dailyenglishvoca · 1 year
Today’s song is Cinderella With the Crystal Glasses by NiaR featuring the Synthesizer V voicebank Mai
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icantfindanamev · 10 months
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animepopheart · 3 months
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★ 【Niar】 「 輝きは一等星のように 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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phantomhivestims · 3 months
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Vera Niar Stimboard
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
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meliafola · 8 months
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freyyzu · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to me, and more importantly, Her !!! 🥳🎂💕
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angelicapocalypse · 2 years
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• Started Playing Mechat Again And- Why Do I Got To Pay To Get Some Interesting Matches? Unbelievable… •
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foreverwewait · 7 months
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— ꒰ click, x, pavia, medicine pocket, zima, vertin, schneider. check back for more later. ꒱
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miunose · 9 months
skr*niar is actually never seeing heaven
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animepopheart · 8 days
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★ 【Niar】 「 ✧·˚⌖. ꙳ 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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linguenuvolose · 1 year
hi there! :)
☯ : what do you love about your language?
Svenska har så många funky grejer! Tycker om deponensverb (verb som ser passiva ut trots att de har aktiv betydelse), tycker om att vi inte niar folk, tycker om att det är så nära danska och norska. Vi (eller folk som lär sig svenska I guess) vann när vi avskaffade personböjning av verb. ÄLSKAR ett franskt lånord med cursed svensk stavning (min favorit just nu är schäslong för chaise longue). Idk finns mycket kul med svenska!
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ainyan · 1 year
If they could have saved anyone the game didn't give them a chance to, who would it have been?
This is a SW:TOR ask, but I'm going to answer for an XIV character as well.
If Miurani'kal'istae could have saved anyone she didn't have the option to, it would have been Katha Niar, on Makeb. She and the bureaucrat didn't always see eye to eye, but Nikali respected her and her hard work, and would have saved her if it had been possible. Of all of the deaths she had no opportunity to prevent, Katha's was probably the one that struck her as the least preventable and most wasteful - and most necessary.
And the reason Katha Niar rates over Shara for Nikali is because Niar died doing her duty; she did the only thing possible to assure their success on Makeb. Shara's death was tragic - but it was her own fault believing false information. Surely a woman as brilliant and logical as she should have seen through Vinn Atrius's machinations - and her death was, ultimately, without point or merit.
In XIV, Kal'istae has seen many horrible deaths that she could not prevent, but the death she would have most prevented would have been, predictably, Haurchefant. She'll always wonder if she could have survived the spear better than he, being the Warrior of Light - and she'll always wonder if that day had she been a scholar or a white mage instead of a dragoon if she could have prevented him from dying.
He was the first to sacrifice in her name, and she'll always wonder if the lack that lead to his death was in her.
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Want to know more about my SW:TOR (and XIV) OCs? Ask!
Thank you for the ask!
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anilapermata · 1 year
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Aku mulai mengetik bab terakhir novel onlineku, ini adalah novel ke-5 yang berhasil aku selesaikan, menulis ternyata melelahkan juga ya. Aku kira tidak akan semelelahkan ini, tapi nyatanya kadang pinggangku juga sakit karen terlalu lama mengetik dan juga terlalu asyik menanggapi komentar pembaca setiaku. Ah, iya kadang aku juga lupa makan, kalau sudah seharian aku tidak keluar kamar mamah pasti akan teriak, “Uti, kamu tidur apa pingsan sudah jam berapa ini?” begitulah mamah.
Sudah 5 tahun aku keluar masuk, aplikasi menulis online dan dari kegiatanku itu 2 tahun terakhir aku memutuskan untuk menulis, tentu saja ini juga atas dorongan Jeana-penulis favoritku yang kini jadi temanku juga. Jeana lebih dulu terjun ke dunia kepenulisan bahkan sekarang dia akan menerbitkan novel ke-8, produktif sekali kan dia. Jangan tanya judulnya sudah pasti novel Jeana belum ada di toko buku. Jeana menerbitkan bukunya secara Selfpublish.
Iya, selfpublish dimana kamu mengerus sendiri proses penerbitanya, mulai dari mengedit naskahmu, mengatur tata letak buku, membuat cover, dan juga mencari penerbitan atau percetakan yang bisa menjadikan naskamu nyata dalam bentuk buku. Jeana melakukan itu sendiri, hanya cover yang belum bisa dia bikin sendiri. Kata Jeana, seru cetak secara selfpublish, tidak terikat deatline, dan juga bisa mantau berapa buku yang terjual dan yang pasti uangnya bisa langsung dinikmati.
Kata Jeana yang paling susah nyari percetakannya, apa lagi dia kan di luar jawa ya, yang mana sejauh ini percetakan yang berkuwalitas ada di jawa, dan lagi ini yang menjadi tantangan sendiri saat mencetak buku secara selfpublish, adalah pengiriman buku ke pembaca. Kebanyakan percetakan hanya bisa mencetak buku dan tidak bisa melakukan pengiriman satu-satu ke pembaca. Saat memilih percetakan yang selalu jadi pertimbangan Jeana adalah bisa tidak sekalian dikirim ke pembaca.
Sekarang Jeana sudah menemukan tempat yang tepat untuk anak kedelapannya, anak-anak sebelumnya juga lahir di sana. Tidak heran, Jeana memilih tempat itu, karena kuwalitas cetaknya bisa diadu, kertasnya sama dengan buku-buku yang ada di toko buku, tintanya juga hitam pekat, warna covernya juga tajam. Kalau kamu pegang buku Jeana pasti kamu tidak menyangka kalau itu buku selfpublish.
Drttt ... Drttt ...
Sepertinya ponselku bunyi...
“Halo, Je?”
“Eh, Sa gimana udah hubungin Mbak Niar belum?”
“Belum, Je. Takut tau.”
“Takut, apa sih?”
“Kan, Cuma nanya doang apa, Sa. Lo tanya bisa ngga sekiranya naskah lo diterbitkan.”
“Iya, gu takut gak direspons.”
“Dih, alasan macam apa itu, udah deh lo chat dia, orangnya fastrespons ko.”
“Oke. Gue pake nama lo ya.”
“Anjir... punya pengaruh apa gue.”
“Ya, kan lo yang ngrekomendasiin naskah gue diterbitin, ya lo kudu gue bawa-bawa.”
“Iya, deh iyaa. Good lucky ya, gue mau ke cafe dulu. Bay.”
“jangan lupa minum air putih lo, jangan kopi mulu.”
“Iya, iya gue minum susu gak pake kopi.”
Ah, iya aku hampir lupa mau menghubungi editor penerbit Jeana. Sebntar aku kan belum nentuin naskah mana yang mau diajuin, aduh yang mana ya, bingung. Apa tanya pembaca aja ya? Ah, tapi kan belum tentu bisa terbit nanti malah balik ditagih pembaca gimana?
Tanya mamah. Iya, tanya mamah aja.
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tiredassmage · 11 months
18 & 19 for tyr! :]
Both of these ended up being kinda interesting because I... expected to have a somehow both harder and easier time with them than I did, but sitting on them for a few days has not led me to new insights, so we're going with my first-instinct reactions. xD
[SWTOR OC Questions]
18. If they could have saved anyone the game didn't give them a chance to, who would it have been?
Hmm… Katha Niar and more of the Makeb team. I suppose, arguably, he’s given a chance to save them, the game just… doesn’t let it work out how he would like. It’s all rather most fitting for Tyr, former Cipher Nine in a precarious predicament of job necessity and security with the forces that remain post-collapse of Imperial Intelligence, to be assigned to a suicide squad, essentially.
To say he’s surprised to find the rest of the team is under a similarly twisted arm scenario is… a bit much, by the smallest of fractions. If there’s any sort of surprise, it vanishes quickly because no one on that team lingers upon it long. They’re all more than aware that this is how their Empire works and there’s no time or sense in begrudging it, unless they’d like to be exploded with the rest of the planet.
If anything, it… kind of offends him - that here is a loyal, incredibly dedicated, incredibly bright team the Empire is throwing at what is both a long-shot problem and a desperately needed solution. If they fail, it will be because they were weak. They will be scorned for losing when the Empire sacrificed so much for even providing them the chance. If they succeed? Well, Tyr’s never particularly convinced it’ll buy him security, but at least he’ll have one more card in his hand to bargain with. Maybe they all will. They were his team, his responsibility. And he meant it when he said he wanted to get everyone home. If anybody deserved that, Katha was surely one of them. But at least she died with her convictions. That’s more than Tyr could expect.
19. If they could have killed anyone the game didn’t give them the chance to, who would it have been?
If Tyr had been given the option to shoot Lokin on Taris, he very well may have. Since they didn’t, I can safely say it works out for all involved largely for the better and knowing what they become, it’s something I would’ve maybe regretted a little, lol.
I was… actually expecting to have a lot easier of a time with this one, but… ultimately, the people Tyr would like to show immediate consequence like this… usually get it one way or another, actually, lol. On another hand, there’s a part of him that… it’s not exactly regret or guilt, in the end, though I suppose it is for a time… I think part of him wonders what might have been if he’d acted more decisively on Quesh, when he investigated Dimalium Six’s link with the Castellan Restraints. Ultimately, he walks away from that, not confident that he has a solid enough explanation for his being there in the first place, let alone why he was there when a very secretive facility partnered with Intelligence goes up in flames. So, in a way, I suppose you could sort of count Administrator Kroius. He technically has that option in-game, but he doesn’t take it. Which is also still one of my favorite fics I've done for him.
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autisticbones · 2 years
katha niar deserved better
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