#like no you dont. you dont want to die because someone saw you cry come tf on
eternalera · 8 months
I'm making an analysis of this scene because fuck it, it means sm to me
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so basically the scene im talking about is the one above and why (because fuck you l like adam and lute) it means so much to me
first off when do we actually see adam smile and im not talking about when he's being an asshole to charlie or making some unfunny sex joke. I'm talking about when he looks genuine.
Like he looks actually happy, not entertained but happy because thats what it is with charlie. He's smiling because he's entertained with her reactions and how pissed he's making her.
Whenever we see him smile it has this almost evil feel to it (whether that be with the teeth in the mask that he wears or not although it probably is... i'll get to that later). It feels like he's meant to be the villain. He's meant to be someone you're meant to hate. So why in this scene does it make you feel bad for him and lute? (almost depending on the person cause yes i know some of you jumped up with joy at this, i aint judging)
it makes you feel bad because there's something human in this scene whether we like it or not. that also comes with the removal of their masks. we've never seen adam without his mask so him losing it in this scene provides us with the sense that 'hey hes still human' he's not some eldritch being sent from hell/heaven. he's a guy.
this also comes with the removal of lutes mask. we see her genuine emotion. we actually see her being to cry something that honestly seems almost out of character for her seeing as she's pretty much that one character whos like 'fuck it lets power through this'
this also is similar to adam smiling cause it shows you that in the end he wasn't a total asshole.
but back to the masks. the masks make them have pretty sharp looking teeth which is something that we associate with sharks or some sort of predator. yet removing the teeth (actually adam doesnt even smile with his teeth) you suddenly get a lot more of a human feeling
they dont feel like a villain anymore (even though thats what they are) they feel like a person. it doesnt make him feel like a threat anymore so you have an actual ability to feel bad for him.
but moving on (i ramble a lot so this may not stay on track but its fine :D ).
our last scene of adam in this entire show (im pretty sure like yknow... direct scene) is him smiling. him showing genuine human emotion. because whether or not you guys wanna admit it adam was the first human, and he does have feelings that pertain to humans. so why have this be our last view of him? of him being quite literally beaten down.
well personally i feel like this is because the show wants us to see him as lute sees him. she saw him (as from what ive gathered) as a genuine friend. she actually liked his company and liked hanging around him.
so this pushes her idea and avenging adam or getting revenge for his death. if we didnt have this scene her just getting upset at lilith and taking charge randomly and getting just randomly mad at the hotel would be kinda... eh.
like it wouldnt make for that good of a story.
but with our last moments of adam being him smiling at lute it shows us basically something else. that he cared, for what? we dont really know but he cared for something because its clear that the extermination failed and adams dying. hes fucking dying something he seemed so upset over two seconds ago screaming and shouting how he shouldnt die or whatever
so its most likely that he cared for lute making this scene all the much sadder. besides its the only thing we can assume seeing that lute was the last thing that he saw before passing on.
also ive seen theories that make a lot of sense with lute being the only one who stuck it out with adam till the end. lilith left him, eve was created from his fucking rib and yet she most likely left him. so he probably died pretty damn along the first time around
so lute being there for him and showing that she cared for him and that she still cares for him probably meant a lot. most likely because she stuck around until his death, she stuck around till the end which once again, he died alone the first time and dying with someone with you the second probably means a lot
anywaysssss yeah thats it byeeee
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graymanshoots · 6 months
FWB!Ghost x GN Reader x pastHookup!Konig
Tags: Hookup,semi public sex, regret, angst, yelling, ginger konig, konig doesn't wear his mask constantly like ghost (Only on the field), vulnerability , crying, arguments,no beta we die like men
Part: 1 - 2
A/n: I finally finished this on two days of no sleep and a missing beta reader. Hope guys enjoy the tad bit of spice at the beginning and as needed 18+.
Seeing the head of ginger hair standing out not only cause of its color but because it belonged to the tallest person in the room, filled your stomach with stones.
The memory of the familiar face shot through your mind like a bolt of lighting igniting your nerves as you tensed next to your teammates.
You were all shipped up and sent to a warehouse a couple of weeks after finding out you’d be working with kortac.
Having arrived days before they had you were granted time to stop for a drink with johnny and kyle. Price didnt join claiming he wanted to be prepared and if price isn't coming neither did ghost much to your benefit.
Maybe if he had come you would be piss drunk with the team probably getting dragged back to the warehouse by the man himself, instead you were barely tipsy with your cheek pressed into the leather seating of a stranger's car.
His broad chest rubbing against your back with each harsh thrust, the car surely visibly shaking on the outside.
You dont even have to guess how fucked you would be if he remembered you and decided to ope his mouth.
You cross your arms over your chest and lean against one of the metal support beams that the building had an abundance of.
Despite your wishful thinking the red headed man's eyes fell on you and you knew he knew.
You were quick to notice the slight quirk in his lip before going stoned face once more.
He introduced himself as “konig” before introducing the rest of his team, his eyes occasionally flicking over to you.
“Fuck sake, this guys huge.” Kyle whispered to you coming around to your side.
Kyle had no idea how true his words were, the phantom feeling of being filled by Konig's thick cock.
You nod in acknowledgement to what Kyle says letting out a sigh, “Laswell described him as a battering ram, yeah” you say.
You don't fail to notice the way Konig eyes you up every chance he gets like he had done in the bar nights prior. When you saw him in the bar he was far more blatant with his staring, his interest apparent as he shifted his stance debating on whether to approach you or not.
Rubbing the sweat built from nervousness off his palms and onto the tight cargo pants he wore he finally came over when the boys were getting another round of drinks to approach you.
The conversation between you two was short as you both seemed to have the same goal in mind: get laid.
After Simon you hadn't slept with anyone else but it was a welcomed gift to feel wanted again.
Konig was definitely someone you found attractive, you wouldn't have had breathy moans pulled from your throat in the back of his car if he wasn't.
But he wasn't simon.
A small piece of you felt guilty while the rest was saying fuck it, ghost ditched you not the other way around.
You mentally return to the conversation when you hear your name being said, you realize price is introducing the team and you give a small acknowledgement, your fingers twitching at your hip.
“Oh, I’m familiar.” König responds to your introduction with quick ease causing your teammates eyes to fall on you. Johnny gave you a knowing look of mischief, his bright blues having seen you with the man before you disappeared from the group.
“Just a brief meeting in a bar, unfortunately I did not stay long enough to meet the rest of you.” He clarifies noticing your subtle glare.
The encounter was anything but brief, you thought to yourself as the conversation was then drawn off of you.
It’s wasn’t until later that you bumped into the behemoth of a man.
“You were so vocal a few nights ago now you walk around quiet as a mouse.” He comments a smirk playing on his uncovered lips.
“You pester all your random hookups?” You retort your lips stretching into a thin line as you looked up at him.
“Just the ones I have to work with, mein Freundin.“ he chuckles ignoring your unamused expression.
“Well if that’s all I’ll be going.” You sigh not wanting to get involved any further.
But as you pass his hand grips your wrist and suddenly your back in front of him with his other hand at your chin.
He forces your head to the side and a smirk comes to his lips as he looks at the newly exposed skin .
“So schön, sie sind wie eine Blume .” And then he’s gone and already halfway down the hallway by the time you gather yourself.
Ghost walking down the opposite side of the hallway having seen the interaction from a distance. His eyes arrow on you and then the retreating redhead.
You let out a huff of frustration when you see him and reluctantly start walking in his direction.
“You two seem close, got anything you want to share?” He questioned you his tone accusatory. After weeks of barely speaking to you he breaks the silence to ask about a personal situation.
“It doesn’t concern you lieutenant.” Your quick to respond but he doesn’t want to take that answer.
“It’s concerns me when it’s involves an enemy and You.” He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.
“Why do I concern you Ghost? I’m just someone you used to use so fuck off cause I already know what your thinking.” The words come out harsher and more bitter than what you intended. Your frustration and resentment to the man you wish you didn’t love coming out almost full force.
Ghost stiffened at your words, his jaw and fists clenching as you brushed past him.
Once he could no longer hear your steps his entire body deflated his shoulders feeling heavy with shame.
He was being unfair to you and he hated himself for it but he felt so selfishly it was hard to stop.
Ghost adjusted his mask and shook off the guilty feeling that loomed over him before continuing down his path.
You could feel your skin buzzing with irritation, your palms stinging from being squeezed into tight fists. Why did he have to make everything in your life harder every time?
No matter how many steps you take away, ghost manages to still be right on your tail. You found yourself spacing for the rest of the day until your sat across from the same person you didn't want to see again that day.
Ghost sat across from you staring you down as you ate the unappetizing food served in mess.
His gaze was unrelenting; he looked as if he was aching to say something but stopped himself instead opting to tap his finger on the edge of his empty plate idley.
“Y’think Lt’s mad at ye?” Johnny questions quietly from his place beside you. You narrow your eyes at the sergeant, “Why would he be?”
Johnny had this look on his face like he did something he wasn't supposed to as he clicked his teeth and shifted awkwardly in his seat.
“He asked aboot whit we were up to at the pub, an i think i might ‘ave talked ye into some trouble.” he confessed glancing over at simon who was still boring holes into the side of your head.
You didn't have time to retaliate against your teammate for his loose lips before simon was standing from his seat arms crossed. “We need to talk, now.” His tone was sharp, his words spoken in that usual gruff manchester accent.
You sucked your teeth and agreed not wanting to make a scene in the mess hall, mentally you vowed to eventually get johnny back for damning you.
After leaving mess ghost lead you to an unoccupied meeting room shutting the door behind the both of you.
“Looks like you got a type.” Ghost started leaning against the door with his arms crossed.
“Don’t fucking start with me ghost, what i do outside of work is none of your damn business.” you hiss plopping down on one of the many chairs in the room.
“Don't tell me it's not my business when you have a drawer of shit at my apartment.” he retorted, his eyes narrowing on you. His body was tense and his shoulders squared like he needed to move but wouldn't allow himself to.
You could feel your eyes burn as your frustration grew, your fists clenching and unclenching.
“You can throw all the shit away, i don't even know why you still even have it.” you mutter looking down at ghost’s shoes avoiding his glare.
“I kept them because i ca-” you cut ghost off before he could say anymore, “Dont you dare fucking do that to me simon!” you snap meeting his glare with glazed eyes.
Standing from the seat you approached Simon's further tensing figure. “You're a jackass, Simon, y’know why? Because i told you how i fucking felt and you fucking left. Now im living my adult life and you want to act like im your fucking girlfriend or something, let me move on!” you were borderline shouting the frustration bleeding out of your eyes and into your voice.
Simon couldnt hold your gaze anymore he couldn't stand that look in your eyes or the dampness of your cheeks. He could feel the words crawling into the back of his throat but none of them were the right thing.
What could he say to fix this, what could he do when your fury spoke so loudly that he wanted to shrink away.
“I…” he took a breath “Im sorry” his arms hung loosely by his side, fingers tapping rapidly at his palm.
“Sorry doesnt change the fact that you left, then treated me like nothing, and ar now trying to grill me about my sex life when you removed yourself from all of my personal life.”
You wiped your face as your tone came down, the short burst of aggression dying down with it.
“I'm tired simon, I devoted so much to you for so long for it all to end because you cant figure yourself out.” You bring your eye’s down to the ground again before back up at simon.
“You’ve had years of us playing this cat and mouse game, if your still confused, if your still unsure, if you don't want…” Your eyebrows pinch together as you clench your jaw.
“If you don't want me, then why are you here? Why are we even having this conversation if your actions speak your truth, because that's all I have to go off of?” Your question struck Simon and his breath caught in his throat.
He rubbed his face over the mask, the feeling of the fabric suddenly becoming so suffocating.
The rough material rubbed uncomfortably on his skin as he pulled it off his chapped lips parting for a heavy breath.
He disheveled with his messy blonde hair and eye bags that seemed deeper than usual.
“You’ve ruined everything for me…” he starts your eyebrows furrowing at his words.
“Everything in my life is so fucking mixed with yours and i can let it go. I thought avoiding you would help make you leave every piece of my being but it just made it worse. You know what happened to my family, and i dont want to use that as an excuse but im fucking terrified of seeing you in my nightmares.” Simon's lips are drawn into a thin line and his body slumps into the wall, his shoulders dropping.
“I know im an arse and big fucking mess and selfish as all hell, but i feel different for you and i dont know what to do with it.” his shaky hands clasped together in front of him.
“You have no idea how many times we’ve been together and i just wanted to have all of you, how many futures that have lingered in my mind over our years together. I want you for the rest of my life but I don't know how long that life will even be.” simon looks to you with a tired sigh.
You feel frozen in your spot the bitterness and frustration in your chest deflating into an equal exhaustion.
“Where do we go from here simon? I love you and I've loved you for over a decade but I can't keep going if you’re going to take years to tell me what you want.” You say stuffing your hands into your pockets unsure what to do with them.
“I like who i am around you, and i dont want to loose one of the only good things left in my life cause im being fucking daft. Am I too late?” his tone was soft almost a whisper. It felt so uncharacteristic for a man like simon ‘ghost’ riley to say something like this, to speak so softly and seem so nervous. You almost felt unsure about how genuine his words were but his glazed eyes had crushed your doubt.
Bringing your hands from your pockets you hesitantly grabbed simons hands before pulling them around you. He immediately melted into the hug, his hands gripping at you as if you'd disappear if he didn't hold you so tightly.
You could feel his relief as you held onto him his shaky breath evening out and his muscles going almost lax.
“We can try again.”
[Good ending] :)
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byunpum · 2 years
Experiment 56 [part 5]
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Neteyam x Human reader ( like a mix of human and Navi )
and sullyFAM x human reader, spider x reader , and quaritch x reader (dont blame me )
Tw: mmm neteyam baby, reader being mutant, neytiri being a sweetheart-mother, jealousy, spider being spider, Watch out for quaritch, 18+ light smut, net and spider fighting like baby girls, all the characters are aged up 20's.
POV: Y/N is surprised that it is an indispensable piece for the human race. Her family will do everything possible to keep her hidden and safe…
Experiment 56 masterlist | Experiment 56 sequel Masterlist
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
Note: I loved this part, it's a bit long. So please enjoy it. I think there are only two or three parts left to finish the series, but I don't know yet. And remember that if you want me to do more stuff about other characters, go ahead, the request is open. From now on I warn you that I am not very expert in this Navi culture, but I did my best. And I'll be using events that happened in the movie, but they won't be exactly the same. And sorry for the spelling. English is not my mother tongue.
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You were already on your way to marui that you shared with your family, you were so upset. How dare he say that to you, wasn't Neteyam his friend. You were not his friend?, you thought it was all clear. You and spider never worked out and decided to be friends. But now, he's saying that you and neteyam aren't compatible. But maybe spider is right… you might have some physical characteristics of a navi, but you were still a human. You were nothing… well, maybe he was right. Neteyam needed to be with someone just like him. And you well… there was only one, you. So you would have to stay alone. You would really like to know what was the purpose of your creation.
You enter the marui, everyone was there except neteyam. Tuk and kiri were in a corner playing. And neytiri, jake and loak were sitting together preparing dinner. You walk in and go straight to where neytiri is. "Here are the snails, I picked up quite a few" you affirm and hand the bag to neytiri, while changing your gaze to go sit somewhere else. "Thank you sweetheart." Said neytiri surprised by your behavior, you were never this cold to her. Everyone was silent and looked at each other. "What could be happening to her?" said jake, while looking at neytiri. "what did you do to her?" jake gives loak a punch on his arm." Ouch, I didn't do anything… she was alone on the beach" loak complains. "She won't be at it…dad what does she get y/n every month" loak looks at his father, "period?, I don't think so" jake looks at neytiri for her to confirm it.
Neytiri didn't know about the "period" thing until one day when you were 10 years old, loak came to tell her that you were dying and that she had to say goodbye to you. Neytiri ran to where you were, and saw blood coming down from your legs. She took you in her arms and ran to Norm and max's lab. She wasn't a big fan of humans, but she trusted Norm enough. He was practically her children's uncle. "What's happening to her?" asks neytiri in panic. While you are crying, loak is also crying because he thinks his sister is going to die. Norm laughs a little and explains that periods are normal for the human female body. After that, Jake helps Neytiri understand how it all works. Two months later, Neytiri was an expert. She even prepared a special kind of reusable pad for you. Mo'at was in charge of preparing some drinks to ease the pains and loak was no longer crying for his sister.
"no, it's not her period yet. She's upset." Neytiri looks at loak, and pushes him a little." Go and talk to your sister and then come and tell us what she told you" neytiri orders loak, " but mom, they are literally sending me alive to a thanator" loak complains again. "Go, listen to your mother" jake pushes loak a little bit. He gets up and walks over to you, looks back and sees his parents waving for him to keep walking. "They're such old gossips" thinks loak, arriving to where you were and sitting down next to you. There was a long silence… too long for his taste. You were ignoring him, loak saw how you were organizing your snail collection. He had to admit, you have a talent for that. But that wasn't his mission. "Hey, how nice your snails look" loak spoke, making you look at him with a murderous look," tell mom and dad I'm not going to say anything" you speak. "Please!!! They forced me to ask you" loak pushes you a little with his arm. Again there was silence…
"Loak, I had a little argument with spider, but it's nothing serious. " you said to your annoying brother, you were hoping he would stop bothering you." you said to your annoying brother, you were hoping he would stop bothering you. "ahhhh I see, it's because of that" Loak says, while trying to understand the situation. "What are you talking about? You know something" now it's loak's turn to answer. "Well, since you're my sister aka best friend, I'll tell you… Spider told me he had feelings for you. I told him to stay out of it. Because I know and we all know that you and neteyam are fucking everywhere" you roll your eyes while loak keeps talking. "he insisted… and he told me that he was happy for you, but that he still loved you and blah blah blah. I of course, am always by your side. So I told him he was an idiot and missed his chance." Loak finishes speaking, this one sitting up straight and with a goofy grin. "Thanks for being faithful, battle buddy," you say as you tap him on the back.
"you know… I don't want this to affect my friendship with spider, I love him. But… neteyam is the love of life" loak makes a disgusted face. "I don't know what you see….but if you say so. Look, then talk to spider and set the things clear, And that's it" loak strokes your hair. You go over to him and hug him. They stayed like that for a moment, until you felt the stares of your parents." Go tell those gossips, I lost a precious snail and that's it." You say to loak, "Understood, ma'am" loak stands up. You know it's true, you must go talk to spider. But that will be tomorrow.
Meanwhile on the beach, neteyam is walking straight towards spider. Spider waves to neteyam, until neteyam walks up and pushes him into the sand. "What the fuck is your problem with y/n?" neteyam asks him, while his taller figure looks up and threatens spider from above. "I don't know what you're talking about? What's wrong with you, bro?" spider stands up from the sand. "You know what I'm talking about, you and y/n. Why do you keep hurting her." Neteyam is noticeably pissed off, pupils dilated, breaths heavy and the fingers on his hand tightening with every second. "I didn't do anything to her. I was just talking to her." Spider defends himself. "Well stop talking to her." Neteyam said, as he moved closer to the boy's face. "you have to understand that she is mine now." Neteyam looks spider in the eyes, spider is not quick to be intimidated. "i know it's yours…but that doesn't take away my privilege to speak my opinion." Spider spat, neteyam was about to hit spider, he controlled himself because he knew it would be an unfair fight.
"Well you should swallow your options for yourself. Because the last opinion you're going to have will be your ass back in the shelter with the other humans." Said neteyam, as he turned around and walked to the marui. Spider stayed there in silence, like it or not neteyam was right, he didn't have any power over you. Besides, he didn't want to go back, he liked it here…after all you guys were the only family he had. He would miss you guys a lot, even neteyam, he knows neteyam threatened him because he was upset, but they were still friends. And he didn't want to walk away from Kiri, she was special to him.
Spider swallowed hard, and followed neteyam who was already farther away. When they reached Marui, everyone noticed the tension between the two men. Jake looked at loak, and loak made a face at his father that he didn't know what had happened. Meanwhile you were at neytiri's side, dinner was already served. "Come and eat, everyone. And take off those long faces," Neytiri scolded. Everyone sat down. Kiri sat next to spider. Loak on spider's left side. Tuk in the middle of jake and neytiri. And right in front of kiri and spider, there was you and neteyam. Neteyam settled close to you, and curled his tail around your waist, a very territorial action of omaticaya males. They used to do this to mark their female, as a mating signal, it was something like "she belongs to me". Neytiri noticed the action of her eldest son, and this confirmed to her that something was going on with you. Literally, neteyam was saying that you were a couple and to stay away from you. Jake looked quickly at neytiri, and she gave him a smile. They scoffed silently.
Spider was looking at neteyam serious, he saw how his tail curled more around your waist, how close you were to each other. How you and neteyam were sharing bits of food. He had to admit it bothered him, because he knew neteyam had won. Meanwhile the others at the table were enjoying the view, it was funny. Dinner was over, some of you were already going to rest, others were cleaning up. Neteyam came up to your ear. "Hey, let's go to our place, shall we?" you smile a little and nod your head. "Dad, y/n and I are going for a ride with the ikran. We'll come back later" said neteyam, while taking your hand and they go out of the marui, " watch out" said neytiri, looking at both of you. You say goodbye and leave.
"You have to get over it, you'll find someone else" said Kiri to Spider, these two were already settling in to go to sleep." I know, I should apologize to y/n tomorrow,” Spider speaks, as she settles down. “Your plan failed” Kiri mocks. Spider pushes Kiri around a bit, as the two settle down, ready to sleep.
Neteyam and you arrive at your place, you jump down from the ikran. "hey!!!, ¡Careful, you're going to hurt yourself" shouts neteyam, as he follows you. Careful, you're going to hurt yourself" shouts neteyam, as he follows you. You settle into your favorite spot, this place was beautiful. You could tell that no one was going to this place, there were bright plants and the little light that came in, so the atmosphere was perfect, quiet, cozy. Neteyam sat next to you, making you sit between his legs. "I talked to spider" said neteyam, turning to look at him. "I noticed, you guys looked annoyed". Neteyam bends down to leave several kisses on the back of your neck, he loved your scent, it was one of his favorite things. "I think he understood what I meant" neteyam speaks, between kisses. He was already kissing the side of your neck, tickling you. "Neteyam stop…". "but why?" he places his big hands on the sides of your body, lifting you up to turn you over. He lifts you up a little, and your face is right in front of his. "mmm what do you want my big boy?" you ask him as you cross your arms around his neck, neteyam moves his arms to your thighs causing you to place them around his waist, you were already sitting on top of him. "I want a kiss." You giggle a little and give him a small kiss. Neteyam moans, and you give him another. "another one." One kiss after another. "you know… you look beautiful today. I like this top you have on" neteyam points, as he slides his index finger from your chest slowly… across your breasts to your belly button. You take a deep breath… you were very faint to his touch. "I prepared it myself" you say as you watch him continue to move down, to where you needed him most." By yourself?" neteyam asks, " yes…by myself" you breathe, until you feel neteyam playing with the garter of your loincloth. "neteyam…" you moan, as you start to lift your hips, looking to release some tension. "mmm you have to take it easy, there is no rush" as he slides his hand slowly to your wetness. You move in for a kiss, neteyam already started playing with your center, as you moved your hips back and forth, trying to seek your release. "love, you are so wet…and we are just getting started" he kept moving his hand. "I need you so much…" Neteyam kissed your forehead, as he removed his hand, to lift you up and get you settled closer. You can already feel his growing bump. "me too y/n, me too." Neteyam says placing his free hand on your hips ,helping you to grind in his lap. The rest is history…
It was morning, you and neteyam had returned to the marui late at night. Neytiri saw when they arrived, how they were playing around. She even saw when you kissed before you lay down to sleep. She didn't want to say anything, until you two felt comfortable. Inside she felt something… she didn't want to interrupt in your relationship. She knew it was strange too, because of your physical naturalness. But also, she was not uncomfortable with the idea, because you could unite with him before eywa. She wanted to get this feeling off her chest. She knew how much you loved each other. She just hoped you knew what you were doing.
Neytiri stepped forward and began to lift tuk, and kiri. Spider got up a little at a time." Good morning…neytiri" he said shyly." Good morning spider" smiles neytiri, it was the first time she smiled at him. Jake was already up and on his way to where you and Neteyam were lying down. You are lying on spoons, neteyam's hand was literally hugging you completely. "ahhhh no respect anymore!!!" complains jake, " leave them alone." Neytiri scolded jake, "yeah, they were very very very very late" scoffed loak. Neytiri smiled a little, jake walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "The family is growing…don't you think so?" he whispers in her ear, neytiri blushes a little." Yes, but don't bother them. They will know when to tell us" she received another kiss from jake. She loved this man so much.
You started to get up, you took neteyam's hand and take it away from you as you sit down. "mmm it's too early, my head hurts" you complain a little, while wiping your eyes." Sure…with the things you must have done" loak says, you blush quickly and punch her on the arm." Leave her alone…. Why are you like this?" kiri scolds loak. "Where's mom and dad?" you ask." They went out with tuk for a walk" loak said, as he reached over to his brother to pick him up. "oh, I wanted to talk to mom." You say as you sit down next to kiri, "they'll be back soon I'm sure…y/n do you want me to fix your hair?" asks kiri, you settle towards her, kiri starts to arrange some pieces of your hair. Neteyam slowly got up, while loak kept bothering him. "let me your skxáwng" says neteyam, pushing loak. " hey, tell me where were you with y/n last night?" asks loak, to his brother, he was trying to speak softly so you wouldn't hear him." Come here…come closer…. I'm not going to tell you anything" neteyam yells a little to his brother, as he gets up to go to where you were with kiri. Loak gives him a dirty look and follows him.
Spider was quiet, settling some things. He wanted to apologize to you, he knew what he had said was out of line. But he didn't know how. Meanwhile neteyam sat in front of you, enjoying the view of watching her sister fix your hair. Love this view…loak was talking to you, kiri helping you. He feels grateful…he feels like he grew up with his future partner. "hey, ma neteyam…have some water" you offer him from your cup, he takes it and swallows some. Spider takes this moment to approach you. "hey, y/n we could talk in private" says spider, neteyam looks up." Well…when kiri is done. It's okay" you accept his invitation, after all you guys are like family. You hated being on bad terms with him. Neteyam looks at you and you give him a calming smile. "Come here, sit down skxáwng" said neteyam to spider while pulling his arm. Spider sat down, he felt comfortable again. Neteyam played with his hair, while loak and he started talking. It didn't take long, until kiri finished. "Spider… aren't we going?" you say to him, as you stand up. Spider follows you. "hey, remember not to take too long… we will prepare breakfast soon" said kiri, you told him that you will be home, in less than half an hour. You and spider walked to the shore. Neteyam watched you from afar as you walked away. "hey bro, relax… y/n is your girl" said loak to him. Neteyam looks at him and then catches him by the neck to throw him to the ground. "ahh get a hold of yourselves I'm trying to find something" the two brothers ignore kiri and continue to play around.
"How about we take a ride in my ilu, while we talk" you comment, spider saw that you were in a good mood. He agreed, since spider couldn't have an ilu, he got in with you on your ilu and they set off. You rode away beyond Reef. You weren't worried, you had been here many times before. "and well…" you begin to speak, spider settles back and takes a deep breath." I'm sorry… I was out of line, I shouldn't have had an opinion about you and neteyam's relationship. I know you are perfect for each other. I just feel…jealousy. Forgive me please" Spider looked down, he was waiting for you to turn him down. In return you gave him a big hug." I forgive you idiot. I…I can't change how you feel, but I appreciate you recognizing that you were wrong." You say as you and spider share a quality smile. After all…you were friends.
It doesn't take long, until spider notices a boat in the distance." What's that?" spider points, as you look off into the distance. And yes, it was a boat speeding towards you. You and spider panicked and started to swim with your ilu, as far away as possible. But it was almost impossible, your ilu was still too young to reach very fast speeds, and that boat was approaching fast." Come on, let's go!!!" shouted spider, he looked back and could see a recognizable figure. It was the same avatar from the forest, the one that had captured them several weeks ago. The boat got close enough to drift the two of you into the water. You couldn't see who they are, because I was so focused on guiding your ilu.
When you fell into the water, you saw your ilu spinning in the water… he had hit it. Spider was a bit far away from you. As you were about to reach for him, a large hand grabbed your braid pulling you to the surface. "ahhhh let me go" you cried out in pain, the braid was a very sensitive thing. When you made eye contact with the person who had dragged you into that boat. To your surprise it was one of the avatar soldiers from the forest and the famous intimidating man. "here's the girl miles!!!! We got her!" said Lyle as he sat you down on one of the seats in the boat, while tying you up with some kind of red handcuff." Well, well… we just caught a beautiful little mermaid. hello, gorgeous do you remember me?" Quaritch came up to your face, and grabbed your chin. You spit in his face. Quaritch straightens up and wipes his face." Mmm you're lucky I like that stuff" he looks at you with a mocking look. "ok, let's go…we got our prize, straight to base" Quaritch yells to one of his soldiers who was driving.
"Spider…SPIDER!!!" you shout, but it's already useless. You see how there is no one on the surface… your tears come out of your eyes. Quaritch makes eye contact with you, and wow…. You were beautiful.
p.s: This is getting good… I've already started part 6, but I'm exhausted. It's already 3:00 am here. I've had a lot of work lately, but I still hope you like this part. Let me know what you think. I hope to have part 6 ready by tomorrow. <3
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angy-grrr · 2 months
okay help im getting nervous dnksndjasndjndkad this week is going to be a long one IM GOING TO FAINT WHILE WAITING FOR THE CHAPTER ADKAJDKAJDK
explanation under the cut? im just venting kind of about the interpretation of Izuku-Shigaraki and Ochako-Himiko as the "same"
People keep saying they should bond like that in chapter 429 because they both are sad over failing in saving their villains, and feel the same way about them, and I just dont know.
Am I really seeing Ochako and Himiko's interactions as more than what was intended?
They are just so different from Izuku's and Shigaraki's; these have a touching moment like when they bumped heads as children, which was so sad and adorable before AFO decided to get involved, but its just... not the same, right? He didnt cry for him, he wasn't sad because he wanted a world with him in it specifically, but because this isnt what he wanted to do. He feels guilt, and has conflictive emotions over being considered an admirable hero when he killed someone; Spinner's eyes, judging and full of hatred for him, flashing in his mind while being told he inspired someone to move. From my point of view it does affect him of course, but its about their society around them -he asks about how things could be different and tries to be responsible, he acts in order to do what he thinks is right.
Ochako's feeling guilty? Is that really what it is? Is that wound a reminder of her own perceived failure as a hero? Im sure she does feel also guilt, but its that it? Himiko motivated her to go against what was considered right in the script of heroes and villains and went out of her way just to tell her "your smile is cute, I rejected you because I didnt understand how you could look so happy and free to do so, and I envy it". Did Deku ever had something like that with Tomura? I can see how he changed him, yeah, but did he even like him? He didnt know him, not like Ochako did with Himiko, right?
This is why he isn't crying over his death, or was desperate over the idea of him ending like that -he tried his best with what he had, and just like he told Ochako maybe a battle was inevitable but he also wanted to reach out to that inner child; he accepts the battle and is willing to attack as we clearly saw, and at the same time he wanted to stop the pain somehow.
Ochako wasn't willing to hurt her, didnt try even if she hurt her or her friends. They both arent killers and prefer to protect the people around them, but Izuku does hurt him multiple times and doesnt doubt about doing it -his regrets come from being too late, so he wonders if there are ways to intervene before and avoid this much pain from forming. Ochako and Himiko do have a feeling of what could have happened if I just met you before, Toga directly wonders about it. Am I reading it wrong if I see them as different? Their relationship is just more personal and emotional to me, so Ochako here is crying and was crying over losing Himiko. When she remembers in that moment the cliff scene and Izuku's words about maybe a battle being inevitable but not ignoring what he saw deep inside him... shes not glad or happy about reaching to Himiko's sadness, because it led to her disappearing and willing to die for her. She starts crying and I just see it as her realizing this doesnt make anything better, she wants her to be alive. She got into her heart, and its not enough if she dies.
She preferred to die, before letting Himiko to sacrifice herself for her.
Are Izuku and Ochako truly feeling the same for the villains? So many people think they share this guilt, and just handle it differently. That this is about failing in saving them, and wanting to be a different type of hero.
Am I just reading it all wrong?
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hauntedwitch04 · 1 year
Hi and welcome for the second edition of my halloween party. The first one was very liked, so I thought of making a new one this year. Hope you enjoy it.
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DAY 1: “Take my sweater, I love you and i don’t want you to transform into a popsicle” with Remus Lupin 
DAY 2: “You really did this for me?” "I made one for every single person I love, but your is the one I did first because you were the first I thought about." with Steve Harrington 
DAY 3: “Please kill that fucking spider” “Love, you know it’s fake right?” with Cassian 
DAY 4: “Eat some more soup, it will make you feel better. This is my James mother’s recipe.” “Fuck, love this is delicious.” with Sirius Black 
DAY 5: “I don’t need paradise, mine is right here with you, cooking a pie while you dance and sing an old rock song, dreaming about our future” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 6: “I got some leaves on my way here for you, they are really pretty” with Andrew Garfield 
DAY 7: “Love I swear if you light another candle our house may go on fire.” with Nyx Acheron 
DAY 8: “I have a skeleton in my closet.” “Everyone have them, love.” “No I mean literally” with James Potter 
DAY 9: “Did you really gift me an owl?” “You love the little one from Harry Potter, so i thought it would be a good gift.” with modern!Rhys 
DAY 10:  “Sweety, we are too old to play trick-or-treating.” “That’s a lie, you are never too old for it.” with Regulus Black 
DAY 11: “Look what I got from the shop down the street” “Another coat, seriously?” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 12:  “Your pumpkin is making heart eyes to mine.” with Eris Vanserra 
DAY 13:  “Oh my God, please save me from this ghost” “Love your Ghostbuster is coming” with Ben Barnes 
DAY 14: “Some friendships are like candles: they burn bright for a while and then they die because of a little wind.” with Azriel 
DAY 15: “There is someone there, you think we have to help him” “It’s a scarecrow” “I think I just had a heartache.” with Sirius Black 
DAY 16: “I love this oil lamp. How did you know it?” “I love you, and I know you, so I know you are into witchy things.” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 17: “Look mommy, a fox. Why are you crying mommy?” “Because it reminds me of your daddy.” with Eris Vanserra 
DAY 18: “You know we are not in a crime book right.” “Don’t ruin my moment. My time to be Sherlock Holmes has arrived.” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 19: “I’m not gonna watch another fucking horror movie with you” “Don’t worry darling, you have your hero by your side.” “Love, I don’t have to remind you that you are the one screaming the most right?” with Remus Lupin
DAY 20: “We are not gonna bring that black cat home.And don’t even try to make me the puppy eyes, this time won’t work. I’m over your spell witch.” with Nyx Acheron 
DAY 21: “What are these rocks?” “They are runes stones.” “Babe, since when you are a witch.” with Timothee Chamalet 
DAY 22: “We are not gonna watch Bride Corpse another time.” “You love that movie too, dont’ lie to me moose.” “Love, we already watched it like five times in two days!” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 23: “I never saw someone loving the moon like you do.” “You know what I love most about the moon? It reminds me of you, of your eyes.” with Rhys 
DAY 24: “Why are there three pumpkins? We always make pumpkin, one for you and one for me.” “Well I want to practice since, from next year we are gonna be three.” with Steve Harrington 
DAY 25: “Wow, what is that on your neck? Oh my god, it’s a bite! Did a vampire bite you? Are you going to be like Dracula? Oh my god, oh my God! That’s so cool!” “No man, another animal bit me: my girlfriend.” with Regulus Black 
DAY 26: “You are never gonna touch another drop of alcohol in front of me, you look possessed.” with James Potter
DAY 27: “Tell me a spooky story” “Love, if you don’t sleep another night because I scared you, your mum is gonna kill me.” with Cassian 
DAY 28: “Oh my god, you are bleeding!” “Love calms down, it's fake.” “You are a horrible person.” with Azriel 
DAY 29: “Boo!” “Fuck you” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 30: "Love, why are you crying?” “Neil didn’t deserve it.” “We already talked about this: you can’t watch that movie alone.” “But it’s one of my favorites.” with Remus Lupin
DAY 31: Halloween Party with College AU!Every fandom
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linalavender · 1 year
How Tatsuki Fujimoto writes Affection
First of all I would like to give massive credit to Tiktok user @campaign_baby for their Tiktok I saw on this that really made me think of it alot more
I will Bring up Examples from:
Mermaid Rhapsody
Goodbye Eri
Fire Punch
Chainsaw Man Part 1 (Quite a big spoiler in this will give fair warning)
Fujimoto has a sort of strange method he uses to write that a character Loves/cares deeply for someone. And its The character either being willing to be consumed or to provide sustenance to someone, Or to consume the other person. Examples:
After Shikaku confesses her love for Yucel, He rushes to the hospital to offer her his blood, Making her into an immortal vampire just like him. Yucel has also fallen for Shikaku, its basically his confession of love, He wants to live with her Forever.
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Its drawn in a way you can tell its such an act of compassion too.
Mermaid Rhapsody
"I loved her so much that I thought, If it was by someone with a smile as pretty as hers, Maybe being eaten wouldn't be so bad."
Toshihides Dad feels the exact same way about his Mom as Toshihide feels about Shijyu. Mermaids eat humans, But that never mattered to either of them.
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Goodbye Eri
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In Yuutas Movie about Eri, He writes her to be a Vampire, because he wouldnt actually mind to be her sustenance, In his movie, he loves Eri so much. (I genuinely cant read this fucking story without sobbing, Rereading it again just to get this screengrab just made me cry for like 20 min help)
Fire Punch
This one is Pretty straight forward, Agni with his regenerative powers feeds his village by continuously chopping of his Arm so they dont all starve to death. But more importantly he does this to prevent his sister from doing it aswell. He doesnt want her to suffer that pain so he takes sole responsibility for providing himself to the village.
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Agni also later feeds his followers with the help of Togata Chopping of the part of his face that isnt on Fire. I think this has more todo with making sure Togata gets fed rather than his followers, To Agni Togata means alot.
⚠️Chainsaw Man Part 1 (Spoilers for the Final arc)⚠️
When Power is about to Die, Power not only offers her own blood For Denji to Drink so he can get back to health, But Pochita also offers a small part of himself so she can come back as a Powerful Devil.
And ofcourse the big one is Denji Eating Makima. He obviously has to and all for the sake of erasing her. But he explicitly says it wasnt an Attack, It was an act of Love.
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Its such a fascinating thing that the idea of consuming someone can be concidered something you do to a cherished one, as an affectionate thing. I guess as Denji mentions that you basically become one with eachother in a way if you consume them.
But this is such a Weird thing Right? Where does this idea even originate from? Well ofcourse we can only Speculate but I really think he took on inspiration from his own life here, Because he has actually done this to someone he loved. Yes, Seriously.
Tatsuki Fujimoto eating his deceased Pet Fish
In the Authors notes for "Tatsuki Fujimoto Before Chainsaw Man: 22-26" Fujimoto shares a story from when he was 24:
"Even though we were poor, we had a pet Japanese rice fish. I found it dead one summer. I went to toss its body into the trash like in Parasyte, but my girlfriend said she wanted me to bury it, So off I went to the park, alone. I tried to bury it under this big tree, but the ground was too hard, my hands got all dirty and I had no hole to show for my effort. Out of Options, I figured I would pretend I had buried the fish and left it lying there on top of the ground. As I watched it for a little while, ants found the body and began to carry it away. Im not sure what came over me, but in that moment, love for that pet fish welled within me for the first time. I brushed the ants away, and then Ate it."
You can read the full story here
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It has that "Wait what the hell am I reading" Charm to the story like alot of his works, But theres something so weirdly beautiful about this story, Somehow stricken with grief and love for this fish, He ate it. As Denji says, its not an attack, his fish is part of him now and its an act of love. So strange, yet so Beautiful.
Anyways thanks for reading this insanely long post if you even got this far I appreciate it!
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sunnnfish · 2 years
Due to the mental anguish I am rambling about tbhk. I WAS going to put this under a readmore but that keeps breaking the post on mobile so. Im sorry. Tons of spoilers for chapter 99. And like the whole series. You know how it is.
I feel like I need to make an itemized list because there’s so fucking much I need to talk about right now
The violence and parallels to tsukasa. I mean who can forget tsukasa prying mitsubas mouth open to feed him number 3s heart. Who knows what tsukasa’s intentions were but they weren’t necessarily bad— as we know now mitsuba needs to eat to survive plus number 3 was like a pretty big power boost that would keep him together for a longer time. So he likely just wanted mitsuba to live comfortably. BUT ALSO there’s the beginning of the chapter where tsukasa tells mitsuba to dig the heart out himself vs kou who gets it for him. Anyways. With kou here it clearly came from a similar place of wanting mitsuba to not disappear. There’s a desperation to it and fear and it’s one I personally actually know quite well. I’ve dealt with friends refusing to eat and take care of themselves and it is a violent frustrating feeling that just ends with crying after the anger fades. There’s a lot of confusion like. Why do you not care about yourself as much as I care about you. Anyways. His actions make a lot of sense to me bc I have felt and done the exact same things.
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Me core ^
and THEN there’s mitsubas feelings of wanting to be fucking exorcised and going to the fucking minamoto household to do it there’s so much here hang on. Like. I think he went to the minamoto house for some sliver of hope. If he wanted to for sure disappear he probably could’ve waited it out or something better but he went to the place where, depending on who answered the door, he’d either die or be faced with fucking. Kou minamoto. And the fact the he chose to reveal himself to kou it’s like. Did you really want to disappear. Did you really. And then taking him out on a fucking date basically like. You don’t want to disappear do you. You just don’t want to be. This. He wants to be human. He wants someone who will understand him and. And. Kou so readily accepts and understands him. Even the parts he thinks are ugly or unworthy. Fuck.
AND THEN. Kous feeling of inadequacy and fearing that mitsuba trusts tsukasa more than him and connecting to the vision he saw in the red house. Whether he accepts it or not he wants mitsuba to need him. The red house showed him a mitsuba who told him that he needs kou that he wants kou to be a supernatural with him and he brushes it away knowing mitsuba would never say that to him. He tells himself that mitsuba would never trust him or want him like that but he wants it to be real and he’s still hurt when the real mitsuba won’t open up to him. And it all comes back to his overall self worth issues of wanting to be strong and dependable and worthy.
AND this is all under the context of Teru finally letting kou have some responsibility and telling him to go exorcise the low level spirit that came near their home and AaaaaAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUU. KOU MINAMOTO……..
God its just. Kou minamoto cares about mitsuba so so so much and neither of them completely understand the gravity of it all. Also at this point hes said like 3 times that mitsuba is the root of all his worries. ALSO dont even get me started on the art and expressions this chapter. It’s so gorgeous like as always but. God. Also the keychains. Im gonna[blaring truck horn]
ALSO the way mitsuba says at the end like ‘you’d be lonely without me’ or whatever and kou almost looks shocked for a second like. Oh. And its like he thinks about it more and cries more because yeah, he would be lonely. He’s been lonely. Mitsuba somehow inexplicably became like his closest friend that knows everything about him and god he was lonely when mitsuba disappeared. The first time and the second. And he’s barely had time to process any of it because to everyone else around him mitsuba doesnt really. Matter. And because kou is so kind he is always putting everyone else’s problems in front of his own. The severance happens and it becomes a journey to help nene bring hanako and aoi back—next to no mention mitsuba aside from the leads to the red house, much less trying to find and save him too. The whole time theyre in the boundary to the far shore its all about hanako and nene and number 6. And there’s STILL the conversation about how to become a supernatural that he brought up with nene but noooooo we cant ever know anything about what kou wants. And like. It all comes back around this chapter because he so so selfishly wants mitsuba to live. One of the only things he lets himself want. And it aches. God. I wish i was any good or natural at prose writing because god the things i would write about minamoto kou. AND TO TOP IT OFF HES LIKE FUCKING 14 YEARS OLD…. Okay. Okay im done.
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class-1b-bull · 6 months
What if they met a villain outside of school, (who wasn’t like doing villainous stuff when they met) and they had developed a relationship, until they just see you on the tv, with a headline like “masked villain finally revealed” with a big ol’ picture of you.
Not proofread we die like men
Probably a bit ooc for some of these characters but oh well.
Awase - 'haha no dont kill people your so sexy ahaha.' Seriously though he refuses to believe any of it at first and his friends have to pull him to the side to really drive it into him that you wernt a good person. He still tries to find anything to redeem you (a justifiable motive or smthn)
Sen - after he found out he looked like he wanted to kill you for a while. I mean hes quick to get into fights and who wouldn't want to fight someone who betrayed them? But he mostly just stays in his room and shuts himself off for a while.
Kamakiri - bro kinda gets pissed at himself for not being able to tell you were a villain when the two of you spoke. I mean this dangerous villain was right there and he just let you walk away.
Kuroiro - he manages to keep his nonchalant front when he first finds out but as the day goes by he cant stop thinking about it. He ends up sitting in his room in silence trying to convince himself that the news article wasn't real.
Kendo - shes so confused and conflicted when she found out you of all people were a villain. She managed to convince herself that you were being forced to do these villainous acts by someone else. But even she knows its just denial. For someone so calm and collected she looses that a bit when it comes to the people closest.
Kodai - shes another one of the students who locked herself in her room. You two were so close yet you were a villain. She would refuse to open her bedroom door for anyone for a while. The only exception would probably be one of the girls who came to comfort her and make sure shes eating properly.
Komori - she was one of the ones that cried the most when she found out you were a villain. You were so kind and the two of you quickly became close so you betraying her like this hurt her more than shed like to admit.
Shiozaki - shes so shocked and sad when she finds out. She doesn't quite cry or lock herself away like some of the others but she does sulk for a while. She keeps to herself and is a bit more reserved than usual but its hard to tell how upset she is about finding out your a villain. Its hard to tell how hard it really effects her.
Shishida - hes honestly one of the most hurt when he saw on the news that you were a villain. You two were instantly close when you met and he thought you were one of the nicest people hes met. Not only was it surprising when he found out but it left a impact on him emotionally that he most likely cant recover from
Shoda - it takes him a week or two before the fact that you betrayed him really sets in. But when he does finally get it nailed into him that you were a bad person then he silently gets frustrated and upset. Other than that he tries to act like it doesn't effect him because he doesnt want those around him to worry
Pony - she gets really sad for a while and finds a lot of comfort hanging out with the rest of the girls for a while. She seems quiet and tired for about a week or so but she brushes it off and insists that shes fine.
Tsubaraba - he really tries not to let anyone see how upset he is when he found out. He desperately tries to keep up this cool guy persona in front of his friends only to fight back a break down the second hes alone.
Tetsutetsu - he went on a run after finding out you were a villain. Running helps clear his head not to mention its good exercise. But even though he practically ran around til he was about to collapse he couldn't clear his head at all so instead he just ends up holed up in his room for the day.
Tokage - for a long while she lies to herself saying you never existed or that you two wernt that close. She leaves whenever your mentioned or she sees something that reminded her of you because its the only thing that can stop her from breaking down. She lies to herself to try and stay strong
Manga - he blames himself more than anything else. He blames himself that you became a villain when it had nothing to do with him. He keeps telling himself that if he met you earlier he could have stopped you from becoming a villain but he knows that theres nothing he can do now exsept sulk.
Honenuki - despite how friendly and social he is he became quite reserved for a while. He always had his mind somewhere else and let his grades slip a little. After a few weeks have gone by he goes back to normal but he brushes it off when anyone asks him how hes doing. He knows opening up is important but he doesn't want to, at least not now.
Bondo - hes more in shock than anything else. You seemed so nice when you were hanging out together. You even let him talk about how excited he was to be a hero. All while you did villainous deeds on the side.
Monoma - i wanna write something kinda sad for him but the only thing i can imagine is his angsty ass blasting sad songs from musicals while dramatically sighing to himself in his dorm room. But seriously though he becomes reserved for quite a while and even leaves class 1a alone during that time.
Reiko - she keeps a strong front when around her classmates but she slowly starts to break down once shes in her room away from everyone else.
Rin - after he finds out someone so close to him was a villain he starts to push himself to get stronger, in the unhealthy way. He loose sleep and forget meals because hes too busy training/ studying. He'll get to the point where he can barely stand up straight without feeling dizzy, all because he feels guilty of not being able to save you before you became a villain. This is the self punishment he thinks he deserves for something that isnt his fault.
Gif Anime - Blue Period
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crystal-cloudzz · 1 year
Heathers Incorrect Quotes because it’s my New Obsession
JD: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Ronnie: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. JD: Absolutely not.
Ronnie: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them. JD: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Ronnie: Bye JD! Bye Heather! Bye Heather! Bye Heather! Bye JD! Heather: You said ‘bye JD’ twice. Ronnie: I like JD.
Ronnie: Looking left cause you don’t treat me right JD: Looking right because you left Heather: Looking up cause you let me down Heather: Looking down cause you fucked up Heather: What is wrong with you guys
Ronnie: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground. JD: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Ronnie, pointing: May I sit there? JD: That's my lap Ronnie: That doesn't answer my question, JD.
Ronnie: JD… Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? JD: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Ronnie: Ronnie: I wrote sanitize, JD.
Ronnie: Change is inedible. JD: Don't you mean inevitable? Ronnie, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Ronnie: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. JD's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out…
JD: I can explain. Ronnie: Can you? JD: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Veronica: So what do you do? JD: I work in genetic research, and I'm currently trying to eliminate all Cancers. Veronica: Wow, impressive. JD: Then I'll move on to Leos.
Veronica: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail JD: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
Veronica: What is your biggest weakness? JD: I can be uncooperative. Veronica: Okay, can you give me an example? JD: No.
Veronica: What the fuck is wrong with you?! JD: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'. Veronica: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
JD: Accidentally hits Veronica in the face JD: Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay' JD: ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?! Ronnie: What’s wrong with you?!
Veronica: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE JD: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially Veronica, desperately, as JD bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE JD: Oh! B positive. Veronica: DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE JD:
Veronica: How do I deal with my enemies? JD: Kill them Veronica: That's a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution JD: Kill them only a little?
Veronica: Go to Hell JD, tearing up: I wish I could
JD: Someone will die. Ronnie: Of fun!
Veronica: Is something burning? JD: Just my love for you. Veronica: JD, the toaster is on fire.
Veronica: JD, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! JD: Well of course I have. JD: Have you ever tried going mad without power? JD: It's boring.
JD: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died- Ronnie: Twelve, actually. JD: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that? Ronnie: Yours! JD: That's right: no one's.
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pebble-of-gold · 2 years
WOO 2023
Lets talk about my top 10 films that came out in 2022! I watched a lot of films last year!
1. Everything everywhere all at once
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I could write essays on this movie but putting it simply I watched this film in theatres 5 times. There was nothing in this movie that dissapointed me. Its an incredible example of nihilism vs existentialism and I cried 3/5 times i saw it. I now own it on dvd.
2. Bullet train
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Bullet train I saw ever so slightly less coming in at 4 cinema visits! Fantastic visuals and soundtrack. Wonderful casting and a fabulously written script! One of my favourite examples of a film that is just fun to watch. I'll be honest on the 3rd and 4th time I was a bit bored but theres not as much going on to rewatch as EEAAO.
3. Black panther: Wakanda forever
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I started crying and I dont know if I stopped? An incredibly touching tribute to Chadwick Boseman and a heartbreaking reminder of who we've lost. I think this is the best marvel movie since endgame honestly.
4. The unbearable weight of massive talent
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Nick Cage is unironically one of my favourite actors and him and pedro pascal have created an amazing piece of media here. It is so funny and thats all it needs to be! Its just 2 guys getting to know eachother. Fair enough theres some action and spy shit going on but with that removed it is just pure fun.
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A slightly controversial one I know, However, I will never get over the wacky inflatable arm tube men. Im not even joking. They are what made me want to see the film in the first place! No but an excellent example of terror vs fear and a perfect film to discuss questions like "how far should you go for the shot" and issues like exploitation of animals.
6. Three thousand years of longing.
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First and foremost its Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba enough said. This movie is gorgeous. The cinematography is beautiful and the costumes the makeup the set design the props my word they did not dissapoint! The message of the film is largely isolation but also behind that theres a sense of love is eternal and how much would you do for love. I couldn't recommend this film more.
7. Matilda
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Ok this one is the music and choreography for me. It's a fun film and i loce the set design for it. The costume for mrs wormwood is to die for and I want it all. Theres not a huge moral like the others on the list its a good example of what goes around comes around and good prevails. The camerawork is amazing too.
8. The Menu
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Everyone in this film is an awful person EXCEPT Anya Taylor Joy's Character and I live for it. The pacing is wonderful, the camerawork again fantastic and the characterisation!!! There is so much tension and it keeps building until you reach the climax its a wonderful. I like to think the film is about anti capitalism and the death of creatives due to the preassure of critics.
9. The banshees of inisherin
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My favourite type of media is where nothing happens but SO MUCH happens. (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead is a wonderful example of this) and Banshees is an amazing example of that. At its core its about loss and lobelyness. Plus It has a RELATIVELY ACCURATE autistic character and thats my favourite part.
10. Don't worry darling
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DON'T BOO ME DON'T YOU DARE. OK I ENJOYED IT. SOMEONE HAD TO! HARRY'S ACTING WASN'T EVEN THAT BAD YES IT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER BUT THERE WAS SO MUCH SHIT GOING ON CAN YOU BLAME HIM! plus I was living for the drama of DWD and no it was not at all about feminism or the female orgasm but it was about control and it was a fantastic film to showcase that.
Honorable mentions go to:
Where the crawdads sing, Batman, The bad guys, Sing 2, violent night, JJK:0, Multiverse of madness.
Thor does not get an honorable mention and I will not see avatar 2 because I want it to flop.
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fictionfixations · 2 months
been watching tuonto play until then
I dont know what it is I mean. i joined the streams without any context (well listen i was there for the start. did not know it was but i saw like ryan and mark at the laptop and louise coming over and reveal of her playing games. except i didnt know who they were at the time lOl. thought it was cool but wasnt keeping up with it. then i ended up on the stream where nicole brings us to visit her grandparents and they're just fighting and it was raining and then theres the reveal with mark's mom being dead [well missing but]. and then we went to prom and cathy died and im just like what the fuck.)
but so i didnt really know what was going on but i still kinda cared? but like. so cathy died. and i did not cry. i was just 'what the fuck' and. like. a lot of surprise. and shock. (i was also thinking that maybe if we didnt go after her she wouldn't have died because she was walking towards us on the road. i also didnt know that apparently you can disappear when it rains if nobodys there to acknowledge that you are there and that you exist. i think. so uhm. i still wonder what wouldve happened if we turned back to see our mom though. or if we stopped.)
but so anyway. i did go back to watch all the until then streams after that. with all the context involved (did not see ending of cathy admitting that her homelife.. isnt that great. because that wasnt streamed yet. admitting in a recording i mean cause shes dead. but a chatter said that it was implied that they probably were abusive, and pointing out the marks on her skin cause her dress was like ripped in that slowed shot of her walking towards us.)
but i already knew what happened so shrug (it was very cool though. even though i was also rewatching scenes id seen before it didnt feel old at all. very invested.)
you know what got me crying?
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THIS stupid scene in the other timeline where they're acting for ridel. about two ppl who havent seen each other for awhile. and the
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memories of cathy actually being dead just came into this one and i just fucking bawled im being literal
(we dont see the memories actually affect us, its just a thing that we know. mark doesnt know cathy died he just. feelings. and also he got a hallucination of the truck..)
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i dont know why but sad shit has been making me cry more than usual.
marks just starts crying and im already sobbing my eyes out like no you cant do this to me you 😭
anyway. i missed a bunch of the streams and not wanting to go them out of order ive been waiting to watch it all at once (also he apparently finished the game so now i really gotta go faster. i think i have like. a stream and a half to watch now.)
but so i dont know the ending pls dont spoil me
i just wanna say. god this game is so cool.
also i mightve been slacking off cause it seemed this timeline mightve been a worse timeline. and im like the kind of person to be like in fiction 'what if that person was me' and so i get super immersed. which also means i get all the shitty feelings too. so i was kinda worried. but its.. okay?
mark. just. kinda seems depressed though. like uh. more depressed?
i saw someone describe it as him having kind of given up (i also think his grades are worse? it didn't show us what his grades were but the principal mentioned that he needed to study more or he'll have to be kicked out or something which wasn't in the first run through)
and tbh. that mightve been because cathy just. died. which isnt really something you can just get over even if its been awhile. it still hurts, still something that lingers. an unexpected pain. or at least, a scar.
like. i cant imagine how hopeless it must've felt to be right there. to watch her die and be unable to stop it. and like. obviously since this is a mark who has also gone through that and is now in this timeline (although doesnt remember).. a part of him is still kinda feeling that loss, and also having done all this before that makes it feel pointless. and like he shouldnt try as hard, cause whats the point, right? what does it matter?
anyway im sad. im going to go back to watching the stream. (also cathy is my favorite i love her so much sduifhfeuhds
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bigheadbrooke-9 · 2 months
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Kas!Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
TW : Biting, Vampire Eddie, choking kink , P in v smut, AFAB Reader, not proof read ,mourning a death, crying , hair pulling
Summary - : After Eddie had passed you genuinely cried for months, it took you some time to get your life together you didn’t even go to the upside down he promised you that he would be back and he couldn’t keep that promise, he passed slowly and peacefully in Dustin’s arms asking for you he told his best friend to tell you that he will forever love you and he was terribly sorry that he couldn’t keep his promise, you didn’t even get to see him you decided to stay back with the kids if only you went that night, after waking up at 3:59 you heard to Ruckus downstairs….
A/n: THIS IS NOT PROOF READ SO DONT MAKE FUN OF ME REBLOG AND LIKE PLEASE ( if you wanna and if you like it :p )
Red - Eddie
Orange - Y/n
I woke up in a cold sweat I heard things moving downstairs
I wasn’t going to go down there and nobody was there with me, I prayed that they didn’t come to my room. I got up and went over to the corner and sat down and stayed quiet.
“ WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE ” I heard a husky say slamming something onto the ground I let out a VERY Small gasp when I heard it shatter.
I went to my bed and reached under the pillow and grabbed the bear mase, I had a gun but it’s downstairs which is stupid I know.
I heard very very loud footsteps coming up the steps I slowly walked to the corner and sat down trying not to make a noise
( If someone was hiding in the place she was hiding they couldn’t find her as soon as they walked in she was super hidden )
The door opened, I stayed quiet I wanted to cry but I would die so I stayed very quiet LIKE silent
“ Baby, it’s me come out, don’t be scared ”
I know this voice, but it may be a trap so I stay still and keep quiet
“ Sweetheart, I know you’re here so come out or I’m gonna find you ”
This voice sounds very familiar, I decided to speak up I don’t care because atp you should have been killed me
“ what’s your name, then I’ll let you kill me ” he laughed at what I said and his heavy footsteps walked to where I was.
I closed my eyes and put the Bear mase up by my knees and covered my face I heard the footsteps stop right in front of me
I opened my eyes and saw him squatting in front of me I opened them more and I saw those eyes I thought I’d never see again
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I slowly removed my hands away from my faced and blinked he was smiling.
That was my boy, those big brown gorgeous eyes.
I dropped the can of bear mase.
“Hi baby, i missed you and i kept my promise”
This couldn’t be possible,AT ALL like I was so surprised
In that moment I didn’t care I lunged forward and took him in I cried into his shoulder
“ this isn’t real, I-I don’t know what to do anymore I miss you so much baby you don’t know t-the half of it ” i said grabbing him even more grabbing his hair in the process
“ this is real i know you don’t wanna believe yourself, and you keep pinching yourself subconsciously stop it’s gonna bruise ” he grabbing my shoulder to make me stop
I looked at his face no bruises no scratches he looks super normal, but something is off he looks hungry
“ you can’t be real you died, Dustin told me we even had a funeral, I visited you every other day, and I-I still do I just want you back ”
“ calm down doll, I’m here weather you wanna believe it or not, and I’m staying forever and you will too ” he said putting his hands on my face he looked so normal but so different his hair way longer his clothes a tighter fit he has only been dead 4 months and it was so horrible
“ I wanna show you something but don’t get scared, I’m still me just a bit different I’ll leave if you don’t like it but I will never hurt you ” he said standing up I stood up legs not feeling very well he took my hand and took me to the side of my bed.
He sat me down and got on his knees and grabbed my hands
“ what is it tell me ” I said gripping his hands even more looking at him
He sighed and opened his mouth there was a slight sound then when he smiled there were two VERY big k-9’s laying on his bottom teeth they weren’t there before.
“ what happened, that wasn’t there before ” I asked letting his hands he looked at me and then stood up, he took a step back “ are yo-are you scared of me? Baby I will never hurt you it’s just a slight change. ” he said he looked scared himself scared that you were going to be scared and leave him.
“ no, Ed but when you have huge ass teeth and coming back from the dead, what do you expect, what is going on you have legit fangs in your mouth ” I said looking at him
“ they are fangs, I’-I’m a vampire, i know y/n I know you don’t have to tell me I sound crazy but that’s the only god damn explanation ” he said running his hands through his hair and closing his eyes and sighing
He was right that was the only right explanation nothing else I thought about it for a minute, vampires come back from the dead.
“ are you gonna do anything to me, like bite me “ I asked he looked at me and sighed
“ only if you’re dying or you wanna be together forever, you can’t ever leave unless you die ” he said walking to me and getting back on his knees
“ plus I don’t drink human blood, only animal keeps me fuller longer I think human blood is to thin ” he said grabbing my hands “ you don’t have to worry I don’t like human blood it’s good but not filling , plus I don’t want to do it without your consent “ he said taking a deep breath in laughing.
He looked so much happier and healthier, skin looking way better he didn’t smile or look any different in the gorgeous face of his
He kissed my hands
“ I missed you sooooooooooo much Eddie, like to where I haven’t even been out of the house ” I told him we both stood up and I gave him a big hug he wrapped his hands around me and took a huge breath in.
“ you smell amazing ” he said giving my neck a small peck
It felt amazing to finally feel hold and see him again
“ that tickles ” i said dropping my head on his trapping him in.
“ you do smell great tho, could be under here all day ” he said grabbing the side of my neck trapping me in
He was kissing my neck while I let out giggles then it turned into pleasure when he moved up
“ it’s quiet now where are the giggles, I like them ” he said pressing his lips together then laying me on my bed and I scooted to the middle of the bed giggling
He got a hold of me and we started to make out he was perfect he could do anything and make it look amazing even if it’s weird which was soooooo sexy in my eyes
I loved the way he kissed me it been 4 months since I’ve seen him smelt him been around him and I was dying inside, only person who had my back
He stopped and looked at me he was sooo handsome this man could make me do anything with just one look
“ you’re staring sweetheart ” he said i rolled my eyes “ you were looking at me first, loser ” I said kissing him again he grabbed me up and sat me on his lap on the edge of me the bed.
He looked mad good idk if it’s because I’m horny or it’s just that i haven’t seen him.
“ take a picture it’ll last longer ” he said letting his hands on your thighs.
“ naw when i have it right in front of me, forever right?” I asked holding my pinky finger out he looked at me he slowly opened his hands and we did our small handshake
He lowered his head to my neck as we still held hands he bit down and you groaned and grabbed his hand harder and he sucked leaving a purple to red hickey on your neck
It hurt but it wasn’t bad but it then stopped completely
“ it stopped didn’t it?” He asked I nodded and laid down he hovered over me hands on my chest and waist
“ I missed you so much ” I said kissing him I grabbed his bicep.
His cold rings touched my waist, rubbing it up and down.
He slowly made his way to my pj shorts
“ these are cute ” he said then yanking the off I giggled “ be careful i just go those asshole “ I said the he did the same with my underwear
I giggled he kept kissing me while his big hand worked on my heat
“ shit you insanely wet, barely touching you doll “ he said rubbing my clit lightly making my legs jerk he laughed taking his belt of and pulling it off with one hand
He took a hair tie off his wrist and put his hair up
He inserted his first finger in and since he hands were thick it stung a little but that slowed down.
I let a small moan and then he started going faster
“ you haven’t been fucked in a while sweetheart “he said trying to distract you from the fact he added another finger
I shook my head
“ we couldn’t have sex since you were a wanted criminal “ I said that he started going slow the sped up as I started moaning
He slowly removed his fingers and licked them and closed his eyes
“ sweet ” he took off his underwear letting his dick fall onto her stomach he lifted her legs and sat them over his thighs
“ ready?? ” I said yes and he took some of your wetness and lubed his cock up he lined himself and slowly slid in I grabbed his arm
It was stingy at first but he let me adjust and then he started fucking me
“ h-holy shit, you feel amazing I missed this “ he said touching my tits and pumping in and out of me
I couldn’t speak I have even masturbated in a while so this feels new
He was going crazy, he was going crazy fast that’s when my legs started shaking
“ yes that’s feels so fucking amazing, k-keep going ” I yelled he moved closer to me making his dick go further in me
I screamed, he grabbed a hand full of my hair and sat me up on his thighs I wrapped my legs around his waist while he like drived me into the next world
“ HOLY SHIT ” i yelled he laid me back down the grabbed my neck he was close and i knew when his body was shaking.
“ mh, FUCK ” he said pulling out and stroking his cock and finishing on my stomach.
A/n - : I’ll make an aftercare one tomorrow it’s 1 am and I’m bored.
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arsenal-womens-1 · 2 months
Please ask for one if you want
If they are blue they are in the process of being written
1.Iv fucked up
2.Im sorry im not the person you thought i was
3.Why did you leave
4.Thyer lying to you
5.Don't touch me
6.Why would you say that
7.You saw that
8.I didn't mean it
9.I was a kid
10.“You look like hell” “i feel like it”
11.You don't remember me
12.I don't know who you are anymore
13.This isn't what it looks like
14.“Do you trust me” “i don't know”
15.I think i'm seeing things
16.Send help
17.What the hell is happening to me
18.There's so much blood
19.You said you knew where we were going
20.Are you seriously stuck right now
21.How can you love someone for 7 year then not
22.I love you
23.Its 2:30 am
24.If i matter that much then why do it
25.Are you clinically insane
26.You're 16!
27.I never got to say goodbye
28.You don't see me
29.This is why we can't have nice things
30.You could have died
31.Do you regret it
32.Tell me i'm wrong
33.Lie to me then
34.We need to talk
35.Are you drunk
36.How much of that did you hear
37.What happens if i accept it
38.Is there a reason that you are both naked in bed
39.I won't let you bleed out
40.Tell me at least apart of it was real
41.Let's go on a walk
42.What's that
43.She's dead
44.You and me against the world
45.Promise me
46.You came home
47.You came
48.Im at the hospital
49.There's no heartbeat
50.Go be a superstar
51. My mom misses you
52.what if i say no and i come with you
53.I didn't know where else to go
54.I'll never be that me again
55.You deserve better than me
56.I don't want to understand i want you to stay
57.Don't let me lose you to
58.For what it's worth i really im sorry
59.Step out that door and i swear we are done
60.What right did you have from keeping it from me
61.Running seems to be all your good at
62.Your not sorry you'll never be sorry
63.Cry me a fucking river
64.The smart people are talk it's time to shut up
65.I want you to die there i said it
66.Im i that unlovable
67.Please don't make me answer that
68.I'm like 99% sure this is illegal
69. I no apologies for how i chose to repair what you broke
70.You never think the last time is the last you think you have forever but you dont
71.Gay not blind
72. “ because she’s a girl!” “She’s a girl”
73.Run away with me
74.Stop trying to save me
75.Oh don't stop on our account
76.Visiting hours are from 4:00 to 9:00
77.Id ask you to stay but i don't like you
78.Something about you makes me want to commit extreme violence
79.Your too young to hate this world
80.Were designed to be disposable
81.Her blood is on your hands
82.Your smile isn't as bright as it used to be
83.Same time tomorrow
84.You were supposed to talk me out of this
85.Do you remember this you give it to me when we first got together
86.And it's another tuesday what's your point
87.It's almost like your still alive
88.You'll be free soon
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Hey Kait so um i have a one shot request....and yeah its yoosung centric ofc
Can i have a fic where MC has an emotional outburst over his self sacrificial shit. Cuz idk i dont like the idea of seeing my partner constantly trying to prove himself to be "worthy of love" and not recognising how much MC values him as well.
The context could be any situation where he had gotten badly hurt cuz of his stupid hero complex. It could be like in the aftermath of Bad Ending 3 where he got badly hurt someway or somewhere after the good/normal ending. This guy really makes me insane
Yoosung never expected to see tears of frustration in your eyes when he saw you again. He never expected to you see again, actually, but it stung all the same to see you cry over him. You were happy he was in one piece, of course, but after you embraced him and wept at how it pained you to not know whether he was dead or alive, you cried at his choices that caused his capture to happen to begin with.
You cried at his decision to throw his life away.
He didn't think about his well-being. He didn't think about what his life was worth. He didn't think about anything that mattered at that moment when there were a hundred other choices that could've been made. He sacrificed his life and safety to not only let Seven get away from that place, but in the name of protecting the RFA members and most of all, you. He didn't think about trying to come up with another plan.
He decided his only choice was to give up his life in the name of what he believed to be the greater good. Even though you told him that he could make others choices, that he could do something different for himself, and that he could've listened to the others, not just Seven in what to do next. You were thankful that he was willing to take a risk to protect you, but at every corner, you sobbed, at every corner he tried to something that would cause him to lose his life or lose everything in the process.
Yoosung didn't have to lose his life to have your love or your respect. You were proud of him as he was. You understood that he wanted to help Seven protect you, but it didn't change the fact that he didn't... he didn't think! He jumped to the most extreme answer no matter the outcome because he wanted to prove himself to be capable as your hero!
As someone who could take care of you just as much as anyone else could. But, you didn't need a hero!
You needed Yoosung!
"I didn't need you to throw your life away for me, Yoosung!"
"He would've hurt you if I didn't do something!"
"You didn't have to try to die to protect me, Yoosung! There are other choices, there are always other choices you can make! Do you think I wanted you to get hurt because of me? I didn't! I never wanted you to risk your life for me to begin with! You don't need to be superhero for me! You don't have to be strong the way you think you do!" You wept, arms trembling at your sides as you held yourself tightly.
"I want you to be with me so we can stand side by side! I want to be strong with you! I don't want to walk behind you while you take any risks that come our way! I am so happy to know you love me, that it doesn't matter what comes your way, you'll always try to be there to save me, but I don't love that your first reaction is to throw your life away! It's like you want to die, Yoosung! You didn't think about what came next! You thought about what a hero would do!"
His face fell as he stared at his lap and bandaged hands that seemed to mock him now. He was only trapped at Mint Eye for a matter of... a two weeks but those two weeks had been hell. It felt like the pain the man gave him would never end... but he thought... he thought that a villain would make good on their promise to not go further than that deal. But, he thought wrong.
Because, if he was a man of his word, Seven wouldn't have had to have saved you in the nick of time from the apartment before it...
It crumbled.
What good was a sacrifice if it was never a sacrifice to begin with?
"But... if Seven stayed..."
"Seven has combat training," you added. "He knows how to fight bad guys! If you would've distracted that guy long enough, he could have done something so you wouldn't have had to even consider what you did! What if, what if, what if! You didn't even consider what if! You did what you thought would make you a hero! You are my hero, because you were willing to face danger for me, but... you didn't have to try to die to be my hero! Being a hero doesn't mean you throw your life out the window every time danger calls!"
...It didn't?
But, how could he be worthy of you if he didn't prove it?
"But, I... I wanted to be worthy... of..."
That was when you spun away from him and he knew he messed up. Even if you were together again, it didn't deny the pain he caused you that day. He never wanted to hurt you. "You don't have to do anything to be worthy of love, Yoosung. Love doesn't come with a stipulation. You are worthy... I just don't know why you won't believe me. I need... I need some air. I'll be outside."
He was left alone.
Alone to muse the weight of his choices.
As grateful as you were, as happy as you were, his choice hurt you and him in the process.
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oh-soo-diabolik · 1 year
Emotionally Sensitive S/O Headcanons
ADMIN: I had issues with my last account and had to create a new one, anyway someone requested this. So hopefully they see this!
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SHU: He's known for being very apathic, so with a s/o that's emotionally sensitive, he becomes very maniplutive.
More than likely, at first he's going to be annoyed that you're so sensitive, to the point it turns him off.
However, the more he observes you the more he grows to the idea of you being sensitive seeing he could his it to his advantage.
Heaven forbid you end up choosing him to be with, [dont worry i would too], he'll make sure to make you feel bad for trying to distant yourself from him.
There's no doubt, the closer you guys become the more clingy and manipulative he becomes.
Oh? You need to go to your next class? The one with Reiji, right? Why, don't you care about Shu's well being? You know he'll never last long without you. He'll die of thirst,
This man will make sure you come when called, you're sad? Come here so he can suck you dry, he knows you'll feel better if he does. I mean you are a masochist after all.
He knows how to hurt you and make you crawl right back to him, besides he's all you need anyway.
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REIJI: Being the Mister Perfect he thinks he is, he's composed and he expects you to be the same way.
I promise you, this man knew from the jump how sensitive you are, though he was rather displeased, but then he connected the dots. Just like Shu, Reiji will use your sensitive nature for his own benefit.
He remembers every emotionally draining and upsetting events he 'saved' you from, not he expects you to show him how grateful you are.
I know what your thinking, 'it's giving Ayato', and you're exactly right. However, Reiji would never openly admit, but he likes to be praised as much as Ayato does.
He will take advantage of your nature, like Shu, it would be push and pull with this man. He will be cold and harsh, most of the time, and 'warm and welcoming' another.
His actions will grow accustom to you, growing dependent on Reiji. he's treated you better than the others so how could you not want to be around him and be vulnerable?
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LAITO: The final boss of them all, he knows exactly how to get what he wants, of your emotionally sensitive? You're just his type.
This man is curling his toes as we speak, he's delighted you're 'easy to break', he'll become quick to 'defend' you against his bullying brothers.
Oh, you saw a baby bunny being abandoned by its mother? Here let Laito make you feel better.
He knows what to say to make you trust him, he'll compliment you and make you feel nice, but remember it's all for show.
Besides if you're always around him, he'll never go hungry! You practically fell into his arms.
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AYATO: The one brother who probably will lose his mind, second from Kanato. But for many different reasons.
For some reason, I feel like Ayato would prefer someone who's sensitive, at least sooner than his brothers. At first you will be made fun of by him, he'll still call you names and so on.
BUT, I don't think he'll really mind. Shockingly enough, I like to believe he would want someone who can express emotions for the both of them, frfr.
Although he won't admit, but he enjoys when his brothers manage to make you cry. Because he knows you'll come running to him for comfort.
You may think for just blood, but no, it would be for possession. I have a headcanon where I believe Ayato needs his lover to be around him at all costs and depend on him entirely, similar to Reiji.
It makes him feel superior to you, he likes to believe your life is in his hands, but is he wrong though?
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KANATO: Oh Lord, you've done it now, gg's.
If you think this pairing would be toxic, I like to think you're right and wrong? Why? With being sensitive himself, your sensitivity comes from a more sincere place. So there would be no doubt in hell, he would cling to you from the jump.
Remember, Kanato likes sweet things, and dolls. You're cute and sensitive? What else does he need?
I promise you, Kanato would never let you leave his sight. There isn't an hour or minute in the day you're alone.
He becomes almost dependent on your kind nature, 9/10 you're probably shy and soft spoken or rarely talkative.
Knowing he's bipolar, you're more than likely watching how you speak around him to avoid his violent ways.
13/10, he loves knowing he can make you cry easier than ever. So with that being said, you better not be showing his brothers your cute crying face. Puffy eyes and red nose from the sniffles, even cuter when you're wearing whatever he has you wear.
Will probably make you dress up and then make you cry just to see your crying face, is probably aroused by it. But we all know he isn't the only one.
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SUBARU: Oh this man may be cruel but he isn't a monster.
This man will not know how to act, 9/10, you remind him of his mom. So the feeling to controlling you wouldn't stray away.
Yes he is a Tsundere, but he isn't a monster, [though technically he is] He gives me 'tough love' vibes.
He believes you need to grow a backbone, especially with his brothers roaming about. He always seem to be the one following you around, always the one stepping in.
At first, he seems to not care how his brothers treat you, probably minding his business.
But then again, you remind him of his mom, sensitive and dependent. Although he doesn't like to admit, he feels like he should be the one 'caring' for you, because its apparent you cannot save yourself or stand up for yourself, so he'll do it...yandere??
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seumyo · 1 month
OMGGG CONGRATS ON 1K EUMY MY LOVE!!! im beyond words that describe happy for u ur such a sweetheart u deserve it sm<3 I SAW THE SCRAPBOOKS POST AND ID LOVE A SHOTO TODOROKI ONE!!!! 💗
im an enfp so im a loud extrovert, and i try to make sure ppl dont feel awkward or embarrassed around me bc im 10x worse HAHA 😭 i have insane attachment issues like i was crying so hard when my friend ignored me for a day. big lover with big emotions, hopefully that counts as an emotional intelligent person hehe<3
i am also a complete art kid and i never stop drawing, im also in choir and stage band so im basically all of the above (except sports. does watching haikyuu count?🤔) HAHAHAHA
id love a little description about our dynamic or something!!🥹 and be free w ur colour palette and do what u think deems best 🗣️!!! a song would be velvet ring by big thief, one of my favs rn<3
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★ Todoroki Shouto hated did not like you at first. The first time you two met in U.A., not once did he glance in your direction. Don’t take it too personally, he’s battling inner turmoil stemming from his complicated family life and upbringing.
★ Skipping to when he does warm up to the rest of the class, he still keeps his distance from them as he tries to test the waters. Now, you, dear Saku, are the first to invite him to have lunch together via the crumpled paper you left on his desk during free period (he almost threw it in the trash, but he telephatically felt your distress thought it might contain something important, so he decided to read it). He accepts, of course.
★ Lunch together was awkward, but Todoroki appreciates your effort to fill in his shortcomings in the conversation. So to say, he just listens to you while you ramble about anything and everything.
★ When he gets home that night, he definitely tells Fuyumi that someone invited him to eat together at lunch, and that it was nice. He doesn’t realize that he kept your note neatly folded in his wallet.
★ Do you know the concept of personal space? Todoroki does not. Whenever you’re doing something, whether it’s doodling or writing notes, he will peer over and check whatever it is that you’re doing. Completely unaware that he, too, has attachment issues (trust).
★ “Am I too close? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.” And you guys were inches from kissing each other!
★ Romantically, it takes him a long time to understand that what he was feeling is clearly not platonic anymore. But when he does realize thus, he skips the steps in his head and wants to spend the rest of his days with you (you’re not even dating yet, and he’s already thinking of the future ten years later). Todoroki’s hesitant to engage in a romantic relationship because he thinks that you deserve someone who wouldn’t hesitate to court you and love you openly (he’s worried that he’ll end up like his father).
★ The initial dynamic is someone who talks a lot and the other listens (with the most lovestruck eyes yet still unnoticeable). When you do get into a relationship, he’ll still treat you just like when you were friends, but with a bit more effort to show you how much he cares. Acts of service & Quality Time are his love languages. This man is your ride-or-die forever and would go through lengths just to spend time with you (cue to Todoroki just appearing by your side whenever you’re not busy).
★ Whenever Todoroki talks to other people, it’ll always be, “Oh, where are Saku and the others?” You will always be the first person that comes out of his mouth, an unconscious habit of his.
★ Matching bag charms, candid photos (of him, mostly), handwritten notes that are passed to each other during class, enjoying each other’s company even if you two are just walking to the cafeteria together or him waiting for you to tie your shoelaces (he does them himself further into the relationship), finding out that Todoroki kept most of the things you gave him (especially your little notes and doodles), and the tips of his ears turn a bit reddish whenever he’s flustered—and you’re the only one to notice because it only happens when he’s with you.
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