#Not Of This World
madcat-world · 1 year
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Not of this World - J Edward Neill
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andrewckeeper · 1 year
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LIDMF AI "Mermaid Incident Files"
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white-fledermaus4 · 11 months
Sag mir, wo geht man hin wenn man nirgends zuhause ist?
Wohin flieht man, wenn man sich nirgends mehr so geborgen oder frei fühlt?
Was tut man, wenn man nicht mehr kann und trotzdem muss?
Wenn man nur noch am verzweifeln ist?
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euesworld · 2 years
"There's nothing to compare my love to, not on this earth.. there's nothing to compare you to, not even in the stars. Nowhere has there been a love so deep, never before has there been such beauty.. but maybe that is love, it feels like we are the only ones.. cause we are experiencing it alone. Home is where the heart is, and my heart is under your ribs.. we are one of two, two bodies falling madly in love, but of one beautiful soul."
True love beckons me with every smile from your lips - eUë
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tears-that-heal · 5 months
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artist on Instagram @ap.crtv
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totaldramabyrinth · 1 year
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This life is hard. Resisting temptation, anger, self-reliance, bitterness, selfishness, etc. is HARD. But, our God is greater. He’s stronger. Love Him, love others, and keep your head up- looking to Him for comfort, strength and peace. He will meet you where you are. Fight the good fight.
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MMWtBiO Playlists
The Main AU
Will's Playlist
Mike's Playlist
El's Playlist
Max's Playlist
Dustin's Playlist
I'm still working on Lucas's Playlist, but I'll post it here when I'm finished. If you have any questions about the song choices, or the au in general, my ask box is always open!
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Art by, Sandara. (Lava Mermaid)
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Good Morning!☀️
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 15:19
Jesus made it clear that those who hated and mistreated the master would hate the servant also. We should not expect those who do not love Jesus to love us.
Darkness does not like light. Our light exposes the world's darkness. Instead of welcoming the light, the world will often try to quench it. You do not have to do anything to draw persecution. Daring to be a follower of Christ is enough.
Chosen of Christ, hated by the world!
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White Noise (2022) by Noah Baumbach
Book title
Not of This World (1969) by Peter Kolosimo
The Occult: A History (1971) by Colin Wilson
Year of the Witch (2020) by Temperance Alden
The Supernatural: Witches and Witchcraft (1976) by Jeremy Kingston
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churchofsatannews · 1 year
Death Comes in Waves live-event @Schattenfest (Bonn)
The German black-metal band Death Comes in Waves (founded by J. S., an active member of the Church of Satan) is proud to announce their long awaited live-comeback at Schattenfest (Bonn, Germany) on November, 17th. The band will present material of their current full lenght-album Not of this World for the very first time on stage! To order tickets to the event, follow this link.
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white-fledermaus4 · 1 year
Was soll man machen
Wenn das System gegen einen ist?
Was soll man tun,
Wenn das was man so dringend bräuchte,
Von den Krankenkassen nicht übernommen wird?
Was macht man,
Wenn einem aber die Zeit wegrennt
& es jeden Tag unwahrscheinlicher wird,
Dass nicht sowieso vlt schon irreparable Schäden vorhanden sind??
Wie geht man damit um?
Mit dem Leiden jeden verdammten Tag?
Wie kommt man damit klar,
Mit dem Wissen, dass es keine Hilfe geben wird und man selbst es niemals zahlen können wird,
Die ggf einmalig ausreichende Behandlung- damit es einem auf Dauer besser geht?!
Resignieren und hinnehmen und warten bis es einen vollends in den Wahnsinn treibt?
Ich bin so verzweifelt verdammt!
Was ist das nur für ein kack System in dem wir hier leben?!
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qosmiq · 1 year
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worldsofzzt · 2 years
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Source Not of This World by Goo Boo (2001) [NOTWORLD.ZZT] - "Wierd Freaky Heaps-Trippin' Stairs" Play this world in your browser
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Pendragon 2011 'Not Of This World: Part I, II, III'
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gungieblog · 2 years
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