#its so lazy ugh
blackkatdraws2 · 2 months
There are more things in the Parable than Stanley knows about. [Blank Scripts AU]
#hoh boy i was going to make a comic to introduce these monsters but#i couldnt help myself and made an animation instead#because i just think they're so neat and cool okay#listen i cant for the life of me just infofump about my AU and OCs#because i just think that making actual content about my lore and stuff will not only raise the chances of people being interested#but also it will also raise my motivation to actually produce more content other than the same old recycled front-facing-profile drawings#i need to get creative with my stuff or I'll also loose interest and I DONT want that#in order to be happy with what i have i cant just think about it and expect to be given something new NOOOO i need to MAKE it ughh#i cant believe in order to get more content out of my own au i would need to draw it and feed myself ugh ugh ugh unbelievable (kidding)#but also#i wanna make a little music video or animation again for youtube#its been a hot while since ive uploaded anything in there at all#maybe an animation reel will do for now?#i hope so :(#because ive been working on expanding the Black Scripts AU#and honestly i dont regret it#i had a lot of fun making up scenarios and comics for Stanley and the Narrator (Black)#but yeah!#apart from this little video#you wont be getting an explanation on what these things are supposed to be#and why theyre there#actually i was originally gonna make this into a full fledge animation with sound effect/music/frame-by-frame movement/etc.#but i got lazy HAHA#tsp blank scripts au#tsp au#the stanley parable#the stanley parable ultra deluxe#tsp
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fandxmslxt69 · 20 days
Alrighty! Lunch break time! Thots incoming!!!
*Ehem* Imagine, if you will, being tangled in the sheets with Loki. You’re both in Asgard, and the stars are just starting to twinkle in the night sky. There’s a soft breeze wafting in through the ornate palace windows, and the two of you are comfortable in each other’s embrace… making love, obviously~
I can’t stop thinking about the way the soft satin sheets would slip around us. So soft and delicate between your fingers amidst your throes of passion. There’s something inherently godly about it, I think. Like, Loki wants to worship you like the goddess he sees you as. The whole lounging while being hand fed grapes kind of vibe, if that makes sense.
Anyways, when you’re done, you’re not really done. You just keep rolling over for the next round until the sun peeks from the horizon…
So, those are my thots for today! 🤭
oh beloved...i am thinking thinking things....
a littleeee different but i loved the hazy 'drunk on love and pleasure' vibes and i just couldnt help it
more under the cut (warnings: silly cute fluffy SMUT.)
You hum sleepily, feeling the press of your lover's soft lips on your shoulder, trailing down your arm. You had settled into bed just a little ago after a few...exciting rounds with Loki in the shower.
The bed dipped as he settled into bed behind you, arms wrapped around your waist. You were immediately hyperaware of the fact that he had decided not to put on any clothing after stepping out of the shower. It didn't help that you wore nothing either.
You wiggle around, turning to face him with a happy smile. "Hi," You whisper, a stupid smile growing on your lips.
He smiled back, and oh it took your breath away. Something about today was very different; you couldn't get enough of each other. Loki ended up cancelling all his plans for the day, and you both stayed inside, tossing and turning and getting drunk on the feeling of one another. And yet after eternity, you remained constantly bewitched by Loki. You could never grow tired of him, of the feeling of him.
His ethereal beauty, especially his smile. The way his eyes twinkled with that telltale mischief, the ease and comfort that oozed off him, the trademark smirk that seemed reserved for you.
You snuggled closer to him and his hold on you tightened as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Hello darling wife,"
You ran a hand over his chest, enjoying the way his muscles contracted under your touch. You felt so safe, so full of joy in the comfort of your bed.
"Hi," You said again. Loki chuckled softly, his hand drawing circles on the dip of your hips. You leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
It was obviously the wrong move, because it wasn't for another thirty seconds before Loki was kissing you senseless; all tongue and lazy, messy kisses. It made you squirm as you rolled over on top of him and he sat up slightly, hands roaming your body slowly. Your hands raked through his messy curls, soft pants and groans escaping the two of you.
You could feel him growing hard, and you knew this was how it would go for the rest of the night. You'd wake up in pain tomorrow, and deliciously sore, but you also knew that meant Loki would stay with you for the day again.
You moan quietly, grinding yourself against Loki's length.
Tomorrow could wait. Outside, the night was still young, stars beginning to twinkle on Asgard's sky.
You could reconsider your choices when the sun returns to the sky. For now, you kissed Loki deeper as his hands planted themselves firmly on your hips, sure to leave marks to be added to ones already covering your body.
For now, you could just get lost in the feeling of your husband as he entered you slowly, a deep moan rumbling through him, and the pure look of pleasure on his face as you lifted yourself and slowly sank back down.
For tonight, you could just stay drunk on each other.
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shinehyuk · 4 months
thought you were smart? | jay+jungwon
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> genre : yandere
tw/cw : implied torture, obsession, stalking, very toxic relationships, kidnapping, heavy themes overall, murder etc. read at your own wish.
request : just a question, i actually kind of went through your old post and read that one jay + jungwon fanfiction where they allowed the mc to be free only to reveal they put a tracker on them. what if mc was smart enough, and realises they have tracker on them, and remove it. what jaywon still find them or lose them forever.
a/n : i adore this request. this may have just broken me free from the shackles of the infamous writer's block lol </3 i apologize in advance if this is bad because it seems i forgot how to write haha
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when they saw that you had suddenly stopped moving when you were running for your life to get as far away as possible just a second ago, the tracker staying completely still in one place, at first they feared the worst. what if you were so blinded by the hope for freedom that you carelessly let yourself get hurt, or worse? and it was all their fault; letting you roam around freely, like mothers letting their baby birds fly out of the nest for the first time - only for the birds to overestimate their flying abilities, failing miserably and meeting with the cruel reality, breaking every single bone in their fragile bodies, and coming to the end of their short life in the span of such a quick moment.
once they arrived at the tracker's place, not finding you, instead finding the device disposed of in the blades of grass, they had mixed feelings; anger, betrayal, amusement.
so this is how you want to play? so be it.
jay, having a much bigger temper than jungwon, was more on the angry side; seeing red before his eyes, thinking of all the things that he'll do once they find you.
jungwon, on the other hand, was focused more on the present, already having come up with a plan on what to do to lure you back. you may rest assured that they will not bother themselves with useless searching; if you do not play by their rules, then there shall be no rules at all. sure, they did once promise not to hurt your family, but that promise did not matter much when you were gone now, did it?
they figured that you'd turn to your family for protection, knowing that trying to escape alone wouldn't get you anywhere; you knew what they were capable of, and you couldn't be sure there weren't more trackers on you. contacting your family was your best chance of survival. police was out of the question; you've tried once, stealing jay's phone when he was occupied, but the two just portrayed you as a lunatic when questioned; jungwon had a way of making everyone believe him no matter how absurd it was.
first, they'll send out a small warning; the oh so sudden disappearance of your dear aunt. you know where to find them; if you don't show, they'll go after people more and more important to you the next time they strike.
they'll wait two days between each victim to see if you'll finally break and show up, sobbing and begging at their feet not to kill anyone else. however, if you're actually so heartless to just let them wipe out your entire family, trading them for your freedom, don't worry; jungwon may not really enjoy getting his hands dirty, but jay on the other hand, managed to get your exact location almost too quickly from one of your beloved family members that didn't even hesitate to betray you in the face of death.
did you really think you could escape them? poor, stupid thing. you had it coming to you.
and when they finally get to you, you may forget about seeing the sun ever again.
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eternalwyrm · 2 years
i’d just like to remind everyone that the original bee and puppycat series on youtube is STILL canon like. everything happened in that still counts. (also i sound very pissy in this, especially the tags, but please know that it’s meant to be a lighthearted reminder)
lazy in space canonically picks up after the youtube series. think of the first couple of netflix episodes as a summary for people who have literally never heard of the show before. yes, it has its faults (i’ve seen people calling it “too boring”, weird pacing, etc etc whatever) but think of it as a weird recap. it’s there for the sake of getting us comfortable to the new style and adding more exposition/character background. again, it has its faults with that but i’m not here to discuss that. the point is that the first couple netflix episodes are basically for people who have literally never heard of bee and puppycat before and maybe saw an ad or two, or opened netflix and saw this new charming show or whatever, and are seeing it for the first time. it’s not expected of them to immediately google the title and watch the original. yes, we lost some iconic lines and scenes in the recap, but those are still canon, they’re still up and we can watch them; and again it was for the sake of the recap and added exposition. like it’s because of the remade episodes that we know more about bee’s dad. that we know more about bee’s past and puppycat’s connection to that. we’ve gotten more hints and background details that add to the story, characters, and the future of the show (the three separate music boxes, the symbols on the screens of puppycat’s ship, how deckard and cass see bee [“weird old lady girl”], literally more info on cardamon besides “he’s a child landlord and is sad and stressed”, etc etc etc)
like i can get the parts that are frustrating to long time fans, i literally have the original memorized so uh. i get it, but still. it’s more than just “we retconned things LOL!” because i don’t really think it was retconning. original plots were a little simplified but they added more to what we already knew. whatever, i’m off topic. the point is: yes, it’s sad that netflix doesn’t have those iconic lines but those are still canon. the original is still canon. lazy in space canonically takes place after the original series. take that as you will.
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Ep. Eight] Day at the Museum!
Y’all don’t even know how much that hand-hold means for our guy Josiah! 😌 These two definitely enjoyed themselves on this date, able to take their time with each other and navigate their conversations free of interruptions!
A wonderful day full of healthy debate and trips to the past wrapped up with a bountiful lunch in the museum’s garden! Of course, that didn’t mean their discussion on the evidence of a werewolf presence in ancient Komorebi stopped there! 😉
[ Part 2/2 ] 🌹
#ts4#ts4 gameplay#ts4 screenshots#ts4 challenge#ts4 bachelor challenge#;kmik#sim: daniel#josiah bolton by retro plasma#||#i am so obsessed with how dan’s fingers are curling around the meat of josiah’s hand right there… oh my god#losing my fcking mind over how they look together#josiah is not actually this much shorter than dan but tbh…#i have a major weakness for this Absolute Boulder of Sharp Angles Man being taller than his partner AHEM#francis is the only one whose legit taller than him because my dumbass never downloaded the height slider mod fhdhd#bc my lazy ass never downloaded the height slider mod bc executive dysfunction 🤪#but legitimately i could stare at these photos forever#josiah in comfortable company where he feels comfortable to just Talk and Be and not feel judged or like#he’s tarrying on too long like ugh…#dan hangs on his every word and kept getting whims to ‘show off muscles’ or ‘debate wellness skill’#he wants josiah to think he’s smart so BAD its so PRECIOUS 🥹#but legit i have pics of josiah judging a fcking security camera i put in for decoration#man made a beeline for it and dropped all convo w dan to do so fhdhd#dan ofc followed… i swear if i had left them unattended they would have just#bounced around to different sculptures and chatted around them for hours#they rly like each other and get along ok its adorable 🥹#feel like i’m watchin a lil animal documentary every time i let autonomy run wild fjfhdh#also yes the kmik camera crew likes hiding cameras in bushes dont @ me blease
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konohamaru-sensei · 24 days
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Better not check the portraits in the attic.
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My Personal Shadow Magic Headcanons - "Shadow Sickness"
I'm so autistic and lazy so here's another weirdly-worded headcanons post from me at 4 AM (lmk if I need to tag this as anything specific btw
What I'm personally calling "Shadow Sickness" is the official, prolonged version of Backlash - adverse effects that target the practitioner even outside of the duel circle and in their everyday lives. While "Backlash" refers to the immediate and spontaneous barrage of attacks that takes place after a Shadow spell, "Shadow Sickness" is the gradual deterioration of the practitioner's mind, body, and soul. True to the name, this effect likens more to an illness, a virus; something that's alive and slowly takes over until there is nothing healthy left behind. The symptoms are emotional, physical, mental, and even spiritual.
While regular Magic has life force within it, Shadow Magic is the only type of magic that can be considered "sentient". Not a thinking being with goals and plans, but something living and breathing with the most basic instincts. It's what's considered "Chaotic" and dangerous about it - the Wizard bends and controls regular Magic, but Shadow Magic can bend and control the Wizard. It is the only type of magic that can "fight back" in its own way.
This sentience is what allows for Shadow Sickness and Backlash to happen - these are purely just the results of it "fighting back". The Shadow Magic is reacting to the practitioner. It's acting by its nature by rearing its head back and snapping the hand that controls it. If the practitioner is NOT sound and secure in their mental, physical, and spiritual health, then Backlash and Shadow Sickness can cause even more adverse effects within the Wizard and as a result can suffer more severely.
Symptoms of Shadow Sickness
Symptoms of Shadow Sickness can vary between physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The "virus" affects every single aspect of the being, down to their very life. The severity of these symptoms can also vary depending on certain variables. Unlike a true virus, Shadow Sickness has no "incubation period" and can flare up at any time during which the Wizard is practicing Shadow Magic. These symptoms include:
Physical scarring (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) - one of the only symptoms that comprise of all four categories. Scars may appear on the Wizard's body that take various shapes and forms: most commonly taken after that individual's unsolved trauma. This includes old grudges, previous serious injuries that have not healed correctly, repressed memories, obsessions and delusions, etc. No two scars look the same (i.e. two different wizards who have a fear of spiders will have scars that look entirely different from the other). Depending on the severity these scars can cause physical discomfort (tingling, numbness, pain, leathery skin, decay/cellular deterioration) and can greatly impact how the Wizard looks to others to how the Wizard can move around.
Involuntary movements (physical, mental, spiritual) - the Wizard may begin suffering from accidental and spontaneous gestures and movement that is either randomized or triggered. This can include loss of coordination, disorientation, mini seizures, jerks and spasms, etc. Other than being physically affected, the Wizard is not suffering from any medical emergencies. The individual is fully conscious and aware when this happens and depending on the severity, can recover seconds after. This is one of the only symptoms where others could be harmed due to a wayward hand that comes flying out by accident. There is also a magical version of this, where involuntary spells or bursts of magic can be cast spontaneously (hence the 'spiritual' aspects of this symptom as mana comes from the soul). Usually these magical bursts are Shadow Magic and not the Wizard's primary or secondary Magic abilities. (Another involuntary trait recorded is the Wizard suddenly switching to an ancient "Shadow Language" in mid-speech.)
Hallucinations (physical, mental) - the Wizard may begin to experience things that cannot be detected by any other individual. Usually these hallucinations start out as smells or taste first, but there are reports of the Wizard hearing, sensing, and even seeing things to start out with. Contrary to popular belief not all hallucinations are violent or even turn out to be that way, some reports even describe them as pleasant. Hallucinations vary from each Wizard even with those who share the same traumas or fears. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the Wizard can either be fully aware or completely immersed within them. Since these are only hallucinations they cannot harm the Wizard but can cause further deterioration to the mind.
Depleted energy/"Mana Loss" (physical, spiritual) - as the Shadow Sickness takes hold, eventually the Wizard will be slowly sapped of strength and magical energy. THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM IF THE WIZARD IS SKILLED IN SHADOW MAGIC. A Wizard can practice Shadow Magic and still NOT be affected by this. Since Shadow Magic "takes", Shadow Sickness does the same and gradually depletes the Wizard's energy. Like how Backlash takes health in a duel, Shadow Sickness takes your life. This is the only symptom that is constant in all cases of Shadow Sickness. Not only will the ability to cast spells be taken away, but overall physical health will suffer as well and the individual is more susceptible to regular diseases due to a compromised immune system. This symptom only appears in the very last stages of Shadow Sickness and is the last symptom of the individual experiences in their lifetime.
Tulpas (emotional, mental, spiritual) - contrasting hallucinations, Tulpas are the Wizard's visions made real. A Tulpa (from Shadow Sickness) is a physical and magical manifestation of the Wizard suffering from the Shadow "virus". Although it is born from the subconscious of another being, it is a separate entity all its own and has the ability to make decisions and have feelings and desires. However, these feelings and desires are not really of their own and reflect the Wizard's subconscious fears and threat responses. (i.e. our Azteca Tulpa in Khrysalis that formed due to unresolved survivor's guilt. Its "goal" was to destroy us and fully consume us within itself, similar to how guilt behaves in reality). Tulpas can either be created from visions, nightmares, intense and obsessive thoughts, or even previous hallucinations.
Can Shadow Sickness be reversed, or cured?
Shadow Sickness can be reversed, yes, or more commonly halted. Unless the Wizard is fully submersed in their mental and spiritual anguish ((Malistaire even though he wasn't using shadow magic; Morganthe even though that wasn't what killed her)) Shadow Sickness can be stopped. The road to recovery varies wildly from each person so there is no set "recovery time" in which you are expected to be fully healed. It is your own journey and it is ultimately your say whether or not you are better. Clinically, recovery can be sorted between these categories
HALTED: In which the Shadow Sickness is no longer infecting the individual but the symptoms may still persist. These symptoms do not get worse or better, but the Wizard's mind is clear and their soul is at peace. Wizards may either learn to live comfortably and adapt with their Halted condition or could continue to strive for partial or full recovery.
PARTIAL RECOVERY: In which the Shadow Sickness is reversed slightly or moderately. The effects are not all the way gone but are measured to be better than when the Wizard was still infected. In this state any severe symptoms the Wizard is experiencing are now moderate or slight, or less frequent. Just like in the Halted category, the Wizard is sound of mind, body, and soul.
FULL RECOVERY: In which Shadow Sickness is totally reversed and there are no more symptoms that persist. Full, 100% recovery is actually quite rare in the Spiral and a lot of scholars consider the Full Recovery to count as "70% or more reduced" - meaning the symptoms are very slight and few and far in between. Technically this is still a Partial Recovery but due to the above fact and how difficult it is to reverse Shadow Sickness, 'Full Recovery' is an umbrella term. Some individuals even claim Full Recovery even if their symptoms are moderate, because their mind and soul are no longer diseased.
ONE LAST FACT TO LEAVE OFF WITH: Not every Wizard who practices Shadow Magic suffers from Shadow Sickness, and alternatively even the most skilled Shadowmage can develop Shadow Sickness.
okay this took days. bye hope you liked this
#btw tagging some of these symptoms jic theyre triggering to some#tw seizures#tw hallucinations#lmk if i need to tag anything else#BUT YEAH THIS IS IT#i got lazy at the end but i def wanna expand on this#a few things i wanna talk about more in depth: the 'shadow language' thing and the 'mana comes from the soul' thing#BUT THIS WAS SUPER FUN TO MAKE#giving holly even MORE trauma#due to canon reasons and because i love suffering holly isnt even in the “halted” category#theyre still suffering from ongoing shadow sickness. its progressing a hell of a lot slower than others but shes def feeling it#due to ambrose's thinky veiled threat of always being watched and everyone else unintentionally-#-brushing aside holly's health the shadow sickness remains undetected#except for velma. she sees that shit#but since holly is the master of bottling things up theyre like “ahaha what virus” (throws up black blood)#holly has the scarring as the worst symptom and has a few specific scars i wanna talk about in another post#but they also suffer from hallucinations and the shadow language thing#since holly is unintentionally holding off the worst of the Sickness she doesnt have the mana depletion yet#i think i forgot like maybe one or two symptoms but im so tired ugh. this is all yall are getting for now LMAO#idk if this is even a good post. im proud of it#one symptom i forgot to mention is madness. or i think thats the end result same as depletion#its what morganthe suffered dueing the end of her life as a giant apider creature she just fully succumbed to the madness#wizard101#w101#wiz101#text posts
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svnflowermoon · 24 days
why can i literally not function at school like i swear i'm trying i just can't focus????
#luc posts#like i take notes but then i get bored and the doodle on the side of my page thst was meant to take 5 seconds took 10 minutes :(#and then im lost and bc im lost i get all fidgety and i keep doodling and then jts just a cycle#if i work for 20 minutes i feel like ive ran a marathon and i have to take a 40 minutes drawing/staring into the distance break#and im gonna fail maths but theres literally nothing i can do no matter what i do I can't focus for over 20 minutes at a time#and then its the end of class and i feel guilty bc oh i didnt do any work :( like i feel bad and i want to fix it but idk whats wrong so ho#can i fix it if i dont know whats wrong with meeeee#ugh#it literally makes me want to cry am i just lazy is that what it is am i literally useless why cant i work#like i was so ahead kf the average grades and i never learnt to study and now ugh i dont know how to function so i just dont#and it doesn't help that my friends are all geniuses#like they complain about their one mark away from full marks and im just like OH MY GOD if i could just focus then i coukd do so well#likr ok i guess i wont mention tjst i failed that test bc yall sre complaining about getting one mark off fukl makrs#likr fuckkkk okay i have so mucb potential why di i waste jt :(((((#i hate school so mucb#i genuinely consider dropping out sometimes like I CANT DO THIS hiw do these peiole di ut how hiw how someone tell me how to function#like these peiole getting top marks withiut eben truijgn and i tyr and i cant fishcis so i fail snd then ufh i want to die#bc its so embarassing i eas like top 10% of the class a few years ago and now i just cant function like how do these peiple do itso#someone explain ot me how oieolem focus and dony get distracted and ginish things kike ugh
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 9 months
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two versions b/c i couldn't decide if glitch or w/o glitch looked better
stupid bonus:
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haemosexuality · 7 months
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some marcys
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soldier-poet-king · 5 months
I need to be hot*
*get buff/strong again & dress better
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 10 months
i hate when they make a sequel to a series and make the characters terrible/abusive/neglectful/awful parents. no the FUCK he would NOT favor one kid over the others, why the FUCK would he even do that- did you even read your own book??? i hate it when ppl (authors) don’t even know the facts (their own work) and then try and have an opinion on a subject (making their OWN OCS terrible parents when they literally WOULDNT BE) that they know nothing ab. it’s the equivalent of if Rick wrote a series ab Percy and Annabeth’s, and made Percy Smelly Gabe 2.0??? We would be outraged bc wft, that’s so out of fucking character. Or he made Annabeth neglectful (like her stepmom and dad). we have so much textual evidence that supports that they would be nothing like that, and even if they were mediocre as parents (unlikely), they would still not turn out like that.
i just honestly hate when authors write their OWN CHARACTERS OOC. like, sorry JJKRF (girl who wrote hp idk) harry would NOT have named his son after SNAPE, the man who made his school years a LIVING HELL, turned out to be obsessed with his mom, and did like, one (1) thing out of self preservation that ended up helping him out???? (among other things, which included being one of the top guys in the wizarding kkk)
i just want to scream at them to read the goddamn source material, which you just so happened to write yourself.
i get that it’s their story or whatever, but sometimes i see stuff and just have to be like “i guess i only follow canon up until this bitch apparently lost her goddamn mind???”. if it doesn’t make sense for their character, and everything you’ve had them go through, learn and grow from… open up a new google docs sis, bc u ain’t publishing that shit
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
#ok. this is the fucking bullshit thing abt grad school. u go to fucking grad school bc u r a fucking tryhard nerd freak#who is either naturally very smart or ur so fucking anxious u r incapable of allowing urself to get a bad grad#and then u go to fucking grad school and everyone's like: man fuck ur classes. if youre getting streight As then u aren't focusing on ur#research. and theyre right. but u still cant fucking let go of the idea that if u get a bad grad the world is gonna fucking end and u r a#bad person. u didnt try hard enough. all this to say i have a final project that i put way too much energy into and not even in a good way#i would just open the document. start sobbing. and then close it and spiral abt how i didn't want to work on it. so its bullshit#i mean. its a good project idea ans i probably sound like i kno wtf im talking abt bc i do. i worked on that topic for 4 years but like#i could make it wayyyyy better. its bullshit. i didnt even number the citations to give more page space. i made section headers. i didnt#wrap text. i could add like 4 more lines of text if i wanted but i think im not gotta bc fuck it. ugh. i dont even. i fucking avoide#stochastic stuff altogether which i kno im gonna have to fight abt but like fuck it who cares abt randomness. i just wanna focus on the#predictably aspect of community composition. fuck u. i shouldnt have picked this topic. i mean. i had to bc its like the one microbe thing#i could do but its also like the exact topic that makes me wanna rip my hair out and start screaming. like jesus christ who tf cares? ugh.#i think id give myself a B if it was an undergrad class. but the standard is higher in an all grad class. ugh. i hate this. i should just#send it abd be done. i dont even kno when its due tomorrow. before class i guess. idk i felt like garbage today. fucking vertigo bby. i feel#ok now tho. so maybe the allergic reacting is over???? fingers r still arthritisy tho. jesus. im falling apart#ive got a pretty good sounding excuse for being lazy tho: owo i had an allergic reaction to my antidepressants 🥳 but nah no excuses we run#this body into the ground. like the good old days.#unrelated
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fragiledate · 27 days
ah. so the perfectionism is as discreet as it is vicious.
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werebutch · 6 months
My dad dumped a fuck ton of hay in the rabbit pen which means they’ve been peeing on it and peeing on the rug 😐 now I have that and the hay itself to clean up ontop of everything else
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isekyaaa · 6 months
There are certain actions that can only be described as inherently romantic, not because they were inspired by romantic love or that no other word in the English language describes them, but it is simply the best way to describe such an action so motivated by a very deep, self-sacrificing, and heartfelt non-familial love that "romantic" is the only way to describe it.
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