#Not all his battle scars have healed over y'know
kayforpay · 1 year
Thinking abt. Clorad, wearing a fine dress with the traditional gold bands around his thighs, neck and upper arms, officiating some event with his hair in a long braid, and clipped on earrings for the fin-chains emperors are Supposed to wear. Like a floor length gown with a slit up nearly to his hip, flowers tucked into his hair, bored out of his mind but cute as hell
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
Yoo I have two request which I’ll send the other one separately but I am in an ANGSTY mood rn sooo yah also been binging ur headcanons and stuffs and I just love the way you write ?? It’s so entertaining lol
AnywY the actual request: can you write like a one shot or headcanons if you prefer of mc who is struggling after the belphie incident ?? Like they feel like they’ve mostly forgiven him and can act normally around him and they’re friends and take naps together but sometimes the flash back just HITS THEM and they have nightmares and panic attacks that can be so bad sometimes someone needs to get Simeon to calm them down. Maybe something of how the brothers react/treat mc and belphie? Idk I’m just thirsting for like MEGA ANGST rn bc my dad made me cry little bit lmao 😭
it comes at night
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hello anon! i'm terribly sorry you're in such an angsty mood, though i thank you for all the love-- and for sending this request right as these ideas were on the front of my mind. it genuinely makes me so happy to see people enjoying my work, and it makes all the writer's block and such worth it. i cannot express enough how much i love seeing all the comments, reblogs, etc. as people engage with my work.
anyways. i'm not sure how i feel about this piece, especially with how LONG it ended up being, but maybe that's just my mushy brain talking after looking at it too long. regardless-- i hope you enjoy (well, y'know, in like a sad and angsty way).
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synopsis: you thought you would be able to move on like all the others. your body was healed, your anxiety tucked neatly behind a mental wall built to keep you safe. yet something in you was stuck. you couldn't just move on. you were trapped in a battle between your friendship with belphegor and the fear gnawing at your brain as you remembered what exactly he did to you. when the dam finally breaks, your whole brain floods with terror, until you're swept away with it. nobody can save you now.
genre: angst, no happy end, just a big ol spoonful of sadness
word count: ~3.1k
content warnings: chapter 16 spoilers, graphic(?) discussions of death, depictions of panic attacks, nightmares, mc progressively getting worse from fear + lack of sleep
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it's funny how time works. 
you'd been around your fair share of years. you’d grown, you’d changed, you’d spent your entire life looking toward the future you had planned. then you, a mere human, were yanked into an unfamiliar world. you spent an entire year in the devildom– a year that simultaneously dragged on and flew by– and came out the other side a new person. a single year in the devildom has changed you more than the human realm has your entire life. time was a mischievous thing, always leaving you chasing behind in a fruitless pursuit of something you’ll never quite understand.
but, she also brings blessings with her. they say that time heals all wounds. you've always agreed with that sentiment. scraped knees and adolescent broken hearts are swept away with the passing days, trailing further and further behind you until one day you forget to look back and remember them. the pain scribbled down on diary pages or cried into pillow cases no longer stings like a fresh burn. these things are nothing but scars now. time has a special way of patching you up, of rubbing your back until the tears clear up and you can finally see again. that is how it's always been. 
where is time when you need it? 
she hasn't quite abandoned you, this much is true. cuts and bruises heal over the passing days. your hair and nails still grow. your body still changes, slowly but surely, marching onwards week after week. yet your mind is trapped in stasis. you struggle to break free, but at times the rot consumes you whole, until you’re crying under the covers and begging from respite from the memories. 
on the worst nights, you find yourself in the attic again, watching the door between you and belphegor swing open. you watch yourself march towards death.
you can still feel his hands around your neck, digging his claws into your fragile human skin like you're made of sand. the scent of blood-- your own blood, on the floors, on the walls, leaking from your torso and staining your clothes a permanent maroon-- still clings to the inside of your nose. even your wildest dreams could not erase the sight of his smug grin, the way his eyes lit up looking at your battered body.
no one person should have to carry the weight of realizing they're going to die. that's what you thought about when your body hit the bottom of the stairs, when belphegor tossed you down from the attic with a harsh laugh and punted your limp body into the entrance hall. you thought about how unfair this all was. you were just trying to help. you thought you were doing the right thing.
one of the worst parts of your untimely demise was watching the others react. the voices pool together in your head, like the colors of the rainbow twisting together on the surface of an oil spill. asmo's panicked shriek blends into satan's angry shouts, desperate to understand what's going on. lucifer's yelling almost drowns out the fearful cries coming from levi, held back by a very silent beel. 
but above all of that, you remember mammon. your first man, the first demon who took a chance on the defenseless little human, rushing to your side and gathering you in his arms like you were about to break. his hand on the side of your face, the tears streaming down his face, the shaky, desperate voice assuring you that you'll be okay and begging you to hang on, okay? please don't leave me. you can't remember if he was shaking or if it was your body's last ditch effort to stay conscious-- maybe both. your trembling fingers intertwined with his. words came out of your mouth, and you're not sure what exactly you said, but he only cried harder in response. 
and then, as your eyes shut for the final time, you woke at the bottom of the attic stairs. you had cheated death. 
your price? you had to carry the memories. 
the world kept spinning. days passed in the devildom. you returned to school, kept on top of your homework, spent your days in the house of lamentation alongside the seven demon brothers. you even got to know belphegor as he navigated his return home. he quickly grew fond of you. that, in and of itself, was jarring. but you returned each and every smile with one of your own. his actions were rooted in his own grief for his sister, you knew, and for that you could not fault him. you helped him repair the severed relationships between him and his elder siblings, stitching the family back together like a prized quilt until the seams of betrayal were sufficiently hidden. 
time is a traitorous bitch. why did she choose now to leave your wounds bare and bleeding?
everyone moved on but you. everyone got to wake up in the mornings without a nagging anxiety holding them back. the others could hang out with belphegor day in and day out without a growing feeling of dread popping up when you think you're safe. 
he killed you. he was grieving. your blood drenched the entryway floors as he laughed. he has grown. you watched the light leave mammon's eyes as you slipped away. belphie has been nothing but kind to you since that day. you fucking died. 
you wish your mind could pick a side. did you forgive him, or did you resent him? was he your friend, or your killer? these answers evaded you in the dead of night as you struggled to sleep again. it was becoming more common for you to lose hours of rest to these nagging fears. who are you? are you even you anymore? did the switch in timelines scatter your atoms across countless universes, leaving the you that looks back at you in the mirror nothing more than a hollow shell? 
you thought that you could keep your mind on a tight leash, keep your cards close to your chest as you continued to live with the brothers. you were wrong.
the first meltdown came during a nap with belphie. you had grown to trust him-- you thought you trusted him-- enough to sleep around him. he'd coax you every so often into an afternoon nap. always in the light of day, always your choice. and for many afternoons, you were perfectly content with this arrangement. belphie was warm and cuddly, a perfect companion for a lazy afternoon. he had this way of making you feel safe as you slept-- the nightmares couldn't come when he was snuggled up next to you, when you were sure his actions were ones of affection and not another trick to gain your trust.
one afternoon, while the sun was beginning to set, you stirred under the warmth of the blankets. the body next to yours lingered close, steady breaths lulling you back to dreamland. you could stay like this forever, you thought.
and then you felt it. the gentle graze of a familiar cow tail against your skin.
something inside of you, a dam you didn't even know was there, snapped. a hot flash of panic rose up your throat as your whole body jerked away from the feeling. your eyes shot open and you found yourself in the last place you needed to be right now: the attic. you pulled yourself out of bed before your brain could catch up. colors flashed across your vision as a consequence. you whipped around, disoriented and upset, and spotted a sleeping belphie in the bed where you once were.
a sleeping, demon belphie.
the familiar curve of his horns made your throat spasm as you tried to breathe. the colors flashed in your vision again-- oh god, what a terrible time to be left defenseless-- as your brain tried to drag you back to that day. you could practically see his face shift from relief to malicious, insidious joy as he began to attack you.
"hehe... does it hurt? finding it hard to breathe? i'm sure it must be very unpleasant."
please. please no.
" i have to say, seeing a human face twisted in pain like this... why, it's so much fun that i can barely stand it! i... i can't contain the laughter!"
you weren't quite sure when you hit the ground, but it was loud enough to wake belphegor from his slumber. he peeled his body off the mattress, slow and dazed, as he looked for you.
"mc? what're you... what's going on?"
please don't. this can't be happening.
your lungs collapsed from the weight of your own panic. you gasped-- once, twice, as your vision went in and out. were you bleeding? your hand loosely brushed at the front of your clothes, but couldn't process whether that was blood or your vivid imagination. were you even breathing? your head felt light and heavy at the same time. the wires in your brain were all crossed, sending both resuscitation and shutdown signals to each part of your body. this feeling... this was too familiar.
were you dying?
"mc, what's going on?"
you came face to face with belphegor. your friend, your killer. the demon who had lured you up to this very attic to kill you, now gripping your shoulders as interrogated you inches from your face.
you screamed. you screamed until your brain shut off completely, leaving you in an inky pit of darkness as your consciousness slipped away.
the house was in disarray for several days. apparently, lucifer came in shortly after you passed out, mammon at his heels, to save the day. you woke up later in his bed, the room cold and empty, with a throbbing head and a tear stained pillow. you stumbled out into his office to find him at his desk, lost in some paperwork like always. the solemn look he gave you as your eyes met told you everything you needed to know.
from this day forth, your fear was now your constant companion.
nobody in the house of lamentation knew how to move forward. not you, not the brothers, not the widening gap growing between you all with each passing day spent in emotional limbo. finally, lucifer called everyone to a family meeting where, over the course of an hour or two, everyone came to an agreement to acknowledge what had happened and why, promised to be mindful of this trauma that you're carrying, and move forward like you requested.
silent days slowly but surely filled back up with laughter again. the brothers came back to your side at their own pace-- asmo first, within a matter of hours, then mammon shortly after, then the others in the following days.
belphegor was the last to come around. his silence spoke volumes about his guilt. he had no clue how to comfort you. he'd do anything to repent for his actions. yet that was the way that life worked, didn't it? some actions simply cannot be undone.
but you didn't let that stop you. despite the panic that closed your throat every time you saw him for the next month, you slowly earned his friendship again. you assured him that the attic incident was a one time thing, the remnants of a lost nightmare blending into your consciousness as you awoke.
until it wasn't a one time thing.
the nightmares crept up on you. the first one happened, of course, that same night, as you thrashed and wept into lucifer's pillows. then a week later, another. a week and a half after that, another. the frequency eventually became higher and higher, until you started planning your sleep schedule (or lack thereof) around your new insomniac tendencies. but even you couldn't manage to stay awake forever.
on a bad night, you'd wake up in tears, crying weakly to yourself as you tried to coax yourself back to bed. on worse nights, you'd shoot up out of bed, limbs tingling in fear, opting to spend the rest of the night in the common room until the others woke for the day. on the worst night, you finally broke. you shattered worse than you could have imagined.
you finally collapsed into bed, body shutting down after a three days of minimal sleep. you were starting to get shaky from the lack of rest, and your lack of appetite was upsetting the others. you crawled under the covers and let your brain slip out of your hands and off to dreamland.
what a fool you were to think you'd get by without nightmares.
visions of demonic teeth tearing at your flesh filled your head. you tried to run away, tried desperately to wake yourself up, but their claws sunk into your flesh. the pain was vivid, was real. memories of your death lived underneath your skin, ready to resurface in the dark of night when there was no escape. you fought back as best you could, kicking and screaming and trying to run, but you were no match for the supernatural strength of your demons. you eventually gave in, an act of learned helplessness, and surrendered yourself to your worst nightmares.
you woke up choking on your own tears. heaving, gasping breaths tried to save you, mixing with coughs as your body struggled to hang on. the tears finally gave way to the memories-- hot blood dripping from your torso, screaming faces begging you to stay, your head going fuzzy as your vision followed--and your screams escaped without a fight.
a mixed cacophony of voices came flooding in the room. you'd be touched by the gesture, seeking comfort in the arms of your dearest friends, if your brain hadn't reminded you that they were demons as well. nightmarish beasts with fangs and claws, predators built to rip your soft flesh from your bones and leave you to die like roadkill.
you felt a hand on your shoulder. who's was it? you could not tell. your first and only instinct was to scream for mercy, hot tears streaming down your face as mammon's hurt expression moved back out of your line of sight. your chest heaved with effort. it felt like your whole body was caving in on itself. you didn't even realize you were shaking as you curled your body into a ball. your side hit the mattress with a pathetic thud and you wept, bitter and fearful, as a panic attack kept you trapped in its grip.
you don't know how long you stayed curled up like that, wordless cries echoing from your room and into the hallway, but eventually the sound of approaching footsteps caught enough of your attention to forget the panic, even if just for a moment.
"hey, it's okay," a familiar, comforting voice approached, cutting through the fear like a moonlight on a stormy night. "mc, it's me, it's simeon. it's going to be okay."
you felt the bed shift under the weight of someone sitting down, and you blindly threw your body at the person before checking to see if it was really him. it took you a few moments to raise your head, and when you did, you saw him: simeon, your angel, blue eyes full of worry as he met your gaze.
you cried in his arms until you fell into a fitful, dreamless sleep.
the next morning was miserable, to say the least. breakfast was tense. they all watched you like a hawk, like you were a powder keg about to explode with one wrong move. you couldn't blame them. you were afraid of your own emotions, and on some level, you were afraid of them. your trauma was making you afraid of the very people you cared about the most. these brothers had welcomed you into their home, took care of you as you adjusted to life in the devildom, and yet you couldn't hold eye contact without breaking in to a cold sweat.
the only person who did not watch you was belphegor. he was nowhere to be found during breakfast, nor dinner, nor breakfast the following day. you tried to seek him out, but somehow the avatar of sloth had become a skilled sneak in his silence.
you finally caught him alone on day four of radio silence. you both had stayed home without realizing the other had also skipped school that day-- you, from the lack of sleep eating at your brain, and belphegor, with his usual routine of missing class to nap at the house of lamentation. he was curled up on the couch in the common room, basking in the warmth of the fireplace in his slumber. you decided to wait for him to wake up. you sat down on the couch opposite of the one where he rested and watched him, quietly, like he'd disappear if you dared to blink.
creepy? yes. but your brain was long ruined by sleep deprivation and gnawing anxiety to worry about such trivial things.
when he finally stirred, you gently called belphegor's name. he took a moment to finally look at the source of the voice, but when he did, his body froze as the two of you made eye contact. a few moments passed in silence. finally, he sat up and began to make a move to leave.
he stopped, but his gaze did not meet yours. you rose from your seat and joined him on the couch. the youngest pulled his legs in, twisting his body into a defensive little ball, and countered your next sentence before you could even open your mouth.
"you shouldn't be here with me."
"i think i'm old enough to make decisions for myself."
he shifted uncomfortably in the silence. you spoke again.
"i miss you. and i'm sorry."
he scoffed to himself and stared at the fireplace. "don't know why you think you should be apologizing to me. i'm the one that's the problem."
"you're not a problem, belphie. i never meant to make you feel like one."
every hair on your body stood on end. your hands trembled against your wishes, so you sat on them to stay focused. you had to do this. you had to keep moving forward.
"i hurt you, mc. you're afraid i'm going to do it again."
you sighed-- it came out more shaky than you would have liked-- and looked down. how had it come to this? how had someone you'd grown to hold so dear become a stranger again?
"i don't want to stop being friends. i don't like when you avoid me."
"you still get nightmares, don't you?"
you pause. his icy gaze on the side of your head sent you into a cold sweat.
you smiled-- it felt more like a grimace, personally-- and prayed it didn't come across insincere. your fingers carefully intertwined with his. he met your gaze. you were thankful he couldn't see the way your chest tightened when you made eye contact. 
"i'm okay, belphie," you lied. 
this fear was going to be the death of you. 
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vampireimiko · 1 year
can I request a hobie brown x fem reader who’s kinda buff has battle scars all over her body. She seems confident, but she’s really insecure about them.
scars and secrets
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warnings, angst ?? idrk, reader is insecure but hobie is determined to help her
note, WOOO first hobie oneshot 🦭 hope you enjoy !!
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"Ah, shit..." you winced, tracing your scars with a mixture of frustration and self-consciousness reflected in your eyes. Fresh from handling that anomaly, the marks on your body were a vivid reminder of the battles you fought. They appeared horrid to you, fueling your insecurities and driving you to learn how to patch yourself up, keeping your scars hidden from prying eyes.
A knock on your bathroom door interrupted you.
"You okay, Y/N?" Hobie's voice, tinged with that accent of his. He turned his head leaning against the door trying to make out the hissing sounds he's been hearing. "You took quite the few hits back there y'know."
Your head snapped towards the bathroom door, and you took a deep breath, quickly formulating a response.
"I'm alright, Hobie! Just one of the cuts was deeper than the others, so it's taking a bit longer to clean up," you explained, referring to the gash wound on your lower back. Dealing with it had been a painful endeavor, but you were determined to keep your scars concealed from the world, resorting to tending to them yourself, as you always did.
"You need any help?" Hobie's concern was palpable, even through the bathroom door. He didn't need his spider sense to sense that something was wrong. The worry in his voice was evident.
"Y/N, love, I can tell something's off. Please, let me in," he urged, his accent soothing in its own way. His genuine care and affection for you resonated in his words. A moment of silence passed by.
Your heart wavered, torn between keeping your scars hidden and letting Hobie in. But in that moment, you realized that the weight of your secret was becoming unbearable, and you couldn't bear to shut him out any longer.
Without a word you took a deep breath and gathered your courage and unlocked the door, slowly swinging it open to reveal your vulnerable self. Hobie's eyes widened as he took in the sight of you, scars and all.
"Y/N..." His eyes softening at you, "Why didn't you tell me?"His hand instinctively reached out to gently touch your arm, a gesture of comfort and support.
"I didn't want you to see them," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "They remind me of the danger we face, the pain we endure. I didn't want you to worry or pity me."
Hobie shook his head softly, his expression filled with empathy. "Y/N, those scars don't define you. They're a testament to your strength and resilience. Each mark tells a story of bravery, of standing up against the odds. And I don't pity you, not for a second. I admire you."
This was so out of character for Hobie to say, but he meant every word of it. He wanted you to know that you were beautiful inside and out. It also made him realize how put together a person can seem in public, but ready to break at any moment in private.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to his words. It was a bittersweet mixture of emotions — relief, vulnerability, and a newfound sense of acceptance. You realized that perhaps you didn't have to bear the weight of your scars alone anymore.
Hobie reached out and gently wiped away a tear from your cheek, his voice filled with tenderness. "You're not alone, Y/N. We're a team, and we face these battles together. Let me help you heal, both physically and emotionally. You deserve that."
In that moment, the weight on your shoulders began to lighten, and you allowed yourself to believe that healing, both inside and out, was possible with someone by your side. With a nod, you whispered, "Thank you, Hobie. I... I appreciate it."
Hobie pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead, reassuring you that everything was gonna be okay.
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; thank you for reading !! reblogs, feedback, and constructive criticism (if respectful) are appreciated 🫶🏾
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
My Computer Is Terrible So I'm Stating My Story Ideas Here Part 10: The Part 2 of the other Part
So so so
Part 2 of the other part which is part 9 and this is part 10 so it's a sequel part
Okay okay okay
Here we go!
Going full ramble again! You have been warned!
So right now Leon, Sonia and Raihan aren't on the best terms after their Big Fight™
So except some back handed insults now and again.
And soon they get to the point where they're just tearing at each other
But not yet
That's for later :)
But they still have to co-op to together if they want to save their kingdom
So yeah they're pretty sour at the moment
They eventually reach the sea side where the ordered(?) a ship to reach to Eternatus. Cause it's on a isolated island
And the ship captain is none other than Nessa, the most feared captain of them all.
She takes after her cousin Archie
Yes I'm making them cousins in this Au fight me
She is often called The Siren given her beauty and deadliness
So why would she be the one to help a royal like Leon
Well she was the only one willing to go and Leon had to pay a lot to get her to cooperate so-
But you'll never guess who else is one the ship
Hop and co!
The only reason they're even on I'd because Piers is friends with Nessa
They go way back
So it's like a favour or something
Now Hop didn't know that Leon was going on this specific ship
So you could imagine the reunion
Leon isn't happy btw
Bede is being smug about it like " I told you so" but Marnie shuts him up
Piers tries to defend Hop which honestly cause Leon to relent
So now not only Sonia is with them, but now three teenagers and a thief( I decided to make Piers the head of a big thieves guild....and possibly former duke?)
Which is just so many casualties
This is the part where we really drive home that Leon has this unhealthy way of thinking that he has to take care of everything as king.
This as always been a thing, since his parents died and Rose ( unintentional or not) telling him that everything is on him, and only him.
He didn't even want Raihan to come since he feared how would get hurt or worse
But Raihan is a strong fighter, the best in the kingdom so he can count on him
But Sonia? Sonia quitted becoming a knight a long time ago. She may know the basics but she can't really hold her own
At least that what he thinks
And now his precious little brother is one the same ship with him plus Roses mentor and two thieves( though they do seem chill)
He can't risk them getting hurt. He can't
But we don't have time to unpack all of that!
Cause ya wanna know who else is on the ship? Alexis and co! Boom!
But they actually snuck on because they heard this ship was going where they needed to go to save Naomi and honesty they rather not pay so-
Sneaking it is! Though it's hard cause N is very tall and green hair is quite noticable
But they manage
Until Alexis hears Hop trying to explain why he's on the ship in the first place
And he mentions word of a girl named Naomi
Who is his cousin( I should mention that in Alexis' and Elliot's dream Naomi tells them her name for reference)
Tis triggers something in Alexis and causes his powers to go haywire
Causing him to expose himself and the other two
And everyone is about to attack him cause he's an intruder
And Elliot gets defensive cause " that's my brother you fuckers!"
And N is trying to calm the situation down ( as a means to not get anyone hurt and to atone for his actions as a former prince)
Then Leon is like " wait your the guy from the market!" And before Alexis can respond his powers end up sparking a lot which causes him to double over in pain
And by this point Elliot is panicking cause her brother could possibly die
N is trying to heal him but him alone isn't enough
Then Bede says he could help!
And it's revealed that the boy is half fae!!! Since his hair covered up his ears most of the time!!!
He was told to repress his fae side by Rose in fear of getting hurt( and that having a fae would cause some chaos that he can't control and Rose must have control over thingd to make sure things are good)
So Bede and N heal him, Bede being half fae REALLY helps
So much so that it seems that whenever Alexis uses his powers they don't hurt him as much as it did before
Which is cool and all but he can't really in a child forever that would be wrong
So for now it's a temporary solution
Now everyone is a bit calm now, minus the million questions that Hop and Sonia is asking Alexis
Eventually the two parties( Alexis and Hop) spill they're story and when Alexis confirms that Naomi is very much real Hop is overjoyed and is like " See!!! I told you!! I told you she was real!!!" And everyone rightfully apologizes to Hop
Honestly the revelation that Naomi is in fact real made is already terrible mental state worse cause that means he's been discouraging his little brother for so long and he starts going through what Alexis went through in game canon as " What if I was a better brother,"
And Nessa is over here a bit annoyed that there's a bunch more people than expected but Leon reassures her that they'll pay more and Sonia suggest that they'll work on the ship as well and Nessa ain't complaining to that!( Especially because one of them is a cute red head)
So now bonding time!
Leon, Raihan and Sonia still aren't on the best terms
In fact they've been avoiding each other a lot
They're all stubborn
Though they do miss each other a lot
Hop and Sonia bombard Alexis with questions that he honestly doesn't know the answer to
Elliot is a bit of flirt, flirting with both Nessa and Sonia
She managed to get Nessa flustered at some point and will never live it down
But then she notices that the two of them have a connection and she's like " oh I see" and she's not even mad about cause that just means she has more victims to tease endlessly
Which also somehow worked into them getting together but that's for later
Marnie forces to Bede and Hop to talk out they're issues cause she's grown tired of it, and they do and reach a better understanding of each other
Hop the tells them about Naomi and about his dreams
They take it the wrong way, because of course they do, but he assures them that he only see's her as a friend.
Marnie is shown to be the most curious about who Naomi is.
Raihan and Piers start to bond
Piers was a former duke of a failing/dying nation(? Idk what to call it) and had to resort to thievery the keep things a float. Hence meeting Nessa
He doesn't hate Leon by any means but is always ready to point out his privileged lifestyle before bonding with Leon himself as older brothers
He also bonds with Alexis and Elliot for their mutual love for music
This is where the shipping starts
Alexis and Leon haven't properly interacted before this point. It's mostly small talk
But! Leon has always been fascinated by Alexis, given his tendency to keep to himself and his curse
So one night on deck Leon wakes up( woke up from a nightmare of loosing everyone. Y'know. The usual) and was about to go back to bed when he hears singing
At first he thought it was Piers,as he's known to sing and they've all heard him sing before BUT!
When he listens closely he realizes that it's not Piers
So he goes out to investigate
And it's revealed to be Alexis!!!
And his voice is so beautiful!!!
It's a contrast to his speaking voice , while still quite, his singing voice is more softer and smooth.
His singing voice is much more sadder than his usual stoic monotone voice
And Leon is completely enamored.
Not to mention that Alexis isn't wearing his cloak that covers the majority his body, so this is the first time Leon has gotten a clear view of him and
The man is , mm, I would say infatuated. A small crush begins to form
Alexis' song is a sad one
He sings about the pain he's going through and how he wishes he didn't involve those he cares about
Which really spoke to Leon. Like a lot
Because parelles babeyyyy
But when Alexis notices Leon's snooping he calls him out, pretty embarrassed
Cause the only person he ever sang in front of is Elliot, Cheren, Bianca and his parents
So having Leon there, a stranger,is embarrassing
Not to mention that he's not very proud of his appearance via the curse
He's been called a monster by someone on the ship prior and while Nessa was quick to snap at that person it still took a blow to his already low self-confidence
Leon begs to differ but he doesn't know that, and even if he did it's more of a him thing that he needs to get over .
After a quick back and forth they end up talking and just....spilling everything
Alexis talks about his time as a chosen one, his battle with Ghetsis, his scar his curse, and especially his want to do this alone to protect others
While Leon talks about his fight with Raihan and Sonia, the disconnect between the three, how he feels like an awful older brother to Hop, the pressure if being a king after his parents, the guilt he feels for dragging everyone into this mess
Both of them don't know why they're saying this. They're both pretty secretive about how they truly feel, but it's incredibly late, and the two are in a vulnerable spot so it kinda just comes out
After a while they both go to bed with a strange but welcomed friendship!
I just wanna say, if I ever do write this, it's not gonna be entirely romance focused.
The ships will be there, but like, the amount of character set-up I did prior demands a lot more attention soooooo
Especially with Sonia, Raihan and Leon's whole conflict!
I hope I didn't misrepresent their characters here!
But yeah
This got very long very fast so part 3 is in order!
TDLR: Leon and Alexis needs a hug, and I feel like this is going to be a series within a series
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Book Three: Pestilence (Ignis x Reader) Chapter Twenty-Six
A/n: I want to apologize if this chapter feels like it ends abruptly. This is the last chapter for Pestilence and hopefully I didn't make it too bad. Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••
"Iggy, get some rest," Gladio said. "I'll keep watch."
The strategist shook his head. "Morosely, I cannot seek slumber as the situation stands." He sat on a chair by the bed (Y/n) currently lied on. With his good eye, he examined her still lifeless, dull (e/c) eyes. Her body was freezing and there was no sign of a pulse. Her chest didn't rise and fall, signaling she wasn't breathing. Every now and then, he would lean forward and place his gloved hand against her cheek. His fingers caressed her deathly pale cheeks before trailing down to her neck to check for a pulse. The blood that tainted his gloves dried a little while ago.
The shield stood from his seat, passing by Noctis and Prompto, who were fast asleep. He placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it. "I'll watch over her while you get some rest. You think she would let you lose sleep over her?"
Ignis sighed. "Yes, you're right." He stood up, feeling the exhaustion he'd been keeping at bay consume his entire being. "Awake me the moment she regains consciousness."
"Will do."
The tactician dragged his body over to one of the vacant beds and made himself comfortable. It only took him a few minutes to fall asleep.
Gladio returned to his seat once seeing Ignis was fast asleep. He crossed his arms, leaning against the back of the chair as his eyes were trained on the door. He tuned in to any little sound, wondering if it was an approaching enemy or something not worth his attention. He was just exhausted as the others, but he knew they needed to rest.
After an hour, Gladio felt his exhaustion catching up to him. It was becoming difficult for him to keep his eyes open. His eyelids were drooping, but he shook his head to stave off the temptation to fall asleep. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to stay up for much longer. His eyes slowly closed, but they shot open when he heard coughing. Looking over at the culprit, he stood up from his seat and approached them.
(Y/n), who hung off the side of the bed as she expelled the water trapped in her lungs, heard Gladio's footfalls and looked up at him. When she tried to speak to him, she broke out into another coughing fit. She placed a hand over her chest and noticed the dry blood on her clothes. "What...?"
The brute sat down in the chair by the bed. "Wanna hear the short or long version?"
"Short, please," she whispered with a raspy tone.
Gladio told her about War and what she'd done to free her from the dark entity. He disregarded the smaller details and only covered the major ones. He stared at her face and waited for a reaction, but he was flabbergasted when he didn't receive one. "You're taking this pretty well."
"Yes, well..." She glanced down at her blood-covered chest. "80 years of being a Horseman has numbed some of my emotions."
"Guess I should wake Iggy and tell him the good news." Gladio stood up and began walking toward the sleeping strategist.
(Y/n) stopped him before he could disturb Ignis. "Let him rest, Gladio." She pushed herself off the bed, her stride weak and delayed as she made her way across the room. "You also should get some rest."
"I'm not the one who had my chest ripped open," He retorts. "I'll be fine."
"You say that now, but this decision will come back to haunt you the moment we're forced into battle." She looked over her shoulder at him. "Must I induce a sleeping spell or are you willingly going to rest?"
Gladio was too exhausted to argue and sighed, holding his hands up in surrender. "Fine. You win."
"Good," she smiled feebly. She turned her gaze to the door, listening to the brute as he climbed into one of beds to rest. Once he had fallen asleep, she turned around and wandered over toward Ignis. Carefully, she reached out toward his face and caressed her fingers across the remains of the scar tainting the left side of his face. She could tell the remedy had worked, but it wasn't enough for it to completely heal.
Curious, (Y/n) used her healing ability to see if she could heal the remaining scar. As her hand was consumed by a pale green essence, she could feel the remedy's presence still lingering inside his body. She prayed to the Astrals that her magic would be enough to activate the residual particles and help heal him. She cleared her mind and focused on the scar, but it only took a few seconds for her magic to cease and her a wave of nausea to wash over her. Her healing incantation ceased as she pressed a hand against her aching head, closing her eyes. Just a small healing spell was enough to wear her out.
Pestilence opened her eyes and looked down at the scar. She sighed in frustration when seeing it only receded a couple inches. A frown found its way upon her face, walking away from Ignis and toward the mechanical door. It made a low 'hiss' as it opened. The Horseman glanced back at the four slumbering boys before exiting the room.
Ignis was the first to awaken. When his eyes opened, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His vision was clear as crystal. He could see everything. Lifting his hand to his face, he traced his fingers around his eyes. The scars were still there around his left eye, but they were slowly receding. He continued to look around, overjoyed his eyesight had returned to both eyes. However, he soon realized one person was missing from their party-(Y/n).
Pushing himself out of bed, Ignis got to his feet and scanned the room a second time for the Horseman. As he tried to think of where she could've gone, Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto woke up. The three noticed how the advisor was standing in the middle of the room with no cane in his grasp.
Prompto was the first to question him. "Iggy, can you...see?"
"As clear as day," he replied.
"Guess (Y/n)'s remedy really did work," Gladio commented. "Speaking of her, where the hell is she?"
Noctis glances over at the bed the Horseman once laid upon. Prompto did the same and asked, "Shouldn't we go look for her?"
Just as the question rolled off his tongue, the door slid open. Pestilence sauntered in with a heavy sigh. She froze when lifting her head and seeing all eyes were on her. "You all seem somewhat well-rested. Are you ready to venture forth in search of the Crystal?"
"Y'know, for someone who was dead earlier, you're pretty calm," Noctis said.
"Yes, well, it's not the first nor the last time it will happen."
"Where did you go?" Prompto wondered.
"I wandered a ways down the corridor in search of my staff. Morosely, I have yet to locate it," she answered.
"About that..." Noctis held out his hand and summoned the girl's staff. "I found it on the train." He gave it to her without hesitation.
(Y/n) took her staff from him. "Thank you, Noctis." She tapped the end of the staff against the floor, a ring of pale green light pulsating from it. The boys felt their injuries and weariness vanish after the ring dissipated. "Shall we proceed forth?"
"Let's get this over with," Noctis stated.
The five left the dormitory and continued their perilous search for the Crystal. As they fought against magiteks and daemons, Pestilence couldn't help but notice Ignis' movements were smooth and precise.
After their skirmish with enemies, she approached him. "Ignis, your eye sight... Has it returned in full?"
"It has," he responded, dispelling his daggers.
She sighed in relief with a smile. "Thank the Astrals..."
"This was no miracle from the Astrals but a marvel of your own doing, my dear. It is by your benevolent hands I am once again able to see."
"I am relieved the remedy worked in its entirety." She reaches up and traces the scars that remained around his left eye. "The scars will still need more time to heal. I could try a fourth treatment if you'd like once there's time."
Before Ignis could reply, a familiar sensation of dread washed over the Horseman. She stepped away from the strategist and placed a protective barrier around everyone. As the barrier was erected, the draugr she'd been hunting manifested from an inky puddle on the floor. Her eyes widen in horror when seeing it had mutated. It now had three heads and its body towered over them. An assortment of weapons protruded from its body and it was no longer limited to just swords. The stench of its rotten flesh caused her stomach to churn slightly.
Pestilence transformed her staff into a set of chakrams as she stepped out of the barrier. Facing the draugr, she watched as it yanked an axe and broadsword from its decaying flesh. Before it could swing its weapons, she tossed one of her chakrams and sliced off its hands. "You four must locate the Crystal. I shall deal with this monstrosity and rejoin you soon."
"You're really gonna fight that thing on your own?" Prompto asked, eyes glued to the monstrous corpse.
"Yes." She caught her chakram just as the draugr's hands regenerated and picked up its weapons. "There is no need to worry. I can handle this on my lonesome."
"Don't keep us waiting too long," Noctis said before he, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis took off.
Pestilence kept her attention focused on the draugr. She watched its movements closely, dodging its attacks and searching for an opening in order to strike. Using her surroundings as an advantage, she managed to lure the draugr toward one of the thick metal walls. At the last second, she dodged the corpse's attack and looked back to see its weapons were lodged into the metal wall. She smirked once seeing her plan worked. Tossing both chakrams, she sliced off the draugr's arms and legs.
Acting quickly, Pestilence caught the chakrams and switched to her staff. She casted an ice spell and froze the draugr's appendages to prevent them from regenerating. The three-headed corpse cried out as its body fell to the floor.
Switching back to chakrams, (Y/n) leapt onto the draugr's body. She raised both crescent-shaped blades and focused her sight on its chest. As she went to slice into its flesh, a third arm sprouted from its side and grabbed her by the throat. She choked at the sudden pressure around her neck, her body being lifted up into the air.
Pestilence used her chakrams to slice off the draugr's arm. She fell to the floor and pried the hand off her neck. She tossed the appendage aside, hopping to her feet in order to attack the monster again. However, she became petrified when more arms and legs sprouted from its body. A black, tar-like substance dripped from its six eyes as it screeched out, yanking more weapons from its body to arm itself.
The draugr lunges forward and swung all its weapons at the Horseman. She managed to dodge all the weapons except for the javelin. It pierced her shoulder and pinned her to the floor, causing her to drop her chakrams in the process. She gritted her teeth and attempted to dislodge the javelin from her shoulder. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to due to the position she was in.
(Y/n), in haste, summoned her chakrams and sliced through the shaft of the javelin. Now sliced in half, she could easily remove the portion that was still embedded in her shoulder. She removed it just in time to dodge the draugr. Unbeknownst to the Horseman, she didn't realize the damage done to the floor from its previous attack.
When the draugr's second attack clashed against the floor because Pestilence dodged, it shattered. The floor disappeared from underneath both of them, causing them to fall.
(Y/n)'s eyes widen as she and her enemy fell. She felt as if her body was suspended in air due to how far they were falling. Wondering what she could do, she looked around desperately. Only one idea came to mind when her eyes landed on the draugr. She released one of her chakrams and latched onto its body, climbing towards its chest. It tried to grab her, but she ducked and quickly jammed her other chakram into its chest. It wailed out in pain, the curved blade slicing deeply.
Before Pestilence could destroy the draugr's heart, she and it slammed against the floor. She quickly regained her bearings and focused on its heart while it was stunned from the impact. Using both chakrams, she sliced deeper and deeper into its flesh in order to reach its heart. Once she did, she dealt the killing blow by slicing its heart in two. Her eyes never left the draugr's body as she listened to its dying wails and watched its form melt into a black puddle. She dispelled her chakrams with an exhausted sigh.
(Y/n) glances at her injured shoulder, watching it slowly mend. She rolled her shoulder once it was healed. Looking around the area, she saw nothing familiar and wasn't sure where she currently was inside Zegnautus Keep.
Before the Horseman could contemplate on her next move, she felt a familiar tug on her body. Seeing as the draugr was annihilated, she heeded the call of the summoning orb and teleported.
Arriving at where the others were inside Zegnautus Keep, Pestilence looked around and saw the devastated faces of Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis. Confused, she asked, "What happened?"
The advisor was seemingly the calmest out of the three and told her what happened with the Crystal, Noctis, and Ardyn. She listened closely when he mentioned how Noctis was absorbed into the Crystal and the disturbing nature Ardyn showed.
Once he finished explaining, she casted her gaze downward. She wasn't sure what to do or say to help them. She knew just how much Noctis meant to each and every one of them. Crossing her arms, she sighed, "We should leave. It's not safe here."
Ignis nodded in agreement. "A prompt exit should be our next maneuver."
"Let's get the hell outta here," Gladio said.
Prompto remained silent as he and the others searched for a way out of Zegnautus Keep. When they managed to do just that, they wondered how they'd escape the empire and head back to Lucis.
After hours of wondering how'd they get back to Lucis, they were approached by a familiar figure who landed in an imperial drop ship nearby. It was Aranea. With her help, they were able to fly back to Lucis.
Landing near Lestallum, (Y/n) watched the three boys walk away from each other. In their stead, she thanked the ex-mercenary. Once the drop ship was gone, her gaze fell upon the city. With a disheartened sigh, she casted her melancholic gaze toward the ground. "Darkness has attained victory this day, but it will not win the war."
Four years passed by. Darkness reigned over Eos and daemons ran rampant. The Four Horseman found themselves busy protecting the daemon king himself from his subordinates.
(Y/n), along with War, Death, Famine, and King Aeshema, was currently held up inside the castle within the Inner Sanctum. The daemon king's own castle was unsafe and the horsemen decided to bring him to their abode in the Inner Sanctum.
Finally having a peaceful moment, Death pulled Pestilence aside. The sable-haired girl eyed her sister with a questioning glance. "You should head back to Eos."
(Y/n) blinked in bewilderment. "What is the meaning of this, Death?"
"It's been four year since darkness consumed all and the daemons broke free from Hell to terrorize Eos. During those four years, you haven't once visited Ignis. Right now would be the perfect moment to see him. War, Famine, and I will keep a watch on His Majesty while you're gone. The three of us can handle protection duty for a while."
"It has been quite a while, hasn't it?" Pestilence murmured. "It would be nice to see him again."
"Then what're you waiting for?" Death smiled. "Go on! Even King Aeshema has given you permission to leave."
"I will be back soon."
With King Aeshema's blessing, (Y/n) returned to Eos. She arrived in Hammerhead and saw the large fence surrounding it. The bright lights kept the daemons at bay, allowing people to enter and leave Hammerhead as they pleased without the fear of being attacked.
She had no issues walking through the entrance that was guarded by hunters. Immediately, she searched for Ignis. When she couldn't find him, she asked one of the hunters and learned he'd be back shortly. To pass the time, she found herself prowling the perimeter of the fence. Eventually, she stopped as her eyes focused on the large daemons in the distance.
Pestilence's attention was drawn away from the daemons when hearing her name being called. Turning around, she smiled at the person who called out to her. "It has been quite some time, Ignis. You seem to be doing well." She analyzed his appearance and noted the many changes he's made in the past few years. "I've heard you've been rather busy during your time as a hunter. The daemons have proven to be a nuisance."
"They have, indeed," Ignis said. "Do pray tell what has had your attention these past few years, (Y/n)."
"Protection detail. The daemon king has been taken into the horsemen's custody for protection against his subordinates. He and my sisters await in the Inner Sanctum. It is the safest place for His Majesty at the moment." She placed a hand on her hip. "Pushing duties aside, I see the scars have healed well."
"Only because of your remedy." Ignis reaches out and took her hand in his. "I will never be able to express how grateful I am for what you've done, darling."
"Please, Ignis, you've thanked me enough." (Y/n) gazed into his emerald eyes and could see how exhausted he was. "You need to rest. Hunting daemons is an exhausting job."
The strategist released her hand and moved his own to her cheek. He gazed into her (e/c) eyes, reluctant to leave in fear she'd disappear if he were to sleep. "I desire to spend more time in your company."
She laughed after seeing the tint of worry in his eyes. Placing her hand over the one he had on her cheek, she offered him a gentle smile. "There's no need to be concerned. I shall be here when you wake."
"I shall hold you to your word."
The couple exchanged a sweet, loving kiss before parting ways. (Y/n) watched the door of the caravan close behind Ignis with a smile. "Sleep well, my love."
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lu-undy · 4 years
Hc! Theres days where Spy's scars itch. Hes uncomfortable on battle because of this. It isnt an itch you can scratch away, not really, the scar tissue is dense and he can get to she skin underneath it. Snipers job is to observe, so he notices how Spy squirms under his suit trying to make that itch dissapear, but its in vain. Sniper approaches his morethanfriend to see whats the matter. Spy is reluctant at first but he opens up to Snipes. Later dat day Snipes rubs some sorta thing on the scars.🐑
Alright, here we go, I hope you’ll like it :D
The Frenchman sighed and mumbled something in French to himself. It was summer and the habit of wearing a suit was less practical now, especially when topped with a mask. He was sweating beneath his attire… 
Him and his teams were in the respawn room and the battle was about to start. As the Administrator delicately sung the countdown, he lit a cigarette to take his mind off of what was truly bothering him. 
The gates flashed open and he watched his colleagues pour out of the room and into the battlefield. Spy cloaked and exited the room soon after.  He ran unnoticed, passing his colleagues and soon breaching enemy lines. 
He saw the Engineer setting up and upgrading a sentry in the back. He seemed alone and thank God, the nuisance that the enemy Pyro was was nowhere to be seen around the short man. That was his chance. Spy disguised as the fire spreading specialist and put a hand in his inner pocket. 
"Hey Pyro, need some ammo, pardner?" 
Spy hissed and shook his shoulder. 
Ah merde, not now…!
The Engineer realised something was fishy with the way that his friend was holding his flamethrower. He raised his wrench and struck. Spy's disguised vanished. 
The sentry rotated and the Frenchman felt like a rabbit flashed by a car light moments before impact. He knew he was done for. 
Respawn was never pleasant. Not only did it leave a bit of a weird feeling, like a bitter aftertaste of death that your body somehow clings onto, but it also rhymes with defeat. Die and retry, as they say. 
The Frenchman lit a new cigarette and puffed on it aggressively. He was frowning and clenching his jaw. His annoyance was written all over his body and face. 
"Y'alright, pal?" 
Scout had respawned and put a hand on his colleague's shoulder. Spy shot him a murderous glance and wiggled his shoulder away from his hand. 
"Jeez, alright…!" 
The young man made sure his scattergun was reloaded and left the spawn room. Spy waited to see the distance between himself and Scout was large enough that he could tolerate it, and then exited himself. 
Part of his job was not to bump anyone and that day, he made it a point to stand away from everyone, friends or foes. The heat tired him and his failure at sapping a lonely sentry, barely defended, made his mood bitter. 
-- Evening, at the base -- 
"Putain de merde…" 
[Bloddy hell…]
The Frenchman was alone in his room. He had just exited the shower, wearing only a white tanktop and his pyjama trousers. He was standing in his bathroom, facing his mirror, an empty small cream box in his hands. 
What had been bothering him the entire day was the itch. 
He was used to it now. Whenever it was too hot or he sweated, one of his scars, the one on his right shoulder, would trouble him. It was a deep burn mark and the skin had healed up but the new skin wasn't as good as the "normal" one. It looked more transparent and felt different to the touch. But the most annoying thing is that that patch of skin was unable to deal with heat properly. Not only did it hurt when exposed to the sun - the same way a fresh burn would, only less strongly - but it could not possibly sweat or rather, humidity would form underneath a very thin layer of skin. It itched but couldn't be scratched away. 
Spy had been used to it. Whenever it bothered him, he would get a bit of cream there, to hydrate it and cool it down. He tossed the empty cream pot to the bin and got a new one. He opened it and took some of it on his fingers. Raising his eyes, he looked at himself on the mirror. 
The burn mark was large. He could see it when facing the mirror and he knew it spread back on his shoulder blade. Spy was about to put the cream on it when a knock on the door cut him. 
"Go to hell." 
He answered loud enough for whoever was standing there to hear him. 
"Well, I'm standing at its door apparently!" 
The Frenchman recognised that voice and the slight accent. 
He thought. Part of him was annoyed at the interruption. But it was only part of him. He put the cream pot back on the sink and slipped his mask and a dressing gown on. The Frenchman went to the door and opened it. 
"Bushman, how may I help?" 
Obviously, Spy was being sarcastic. 
"I was goin' to ask you the same, now, d'you mind…?" 
The Frenchman rolled his eyes and let his colleague in. The Australian entered and removed his hat. 
"Am I interruptin' somethin'? Do you want me to give you a minute?" 
Sniper was hinting at the fact that the masked man was in his pyjamas quite early.
"Non. It is fine. Just tell me what you want, I have very little patience for games tonight." He coldly answered. 
"Roight, let's sit and have one of your cigs." 
Both men took a seat on the sofa and Spy lit two cigarettes. 
"So, are you going to finally tell me what is it you seek with me?" The Frenchman sounded impatient and mildly annoyed. 
"It's how you behaved today." 
Silence fell for an instant. One of those awkward ones. 
"What about it?" Spy feigned innocence though he very well knew what Sniper was getting at. 
"I've watched you and you didn't seem normal. Also, you didn't sap the sentries as nicely as you usually do. And you got caught a lot more."
"And?" The impatience and boiling rage were very clearly visible on the Frenchman's face.
"And I want to help." 
Spy's eyebrows jumped. He had expected Sniper to tell him that he had been very bad at his job and asking him why. But non. 
"You want… to help?" He repeated. 
"Yeah. What's wrong with you? I've seen you actin' awfully weird, shaking your shoulder every other second as if you had something on it. I'm guessing something's on yer mind." 
The Frenchman's lips pursed up to a faint smile. 
"And you are wrong. Nothing is on my mind. And yes, I have been spectacularly mediocre today. Thank you for noticing."
"Spy, you don't have to take it that way-"
"Oh but I am."
"Spy, look-"
"Are you done?" The Frenchman dryly cut him.
Sniper didn't want to leave. He knew how stubborn and hard-hearted his colleague could be. But he said he would help and he would. He didn't go away from the comfort of his van for nothing. If confronting the masked man didn't work, maybe something else would. 
Sniper raised his hand and about to put it on Spy's right shoulder but the Frenchman slithered away even before the Australian could touch him. 
"Hey… It's only me." 
Spy raised his eyes and saw his friend's earnest face. He sighed.
"Fine. Here is what has been bothering me. But Sniper, one word of this to anyone else and I will make sure it is your last." Spy raised a threatening index finger. 
Sniper smiled softly. 
"Y'know me. I don't talk." 
Spy nodded. It was the force of habit… He put a hand on his dressing gown and pulled it down from his shoulder, revealing the burn mark. 
"Oh, Christ…" 
"I stopped invoking his help a long time ago…" Spy sarcastically answered. 
"Did you see the Doc' for it? Does it hurt a lot?" 
"Medic knows about it but there isn't much him or anyone else can do. I just live with it."
"When did you get it?" 
"A long time ago. I'm used to it. It's just when the temperature gets a bit too high, it itches in an unbearable way. I can't scratch it away." 
"Is there anything you can do to make it itch less?"
"There is a cream that I put. It's not a miracle solution but it lessens the itch and the burning sensation. I was about to put some before you came in." 
"Oh sorry mate, go and do it, I don't want to bother you." 
"Give me an instant." 
The Frenchman disappeared to the bathroom and re-appeared soon after with the small cream jar in his hand. He put the cigarette between his lips and removed the dressing gown before sitting down. Sniper couldn't help but stare. Spy was lean, maybe even a bit slim. His fair skin was beautiful.
"I can help you if you want." 
Spy raised an eyebrow. 
"I mean, surely you can't reach the rest behind your back…?" 
"Why, thank you. I think I will manage." 
Sniper watched as his friend spread the cream on his shoulder. He massaged slowly, avoiding the tanktop. He hissed now and then, while the Australian tried to imagine how it could feel, the pain, the itch. He also wanted to feel that odd-looking skin below his fingers. But it hurt him. As if Spy wasn't cold-hearted enough, his own body worked to make him more bitter… 
"Spy, you're clearly strugglin'..." 
"Non, I'm not!" The Frenchman was irritated. 
Their eyes met. 
"Let me try." 
Sniper extended his hand and offered his palm. 
Spy put the cream pot on it. 
"Makes you very angry this itch, eh?" 
"You cannot imagine how annoying it is." 
"Turn yer back." 
Spy's eyebrow twitched. 
"Nothin' to fear, I'm not the backstabber here…!" 
The Frenchman rolled his eyes and turned. 
"Now, remove yer top." 
"It's only her back! And it'll make it actually easier! Can't put the cream where your top is, now can I?" 
Spy grumbled but obliged and Sniper was now facing the Frenchman's back. It looked like a abstract canvas of scars. Bullet marks, burn marks, cuts… He couldn't see it but the masked man was ashamed. He knew his body was bruised, awfully so. But Sniper's body was too, albeit differently. The man had fought more animals than men so he had more bites and claw marks than bullets or knife cuts.
"Don't hold your shoulders up like that, breathe and relax." 
"Had I been behind your back, you would react the same way, Bushman."
"Fair, but I'm not you. I don't kill from people's back." He spread the cream on the Frenchman's shoulder blade, trying to not push his hand too hard. 
"Non, you shoot them for far away." 
"A kill as clean as yours." 
"Correct. But my job is high risk for a high reward. Yours is more… safe."
"What?! No it's not! Do you know how much I'm bullied by the other bastard of a Spook?!" 
Spy chuckled. 
"Does that mean I am a bastard too?" 
Sniper's eyes raised to Spy's back of his head. The Frenchman turned his head slightly, waiting for his friend to answer. Each second of silence weighed more than the previous one. 
"Nah, no, you're not." 
"What am I then? I, too, am a Spook." 
"Oh yeah you are, no doubt about that… Nah, you're a Spook, but uh… You're fine." 
Sniper chuckled nervously. 
"Y-you know what I mean…" 
The Australian had covered all the scar with the cream now. He put the lid back on the pot and closed it. 
"Do I?" Spy insisted with a smirk. 
The Australian smiled. 
"Yeah you do. You aren't stupid." 
Sniper was facing Spy's naked back. The Frenchman's shoulders were relaxed and he appreciated the breath of his friend on it. It helped cooling it down. The Australian handed the cream back to the Frenchman, from behind. 
Spy took the cream and Sniper's eyebrows jumped when he realised that he had also grabbed his hand and pulled on it. 
"I wouldn't have opened my door to anyone else." Spy said.
"I… Thanks." 
The Frenchman pulled on his friend's hand more and he felt Sniper's weight shift on the sofa, closer. 
"Non, thank you. I know I can be in a particularly foul mood sometimes. And I make myself hard to approach. Yet you remain." 
Sniper smiled and laced his arm around his friend's torso and pulled him in closer. Spy closed his eyes went Sniper's hug hit inside him. The Australian was hugging him from behind, resting his chin on his left shoulder. 
"Y-yeah. I don't know, I just think that… I mean sometimes you're a bit angry or sad. But you just need someone to be there for ya." 
Spy melted in his friend's arms. He felt the Australian's fingers lace between his. 
"I might sometimes." 
"Nah, you do, really." 
"What makes you say that?" Spy asked. 
"I can't see your face but I'm sure you're…"
"I'm enjoying this more than I can say, oui."
Spy turned his head to look his friend in his eyes. Sniper's pupils were wide and his smile, dreamy. The Frenchman's smiled widened as he pushed his cheek against the Australian's. 
"You should shave those sideburns off."
"In yer dreams. Also, why should I do that?"
"They sting me even through my mask." 
"Remove it and it will sting not through it then!" 
Spy turned his head again to look at his friend. 
"Well, I had to try…!" Sniper said.
"What makes you think that it is just a try?" 
Sniper got confused but saw his friend's hand rise from his lap and his fingers settle around his neck, at the base of his balaclava. 
The Australian never forgot that night.
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sporesgalaxy · 5 years
Oh god Sylvie's story is so wild. I need to know how that battle ends! Is he ok afterwards? Does he die?! GAAH! THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!
He’s ok!!
FUCK IT, full play-by-play!!!!!!!! Direct quotes!!!!!!! Deal with my weak improvised connectors!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAA
The party defeats his monster form but it’s just Dream Big beefed up by shadow realm magic and unchecked rage, so Sylvie is fine. He’s launched out of the room they’re in by the final blow, though, and the party But Especially Rick goes running after him.
He’s lying on the ground, beaten up but alive. He laughs harshly. “I lost again. Of course! I don’t know why I expected anything else.” He sighs. “Finish me off.”
Rick steps forward first, and says very earnestly “Sylvie…it…it must have been…SO hard for you. I’m really sorry.”
Mera sort of steps forward, looks over at Rick, and awkwardly asks, “Should I– should I, like, do a thing?” Rick nods enthusiastically. Mera kneels down next to Sylvie.
“I. I’m. Not going to kill you,” She says, as reassuringly as possible.
Rick does the universal mime for “GO ON,” so Mera tries very hard to continue smoothly, “Um…………Hey.”
Sylvie stares at her from the ground.
“Sorry,” Mera continues, “I’m…bad at this. Look–” She takes a deep breath, “–you were right. You were right about…a out all that stuff I did. Those are indeed. Things I did. I’m–” she suddenly takes on a truly earnest tone. She’s really trying. “I’m genuinely sorry. About the tournament [the event she and Sylvie met at in AC]…and the scar. Especially the scar. I still don’t remember you from the tournament, to be totally honest, but it seems like what I did…REALLY affected you. So. I’m sorry.”
She looks back at the party, wondering if she just did that right. Rick is nodding again!
She turns back to Sylvie, and leans a little closer to him, lowering her voice. “Look, Sylvie–” she winces, not 100% sure that was actually his name, but when he doesn’t react negatively, she keeps going, “They told me you used to study Epithets. That you wanted to know all about them, and you thought I’d be a good mentor for that. Well, um, sorry, but…I kind of suck. At that. The mentoring…and the epithets.” [She then explains how her epithet affects her, which you’ll be familiar with if you watched the cartoon.] “…and I thought, maybe if I put on airs like I was this big, tough, smart, scary lady, maybe it would actually happen.”
[MINOR MERA CHARACTER ARC SPOILERS AFTER THIS POINT. No specifics as to WHY she’s Character Developing, but still, just in case!]
“And, it did! Finally, today, but now I don’t have Indus, and….I don’t have anything. So, none of it was even really worth it. So, i guess I kinda get what you’re feeling right now?” She chuckles nervously, “We’re both at the bottom!”
“Y-Y'know, Indus used to tell me that honorable warriors share their Epithets when they fight, and I always thought he was an idiot for that, but I feel like it’ll help? So, uh–”
She glances at the party, who are all very much in earshot, and decides to lean down and whisper her epithet into Sylvie’s ear.
EDIT: Oh Sylvie apologizes back too Im just very tired. It’s sweet he admits he’s been way too intense. About the whole murder thing.
THIS gives Sylvie the 60TH PROFICIENCY POINT HE NEEDS TO BECOME CLASS 2: DREAMWEAVER!!! His wounds magically heal and he gets a cool outfit upgrade a special final move called an Outclass! He uses it to help the party so they can get to the FINAL final boss of this episode!!! yay!!!!!!
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nozomijoestar · 5 years
More NaraTrish- will I write anything else lately? Who knows...
This is nsfw implied only with virtually no graphic content descriptions (aka a cutaway from where it would be in a mutually adult pairing, we dont do minor nsfw here ty if you do i tell the cops and take your head); I exclusively prioritized emotions and dialogue above all else- the cut scene is nothing more than an extremely fast plot point/footnote for the emotional conversations I wanted to have context and come out organically- exploring sexuality without the sex, 99% of it is a giant convo
She stood close enough to feel her body heat. At the touch of her hands on his and the caress when she ran her thumb across his palm- he trembled. It lasted but a fraction of a second before he held hers back. Her eyes bore into his with an intensity he couldn't yet understand. She knew how to stir butterflies in him at a glance; this however, this was a spotlight trained on one actor. He licked his lips to calm himself away from going breathless.
She was so close, she smelled really good, she'd grown warm enough as if wearing passion for a raincoat. Trish moved a hand to his chest. The urge to follow with his eyes nearly buckled his will.
"Narancia, I'm ready."
"Eh? Huh? For what? I-Is this cuz I forgot your fancy wa-"
He swallowed hard at her finger on his lips. Narancia waited for her laugh; for the other shoe to drop and all this being another of their games. She caressed his cheek never moving her eyes away. At last he wrapped an arm around her waist.
In an instant she kissed him; pressed him gently against the wall. He returned it on instinct. His heart thundered like a race horse. Time became a foreign concept. In a shock of the senses he felt her so clearly, it might be called painful. Without hesitation he cupped her face. Everything was Trish, realization dawned in the back of his mind. He couldn't lie to himself. A part of him feared.
She pressed against him; her fingers ran through his hair. She gave him seconds for the glaze to leave his eyes.
"You know we might die. There's nothing to take for granted so-"
Trish touched their foreheads, kissed his nose, his cheek, the corner of his mouth. She smoothed his bangs; blushed at the focus in his stare. Just being held by him egged on her courage.  
"I want it to be you. Before I might never get the chance. Even if it's only once; if you want it too I-"
"Trish...it's not safe y'know...besides with a guy like me, maybe you shouldn't."
"I don't care. The one thing I want to know is if you want me too."
His face had gone the reddest she'd ever seen. Narancia took a shaky breath and kissed her. Again and again they met before toppling onto the couch. The impact slapped him back to some form of rationale. He was on top of her, on top of Trish. The weight behind that fact stopped him in place. An awkward uncertain pause followed. He strained to gather his composure; to look her in the face.
"We're really gonna do this huh?"
Trish didn't need to look to feel his arms begin to quietly tremble. Narancia's expression sunk into that demure timidness that fogged his confidence. A warble had touched his voice, like when he had a dissenting opinion or tried choosing his life. She frowned. Her gentle touch on his wrist relaxed him. It was a gesture not demanding expectation but spoke, 'I'm here, no matter what.' He nodded slowly dusting his wants from the rubble of what others ordered.
"I'm scared of messing up. I'm still not sure if I will or won't."
Trish slid off his headband; smoothed his hair a tender beat. She smiled at him in a way that dazzled. He gave her the rare look that emerges when the world seems to broaden. Like he was seeing her in all her imperfection as a traveler beside fire in the dark.
"You won't. I promise."
They kissed as they embraced. Kissed foreheads, cheeks, jaws drowning within it. And that was the final word on that.
It was a long while to be still in the silence. Pulling on his clothes had never come so absentmindedly. The stupid sloppy grin on his face would've hurt if he had the mind for it. Every muscle ached in a warmth foreign but not unpleasant. If he wanted to stretch his vocabulary, it was downright euphoric. He sat in his tights and socks staring at nothing. His mind was a movie theater with film made up of a memory collage.
Trish had dressed the fastest. Returning to clothes made them stick to her like a second skin. She was sweaty and disheveled and a sham of organization; she reveled in it. A feeling unthinkable but a few hours before. She leaned against him, kissed his cheek. Her arms went around him. Narancia leaned into her trusting she'd catch him. Knowing she would.
With ease he nuzzled into the crook of her neck. Trish raised his chin for their lips to meet. Her hair was so soft and skin so warm he could swear he might melt- and welcome it. Trish would protect him. He'd shoot anyone who wanted to take that away; as zealous as that desire was.
"This is gonna sound shitty, but I don't mind if the others don't come back soon."
Trish chuckled.
"I guess that makes two of us."
They laughed together why they didn't know. It sounded as right as the pain in their sides and breathing the same air. Narancia moved without thinking; his heart did that for him, always had. He hugged her until they fell atop one another again. This time the laughter wouldn't stop. With one burst after another did he fall deeper against her.
Trish watched him, watched him quiver, a wounded animal when beside her now. The laugher strangled into something mewling. He buried his face somewhere in her side. A wetness pooled on her skin. He was crying. She put a hand on his head.
"Narancia?" She asked as though both navigating a glass labyrinth, and fearing it to shatter.
He wouldn't give an answer as she sat him up; let him cling to her. The grip in his touch set her nerve on a knife's edge.
"Narancia...what is it?"
"...Doing that with you, it made me so happy. The whole time I could barely think, but I felt. I felt more than just you. I don't know any fuckin fancy words for it. I was being me; I haven't really felt that way in a long time. I did what I wanted to do with no one looking down on me."
"I...me too."
"So now I thought everything'd be even happier. I wanna be there for you more than anything ever. I wanna keep doing the things we always do; keep getting better at what we did with you a hundred, no a thousand times. When this shit is done, I wanna look over and see you."
He sniffled and fought for breath in the crook of her neck. The joy to his voice had been chipped jagged. Suddenly he slumped with a weariness that sent Trish spiraling toward panic; the sails of her spirits whipped this way and that. He was so thin, so small, his lithe muscle but a prop.
"That's the problem! Now you're all I've got in my head and- and shit who's really to say no ones gonna die? It's just like you said at the beginning. I've lost enough Trish, I, I can't-"
"Narancia Narancia...hold onto me. Listen to my voice. You don't have to say anymore if you want. Put an ear to my chest."
He obeyed without question; ever the loyal soldier before Bucciarati- before her, the ultimate fool. She tucked his hair behind an ear. A deep sigh from her gave him a lead to follow. Slowly his breathing steadied.
A moment they didn't count out passed.
"Trish, order me not to die. If- if you order me I can do anything. Anything at all."  
His hands trembled again. Her eyes fell on him fighting tears; losing that  pitiful battle. Somewhere in one of her mother's books she'd first heard of Atlas. Of the god bound to carry the world. A will closest in equal for her to muster kept her from shattering.
"You know I can't promise that. Not even for myself. That's for none of us to decide."
"That sounds like Bucciarati talking. 'Course he's right. He said something the same before. After everyone got on the boat. Everyone but me, then we left Fugo. I can't stand it. It's so confusing; like I don't know what left and right is. Like, like I'm stupid."
"Well I'm not leaving you behind. No matter what happens."
Narancia sniffled nodding weakly. Trish pulled him closer refusing to let go. Her warmth shielded him when she lifted his hand. The lively spark that drove him was saved a day more. She rubbed her thumb over his wrist.
A patchwork of tiny scars that turned the skin a leathery silver encompassed it. The mold that'd devoured his flesh refused leaving him whole; even with the healing might of Gold Experience. It had to take something, plunder mercilessly for self preservation. For the chaotic high of murder for murder's sake.
Giorno had told them (a hard unfeeling calm behind his eyes that Trish shivered to think veiled over satisfaction) the User behind that Stand had been snuffed out. Trish let her stare linger. Her thumb continued outlining the shapes, recommitting them to memory as she had the rest of him.
"You've taken so many hits for me. Only a righteous idiot could keep doing that. Risk his life for everything he believes in."
She kissed the spot. He shivered once in her arms. Trish closed her eyes; let herself feel all of him as he was now. Every tense limb going slack, every heartbeat almost matching hers.
"I guess I've been doing my own version of that. I'll have to do more."
She cupped his face in her hands. He stared wearing the barest confusion. His brow raised and lips pouted. He always did that without realizing. Trish smiled. Looked at nothing else.
"I want something I can say I got because of you, too."
She leaned in kissing the lips that'd forever wait for her.
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years
Tom Vs The Forces Of Evil (Au) Chapter 20
Tom took a seat on his bed, back in his old room, and by old room he should say new and permanent room on earth. Turning it back was almost a joy in fact, he kinda missed it, the Diaz guest room had life once again from the plain white walls and simple setup it used to have. Tom's crown sat on his dresser, newly taken here from the castle, all his things were currently being cleared out in fact. Tom held the letter down in his hands, sighing, he wasn't sure whether he liked getting updates about his parents. He did like hearing about their improvements on trying to fix the damage the mewman royal society did to the, for years, but it was kind've bittersweet to think about them No matter how much better he'll get, he was never going to be his dad.
Tom threw the letter on the bedside table and took a long breath, he was wearing Marco's hoodie today, it was softer then usual thanks to Ms Diaz cleaning it up after Tom arrived back on earth. The Diazes were more then ecstatic for Tom's return, literally throwing him a party as soon as he walked in. Tom was starting to get used to this family throwing him parties whether he deserved it or not. Marco still saved him a slice of his birthday cake, and Tom ate it happily, despite it being a bit old and a lot less tasty then it would've been if things hadn't gone the way they had. Tom didn't care though, being back might  have felt surreal at first but he eased into it again. He got to leave his room when he wanted again, eat whenever, and all of his magic stuff for the most part wasn't being held from him. All the gifts his friends had given him for his birthday were here in his grasp again, and Star was at least kind enough to return his journal, which he swore Janna looked at beforehand. Marco got his wallet back at least, and Tom had a feeling he was planning to keep Janna's key as payback until Janna was seen using it to sneak into Marco's room days earlier. Star was more then excited for Tom to be back on earth, she called him every day now, sometimes to brag how the rescue of Tom got her in with the counsel and that she took what place the arrested king had recently. And well....the monsters were finally being approached with a new tone. Tom wasn't sure if it was the newly found displeasure of his family amoungst other mewmans or what, but it did sound as if his own people had recently had a slight bit of a new view on monsters after seeing their own. Tom smiled to himself, maybe if there was hope for him to not be treated like crap, he'd be able to provide some for others. He's finished putting on his eyeliner a few minutes ago, and his hair was messy under his hat. He wasn't sure if he was ready to leave yet, everything was still weird, it felt weird to be back. He was so sure he'd never come back and now here he was. He didn't know who he was more nervous to see, his friends who were worried sick when he left during his birthday party, the band setting up in the backyard, or Marco. Marco and him were friends still, but the kiss was something unresolved. "-we're bonded, and you know? I think that means good things for us.", Marco smiled happily, Tom blushed and nodded in agreement. "Pfftt, well, I guess if the almighty gods of whatever think we deserve to always be friends no matter what...I guess it's hard to be angry at that....", Marco smiled at that comment, "Let's just promise when supernatural things happen to us, we don't hide them from each other?". Tom nodded, "Yeah, let's not do that...but hey...marco?". "Yeah?" "I'm glad that...at least I got bonded to someone I'd like to spend time with for the rest of my stupid mortal days...", Marco grinned, "Me too..". Tom smiled warmly, that had only been a few days ago, finally talking about the moon and it took a load off of both of them. They even talked about Jackie, and Tom felt a lot better explaining his feelings to Marco then keeping them to himself. At least Marco wasn't angry at him, feelings weren't exactly things people can control easily or really help in general. Tom just needed help, he needed time to handle these emotions, and to express them healthily. The kiss however, that was a bit fuzzy for understandable reasons. Tom wasn't even sure what to make of that, was that even him, or was it something else? He still didn't quite know what that even was or that he could even remotely do that kind of thing, was Marco even remotely fine with it, he did kiss back didn't he? Did that mean they were dating now? Marco didn't seem upset about it.... Tom remembered his first kiss with Star, where he barely even had the courage to do it but did it anyway cause he didn't want to seem nervous. He was freaked out during that because he thought he was a bad kisser or Star wouldn't like him after, but at least then they were both trying to kiss each other. Tom wasn't pulling her into it in a giant bug state, and possibly not himself during it. "Tom?", Marco walked in, wearing his hoodie with a notice dress underneath this time around. He looked really happy to see Tom though, it's like the kiss thing only seemed to be bothering Tom and didn't bother Marco at all since it happened. I mean, this was Marco's first kiss! Shouldn't he be saying something about it!!?? "H-hey marco!!", Tom said weakly, "Everyone ready downstairs?". Marco nodded and took a seat next to him, "my parents are finishing up some of the snacks, but yeah everyone is here, well...everyone that cared enough did at least...". Tom smiled softly, " How's janna?", and Marco rolled his eyes in response." She's showing off her "Battle scars" which will be finished healing in a few days or so, so I guess she's making the most out of her situation...". Tom giggled, "Honestly she should be fully healed by now, does it really take that long for humans to heal from injuries like that?". "They can when you're Janna, someone who finds a way to make them last longer by doing other dangerous things....", Marco kicked his feet on the bed, "You nervous? I know you're still getting used to being back on earth after everything you went through on mewni..". "Maybe a little....but that's not the only thing, I just.....I-", Marco held his shoulder, "Tom, it's ok, the kiss is not something to worry about....it happened. I'm not upset about it, i'm just happy to have you back.". Tom didn't seem to buy it though, "Marco, I didn't want to make things weird....I-I don't know what came over m-". "Tom, today is an important day...", Marco took his hands, "I don't want you to worry, you deserve a break after what happened.....stress-free...I want you to go out and not worry about your dad, or jealously, or even what you did....I want you to go out there, stuff your face with pizza nuggets, and jam out onstage with your favorite band..". "I get to go onstage?", the mewman had stars in his eyes. "Yes you do..", the human replied mischievously, "Honestly you should thank Star, she got you into everything....whether the way she did it was justified or not..". Tom grinned widely and dragged Marco off the bed, from the corner Marshmallow made some excited noises. Tom raced over and took the rabbit out of his cage, then grabbed Marco's arm once again and finally left his room, wand in his pocket. Tom headed down the stairs, Marco following behind him. Tom was cut short however, as he was met by an assortment of hugs. Star, Janna, Jackie, and Marco's parent's held him tightly and Tom held marshmallow up and out of the line of fire so the poor bunny didn't get squished by all of their hugs. They removed themselves from him one by one and Tom felt his face heat up, "Geez guys, It's not like you haven't seen me that long ago....". Star, wearing a sparkly pink dress, because of course she was, with a bow wrapped around her tail, jumped up and down in place. "No but today we're partyiinngggg~ And you look awesome and clean and the band outside is sooooo cooooollll~!!", Tom nodded, "Well you were the one that got the to show up today! Honestly I can't thank you enough for it....". She smiled and shoved a present into his more open arm, Angie carefully took the rabbit out of Tom's hands for safety as Tom held onto the sparkly present. "I know you said we didn't have to bring gifts but weeeeeeellll-", Tom carefully unwrapped it to find a brand new journal, a love sentence one. He smiled, "Thanks Star, means a lot....". "Oh and i also tapped a smaller book about the underworld to the back, y'know.....if you wanna read up on it more!", Tom turned the journal around to find a smaller book attached to it, "Awesome, thanks for it.....it's super cool Star...". Tom looked around the decorated room, it was almost like he'd never left. Except he did, he did leave and terrible things happened and he suffered and his wand broke and he dipped down like he never had before and now he was back, and free. He put the books down, and looked at his surroundings, other people were waving to him now and asking him questions. Honestly, Tom would be asking a lot of questions too if he was them, it's not everyday a classmate vanishes and comes back with such wild tales. Marco trialed behind him, never leaving his side as people came up to talk to him. Marco was probably watching out in case someone said something mean or asked something insensitive to Tom, but Tom seemed to muster everything he had to be polite and calm. Just like he wanted. Ponyhead was here of course, hanging out with Janna and Star for the most part. But of course that didn't stop her from nudging Marco away and hugging her friend before they made plans to hang out sometime and she headed off to flirt, "Happy 2nd birthday besstieee!!~". Marco rubbed his arm, "Y'know, i don't hate her, but i don't think she's still very fond of me...". Tom laughed and wrapped his arm around Marco, "Thanks for this....this is...nice, all of it." "Well, if it weren't nice after everything else that happened, well I might as well turn in my friend card.....we all needed this to be honest.", Tom smiled and Marco pulled out a camera, "C'mon, let's get a picture together, to remember this....". Tom obliged, and Marco held out his arm to take them pic of them, the camera snapped the pic and Marco checked it out only to find Janna photobombing said pic. The girl grinned at them from behind as Marco groaned, "Hey lovebirds!!". "We saw you when I came down..", Tom said, laughing. Janna slapped him on the back, "Yeah, and then you both wandered off to check out more of your party and so did the rest of us, so how about that kiss you guys had huh?". Tom and Marco's faces became scarlet and Marco crossed his arms, "How did you know about the kiss? Who told you?". Janna raised an eyebrow along with her usual brand of smirking , "You did, just now". Marco gaped at her, embarrassed, but Tom got involved before Marco felt any worse. "Marco and I are still talking about it, but frankly it's not really your concern Janna....", the prince was challenging her, defensive over his friend. Marco tended to give up on trying to fight against Janna considering she always was one step-ahead of him, but Tom didn't seem worried one bit. "Well, I gotta say it, I knew it...told you things would work out in the end didn't I?", Tom rolled his eyes, "Janna.....". She shrugged, "C'mon I wasn't wrong, you got to admit your crush on him, and you're both still hanging out just like before, and hey, you even got a kiss in...". "So how you holding up?", Tom changed the subject immediately, "I suppose you're doing better considering the lack of bandages or earth magic bands...". She shrugged, "To be honest, I'm healed. I don't feel sore anywhere and my burns seem to all be gone, honestly you outta teach me what your dad was doing cause I got a cool idea for a prank at the school and those spells would be so perfect for-". "Then why are you showing off your "Battle scars"?", Tom interrupted again, using air quotes. Janna pulled down a sleeve to expose a scar that had clearly not come from her injuries considering both Tom and Marco had witnessed her being fixed up, "Halloween make-up, I told them your dad turned into a giant bee and-". "Ok, thank you Janna!", Tom clasped his hands together, "I'll see you later..." She patted both boys on the backs, "Eh, you'll see me tonight once I unlock the window to Marco's room to find his diary...". Marco stepped in and pushed her away, "Ok then, it was great to see you too Janna, now please go do something else..". Marco returned, red-faces and frustrated, and Tom had to laugh at his cute face. "Careful Marco, she bites, not barks...", Marco groaned, "You know, part of me wishes i didn't invite her, but i know she would've invited herself anyway so honestly what was the point!?". He threw his arms up in the air and Tom laughed as they both headed to the kitchen for some snacks. - Marco watched Tom head out into the backyard to meet Justin Towers, promising to catch up with him in a second. Marco stayed back and it didn't take long before Jackie leaned up next to him, also watching Tom nervously saying hello to his idol. "Everything is set up?", She asked him, still watching the happy mewman prince. "Yeah...", Marco replied, "You're weirdly ok with this....you know? Are you sure it's ok?". Jackie smiled, "Marco, it's fine, I told you on the phone a few days ago.  Stuff happened and it's ok, we're still hanging out and everything, and you and Tom have been talking it out...". "It's just....I want to try ok? I mean maybe it won't work out and be incredibility awkward and i'll ruin everything and i'll suck....but....i'll never know for certain if I don't try." Tom was smiling like he'd never smiled before, taking a picture with his idol, what a dork. Marco smiled, and Jackie took note of his expression, "Marco, we were friends first....we're still friends. I'm not gonna stop my friend from being happy, we're not dating and you're allowed to feel the way you do.....and besides...you guys are great together..". "Would you date me? If I asked you?", Marco asked awkwardly, avoiding eye contact, "You uh...you don't have to answer that If you don't want to....". Jackie laughed, "Marco, yeah, of course I would, and honestly....Tom's a lucky guy.". Marco hugged her, "Thanks Jackie....this means a lot to me..". "Hey, you'll always know where to find me...", She returned the hug to him easily, "Go get your prince, Princess Marco...". Marco nodded and ran off to go see Tom who looked excited out of his mind, "Marco look! He signed a picture of us! I gotta frame this!". Marco grinned from ear to ear, Tom looked like he was about to burst. "That's wonderful Tom!! Also Star managed to get them to play all your favorite songs tonight!", Tom smiled towards the band, "you guys are spoiling me too much I swear, you know when i'm here i'm not exactly much of a prince you have to bow to, ya know?". "So you don't want Love Sentence to play for you?", Marco teased, Tom fake-punched his friend and laughed. "Shut up Marco, you know this is awesome, but how the heck do you expect me to make your next birthday even better then the ones you've thrown for me? How do I top LOVE SENTENCE?!". "Well I think you could always use a good challenge...you're really just gonna have to try won't you?", Tom shook his head, "Don't mock me, like how can I make a party of your cooler, can I uhh-....maybe i can get Star to bring back Mackie Hand or....wait maybe that's too extreme.." Marco slapped Tom on the back, "More extreme then that time you tried to bake with your wand?" "Well, it SHOULD have worked!", Tom argued back. "Dude, how is using a fire blast to back cookies going to work in any reality!!!, Marco said back, then next thing  he knew someone tapped him on the shoulder. Marco whisked around to see one of the band members looking at him, "Hey so you're marco? The kid who lives here?". "Well, if you mean the kid who lives here and whose parents own here, then yeah....that's me..", The man smiled, "I know we're going on in about an hour or so, but me and the guys wanted to ask more about....". He looked at the pink-haired boy watching them with immense curiosity, then he switched back to Marco,"About the thing....". Marco nodded, understanding, he looked over to Tom and gave him a sign he'd be right back and went to find a more private part to talk to the member. Tom started kicking at the dirt for a bit, when he heard a portal opening up, and to his surprise Moon and the high commission stepped out. Moon spotted him and walked over to the confused mewman, "Ah good, we didn't miss a lot did we?". Tom shook his head but the look of utter confusion never left his face, and it must've been clear since Moon seemed to notice it. "Star didn't tell you I was coming did she?", Tom shook his head again, "Sorry, originally it was going to just be me, but.....we have a lot to make up for....and...I convinced them to come. Your party isn't much but...". "You came to support me..", Tom finished, hugging his arms, "How is.....everything?". She sighed, "You father......and mother....they're getting better, slowly...but surely. Never though one day Star's methods would be this handy, but...I don't think things are ever fully going to get better....they....this was how they were raised...how they grew Tom..". "I know..", he said quietly, "It's ok...". He didn't exactly sound "OK", he sounded quite sad, maybe it was the fact Tom knew he'd never get real parents, maybe that in the end his parents were victims like him, or maybe it was him thinking back to his messed up life. But whatever it was, it was still a bit upsetting to him, and Moon placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Tom..", Tom nodded, not saying anything in response. Marco walked back to Tom and Tom snapped out of his funk immediately, Moon smiled at Marco, and Marco also looked surprised to see her here since he hadn't invited her himself. "Marco, er, how are things back on earth for Tom?", Marco put an arm around Tom, which seemed to make him feel a little bit better. "He's doing fine, we're hanging out, talking, he got his room back and everything! Even Marshmallow seems in better spirits here then Mewni.", Tom smiled to his friend. "Well, that's good to hear...I-Um, keep me updated and such....ok?", Marco nodded, and Tom did so as well. Moon looked around to find the commission messing with some humans and her daughter  showing Janna a fire spell and like a race car she was off, "STAR DON'T YOU DARE!!". Tom leaned against Marco and the human let him, "Rough times?". "I'm going through a lot, I thought when I was free and on earth...I'd be happy....and yet...I feel sad....", he bit his lip, "I just...why don't I feel...happy? Is something wrong with me...?". Marco got into his Dr Marco PHD character immediately, "No Tom, this is perfectly normal, you're a kid who went through a lot of things a kid should never have had to go through. It's hard to get over things like this, especially when they happened so recently, it's perfectly normal for you to feel this way..". "I just don't want to feel bad right now, i'm supposed to be having a great time...", Marco sighed, "Don't force yourself to have a good time ok? It's gonna take some time for everything to wash over...I didn't expect you to come back here after all that and just be how you used to be...". Tom nodded, "Ok..thanks, can we just move on from it for a bit? I do really want to enjoy this party and stuff, without thinking about....all that hard stuff..". Marco seemed to understand and replied, "Yeah, we can. You're still young Tom...you've still got a childhood to finish up and...you can worry about those things when you're ready..". Tom smiled, "Good, cause honestly i'd rather be eating nachos and watching lame movies with you....". Marco smiled and Tom bit his lip, "So....do I want to know why one of the band members needed to pull you aside? Or is this an earth thing I'm not aware of?". Marco laughed, and to Tom his laugh was still like music, "Tom, you don't honestly want me to ruin the rest of the night for you, do you?". "Maybe...", Tom said, playfully, "You know how both of us are when it comes to keeping secrets from each other after all?". Marco rolled his eyes, ugh Tom could be such a prick about these things, "Tom, c'mon... I think my parents would like to take some pictures of you.." "Marcoooooo~ What's going on?", He teases, and Marco dragged him along back to the house, "C'mon, picture now, surprise later.". Tom groaned as the human boy dragged his arm back to the house and out of the backyard, "Aw c'mon! But your parents take HUNDREDS of pictures!!". - It was getting dark out, and Tom was surprised at just how many people were even at this party, neither him or marco were all that popular in school, but this seemed to boost them up quite a bit by the looks of it. Then again, it's always possible Moon and the Diazes invited all these random people and kids themselves. The stage looked amazing, Tom wondered how they set this up in one day but had the feeling Star was responsible somehow considering the party person she normally was. But anyways after spending some time taking pictures and spraying magic silly string on Marco to get him back, Tom was super eager for the main event. They had a cake of course, but that was for later, after mostly everyone had left. And besides, this was the part of Tom's party he had to miss out on BEFORE it happened, the cake could wait. Tom had never been to a concert before, I mean he could suppose his song day would have counted if his father hadn't moved the date due to....their sessions. But seeing his favorite band live, playing for him was something he'd never seen before. No prince event on mewni was quiet as exciting as this, nor did it allow him to dress like himself without wearing bowties or frills. This was just a causal event, for him, set up by his friends. Yeah, he didn't deserve this, nor did he deserve such great friends. And yet here he was, up front at this concert, waiting for his favorite band to go onstage with Marco, Janna, Ponyhead, Jackie, and Star next to him. Some looked a bit more eager then others, but he had a feeling Janna and Ponyhead would both sneak off at some point during this show anyway. Smoke was filling he stage, and cheers came from everywhere. Even Tom and Marco themselves were screaming to high heavens, over a boyband getting ready to come onstage. Tom grabbed Marco's hand and squeezed in excitement as the band magically appeared and the smoke cleared. "HOW'S EVERYONE TONIGHT!!", Tom couldn't contain his excitement when Justin spoke onstage, this was so much cooler then any adventure he'd been on. Justin had taken a picture with him, talking to him, gave him an autograph, and now he was performing for him. He wasn't sure how Star got this to work, but he owed her big time for getting this to happen. Everyone cheered at the lead singer's question and he smiled in response, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". The crowd roared even louder, and that only seemed to make him happier, "WELL, IT'S GREAT HAVING YOU ALL HERE TONIGHT, BUT I WANT YOU GUYS TO GIVE A HAND TO THE REAL STAR OF TONIGHT!! TOM!". To Tom's surprise the lights were aimed on him as the crowd cheered and whistled at him. He blushed, and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he felt all eyes on him, Justin grinned and kept the audience going using arm movements. "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TOM!!" The music started and the lights were just on the band and Tom smiled as Awesome feeling came on, one of his absolute favorite songs. And He and Marco were singing along and dancing together, and Tom could only wish this moment would last forever. Favorite song and after favorite song came on, and Tom and Marco sang every word together. Jackie and Star were also having some fun to the music as well, but it was clear most of their focus for now was on each other as the concert kept going on. Then there was the finale, and Tom was awestruck as Justin actually helped him onstage for the final song. Tom didn't seem too happy about leaving Marco behind though, although Marco seemed to be egging him on considering what an amazing thing it was. However, Tom reached a hand out shortly after the song came on, and Marco took it. Lights were showing on them as well as Marco was invited onstage with Tom, Tom could see Star and Jackie cheering in the front for them and pumping their fists. Even Janna and ponyhead were cheering him on from....the roof. Marco was sure going to have some stern words for them when this was all said and done that was for sure. Marco didn't seem too comfortable being in front of so many people like this, but Tom felt the same way and took his hand to clam him down. He coaxed the boy to dance with him and the nervousness left and never came back, even after they took a bow and the place started to clear out. Tom felt a rush of adrenaline he'd never felt before after such an event, that even watching everyone leave couldn't make him sad again. Tom and Marco's feet swung off the empty stage, and Tom kept glancing over to Marco, who was pretending not to notice him playfully. Tom was still suspicious there was something else Marco wasn't telling him, and he was keeping his guard up just in case. "How was tonight Tom?", Marco asked, "Am I still your best friend or what?". Tom rolled his eyes and playfully punched Marco, "I owe you a lot....well, you and Star both. This has been one of the best nights in a long time, I don't know how to describe it, it just feels....amazing..". "More amazing then anything you've gotten as a prince?", Tom laughed, "Yeah, way better then anything I've gotten as a prince." They sat in silence, watching the stars and the moon above them, it was such a nice night out, so peaceful. "You know something else I like about you Marco...?", Tom asked, gettign Marco's attention. "Besides the many things you've already said you liked about me? I'm not sure what to say...", Tom lied down on the stage, feet still hanging of and hands placed onto his chest, "You don't see me as a freak, or a prince, you.....like me for me..you did all this to make me happy...". "That's what friends do...", Marco said simply, he lied down next to Tom, facing the stars above them. "No one should've gone through what you did, and you really needed something to pick you up after everything that happened...we all did. Star and Her mom were trapped, Janna was hurt, Ponyhead saw you almost die....and I....was freaked out." Tom sighed, "My world hit you hard, it really did, if even Marco Diaz the misunderstood badboy couldn't handle it...". They started up at the moon silently, "I'm glad to be here, with you, I really am. I just wish things were better, that you saw the better parts of my world. My world isn't all full of horrible people and bad fathers, it's....full of amazing creatures, and places, just like earth." "We should go see it sometime, not just for a mission or anything, just....go see the parts you like.", the human suggested,"I know we tried once and It freaked you out, but we can go to other places, and our friends can come too! It could be more fun that way!". "It could be, as long as we all be careful ok?", Marco smiled, "Looks like my "Safe kid" instincts have rubbed off on you..". "Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me...", Tom smiled back. "TOM, MARCO!!?? C'MON!!! IT'S CAKE TIME!!, Star called out from the house, both boys shot up and exchanged looks. Marco headed off the stage, and Tom followed after, running their way inside where Marco's parents, moon and the high commission, and their closest friends were, but also much to Tom's surprise, the Love Sentence Members were also here. Maybe he expected as a band they had other places to be, or they were here for the gig, but here they were, spending time in Marco's living room and talking to one another. Tom wasn't sure what to say, was he supposed to ask why they were here? Was he supposed to be excited? Play it cool? Then he looked over at Marco suspiciously, which Marco took note of and tried to change the subject. "Ok! Cake Time!", he clapped his hands together and everyone made their way around the table Janna and ponyhead were also here and Marco made a mental note to inspect the roof for any damage after cake time was over. Tom sat in his seat, right in front of his new cake, and everyone was gathered around him. Well, at least everyone that was close to him plus his idols and some magical adults at least, all singing to him so he could blow out his candles. Deja vu. They finished singing and Tom was supposed to blow out his candles and make a wish, earth magic like this was still a mystery to him but honestly he didn't mind having a wish right now. He took a moment to think, and blew out his candles, cheering occurred, and everyone started eating some cake. It was good, really good, it was homemade of course and Tom was sure Star was probably involved somehow. Luckily however, there was no glitter embedded in this cake, so if she did play a part in these, he was thankful Marco probably stopped her. Everyone....looked so happy, they were all talking together and laughing and it was nice. It was like Tom had a new big family, one that looked happy to each at the table together and who didn't make him want to hide in plain sight. The hardest part, was saying goodbye. Tom knew he was going to see all of them very soon and it wasn't forever, but he didn't want to watch them go either. Star of course, couldn't leave without a big group hug. She was a pretty strong demon overall, and she looked the most sad to leave her friends, her tail lacked even the typical bounce it always seemed to have as she gave Tom one last big hug. "I promise to call you tomorrow, and we can gossip and hang out ok?" Tom nodded and then she whispered something into the prince's ear, "Marco's a keeper by the way, for planning this party for you, don't lose him ok?". Tom blushed, then nodded , and Star smiled at him before walking over to her Mom. Moon looked over to Tom and nodded at him, Tom nodded back, he was sure to be getting memos from her from now on, and probably visits when possible. Which, honestly was fine with Tom for now, as long as he had more nights like this to help. Star waved to both Janna and Ponyhead and signaled Jackie to call her before she and her mother disappeared in a burst of flames. The high Commission left quickly afterwards, disappeared into another portal, they probably had some important things to get back to anyway. But they did all wave to Tom on their way out, which was fine enough. Janna of course promised to visit through the window as often as possible, making Marco be sure to put locks on everything he could, and then seal them with duck-tape. Ponyhead had the longest goodbye ever, and marco was just waiting for her to head out, only for her to keep talking to Tom about their next hangout and other things Marco didn't really care too much about overall. But eventually she made her way through a portal after some hugs and promises to call and Marco let out a sigh of relief. Jackie's was pleasant, she exchanged hugs with both of them, and she seemed pretty happy. Tom and her were still friends, and he was working through his complicated feelings, and she didn't seem at all the least bit upset about the situation. Marco still felt a bit guilty though. Before she left, she looked back at Marco and smiled at him, Marco looked into her eyes and she nodded at him. Marco nodded back, he understood what she was trying to say, even without really saying everything, like she practically read his mind. "See you tomorrow Tom and Marco!", She said, Tom and Marco both waving at her as she closed the door behind her. "See you tomorrow Jackie!", Marco said softly, he looked over to Tom who was now staring at the boyband that was still in the room with them. Marco's parents were cleaning up, and Tom had a feeling that whatever Marco was planning, they were slightly in on it. Marco got Tom's attention and took him somewhere slightly more private, "Hey, your belated birthday isn't over just yet, I do kinda have one more surprise for you...". Tom smirked, "Oh did you now? I'm shocked.... does it have anything to do with the boyband lounging around in your living room?", he raised an eyebrow and an amused Marco shook his head at him. "Nope, can't say, I just need you to meet me on the roof...". "The what now?", Tom asked, "Why the roof?". Marco began to push him upstairs, "Don't question it, it's supposed to be a surprise after all. Now get up there and i'll meet up with you in a few minutes ok? ". Tom looked at him before he went anywhere, "Can I bring my rabbit?". Marco thought for a moment, "Sure, go ahead. I think my parents put him back in his cage in your room. Just keep an eye on him ok? I don't want him to get hurt.". Tom grinned, "Don't worry, i'll make sure he's fine, I'll meet you up there..". Tom's wings flapped and he made his way up the stairs, Marco looked back to his parents and the bandmates with a knowing smile. "C'mon, let's get ready." - Tom waited on the roof, looking at the stars, a little pink was rabbit sitting on his lap ,snoring happily. Tom missed seeing the stars now that he thought about it, he was usually locked in his room when he was on mewni, and his balcony sure didn't make it easy when it was gone. But here he was, watching the Stars above, waiting for Marco to show up to do who knows what. It had to be something pretty good right? If the band was involved and Marco wanted Tom to watch the stars with him, and he didn't mind Tom having his rabbit.. Tom took a moment to wonder before Marco climbed  his way up through Tom's balcony wearing a nicer dress, still wearing Tom's armband of course. Marco even seemed to have fix his hair and put a little bit of make-up on, and Tom froze a bit. Was this a date? This felt like a date, romantic setting, a boyband somewhere around here,Marco looking oddly fancy to just spend time on the roof with his roommate. Tom felt his stomach jump, and his face got even redder cause wow Marco looked really good. Like REALLY good, and he clearly looked that way for him. Marco seemed to know based on his expression, he gave him a knowing smile that send flutters through him. Tom hated that Marco knew sometimes, that he knew with a simple smile he could make Tom feel the way he did about him. He felt powerless, powerless to a simple mortal with a mole and a stupid red hoodie. "You like it don't you?", Marco asked, still pleased with himself, "Sorry I kept you waiting a bit....hope the rabbit kept you company while my mom kept fiddling with my make-up..". Tom gave out a weak laugh to hide his reddened cheeks , "Well, she did a good job, the uh....eyeliner really brings out your eyes..". Marco smiled, "You're blushing Tom~", Tom pouted and turned his head away from the human boy. Marco smiled and while tom's head was turned placed his own hand upon the prince's, grasping it and making the alien jump a bit. What was he supposed to even say? Was he supposed to acknowledge the obvious? Or would that make things too awkward? Tom wasn't even sure what the heck was going on or even what Marco brought him up here for?! Tom bit his lip and tried to look at anything that wasn't the adorable human sitting next to him. "Tom, it's ok...nothing to be worried about....I mean, unless you're bothered cause I can totally go down and change if I'm making you uncomfortable if I'm bothering y-", he was about to remove his hand but Tom grabbed it tightly, "No, Marco....this is fine, i'm just....maybe a bit overwhelmed..". "Overwhelmed?" "It's just...you're dressed up, and I know you're hiding something....and maybe...I just kinda feel like...", he couldn't finish his sentence, there was no way in heck he was gonna be able to finish it. Marco smiled, "You're cute when you're being awkward..". Tom said nothing, leaving them in silence. Marco sighed, "Ok, you clearly want to know what's going on....and I was planning to make a big speech about it and it was going to be really corny and awkward and weird, and we might start crying and singing together but let's actually cut to the chase..before this gets more weird." Tom looked over to see the stage light up once again, the band was onstage, humming a melody, and entirely new song since Tom sure didn't recognize it. Tom looked closer to find the lights were spelling out a message, Marco was trying to hide his face a little bit, embarrased himself as Tom read the message. Will U Go Out With Me Tom? Tom froze, he didn't know what to do first, should he say yes right away? Hug Marco? Cry? Kiss him? He kinda felt like he wanted to do all at once overall, but instead opted for tackling Marco and freaking out his poor rabbit, who woke up immediately between the two. "I guess that's a yes?", Marco asked, unsure if this was all too much for Tom. It wasn't. "YOU SET ALL THIS UP TO ASK ME OUT!!?", Tom didn't even remotely care how close their faces were or that Tom was straddling Marco, none of that mattered now. He was sure he blew it, that even after Marco admitted he liked him, the kiss ruined things and only set them back. This was both a surprise, and a relief. "You like it?", Marco felt so proud of himself, Tom's excitement and expression was priceless. "My family and jackie, and pretty much everyone helped set this up, well...most of it was me but they helped pick out the outfit and recommended ideas...I just thought well, I want to try....with you..if that's ok?". Tom felt tears run down his cheek form his happiness, "But I thought I scared you off...because of the kiss, and what about Jackie...?" "Jackie is still my friend, we're still close. But It was my choice, and I just kinda...wanted to try....see where it goes...with us? The kiss....was unexpected but...if you think i'm going to be completely done with you over that then you're crazy..". "B-but I kissed you without your permission! I wasn't entirely myself...I think...I stole your first kiss and I shouldn't have and i'm really sorry...". Marco covered his mouth with one of his hands, "Tom it's ok, it's not your fault...". Marco bit his lip for a moment, "If anything...It's mine, you were under...something...but I...kissed you back. I knew what was up, and yet...part of me...still wanted to kiss you. I'm sorry I made you feel like this for so long...I guess maybe..I was just kinda embarrassed to admit that well..". Marco trailed off, not sure about finishing the sentence, but Tom seemed to understand what he was referring to. Tom's eyes shifted over, "Does that mean...you...liked it?". "Yeah....", that answer shot through Tom like a lightning bolt, "It was....It was nice....". Marco looked at Tom, blushing and nervous as the rabbit between him and Tom make some noises. "So uh....Tom? You uh-....you got any plans to get off me? I mean I don't mind either way i'm just curious cause I'm rather we didn't fall off my roof..". Tom got up off of Marco and tried to clam down his poor rabbit, who looked looked terrified. "Sorry....I uh....I didn't mean to well....", he was stuttering like crazy, was he always this awkward? "Anyways I uh...", Tom coughed into his hand, still not entirely over the fact Marco liked kissing him. The band had stopped singing and there was silence again, Marco cleared his throat, "You uh....you still haven't given me a yes or a no....". Tom just looked at him for a moment, lips parted, eyes wide, he felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. Marco was looking right at him, and Marco wasn't leaving anytime soon, Tom took a deep breath mentally, he could do this. Tom smiled and fought back happy tears going down his face, before leaning in to kiss Marco's cheek, "Yes...". It was very brief, and lasted only seconds, but Marco looked as if the most amazing thing in the world just happened, all because of a simple cheek kiss. Before he could say anything, Marco pressed their lips together. He kept his eyes shut tight and Tom closed his own, his marks were starting to glow a faint pink and he knew it, but that didn't matter right now. Things were finally starting to look up. Tom's new wand started to glow and snow started to fall from the sky, snow, in summer. Marco separated from him and watched in awe as snow fell around them, "So you really can make it snow...you're a boy of many mysteries Tom Butterfly..." Their fingers were intertwined, and the rabbit fell asleep once again. There were good things and bad things out there, things were changing and they were changing faster then ever for Tom. But it was time to open up a new chapter, starting with his return to earth. There were many things he needed to figure out about himself, and places he needed to see. and sitting there, holding Marco's hand, watching the stars above and wondering about his future, he needed to be ready. Someday he was still going to be king, and someday, he was going to come back to earth, with a radio, and a snowfall and glob dammit if he forgot to do that. "You know what's funny Marco?", Tom said softly, and Marco let out a hmm as he leaned his head on Marco's shoulder. "You skipped the speech and the crying and all the sappiness, and yet here we are, still sappy, still crying, and still weird...". "You want to hear the overly long speech and sappy about you being my friend and how I feel about you?" "Maybeeeeee.....I'd love to hear how cute you think I am or how amazing I am from your perspective, mind if I record it with my wand?". Marco punched him on the shoulder and pecked his cheek. "I hate you...", he said through grumbles, an obvious smile on his face. "I love you too Marco Diaz...", the prince returned through light tears. It was good to be back home.
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dylan-hague · 7 years
Chapter 37
Jump City. May 24th, 2018. 12:45 AM.
Raven sat cross-legged on her bed staring down at her fiancé’s face with a look of disappointment. They both figured they’d eventually have to get around to it, they just… they didn’t want it to be so soon. Damian’s eyes stared back at Raven’s, mirroring her expression. It was actually rather strange how it worked out; any normal person would be ecstatic at the chance to magically recover from a car crash in seconds. But getting thrown through that windshield had, while rendering him wheelchair-bound for several weeks, allowed Damian to take great strides in his relationships with all of his friends. Among those strides were learning to cook with Jon (for someone who spent most of his time in Kansas as a farmhand, Kent made a surprisingly good pot roast), studying meditation with Garfield and Tara (Beast Boy was surprisingly tranquil at heart, especially for someone who called himself “Beast Boy”), helping Jaime learn more about the previous Blue Beetle Ted Kord (Damian never met the man directly, but his father spoke fondly of him; of all the heroes he’d known, Bruce felt that Kord was the most down-to-earth, the most human), and discovering that Kori had been developing her relationship with Todd and veteran Titan Roy Harper. (To what end this relationship was building, Damian didn’t bother asking. He finally realized that not everything that goes on in Titans Tower was his business.) But of course, Raven knew all this… since she was there for nearly every second of it. She enjoyed spending quality time with everyone just as much as Damian. She even got the opportunity to get to know Cassandra a bit better. While there had been something of a language barrier between them (Cassie was still getting accustomed to English), Raven found a kinship in Orphan quite similar to the one she found in Damian.
“It’s been great, hasn’t it?” Damian sighed as he let his eyes turn back to the ceiling.
Raven smiled as she traced her fingertips along his chest. “Yeah… but we have to get this done.” She sighed, and carefully helped him pull himself up, until he was eye-level with her.
“Well… it’ll be nice to walk on my own again, I’ll say that.” Damian smirked back at the witch-girl before leaning in and giving her lips a quick peck. Raven rolled her eyes and began to tug at Damian’s shirt, which caught the boy off-guard.
“Yeah, I know, it’s weird. But for really extensive injuries, I have to be able to see it to heal it,” Raven explained. Damian nodded, blushing as he carefully removed his shirt and lowered himself onto his stomach in front of her. Raven looked down at the expanse of skin before her, and she had to pause for a moment. Even ignoring the bloody smears from where her lover in his infinite wisdom decided to remove his own stitches, Damian’s back was already covered in battle scars; bullet holes, blade strokes, even what appeared to me claw marks from what had to either be a bear or some kind of big cat…  but beneath all those marks, Damian’s skin rippled with toned muscles and curved with his shoulders and spine. Damian was more on the lean side, no hulking muscleman, but…
It was a good few seconds before Raven realized she still hadn’t laid a hand on him. She was just staring down at his back, running her eyes over every mark, every curve. Damian, however, noticed soon enough, grinning back at her over his shoulder. “Ohhhhh. You’re kinda into this right now, aren’t you?”
“Shut up,” Raven snipped with a little smirk before gently placing her hand on his back, over his still-open wounds from where the glass of the windshield had been. Slowing her breath, her hands began to faintly glow with a familiar violet light, which slowly made its way into the wounds in Damian’s back. In mere moments, the wounds in Damian’s back had faded into more scars covering the canvas of flesh. Raven let out a heavy sigh; the wounds were not deep, but they had been numerous enough that healing them all had been somewhat taxing for her.
Damian swung his legs out in front of him and sat up straight, sliding right off the bed as he picked up his Red X top off the floor and slid it over his head. “God, it’s good to walk again…” the Son of Batman let out a low grunt as he pulled the shirt down the length of his torso. “Now I just have to keep my mother in check while we hunt down this impostor.”
“About that, Damian…” Raven slid across the floor, wrapping her arms around Damian’s waist as she gently rested her head on his shoulder. “Are you sure it’s really her? I mean, if it’s been this long since you even heard from her, how do you know she’s still…”
“Because she’s more than just League…” Damian’s expression went grim as he spoke. “… she’s an Al Ghul. Al Ghuls are like roaches… we’re tough to kill.”
“How much do you know about her?” Batman busied himself at Damian’s computer screen, filling in a brand new file for this mysterious “false X” as he tossed the question over his shoulder to the mother of his child. Talia paced back and forth across their son’s room, wracking her brain to come up with any information she could recall about their adversary.
“She was second in line to be the head of the Demon’s Fist,” the Phantasm began, “before my father died. She was trained alongside Damian for years, and they were nearly equal in skill… but Damian was just a hair’s breadth ahead of her. I terminated the Demon’s Fist project shortly after Deathstroke’s assault on the League, and sent her to handle our chapter in Gibraltar.”
“You gave her her own chapter?” Bruce cocked an eyebrow as he filled out the bio. “You must have had a lot of faith in this kid…”
“My brother’s daughter was bred for the same purpose as my son and myself,” Talia replied. “We were to supplant Ra’s if anything happened to him. Damian was put at the top of the list only because he was male.”
“What exactly happened to your brother, anyway?”
“Dusan? No idea…” the former assassin shrugged. “He’s probably dead. Either way, if Damian is right about this false Red X, then she needs to be our first priority.”
“Of course. Now assuming she’s roughly the same height and weight as Damian, I just need a little more information…” the Dark Knight scrolled back up to the top of the page. “Hair.”
“Black, with a red streak over her face.”
“Heterochromic. One green, one brown.”
“Notable features.”
“A scar over her right eye.”
Talia grimaced. “… Mara. Mara al Ghul.”
Damian stood on the edge of the roof overlooking the river, watching the flowing water shimmer as it moved around Titans Island. It felt good to be on his own two feet again, and even better to be back in uniform. He had been on the sidelines quite long enough, and he was ready to hunt down the false X once and for all. Unfortunately, the false X turned out, if Damian’s assumption was correct, to be his greatest rival: his cousin Mara. He hadn’t even thought about Mara since he was a child. He figured she was stilled holed up somewhere in Gibraltar where his mother had sent her when Ra’s was killed. He figured she’d probably die there, and it honestly never bothered him that much… to put it mildly, he was not particularly fond of Mara. She was every bit as aggressive and arrogant as he himself had been as a member of the League. The difference was that Damian had had family and friends to help him mature into something more than just the living weapon he believed himself to be… Mara had no one.
“Hey. Good to see ya up and about again.”
Damian looked over his shoulder as Garfield Logan stepped up onto the edge beside him. There was a tired look in his emerald eyes, a look that spoke of far more than just physical exhaustion... Garfield had been struggling lately. A moment passed between them, and the Changeling glanced down at his stub and smirked.
“Did you know you can still feel it?” Garfield asked in a low voice.
Damian blinked for a moment. Was this… was this conversation actually about to happen? “Feel… what?”
Beast Boy looked over at Damian before raising what was left of his arm up for him to see. “I can still feel it… it itches. And I can’t scratch it.”
Damian winced at the thought. “That has to be rough…”
“Could be worse…” Logan continued. “the worst is when it gets numb. Like pins and needles… I can’t smack it against anything to get it to wake up, so it just tingles until it burns. It’s brutal.”
Damian sighed. “Garfield, I’m sorry… I never meant for this to happen to you…”
Beast Boy smiled over at his teammate. “Relax, man. You did what you had to do. And it really wasn’t too hard to adjust.”
Damian knew this was a lie; he’d watched Garfield’s transition into a one-handed lifestyle, and it was most definitely “hard”. And slow. And excruciating. Even his transformations were one-armed… even one-winged, in the case of birds. Still, the shape-shifter somehow managed to learn to gallop as a three-legged stallion, cut through the waters as a one-finned shark, and he almost was able to discover a way to stay airborne with only one wing (sadly, he was unable to overcome the laws of physics in this case).
“But y'know what makes it all easier?” Garfield smiled as he turned and looked down to the grassy area just outside the Tower entrance, where Tara lie gazing up at the stars. “Waking up next to that girl every morning. Makes everything worth it.”
Damian let his mind drift to Raven. In his head, he could see her reading on the couch in the livingroom, and he smiled. “Yeah… I can relate.”
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Forever Endeavor - Excerpt 1
“So, Enaris?” He inclined his head towards Eva and grunted in response, not bothering to open his eyes.  Enaris leaned against the tree lazily, his long legs stretched out before him in an almost impolite manner. “I think I’m ready to ask you about your runes,” Eva finished.  She walked from the center of the clearing into the shade where he sat, finished with her sunbathing for the moment. Enaris opened his eyes and squinted up at his companion, his expression quizzical.  "What about them?“ "I’ve been curious about some, uuuh, more creative ways of using them, if you’re up for it?” Enaris glanced at the dagger strapped to his side; the only blade he owned.  His fighting style wasn’t hack and slash.  It was less refined than that.  But this blade served a purpose nonetheless.  He had the privilege of using “Chaos magic”, (which the name alone made him grimace sometimes but that was what it was called so he stuck with it). “You wanna’ cut me up, right here and now?” he asked, sliding the blade from its sheath and waving it at Eva playfully.  Chaos magic required blood sacrifice, plain and simple.  It was the magic that flowed through the veins of man, coming from within his or her own life force.  Much different from “Order magic”, which Eva was more fluent with.  She had been around Order magic her entire life, so she was curious in regards to the other side of things.   Chaos users were less common than those of Order, for it had certain requirements at birth. At this moment, however, Eva’s eyes were focused on the blade Enaris swayed back and forth, her eyes following it and her head tilting along.  "I actually kind of do, if you don’t mind,“ she answered with a shy smile, and sat cross-legged on a patch of grass.  He flicked the knife into the air where it spun a few times, before he caught it by the blade and handed to her, handle first. "What were you curious about, then?”  Eva took the blade gently from his fingers, then felt silly about not wanting to cut his fingers when she was about to cut his skin anyway.  She placed the dagger in her lap. “I’ve only ever seen you use one rune at once, in one place at a time,” she drew a finger along her left forearm, “like an ice rune here to shoot ice from your hand,” then she poked herself in the chest just below the collarbone, “or a fire rune here to breathe fire!  But have you ever tried mixing two runes at once?” He scratched his chest absently as he thought, nails raking over scars both old and new, some that still itched while healing.  "I don’t suppose I have, I’m not sure when I would need that kind of thing, y'know?“ "You’re thinking too simply!  I mean, you’re still very strong in battle, but if this works you could be even better!” Eva exclaimed, her knees almost bouncing in punctuation. “I’ve never thought about it before, I guess,” he shrugged. “Well that’s what I’m here for.  You’re the brawler and I’m the thinker, so can I try something fun?” Enaris flinched at her calling it “fun”.  "You sure you’re up for this?  Making me bleed?  It’s a little gross, is all.“  His fingers traced more faint scars along his forearms. Eva made a rude noise with her tongue.  "I’ve been around plenty of blood.  Don’t you remember where I grew up?  A lot of my childhood involved healing soldiers from Girgruun’s conquest.  I’m no stranger to it.  I’ve seen some pretty wretched stuff,” she sputtered, sounding almost defensive. Putting his arms up in surrender, Enaris shook his head lightly.  "Alright, I should not have doubted you, I’m sorry.  You’ve been there for me often enough anyway that I shouldn’t have- OW!“  Eva dug the blade into his chest, pressing just enough to draw blood, but light enough to not endanger him.  "Hey, I know I… insinuated that it was okay, but give me a little warning maybe?” She concentrated on carving in straight lines, and didn’t look up as she replied, “Sorry love, I’m just really excited to see if this works.” He clenched a tuft of grass between his fingers and hissed through his teeth as she worked.  "Why the chest?“ Her eyes glanced up at his, then back down to her hands, a bashful smile on her lips.  "I think it looks cool when you breath fire,” she said, stifling a chuckle.  "But seriously, this makes the most sense for what I’m doing.“  Eva leaned back after she finished.  Two neat runes were etched into the skin somewhere above his lungs, and they oozed fresh blood.  Enaris pushed dark hair out of his eyes and strained his neck to look down at them. "I see… the rune for wind, and one for…” “Healing!” Eva finished for him excitedly.  "Usually when you use the healing rune on your hand, whatever you touch is mended.  But I was wondering if this would be better for covering a large area with one breath.“ He couldn’t help but smile at her energy.  She was still crouched in front of him, between his legs which were splayed out to either side of her awkwardly.  "So, healing breath then?  And what shall I be healing?” Eva puckered her lips in a duck-like manner.  "I hadn’t thought that far, actually… Oh!  I know!“  She stood up straight and pulled her arms out of her robes, then undid her sash and let it all fall to her feet.  Enaris almost shielded his eyes out of modesty, but paused with his hand in mid-air when he noticed it. "Why are you covered in scratches?” he asked, suddenly worried.  Eva adjusted her undergarments, pulling her breasts apart and perking them up before glancing at her arms and torso.  He blushed at her indecency, despite having seen it all before. “Don’t worry about it, darling.  I sensed a leyline this morning before you woke up, but it was past a bunch of prickly bushes and stuff.  Had to crawl my way through it all, got snagged up but when I prayed at the ley-pond they healed!  But I didn’t think about the road back and, well, got scratched up again,” she answered with a light laugh.  "Give it a shot, now!  They don’t hurt so bad but I’d still like to be rid of them.“ He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.  It glittered faintly as it left his mouth, and fell to the ground slowly.  Whatever she’d planned, it seemed to be working.  Enaris took an even deeper breath, held it in for good measure, then exhaled through pursed lips.  Eva giggled, thinking he looked rather like a dragon with his horns forked forward as pearlescent smoke burst from his chest.  It tingled as it hit her skin, then faded into a pleasant warmth that spread deep into her bones.  The cuts that had previously marked her skin were gone in an instant.  As was her dreariness from awakening to early that morning, she was surprised to find.  Eva stretched her thin frame toward the sky, feeling better than ever. "So it worked, I take it?” Enaris coughed, the last bit of smoke falling over his own chest where the runes knit themselves closed. “Better than I expected!  Though it looks like it only works once?” she pointed at the place where the blood had once flowed.  Not even a faint scar was left.  He nodded in approval. “Glad I trusted you.  If you have any other ideas in the future I’d be happy to try them.”  He stood up from his spot in the shade and stretched his arms next to her.  "But for now I think we should get going.  Go ahead and mark that down in my rune book though, for later.“ Eva practically wiggled with glee as she pulled her robe back on.  "Wouldn’t it be neat if I was the first one to try something like this!  I could be famous!  And I’m not even a Chaos user!”  She tightened the sash in place after re-attaching her sword and money pouch. While she found a blank page in his reference book, Enaris broke up the rest of their camp; kicking dirt into the smoldering fire pit, retrieving his belongings from where they were tied on a branch above him, and rinsing their cooking utensils with a narrowly cut water rune in his fingertip.  Once she was satisfied with her records, Eva handed him back his book, and they set off once again.  The road to Girgruun’s castle was long, and time was running thin.
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