#Nicholas j fury
Fury: Now look, we're gonna have fun today, and that's an order.
Tony: You can't really order people to have fun.
Fury: Well, I just did.
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bibiundtinaundzombies · 3 months
on a scale of jaime lannister to ethan winters, how horribly life changing was your amputation?
on a scale from nicholas j. fury to volumnia gaul, how much did losing your eye impact your general sanity?
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trapezequeen · 11 months
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Happy Birthday, Nick Fury! (July 4, 1950)
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hjbirthdaywishes · 6 months
December 21, 2023
Happy 75 Birthday to Samuel L. Jackson.
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sunnysideprincess · 2 years
Teen!Nick Fury with babyvengers:
Natasha put the knife down. I said put it down not stick it—
Barton, Barton. That's a clock not a dart board!
Banner stop putting weird sh—things in the curry!
Thor, that's a hammer not a rocket. It won't make you go zoom!
Barnes, stop calling that bird Wilson and throwing rocks at it!
Rogers! Put. The. Goddamn. Plate. Down.
Stark, don't you dare—do. NOT—motherfcc!
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pandagirl45 · 1 year
Fury: *arguing with tony*
Tony: *starts chuckling getting a smirk*
Bucky: *stands* *signs out code red to the others*
Rhodey: *finger guns fury walking out backwards*
Natasha: *leaves a pamphlet for aids for burns*
Clint: *sets down aloe vera*
Thor: *gone with bruce*
Steve: r.i.p *shuffles out*
Sam: *closes the door*
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rainbowjay20 · 4 months
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Everyone knows the joke. George R.R. Martin, Josh Whedon, and Steve Moffat walk into a bar. Everyone dies. Now, you can be a proud owner of The OftDead Club members shirt. There is a two death minimum to be a member. As Buffy said, "Hey, I died twice!"
Check it out here!
Also, check out my other Witty Tees here!
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slaygentford · 2 months
ngl ten years on natasha in tws is still compelling to me i cry a little. remembering her on this day
The thing abojt Natasha in catws is that she only wears the black widow suit once and there’s only one (1) instance of her being called black widow and it’s by rumlow (evil). And the other thing about nat is that she’s thirty years old which may seem old but is not old for example those of us who were 19 in 2014…. Well. I am almost the same age as natasha black widow romanoff of catws fame. Do you know what I’m doing rn? Today I went to brunch and. A movie. Nat is 30 and should be doing brunch and a movie??? The third thing about nat is that she’s pretty off putting without trying to be she’s just sort of socially not on top of her game here. This is because fourthly and fifthly nat has generously two friends. Sixth her and Steve’s plan in a fight being literally just to jump into each others arms 👍 WHY DID THEY MAKE TJIS MOVIE!!! And then make every movie after it so so so bad. Natasha is the gamer girl of this movie she is hacking computers. She is making little movie references. She is trying to get her friend (1 of 2) to cheer up. Sixth when she gets out of the shower her hair is frizzy. HER HAIR IS FRIZZY???? She has the FUCKING arrow necklace on IM GOING TO END IT. ALL!!!! She put her hand on Nicholas j fury’s bald head. She SHOULD BE AT. PAINT AND. SIP!!!! SHE SHOULD BE AT THE GENTRIFIED DISPENSARY. She’s at first day of socialization with your coworkers lessons. Her and Steve’s strategy, I cannot stress this enough, is for her to physically jump into his arms. I forgot how old Steve is which is insane I know but I assume he’s also about thirty they should really really really be at an LL bean. we can’t bring back avengers tower. It’s too late for us, for the franchise. and yet, on the horizon, a glimmer….
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natrogersfics · 2 months
nat comes home to steve solving a really big problem. bonus points if he ain't doing too well.
Steve Rogers is highly intelligent.
This is a fact Natasha holds as gospel. And no, it’s not just because she’s married to the man. But even if that were the case, she knows that somewhere deep in the servers of one Nicholas J. Fury, she could find droves of IQ tests and reports that would only fortify the claim. She’s seen it in action, too – how quickly he had learned to pilot a modern jet just weeks out of the ice and how adept he had become at utilizing gear that Tony had just spun up in his workshop.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise then how naturally he’s taken to being a father. While it’s only been half a year since she and Sarah had come home, with how instantly he could alleviate whatever thought was burdening their daughter with his words or a single touch, one would never guess that this experience is still novel to him.
Of course, their little girl played a big role in that as well. Sarah is everything any parent could have hoped for in a child and more. Sweet, exceptionally smart, and above all else, caring. From experience, she knows that loving Sarah is as easy as breathing, and based on the way Steve’s eyes sparkle with adoration every single time he looks at her, she knows that he shares the sentiment.
Nevertheless, their daughter is still only three, and while her legion of aunts and uncles will swear up and down that she’s the most behaved child in the history of children, she also knows that Sarah can be just as curious and determined as three-year-olds come – something her father is just now becoming privy to. The hard way.
“Daddy,” Sarah whines from where she’s perched on their bathroom counter. “Can we go now?”
“Not yet, Princess,” Steve says, using that patient yet still gentle tone of his that he only ever uses with their daughter. “Daddy needs a little more time to wash off this…” – he takes the tube from Sarah’s grasp, reading the label – “full-coverage concealer.”
Steve’s voice falters with what can only be described as dread before he subsequently mutters a Christ under his breath, his hands coming to rest on his hips as he takes in the disaster zone that is their bathroom counter with the same intensity he would a schematic for their next mission. And as she leans against the doorframe watching all of this unfold, she has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from chuckling.
Formulate a new plan on the fly while they were on the battlefield and had bullets raining down on them? He wasn’t coined the Man With a Plan for nothing. Take on multiple hostiles coming at him all by himself? He could do that all day. But knowing what to do when their daughter gets her hands on a stash of heavy-duty makeup? That, apparently, is the one time where Captain America, master tactician, finds himself completely out of his depth.
And boy, does their daughter sense it as she lets out an exasperated sigh. “Daddy-”
“Just a minute, love,” he says, scratching the back of his neck. “Daddy’s thinking…”
“But Daddy,” Sarah says, exaggerating every syllable. “Me and Uncle Bruce are having a tea party-”
“Oil,” Steve says, really more to himself than anyone else as he ignores Sarah’s plea. “Oil’s gotta get this off.” He turns to Sarah. “Stay here. I just have to grab something from the kitchen.”
She’s not sure if Sarah even truly understands the implication of her father’s words, but she certainly catches the uncertainty in them, and that’s enough to make the little girl’s eyes grow wide as saucers. “No!”
“There’s a cleansing balm under the sink,” she interjects, finally making her presence known and causing both Steve and Sarah to look her way, and she certainly doesn’t miss the way relief washes over the pair of them.
“Mama, you’re home!” Sarah greets happily at the same time Steve makes a comment about her being back early.
“Mission wrapped up faster than expected,” she tells Steve as she pushes off the frame. He steps aside as she nears, letting her take his place in front of Sarah, only for her brows to lift in amusement when she finally sees the full extent of their daughter’s handiwork. Not only did Sarah smother her complexion in concealer, but she also decided that she needed to use what she’s sure is her liquid lipstick as blush and her mascara to do her brows while she was at it. She laughs softly. “Hi, sweetheart.”
“I put makeup on, mama,” Sarah announces proudly. “All by myself!”
“And it won’t come off,” Steve adds.
“I can see that,” she says, stealing a glance at Steve and smirking when his expression clearly shows he does not buy that she’s only just arrived. She attempts to appear more serious as she turns back to Sarah. “What did I say about playing with my makeup, Little Miss?”
“Not to do it,” Sarah mumbles, eyes downturned. “But I wanted to be pretty like you, mama.”
“Oh, Sarah,” she sighs, tucking a finger under the girl’s chin and lifting it gently so her eyes can meet hers. “You don’t need any of this stuff to be pretty.”
“Daddy always says you’re beautiful when you wear makeup,” Sarah explains, pouting.
“I think mama’s beautiful all the time,” Steve clarifies, stepping closer to them and crouching down until he’s eye-level with Sarah so she can see him smile. “I think both my girls are.”
Sarah’s lips lift in a smile that mirrors Steve’s before she lets her big, blue eyes flicker between her parents. “I’m sorry.”
She and Steve share a quick glance, silently affirming how hard, if not outright impossible, it is to be mad at their daughter. “It’s okay, baby,” she says, running a hand through Sarah’s curls. “Makeup’s not bad, it’s just not for you yet. When you’re a little older, okay?” Sarah nods in agreement, and she leans down to dust a kiss to the crown of her head. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
It takes a quarter of a bottle of Micellar water, a few heaping scoops of cleansing balm, and many gripes from Sarah about her shirt getting wet, but eventually, they successfully get every trace of makeup off her face. “All right,” she says, lifting Sarah off the counter and setting her on her feet. “Why don’t you go pick out some clothes so I can drop you off at Uncle Bruce’s floor for your tea party?”
Sarah takes off with a squeal at her question, prompting her to shake her head at her daughter’s retreating figure.
“You know, I would’ve figured it out.”
She turns just as Steve throws another bunch of cotton pads into the trash. “Oh yeah,” she says, moving to rest her hip against the counter. “And would that have been before or after you doused our daughter in olive oil?”
“Hey, in my defense, none of it was coming off!”
“So your solution was to marinade her?” she challenges, unable to keep from chuckling when he glares at her. “Oh, come on. I’m kidding!” She hooks her fingers into his belt loops, playfully pulling him towards her so she can wrap her arms around his neck. “She’s been trying to get her fingers on that kit for days. She was bound to get it at some point.”
His hands find her waist as he lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry she ruined all your makeup,” he says. “I only looked away for a second to load the dishwasher, I swear.”
“She’s the daughter of two former SHIELD agents, what did you expect?” she says, laughing when he only shakes his head in concession. “Honestly, I’m just glad that I got here when I did.” He lifts his brow up in question, and she points towards the lip gloss stain on his collar. “Saves me from asking you where this came from. Because if I found this in the laundry? Believe me, you’d be prone on the ground right now.”
He scoffs as though the thought of him stepping out on her is the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard, eliciting a laugh out of her. “Your mission go okay?”
“As okay as missions involving kids as hostages can go,” she says, shrugging. “We got them out and that’s all that matters.”
“And you kicked the crap out of the people who took them hostage, right?”
She rolls her eyes. “Naturally.”
He grins, and she swears she catches the pride that flashes in his eyes. “Well, we’re glad you’re home,” he says, pulling her in for a kiss. “Missed you.”
“Did you now?”
He hums in confirmation, and she can only grin as he leans down to capture her lips in his again before kissing a path down the side of her jaw. “I could tell you how much,” he says, his grip on her waist tightening as he pulls her even closer to whisper in her ear, “but I think you’d much prefer that I show you.”
“Actually…” she says, pulling away to show him the smirk that’s formed on her lips. “I’d much prefer to have a bathroom that’s not covered in makeup.” He throws his head back in a groan, and she chuckles as she pats his shoulder. “Get cleaning, soldier.”
He shakes his head as he watches her make her way out, a smug look practically plastered on her face. “Tease!”
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FURY, Nicholas J.
Acrylics on 9x12" 300g mixed media paper.
by Marco Rudy
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delicatebarness · 9 days
the manuscript | faculty members
(📚- Indicates which classes Student!Reader takes. )
Dr. James B. Barnes: English Literature. 📚
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Steven G. Rogers: American History.
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Samuel T. Wilson: Psychology. 📚
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Natalia A. Romanoff (known as Natasha to most): Social Studies & Language Studies. 📚
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Anthony E. Stark: Engineering & Computer Science.
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Robert B. Banner (known as Bruce to most): Mathematics & Medical Science.
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Clinton F. Barton: Sports Development.
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Thor Odinson: Drama and Theatre Studies
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Nicholas J. Fury: Dean
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hainethehero · 5 months
Stucky headcanon of Steve & Bucky meeting in the 21st century...
(Bucky's POV)
"Wait- they're sending who-?"
Natasha sighs over the line, probably pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration at his antics. But Bucky could honestly care less. Because he wasn't feeling too charitable based on the news he'd just received.
"Look, SHIELD wants him, and he's a cool guy once you get to know him," Natasha tries.
"I don't care what SHIELD wants. They know I work alone!" Bucky spits, "I don't need some military mascot trailing after me and my team!"
"He's not a mascot, Barnes. Steve's a cool guy-"
"I don't care, Natalia."
"Look, you can be as pissy as you want, it's not gonna change anything. Fury's already gotten his file and he's probably being debriefed right now."
"The fuck he is," Bucky growls, cutting her off and stomping his way to the elevators. He jabs the button to Fury's floor, leaning against the glass wall with his arms crossed. His nose twitches, several sweet but not overpowering scents filling his senses. It's a soft, floral note that confounds the fuck out of him because none of the agents he works with smell like that.
It's all manly and clean with woody musks.
"Thirty-sixth floor. Fury, Nicholas J." the elevator announces, as if Bucky needed any introduction. He steps out onto the floor and frowns at the scent that seemingly grows stronger the closer he gets to Fury's main office.
He hears the man's voice and slows his stomp to an even pace, trying to make out the figure seated with his back turned to the outside. Fury is leaning against his desk, a finger pointing at something in the file the other man is holding.
"The mission is simple, get in, get out, minimum casualties."
That's Bucky's cue. "Thought this was a one-man job."
The blonde man sitting suddenly rises to his feet, an air of mystery around him and politely offers his hand.
"Hello, I'm Steve."
Bucky narrows his eyes at him, taking in his face which looks so perfect it's almost porcelaine. And his lips are the brightest shade of baby pink the assassin's ever seen. Not to mention how soft his hand looks as it awaits his own. Bucky subconsciously flexes his metal fist, glad it's still hidden under a glove. He does his best to show his utter disregard for the man, guessing he was probably used to being in the spotlight all the time.
"I work better alone. You know that."
Out the corner of his eyes, he can see the man quickly retrieve his stupid hand, sitting back down quietly as if he'd been dismissed.
Well, he had.
But the redness on his cheeks made his embarrassment clear. Barnes felt a little satisfaction in knocking down Captain America a peg or two.
"Well, Captain Rogers has been added to the scheme. He is at your disposal. And when I say disposal, I mean he's the reason why the mission is minimum-casualty- coded."
Bucky glares at Steve again, irritated at the fact that SHIELD thought it'd be a good idea to toss some random into his team, less than two weeks before their mission. He didn't like to be undermined. And this felt exactly like that.
"I don't need help-"
"These orders come from the top, so there's really nothing I can do, Barnes." Fury sighs. "Now, quit pestering me and help your newest teammate get acquainted with mission training. Goodbye."
Bucky rolls his eyes and stalks out of the room, stopping only briefly to address Rogers.
"You comin' or what, Spangles?"
Steve's face was a mirror of discomfort as both men step into the elevator. Bucky jabs the button to the training rooms and leans against the wall, arms folded again. He sniffs discreetly and realizes that the soft, floral scent hadn't left his nose at all. In fact, it had gotten stronger now that he thought about it. He sideglanced Rogers and realized with much surprise that it was him.
Some wretched part of him wanted to call Steve a grandma for smelling like that but even he had to admit, the scent was oddly beautiful and a welcome change to the usual stink of SHIELD and its hypermasculine environs. He takes in Steve's civilian fit and probably for the first time that day, let intrigue win.
As a science and history buff, it was pretty incredible to see a man who'd been plucked straight out of the forties. His sense of style was reflective of that. Soft khakis and a simple white t-shirt under a black leather jacket. His hair was neatly combed and styled in that church boy fashion, with some strands curling down about his forehead. Yeah, Captain America was the perfect polished soldier, if he'd ever seen one.
But Bucky was too annoyed to be inquisitive at the moment. Maybe he was overreacting and overly pissy with the new recruit. That didn't mean he couldn't appreciate how good-looking the guy really was. He was a total doll face, what with the blue eyes and long camel lashes and the pouty pink lips. In some other circumstance, he imagined he'd be asking Steve if he could order him a drink. He could see himself sitting at a bar, talking shit with Rogers all night. Though, he didn't think the great Captain America even frequented bars.
When the elevator announces their level, he steps off and quickly realizes he's not being followed. He turns and asks Steve again if he's coming, and pauses in his tracks.
He recognizes the look of pure disassociation on the man's face almost immediately. Blue eyes were shadowed by a deep frown and blank stare. His brows were set in a confused frown and he seemed to be holding his body tightly, as if he'd fall apart if he didn't.
Then, as quickly as Bucky noticed it, it quickly melts away. Rogers nods awkwardly and follows him to the training room.
"Holy shit."
Bucky watches as Rumlow approaches all sweaty and gleaming. He notices the way Steve's face lights up when he recognizes the man and his skin prickles a little. He chalks it up to Brock's natural tendency to raise his hackles.
"Rumlow," Rogers greets and it's bordering on robotic.
"Rogers, didn't expect them to bring you in already."
Bucky frowns at Brock. "You knew about this?"
"Heard a rumour a couple weeks ago, didn't think of it til now."
The team approach them and Bucky notes how Steve takes a little step back, probably feeling cornered or something. He imagines the dude's got mad stories to tell about the war. With passing interest, he wonders what kind of dreams the Captain has.
"Captain, this is my STRIKE team. I'm assuming you've met Rumlow, my second in command. After him, Rollins. Wilson is one of our newest recruits but we've worked with him before. He's pararescue. And our specialists, Lopez and Murdock."
Steve smiles and signs a greeting at Lopez when he realizes that she's deaf and- what the fuck, why was that so adorable? Bucky narrows his eyes, trying desperately to feign nonchalance when, in fact, he wanted to coo like he usually did when Alpine did some cute shit.
Then Steve's eyes meet his and his smile disappears as quickly as it came. He tries not to take it personally, after all, he had been a total bitch to the guy. But, whatever. Captain America was sort of adorable. So what?
He clears his throat and addresses the team, "We have roughly two weeks to prepare for this retrieval. And now, thanks to Fury, we also have to bring Spangles into the loop. Let's get to work."
He watches as Steve heads on over to the punching bags with Rumlow. He wasn't in the proper gear to train so Bucky assumed he was asking Rumlow for a quick run-down of their training schedule. He tries not to feel offended that Rogers had gone to his second in command, rather than him, the team leader.
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hjbirthdaywishes · 1 year
December 21, 2022
Happy 74 Birthday to Samuel L. Jackson. 
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marcorudy · 4 months
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Fury, Nicholas J.
9x12" acrylics on 300g mixed media paper commission.
I am now taking commissions - with a limit of 4 per month.
I've found the new home for my Art - ComicArtFans.
More details and samples here: https://www.comicartfans.com/CommissionByCat.asp?GCat=22576
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self-made-cages · 1 year
Morgan's 2023 Reading List ✨📚 
Jan 2: Truly Madly Guilty - Liane Moriarty (1 star)
Jan 4: True Biz - Sara Nović (4.5 stars)
Jan 15: Spare - Prince Harry (4 stars)
Jan 20: Blood of Olympus - Rick Riordan (re-read) (3 stars)
Jan 23: This Time Tomorrow - Emma Straub (3.5 stars)
Jan 25: The Last Thing He Told Me - Laura Dave (3.5 stars)
Feb 2: Beartown - Fredrik Backman (5 stars)
Feb 5: The Hawthorne Legacy - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (4 stars)
Feb 6: The Final Gambit - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (3.5 stars)
Feb 19: Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting - Clare Pooley (4 stars)
Feb 19: The Unsinkable Greta James - Jennifer E. Smith (2.5 stars)
Feb 28: Where’d You Go, Bernadette? - Maria Semple (5 stars)
Mar 15: A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
Mar 20: A Court of Mist and Fury - Sarah J. Maas (5 stars)
Mar 23: A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
Mar 25: The Quarantine Princess Diaries - Meg Cabot (2.5 stars)
Mar 26: A Court of Frost and Starlight - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
Mar 31: The Mutual Friend - Carter Bays (4 stars)
April 5: From Blood and Ash - Jennifer L. Armentrout (3.5 stars)
April 9: A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire - Jennifer L. Armentrout (4.5 stars)
April 15: The Crown of Gilded Bones - Jennifer L. Armentrout (3 stars)
April 19: The War of Two Queens -Jennifer l Armentrout (3 stars)
April 23: The Reading List - Sara Nisha Adams (3 stars)
April 30: Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus (5 stars)
May 6: Happy Place - Emily Henry (4.5 stars)
May 10: Everything Beautiful in Its Time - Jenna Bush Hager (not rating)
May 13: Well Met - Jen DeLuca (3 stars)
May 21: The Last Mrs. Parrish - Liv Constantine (2.5 stars)
May 25: The Displacements - Bruce Holsinger (4 stars)
May 27: Rock the Boat - Beck Dorey-Stein (4.5 stars)
May 31: Damn Few - Rorke Denver (not rating)
June 14: A Court of Silver Flames - Sarah J. Maas (2 stars)
June 25: Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall (not rating)
June 27: A Court of Mist and Fury - Sarah J. Maas (reread)
July 2: Pineapple Street - Jenny Jackson (4 stars)
July 5: Once More With Feeling - Elissa Sussman (2 stars)
July 13: It All Comes Down to This - Therese Anne Fowler (3.5 stars)
July 15: Mad Honey - Jodi Picoult & Jennifer Finney Boylan (4 stars)
July 27: The Secret History - Donna Tart (3 stars)
July 29: The Comeback Summer - Ali Brady (4 stars)
July 30: The It Girl - Ruth Ware (4 stars)
August 5: The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern (4 stars)
August 6: Educated - Tara Westover (not rating)
August 9: The First 90 Days - Michael D. Watkins (not rating)
August 11: This is How it Always Is - Laurie Frankel (5 stars)
August 20: Demon Copperhead - Barbara Kingsolver (4.5 stars)
August 27: A Soul of Ash and Blood - Jennifer L. Armentrout (1.5 stars)
August 30: The Alice Network - Kate Quinn (3.5 stars)
September 4: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V.E. Schwab (4.5 stars)
September 15: This Is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone (4 stars)
September 17: Hotel Laguna - Nicola Harrison (2 stars)
September 24: We're All Adults Here - Emma Straub (5 stars)
September 26: A Bend in the Road - Nicholas Sparks (1.5 stars)
October 5: The Celebrants - Steven Rowley (2.5 stars)
October 8: Anxious People - Fredrik Backman (3.5 stars)
October 9: Born a Crime - Trevor Noah (not rating)
October 14: The Wishing Game - Meg Shaffer (4 stars)
October 16: Counting the Cost - Jill Duggar (not rating)
October 18: Love and Other Words - Christina Lauren (2.5 stars)
October 22: Rules of Civility - Amor Towles (4 stars)
October 29: Maybe You Should Talk To Someone - Lori Gottlieb (not rating)
October 30: Troublemaker - Leah Remini (not rating)
November 2: Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen (3.5 stars)
November 7: Good Girl Complex - Elle Kennedy (1.5 stars)
November 23: Modern Lovers - Emma Straub (2 stars)
November 25: Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros (3.5 stars)
December 3: Daisy Jones and The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid (2.5 stars)
December 6: Know My Name - Chanel Miller (not rating)
December 10: Girl in the Blue Coat - Monica Hesse (2.5 stars)
December 15: The Circus Train - Anita Parikh (2 stars)
December 20: Catch and Kill - Ronan Farrow (not rating)
December 22: Today Will Be Different - Maria Semple (4 stars)
December 27: Iron Flame - Rebecca Yarros (4.5 stars)
December 29: Vampire Academy - Michelle Mead (1 star)
December 30: Percy Jackson: The Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan (5 stars)
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