#OFMD Season 2 speculation
xray-vex · 1 year
On my wish list for ofmd s2 (cont'd)
A scene where Ed gets a chance to have a genuinely impressive pirate moment, where he isn't sorta phoning it in or goofing off or having his crew do the dirty work. Where he showcases the full scope of his genius, creativity and expertise, where he proves that he is a force to be reckoned with, where he holds back nothing and shows off exactly why he's history's greatest pirate, why he's earned his reputation, and why he's even more of a badass than he is in Stede's books & Pete's tall tales.
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larphis · 1 year
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(*Inserts graphic design is my passion meme*)
Sorry guys the hyperfixation is just STRONG
*Correction for clarification: Fang being gone wasn‘t a WISH it was a prediction, because I did in fact not know that the actor said he wouldn’t reprise the role when I made this, I just came up with that „theory“ due to his absence in the teaser
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menaceanon · 1 year
I cannot get my arms all the way around this thought yet but…
The first season was Stede parading around the world of pirates like it was all a performance and he could be the director of these peoples’ real lives—like he could stand back and observe safely from the audience as they play pirates. (Like they were Bonnet’s playthings.) It was about Stede coming to grips with the fact that he cannot be an observer, that the intersection of his trauma and privilege lied to him, and he must in fact choose what sort of participant he is going to be.
This season… Ed has 9(?) guns strapped all over himself. Ed is performing Blackbeard, not as Blackbeard but as the imaginary boogie monster version of Blackbeard. Ed wondering deep down if maybe that’s what Stede wants.
Maybe the fact that Stede shows up just then proclaiming his love to that performance does not, in fact, go over well.
Ed playing with the cake toppers, pretending he could be part of a quiet, sweet world, a romantic world that he feels so cut off from.
Performance vs reality vs hopes vs fears vs perception how many sets did they design in s1 to looked like stages, how is that different from the real beaches and broader visual scope of s2
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wistfulcynic · 1 year
real talk, i am absolutely down with the theory that Ed thinks Stede is dead. But.
if he thinks that it’s to do with hearing the gunshot, or non-specific rumours floating around various ports. Because if Ed heard the actual details of Stede’s “death,” the piano and the carriage and the jungle cat, i mean. This is Blackbeard, master of the fuckery. He’s gonna know.
what i’d like to see is Ed in mourning, crashing weddings, playing with cake toppers because he thinks his love is gone.
but then he starts to hear things. And he’s like wait.
one crazy death is believable, two could be coincidence but three smells like a fuckery. And then he’s off to find Stede and drag his ass back because if he’s dead then Ed can understand him being gone but if he faked it then that means he’s gone on purpose and what the fuck.
Fuck you, Stede Bonnet
cut to dramatic reunions on black sand beaches etc
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
One thing--when Ed is standing outside his little post-mutiny hut, I don't think that's Stede he's shooting at. It honestly looks like Wee John since they're so much taller than Ed in that shot, plus the hair color/head shape is all wrong for Stede. Can't wait to find out what THAT scene's about 👀
OH yeah I actually don't think it's Stede either. I was just poorly vocalizing my thoughts and emotions on Ed "Babygirl" Teach not being a murderer, and even if he is through technicalities, he isn't <3 JSKDLS
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The more and more I look at it, the more and more I think it's a new character. I've seen speculation that it's Hornigold, and I've also seen speculation that it's the same man seen in blue in this shot here-
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REGARDLESS of who he is, I'm currently leaning towards the theory that it's the same person, and that he causes a lot of chaos for the crew in some way. Like, if you look at that bottom screenshot, it looks like things are actually?? GOING POORLY LMAO???
I just said this elsewhere, but I'll say it again: I was so caught up in the mystique that is Wee John in drag that I didn't even really notice the surroundings. It seems like someone is tied to the mast, it seems like Roach is not having a good time, and it seems like Wee John's hands are...BOUND???
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There's a sort of desperation in Ed's eyes that leads me to believe something happened to Stede. Either Stede's in danger, he himself is in danger, or they're both in danger. Or MAYBE EVEN EVERYONE HSDJKS.
So my current running theory for all of this is: Said guy crashed a party on the Revenge, fucked with the crew, potentially did something bad to Stede, and then he got back around to Ed. And Hornigold would provide ADDITIONAL dramatics because that's his "former boss." Like, the idea of his past coming to the present to harm Stede??? BRO,,,,,,,,,,,
Also, the Wee John shot is followed immediately by the barrel shot, so I just hsdjks. I JUST THINK THEY'RE ALL CONNECTED TBH.
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aspocko · 2 years
i dont really see people talk about this or even put this in fics, but i really feel like none of the marooned crew would even suspect that ed has gone kraken. (obviously lucius, jim and frenchie know but they dont count rn since stede's presumably not going to run into them right away). for everyone who got to know blackbeard as this nerdy enthusiastic sweetheart and then found themselves dumped unceremoniously on an island and left to die... i feel like their assumption would have to be that it was all izzy's doing.
izzy has antagonized and bullied the crew from the start. sure he's incompetent, but in this case, i feel like "izzy overpowered ed and marooned us" would seem like a much more plausible scenario than what actually happened. presumably, none of the crew saw ed at all as they were throwing out stede's stuff. for all they know, ed could have been thrown overboard! or locked in the brig! who knows? they sure don't!
which puts them in a position where they would see izzy as this big bad antagonist and have to explain to stede that he's holding ed hostage and they have to RESCUE HIM! which would be extremely funny when they show up and find out that they were, in fact, QUITE MISTAKEN. i feel like that level of misunderstanding would make for some excellent drama. because having watched this show so many times, i don't see any clue, any clue at all, that would tip off the marooned crew that ed had anything to do with this.
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thermoskind · 1 year
one thing that's been confusing and cracking me up about the torture scenes is how baffling the vibe is. like it fully looks like a party and my first assumption is something like the swede's bachelor party got crashed but i can also see the crew going down the list of party necessities and insisting that it's just not a proper pirate stag if you skimp on hiring good torturers.
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Season 2 please reveal what's under Izzy's glove Season 2 please reveal what's under Izzy's glove Season 2 please-
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My hope for season two. The disgraced third Badminton brother - they're triplets! Pirate Badminton has already lost an eye - will this make him immune to the Stede Curse?!
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tvshowspoilers · 1 year
I made a list of some of the stories I've read on AO3 that could be considered topical right now because of the trailer. These are just the ones that are stuck in my brain or I read recently, there are a lot of other amazing ones that I'm totally missing. Butttt I compiled what comes to mind in case y’all want to read them before October 5th...SINCE WE HAVE TWO WEEKS LEFT!!!!
All of these stories were published prior to the release of the teaser or trailer so they are purely from the author's imagination!
These are shipwreck/deserted island/etc fics:
Ed gets stuck on an island and Stede finds him there....trailer gives me the same vibes as this fic.
This fic has some artwork with it and for sure has some vibes that fit with the trailer. Worth a read!
This one starts with another storm and steers in a different direction. The author is amazing and has some really awesome other works to check out too! Also this is a big one, 48, 431 words, but worth it!
I just like this one
The following fics are some of my bookmarked fics that fit this vibe:
------------------------------------------------------------------------These are non shipwreck/island fics
This is a two partner and the second part is linked and completed in the fic.
With some theories going around about Jackie's Wedding and Ed and Stede, I figured this story is apt.
So this story is not like the others but the only one I've read thus far that has some kind of "Ed taking his heartbreak on strangers who are happy" vibe. The author tags it as "Blackbeard working through stuff" which is pretty accurate. I'd give it a go!
Someone else just posted about this story because of the trailer and good on them. Its just so cute!
All of these fics were created by talented and hard working authors and it shows, I think! I hope anyone who sees this post finds something they like! To the authors who might be on tumblr, thank you for making such amazing stories that carried me through my (still ongoing) OFMD hyperfixation. You guys are the best ❤️❤️❤️
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medievill · 1 year
turns out the “make Ed jealous so he sees how much he actually still loves and wants Stede” fic trope is really extremely wow doing it for me? I think because it highlights how idiotic these two idiots are, generally but specifically about each other
anyway I am dying over “reclamation” and “in the hot seat,” go forth and prosper
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larphis · 1 year
GUYS! I made another observation from the teaser!!
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When Ed confronts (what is most likely) Hornigold he is
a) wearing the perlnecklace
b) has his hair tied into a fancy French braid
This makes me believe that when that storm in the teaser happend which tossed Ed into the sea/when Ed was thrown overboard due to a mutiny (which ever one it is) he must have met Stede either before the storm or when stranded on the island. Because I’m more than sure that the pearlneckless is a present from Stede and Ed suddenly having fancy hair after just almost drowning in the ocean COULD be explained by Stede doing it sometime after they made up in a sweet moment of bonding since Ed wears fine things well and Stede loves making Ed feel precious ;)
(yes I know that second part is a bit of a stretch but the thought is adorable to me so let me be delulu please)
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finchxs-revenge · 11 months
Ok so we all know the trailer purposefully moved stuff around to throw us off so this might be a far reach here but the part of the trailer where Ed flings the knife past Izzy's face didn't show up in that episode. Of course it could just have been shot and edited out and just used for the trailer. But there could be a flashback with an extended or extra dialogue from that scene in an upcoming episode that gives us more information about something.
It's probably just something cut that was put into the trailer but hey we only get to play this what if game for another couple weeks I might as well enjoy my time playing in the sandbox while I can.
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dolphinsapphire28 · 1 year
OFMD season 2 spoilers...
Blackbeard's notoriety is now that of petty wedding-crasher (which ought to be added to an updated version of his wanted poster as a joke),
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...after having Ed pouring his heart out to Stede and kissing him on a beach, it is only fair Ed (no more Emo makeup) and Stede reunite on a beach and (perhaps in the Cave - maybe either one or both sustained injuries and need to find shelter) 'clarify' their breakup and angst once and for all (I truly wish for a spicy makeup/sex at this point). ❤ They merit all the passion they can muster. No more insecurities from either side but unbridled love and expressions thereof. ❤
[I see myself out now.]
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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Hear ye hear ye! I’ve some new clownery speculation (or, new in the sense that I’ve not yet seen this discussion until now; apologies if it’s been discussed already!) 🤡🏴‍☠️
Following the disappointing albeit expected fiasco that was the WB Livestream lol, I tried to do some digging on the internet, searching for any little possible little breath of life from Season 2. I ended up stumbling upon a twitter thread (shoutout to ClaireGregoryAU!) that talked about episodes finalizing.
It pointed to the episodes listed on Writers Guild of America, aka the screenshot above, and how most of them finalized in February. HOWEVER, one episode, aka episode 7, finalized later than the rest, on March 7th.
It then went on to explain that the first trailer dropped 100ish days after the season 1 episodes finalized. They all finalized in November of 2021, and the trailer dropped in February.
SO. If HBO is going to stick to a similar schedule, where does that put us for a trailer drop?
If it went 100 ish days out from the 7th episode’s final credit dates, that would land us in the beginning of June (potentially the 1st because I feel like that’s something they’d shoot for again for the ✨pizazz✨ lol. Or…perhaps…June the 3rd). If they went from the later date, that would put us towards the late middle.
Which, subsequently, would point towards a July/August release date for Season 2 itself, since the first season began airing about a month-ish after the trailer released.
MUCH later than a lot of us were anticipating, I know. I personally was expecting them to RELEASE the season in June, so that puts it back a month or two later than even I expected.
And AGAIN, it’s all still speculative. But it would make sense as to why HBO can’t even provide information yet. Maybe the fact that an episode finalized just a month ago still means that things need to be ironed out.
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totallyboatless · 1 year
"ed will have a breakdown and smash the stede topper"
nah let's get more sad with it, this is SAD BOI hours, what if the stede topper is broken on accident or lost and it causes ed to break down
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