#Nina is WONDERFUL she's a delight
laurent-ofvere · 1 year
Maya spill the hot hot tea of what you think of Shadow & Bone series (I’ll say it cz I’m evil, it sucks—-except the cast, the crows in particular really look the part)
I mean listen ive only seen 5 eps of the second season, I haven't read the shadow and bone books to compare and im watching this season with maca who's the worlds biggest hater and we cant get through 2 minutes without her finding things to bitch about and it CLOUDS MY OPINIONS bc I try and think of a scene and all I can hear is her YAPPING
that being said okay mmm I really truly dont give a fuck about the shadow and bone plot, like I just dont care and borderline skim lmao the special effects when she does her light stuff make me violent + does ANYONE like her and mal?? anyone??
I hear nikolai is meant to be hot and charming and all that? physically he bores me lol he's just giving baby face frat boy and im not about it but like, I get it, I guess he does the job (I say as someone who's unfamiliar with his written character and dont know what the job is)
ben barns is hot hes HOT he's so hot and I would rather watch him sit in his dark vibey room and be mute and pissed off for 45 minutes than watch another scene of alina whine about thinks I dont care about and thats really the situation. also, I love genya and david is a punk ass bitch and I wish they went more into her trauma and fucked up past lmao
I so agree on the cast! I really think the crows are FANTASTIC, a way better portrayal than I would have expected. I just, like, we're all on the same page regarding the crows being the more enjoyable part of this show? yes?
im really enjoying how this season seems to be more about their actual book events (unless im remembering wrong? I feel like s1 was mainly made up stuff and backgrounds to tie them into the show and s2 is more book 1 stuff?) and for a story where so much of the oomf is in between the lines and in the "you need to read 600 pages of so many small things that alone mean nothing but together have such an impact" of it, I do think theyre doing a solid enough job. I do think that a lot of it can be quite cringey, but personally I feel like this kinda story and some of these finer dynamics are inherently cringey when on screen and more palatable when its on paper so thats not really a critique on them, more so just is what it is. I also appreciate and am endlessly surprised by how much screen time the crows get given its not technically theyre show. but thats probably bc its just the better story :)
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cosalphonse · 3 months
i recently was gifted some 03 merch that i haven’t seen online and wanted to share! the two artworks on the left are somewhat transparent, i’m not sure what they’re intended to be but they are super cute! and i’m going to share some photos of the character collection below the cut - this will be a little long and photo-heavy! and disclaimer, i don’t have a scanner nor can i read japanese, so i’m just going to be sharing the pages most visually / conceptually interesting to me
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our boy ed gets several pages dedicated to him, no surprise, but i really like this little collage of images with the episode numbers displayed. it also includes the iconic “love is love” thumbs up which is funny to me
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al similarly gets a lot of pages dedicated to him, but this one stuck out to me as a cute comedic page - i wonder if the little red and yellow text bubbles under ed and al in the middle of the page are what they say in the scene or something original?
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i really loved this collage in winry’s section! it highlights her outfits and, just like ed’s, gives us screenshots with episode numbers behind her
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riza’s section has an entire page on her relationship with black hayate, which i just found delightful. i love that they include the crude sketch of him as the little thumbnail for the section lol
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interestingly, hughes' section ends with this all-red page focused entirely on his death. this made me wonder, what do the book creators consider spoilers? they don't exactly shy away from the more spoilery characters later on and they pretty much document nina's story in its entirety, yet at the same time we don't get a lot of information about hoenheim, envy, or ANYTHING about the other side of the gate. so what's the cutoff here? the last ten episodes? either way, i just found it interesting
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my girl sheska gets two whole pages dedicated to her! that's more than breda, havoc, maria ross, and most of the homunculi. good for her.
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while i can't read what this says, i found it interesting that they put dante and lyra's pages together. i don't know if they give away the twist, but either way, they clearly knew what they were doing - even if the excuse is that they put lyra with dante since she studies under her
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scar gets two whole pages!! DESERVED!! i love that they include so much of his story, especially his relationship with his brother and lust
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speaking of, lust is the only homunculus to get a two page spread! they even gave us some scarlust crumbs....
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just wanted to include pictures of the 03-original homunculi, it's interesting that they were put together! and once again, this brings up my questions of "what is considered spoilers"
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rose also gets a two page spread!
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and possibly most baffling is... CLARA gets a two page spread too? for a character who only shows up in one episode this is mind boggling to me. a lot of the 03 original characters get small highlights - archer, the tringhams, etc - but clara gets the largest spot. maybe her episode was more popular while this was being made, or the creators just really liked her, idk
well, those are all of the points of interest i wanted to highlight! if anyone has any suggestions on what they want me to share - specific characters, index information, or anything else - feel free to send me an ask! i'll put all the information under the tag #03 character collection
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pt XII good omens sEAsOn 2 (the non-traumatic part) episode 1
Alright yes I know, I know, it's been two days since the livestream. I was reading fanfiction. Don't blame me, love made me crazy, and all that. I'm enjoying myself as much as I can before we get to the season 2 finale. But here we go, season 2, episode one, maggots:
[on reading this back after finishing, a lot of text is my being in love with Crowley. mainly, points 3, 4, 9, 14, 17, 18, yes I have issues, feel free to skip that for an absolutely concise and precise summary]
Before the livestream starts, everyone decides that there will be no spoilers whatsoever on the chat, even hidden with the black, because I have a tendency to keep clicking and revealing them. I'm sorry, temptation and all. I have emotional support fruit, an apple, two kiwis, two sapotes and two bananas.
When the livestream starts, it has to be restarted, because I am an incompetent nincompoop and have somehow managed to muck up my settings. And it is absolutely imperative that I watch the opening scene.
So then I do. And immediately have to consume my emotional support apple because I am so fucking in love with Crowley. Already? someone asks. Yes bloody already, I need that apple.
Thanks, guys. I'm broken. Crowley. Just. She looks so peaceful and untraumatised, so delighted with the plans, so full of wonder at what she's creating. Let there be light, she says, and rather than seeing Crowley turn off a streetlight with a flick of his fingers, we get to see her create nebulas. Aziraphale looks at her and he's just instantly so spellbound, and who would bloody blame him? His wings just do a slight dip of realisation that he's fucked when Crowley says the gorgeous line. Look at Crowley. Worried about the apocalypse. Smiling at Aziraphale, and we can see Azi's concern because something as pure as that has to be protected and Aziraphale knows what Heaven will do to Crowley if she dares to ask questions. Crowley is angelic and filled with light and Aziraphale sees that and tries to keep her safe with his words.
Hey spoiler alert, it doesn't work, Crowley's wings are greying even as she protects Azi and Crowley falls and I hate everything and I am filled with unbridled rage.
I am speculating how much pain and torture Crowley went through when she fell into Hell that first time. I am told to not ask questions I don't want answers to.
Maggie sells records, Aziraphale is a cutiepie, and Maggie is very gay for Nina.
Crowley is lounging on a park bench, suit and skinny tie, just being all sexy and demonic and probably contemplating nihilism.
Crowley spreads awareness about duck health. No bread, guys. Frozen peas. He also angsts a lot to Shax (whom I keep mixing up with Michael) about the meaning of life. Someone points out that this is very Barbie of him. "do you ever think about death". Ah, Crowley.
More lesbians gaying. I would kill for Nina's hair.
Aziraphale, ah I love him, absolutely fucking panics and has the loading symbol over his angelic little head at all times. FINALLY, THIS SHOW IS A COMEDY.
Crowley is leaning on his Bentley and mmmmhm his arms and his lounging and his personality I am back to crunching on my temptation emotional support apple.
Sorry back to the summary. Jim finds Aziraphale funny and says he loves him. Someone points out that this was the fandom upon encountering my dumbass self. "You're funny Asmi we love you."
Aziraphale is a little bitchy babygirl, really just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing. Just absolutely slaying through every Jimbriel scene. 100000/10.
Six shots of fucking espresso in a big cup. Crowley, I love you. Can I love Crowley any more than this? Yes I can. My love for Crowley is like the universe, infinite and yet ever-expanding, explosive with entropy.
Crowley holds the door open for Aziraphale and holds his plate and honestly what absolute husband (gn) behaviour.
Coffeeshop AU lesbians time.
Heaven is horrible.
There is an ethereal paper file.
Beezlebub beezles their way into Crowley's car and is very concerned in Hell about finding Jimbriel.
Nina's partner is a toxic ass don't worry about it.
Sulky Crowley says he's back and apology dance time mmmhm.
Miracle hide Jimbriel time, but they've got to be subtle. They do the miracle. Jim is glad to have friends.
They are very proud of themselves for their subtle miracle.
End of episode one. Take this screenshot.
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mercurygray · 5 months
Apologies Owing
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Well, they're finally here - the pilots, that is. The base's WACs have some opinions they'd like to share.
A follow up to this piece - and an announcement! I'll be trying to post all of Cord's drabbles on AO3 at Pavilioned In the Fields.
The talk over dinner was about nothing but the officers.
There was no consensus yet, it seemed, over who was the handsomest. Netta was stumping for Brady, the one who'd ridden his fort straight into a rut in the middle of the airfield and had walked away without a scratch, but Anita and Mary Dacre both wanted to speak of no one but DeMarco - or rather, the dog he'd brought with him, who had kindly consented to pets and treats and much crooning while his owner stood by and beamed at himself for the genius idea of getting the husky to find his Friday night dates for him. (Mae, too, seemed taken by the idea of the dog, though she was a little too world-wise to let the pup's gorgeous blue eyes win her over to his owner.)
"I liked the one that blew us a kiss," Nina said, almost loyally, still mooning into her soup about it nearly three hours later, elbow firmly planted on the table while she started wistfully into space. "What'd you say his name was, Phoebe?"
"Biddick," Phoebe said, wisely taking the middle road and saying nothing about anything apart from name, rank and serial number, reaching around Nina's elbow for the salt. "Curtis Biddick. Flies with Richard Snyder."
"The one who looks like Leslie Howard?" Becky looked like that was more her speed. "Now there's a man I'd let do a few close maneuvers."
"Curtis Biddick," Nina smiled dreamily, staring off into space obviously having heard nothing Becky had said. "It was so romantic."
"You gotta watch out for boys like that, Nina, they're usually more trouble than they're worth," Mae said, locking eyes with Phoebe across the table and exchanging abbreviated smiles.
"You all can have fun with the squaddies, but I feel like aiming a little higher," Ethel said with a cutthroat grin, inspecting the arch of her brow in the convex of her soup spoon. "That blonde who drove in with Major Egan looks like he really could be in pictures."
"Cleven," Phoebe supplied, before anyone could ask. "Major Gale Cleven. He's Egan's best friend, apparently. He came up to tower, didn't he, Cord? With Major Egan and Demarco?"
"He did," Cord said, non-committal while she wiped some sauce off the corner of her mouth and considered whether she wanted to try chasing down the last of her peas. "Seemed nice enough."
"Hmmm." Ethel looked unimpressed, and perhaps a little put out that Cord, of all people, had gotten an eye in to the main chance that she clearly couldn't appreciate properly. "Nice enough to have a girl at home?"
But no one ventured an answer for her - the half of the table that was facing the doorway all clammed up at same time as the man himself approached the table, uniform immaculate and blond hair swept just so over his very handsome face. The table stood up as one, Nina accidentally flinging her spoon into her bowl with a clatter.
"Ladies. Was wondering if I might have a word alone with Lieutenant Callaway." His voice was all gravitas and gravel, and Ethel looked like she'd die of envy the way she was glaring across the table at her lieutenant.
Mae's eyes, on the other hand, flashed with delight, and Cord looked around the table to see that nearly everyone else was smiling the way girls smiled when they thought you had something to keep a secret about. She felt hot with betrayal. Now just what do you all think - "I think we're all finished, Major, we can leave," Mae offered, gesturing to the rest of the table to get going. "We'll catch you up, Cord." Mae promised, beaming back at her friend, following the rest of the group out the door and back to barracks.
Cord took a breath and studied her shoes for a moment, hoping that none of that heat had made it to her face, and Cleven hadn't seen any of their hinting smiles - or heard what Ethel had just said. She waited until the crowd cleared the door to speak. "Sir?"
"Seems I owe you an apology, Lieutenant."
Whatever she'd been expecting him to say ...wasn't that. "…What for, sir?"
Cleven's gaze was patient, though it looked like that patience was being tested a little at the moment. "Whatever John's done here for the last month."
It took Cord more than a moment to realize he was talking about Bucky Egan. She'd plumb forgotten his first name was John, if she'd ever known it at all. He introduced himself to everyone as Bucky. "…that's very kind of you, Major Cleven, but I'm not sure that's your apology to make, sir."
"Well, a fellow can try." He smiled - a brief thing - and Cord realized why Ethel thought he'd do well in movies. Underneath those baby blue eyes ran some very, very still waters. Well, they'd have to be, to have Egan for a friend. "He - he means well, usually. He's just not…real good at thinking things through sometimes."
You can say that again. "That's…not a quality one looks for in an executive officer, if you don't mind me saying, sir."
Cleven chuckled - a sound Cord was getting the impression most people didn't hear very often. "No, it most certainly is not. But he has others - a damn fine flyer, a good man to have with you in a fight, and a - a good friend."
The quiet fortitude was growing on her - a strong contrast to Egan's boisterous take-all-comers antics. And he'd come here, when he didn't have to, when nothing said he even needed to, to apologize, on the sole basis of one meeting this morning where she'd stood her ground and been short with his friend. He noticed things, Major Cleven did - and that counted for something. "He must be, to have you making apologies for him on your first day here."
Again, the smallest of smiles. "He'd do the same, if it had been me that had stepped wrong. I'm just trying to…pay the favor forward." He took a breath, and looked at his shoes. "He, ah - he mentioned you were from Ohio."
"Dayton," Cord supplied, wondering when this had turned from an apology into an interview.
"Pretty prime flying country out there at Wright-Patterson," Cleven said quietly, glancing at her with softly curious eyes.
"Yes, sir, it is. I practically grew up there - my dad worked on the base, as an engineer. Worked pretty close with the test pilots."
"Is that how you got into the tower?"
"More or less, sir."
"Heard Brady say you were the calmest voice alive, talking him in today."
The 'for a woman' that had doubtless followed the original comment went unsaid, and Cord measured out her own smile. "Well, there's two types of pilots, sir - those who've had a belly landing, and -"
"-those who will." Cleven finished the old chestnut with a smile. "They teach you a lot about belly landings in Dayton, Lieutenant?"
Cord took a deep breath, remembering the rumbling, skating feeling of the plane underneath her, the nameless terror that the brakes no longer worked and her steering was in God's hands, waiting endlessly while the machine skidded heavily to a halt and she planned her exits, preparing to make a run for it. "A fair bit, sir."
"Hopefully we won't give you any more." He caught her gaze and held it. "Let me know, if he gives you any more trouble? We can't have our controller off her game."
She looked him in the eye and knew, instinctively, that he meant that, and if she said something, he would take her at her word - something not too many men on this base would do. That counted for something, too. "You'll be the first person I tell, Major."
He nodded, glad to be heard and understood, and turned to leave, before thinking of one last thing. "And maybe you'll let your friend know the girl at home is named Marge?" His smile was nearly imperceptible, and Cord almost laughed to see it. So he had heard. That's a very dry sense of humor you have there, sir. "Wouldn't want anyone …getting the wrong idea."
She nodded, happy that there was something here she could do for him. Oh, we're going to get along so well. "Of course, sir." Well, Ethel, serves you right. She could just see the other woman's face when she told her that Cleven was definitely off the market.
The understanding, it seemed, was mutual - Cleven gave a little nod and put his hand in his pocket. "Enjoy your evening, Lieutenant."
"And you, Major."
He went back outside, and Cord's eye followed him through the windows to the group of pilots joking and laughing in the road outside, probably getting ready to go into town. What reason could he have given for stopping in the mess hall? Or maybe he didn't need one. Egan hooked his arm around his friend's shoulders, and Cord caught a glimpse, again, of Cleven's fleeting smile - wider now, laughing with his friends as they set off for the village and the pub. And they're best friends? Well, they do say opposites attract.
Cord tidied her seat and exited the mess, surprised to see Mae was sitting on the bench outside the mess, apparently waiting. She got up as Cord stepped outside, grinning from ear to ear. "A word alone with Lieutenant Callaway, huh? You got something you want to share with the class, Cord?"
"Oh, buzz off, Mae. He just wanted to -" She paused, feeling, suddenly, that the apology was not for public consumption. "To thank me, for helping Brady land."
Mae nodded, a little impressed with the new Major. "The way she's going, I think Netta's gonna thank you too."
You can read more of Cord here on tumblr at her tag.
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Crowley and I spent several hours at the coffee shop today.
As always, we were teased by Nina when we first arrived, with she and Crowley exchanging rather rude banter. I had a delightful scone with my tea and wonderful conversation with my partner until a woman with a child sat at the table beside us.
Some would believe that children would be fearful of Crowley, though quite the opposite is true.
The way Crowley lit up when the child waved to him was wonderful to behold. They interacted for a while, and then child looked shyly at me. Never one to attract the looks of devotion Crowley seems to garner from the younger humans, I was determined to make a favorable impression.
Crowley berated me for putting on a magic show, although I only pulled a coin from behind the child’s ear, much to their delight. For a brief moment, I believe I saw that same delight in Crowley’s smile, although he would surely deny that.
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notalostcausejustyet · 5 months
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@blairamok ‘s Ineffable May prompt for today was “coffee”
Nina is standing just outside the front door of her café, the warmth of a ceramic mug cradled by hands that are skilled and worn and need the heat to loosen up first thing in the morning. This is the time of day that Nina both loathes and covets. What she refers to with a smirk as, “the taint of dawn”. The witching hour passed a few hours ago, the birds are still abed (they have some sense at least), and the moon is fighting valiantly to pull the sun to wakefulness and with it the world. It is peaceful and still, and– when it isn’t raining– it’s beautiful. It is also way too damned early for this.
Across the street, an automobile that she hasn’t seen in months has pulled up in front of the bookshop. Not a car, no. The only way to refer to that gleaming, black piece of art is, automobile. The lights in the bookshop never go out. But the doors never open. Not anymore, not since the last time that bit-of-a-bygone-era on wheels graced the curb, and the sex-on-legs that is getting out of it drove it away. The shining antique is all luscious, sweeping curves, the man who leans over the top of it, statue-still, is not. He is an incongruous amalgamation of hard lines and acute angles. A whipcord lean fixture in black, gracing the silent morning air.
Nina watches, barely daring to breathe, wondering if this is the day. The day that the odd, heavy feeling that has pervaded Whickber Street for the last several months finally breaks, bringing the storm she knows it heralds. There is a flicker of movement across the street. Nina unconsciously eases her body away from the door frame that she has been frozen against since she first heard the deep growl of an engine. The flicker across the street builds to a violent tremor, and she tilts her head and watches as the long streak of nothing, his hair as red as the breaking dawn, slowly collapses to the pavement.
Nina breathes out a shaking exhale and watches him a moment longer. She turns quietly and notes the bloodied sky, the unusual lack of birdsong, and sets her jaw before heading back inside.
A few moments later she is crouched on the street next to him. A second, steaming mug in hand.
“Six shots of espresso. In a big cup. Nothing else.”
He tilts his head up, looking at her through a curtain of familiar but sadly unkempt crimson hair, expressive brows furrowed in confusion.
“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.”
One eyebrow shoots up to his hairline, and his lip begins to curl in a sneer.
“What. In the absolute, horseshite, nonsense…”
Nina bodily shoves the mug into his surprised hands and notes with no small amount of sympathy the way his entire body seems to curl around the warmth it radiates.
“I know what the sign on the shop says. But the ‘death’ bit of ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death’ is metaphorical. ‘Cause we all feel like roadkill before our first cuppa. I’m not sure exactly what happened with you two. But I know what it feels and looks like before a right howler blows in. So I’m bringing you coffee. Coffee is the only option today.”
A second eyebrow has been joining the first in northward migration since Nina started her little monologue. For a few heartbeats, the world seems to hold its breath as they stare at each other.
“Right then. Coffee human. Nina. Cheers.”
He holds his mug up and Nina decisively clinks the edge of her own to it.
They both upend their bitter beverages with a grimace, and she stands, holding out a hand.
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mimisempai · 1 year
Fragments of happiness
That morning at the bookshop, Aziraphale and Crowley are surprised to find a new shelf lined with photos. Apparently, some little bookseller's apprentice seems to have discovered Aziraphale's old Polaroid...
Aziraphale and Crowley through Muriel's lens...
On Ao3
Rating G -  1830 words
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Crowley pushed the bookshop door open with his shoulder as he returned from the coffee shop with his hands full of a plate of Eccles Cakes, a coffee for himself and a cappuccino for Muriel.
Surprised to see that Aziraphale wasn't at his desk, he called out, "Angel?"
He replied from the back of the bookstore, "I'm here. Could you come to me, Crowley, please?"
Crowley set down his load on a small table and joined the angel, whom he found standing in front of a shelf he'd never seen before. He approached it and saw that there were framed photographs on it.
He asked curiously, "Did you do this, Angel?"
Aziraphale turned to him and replied, "I was going to ask you the same thing."
Crowley shook his head, "Nope. Not me. First time I've seen that."
He looked more closely at the photos and chuckled softly, "Angel, I think our little bee found your old Polaroid."
Azirphale rushed over to an old trunk not far from them and after rummaging through it, he straightened up and nodded, "Yes, you're right, it's gone."
But Crowley wasn't looking at him anymore, staring at the shelf. He asked Aziraphale, "Did you see what's on the photos?"
Aziraphale came back to him and said, "No, I had just discovered the shelf when you arrived. Why?"
Crowley whispered, "Look."
Aziraphale moved closer to be beside him and looked at the first photo.
He gasped as it showed the interior of the coffee shop, Nina and Crowley arguing while Maggie and Azirapahle looked on, laughing.
"Don't tell me that you, the quintessential grump, have seen so many Richard Curtis movies that you thought all we had to do was find ourselves face to face in the rain and we'd be head over heels for each other?"
Aziraphale chuckled, "And Vavoom..."
Crowley turned to him and muttered, "Angel, you're not helping."
Nina then pointed at Aziraphale and continued, "And you, you thought you'd get the same result by forcing us to dance a la 'Jane Austen'. Seriously, it makes you wonder how you ever got together."
Maggie put her hand on Nina's to calm her down and said with a half smile, "The important thing is the outcome, isn't it? All's well that ends well," she interlaced her fingers with Nina's and raised their entwined hands.
Aziraphale felt Crowley's hand slide over his, which was resting on his knee. He turned his, palm up, and their fingers instinctively intertwined as he said softly, looking lovingly at Crowley, "Yes, all's well that ends well. For all of us."
"Oh, I remember that day so well!"
Aziraphale was jolted from his thoughts by the demon snorting at the next photo. 
He took a closer look.
It was him, eating with obvious delight. He examined what was on the plate and murmured, "The crepes..."
"Angel, how about a little snack?"
Aziraphale's eyes lit up and it took him only a few seconds to join the demon at the table in the back. He saw that there was a plate covered with a white napkin and two bowls of golden liquid. He sniffed a little and said in a voice of wonder, "Cider..."
Then, his face brightening, he grabbed the napkin and murmured, "That means these are... crepes!"
Sitting down at the table, Crowley added, not a little proud, "And from Paris, my dear angel."
Aziraphale sat down next to him and said in a tone of wonder, "So this is where you disappeared to this morning?"
Crowley nodded with a smile and replied, "I heard you when you were talking so longingly to Muriel about the crepes we had in Paris."
He picked up the fork, picked up a piece of crepe and held it in front of Aziraphale's mouth. The angel instinctively opened it and immediately closed his lips on the bite, unable to contain his expression of delight.
"It's true, the crepes from Paris are the best," Aziraphale murmured, almost feeling the taste in his mouth just remembering it.
Crowley put his arm around the angel's shoulders and gave him a light kiss on the temple before whispering softly in his ear, "Anytime you want, I'll get you some."
But instead of the angel's thanks, he saw him start to chuckle and realized he was looking at the third photo.
The demon leaned closer and saw himself smiling softly at one of his plants that he was watering.
He grumbled, "That cheeky little minx," then reached for the photo and continued, "I can't leave this here."
Aziraphale's hand gripped his wrist as he said softly, "Don't worry, it's not like half the street doesn't know you're a soft-hearted grump."
Crowley exclaimed, "Angel, you can't say that!"
Aziraphale raised Crowley's hand to his lips and kissed the palm before saying softly, "You saved half those people the night of the attack. You stopped Nina and Maggie from being turned into salt statues by Saraqael, you're the one who wanted Muriel to come back here with you. You're the one who told me you'd do anything to protect them. So don't be surprised if people see you as a hero."
Crowley huffed and then muttered, "That's ridiculous. Me? I'm no hero."
The angel said gently, "One day you'll believe it," then added firmly, "And this photo will stay here with the others."
He looked at the next one and exclaimed, "Awww..."
Crowley, still a bit annoyed, growled, "Now what?"
Aziraphale pulled him closer, "Look."
Crowley could only soften as he saw the scene Muriel had captured. It was the two of them sharing a glass of wine on the terrace of Madame Justine's restaurant.
"Crowley, please let me order."
Crowley rolled his eyes and shook his head, "No, no, no; not your terrible French again. Why do you insist when Justine told you she speaks and understands English?"
He continued in a lower voice, "She even speaks English better than you speak French."
The angel pouted and protested, "Crowley, I heard that, and it's not very nice."
Crowley raised an eyebrow as if to say, 'I told you I am not nice,' but their argument had to stop because Madame Justine was at their table ready to take their order.
"Ah Madame Justine."
"Bonjour, Mr. Fell and Mr. Crowley. What can I get for you?"
“Est-ce que... nous pourrrions avouar oune non, non deux verres de Château Neuf du Papeu?”
Crowley saw the woman hold back a smile as she nodded before answering, "I'll get that for you right away, gentlemen."
As she walked away, Crowley sighed, "Angel...can you please stop with the French? I'm begging you."
Aziraphale leaned toward him and, with a small smile on his lips, he whispered so only they could hear, "Shall I really stop, my dear? Even if I tell you, Je t'aime..."
Crowley stammered, "Wh... what?"
Aziraphale's smile widened as he repeated, "Je t'aime, mon amour..."
When Madame Justine returned with their wine, if she was surprised to see Mr. Crowley with flushed cheeks, she didn't show it.
"Why are your cheeks so red, my dear?"
Aziraphale's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and from the angel's teasing gaze, it was clear that he knew exactly why Crowley was blushing. The demon turned to him and wrapped his arms around him, leaning in until their lips were only a breath apart before he whispered, "You know damn well."
Aziraphale chuckled slightly and murmured, "Je t-" but didn't have time to finish his declaration because the demon had pressed his lips to his in a kiss that made the angel forget all about his French.
The sound of the bell jingling as the door opened caused them to hurry apart as a familiar voice exclaimed, "Hello, hello, hello!"
Crowley put a finger to his mouth to signal Aziraphale to be quiet, whispered something in his ear, and then walked silently over to Muriel, who had just entered the bookshop.
"Good morning, nosy little bee."
Muriel, by now accustomed to Crowley's teasing, replied directly, "Good morning, Mr. Grumpy."
Crowley held out his hand to them and said, "I believe you have something that belongs to Aziraphale. Can you give it to me, please?"
Pouting, Muriel thrust their hand into their bag and asked, "Didn't you like my surprise?"
Aziraphale, who had also approached them, handed the angel their cappuccino and replied, "On the contrary, it was very thoughtful of you and we are absolutely delighted. Just give the camera to Crowley, he'll give it back to you afterwards."
Muriel, a little confused, obeyed before Aziraphale led them to a bookshelf and assigned them their task for the day. Since they, like their "teacher," loved books, Muriel quickly forgot about the camera and got to work. Aziraphale walked back to Crowley and kissed him on the cheek, taking the opportunity to whisper in his ear, "Wait ten minutes and it'll be perfect."
"Are you sure?" murmured Crowley.
"Absolutely." the angel replied, before walking over to his desk with his Eccles cakes.
Crowley, for his part, sipped his coffee and waited, as Aziraphale had told him, for about ten minutes. Then, camera in hand, he approached the corner where Muriel sat cross-legged on the floor, reading one of the books they had to catalog. So focused that they were oblivious to their surroundings, let alone the click of the Polaroid and the photo that was already coming out.
Silently, Crowley turned back and walked over to Aziraphale. He put his hand on the angel's shoulder, and when he looked at him, the demon raised his thumb to show that everything had gone perfectly as planned.
A little later in the day, Muriel made their way to the small kitchen at the back of the store to make themself a cup of tea, passing the shelf they'd set up and looking at it with pride. Suddenly they stopped.
There was a new photograph in the middle.
They moved closer and gasped because it was a photo of them sitting cross-legged on the floor, reading. That's when they understood why Crowley wanted the camera.
They murmured, "But...why?"
"Well..." Aziraphale began. 
Muriel was startled because they hadn't heard them arrive, each on one side of them.
It was Crowley who continued, "You've been taking pictures of all these little fragments of happiness for us, so it would be a shame if you weren't a part of it."
"Oh..." was all Muriel murmured before stepping up to the photo and touching it with their fingertip.
Aziraphale and Crowley looked at them fondly, then moved closer. Crowley put his arm around Aziraphale's shoulders, and the angel leaned his head against the demon's chest.
As they watched Muriel arrange the frames on the shelf, they were both filled with the same certainty.
No matter what happened to Heaven and Hell, they would do anything to protect these fragments of happiness and those who were a part of them.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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trishacollins · 1 month
Curious about 3, 12 & 16 for the ask game <3
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
I have two of these, both of whom I blame Nina for. Luka and Nino.
I came to my love of Nino late and slow. But now that I love him, he's everything. Adrien's most Loyal Knight in shining headphones. I just adore the way they vibe, and some of the subtle background things you can get out of Nino.
Luka I always sort of liked, but I really think I 'saw' him in season five and Nina def helped me really dig in an appreciate him.
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
I have so many of these, with my close friends being the most obvious.
@ninadove for being just the nicest. The fluff writer amidst all the tragedy. She's really just the sweetest and the best person you could ask for to look over things in need of a polish. She also puts up with me asking her at like 2am "Is this a normal French thing" and I find that very sweet of her. I have also done a deep southern accent for her to pay her back for her valuable French knowledge, but nothing can compare.
@bittersweetresilience Fellow darkfic writer and reader. Also just one of the nicest people I have ever met. Sun is the best. They keep us organized, and rioting in the right direction for sure. We would be lost and adrift without their skills at herding a basket of wild ferrets.
@purplecatghostposts came out of freaking NOWHERE and then was like "I see you also love beating the crap out of this blorbo should we be friends" and then we were. Man the cup of Felix angst really overflows.
@hartwign regularly knocks my socks COMPLETELY off with their amazing and wonderful art. Just absolutely phenomenal in ways I can't even express. Also one of the freakest nicest people ever.
@luckychatons Puts the "Cheer" in cheerleader. Also the most creature-shaped being I have ever encountered. Just a delightful person to be around and I always look forward to talking to!
@neoncherryblossom MY FIRST FANDOM FRIEND! ROUTINELY TOLLERENT OF ME WORD VOMITING IN THEIR INBOX. LOVE OF KWAMI AND KWAMI RELATED TOPICS (I have converted her to loving Felix, I was very mean about it.)
@asukiess I regularly feel like there is a single Nathalie/Emilie braincell and we pass it back and forth. But I am totally supportive of what they're throwing down and really enjoy the milf-verse they are creating.
A dozen people I have forgotten to name, but know that I love and adore and value you! This is such an awesome fandom and full of such wonderful people.
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
These are both characters. Nooroo and Amelie. Nooroo is the best little guy and was active around the time Adrien was born. (So was Duusu, but I feel like Fandom has come to love Duusu) Which means he was likely around when Adrien was a baby and Adrien was made to forget. Probably so he'd stop asking about the little Fairy. Also nooroo needs THERAPY. Poor lil guy.
I need everyone to love and appreciate Amelie. not only has she been through shit, but she and Felix are each other's best friends and in a series like Miraculous when so many parents SUCK. (Looking at ALL OF YOU) knowing that in the Agreste and GDF fail parenting there was one good parent is my shining light.
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dungeonsandblorbos · 3 months
Campaign/Character Intro: The Orphic Uprising and Amazonomachy, feat. Nina Grayson
Status: Completed System: Cypher
About: These were two continuous arcs that together formed the first campaign with my university TTRPG group. It was a homebrew story set in the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, following a small group of simultaneously inept and hyper-competent demigods from Camp Half-Blood on their various (mis)adventures. Out of character, we called ourselves the Confusion Crew due to the sheer absurdity of some of the shenanigans we got up to. It was delightful.
Genres: Urban fantasy, YA Rating: Teen General content warnings: strong language, mature humor, immature humor, fantasy violence, teenage protagonists, second-hand embarrassment. Posts may not be tagged due to the generally mild nature of most of this campaign's content. Tags: #confusion crew, #nina grayson
story and character details under the cut
The Story
The first arc, The Orphic Uprising, was a short and sweet 10 session wonder. Our story began with a simple game of Capture the Flag gone horribly wrong as Camp Half-Blood was invaded by a skeletal army and a beloved NPC was killed. In the aftermath, we received a prophecy:
Children of Night and lords of the deep Conspire together in the midnight keep. When the twice born God is lured and bound beneath, The impossible is tasked to the daughter of the laurel wreath; The islander shall face the Cyprian boar, And beauty's blood shall open the door; The forgotten son of Spring shall be returned. Through faith and song life can then be earned.
Once the party is determined, we're given the keys to an old model of the Sun Chariot and immediately set course for California and the Underworld.
The second arc, The Amazonomachy, ran almost three times as long, a whole 27 sessions over the course of about 9 months. It's set roughly a year after the last arc, and began with a simple game of Capture the Flag against some visiting Amazons that went horribly wrong when the Amazons turned it into a full-blown raid on Camp Half-Blood. Apparently, the new queen of the Amazons somehow got it into her head that, just as the Olympians overthrew their parents, the Titans, it was high time that we, the demigods, overthrew the Olympians, and she didn't want Camp Half-Blood getting in the way of her mission. Our intrepid heroes from last summer, together with two new unlucky campers who happened to be in the wrong right place at the wrong right time, sneak out of camp and set about sabotaging the Amazons' efforts. And if they fail to do that, well, they can still stop the queen from becoming a new god and killing the old ones . . . right?
The Blorbos
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I played Nina Grayson (depicted above), who was an incredibly skilled gymnast, modern dancer, and rock climber—and why wouldn't she be? She's a daughter of Nike, literal embodiment of victory. How could she be anything but the best? Failure was simply not an option for Nina, and while she preferred to avoid failure honestly, the fear of it was so strong that she had no qualms about fighting dirty or playing tricks if that's what it took to win. She was impulsive, headstrong, extremely determined, and nigh-unkillable, with a mean right hook and a poor sense of self. She wasn't very good at making friends, but lucky for her, the rest of the party didn't leave her much of a choice there, and by the epilogue, she had more emotional support than she knew what to do with! Nina was a menace both in and out of combat because she put all her points into strength, speed, durability, and dirty tricks, and nothing into charisma or smarts. Truly, a himbo lesbian queen (literally, in fact, because I think she ended up canonically becoming the queen of the Amazons in the epilogue). Iconic himbo acts of hers included solving a hidden object puzzle by punching a horse statue in the face, getting set on fire and putting it out by drenching herself in monster blood, solving a locked door problem by punching the lock in the face, splitting the party to play double agent without telling her friends she was only fake-betraying them, and solving a vengeful goddess issue by punching her in the face so hard it temporarily killed said goddess. At some point she also acquired the nickname Larry?
Her two best friends were Chuck Hickey, an appropriately chaotic son of Dionsysus who grew up on his grandparents' vineyard, played by my lovely husband @somethingclevermahogony, and Beatrice Starveling, an incredibly musically talented and equally exhausted daughter of Apollo who made Orpheus look like a chump, played by the incredibly artistically talented @hamletphase (who I think has commissions open rn!). These three were part of both arcs, and I love this trio dearly. For the second arc, we were also joined by the iconic bromance duo of surfer dude Cameron "Murph" Murphy, a son of Epimethius ("god" of hindsight) who got himself into a lot of chaos but somehow always had the right tool for the job, played by the fantastic @ostrich-runner, and wannabe fuckboi Bryce, a totally not bisexual disaster son of Eros. And last but not least, there was our team pet Hops, a funky little alcohol grain demon who looked like if a cabbage patch doll was an actual baby-shaped root vegetable. We fed him illegally acquired beer and Chuck carried him around in a baby björn, or occasionally threw him like a football at our enemies and used him like an Entangle spell. Only the best food and enrichment activities for our darling grain demon!
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mikey-soft · 6 months
What songs do you associate ur resigns with? Are they different than the canon cast? I hope you don't mind if I keep asking I'm excited <333
wait omg dont even worried my favorite thing to do on earth is to answer questions im lovin it GVWBHJNS ohhhoggh.... song.s.. i looove music and i love association hold on oh my lrod !!! this is gonna be a huge post !!! oopsie !!!! also, note: alastor. is. obviously my favorite. and i do have a little playlist for him which i will post right after this
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv charlie -- my idea of heaven, annette hanshaw
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i think this one is such a given ... it s so obvious .......but so true
vaggie -- why, lily allen (not on spotify :()
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UGHH TGHE YEARNING IN THIS SONG its gentle and soft and slow and it juxtaposes vaggies "fronting" personality soo nicely UGH angel -- perhaps, perhaps, perhaps , desi arnaz
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heavy on huskerdust but thats okay because i loooove this song . sweet and loving and oh so passionate and AHH !!!! angel deserves to be lovey dovey
husk -- sir duke, stevie wonder
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definitely a bit headcanon-y on this one,,! but i wanted to give husk a hobby he's real passionate about and i just had to give him music.... a bartender cant work with a shitty playlist!! and i just cant NOT associate him with mr wonder if im being honest
alastor (favorite character syndrome) -- feeling good, nina simone
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i could put so many songs here but i chose feeling good because alastor feels good!!!!! i love this song so so much and i think he would too!! cant go wrong with nina simone
niffty -- it's a good day, peggy lee
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oh joyus day for our darling niffty !! this song is such a delight and i can imagine her humming to it while she works...,, it is a good day!!! shes so right !!!!!! SHE GETS TWO!!!!! candy, atarashii gakko
无意识に私食べちゃった !!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS SONG !! its so silly and a little nonsense and i thinkk if she ever got into modern music she would like ag :3 sir pentious -- twist the knife, that handsome demon
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this one is a little silly.... but my past associations with this song made me give it to pent <3 i just think it fits my version of him!
vox -- don't say yes until i finish talking, SMASH
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okay this is kind of a given but its not my fault christian borle has one character type (im kidding this is a joke mostly i love him) BUT ITS JUST VERY VOX !!! and also the rest of my associations are very radiosilence WHOOPS
rosie -- the end of the world, skeeter davis
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i love her dearly and i can imagine she adores longing songs like these!!!! theres not much else to it..... just something i feel in my bones or something
these are all just ones i've thought of before!!! so clearly its not Every Single character !
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bluedalahorse · 3 months
Potentially unpopular opinion:
I feel a little ambivalent about the concept of “wilmonification.”
I would say that nine times out of ten it’s pretty harmless. People are having fun with their favorite pairing and imagining them in different scenarios and stories! Yay! Fandom joy! Please keep enjoying yourselves!
It maybe doesn’t resonate with me personally as much because I tend to enjoy Wilhelm and Simon for their highly specific canon selves, but it makes other people happy. And every once in a while someone suggests a scenario that makes me smile.
However, every once in a while someone will suggest “wilmonifying” a specific piece of media, and every once in a while that specific piece of media is centered on a specific character whose experiences and identity connect more with a Young Royals character who isn’t Simon or Wilhelm. And that’s where I struggle with the wilmonification.
To give a hypothetical example: I just watched this delightful and funny miniseries called Dinosaur. Here’s the trailer for anyone who’s interested, because it’s cute and I recommend it. It’s set in Glasgow, and it’s about an autistic paleontologist named Nina and all the misadventures that occur when she becomes her sister Evie’s maid of honor. There’s also an adorable romantic subplot between Nina and Lee, a barista she knows from the coffee truck outside the museum where she works.
Nina and Lee have a great romance! But if someone suggested wilmonifying it, I’d feel… pretty weird about that? Because Nina is an autistic character written by an autistic writer, and so much of the show focuses on Nina’s experiences of interacting with her family and her love interest and her work, and the way those things are impacted by her autism. It’s a story about autism, and even more specifically about being female and autistic and a sister. Nina feels much more easy to “saraify” than anything else. (I’m not sure I can see August as a soft unproblematic barista, so maybe this story would be better for the Salice fans? You’re welcome, Salice fans.)
Anyway. There have been a few examples of “wilmonify this” prompts that touch on these issues of which YR character might resonate with a particular story and I’ve been wondering if I should say something in a more general way. I didn’t want to be prescriptive or mean about it because I was on tumblr for the era of DON’T DO THIS and NEVER DO THAT and YOUR FAVE IS PROBLEMATIC and it was awful and creativity-stifling. But I do wonder if it might help us to be thoughtful about our “here, take this fic idea!” type posts, and if some of them could be joyfully gifted to other YR characters who’d really soar with an idea like that behind them. Especially since fics about non-wilmon characters and ships are much less likely to get engagement or squee or end up on fandom rec lists. Diversifying the fandom ecosystem is never a bad idea and tends to encourage fandom longevity, after all!
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no-where-new-hero · 1 year
Fire and Hemlock Readalong: Chapter 3
…in which Hero Business begins and also I realize doing a readalong is hard because the further I get into this book the more I just kind of want to respond by whistling like a tea kettle on high boil.
Much like how the original ballad has kind of three strata of normality (Janet's home castle, Caterhaugh, and the fairy realm, represented by Janet, Tam Lin, and the Fairy Queen), the novel gives us three different home structures: Polly's house, Granny's house, and Hunsdon House (also ruled by three different yet linked women--Mum, Granny, and Laurel. Threes are of tantamount importance in this book, as DWJ tells us in her essay).
And here we finally meet Mum, who is immediately coded in opposition to Granny because “home is not a Fire and Hemlock sort of place.” We get a sense of Polly’s life in her house: stifling (the curtains are like walls) and yet invasive (Mum opens Polly’s mail and doesn’t apologize the way Granny does). I find it interesting how houses that Polly feels comfortable in smell like food and home cooking (Nina’s and Granny’s), whereas Mum makes Polly get takeout dinners and subtly shoves her out of the security a young child should feel in their own home.
The two big movements in this chapter are Seb's return as a main player and Mr. Lynn's letter. Seb enters the novel again in the guise of another game-that’s-real when Nina tells Polly she’s being followed. Already the danger from fairyland is following Polly and Nina into the real world, but in a way that’s also just real world danger: don’t talk to strange men. Don’t go to Caterhaugh. I’m paying attention to Seb more this time around because of a certain line in the last chapter, and I find it fascinating that while he’s an agent of Laurel and Mr. Morton, he’s also enough in their power to have a certain measure of solidarity with Polly. Again, he represents an intermediary between the normal world and the fairy world. He doesn’t tell Laurel about how Polly navigated the Husdon House enchantment (not eating and drinking, the vases), and he does explain a fair amount to Polly that he didn’t necessarily need to about why he’s been following her at all.
As more evidence to my claim about Mr. Lynn’s insufficient masculinity, witness Polly’s “He’s not even a man.” Like. This is a grown-ass divorcee with a job that you’re talking about. But also we know that Polly as a hero sees through to the heart of things, whatever they look like to other people.
Unspoilery letter thoughts: the mistypes always send me. Mr. Lynn’s explicit blurring of Hero’s gender is incredible? DWJ said she needed to write this book with a female hero because that simply didn’t exist for young readers in the 80s, but in a more modern context, I feel like that can be rewritten from “girls can be heroes” to “heroism transcends gender.” Same message but Mr. Lynn really decided that Polly could be a boygirl and he didn’t care. There’s more here about sight/enchantment: Mr. Piper’s insistence that if he cannot see the thing, then it cannot be real. Seeing is believing but he’s also actively trying not to make that connection, but Hero in their youth calls it like it is. I also just love this letter? The vivacity and delight in its prose is really heartwarming and does a good job I think to get to know Mr. Lynn at a distance before we meet him again in the next chapter. Minor letter spoilers below the cut.
This time around, I’m really wondering how deeply Tom knows about his gift to invent things into existence, and that’s something I’ll need to check on once we get to Part 4. If he does, then his actively creating the Hero Business as a Nowhere world for him to slide out from his curse comes across as much more manipulative than if the coming-true was an unexpected byproduct of channeling his creativity and happiness in finding someone like Polly to share that with. I feel like it might have been a combination of both—and also of course the paintings that they pick out together tie into their imaginings, so there’s a lot of symbiosis going on.
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quillyfied · 1 year
Things I’m noticing on this rewatch, which I’m hoping to take slow and ponder on but we will see how it goes, PART FOUR (obviously major Good Omens season 2 spoilers throughout, specifically for S2E4)
- Lesi?
- Shax really does have creepy down pat.
- Aziraphale not sensing her, though. They really do play Calvinball with the rules of that, it seems.
- “You don’t seem his type at all” mirroring “I am so not your type” between Nina and Maggie last episode ;A; “you have no idea,” Maggie said. Aziraphale thinks. I weep.
- Sometime in the last 18, 19 years…would that have put them square in the “raising the Antichrist” years? Hang on. 4 years past the failed apocalypse…makes it 14…they were working on it for 11 years…no, that would put them before that, wouldn’t it? Wtf is that timing, Shax?
- “This Angel Gabriel, who I’ve never heard of” = “who’s Morales?”
- Shax really is the kind of infernally clever that’s perfect for tripping Aziraphale up when he’s already flustered and panicked. Love to see them interact.
- Opening theme detail today: one of the headstones reads Jane Austen. Wonder if the headstones change every episode too?
- “Here lies the former shell of Beelzebub” reads another, and “here lies Adam” with some text I can’t make out. Went back to the beginning of the graveyard bit now and “Peter Paintball”, and of course, “Every day.” If anyone gets good eyes on the Adam headstone, y’all gotta let me know.
- This episode’s theater feature: Nazi Zombie Flesheaters, with a still of the Nazis from s1 still alive. Nice.
- Seems odd to call the episode “The Hitchhiker” when it seems the literal hitchhiking is done by the time the opening credits roll. Time to refresh myself on why this episode might be called that.
- Did they reuse footage? Or reenact it?
- Yknow…none of the demons are wearing obvious animals this season. I think only Beelzebub, Hastur, and Ligur might have done it tbh.
- I love the details of Hell tbh. The fire cooler. The sheer number of Nazis. The way Shax moves so mechanically but so cool and collected.
- Does Shax actually have any higher demon ears? Or is she baiting Furfur? Hard to tell for her.
- Yknow the teeth aren’t helping in figuring out if Shax has an animal aspect.
- The besotted Aziraphale bit here. I cannot BELIEVE this all happens immediately post church bomb.
- Okay but the Nazis not disputing the fact that they belong in hell, just that they’re dead based on trickery. Nice.
- The tongue bit. Yuck.
- OKAY. Crowley has present day hair color for this adventure. That feels significant. Is this minisode a flashback?
- Okay the signage of Hell. Always a favorite. But the “heaven looks down on you” sign. Hmm. Bit odd.
- Ah. Because I couldn’t see the bottom half of it. “Because you’re…” something. Move it, Furfur XD
- Pathetic. “Heaven looks down on you because you’re pathetic.” …hmm. Still an interesting take, tbh.
- Happy to be in the probable minority that likes the zombies bit XD which is interesting bc I normally hate zombie fiction. They do it the way I like, though. They’re conscious and sentient in their zombieness.
- Also the brain repeating on him XD what a gloriously stupid and delightful detail
- And okay yeah the dead rising from the grave thing from Jimbriel’s prophecy and the Nazi zombies here feels like a big ole clue for s3. I’m Mormon so my upbringing around the Second Coming is probably weirder than other Christians but a big part of it for us is the emphasis on the resurrection of the dead, ALL the dead. Putting a properly macabre spin on it feels like a very Good Omens thing to do tbh.
- There’s the dirty donkey again! It DIDNT move, Crowley LITERALLY planned his heist ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE BOOKSHOP. I WORK IN SOHO I HEAR THINGS INDEED.
- David Tennant what is that voice XD
- Lots of emphasis on sleight of hand this…entire show :P it does make one suspicious of The Final Fifteen Minutes. But also I don’t want to rob them of their power? Because damn. DAMN.
- (The lip reading. It. I. I will wait for the end but GUH)
- He’s so pleased with himself for getting it right XD
- They are SO. IN. LOVE. KILL ME.
- Natural dexterity. Like the magic words, I’m waiting for that one to come true.
- The way Pat tries to have some integrity XD
- More importantly, does he still have that???
- …does that mean Aziraphale’s fired a gun when Crowley hasn’t? What does this mean for the paintball gun bit? Does your derringer lend weight to a moral argument, Aziraphale??
- Hang on have to squeal for the way Aziraphale just grabs Crowley’s hand in both of his. So excited. So cute.
- HA, the wrong ring XD
- Sad to see Pat get eaten. But the framing of it is really cool actually.
- Fell the Marvelous. That poster. How in the heck.
- Aziraphale having stage fright tho.
- Jiggery pokery indeed XD
- Omg the miracle blocker is a punch card. The worldbuilding implications.
- I wonder at how hell would have taken Aziraphale handing Crowley a rifle tbh.
- “Aim for my mouth, shoot past my ear” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
- the way they’re both shaking and nervous. The camera itself shaking. CROWLEY shaking
- The feather boa. I WEEP. He’s so happy.
- I know the implication is that Crowley, like Jim, is missing his memories, but. Also. The idea that maybe Crowley is just terrible at remembering people who aren’t Aziraphale. Poor Furfur.
- The sleight of hand is very subtle. Which is the point. But also. Idk man people have said it better and apparently written 16k essays about it, I’m just proud of him for pulling it off.
- Okay but. But they’re zombies. Neil they’re zombies. Aziraphale and Crowley just let three Nazi zombies wander off Neil. NEIL. WHAT IS THE PLAN WITH THEM??
- Dagon is in top form this season tbh
- I got it right the time that mattered ;A;
- I knew you would come through for me. You always do.
- You said trust me.
- And you did.
- “If you were truly as evil as you like to paint yourself” the levels of deep seated misunderstanding and flawed foundational concepts I’m CRY
- Though it’s AZIRAPHALE who brings up shades of grey. A glimmer of hope.
- Can someone who knows accents tell me what is going on with Shax’s
- Beelzebub’s thanks and “good work” as a discordant note, but also their command for Shax to take an army to attack the bookshop knowing full well she isn’t going to get that kind of support…wut.
- Peter Anderson’s screen effects are my favorite thing.
- Hate to see the way Nina is so broken down by Lindsey tbh.
- Yeeeah…Crowley seems to be purposely living in his car tbh. Retreating directly to it. I can’t tell if Aziraphale never thought to offer cohabitation or if Crowley turned him down but my money is on they’ve never discussed it despite both of them thinking about it very loudly.
- A night to remember! Never bodes well.
Okay. That’s it for tonight. An episode that seems out of place but has many good tasty morsels and I think more than a smidge of s3 foreshadowing. Why is the episode called The Hitchhiker? Maybe for Furfur trying to climb the greasy pole of bureaucracy? For the Nazis hanging onto life? Literally just for the one part at the beginning that sets the whole climax into motion? Who knows???
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dorizardthewizard · 8 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 19 - 21
Episode 19:
Hush Sharky: I should've picked Mark, nothing exciting will ever happen following Thran!
Is that meta
Well this romance between Mark and Nina-8 is progressing quickly huh
Nina-8 says it's hard for her to trust others hmmmm
And there we have it, an explanation for Ahito's sleepiness – he stores the Breath within himself, which can wear him out. Pretty cool, although it does bring up some questions. Does his dad do that too, since he has the same problem? How did that excess get released before he started playing Galactik Football? Why is he just doing better now I don't think we ever actually covered that in season 2
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OK imagine you're chilling having a normal conversation and your friend just does a backflip out of nowhere. I would definitely be reacting like D'jok hahah
Thran: I'm coming with you Clamp! Clamp: No, it's too dangerous!
Thran: But the writers said it's MY turn to have a fun adventure with the pirates!
Thran really said, if the writers aren't gonna give me any interesting sideplots, I'll do it myself! RESPECT.
Artegor (completely deadpan): I am excited. It doesn't show?
Ahito covering for Thran is so cute, of course Thran would let his brother know
Why ARE the Paradisia girls referred to by their numbers?
Huh, this data link thing that the Paradisia players do is pretty cool
This hack for the space port entry code is pretty dumb but it's fine I'll just insert some star trek technobabble here in my mind. Aaaaand done, GO THRAN! And yaaaay Thran the Pirates fan gets approval from the man himself
A rare corner kick!
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I don't know anything about football but this goalkeeper goal seems kind of bullshit to me. Like was that necessary?
NOOOOO WARREN :( Barry calling it an end of an era, I guess it's not just the Snow Kids who get that press treatment after losing a match. But the Lightnings haven't been to the finals in three seasons and Warren is probably getting older :(
Team Paradisia slayed though
Awww poor Nina-8 :( Hmm what plan is Nikki-4 talking about, I don't remember much after the Paradisia tournament. I do like the conflict between the two, they may be twins but Nina-8 has a much softer personality than Nikki-4. And with her not being on the team until D'jok left, I wonder if she was already trying to distance herself from them a bit and try to live her own life. Which is pretty symbolic for an identical twin.
Well Mark's love drama has more potential than the love triangles they were doing until now, if only they'd given it more screentime and development
Hush Sharky is kind of underreacting for a journalist who just found out a galaxy-class footballer and his coach are in cahoots with the leader of the pirates
Again, the budget of this show might be low, but they actually have quite a lot of locations and the background art is always really good.
Sonny taking his mask off on Paradisia because he saw some plants sfjkdfssf that was unnecessary, he's so extra! And they're lucky the weather conditions are still perfectly fine for humans.
Episode 20:
I guess Mice Delight is delicious to robots only haha
D'jok Mei and Micro-Ice being besties ahhhh I love it
Mice is playing a delicate game? Since he lied to Zo-leen so he could hide he's going to meet Yuki, what are they implying there?
Oooo 3-2 to the Xenons! The Rykers really gave them a run for their money!
But seriously Callie should get a raise for finding them LOL, nice little animation touch of him looking around the whole time he's talking to her. Sir you would be harder to spot if you weren't wearing your football kit. It's ok, yeah I know the animators don't have the budget. Hang in there, buddy
Stevens top scorer in the cup!! It might seem strange with him not having a flux, but it seems reasonable to me considering the Pirate's style of play. They always score at least one goal in their games, and he's pretty much always the one who does it. For other teams, the goal scoring is a bit more shared between different players. Plus it's still early in the cup.
KING. I LOVE THIS INTERACTION. Stevens keeping it real even before the Technoids showed up, I'll say we've had some good Pirates moments this season
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm are they suggesting Micro-Ice is two-timing between Zo-Leen and Yuki? Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh.................
And since when was Zo-Leen all over Micro-Ice again anyway? She seemed just friendly during the Paradisia tournament
Why is this friendship between Harvey and Lord Phoenix actually kind of cute?
Awwww the Snow Kids are the best Yuki fanclub
These seats at Genesis stadium aren't actually seats, it's more like an amphitheater and they're not very comfortable. No back rest!
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I love Stevens's goals, obviously he can't just use the flux to smash it so his style is more technical
ASHDFJSDF in this season you can hear the Pirates celebrating (and also grunting while running?) and it's so silly, they just gave them stereotypical gruff pirate voices
Games between other teams are funny because there will be like. Exactly one new animation in the whole game. Literally everything else is stock footage
This soundtrack slaps by the way
The Pirates goalkeeper's signature head shake lol
Sorry guys I love Yuki I really do but you know who I'm rooting for
The Elektra's flux confuses me, it looks solid enough for them to ride on it?
This season is really just dunking on Barry whenever they can huh, Artegor's laugh and trying to pass it off as nerves SDJFKDFS I LOVE HIM THANK YOU VOICE ACTOR FOR NOT LEAVING
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Oooo that water skating trick does look really cool! I like that since season 1, we've seen more creative fluxes
Well as much as I love the Pirates I'm happy for the Elektras, and Yuki! She's come so far from her nervous self in season 2 and I'm so proud of her
TIA SECOND TOP SCORER YESSS!!! I would go back to check if the number of goals is actually correct but I cba
If I had a nickel for every time a romantic breakup has happened this season at the taxi stop with one of the parties telling the other to forget about them, I would have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
Episode 21:
D'jok seems to be perfectly back to normal and on friendly terms with the others as if nothing happened. Compare to season 2 where Rocket's Netherball stint had consequences and his return was not so smooth!
Ahito you couldn't think of a better excuse for Thran leaving? 😂 I do feel like we could have had a better reason in the story for Thran ending up with the Pirates, it IS a bit weird that he says he has to go on a mission with them but he doesn't actually have a reason to, and this is before the SEMI-FINAL. That's a bit too important to be sneaking off because... you just want to?
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I need this screenshot in good quality
I love that Bennett being the hacker guy is a thing that's consistent throughout the season
Lord Phoenix somehow grabbed literally all of them at once sijfsdkdk except Harvey. Fuck robot rights I guess
Warren coaching time! I love how he's always willing to lend a helping hand for these things, whether it's giving D'jok a talk about what's important in season 1, trying to get Rocket out of Netherball in season 2 or helping with training here. What a guy, truly Mr. Galactik Football
Huh, that's an interesting little way to use the Lightning's flux. It's like static electricity keeping them together
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sfdkjdsf I would do this too. Actually I do do this to my short friends. I'm also short but they're shorter so I gotta take my wins when I can
Micro-Ice and Tia duo! I love them I wish we saw more of them as a fun pair, they would get up to such hijinks together. Sibling vibes!
Emo Mark hours
Well, you tried Mice. Maybe try to get him to open up about his problem instead of just trying to cheer him up?
Clamp: No, that's not it, it's- Sonny: What is it, Clamp? Say something!
Nice one Brim Simbra, I like that we got to see him actually doing something lol
This dilemma about Adim and Aarch's relationship due to her being league president was never mentioned before, why did they never consider this? Should've built that up earlier instead of that random Artegor plot
Lord Phoenix: Paradisia was such a beautiful planet
Idk man it doesn't look THAT bad right now, the UK looks like that every day
I can't show the video because I used my 1 video per post limit for Stevens talking but there's this super fucking weird segment where Nork says the Elektras-Paradisia match will be the first all female semi-final ever, and Barry dreamily says this is a "fantasy" GFC? And Nork is like "you said it! Team Paradisia...." in this dreamy way again and Callie has to cough and change the subject? Hey what the fuck was that???? This season tried to be more blatant with the girl power messaging but then puts in moments like this?????
Wait Thran is in this teamup shot? Did he already get back?
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Oh I really love this interaction between D'jok and Luur before kickoff – no intimidation dance from the Xenons, just a meaningful handshake between a guy who almost plummeted to his death last season, and the player that saved him. Idk if the writers were intentional with this but if so, it's a really nice example of subtle writing and events of the previous season carrying over.
Wait yeah the Pirates aren't back yet! In which case, Aarch is pretty chill for a coach who is missing a player for A SEMI-FINAL MATCH. Eh I guess at this point he's just given up with these kids
Oh damn Brim Simbra actually died, I like that they went through with that so the explosion on Paradisia had consequences. Could have also opened up some interesting avenues with the new flux society leader in season 4 – maybe he'd want to do things differently?
But it's also kind of hilarious that Brim Simbra's very last action as flux society leader... was to delegate the galaxy saving to Sonny Blackbones yet again LOL
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wigster07 · 10 months
Never Not Commenting Fic Rec:
If any fic strikes your fancy please consider reading it, kudos, and leaving a comment. With any fic, please mind the tags!
Halloween Crack: Kiss of the Cat Woman - lowkeyed1 - Willow (TV 2022) [Archive of Our Own]
Rated T / Summary: Kit and Jade are on their way to a Halloween party when their car breaks down...
This has humor, horror tropes, and a classic (perfect) ending.
a halo, a waiting room - myrebelliousphase - Willow (TV 2022) [Archive of Our Own]
Rated M / Summary: Jade opens her eyes, and for a second, they’re that familiar cognizant hazel. “Thank you,” she says gently as her pupils bleed inky black into her irises. Her eyelashes flutter, and when she speaks again, it’s with the same strain as before. “Ready?”
This one comes with CWs: Biting, bleeding, and blood drinking. Say less. These are my favorite things. This fic. THIS FIC. I can't express the feelings it rattles about in my chest. It's everything. I love it so much.
once more with feeling - Geek_and_Nina - Willow (TV 2022) [Archive of Our Own]
Rated T / Summary: kit and jade go on a stupid walk for their stupid mental health
Another SDT addition in Nina's wonderful universe. These two talk a walk through a cemetery, and while they talk about the accident, there is some humor and delightful banter between Kit/Jade in this one. The fic title for this one was peak too. You'll see when you read it.
Funhouse Crack: Mirror Maze - lowkeyed1 - Willow (TV 2022) [Archive of Our Own]
Rated T / Summary: Jade and Kit go on their first date. On Halloween. To the carnival
This one is very 'IT' vibes and I cackle each time I get to the end of these. A great balance of horror/comedy in these.
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The Unwind Discord Server Fanfiction
please mind that this is just discord funsies and written by ChatGPT my server friends said to post it so did but this isn't to offend anyone
Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Creativia, King Siro sat upon his majestic throne, observing the lively antics of his quirky subjects. Among them were Krissy, the adventurous soul, Kuromi, the mischievous trickster, and the enigmatic couple Roy and Nina. In the heart of the kingdom, a grand gathering took place. Kuromi, ever the eccentric one, was being her usual creepy self, lurking in the shadows and watching everyone with an amused glint in her eyes. King Siro couldn't help but chuckle at her antics. Meanwhile, Roy and Nina, the couple that seemed to thrive on both love and banter, were engaged in a playful argument. Their words were sharp, but there was an undeniable affection in their eyes. The entire kingdom knew that their love was as fiery as it was endearing. King Siro, ever the wise ruler, decided to bring the characters together for a royal feast. As they sat around the grand table, Kuromi couldn't resist being her mischievous self. "Ah, Kuromi, always the mysterious one," King Siro chuckled. "What secrets do you hide in those shadows?" Kuromi grinned, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, dear King, if I told you, they wouldn't be secrets anymore, now would they?" Roy, not one to miss an opportunity for banter, chimed in, "Well, I hope those secrets aren't as dark as your favorite hiding spots, Kuromi. We might need to bring a lantern to find them." Nina joined in, adding, "Or maybe a map. It's like navigating a labyrinth in there." The entire table burst into laughter, including Kuromi, who couldn't help but appreciate the good-natured ribbing. King Siro looked on, pleased to see his subjects enjoying each other's company. As the feast continued, the banter and laughter echoed throughout the kingdom. In that moment, it became clear that even in the midst of eccentricity and playful arguments, the bonds of friendship and love held the kingdom together. And so, in the Kingdom of Creativia, King Siro observed with a contented smile as his unique subjects reveled in the joy of each other's company, proving that even in a world of quirks and differences, unity and laughter would always prevail.
Title: The Royal Revelry Continues In the days that followed the grand feast, the Kingdom of Creativia buzzed with an energy that could only be described as a blend of camaraderie and mischief. King Siro, ever watchful from his throne, couldn't help but revel in the harmony that had settled over his diverse subjects. Krissy, the adventurous spirit, had taken it upon herself to organize a kingdom-wide treasure hunt. The entire populace eagerly joined in the quest, following clues and overcoming challenges that led them through the enchanted forests and bustling marketplaces. Meanwhile, Kuromi continued to weave her enigmatic magic. One day, as she walked through the kingdom, she noticed Roy and Nina engaged in another lively debate. This time, it was about the best way to brew tea. Kuromi, unable to resist, appeared out of nowhere, her voice a whisper in the wind. "Ah, the age-old tea debate. I wonder, Roy, if your love for strong tea matches the strength of your arguments?" Roy, with a playful glint in his eye, responded, "Well, if tea was as fierce as our banter, it would be the most robust blend in all the realms." Nina chimed in, "Or perhaps it would be so bitter that even Kuromi would hesitate to take a sip." The trio burst into laughter, and Kuromi couldn't help but appreciate the delightful banter that seemed to follow Roy and Nina wherever they went. As the days turned into nights, the kingdom became a canvas for creativity. Street performers entertained the masses, artists painted colorful murals on the castle walls, and musicians played enchanting melodies that echoed through the cobblestone streets. King Siro, pleased with the newfound joy that filled Creativia, decided to host a grand masquerade ball in the castle courtyard. The entire kingdom donned masks of all shapes and sizes, each one more eccentric than the last. During the ball, Kuromi, in her mysterious mask, danced with the jesters, while Roy and Nina showcased their impressive dance moves. Krissy, the adventurer, even convinced King Siro to join in a lively jig. The night reached its peak as the clock struck midnight. In a moment of unity, the kingdom erupted into cheers, celebrating the magic of friendship, love, and the delightful eccentricities that made Creativia truly unique. And so, in the heart of the Kingdom of Creativia, the royal revelry continued, proving that even in a world filled with quirks and differences, the bonds of unity and laughter were unbreakable. King Siro watched with pride as his subjects reveled in the joy of togetherness, creating a legacy of harmony that would endure for generations to come.
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