words-without-rules · 5 months
So, last night my partner and I were goofing around and looking at MK1 Characters on Mortal Kombat Warehouse, looking at the skins n stuff. Then he decided to start downloading some of the character renders and editing them in IBS and the results were... well, let me just show you 🤣 (he gave them all names as well because he made them into Discord emojis)
First we have:
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ChadJohnny 🤣
Next we have:
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Oh but it gets better:
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This one is called 'Bigbrainmoment' 🤣🤣 Very fitting for him, I admit
As is:
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Biangy 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣
This next one is so cursed but also so good:
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Oh God the one after this. Is. My. Fucking. FAVORITE:
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Three words: 'ShangTsungsGYAAT' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY ITS SO FUNNY ITS SO DUMB!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh God and then he made this one (im so sorry in advance):
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...Yeah, the less said about this one the better, I think. It's just called: 'uwu' 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭😭😭
We're down to the last 3, but they're all gems in my opinion:
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Here we have 'GiggaKuai' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Im sorry, Kuai, but it had to be done 🤣😭
Actually this next one might be my true favorite, just because it personally gives me so much joy:
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It's 'QuanCHEESE' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This has been an inside joke between me and my partner for such a long time, so seeing it fully visualized at last... A true masterpiece :')
And now, last but not least:
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'Nobitches' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This one was actually my idea. I can so hear him saying something like this 🤣🤣🤣
That's all for now, thank the Elder Gods lmao I was literally begging him to stop towards the end because my cheeks were starting to hurt so bad 🤣🤣🤣
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
Hey Andra
I know you're working on new fics but I guess that it's always not too late to say this, that your fics are AMAZING.
I started reading your works on Ao3 when you're still writing the Illicit Affairs, (its been such a long way) and I loved it so much.
I've always been a silent reader, but now I've been trying to come out from my comfort zone. Hell, I don't even have an ao3 account, was being a guest for ages. I actually wanted to comment below the epilogue to thank you for this masterpiece, but I learned that you have tumblr, and I got myself a tumblr account just before you finished The Archer, so here I am! (I hope I'm doing this right)
Your writing is just, ✨PERFECTION✨. I am absolutely in love with your writing, and the way you add song lyrics into them, it's so perfect OMG
I was so obsessed with your fic, I remember the first thing I did after waking up every day was to refresh the page to check on updates LMAO
Your writing is absolutely beautiful, I've bawled my eyes out so many times when reading (in a good way tho) (I mean, who doesn't love them some angst😳👉👈)
Your story made me cry so much during my midnight reading sessions, and sometimes in the mornings when I just woke up. They meant a lot to me and im sorry that it took me so long to send this to you, ilysm💖
It's hard for me choose from, but one of my favourite chapter was chapter 3 in The Archer. On how you gave Neteyam so much attention that he didn't get in the movie, how hurt he could have been when Jake passed his role to another guy than passing it to Neteyam, it was heartbreaking. He deserves the attention and you NAILED IT👁️👄👁️👌👌
Another thing I loved was your choice of the word 'Atan' for Neteyam to call the reader. Your fic is also my Atan😳😳💓
I believe that your work deserves much more attention than it has now.🥺💕
Thank you for writing the Cardigan series💓💓💓 I look forward to your future Neteyam fics as well cuz I don't think I'll ever be able to leave this fandom LMFAO
-a very shy reader
OH MY GOD, the way there are literal tears in my eyes at work. My heart is genuinely beating so fast i'm hyperventilating no joke!!!!
i don't even know where to begin, but let me just say THANK YOU (and i am framing this comment and putting it above my bed). from the bottom of my heart, thank you, you have no idea what this means to me, to hear someone that has loved my story and read it as i intended it and loved it enough to drop me a message, nothing beats this feeling, honestly!
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, TOO! PLEASE COME OUT OF ANON SO I CAN SMOOCH YOU ((as soon as you feel comfortable to, of course))
i'm so happy right now, i wish i could do more to show my appreciation, but baby, you have made my week, my month, my year, thank you so so so much and WELCOME TO TUMBLR XOXOXO
much love and many xoxoxos,
Andra 💕
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fourteenfifteen · 1 year
youre not stealing my sleepover monday we're just at the same sleepover !! how exciting im having fun. anyways: 🌻
we are Literally having a sleepover
i deeply love the band big thief they’re a band that took me a long time to Get but once they clicked for me i went oh my god. they’re amazing. because they are like genuinely adrianne lenker one of the best songwriters ever and i’m not joking or exaggerating i would not say that about like any other contemporary artist i listen to but i mean it. big thief are so good. anyways w them i tend to get into kicks on one song or another where i just keep putting it on and then sitting there not doing anything except for listening and maybe reading the lyrics and like Thinking and Feeling and lately i’ve been doing that with two songs called Haley and Masterpiece both of which devastate me and are wildly good. here are my thoughts on each
so haley is a love song but it’s a love song with a kind of ambiguously platonic ambiguously romantic tone where the speaker is talking to the titular haley and like thinking about the time that they’ve spent together and then saying that they’ll always have room for them. “if you ever want to come back / you know my arms are always open” (this kills the me it hurts). to me it all kind of reads like the speaker was friends w haley but always had some feelings for her and now they’ve both moved on and gone away and nothing is ever going to happen between them but there’s still that feeling of a person being special and important and wanting them to be cared for. that said tho it’s all very almost impressionistic like there are details but also it’s got these kind of hazy gaps and implications and places where the lyrics get very figurative which i love like the chorus where they’re offering space and a home to haley is the most concrete and direct part of the song. my actual fave thing about the song is the way the pitch rises and falls like the vocal melody is so beautiful and odd. especially especially the start of the chorus when lenker sings “and OH!!!” and jumps up a couple whole tones like it’s this very sudden airy high note that is so cool and lovely. great song
masterpiece. masterpiece fucks me up masterpiece gets to me okay like maybe it’s just the mommy issues but wow does it make me feel things. it is a song about having a complicated relationship with your mom lol and specifically like seeing your mom’s flaws and also knowing that you’ve inherited some of them and like both of you wanting to help the other and not totally being able to. and the turns of phrase in it are so so beautiful like “old stars filling up my throat / you gave ‘em to me when i was born / now they’re coming out” is just a very pretty string of words. i love the titular metaphor too like the first part of the chorus is “you saw the masterpiece / she looks a lot like you” and even just that like. seeing your daughter and/or mother as a masterpiece that looks a lot like you. the love and awe and admiration and also (sometimes uncomfortable) self-recognition. it gets to me. and really and truly i could keep listing lyrics i like from this song but i would eventually just have the whole thing lol it’s a great one. i don’t relate to every bit of it but the parts i do Hit and the parts i don’t Also Hit like it has personal resonance and also is beautiful and emotional and well made. masterpiece by big thief song of the summer
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
daddy’s home part 2 🗣️ greetings my dear zadie :D popping back after cold hearts ended and no amount of words could possibly articulate the emotions and feelings that i’m feeling right now.
first of all i’d like to start off with the story itself, ever since the letter got revealed i feel like that was the chapter that really engraved this story into my heart. in the written chapter where you were able to write every emotion and scene really made me panic and feel like i was in the room with them as well. your written chapters never disappoint and there are absolutely no words that could describe the way they make me feel. (fyi. i took more than 7 breaks and each of them lasted 10-25 mins while reading the written chap.)
now after that seeing the way hoon & yn forgave each other and began to get closer again and actually not hide their feelings anymore and act on them instead made me feel like a proud parent :,) honestly out of all the previous smaus or stories that i’ve ever read this one captured the enemies to lovers trope so perfectly and i will think about this one for the rest of my life 😁🙏🏼.
now onto the final part of the story, i found it so so beautiful how you have a thing for happy endings because they always are the cherry on top for the story for me, the fact that they had such a beautiful wedding with heeseung as the best man (sorry riki & yunie) and tsuki as the maid of honour was such a sentimental and wonderful touch i adored it so much. and getting to know that they had a daughter which will be raised by everyone in the story is so :0 like i can’t even imagine how entertaining and funny the moments with the younger triples and the older triplets are 😭 anywho before this gets too long i would just like to say that i absolutely loved the way you ended this beautiful story. cold hearts was the actual definition of an emotional rollercoaster, i don’t think i read a chapter that didn’t have me gasping in shock like ever and i think that speaks volumes about you and your work.
anywho, this was one of thee most stunning stories ever. one that captured so many human-like emotions and genuinely didn’t feel like a fan fiction anymore, it was so clear and obvious that you poured a whole entire precious part of yourself for this story and dedicated so so so much to create this masterpiece and words cannot describe how proud i am of you as someone who’s been with you since hype boy ☹️ your talent of having the perfect balance between describing and capturing emotions in the prettiest words in your written chapters and then having thee best humour and hilarious jokes in your texting & smau chapters is so impressive and admirable you genuinely are one of thee best writers on enhablr.
now with that whole part being said, i really hope that anon comes back to their senses and realise that you don’t owe anyone anything. cold hearts is another perfect smau that you’ve written and completed with one of the most emotional storylines and if they’re not happy with that they can just scroll away. anywho, im very proud of you zadie :) you did amazing and put in so much effort and dedicated all parts of yourself and more to this smau and anyone who can’t tell that is completely blind. the all nighters that you’ve pulled the amount of mental and physical and emotional hard work that you went through to push out such a heartfelt smau is so insane. you deserve all the love and praise the world has to offer and more my dearest <3
anywho this got way too long but i love you a lot zadie :D sorry for disappearing constantly and always remember that we love and care for you so so much <3 good job on doing such an incredible job on finishing cold hearts :D sending u thee biggest smooch and the warmest hug <3 (i will be back soon !!)
- ⁉️ <33
oh my GOD GUYS LOOK WHO'S BACK ITS MY BABYYYY😭😭😭😭😭 hi there my sweet love 🥺 i hope life's been treating you well snd that you've been taking care of yourself, pls accept all my kisses ☹️☹️🤍
i've been super emo lately so this ask made me tear up and maybe even shed one i cant lie 🤕🤕 thank you SO much baby. for literally everything. your constant feedback, your reactions and reassurance, your kind words and just how much you care about me. i hold everything you send my way so close to my heart and will forever chrish it. thank you so much 🥺
i love and appreciate you with my whole heart and cant wait to chat more regularly again, please take care of yourself my sweet angel!!!🤍
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dykrophone · 2 years
okayyy i see how it is you're allowed to make a kms joke at every minor inconvenience but when I call everyone and everything my beloved or the love of my life after knowing them for 0.2 seconds I'm "needlessly dramatic"? pfft
#anyway fun fact kms jokes or references are a huge pet peeve for me#they just. annoy me so much oh my god#i mean its ok when people use them as a coping mechanism hey whatever helps you survive#but don't expect me to not be concerned or tell me to not take everything so seriously when you do#because newsflash! youre an asshole in my eyes if you joke about that shit when it doesn't affect you#im going to take you seriously if you say that no matter what#also it annoys me so much as a writer when people constantly use phrases like i want to die in songs#@conan gray#its why i couldnt really get into him before im glad hes stopped saying he wants to die in every song about unrequited love#like no you dont. you dont want to die because someone saw you cry come tf on#and it's not even like i dont like being dramatic im the most dramatic mf out there!#it's just. that shit isnt funny to me#it's never funny its understandable when youre actually fighting depression but its definitely never funny#also reverting to the writer thing. when you say you want to die for every minor inconvenience#its hard to take you seriously for anything else like there's nothing more extreme than that#you could write the most heartbreaking masterpiece ever but its like. ehhhhhh i mean you say you want to die when you step on shit#why does it affect me if you say the same thing when you're devastated you dont mean it#there are so many better ways to express stuff its so lazy and ugh#anyway minirant over im just so tired#vagueposting the shit out of tumblr dot com#this is also! another reason i dont like atw10 like the second i hear *makes me want to die* it feels less genuine and raw#its so lazy ugh
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e-munson666 · 2 years
Let me Brand You
+++Eddie Munson x F!Reader+++
WARNING: 18+ ⚠️
XxReally FLUFFY Smut with plot. Not giving away all the juicy sexual details beforehand (not sorry?) Language, drug use, name calling, branding, consent is givenxX
(Slight continuation from my blurb (("Secretly Braiding Eddies Hair")) and him pining for you since. He catches you alone and things get.......steamy)
[a/n: never written anything like this before so I really hope you guys like it. Its definitely a softer take on smut, not super detailed but I am still happy with it for it being my first one lol.]
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Eddie couldn't stop thinking about you since lunch. The sweet wide smile on your face as he found the beaded braid you had put into his hair, (he presumes in first period while he was asleep) he'd liked you long before today, but became smitten when he saw you giggling at him, fingers twiddling your own identical braid. Now he just needed to find an opportunity to talk to you. He almost gave up hope for the day until he walked into the woods behind the school and saw you sitting, alone, at his usual bench.
You were sitting quietly, drawing the landscape when you heard twigs breaking and you whip around quickly. Eddie Munson was slowly walking closer to where you sat. "Whoa hey, I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you" he says low and calm, hands in the air like he was surrendering.
"What are you doing out here Munson?" You ask cooly, trying to hide that he'd nearly scared you to death. "I could ask you the same thing, why are you all the way out here alone?" He questions, while slowly taking a seat right next to you. He notices your sketch and his eyes go wide with interest.
"I didn't know you were an artist" he says, pointing at your notebook. "Artist? Hardly. I just sketch every now and then. Helps keep the bad thoughts away." You smile. You had just noticed how close he was when he leaned over to see your sketchbook. "I" you cough "I actually have a sketch of you in here from one of your bands recent shows" you looked up and your eyes met his, seeing the intrigue and excitement on his face.
"Wait, are you serious?! You've seen us play?!" Eddie beams, completely stunned. His heart is beating so fast he swears you feel it on your shoulder. "Can I see it?!" He blurts out excitedly.
"Of course I've seen Corroded Coffin! You guys are awesome." You blush, flipping through the notebook. You stop on the designated page and nervously hand it to Eddie. His face fills with joy as he stares down at the drawn picture of him. He was on stage with the band, guitar in hand, singing into the microphone, hair bushy and wild. It was the single greatest thing he had ever seen. He couldn't break his gaze from it until he felt you shift in your seat next to him, brushing his leg.
"This might be the coolest thing I have ever seen in my LIFE" he says confidently. "Can I, can I keep this, please?" He asked behind his brown puppy eyes. You couldn't hide the shock on your face as he spoke. *He liked it!!??! He not only liked it, he was asking for you to give it to him! You gotta keep your cool, don't seem too eager.* "Whoa Munson, I'm not just gonna off and give away my masterpiece for FREE" you joked, turning to him and touching his arm.
Eddie blushed heavily. "Oh, no, no of course not" he stumbled over his words. "I definitely didn't mean...." "Im sorry...." he scrambles before hearing you chuckle. "Oh my God, chill Munson I am just giving you shit. Of course you can have it" you wink at him before putting your hand on his leg. It was just a reflex, you didn't even realize you did it at first, until you felt his leg twitch. You look up at him and he is still blushing at you hard, with a huge grin on his face. "How 'bout this, as payment for this amazing work of art" he says, waving the drawing above him "you let me take you back to my place and we can smoke a joint?" He asks getting up and bowing before you, hand outstretched.
"Oh um," you take his hand nervously "Eddie are you sure, I was just kidding, you don't have to do anything for me in exchange." He squeezes your hand in reassurance, "Please, I'd really like it if you came and hungout, for my sake, Its boring smoking by myself" he jokes. You smile and nod at him and he slowly leads you out of the woods back to his van. He firmly grips your waist to stabilize you several times in the uneven terrain, and you feel like you are about to crumble underneath him every time he pulled you closer.
Before you know it your are back in the school parking lot next to Eddies van. He quickly opens the passenger door for you and gestures "M'lady" he giggles, taking your hand again to help you into the vehicle. He shuts the door and hurriedly walks to the drivers side. He slides in and takes a long breath. "To Castle Munson" he jokes before starting the engine and driving off.
You pull up to the trailer park entrance and you can see Eddie tense in his seat. "So, its not so much a castle" he tries to joke, a nervous tone in his voice. "Eddie," you start, placing your hand on top of his on the shifter knob, "I live in the trailer park on the other side of town, no need to feel embarrassed" you reassure him, squeezing his hand. He smiles wide as he pulls up in front of his trailer. He quickly exits so he can rush to your side and open the door for you again. You sweetly thank him and kiss his cheek as he helps you up the steps to his front door.
At this point Eddies body is completely on fire. He had caught you humming along to his mix tape on the way over, could feel you staring at him, and noticed your hand linger on his when he put the car in park. If he wasn't smitten before the ride over here, he certainly was now. He didn't want to waste his chance to make a move tonight, he just had to be sure you felt the same and he wasn't hallucinating.
He leads you inside, still visibly nervous. "Sorry its so messy, its just me and my uncle living here and as you can tell, the maid took the week off" he joked, trying to scramble and pick up any trash lying around. "Is, is your uncle here?" You ask nervously, not sure what prompted the question. "No, he works nights, so it's just us sweetheart" Eddie says warmly, walking up to you. "So if your cool with it, I usually smoke weed in my room, helps keep Wayne off my back about the smell." Eddie says quietly, trying to gage your reaction. "Lead the way good sir" you tease, bowing slightly like he had done to you earlier. Before you know it he scoops you up by the legs and carries you to his room. "You know, its really not nice to tease" he chuckles before setting you down on your feet in the middle of his room. He looks up to see you giggling and blushing at him.
He plops down on his bed and pats the mattress next to him, "come sit." You sit cross legged next to him, knees brushing against his. You watched in awe as his fingers worked delicately to roll a joint on the magazine in his lap. He looks up at you several times and smirks. "You ok over there sweetheart," he teases, eyebrow raised. "I, I'm just, I've never been able to do that," you point at the joint, "and you make it look so easy." You smile at him as he places the joint between his lips to light it.
"Ah well thank you, one of the Munson family names many trademark skills." He says while he inhales a large drag. He reaches forward to pass it to you, but not before quickly brushing some of your hair out of your face, and delicately placing it behind your ear. You look up at him as you exhale, face hot. He takes the joint after your second puff and turns around quickly to find an ashtray. He heard you quietly giggle.
"Whats so funny?" He asks over his shoulder, confused. "You uh.....still have the braid in your hair," you point out, still giggling sweetly. "Oh I know I do." He says as he turns back towards you. "Been wearing this baby with pride all day sweetheart" He confesses confidently as he passes the joint to you again. His eyes catch yours as your fingers touch during the exchange. *its now or never* he thought to himself. He sweetly takes the small remains of the joint from your fingers, stubbing it out carefully before placing the ashtray on his table.
Eddie turns back to you and slowly places one hand on your waist, and the other on the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. He leans into your lips and whispers "Stop me if I've got the wrong idea here" before slowly pressing his lips into yours. He can feel you wrap your arms around his shoulders, and pulls you in for a deeper, more desperate kiss.
He breaks away from you long enough to quickly remove his jacket and shirt, his pants tightening around his boner as he turns around. You were now sat on the edge of his bed, chest bare, shirt and bra discarded below you. Round beautiful breasts perched delicately onto your body. Eddie swears he was looking at an angel, seeing how the low light of his lamp danced off your porcelain skin.
He was perched over you within seconds, kicking your legs apart to slide closer to you, bending over, kissing you fiercely. You could feel his warm calloused hand grab your breast as his other hand gripped into you hair, pulling your face up at him. You moaned as his fingers circled your nipple and Eddie growled into your mouth. He pulled away from you for a moment. About to speak before you stopped him.
"I want this Eddie, please" you say, panting into his chest. "Thats all I needed to hear princess," he replied, swiftly removing his belt and pants. He saw you start tugging at the hem of your skirt before he stopped you. "Oh no, leave that on baby girl" he says into your neck. A light shiver goes down your spine and your thighs tighten. Eddie notices your reaction and nearly short circuits.
Eddie reaches under your skirt and yanks your tiny, lace panties down your legs. You hear him groan at the sight of them. He tosses them aside and looks up at your face again. Beautiful, blushing, needy, ready....for him. He slightly picks you up and scoots you to a better position on the bed. His hands slowly trace down your body in awe. He'd only ever imagined what your (almost) naked body would look like, and he couldn't believe he was seeing it, touching it. He was in heaven.
He slowly moved his hands up your skirt and saw your pussy for the first time. He swears he died and went to heaven twice in that exact moment. He quickly perches himself above you again. "God you are so beautiful" he cooed, stroking your hair as he lined himself up with your entrance.
He waited for your reassuring nod before slowly pushing himself into you. You both moaned loudly as he bottomed out. He looked into your eyes hungerly, before crashing into your lips, thrusting fast, and deep into you. He was completely pussy drunk the moment he entered your small, tight vagina. He could barely keep from cumming as he felt you flutter around him, the intense feeling around his dick was driving him insane. He grabbed your throat and planted more deep, starved kisses on your lips.
The next 30 minutes were filled with lip biting, back scratching, hair pulling pleasure. Your bodies moved and intertwined with each like two puzzle pieces finding their mate. He slowed and quickened his movements at all the right moments, sending your body overboard with stimulation.
You quickly felt your orgasm rising in your core and you were moaning hopelessly, and loud. Eddie covered your mouth with his hand, shushing you while maintaining his pace. He felt you tighten around him, slickening his dick with cum, and he blew his load inside of you right at that second. He twitched a few times before pulling out of you, arms shaking to keep him up, breath hitched. He collapsed beside you and pulled you close. You laid in his arms for a few minutes while he stroked your hair.
"You know, I think this makes us official" you half joke, cocking your head to look at his reaction. A shit eating grin appears on his face before he springs up. "Uh hey, Munson, I'm sorry" you nervously spit out. He pulls up his boxers before quickly rummaging through a drawer. He grabbed a small torch and turned back to you, smile turning dark as he steps forward.
He slides next to you on the bed, not breaking eye contact. "Eddie?" You ask nervously as he takes off one of his rings. Eyes widening as he pulls up your skirt again slightly. "What, what are you doing?" You finally manage to choke out.
"Making it official." He smirks, lighting the torch near the prominent design of the ring he removed. As the metal turns cherry red he looks over at you, saying calmly "you're gonna want to hold really still sweetheart" stroking your cheek before putting his hand firmly on your back to steady you.
The next thing you felt was white hot metal making contact with your upper thigh. You squealed in pain but Eddies firm hand kept you secure, gently rubbing up your back as he cooed and shushed you. A few seconds later he removed the ring and examined the distinct brand he had left in your skin. He grinned at himself as he looked up at you, eyes a teary and wide. "Are you ok princess" he whispers, wiping your eye. You look down at Eddies brand mark and can't help but smile, "Ya.......Ya Eddie I'm ok" you whisper back at him, kissing his nose. "Thats my girl" he says softly. "Now let me go get you some ice for that" smiling wildly as he shuffled out of the room into the kitchen.
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salvatoreren · 2 years
My thoughts on the Haikyuu Oneshot
I screamed
Lmao i thought the fandom was joking about a oneshot so imagine my surprise when i actually saw it lol
USHIWAKA AND KUROO RUNNING I LOVE THAT, Ushi is like hey man you dont have to do this, isdjhkjadh he's so cute, i cant believe i found him scary before, ALSO LMAO KUROO TELLING USHI HOW POPULAR HE IS TOWARDS KIDS AND HOW THEY THINK HE'S THE TERMINATOR JSDHJF
In conclusion, this chapter made me realize how much i miss and love haikyuu, like im not normally the one to scream and gush about new content being released on a fandom i've been but haikyuu's just rlly different
haikyuu literally is a masterpiece, im so glad i watched it, the characters are just so loveable hence me repetitively saying how i love this, i miss this and shit lol
If you havent watched or read haikyuu you should, it will break your heart on some certain parts but the series has a lot of good parts it'll overpower that lol I SWEAR GUYS
i literally cant wait to see the rest of the manga be adapted, i love this series jfc
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beomglocks · 4 years
colors ; k.th
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part of the badlands series!
colors: “you’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece.”
based off halsey’s badlands album.
warnings and other: museum curator!taehyun, old money!y/n, mentions of depression and grass smoking, little bit of angst i guess??
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taehyun sighed as he took down the 11th painting this week. the museum hadn't been very busy in the past couple of weeks, maybe because the weather was getting colder. one part of him figured that many people just wanted to be bundled up at home watching holiday themed movies and drinking warm drinks rather than appreciating enchanting artworks.
he couldn't fool himself though, he knew the truth. today's generation didn't care about the fine arts anymore. a shame, seeing as everything around them seemed to be inspired by it.
kang taehyun worked at his local museum. he had been offered the position by the owner one night while roaming the place. this should've been a red flag looking back. the owner seemed desperate for someone to fill in the position since the previous employee had left without notice. nonetheless, taehyun took the job and didn't regret it one bit.
open 24/7, the red haired boy was always working on the clock. not that there was much to do seeing as most of the people his age or even a bit older didn't hang around museums purely for the joy of it. actually, his only job was to exhibit the newly arrived collections, clean and dust them off, and conduct regular tours and workshops for the public. due to this and the fact that not many people even came by he would take regular breaks.
once in a while you'd see the occasional old person or art expertee roaming around the small museum. if you were lucky, you'd see the local edgy teens posing next to a piece they didn't understand just to get an aesthetic picture. taehyun would also have the unfortunate job of shooing them away or scolding them for getting just a bit too close.
recently his boss, who was the museum manager and maybe the only other person besides taehyun that worked there, had informed him that due to funds and unfortunate unforeseen events, the museum would be closing down in about a month from now. this caused taehyun to fall deep into a depression since this was his only job and he loved it here. the museum was like his second home. he found comfort in the silent images displayed throughout the building. they always told him a story and when new pieces came in he would sit and stare attentively at the new anecdote being told to him.
taehyun smiled sadly at the piece he had just taken down. it was a painting of 2 people kissing however both of their faces were covered by white cloths. this was his favorite and he didn't even have a clue as to why. probably because of the uncertainty of what the other was feeling or because of the fact that the other couldn't see each other's faces through the cloth, that would've made the kiss more exciting in his opinion.
he stepped out of the museum and into the frosty air of the outside world. it was only autumn so why was it so cold? he thought to himself. he discreetly pulled out a prerolled blunt and his white lighter from his pocket. he lit it and stuck in between his slightly chapped lips.
maybe smoking dope wasn't the healthiest thing in the world, especially for a boy so young, barely 19, but it helped taehyun get his mind off the inevitably of losing his job and being homeless for the winter. he shuttered at the thought. he would have to room with one of his friends, he sighed shaking his head. no, he didn't want to be a burden, yeonjun had helped him enough as it is.
he looked at his surroundings taking in the cold autumn afternoon. the trees had long lost their leaves and were bare. the sky was a murky gray color as if it were threatening to rain any time soon. he noticed a girl bundled up in winter clothes near the entrance of the building glance at him. he smiled at her and she jumped at the eye contact, thinking that he wouldn't catch her. taehyun chuckled as he watched her rush into the museum. "back to work," he said out loud to himself.
once the blunt had been almost gone, he smoked what was left of it and headed back into the empty museum. he was feeling light-headed, the effects of the blunt finally taking action, but taehyun was used to it so it barely affected him as much.
he made his way to the girl who was now starting to take off her jacket and scarf. taehyun tapped on the girl's shoulder to get her attention. "hi," he smiled at the girl, showing off his dazzling smile. "if you'd like, i could give you a tour of the museum." well what's left of it anyways, he thought to himself.
"oh...no thank you," said the girl. she smiled warmly at the worker. "well not to be invasive of your decision but it's sort of in my job description," taehyun replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. the girl sighed in defeat, "i guess i have no choice then."
taehyun laughed as he took her coat and scarf to hang up in the public closet, "yep, trust me. they say im not that bad of a tour guide, im quite fun to be around if i do say so myself. i promise not to bore you too much." the girl nodded, not entirely convinced. "if i do end up bored i will hold you accountable..." she took a moment to take a peek at taehyun's name tag, "kang taehyun," she joked.
as they walked through the museum the girl couldn't help but notice that it was fairly empty. "why are there almost no paintings in here?" she laughed hesitantly. "i thought this was a museum?" taehyun stopped walking, turning to her with a sad expression on his face.
"the museum is expected to close in about a month or so," he stated simply. "oh...that's terrible. may i ask why?" the girl responded. "my boss says we've run out of funds or something like that," taehyun chuckled bitterly. "people don't really give a shit about good art these days anyways."
"that's a shame..."
they continued to look through the various paintings that were still up and occasionally the girl would ask to see the ones that were taken down and left on the floor. it seemed the two were lost in each other's company as night started to approach.
"thank you for the tour of this lovely museum taehyun. it was fun but it's a shame such a nice museum like this is closing down," the girl said softly. taehyun nodded solemnly, he just wanted to get this day over with and crash at his apartment. he didn't blame the girl before him but talking to her reminded him of his harsh reality. a notification coming from the girl's bag made both of them jump as they were both lost in their thoughts.
"ah, that must be my father. he's kind of annoying when it comes to my curfew," she chuckled, digging her phone from her bag. taehyun watched her with a bored expression until his eyes reached her bag. he hadn't noticed this earlier but she had been carrying a louis vuitton bag. his eyes bulged at the expensive item that was so close to him, they got even larger when she fished out the latest iphone from it.
taehyun wasn't poor per se, he had just enough to get by since he was living paycheck to paycheck. however, he had never been in such close proximity to any luxury items. he suddenly felt weird being this close to this girl.
"what do you mean by curfew?" taehyun asks hesitantly. the girl sighs, "my father is one of south korea's richest chaebol's, maybe one of the big three at his point." she rolled her eyes as if this information was nothing. "he's super strict with me because i guess i'm just his show pony daughter whom he can show off to say he's a good father."
taehyun gulped, had he just been casually hanging out with the daughter of one of the richest men in korea? he felt sick at this. she looked up at taehyun's uneasy expression, "oh my god im sorry i just dumped that all on you! i just needed to catch a break so i came here, i didn't mean to drag you into my life story."
taehyun fixes his face, laughing nervously, "no- no its fine really. we all need a break sometimes right? im glad you got to have that time here." the girl smiled up at him, completely misreading his nervous laughter, "im glad i got to spend it here with you taehyun."
"oh before i go!" taehyun watched her pull out a checkbook from her bag and his stomach dropped. he silently watched her scribble some stuff onto the slip and tear it out, handing it to him.
"there's not too much i can take out of my account without my father flipping out but i hope this helps even just a little. whether it be in your personal life or with the museum."
taehyun eyes the check and chokes when he sees 50,000 dollars written neatly on the black line. he swears he can feel sweat going down his face like in the cartoons. "i- i cant possibly take this from you." he moves to hand the check back but the girl refuses to take it back. "taehyun, you love this museum with your entire being. i see the way to look at the paintings and the passion with which you explained them to me. i'd hate to see that taken away."
"plus, if you're gone who's gonna give me the tour when i come back?" she laughs as if this is something casual. taehyun's hands shake as he pockets the check, "i seriously cannot thank you enough...you don't know how much you just helped the museum and m-"
the girls phone dings again and she grumbles, "ugh why can't he just leave me alone. sorry but i think i really gotta go for real before he tracks my location or something crazy like that."
taehyun nods wistfully at the mention of her having to leave. he was really starting to enjoy her company.
"oh by the way," the girl giggles as she pulls her coat on hurriedly.  "was that you smoking weed at the corner of the museum earlier?" the girl chuckled to herself again just remembering it. taehyun furrowed his eyebrows, "why would you say that kind of thing at out loud and at my job?!" he scolded in a playful hushed voice.
"i just thought it was funny and you also smelled of weed the entire tour, i didn't mind though so don't worry," the girl concluded. she was starting to walk away towards out the door now. "i'll walk you out," taehyun offers. "such a helpful employee. is this in the job description too?" the girl jokes, turning to him while a smile on her lips. "well, not exactly," taehyun says smoothly.
she shakes her head, "i'll see you soon taehyun." he watches her walk off into the darkness of the night when he suddenly remembers something.
"hey what's your name by the way?" he shouts after the girl. for some reason taehyun really was hopeful of seeing her again.
"y/n!" came the disembodied voice of the girl he had just met.
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little-kat07 · 3 years
The Perfect Cake
A couple days ago, i suddenly remembered that I HAVE AN AO3 ACCOUNT. I completely forgot I had one. So I went back and looked at my works and holy hell guys, I had a ONESHOT BOOK! BUT I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT ONESHOTS WERE SO I CALLED THEM ‘Sanders Stories’, BECAUSE THEY WERE SANDERS SIDES. THEY’RE KIND OF CRAPPY BUT ALSO REALLY NOSTALGIC AND I’M SO HAPPY I FOUND THEM!!!!
This one particular one is called “The Perfect Cake,” and i’m actually kind of proud of past me for it, even though it’s not that good. It’s fluffy Logicality with a gallon of Patton angst because that is literally all I’m good at writing.
So I’m going to leave this here, as well as a link to the book! GUYS I’M JUST SO HAPPY!]
[In case you’re confused, the link I send will be to the whole book so the first chapter isn’t the one that I’m pasting here. This chapter, The Perfect Cake, is the second oneshot and the first one is prinxiety]
Link to book
Pairings: Logicality
TW: Baking, feelings of worthlessness, crying, birthday, breakdown
Summary: It’s Logan’s birthday tomorrow, and Patton is determined to bake the PERFECT cake for it (Even if he hasn’t baked that much before.) He’s trying his best, but he can’t do it alone.
Patton stood in the center of the kitchen.
He often had the same feeling in his stomach before he cooked something big; He had to mentally prepare himself for hours of work.
Logan's Birthday was tomorrow, and Patton had to make it the best possible birthday! This was the anniversary of the first day Thomas went to preschool- the day Logan was formed.
Patton remembered that day like it was yesterday. He remembered a small toddler with an intelligent sparkle in his eye knocking on the door of the commons, he remembered how he swore Patton's hugs might suffocate someone. He remembered growing up with him, and slowly falling in love, and-
Shoot. No. These emotions weren't logical, it was impossible for Logan to like Patton back. He had to stop thinking like that.
Illogical feelings or not, tomorrow was Logan's day to shine, and it had to be perfect. Patton had to bake the most amazing, most beautiful, most delicious cake ever to grace the Mind-scape.
Patton took a deep breath and got to work.
After a few hours, Patton had been worked to death. He had been trying and trying to make the perfect cake, but it was always just wrong, or the product of a mistake. His pink apron was wrinkled and dirty, and he had streaks of batter all over his face. He had started at 6 am, and it was now 8. He sighed and rubbed his face, grateful that he still had his optimism.
"Patton? You ok, Padre?"
Patton turned to find Roman standing in the kitchen doorway, eyes sparking with worry.
Patton smiled. "Oh, I'm alright, kiddo. Just trying to bake a cake for Logan. I can't seem to get it right."
Roman smirked and came in. "Want some help? I've never baked before, but I'll help if it's bothering you."
Patton grinned and gave the Prince a huge hug. "Thank you so much, kiddo! I'm sure you will be a great help!"
Oh, how wrong Patton had been.
Virgil had often joked about how Roman wouldn't stop singing to save his life, and Patton was pretty sure that was true. Every 5 minutes, just as they started to get some work done, the prince would start belting out lyrics to disney songs or dancing around the kitchen. They got as far as perfectly mixing the batter before Patton had to stop him.
"Look, kiddo..." Patton started, rubbing his hands together and trying to find a way to put this nicely. "You helped me make the perfect batter, and I am so proud of you for that, but I think maybe you should clock out? You have been a great help, but you... Um... Sing a lot." Patton winced, afraid Roman was going to be offended.
Roman nodded in understanding and put a hand on patton's shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it. I know I can be distracting. Do you want me to go see if Virgil will help you?"
Patton nodded, thankful. "That would be great!"
Roman left the kitchen yelling "HOT TOPIC! PAT WANTS YOU!"
Patton watched him go with a proud smile, and then turned to clean up the kitchen.
Just as he was halfway through cleaning, Virgil came into the kitchen with his hood up. "Sup', Pop star?"
Patton grinned and gave Virgil a big hug, which the emo reluctantly returned. "My dark, strange son! I am baking a cake for Logan’s birthday, and I need your help!" Patton pulled away from Virgil, smiling. "Roman already helped me make the batter, but he can be a bit much in the kitchen. Would you mind helping out for the rest of the process?"
Virgil shrugged. "I have nothing better to do."
Patton knew that that was Virgil's way of saying "I would love to."
Virgil was very helpful cleaning up the kitchen. He had a sort of efficient way of doing things, just one after the other, not saying a word. It was kind of satisfying to watch.
It got a bit hectic after that, though. Once they were done cleaning, they had to pour the batter into the pans. It was going to be a big cake, like, "Corpse Bride" big. So they had to use multiple pans and lots of batter. Virgil had violently shaky hands, and had lots of trouble pouring the batter in. In the end, Patton had to pour all the batter himself, and the kitchen ended up very messy.
Virgil's eyeshadow was darker than when he had initially come in. "I-im sorry... I didn't mean to mess up, I just-"
Patton smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. "No no, you didn't do anything wrong, kiddo! You just had a little trouble with steadying your hands. I'm very proud of you for helping me clean up, but maybe we should get someone else to help us here? Maybe Jan?"
Virgil smirked sadly. "I think maybe i'll duck out for now, but I'll tell Janus you want his help."
"Thanks, son!"
Virgil stepped out of the kitchen yelling "HEY SNAKE BOY!"
Patton sighed. This was not going the way he had wanted it to. He did realize that if Janus ended up being bad at this, his last choice was Remus, and he was terrified of going down that road.
He had just cleaned the batter from the stovetop when Janus walked into the kitchen. "Hey Pat, did you need something?"
Pat smiled tiredly. "Hey, Janjan. I was going to bake a cake for Logan, but i'm having some trouble. Roman and Virge weren't so good at it, so I wanted to see if you would help?"
Jan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm tooooootally not disappointed that you worked with Emo and Sir Singalot before you thought about the second smartest person here," He said sarcastically.
"Mm-hm!" Patton managed to say before taking a deep breath to control himself.
Janus helped Patton bake the cake and even out the tops with a bread knife. The next thing they had to do was spread the buttercream filling on the layers so they could be stacked.
Jan looked in the fridge like Patton told him to. "I don't see the buttercream."
Patton walked over and scanned the fridge. It was gone.
He took a few deep breaths and ran a hand through his hair. "Where the heck is it? If I have to make more, I swear I will-"
"Make more of what?" Remus poked his head into the kitchen curiously.
"The buttercream filling for Logan's cake is gone."
Remus cocked his head. "Buttercream? Hmmm... OH! Yeah, I ate that."
Patton's eyes widened. "You did WHAT?" Remus smiled fearfully while Patton yelled. "THE ONE THING YOU EAT THAT IS ACTUAL FOOD, AND IT HAS TO BE THE BUTTERCREAM?"
For once, Janus looked worried. "Patton, are you ok? You aren't acting like yourself..."
The dad side breathed in and out rapidly, his hands running through his hair. He tried to calm himself down- He was the happy side, not the angry side. He could get through this. "I'm fine. I'm calm. I can do this."
"Gee, I'm sorry, Pat," Said Remus. He suddenly grinned. "I can throw it up for you, if you want!"
"NO! No, no. I think we will be ok," Janus said, pushing Remus out of the room. He turned to face Pat. "Patpat, are you ok?"
Janus sometimes called Patton Patpat, mostly as payback for Patton calling him Janjan. But when the two became good friends, they used them as nicknames instead.
"I'm fine, Janjan. I'm just having some feelings. Feelings are okay though! I'm ok."
Janus sighed. "If you say so."
They worked together to make a new batch of buttercream, allowing the cake to cool. The original buttercream had been baby blue, but Patton had no more baby blue dye, so they used indigo instead. They layered and stacked the cake with the buttercream, used support sticks to keep the cake from falling over, and then started to layer it with dark blue fondant.
Patton looked over at Janus. "Would you mind taking off the gloves? Sorry, but this is very delicate and I think you should use your bare hands."
Janus frowned. "I shouldn't. I have scales on my left hand, if I use it, it will leave a scale imprint on the fondant."
Patton blinked sadly at him. "Oh, ok."
Patton handled the fondant, and as he fit it into place, he thought the cake looked beautiful. "Only one thing left to do: DECORATE!!!"
Patton was an amazing decorator.
After years of theming cookies and cupcakes to each side, baking birthday cakes, and writing messages in crofters jelly for a scavenger hunt, Patton had a handle on how to make things look presentable. Right now, It was a giant 3-layer cake with blue fondant covering, but soon, it would be a masterpiece.
Janus coughed uncomfortably behind Patton. "Um... Since i'm not very good at this stuff... Can I go? I have my own present I wanted to work on."
Patton smiled at him. "Sure! Don't spoil anything to Lolo, ok?"
Deceit nodded and almost left the kitchen before turning back and saying, "Uh, hey, Patpat? Don't stress yourself out too much, 'Kay?"
Patton nodded back. "Of course."
Janus smiled, relieved, and left.
Patton was SO TIRED.
It was 8 in the morning on Logan's Birthday. Patton had worked all night on that cake and when he had finally finished it, he went right to bed without doing anything in between. He had just woken up, feeling groggy and confused, but he made himself get out of bed because it was Logan's special day.
Logan woke up that day happy. He knew that a birthday was pointless, it was a celebration of one year passing in an entities life, it made no logical sense. But if the other sides wanted to shower him with attention once per fricking year, he did not want to miss this chance.
Patton got out of bed the last out of all the others. Logan had woken up to the other four sides, Janus, Remus, Roman, and Virgil ready for him in the living room with gifts and treats. Logan had thought that Patton would be the first there, energized and grinning, the way he always was. But Patton was nowhere in sight.
When Patton did come out, he put on his best happy face and gave Logan the biggest hug he could muster. Logan smiled a little. "To this day, I swear, your hugs might suffocate someone!"
Patton laughed and grinned at him, just happy he had gotten through yesterday.
First, they made breakfast. Jan made waffles with crofters jelly and eggs, and they all sat around the table reminiscing about the past. They talked about when logan first got his glasses, when he had a stutter, and everything else that Patton could remember. Which was everything, since Patton kept every memory stored in his room.
Next, they had gifts. Roman gave him a lab in the imagination; with chemistry sets, a telescope, and books upon books upon books. It was his own little area in Roman's realm so Logan could enjoy himself every now and then. Virgil gave him a dictionary of every word in the world, in every language. Janus gave him a replica of the Library of Alexandria, with all of the scrolls and books still there. "The original one was burned down with all of it's knowledge," he said, "So here is-" "OH MY GOD I LOVE IT THANK YOU!" Remus gave Logan an animal to dissect. But it wasn't a real animal, it was something Remus had made to give Logan something to do.
Patton promised Logan that his gift would come after dinner. He felt as though his cake paled in comparison to all of the gifts his friends had given. I mean, the Library of Alexandria? Patton sunk lower in his chair.
After gifts, they had lunch in a beautiful field that Roman had created, where the flies ate grass instead of your food, and every bird was adorned with beautiful shimmering colors and tail feathers. They had PB&J sandwiches (with crofters, of course), Goldfish, and apples. They talked for hours about nothing in particular, every now and then asking Roman about the creatures that walked by.
Logan was having a great time, but something seemed off. He looked around at the group and his eyes settled on Patton. The more he looked at him, the more tired he seemed. Logan noticed shadows under Patton's eyes for the first time, and saw that his smile was beginning to look more and more forced. Logan began to worry that one of them had done something wrong. The usual bundle of joy and energy that was Patton looked a lot more docile and tired than before.
Once it started to get dark (because Roman had set a day-night cycle in the imagination just so they would know when to go) they went back to the commons for dinner. Janus cooked some brown sugared ham with peas and rice, while Patton left to get the cake ready.
As Patton walked into the kitchen, he took a look at the cake on the pedestal. Dark fondant with baby blue frosting in swirls, and a little fondant necktie decoration on the second tear to tease about Logan's necktie. The name "Logan" was scribbled in white frosting on top.
He remembered the tall pillars in the Library of Alexandria Jan had made, he remembered the sparkling equipment Roman had conjured. He remembered the giant dictionary, the animal-
Patton looked at the cake and sighed. He honestly didn't know what he was thinking. But this was what he had done. He would just have to work with it, and maybe make up for it with a different gift later.
He picked up the large cake in his arms. It was very heavy, and there was one whole room between the kitchen and the dining room; the living area. Patton just had to bring it over.
He left the kitchen with the cake, and he was doing well with it considering he couldn't see his feet, and then he tripped.
...and then he tripped.
His foot caught against something on the ground and he stumbled, causing the cake to drop out of his arms and onto the floor. It fell sideways, and broke upon impact, and the cake broke up on the floor. Bits and pieces everywhere. Patton had fallen, and he had scraped his elbow, but he didn't care. He didn't care anymore.
He had spent a whole god-forsaken day trying to get this right. He remembered Roman's singing, Virgil's shaky hands, Remus's eating habits, Janus' scales, and he could feel himself sinking into the ground. He just wanted this to be perfect. Logan deserved something perfect.
The cake was broken, and the world was quiet, and Patton wondered for a moment if he had gone deaf. The Mindscape was silent. He felt the tears on his cheeks, but he didn't cry. Patton was the joyful and happy side, so he didn't cry. Water fell from his eyes in waterfalls and rivers across his skin, but he wasn't crying, that's not how he worked. Even when sobs racked his body and made his chest hurt. He wasn't crying.
It was just a god forsaken cake, why the heck was he crying? It was just a cake. It was just a cake.
Shoot, this isn't ABOUT THE CAKE.
Logan and all the other sides sat in the dining room, talking happily about whatever came to mind. Patton had left to get the cake, but he hadn't come back yet. Logan had eaten his dinner and was now staring at the door. He tried to focus on the conversation, but he thought Patton seemed a little late.
"Hey, Nerd, whatcha' looking at?" Roman asked, walking up behind his chair, bending down, and following Logan's line of sight.
Logan didn't turn his gaze from the door. "I feel like Pat should have been back by now. Actually, Roman, maybe you could check on him?"
Behind Logan's back, Roman and Virgil exchanged a glance, and Roman understood immediately.
"Actually, Lo, maybe you should go check on him? It is your cake after all."
Logan stood up from his chair and walked out of the dining room. "I suppose so."
Virgil snickered. "Oh my god, he is so oblivious. I ship them so badly..."
Logan walked out of the dining room and almost choked.
Patton was on the floor, with his hands in his face. Was he crying? Patton didn't cry. He was too happy to cry. He was too fricking perfect to cry. WHO THE HECK MADE PAT CRY?
Then logan saw the floor. The cake, he realized, was broken up and smashed to bits on the ground. The fondant was ripped apart, save for a small black fondant necktie. Patton must have dropped the cake. It looked like it had been big.
Logan didn't hesitate for a second. He kneeled down beside Patton, wrapping his arms around him and quietly letting him sob.
Patton felt someone's arms around him, and they had glasses, he knew, because the glasses were pressed against his temple. But that meant it was Logan. Logan was here, and he can see the cake, and he is probably so mad. Patton wrapped his arms around Logan and cried into his shoulder. He didn't like Logan to be angry. Hugs fixed that. Right?
"Pat? Patton, don't cry, what's wrong?"
Patton could barely find the breath to speak.
"I-I dropped it. The thing... I-I mess-Messed up... It's all g-gone..."
"Shhhh. Shhh, it's not your fault, don't worry. Patton, I love the cake. It's looks like it was beautiful, thank you."
Patton just kept sobbing, his glasses getting foggy. Logan knew the side was emotional, but really, it was just a cake, and Logan wasn't even mad at Patton. In fact, Logan didn't think he was capable of being mad at Patton.
Patton was sad about the cake. Of course, it was horribly destroyed, and he had spent a long, tiresome day making it perfect. And now it was all gone, and Patton had no gift to give.
To Pat, this was bigger than that though. Logan was supposed to have the perfect birthday, but Patton had messed all of that up. He had nothing to give logan. Every day of his life, his goal was to give something, to be helpful, and to care for others. He had messed up today.
"I-i don't know wh-what to do. I just... I just wanted-d to g-give you something. I-It's a-all gone n-now. Th-the d-day is ruined."
Logan frowned. What would someone with a better sense of emotions say? Seeing Patton like this made him so sad, what could he do?
He remembered something Pat had said to him a long time ago, when he was getting used to emotions. 'When someone is feeling down, speak from the heart! The best thing you can do is tell them the truth, and if they don't like it, then they have a right to feel a little sad. But you should still try!'
"Pat, I know you are sad. I understand that you wanted to make this a good day, but it WAS a good day. I enjoyed every moment of today. Sure, the cake is messed up, but it's the thought that counts, and you are already the best gift I could ask for."
Patton looked up in confusion. "Me?"
Logan was usually really bad at emotions, but right now, emotions seemed to be all he could muster. "You are so caring and joyful. And sweet. And kind. And I don't care about the cake, or any gift you give me, the fact that you are so set on making me feel cared for is enough. I'm just happy you're here, ok?"
Logan brushed a tear from Patton's eye and smiled. "I'm just happy you're here."
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cafedanslanuit · 5 years
would it be ok to ask for hcs of the main 6 + vaderwood and how they would react to their normally energetic and funny mc being a little off and making some self-deprecating jokes (like a little too dark to be funny) as a way of coping and hiding their anxiety/depression? if not thats ok im just in a similar mood today.
self-deprecating jokes are my thing too, tbh. hope you’re feeling better! Also, I couldn’t picture Vandy for this particular hc, I’m sorry :c
This boy honestly loves how fun you are. He will always laugh with you and you don’t tease him that much (Saeyoung does that for you)
One day, when he comes home from his job at the vet, he finds you calling for pizza. He lets you finish the call and then you look up.
“Hey, welcome back! I accidentally left the stove on for too long and messed up dinner” you casually said, with a small giggle. “So I called Pizza Hut, hope it’s okay”.
“It’s okay!” he says. “I love pizza”
“I know, me too” you smile. You stand up and stretch your arms. “Okay, so I’ll take a shower before it gets here. How the fuck did I forget the stove on, I don’t know” you laugh. “I swear to God I would totally leave me at this point”.
Yoosung says nothing, shocked. He watches you walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower. He knows you like to joke around, but that joke had been pretty specific. Leave you? Why would he leave you? Over some burnt food?!
He waits until you come out, wrapped in a towel and hands you a cup of your favourite tea. You smile weakly.
“An award for my awful cooking?” you tease him.
“Hey! It’s just food! And you solved it. I don’t really care, MC, please let it go”. He sees your lips tremble a little bit. “Are you okay?”
You had a really rough day at work. You tell him all about it while sipping on the tea and he silently listens to you, nodding at the right times. The pizza finally arrives and he puts on your favourite show so you both can watch it. When you go to bed, he makes sure to give you extra cuddles, so you never have to feel any more pressure on yourself.
Honestly, he’s not the best at comedy. But he really likes how much you can make yourself laugh with your own jokes.
He comes home and hands you his tablet. You arch an eyebrow and look at him from the couch. He sits beside you and asks you to press play. You nod and comply his request.
It’s a video from rehearsal. He’s singing at he’s actually hitting all the notes just right. You smile softly, watching the video in silence. When it’s over, you turn and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
“You’re amazing, babe. You did the song soooo good! How can you be so talented?”
“Thank you, babe. And I don’t know, can’t help it. I’m just talented.” he shrugs, with a confident smile.
“Well, someone has to be” you responded quickly. His smiled faltered and he looked at you, confused.
“What are you talking about? You are talented too. I’ve seen your drawings, those building projects you have been working on. They’re masterpieces, MC, I love them and–”
“I didn’t get the job, Zen” you quickly answer, not looking at him. “They didn’t like those ‘masterpieces’” you added, making the colons signs with his fingers.
Oh. So they had already sent you the email.
Zen would put the tablet aside and hold you on the couch. Whisper over and over again how talented you truly are and how they were in the wrong for not noticing it.
“If they can’t see how brilliant you are, why would you want to work for them?” he asked. “I’ve been rejected more times that I can count. I know how you feel. And you know what makes me feel better?”
You look at him and shake your head.
Ten minutes later, you’re both riding on his motorcycle, feeling the air against your face. you hug him tighter and smile.
Jaehee’s not one for jokes. But she does enjoy the occasional laugh she has with you. You make tons of jokes, but, unlike Saeyoung, you know when to stop
“Babyyyyyyyy, I’m a mess!” you complained, stretching on your bed. Both of you were working on your laptops, when suddenly you put yours aside.
“C’mon. Help me, Excel Goddess! Can’t seem to make this thing to work and I need to show it to my boss tomorrow” you asked. Jaehee smiled softly, put her laptop aside and grabbed yours. She started typing formulas, fixing your work.
“You’re so good to me, baby. Thank youuuu. That’s why you’re the smart one here”. Jaehee just smiled, continuing her work.
“They should have taught me Excel in school instead of sports. Did anyone of my class turn out to be an athlete? No one. Are we struggling to get a job because we don’t know shit about Excel? We are”.
“Maybe that’s why I’m failing. Maybe that’s why I had to settle with this shitty job, because I can’t comprehend the monster that in Microsoft Excel. Maybe that’s also why my Computer Science teacher hated me at school” you said dramatically. Jaehee chuckled softly.
“Maybe that’s why my whole life is a mess right now. Maybe that’s why I can’t find joy in the things I do anymore, maybe that’s why my father left us. Because I’m a shitty person who can’t do Excel and can’t get a decent job”.
She stopped typing and looked over at you.
“MC. What are you saying?”
“I’m sorry. I’m just… I’m tired. Don’t think about it too much”
“I-… Do you want me to talk to Mr. Han? Maybe there’s a position and… I know C&R takes most of my time but an entry level job may be good– at least for your resumé and–”
“I’m fine. Don’t think about it, baby” you dismissed, but Jaehee grabbed your hand.
“Can’t you really find joy anymore?” she asked. You sighed.
“Happens to me when the cold weather beggins. Will go away in a couple of weeks” you shrugged. Jaehee squeezed your hand.
“Let me know if I can do anything to help you… well, find joy again”.
“You do help!” you assured her. “I can find bits of joy here” you smiled and gave her a small kiss. She smiled and kissed you back.
Jumin doesn’t understand most of your jokes. Most of the times, you have to explain them to him. He doesn’t mind, but it’s only because he really enjoys watching you laugh at your own jokes. The sight of you giggling it’s enough to light up any day.
That day, you decided to visit him during lunch. Which wasn’t a rare occurrence, you tried to visit him at least once a week, making sure with Jaehee you wouldn’t be interrupting.
“Good afternoon, my love. Didn’t expect you here” he greeted you, giving your cheek a tender kiss when you approached him. You gave him the bento you had prepared and sat in front of him, on the other side of his desk.
“I know. I just thought your darling, loving wife might make an appearence. I do have to keep those heiresses away from you” you laughed. He smiled softly and opened his bento. “Don’t want them making you change your mind about marrying some poor girl who couldn’t even afford university by herself”.
Jumin arched his eyebrow while eating his lunch. “Is there a problem with your classes? I thought you were excited about finally attending university, even if most of the classes are online for security reasons. Are the professors not competent enough? Are they not grading you fairly?”
You laughed. “No, Jumin, classes are fine. I just… Don’t really fit with your social class, you know. I mean, I knew I wouldn’t fit, but someday’s it really… just… I don’t know. You can put a working class girl in a Channel, but you can’t really change who she really is inside, right?” you smiled weakly.
Jumin furrowed his eyebrows, visibly upset. “What are you talking about?”
Your facade disappear and you sighed. You reached out for his hand and held it tighly.
“Please, don’t misunderstand me. I love you, I really do. Nothing can change that. But I can’t– I can’t pretend I don’t hear the whispers when I come here to have lunch with you. How I listen to them mocking these nice clothes you bought for me” you said, pointing at your light blue dress he had given you. “I don’t… I didn’t grow up with these things. I must look really dumb pretending to be part of a class I’m not”.
“Who made that comment?” he asks, angrily.
You try to cover it up, but after some pushing, you tell him it’s the secretary that works two offices away. She has a desk beside Jaehee’s. Jumin stands up, not stopping when you ask him to. He takes one step outside his office and spots the secretary you must be talking about.
“You’re fired. Assistant Kang, take care of that paperwork”.
Jumin returned to his office and locked the door. You can’t believe what just happened. He walks over to you and lifts up your chin with his hand, gently.
“Don’t ever let anyone tell you you don’t belong here. Or that you don’t deserve elegant clothes or anything I want to give to you. I know you didn’t grow up the same as me, but that’s why I love you. Because you didn’t look at me and saw my money or C&R, you looked at me. At who I was. Who I could be. I want to be the best man I can be, just for you. And I want to please you, giving you anything I can so you can enjoy life at its fullest. Also, look at you” he said, taking a look at your whole outfit. “You look breathtaking. You look classy, and it’s not just the dress” he smirked, kissing your cheek and making his way to your neck, leaving you a mess of giggles.
Ok, so we all agree he’s the king of dark humour and self-deprecating jokes.
And he’s used to be like that around you and sometimes you make the same jokes and you both just laugh it out.
So that day, he doesn’t notice something’s off from the start.
He’s fixing the robot cat, since it had been malfunctioning. You’re reading a magazine  on the couch while he’s sitting on the floor, both of you talking on and off.
“One day you should teach me who to do that. You know, fixing stuff and such”
“I wil! But you’ll need to call me sensei during our lessons.”
“Sensei? Isn’t that japanese?”
“It is! I’ll be your sensei if you wish. But what do you want to learn to fix?”
“I don’t know. I just don’t want to be the dumb one of the relationship”
“Awww. But we make such a good pair~”
“Just because you haven’t got tired of me yet” you chuckle.
“How could I get tired of your cooking? Never!~ I swear my mouth waters just thinking about your waffles.”
You laugh. “That’s all I am? My cooking?”
“Well, also how clean you keep this, Ms. Vanderwood hasn’t been complaining as much as before” he teases you.
“Well, you know I have to keep this apartment clean and your stomach full. That’s why I’m here, right? Until you get tired of my stupidness” you chuckle.
Saeyoung looks back at you, stopping on his fixing of robo-cat. He’s not longer smiling.
“… You really think that? That I think you’re stupid?”
“Well… I’m no genius. I’m just one more secretary, I’m… c’mon. You’d have more fun with someone who’s just as smart as you. I’m just here… until my time’s done. I’ve accepted it long ago.”
Suddenly he’s over you, making you lay on the couch, pinning both your arms over your head.
“Stop! What? Stop, just stop, what are you even saying?! You are kind, compassionate, generous and the most beautiful soul I’ve ever seen. You stayed by my side when I was at my worst. You saw all parts of me and still loved me. I’m the one who isn’t worthy of someone as loving and forgiving as you. I– I could never. I could have never rescued Saeran without you. I could have never been happy or even think about real happiness if it weren’t for you. So honestly, what if you don’t know anything about computers or hacking? That doesn’t matter to me. It’s you and your heart. It’s always been about your loving heart, MC. Please, please don’t be so hard on yourself. I’ve loved you my whole life. Even before I met you. I just didn’t realize it.”
Your eyes water
damn, saeyoung i almost cried as well, you fucker
You both stay on the couch, holding each other until you fall asleep. He keeps whispering soft and warm words to your ear every now and then, making sure you never doubt yourself again.
“i want to die” “same”
It’s so usual for you both to make dark jokes, he doesn’t really notice when it stops being a joke to you.
You’re both laying on the couch. You’re on top of him, resting your head on his chest. You can’t remember how it started, but you start joking around.
“Your girlfriend’s a mess, you know”
“She is. Have you seen her hair?” he teased.
“What the hell does she think she’s doing? Have you seen the way she dresses?”
“Total mishap. It’s like a match made in hell”
“And her voice? More like a screech” you laugh, making fun of your own voice.
“Will she ever shut up?” he sighed dramatically, smirking softly.
“Why does she think she actually make someone happy?” you chuckle. His smile disappears.
Saeran stays silent for a minute. “You’re not happy?”
are you not happy with him? has he already bored you out of your mind? are you having second thoughts about your relationship? because he’s been trying, he’s been seeing a psychologist and even though there still isn’t a big change, he— is it because there hasn’t been a big change?
“Well, you’re not” you replied in a small voice. “And I can’t– And I don’t how– Maybe it’s me?”
So, Saeran decides to try something he’s been talking about with his psychologist. Better now than ever, he thought.
“I love you”
You raise your head, looking at him in disbelief. He’s never said that before. When you started dating, he had kissed you and you had understood how it was hard for him to express feelings due to the severe trauma he had gone through, so you hadn’t pushed him but… Saeran was still looking at you, a tense expression on his face. You suddenly realized you hadn’t said anything back.
“I love you too”. You had said it before. You had told him that a million times, but it was the first time you said it back.
“I know it seems I’m not making progress– But I think I am? I mean, I just told you that, right?” he said, scratching his head, a little nervous. “He said we were going to work on expressing feelings, and it was easier to express the most intense ones.”
“Your most intense feeling– one of your most intense feelings is loving me?” you asked, still surprised.
“Shut up” he said, making you laugh for real this time.
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
I’m really really bad in conveying emotions without having to grab the hands of wit and stupid jokes but I just want to say that everything you write is a masterpiece. Every single work makes me go “Oh? OH!!!!! oh my god” In the best way possible. Im a casual reader who does not follow blogs because i just come back for specific things time to time, but I’ve come across your works a lot in the past and now I come to tumblr specifically for you.
Your writing is phenomenal and your plot building is exceptional. It is rare for me to love something so much or at all but every thing you’ve put out has me immersed so deeply that I never want it to end. It is also rare for me to reread something but I spend hours going through your works over and over again every time I come back here.
This is getting very long and I’m sorry but I don’t ever speak on this app but your blog has compelled me to come and say at least SOMETHING or else I would have no choice but to obliterate into tiny smithereens. And I’m so so anxious to write and actually send this but please know that there is a reader out here who loves your work a lot a lot a LOT and appreciates it to the best of their abilities. Your works have me attached to them really badly its just an other-worldly experience. I’m sorry for this long rant but I love your work a lot and I hope you keep writing for a long time <3
everything you write is a masterpiece. Every single work makes me go “Oh? OH!!!!! oh my god” In the best way possible. Im a casual reader who does not follow blogs because i just come back for specific things time to time, but I’ve come across your works a lot in the past and now I come to tumblr specifically for you.
i tell the whole truth when i say this: this really really really made my night. all of you do, the ones who bother to interact with me via an anon emoji, the ones who don't ever leave comments or reblog or interact but always send a one-off anon to talk about my work and how much you enjoy it, and now to hv you tell me that you come to this app just for me? udk how much this means to me as a writer and even as a person, because a lot of my work is based off emotions I've felt and situations I've been in, so to have you appreciate the way i talk about my life and experiences like that make me feel like I'm not an absolute waste of space. i didn't go through all that heartache and feelings that i would've preferred not to, for nothing.
Your writing is phenomenal and your plot building is exceptional. It is rare for me to love something so much or at all but every thing you’ve put out has me immersed so deeply that I never want it to end. It is also rare for me to reread something but I spend hours going through your works over and over again every time I come back here.
i know it's a little condescending or thick-skinned of me to talk about every bit but i must! since you said you don't leave feedback/interact often, i had to stretch this out to the best of my ability. thank you for loving and placing my writing on SUCH a high pedestal. you have absolutely NO idea how much this means to me. I've always had trouble speaking to my family, especially my mother who relies a lot on speech communication ie if i don't say it, she'll never know, so having people understand and relate and feel me through my works feels like such a step achieved. thank you for making writing worth it.
This is getting very long and I’m sorry but I don’t ever speak on this app but your blog has compelled me to come and say at least SOMETHING or else I would have no choice but to obliterate into tiny smithereens. And I’m so so anxious to write and actually send this but please know that there is a reader out here who loves your work a lot a lot a LOT and appreciates it to the best of their abilities. Your works have me attached to them really badly its just an other-worldly experience. I’m sorry for this long rant but I love your work a lot and I hope you keep writing for a long time <3
absolutely NEVER worry about writing an ask too long. it's asks like that that really keep me going and reminds me that I'm not just writing for myself but for people who understand how i feel and for people to know that they aren't alone in the pain they go through. im nothing but honoured that you pulled through your anxiety to get this through, and I'm absolutely STUNNED at how much you seem to appreciate my work so much. i am really nothing without readers like you.
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hu4ngs · 5 years
anything for yuta please! he is so hot in the latest comeback i cRI
im having a break currently and BOY im so happy to write for you!!! +++ i’d like to take this opportunity to ask you all to stay safe and healthy!
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yall know what’s gonna happen. yes you’ve guessed it right i’m doing a strangers to lovers au
so let’s assume you look like your twin bc well…. you’re twins
BUT your twin is the popular twin, and you’re mediocre. AND you two go to separate schools
you’re going to an all-girls’ science school because your life is already hectic you don’t wanna make it anymore hectic with men
your sister goes to a nearby art school. so you know what that means; f r a t  b o y s.
also you’ve been knew that your sister is a bit of a player herself
like you’ve had boys coming to your house, crying, begging for your sister to take him back
nonetheless, though, you still love each other and depend on each other a lot
like, whenever you feel like getting a boyfriend, she’d help you out (even though your relationship ends up in flames about 3 months later because the boys you dated are all fratboys that couldn’t appreciate you enough). and in return you’d help her a lot with getting ready for dates or with her studies
so one day
you were in your school, watching a bunch of girls do a practice match of volleyball with another school because you were bored
then you got a text from your sister saying that she needed help and that it was a level-10 threat
i mean,,,, LEVEL 10? that has to be serious
so you dashed tf out of your school
by a few minutes, you’d arrived to your school
your first instinct was to go to her classroom
so you did
and then you saw a bunch of men hogging around your sister’s desk
so you were like?? wtf is going on
“what are you guys doi-”
before you could even finish your sentence, one of them yelled, “there she is!”
and another yelled, “get her!”
you were freaked??? first of all, you actually put in efforts in how you look today, you’re not about to let some crazy men ruin it for you
so you ran for your life
as you were running you wonder what your sister had done for these men to decide to kill her
thanks to your teacher for forcing you to join tons of cross-country runs, you managed to get away from them
you ran into a room and in the midst of panic you knocked onto something, and it all fell apart
you cupped your mouth
from what you can see, you probably knocked over some arts student’s sculpture
there wasn’t anyone, though, so you started looking around to hide before any art student walks in
as you were running towards what looked like a storage room, someone stepped out
he had blonde hair, and was just crazily handsome
but that wasn’t the point
he saw you, and then looked over behind you
“what the- hey! did you do that?” he asked
you weren’t sure if he was angry, or if that’s just his normal face, but eitherway he was really handsome
you looked behind you to the broken sculpture again,  and shrugged hesitantly
“may…..be…..?” your voice squeaked at the end
he gave you a look, before walking past you, “if you haven’t noticed i had been working on this for a very long time, asshole.”
his intonation wasn’t angry, but it still left a sting when he said that
you felt guilty
“i’m sor-”
“oh shut it, yuna, save that sorry for my friends that you’ve fucked.” he scoffed as he started cleaning up your mess
you were confused for a second, before everything clicked
he must’ve mistook you for your sister
you laughed awkwardly
“um, i’m y/n, not yuna” you said
he stopped sweeping, and then shot you a confused glance
“since when did you have a whole identity change?” he asked sarcastically again
you’re usually annoyed when people gave you an attitude, but you weren’t this time. maybe because you deserved it……?
“oh no, yuna is yuna. i’m her twin!” you smiled.
he stopped again, and looked at you
he clicked his tongue, and then stared at you from your head to your toe
“well…. you do have a better fashion sense than your sister.” he said
you didn’t know why, but you felt supeeeeeer happy when he said that
“i didn’t know yuna had a twin?”
“oh i go to the all-girls’ school a few miles away from here.” you told him
by now, he was done cleaning up the mess and was working on another sculpture
you wonder why he wasn’t SO mad at the fact that you literally broke a what seemed like months of hardwork
you walked over to the blonde, but he didn’t give you any reaction
“why aren’t you throwing a tantrum that i broke your masterpiece?” you asked
he gave you a glance before going back to his new sculpture
he shrugged, “i felt like it was ugly anyways.” he casually said
you nodded, and then just watched him work on his clay in silence
“so why are you here?” he asked, breaking the silence
you chuckled, “some boys are chasing my sister. i guess this is what she meant when she was having a level-10 threat.”
the guy chuckled too
“aren’t you gonna help your sister?” he asked
you shook your head, “she can handle this on her own. i’m sure her new jock boyfriend will help her out.”
“oh yea, i’m sure johnny will. everyone’s scared of him” he agrees
“you’re not so bad, y/n. i’m yuta.” he held out his hand - that had so many clay on it
it seems like he knew exactly what he was doing as he gave you a smirk to see if you were gonna shake hands or not
you took this as a friendship test - or something - so you took his hand
he made a playful look of disgust, “ew, can’t believe you took my hand like that.” he laughed
you’re pretty sure that was the first time that you saw him properly smile, and he had a really pretty smile too.
“your smile is so pretty….. i wish mine was like yours. when i smile i look like a goat.” you said as you simultaneously rested your face onto your clay-ed hand
“oh GOD!” you yelled, and made yuta laugh
“dumbass!” he claimed happily, before wiping a finger onto your nose
“HEY!” you yelled, and wiped some onto his face
yuta didn’t flinch, instead he was simply laughing
after a moment of laughter, he sighed softly, and then looked at you
“just between the two of us, you’re the better twin, y/n” he confessed, and  you giggled
he smiled again, and went on with his work
“how do i get these off my face by the way?”
he chuckled again, “you can’t” he joked
but your dumbass, who has never had experience with arts, believed him
so you were panicking
“what the- um… shouldn’t we get these off our faces?” you asked, nudging him
he shook his head, “i like it on mine. it’s a concept of van gogh’s.”
your heart was really gonna sink in your stomach, he didn’t have as much clay on his face as you did!
“that’s nice, but we should get it off our faces”
you said, nudging him even more
then, he burst out laughing again.
“you’re so funny” he told you
“you can’t be this clueless. of course the clay can be removed. just wash it with water later, idiot” he said, and shook his head
“oh” you said, a little bit embarrassed
then, you got a call
you fished your phone out just to see your sister calling
you signaled yuta to be quiet and he nodded
yuta didn’t have to hear your sister’s voice to know that she was furious at you
“wow! thank god, right? hope you don’t break his heart too.” you said sarcastically
yuta laughed at your snarky attitude
“yes i’m at your school, but a bunch of boys started chasing me thinking i was you.” you explained
“you know what? don’t come home if you’re gonna stay angry!”
you ended the call and turned back to yuta
“well, she’s mad.” you told him, and he nodded
“i love her and all, but she’s the most annoying, irritating, picky, selfish person ever when she’s mad.” you scoffed
“you can always sleep in the streets tonight” he joked
you gave him a look, and he looked away, still thinking it was a decent joke
“just lock her out,” he suggested
“i can’t, she has a spare key.”
“that’s tragic”
you nodded in agreement
“you can come over to my house if you’re comfortable enough” he winked when you looked at him
“but i bet you won’t do it, you look like you don’t have the balls to stay a night with a boy” he shrugged casually as he kept his eyes onto his sculpture
“bet.” you said, and he genuinely looked shocked
“what the hell, are- are you serious?” he stammered, which you found funny
“i mean, sure, why not?”
“aren’t you worried that i might be a serial killer?” he asked
you shrugged as you leaned onto the table in front of him
“so you’re my own version of joe goldberg? sign me up” you joked
he laughed, “you’re brave”
you let out a peace sign as a respond
“we should order in some pizzas tonight then, my treat!” he happily exclaimed
you had been staring at his face for so long - since you first met him
and you can’t help but call him handsome in your mind each time too
you weren’t really that much of a believer in love at first sight but come on, now. yuta has the looks, the talents, the personality, the respect, the humour. and to top all of that he’s got a bit of an attitude. he was screaming boyfriend material into your ears at this point
when he realised you weren’t giving out a response to a pizza night, he froze
“are you on a- um- are you on a diet? do you wanna eat something with low calories instead or-”
taken aback you immediately refuse, “oh my god, no, no! pizza is fine for tonight.” you told him
he let out a sigh of relief
“my ex used to freak out whenever i pick something to eat and it’s not up to her standards, sorry.” he explained
you rolled your eyes at the thought, “that’s plain annoying.”
he nodded in agreement, “it’s a different story if she had something to eat in mind, but no. she lets me decide and then throws a tantrum when i suggest something simple, or some shit like that.” he grunted
you chuckled seeing him annoyed
“hey, what time is it, by the way?” he asked
you opened your phone, and showed it to him, it read 7:48 PM.
“you wanna get going? talking about food is making me hungry.” he explained
you nodded, “me too.”
he started cleaning up his desk, and you helped him out
afterwards, the two of you went to wash the clay out of your hands and faces, yuta not forgetting to splash some water onto you while you were at it
the campus was dark and half-empty by then, some students were giving you looks for splashing water at each other, and you had to admit it was a bit embarrassing
“my house is kinda close to the campus, do you wanna walk or do you wanna take the bus?” he asked
you took a while to think, “since we’re gonna get fat tonight, let’s do some exercise beforehand.” you suggested, and he was fine with it
so you two started walking together
it all felt ethereal to you
the weather was great, it was windy in the right ways, the sky still had a hint of purple and pink to it
you had asked yuta a question that had probably excite yuta, because he was talking with full enthusiasts, and you were enjoying yourself seeing him so passionate about something
then, he absentmindedly swung an arm around your shoulder
and you’re just there like ‘OwO’
but you didn’t want to ruin the moment since he was still talking so passionately
so you acted like you didn’t notice it and carried on with the conversation
plus, you were lowkey (or highkey) enjoying his warmth. he’s a very warm person >:(
then, you two reached his apartment, which looked really nice
when you entered his apartment, it was a bit messy, but it was still pretty
you came to a conclusion yuta was a man of STYLE!!!!
“sorry if my place doesn’t live up to your expectations” he said, but you immediately disagree
“this is a really nice place!” you assured
he kinda gave off a playful look before sitting next to you on the sofa, “so if i were to bring you here on a date, would you like it?” he asked
you were taken aback by the question, but that doesn’t mean a smile wasn’t going to form onto your face
you immediately looked away, still having a hard time removing the grin off of your face
“i don’t know, you haven’t asked me on a date to your house yet.” you told him
he laughed, before poking his head onto your shoulder to see your reaction, “so you want me to ask you out on a lazy date?” he asked
you pushed him away, completely embarrassed, “bro like, shut the fuck up” you said playfully, which made yuta burst out laughing
“your reactions to everything are just so cute.” he told you before softly letting a sigh out
“thanks, we’ve been knew that i’m cute.” you joked
yuta made a disgusted face jokingly too, which made you laugh out of embarrassment
both of you took a really long time to finish off your meals becuase both of you were busy criticizing the shitty netflix series that you were watching
by the time both of you were tired, it was already 4 in the morning
neither you nor yuta could believe that both of you had been talking for that long
but it was undeniable that both of you were enjoying each other’s companies so much
at this point you were ready to propose to this man
but OBVIOUSLY you didn’t wtf
also, by now, you were both cuddled up by the sofa while tall girl was playing on the tv
“do you wanna watch another movie after this?” he asked, you nodded absentmindedly even though you were falling asleep
“how are we gonna get to school tomorrow?” you mumbled groggily
yuta was silent for a while and then he said, “let’s just skip tomorrow!” he suggested
you were falling asleep, yes, but the thought of skipping school excites you
you didn’t always skip school, but you wouldn’t turn down an opportunity either
“that’d be great,” you told him, before laying your head back onto his shoulder
“you know what, y/n?” he asked, you hummed as a response
“let’s go out on a date tomorrow.” he whispered, and then lied his head onto yours
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hajimesweetheart · 4 years
— making christmas cookies
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— suna
. it’s more like you make them, suna eats them
. he’ll help you here and there
. by here and there I mean he’ll just watch until it’s time to decorate them
. you guys have a contest of who can make the cookies look the prettiest
. suna lost like big time
. his was proud crack out looking santa cookies
. you were doing your best not to laugh
. he definitely ate most of the cookie in the middle of the night
. “um idk....”
“Are you just going to sit and watch me?” You asked. “Yea, pretty much.” Suna responded. “Rin, I swear, If you eat all these cookies without me I will whoop yo ass.” You fussed. “I’m not, oh you got some flour right there.” He pointed out. “Really? Where? Get it off.” You asked him leaning closer towards him. “Right..... HERE!” Suna exclaimed giving you a smack to the face full of flour. “RINTAROU SUNA, OMG IM GOING YOU BEAT UP! I CANT SEE!” You yelled struggling to get the flour out your eyes. “Whoops, smile!” He laughed snapping a photo of you. “Stopppp! Help me get this out my eyes.” You asked. “No, I like my masterpiece, it’s a good look for you.” He stated.
— oikawa
. he claims that he doesn’t need instructions on how to make cookies because he’s a pro
. tells you he’s got it and wants to do it by himself
. you try to help but you’re always booted out the kitchen
. makes you taste something everytime he mixes something together
. “tooru i don’t think you put whatever the hell this is in cookies?!”
. “shush chile, i’m working!”
. you try one of the cookies,,,,,, and ummm
“So how do they taste?!” Oikawa asked smiling. You bit the cookie and it was hard as a rock. “Mhmm.” You hummed with a forced smile. “Oh Y/n, I told you know what I’m an amazing baker.” He cheered. You chewed the cookie the best you could before spitting it out. “Tooru, how do I break this to you, uh theses cookies dry as hell.” You said pushing the plate of cookiesaway. “What?! But the look on your face, I thought you liked them.” He responded. “The look on my face was screaming please help me, need water.” You joked.
— hinata
. it’s always fun with hinata
. nastu wants to help too
. he makes THE BIGGEST mess
. natsu yells at him for making a mess
. has flour all over him
.he even threw some on you and natsu so you guys can match his mess
. the kitchen floor: a mess
. now there a food fight happening
. you guys just end up baking prepackaged cookies
As you, Shoyo, and Natsu spontaneously throw the cookie dough ingredients at each other without a care in the world, failing to realize that you guys are going to have enough ingredients to actually make the cookies. The fun food shortly came to an end after Shoyo’s saw her kitchen turned upside down. “Oh my god....” Shoyo’s mom trailed off with a shocked expression. “Hi mom, I can explain!” Shoyo stated. “You better, come on Nastu, let’s get you cleaned up, oh and hello Y/n.” She smiled at you then continued to fuss at Shoyo. “You two, clean up this mess.” She finished. “Yes, mom.” Shoyo replied. Shoyo and you cleaned the mess that was made with laughs and giggles.
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wenightmareyou · 3 years
movie post for AR @alien-romantic !! ✨
okay i feel like my movie taste really does come down to what did i see in theaters that made me define my personality around them for the rest of the week, and i usually have Allergic to Watching Old Movies Disease so most of these are p recent! my movie taste is Also defined by what i saw enough on tumblr that eventually i broke down and watched it and it was actually amazing lol
✨favorite horror movies✨
Jennifer’s Body: THEE movie of all time, it literally has anything i could ever want in a movie: excessively campy dialogue, a plot around making a deal with the devil, a town that’s slightly fucked up, extended metaphors about gender violence but in a palatable PG-13 non-graphic format, Megan Fox going feral and eating boys, a homoerotic friendship where they also kinda hate each other but its mostly bc neither of them can deal with their feelings in the world they were brought up in, and a soundtrack that slaps. Seriously i could probably quote this movie word for word at this point, and like technically its horror but its also really funny and theres not really any jumpscares or anything. Im gonna stop talking about this one bc if i keep going i could write a whole essay but its so good (also i wont elaborate but Jennifers Body and Heathers are sisters, spiritually)
Us: hhhhhhhh this is so good, ik Jordan Peele’s only directed two movies so far but he never misses, like this was genuinely terrifying for me but also raises a lot of Questions and made me think about the implications of it for weeks afterward. It’s about this family vacationing in Santa Cruz, CA at the same time that there’s this planned uprising of doppelgängers all around the US (i cant remember if its the world or just the US? But it makes a lot of commentary about the US in particular so im guessing its just the US). I’ve still only seen it once but the aesthetics are so good, its definitely more on the violent side than Get Out was, but its not too bad (like idk if you’ve seen Midsommar but like. its nowhere near as gory as that lol). I swear i didnt have a fear of doppelgängers before this but between this and tma i sure do now
It (chapter 1): this one is so close to my heart omg 🥺 i associate it super strongly with watching it with friends so thats at least half the reason its a favorite. Also i love horror-comedies so much as a genre, mostly bc i scare easily so its nice to have jokes in between to break the tension and this movie’s hilarious
Cabin in the Woods: i cant say what this one’s about without spoiling it but i’ll say it definitely goes under the same category as It for me, in terms of horror-comedy. Its such a fun deconstruction of horror movie tropes and it gets so insane at the end, like when you watch it you can *tell* it was made in 2011 but like in a good way
Also honorable mention to The Love Witch for sending me into a spiral about what truly is the female gaze/if there can be one definition of that/the relationship between love and violence etc etc basically it’s Extremely Gender. Also not v bloody and doesnt have any jumpscares, and its an aesthetic masterpiece omg
✨favorite comfort movies/romcoms✨
Juno: i dont normally have favorite actors but Elliot Page is my emotional support favorite actor, like idk how to explain it but all of his characters just scream comfort character somehow. Juno has the same screenwriter as Jennifer’s Body so it has a really similar sense of humor, but altogether v wholesome plot about a pregnant teenager and her bff, michael cera. Also highly quotable, and i dont think ive ever watched this without crying, like this is one of those movies where im like love is real actually 🥺💕
Easy A: this movieee!!! Oh my god this movie, its so intensely californian and thats def part of why i like it. Also realizing now a major factor in movies i like is how quotable they are bc this is another one i feel like i quote all the time. Plus theres something so fun about baby Emma Stone living her 80s movie protagonist dream AND doing the “you think i’m a villain? I’ll show you a villain!” trope bc thats always fun
All of twilight but especially the first one: i mean idk what to say, i got brainworms when i was 11 and made twilight my whole personality for like 3 years, then grew out of it, then the twilight renaissance happened and im Back on My Bullshit 😂 i also just like having a purpose for me memorizing everything possible about twilight in middle school so like.... if you ever want any fun twilight facts hit me up (this goes to AR but if you’re not AR and reading this too this also applies lmao im down to talk about twilight any time)
And honorable mention to Scott Pilgrim (okay not a romcom but def a comfort movie), to be fair i havent seen this one all the way through in a looong time but i go back to the most iconic parts a lot
also okay theres def more in this category that i like but my brain is turned off now so i cant remember them 😂
✨ and the best category: movies i hate ❤️ ✨
i feel like i tend not to like movies that feel like they’re trying too hard? Like if i watch something and *instantly* know its trying to be Oscar bait, or if its trying to be camp but like,,., pretentious high end camp. Like anything by Wes Anderson is a hard nope for me, also i saw Gravity in theatres on a whim whenever that came out and it just didnt click for me at all. (Also okay The Love Witch kiiiind of checks the boxes for this but its still a fave)
Also okay this movie isnt any of those things but i still dont like it: It Chapter 2! I feel so bad cause It chapter 1 was so good and created this huge hype for the sequel for me, but the plot just went off the fucking rails. Sure we got bill hader being in love with his childhood best friend which spawned the whole Reddie craze on here for awhile..... but that came at the price of naked old ladies being used for shock value and whatever the hell was going on with Pennywise being an alien/god/something??? Like if the book is like this i know i couldn’t get through it, i was laughing my way through the whole movie but like, laughing (derogatory)
I feel like this section just became a reason to dunk on It Ch 2 but honestly the only other sequel i can think of that betrayed me like that was Endgame 😂
Also unrelated but while im still on the topic of movies i dont like/my hot takes: 10 Things I Hate About You was too sexist for me enjoy, i see it hyped on here a lot and im like ??? yall that did not age well 😭 but tbf i still like Mean Girls so we all have our things 😂
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sparring-spirals · 4 years
full episode liveblog time! here for 102, which i assume will involve combat, and the repercussions of that one crying dude/the whole m9 crying back at him.
(first half of the ep; making a new one for the second half cause this is LONG. a lot happened!)
- oh, boy, matts shirt. matts shirt. that deserves its own post, but either way: god what an unexpected crossover between BDG and CR.
- i had forgotten what experiencing a sam ad was like. is remembering a curse.... or a blessing.... 
- memetic overload.
- i take back what i said just now this is a masterpiece. i would pay for multiple seasons of this. also “spearfishing” is a correct piece of cybersecurity technology and somehow that was more surprising than the rest of the ad.
- i like to think the “very badly pretending they have already recorded something they are going to do in the future” is just a cover up for them actually having time travel powers.
- RIGHT into combat. 
- OH FUCK BEAU IS UNCONSCIOUS wow you cry in solidarity with a figure in the woods and this is how you get repaid? :////
- WAIT SHE’S AT ZERO HIT POINTS???? (haha i love the collective horror from the cast)
- FJORD SLIDING IN TO SAVE HIS BRO, with a whopping 2hp and also a smack to the face of the thing :’) 
- yasha also immediately and sprinting over. ugh i have so many thoughts about feelings about love within the m9.
- *yasha heals more* “okay well its not a competition.” “its a competition”. god i love them
- “We avoided a dragon turtle and we just walked up to this one.” valid point sam, but have you considered: The Mighty Nein Love Trouble.
- ...laura... laura what are you trying to do.
- i love the vibes of “tried to cry in solidarity with creepy figure” encouraging the plan of “going to force creepy figure to smile”. minimal brain cells. maximum galaxy brain.
- caduceus just wants to leave and tbh given his day so far i cant blame him.
- Live on CR, sam takes 3d6 poison damage from his own flask. dammit sam.
- “Oh your pain isn’t funny but im laughing.” spoken like a true friend, taliesin.
- We Love Monks
- vaguely heard sam saying something about “forgot to strain out the chunks” “old wine” “basically vinegar” and wow im upping that 3d6 to a 4d6. 
- the cast are such shits. laura and liam both making squeaky will o wisp voices. also liams voice genuinely startled me. - “I don’t have cure wounds prepped!” the mighty nein have 2 clerics because both of them have non-cleric day jobs.
- ahahahhaha oh man fjord can never catch a break huh. its okay fjord!!! your two hp were very impressive. i was impressed, fjord.
- “4 and then teen!” “are we teaching ronin 14???”
- .....you can... eat your spiritual weapon. h u h. wow.
- god this is so fucking adorable and wholesome oh my GOD, jester being super enthusiastic and supportive and silently gushing about yasha with beau, yasha being the one to ask, yasha saying yes to carrying her, beau enthusiastically gesturing to jester about it and being happy, this is so goddamn wonderful.
- jester to caduceus: bro just step out of the puddle bro. just dont get eaten bro. caduceus: but...wait.. but.... D:
- ahh these fjord and jester interactions real cute. shipping aside, i love how they interact with each other- its always very sweet, and caring, in a way that the m9 (group of occasional assholes) don’t always do as well
- ahhh. fjord got through to her about the traveller!!!!! !!!!
- this whole convo is so good, capped by “ah shit everyone can hear us.”
- Fjord: “Who knows if an island is a thing!” Jester: “... an island is definitely a thing. its a landform surrounded on all sides by the sea-” Fjord, Goin Thru It: “BUT IS IT A CREATURE? IS IT ALIVE?” Beau, groggy: “you woke me up just to ask if an island is a thing.” do they know i love them
- jester and yasha fanning beau and keeping her cool. :) :D <3 im not saying ot3 but also ot3
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- an appropriate array of reactions to a trex
- viridien: i can fl- the mighty nein: YOU CAN FLY WE GET IT
- while trying to hide from a t-rex, veth: caleb did you see my magic earlie-
- i mean.... DO faux gods sleep? its a valid question
-counting myself lucky that the beau and veth arm wrestle didnt turn out like the beau and jester bar brawl from way back when
- the mighty nein: *salty comments about flying* viridien: ..im... sorry? the mighty nein, immediately guilty upon being caught: “oh god sorry we were just giving you shit.” fjord, dropping evergreen truth: “we joke with the people we like.”
- followed immediately by an incredibly forward interrogation. poor viridien is confused, being mildly insulted, healed, and having her brain picked from four different directions. The Mighty Nein are a menace, i adore them.
wow this post is LONG, alright, we’re gonna split it for the break.
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talkfastcal · 4 years
you can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to 🎵🎶
rules: hit shuffle on your media player and write down the first 20 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
Thank you for tagging me! @i-like-5sos
1. Long Way Home - 5SOS: Oh! I haven’t heard this song in awhile. This is one of my favorites from self titled (although I will always prefer the acoustic version) I still remember when they changed the lyrics to “white snake on the radio” during my ROWYSO show. My favorite lyric is “so we’re taking the long way home cause I don’t wanna be wasting my time alone”
2. Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga: I remember the first time I heard this being 11 years old and shocked LMAO if I’m being real honest I love the beat (AND THE BASS) of this song. ALSO the chorus “I WONT CRY FOR YOU” is so GOOD
3. Not Warriors - Waterparks: y’all are in for a TREAT THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE WATERPARKS SONGS. I cannot just listen to this song just once. It’s always at least 3 times and it’s ALWAYS blasting (and yes I did replay it 3 times and blast it through my headphones while typing this) When the beat drops and “THERES NOTHING IN MY SYSTEM SO IM FEELING WHAT I FEEL FOR YOU” so POWERFUL!!!! My favorite lyric is “but hey for what it’s worth I think you saved my life”
4. Best Song Ever - One Direction: I still refuse to believe this song is about sex LMAO this is such a fun song to dance to though I love it. My favorite part is Niall’s solo “I said can I take you home with me, she said never in your wildest dreams”
5. Strong - One Direction: OH! FUCK! MY FAVORITE ONE DIRECTION SONG DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH THE CHORUS “IM SORRY IF I SAY I NEED YOU” I CANT I CANT. If you have not heard them acapella sing this do me a favor and go listen ITS SO GOOD ALSO! Zayn’s high note. My favorite lyric is ofc Louis’ solo “think of how much love that’s been wasted people always trying to escape it move on to stop their heart breaking but there’s nothing I’m running from, you make me strong”
6. Kids In The Dark - All Time Low: YES I LOVE THIS SONG I LOVE THIS ALBUM I LOVE THE MEANING OF THE SONG I’m not joking when I say that I found this song and this band during the hardest time in my life and this song just really hit me hard. My favorite lyric is “beautiful scars on critical veins” AND the firework pop towards the end!!!!
7. Olivia - One Direction: I will admit this song has grown on me big time post hiatus (also the fact that now I’m not hiding my sexuality from myself I can freely listen to this song without feeling ashamed) I! Love! This! Song! It’s such a cute love song!! My favorite lyric is “the summertime butterflies all belong to your creation”
8. I Love You 5 - Never Shout Never: another band I was obsessed with back in 2015 I haven’t listened to this song in awhile!! I remember loving this song though and using it everywhere. I also like in the beginning he says “I love you one a two a three shoobe-doo I love you four that’s more than I can afford”
9. Only Angel - Harry Styles: idk not much to say about this Harry song it’s not in my top 5 but it’s a good song! I like listening to it but it’s just not my favorite. My favorite lyric is “open up your eyes shut your mouth and see that I’m still the only one who’s been in love with me”
10. Viva La Vida - Coldplay: no one: - me: AHHHHHHHHH literally this song will never be the same ever since 1d performed it on xfactor. Idk what to say about this song other than the fact that I like it??? I also like 1D’s cover of it??? Yea cool. My favorite lyric is “Never an honest word but that was when I ruled the world”
11. Glitter & Crimson - All Time Low: this song has definitely grown on me since the release of wake up sunshine. ALSO THE BRIDGE! My favorite lyric is “lets start lets start a riot hard to sit still when your head’s on fire”
12. (Love Will) Turn Back The Hands Of Time - Grease 2: don’t clown me y’all but this movie and soundtrack are a guilty pleasure. I love the original grease BUT grease 2!! It’s such a stupid movie but the soundtrack is fantastic. Anyways this song is another guilty pleasure LMAO I love the whole song so I’m not picking a “favorite lyric”
13. Savior - Rise Against: OH!!!! OH!!! THIS SONG RIGHT HERE!!!! fun fact: the first time I actually heard this song was when I watched a video of someone on YouTube burning her littlest pet shops because a trade went wrong and she got scammed so she took her anger out on that. I literally forgot about this song until one day I heard it in my junior year literature class and had major deja vu. Okay anyways I love this song LMAO my favorite part is the chorus “that’s when she said I don’t hate you boy I just want to save you while there’s still something left to save. That’s when I told her I love you girl but I’m not the answer for the questions that you still have WOAH OH OH WOAH OH OHHH”
14. National Anthem - DE’WAYNE: okay THIS SONG it’s so good and it describes what it’s like growing up in America as a POC. I don’t wanna say too much about it since I’m not a POC so I know I will never fully understand the song because of my privilege but I appreciate the fuck out of this. I love the entire song I don’t have a favorite lyric
15. Your Love - Nicki Minaj: I miss this Nicki Minaj. UM not much to say about this song either??? It’s a good song and I like it?! My favorite part is the chorus OH and the outro I love it
16. Just Dance - Lady Gaga: another pop classic from my childhood alright I MEAN ITS JUST DANCE?! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THIS SONG??? ALSO THIS LADY GAGA?! Don’t get me wrong I love the lady Gaga we have now BUT THIS ONE WILL ALWAYS BE ASSOCIATED WITH MY CHILDHOOD AND PRETEEN YEARS. I remember feeling like a badass singing this song when I was 10 years old LMAO I don’t have a favorite lyric I love the whole thing it’s a bop
17. Dear Patience - Niall Horan: Oh!! One of my favorites from Heartbreak Weather. His voice in this song is just so beautiful ugh yes. I absolutely love the chorus of this. My favorite lyric is “feels like you don’t even know me just me and the stars can get lonely”
18. San Francisco - 5sos: OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG ITS IN MY TOP 3 FROM SOUNDS GOOD FEELS GOOD. I hardly see anyone appreciate this song so I’m here to tell y’all: ITS A GOOD SONG?!?! have y’all listened to the live version AS WELL!!!! masterpiece. This song makes me happy especially the guitar at the beginning. My favorite lyric is “reminds me of when we were free I swear that it’s still haunting me” BUT! I do love that pre-chorus
19. They All Float - Waterparks: NICE a song from their first EP okay but I love this song it’s much heavier compared to what they sing now and that’s what I like about it. My favorite part is THE BRIDGE!!! “this is the part where you cut your losses this is the part where you get a job this is the part where you settle for less just like you never wanted to”
20. We made it finally Adrenaline - Simple Creatures: OH MY GOD THIS SONG LISTEN this is the first song I listened to from this band (which btw if y’all didn’t know is made up of Alex Gaskarth from ATL and Mark Hoppus from Blink-182) I mean while it’s more pop (which is what their intention is) ITS STILL A GOOD BAND!!! ESPECIALLY THIS SONG!! ITS SO GOOD DAMN I love the music video omfg. I’m just a sucker for dance choreography since I grew up surrounded by dance (I did competitive dance for a couple of years and my sister was a competitive dancer until she graduated) okay enough about me this song is so damn good I can’t stop saying that alright! My favorite lyric “I think we’re failin to connect you don’t what you do to me do to me do to me” and I LOVE THE CHORUS
This was fun!!! And it took me forever LMAO I’m not tagging 10 people but I’ll tag some
@louhazzabeingloudandloud @28-oops-hi @devilatmydoor @glitter-cal and anyone else who wants to do this!! 💜
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