moody-alcoholic · 4 months
The Mourning Hall
No one comes to The Mourning Hall because they want to. I stood with my back against the entrance to the main atrium, soft music flowed out bouncing off the cool concrete walls and glass pains. It was midnight, looking out through the large windows to the main road I could see a thick plume of fog coming in. The Seraphim Forest was almost always shrouded in a constant blanket of fog and rain. For most people being here is a sad time, a quiet time, a time to reflect. There is always a funeral, a memorial service. Unlike the dead the Mourning Hall never sleeps. 
I nodded at a couple leaving the atrium. He nodded back holding the sniffling woman close as she leaned into him. I watched them walk out into the forest’s embrace following the path to the car park. I loved the silence, the tranquility of the dim lighting and constant presence of people, heads bowed, a somber solitude of reflection. The shuffle of the spiritualists feet, the chanting of the priests, even the faint smell of burning you come to ignore after a few visits. There is no more religion here, you read about it in textbooks but who can believe in a God when you can bend the universe to your will. The Spiritualists, and Sisterhood care for the dead, dedicating their lives to silence and charity. 
My first visit to a Mourning Hall was millions of miles away, a different planet, a different life. I was almost too young to understand, all I remember was looking up in the atrium watching the rainfall being mesmerized by the size and eerily warm embrace of the large concrete structure. I remember the way the Sisterhood’s dresses and headscarves would pop out pure white and cream against the dull gray and black of the concrete and obsidian structures. How peaceful of a life it must be to live here. My colleague came to relieve me. I nodded and in silence returned to my office.
Something a little different I have been working on...
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khuantru · 6 months
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drawing sounds if you need it ✏️✏️
video: 014 "The Veiled Monolith" // 1 Hour Ambience
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shaanks · 5 days
21, 31, 41 for the ask game!
Hello my anonymous friend!! Thank you for playing!
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
I don't really have anything of mine from childhood, the few things that would have been kept for me are all in my biological grandmother's house and she's been dead since I was 15. I have some things that were eventually sent to me from her belongings, but they were things that belonged TO HER, and not anything of mine that, as far as I know, is still entombed in that house lmfao. wild stuff.
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
kind of ambient/thematic soundtrack sort of things. like. Obsidian Soundfields on spotify is a playlist I listen to heavily, and those kind of "Dark Stormy Castle That a Vampire Definitely Lives In" 4 hour ambient sounds videos on youtube. That sort of thing. And the Spirited Away soundtrack.
41. how do you take your coffee?
Cream and sugar, iced! Cold brew preferably actually bc I'm in my 30s and my tummy can't take normal coffee anymore lmfaooo.
These were lovely friend, thank you again for sending them in!
ask me some random stuff if you'd like!
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moody-alcoholic · 4 months
The Veiled Monolith
There truly is nothing here. This place is the explorers dream, everyone knows the stories of the Veiled Monolith, everyone knows you never come back from this place. The silence of the vast planet was only broken up by the wiring of the ship's engines starting up again. I turned to look. I had to pay handsomely for a smuggler to get me here, even then they almost refused. The dense fog that surrounds every part of the planet makes the vast open expanse of nothingness seem almost claustrophobic. As the ship takes off the fog does not move, I watch as it quickly vanishes and I'm left alone in the last place I will ever be. 
I pick a direction and start walking. The fog acts like translucent walls guiding me in the direction it wants me to go. It’s almost like it’s alive. I feel like I keep catching thin wisps of fog touching me out the corner of my eyes. My breathing picks up as the fog gets darker. I hear distant hums and water, quiet dripping, and ripples like a lake on a windy day. There is no wind though, even if there was the fog would not move to tell me. I keep walking letting the fog guide me. It just felt right. The humming seems to be calling me, almost like a woman singing, every other sound harmonises with it. It’s entrancing.
I see darkness before me, the fog separating as if to let me through a door. I stand looking up at a magnificent black structure, it seems to be stretching endlessly. I look to the right seeing an infinitely stretching body of water almost as black as the structure itself. Orange lights pool through the windows, it looks almost inviting. So it is real. I should turn back and document my findings but something is calling me here. Calling me to the building. The closer I get to the main doors the quieter things become like I am in a vacuum. Then all I can hear are the echoing steps of my feet and the beating of my heart. I place my hand on the door handle. The fog appears again flowing around my arms, my fingers and body, it feels like it’s picking me up. Then the door opens and it pushes me in.
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moody-alcoholic · 4 months
Masterlist v1.5
I feel like I have made enough content to have one of these now…
Call of Duty.
Modern Warfare 4 : POV Rosaly 'Mercy' Williams. - Complete.
SFW, Simon x OC. 16 chapters 60k+ words
Modern Warfare 4 : POV Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley - Ongoing 30%.
SFW, Simon x OC. 5 chapters 25k+ words.
Modern Warfare 5 - Ongoing 20%.
SFW, Simon x OC. 2 chapters 6k+ words.
Can you tell I'm bad at naming things
Tumblr exclusives
Freaky Friday.
Week 1 - +18 MDNI, explicit content.
Week 2 - +18 MDNI, explicit content.
Week 3 - +18 MDNI, explicit content.
141 fishing SFW
Alternative fanfic ending SFW
Nightmares SFW
Obsidian Soundfields collection
003 014
Mainly all WIP’s
Stories are written just not edited or proof read.
Untitled Mirrors Edge Fanfic.
Expected release for chapter 1 - 3/6
Untitled Black Desert Online fanfic.
Expected release for chapter 1 - 1/7
Untitled SWTOR fanfic.
Expected release for chapter 1 - 1/7
Paste bin with the research I use for the COD fics, or anything medical related. (Updates all the time) HERE
Enjoy feedback is always appreciated xxx
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