#Nobody even knows I have tourettes lol
blippin · 2 years
You know, as much as it killed my self esteem and social skills as a child, growing up with tourettes was kind of hilarious in hindsight
8-year old me: shrugging my shoulders uncontrollably for the past two hours
Classmate: why do you keep doing that?
Me: ....*shrug* I dunno
Me: *has developed first vocal tic as a high-pitched squeak*
Sunday school teacher: Okay everyone, I'm going to hand out masks and were all going to pretend to be animals on Noah's Ark! *hands me a mouse mask*
Me: you fuckin bitch wtf-
Me: *accidentally winks at a stranger on the bus*
My brain: Shit! they're gonna think you're flirting with them! They don't know you just can't control your face! Quick, do something else to attempt to communicate this!
Me: *makes several other strange facial expressions*
My brain: I don't think that helped. But making those faces was fun so you're going to continue to do them indefinitely *develops new tics*
Authority figure: did you just roll your eyes at me?!
Me: no! I mean yes but it wasn't intentional!
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wttt-dirus-work · 10 months
So, i saw a post with NY headcanons and it reminded me that while i included my own disabled headcanons in my fics, i forgot to make my own headcanons post (?) and i've got more than i though lol
So here we go!
NY: Dude got a bad eye, someday it's normal, other days it get blurred. He also has a scar over it, and his shoulders can get funky when its humid outside.
NJ: some of y'all already knows it, but Jersey got Tourette's. Mostly shoulder jerking, neck twitching, blinking hard and grimacing. When it gets bad his back jerks, and his vocals tics get worse (mostly whistles and pop, tho if hes anxious/stressed he does repeat some words)
Delaware: he got arthritis in his hands, and can hardly move them.
Mass: He was injured during the revolution, and walking became harder for him (limping and his legs became stiffer), then another injury during the civil war made him unable to walk for some days, therefore he use a wheelchair most of the time. He is still able to walk, but it is either too painful, or he doesn't have the energy needed to be able to stand all day.
Connie: he got shaky hands, when he's tired, nervous or angry, he cant hold anything with those. Its his nerves, and it doesnt hurt but its annoying.
Vermont: he got diabetes! Type 1; and it's so fucking expensive that it's Québec his "dealer" (it cost around 98$US when here its around 12$CAN sooo). He also got a sweet tooth, and forget to watch his sugar level (Hampshire there's for it; buddy's wayy to protective to let anything happen to Vermont)
PA: he's dyslexic, and it's mostly Mass who helps him with paperwork when he's not badgering Connie.
Florida: That gremling got Adhd, big dyslexia and his first language is spanish (which doesnt help with the reading). He also got so many scars from disturbing wildlife (anyone has seen that "yoink" dude in the everglades? Yeah thats flo). He got chronic pain in his left knee, and his right wrist always cracks when he moves it.
Louie: french lover is a people pleaser, but the chillest person you'll ever meet. He never panics, and is sometime too calm; but hurt any of the southern state (or Cal) and you're done. He's the voodoo capital, so dont mess with him
Georgia: hes an insomniac, but is fucking sleepy during the day (the math aint mathing ya know). He can sleep anywhere except during the night. He's bud with york and nevada, you can find those three driking in silence during a poker game.
Virginia: (uses they/them) they have a limp on the left leg, who always in pain (low but chronic with some real bad days). They're also a sleepwalker (think Celinaspookyboo style) and Georgia (or one of the insomniac state) each switch to watch them at night.
Montana: deer in headlights when spoken to. Will not talk to anyone when he doesnt have something to say or isnt upset (that sketch with the clown thing? Yeah he talked to them cause he was angry). Dont talk to him, dont even aknowledge him and he'll be more than happy to not exist in your mind. (Hes jealous of alaskas ability to not being seen)
Cal: dudes his always in pain. The fire, the drought, to goldrushes, hes always hurting. He got big scars from the fires, and his skin is the dryest thing ever despite all the moisturizer he uses. When he's burning up his eyes gets cloudy grey; they itch and cry all the time, and he cant see shit. He also need an oxygen mask when its too bad, and his eyes are naturaly gold.
Washington: hes a bitch. Dude got poor circulation too, so his hands and feet are always cold. When it's raining for too long his hair is oily, and when it's a drought it's the driest (he uses dryshampoo and got a routine to fight it).
Oregon : hes gay. Thats a known thing, and he's the bridge between Cal and Wash. Hes nicer to cal than wash, but he's not kind. The west coast are nice in interraction, but they ain't your friends.
Nevada: ah, vada. He got scaring from the nuclear testing, can see in the dark like nobody, and is the only state who can chose to change their physical appearance. Has coloured hair (pink or purple mostly) and the greenest eyes you'll ever see (or purple, didnt made my mind yet). Hes careful with his diet and always exercice despite the painful joins.
Texas: that idiot got sleep apnea but refuses to get checked out for it (and get a CPAP). He also has asthma (geez that word is hard to write) and colorblindness (can't see red). He only wears his shirt cause he knows what the colours are and refused to be pranked about that.
If you wanna adds your own, your welcome to do so! ^^
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laurentlemonke · 8 months
I don't think I have tourettes, but I've had tics since I was like 6. However, I've never been diagnosed with anything that could explain why. And it's not like they went unnoticed. No, I had very severe tics as a child. I never really experienced vocal tics, apart from coughing and clearing my throat repeatedly, but I did have complex motor tics that everyone was aware of.
My teachers, my classmates, my parents knew about them but they just didn't care I guess. I was made fun of for them by teachers and other kids though. I was told I was disruptive and bothering the class. Bro as if my tics weren't bothering me as well. But yeah, apart from telling me I was annoying, nobody really gave a shit lol.
They got better with age though. From the age of 12 or so my tics became less frequent and less severe than they were before. I still have them, but I can go days or even weeks without ticcing now, whereas it was a daily occurrence back in primary school.
Now that I'm older and my tics have lessened in intensity, I don't really feel the need to get a diagnosis. Sure, it'd be cool to know why the fuck this is happening. But given the point of a diagnosis is mostly to get access to treatment or accommodations, I don't really feel like I need one, since my tics are pretty manageable these days. I don't think people even notice I have them nowadays. It's mostly just my muscles tensing up, not something others would pick up on.
The reason I'm saying all of this is because an argument I've seen thrown around online as a way to discredit people with tourette or tic disorders is "I've seen videos where you don't tic at all but now you're ticcing every two seconds" or something along those lines.
And yeah, that's how tics work actually. They tend to vary in intensity. Even now that my tics are better, I still get days where they're more frequent. Some tics can go away completely over time. New tics can appear out of seemingly nowhere too. They can also change as you age. For some of us, we had really bad tics during our childhood, but now they've become less prominent. While for some others it might be the opposite, they developed tics later on in life.
This can go for basically any illness/disorder/disability btw, but we aren't a monolith. Which is why it's important to listen to as many stories as possible to get a better understanding of how a condition works. Everyone is different, so every condition is gonna present differently depending on the person.
Of course, diagnostic criteria is a thing, that's how you know someone suffers from a certain condition. But not everyone is gonna experience said symptoms the same exact way. As I've said before, I barely if ever, experience vocal tics. Doesn't mean nobody experiences them, or that if someone does they're faking. I'm just one person who exhibits one presentation of any given symptom.
Remember that medical professionals can't diagnose or undiagnose anyone from a social media post. They're straight up not allowed to, because social media isn't a 1:1 reflection of reality. We choose what we show online, things are curated. Which gives fakeclaimers even less credibility. Bro you're just some rando with a reddit account, go outside.
I didn't think this post would be so long. Shit's a goddamn novela. I'm pretty passionate about the topic, I just don't understand how weirdos online can claim to know more about someone than the person themselves. People change and so do disorders, doesn't mean it's fake.
Edit: omg forgot to mention! Just because someone isn't diagnosed doesn't mean they're faking their symptoms! You don't suddenly gain them once you're formally diagnosed.
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myohmyimanxious · 3 years
I know nobody asked but I came up with more headcanons lmao so here they are!
Dipper and Mabel are autistic
Dipper also has Tourette's bc I'm projecting onto my boy lol
Stan and Ford watched 'Loving Vincent' with Mabel and both sobbed like babies!
It also helped repair their relationship
Van Gogh's work is like the only art dipper can recognise... he tries to learn them for Mabel but he's not very good
Dipper and Stan bond over being bisexual
Mabel always wears pride themed sweaters during June despite the warm weather, as does Ford
Mabel's favourite pride sweater is her lesbian flag sweater
Also the film 'Pride' among all other LGBTQ+ films are the only ones played during June
When the mystery twins are back in gravity falls Wendy and Dipper have wood chopping contests
Wendy wins, but dipper is getting better very quickly
Stan taught the twins how to pick locks
Ford taught the twins self defence
When they're picked on a school these tricks come in handy
Soon it's established that nobody messes with the mystery twins
McGucket throws parties at his mansion for the residents of gravity falls when the twins are back
They're epic and well loved by everyone
Following on from the previous one about dipper having tarantulas, McGucket loves them, and dipper sends updates on how they're doing!
McGucket even bought dipper a stunning Cobalt Blue Tarantula that even Stan and Mabel have to admit is beautiful to look at!
Mabel makes a scrapbook full of her and dippers adventures back in California for Stan and Ford
Neither will admit how much they love seeing and looking over it during trips away on the Stan O' War II
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S2 ep5
I'm so pumped!
Asdfff Sam landing on Max and Bosco landing on him
Mr Featherly just knowing they're in the afterlife... because he studied the classics
Aw, Sam actually wants to help Bosco
Oh, a Moleman!
"Serving the finest vegans"
Oh hey, Harry is here
"Aw, cute Max. A little goth moleman."
Harry is death now.
Sam just got cat-called by a moleman
"Ooohee look who can fill out a suit." "Why I never!"
Max is too small to climb the ladder properly so ge has to jump up the rungs 🥺
"You can't see over the wheel, Max." "Facist."
The Desoto died!?
Featherly laid an egg??? Trans featherly???
Max and Sybil are gossip buddies🥰
Ew Sybil and Ave are getting married. 🤢 (Honey date the monster or Superball)
"Cake at a wedding? Ooookay."
Oh, Monster is having a rough time
Aw, Max offered to be the priest at the ceremony 💕 (Sybil declined but still)
Lol, Max has the wrong idea of what a shotgun wedding is.
I can kind of understand Sybil's apprehension at allowing the boys to be part of the ceremony tbh
Ghost Mama Bosco!?
She still looking fine as an old lady tho
She's still after Bosco for wrecking her store (although she still doesn't realize it was her own son)
Aw, she actually wants to see more of Bosco
Flint is still looking for Bosco
Aw, we can give the Ai to Jimmy
Oh no, it woke Maimtron up!
Did we just kill Timmy???
Oh hey, Past Sam. I knew that one cutscene was going to come back.
They sure are making a lot of hell freezing over jokes
Oof the tourette jokes are back. REALLY hope they get swapped out with new jokes in the remaster
Max's big kick before jumping down the manhole
Max landed on Sam's head
The Soul Train is actually cool looking
He's being so petty. Why would the boys save him when killed them???
Hugh Bliss!
He's just... staring... with his head on backwards...
"That a list of swear words!" (Proceeds to say every one and gets censored each time)
Brady Culture too. Is everyone here?
"I'm in hell, and I'm happy."
"--But none of that matters because I finally found someone who believes in me: Satan."
Oh hey, the big door had Sam and Msx art on it
Oh, Demon Sam and Max statues
Sam the devourer and Max the destroyer
Bosco's hell is being naked in front of others?
Santa is in hell!
The Desoto is in hell :(
Grandpa Stinky!
Aw, Sam wants to save them all
Sybil still does therapy?
Lol, we can make Bosco scare himself.
"See you around naked Bosco." "I don't think I'll ever stop seeing you." "Save me!"
Imma just take the laughing gas
Santa hates kids haha
Max is allergic to dogs?
The Desoto only goes like 6 mph and only honks :(
"I hope when we die, they put our hells close to each other." "It'll be like a sleepover that never ends!"
Boy it took me a bit to figure out the Santa and Elf puzzel
Let's move on to Stinky
So are Girl Stinky and Grandpa Stinky not related?
I got a book. I think that's all we can do for now until we get Timmy.
Satan won't even give the boys the time of day
Harry is looming over Timmy.
Have to distract him. I guess it's time to put the monster out if his misery.
I feel so bad 😥
Oh, poor Timmy
Welp, back to Stinky's hell
Sam using the karaoke machine 😳
Ok, saved Stinky's soul from internal damnation
Omg it took me way too long to figure out what to do with the laughing gas.
"Vamoose!" *fire's gun*
At least Basco and the Desoto are free
Satan just tricked Sam into trading his soul 😮
Max's ears drooping when he realizes Sam is gone 😭
Noooo! Not Peepers!
Sam's personal hell is a life without Max 👀
Sam's sad walk 😔
Leonard is in a hell closet
"Peepers said he was my partner." "What!? Nobody steals my sidekick!" "I always thought you were the sidekick." "Heh, sure Sam."
"Max, meet demon Peepers." "Oh, hi!" "Demon Peepers says he's my partner and best friend." *Max proceeds to kill demon Peepers*
Omg the Soda Poppers are Satan's bosses!?
Omg do I get to kill them now? Pls let me kill them!
They beat Brady to death!?
They've been planing their rise sins s1 ep1???
They're after the boys because of one bad birthday? What crybaby!
They're firing Satan!
Flint, Bosco, and Mama Bosco cutscene us everything.
Mama Bosco is gone :(
"I did wipe your windshield for you." "Oh, I er, must have left my change in my other suit! Max?" "I'm naked."
Satan's proud of the boys haha
The stripper is the monster
All the men are into it. They're all gay, bi, or pan now you can't change my mind.
Bosco likes to be nude apparently
Mr Featherly doesn't have his vest on!
Abe, you really aren't winning me over
Oh, Timmy is a Poppers fan. Poor child has no taste.
Let's steal Satan's stufg
Let's mess with Hugh
"I hope I won't have to bend over provokedly to--" "That's enough, Max."
Oh wait, I didn't check on Sybil
Ew, Peepers is seducing Sybil.
"I hate to say, but Peepers is kind of sexy." "Ha, if you're into short guys with annoying voices!" 👀👀👀 Max, you just described yourself
Dick Peacock!?
Yay, we saved Sybil!
Whizzer is trying to make Girl Stinky eat the forbidden fruit
Grandpa Stinky is alive!
Awe, the Stinky's are a surrogate family
Culinary dark arts
Oh, that's what the baby book is for.
She's a cake!!!
Aw, Grandpa is upset he turned her into a cake
Oh, I think we were suppose to do the Stinky puzzel before the Sybil one.
Specs is trying to win the C.O.P.S. souls?
Ok, figured out how to save Chippy
Hell yeah, Chippy rocks!
Specs didn't give him the golden fiddle! What a rip!
Ok, time to help the Stinky's! Let's get the boys drunk!!!
Poor Monster 😞
Drunk Abe is showing remorse
Yay! Girl Stinky is back!
Of course we can't just give hell back. Poppers gotta make it difficult
Welp, down into the pits or he'll we go.
Oh hey, the sleigh. Yay for tome travel
We made hell freeze over!
Sam letting Max pick up the phone because they froze he'll over 🥺
Sybil decided to let Max officiate ❤
Oh! I see what we have to do
The Miriachi!
By Popper fucks!
To the wedding!
Still wish she were with Superball
Aw, Sybil looks good in her dress
"Hundred bucks say they don't last three months." Thanks Flint
Max stole the flowers 👀👀👀 Him and Sam gonna get married. That's the only option
Aw, the boys let Abe and Sybil take the car ❤
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anti-anti-stevinel · 4 years
What the fuck is the deal with "ankle-beez"? They seem to be the biggest Steven Universe blog around. Every other SU blog I know (even the world's only proshipper Connverse normie, picturejasper20) reblogs from them.
They're also the world's biggest hypocrite.
They make analysis posts about the real message of SU, about love and forgiveness, against revenge and that sort of stuff.
At the same time, they are a hardcore anti-shipper bully.
They sent me gore and death threats last year when I was 17, for shipping Stevinel. Said "yer a pedo kill yerself!!11" (okay, that's paraphrased).
What's wrong with Stevinel?
Is it that Steven is "a minuh and not ready for sexual relationships"? Then, why is Connie, a human fourteen-year-old in-universe, ready for sexual relationships when it's with Steven? Why is Steven ready for it with Connie?
This leads me to believe it's the stated "aGe GaP!!11". In that case, Greg/Rose, which ankle-beez likes, is child rape (he wuz twenty an she wuz twentythousand!) That's fucking stupid. Kataang and Bubbline are "child rape" too, by those standards. Stating an exaggerated number next to a supernatural, non-aging, cartoon character does not child rape make. Is Katara a "necrophile" for having kids with Aang, a so-called "hundred-and-forty-something-year-old" character? Because 140-year-old men are all known to be dead? Is everyone who's read the Bible a Child Rapist™️, because the eternal, ageless God impregnated the thirteen-year-old Virgin Mary, as part of the biblical canon leading to the birth of Our Saviour Jesus Christ?
Also, by the same fucking stupid standards they use to call Spinel an "aDulT", Steven is one too. Gems don't fucking age. They're robots. If I have a 200-year-old baby doll, it's still a baby doll. Dolls don't age. Since Steven's gemstone (and with it, Pink's/his memories) has been around for 20000 years, he is "an adult", an "elderly man".
That brings me to the next point: one cannot "ship pedophilia". I wish I could "ship" mental disorders. I wish my autism, ADHD, OCD, Tourette's, depression and paranoia were as simple as fictional "ships".
More or less, "pedo" hysteria is NOT about protecting chilluns. When a child is murdered, nobody bats an eye. When child-on-child sexual abuse occurs, the same applies. Also, when an adult is raped. It's not about healing sexually abused children, or preventing rape. When adult-on-child sexual abuse occurs, the emphasis in media is never about helping the kid. It's always about torturing and murdering the "pedo" (sexual abuser). Basically, because nobody cares when there's no "pedo" to punish, it's not about protecting children, it's about hating people with mental disorders. Apparently, because I turned 18 two days ago, I lose my human right not to be raped.
What "paedophilia" actually is, is a mental disorder characterised by a greater level of arousal towards prepubescent individuals to pubescent ones. You cannot support or oppose it - you cannot be convicted for it or commit it - it's a disorder. Something you're pretty much born with and can't change. Conflating it with rape is like conflating "schizophrenia" with serial murder. While schizophrenic individuals have a higher murder risk compared to the general population, nobody ever says "commit schizophrenia" when talking about murder.
Fandom discourse is not a PhD. You cannot diagnose me with a disorder from the DSM-5 for writing the wrong fanfiction. You cannot convict me of a crime for it, either.
The most common anti argument that fanfic/hentai/whatever "encourages pedophilia". You cannot encourage a disorder. I will not magically sprout mental illness from reading fanfic. If you mean it ""encourages child rape"", if I were to rape someone, I could not blame reading a fanfic. Rape is caused by far deeper issues than having read a stupid fanfic.
Rick/Morty is canon in the multiverse, and Morty is a fictional teenager (who wishes incest porn had more mainstream appeal) with Rick, his equally fictional grandfather. So, who is raped by this? Nobody. Again, if you rape someone, you can't say Rick x Morty incest fanfic made you do it.
ALL ships are fine. Even stupid shit like Rick/Morty. Stevinel, though, isn't even of that kind. It's literally no worse than Bubbline, Kataang and Gregrose, all of which are canon to their shows.
So, what is it? "She """tried""" to kill him"? Strange. When Steven lets his shield down, Spinel could just blow him to fucking bits with that city-sized, injector-smashing fist of hers. She doesn't. SU's definition of "try" means "stop yourself". "Try" suggests someone else has to stop you with force, and that didn't happen, in which case, Steven "tried" to kill Greg in Mr. Universe, White (and with her, every Gem) in Homeworld Bound, and Connie in Buddle Buddies and every episode where he gets Connie into fights, and, and EVERYONE in Laser Light Cannon, Little Graduation and I am My Monster. He also "actually murdered" Jasper in Fragments by the standards (mind you, shattering isn't lethal and the Diamonds did nothing wrong).
Anti-shippers have implanted this stupid idea that non-aging things age as humans into my head. The idea is there to virtue-signal against MUH EBIL PEEDOUGHS. Now, I have paranoid thoughts about being a child rapist when I cuddle naked with a pillow that's been manufactured one year ago. Pillows don't age. But, in antis' heads, they do.
Why am I supposed to think of Spinel as an elderly woman? The character who is shorter, less mature and higher-pitched than Steven, sobs like a baby, plays peekaboo and gets adopted at the end of the movie?
It just disturbs me, honestly, how anklebeez can understand the show's message against violence and for healing, while literally murdering real children (and adults) for the rights of fictional ones, by bullying into suicide.
Why are they so popular? Anyway, I accidentally got carried away and wrote a masterpost when I meant for a quick ask. Hope you appreciate it.
Also, what determines whether a cartoon character is okay to "sexualise" or not?
Stated number? Then I can draw a stickman with a dick, then write the number 15 next to him, then you're a Child Rapist™️ for having looked at the image?
Height? Then is why is R34 of Madeline from Celeste, Sans and Amethyst, okay, when it's not okay for Steven and Hat Kid?
The word "kid"? Then, kill any teenager with a crush on a cartoon of Kid Cudi, I guess?
Don't harass ankle-beez. It's not worth it. Revenge is pointless. Never, though, have I been so confused by someone's self-contradictions.
Wow, this is huge, I didn’t know they allowed asks to get this long now, lol.
Um, but no comment on all of this since it’s just a rant, lol. But I don’t disagree.
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overthedub · 5 years
Gorillaz Fic Recs Part 1
Today’s a day all about love, and I just feel like there isn’t a whole lot of love shown towards the fanfic side of this fandom. Hopefully my haphazard rec list can fix that.
Tumblr media
A lot of fics on this list (though certainly not all) feature Murdoc as the main character (because I love him lol), so if you hate him, maybe skip over this rec list.
Got a good mix of family fics, angst, and other stuff, so take your pick.
(Part 2 incoming)
Family Fics
Things They Don’t Understand by Ferrenbach
Summary: Murdoc is the most real person in the world, but it's hard to make people understand when he doesn't have the words.
Rating: Teen
BOOOIIII this fic. THIS fic right here is my jam. I absolutely adore it to bits, and whenever I’m lacking inspiration to write for my own fic, I go and revisit it.
The poetic style, the deep characterizations of both Murdoc and 2-D, just everything about this fic is so damn good, my dudes. Holy shit, I cannot recommend this one-shot enough.
Worlds Infinite by Ferrenbach
Murdoc goes looking for 2-D, who can only take so much party noise. He can also only take so much alcohol before turning into an armchair philosopher. Murdoc is more practical. There's no sense in musing on "what-ifs" after all, is there?
Rating: Gen
Yet another great piece from Ferrenbach. I’ve been meaning to delve into their other fics, too, but so far I’ve only had time to read a couple of their one-shots.
I adore the atmosphere of this fic, and the descriptions and characterizatons of Murdoc and 2-D are just as amazing as in Things They Don’t Understand.
The Gunpowder Princess by ghoullly
A runaway princess with a gun on her back
A man with raven's wings and a bird's skull atop his head.
A giant man with long legs and the biggest heart she'd ever seen (figuratively and literally).
A man with a ghost between his ears and the ability to sway the elements with his mood.
One man is mute, one man is blind, and one man is deaf.
A ragtag group of misfits band together to travel to the edge of Japan to help the young heiress escape her planned assassination. They quickly realize that it's not as easy as it sounds, especially with some dangerous people following close behind.
Rating: Mature
I haven’t had the chance to catch up with this fic in a while (and it’s unfinished), but I adore this AU to bits. Japanese folklore AND found family dynamic? Yes, please.
return address by beepboopwriting
Even evil has loved ones.
Sometimes, evil sends said loved ones letters written in nasty ink and addressed from a high security prison.
Loved one replies. She replies a lot.
Rating: Teen
This one makes me wanna cry, man. Murdoc and Noodle’s father-daughter relationship was one of the reasons I joined this fandom in the first place, and this Phase 5 fic does NOT disappoint. My heart aaaaah
Horse With No Name by Invader Sam
Another one-shot Gorillaz fic, this time set during their first US tour. Noodle is plagued with nightmares and Murdoc, fearing it may be affecting her performance in the band, decides to 'handle it'. :) Rated for one or two curse words.
Rating: Teen
This is a really cute Phase 1 Murdad one-shot that made me smile a lot.
Sleepover by vinnie2757
Summary: 'Is this "Everybody Crawls into Murdoc's Bed Night" and I wasn't informed?’
Rating: K
Another cute Phase 1 one-shot where both Noodle and 2-D have nightmares and sneak into Murdoc’s bed to talk to him about it like the kids they are, much to his weary dismay.
Snapshots by vinnie2757
The early years are full of the soft moments, the easy smiles and piggybacks, the laughter and the supportive hands behind backs. [A collection of moments from a time when Gorillaz were happy.]
Rating: K+
This one-shot collection spans across multiple phases and is an all-around nice time. No drama, no angst, just Gorillaz being a family. :D
You Are Now Entering The Harmonic World... by OceanBacon23
A collection of little scenes. Each deals with a certain song by Gorillaz, and you might need to know each song before you can read the story.
Rating: Gen
I haven’t read all the one-shots in this collection yet, but it’s nice to take a peek into these song creation moments the band members get up to here.
The Apology by eyedentification
Summary: Murdoc makes amends. (My own take on a common Gorillaz fanfic trope.)
Rating: Mature
This is more a comedy one-shot than a family one. I’m not exaggerating when I say I yelled at this Phase 4 fic lmao. I won’t spoil anything other than the fact that this is just Peak Murdoc™.
Press, Release by ratbat
Privacy is something you trade for fame, Murdoc knew that, but there's always something personal you hope to cling to, something to keep for yourself.
Now if only the fucking media and their hack lackeys would quit acting like that belonged to them too.
Rating: Teen
This is a great Phase 1 fic focusing on Murdoc’s own battle with internalized homophobia after the media tries to rip his coming out away from him in an interview.
This fic does have some slurs in it, courtesy of Murdoc’s own foul mouth and internalized hatred, but do read this one if you’re okay reading that sort of thing.
What Are We Going to Do? by Close_enough_to_lose
Murdoc notices that Noodle looks embarrassed while handing 2D the lyric sheet for Every Planet We Reach Is Dead. He quickly figures out why. Luckily, it’s one thing he’s equipped to deal with.
Murdoc finds out Noodle is bi and gives her his advice.
Rating: Teen
More Murdoc being a good dad to Noodle. :D Just a bi dad giving his bi daughter (actually good) advice.
2D is Weird by alexisntedgy
2D has always been a little different. Or, other people always thought he was. But when people keep telling someone that they're weird, it starts to get to you.
Or, 2D is autistic and has a panic attack because of his ~issues~.
TW for internalized ableism, panic attacks, and general ableism. Any other TWs in the notes.
Rating: Teen
I also have a headcanon that 2-D is autistic, and I like how this fic portrays how he struggles with his and other people’s perceptions of it and him. Noodle’s also being a good sister to him here, so that’s a plus.
Just Another Girl by alexisntedgy
Noodle is a girl. She knows that. The only problem is, the rest of the world doesn't know it.
Rated T for Murdoc
Basically just trans Noodle. I love her she's gr8 :))
Rating: Teen
I haven’t caught up with this fic all the way through yet either, but the chapters I have read are super cute and wholesome and full of Gorillaz family-bonding. :3
Angst Fics
Pretending by FleetRed
Summary: After a casual hookup, Stu imagines what it would be like if it were something more.
Rating: Teen
I adore the many character study fics in this fandom, and this one is no exception. It’s a great insight into 2-D’s romantic mind.
The Selfish Giant by fashionpixiez
No, no. Don’t tell me you’re not. You’re empty, aren’t you ? A vessel. But you aren’t the kind of vessel that wants to be filled, are you? No. You reach out to people and you touch their hearts and you burn them, because you want them to feel some of that burning emptiness too. that’s all you’re good for. (It’s like it’s all you’ve ever known.)
Rating: Teen
This fic hurts my heart, but damn is it good. The descriptions of Murdoc’s feelings and his past are so poignant here, I just want to hug him.
Other Murdoc-Related Fics
Tattoos by HowlingMisfit
Summary: There's a reason why Murdoc doesn't have them anymore. (Rated for: Major character "death", Gore, Blood, Nudity and Murdoc.)
Rating: Mature
This is a horror/supernatural one-shot that (to me at least) is more comedic than scary. Of course, the descriptions are downright macabre (which I love), but...again Peak Murdoc here.
Lucy, I’m Home by TheDarkLegate
After the release of Humanz, Murdoc isn't willing to wait another seven years for more success. Lucifer wants to see just what he'll give up to get it. One shot. Spiritual Successor to "A Day in the Life of Satan".
Rating: Teen
I’ve hardly (if ever) seen any fanfics that delve into Murdoc’s deal with the Devil. The way Lucifer is portrayed as a world-weary businessman rather than someone to fear is pretty funny and really in line with Gorillaz’ sense of humor, too.
Morning Person by Lmaooooonade
A young boy cherishes the mornings where he can just exist. Things might not be great, but he can at least exist peacefully for a while.
Rated Teen for my fucking language.
Based off the headcanon of another creator I very much admire, please inquire within.
Rating: Teen
This Phase 0 fic is a great stand-alone read even if I haven’t really delved into the headcanons that inspired their fic (though I have seen their neat artwork around sometimes).
If I move my hands fast enough, I won’t die by alexisntedgy
Murdoc Niccals has Tourette’s syndrome, this is the story of his journey.
Because nobody else has written about this headcanon yet!!
This will probably be a place to keep Tourettes!murdoc ficlets and one shots!!! For context, I (the author) have a tic disorder :)
Rating: Teen
Personally, I like Murdoc’s verbal tics, so it’s interesting to see someone else’s take on why he does them here.
Aaaand that’s it for now! I’ve read a lot more Gorillaz fics than this, but this list was getting long enough as it is, so I figure it’d be best to just make another rec post based on genre.
Part 2 of my recs will focus more on OC/Murdoc and reader/Murdoc romance fics, so stay tuned for those!
If you have any fic recs for me, by all means tell me about them! Just keep in mind that I don’t like any band ships aside from 2Russ and RussDel.
Self-insert OCs or reader fics are a-okay, though!
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poppyseed799 · 2 years
People are so ridiculous about people “faking mental illness” nowadays
Like I get it, there is a sudden influx of people faking disorders and such, and we should be wary of that, BUT YOU CAN’T ACCUSE EVERY PERSON WHO SAYS THEY HAVE TOURETTE’S OF LYING! It’s unrealistic that nobody on Earth has Tourette’s!!
I see people list the like 4 mental illnesses that they have and people say “ugh another person faking mental illness for attention” FOUR??? THATS NOT A LOT!!! ITS NOT UNREALISTIC!!! Especially when there’s like depression, anxiety, ptsd, etc. Those things are fairly common in this day and age, PTSD could happen to literally anyone as there are many traumatic events a person could potentially get into.
And then ADHD and autism “oh that must be fake” THOSE TWO COMMONLY GO TOGETHER A LOT. IT’S REALISTIC. If someone told me they had autism, adhd, depression, anxiety, and ptsd, I would believe it because there’s no reason those things wouldn’t possibly go together. Not saying they have to, I have autism and no depression after all, but it’s not unrealistic that they would.
And things don’t even have to go together! My mom has autism and bipolar disorder. Those things aren’t connected (as far as I know?), they’re just two things a person could have, and she has them. Yet if some random NT on the internet heard me say my mom was autistic and bipolar they’d say I was lying. HOW IS THAT UNREALISTIC. Unless they think autistic bipolar ppl can’t have kids, which is another issue entirely 🤔
Another thing is when someone says they think they have something, and people instantly jump to tell them they’re faking. WHY??? “You can’t just say you have it” THEY DIDN’T?? THEY SAID THEY MIGHT??? “You can’t SUSPECT you have something, you need a diagnosis” HOW TF DO YOU THINK PEOPLE GET A DIAGNOSIS. THEY SUSPECT THEY HAVE IT FIRST. I was never tested for schizophrenia cuz there was never any reason to think I had it! The only reason people get tested for it is when they think they might have it! How is this so hard to understand?
I currently think I might have OCD, can’t wait to be told “quit faking for attention” when I’m not even claiming to have it. You don’t know why I think I might have OCD. You might assume it’s for dumb reasons and I’m just stupid, which is possible, but YOU DON’T KNOW FOR SURE. In truth my therapist (and psychiatrist) wanted to get me a diagnosis but didn’t notice any compulsive behaviors, since mine aren’t that noticeable/can look like stimming (and everyone knows I have autism). Even without a diagnosis he tried to give me therapy strategies meant for OCD ppl and described my anxieties as “OCD-like thinking”. I only googled OCD AFTER all of that and while you can say “googling disorders and deciding you have it isn’t good” FIRST OF ALL I’m not diagnosing myself and SECOND OF ALL the fact that all of the lists of OCD symptoms made me go “oh shoot” probably means SOMETHING lol. I only did it after what my therapist said anyways.
And then my mom said “oh yeah your grandfather was OCD” and I said GOD DAMN IT because I seem to have literally everything he has for some reason (idk if he was diagnosed or if my mom just said that tho)
Anyways my point is it’s REALLY annoying when people claim someone is faking a disorder with NO EVIDENCE. Like if you’ve been around them a lot or it’s one of those tiktok things so you can see a lot of what they’re doing, then maybe you could think “this seems fake”. BUT IF SOMEONE JUST SAYS “I have ADHD” THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO DENY IT.
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raginreptile · 4 years
Just to get out of my system #1
Do you ever feel like you want somebody to hear your thoughts? Like a terrible need to confess though you haven't really done anything wrong. I just have to write this and post it here, probably will delete it after (can you even delete Tumblr posts?), but just the sheer knowledge that half a person will see this text (you don’t need to read it) makes me feel better. Sort of, I want to socialise and avoid socialising at the same time. 
So, most important things first - you do not need to read it, acknowledge it or comment on it. These are just words that fill my chest up to the point where I can barely breathe and start just talk-talk-talk to myself, or to people around me. It’s like a weird Tourette’s, where I can’t stop, and I won’t be able to do anything until I finish it. Say it. Even if nobody would hear it. A closure. 
Once again - stop right here, unless you want to dive in into petty anxieties and pointless worries. And complaining, loads of complaining. 
I hate my job and a town I live in. As any young idiot, I have always kinda hated the places I lived at. Its not that I thought I deserved any better, its just I would listen to classmates or neighbours, see their houses, watch films, and realise that I am, pretty much, worse than them. I remember the times when I would compare myself to everyone and see that e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e is better than small and useless me. Better artists, better performers, better mathematicians, better at languages, at PE, at socialising, at getting to places. More beautiful than me. There has always been a place, like a Wonderland, basically “the Betterland” (cringe I know), where everyone was, and I was forgotten. Long story short, I moved multiple times, and ended up here. What is this place? An absolute disaster. I am very nature-oriented person, and there’s no forests or parks. There’s no rivers or sea either. No beautiful places. It’s just and industrial working town, surrounded by terrible grey fields. I haven’t got any DL yet, but I am on my way of getting it. I suffer here. An outgoing person years before, I get anxious before getting out of my room. I need freedom, and this town destroyed it. Only one year left, and I am going away. I do not care where, just somewhere with forest and sea. And the workplace... A lot of responsibility. A lot of important conversations and being “proper” towards people. I can’t be around people, I always behave like an idiot. But this job is my only chance. Christ, I am afraid of getting back after the lockdown, I will not cut it. 
Can’t make any friends, don’t know how to. Never in my life I knew anyone who would socialise with me because they like me or think I am funny. As a matter of fact, I am most definitely unfunny, boring and fail to establish a human-like (empathetic I guess?) relationship with people. Some would think it is weird, and, well, they will be absolutely right. I do not know if I need friends, but sometimes I think... it would have been nice, right? To socialise with someone (not romantically), talk about bullshit, and just be friends. Share weird situations, secrets, and generally fun stuff. Be fans of something together. I don’t know, maybe I have a strange understanding of how friendships work, but I’d like that kind of person. My partner has friends, and I am kinda jealous because I want to have them too. But I am always getting ghosted, ignored or just... well, “a classmate\colleague” and no more than that. People say I talk a lot, and generally am weird - maybe that’s the reason? People feel like I am a freak and an outcast and they don’t want to be around me? I don’t know. I don’t know how to become friends with people, I do not know what is the difference between a close friend and an acquaintance. I will tell them both same thing, and I will hide same things from them two. Never have I managed to get along with someone who would think “wow, RaginReptile is so amazing, let’s be friends!”, people mostly tell me that I am weird. And talk a lot. I am so scared to admit that I hit the point when communicating turned into the unnecessary activity, I prefer to be by myself and talk to myself, do things on my own. So scared. Don’t know which one I want more, have friends or be ascetic. 
Can’t do any more of studying. I said it. Finally. Five years is more than enough, I went from fascination for the subject to absolute hate. I can’t stand the assignments, can’t stand “another cool idea”, no more grades, no more pass criteria, all I want to do is write my own scripts and sell them, but how can I do so if all I manage to think about is deadlines-college-call-work-deadline-money? And those college assignments do not seem to make sense either, I just do not want to do them anymore, I wish to carry on with my own thing. But it would be stupid to quit - I got into student debt, moved from my home country for this education, and didn't even finish school there, just quit in 10 (out of 12) year to go straight to college and upgrade there from Level 2 to Level 5 (Level 6 if Bachelors degree, it is after this year). And, being so close to the end, I realise that I cannot do it anymore. I have so much respect for my tutor, but myself I am... tired. I think I completely destroyed my mental health because of juggling studies, work and family troubles, and moving. If two years ago I cared about my grades and my future, now I am just trying not to sleep 70 hours per day.
Suspecting ADHD and am afraid to go to the doctor’s. I am afraid that it will forbid me from driving (though I do not have any problems with it, lol, just anxious that I will be restricted from it), and I am afraid my family will think of me as of a weak and useless person who can’t take care about themselves. I have been taking care about myself as much as I could. I looked online for the “home” treatments for ADHD (I already checked the symptoms and as far as I am concerned it fits, but it would be a subject for some other post, really), and it worked up to a couple years ago, when college kicked me so hard I had my first public proper nervous breakdown and I have never got well again. Actually, there are much more problems now - for example I hate, hate-hate-hate making decisions, if before I could have forced myself, now I am willing to let everything go and just fail, I won’t feel neither good or bad about it. Sometimes I feel like I am alien to my own body. So many thoughts in this pumpkin-head, everyday I feel like a completely new and different person, and it just circulates in my mind, every day of every week. I think I need to get my head checked, haha, but I know I will not trust a doctor, I’ve seen enough of them and most of them are such an utter dog shite. Well, tomorrow will be another day, ain’t it?
Tired of fighting. “Forcing myself is the best tactics ever” was my working motto for most of my life. Force through reading, watching, walking, organising, planning, doing what I liked and didn't like. It worked up until the events I described earlier. I don't know how to get back on track with my life. How to get back and start again, be cool and happy and beautiful once again. Just wanna breathe some sea air and... Well, what else do I need?
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