#Nintendo Wii Console for Sale
nintendoduo · 22 days
Nintendo Announces That The Switch's Successor Will Be The Wii U Again
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Putting an end to months of intense anticipation and speculation, Nintendo announced today that the Nintendo Switch's successor console will have the exact same name as its predecessor, the Nintendo Wii U. It will also have the exact same technical specs and game library, and Nintendo projects the exact same lackluster sales.
In a press conference at the company's Kyoto headquarters, senior executive officer Yoshiaki Koizumi explained the reasoning behind the move: "We decided to release Wii U again because it's pretty good. It rules, actually. I love it."
Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa further elaborated: "Nintendo Land was my shit. Game & Wario was so underrated. So was Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. So was Star Fox Zero. So was Animal Crossing amiibo Festival. So was Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric." Furukawa went on to list every single Wii U exclusive game over the next minute and a half, as Koizumi cheered and applauded.
Also present at the press conference was legendary developer Shigeru Miyamoto, who mostly talked about how much he misses Miiverse. "I'm so nostalgic for Miiverse. When I look back on my life, I realize that without exception, my most cherished memories and friendships all happened within Miiverse. In fact, it was in the Meme Run community that I met my current wife and children."
"Splatoon 1 is the best Splatoon," Furukawa continued. "Mario Maker 1 is the best Mario Maker. Hyrule Warriors 1 is the best Hyrule Warriors. Mario Kart 8 non-Deluxe is the best Mario Kart 8."
"Yooooo, the battle mode with the racing tracks was so much fun!!!" Koizumi exclaimed, as Miyamoto vigorously nodded in agreement. "Underrated," Furukawa repeated. "So underrated."
The press conference concluded with all three agreeing that the Nintendo Switch "sucks" and "ain't shit," deciding on the spot that they would deactivate its online servers in order to reconnect the Wii U ones as soon as possible. "If you like Switch better, I'm very sorry, but it's inferior and we're shutting it down."
"I'm not sorry," Miyamoto said, addressing Nintendo Switch fans directly. "Fuck you. I wish I could shut you down, too."
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extremesocialoutcast · 8 months
Especially with how big the MLP fandom was, and how broad its appeal was in terms of age, I think Hasbro missed a really big opportunity by not making a big, ambitious G4 game. Not a freemium mobile game, but like, a really good action platformer, or an RPG. A big, epic adventure game of sorts.
I once joked around on Discord about this hypothetical game being made as a Wii U exclusive (so like, around 2013 to 2015), as the Wii U was a commercial failure, most people with the money didn't want to actually buy one, yet MLP fans are so devoted that they would buy a failing console just for the really cool MLP game.
Then, it would become a meme to say "(MLP game) is a Nintendo game" (in the vein of "Diehard is a Christmas movie"), and hardcore Nintendo fans would be left having to cope with the fact that MLP fans caused a significant spike in Wii U sales, perhaps even igniting arguments online on whether or not MLP fans "belong" in the Nintendo community.
That shit would've been hilarious, I tell you.
(Alright, but maybe let's get serious for a second, in case someone wants to make an MLP homebrew fangame for the Wii U: how would such a thing properly incorporate the gamepad, in a way that's actually fun and enjoyable?)
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theliterarywolf · 4 months
"Honestly, I feel like as Nintendo gets closer to debuting their next console, they need to really examine the Switch's lifespan and understand what made the Switch's marketing print money versus the complete 'whaaaat is happening' of the WiiU's." I can't speak for the 2D era consoles since I wasn't alive/aware and I never got accurate figures for their sales, but I've noticed a pattern in Nintendo Consoles that I really, really hope doesn't come to pass for the Switch 2.
>The N64 comes out >It revolutionizes the game industry and sells gangbusters >The Gamecube comes out >Despite having good games, it doesn't do nearly as well and is now considered a failure >The Wii comes out >It revolutionizes the game industry and sells gangbusters >The WiiU comes out >Despite having good games, it doesn't do nearly as well and is now considered a failure >The Switch comes out >It revolutionizes the game industry and sells gangbusters (possible exaggeration?) >Switch 2 on the Horizon...
God, I hope that pattern breaks. I would be fine with Nintendo's next console doing as well as the Switch but not necessarily surpassing.
I just don't want to have to go back to that era of 'good God, who is getting hired in the marketing sector?'
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My conspiracy for why Nintendo is currently going batshit with it’s DMCA takedown requests is because they’re about to pull a Wii U again, with the Switch 2, and they’re preemptively trying to penny pinch because they know sales are gonna either flop or fall off a cliff very quickly after launch.
After seeing what Microsoft and Sony are doing, the Steam Deck and other portable gaming machines come to market, they realized that their plans for the “Switch 2” weren’t gonna cut it, and now they’re panicking. They’re trying to do whatever it takes to keep their name relevant and penny pinch enough so they can hopefully cruise through the Switch 2 era without collapsing and get whatever the next-next console is gonna be, out, before too much damage occurs.
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antirepurp · 3 months
fellas, do you think rise of lyric would've gotten a pc release if nintendo had just called their console "wii 2" and clearly signified it was a new console and not a wii accessory, already making the marketing of the damn thing a lot clearer which might have boosted their sales and perhaps made them less likely to look for exclusive releases to entice the masses to get their funny electronics wrapped in fisher price plastic
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gendergirlie · 2 months
Opinions on the 2DS and the Wii U?
Personally I find the 2DS to be nostalgic despite it's clunkiness and think it's a good handheld console
As for the Wii U? Really good ideas and execution, sucks that it didn't yet the hype it deserved, also we got a Smash Bros board game for the Wii U copy of Smash 4 and then never got it for Ultimate and I want justice
Fuck yeah the 2DS is awesome. I had a red one with Mario Kart 7 Preinstalled. after my New Nintendo 3DS XL broke, It was the main 3DS console I used for years. Although, I gave it to an ex-friend a year ago. I miss the old thing.
I've always loved the Wii U, despite not owning one until this year. I especially loved Super Mario Maker and Paper Mario Color Splash. It's always been elusive to me though, as my mom saw the poor sales and decided to get me the Xbox One instead. (still mad at her for that)
I fucking love the era of nintendo from 2000-2017. It's just childlike wonder all around.
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pumpkinsouppe · 5 months
Where to play every main series The Legend of Zelda game (ordered chronologically)
NOTE: when I mention the virtual console for the early games (NES, SNES, GB) it applies to basically every virtual console from Nintendo, not just the Switch. However, many virtual consoles have been discontinued such as the Wii. These are also just off the top of my head and besides a few exceptions are all on Nintendo consoles. I am not as familiar with emulation so I did not include many of those
The original console is listed in parenthesis next to the title which is always another way to play the game if you manage to find a copy, aka you can play ocarina of time on the n64 you just won’t have save states. HD remasters are within the same title since there’s minor changes, complete remakes get their own bullet points since they are a different experience from the original game and include major changes
The Legend of Zelda (NES) - Game and Watch mini console, Nintendo switch online NES virtual console (includes save states, special version also available which starts you with all upgrades and items)
Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link (NES) - Game and Watch mini console, Nintendo switch online NES virtual console (includes save states, special version also available which starts you with all upgrades and items), Hoverbat’s fan remake for PC (includes quality of life changes but keeps the essence and style for the original game)
A Link to the Past (SNES) - Nintendo Switch online SNES virtual console (includes save states), also rereleased on the Gameboy Advance as a bundled game with Four Swords
Link’s Awakening (Gameboy) - rereleased on the Gameboy Color as Link’s Awakening DX (aka the game now has color), Nintendo Switch online gameboy virtual console (includes save states, I believe you can only play DX)
Link’s Awakening HD (Switch) - released in 2019 for the Switch, a complete remake of the original game and has many quality of life changes including an art style update
Ocarina of Time (N64) - requires Nintendo switch online PRO account to play the N64 virtual console (not the regular online membership), was also rereleased on the GameCube twice (one copy includes master edition the other copy includes majora’s mask and the wind waker demo, if you grab a copy you can play it on the Wii as well)
Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) - A remake of Ocarina of Time for the 3DS, only available on the 3DS
Majora’s Mask (N64) - requires Nintendo switch online PRO account to play the N64 virtual console (not the regular online membership), was also rereleased on the GameCube as a bundle with Ocarina of time (if you grab a copy you can play it on the Wii as well)
Majora’s Mask 3D (3DS) - A remake of Majora’s Mask, only available on the 3DS, I heard the mechanical changes to the game make it a little clunky
Oracle of Seasons (Gameboy Color) - dual release game with Oracle of Ages and can link both games data to unlock a special ending where you fight Ganon and Twinrova, I personally bought this on sale on the 3DS shop before it closed, also on the Gameboy color virtual console for Nintendo Switch Online (includes save states) - PLAY ORDER WITH OOA DOES NOT MATTER
Oracle of Ages (Gameboy Color) - dual release game with Oracle of Seasons and can link both games data to unlock a special ending where you fight Ganon and Twinrova, I personally bought this on sale on the 3DS shop before it closed, also on the Gameboy color virtual console for Nintendo Switch Online (includes save states) - PLAY ORDER WITH OOS DOES NOT MATTER
Four Swords (Gameboy Advance) - multiplayer game, virtually impossible to play today unless you and 3 other friends all have a copy of the original game, 4 GBAs, and linking cables - just watch a playthrough online (although I got headaches from watching playthroughs so brace yourself for a lot of screaming)
The Wind Waker (GameCube) - If you’re able to get your hands on a GameCube and copy I highly recommend it, a remastered HD version was released on the WiiU that included graphical changes as well as major item/discovery changes, can also emulate on Dolphin but the game will completely crash if you use the Pictobox so not recommended if you look to 100% the game (can also link you GBA to the GameCube version to use for the Tingle Tuner mini game)
Four Sword Adventures (GameCube and GBA) - multiplayer game, also virtually impossible to play today unless you have 3 other friends and a GameCube and a copy of the game, I believe you can link you GBA to the game and use that as a controller but I’m not 100% if that’s a requirement or not, I recommend just watching a playthrough but again there seems to be a yelling problem with this game
The Minish Cap (Gameboy Advanced) - I bought a knockoff copy for my GBA on Etsy for like $15 that worked beautifully (just don’t let your gba die while playing the game or else it’ll erase all your data), you can also play on the Nintendo Switch PRO gameboy advance virtual console (with save states)
Twilight Princess (GameCube) - was originally released on GameCube but was rereleased on Wii with I believe motion controls, the Wii version also completely flips the map and Link’s model to fit with right hand motion controls so the game not completely canon (such as TP Link is canonically left handed, not right) , was rereleased as an HD version on WiiU which includes graphical updates
Phantom Hourglass (DS) - requires stylus to play, need physical copy to play but can be played on DS or 3DS
Spirit Tracks (DS) - requires stylus to play, need physical copy to play but can be played on DS or 3DS
Skyward Sword (Wii) - Motion controls are required from my understanding of the Wii version, the HD version released on the Switch makes motion controls optional and has graphical updates (imo the controls are still horrendous on switch)
A Link Between Worlds (3DS) - currently only playable on 3DS
Triforce Heroes (3DS) - meant for multiplayer but has a single player mode, currently only playable on 3DS
Breath of the Wild (WiiU) - rereleased on Switch
Tears of the Kingdom (Switch) - released last year so only on switch
If you want to watch playthroughs for some of the games I recommend Keith Ballard as he started playing the Zelda series for the first time 5 years ago and plays 1-2 games per year (he’s done every 3D game and a few of the 2D and spin off games)
Basically every spinoff game (aka all non canon games - Hyrule warriors, age of calamity, cadence of hyrule) are on the switch, my Nintendo Picross Twilight Princess edition is the only one that became impossible to play once the 3ds eshop closed
For the most part if you have a switch and a hacked 3ds you can play almost every Zelda game. For the wind waker and twilight princess i was able to find a GameCube and Wii copy of their respective games at a retro game store so I highly recommend searching locally. I believe I also got ALTTP gameboy, phantom hourglass, spirit tracks, triforce heroes, and a link between worlds all locally. I also found ocarina of time + the master quest GameCube version for like $50 at half priced books which was one of the biggest wins (i also found tp GameCube there too but it was $150 and didn’t want to pay that much)
If you’re completely new to Zelda I highly recommend with starting with Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, I actually watched Keith Ballard play both of those games while recovering from surgery and started looking into how I could play all of the games myself. There’s also no shame in watching a playthrough as although Nintendo is good about porting their old games, they are behind so many paywalls. From there you can decide if you want to go through the 3D games (I recommend chronologically by release date) or the 2D games (The Minish Cap and A Link Between Worlds are REALLY good 2D games but I love basically every 2D game except the multiplayer games so I honestly recommend playing all of them fjdkslf) . DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE TIMELINE!!! Just play the games how you want bc the timeline does not matter at all and was shoehorned into the series after like most of the games were released so it’s like trying to fit puzzles pieces that don’t fit together
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neonriser · 3 months
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For those who can't see the screenshot post, for whatever reason it may be:
@sillyrookie posted:
Ok, since @hairiclilred asked, I'll start my dumb rant.
Over here in the US, the videogame market fell off a cliff in 1983 due to a reckless oversaturated market flooded with low quality dreck that killed player interest. So many unsold Atari games ended up filling landfills.
Revenue dropped by 97%. It was catastrophic. Videogames died in America for a couple years due to short-sighted business decisions by major corporations.
The American market was revitalized when Nintendo came over and instituted limits to third parties to keep quality up, while also ensuring that quality was their brand. America only has a video game market today because of Nintendo.
I think the current environment of constant remakes, mergers, layoffs, diminishing returns on blockbuster products, and corps thinking they can use "AI" to regurgitate their once valuable IP will cause a similar crash.
What I find interesting is how many classic IP will end up dying in the wake of this.
At the moment so many distinguished studios with established IP are getting bought up by corps, only to lay off the workers and shutter the studios.
The workers don't just lose their jobs, they lose the IP they created. Even if the team can regroup, they can't use the stuff they made anymore. The IP dies with the studio.
So stuff like this makes me feel like we're right at the brink of a collapse that will kill ALOT of once profitable IP when audiences are made sick and tired of alot of stuff they used to love.
These IP owners don't understand the products they own, the workers that make it, and the audience that buy it; and many in the c-suite have actual contempt for all three things.
When an IP stops being profitable, corps shut it down, lock it away unless somebody has the capital to buy it from them.
The only thing they understand is that an old movie made by humans generated billions of profits for them because an audience enjoyed it, and instead of taking new risks it's "better" business short term to just rehash the stuff that made money before. And if they expect "generative AI" to make more content even faster, expect a sea of endless remakes, each shittier than the last one.
Things are bad now, and they're gonna get way worse real fast.
I expect a cultural massacre. What does that look like?
It's obviously a different world today than the 1980s, but Nintendo's core business ideology has stayed consistent, and they'll weather a AAA crash with no problem because they don't play the AAA space at all.
They make a sustainable lower-tech console that's sold at a profit (the traditional model before the Wii was to make a powerful console and sell it at a loss so that you made your money on software sales) and their brand still means quality even 40 years later. Not every game they do is amazing, but their batting average is high and they go out of their way to avoid dropping anything half-baked.
I think every other industry is gonna need their own Nintendos to rise from the ashes. The more I learned about the history of the industry, the more respect I have for them.
And they are NOT perfect. But it the broad strokes they're the example I think most should follow to have a sustainable industry that keeps everyone happy.
Heck, I'll define "everyone happy:"
Artists properly paid, having job security, and able to BE creative.
Players having quality games to enjoy.
Businesses being sustainable for the long term, properly using the revenue from successes to experiment with new ideas, and not screwing anyone over.
If the collapse I'm imagining does actually happen, the only possible thing to grow out of it are new IP from all the artists that got laid off.
New stuff would be the only things coming out for a while and the only things people want if the big franchises burned them out.
Depending on how audience sentiment is by that point, public domain stuff might become suspect as well, which is also an interesting scenario to me.
I think about how the current remake ecosystem is targeted at millennials (which I am) while the pendulum is already set to swing in the other direction.
Sorry for not talking about this part first. 😂
74% of that survey wants new stuff. The major IP holders are about to commit suicide if they go through with the "AI will make us 30 remakes per second" scheme.
One thing I hope DOESN'T happen is a backlash against honesty in the creative process.
We were culturally at a point where the average joe could understand that new ideas don't come from nowhere and are all mutations of old ideas.
Game of Thrones exists because Lord of the Rings came first, which owes it's existence to Norse myth and Beowulf, ect ect.
We're at the point where youtubers make games out of seeing what a song sampled from, the references a movie made, on and on.
But right now a popular spiel from "AI" charlatans to justify IP theft is the assertion that there's no difference between stealing copyrighted media for an LLM to regurgitate and a human being inspired by the ideas and experience they felt from another creator's work and creating a new thing under the established rules of copyright. It's a lie, but it keeps getting repeated to justify theft.
As the scam cycle winds down, I think they might be poisoning the discourse in a lasting way. We could go back to people lying about how ideas work, and that has only negative effects on human expression as a whole.
I want a world where everyone understands the difference between inspiration and a ripoff and can appreciate human creation better than previous generations have. We were right there before the scammers showed up.
So yeah, another rant out of me. 😂
So when people want new IP, they also need to understand what it means that Dragonball was a goofy parody of Journey to the West.
Dragonball is alot of things, it's inspirations are loud and obvious (even the Terminator is in there), but it's also a unique work created through the mind of one talented individual that nobody else could have made, because nobody else was Akira Toriyama, and ALL the subsequent works inspired by Dragonball (One Piece, Naruto, Hero Academia, Sonic the Hedgehog, ect) are their own original works that stand on their own, but still owe their existence to Toriyama's work as much as he owes his work to the things that inspired him.
The best ecosystem is where everyone encourages new IP and also fully understands how they come into being.
(Using this example for obvious reasons.)
Discord Post Reaction: [☝️ 1]
To go back to the topic of videogames, Toys for Bob recently made themselves layoff proof by going full independent.
With the level and volume of world class talent being laid off in the industry, I think we'll see more and more indy teams pop up if they can organize the means to do so.
There is too much high pedigree talent out there right now to just disappear or eventually go back to the people that screwed them over. The current ecosystem allows smaller teams and projects to flourish.
I am 100% down for an industry with less games like Immortals of Aveum and WAY more games like Pizza Tower.
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game-boy-pocket · 2 months
What do you think are some of Nintendo's most questionable or downright dumb/petty decisions?
Not buying Rare when they went up for sale, and letting the Donkey Kong IP become a guinea pig for dumb ass control schemes for several years, and then telling Retro Studios "No you can't use Kremlings, do your own thing." when they expressed desire to bring them back.
Not tying your Wii Shop Channel purchases to some kind of account, when the Playstation Store was already doing that, instead there was some convoluted method of migrating your games from Wii to Wii U, and then you had to pay a fee in order to put the games on your home menu... and then they just axed the virtual console altogether on the Switch so now all your games are stuck on the Wii U.
Making Pokemon Home a paid subscription when NSO is already a paid service. And I still believe the Dex cut was just an excuse to make sure more people pay for subscription services.
Refusing to acknowledge that Joycon Drift exists.
I know there's a lot more but none of them come to mind at this moment and I don't want to sit here all day thinking of them.
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masonsystem · 5 months
JUMPING IN JOY!!! WOOHOO!!! AWESOME!!!!! i came across that resource bc i was curious about my belief of zelda being more popular in western countries than it is in japan, so i looked around the internet to see if anyone had made any studies or research on that, to 'prove'/'show' whether this is actually true. unfortunately i didnt come across any big study that explored this specifically, but i did find that im definitely not the only person who believes that zelda is more popular in western countries than it is in japan:
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i came across that epic awesome resource from prev post because i was looking around for resources about this subject matter and was listing down whatever sources i could find about it. but since im going to be spending my time reading thru the resource from prev post, i think ill take a break from looking for other sources and just post what ive gathered already! this is what i hv found (under a read more cuz its long 🤭) :
- a newspaper clipping on webarchive published in december 1998 that talks about oot's success in the west (they anticipated to ship 1 million units but are now anticipating to ship 3 million units), and that nintendo had spent $10 million in marketing (idk if its domestic or overseas or overall marketing)
- nintendo's webpage listing the top 10 highest selling titles on their consoles from the nintendo ds and onwards. im pretty sure these are the global figures, not domestic. what's interesting to me is that, with the exception of wind waker hd (wii u title that sold 2.37 million units), there had been no zelda titles that entered the top 10 highest selling titles on a nintendo console, at least not until the nintendo switch w botw + totk. and not on this page at least.. maybe theyd be on the top 10 for previous consoles like the n64 and gamecube 🤔
- youtube video Obscure in the West, Big in Japan by Retrohistories that talks about this study; Making Local video game history index by Akito Inoue!!! now this is super super super super interesting to me. to sum it up super densely, basically researcher Akito Inoue goes thru lists in both english and japanese, lists like Metacritic's Top 100 Games and Famitsu's Highest Ranked Games and many many other lists like these, and gives the listed titles a score out of 100. each title gets two scores, one for it's 'popularity' (possibly not the right term) in the west, and one for it's 'popularity' in japan. bla bla bla many statistical contingencies and whatnot, the video and this study explains this much better than i ever could, but essentially this info can be plotted on a graph, where the higher on the y axis = more acclaimed in the west, and the higher x axis = more acclaimed in japan. and this is what the zelda titles look like!
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the 'most acclaimed titles' in the west vs japan are so different!!! thats so interesting!!! also this study was last updated in 2018 so thats something to consider. but its like wow.... why is it so different???
also not zelda related but IDC, but this is what final fantasy titles look on this graph!
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its so interesting....!! what could be the reason for these disparities!!!! why does the west hate my boy squall!!!
- this site that lists down lifetime sales of various zelda titles, published in july 2023 and if im not misunderstanding, was published by J. Clement!
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- and lastly, a bunch of resources from Ishaan Sahdev, who wrote The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History which i posted about in prev!! the resources are as followed:
- Breath of the Wild is the Highest Selling Zelda in Japan in 19 Years on the resetera forums, with this nifty graph made from info from Media Create, a japanese company that gathers and analyzes video game data:
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- and this article, Zelda: Breath of the Wild is Beating All Expectations in Japan on Sahdev's website which uses this same graph, and talks about botw's domestic success in more detail (havent completely read this yet)
- two other posts on the resetera forums also by Sahdev, which have these useful figures:
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- The Legend of Zelda - Series Sales page on the zelda wiki, which is maintained by Sahdev! (would you look at that, there are actual decent pages on this wiki!)
- and of course, The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History, which i believe will go into more depth on how Sahdev acquired these figures, which im very excited to read about!! this dude rocks!!!!
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voomwa · 2 years
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vaderatemydog · 4 months
How much are Wii's? I saw your post awhile back. What does it come with? I'm a fan of retro gaming, so it sounds fun to me
They run $160-$180.
It comes with over 1,000 games. 182 BEST NES, 800 SNES, 50 N64, and 30+ Nintendo Wii games. I can add gamecube games also but you'd need a gamecube controller to play them, or the wii classic controller. Here's the ebay link below.
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Nintendo games being a close link to my game
The company of Nintendo:
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Nintendo is a Japanese company that is arguably one of the most notorious game console and game developing companies for the fact that they created two of the greatest games of all time: Super Mario and Donkey Kong which revolutionized the gaming industry. They also have released some of the most recognizable consoles too for example the 3DS, Wii and N64 (mainly the controller was the recognizable part of this console). Nintendo was founded in 1889 and made hanafuda playing cards. Hanafuda are Japanese playing cards that can be used for many games and contain images like animals, birds, people or objects. Fast forwards to 1960 and Nintendo is a public company and release their first console exclusively to Japan called Color TV Game in 1997. They then had their first game release which gained the company international recognition and put them straight on the map being Donkey Kong in 1981 this did feature the much loved Mario but he was called Jumpman until renamed in '82. This game was a huge threat to anything else out in arcades at the time as it was so repayable, enjoyable and also very different. Then 2 years later they released the first Super Mario title which joined Donkey Kong in the arcades which again everyone loved. For 1981 and 82 the arcades were firmly under Nintendo's grasp. Then 4 years later Shigeru Miyamoto released a new console the NES and with it a successor to an arcade game allowing people to play the arcade games they love at home instead of having to travel out to the arcades to play which again was revolutionary as you could play anything on it as long as you had the game card. This successor is the Super Mario Bros which released in 1985. This is when the Japanese gaming market started to ship titles over to US for at home gaming as later that year they shipped over Super Mario Bros for the NES which was released in US earlier that year. It was also probably one of the first Japanese titles that wasn't changed to suit the Western world more as it is a very diverse friendly game. This game went onto win many records and break sales due to the pure fact of how good it was. This led to many successor's and it overall helped popularize the sidescroller games. Since then Nintendo have been creating many different characters and new games like Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart, Kirby, Zelda, Splatoon and they even made an animated film with Illumination. They also continued to make loads of hardware like the Game Boy, SNES, Wii and the Switch and they are still doing well having sold 5.6 billion games and 836 hardware units from March 2023.
My game will be based very closely on Super Mario as it is much like my idea for my game and it performed so well and still does today so I would like my game to come out successfully like what Nintendo have produced.
In the development of Super Mario they made many development decisions such as they wanted Mario to be bigger but then realized this would be more fun as a power up allowing the player to change sizes in the game. They also had multiplayer where one person would play as Mario and the other Luigi.
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doubleddenden · 1 year
I've been thinking. Jirard The Completionist buying up all of the Wii U and 3DS eshop games and donating them to video game historians is a massive step towards game preservation. That is definitely something impressive he did
But now I'm just thinking of those games that got pulled before he was finished. Before he started even.
He shouldn't have had to spend $24k on this just to preserve them.
Honestly I really think that if a game company is not going to make a reasonable method of legally obtaining a game through traditional means without having to resort to hundreds or thousands of dollars through second hand, they should be free to emulate and available through libraries of some kind. Hell I'll go a step further and say that any game over 10 years of release should be free and legal to emulate.
I know lawmakers and a lot of society may not understand why it's such a big deal, but video games have just as big of an impact on society as books, music, and movies. I'd argue that it's a marriage of the three+ user interaction that really adds a degree of personalization you just can't get from the others unless you've had a personal hand in creating them. A lot of culture has changed and been affected by games- and hell, games even give people the opportunity to interact with the past in a historical or meta sense. RDR2 for instance gives you a small glimpse of life back in the later 1800s, and Donkey Kong Arcade machines are literally historical pieces from an era before house-hold gaming was really viable.
And you know the really, really terrible thing out of this? The data from Jirard's spree is under 2 terabytes. That's not even a server at that point. That's literally a few modern games. They literally had them contained in a few external hard drives and SD cards. Was that really that hard to keep operational? To me, this is just Nintendo ensuring they can port these to the Switch and beyond for a higher price, or worse- sweep some under the rug forever.
Pirating imo has done more for game conservation than Nintendo ever has tbh.
In that light, I think a few things should okay, legal, and done:
1. If a game is no longer available to purchase by reasonable means on modern consoles for a reasonable price without having to resort to price gouged second hand sales, it should be legally free to download, distribute, and emulate
2. If a game console with specific specs is no longer available to customers via reasonable means, it should be legal to emulate on pc or legal to replicate the tech required to do so for a reasonable price. Think like the Retron 5, but for Wii, GameCube, DS, 3DS, and WiiU.
3. There should be fun and accessible museums dedicated to the preservation of older games and other entertainment media, and provide access to those that wish to experience the games as originally intended. Located not just in big cities in California or NYC, but also in smaller cities and states/countries across the globe.
4. From this point onward, there needs to be a larger effort to ensure backwards capability of older games on modern consoles. That means going forward, something like what happens after the Switch needs to be able to support Switch games as well as new ones. For disc based games especially, would it really be that hard to program a ps5 to run a ps2 disc through an internal emulator?
If the tech is no longer being made to play these, and if the old tech or old games are deteriorating, the very least that can be done is to ensure the old still can live on somehow with the new.
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nintendo-europe · 2 years
Updates on the discontinuation of eShop for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS family systems
- As of 29/08/2022, it will no longer be possible to add funds.
- As of 27/03/2023, purchases will no longer be available.
More details here.
Even after 27/03/2023 and for the foreseeable future, it will still be possible to redownload games and DLC, receive software updates and enjoy online play on Wii U consoles and Nintendo 3DS systems.
Sales of the game Fire Emblem Fates will end one month earlier, on 28/02/2023. DLC for Fire Emblem Fates, including story paths accessible after the completion of Chapter 6, will still be available until 27/03/2023.
More infos here.
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fictional-seviper · 1 year
I feel like a lot of people don't quite grasp how rare Wii U games have the potential to become over time.
Not only is the system Nintendo's lowest-selling console, but it also sold half as much total software compared to the Gamecube.
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Even if we were generous and said 100% of sales were physical, I've personally already purchased two physical games (from GameStop) that were scratched beyond playability. Add a few years and many disks could meet the same fate.
With the eShop closed and working disks becoming shorter in supply, the second-hand market might become even worse than the current Gamecube market. That's especially true for still exclusive games like Xenoblade Chronicles X. And, it's also the reason to not sleep on any final eShop purchases before prices become untethered to MSRP.
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