#North thailand
rachatpow · 1 year
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reise-mit-katharina · 2 years
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joedanielburrows · 2 years
From Pai and Beyond.
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Travel Advice Pai - March 22 - 2023
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butterfly-95 · 10 months
I think people need to realize that it was sheer luck that they have been born in developed countries with decent living conditions, away from the threat of war or civil conflicts. It is by pure coincidence at times that you end up being a citizen of a developed country, rather than one with an impoverished population experiencing man-made (because it is man-made in this day and age) famine, diseases that have been long eradicated or war (be it a civil conflict or due to selfish interests of developed nations who profit from these, at the cost of civilian lives). You could have been born into these conditions.
The point is: NO ONE should ever be made to witness the horrors of war, famine, poverty, disease or any other trauma inducing situation in which they have no free will or say about its outcome.
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【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】 Pavilion
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【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】 Pavilion
The creatures resting in the forest transform into phantom butterflies, guided by thoughts, and meet briefly with lost travelers.
Lightning and Psylocke will guide lost travelers.
Suit Display ::
Original :: Winter Shimmer (暮冬烁灵)
Recolor :: Dancing in the Cold Night (寒夜翩跹)
Collection :: Rift of North
Designer :: Norwin (诺特)
Rarity :: SSR
Attribute :: Sexy
Date :: 18—27/01/2024
Type :: Pavilion
🦋🦋Design Concept 🦋🦋
It is said that in the Northland, there is a magical forest that only appears on lightning nights.
After the free creatures leave, they will turn into butterflies and rest here.
Tonight, will anyone go to that forest as the legend says?
The white mist rising from the dead trees, the lost children, the memories hidden deep in the heart...
When the memories reunited, Norwin suddenly remembered the name he had never forgotten.
The psionic butterfly fluttered over and gently touched his lips, as if telling of endless longing.
After tonight, the wind stopped and the snow stopped, the morning sun rose outside the window, and the Northland ushered in a long-lost sunny day.
The dusty door slowly opened, and the ancient prophecy appeared again on the inconspicuous dead wood staff,
"Get rid of the child of destiny and end the fateful struggle."
🦋🦋Design Hilight 🦋🦋
The flickering phantom butterflies fly through the white mist, dancing between dreams and memories.
The black dead trees stand in the night, and the lanterns hanging high emit a quiet cold light.
The mist after nightfall is the will of the forest, guiding the creatures to peace and rest.
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chavezsamantha · 16 days
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allgirlsareprincesses · 4 months
Star Lovers in Folk Tales: A Primer
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Adapted from my Winter 2022 Twitter thread
One common variation of animal spouse tales is the star husband or star bride. In this case, the lover is a celestial creature from the otherworld of the sky. Sometimes they fall to earth, and other times they beckon a mortal to join them.
Star husband tales are common to North American indigenous cultures, often featuring pairs of maidens who long for more than mortal lovers and so are whisked into the sky to marry star husbands.
In these tales, the mortal brides are compelled to dig, either to find roots or other food on earth, or to escape the sky world. In either case, the digging is a transgressive act, one that triggers the bride’s passage from one world to another.
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Another star husband tale comes from Korea, merged with another animal husband tale in which he is banished from the sky by his father, the King of the Stars, cursed to live as a frog in a pond until he can marry the most beautiful woman on Earth.
In this tale we find motifs of the frog consuming all the water and fish in the pond, and the bride cutting away (rather violently) the frog’s animal skin to reveal a handsome man. The happy couple then returns to the sky, and two new stars appear in the heavens.
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Star brides have much more in common with swan maidens. Many myths compare the sky to a body of water, and in some tales, celestial beings are actually aquatic creatures as well. These brides are often captured by a mortal hunter or held captive by a mother goddess.
Like the mortal wives of star husbands, star brides often come in groups, like the Pleiades in a South African tale who send their husband on a hunt from which he never returns. Similarly, a group of 10 Hungarian star brides take mortal husbands only to lose them in a war.
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In all of these stories, the fall to earth is a kind of death, whereas the ascension is a rebirth or even the achievement of immortality. Water, hunting, and agriculture are prominent in these stories, indicating the importance of celestial patterns to human subsistence.
Obedience or defiance to parental figures is another major theme in star lover tales. While it is defiance that opens the path to the otherworld, the lovers are often punished for it until they show obedience to the parent.
Lastly, while not every star couple gets a Happily Ever After, they usually leave some eternal mark on the earth or sky. The tears of separated star lovers sometimes form fresh springs or even monsoons, bringing new life to the earth.
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In Search of the Swan Maiden: A Narrative on Folklore and Gender by Barbara Fass Leavy
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faguscarolinensis · 1 month
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Curcuma petiolata / Jewel of Thailand at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, NC
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j0jorocity · 2 months
names for my 2ps
hi I’m bored uh idk I’m gonna list out the names of the 2ps of my universe
the ones in italic my gf came up with, some are just the popular fanon names
not including countries I don’t have names for
2p Italy - Luciano Vargas
2p Germany - Luther Beilschidmt
2p Japan - Kuro Honda
2p America - Allen Fitzgerald Jones
2p England - Rochester Kirkland
2p France - Absolon, but I use Jacques Bonnefoy. I might switch between the two sometimes
2p Russia - Nicholas Braginsky
2p Canada - James Williams
2p Romano - Nero Vargas
2p Spain - Caín Hernández Carriedo
2p Switzerland - Koloman Zwingli
2p Liechtenstein - Adalaide Zwingli
2p Lithuania - Kęstutis Laurinaitis
2p Estonia - Maksim von Bock
2p Latvia - Aleksandr Galante
2p Poland - Czesław Łukasiewicz
2p Turkey - Selim Adnan
2p Philippines - Ramil Rizal
2p Thailand - Atid Charoensuk
2p Indonesia - Kebanggaan
2p Malaysia - Mahathir Kirkland
2p Singapore - Taufik Kuan Yew
2p Rome - Remus Vargas
2p Nyo Rome - Agrippina Vargas
2p Ancient Egypt - Amunet Hassan
2p Ancient Greece - Eris Aetos
2p Germania - Adalhard Beilschidmt
tbh for the SEAsians I seriously doubt I’ll really give them much attention like the other ones 😭😭😭 I’m so sorry they are just not my favourite characters and I know shit about them. They do have cards made by my gf so um if you wanna see those idk please do tell me
I have very obvious favourites you’ll find out soon I’m sorry guys 😭😭😭 I’ll make a list of names for my ancients next idk
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】
Story Suits • Back in Time
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】
Story Suits • Back in Time
Divine Court Fantasy
On July 21st, go back in time in the Lost Court of God and listen to the oracle of the Holy Ruins.
"In the Silent Snow Valley forgotten by time, the gods have embarked on an unknown destiny.
The ferryman raised his dagger, and the legend finally kicked off."
"The lake of eternity imprisoned by time, the messenger of time fell into the thick fog.
The glory of the crown is no longer, the final chapter is written at the beginning..."
Suit Story ::
Major Suit
P.1 :: Ancient Glory (穹古神辉)
P.2 :: Nightmare (绮夜浮谭)
P.3 :: Star Axis Wind (星轴风杼)
Live 2D Suit ( 8th Live 2D Suit )
P.4 :: Oath of the Holy (圣墟之誓)
Minor Suit
The night covers the endless wilderness, and the absurdity and rationality in the world are alternately happening at this moment. In a remote place that is inaccessible, a lantern is shining with a faint light from the realm of the gods.
P.5 :: Shining Galaxy (神辉银河)
For every angel, that is undoubtedly the most relaxed and happy time, The wind in Shenyu is always calm and gentle, blowing over every immature face full of hope.
P.6 :: Feather Reverberation (光羽余音)
Time passed mercilessly, and the silent wind no longer spoke, but Fay still held the key tightly, guarding the domain of gods in the rain.
P.7 :: Guardian of the Monsoon (季风守护)
P.8 :: BG
Collection ::
P.1-3 :: Story Suits ( 26th Story Suits )
P.4 :: Ruin Island (8th Live 2D Suit )
P.5 :: Pigeon Kingdom
P.6 :: Lilith Kingdom
P.7 :: North Kingdom
Type ::
Story Suits
26th Story Suits • ( Pavilion )
Date :: 21/07—01/08/2023
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hoasens · 1 year
please do tell why you ship it too in the tags if you rb! this is for a future post i want to do on viet ships and i’d appreciate the general consensus :)
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reise-mit-katharina · 2 years
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Café mit Aussicht
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madame-helen · 1 year
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【 Shining Nikki CN+TW 】 Welfare
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【 Shining Nikki CN+TW 】 Welfare
The whiteness born on the ice sheet, the courage born in the cold winter.
Suit Display :: Ice Field Snow (冰原雪线)
Collection :: Rift of North
Designer :: —
Rarity :: SR
Attribute :: ​Cool
Date :: 09—22/11/2023
Type :: Welfare
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lostinmac · 11 months
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Beyond Utopia (2023)
Dir. Madeleine Gavin
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beastweaver · 1 year
More subtle Lifeweaver details, the city the Overwatch Wiki has listed as his hometown, Chiang Mai, is the largest city in Northern Thailand and is also referred to as the "Rose of the North".
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