, arms are pulling me through the door, lifting me off the ground as I'm pulled into a tight hug.
I look down at him and his comforting smile gives me butterflies. He holds me close to him and I take in his comforting scent.
"I missed ya, Em. Y've no idea how much."
I giggle and shake my head as he pecks my lips before putting me down.
"I don't know... I probably missed you a lot more."
He keeps an arm around my waist as we walk inside, Niall letting out a small laugh as I close the door behind us.
"That's one hell of a shirt, Em. Ya tryin' t' spread the luck?"
I look at him, raising a brow in confusion before it hits me.
Oh yeah. That.
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"Hey! I got it for Christmas! It just felt fitting and I don't have a Lizzo shirt."
He laughs once more as I guide him over to the long couch and he takes a seat at the end, pulling me down into his lap.
" 'M just teasin' ya, baby. It's cute. Maybe you'll get one of me if I ever win one."
I look up at him to correct him.
"You mean when you win one. And you will. I know you will. But I will never be any less proud of you. I love your music and I will always be supportive of you."
He smiles and leans down, pecking my lips.
"Thought I's supposed to be the cheesy one in this relationship."
I giggle and cuddle up to him, shaking my head.
"No, sorry. I coined the cheese. You got your pretty looks and sexy voice without it. I got jack shit."
He lets out a loud laugh as he squeezes me tight. He than leans down to my ear and whispers something to me, causing shivers to run through my body.
"Now that's not true. Yer funny, kind and y've got no idea how sexy yer voice is t' me. 'Specially when yer moanin' fer me or sayin' my name."
He begins to trace kisses up and down my neck before he settles on my collarbone and sucks on it.
"Missed my girl... So much. I think ya missed me just as much, didn't ya?"
I nod my head as continues to suck, letting out little moans as my toes curl.
"Ni- More. Please? L-like you did the other day?"
He pulls away from my neck and I pout as he turns me around in his lap so I'm facing him. He pulls me back in close and whispers to me.
"Ya liked that, honey? Ya liked when I ate ya out?"
I blush, nodding as he smiles and pecks my lips.
"Me too, Petal. Y've no idea how good you tasted on my tongue. Can I taste you, baby?"
Instead of answering, I grab his shirt, fisting it in my hands, and pull him into me, slamming my lips on his in a kiss. I feel him smile against my lips as he wraps his arms around my back, pulling me even closer to the point where there is no distance between us.
Our lips move in sync and all that can be heard is quiet moans and panting coming from our lips. Niall taps on my back and I hesitantly pull away from him, leaving both of us a panting mess.
"Hold on, Em. Let's... Let's go upstairs, yeah? Wrap yer legs around me."
I nod and do as he says. He holds onto me tight and stands up. Just as he turns to head to the stairs, the front door opens and I groan. In walks a horrified Rico and a very confused Aaron.
Niall puts me down and I get flustered, turning to yell at the two men in frustration.
"You idiots! You don't live here! Why didn't you knock?!"
Aaron covers his mouth to hold back a laugh and Rico shouts back at me, totally out of character.
"Nuh uh, missy! You're still a little girl! No sex for you! Stay little forever!"
He pulls me away from Niall and holds me in a protective but possessive embrace, one arm around me and the other on top of my head.
"Aaron... Be my voice of reason, please! This is embarrassing..."
Aaron laughs and I look at Niall with a pleading look on my face. He simply smiles and nods. I manage to get out of Rico's monster hold and leap to Niall, who catches me in his arms. Our attention then turns to the other two men, Aaron with a hand now on Rico's back.
"Listen, buddy. She's not a baby anymore. She can take care of herself! Trust me, especially because it's me. I'm her older brother. Let's give him a chance."
Rico sighs and slumps where he stands, nodding his head before he straightens himself. Niall lets me going and I walk over to the other two, pulling them into hugs.
"I love you both, you know that. But Niall is important to me, and I want you to like him and get to know him."
I pull away from them and they nod and I make my way back to Niall, who happily takes me back into his arms, my back resting against his chest and his arms around my waist.
Aaron and Rico walk up to us and shake hands with Niall, introducing themselves.
"It's nice to meet ya. But I do have a question. I thought ya only had sisters, Em. Aaron is your brother?"
We all laugh and I shake my head, turning in his arms and patting his chest.
"I've known Aaron the longest out of anyone. My whole career. We were both itty bitty fetuses when we started and he was the closest to my age and wasn't trying to parent me. So he kind of took me under his wing and we pretty much just became siblings."
Aaron smirks and nods.
"That's true. In fact, I've got a shit ton of embarrassing videos and pics from the years and I've got time."
Niall and Rico laugh and I just scoff.
"Don't forget, I know where you sleep Aaron Mitchell and I have your mother's number. Try it, I dare you. "
I glare at him, only causing him to laugh more. Before I can say anything else, the front door opens and in walks Jenny, Aleks, Zach and the rest of the people that were invited.
We get the food set up and then everyone settles in the living room as Aleks sets up the projector. I cuddle up close to Niall as he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. With a bowl of popcorn in my lap and snacks shared through the room, all eyes shift to the screen to see the awards starting.
"Hey, Niall, did you ever go to the Grammys? Seems like something you would've done over the years, right?"
Aleks looks away from the screen to look at Niall, waiting for an answer. Niall gives him a small smile and shakes his head.
"No, never. One Direction was never nominated and I've never been nominated as a solo artist."
I smile and kiss his cheek.
"Yet. You will be, though. You're gonna kick ass too."
Niall laughs and pecks my lips and it's quiet for a minute until Rico says something.
"Wait... You were in a band?! And you're a musician?! I thought you were just a normal dude!"
We all laugh and I can't help but snort.
"Rico, I swear to god. I used to talk about him all the time before I met him, do you not listen to me?"
He shrugs and shoves a handful of popcorn into his mouth, returning his attention to the screen. We spend the rest of the night cheering and dancing as awards are presented. When Harry wins album of the year, Niall gives me a bear hug, a huge smile on his face.
"He really deserves that. That album was something else!"
I smile and nod, kissing his cheek as he holds me close. We all hang out for a bit until Rico and Aaron decide to head home, due to it being almost midnight. Aleks gets up from the couch, stretching as he begins to make his way to his room with Jenny and Zach following him to their own rooms, leaving Niall and I alone.
I cuddle up to him and he squeezes me tight, planting a kiss on the top of my head.
"It's late, do you wanna stay the night? I think I've got some of your clothes in my dresser."
I pull away and he nods with a smile, before taking me back into his arms and picking me up, carrying me to my bedroom as my laughs echo through the hallway. When we get inside my room, he puts me down and heads over to my dresser to pull out his clothes while I throw the extra pillows off my bed.
I turn my attention away from the pillows and when I look at Niall, seeing what is in his hand, my face burns up.
That's... That's the vibrator that Jenny gave me... She had accidentally bought an extra and couldn't return it and forced it on me...
"Ya don't have to hide from me, babe."
I turn my attention back to my bed, now embarrassed as I continue to prep my bed for sleep.
"Forget it, Niall. I haven't opened it. Just pretend like you didn't see it and put it back."
"Did ya... Do ya want me to use it on ya?"
I drop the covers as I turn back to him, my cheeks bright red and my mouth gaped. He steps closer to me and I start to get a little nervous.
"I-I've never used it.. Used any... How would-."
"Do ya want me to, Petal? We don't have to, but if you and to try, I would love to help ya..."
I bite my lip and advert my eyes to the floor as I nod. Niall pulls me into his arms, both hands on my waist as I look up at him and he looks down with a smile.
"Can we try something else, Petal? I wanna see ya. All of ya. Can we... Are you comfortable enough to do that now?"
I bite my lip once more before pausing.
"Could you... do it first? T-take yours off... J-just not your underwear."
He smiles and nods, quickly removing his shirt and his shorts, leaving him in his boxers. He turns his attention back to me and I slowly remove my shirt before unbuttoning my jeans and stepping out of them, leaving me in my bra and panties.
"Can those come off too, Baby? I want to see you. All of you. I want to see my girl."
I give him a nervous nod and I reach around my back and attempt to unclasp my bra with shaking hands. Niall puts his hand on mine and gives me a smile, somehow giving me the push I needed to relax and give in.
He unclasps my bra and pushed the straps off my shoulders, causing it to fall to the ground. I pull down my panties, leaving me completely naked in front of him. He pecks my lips a few times before he guides me over to my bed and we sit down. He pulls me into his lap, my back to his chest and my cheeks start to burn up again.
He pulls the toy out of the packaging as he starts to rub my back in a comforting manner.
"Hey, Petal. Ya got any batteries? I need two AAA."
I nod and lean forward, reaching into the nightstand closest to me. I pull out the batteries and hand them back to him. He puts them in and I hear a faint buzz before he turns it off again.
"Okay, pretty girl. I gotta make sure yer doin' okay, first. You want me to touch ya a bit before we start?"
"P-Please. I'm a little nervous..."
He leaves a couple kisses and I feel a finger start to rub on my clit, causing me to gasp and lean more into Niall.
"Dirty girl. Did ya get this wet jus' thinkin about me touching you with your little toy? God baby, you're practically dripping."
I let out a quiet, breathy moan as he continues to torment my clit with his finger, only pushing his finger an inch in before pulling back out.
"N-Niall, please. I-I've wanted you all day. Please... I need more, I'm ready. Please touch me..."
He sucks on my neck as he turns the vibrator back on, slowly bringing it to my clit.
"Alright, baby. Im gonna start ya on the lowest setting and we'll work our way up to more. But ya gotta keep quiet, remember?"
I bite my lip as he places the vibrator on my clit. My breath hitches as he begins to rub it up and down, the unfamiliar feeling threatening to send me over the edge already. He turns up the setting more and I have to swallow a moan as I throw my head back onto Niall's shoulder.
"Okay pretty girl, I'm gonna throw ya a bit of a curve ball. Think ya can handle it?"
I nod and I squirm in his hold. He smiles and pushes the vibrator onto my clit a little more.
"That's my good girl. Ya see that mirror right in front of us? I want ya to watch what I'm doing to ya. Keep yer eyes open and on us. Every time ya look away, I stop. Think ya can handle that?"
I nod my head as I curl my toes, my eyes opening and looking into the mirror.
"Words, baby. I need to hear you."
"Y-Yes, I think I can do that."
I see him smile in the mirror as I feel him turn the settings up. I throw my head back, letting out a quiet moan until I feel the buzz between my legs stop.
"Eyes on us, Em. Eyes on us."
I look back into the mirror and as he rubs the vibrator on my clit, I start to find it hard to breathe.
He hushes me and turns the vibrator onto the highest setting, causing me to squeal and once again, throw my head back into his shoulder as my toes curl at the unbearable pleasure. Until he stops. Again.
"I'm not gonna tell ya again, pretty girl. Look at what I'm doin' to ya. Yer probably close, right? Yer gonna be a good girl. Since ya can't seem to look in the mirror, yer gonna turn around. Yer gonna look me in the eyes and stroke my cock while I fuck you with this little toy of yours. And yer not gonna come until I say. Understood?"
I nod my head but instantly whine as he turns the vibrator off again.
"Yes who? I can't hear ya much, Petal."
"Y-Yes sir, I understand."
I feel his cock harden against me before he quickly flips me around and kicks his boxers off before I can even blink. He turns the vibrator back on and I spit in my hand before placing it on his cock. We give each other a knowing look before starting.
I stare into his ocean eyes as I start to stroke his hardened cock, already dripping with arousal as he starts the vibrator again, pushing it back against my clit as he starts to rub it up and down. It only takes a few minutes but I feel as if I'm about to burst, and I think he is too.
"Fuck, baby! Doin' such a good job fer me. I think I'm gonna come, are ya ready baby? Where do ya want me, Petal?"
"God, Niall! Fuck! P-please! On me! I'm close too!"
His other hand finds my clit as he continues to pleasure me with the small toy.
"Come for me, baby. Come with me."
With one last pump of his cock, Niall comes all over my chest and it drips down my breasts, onto my stomach. I let go of his cock and grab onto his shoulders, riding out my own high as I come all over the vibrator.
"F-Fuck! Niall! I-I! I feel so!"
He hushes me as I come undone, whispering words of comfort.
"I know baby, I know. You did so good. Just let go fer me."
He tosses the vibrator off to the side and we both look down to see one another coated in the others come.
"F-fuck Petal, ya squirted on me! Fuck that's hot."
I let out a small, breathy laugh before falling back into my bed, my arms spread out. Niall gets up from my bed and grabs a towel from my closet. He wipes himself off before he comes back over to the bed and gently wipes me clean.
"Ya did good, Em. So good. I'm proud of ya."
I give him a small smile and he walks over to my dresser, starting to pull out clothes, but I stop him.
"Hey... Ni? Can we... sleep like this? I want to be close to you..."
He smiles and nods, shutting my dresser before walking back over to the bed and he gets under the covers. He pulls me under the covers and pulls me close, laying my head on his chest and he begins to rub his hand up and down my back, causing me to drift to sleep.
February 11th, 2023 Animate Columbus Columbus, Ohio
I'm currently at another convention, this time for Galaxy Con in Ohio. It's late though and everything is starting to settle down, especially for a Saturday, so I send Penny, my assistant, to fetch us some dinner while I check my phone.
Upon seeing my most recent text notification, a smile appears on my face. Niall.
I open his text and begin to text him.
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You're kidding me... Right? There's no way he's actually torn up about this.
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I sigh as I text him back and settle on FaceTiming him. My phone barely rings for a second before he answers and I see his face appear on the screen, his eyes lighting up the second he sees me.
"There's my girl!"
I giggle and shake my head at him as I hold my phone in my hands.
"Hi Ni. You miss me that much?"
He throws his head back in a laugh before shaking his head.
"No! More! Oh, forgot t' ask ya. Valentine's Day, can ya take it off?"
I open my mouth to say something and I suddenly remember.
Shit! My mom's birthday! I'll be home! Crap.
"Actually... about that. I totally forgot but I don't need you to pick me up Sunday. I have another flight to catch. It's my mom's birthday on the 13th and I promised her I'd be there to meet her new boyfriend. And I won't be back until the 15th..."
He frowns and nods in understanding. My heart drops seeing him so sad when I suddenly think of something.
"Hey! Why don't you come home with me! My mom already knows you but now you can meet her as my boyfriend! And you can meet my sisters and my nephews! That way we can spend Valentines Day together too! That is... If you don't have anything planned."
His eyes light up once more and he flashes me his gorgeous smile, never ceasing to make my heart melt.
"I'd love to! If yer willin' to have me, then fuck yes! Maybe you can show me around-."
I notice a little girl and her brother I assume, start to come up to me, cosplaying as one of my characters. I cut him off for a quick second so I could talk to them.
"Hey Niall hold that thought a quick sec, just a quick sec, baby."
He nods and I lay my phone on the table so he can still see me but I turn my attention to the little girl in front of me.
"Hello, Gorgeous! What's your name?"
The little girl smiled shyly and I can barely see her, so I get up, coming around the table to kneel to her height.
"L-Lily! Y-You're Nezuko, right?"
I giggle and nod as I start to talk to the little girl and her brother.
"Alright Miss Lily. Here you go! Can I take your picture with your big brother really quick? Is that okay? I'd love to show Tanjiro!"
I look to her brother and he nods with a smile. He picks her up and I take a quick picture of them before waving goodbye.
I sit back down and pick my phone back up, my attention back on Niall, who has a huge smile on his face.
"What's got you so happy, mister?"
He shrugs, his smile only growing as his chin rests in his hand, propping himself up with his elbow.
"Nothing. Yer just cute. 'Specially around kids."
I blush and let out a small laugh.
"Well, I have to keep up with being the best auntie ever so I have to be good with kids! Besides, they're cute! I love kids!"
He smiles and nods and we continue to talk for a bit until I decide to head to bed. I pack up with Niall still on the phone, bidding Penny a goodnight as I head back to my hotel room above the convention. I continue to talk to Niall as I change and he whistles as I take off my shirt.
"Oh hush, you horn dog! You'll get this tomorrow. Oh wait, no you won't!"
He pouts and rolls his eyes.
"That's yer fault. Ya can't stay quiet so we can't do it when we're at yer mom's. Since ya insisted we haaaaad t' stay in yer old room and not in a hotel."
I laugh as I slip on his shirt that I stole, kicking my shorts off before burying myself under the cold covers. I hold my phone up so he can see me, though the room is dark.
"I think you'll survive. I'll make it up to you when we're back in LA, okay? Now I gotta go to bed, you dork. So I can see you tomorrow, remember? We'll meet at baggage claim?"
He nods and blows me a kiss.
"I'll be there. Now get some rest. I'll see ya tomorrow, Petal. Sweet dreams!"
I blow him a kiss back and wave goodbye before hanging up.
Sunday,February 12th 6:30pm
When I wake up the next morning, my day goes by fast and suddenly I'm landing back home, headed to baggage claim to meet Niall. I look down at my phone for a second to text him and before I can, I'm tackled in a hug and lifted off the ground. Panic quickly fills me until I see who it is.
"Niall James! You scared the absolute shit out of me! Meanie! No kisses for you!"
He lets out a laugh as I lightly smack his chest before he puts me down and leans in, giving me a passionate kiss.
"You wouldn't do that, Em. Ya missed me too much."
I roll my eyes and peck his lips once more before taking his hand. We grab our bags pretty quickly and head outside. I start to search through the lines of cars outside the terminal when I spot hers. Niall and I walk over to her car and as soon as she spots us, she parks and gets out of the car.
She holds her arms out to me and I give her a hug, letting her squeeze me tight as I take in the familiar scent of home. She finally lets me go, but not without leaving a kiss to my forehead.
"Ugh my baby! I missed you! I'm so glad you're home! And Niall! It's so good to see you! I'm really happy to see you both together!"
Niall smiles and gives her a small hug. They let go after a minute and we put our things in the car before we get in: Niall is in the front with myself in the backseat. We all talk as we make our way to my moms house and when we pull into the driveway, my sister is out front with my nephews.
As soon as my mom puts the car into park, I quickly unbuckle and get out. James, or Jamie as we usually call him, runs to me squealing with the biggest smile on his face. I tear up as I pick him up, holding him close as I press kisses to cheeks.
"My monkey! I missed you so much!"
Katie laughs and shakes her head as she walks over to me with Oliver in her arms, who reaches out to me. We laugh and I adjust Jamie on one side because taking Ollie in my other arm, so I'm now carrying both boys, loading them with kisses as they giggle. My mom and Niall grab our bags from the car and when Niall sees me, he flashes me a smile.
Katie raises her brow at me and we all walk into the house. I put down the boys, my back hurting as I lean into Niall.
"Okay sorry, I needed my catch up on baby cuddles. I will be needing more, but my back can't take it right now. Katie, this is my boyfriend, Niall. Niall, this is my sister Katie and my nephews: Oliver and James."
Niall laughs and shakes Katie's hand and gives Jamie a little fist bump, making him giggle. We then carry our bags to my room and when Niall sees it, he laughs.
"Seems like you were just here, Em. I can definitely see this being you."
I blush and shrug. We push our suitcases under the bed and then down, the mattress causing us to bounce just a little. I sigh at the comfy feeling as I lean against Niall, who wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head.
Hey holds me for a minute as we sit in a comfortable silence until my mom calls us for dinner. I sigh and we stand up, though Niall takes my hand with a soft smile and leads me to the kitchen where our mouths. Fucking. Drop.
My mom sees me and she walks over with a smile.
"Oh! Emmers! This is-."
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"Joel fucking Miller. Ho-ly shit, Ma."
Pedro lets out a laugh and my mom looks confused.
"Now I know for a fact that you lied when you said you watch every stream of mine. I freaking played The Last Of Us last week, Ma. I talked about how I've been watching it?"
She gives me another confused expression and I let out a small sigh and turn my attention back to Pedro, who gives me a smiles as he holds his hand out to shake my hand.
"It's so nice to finally meet you, Emily! Your mom has told me so much about you!"
I shake his hand with a small smile.
"I wish I could say the same! All she told me was she was seeing some super nice guy and that she liked him! Shame shame, madre."
She flips me off and we laugh, and Niall steps closer to me so he's now at my side. He shakes Pedro' hand and introduces himself with a smile.
"Niall Horan. It's really great to meet you!"
"You too! I feel like your name is really familiar but I can't really put my finger on it. What do you do for a living?"
I pat Niall's back lightly and plant a kiss before going into the kitchen to help my mom.As they talk, I help my mom unpack dinner and set the table before she calls everyone to the table. Jamie runs over to me giggling so I pick him up, planting a raspberry on his cheek before setting him in his chair.
Niall pulls out my chair for me and I kiss his cheek before sitting down, scooting myself in as he sits down next to me. Just as I'm about to dig into my food, my mom clears her throat to get my attention and I look up at her.
"We're saying grace, missy."
I scoff and shake my head.
"You know, as someone who has never been a dedicated Christian and even raised her own daughter as a jew, I'm calling bull. Since when are you this religious?"
She sighs and shakes her head. I start to take a drink of my water as I wait for her response.
"About the passed year. I got more involved a little after Pedro and I started dating."
I choke on my drink and start to cough as I hear the words leave her mouth. Niall pats my back and looks at me with concern but I shake my head.
"So what you're telling me is you don't want to talk to me anymore? You told me you were dating someone 2 months ago. Never gave me his name, never really told me anything else other than that he was good to you. You don't even talk to me anymore. Is it all just about Katie and Claire now?"
My mom huffs and snaps back.
"It wouldn't be this way if you hadn't have left! You couldn't wait to leave! I knew I never should've let you do voice acting! You could've been so much better and I failed you! So yes, I don't talk to you! Sometimes it hurts to even think about you! Raising you was the hardest thing I ever had to do and you always made it harder! I couldn't have a life because you couldn't be alone! So yeah, forgive me for wanting to keep this from you so I could actually be myself for once and not have to be your mom!"
Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as she finishes. I can't even bring myself to say anything. I simply stand up from my chair, pushing it back in and walk to the door. Niall stands up to follow me, taking my hand but I wiggle out of his grasp, shaking my head.
"Niall, please, not now. Just...Not now."
Niall's POV
"Niall, please, not now. Just...Not now."
She grabs her keys and heads out the door, my heart splitting as I watch her leave. The rest of the house is silent for a good minute before I can't take it anymore and I decide to say something. I stare straight at her mother, and I just let everything go.
"Ya know, she tries hard to please ya. All the time. She wants ya to be proud of her but she feels like ya don't care. She just wants ya to be interested in what she does! She's amazing at it! And she loves to do it! I love seeing her so passionate about what she does and that's all she wants from you! I know she hasn't told me everything but she does try for ya. She misses the relationship she used to have with ya, and she was really trying. I hope for yer sake, she's willing to forgive ya."
I can see tears in her eyes but I turn away and head out the door myself to look for Emily. I'm not even a foot from the house when I hear someone calling my name. It's Katie, Emily's sister.
"Niall, wait-."
"Look, if yer gonna try and convince me to apologize, I'm sorry but I can't."
She shakes her head and folds her arms.
"No, she deserved that. She asked Claire and I to not say anything to her about Pedro. Since Em moved... It's been hard for my mom. She was angry even though she agreed to let her leave. She was mad that she wanted to. She'll never admit this to Emily but at first... She regretting getting pregnant with her. Emily's dad... He's serving a live sentence. He killed a lot of people and my mom didn't know that when she met him. But she felt bad and allowed his family to see Em when she was younger. That sparked a lot of problems. She's very insecure now and I just... I don't know what to do to help her... And I hate seeing them at odds like this."
She wipes the tears that have fallen down her cheeks before she continues.
"I came out to give you a few places to check for her. She'll most likely be at the park though. There's a giant Willow tree there and she used to hang out there all the time when she got upset. I'll stay here and talk to my mom."
I nod at her, giving her a small smile as thanks before running off to go find my girl. After about a 15 minute walk, I reach the park and I let out a sigh of relief.
Just as Katie has said, she's under the Willow tree, her knees to her chest with her head down. I sit down next to her and hearing her quiet cries breaks my heart. I pull her into my lap and she starts to panic, but I hush her calmly. I begin to rock her back and forth and I start to softly sing to her.
"When you feel your love's been taken, When you know there's something missing, In the dark, we're barely hanging on. And you rest your head upon my chest, And you feel like there ain't nothing left-."
Her cries only get louder and I pull her to my chest, holding her tight as I continue to sing to her.
"I'm afraid that what we had is gone... Then I think of the start, And it echoes a spark. And I remember the magic electricity. Then I look in my heart, There's a light in the dark."
She begins to settle down, only faint sniffles coming from her as she adjusts herself in my arms so she sees my face.
"C-can you keep going?"
I give her a smile and I nod, adjusting her in my arms before continuing once again.
"Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me. That I wanna keep-."
I look into her eyes and I hear her quietly whisper, her voice full of sadness as she holds back her tears.
"Please don't leave..."
I lean down and peck her lips before whispering to her.
"Never. I'm always here for ya, Em. No matter what."
She sniffles, laying her head on my chest as we sit in silence for a few minutes until she speaks up.
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry you had to see that... I just.. I wish I was good enough for her. Like I don't care that she's dating Pedro Pascal but she never told me anything! I just-."
She begins to tear up again and I rub her back as I continue to rock her. After a few minutes, her phone starts to ring and she reluctantly answers, she talks for a minute before looking back up at me.
"Katie asked if we could come back... My mom wants to apologize and talk to me..."
I kiss the top of her head as I squeeze her tight.
"Whatever you want to do, Petal. I'm here every step."
She cuddles up to me and she's quiet for a second before she pats my chest.
"Could you- could you carry me back? I think my legs are still a bit shaky..."
I chuckle and adjust my hold on her before standing up and making the trek back to her mom's house. As soon as we arrive at the house, I see her sister standing outside waiting for us. As soon as she sees us, she lets out a sigh of relief.
We head inside to see her mom on the couch and Pedro in the recliner in the corner of the room. I set her down on the couch and before anyone can say anything, my phone starts to ring. I pull it out to see it's Paul.
Emily squeezes my hand and gives me a small smile.
"Go, it's important. I'll be okay."
I give her a look filled with worry and she just puckers her lips. I roll my eyes playfully and peck her lips a few times before going outside to answer the phone.
Emily's POV
After a long, tear-filled conversation with my mom, I'm feeling a lot better. After hugging it out, she decides to head to bed early but Pedro stays up.
"Hey Emily, I was wondering. Would you want to maybe go out and get some ice cream? I've gotten to know your sisters pretty well in the past year and I was hoping you and I would be able to do that."
I nod with a smile and he smiles, grabbing his car keys before we head out the door. When we walk out, I see Niall still on the phone, leaning against the garage. I lean up to him and plant a kiss to his cheek. He lowers his phone down and I whisper into his ear.
"We're gonna go get some ice cream. I'll be back in a little bit."
He nods and pecks my lips before opening his mouth to ask what I already know he's going to ask.
"Yes, I will bring you back a couple scoops of Cookie Dough. Don't stay out here too much longer or the mountain lions are gonna eat you."
He rolls his eyes before raising his phone back to his ear and I walk to Pedro's car, giggling like a child. We get in and we chat as he drives. He pulls up to the shop and my mouth drops.
Icicles? How the hell-.
"Did you-."
He only smiles at me as he parks the car.
"I heard you mention how much you missed it to your mom once on the phone so I thought this would be a good choice."
I smile and we both get out with Pedro locking the car before we head inside. We get our ice cream and find an empty table to sit at.
"Hey... I'm sorry about dinner. I don't usually like to confront things but I guess-."
He smiles and shakes his head.
"You have nothing to apologize for. I love your mom, I do. But she definitely had it coming. For the record, she is proud of you, but she feels like she failed you. She thinks you're capable of so much more and she said that she regrets letting you leave.."
My heart drops and I try to fight the tears threatening to spill.
"Is that why she won't talk to me anymore? Because I do try... I try to talk to her and I just can't reach her anymore. I found out you guys were dating like 2 months ago and I didn't even know you were... Well... You."
He sighs and nods as he leans back into his chair.
"Your mom and I talked about that after you left. She wants to try better. She wants to be there for you."
I take a bite of my ice cream before speaking again, trying to push down all my feelings in the small bowl in front of me.
"And you? What do you think?"
He raises his brows for a second, shock evident in his expressions before he smiles.
"What do I think? Well... I think you killed it in Assassination Classroom. That second to last episode was brutal."
My mouth gapes and he laughs.
"Y-You've... You've seen my work?"
He nods with a smile and I can't help but smile as well.
"I have. I've got nieces and nephews that watch anime and they like a lot of different ones. Attack On Titan was a bit brutal for me but I thought you did great. Have you done any non-violent ones though? I don't think my heart can take much more."
I laugh and we continue to talk and eat our ice cream.
"Hey, so I wanted to talk to you about something serious."
I give him my undivided attention, a brow raised as her sighs and looks into my eyes.
"I want to propose to your mom tomorrow. Your sisters have already given me their blessing but I wanted yours as well."
My mouth drops a little and I start to choke. I cough into my arm a few times before regaining my composure.
"Wow... Okay. Sure? I mean you seem great and she seems to really like you... I'm just a little surprised you asked me. I am the child that she didn't mention."
He shakes his head with a frown.
"You're important to your mom, so you're important to me. I care about your sisters as if they were my own. Of course they don't need me to be their dad or anything-."
"She told you about him... Didn't she?"
He gives me a somber expression as he nods, causing me to let out a sigh.
"Yeah well that's what happens when you open your legs for the next guy you see. She was freshly divorced and itching for another kid. Big mistake that was."
"But you wanted one... right?"
I let out another sigh but I can't bare to look at him.
"When I was a kid, yeah. But it was a stupid dream...What are you trying to say?"
He sighs and hesitantly puts a hand on top of mine.
"Only that you don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm gonna be here for you. Maybe we can go from there?"
I snort and shake my head.
"Pedro, are you trying to steal someone else's kids so you can have your own? Is that why you're with my mom?"
He blushes, his eyes widening as he fumbles his words and I start to laugh.
"Well I-."
"I'm just fucking with you! She does the same thing! And that's really sweet of you to offer and I'll definitely think about it..."
He smiles and we talk for a bit longer before we decide to call it a night. I quickly order Niall's ice cream and we head back to my mom's house. Pedro playfully ruffles my hair and says goodnight before he heads into my mom's room.
I laugh as I open my bedroom door and I see Niall sitting on the bed.
"What's so funny?"
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I blush when I see him, shaking my head as I walk in, closing the door behind me. I walk over to the bed and hold the ice cream out to him.
"Nothing. Here's your ice cream."
He takes it from me with a smile and I move to my bag and pull out clothes. I quickly change and go back to the bed where Niall is still eating his ice cream. I climb on the bed and over Niall, sitting down in the open spot.
Niall holds out his spoonful of ice cream to me and before I can take a bite, it starts to drip on my chest, causing me to gasp.
He laughs and puts his cup down on the nightstand before turning back to me. He pulls me into his lap and slips the straps of my dress down my shoulders. He lowers his mouth down and begins to lick up the ice cream that spilt. I let out a small squeak as his licks turn into sucking and he pins me down on the bed.
"I thought you said I couldn't keep quiet."
I smirk and he smiles, hovering over me.
"Yeah, I did. But I had a thought. And I need my girl real bad. Wanna try somethin' new?"
I bite my lip and nod, already feeling myself start to heat up. He smiles and before I can blink, he flips us over so I now sit on top of him. He then leans in a little bit and starts to whisper to me, his sultry voice making me wetter.
"Alright, baby. I'm gonna move ya, okay? We're not takin' our clothes off but it's still gonna feel good."
I nod, biting my lip as he positions me over his crotch. I can already tell what he's planning, so without further instruction, I lower myself onto his hard on and I start to move back and forth on him. He groans quietly and I hold back a moan.
He grips my hips and starts to help me move on him, dipping my hips a little. He holds me close as I continue to grind on him, and he smashes his lips against mine in a hot kiss.
He starts grinding into me and I moan into the kiss, my toes curling at the intense feeling. He pulls away from my lips, panting and whining a little.
"F-Fuck, Petal. I'm gonna-."
I nod and pull him back into a kiss, grinding harder on him. I moan into his mouth and he groans, squeezing me tight as we reach our highs. We pull away, panting as I flop on my spot of the bed. Niall gets up and pulls some towels out of my closet before pulling out a new pair of underwear for each of us.
He comes over to me and gently slips off my soiled underwear before gently cleaning me up and slipping on the fresh pair. He then cleans himself up, throws everything into the hamper and then crawls into bed next to me. He pulls me into his arms and lets out a content sigh.
"That felt really good, Ni. I-I was a little surprised but... Wow."
He nuzzles his head into my shoulder, pressing a kiss to it before he lets out a small chuckle.
"Me too, Petal. I missed ya... So much."
Before I can respond, I hear the sound of his soft snores, signaling he fell asleep. I cuddle up close to him and close my eyes, falling asleep in his arms.
February 14th, 2023 5pm.
The day had mostly gone by fast. We had a small family get together to celebrate my mom's engagement and then everyone else parted ways, leaving Niall and I alone in the house.
He walks up to me, in casual clothes, and plops down next me on the couch.
He leans over and presses a kiss to the side of my head as he pulls me into his arms.
"Take out is ordered, should be here in about 20. Are ya pickin' the movie?"
I curl up in his embrace and nod against his chest.
"Yeah, I figured we could watch a few comedies. Oh shoot! I forgot your present!"
He chuckles as he watches me shoot up from the couch. I race to my room, grabbing his present as I hear a knock on the door. When I re-enter the living room, Niall is unpacking our take out and setting in on the coffee table.
I hold his present behind my back as I walk up to him and he turns to face me with a smile. 
"Whatcha got there, Em?"
I unveil his gift and he smiles. I hand it to him and he opens it, tearing up immediately. I made a scrapbook of us, with little cute notes and plenty of empty pages to be filled.
"Do you... Do you like it? I know it's not really anything elaborate or expensive but I-."
Before I can finish, his lips push against mine as he engulfs me in his arms. He pecks my lips a few more times before he pulls away, still holding me in his arms.
"Are ya fuckin' kidding me, Emily? I love it! This has t' be one of the best gifts I've ever gotten. And I can't wait to put more pictures in it."
He kisses me one more time before pulling away.
"Lemme go get yers, really quick."
I nod as he walks off and I sit down on the couch. He comes back as I start to dig through the bags of food and I look up to see him holding a small bundle of items: a blanket, a small teddy bear and my favorite chocolates. I take them from him, tears threatening to spill.
"I know it's small, but I promise it's not everything! Just what I could do since we're not home. I promise when we get back-."
I put my gifts aside and pull him into a kiss, shutting him up. He sighs and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Our lips move in sync until we're rudely interrupted by my mom's cat clawing at my leg. I pull away from Niall, groaning in pain.
"Lucas! You little shit! Naughty kitty!"
I pull away from Niall and deal with the cat before dealing with my bloody leg. When I come back into the living room, Niall has everything ready and it makes me tear up. I cuddle up to him on the couch and he hands me a bowl.
We curl up and eat as we watch movies and as soon as I finish eating, I set my bowl on the coffee table.
"Hey.. Niall? I have a question for you."
He puts his bowl down on the coffee table before he turns to look at me expectantly.
"I have an event... On Saturday. It's a premiere... For one of the animes I'm in. I was wondering... If you maybe wanted to go with me? I know it's like a public event but I just wanted to ask..."
He smiles and pulls me into his arms, pecking my lips softly.
"I'd love to. Don't think I have anything that day. Lemme know what yer wearin' so I can match with ya."
I smile and nod, hugging him before laying my head on his chest. We silently watch the movie until he pops a question.
"Hey... Em? I've got Late Late on Thursday night into early Friday morning... Ya know.. Heaven and all... Come with me. Please?"
I lift my head and look at him in shock.
"Late Late? Niall... That's a really big deal... Are you sure you want me there?"
He smiles and places a kiss on my forehead.
"Yer the only one I want there."
I smile and nod. He hugs me closer and I lay my head back on his chest. We continue to watch movies until about 11pm, when he taps me on the back. I look up and he stares into my eyes.
"Ya know... Pedro said he and yer mom were stayin' in a hotel tonight... So we're alone. And I got ya somethin'. Thought we could try it out."
I raise my eyebrow but I nod. He smiles and picks up the remote, turning off the tv before throwing it back onto the coffee table. He then adjusts his hold on me and stands up, carrying me to my bedroom as I laugh. He sets me on my bed and I lay back as he pulls something out of his suitcase.
He pulls out a small box and walks over to me, a small smirk on his face.
"I want ya to take yer shirt and skirt off fer me. Can ya do that, Petal?"
I nod with a blush, quickly removing them before throwing them in a random corner of my room. Niall whistles at my appearance.
About a week ago, Jenny and I went lingerie shopping and I bought a few sets since I didn't have any. I wore a white set today.
"Ho-Ly shit, Em. Is that new? God.. Ya look... Fuck..."
I blush as he walks closer and sits on the bed. He holds out the box to me and I hesitantly take it. It's a small-ish 'u' shaped vibrator.
"Y-You got me a vibrator?"
He smiles and shakes his head.
"I got us a vibrator. This one specifically can be controlled from m' phone. So when I'm gone... 'Specially on tour... I can still make ya feel good. But this one... It's a little extra special. Remember how I made ya feel good with m' fingers in ya?"
I blush and nod, biting my lip at the thought.
"Well... This one goes inside ya a little bit. Just like my fingers did, only a little deeper. Ya wanna try it?"
I nod quickly and Niall smiles. He opens the toy and sets it up, quickly installing the app on his phone and syncs it. He tests it out a few times, changing the settings. I only grow more wet from the sounds. He then sets it down and lays down, his head close to my clit.
"Fuck... I haven't even touched ya yet and yer soaking through yer panties, babe."
He runs his finger up and down the wet spot of my panties, teasing me before he pulls my panties down and throws them somewhere in the room.
"Alright, baby. I gotta stretch ya out a little bit, okay? Just like I did last time. If it hurts, don't be afraid to tell me."
I nod and he looks at me, nodding when I give him another nod of approval. He begins to tease my clit now, running two fingers up and down before he pushes them in all the way. I gasp a little but he continues, moving them around.
He makes a 'come hither motion and I let out a little squeak. He moves his fingers in and out until he slowly adds in a third. I throw my head back, moaning quietly.
"F-Fuck.. Niall.."
He smiles and shushes me before adding a fourth finger. I grasp the covers underneath me, trying not to wiggle at the pleasure.
"Fuck! N-Niall! I think I'm!"
He pulls his fingers out and I let out a cry of frustration. He smirks, grabbing the vibrator and quickly slips it inside me, though he keeps a hold on the other end. I gasp, throwing my head further into the bed.
I feel... So full... And it's not even that deep...
"Be a good girl. Ya gotta make it to the highest setting. Don't come until I say, okay?"
I nod and bite my lip. He smiles and grabs his phone, turning the vibrator on to the lowest setting. He teases me with it for a few minutes, pulling the vibrator in and out just a little as it vibrators against all the my sensitive bits.
"Yer doing so good. Hold on just a bit longer, okay?"
I nod and he turns it on to the highest setting. Pleasure shoots up through my entire body and I begin to shake a little.
He starts to push the vibrator in further and I move my hips to meet his movements. I moan loudly, letting out curse after curse.
"Fuck! Haa! Baby! Please! I-I can't! Shit, Niall!"
"Fuck, yer so sexy. Come for me, baby girl. Ya deserve it."
The second the words leave his mouth, I let go, my toes curling as I writhe in pleasure. I slowly calm down, a little overwhelmed with that being the hardest I've ever come.
"Shit... God Em. Ya fuckin' squirted, baby. Ya know how hot that is? God I love it when ya do that.F-Fuck..."
He pulls the vibrator out of me and I whimper at the loss before quickly adjusting again. I slowly sit up and grab Niall.
"Let me help you, Ni. I wanna make you feel good too."
He smiles and shakes his head.
"I'm fine, Petal. I don't need ya to. Today was about you. Lemme get ya cleaned up. We gotta be up early to leave in the morning."
I pout but nod. Niall cleans me up with a towel before sliding my panties back on. He wipes off the vibrator and puts it back into his suitcase before changing himself, since he was now covered in my release.
He finishes packing up and then gets into bed with me, pulling me into his arms. With a kiss to my forehead, he turns out the light and we fall asleep to the sound of each other's breathing.
Thursday,February 16th. 4:40pm
I finish putting on my makeup, checking myself out in the mirror before deeming myself ready. Just as I grab my person, my phone dings.
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I smile when I see it's from Niall, quickly texting him back before I leave my room. I walk down the stairs and grab my keys before turning to Zach.
"Hey, Zachy? Would you please pick up my dress when you go pick up your shirt? I'll Venmo you some gas money."
He gives me a thumbs up from the couch but then turns with a questioning look.
"Where are you going? I mean I don't mind but why can't you get it?"
I sigh as I slip on my heels.
"It wasn't ready before and I'm not gonna be home until late tomorrow.I'm not gonna have any more time. Please?"
He groans but nods. I rush over to the couch and reach over from the back, giving him a small hug. I then let him go, quickly leaving the house. I walk down the driveway and see a Black SUV. The back door opens and out comes Niall, looking hot as ever.
He smiles when he sees me and holds his arms out to me. I walking into his comforting arms and he quickly wraps me up tight. He kisses me, lifting me up a little before pulling away.
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"Wow Emily... You look... You look breathtaking."
I giggle and peck his cheek.
"You don't look too bad yourself, slugger."
He chuckles and squeezes me before helping me inside the vehicle. He introduces me to his manager who is sitting in the passenger seat and we all talk until we arrive at the studio.
Friday,February 17th 2am
The night goes by pretty fast and quick into the morning when we finally leave. Paul drops us off at Niall's house and the second we step into his bedroom, we collapse on the bed, still in our clothes.
I groan as I roll onto my back, reluctantly getting up. I kick off my heels and strip out of my dress before tossing it to the side and raiding Niall's closet. I slip on one of his t shirts before coming back out to see him in just his boxers sitting up tiredly against the headboard.
I smile as I climb onto the bed and curl up next to him. He wraps an arms around my waist and just as we're about to lay down, I remember something, my body instantly shooting back up.
"Shit! Heaven is out now!"
Niall groans and tries to pull me back down but I push him away and grab my phone.
"Em, please. It's so late-."
"Nope, I'm listening to it right now."
He sighs and I pull open my music and sure enough, it's the first song sitting in my recently added. I press play and shivers run through my spine as it starts.
Strange light revolves around you You float across the room Your touch is made of something Heaven can't hold a candle too You're made of somethin' new
I lay there quietly as it plays, nodding my head to the beat. Once it's over, I plug my phone back and and I hug Niall right, finally laying back down with him.
"What'd ya think, baby?"
I peck his lips with a small smile before laying my head on his chest.
"Perfect. Just as I expected."
He squeezes me lightly in his arms until he slowly lets go, the only movement coming from him is his breathing as he sleeps. I smile to myself and lay my head over his heart, falling asleep to my favorite melody.
Saturday, February 18th. 2pm THE ORPHEUM THEATRE Los Angeles, California
Niall and I step out of the SUV and onto the red carpet. This isn't my first movie premiere for an anime I've been in, but it is my first time bringing someone with me that wasn't already in the cast.
Niall gives me a comforting smile as we walk down, taking pictures, both together and with the cast, and I do a few small interviews.
I get to the last interview, a young woman named Natalie, who has interviewed me at almost every premiere I've had. She gives me a soft smile and I return it.
"Emily! It's always so good to see you! And you look incredible, as you always do!"
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"Thank you Natalie! So do you!"
She smiles and nods.
"So, this is big for you! Demon Slayer has absolutely blown up! As one of the producers of the anime,as well as the darling, fierce Nezuko, did you ever think you would get this far?"
I giggle and shake my head before answering her question.
"Not really. I have loved it from the very beginning, but I don't think anyone expected it to blow up as much as it has."
She asks me a few more questions before getting to the one I've been waiting for.
"I see you've brought someone with you tonight!"
I nod with a small smile. I look at Niall for reassurance and he nods with a smile, so I turn back to Natalie.
"Yeah, this is my boyfriend, Niall."
Natalie nods with a small smile.
"Have you seen the series, Niall? What do you think about your girlfriend's role in it?"
He smiles and squeezes me tight as he answers.
"I think she's doin' an amazing job. I love the show, for sure, and I can't wait to see what's next."
Natalie smiles and jots down a few notes before looking up and gesturing to her photographer.
"Would you mind if we took a photo of you both?"
We smile and shakes our heads, cuddling up close for the picture. We then wave goodbye to Natalie and head inside the theater. We take our seats with Niall on one side of me and Bryce on the other.
When it's finally over, we all head back to my house for the after party. I change out of my dress into something more comfortable and when I come back down, Niall is chatting with Bryce and his wife. He smiles when he sees me and pulls me into his side, a drink in his other hand.
"There she is! We were just talkin' about ya."
I giggle and shake my head. We start to chat and Zach walks by, a glare present on his face. He grumbles something but I manage to catch it.
"Yeah, that's all you do. Use her to stay relevant."
I growl and grit my teeth, scolding him.
"Zachary, shut it before I throw my shoe."
He rolls his eyes and shrugs as he grabs something from the fridge.
"You're just mad that I'm right. Get over it."
Before I can yell at him again, he walks away and joins a group, starting to chat with them. Niall lets me go and refills his drink, filling it all the way before he chugs it.
Throughout the night, I fight back the urge to smack Zach as he continues his attitude towards Niall, and Niall continues to drink. I hadn't kept a good enough eye on him and now he's so sloshed, he can't stand straight. I hold him up, deciding it's time to take him home.
"Ya know... I don't understand why ya keep him around, Em. He's an asshole. And ya let him get away with it..."
I sigh, trying to shrug off his words as I get him into my car, buckling him before getting into the drivers seat. He continues to drunkenly ramble until we reach his house and he lets out a groan.
"I know Niall, hold on. Let's get you inside."
I get out and help him out before walking us to the front door, unlocking it with his keys I snagged from his pocket. I struggle, but I manage to get him upstairs and into bed. 
I get him a glass of water from the kitchen as well as some Advil, leaving it on his bedside table. I sit down on the edge of his bed for a minute, running the day through my head when he interrupts me.
"Ya know, maybe he's right. Ya let him talk like that to me, about us... Maybe yer the one using me...Maybe ya are too young... Maybe-."
I wipe the tears from my cheeks and stand up, not even responding to him as I storm out of his house. The second I'm in my car, I breakdown completely. I reach for my phone and call the one person I can think of. My mom.
Too shaky to hold the phone up to my ear, I place it on speaker as it rings, and eventually it's answered. I try my best to calm my breathing, but I let a shaky cry.
"Emily? Are you okay?"
That's not my mom... That's not even female.. Is that-
"I'm sorry, Emily. Your mom left her phone at home. She won't be back for a while. Are you okay? You sound like you're crying..."
I sniffle and let out a whimper, and I feel like I can't breathe.
"Mija, listen to me. Take some deep breaths okay? In for 4, hold for 4, out for 4. Can you do that for me?"
I let out another whimper but I nod, doing as he says. After a couple breaths, I'm able to calm down enough and I pull out of Niall's neighborhood, Pedro still on speaker.
"T-Thank you.."
I hear him sigh through the phone and I sniffle as I drive.
"Of course, mija. ¿Qué pasa? Why are you crying?"
I sniffle wait I start to explain to him the events of the night and I hear him let out another sigh.
"I'm so sorry he said that, Emily. I'm sure he didn't mean it, but it doesn't make it easier to hear."
I stay silent as I drive, only letting out little sniffles.
"Are you going to go home? If I were you, I would want to cool off, not be around your roommate for a bit."
"I think... I think I'm gonna go stay with someone else... I really don't want to go home... I'm just so hurt... I'm angry and I'm frustrated... I feel betrayed..."
"Well, whatever you decide to do, you know your mom and I will support you. I head back to LA in about a week. We'll get lunch okay? Talk some more. I'll next you my number from your mom's phone. If you need anything, anything at all, you call me, okay?"
I sniffle as I pull into the parking lot of my friend Christina's apartment complex. I park my car and sit there for a minute before I answer him.
"I will, I promise. I just got to my friend's place. I think I'm gonna try to get some sleep. I'll keep you and my mom updated and I guess I'll see you next week?"
We say goodnight and hang up before I get out of my car, locking it and heading up to Christina's door. I knock softly and it quickly opens to reveal the tall, dark haired woman.
Before I can say anything, she pulls me inside and wraps me in a tight hug. It's only then that I start to fall to pieces, and I know I won't be okay.
WC 12,912
Please like and reblog! I’d love to hear what y’all’s thoughts are!!!
Tag List!
@harrysmimi @violetsandfluff @be-with-me-so-happily @swiftmendeshoran @strwbrrydaydreams @kaminokatiee @buffysimonriley @freedomfireflies @babyiamperfectforyou @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs
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cc-horan28 · 10 months
whats your fic abt? Do you beta it!? I need to read some niall fics 😭😭😭
hi anon!!!
sooo here's the link for the little summary I have
But basically it's a Niall x OC grumpy x sunshine fic
I'm still looking for a beta yes 😭 please feel free to message me if you're interested
I'm working on it, promise. I'll have the first three chapters up by the time this year ends, PROMISE.
i'll keep this one 😭
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loversipod · 2 years
Christmas friend
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Summary: Y/n is Harry's friend and found through him a new friend. Niall told you he never celebrated Christmas so you invited him to decorate your Christmas tree and the two of you baked some delicious cookies.
Pairing: deaf!niall x fem!reader x best friend!harry
Wordcount: 1k
Trigger warnings: mentions of deafness, Harry gets hit once briefly, deaf Niall.
A/N: I really appreciate it when you give me some feedback. I tried my best to write something related to Christmas. I was horancinema :)
It's Christmas time, again. The worst time for you, your parents ask all the time, if you have a boyfriend and if you would like to join them on their vacation, to some expensive place in the world. You never said yes, they always talk bad about you. Everyone in your family did but in a nice way. You sit there and they give you nice criticism if you can call it that.
Well, Harry decided for himself that you'll celebrate Christmas with him. You are not in a good place right now. Your boyfriend of three years cheated on you with your best friend. Three years you never get back. He also decided for you that you move in with him.
Harry often has friends over and you already know that you spend your Christmas in your room alone. Today was a day when he was gone and a guy waited in the living room for him. Sometimes you don't know if he hooked up with some of his friend's the way he acts around them you can't tell the difference.
You stared at the back of his brown head. You can't remember if he introduced you to that guy. He introduced you to a lot of his friend's. They were all nice, but he's the only one he didn't introduce you to. You can't recognize him. Harry likes you a lot and he wouldn't introduce you to any guy you might fall for.
You continue to make yourself dinner. You make some noodles look like you have to give him some as well. You tried to call Harry but he didn't answer his phone, typical. After you finish them, you put some on the plate with cheese, make him a glass of water and walk with everything into the living room. All he does is give you a welcome smile and a nod. "You're welcome."
"What the actual fuck was that?" You whisper yells at Harry when he comes home after hours with the stranger in your living room.
He grins at you, "you need to get out of your 'I'm done with dating phase'," you slap him across his face. "Ouch," he rubs his cheek due to the sting he feels.
"I didn't want a stranger here for hours," you grumble hotly.
Harry shakes his head, "he's the perfect guy for ya." He says gently.
"I tried talking to him for an hour," your voice comes out crossly.
"He doesn't talk." He laughs at you.
The brown haired guy was here all the time. Harry said you should try to be his friend. It's Christmas time and you need a distraction. That was his suggestion. Maybe you just need to hook up with someone and everything is fine. That's one of his other suggestions, you did that but it didn't help you.
You started talking to him a lot but no answer. All he does is have a stupid smile on his soft lips. You find it rude. "He's deaf," Harry whispers low in your ear. That's the moment you realize you never have luck with guys. "But Niall 's the best guy f'you." You turn around and hug him.
Over the weeks you learned your own way how communicating with him. Niall told you how he never did anything related to Christmas. He never decorated a Christmas tree or baked Christmas cookies so you invited him over for today.
Harry told you to not buy a Christmas tree and place it in his flat, but you do whatever you want anyway. Niall was surprised when he saw the tree and all the decorations. His blue eyes light up, and his lips curl in the adorable smile he has. You even bought him an ugly Christmas sweater as an early gift and he couldn't be happier. You don't know him for a long time, but it seems like you know him forever.
You have a notebook where you write your conversations down, you start learning for him and try your best. Today you wanted to impress him and show him what you can. "I remember you never did that. Do you want to catch up with me?" His smile grows. He can't believe you remember something this simple. He only mentioned this one time. He thought it was the sweetest thing someone has ever done for him.
'I'd love to,' you took a deep breath and tried your best to shut your thoughts down. You have too many and a lot of them is what Harry will say about this.
Sometimes he's like the Grinch.
You lit a pastille before he came and now it smells like incense all over the living room. Everything is prepared for your afternoon together. Cookie dough is also already mixed to cut out. Niall will love the different shapes, angels, Santa Claus, gingerbread men, and much more, which he will find awesome. You can make him happy so easily.
He looks at all the Christmas balls you have not used. 'The tree looks really good.' He enjoys the time with you. He loved the baking and decorating of the cookie.
You are tired, your head rests against his shoulder. His soft fingers stroke your scalp, and his fingernails scratch your head softly. It makes you sleepy. You tried your best so that your eyes don't fall shut. You wanted to spend more time with him. You want to finish the movie with him. Harry was right, he's the perfect guy for you and everything will work out, somehow. He's deaf maybe he'll talk someday with you.
You didn't notice how he brought you to bed but you remember the kiss on the forehead and the little note he wrote for you, that you found the next day on your nightstand.
One bad chapter doesn't mean your story is over. Turn the page, there is so much left you don't know yet. Today you wrote a new chapter. Thank you for the wonderful day.
Ps. We have to make a gingerbread house as well.
Nialler xx
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daisyblog · 5 months
First Date
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Unexpected Love Masterlist Summary: Harry and YN are set up on a date.
Jonny had separately nagged YN and Harry to let him set them up on a date. Harry’s argument was that he was in the middle of writing his second album, and wanted to be on his own after his last break up. YN’s protest was that she was a single working Mum who didn’t have the time, and added “nobody wants to date a single mum”. 
After what felt like months of constant begging, Harry and YN both gave in to their friend and agreed to go on a date. Jonny had arranged for them to meet at a small quiet restaurant on the outskirts of London, knowing Harry would want to stay under the radar. 
YN had been nervous all day. She had messaged Jonny several times to try and cancel but he insisted that it was just nerves and she should give it a chance. Harry felt mixed emotions, part of him was nervous, he was meeting someone new but the other part of him was excited because he knew Jonny wouldn’t set him up with just anyone. 
Harry arrived at the restaurant first, being fifteen minutes early. He was shown to their table which he was grateful was tucked into a corner away from other tables. He knew that was down to Jonny’s request. Wanting to calm his nervous, Harry ordered a bottle of wine for them, hoping YN liked it too. 
He had just taken a small sip from his glass, when he saw the waiter walking towards him with a woman following behind. Harry stood from his chair, ready to greet her. “Hi, it’s nice to finally meet you”. Harry spoke first, bringing YN in for a hug. 
“Jonny and his persuasive ways huh?”. YN joked, causing Harry to smile knowing Jonny must have nagged YN as much as he had nagged him. 
Harry pulled YN’s chair out for her to sit before taking his place back in her own. “I ordered wine, I can get you something else if you’d prefer”. 
“No…wine is perfect, thank you”. YN smiled with appreciation, showing her little dimples. “I like your tattoos”. She complimented as she noticed them on his arm, that was exposed due to his short sleeved shirt. 
Harry glanced down as he looked at his arm, smiling slightly at the mixture of ink that covered his skin. “Uh thanks…I have too many to count”. He giggled. “Do you have any?”. He gestured to his tattoos. 
YN hesitated before explaining. “I have one…on my wrist”. She turned her hand over to reveal the delicate ink on her right wrist. “It’s my son’s name”. YN watched for a change in Harry’s response or how he may end the date now. 
But what surprised YN was Harry’s genuine grin as he looked down at her wrist. “What’s his name?”. His question was genuine, YN could tell by how he looked at her directly in the eye which a soft look. 
“Jacob”. YN smiled as she thought about her favourite person. The little boy who saved her in more ways than he would ever know. “He’s five and a real sweetheart.”. Harry noticed how YN’s whole face lit up as she spoke about him. “Does me having a son not bother you?”. YN couldn’t help but ask.
Harry frowned at her question before shaking his head. “Of course not…I don’t date people based on if they’re a parent, or if they have a certain job or x amount of money in the bank…I date people for them.”. 
“I’m sorry…I couldn’t help but ask, I’m not used to people being so understanding when it comes to Jacob”. YN apologised, hoping she hadn’t ruined the date before it had started properly. 
“Hey…it’s fine, you can be yourself tonight…there’s no judgement from me.” Harry reassured her, knowing how it felt for someone not to get to know you and having a false opinion. 
“Thank you…that really means a lot”. YN smiled before taking a sip from her glass, needing to treat her dry throat. 
“So tell me about you and Jacob…I can see he’s your life and I want to know more”. The sentence caused a spark in YN’s chest at how interested Harry was in not only her but the one person who mattered the most. 
Harry and YN had talked, laughed and smiled all evening. YN couldn’t remember the last time she felt like herself and was able to be just YN and not just a Mum. Harry wondered how he hadn’t met YN sooner because for once someone didn’t want to speak to him because he was Harry Styles, he could see that YN was genuinely interested in getting to know him as just Harry. 
Harry had learnt that YN was in university studying business when she fell pregnant but had to drop out before graduating. But now owned her own florist in London. He noticed that she hasn’t mentioned her family apart from Jacob, but decided it was best to leave it that way for now. She didn’t ask one question related to the band or his music, she asked questions about his family, where he grew up, his childhood memories and all the little things that built up who he is today. 
After they had finished their meals and nicely argued about how the bill was going to be paid, they found themselves walking through a quieter part of town, still chatting and giggling like two teenagers. They wanted to blame the wine but deep down they both knew it was from the excitement of each other. 
Harry had arranged for a taxi to drop them both back home. They were both supposed to realise that YN didn’t live far from Harry’s Hampstead house. He walked YN up to her door to make sure she was home safe. They both stood staring at each other, waiting for the other to break the silence. Smirks covering their smiles. 
“I had a really nice time tonight”. Harry broke first, meaning what he had said. 
“Me too!”. YN felt shy for the first time all evening. 
“Can I see you again?”. Harry was bold, he hadn’t felt like this after a date before and he wasn’t willing to lose his chance. 
YN smiled, she felt special and chosen for once and inside she was screaming with happiness. Harry really wanted to see her again. “I’d love that”.
They quickly swapped numbers and Harry was eager to arrange to see YN again. Before making his way back to the taxi that was waiting patiently, he leaned in to hug YN goodbye. It was like neither of them wanted to let go but the feeling of Harry’s lips leaving a peck on her cheek is what caused YN to jump around in happiness once she closed the door behind her that night.
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hsdiaries · 2 months
‘til forever
chapter four - 9k words
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The rugby game rang through the apartment walls as I sat on my couch working through my third glass of Guinness; my head buzz strong. Mitch, Pauli and Chase had all gone out for drinks, but I wanted nothing more than to just relax at home. The game was almost over, and sleep was creeping over my body when I heard a knock from my door.
My brows furrowed at the sound, turning to look over my shoulder. I wasn't expecting anyone tonight, it was much too late for a food delivery service. Lowering the volume on the tv, I wondered if maybe the knock was meant for the neighbor until it came again on my door. Placing the beer down on the small side table, I pushed off the couch and walked over, peering into the peephole. There stood Bentley, mascara clear down her cheeks, her hair in a messy bun.
I quickly unlocked the door, prying it open taking in my beautiful mess, "Benny baby, what's wrong. Come 'ere." I pulled her gently towards me, closing the door behind her, "What are you doing here so late, love?"
She sniffled, swallowing back tears, "I drank too much at home, and I didn't want to be alone. I wanted to be here…with you."
Her words drove electricity throughout my body, my head nodding, unable to form words as her hands came up to my face, holding it, caressing it softly, "You're too good to me, you know that?"
"No, sweet Benny, I'm only the right amount of good to ya. The good you deserve," I cooed, trying to soothe her pain. She nodded softly, taking me in, inhaling deeply as she leaned in and kissed me hard. Kissed me feverishly. My hands moved to instantly grasp onto her, pulling her close as my lips kissed hers back.
My mind clicked into protective mode, reminding me she was drunk, I wasn't far behind, "Fuck," I breathed out as I pushed away from her, biting my lip and shaking my head, "Benny baby, your drunk. I'm intoxicated. We ca—…”
“…—we can. I'm not…I came here. I wanted to be here, with you. God, please Niall, I just don't want to think, please, I want to just be here with you," she begged so desperately I gave into all of my senses. My lips crashing back into her, hands tapping the backs of her thighs, instructing her to jump into my hold.
She did, wrapping her legs around me, hips pushing into mine, driving blood straight to my prick. I no longer had the self control I needed to stop this, and I didn't care. I moved us quickly into the bedroom, it was like the dream bubble could burst at any given second and I didn't want it to.
I sat down on my bed, her legs bent on either side of me, gripping onto my sides with her thighs. Her weight felt so good pushing down on my hardened cock, her moans letting me know she was feeling the same. She rocked her hips on me, my hands moving to grip onto her hips, helping with her movements.
"Mmm, so good f'me, feels so good, Ben," I whimpered against her lips, her head nodding.
"Bet it's even better with no clothes on," she giggled onto my lips, the most pure giggle driving heat through my body. God, this couldn't be real. I would wake up tomorrow and it would be a dirty wet dream.
"Smart mind, Benny, smart mind," I said, biting her lower lip softly before standing up and laying her down on the bed. I broke our kiss to strip myself free of my clothes, leaving just my briefs, my cock tight in them. My hands grabbed at the band of her leggings, fingers slipping under them and her underwear peeling them off her legs.
My breath left me as I watched her spread her legs on my bed, her folds glistening in her arousal. Arousal that was there for me, and just me.
"Fuck me, Bentley Rose, you're such a lovely sight," I said, hooking my arms under her thighs and bringing her to the edge of the bed as I lowered down onto my knees in front of her. My lips kissed and sucked on her soft inner thighs, traveling to her wet middle, open mouthed kisses pressing into her clit, down her slit, on her entrance.
I let my tongue travel inside her, pulsing in and out of her as she squirmed under me, legs struggling to stay open as I slipped it out, running it up to her clit, circling with the tip of it.
"Oh dear god, Niall, fu-uck," she breathed out as I continued to eat her out like she was the last meal I would ever have. I pulled away to breathe, my two fingers slipping inside her, curling to her spongey g spot, earning me the sexiest shudder from her, moans spilling out for me.
"You're so wet for me, Benny baby, so needy," I groaned, my other hand reaching under her cropped tee, pulling down at her bra, exposing her beautiful tits, feeling for her nipples and letting my fingers wrap around them, tugging at them.
"Niall, please, god please I want to feel you," she moaned, her eyes burning into my soul, panting as my fingers moved faster in her, her walls pulsing around them, her arousal dripping down my fingers.
"You will baby, come f'me first okay? Let me get you warmed up for me, okay?" I hummed, lowering myself back to her clit, my tongue flicking against it, fingers moving at a steady pace inside her. Her thighs began to squeeze against my head, suffocating me in a place I would gladly go in.
"Fuck, please, please, oh god Niall, yes," her back arched against me, my hand moving off her tit to push her legs apart, as she began coming, her arousal coating my mouth and chin completely. I enjoyed every bit of her taste, lapping up every bit of it helping her ride out her high.
Slipping my fingers out of her, I traced them up her body, pushing her shirt up with them until they landed on her bottom lip, letting them slip into her mouth, her tongue welcoming them willingly. She was a fucking seductive dream, a dream that had your heart completely without even knowing how much you needed it.
"Take off your shirt, Ben," I demanded, moving quickly to find a damn condom, something I didn't think I would need anytime soon. Especially not with her. Walking back over, she laid, resting back on her elbows, her beautiful tits on full display for me, "Fucking hell you're so beautiful."
Placing one knee on the bed, I began to open up the condom wrapper as she sat up further, her delicate hands wrapping around my length, making my head fall back, a groan vibrating in my throat before it managed to escape.
"I want you to feel so good, Niall. I wanna be good for you too," she said, blissed out eyes meeting mine as I brought my head back straight. I moved her hands, nodding, slipping the condom on my cock.
"Oh you are more than good to me, I promise," I breathed, crawling on top of her, pressing my lips to hers. I wanted to engrave the memory of them forever in my mind, just in case I never found myself here with her again. Lining the tip of my cock up with her entrance, I rubbed against her opening, teasing her clit. She was still sensitive, her soft whimpers letting me know it was the case. I let my arms wrap around her as I slipped in, just the tip moving in and out of her tight cunt, walls needing little adjusting after making her come before.
She moved her lips to kiss along my face, my jawline and neck, moaning soft each time I pushed further in until I completely bottomed out, her teeth across my skin, "God" the only word she breathed out. Thousands of dirty things and positions came to my mind, ways I wanted to bend and pull her body, fuck her so good she blissed out to another universe.
But everything was slow with her, everything moved in a way where I thought I would never be closer to her. Her chocolate brown eyes peeked up at me, arms wrapping around my body pulling me closer to her. Our hips moved towards each other in sync, moving away with trembling movements only to be met again in bliss. I wasn't going to last long, not like this, not when the woman I was desperately and foolishly falling in love with was this close to me.
I moved my hands to either side of her head, using them to stabilize me over her, thrusting harder into her, "God you feel so good, Ben. A bloody dream, love."
Her nails dug into my skin, her walls flutter around me making every bit of me cover in chills. I felt her squeeze me deeper into her, her warmth intensifying my need for a release. Knots forming along my stomach and lower back, tightening with pleasure I couldn't even imagine.
"Niall, please don't stop, I'm so-so close," she strutted, her eyes searching mine for her release. My left hand moved down between us, my fingers moving on her clit, rolling quickly on it to help her get there as I was barely hanging on.
"Yes, please, oh, Niall, fu-uck. I'm…” I felt her legs clench around me, her arousal dripping down between us as she came. My climax quickly followed, warm ribbons shooting into the condom. Our bodies shifted closer to each other, clinging on as we came down from the high we just brought for each other.
My lips tumbled over her face, pressing into her cheeks and nose. Tracing over her lips. She smiled into the kiss, pecking soft kisses until I couldn't help but chuckle. She inhaled through her nose, letting out a soft breath, my body shifting to pull out of her, both of us groaning at the sensation.
I rolled over on the bed next to her, slipping the condom off, tying it and lazily searching for the packaging until I found it, stuffing the used condom in. I turned to her, pulling her into me, "I'll clean you up right now, I promise, just, five more minutes."
"Mm, I'll give you ten," she said softly, her face nuzzled into my chest, her fingers tugging softly on my chest hairs.
"Make it twenty," I kept playing at it.
"Shut up, Niall Horan. Just shh," she kissed my chest, her breath slowing as we laid quietly. We never moved from this spot, we never cleaned up.
And I didn't care. I didn't care at all.
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Saturday came by quicker than I hoped, and every part of me was crawling in anxiety. Everything Niall had done to prep me for tonight seemed so small now, my heart constantly feeling like it was sliding up into my throat to kill me. Inhaling deeply, I looked in my closet mirror, taking myself in. I untucked my shirt, immediately hating how that looked and tying up the end into a knot to crop it - which I only hated even more.
Pulling out the knot I groaned, turning and falling onto my bed, completely frustrated and nervous, "I'm not going. I refuse."
The bed dipped, a strong smell of cigarettes and vanilla quickly calming my nerves, "Yes you are honey bee."
I turned my head in the direction of Louis' voice, inhaling deeply, "You didn't knock."
"I was gentle," he smirked, making me chuckle.
"You were. Lou, what if they hate me? What if they don't want anything to do with me anymore?" I squeezed my eyes close, turning my face back into the bed.
I felt his finger softly run through my hair, massaging my neck gently, just like how he always used to soothe me, "Bentley, they have been begging for you to make an appearance. They miss having you around, want to just make sure you're okay."
"I feel like my stomach is going to explode from the amount of knots I have right now. Niall will be here soon, my outfit isn't working, I haven't done my makeup, I have half my extensions in…”I rolled on my back covering my face.
"Bee, you used to wake up late for work more times than anyone I know and somehow still made it on time. If anyone can get their shit together, it's you. Now get up, and get ready. The outfit looked better with the shirt tucked. So see, I solved that, now get, go go," he said, tickling my sides causing me to squeal and quickly shoot up.
"Okay! Okay! I'm going," I laughed through my breaths, shaking my head at him. Tucking in my shirt as I made my way over to my vanity, I sat on my big white chair, starting to work through the rest of my hair. Louis and I didn't say much to each other the entire time I got ready, just soft glances exchanged through the mirror. Made me wonder multiple times if I was going crazy, if he really was there, but every time I looked over my shoulder, there he was.
Fifteen minutes later, a knock came from the front door, Niall arriving just in time as always. I didn't even get a chance to say bye to Louis, when I turned, he was just gone. It made my chest clench just a little, reminding me of the times we would race to the door, see who got there first. Loser having to tell Niall a bluff, get him riled up for no reason other than to just tease him. Another knock followed by the doorbell quickly followed and I sighed out, patting my thighs before getting up and heading to the living room. I quickly opened the door, and there stood Niall, a fluffy light blue cardigan, plain white tee and his favorite khaki pants on. He looked freshly shaven, but the usual stubborn facial hair around his chin. I couldn't help but smile at him instantly, his warmness radiating off his skin, embracing me with no touch.
"You look good, Ben," he blushed slightly, messing up his hair slightly.
I bit my lip, shaking my head, eyes drifting down to my feet, "Thanks, Niall. I'm nervous as hell. You might have to carry me out of here."
He moved through the threshold, lifting my chin gently, "Nope. I'll hold your hand and we will walk out together. You'll be fine, because you are strong and ready.
Swallowing, I nodded a bit, turning to find my combat boots to slip on, "Do we need change for the machines? I haven't been to that bar in a while, I can't remember."
"I'll get some there. Don't worry about that. Did you want to grab a bite before we head over? Just in case you're too nervous to eat?" He offered as I slipped on my boots, lacing them up and moving to find my purse and keys.
"Nope. If I really am strong and ready, I have to go through the whole thing. Plus, chewing is a great excuse for not being able to talk. Mouth full and speaking? So rude, I could never," I shrugged playfully, slipping my bag on my shoulder. Niall gave me a soft eye roll, making me laugh as we made our way out the door. I locked up and soon we were on our way.
The bar wasn't too far from my house, so we chose to walk there - which also helped calm my nerves. Niall held my hand the entire time, his thumb gently caressing the back of my hand. I watched him do it, trusting him to guide us around people, my mind hanging onto the idea of him. What if he was the one Louis was here to bring me closer too?
What if in some twisted way, my mom was even right? All this happened, because I was destined to be with Niall. I squeezed my eyes shut, shaking my head, bringing my attention back in front of me. I could feel Niall's gaze on me, a soft squeeze from his hand made me turn to look at him again.
"You okay, Ben?" He said softly, his bright blue eyes something I could get lost in if I let myself.
"Yeah, just, crazy I really have avoided this for so long. Like, I forgot how much I loved bear hugs from Mitch, and Pauli, how they can make me laugh with their zingy one liners. And then Chase, well he's Chase," I shrugged making us both burst into laughter.
"You know, I think Lou was the only one that would tame Chase with just one single look. Just daggers straight at him, and Chase would fix himself instantly!" Niall said, pretending to draw lines from his eyes to me.
"That's just because he always thinks with his penis! His dick dicktates his life choices," I laughed, Niall pulling me into him as he laughed. I wrapped my arms around him as we walked.
"Did I tell you he tried to hit on Marlee?" he said, as I pushed away a little bit, eyes wide.
"He had just met her!"
He nodded, "I know, but thankfully she can really hold her own. It didn't even phase her. She walked away like nothing, you should have seen his face."
I rolled my eyes, "Typical. I just hope he doesn't try with me again. I might just kick him in the nads."
"Just give me a head up, let me record that please."
The rest of the walk was spent in small conversation and before I knew it, we were at the bar entrance, the pings of gaming machines and laughter of other patrons spilling out the door. I swallowed, running my tongue along my cheek, "Well, time to get this over with."
Niall kissed the top of my head, whispering against it, "You got this. They are your friends, I'm here, and I betcha Louis is right by your side supporting you."
I froze a bit, my own secret making my blood run cold for a moment. Looking over to the side nobody stood at, I wondered if Louis was around. I knew he said he wouldn't be nosy, or interfere, but I couldn't help but wonder. Gathering myself, I looked up at Niall, nodding before we made our way inside.
We pushed through people, Niall interlocking his fingers in mine, leading the way. We moved to the set of booths in the back, my heart beating so loud I soon heard it in my ears, taking out the sound of everything else. I saw my friends over Niall's shoulder, I heard their muted yells of his name. Everything was moving slow until I felt Mitch wrapping his arms around me, lifting me up in the air and spinning me around.
"B. Rose! Oh my gosh I fucking missed you," I heard him say as I came too, realizing I was laughing as he put me down, arms instantly wrapped tight around him.
"Mitchy boy, oh god you still smell the same," I heard myself say, but there wasn't any judgment from Mitch, just another embrace.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the ninth wonder of the world, Bentley Rose," Pauli shouted behind us, tackling Mitch and I, hugging me from behind.
"Pauli, oh, I'm turning to pure mush," I said, my eyes watering slightly. I looked at them both, wondering why Chase hadn't approached yet. "Hey douche? Are you too good for me or something?"
"For you baby, I'm perfectly made." I heard Chase say, appearing in my vision and kissing my nose making me go cross-eyed and teasing him, my tongue sticking out.
"Glad to see you're still disgusting as ever," I said, breaking free from Mitch and Pauli, hugging Chase.
Pushing back I took in all three of my boys, feeling Niall's hands on both of my shoulders, massaging them gently. I leaned back into him, his arms wrapping around my neck as my head rested on his shoulder.
"You can't disappear again, B. Look, we get it, okay? And we aren't going to discuss it tonight, but just know we get it. Our ears have the same functionality as Niallers. Well, expect Chase. His for some reason hear "fuck me" in between each common phrase, but Pauli and I, we got you," Mitch said so sincerely, Chase shooting him a glare that made us all burst into laughter.
"I know. And…I won't disappear. I just…I can't promise consistency right now. Maybe I'll think different by the end of the night, but right now, that's all I can give. Right now, all I can handle is…meeting your new girl and this Harry guy Niall keeps talking about. That's all I can handle right now."
My best friends looked at each other then back at me and nodded. Pauli reached for my hands, pulling me out of Niall's hold and towards them, "And that's all you'll have to worry about tonight. Sarah, is lovely, and Harry is a shy one, but he fits right in. Marlee too, she’s Harry—…”
“…—best friend. Yeah I met her while I was at the mall with Niall. She was sweet, which makes it a bit easier. Already got that greeting out of the way, you know?" I shrugged, Pauli nodding.
"Why don't you let me get you a beer, you all go make sure our booth doesn't get stolen. Mitch just got off the phone with Sarah, she met up with Harry and Marlee, so they should be here shortly," Pauli said, squeezing my hand before turning on their heels and heading towards the bar.
Chase and Mitch moved to the booth they were previously sitting at, Niall pulling me back against him. I felt his breath on my neck, a soft whisper, "See, I told ya, easy."
I turned my body around, locking eyes with him, a big smile on my face. Niall was the best part of me these past months, shining even brighter tonight. I reached my hand up, placing it gently on his left cheek.
"Thank you, Niall. Really. I don't know how I'll ever fully thank you for how you've built me up these past months. I'm here because of you. And I know they all think they have ears as good as yours, but it's just cause they haven't gotten an up close look at these babies," I giggled, tugging softly on his left earlobe.
"No one has ears as cute as these, there is no comparison," I teased slightly, earning me a blush from him that made my heart warm in ways I had never experienced before. It was like my mother and Louis tagged teamed to invade my mind and ran a streamline of heat and nerves straight to my heart and gut. Like all of a sudden, Niall was a different version of himself that my brain used to refuse to accept.
Someone I could have feelings for.
"Can you two stop being weird and come sit down at the booth? You know people like to take over if they see the space!" Chase called out, breaking me from the moment I was having. Niall chuckled, gently placing his hand on my lower back and leading me to the booth. We slipped opposite of Chase and Mitch, my hand reaching out to squeeze Mitch's arm.
"So tell me about your new girl! Niall said her name is Sarah. What's she like?" I smiled, Mitch suddenly shy, an emotion I didn't think was possible from him. I watched as his eyes glanced around, suddenly brightening up.
"What if I just show you instead," he said, pointing with his chin. Bringing my gaze over to where he directed me, I caught a glimpse of Marlee, and next to her was a tall slender woman, hair in a ponytail, bangs framing her eyes. She was dressed in high waisted pants and a cute crop, funky earrings on both her earlobes. She was exactly the type of girl I always pictured Mitch to be with. I watched her and Marlee interact, a clear friendship already starting there that made my stomach ache in nerves and jealousy. I hated making friends with girls, it was so hard for me, and the idea they were already getting along so well made me nervous at trying to fit in.
Yet soon my own anxious thoughts were put to an end, when behind the girls, there he was. Walking in with the same long hair and eyes that still played both blue and green to me. I felt my body stiffen slightly as the three of them walked in our direction, my eyes quickly shifting down.
"Holy shit," I breathed out, Niall instantly glancing at me.
"What's wrong, Ben?" He whispered, my eyes glancing to him.
"That's the guy. The chocolate croissant guy. From Posh," I bit my lip, sinking slightly in my seat as they got closer to us.
"Harry? Harry's the cute meet?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Meet cute, Niall - and yes. That's him."
"Hey everyone!" I heard Marlee call out, her voice I learned was always going to be so distinct, "Oh my gosh, Bentley, you look great!"
My eyes shot up in shock that she was addressing me so directly, but at the quick glimpse of her warm smile, I felt slight relief. I smiled, Chase interrupting me before I could speak.
"Wait, you know B?" His face was so flustered, causing me to chuckle a bit.
"I bumped into her and Niall at the mall. Harry almost did too, but he left literally right before I turned the corner and bumped into them," she explained at Chase, like it was no big deal.
"And it turns out Harry and Bentley have also met too," Niall started, my head quickly whipping in his direction. With eyes wide, I tried to communicate with him to hush, but as always, he ignored me.
"We have?" I heard the British accent, as he fully stepped into the small circle they had formed around the booth. Our eyes locked, they were definitely green, a soft smile forming on his lips, "Oh, croissant girl."
A laugh escaped my lips, nodding a bit, "I prefer matcha girl, but that works too."
I watched as he turned to Marlee, "It's no drama girl."
"Oh, wait…really?" She said, and for some reason, her demeanor seemed to change. She glanced over at me, then back at Harry.
"I feel like I'm missing something here?" Sarah said, narrowing her eyes at Mitch.
"We ran into each other, at the little market cafe place under where I live. We both were craving a chocolate croissant apparently," Harry smirked, running his ring clad fingers through his hair.
"Wait…at Posh?" Mitch said, raising an eyebrow as Pauli approached with three beers.
"Who went to Posh?" Pauli asked, placing the beers down on the table, sliding one to me.
"Uh, I did," I said, suddenly feeling uneasy as all my friends turned to look at me. It was like they were all asking so many questions with their eyes, shocked expressions trying to remain hidden on their faces.
"And then she met Harry, seems like the world meant it for all of us to be friends. That seems like a pretty swell deal if you ask me. But if you also ask me, I'll tell you I'm starvin'," Niall quickly interjected, saving me as always.
I knew the shock they felt knowing I had gone into Posh, none of us went in there since Louis. We all avoided it at all cost, each with our own trauma with that place. Harry seemed to catch on to the sudden shift in mood, playing along with Niall's remarks.
"I'm starved too, I'm sure you know Niall. Girl best friends and getting ready, dreadful waiting times," he pushed his shoulder into Marlee's arm, earning him a glare.
"Right, because someone doesn't spend hours on their hair," she said with a head tilt, Harry narrowing his eyes.
I chuckled, looking over at Niall, "Sounds like someone I know, with less hair for that matter."
"Listen, these gorgeous Irish locks need moisture, conditioning and shine, okay?" Niall said, making Mitch snicker.
We all started laughing, the tension fully melting away. Mitch kicked me softly under the table, winking at me, "Alright, let's start with wings for the table? Mixed flavors, ranch and blue cheese?"
"As long as we get fries and onion rings, I'm golden," Pauli smiled, making room for everyone to slide into the booth. Everyone had settled into their place, Mitch ordering food for the table. Harry had somehow ended up straight across from me, both of us at the ends, his long legs extending and touching the bottoms of my boots. I ignored that I was aware of this, turning to Niall glaring at him softly.
He chuckled and leaned in, whispering, "I figured if I broke the ice for ya, you wouldn't have an excuse to play dumb and make things awkward for yourself."
"You're so considerate," I rolled my eyes, turning to my beer before taking a long chug. It tasted like pumpkin, a surprise for this time of the year.
"Pauli? How? Tastes like pumpkin Sam Adams" I said, leaning forward to catch their eye.
"We found a fake, they make it year round and got Lance to set up a draft. I knew you would enjoy it," he held up his glass to which I reached over and cheered, sipping more of it.
"But does it actually taste like pumpkin?" Harry asked, my eyes drifting to him.
I licked lips nodding, "It does surprisingly, here give it a go."
Reaching across the table he took the beer from me as I handed it to him, our eyes locked on each other's as he took a sip. He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth after swallowing, nodding, "That's pretty spectacular. It's like a bitter pumpkin, not sweet and overpowering."
"I feel like pumpkin is a chosen taste," Marlee added, scrunching her nose a bit to show her distaste.
"Oh, I agree. I love it in muffins and even a good tea, but a latte? I can't get away from it quickly enough," I chuckled a bit, taking my beer back from Harry as he smiled at me.
"I can get on board with that statement," He said, wiping his lips with his thumb.
"You've never even had a pumpkin muffin," Marlee said, eyes narrowed the tiniest bit.
"I can just imagine they aren't as sweet as a latte. I've tried a pumpkin chai with you, your favorite but they are so nasty to me. Too sweet," he stuck his tongue out at her, his statement making her previous reactions slightly confusing to me.
"Mmm, yeah, guess so," she said quickly, turning to Sarah and Mitch's conversation. Harry and I glanced at each other, a small shrug from him, which I returned.
We didn't interact much the rest of dinner, Harry clearly noticing something off with Marlee's statement and Chase keeping me busy with his rollercoaster love life - that always ended with him being alone.
The wings came and we all dug in, plates being passed around the booth. Without anyone bringing too much attention to it, I learned my friends kept our tradition of cheersing our wings before we ate them - something Louis had started.
"For Louis."
It rang over the table, echoed by the rest of us as we tapped our wings before taking our first bites. I sat in silence for the rest of it. My eyes danced across all my friends, old and new. I watched the different ways everyone ate their wings, something Louis and I used to go into great discussion about. I bit my lip, looking down at my own, watching myself rip off the chicken from the wing and popping it in my mouth.
"Still eating them like a bird," I heard Louis start, his presence soon near me, his smell. I started to turn towards him, his voice quickly stopping me, "No, just keep eating, I just wanted to tell you I'm proud of you, bumble bee. You're doing a good job and yes, Marlee is off, but you'll be friends. You'll see."
I felt his lips press a kiss onto the top of my head and soon, he was gone. I glanced over quickly to where I thought he would be, but of course, like in reality, he was gone.
"I'm going to the bathroom, will you be fine?" Niall asked, his eyes gently searching mine. We had all finished up dinner, deciding to start playing some games, each of us breaking apart into small little groups. I had been out of it since Louis popped up, Niall obviously noticing and making sure the both of us could escape for a bit.
"Yeah. I'm going to just play the coin game, get us some tickets," I smiled, pointing at it with my head. I had always loved that game, Louis and I had it down to a perfect played out routine. We knew exactly what slot to drop the token in to get the quarters to drop right where we wanted them. We always left with the biggest prizes because of it.
Niall chucked, nodding, "Alright, I'll come find you."
I nodded, watching him walk away before making my way over to the machine. Reaching into my crossbody, I pulled out the last couple of tokens I had stored away specifically for this game, swiping the point card to keep track of my tickets. Analyzing the current set up, I eyed what areas the coins were about to fall and what areas had the least. I decided to go with the obvious first, moving the slider and dropping the token in so it hit at the bottom right. The machine kept shoveling the mixture of quarters and token forward until it knocked down a couple just like I had hoped. I stuck my tongue in my cheek to hide my excitement, feeling slightly embarrassed at how happy it made me.
"You know, I always wondered why people willingly played this game," I heard a voice I now instantly knew was Harry's say. My head turned over my shoulder, seeing him standing there, a jean jacket on his body covered in different pins, hands behind his back as his right foot seemed to draw a pattern on the floor.
Chuckling, I shrugged, looking back at the game in front of me, "Um, I think some people just like the little bits of logic hidden behind it. The chance of it. It's kinda like life if you think about it. We add layers to things, both good and bad, and the end result is those layers eventually getting knocked down to reveal something wonderful or completely tragic."
I heard as his footsteps lead him to my side, his vanilla musk was so strong, making my insides flip from how easily I felt drawn to it. It was like half of Louis, minus the cigarette scent. "That's an interesting way of viewing it, and I guess like life, you get to choose the obvious or build upon the one that doesn't look like it has enough layers yet."
"Mhm, exactly like that," I said, dropping another token in, this time no quarters falling to give me tickets. I pulled out another, turning to him and holding it out in his direction, "Wanna give it a go?"
He looked at it hesitantly, before taking it and turning to the game. His free hand moved up to his lower lip, pinching it between his fingers as he seemed to analyze what his move would be. His brows moved his face into a serious glare, almost making him look angry, and I couldn't help but chuckle softly. His evergreen eyes shifted over to me, face softened instantly as a crescent of his dimple appeared in his cheek.
"You seem to really know what you're doing, I can't embarrass myself on the first try," he licked his lip and I shook my head.
"No move is wrong or right, remember, like life. It's just, a little bump in the road or another move forward," smiling at each other, he nodded in response, lining up where he wanted the quarter to drop, slipping the token in. We watched it drop to the bottom, from the tiny cheer gesture of his hand I knew it landed exactly where he wanted. I was taken by surprise when it knocked down a giant section of the quarter wall, all from landing in the perfect middle spot.
"See! I told you! You nailed it on the first try! I'll remember to give you your fair part of the ticket prize," I smiled, as he reached into his back pocket, pulling out a token of his own and making another move, that wasn't as fruitful, but could be after a few more were dropped in.
"Mmm, you can keep it. Marlee and I know how to rig the skee ball machine to win extra tickets, so, we always end up with more than we actually need," he smirked a bit at me, my eyebrow raised, genuinely intrigued.
"What do you mean by rig it?" I said, leaning on the machine and crossing my arms in front of my chest. He looked over in the direction of the skee ball and then back to me. Biting his lip, he reached for my arm, pulling them apart and sliding his hand gently into mine. Our fingers didn't interlock, but he cupped it securely pulling me forward as he started walking toward the game.
"Come on, I'll show you," he said, leading us through the crowds of people. We made it to the machines, hanging back until the one closest to the basketball game was free. He moved quickly to it, pulling me along, the whole time holding my hand. He finally let go, loading in tokens to get it going, swiping his card to keep track of the tickets. As soon as the balls dropped, he pushed his hair back, looking around before reaching to the side of the machine. He fiddled with something for a couple seconds, tongue between his teeth, before he finally accomplished what he wanted, smirking as he stood up and grabbed a ball. He handed it to me, gesturing with his hand for me to throw it.
Narrowing my eyes, I took the ball from him, turning to the game and rolling it up the ramp. The ball jumped up, only making it to the lowest possible point ranking, but on the screen, it reflected as if I made it to the highest. My eyes quickly widened, my head quickly turning to him.
"How did that happen?" I said pointing to it, a chuckle coming from him as he grabbed another ball and rolled it up himself, the ball bouncing up to the middle, but once again increasing by the highest points.
"Magic," he shrugged, my eyes not leaving their narrowed state, "I bet you're the kind that looks at the prizes before you start playing so you know exactly how many tickets to get."
"Maybe," I said, pressing my lips together so tight to stop myself from smiling.
"Maybe?" He tilted his head forward, chuckling.
"And what if I did? And what if I know I need at least 3,000 tickets to get the giant stuffed bee with the cute little wings?" I said, reaching down and grabbing another ball, rolling it up and actually getting the highest this time.
"I say I can get you two," he said, adding more coins to the game, at least three more games worth.
"Bet?" I said playfully, surprised at my willingness to go along with it. He grabbed the two remaining balls, handing me one and keeping the other.
"Oh, bet indeed," he winked before turning and rolling the ball. I followed his lead and soon it became like a giant speed round, each of us taking turns throwing the ball up the ramp. We would laugh as our balls sometimes collided as we threw them at the same time, fighting for the balls as they rolled down to replenish us as the games kept going on.
It was down to the last ball of the last game, both of us fighting over who we get to do the honors, snatching it out of each other's hands, his fingers soon tickling at my waist to try and get it away from me, lifting me up slightly as my feet kicked the air in retaliation. Our laughter was the only thing I could hear until it was quieted down by Niall's concerned voice, anger seemed to be laced through it.
"Bentley! I've been looking damn near everywhere for you. I was starting to get worried," his eyebrows were furrowed, deep lines between them forming. Harry quickly placed me down on the floor, my body straightened up, turning to hand Harry the ball. I inhaled deeply, clearing my throat, I felt embarrassed, slightly ashamed. I hadn't told Niall what I was doing, I hadn't even thought about him. I didn't even know how to address the situation, for some reason I just froze.
It was like everything came flooding back to me, Louis was dead, his ghost was hanging out at my house, Niall was my best friend, who also was obviously in love with me, who I didn't know what my clear feelings for him were; and I had left him hanging for the guy with the long hair that for once just made me - forget.
I swallowed looking back at Harry, then back to Niall, but before I could even speak, Harry did, "Sorry mate, my fault. I dragged her over here, didn't really give her a choice. Uh, um actually, you should throw her the winning roll! With the tickets you two got and the ones we just earned she's going to be able to get two of those stuffed bees she was eyeing."
"Oh. Interesting. Bet you're happy," he said, almost condescending in its tone. He walked over and took the ball from Harry, throwing the ball into its roll up, it landed at the highest scoring slot. He turned back with a smirk on his face, a snicker coming from me, my hand quickly coming to cover my mouth.
Harry's face moved into something resembling a frog only making me burst into a fit of laughter, he quickly joined me leaving Niall clearly more confused, "Did I miss something?" He said looking between the two of us.
"I just lost a bet mate, I was supposed to get the highest score of the night, but you did, and seeing as you are basically an extension of Bentley here, she wins and I lose," he shrugged, pulling out a random bill from his pocket and handing it to me. I tried to maintain my composure, taking the bill from him and slipping it in my back pocket.
"Well, I'm going to go see how many tickets we actually have, um, Bentley, you coming?" He said, almost hopeful, but I knew the right answer right now.
"Here," I reached in my purse, pulling out my points card, and handing it to him, "I'll catch up in a bit."
He smiled small, nodding his head like he understood before turning on his heels and walking away. I bit my lip turning to Niall, his arms were crossed in front of his body, his gaze somewhere away from us.
"Nialler, I'm sorry. I should have let you know where I went. I'm really sorry," I said softly, trying to uncross his arms.
I watched as he pinched his eyes tightly closed inhaling deeply, before lowering his gaze to me. My own met his with big round eyes, eyes I knew would break him instantly, and as he let out the breath he was holding I knew I was right.
"I'm just crazy," he sighed out, my hands reaching up for his face.
"Just over protective that's all, not crazy," I smiled and he nodded.
"So you're getting your bee? A bee for a Benny bee?" He teased slightly, making me chuckle.
I pressed my lips together nodding, "Yes, like a five year old, I am getting the stuffed bumble bee. And I will sleep with it nightly."
"I wouldn't expect anything less. So, you and Harry really are hitting it off huh?" He said, fiddling with his single ring.
"He's easy to talk to, but it really was just the fun of the game. Makes you forget you know?" I assured him, tapping his chin softly.
"Either way, it's a good thing to see. You know? You, smiling, laughing…happy," he licked his lips and tilted my head at him.
"Niall, that's me with you always. Stop being weird," I raised my eyebrows at him, his hands running through his hair.
"It’s just…the way you met him, and how I know your mind works, the ideas you love. And then he was here—…”
“…—Niall, stop. It's my first time around this many people. First time socializing in this way. I'm sure as much as he doesn't know, he also knows and was probably trying to just make this easier on me. I'm not just, magically in love with him because of a circumstance that happened."
"You could be. He ain't an ugly lad, and he's nice on top of it," he said, a shake to his voice.
"But I don't know him. He could be the worst person in private. He could be a dog hater," I said, face with wide eyes.
Niall laughed, shaking his head, "I highly doubt it."
"Plus…you're not an ugly lad, and well, I know you aren't mean, or a dog hater. So I think, I'd rather just get to know you…you know?" I said softly, nerves making my throat dry out.
"Benny, you already know me." He said, as I licked my lower lip, covering my face.
"God, I suck at this," I uncovered my face scrunching my nose at him. "I just mean, maybe I can get to know you in new ways. You know, just like…ways you maybe have hinted at, but have be—…”
"I get it Bentley," he laughed, placing his finger under my chin and bringing my face to look at him, "You mean it?"
"I want to try. I just don't want to lose you. We are so good at pretending things didn't happen…like, you know," I blushed, looking down, "but I don't know if we can pretend if we screw this up….”
He kissed my forehead gently, "Hey. I would pretend you were hideous inside and out if it meant it would help me ignore my feelings and keep you around. Benny, all I've ever wanted is a chance. That's all."
"I just need you to understand, I'm trying to have patience with myself…I'm not trying to rush myself, I'm just trying to…try." I swallowed and he nodded.
"Then let's try together. You and me, figuring it out just like we have been this entire time," he said, my eyes perking up at him, a smile of a clear fool on his face. It felt so foolish, how quickly I got to this point, but Louis was here for a reason - and I needed to know who that reason was.
"Okay, but at my speed? Okay? Who am I kidding everything has been at my speed, just…" I shrugged, throwing my hands up a bit making him laugh.
"It's my favorite kind of speed, my type of joyride," he smiled, peeking up then back at me, "Go get your prize, don't keep Harry waiting longer. I'll be waiting with everyone. Maybe after you and I can head over to my place. Just relax, drink one more beer, talk about trying some more."
I nodded, "Sounds like a plan."
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"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for you!" I exclaimed as I found Harry walking around the prize store, a couple things in hand.
"Mar, sorry. I was playing skee ball and lost track of the time," he smiled, holding what looked like two stuffed bumble bees in his arms.
"That's okay, I was with Sarah and Mitch playing a mean game of air hockey, which of course, I completely conquered!" I exclaimed, shaking my hips as I did.
Harry laughed a bit nodding, looking past me, "That's good Mar, wouldn't expect anything less."
I looked over my shoulder to where he was looking, then back at him, "Expecting someone?"
"Oh! I'm sorry Marlee, I'm just keeping an eye out for Bentley. These are hers actually, she won them fair and square so, I want to make sure she gets them before she leaves." He smiled down at the two bees then at me.
"Oh, I didn't realize…You played with her? Skee ball?" I couldn't help the jealousy that twisted in my stomach. Skee ball was our game, our thing, our secret.
"Yeah, she showed me her game so I just thought I would show her mine. You know, it was her first time back with everyone, just wanted to make sure she felt included," he shrugged.
"Right, did you show he—…”
“…—we got two of them?!" I heard Bentley's voice call out from behind me, his attention instantly moving to her.
"Yup! Now you have one for different occasions," he smiled at her as she approached gently, throwing one her way. She caught it with the biggest smile on her face, taking the stuffed animal in before hugging it tight.
"Louis used to call me, bumble bee, so, you know?" She pushed her smile into her left cheek, head tilting in a way that seemed to be the cutest thing and I hated it. Her eyes dropped down to the other one Harry was holding, before moving to hers and back, "Keep the other. They can be friends from afar. We'll schedule visitations," they both chuckled and he looked down at it with the exact smile I hated seeing on him. The smitten smile, shy yet happy, stupid and adorable.
It was a smile that was never meant for me.
"I like that idea. Gotta make sure they stay friends," he nodded, and I knew there was a double meaning to it. I hated knowing my best friend this well - especially at this moment.
"Deal," her eyes moved to me, "Oh, Marlee, I'm so sorry. I got distracted by the stuffed animal. I'm so embarrassed."
"Oh no, don't worry. I get it, that's how I am with cats," I shrugged, putting on my best smile.
"Well, I'm going to find Niall again. Um, thanks for tonight Harry, I had so much fun. Learned new tricks?" Bentley shrugged before turning on her heels, looking around for Niall.
"Uh…um Bentley wait!" Harry called out, taking two large strides towards her. She turned to face him, her eyebrows up at him with her full attention, "I was uh, just wondering if you wanted to walk home with me tonight. I'm guessing we are in the same direction."
My heart dropped into my stomach hearing his words, usually it was us two heading home together, but I guess it wouldn't be the case tonight. There was a soft blush that came on Ben's cheeks, a silence lingering between the two of them that only made me need to look away. Made me feel like I needed to let them have their moment.
"Harry, um, maybe a rain check? I'm actually heading over to Niall's after,…" she said gently to him, my eyes watching only from my peripheral vision.
"No, yeah, duh of course, you came with him, so, duh. Uh, rain check, for sure," he ran his fingers through his hair, twisting them in his usual nervous manner.
She nodded with a shy smile, before awkwardly turning around again and walking away. Harry turned to me while kicking an imaginary something in front of him making me slow clap at him.
"Wow, your vocabulary has never been so deeply rooted in dumb until about two minutes ago," I smirked, because teasing him was the only way I knew how to respond to this.
"Shut it!" He threw the stuffed bee at me, which I quickly caught, looking down at the round thing. I swallowed knowing he would think of her every time he saw it now. I looked up at him throwing it back.
"I know you say you don't have game with the girls, but I never actually believed you until just now," I chuckled a bit, rolling my eyes.
"I wasn't spitting game, I was just trying to be…gentlemanly?" He closed his eyes laughing because he knew it was so stupid of him to say. I hit my lip, trying not to join in, but I couldn't help it. He was my best friend, regardless of how I felt, so his cute mess ups still got to me.
"You think she thinks I'm weird?" He said softly. I wanted to tell him yes. To never try again and just let it be. That she clearly wasn't interested; but that also meant breaking his heart and I couldn't do that.
"No, she walked away blushed, H. Pretty sure she meant it when she said rain check," I smiled small, to which I received a signature cheshire smile in response.
"Well…good. Hmmm," he said walking over, throwing his arm around my shoulder, "You ready to head out?"
I studied his face, knowing I was the second option, knowing he would have left me to walk home alone if she had said yes.
"Yeah. Let's go," it hurt my soul, my ego, but as I inhaled his scent and felt his warmth, I couldn't give any other response but yes.
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