#OC ask list
paarthursass · 8 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List
What if your Tav was a recruitable companion, instead of the main character? (contains major spoilers for the game, and for some dark urge runs as well)
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner) 
Story Specific
How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
How do they advise the player character on Raphael?
How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character?
How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them?
How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently?
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with? 
Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander?
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced? 
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira?
If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin?
How do they react if the PC has sex with Mizora? The Emperor?  Haarlep?
Will they join in with the PC and the Drow Twins, or no?
What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
Free space! Share anything from your companion!Tav au!
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mimble-sparklepudding · 4 months
Winter Greenery OC Questions.
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A little list of OC questions based on the folklore of winter greenery in Northern Europe. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all symbolic meanings, but rather just a small selection for entertainment, rather than educational, purposes.
Fir: Endurance and Hope.
Is your OC generally optimistic about the future?  Or do they tend to prepare for the worst, whilst hoping for the best? Or do they even take a generally pessimistic view of the way things will likely unfold?
Does your OC actively attempt to nurture or inspire hope in others – even when things look particularly dire? Or are they inclined to be more blunt with their assessment of a situation?
Would your OC ever fight for a lost cause on principle?  Or would they give up – or even change allegiance – in order to ensure the best outcome for themselves?
What is an example of something (or someone) to which your OC has been stubbornly loyal, through thick and thin?  Was it worth it in the end?  Could it ever have been?
How many setbacks can (or will) your OC endure before they give up on a course of action?  Or alternatively, how many times can they be let down or betrayed before they turn their back upon another person?
Holly: Protection and Luck.
Is your OC protective of those to whom they are close?  Are they ever somewhat over-protective?  Or do they prefer to let people suffer the consequences of their mistakes?  Perhaps because they see this as a useful life lesson?
Does your OC carry a lucky charm of some sort?  What makes them think it’s lucky?  Or do they not believe in luck, yet find themselves unable to part with it all the same?
Has your OC ever taken on a burden or suffered harm to protect another from suffering its consequences?  Did the person in question realise that they had done so?  What was their motivation when doing this?
What does your OC believe to be the luckiest event in their life?  Is this an accurate assessment?  Or was there actually more than simply luck at play?
Does your OC believe that they were historically let down by those who should have protected them?  If so then what has been the impact of this upon them?  If not then have they always been kept safe by others?  Has anyone ever sacrificed themselves to protect them?
Ivy: Fidelity and Loyalty.
Has your OC ever been unfaithful in a relationship?  Could they ever be tempted by the physical charms of another?  Or have they ever been surprised by how little they are tempted by others, at least once they embraced their current lover?
What inspires loyalty in your OC?  Will they follow someone purely based upon duty or rank? Or are there certain qualities towards which they are drawn?  Or perhaps there ways by which another person must prove themselves before earning their loyalty?
Has another person ever offered to leave their spouse or lover for your OC?  What was it about them that this person found so hard to resist? How did they feel about it at the time? 
Does your OC feel any abiding connection to their place of birth?  Has this ever been challenged by conflicting loyalties?  How are they viewed by those currently living in their society of origin?
Does your OC remain steadfastly loyal to those who have helped them on their journey?  Or are they quick to dispense with those who are no longer of use to them?
Mistletoe: Peace and Friendship.
Who was your OC’s first friend?  What drew them to each other?  Were they expecting to get along? Or was it a surprise to them both?
Does your OC find it easy to make friends?   What barriers are there to them doing so?  Has this changed over time?
Do other people experience your OC as having a “peaceful” energy? Or are they inclined to restlessness - or even fractiousness?  Do others find them relaxing company?
To what extent does your OC believe in the perfectibility of mankind?  Do they believe that they are playing a part, no matter how small, in ushering in a new utopian age of co-operation and peace?  Or do they consider that people are intrinsically flawed and that the best that can be hoped for is a series of trade-offs between conflicting values?
Who is your OCs most unlikely friend? What made their friendship so unexpected?
Pine: Healing and Longevity.
What is the worst physical injury or illness that your OC has ever suffered?  How long did it take them to recover?  Does it still have an impact upon them now?
What is the worst emotional or spiritual wound that your OC has ever suffered?  What was the long-term impact of this experience? What helped them to move on from it (if they ever have)?
Does your OC make a good patient?  Or are they resistant to being given medical treatment - or even agreeing to rest?
Does your OC expect to live a long and fruitful life?  Or do they consider themselves to already be living on borrowed time?
Does your OC believe it is better to burn out than to fade away?  Or do they perhaps pretend to believe this, when actually they would be quite happy to retire peacefully one day?
Birch: Rebirth and Regeneration.
Has your OC ever experienced something that changed them irrevocably?  If so, then how do they view the person they were before?
Does your OC believe that sometimes a person needs to hit rock bottom before they can begin to rebuild their life?  Has this ever been their personal experience?  Or would they rather spare someone suffering, even if it meant they failed to learn from their mistakes over and over again?
Does your OC recover quickly from injuries?  Or has it got harder for them to keep bouncing back as they’ve got older?  If so, is this something they would ever admit?
Has your OC ever made a heroic or unexpected comeback from a dire situation?  What helped them to do so?
Has your OC ever been part of a wider cultural or spiritual renaissance?  Perhaps following the defeat of an occupying force?  Or the rediscovery of long-lost wisdom?  Or even a reinterpretation of existing traditions?
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euryalex · 8 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Tav Ask List
May contain spoilers!! Please reblog!
• Origin & Class 1. What is their backstory and why did you choose it? 2. What is their class (+ subclass) and why did you choose it? 3. Do they multiclass? Why (not)? 4. Is there a reason why your Tav starts out as Level 1? 5. Does your Tav have family members? Are they close? 6. Does your Tav have any friends from their past? Are they still friends? 7. Does your Tav have connections to other characters (I.e.: NPCs)? 8. Where did your character live before the events of the game? 9. Does your Tav have a different class/race/origin than in the game? (I.e.: Your Tav is Aasimar, fisherman backstory ...) 10. What was your Tav like as a child?
• Prologue 11. What goes through your Tav's head when they wake up on the Nautiloid? Are they scared or do they push those feelings aside to focus on escaping? 12. How does your Tav feel about Us? Did they free them, maim them or leave them behind? 13. What was your Tav's first reaction to Lae'Zel? 14. What was your Tav's first reaction to Shadowheart? 15. Does your Tav use their Arcana knowledge to free Shadowheart or do they use the rune found in the next room? 16. Does your Tav help the mindflayer against Commander Zhalk or do they run straight to the helm? 17. Does your Tav's starting armor reflect them? If not, what would they wear instead? 18. If you could, would your Tav see any of the other companions? If so, how would they react? 19. What's your Tav's personality like at the start of the game? Does it change as the game goes on? 20. Finally, what does your Tav feel as the Nautiloid crashes? Are they scared? Are they thinking of a way to survive?
• Act 1 21. Which companion do you get first? If you get Shadowheart first no matter what, who's the second one? 22. What is your Tav's first impression of the other companions (Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Wyll ...) 23. What's their opinion of Emerald Grove? Do they help the tieflings or side with the druids? 24. How does your Tav feel about Mol and her friends? 25. What does your Tav think of Aradin? 26. What does your Tav think of the Raphael? 27. Does your Tav adopt Scratch and the Owlbear cub? Did you name him? 28. What does your Tav think of Auntie Ethel? What do they tell Mayrina? 29. What does your Tav do about the Goblin camp? Do they free Halsin or side with Minthara? What's their opinion of them? 30. Who does your Tav think of when they go to sleep at the goblin/tiefling party? Or are they lucky and do they get to spend the night with the person they want? 31. What does your Tav think of the Underdark and the Myconids? 32. Does your Tav help Glut or do they fight him? 33. Do you bring the potion ingredients to Omeluum and, if so, did you drink it? Did you barter for his ring? 34. Does your Tav react to the Sussur flower (Sorcerer) or how would they react if it affected them? 35. Do they deliver Nere's head to the Myconids and save the slaves? 36. Did your Tav fight the Forge Protector? How did the fight go for them? 37. Did your Tav go to Creche Y'llek? Did they know something was up with the healer? 38. Did your Tav deface the portrait of Vlaakith? 39. Did your Tav get the Blood of Lathandar? 40. Did your Tav agree to kill the Guardian or did they go talk to them instead?
• Act 2 41. Which way did they take? Did they run into Elminster? What was their opinion of his news for Gale? 42. How does your Tav react to the shadow curse? Are they scared of the dark? 43. What does your Tav think of Jaheira and the Harpers? 44. What does your Tav think of Isobel? 45. Does your Tav help Mol win against Raphael? 46. Does your Tav help Astarion make a deal with Raphael? 47. Does your Tav help Markus or do they warn Isobel? 48. Does your Tav steal the moonlantern from Kar'Niss or do they fight him? 49. How does your Tav react to Ketheric Thorm? What about his family (Gerringothe Thorm, Malus Thorm ...)? 50. Does your Tav save the tieflings & gnomes? 51. What does your Tav think of the Gauntlet of Shar? 52. What does your Tav think of Dame Aylin? 53. Did your Tav help Art Cullagh? 54. What did your Tav tell Arabella about her parents? 55. Did your Tav reunite with Us? 56. What did your Tav think of the Mindflayer colony? 57. Did your Tav free Zevlor? Did they free Mizora? 58. Did your Tav complete the Brain Node puzzle? 59. Did you use the Minds you find on the head near the brain node puzzle? 60. Did you clear Moonrise Towers of the shadow curse?
• Act 3 61. How does your Tav feel about Baldur's Gate? Is it their home? Is it their first time in the city? 62. What's their first impression when they enter Rivington? 63. If Shadowheart got a new haircut, how does your Tav react? 64. What does your Tav do with the trapped kids' toys? 65. Does your Tav go to the circus? Do they like the activities? 66. Does your Tav help with the murder investigation? 67. Does your Tav meet Tara? What's their opinion? 68. What does your Tav do with the Mindflayer in the windmill? 69. Does your Tav run into Orin? If so, what's their first opinion? 70. Does your Tav make a deal with Raphael? 71. Does your Tav 'spend time' at Sharess' Caress? 72. How does your Tav enter the city? 73. Do they free Florrick? 74. What do they do at Gortash' coronation? 75. What does your Tav do with the serial killer running rampant? 76. Does your Tav tell Dame Aylin about Lorroaken? Do they help her fight him? 77. Does your Tav go to the House of Hopes? If so, do they sleep with Haarlep? 78. Does your Tav help the Wavemother? 79. Does your Tav rescue the prisoners in the Iron Throne? 80. Does your Tav free the slaves from Steel Watch Foundry? Do they side with the Gondians or with Wulbren? 81. If you saved Oskar in Act 1, did you meet him again? If so, did you help him? Did you side with the Mystic Carrion or with Thrumbo? 82. What does your Tav do with the Counting House robbery? 83. Does your Tav reunite with Mayrina? Do they fight Auntie Ethel? Do they save Vanra? 84. Does your Tav find all of Dribbles' body parts? 85. Who did Orin abduct from your party? 86. Did your Tav complete the trial of Bhaal? 87. Did your Tav side with Gortash or did they agree to kill him for Orin? 88. Does your Tav successfully resist the Nether Brain? 89. Does your Tav side with the Emperor or do they free Orpheus? Do they become Illithid to use the Nether Stones or does one of their companions do it? Do they give the Nether Stones to the Emperor/Orpheus? 90. Do they betray the Emperor/Orpheus/their companions for the Absolute?
• Epilogue 91. Does your Tav get a happily ever after? 92. Where does your Tav end up after defeating/siding with the Nether Brain? 93. What do you think happens to the party, afterwards? Do they go for drinks? Do they go their separate ways? 94. Years after the game, what do you think your Tav is up to? 95. What do you think of your Tav's development throughout the game? If you compared them to who they were at the start, what would be different?
• Companions 96. Does Lae'Zel remain loyal to Vlaakith, or does she follow Orpheus? Or neither? 97. Does Astarion kill Cazador? Does he remain a vampire spawn or does he complete the ritual? 98. What does Gale want? The crown for himself? For Mystra? Or has he given up on chasing power? 99. Did Wyll get freed from Mizora? Did he save his father? 100. Did Karlach get upgraded? Did she turn Illithid? Did she return to Avernus? If so, did Tav join her, or Wyll, or both? 101. Did your Tav recruit Minsc? What's their opinion of him? 102. Did Shadowheart turn to Selûne or did she remain loyal to Shar? Did she free her parents or let them go? 103. Did Tav help Jaheira with the Harpers? 104. Who did your Tav romance? How did this romance develop throughout the game? What happened at the end?
105. Anything you want to say about your Tav! Give a random headcanon, answer a random question, say whatever you want!
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octocurse · 1 year
OC ask game!
1 - What’s their goal?
2 - Would you be friends with them? Or enemies?
3 - Do you like them? Dislike? What do you think is their biggest flaw?
4 - What inspired you to make this character?
5 - Does their world have a name?
6 - Why does this character exist? Is it for a show? Book? Comic?
7 - Do they have any special powers / abilities?
8 - Are they disabled? How does this affect them?
9 - What inspired their name? How did you name them?
10 - How old are they?
11 - What are they? Are they human? What is their species?
12 - What are they pt 2! Are they a protagonist in the story? A villian? A hero?
13 - What are they afraid of? How does this fear affect their life?
14 - What are their hobbies? What do they like to do?
15 - Do they have a job? / Do they go to school? Maybe both?
16 - How long ago was it when you made this character?
17 - Do they have a birthday?
18 - Do they have close companions / a family?
19 - Are they married?
20 - Are they dead or alive? How did they die, if dead?
21 - Do they live on earth / in a world nearly the same to ours, or do they live in an entirely new realm?
22 - How would they react to our world, if from somewhere very different?
23 - What’s their likes? Dislikes?
24 - Who’s their biggest enemy? How do they act towards them?
25 - What do they identify as? Are they trans? Are they queer?
26 - How did they figure out their identity?
27 - Are they an insert to a pre-existing media?
28 - Are they a recycled character? Did you originally make them for something else?
29 - Have you drawn this character / made a picrew of them? Feel free to show it!
30 - If they’re married, what’s their relationship with their partner?
31 - How do they respond to change?
32 - What’s their dream career?
33 - What’s their backstory? How have they changed?
34 - Do they have comfort items? If so, what are these items?
35 - How do they feel about themselves? Do they love themself?
36 - If they were a pokemon trainer, what would their pokemon be?
37 - If they were a pokemon (if not already), what pokemon would they be?
38 - Do they collect things? If so, what do they collect?
39 - Do they read? Do they write?
40 - Have you ever commissioned someone to draw this character?
41 - Have you redesigned this character?
42 - Have you redesigned this character more than once?
43 - What’s their handwriting like? Can they write?
44 - Are they emotional?
45 - Are they an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
46 - Do they like to take care of others, get taken care of, or avoid others?
47 - What kind of music do they listen to? Do they make any of their own?
48 - Do they have a phone? What’s on it? Do they have a ton of games, or just a few apps? What’s their home and lock screen?
49 - Would they be a cat or a dog person? Or would they prefer a different animal?
50 - What are they insecure about? What do they want to improve?
51 - What are their pronouns?
52 - If they’re queer, did they have to come out? How did their friends/family respond?
53 - What’s their favorite color?
54 - What’s something they’re really skilled in, whether they know it or not?
55 - Do they play a lot of video games?
56 - What are their teeth like?
57 - What’s their eye color?
58 - Do they have hair? What length is it? How would you describe their hair?
59 - How do they talk (if they do)? Do they have an accent? Do they stutter?
60 - How do they type? Do they make mistakes a ton?
61 - What would they go by online?
62 - Do they go by any nicknames? What’s their favorite?
63 - If they use any, what would their disability aids look like? Do they put stickers on them?
64 - What do they wish they could change in the world?
65 - Have they ever broken the law? Did they get away with it?
66 - What’s a fun fact about their creation?
67 - What’s a fun fact about their likes / interests?
68 - What’s a fun fact about their personality?
69 - What’s a fun fact about their story?
70 - What’s a fun fact about the world they’re fun?
71 - What’s a fun fact that doesn’t fit in those categories?
Feel free to rb or send asks !
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newbabyfly · 2 years
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20 Questions prompt list for Guardians! Download, yoink and repost away, add images of you like, tag me if you want cause I love hearing about everyone's guardians! ❤️
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hphmseojunglee · 1 year
Does anyone else think it’s fun to take personality tests and inventories as their MC? Here’s a bunch of them. Please note that some are not the official version, but they should be free and accessible. I wager they’re accurate enough. Also, some tests may take a while, but don’t take it too seriously!
And yes, I am a psychology major…
[1.] What is their Top Love Language? (acts of service, quality time, receiving gifts, words of affirmation, physical touch) https://5lovelanguages.com/ 
[2.] What is their D&D alignment? http://easydamus.com/alignmenttest.html 
[3.] What is their highest Big Five personality trait? (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) https://bigfive-test.com/ 
[4.] What is their Four Temperaments test result? (sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic) https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/O4TS/ 
[5.] What is their Enneagram result? https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test 
[6.] What is their Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) result? https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test 
[7.] Which Freudian defense mechanism do they most often use? https://psychologia.co/defense-mechanisms/ 
[8.] What is their HEXACO result? http://hexaco.org/hexaco-online 
[9.] What is their Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) result? https://www.idrlabs.com/multiphasic-personality/test.php 
[10.] Where do they fall on the Multidimensional Introversion-Extraversion Scales (MIES)? https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/MIES/ 
[11.] What is their Fisher Temperament Inventory (FTI) result? https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/FTI/ 
[12.] What is their Short Dark Triad (SD-3) test result? https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/SD3/ 
[13.] What is their True Colors test result? https://www.idrlabs.com/true-colors/test.php 
[14.] Where do they fall on the Kinsey Scale? https://www.idrlabs.com/kinsey-scale/test.php 
[15.] What is their 16 Personality Factors (PF) result? https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/16PF.php 
[16.] Where do they fall on the Zodiac-sign Association Personality Scales (ZAPS)? https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/ZAPS/ 
[17.] What is their DISC personality test result? https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/ODAT/
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shhh-secret-time · 19 days
Secret OC Ask List Part 2!! Because we don't know how to stop here, and you guys seemed to like the last one!
1) If your OC celebrates Halloween (or their worlds equivalent of) what would they dress up as?
2) Is your OC religious? What's their religion?
3) Sports, love 'em? Hate 'em? Do they play?
4) What song describes your OCs relationship with their best friend?
5) They're given a super power, what is it?
6) Will they use their superpower for good? For evil? Or just to get by?
7) What's your OCs biggest fear and why?
8) Has your OC taken a life? How does it effect them?
9) Where did they grow up? Country? Big city? On an island?
10) Pick an element for them! What is it?
11) How do they feel about formal clothes? What would they wear?
12) Are they a team player? Do they do better by themselves? Are they at any way a leader?
13) What genre of music do they hate?
14) What are their biggest flaws?
15) What are their biggest strengths?
16) When it comes to partners/love interests, what is it they look for?
17) They say people put a little of themselves in their OCs, how much did you put into yours?
18) Would you and your OC be friends?
19) Is your OC an introvert or extrovert? Somewhere in the middle?
20) What's your OCs zodiac? When's their birthday?
21) Do they have piercings? If so how many and where?
22) What's their biggest source of strife?
23) What's their biggest source of inspiration?
24) If they're evil, why? What happened? What would make them a better person, and could they be redeemed?
25) If they're good, why? What happened? What would make them a worse person, and could they fall?
26) What are their loved/liked gifts?
27) What are their hated/disliked gifts?
28) How do they express their anger? Are they quick to it or does it take a lot to get them to that breaking point?
29) What's a secret about your OC that no one knows about? Something you couldn't quite fit into your story or character sheet.
30) Say something nice about your OC, brag a little. Why do you love this character so much?
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avocado-frog · 2 years
A list of obscure OC questions for you to steal and/or use to develop characters
Random fact or topic your oc knows a lot about
If they were an actor, what pre-existing character would they play?
If they had a pack of scented markers, which flavor would be their favorite, and also who would try to eat them?
Does your oc think a hot dog is a sandwich? Why or why not
Who would genuinely be a flat-earther, and who would pretend to be a flat-earther to annoy everyone else?
Is/was your oc a Fortnite kid, a Roblox kid, or a Minecraft kid
Disney channel, cartoon network, or nickelodeon? Which did/do they prefer
Does your oc call it soda or pop
Who would make it on the next verse of dumb ways to die?
Does your oc think an rpg is the same thing as a jpeg because my grandpa does
Burrito or taco
Who wants to speak to the manager and who is in fact the exasperated manager?
Does your oc know history stuff or did they just watch the hamilton musical and call it a day
Do they watch murder documentaries or animal documentaries. Do they cry.
Last but not least who jumped off a swing set as a kid and broke their arms
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mrghostrat · 1 month
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vexic929 · 8 months
Domestic Prompts
Send a character and a number for a ficlet!
"I love this." "What?" "Us."
"This house looks so different with you here."
"When was the last time we spent an entire day together, just the two of us?"
"The house doesn't matter, you are my home."
"I never want us to forget why we fell in love in the first place."
"What did I do to make you fall in love with me?"
"Happy anniversary!" "It's not-" "It's the one year anniversary of when we moved in together!"
"I made this for you."
"Did you ever think we'd make it this far?"
"What is this?" "A ten year plan!" "It's just pictures of us."
"Every morning I fall in love with you all over again."
"Ah, leftover takeout, the epitome of romance."
"Can we stay in bed for just a little bit longer?"
"Let's get dressed up for dinner tonight." "We just cooked-" "We don't have to go out!"
"I'm sorry I was so grumpy last night."
"The kid(s) are out..."
"We've been so busy lately, I feel like we haven't been home at all."
"Do you remember the first night we spent together in this house?"
"I feel so safe and warm in our cozy little nest."
"I want a kiss from my favorite person." "I don't think you can kiss yourself."
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fiendpact · 5 months
20 Tav QOTDs
a compilation of questions i’ve seen on twitter + ones i’ve come up with myself <3 can be used as an ask game or as a daily game!
what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
what would their blood taste like to vampires?
how would they kiss their LI?
how do they sleep with their LI (what position, does one steal the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
if they had a set of dnd dice, what would they look like?
do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
if either, are they part of the astarion/gale book club (magic & literature) or the wyll/shadowheart book club (trashy romance novels)?
if they had to be put in a “get along shirt” with a companion, who would it be?
do they prefer speak with dead or speak with animals?
what are their thoughts on clowns?
their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
what makes them laugh? what does their laugh sound like?
do they have any inside jokes among their companions?
what’s the description of their camp clothes in the inventory menu?
what’s the description of their underwear in the inventory menu?
how do they celebrate their birthday?
what modern day tv show would they binge over a weekend? do they get their LI to watch with them?
do you have a playlist for your tav? if so, what’s the title + description?
if you were to try pickpocketing them, what would they be carrying?
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mimble-sparklepudding · 3 months
Symbolism of Metals OC Questions.
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A little list of OC questions based on the symbolism of various metals throughout history. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all symbolic meanings, but rather just a small selection for entertainment, rather than educational, purposes.
Iron - Inner Power, Rage and Primal Urges.
Has your OC ever regretted something they have said or done in anger? Perhaps this has happened more than once?
Has your OC mellowed as they have got older? Or are they just as quick to anger, or as easily irritated, as they ever were?
Upon what does your OC draw to get them through situations of great adversity? Their sense of purpose? The thought of their loved ones? Sheer overwhelming rage? Or perhaps something else entirely?
Does your OC struggle to contain their baser emotions, such as lust, aggression or greed? What helps to keep these feelings in check (if anything actually does)?
Are others ever surprised by your OC's steely resolve or ability to endure hardship? Or are they generally regarded as someone with great inner reserves of willpower?
Gold - Wisdom, Wealth and Nobility.
If your OC was called upon to arbitrate between the nobility (or an equivalent social elite) and the common people, on which side of the table would they be sitting during negotiations?
Do those that know your OC consider them to be wise? Is this quality seen as distinct from intellectulism or book-learning in their case? Or do they posess both academic knowledge and the wisdom of experience?
Does your OC struggle to believe anyone is truly smart unless they are also rich?
Does your OC hold that some social groups have an inherent nobility unavailable to others? Do they perhaps believe in the idea of a "ruling class", with qualities that the lower orders could never hope to evince? Or, conversely, do they believe in the unsullied nobility of the poor, in contrast to the decadent and corrupt upper classes?
If your OC could pass on a piece of wisdom to others starting out on a similar path to their own, what would it be and where does it come from?
Lead - Sin, Death, Transformation and Toxicity.
Which experience of loss or bereavement has most affected your OC?
What is your OC's most anti-social trait? Do they acknowledge it as such? Are they even aware of it themselves?
Which sin is your OC most likely to be accused of by others? Would this be fair criticism? Or are their actions often somewhat misunderstood?
What has been the most transformative experience your OC has been through? Was it an experience of loss? The first time they ever felt loved? A traumatic or violent event? Or something else entirely?
How does your OC believe they will die? Peacefully in bed surrounded by friends and family? Or alone in the wilderness? Or fighting against overwhelming odds? Or perhaps they have a different notion altogether?
Silver - Intuition, Honesty and Wisdom.
Does your OC ever base their decisions on a "gut feeling"? Or do they always weigh up the pros and cons carefully and dispassionately?
How tactful is your OC? Are they able to frame criticism constructively and give feedback in a way that protects against potential hurt feelings? Or are they blunt, or even callous, in their attitude to the failings of others?
Does your OC believe they can assess someone's character upon first meeting them? Or are they inclined to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they get to know them better? Or even to assume the absolute worst of people until it is conclusively proved that they are not an enemy?
Does your OC ever deliberately make themselves appear less wise or astute than they actually are? Perhaps in order to ensure that others underestimate them?
What is something that your OC would find incredibly hard to lie about? Even if they really wanted to do so...
Copper - Love, Beauty and Creativity.
Does your OC believe that they are beautiful? Is their beauty, or lack of beauty, something to which they ever give much consideration?
Does your OC enjoy creating things? Are they particularly artistic? Or do they prefer to focus upon creating things with a practical use?
Was your OC loved as a child? What difference has the experience of love and nuture during their early years made to their character as an adult?
Of all the places your OC has seen, which do they consider the most beautiful?
If your OC were to be immortalised in art, what would be their preferred medium? An epic poem? An exquisite statue? A flattering painting? Or something else entirely?
Tin - Life, Breath and Flexibility.
How quick is your OC to adjust to changing circumstances? Are they more likely to keep going with an existing approach or strategy, even though the situation has changed?
Does your OC work well with others? Even if their approach or attitude is markedly different to their own?
Does your OC believe that all life is sacred on some level? Or are some types of person more valuable than others? Can someone's deeds ever make them deserving of death? Or would your OC never consider that an appropriate sanction, no matter the circumstances?
What does your OC believe makes life worth living? Assuming that they do, in fact, believe that it is?
Has your OC's life turned out how they were expecting when they first began their journey? How well have they adjusted to any differences in this regard?
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Hey, Yuri, do you think Yuu would ever run the risk of being put in danger by having a romantic relationship with any of the more high-profile members of the cast? I mean, we’ve got royalty, nobility, celebrities, and the very wealthy attending this school. I’ve just been rotating my brain about how these relationships would work out and Yuu is a pretty vulnerable target without NRC’s security. - 🦐
Hmmmmmm. I have a bunch of thoughts about this actually... I tried ranking them from least to most dangerous if that makes sense? But don't read too deeply into the bullet point placements they were mostly just a stream of consciousness thing.
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Not that Risky (surprisingly)
Leona- we don't really have details about his brother's marriage, but I don't think his family has been shown to be overly keen on forming alliances with outside countries, the Savannah seems more concerned with itself. I don't think his family would be too fussed with his partner being a magicless person from outerspace, if anything this might be seen as a plus to the councilors that are always mocking Leona behind his back as his partner's lack of royal blood makes him even less fit for the throne. Not to mention Leona himself is more than enough to protect Yuu, he's the only royal at the school without a proper retainer (which you could argue is because no one at home likes him) but I doubt his family would let him do that if he was genuinely in danger.
Rook- he's Rook. His family does sound rather sweet from the very very very little we know about him (he also seems like he was kind of sheltered as a kid, something I should chew on sometime) so I doubt they would allow anything too bad to happen to Yuu.
Vil- his main issue is his contract, the Japanese Idol industry is cut throat and often sees things like bans on relationships as part of the contract. Vil doesn't want to risk his career or reputation, he mentions that he himself is a brand and I can't see him wanting to put that pressure on Yuu if they're not up for it. But... there are also celebrities who have really private personal lives and I sort of get the sense Vil is like that? And I don't think he would be too bothered if Yuu didn't want to be super public, it would certainly make it easier to keep you safe.
Idia- S.T.Y.X. might be a gloomy place but no one knows where it is
Medium Danger (danger is real but can be managed)
Jade and Floyd- we don't actually know what their family does, just that it's probably sketchy and that Mama Leech calls them every day, taught them self defense, and just generally seems to worry about them a lot. The danger is very real under the sea, but I also sort of get the sense that messing with the Leech family is skipping the fuck around and going straight to find out.
Azul- his business is going to make him enemies sooner or later, but at least during school Yuu should be more or less safe. Azul's able to keep on top of the students who mean Yuu harm, and Yuu is able to politely ignore their boyfriend's business (or maybe they have a knack for helping?) When you get older I can see Azul's need for a security team expanding, but he'll have money to get the best.
Riddle- ok so. I don't think his mom would try to kill you. But god she would be such a toxic person to manage. I'm actually working on a (very old) request atm that involves discussing what Riddle's mom might do if she finds Riddle with a partner instead of his studies (which I assume she's paying for) especially during his internship. She'd go full scorched earth and get very confused when Yuu doesn't back off like Trey did.
Huston We Have a Problem
Kalim- the amount of assassination attempts my poor boy has already canonically endured... I imagine there are probably going to be more in his future. I can see Yuu needing their own retainer (which could be a fun concept for an oc) to protect them and test their food. When Grim becomes a great mage I'm sure he could help with that actually, wouldn't that be cute?!
MALLEUS- acceptance of humans is virtually non existence in Briar Valley AND his mother hated humans so much she "blessed" her child to only be loved by fae. We don't actually know how the senate works but I imagine they would lose their ever loving shit if Malleus brought home a human as a friend and now he wants to make them his spouse? No. They say no. Time to show them what an absolute monarchy means I guess.
Assuming Yuu isn't in a relationship with Malleus I could see their friendship actually sort of being a boon to them, especially if Yuu was with Kalim or Azul. Pissing of the merchants is one thing, but the King of the Abyss? No thank you, they'll just take their losses and go.
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whoiskt · 2 months
Questions about two of your original characters about their relationship. Should work for friends/lovers/coworkers/enemies/etc, maybe not so much for family, but you're welcome to try!
How did they meet?
How long have these two characters known each other?
What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
Do they get along? Why or why not?
Do they have any shared interests/hobbies? Do they ever do these hobbies together?
How often do they see each other? Where do they usually meet?
How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship?
What is one quality they have in common?
What is one major difference between them?
Does one act as a narrative foil to the other? How so?
Do they have any affection for each other? How do they show it?
Do they have any disdain/contempt for each other? How do they show it?
Do they share the same goals in life?
Do they trust each other? Why or why not?
Is one of them keeping secrets from the other? Why? How would they react if the secret was revealed?
Are they keeping a secret together? How do they feel about that?
Do they view their relationship as temporary or permanent?
Are they satisfied with their relationship? Do they wish they were closer/more distant?
What is their best memory together?
What is their worst memory together?
When were they the most vulnerable with each other?
Do they have any mutual friends? Mutual enemies?
How do these two interact with each other in public versus in private?
If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
How would these characters react to being stuck in a small room with each other?
How far would they go for each other? Would they risk their own lives for each other?
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hphmseojunglee · 1 year
fireandfolds' hphm mc ask list
i wanted to put together some new questions that i've not seen before. i hope you all enjoy! if you do use it, feel free to tag me or use the tag "fireandfolds' hphm ask list", i'd love to see your answers! <3
[1.] What is your MC’s full name? What do they mean, and why were they chosen?
[2.] What Hogwarts house were they assigned to? Which Hogwarts house did they want to/expect to be sorted into?
[3.] What is their favorite color and why? 
[4.] Which is your MC’s dominant hand? (right, left, ambidextrous)
[5.] What is their favorite season and why? (summer, winter, spring, autumn)
[6.] What is their favorite music genre? How did they first experience it?
[7.] What is your MC’s favorite song? Why is it their favorite?
[8.] What is their favorite word? How did they learn about it?
[9.] What is your MC’s favorite fictional television/film character?
[10.] When is your MC’s birthday?
[11.] What is your MC’s favorite Hogwarts subject?
[12.] Who is your MC’s favorite Hogwarts professor?
[13.] Who is their favorite Golden Girl? (skip if you want)
[14.] Who is their favorite Designing Woman? (skip if you want)
[15.] Can they play any instruments?
[16.] Are they a cat person or a dog person?
[17.] Are they an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
[18.] How do they cut a sandwich?
[19.] How do they part their hair? (left, right, center, no part)
[20.] Which way do they put the toilet paper roll? (facing forward or backward)
[21.] Do they prefer pencils, pens, or quills?
[22.] What is their favorite area of Hogwarts?
[23.] What is their idea of a perfect Friday night?
[24.] What is your MC’s coffee shop order?
[25.] Do they believe in love at first sight?
[26.] Do they believe in the concept of soulmates?
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shhh-secret-time · 18 days
23! And 29!
Here is an orange for you! You're doing great! 🍊 ~( ˘▾˘~)
Say thanks! I'll take good care if it and totally not eat it like an apple later!
23) What's their biggest source of inspiration?
Hmm, I'm going to take this in a more fun way because all I seem to do is talk about how sad Jean secretly is, and that can be a bit of a drag! So I'm gonna hone in on who inspired her to pick up the guitar!
It was Ronnie James Dio!
While he isn't a guitarist, he's the one that made the "devils horn" hand gesture famous. His lyrics and the way he made the stage come to life was what drew her in. She heard his music, and that was it. She wanted to be good enough to play beside someone who was like him!
30) Say something nice about your OC, brag a little. Why do you love this character so much?
I can throw another compliment her way
I think Jean is an everyone's kinda friend. She's there if you need her and there's something about her that's comforting. You know when you're near your extrovert friend and they just don't know how to bring their levels down? She does, Jean mastered that and will absolutely dial it down for those who need it.
She's got your back dude.
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