curry-mean · 7 years
We’re all stars.
Like every other star in the sky, I shine brightly. Only to be diminished. 
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your--isgayrights · 2 years
The image of you going along in a rickety old trolley sharing orv content is breathtakingly beautiful
I like it, I think it gives the sense that we ride maybe once or twice a day just to have a little fun. A leisure vehicle. Not a locomotive with a schedule.
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morgan-may101-blog · 8 years
Im a no-one rlly
I love to say that i’m such an unique and blessed soul that roams the world but No, aha i just don’t seem to be good at anything nor stand out of a crowd. 
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goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
Replies to asks regarding what happened to Ogata in chap 310
New group of asks, this time tied to what happened to Ogata in chap 310. Sorry if I placed them together and it I’m late in replying to them.
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@somethingelse-notunique​ said:
EASY MODE!! Thank you! That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking these last chapters, but I just couldn’t find the words. I’m not sure how everyone else felt while reading it, but I was super interested in the physicological parts of the characters. Especially Asirpa, Sugimoto, and Ogata (I know you’ve been getting a lot of asks about Ogata but…hopefully it not too annoying lol). I was really hoping we’d dive deeper into what makes them tick and force them to answer uncomfortable questions. All that we have been getting recently has felt rather shallow. I didn’t hate what the Ogata death soliloquy gave us, with him seemingly not feeling too guilty over his parents murders. I liked that, it was interesting(If expanded upon).I just wish he was forced to stew in it a bit longer. Deal with the more advanced questions. It especially annoying when Asirpa seems to take some of his ideas later on. It just set up perfectly for Ogata to impact her. Imagine the train scene with an Ogata already well in the process of coming to terms with himself. Even if that still ended in his suicide, I think it would have been the perfect place to truly shake both Sugimoto and Asirpa viewpoints/morals. Which they did a little with Asirpa, but no follow through. I feel the rest of the story probably not going to make them question themselves that much. Hopefully I am wrong, perhaps Tsurumi will pick up Ogata missed potential
If I could help, then I’m glad!
I’m the same, I’ve been very interested in the psychological aspects of the characters. The story previously used to care a lot about it and Noda was really doing a great work with it in previous chapters.
Asirpa, Sugimoto, and Ogata were among the most complicate, Asirpa was doing a lot of personal growth, Sugimoto was dealing with his PTSD and I’ve lost count of how many issues plagued Ogata.
Credits when it’s due, the manga didn’t completely drop the psychological aspect, but it ended up mostly overshadowed by the action scenes and neglected or going nowhere. “Golden Kamuy” is also an action manga, and I’m sure there’s a part of the fandom which prefers this but I fear I belong to the side that favored the psychological side.
I don’t mind Ogata asks, though I’m trying to put them all in a single post so as not to fill people’s dashboards with posts saying similar things. Sorry if I gave you a different impression.
I wouldn’t say Ogata feels no guilt for his parents’ death, at least for what his mother is concerned (but I’ll develop this more later, after I reply to the following anon ask if, it’s okay for you) and I fear, from the way Noda constructed the scene, we couldn’t get more out of him. This isn’t him rationalizing his feelings, this is him breaking down. It’s emotional, not rational.
I’m… not sure which idea of his you think Asirpa took later on. If it’s the one about the gold bringing misfortune and leading people to more fights and death the first to suggest it is Makanakkuru (if we go by the volumes in the story) otherwise it’s Kimuspu (if we just follow the chronological order) and it’s overall correct.
And yeah, it would have been great if Ogata’s death was used for… something… but ultimately the story and the characters have no time for it. Asirpa and Sugimoto have to face Tsurumi so what happens to Ogata feels like a parenthesis, which is why I wish Ogata’s death had happened sooner, so it could be processed better.
Well, it would be great if Tsurumi could actually promote some food for thoughts… but I fear if we’ll get it, it’ll be when all has ended.
Chap 216 in a way foreshadowed the situation we’re in now, with the group chasing after a white bear in a reckless manner hoping in a maximum gain, with the result they only worsen Sugimoto’s wounds and lose the bear. Chasing the gold was equivalent to chasing that bear in such a way, a lot of harm and no good came from it but somehow the group didn’t even realize the lesson.
I wonder if, at the end, Noda will remind us of this parallel or not. We’ll see.
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I appreciate all of the writing and thinking you do about GK. Thank you for being in this fandom and enriching it with your work. :) I do disagree with how I interpret Ogata's finale (and only chapter 310, I'm with you on Noda assassinating him being smart, cautious and independent character) though: I think the poison gave him an epiphany into realising, that he was indeed normal and not defective. And him killing himself instead of leaving it to the poison was his (only) way of taking responsibility for the sins he committed. I don't think he wanted to escape his pain by dying. He was so calm and collected, when he readied the rifle and specifically went for the eye, instead of the forehead, as a target. That seems like his analytical and composed self, and his guilt integrated back into one person - and allowed him do die with peace of mind. (This interpretation is actually what keeps me from not being completely devastated with how the story turned out, so I am quite invested in seeing it this way...) So, you who has been having issues with the plot for a while, would naturally disagree, but i'd like to hear your thoughts on it nonetheless ^^
Thank you for enjoying my work!
Having different interpretations is fine, I don’t really own the truth and that scene is complicate. I’ve seen tons of different takes and who knows which one is the right one and if your interpretation helps you, then it’s all the more good for you to embrace it. I thank you for wanting to share your interpretation and for wanting to know mine. I love to hear other people’s interpretations and if they enjoy to hear mine it makes me happy!
And yes, I view the scene in a way that’s slightly different from yours or from the anon of the previous message. So, if it’s okay with you, I’ll go and explain my thoughts.
I fear it’s pretty long as this will be more of a meta about the whole of Ogata’s psychological arc more than just about his suicide in chap 310 because 310 goes back and forth in his story and so it feels easier to cover it all. I apologize to you and to the previous anon for the length and thank you again for wanting to hear my two cents. So, without further ado…
So, how do I interpret the whole thing that happened to Ogata in chap 310, if I discharge the idea it’s just ghost possession (an idea as I’ve said in the past which I personally disliked but that was foreshadowed and might work well for Japanese readers as it would be digging into their culture) and consider it from a psychological standpoint (which might not be wrong either)?
Ogata killed his mother when he was a child. Afterward he should have felt guilt, all the more because his father didn’t even come back to her.
Now, guilt and the shame it causes are extremely unpleasant emotions and with good reasons. They exist to stop us from doing again something we regretted doing afterward. However children don’t like to have to deal with unpleasant emotions, their brain isn’t ready yet to unpack them on its own and turn them into something that help us take a better course in life. They need the help of an adult to do it and, if they don’t get it, they do the only thing they know how to do on their own, try to push the painful thing away from them with various maladaptive copying methods.
Some persuade themselves the misdeed never happened, some push the blame on others, some… just suppress the guilt and shame. We’re adults, we know this is wrong, but they’re children and for them this is the equivalent of self defense. The brain must protect the child’s psyche. What’s painful needs to go away one way or the other and there’s no one who is capable to blindly believe to his brain’s lies like a child.
But while overall this seems a quick and easy fix, the brain isn’t really capable to cause the guilt to disappear entirely by just pretending it isn’t there. Basically, metaphorically closing the child’s eyes won’t really erase what the child doesn’t want to see.
Feelings that don’t get unpacked and processed in a healthy way remain trapped inside the child, behind the walls the brain has built to keep the child from seeing them and, therefore, feeling bad. The guilt bangs on the wall of its prison, it causes subconscious stress but, exactly because it’s subconscious now, it’s even harder to deal with it. The more it goes on, the more damaging it is. The walls chips, guilt oozes out but the conscious can’t even name it because it can’t see it.
Meanwhile, since the memory of guilt was suppressed along with guilt, it couldn’t work as a stop from repeating the same mistake, so more mistakes can been done, then guilt is suppressed again and stuck into the same prison with the previous guilt.
On the surface it seems easier for the brain to do so, the prison now already exists so it becomes a fast process to stuck the guilt in it, and the person can really delude themselves they don’t feel guilt at all. However new guilt adds in to the pressure of the previous one.
Walls will be eventually torn down as they won’t be able to hold forever and, if the process is too abrupt, all the guilt will get free and pour on the psyche like a crashing Tsunami with devastating effects.
And that’s more or less what happens to Ogata.
He makes again the same mistakes under the false beliefs he won’t feel guilty, even though guilt slowly oozes out of him and fill its prison.
Chap 243 shows a scene in which Ogata asked for confirmation of his mind setting to Usami. Asking for confirmation is the easiest signal no matter what you say, you aren’t secure of your beliefs…
This seems hinted also in chap 165. As Ogata insists that nobody feels guilty there’s a swirling shading on him, which actually is normally used to indicate inner turmoil. To make matters worse, Yuusaku, differently from Usami, doesn’t validate Ogata’s beliefs.
It’s worth to mention chap 243, 165 and 187 contrast slightly with each other as in 243 Ogata seems more aware of his insecurity (in fact in the volume version Noda adds a scene in which he questions if he’s the odd one because he was unloved… even though since Usami has agreed with his mind setting, this would make two of them and Usami had loving parents) while in chap 165 it seems less aware and in 187 he has worked out a conditio sine qua non his theory that everyone can’t feel guilt works, ‘you won’t feel guilty IF YOU HAVE A REASON TO KILL SOMEONE’ a condition he didn’t include in 165 where his point of view was just, nobody feels guilty when they kill, everyone fakes.
Anyway Ogata kills Yuusaku in hope this will lead Hanazawa to him and then kills Hanazawa in exchange of a last, and possibly first, talk with him.
Guilt fills him just the same and gets suppressed and, since years have gone by from his mother’s murder, his brain is fast into placing guilt in the prison built for it. The walls are old and torn though.
Again chap 310 implies we never see Yuusaku’s face out of his guilt and his inability to face it, and this can be applied to his mother’s face as well. Chap 310 won’t even bother to reveal Tome’s face. On the other side we saw Hanazawa’s face just fine in the flashback so it’s hard to quantify how much Ogata regretted killing him and if he did at all.
Hanazawa was, after all, a complete stranger to him, and one that discharged him and his mother and showed disgust toward them. He and Ogata are tied together by a biological link but that’s all, he has no kind memories of his father so murdering him might not have made such a big of an impression same as murdering his mother or Yuusaku.
We go on with the story.
Chap 243 implies it was already leaking out more consistently than it did previously by showing that, when Ogata was sleeping and his mental defenses were low, he calls his brother and is overheard by Usami, who immediately figures Ogata, deep down, is regretting killing Yuusaku. On the opposite side Ogata is still fully in denial but, if the leaks were to keep being slow, maybe they could have forced Ogata to confront them so he would have lead with them in a better manner. Or not.
We’ll never know because it wasn’t meant to go that way (and because we can’t tell if he dreamt Yuusaku again out of his fever dream in 164/165 because the manga never showed him doing so and the fact it happened in 243 might be merely due to him not having fully recovered yet… though this would mess up a bit with the timeline but whatever).
Anyway we don’t really know in details how Ogata was prior to the gold hunt, but through the gold hunt we see he’s a risk taker when trying to reach his goal. Very likely it’s not all bravado and recklessness.
Ogata’s maladaptive copying mechanism is showing its downsides.
Not only it doesn’t stop Ogata from making the same mistakes over and over but leads him to be subconsciously suicidal which is a side reaction suppressed guilt can cause. It’s not conscious otherwise Ogata would have just gunned himself much sooner, but it’s there, subconscious, and it makes him reckless.
It’ll get worse though.
In chap 164 Ogata gets delirious with fever, his mental defense weakens and he starts seeing Yuusaku in place of Asirpa. If before Ogata would see Yuusaku just in dreams which Ogata might or might not remember, now he sees him in front of himself. Kind Yuusaku, mortally wounded Yuusaku, he’s in front of him in place of Asirpa. A part of Ogata’s consciousness probably starts connecting the dots but is again suppressed as Ogata continues to deny everything because it’s safer, it’s less painful and he never fully graduated from being a child who believes if he closes his eyes bad things will disappear for real.
Again, maybe with time (and, likely, with help from an external source) Ogata might have processed it better but that’s not that kind of story and, as he gains strength due to recovering from the fever, his mental defenses go back in place and he likely goes back on seeing Asirpa instead than Yuusaku.
It was just the fever, nothing more, he likely told himself.
Only it wasn’t so simple.
On the ice field, in an effort to get Asirpa’s cooperation, Ogata put in Sugimoto’s mouth the words he wanted his father to tell him and he’s so emotionally involved by his narration he makes the mistake of telling Asirpa Sugimoto would want to eat something that’s absolutely not connected with Sugi, anglerfish nabe instead than, let’s say ‘citatap’ or something else he KNEW Sugimoto liked (Ogata couldn’t know of the dried persimmons but picking a random food was way more risky than trying with a food he knew Sugimoto liked to eat). Asirpa discovers the lie and Ogata cracks a little.
He challenges Asirpa to kill him.
Officially because she’s like him and so she can kill too if she has a reason.
According to chap 310, because a part of him, which he still keeps suppressed, has realized his own sense of guilt thanks to her and now he wants to be killed by her.
Yes, the mind can fracture in such a way, keeping your wishes hidden from your conscious yet moving to act you in a certain way and manufacturing fake reasons so that you don’t have to face your real ones but also yes, I would have wished Noda had explained it better.
Anyway Asirpa refuses. He tries to threaten her into compliance, and we might wonder if he sees Yuusaku as he aims at her. We’ll never know if he sees him or just thinks at him as he says ‘it’s simply not right that people like you exist’ (the you is a plural in Japanese meaning it doesn’t refer just to Asirpa).
Asirpa, by mistake, hits him with a poisoned arrow.
Ogata loses his eye but, later, manages to escape and go back to Hijikata’s group.
The loss of his eye can have caused him to suffer of minor visual hallucinations which might have worsened his state as they can be a consequence of enucleation. As Ogata got himself a glass eye he might have been told he might get them, so the scientific explanation would work for him also as a way to deny them, to deny that his hallucination mattered and were caused by guilt.
Or not.
Chap 164 has Kiroranke say the Orok believed Ogata was possessed by an Anba, an evil creature (悪い化物 ‘warui bakemono’), and connect the whole thing with Yuusaku. Ogata will call Yuusaku a akuryō (悪霊 “evil spirit”) in 253 and 310 so he too embraced the idea a ghost is haunting him (let’s remember his father cursed him and that being haunted by the ghost of the one you’re killed are part of Japanese traditional beliefs).
So yeah, it can be Ogata is being plagued by more hallucinations which are actually for a physical reason, the guilt that’s slowly oozing out of its prison pushes him to interpret them as ‘Yuusaku haunting him’, making him embrace superstitions, which is convenient as he can continue to deny his guilt by painting it as an evil ghost haunting him.
The story goes on and doesn’t really dig on him beyond two occasions in which he tries to shoot Asirpa… and senses in his blind spot ‘someone’, the visual telling us that someone is none else but Yuusaku.
The fracture in Ogata’s mind is more visible.
He tells himself he would be fine by killing Asirpa and tries to do so and his sense of guilt goes to plague him in roundabout ways as he isn’t ready to face it, bet effectively stopping him from killing Asirpa.
Ogata still manages to kill Usami, and this might have been important because Ogata might have realized on the ice field, despite threatening to kill Asirpa, he just remained staring at her and didn’t press the trigger and so this can have caused him some doubt. But then he kills Usami no problem and this proves not only he can shoot accurately but that he can shoot to kill.
The thing with Asirpa should have been a fluke, he can tell himself, and dismiss he just stood there with his rifle aimed and did nothing.
Though Noda didn’t really develop this so it might be it’s just me.
And so we get to 304/309/310.
People know I’ve plenty of grievances for how those chapters handled the story, despite them confirming almost all my speculations.
I’ll skip 304 for now.
309 shows Ogata aiming at Sugimoto at such a close distance even the worst shooter could have blown his head off aware Asirpa is watching him and shooting.
I don’t know if the bullet at least hit some part of Sugimoto, it clearly didn’t blew his brain out. Then Ogata recharges his rifle, turns and is hit by a arrow.
Ogata pulls the arrow out.
As far as we know he never had a crash course on how this isn’t a bright move or on how he also has to remove the flesh around it as he wasn’t around when Kumagishi was shoot (apparently in the exactly same spot and Asirpa didn’t even try to save him because since the arrow was in his stomach there was nothing they could do). Anyway Ogata wastes precious time pulling out just the tip of the arrow by carving his stomach to pull it out.
It tells us he didn’t know that this wouldn’t be enough, that nothing would be enough.
Ogata talks about ‘something that has been bothering him for a while and that got resolved’.
The vague phrasing that really has no reason to be vague could refer to Asirpa being able to kill or not, as his wording seems to match the one he used in 187 as @deepfriedegg​ observed or they can refer to him having been able to kill Usami as he might have been bothered by the fact he couldn’t kill Asirpa and the fact he can’t die yet is tied to how he has to prove himself he can shoot her… because if what he consciously wanted was just to kill her he could have let the poison do his work.
So the fracture in his mind becomes even stronger.
However his stress level rise too high for him to handle. He’s poisoned, he has a wound in his stomach and one in his leg and fighting with Sugimoto, as brief as it was, wasn’t the equivalent of a stroll in a park.
His mental defenses crash down and, instead than seeing Yuusaku in his blind spot, he sees Yuusaku ahead of himself.
The following scene is confusing but the easiest psychological interpretation is that all he had kept trapped in his subconscious, all his guilt, all his fears, all his negative thoughts overwhelmed him.
It could happen because Ogata was in a situation of extreme stress, but exactly because he’s at his weakest psychological point and has suppressed all that for so long, he’s absolutely not equipped to face it.
Among his worries there is that his mother’s murder was meaningless, which hints he felt guilty for it or otherwise he wouldn’t have cared if it mattered or not… and Tome’s face is still not shown (but maybe Noda will fix this in the volume).
The way I see it, Ogata can’t stew in it any longer or face the more complicate questions because at the moment he can’t face not even the simplest ones. It’s a tsunami, even the visual implies that his head is spinning and water is dragging him away.
Him begging to ‘stop it!’ and ‘that’s enough!! Don’t think anymore!! I lose!! No more!! Don’t think anymore!!’ it’s him trying to apply his maladaptive copying mechanism of suppressing what cause him pain, but it clearly can’t work anymore. The prison for his unpleasant feelings which he built over the years has shattered and he can’t push them in any longer.
When this happens the mind breaks and, often, presents solutions that basically lead to suicide (or, if you’re ‘lucky’ just to self harm… or to harming others… it really depend on the situation) as the only way to stop the pain because the pain comes from within yourself and you’re all of sudden your worst enemy and you might not even realize it because you aren’t thinking straight and you can’t realize harming yourself is not the way to fix things.
Going for his eye is not just symbolic of how the bullet came out of Yuusaku’s eye, but an actually ‘safer’ way to stop yourself from seeing things and thinking (moments ago Ogata reminded himself in order to hit a bear’s brain he should have gone for the eye not for the head).
It’s unlikely Ogata is calm as he pulls the trigger.
Not only he was overwhelmed a moment ago, but his seeing eye is open wide, which isn’t a sign of inner calmness.
If we look at the scene from a psychological angle, what we see is not exactly him having an epiphany in which he experience sudden and striking insight about his guilt, it’s more him having an episode of psychosis (to not confuse with psychopathy, psychosis is an abnormal condition of the mind that results in difficulties determining what is real and what is not real) through which his suppressed emotions come to light.
One would need help to overcome this and Ogata gets none.
People watch him break down but they are his enemies and, even if they weren’t, they aren’t equipped to help him, they don’t get what’s going on, they can’t even predict what will happen, in fact they’re all surprised by the outcome.
Ogata fundamentally dies alone and his death, at the moment, hadn’t been used by the plot. It didn’t affect any of the characters in a significant way. It just happens so that the cast can move to the next step.
In fact Asirpa had already decided to kill people for the sake of her goal, starting with attempting to do it with Ogata and, if she felt pain for him, it lasted two panels… but it might also be she’s just saddened/worried by her resolution to handle the mess on her own and ask Sugimoto and Shiraishi to remain behind so they’ll stay safe as an old defining trait of Asirpa was her fear to be left alone.
Everyone is free to speculate on this but, for now, she doesn’t seem affected by what had happened, nor were Sugimoto or Shiraishi. It happened. Let’s move on.
So that’s the end of my two cents. I might be wrong of course as I’m not Noda and my interpretation is influenced by my studies, my experiences and by my culture and they’re no the same of the intended target audience so I guess everyone can choose his own while we wait for the release of the volume and see if things in it will be different.
Still thank you to you both for wanting to hear me out.
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bbbruhhhhhhhhhhhh · 7 years
The one dimensional man i do not want to become and yet, part of me has already given in to that modern world aesthetic.
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0 notes
kyufiber-moved · 5 years
23, 44, 50
23 : have you ever met any celebrities?
no 😩 unless u count like . random local comedians nobody’s ever heard of
44 : do you have a strong accent?
i used to think i didn’t have an accent but hearing the way i talk i have like this weird . eastern usa teen accent idek bro . but it’s not strong . and i say y’all??? pls my “accent” is like this weird mixture of everywhere i’ve lived and my parents’ accents
50 : left or right handed?
right ! i’m #notunique
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howardlyontx · 6 years
2018 BMW M5 Review — Cars.com
if you’re not used to seeingexorbitantly priced BMWs then $130,000as tested price of this 2018 m5 may giveyou heart palpitations but it shouldn’tthat’s very similarly priced tocompetitors in other super sedans likethe Mercedes Benz AMG c63 and a superhatchback like the Audi rs7 but stillwhat does $130,000 gets you five andwhat does it do for that much money whenwe spend a week driving the m5 to findout the m5 starts at one hundred andfour thousand dollars with destinationand gas guzzler tax ours just has$25,000 worth of optional equipment onething you won’t have to pay extra forthough is this Marina Bay metallic bluepaint and it is a head-turner it’s whatmade this m5 stand out we got a bunch ofthumbs ups and they do nice carand a lot of that is because of thiscolor it has this depth in metallicshine to it in the daylight that I don’tthink you’d get the same response if itwere silver black or white now for thegood stuff the 600 horsepower under thehood of the new m5 and this 600horsepower is perhaps the most refinedway 600 horsepower has ever beendelivered it’s smooth its linear andthere’s no such thing as turbo lag inthis car and with the standard all-wheeldrive you have 0 to 60 in 3. 2 secondsyes it’s smooth and luxurious butthere’s there’s still something missingit feels restraint it’s like BMWs at theend of the night and it’s tie is stillright up there under its collar itdoesn’t really feel like it’s let loose100% and honestly I think a lot of thathas to do with the exhaust somethingthat’s easily changeable after you buytheas its it’s a Porsche Panamera P 63 AMGthey have this booming loud exhaust whenyou change into those optional modes theBMW just doesn’t have that effect and Ithink it’s where the m5 goes turned upvery BMW wish but I think I’d like tohave that option just to take it upanother notch there are an overwhelmingthan good ways to control that 600horsepower there are individual settingsfor engine throttle sensitivitysuspension firmness steering firmnesstransmission programming stabilitycontrol and new for 2018 you can evenadjust the new all-wheel drive systemnow that all-wheel drive previous m5didn’t have it was real wall drive onlyand the automatic transmission that’sadjustable here well that’s your onlytransmission choice for 2018 the manualtransmission option is gone and honestlyI’m glad to see that because that oldmanual transmission did not improve howthe m5 drove it was just the sloppymanual transmission experience and thisnew automatic is very very good but thatall-wheel drive you can choose two-wheeldrive all wheel drive or a sportall-wheel drive option so each one ofthese modes you have three engineoptions three suspension options threesteering options three transmissionoptions three all-wheel drive optionsmultiple stability control systemoptions and exhaust option overwhelmingit’s exactly what this is so BMWsimplifies that and perhaps the best wayout of any of these super sedans andthat’s with the m1 and m2 buttons on thesteering wheelthese are programmable buttons and youcan set them up so m1 is strictlycomfort this has the softest suspensionsetting the fishing engine setting theleast offensive transmission mode andthen all-wheel drive and who can be setup for exactly the opposite so you haveaggressive engine the firmest suspensionthe firm is steering option and twowheel drive which and two wheel driveyou have to turn off the stabilitysystem and by having it programmed in m2it’s already done so you have one buttonfor m1 and onefor em – and that’s how I drove the m5in the m1 button how I have it set upand its most relaxed efficient drivingthis drives like a normal 5 Seriesit really does it’s very hard to tellthere’s 600 horsepower in m2and with rear-wheel drive it is acompletely different vehiclebut I’m not totally convinced there’s abig difference between 2 wheel drive andfour wheel drive on this car it doesn’tmagically take away the weight that theall-wheel drive adds and there’s still alot of mass on the front end of this carit’s very hard to tell the differenceunless you’re driving at the limit so ifyou have access to a drift pet or on theracetrack I’m sure that two-wheel drivesetting will let you get much moresquirrelly than with the all-wheel drivebut for just tooling around town andtaking some curvy roads I didn’t noticea big difference between the 2 wheeldrive and the all-wheel drive on thiscar so where is the extra 25 thousanddollar spent on this car well you’relooking at about 10 thousand of it righthere with the optional carbon ceramicbrakes that are 8500 and the 706 mwheels and 20-inch summer tires that are$1,300 now these carbon ceramic brakesif you’re spending a lot of time on theracetrack you know get these but ifyou’re not there squeaky they’re grabbyeven when they’re hot and I’m not surethat the weight savingsrotational mass is really worth it whenyou’re pulling up to of valet and theirbrakes are squeaking and you have toexplain to everybody who’s sittingoutside having a nice meal why you’revery pretty car is making all of theseawful noises do people care what carbonceramic brakes are probably not so it’san option you probably want to skip onthis one if you’re not doing a lot ofheavy-duty track driving other packagesthat rack up the bill on the m5 are notunique to them five at all they’reavailable on the regular five seriesthat includes the driving assistanceplus package for seventeen hundreddollars with active driving assistanceplus now if you plan to spend any amountof time in the car on the road justregular commuting or a road trip hereand there then consider getting thatpackage it has BMW semi autonomousdriving features and while you do haveto have your hand on the wheel it’sgonna hold the car in its lane it’sgonna stop and go semi autonomous Lee intraffic and is really just a greatassist to have for $4,000 the executivepackage gives you soft clothes automaticdoors rear sunshades front ventilatedseats front and rear heated seats fourzone climate control front massagingseats parking assistance plus wirelesscharging Wi-Fi hotspot’ enhanced USB andbluetooth active participants controlrear view camera but what’s really gonnaimpress people in the car out of theexecutive package is the surround viewwith 3d viewthere are numerous cameras around thecar and you can have this 360 degreeview at ground level what’s around thecar it’s useful and it’s one of thosegee-whiz features the last two bigticket items on this option sheet arethe $3,400 Bowers & Wilkins sound systemand the $2,500 M drivers package now itsounds like a package you would wantright M drivers package got to give mebetter steering better tires optionalsway bars but there’s no hardware at allthe M drivers package is actually aone-day drivers training course througha BMW facility and it raises the topspeed from 155 miles an hour to 178miles an hour honestly I think you canskip that package too for drivertraining you don’t find a road coursearound your area that has highperformance driving days there arealmost always instructors there andthey’re probably not more than a fewhundred dollars and it’s for the topspeed well if you’re going to a localtrack I don’t think you’re gonna comeanywhere near that 155 mile an hourspeed limit unless your local track isCircuit of the Americas or Road Americaso while this BMW has $25,000 worth ofoptions the Bolton puts buildingstandard and it doesn’t need all ofthose options to be BMWs that a sedan
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deonheim30 · 6 years
2018 BMW M5 Review — Cars.com
if you’re not used to seeingexorbitantly priced BMWs then $130,000as tested price of this 2018 m5 may giveyou heart palpitations but it shouldn’tthat’s very similarly priced tocompetitors in other super sedans likethe Mercedes Benz AMG c63 and a superhatchback like the Audi rs7 but stillwhat does $130,000 gets you five andwhat does it do for that much money whenwe spend a week driving the m5 to findout the m5 starts at one hundred andfour thousand dollars with destinationand gas guzzler tax ours just has$25,000 worth of optional equipment onething you won’t have to pay extra forthough is this Marina Bay metallic bluepaint and it is a head-turner it’s whatmade this m5 stand out we got a bunch ofthumbs ups and they do nice carand a lot of that is because of thiscolor it has this depth in metallicshine to it in the daylight that I don’tthink you’d get the same response if itwere silver black or white now for thegood stuff the 600 horsepower under thehood of the new m5 and this 600horsepower is perhaps the most refinedway 600 horsepower has ever beendelivered it’s smooth its linear andthere’s no such thing as turbo lag inthis car and with the standard all-wheeldrive you have 0 to 60 in 3. 2 secondsyes it’s smooth and luxurious butthere’s there’s still something missingit feels restraint it’s like BMWs at theend of the night and it’s tie is stillright up there under its collar itdoesn’t really feel like it’s let loose100% and honestly I think a lot of thathas to do with the exhaust somethingthat’s easily changeable after you buytheas its it’s a Porsche Panamera P 63 AMGthey have this booming loud exhaust whenyou change into those optional modes theBMW just doesn’t have that effect and Ithink it’s where the m5 goes turned upvery BMW wish but I think I’d like tohave that option just to take it upanother notch there are an overwhelmingthan good ways to control that 600horsepower there are individual settingsfor engine throttle sensitivitysuspension firmness steering firmnesstransmission programming stabilitycontrol and new for 2018 you can evenadjust the new all-wheel drive systemnow that all-wheel drive previous m5didn’t have it was real wall drive onlyand the automatic transmission that’sadjustable here well that’s your onlytransmission choice for 2018 the manualtransmission option is gone and honestlyI’m glad to see that because that oldmanual transmission did not improve howthe m5 drove it was just the sloppymanual transmission experience and thisnew automatic is very very good but thatall-wheel drive you can choose two-wheeldrive all wheel drive or a sportall-wheel drive option so each one ofthese modes you have three engineoptions three suspension options threesteering options three transmissionoptions three all-wheel drive optionsmultiple stability control systemoptions and exhaust option overwhelmingit’s exactly what this is so BMWsimplifies that and perhaps the best wayout of any of these super sedans andthat’s with the m1 and m2 buttons on thesteering wheelthese are programmable buttons and youcan set them up so m1 is strictlycomfort this has the softest suspensionsetting the fishing engine setting theleast offensive transmission mode andthen all-wheel drive and who can be setup for exactly the opposite so you haveaggressive engine the firmest suspensionthe firm is steering option and twowheel drive which and two wheel driveyou have to turn off the stabilitysystem and by having it programmed in m2it’s already done so you have one buttonfor m1 and onefor em – and that’s how I drove the m5in the m1 button how I have it set upand its most relaxed efficient drivingthis drives like a normal 5 Seriesit really does it’s very hard to tellthere’s 600 horsepower in m2and with rear-wheel drive it is acompletely different vehiclebut I’m not totally convinced there’s abig difference between 2 wheel drive andfour wheel drive on this car it doesn’tmagically take away the weight that theall-wheel drive adds and there’s still alot of mass on the front end of this carit’s very hard to tell the differenceunless you’re driving at the limit so ifyou have access to a drift pet or on theracetrack I’m sure that two-wheel drivesetting will let you get much moresquirrelly than with the all-wheel drivebut for just tooling around town andtaking some curvy roads I didn’t noticea big difference between the 2 wheeldrive and the all-wheel drive on thiscar so where is the extra 25 thousanddollar spent on this car well you’relooking at about 10 thousand of it righthere with the optional carbon ceramicbrakes that are 8500 and the 706 mwheels and 20-inch summer tires that are$1,300 now these carbon ceramic brakesif you’re spending a lot of time on theracetrack you know get these but ifyou’re not there squeaky they’re grabbyeven when they’re hot and I’m not surethat the weight savingsrotational mass is really worth it whenyou’re pulling up to of valet and theirbrakes are squeaking and you have toexplain to everybody who’s sittingoutside having a nice meal why you’revery pretty car is making all of theseawful noises do people care what carbonceramic brakes are probably not so it’san option you probably want to skip onthis one if you’re not doing a lot ofheavy-duty track driving other packagesthat rack up the bill on the m5 are notunique to them five at all they’reavailable on the regular five seriesthat includes the driving assistanceplus package for seventeen hundreddollars with active driving assistanceplus now if you plan to spend any amountof time in the car on the road justregular commuting or a road trip hereand there then consider getting thatpackage it has BMW semi autonomousdriving features and while you do haveto have your hand on the wheel it’sgonna hold the car in its lane it’sgonna stop and go semi autonomous Lee intraffic and is really just a greatassist to have for $4,000 the executivepackage gives you soft clothes automaticdoors rear sunshades front ventilatedseats front and rear heated seats fourzone climate control front massagingseats parking assistance plus wirelesscharging Wi-Fi hotspot’ enhanced USB andbluetooth active participants controlrear view camera but what’s really gonnaimpress people in the car out of theexecutive package is the surround viewwith 3d viewthere are numerous cameras around thecar and you can have this 360 degreeview at ground level what’s around thecar it’s useful and it’s one of thosegee-whiz features the last two bigticket items on this option sheet arethe $3,400 Bowers & Wilkins sound systemand the $2,500 M drivers package now itsounds like a package you would wantright M drivers package got to give mebetter steering better tires optionalsway bars but there’s no hardware at allthe M drivers package is actually aone-day drivers training course througha BMW facility and it raises the topspeed from 155 miles an hour to 178miles an hour honestly I think you canskip that package too for drivertraining you don’t find a road coursearound your area that has highperformance driving days there arealmost always instructors there andthey’re probably not more than a fewhundred dollars and it’s for the topspeed well if you’re going to a localtrack I don’t think you’re gonna comeanywhere near that 155 mile an hourspeed limit unless your local track isCircuit of the Americas or Road Americaso while this BMW has $25,000 worth ofoptions the Bolton puts buildingstandard and it doesn’t need all ofthose options to be BMWs that a sedan
//<![CDATA[ featureBoxVar = ""; //]]> source https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/29/2018-bmw-m5-review-cars-com/ from Auto Dealing Services http://cardetailingphx.blogspot.com/2018/09/2018-bmw-m5-review-carscom.html
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deliriumtech-blog · 7 years
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𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎
Being different isn’t special, it isn’t unique, it’s more than any other words. Why do we like being called names? I can tell you right now; I’m neither those names and neither are everyone else, we’re not cliches.
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silvercontrails · 10 years
I'll often see photos of people and think: wow, I wish I was that cool. But then I wonder: what if I am cool, but I'm not the cool that I think is cool. Maybe I'm someone else's cool.
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mohawkarchitecture · 10 years
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alexzdeng · 10 years
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Day 43. Serving #xXtypicalaznboiraverXx Realness for all three days of EDC! 😛😛😛💛💜💚 #notunique #typical #loser #takemebacklater
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