#OH THANK GOD that took me way longer than i was anticipating lmao
vonlipvig · 9 months
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that's a wrap, baby!
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dredshirtroberts · 2 months
i did the biggest and scariest of the things on my list (the last thign on my list in fact) and it took like. MAYBE 5 minutes total including login time navigation and page loading.
now i get to have fancy Oreo Poptarts because i'm a big strong boy whose knee is slightly dislocated (it's fine i just went too hard and i'll wrap it up here in a minute) and did a big scary thing and also now gets to fully devote brain power to anxiety about the (potential) hole between two of my heart chambers and the accompanying doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.
#the lack of anxiety about this has been so bad i don't even have my alarms set and for every other dr appointment previously#i had those bitches up a week ahead of time as soon as they reminded me about my upcoming appointment#anyway it's fine it's all fine i'm going to be fine i'll figure it all out please just don't let me lose my health insurance because i move#i shouldn't but. i fear.#and boy howdy i'm good at one particular thing and that thing is being afeared about things#oh sure my knees are fine for years while i have 3 available knee braces#i pare down to one really solid one with intentions to grab a second at some point in the distant future#and i'm feeling froggy right i'm feeling good everything is a-okie dokie so i lend my remaining knee brace out to my partner for moving shi#(cross country long haul style and they're gonna need it because heavy lifting)#forgetting of course that i'm heading into the part of the month where my joint stability (already tenuous) is reduced even further#thanks estrogen! hhhhhhhh#and i keep doing Up And Downs with squats and kneeling#thankfully it's the knee i call my bad knee even if it's both of them relatively equally nowadays#so i'm used to it being unstable and not great to stand on (and then do it anyway)#i'm mainly trying to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't swell up real bad like it did the first time i fucked it#when it earned the moniker of ''bad knee'' out of the two i've got#garrett's knee is fine right now but i'll probably end up bracing it when this one goes back to normal for the compensation i'm doing on it#ohhh bottle of naproxen we're really in it now#thank god it's workable though like so long as i'm In One Position and i don't sit with my leg folded up underneath me it's fine#it means i have fewer Gay And Neurodivergent ways to sit than normal but like i'll deal lmao#i just have to get through tomorrow and then i can rest the whole rest of the week until the move crew gets back up here#and then we will help with this#i'm really grumpy the thing i put off for weeks took like. a couple of clicks and a real quick county check#i really anticipated that being a longer process
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space-mango-company · 3 months
Stranger | Chapter 2
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
TW: Descriptions of Violence, Mentions of Cannibalism
Tags: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Atreides!Reader, Arranged Marriage, Eventual Smut (still not in this chapter lmao), No use of y/n, Original Characters, Canon what canon
Word Count: 2k
A/N: So... this was posted prematurely a couple hours ago. This is the actual finished longer version. If you don't know what I'm talking about, thank god. Sorry this took so long, lmao
Just letting you guys know that my knowledge of the lore is purely based off of the movies and the Dune wiki rabbit hole I fell into right after watching part two. I also took a few liberties with the canon here.
I'm super open to constructive criticism, or any criticism at all (feel free to absolutely roast me). Like I mentioned, I've never written fanfic before so I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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The evening of your first day in Giedi Prime was celebrated with a banquet where you were introduced to the most important people on the planet. You've heard many stories of the ruthlessness and brutality of the Harkonnens, hence surprised by the courtly welcome during the dinner. Although you did your best to politely ignore the Baron who floated at the head of the table being fed by servants.
You were sat beside his nephew who, despite your mother's education, has evaded your insight. You couldn't quite get a read on him.
Feyd-Rautha whispers to you amid the buzzing conversations of the banquet hall, "are you enjoying the food, little hawk?"
You shoot him a questioning look.
"I like your hairpin," he sneers.
You resist from reaching to touch the Atreides symbol affixed in your hair.
"We don't see such ornaments often here." He quietly laughs in his devilish way, only too amused with himself.
Ah, you realize. He means to torment you.
"Seems early for pet names," you say, picking at your plate, "we've only just met."
"Oh, and yet we are to be wed in less than a week's time," his raspy voice rings in your ear, "I should like to be familiar with my future wife, Lady Atreides."
The marriage pact had been signed when you were only a little girl. Inheriting your father's inclinations, you swore you would uphold your duty, undeterred by the gruesome and abhorrent stories about the Harkonnens—because you knew that centuries of conflict could end within a generation with this union. You were a willing bride.
And yet.
You give him a smile that, to those not privy to your conversation, would seem genuine, "You know nothing of me, na-Baron."
"I should like to learn," you doubt his sincerity but care not enough to discern it. He takes a smug bite of a forkful of meat, "perhaps tomorrow, you shall learn something of me."
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The following morning Iassa helps you into another black gown, this time with a veil in anticipation of the black sun.
"Is it not dangerous for Feyd-Rautha to wager his life for a show?" you question.
"The na-Baron is a skilled fighter, my lady. He will emerge victorious," Iassa is straight-faced as she drapes the veil over you.
"Yes, I do not doubt it, but given he is the Baron's heir. Does it not seem a touch irresponsible to even risk it at all."
Not that you actually cared for his life, you just expected that the Harkonnens would be concerned with the preservation of their house regardless of their brutality. You recall your grandfather who got himself killed fighting bulls for sport.
"The na-Baron will be fighting war prisoners. They will be drugged beforehand. It is perfectly safe, my lady."
"Oh." You couldn't decide if you were disappointed or not, "I see."
Iassa seemed intent on dropping the subject, so you do.
You stand before a mirror and take a look at yourself. It is impossible not to be reminded of your mother. She was never one for vanity, but you like to think there was a part of her that always enjoyed the elegant dresses she and you 'had' to wear. You allow yourself a somber smile behind your veil.
"You look beautiful, my lady," Iassa curtsies.
"Thank you," you look at her bowed figure, gray robes made more dull by the stark black choker on her neck. You were sure she was at least 2 standard years younger than you are and it had only been a few months since you came of age. You wondered if she liked pretty dresses too.
Before you can ask her, there is a knock at your door.
The house steward, Jaromir, clears his throat when Iassa opens it for you, "The na-Baron requests your presence before he enters the arena."
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Heavy doors open for you in one of the chambers beneath the arena. You are greeted by the sight of a half-dressed Feyd-Rautha being helped into his armor by a servant.
"Lady Atreides," he looks you up and down, "I hope you slept well."
You bow your head in acknowledgment.
"Your knives, master," a large man whom you assume to be the bladesmith presents Feyd-Rautha with two daggers.
The young Harkonnen takes one and caresses the blade with his fingers.
"I've come to wish the brave na-Baron well before his fight in the arena," you say in false earnestness.
He smiles at your inflation of his ego.
"Though I must say, I am relieved it is all for show. I would not like to see my groom wounded before we are wed."
"For show?" Feyd-Rautha tilts his head and you see his arrogant facade show the slightest crack.
"Yes, I've heard your opponents will be drugged will they not?" your voice dripping with innocence, "to ensure your safety, of course."
His grip on the dagger tightens, "and where did you hear this exactly?"
You sense the awkwardness and tension in the servants. The one who had helped don Feyd-Rautha's armor has quietly retreated to the far side of the chamber. There is a subtle tremble in the hands of one holding a plate of towels. You finally notice the three women piled upon a raised platform glaring at you.
"Just voices around the fortress," you shrug.
A deep breath recovers Feyd-Rautha's smug expression. "Call for the warden," he orders one of the guards by the door, "tell him to prepare new prisoners. Sober ones."
"My lord, you need not endanger yourself," you feign worry.
"Nonsense." The na-Baron walks closer to tower over you, "My lady bride deserves to see my true prowess."
He sees through your challenge, but you don't care. Seeing his self-satisfied smirk wiped from his face for even just a second was worth it.
"Besides," he turns away from you to inspect the second knife, "my darlings enjoy meat that's fought for its life."
The three women sneer at this and you see their sharp teeth as they hiss amongst themselves.
You've heard of Feyd-Rautha's concubines long before you arrived on Giedi Prime. Tales of their taste for human flesh were one of the things that tested your resolve in fulfilling the marriage pact. You didn't mind that the na-Baron would keep other women. It would result in less of his attentions on yourself, you figured. It was their perverse appetite that nauseated you.
A look of revulsion hides behind your veil which you sense they would be all too happy to rip to shreds.
"I will see you in the stands, little hawk," Feyd-Rautha whispers to you as he waves for a guard to escort you out.
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You do your best to drown out the noise of what seemed to be a countless audience that came to see the na-Baron fight. You could understand now why they uphold such brutal traditions. The people are so excited for it.
On the other side of the arena, you sense Vladimir Harkonnen watching you from the Baron's Box that towered over the whole arena. The blazing sun only helps you avoid looking in his direction. You were sat at a viewing box, still for nobility and separated from the masses, but much lower and closer to the sands of the arena. Jaromir had told you that you were to 'give the na-Baron your favor'.
Before long, the master of ceremonies announces Feyd-Rautha's entrance in Giedi Prime Speech. They are celebrating his betrothal to you and the union of Harkonnen and Atreides, you translate in your head. You wonder if the people care for the politics of the Great Houses. They seemed no less excited to cheer at your name despite the centuries-old blood feud.
Massive doors open as the na-Baron walks into the arena. His arms outstretched holding his knives like an extension of his limbs. He riles up the crowd as he walks towards the Baron's Box and kneels to his uncle. He then rises and walks toward you, smirking under the stark light of the black sun.
You may not fear earning the Harkonnens' contempt, but you were the Duke of Caladan's daughter and you knew that the favor of the people was invaluable.
You stand and walk to the edge of the viewing box. The glowing smile you reveal as you lift your veil draws cheers from the crowd that rival what Feyd-Rautha received. You produce a pure white handkerchief from your dress pocket and make a show of kissing it and waving the cloth at the buzzing crowd. You throw it off the edge and it floats toward the na-Baron who had moved both daggers to one hand to catch it. He looks up at you with what you think could be the seeds of respect and tucks the cloth into the tight armband around his right bicep.
He turns back to the audience and raises his knives in a war cry. The crowd explodes in guttural cheers and applause. Feyd-Rautha takes his position in the middle of the arena as his first opponent is released into the white sands.
You've heard of the Harkonnen heir's aptitude in single combat. It's time to see if the stories were true or if it was just another part of their menacing facade.
You were handed a pair of spyglasses to observe with. The two fighters approach each other, the prisoner wielding a knife of his own. Feyd-Rautha holds a taunting stance. The prisoner was sober, you were sure, but even without the spyglasses, you could see he was weak. You surmised the Harkonnen cells weren't very hospitable. He attempts a swipe but the na-Baron parries with ease. Another and the na-Baron dodges. Zooming in, you could see Feyd-Rautha's twisted amusement. He was toying with the poor man—and the people loved it.
The crowds cheered at the clashing of metal, thundering when the na-Baron drew first blood by slashig his opponent's arm. It wasn't long before Feyd-Rautha's dagger had impaled the prisoner's heart. There was no pause before a second prisoner was brought out to meet a similar fate.
Feyd-Rautha stood unwounded, seething with exhilaration. He enjoyed this; the thrill of killing. He basked in the roar of the crowd. You had never ended a life before, but some deep part of you could almost understand how he felt in that moment.
A third prisoner enters the arena. He looked older than the first two, bearded and taller. He reminded you of Gurney Halleck, the Atreides Warmaster. This man certainly wasn't at his prime but you could tell he would not go down as easily as the first two.
The warrior holds his blade out in a firm fighting stance, refusing to make the first move. You notice picadors in black suits have entered the arena, circling the na-Baron and his opponent. Feyd-Rautha lunges at the prisoner and a quick series of parries from both sides occur. You see the finesse in the na-Baron's movement. He recognizes his opponent's skill and he is taking this one seriously. You were not sure what you expected of the Harkonnen's fighting style but Feyd-Rautha was vicious but precise. The crowd gasps when the prisoner disarms one of the na-Baron's knives. The warrior manages to get a grip on Feyd-Rautha's armed hand and aims to pierce the na-Baron's neck with his blade. The na-Baron struggled against his hold and the arid air was thick with anticipation.
You were unsure what outcome you desired as you stared through your spyglass. Perhaps this warrior kills your betrothed. What then? Would you really be able to go back to Caladan's windy cliffs again? Return to the arms of your mother as if it were all a bad dream? You wonder if when Feyd-Rautha becomes baron, and you his baroness, could you convince him to let you see your family.
The warrior's blade was dangerously close to your future husband's throat when one of the picadors lashes at the warrior. The na-Baron growls at the offending picador as the warrior is weakened. Feyd-Rautha pushes him off and allows him a moment to recover, taunting him to try again. Blades clash once more and after a sequence of quick ferocious movements, Feyd-Rautha's blade slashes the warrior's throat. Blood made black by the infrared of the sun splatters onto the na-Baron. He licks the darkness that landed on his lips. Heaving, he takes your bloodied handkerchief off his armband and raises it to you and the roaring crowd.
You did not even realize you were already standing, breathless at the sight.
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Taglist: @torchbearerkyle @austinswhitewolf @dreamlandcreations @emeraldsgirl @strawberryfieldsforevermore
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deviltoys · 3 years
― this is my first time requesting so let's hope i don't fuck this up [lmao].
taking tobio's [who's the pastor's son] virginity and watching him ask for forgiveness for doing something so inappropriate in the church but then you proceed to degrade him. 🙇
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— ‘𝘂𝗻𝗵𝗼𝗹𝘆 𝘃𝗼𝘄𝘀.’
tobio kageyama x top!male reader. (wc; ?)
#a/n: stop. this is my favorite request, ever. virginity loss ‘n blasphemy??? hello? too fuckin’ good, been cravin’ a good virgin tobio. thank you fer’ this, it was perfect!
warings. NSFW CONTENT, MINORS DNI, virginity loss, sacrilege, taboo acts, incest, age gap (18-30), pastor!reader, exhibitionism, sex in a church, misusage of the bible, religious speak, little to no prep, dumbification, creampie, degrading, manipulation, corruption, belly bulge, daddy k.
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juvenile ministry took up a huge chunk of the church you operated. being the father to tobio kageyama, it was only natural that he was a frequent volunteer for the group of children who'd visit you both to be taught the righteous laws of god.
your boy was so doting with kids, it lay a smile across your lips to see him so devoted as you'd help demonstrate an array of practices to the youth. he was an apprentice of some sort— you two had a closely knit relationship when it came to chruch work.
almost a little too close.
nobody would ever suspect a thing, right? their nurturing pastor and his passionate son; they wouldn't dream of commiting any corrupt acts against the lord they so dearly fawned about.
the children certainly wouldn't know, such mindless followers. that's why during youth hours the two of you would mysteriously ‘disappear’ while everyone else contributed holy related activities to do while father y/n and tobio went to assist the lord.
you had be fighting the urge to take your son aside and tear his tiny body in half right there inside the sacred haven. but poor little tobio was a virgin, nobody would dare attempt to be the one who would strip the priest’s son of his innocence. you and the younger male had only gone as far as sucking on each others lips or caressing one another in sensual ways that would surely be forbidden by the church.
it was unethical practice to do anything under sexual pretense inside the chapel; with your offspring no less. you were already commiting unforgivable acts unbeknownst to your fellow ministers— what was one more? just another sin strewn onto the pile of ones you had been collecting throughout the years.
the line between faith and abandonment finally blurred out when you caught your little kageyama with pants a size to small for his waist. the fabric rode up, perfectly rounding out and drawing scrutiny to his chubby ass. you were well aware of the scandalous gestures he would send your way while he kept his attention on the children. wiggling his ass out every so often was his main form of communicating his intentions.
he was at last ready to make his daddy proud, giving his body to him as though you were christ himself; submitting to you.
all of his coherent brain function was corrupt by you a long time past, the degenerate acts you two would shun from the eye of society had finally caught up to him. he needed the embrace of his dad, his loving, heavenly father that would fill his holes up with the holy spirit.
“tobio, follow me for a second please? i need to speak with you privately for awhile.” a forged grin took reign of your lips, softly signalling for your son as you escorted him through the barren temple halls. after he had finished passing out coloring activities for the group to engross in, he swiftly followed your lead.
“yes father, what is it that-” you barely gave kageyama a warning before slipping your forearms under his thighs, entangling the remainder of his limbs around your lower and upper body. you lifted his smaller from with ease, hot breath tickling the shell of his ear as your tone dropped to a deep whisper.
“are you ready to give your body to our savior, tobio?”
“yes father y/n, yes i am.”
that was all the confirmation you needed to proceed with blessing him. abandoning your clothes at the altar of god, you began to strip the boy attached to your body. steadily yanking down his suit pants, your cock already springing to life as his own came into view.
it was insatiably erect, you forbid your son from even being curious when it came to exploring his hormones. you knew one day keeping him fresh, unexposed to lewd activity would come in handy.
and it did, oh god it did.
his body was sensitive to the touch, you were concerned he was going to cum without you even putting a hand near his bulge. much less before the fun started. it was like caressing a rock, he was so stiff, the tip already dribbling a tiny bit of pre by the time you were able to finish your first stroke to the hilt.
after giving a few more measly flicks to the head of his cock; you guided tobio’s naked body towards the bible you had prepped specifically for this occasion. the oak pulpit stood tall amongst the various rows of seats— at the head of the stand was kageyama; exposed, ass out, and face burried deep inside the open book sprawled out for easy reading.
he could barely squeak out the first few passages as your lube coated fingers spread his cheeks and stretched his virgin hole to a worthy size; able to fit your fat cock.
it burned and ached, the agony of your fingers poking around his walls overthrew any noticable pleasure that may have slipped in unnoticed; it was torture. he thought intimacy was supposed to feel good. he should've listened when you told him it wasn't fun, how it was a crime against god and how he'd be severely punished for doing as such until he was proposed to by the right man.
but you were the right man, at least that's what you would tell him. so why was it so discomforting, so harsh? you weren't purposefully harming him were you? the paranoia was getting to him, it was so overwhelming, the thought of the man he adored so dearly causing him pain. hot, salty tears pricked his eyes, lashes catching any access fluid as they could meanwhile the clear streaks dusted his cheeks with red.
his hole was still barely twitching with anticipation, and would be for awhile; throwing your head back, you painfully fed kageyama’s rim your length. every inch that ventured just as deep as the last forced strained hiccups to seethe from behind his teeth. he was unbearably tight, his guts sucked you in while his walls showed heavy resistance— pushing you in and out of your trembling son.
“fucking hell.. dumb bitch, you’re so tight. ease up, i thought you'd serve me better- maybe i was wrong.”
no no, you were wrong, right? he was great, such an obedient little cocksleeve just for you, all for you. all he ever did was to please you; the man who he chased after for years, claiming he wasn't as nice as he predicted? panick only settle into him more, ruthlessly he began bucking his hips to match your unenthusiastic thrusts. attempting to appease you wasn't an easy feat, but he was so utterly devoted to you that the condition of his vessel meant nothing if it meant you were proud of him.
he attempted to slur out a form of quivering tongue with a few biblical quotes shoved in-between. whatever he was reciting wasn't human, infact you couldn't tell if he was fucked out or just anxious. whatever it was, your words had preformed their purpose; you were far too impatient to fully prepare him for the world of sex. forcing him to mature on the other hand seemed to run it's course— he was the one himself impelling himself onto at the end of the day.
your arms snaked around his tiny waist, hoisting his feet up and off the ground. the entirety of his lower half no longer met with the floor, steamy tears teased eyes while the remainder of his efforts worked into engulfing you whole. the stimulation of being carried off the ground just like that was unimaginable; only to have his pussy pounded mercilessly into the wooden podium.
“ack! ah.. mm. daddy, pl- please i can do better! m’promise, don't hold back- i want to feel every inch of you!” so vulgar, you weren't aware of tobio’s filthy mouth.
angling your hips to perfectly kiss his prostate with every shift in your pace, you plowed repeatedly into the spongy skin until he was no longer babbling on about anything coherent. whatever bible quote he was now listing off was lost within euphoria; his hole was loosening up more and more with each thrust you planted deep inside of his stomach.
he know knew how desperately he craved seeing your cum gush right out of his gaping ass. more than anything in the world.
“hah, what a stupid whore, letting your father fill up your belly like this? no wonder you can't do anything but flatter me.”
“m’not a stupid whore, daddy i promise!”
the way his cunt squelched around you told otherwise, you didn’t let up on the insults; constantly bombarding the male with word after word. his trembling thighs and drool stained expression prompted you to continue the vile humiliation.
“oh-ho yes you are, you're lucky i’m even taking the time to fuck you like this. the lord wouldn't dare touch you, so why should i? you're charity work kageyama, nothing but pity.”
giving his plump rear a deathly tight squeeze, you ramped up the vigor in your movements. aching breaths escape your nose as you send forth more shivers down the length of his spine— as much as he wants to keep you satisfied he can only withstand so much. this is his first time being lost within the rapturous waves of an orgasm. religious words still on the tip of his tongue as your name bounces off the empty church hull.
there's a puddle of semen beneath you at his feet, he's cum far too many times for you to count and he's just now; once again fighting for release. his limp, shaking shaft all swollen as it spurts out the umpteenth load that session.
you swiftly follow behind, using the last bit of strength in your twitching thigh muscles— you sent your hips forward, fully submerging your fat cock down his rectum. he yelps almost violently, but he adores it. the way you use up his spent hole. the amusement in his moans fizzle once he finally comes to his senses, realizing there's no cum sliding down his guts and into his tummy. the expected feeling of warm, sticky fluid staining his intestines was the big prize he was looking forward to.
“don’t you remember, your only use is to please me tobio. and you couldn't even do that, that's why you don't get daddy's cum. understand?” a disappointed glare forms on your face, once he's luckily unable to see.
he implores like you've never heard from anyone before, you've had your fair share of sexual favours under the church’s nose. but the dark haired male in particular was one of a kind, he was begging you for your seed like his life was dependant on whether or not you fufilled his lustful desires. he needed your cum, right there, right now.
even attempting to guide your entirely hard cock right back into his enormous asshole, which you allowed. your composure was iron-willed, you knew you could cum on command if need be. giving into his sinful fantasies, you pistoned yourself balls deep once more— your hands moving his hips for him as he pleaded for the sweet release of your fluids.
“please daddy, m’such a good cum dump! i promise, please just cum inside of me. i need it, i’ll do anything! anything!”
anything indeed, you had just the thing in mind. and you were sure tobio wouldn't refute, how could he? there wasn't any other choice, it was your cum or no cum. simple as that.
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emeren · 3 years
heyy I love your writing and have a request! It’s pretty open ended but the synopsis is a cliche LMAO, eren x reader, the get into a fight about something stupid and then a couple days of silence, you can fill in the rest but ends in make up sex hehe :) I hope this request wasn’t too much
don’t worry, i love a good cliche!! thank you so much for this request! i had a fun time writing it, i hope you enjoy!! <3
pairing: eren x fem!reader 
word count: 1.6k 
content warnings: 18+, smut, slight degradation 
SUMMARY: after an argument, eren and the reader go several days without talking to each other, determined to outlast one another. but eren can only go so long without physical contact ;) 
“oh my god,” eren’s voice was exasperated as he unlocked the front door to your shared apartment, successfully cutting you off. “i swear to god, you can be so fucking annoying sometimes.”
a scoff left your lips, his insult only furthering the anger festering inside of you. “i’m annoying? you’re the one that embarrassed me in front of all our friends.” 
“i didn’t do shit,” eren hissed as you slammed the front door shut, angrily tossing the keys down on the entry table. “i made one joke and you blew it way out of proportion.” 
“it literally made everyone, including myself, uncomfortable,” you crossed your arms as he ran his large hand down his face. the two of you were at it again, arguing over something insignificant. “you literally have no fucking filter! sometimes i wonder why we’re even still invited to shit!” 
“oh, fuck off,” eren sneered, narrowing his eyes at you. his brows were furrowed, long hair haphazardly resting on his shoulders. he was so stubborn sometimes, nearly driving you to insanity. “you act as if i’m the only one at fault here.” 
“maybe take some responsibility and stop acting like a fucking child,” you snapped, shoving past him to walk into your bedroom. eren was right behind you, determined to get the last word. 
“i’m not acting like a child,” he nearly yelled, arms propped on either side of the door frame. you were beyond pissed, irritation crawling into every crevasse of your mind. 
“eren, i’m done talking with you,” you said seriously, trying to avoid making things even worse with a quip remark. your words only seemed to inflate the side of him that was determined on winning every little argument known to man, his hand grabbing the door knob to yank it closed.
“you know what? fine. i’m fucking done talking to you too.” 
it had been three days.
three days since your argument over a joke that, in all honesty, you couldn’t even remember.
the two of you were stubborn to the point of utter silence; sharing a bed, kitchen, and bathroom without so much as a word. deep down, you knew your anger had morphed into some need to last longer than eren, and you had a feeling he was doing the same. 
it was a regular wednesday night, the tv playing quietly in the background as you read a book on the couch. eren had gone out awhile ago for some unspoken reason, leaving you to relish in the peaceful atmosphere. 
your newfound luxury was broken by the sound of the front door unlocking, the familiar clink of his keys on the table rattling over the muted television. you glanced up from your page, watching as eren entered the living room with a takeout bag in hand. he was wearing a sweatshirt, silently setting the bag down before sitting on the opposite side of the couch. 
you heaved a breath out, subconsciously deciding to ignore him as you turned back to your book. eren just watched the tv, shuffling quietly in an attempt to get comfortable. you couldn’t help but eye the bag on the coffee table, wondering why eren hadn’t decided to start eating whatever was in there. 
you were startled by the feeling of eren’s hand on the back of your head, fingers gently scratching at your scalp. you glanced over to him, but he was staring at the tv, jaw clenched. you rolled your eyes, slightly shifting on the cushion to give his arm better leverage. 
eren took your movement as a sign of acceptance, scooting even closer so that your legs were nearly touching. you bit your lip, trying to seem nonchalant. your brain wasn’t processing the words on the page, eyes merely moving back and forth to give the allusion of focus. 
it was as eren’s hand left your head, coming down to ‘innocently’ palm at your bare thigh, that the small thread of focus you had snapped, breath hitching. he took notice, squeezing the flesh. you loved the way his long fingers looked gripping your leg, an all too familiar ache making itself known between your legs. 
your eyes trailed up from his hand, briefly meeting his teal gaze before he leaned forward, lips desperately latching onto yours. his hands flew to your waist, roughly pressing you back onto the couch. 
his lips hotly melded with yours, a certain neediness behind the gesture as his teeth grazed your bottom lip. you whimpered at the bite, eren using it to invite his tongue inside your mouth. he groaned as your hand flew up to tug at his hair, aggressively grinding his hips against yours.
you weren’t surprised by how hard he was, considering it’d been three days since either of you had experienced any form of relief. the feeling of his dick rubbing against your clothed center only heightening the burning in the pit of your stomach. 
eren’s lips sloppily left yours, hand lifting to yank the collar of your shirt down so that one of your breasts was exposed. he hungrily kissed down your neck, mouth latching onto your nipple as his other hand aggressively squeezed the other. 
your head rolled back, fist pressing eren’s head against your chest as his tongue swirled around the sensitive bud. his hand left your other breast, tugging your shorts down your thighs. 
his movements were erratic and rushed, mouth leaving your breast with a loud smack. he hovered above you, eyes dark and lustrous. there was a small smirk toying at his features as he leaned forward, tongue sliding along his bottom lip. 
you stared up at him, heart beating. “open up, pretty.” 
you did as you were told, swollen lips parting just in time for him to spit directly in your mouth. the bitter liquid slid down your throat instinctively, eren giving your side a light squeeze in approval. 
he brought his two hands down to fully yank your shorts off, pressing a kiss to your lips as you tugged his sweats and boxers down. 
eren sat up so that he was on his knees above you, large cock pressed against his stomach. you gripped the length, eagerly pumping it as he stared down at you. you looked up at him through your lashes, knowing full well what was coming. 
eren was quick to shove you back down onto the couch, hand guiding his tip just inside your entrance. you whined at the sensation, lifting yourself to kiss him. he frowned, effectively shoving your head back down on the couch. 
“ah, ah, ah,” he tutted as he shoved the full extent of his length within you, your neck craning back at the uncomfortable stretch. “i want to watch you while i fuck you.” 
with that he pulled all the way out before ramming his hips against yours, a cry ripping through your chest. he was relentless, bucking desperately into you, cock nearly smacking your cervix with each thrust. 
“fuckin’ pissed me off,” he grunted as he filled you to the hilt, spare hand coming down to feverishly rub at your clit. you moaned at the overstimulation, the swell in your chest growing at just how aggressive eren was being. “hm? not so quiet now, huh pretty little slut?” 
you could feel your orgasm building as both his fingers and hips sped up, abusing your cunt. you closed your eyes, fully anticipating the dopamine rush. eren wasn’t quite finished yet, pulling his dick completely out of you. 
your eyes snapped open at the sudden emptiness, eren staring down at you through his brows. 
“not gunna fight with me anymore, right?” he asked, rubbing his tip against your clit slowly. your face was warm, eyes lidded with pleasure. eren glared at you, clearly wanting a response. “lemme hear you beg.” 
“i won’t, i won’t fight with you,” you mewled desperately, slightly lifting your hips. “missed this too much. missed you too much.” 
eren grinned darkly, stuffing his cock deep within your cunt once again. he pressed his body against yours for better leverage, lips by your ear. you moaned loudly as he deliberately slid in and out. 
“takes her punishment like such a good girl,” he cooed, dick twitching inside of you as his thumb came back down to rub out your high. your vision grew blurry, the pit in your stomach spreading as your limbs began to tingle. your chest heaved as you rode out your release. 
eren pulled out, quickly pumping his shaft, a throaty groan leaving his lips as he released his load on your face. the warm liquid dripped down your cheeks, a surprised scoff leaving your mouth. 
“my face? really?” you breathed out, eren snickering as he tugged his pants back up. 
“hold on, just a sec,” he leaned over the coffee table and grabbed the takeout bag, rifling through it for a napkin. you had your eyes squinted, trying not to let his cum obscure your vision. he came back over you, gently wiping at your skin. “oh, i want to apologize for how i was acting. i shouldn’t have made that joke.” he whispered.
you let out a sigh, watching his face as he cleaned you up. “i’m sorry for the things i said, too.” 
eren grinned, placing a kiss on your forehead. “in that case, would you like some pad thai? i got it just for this.” 
“wait,” you gasped, sitting up. “this was your plan all along?” 
“well, yeah. if the makeup sex didn’t work, i was gonna win your forgiveness through your stomach,” he sneered, reaching for the bag. you held back a laugh, feigning annoyance. 
“you are such an ass,” you groaned, swatting his shoulder. eren smirked at you, opening the container. 
“i know.” 
<3 <3 <3
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yoontaethings · 3 years
normal kind of love — jjk (1)
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pairing: jungkook x reader 
rating: explicit
word count: 2.5k
warnings: a lot of cussing and some teasing if you squint, but other than that none really (the warnings will come next chapter lmao)
you’re one half of hollywood’s on-screen it couple. the greatest chemistry known on-screen with the one and only, jeon jungkook, the bane of your existence.
a/n: this was supposed to be a longer chapter but i decided to split it in half to tease potential readers mwahaha btw this chapter is very very unedited, though i did postpone the upload because i had to remove some parts because i just thought the story didn’t need those bits anymore lol but the rest of this story i haven’t even read through yet, i just wrote and wrote and wrote so please excuse any errors (my tenses might also not be consistent but i’ll edit this soon)
taglist: @min-nicoleee @thisartemisnevermisses @ggukkieland @kokoandkookie @somelazysundays
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There was no way.
There was no way in hell they were pairing you up with him. Again.
You were confirmed to be cast as the female lead in the movie before any other characters were casted. They should have chosen a different male lead for this romance film. Heck, even Kim Taehyung, a friend of yours, received an offer for the role and you were certain he planned to take it. Unfortunately for you, even if Taehyung wanted the role, he couldn’t accept it because of scheduling conflict with another film he’s already working on.
Jeon Jungkook, an actor you starred alongside in “Dangerous Illusion”, was just confirmed as the male lead of your upcoming movie “Chosen for Pleasure”. The same man who seemed to make it his life goal to ruin you. After Jungkook was confirmed to play the male lead in your upcoming movie, fans on Twitter have been blowing up about it and made you two a trending topic worldwide. Elated fans mentioned you in their tweets expressing how happy they were to see you two again together. You wish you could say you felt the same.
The previous movie you worked on was a thriller/mystery. You played the part of Jungkook's wife in the film. The film was a blockbuster hit, as a result of the well-thought storyline, yet additionally because of its leads. Fans adored the chemistry between you and Jungkook, regardless of not having a lot of romantic scenes in the film. There were a lot of fans who wanted to see you two on-screen once more, this time, in a romance focused film. Looks like their wishes were coming true.
To add insult to injury, your impending film was going to be an adult romance. It required some steamy scenes that normally didn't trouble you because you were a true professional, yet absolutely irritates you now since you need to do them with Jeon Jungkook.
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The script reading was to be done today and your eyes opened an hour later than the time you set for your alarm because of the fucking snooze button. Seriously, why were snooze buttons even invented? They just allowed people to sleep through their alarms continuously.
Hand reaching for the phone on your nightstand, you knocked over a booklet that was over it. It was the script you spent hours reading to grab a sense of the character you were going to portray. Obviously, you already knew the basics about the part you were going to play, but knowing the entire story helped in portraying your character.
Your eyes squinted at the bright light of your phone that had the numbers 8:33 glaring at you, unlocking it to see a couple of texts and missed calls from your manager.
‘Are you awake yet?’
‘Please don’t tell me you forgot about the script reading today’
‘Ok I know you’re still asleep but just make sure you get ready on time, being late won’t do you and your image any favors’
‘I’ll pick you up at 9’
You rolled your eyes at his messages. You loved Hoseok and he was the best manager you could have been given from your agency, but he nagged too much. He was also your friend and his endless nags made you want to rip your eyeballs out sometimes because even when you’re supposed to unwind with him, he never forgets to remind you of your job.
‘I’m the fucking lead, Hobi, they’ll wait for me’
You slapped your phone back onto the nightstand and started going about with your morning routine. You didn’t have a lot of time, and even though you knew they would definitely wait for you, you hated being that bitch who made people wait so you took a quick shower and slapped on some sunscreen, powder, and finishing off with your go-to lipstick. You didn’t bother with makeup and dressing up. This was just going to be a script reading and sure, there were going to be photos taken but the thousands of dollars you’ve spent on facials and treatments already made sure your face was at least flawless despite the lack of effort.
Bringing only your phone, wallet and script, you exited your building and as usual, a shiny black van already awaited outside. Hoseok was leaning on it, scrolling through his phone when he sensed your presence and looked up.
“Oh, thank god you’re on time.” He exhaled in relief, pocketing his phone.
“I value sleep but you’re well aware I also value my career.”
Hoseok grinned. “Now there’s the y/n I know.” He then slid the van door open and you entered without another word.
The drive was pretty much uneventful, with you scrolling through your social media, seeing what fans have been tweeting about recently and with Hoseok humming along to the random pop music playing.
You longed for a distraction, something much more interesting than working your thumb throughout the drive because of the chasm that you were about to jump into when you arrived on set. You weren’t stupid enough to forget about the man who got the role of your romantic interest in the film. But you were wise enough to not let it haunt you for the past weeks. Now though, you can’t really avoid it anymore since you were supposed to be seeing him in person again after almost 2 years. You didn’t exactly leave on the best terms with Jungkook but who knows, maybe you’ll be able to act civil around each other.
At least you were sure you were going to act civil around him, already decided on taking the higher path. You’re not so sure about him, but fingers crossed he’ll at least be an adult about the situation and pretend he can stand being in the same room as you.
Soon enough, you were entering the room the script reading was to be held in. Bowing and greeting the actors and staff seated around the table as you passed by to get to the last vacant seat. You caught Jungkook’s eyes following your movements as you sat down. Luckily, he was seated across from you and it was easier to ignore his presence with the staff members greeting and coddling you.
As always, script reading began with actors introducing themselves and the role they’re going to play. As the female lead, you started off.
“Hello everyone. I’m y/n y/l/n and I’m going to take on the role of Yuri.” Hands clapped around you as you sat back down.
“Hello, I’m Jeon Jungkook and I’ll be playing Ryan.”
You didn’t bother clapping unlike the rest and avoided the eyes of the voice’s origin.
The script reading continued without a hitch– for the most part. The other cast members were very friendly, and laughter was exchanged during the read. The same couldn’t be said for you and Jungkook though.
When lines between your characters were exchanged, there was a weird tension in the room. It felt like everyone else were holding their breaths and waiting for either of you two explode and announce that you can’t do this film anymore. As dramatic as that would be, none of that happened. Instead, cheesy romantic lines sounded flat and bored from both you and Jungkook. The director made a tsk-ing sound whenever that happened.
“It’s always been you.” You read. The script said that Yuri and Ryan stared in adoration towards each other before Ryan uttered his next words.
“Marry me?” Jungkook asked.
You nodded your head as a wrap for the script reading. According to the script, there was supposed to be a kissing scene at the end, so you make ridiculous smooching noises. The cast burst into giggles before the director stood from his seat.
“…and that’s a wrap!” He clasped his hands together. “Hopefully when we start shooting things only look up from there.” He flitted his eyes between you and Jungkook.
Honestly, you wish that too but from yours and Jungkook’s history, you don’t really think that’s possible.
You were both professionals though and you’re sure you could at least count on him to make the on-screen romance feel real.
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“I’m sorry.” Hoseok said with pity in his eyes.
“Wha- but… why?” You asked, confused with what was happening.
Your part in the new film ‘The Notebook: Remake’ has apparently been withdrawn. As one of the rising stars in Hollywood, this was a really great opportunity for you. It’s one of the most anticipated films and accepting the offer of being the female lead in the movie was a no-brainer. Anyone who refuses that role is just stupid.
But now they were apparently taking it back.
Hoseok sighed. “There were too many scandals surrounding you recently. It doesn’t matter if they’re true or not, but you’ve been seen in hotels that Jeon Jungkook has been in too, and in everyone’s eyes you’re now secretly seeing him.”
“But we’ve never even been seen together in any of those photos. Don’t people know the word fucking coincidence?” Your brows furrowed, fists clenching at your sides. “And what does this have to do with my role in the film?”
“It seems they wanted someone with a ‘cleaner image’ and someone who’ll get the film to be a hit. Apparently, the romance won't be convincing if the female lead is dating someone in real life.”
You stared at Hoseok. He stared back waiting for a lash out, an angry outburst, anything really, but you remained silent, eyes unmoving. Soon enough, the dam doors burst open and the tears suddenly came streaming down your face. Hoseok exhaled and wrapped his arms around you.
“Hobi what did I do so wrong to deserve this?” you sobbed into his chest.
“Shh, it’s not your fault they’re all dumbasses. But you know the industry, y/n. We’ll find better films for you, okay?”
“Why is Jeon Jungkook such a thorn on my side? Why is he always ruining everything for me?”
“We can’t blame him, honey. He’s probably a victim in this too because of those damn rumor outlets.” Hoseok rubbed his hands along your back.
“But I’m getting the short end of the stick! The rumor is probably just feeding his bad boy persona!”
“Life’s unfair, y/n. Surely by now you’re aware of that. Just remember, karma’s going to bite them in the ass someday, okay? For now, do you want to call it a day and go home? I’ll drive you back and I’ll just report to the agency that you’re not feeling well.”
You nod your head, too listless to bother answering with words because there was only one thing on your mind right now.
Fuck Jeon Jungkook and his good looks. He just ruined the best opportunity for you. You were going to get him back for this. Like Hoseok said, karma’s going to bite him in the ass someday. And that karma was going to be you.
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You were supposed to be looking forward to filming one of your dream movies with your dream director. But all you felt was dread when you arrived on set. You promised yourself that you’d stay unaffected to Jeon Jungkook, but you couldn’t help the distaste for him to be left on your face while filming.
The scene you were shooting was when your characters first met and the first takes were a total disaster. You and Jungkook barely spared each other a glance, even when your character was supposed to be enticed by him, breaking down Yuri’s cold exterior. A break was called after the 6th take because the director was so frustrated that he looked like he was about to call the casting director and replace his two leads.
You sighed, not knowing what to do with yourself after the announcement of a break. Your feet led you to your dressing room, ready to pass out on the couch but before you could, someone barged in. Your head turned towards the door, expecting it to be your manager or the director or anyone really, just not the person who currently stood at the doorway.
“Can we talk?” Jungkook asked. Your eyes were suddenly drawn to his biceps which bulged from his shirt as he crossed his arms. The damn arms looked delicious. Too bad they belonged to someone you would never ever be attracted to.
“Sure.” You shrugged your shoulders. You were sure he came here to talk to you about filming and how to work out your indifferences and shit like that and honestly, you were so tired of hating him you’re ready to just go along with whatever. Hating someone actually takes a lot of effort, you realize.
Jungkook stepped towards you until he’s close enough that you had to tilt your head upwards to look at his eyes. His eyes locked on yours for a moment before his arms uncrossed and one of his hands landed on the wall behind you. He successfully caged you in with no way out. His lips part and your eyes are drawn to the movement, feeling his exhales on your nose. You swallowed nervously.
Good lord his breath smelled so good.
“Babe, I’m sure you’re just as thrilled as I am to be working with you again as you are with me, but let’s not mess this up okay? Let’s get this over with perfectly and quickly so we don’t have to deal with each other again after. Deal?” His eyebrows raised in question and you nodded dumbly, unable to form a coherent sentence with how close he was to you.
You felt a sudden rush of heat down there and was mentally cursing the man in front of you for how much he was affecting you. He tilted his head to the side and leaned in closer to your face as if he was about to kiss you then he suddenly stopped, his mouth forming a smirk, taunting you.
That smirk was all it took for you to snap back to reality. No, you were not going to let him take the upper hand here. A burst of confidence surged through you as you leaned closer to him too and allowed your lips to brush lightly against his cheek.
You pulled away, satisfied with how his lips drooped apparently not expecting that. You looked down and there it was, the tenting of his pants that brought a coy smile to your lips. Ha, take that.
You glanced back up at him, your fingers trailing over his thighs. “Aw, didn’t realize you saw me that way Jeon.” You abruptly pulled away and walked out of the room without another word, leaving him hard and defeated.
This is the beginning of his karma, you thought as you grinned to yourself.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 3 years
Not me basically stalking this whole page bc like No OnE writes of Beastars and I'm starved
I love your writing honestly, thanks for doing God's works for us lmao 💕
When you have time could I request a sheep/wolf female reader (looks more like a sheep and only had wold teeth/ears) with Pina and/or Bill? Just like their initial reaction to them maybe and after they find out that she's technically a carnivore (even if she looks like a sheep)
Thank you!
Are you asking me to write for a wolf in sheep's clothing? Because it feels like you're asking me to write for a wolf in sheep's clothing and I am all about that life
Thank you so much! That makes my day ;-; I also got a bit carried away, so I hope it’s okay. Feel free to send again if I missed something!
“A new student?” Pina closed his locker, interest now fully on Els. Pina really hadn’t been listening that closely, but it wasn’t everyday the school got a new student. 
“Yeah! A new girl. She’s a sheep,” Els continued, going over the very few details she knew. It wasn’t much, but she was still excited about it. As she continued to speak, she quickly checked her phone. Pina could tell by her sudden expression that it was later than she anticipated. She needed to get to class.
“Why are you telling me?” Els gave him a look while slinging her bag over her slim shoulder. 
“Because you’re a total flirt! I don’t want you to make the school or the drama club look bad. I heard she may stop by the club after classes. Behave yourself, okay?” Pina just gave her a look as she retreated. He shook it off, he didn’t need some upperclassman lecturing him. It was well meaning, but when had anyone ever stopped Pina from doing what he wanted?
Your hand grips the handle of the door. You take a deep breath through your nose, letting it out through your mouth. You tried to anchor yourself, and prepare for the onslaught. Everyone at the school seemed really nice so far, but it wouldn’t take much for that to change. 
“You’re the new girl, right?” You jump, pointed ear flicking as you turn on your heel in alarm. You hadn’t even heard the male walk up behind you. Were you that much in your head? Usually your instincts were better than that. 
“Yeah,” Being a sheep meant you were pretty small, and it helped you talk to the ground so no one would see your fangs. You were really good at hiding them, you had to be. 
“My name’s Pina, you are?” You looked up at him, taking note of his shining horns and wool that fell just right around his form. He looked like he walked out of a magazine. 
“O-Oh! Y/N,” You offered a small closed mouth smile. Pina didn’t stop looking you over. Your alarm bells went off. There was definitely something up with him. Did he know? Usually people just assumed your ears were deformed or you were just bad at managing your wool which is why there were so fluffy. Was it your eyes? Your hands? You trimmed your claws between classes, so by all accounts you looked like an herbivore. 
“Nice to meet you. Don’t look so worried, pretty much everyone is tolerable,” He reached past you and walked in, letting you follow after. 
You’d been going to drama club for a while. Thankfully for you, everyone was super nice, if not al little eccentric or weird. It at least gave you a solid friend base, if nothing else. You often would eat with some of the members. Sheila even introduced you to another sheep named Peach. Though, more often than not, you’d find yourself with Pina at some point during the day. You had no idea how it happened, it always just...did. You had suspicions he had somehow orchestrated running into you. 
“What class are you studying for?” He tried to peek over at your book, having managed to peel his eyes away from his phone that pinged every few moments with messages, no doubt from the possibly many girls he had been dating. 
“Science,” He looked immediately disinterested, going back to his phone. He started texting again, at a speed most cheetahs would find impressive, but he continued to try and carry a conversation with you. 
“Okay, I have to ask. What’s your deal? Why did you transfer, and why did you end up in drama club?” Pina’s words would have been accusatory, or pointed, but his tone was so casual it was like he was asking about the weather. 
“My deal?” You froze, and tried to casually turn the page, but you had stayed still a few moments to long. You didn’t have to look over to know Pina was now leaned over, waiting. 
“Your deal. Like, Legoshi is a pervert, Sheila used to be a dominatrix or something...No one normal as you usually joins. So, what’s your deal? You’re so...normal,” You hands closed your book with a thunk! You adjust on the bench to turn over and look back at him, scooting away just a smidge. 
“Promise you wont say anything?” You looked serious, but Pina was unaffected. Instead he tapped his chin, seeming to think hard about it. 
“Sure, why not?” He smiled, that same charismatic smile that he had perfected. You didn’t know if it was genuine, but his words were. Pina was a flirt, but he wasn’t known for spreading or telling rumors. Plus, he was your friend, even if you didn’t know how you ended up being friends in the first place. 
“Well, I’m not a sheep, at least...not all sheep,” As you spoke, he leaned in, curiosity getting the better of him. His phone was now long forgotten, and not even the chirping from text alerts took his gaze away from you. You glanced around while mulling how to say what you need to say in your head. The coast was clear. 
“I look like a sheep but, I’m also half wolf,” As your spoke, you didn’t hide your fangs, and actually went out of you way to adjust your more pointed ears. 
“Woah,” You waited for the fallout. Waited for his expression to turn to disgust, or for him to ask if your wolf parent ate your sheep one. You wanted for all of the normal questions that came with the confusion and ager from finding out you were a hybrid, but it never came.
“So that’s why you’re weird looking,” You shot a glare his direction. At least he was honest.
“Yeah, I guess...So, you wont tell anyone?” Pina leaned back.
“Nah I wont tell anyone about you, as long as you don’t chew on me at practice,” he shoots you a smile. This one seemed actually honest. 
“Thanks...I really appreciate it” 
“No problem. Can I ask another question?”
“Sure, I guess,” You suddenly felt much more relaxed. It was like a weight had been lifted. 
“Do you classify as a carnivore or an herbivore? I’ve never met a hybrid before,”  You blinked, and fiddled with the corner of your book.
“Carnivore, technically. I have to take supplements since I’ve been eating the herbivore lunch. It’s not balanced for me”
“Oh! Well, that sucks,” He laughed and grabbed his phone again. “Just order the food you want. I’ll can always get you one, or ask Bill to get an extra. Or Legoshi, they’d get one for you,” He was so casual about it, you almost had to pinch yourself. 
“Hey Pina?”
“Thanks...for being so nice about it.” 
“No problem. You can’t help who your parents are, plus you’re more interesting than over half the school. It’d be a waste to stop hanging out with you over something so stupid.” 
“New student?” Bill held the door open for Els who snuck by, holding her bag. They’d just got done at drama club, and Els was eager to talk about the new student their director told them about. Supposedly she was a transfer from another school. The details weren’t specific but they were all pretty excited. Having someone from a new school could offer new perspectives, which could be great for the drama club.
“Yeah. She sounds like she could fit right it,” It’d be nice to have another girl in drama and another herbivore. After the incident with Tem, some herbivores were still cautious about carnivore students, so it was exciting this new girl was joining an interspecies club out of the gate. 
“I hope so. Just gotta make sure Pina doesn’t do anything overwhelming, we don’t need that kind of drama,” Bill did not need Pina to flirt with the new girl, and go and forget her name. Bill was honestly one to talk, but that was beside the point. 
“Well, we’ll get to meet her tomorrow!” Els smiled, and they waved goodbye to one another. She was in high spirits, and with a shove of her shoulder let herself into her dorm room. 
“See you tomorrow Els!” Bill waved and went to his dorm. A new girl huh? He wasn’t thrilled at the idea of more Herbivores to look after, but if they were even a fraction as cool as Els, they couldn’t be to bad. 
You took a deep breath, and your hand gripped your school bag tightly. You grabbed the door of the drama room and pushed it. It was a bit stuck, but nothing major. You did pretend to struggle with it in order to fit the persona you were following of being a basic herbivore. No one had to know about the fact you had a carnivore parent. 
“Hello! Sorry I’m late! I got a bit lost,” You walked in, smiling carefully, avoiding showing any teeth. Your slightly longer and fluffier ear twitched. Most students just thought it was some sort of deformity, and were polite enough not to talk about it. 
“Welcome!” A goat ran up to you, and quickly introduced herself. It took very little time for you to be introduced to everyone else. They all seemed nice, friendly. Juno and Els were quick to sweep you away from a flirty and curious Pina, and show you the ropes and the possible areas you could end up.
“This big guy is Bill, don’t worry, he’s not as big of a jerk as he likes to pretend to be,” Els fondly pat the large tiger on the arm, and he just gave you a smile.
“Nice to meet you,” Bill smiled your direction, but there was a moment where the look in his eye turned briefly to confusion, but it went back to normal almost as quickly as it came. 
“Nice to meet you too!” Maybe it was your imagination. Yeah, your imagination. 
Drama was really fun. Everyone was supportive, if not a bit quirky. Even out of drama club, they tended to stick together. Els, Sheila, as well as Juno, tended to stick close with you. Thanks to them, it wasn’t difficult for you to find a close group of small and honest friends. That also included Bill, on rare occasions. He stuck mainly with carnivores, but the rare times you were alone, he’d slide next to you. 
“Hey, you doing okay?” He had two meals in his hand. You wondered if he was meeting someone. 
“Yeah, I’m doing alright!” You set your supplements down. He eyed them for a moment and motioned with his head.
“It’s nice outside, we should go enjoy the rest of the evening,” You sat confused, but decided to follow him. Bill carried those two trays out and somehow still held the door for you. 
“Thanks, but why do you wanna eat outside?” You sat on a bunch, setting your try on your lap, and you opened your drink to take your supplements. When people asked, you told them they were just additional vitamins. 
“So you could eat this instead,” He offered the second tray he had been holding. You looked at him confused. 
“Why?” It was the carnivore lunch tray. You were a sheep, as far as anyone knew. 
“Because taking supplements suck,” He sat down, and offered the second tray again, “Take it, I want to eat my food too, kinda hard to do that with my hands full,” You set your other food aside, and took the offered tray, 
“So, you know?” Bill shrugged. He didn’t seem that worried about it. 
“Yeah. To be fair, Aoba figured it out first. He happened to see you yawn one day, spotted your fangs. Aoba has really good eyes, being a eagle and all. We figured you didn’t want anyone to know so we haven’t asked you about it,” You freeze. If Aoba knew, who else did?
“Aoba knows?” You looked shocked. You thought you had been so careful! 
“Yeah. Don’t worry about it. Only Aoba, Els, and I know. We didn’t want to bug you about it, but it’s been bugging me, watching you take those pills all the time. It’s better to just eat what you need instead of eating salads and hoping your “Vitamins” even it out. If you’re part carnivore, have some pride in it,” He spoke between eating. You were surprised, he seemed so okay with it. 
“Oh,” You didn’t know what to say. No one had treated you different, everyone was still super nice. 
“Promise you guys wont tell anyone?” You finally picked up your utensils, and began eating the lunch you should have been getting from the beginning. It was really good, but maybe that was just because it came from someone who accepted you. 
“Promise. We stick together, you’re one of us now,” He jokingly shoved your thin shoulder with his own, grinning. 
“So, what are you mixed with?” Bill asked, his food all but gone. How did he eat so much so fast? 
“Sheep and a wolf,” He laughed.
“Oh boy, I bet that must be a story,” He laughed, and you would bet he was trying to picture how that happened.
“Yeah,” You kept eating, finally relaxing. You didn’t even know you were tense. 
“If you ever need anything you can ask me, okay? Like I said, we all kind of stick together. I don’t mind buying extra food for you so you can avoid taking those pills,” He looked away, scratching his cheek. You got the feeling he wasn’t used to being sincere or so outwardly nice. It wasn’t a surprise, he frequently played the tough guy. 
“Thanks Bill.”
“You’re welcome” 
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icequeenbae · 3 years
Girl, I’m Your Catnip (m) | BBH
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Pairing: wolf!Baekhyun x caracal!Reader
Hybrid AU, slice of life, some fluff, PWP, smut
Warnings: altered mental state (in a way?), Baek snapped, rough sex, unprotected sex, overstimulation, knotting, cross-breeding?
Word Count: ~3.4k
Summary: You’d been pretty stressed at work lately, so your boyfriend decided to bring something special to help you unwind.
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s note: I’m back with... Catnip. Seriously. I’m not even a cat person 😅 This was something quick and out of the blue. But I really enjoy hybrid aus, and this is definitely not the first or the last one I’ve written… It’s quite different from my other stories so far (pls read the warnings). Expect minimal plot (minimal… for me) and lots of feral sex unconventional stress relief lmao P.S. Thanks to @baekshoney​ for being quick at reading through when I come at her with these, even when they’re out of her comfort zone <3
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It’d been weeks since you came home early enough to really hang out with Baekhyun. The closing phase of your project lasted longer than anticipated, and it was taking a great toll on you, both physically and mentally. Working long hours was one thing, but the atmosphere was not the greatest either. A couple cutthroat colleagues kept compromising the team’s integrity, creating additional stress for the hardworking and meticulous people like you. There was literally no time to deal with the internal drama while you had a deadline approaching fast.
Luckily enough, your significant other was most understanding during this time. Running you a bubble bath to soak in for twenty minutes after especially tough days, feeding you delicious late-night dinners… Or holding you in a tight lock of his arms when you broke down right at the threshold from exhaustion and nerves. He went as far as doing all the chores and grocery shopping by himself, which left you feeling rather guilty for not being able to reciprocate his care. What kind of shitty girlfriend were you? The constant nagging of the inner voice in the back of your head was making the anxiety grow.
Although Baekhyun assured you time and time again that it was fine, you kept insisting that you were going to make it up to him. Which nearly made you cry on the spot. Your usual way of giving back was making him a nice dinner, organizing a cozy movie night with his favorite snacks, or even bringing your favorite almond oil to give him a relaxing massage. All of those scenarios inevitably ended with the two of you tangled up in bed till indecent hours of the morning, having a whole lot of steamy sex. These days, however, you were unable to recuperate and loosen up enough to do any of it. You’d not been intimate with your partner for at least three weeks, and while he was a complete sweetheart (he usually was) about it, that made you feel even more burdensome to him.
So much so, that you promised your boyfriend to get drunk the first night following submission of the presentation, to take the edge off, and simply allow him to do whatever he wanted with you. Baekhyun insisted that he didn’t have much use of you while shitfaced, and would rather have you well-rested and enjoying the process. Still, you were set on having no more delays, so you informed him that you’d finally be free from the project this Friday, and he should be pouring champagne for you as you walk through the door. Taking his previous comments into consideration, you ruled out the hard liquor and decided to only get heavily tipsy. Being horribly drunk did not seem like an arousing option you should be presenting your overly patient and caring boyfriend with.
Come Friday, as you finally submitted your presentation, you texted Baekhyun at least two hours in advance that you were definitely on track to spend the evening with him. Fortunately for you, he was going to come home a bit late, so you even had a head start to do all of the necessary preparations. That’s to say, you were stuck in the bathroom for over an hour and a half. You were ecstatic to finally have enough time to groom properly – your caracal nature always called for it. Pleased with how smooth and refreshed your skin looked after the long-awaited pampering, you exited the bathroom to go pick your poison for tonight.
You were so ready to get your drinks and relinquish all control to Baekhyun that you got startled when you saw him already heading towards you.
‘Oh! I didn’t hear you come in,’ you chirped.
‘Are you already drunk?’ He sniffed the air, shaking his head. ‘I guess not. You smell good,’ he smiled as you reached him and wrapped your arms around his neck with all the feline grace you had in you.
‘I really missed you,’ you purred as his warm hand settled on the small of your back comfortably.
His scent made you want to rub your face on him, to get more of it on you. How terribly you must’ve missed him! In the beginning, it took you a bit to get used to the notorious ‘smell of a dog’ inevitably coming off of him. But you’d strangely grown to like it a lot, despite being the very whimsical wild cat hybrid that you were. Now, however, you’d stayed away for a while, and the scent lingering on his skin seemed so pleasant that you wanted to cover your entire body in it. But then again, it’d been so long that the desire to pounce him mixed with the fear of not being able to do well. What if you took longer to get ready now? Or to come? What if you couldn’t make him come? Surely you needed to take good care of him to repay all the weeks he’d been an angel for your sake.
‘I missed having you all to myself too, honey,’ he smiled crookedly, leaning in to give you a kiss. ‘You seem a bit tense,’ he noted when you swerved your short tail with slight agitation. ‘If it’s about sex, I told you we don’t have t-’
‘I want to!’ You quickly interrupted. ‘I don’t want to wait anymore, Baekhyunie. Just a little help to relax my stressed mind and body is all I need. Then we’ll get to it.’
Baekhyun sighed, shaking his head, allowing you to pull him back into your bedroom.
‘Doesn’t your head always hurt after you drink?’
‘It’s worth it,’ you replied firmly and turned to him. ‘Let’s just treat it as a celebration. I’ll bring the bottle here.’
He grabbed your wrist swiftly, before you took another step towards the door.
‘I-’ he looked away, tail stilling as he was considering something. ‘I have another idea, actually. You trust me, right?’
Giving him a curious look, you nodded. Of course, you trusted him; more than anyone in the world, more than yourself at times. Although he was a ‘big bad wolf’ (still, only bad enough to eat the last slice of his absolute favorite Hawaiian pizza while you weren’t looking), and your relationship wasn’t very ‘likely’… He’d managed to charm you, and you’d been together for a long time since. And your wolf’s embrace made you feel so tiny and secure, that you couldn’t imagine being with anyone else at this point, all initial reservations evaporated.
‘We can try something else. Something that shouldn’t be as toxic as drinking, but also have you release the tension and relax. I got it on my way here,’ he began, making you even more interested in what it was.
Taking notice of your stare, he continued.
‘Um- I just need to be sure that you want this. Your unbiased decision. Like I said, we don’t have to f-’
‘Don’t feel bad about it, making it up to you will make me happy,’ you raised an open palm in front of his chest when he tried to protest. ‘If it can help me make you feel good, whatever it is, I trust you. I missed being… close to you.’
He chewed on his lip, and nodded.
‘Alright. I’ll use the bathroom for a sec, and you can get on the bed, okay?’
Somewhat surprised that he didn’t tell you what exactly he was planning, you complied, lying down on your belly to wait for him. It took him a few unbearably long minutes, during which you stared the door down, tail swinging impatiently. He made minimal sound after the water was turned off, so you had no idea what was happening in there.
‘Babe, need some help in there?’ You offered and sat up just as the door flew open.
He emerged from the bathroom shirtless, sporting nothing but sweatpants. His skin was shimmering slightly, and you licked your lips at the sight of his lean torso. All of the events and worries of the past few weeks were instantly forgotten.
‘Took you long enough,’ you mumbled grumpily. ‘What were you doing in there?’
He tilted his head to the side, a textbook sign of puppy confusion.
‘Do you… notice anything?’
You pouted, unsure as to what you were supposed to notice. He looked the same. A bit freshened up and half-undressed, but still the same.
‘Ah- maybe it doesn’t work on you,’ he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, halting an arm’s length away. ‘My bad.’
‘What doesn’t wo-’ as he turned around to supposedly walk back to the bathroom, it hit you.
Oh, it hit you, indeed.
Before you could think, you gripped his wrist to prevent him from moving away.
‘W-what- is-’ you stuttered, pulse suddenly escalating.
Baekhyun gulped at the sight of your dilated, almost shaking pupils. You tugged him closer after you moved up to the edge of the bed. The scent that penetrated your nostrils almost took you out.
‘What is that?’ You finally managed, swallowing the saliva that was rapidly collecting in your mouth.
Jerking him forward, you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck.
‘Do you like it?’
You didn’t answer, too busy running your tongue over his collarbone with a long groan. Without even noticing the death grip you had on him, you dragged him onto the bed as you swallowed his scent and tasted his delectable skin, going increasingly mad from the sweetness.
‘What is this, Baekhyun,’ you sobbed, covering his chest in frenzied kisses, while the burning arousal made your insides constrict. ‘Oh god- I want all of you. On me. And- in me. Oh fuck,’ you were almost feverish as you pushed him in the chest to get him to lie back, and ripped his sweatpants off without a second thought.
‘Y/N, slow down,’ your boyfriend warned, and you didn’t care.
You wanted that taste in your mouth again, the one that was all Baekhyun, but sweeter, more intense. Nibbling on the gentle skin under his belly button, you quickly found your way down to his balls. Whimpering at the addicting taste, you took one in your mouth, playing with it diligently, sucking and licking, while your boyfriend stirred underneath and reached for your hair to get it out of the way. Your tongue on his most sensitive spots quickly made him harden, and you waited no more than necessary to stuff his entire cock in your mouth.
At that, you both moaned.
Frantically bobbing your head, you sucked harshly on it, making him thicken further. You shoved it in your mouth almost aggressively, choking on him, chasing the feeling that lingered in your throat after your nose met his smooth skin. He prepared too.
Swallowing around him, you groaned as you kept moving your head, spit mixing with precum and collecting at the corners of your mouth.
‘Fuck, kitten- you’d be mute tomorrow if you keep at it,’ Baekhyun gritted, pulling you off of his dick by the hair.
You wailed, like a cat being dragged by its tail, and clawed at his thigh for interrupting. His pained grunt went unnoticed since you immediately moved on to exploring the taut skin of his stomach all the way up to his pecs. Rubbing your face onto it, tonguing his abs and his nipples, you shuddered as the dreamy haze of desire surrounded you like mist.
It would’ve definitely been scary had Baekhyun not prepared in advance. Still, seeing you this out of your mind for him was nothing like he expected.
‘Please fuck me,’ you muttered into his sternum after ripping the last of your clothes off. ‘Scent me, come inside me, knot me. Make me raw. I don’t care. I want you,’ you sobbed, gnawing on his shoulder impatiently as his arms pulled you closer.
‘Don’t fret, you know I’m gonna take good care of you, baby,’ you jolted as his fingers slid between your wet lips to check.
Your arousal was already dripping out, so Baekhyun mercifully spared you any additional foreplay, simply sinking you down on his cock.
‘Agh!’ Your inner walls instantly contracted around him. ‘Yes, yes,’ you mouthed into his neck, licking at it as he bottomed out again and again.
Unable to hold back, you responded to his movement by slamming your pelvis down onto his repeatedly, with enough force to hurt, so he had to brace you by the hips to prevent you from injuring yourself. The smell of your overwhelming arousal made his mind blurry too, so he kept watching you with heavy-lidded eyes while you bounced on him like your life depended on it.
Scratching at his skin, you kept whining for your boyfriend to get closer, to scent you. He finally gave in, biting down on your neck gently to distract you and then flipping you onto your back promptly. Ignoring the feral hiss that escaped your mouth, he leaned forward to grant you full skin to skin contact while his hips continued jerking in and out of you.
Your mind went blank from the building pleasure. It was filling your entire being with desperate anticipation, the taste, the smell, all of the sensory feedback was elevated. Only your vision seemed impaired since you couldn’t blink away the thickening red fog of lust.
The divine smell was all over your skin now, and Baekhyun’s pelvis was almost glued to yours, grazing over your clit with every sway of his hips. He growled at how slick it felt between your bodies, and how deliciously lewd the sounds of him fucking you were. He knew the essential oil he used didn’t have much effect on him, only felines could fall under its spell. But he hadn’t been intimate with you for a long while now, and, frankly, he’d never seen you like this before. You were absolutely wild underneath him, clawing at his back like an angry cat, moaning and whining so loudly, it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight. He’d never heard you sound like this, so irrepressible and untamed, and it was incredibly sexy. In a way, it triggered his more primal side to take control.
Suddenly feeling the power he had over you, he angled his hips and rammed into you, skin slapping your puffy lips repeatedly as you cried out in despair.
‘I’m not gonna stop,’ he leaned in and growled almost animalistically into your ear. ‘Before I ruin your little hole. You’ve been on the edge there for a while, haven’t you, kitten?’
Reveling in the mewl you responded with, he slid two fingers into your mouth and kept talking.
‘All helpless and needy underneath me. Entirely at my mercy,’ he pressed down on your tongue, making your throat relax to accommodate. ‘Do you enjoy being destroyed?’
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your orgasm hit. A muffled scream drowned out by his palm almost made his own release hit him, but Baekhyun had other plans.
Pulling out for a few seconds, he wiped away the sweat that was dripping from his forehead to his eyes, and rolled your limp body over. Allowing you a few seconds to cool down, he gripped his rock-hard flesh at the base and landed a sharp slap onto your supple ass cheek.
‘Baek,’ you squealed, registering the shuffling behind. ‘Wait- no,’ protesting weakly, as he got on top of you again. You took notice of the way his dick was nestled snugly between your bodies and guessed his intention.
‘You didn’t think we were done, did you, baby?’ He gave your ear a long lick, causing you to shiver.
‘B- Baekhyunie,’ you puled pathetically, still too overwhelmed. ‘I can’t-’
The sentence was drowned out by his growl. Your state pushed him too far to just stop now.
‘You’ll comply and come again, all while I load you up, got it?’ He slipped back inside, testing your body’s response.
As expected, you were still soaked from your previous activities, so he ignored the instant jolt of your body. It wasn’t something you did often, overstimulation, but your partner knew he could make you come like this if he hurried up, so that was exactly his plan.
‘No,’ you whined capriciously, your cat instincts making you protest against the intrusion while too sensitive. Your tail patted against Baekhyun’s side relentlessly, although most of it was trapped between you.
‘I can make you,’ he rolled his hips, knowing that in a few minutes you would beg him to make you come again, even though it seemed more like torture now.
‘Ah it hurts!’ You cried out, latching onto his thigh, claws out.
‘Oh, so you’re gonna be like that?’ He growled lower, making you hiss in a natural response and draw blood with your sharp nails.
He licked a sensitive spot between your shoulder blades as a warning.
‘Don’t make me do this,’ he snarled, but you kept trying to shove him off of you. ‘Okay, you fucking got it.’
Baekhyun snapped, locking his sharp teeth on your withers – the magical spot on your spine, just below the neck; your feline heritage. Instantly, your fingers grew weak and you whined feebly as his hips moved again. He picked up his pace gradually, readjusting your thighs to have more of a room to increase amplitude. You trembled helplessly, pinned down his weight and wailing into the pillow as his determined ministrations had the anticipation build once again. With the discomfort you initially had subsiding, you’d given up on the attempts to escape your lover.
Feeling the tight pulsation around his flesh, Baekhyun released your skin and started licking over the teeth marks right away.
‘That’s more like it,’ he hummed in your ear as you whined pathetically, feeling your eyes water from the intensity of the impending release. ‘I’m going to fill you up. Yes- come like this,’ he urged, intertwining his fingers with yours, and you could not disobey.
‘Baek-’ you squealed, your entire body shuddering underneath him as your muscles contracted once again from a mind-blowing wave of pleasure.
He delivered a few more quick, shallow thrusts before his hips stuttered and he moaned lowly as thick warmth flooded your insides.
You felt full and content, the fogginess of your mind clearing up slowly. Belatedly you realized that he actually knotted you – something he didn’t do often since you weren’t the same species (or trying for a baby at this point). But it felt good, and your walls were still pulsating around him, electricity jolting through you with every gentle lick of Baekhyun’s tongue over the spot where his teeth had left a reddish mark.
‘Mhm,’ you hummed, and Baekhyun shifted his weight to his elbows.
‘Sorry, I got a bit carried away,’ he admitted, planting soft kisses along your spine.
‘It was great,’ you yawned, noting casually. ‘You knotted me.’
‘Yeah, it will deflate soon,’ he rubbed his face between your shoulder blades affectionately, and you squirmed. ‘Does anything hurt? How are you feeling?’
‘Um- no, nothing hurts. At least not yet,’ you chucked, assuming that the soreness would come tomorrow. ‘I’m just exhausted. And still a bit… dazed?’
‘Yeah, I think it’s all evaporated from my skin. Or licked off,’ he snickered. ‘Still smell the remnants of it in the air, but to me it’s not as prominent as your arousal.’
‘What was it, actually?’
‘You didn’t get it?’ Baekhyun laughed, finally slipping out and rolling off to the side, allowing you to glance at him. ‘Catnip. I got a little roll-on thingy with the essential oil. Didn’t realize it’s that strong though.’
‘Are you serious?’ You smacked him on the top of the head in a very feline way. ‘That thing is like a drug for cats!’
‘It’s safe. You were under supervision, and it has no lasting effects. And it’s not addictive,’ he clarified. ‘I consulted.’
‘Always prepared, aren’t you?’ Smiling, you shoved him in the chest. ‘I can’t believe you drugged me with catnip to fuck me. Tsk, what a jerk you are,’ you purred, scolding him.
‘Don’t act like we’re not doing this again soon,’ Baekhyun smirked, planting a quick kiss to the tip of your nose.
‘I’m so going to get you for this, Baek. I will!’ You threatened, allowing him to sneakily drag his tongue over your lower lip in a playful apology lick before you pushed him away to yawn again.
‘I’ll be waiting,’ he chuckled and moved closer again to stroke your back tenderly. ‘Just have some rest first, kitten.’
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A/N: Whew, my first hybrid au posted 🤗 I hope you guys love the multi-faceted wolf!Baekhyunie haha Let me know whether he was different from what you’d expected. And I’m still encouraging you to share your thoughts on what kind of aus / tropes you enjoy 😊 It’s always interesting to find out what my readers like. Thank you for sticking around and welcome to the blog if you’re new!
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jean-kayak · 3 years
Chapter 3
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Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: smut (18+!!), Eren is once again a HUGE fucking tease, male masturbation, voyeurism
A/N: Not smut, smut yet, but I hope it's just as good lmao
Word Count: 2016
Tags: @her-majesty-kiara, @germfart3, @styxtm, @iwascrybaby, @bigdaddyzawa​ ​
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Chapter Summary: He’s making it harder and harder for you to keep your resolve up
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You're listening to music while your favorite show plays along with it as you clean your room, going through clothes you don't wear, need, or can't fit anymore. "Yeah?" you call when you hear a knock on your door, assuming it's your mom, and you stop when you see that it's Eren.
You look away from him quickly before you finish hooking your shirt on the hanger, burying yourself with hanging in on the rack as you hear his footsteps trail further into your room.
You look over your shoulder to see that he's sitting on your bed, his back resting against the headboard, and too many fantasies of yours come rushing in, and you look away, finding more things to hang up. "How was college?" he asks, and you involuntarily scoff. This again?
"Come on. I need more than 'good.' You're not going to tell me anything else?" You sigh as you look at him, and you raise an eyebrow at him before shrugging.
"It was good for my first couple of years of college, I guess. Classes weren't too difficult," you admit, and he nods before resting his hands behind his head.
"You still majoring in interior design?" And you want to punch him because he still remembers.
"Yeah, I am. I've been working on some designs, but they're pretty awful," you scoff, internally cringing at some of the things you've come up with.
"Can I see?" he asks, and you give him a look. "Please?" he adds when he sees that you're about to decline, and you sigh before walking to the other side of your bed, pulling your laptop into your lap as you pull up the designs. You can see him watching you out of the corner of your eye, but you pay it no mind, finding the designs before sliding him the laptop and going back to what you were doing.
You feel a little anxious that he's looking at what you've worked on, really only showing Jean and your parents, and the anticipation is killing you, but you try to distract yourself as you wait for his reaction.
"These are really good," he says, and you try to fight the smile that comes onto your face as you shake your head.
"No, more like awful," you chastise.
"Seriously. You're really talented." You purse your lips at the compliment, feeling your face grow warm as you turn to look at him.
"Thanks." You fiddle with the clothing in your hand before tossing it into the give-away pile you started before moving onto something else. You start working on your dresser when you hear typing, and your head snaps towards him. "What are you doing?"
He doesn't look up from the screen as he shakes his head. "Nothing." He moves the laptop from your view when you try to see what he's doing, and you squint your eyes at him. "Don't worry. I'm not messing anything up." You don't trust him, but he doesn't move until you start to back away, and you watch as he resumes typing.
He's been typing for five minutes and it's starting to drive you crazy. "Are you typing your life story over there or something?" you try, and he chuckles but doesn't look up.
"Something like that." You watch as he puts a few more sentences in before closing the laptop and putting it to the side. He just shrugs when you raise your eyebrows at him, and you go back to cleaning off your dresser.
You both talk the entire time it takes you to clean your room, and you can't help but admit that it feels nice. You can't remember or rather don't like to think the last time you've really talked to him like this, and a small part of you realizes that you missed it.
He decides to leave when you're done cleaning, and you walk him to the door, and he talks to your mom for a bit before he heads out the door. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" And this is the first time you've truly heard him being sincere. You nod your head and he smiles at you before walking out the door.
"He's gotten pretty cute, hasn't he?" your mom asks, and you roll your eyes.
"God, Mom, can you not? Jeez," you tell her as she laughs at your reaction.
Your mom for whatever reason took a liking to Eren while your dad on the other hand was a little bit hesitant, and Eren's come a long way in his relationship with your dad.
"Oh, I'm about to throw a load in the wash if you want to put anything in there," you tell her before walking back to your room. You push over the different piles of clothes that are no longer going to be yours when your eyes land on your laptop.
You look at it, and curiosity gets the best of you as you hop onto your bed, opening up the device. Your face falls when you see what he was writing. A list of what he wanted to do to you, and what he was going to do to you. There are nearly three pages, some things on the list going into explicit detail, and you feel like you shouldn't be reading this.
You softly rub your thighs together as you read through the list, and your phone buzzes beside you. You can barely take your eyes off the screen, peeling them away to look at the smaller screen in your hand.
We can start on the list today
Just say the word princess
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You reluctantly come back to Jean's house, mostly in fear that the next time you see Eren, you'll definitely give in to him. Jean tells you that he's out somewhere and that he probably won't be back for a few hours, so you end up spending most of that time in his room. "I think it looks good," you tell him as you look over his outfit.
He turns around in the mirror in his closet to look at himself with a look of uncertainty. "You think so? You don't think it's too much?"
You chuckle at his nervousness. "Did he tell you it was a date?" you ask, and he drops his head a little before shrugging.
"No," he responds quietly.
"Then what are you worried about?" He checks his outfit again, and you sigh as you tilt your head. "Do you want it to be a date?"
He sputters over his words, his face flushing red as he struggles to come up with a response. You watch him fondly as you shake your head. It's been a while since you've seen him this flustered. "I think that you're overthinking it. You can't rush this stuff, you just have to let it happen."
"I know, but what if I'm thinking he likes me one way when he doesn't. I don't want to try to push something that won't budge."
You stand, walking towards him as you nod. "Yeah, that's understandable, but I seriously don't think that's the case. And I wouldn't lie to you, not about this," you tell him sincerely, and he nods before turning to the mirror again. "You wanna change the outfit again, don't you?"
"Yeah, I think the next one will be the last." You scoff as you roll your eyes, but make your way out of his room to let him get changed. You close the door behind you, standing outside his door waiting for him to call you back in, and you hear some shuffling coming from Eren's room.
You frown deeply, vividly remembering Jean telling you that Eren wasn't here. You assume that you just heard something, but you freeze when you hear moaning. Your face heats up when you think he has a girl in his room, but you really can't move when you hear your name.
You look at the door before stepping closer, seeing that it's cracked, and you carefully put your ear to the door. This is a bad idea, you shouldn't be doing this. You should find something else to do, but your feet are rooted to the ground.
When you step closer, you can see his reflection in the mirror that's facing the bed, and your mouth drops open at the sight as heat pools to your lower region. Eren's on his back, a pink blush spread on his face down to his chest, and you can see his biceps flexing with movement, and you take a step closer, and you barely muffle the gasp that slips out.
His hand is pumping his length slowly, the tip an angry red, and you watch as he throws his head back, releasing another moan that has you squeezing your legs together. You hear him moan your name louder this time as he speeds up his strokes, and you can't look away, your panties starting to stick to your folds, and you can barely fight to urge to touch yourself right there in the middle of the fucking hallway.
You want to push the door open and do it for him, you want to see if you can get him to make any more of those sounds that threatens to be your undoing. Or rather, you want him inside of you instead of his hand. "Shit, you feel so good," he groans softly, and you dig your nails into your palms, wishing you could do something, anything than just stand with your feet glued to the ground.
And it takes too long to realize that he's thinking about you while he touches himself, and that triggers another round of slick, and the heartbeat down there feels so strong that it almost makes you reveal yourself. You're practically panting now, your mouth watering as you watch him bring himself closer to his release, the noises he's making getting louder with every stroke.
And you watch his stomach tense as he cums with your name on his lips, shooting his seed on his stomach and his hand. You finally snap yourself out of it, getting ready to move when he turns his head to the mirror, looking you dead in the eyes, and he smirks before winking at you.
Your eyes widen as you quickly turn your back towards the door, embarrassment and horror flooding into your system as you take a step away from the door. He knew you were there? There's no fucking way.
You jump in surprise when Jean's door opens, and he looks both ways, holding his hands out when he sees you. "How do I look?" he asks you nervously, and you clear your throat trying to act like you didn't just watch his step-brother jerk off to you.
"He's gonna fall over when he sees you," you respond even though your body is screaming for any kind of release. Jean smiles softly, too wrapped up in his nerves to notice how yours are standing on end.
His phone dings in his pocket, and he takes a deep breath once he reads the message, looking back at you. "He's here," he tells you, and you give him a thumbs up.
"Okay, well, go. Stop standing here talking to me," you tell him, excitement for him in your voice, and he gives you another nod before he's running down the stairs.
You take a deep breath, releasing a shaky sigh, the throbbing between your legs nowhere near subsiding, and it isn't until you do something about it. The door next to you swings open, and you jolt back against the wall across from it as Eren comes into view, luckily wearing shorts. "What're you doing?" he asks you casually like he didn't just catch you watching him.
"I was, uh," you swallow thickly. "I was helping Jean with his outfit," you respond, your voice barely audible.
He nods before he steps towards you. "Next time you could help me out," he whispers, and then he's walking down the hallway, disappearing into the bathroom.
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|Chapter 2|Masterlist|Chapter 4|
Taglist: CLOSED
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berrychiffy · 3 years
Okay so I GOTS to get a feel for Mondo and Nekomaru's dynamic once it moves to romantic. So can you let me know how their first date goes? Would LOVE to see if they're nervous or like chill or loveydovey...
Hi!! Ah yes, the first date… I can tell you that it’s anything but chill haha (for Mondo at least lmao)! I think I’ve got a little idea as to how it went in my mind, so I’m excited to write it in more detail! I hope that you enjoy what I have come up with! Bare with me, this might be a little long lol. Thank you so much for the ask! I hope you enjoy!
Mondo Owada is one lucky guy. That’s what everyone in his class tells him at least. Not only does he manage to score a date with an upperclassman, but he scores a date with the Ultimate Team Manager himself…
Nekomaru Nidai.
Both the boys had known each other ever since the start of Mondo’s freshman year at Hope’s Peak. Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Mondo’s first best friend in Towa City) was kind enough to introduce them to each other in order to help Mondo make more friends in the school.
At first, Mondo wasn’t sure if he would get along with Nekomaru or not. He thought he was a nice guy, just extremely loud. Dare he say, much more loud than Taka.
When he’s happy, he’s loud. When he’s frustrated, he’s loud. When he’s sick, he’s loud. When he needs to use the restroom, oh good lord, he’s EXTREMELY loud.
But overtime, Mondo started to find his loudness to be more adorable rather than annoying. Not to mention, he found out that he actually LIKED to receive hugs thanks to Nekomaru always greeting the biker every day with a big, encouraging, and friendly smile and a big ol’ hug, loudly wishing him a good morning and asking him about where he wanted to sit for lunch.
Both the boys started to have feelings for each other by the end of Mondo’s freshman year. The only people he has told about his crush was Taka, Leon Kuwata (Taka’s boyfriend since 8th grade/third year of middle school), Taka’s group of friends (Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Peko Pekoyama, Sakura Ogami, Aoi Asahina, Kirumi Tojo, and Akane Owari), Yasuhiro Hagakure (Taka’s older stepbrother), his older brother Daiya Owada, and his childhood friend Takemichi Yukimaru. Taka, his friend group, and Hiro were all very supportive and offered him advice on how to confess to Nekomaru, while Leon, Daiya, and Michi (though also just as supportive) couldn’t help but tease him a little.
Though, both Daiya and Michi took him seriously on his summer break when he told them he was considering asking out Nekomaru. They both offered him some helpful tips and advice on how to go about it; be chill about it, ask him out in a more private place, don’t go too overboard, etc.
And on the day he planned to ask him out, (in the midst of the fall of his sophomore year) both his brother and his best friend gave him their words of encouragement as he was about to hop on his bike to get to school.
“Good luck, little man! Let me know how it goes!”
“Yeah! Go score some mad dick!”
“Michi, chill. He’s just askin the guy out…”
He thanked them and drove off with butterflies flying around in his stomach. He was nervous, but he was ready. Ready to finally swoon the man of his dreams over and ask him out.
Once he confessed to Nekomaru and asked him out, he was anything BUT chill. He was all sweaty and nervous and was a bit louder than he anticipated with his confession, despite being in a more private corner of the school’s garden. But Nekomaru was so happy and excited to know that Mondo felt the same way about him, he didn’t even notice the guy’s nervousness.
If Mondo was a little more loud than usual in that moment, Nekomaru was 100 times louder. But Mondo didn’t care. He was just happy to know that his crush actually felt the same way about him. The date is on the weekend after he confessed, of course. And Mondo knew how much the guy liked physical activity, plus mentioning the place of their first date a few times last year certainly helped Mondo decide where to take him;
Sky Zone.
And holy crap, is Nekomaru ECSTATIC! While Mondo was a bit of a nervous wreck the whole time, he was able to forget about the pressure for a while as Nekomaru happily dragged him from trampoline to trampoline. It warmed Mondo’s heart seeing the guy bounce around all excited like a little kid. The staff was pretty annoyed with how loud the guy was being, but a few death glares from Mondo shut them up quickly after they started complaining to each other.
The rest of the date was a blast. Both the boys playfully rough housed in the Foam Zone for a bit, jumped around some more on the trampolines, and were stormed with questions from a few kids who wanted to do some cool tricks on the trampolines.
Thankfully, Nekomaru knew how to teach kids something new and impress them at the same time. Mondo watched in awe as he demonstrated all sorts of flips and tricks and taught the kids exactly how to perform these tricks. Soon, the kids were able to do the tricks just like THAT and thanked Nekomaru for his help.
‘Good with kids… that’s good ta know…’
After spending a bit more time at Sky Zone, both the boys stopped by a nearby mall and grabbed some smoothies at a juice bar in the food court. They both chatted the evening away as Mondo’s nervousness diminished greatly and was replaced with admiration as he dreamily locked eyes with his loud ass chatty boyfriend.
‘Holy FUCK. He’s my boyfriend now…’
After they finished their smoothies, Mondo drove Nekomaru back home via motorbike, where his parents and sister were excitedly waiting for him to come inside and tell them all about his date.
“So, uh… did ya have fun tonight?”
“Hell yeah! I had a BLAST!! We should totally do this again sometime, man!”
“Heheh, yeah. I’d like that.”
After sharing a big hug with Nekomaru that lasted a little bit longer than normal, Mondo drove himself back to his house where Daiya and Michi were sitting out on the front porch, smoking cigarettes and waiting for his return. Mondo gushed about every detail of his first date with a GUY and how much fun he had as his brother and best friend happily listened to how his date went, both very excited for Mondo, for he actually seemed genuinely happy about his first date with Nekomaru.
Once Monday came, both the boys were happy and blushing messes every time they saw each other in the hallways. And once lunch came, they both excitedly told Taka, Leon, and Akane (the people they normally sit with at lunch) all about their first date.
More and more dates were definitely going to come in this school year. And Mondo would be looking forward to it all.
The fun conversations they’ll have. What they might eat/drink on their dates.
And that big, bright, and dopey grin Nekomaru would wear. He looked forward to that the most.
‘God… why does he have to be so fuckin adorable?’
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dickspeightjrs · 4 years
Nut Up, Novak (au / 1.7k words)
Prompt 13 from my ‘30 Destiel Prompts’ for @caslikescoffeeandfreckles
ao3 link
Castiel hummed to himself. He felt like a bumbly bee, happily buzzing around the kitchen. He was packing up a lunch to have on a picnic date with Dean. 
The thing between them was still a little new. They’d only been on a handful of dates since they’d met at the library where Castiel worked. 
Castiel had been stacking and rearranging the shelves when this man had come sauntering up to him loudly asking about a book he needed. 
After telling him, politely, to lower his voice because the green-eyed man was getting glares from the college students trying to cram for finals, Castiel took him to the correct area that he needed in order to find the book he was looking for.
“Thanks, man, you’re a life-saver.” He said. “My nerd-ass brother needs it for his final but he’s deep in study mode.”
“You’re most welcome.” Castiel assured, with his customer service smile tacked onto his face. 
The man hesitated for a moment, raking his eyes up Castiel’s body, taking in the slacks and sweater vest Castiel was wearing. “How do you remember where all the books are in this place?”
Castiel shrugged, trying not to feel self conscious at the stranger’s examining gaze. “I’ve read a few from each section, which helps a little, I suppose. I also happen to enjoy my job.” 
“Wow,” he said, “you must be super smart.” He grinned a lop-sided smile. 
Castiel blushed. “Well, I don’t know about that. But thank you.”
The lop-sided smile on the man’s face turned into a cheeky grin. “So,” he said, leaning his shoulder against the bookshelf he’d just picked up a book from, “how about we get together one day soon and you tell me some of the stuff that’s in your big brain?”
Castiel’s face couldn’t get any more red. Was this, frankly beautiful, man asking him out? It couldn’t be. They’d barely known each other for even a few minutes but Castiel could tell this man wasn’t the kind of guy that was normally into him. 
Castiel’s tie and sweater vest certainly weren’t the typical match for the ripped jeans and henley that this wonderful man was wearing. 
“What d’ya say?” The man asked when Castiel still hadn’t given an answer. He seemed a little cocky to Castiel but, instead of being put off by it, Castiel just thought it was a little goofy and endearing. 
“I think I’d like that.” Castiel smiled. 
“Good.” The man pushed himself off the shelf he’d been leaning against, and pulled his wallet out of his jeans pocket. He produced a card and passed it over to Castiel. 
‘Dean Winchester. 
Singer Salvage & Autos
TEL: 07593123344’
Dean. It was suddenly the best name Castiel had heard (or seen, he supposed). 
“Text me.”
*  *  * 
Since then, Castiel discovered that Dean was much more than the cocky ‘bad boy’ vibe he’d tried to give off. 
For example, Dean cared a lot about his brother, Sam. He talked for most of their first date about Sam being the most hard working kid, and how he’d got into Stanford on a full ride. 
After about an hour, Dean had stopped for a second and cringed. “I’ve been talking about my dork of a little brother for our entire date, haven’t I?”
Castiel had chuckled and nodded but was quick to assure Dean that it was nice to hear about someone Dean cared so deeply for. He only hoped that one day Dean could care that much for him too. 
Now, Castiel was preparing for their third date. He’d planned a picnic to have on the grassy expanse overlooking the river on the edge of town. 
He was hoping that today would be the day that he’d finally work up the nerve to ask Dean to officially be his boyfriend. 
Putting the finishing touches to the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Castiel licked the remaining peanut butter off the knife. If he wasn’t saving room for when he ate with Dean later, he’d finish off the jar. 
Peanut butter was a gift from the Gods as far as Castiel was concerned. 
Noticing the time on the clock, Castiel rushed to pack the remaining parts of the picnic into the basket and leave out the door. 
*  *  *
Later, at the river, Castiel arrived first and set everything up in anticipation for Dean’s arrival. 
Looking at the spread of food laid out on the blanket, Castiel couldn’t help but feel proud of what he’d put together. He just hoped Dean would like it. 
The nerves began to set in and spotting Dean across the way, walking towards him, only made it worse. 
Dean looked good today. His dark blue jeans and khaki henley hugged him in all the right places. And it sent Castiel’s heart racing. How was he meant to pluck up the courage to ask Dean to be his boyfriend now? 
“Hey, Cas.” Dean waved, as he approached. 
“Hello, Dean.” Castiel replied, patting the spot on the blanket next to him, inviting Dean to sit down with him. 
“Oh man,” Dean said, taking in all the elements of the picnic in front of him, “did you do all this?”
“Yea,” Castiel couldn’t help but blush, “I thought it would be nice for our third date. I hope that’s okay?” 
Dean nodded with an excited smile on his face. “Yeah, dude, this looks awesome!”
“Thank you, Dean.”
Dean grinned from ear to ear. 
Gosh, Castiel thought, Dean truly was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. 
He couldn’t wait any longer. 
“Dean?” Castiel asked, making eye contact with the other man. 
“Yeah, Cas?”
“Um, I was wondering, considering we’ve been on a few dates now, and I really enjoy spending time with you, and you’re very kind and caring and-”
“Cas, you’re rambling. What do you want to ask me?” Dean teased, a knowing grin on his face. If Castiel wasn’t so nervous he’d tell Dean off for winding him up. 
“Sorry. I just wanted to ask if you’d be my boyfriend? Officially?” Castiel immediately closed his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see Dean’s reaction. 
A hand came to rest on Castiel’s cheek. 
“Castiel, look at me.” Dean whispered. 
Castiel fluttered his eyes open to find Dean’s green ones intimately close. 
“I would love to be your boyfriend.”
A huge smile spread across Castiel’s face. He was so happy. He’d never expected it to lead to this when he’d helped a slightly cocky guy look for a book but he would never change a thing. 
“Can I ask you a question now?” Dean smiled. 
“Of course, Dean. Anything.” 
“Can we eat some of your food now?” Dean gave Cas a cheeky grin. 
Castiel chuckled and nodded, moving to take the food out of the packaging he’d wrapped it in. Dean’s eyes lit up when Castiel took a pie out of the basket. Already, Castiel knew that he’d do anything to keep that look of happiness on Dean’s face. 
Dean’s happy smile stayed on his face as he reached over to pick up a sandwich from the pile Castiel had carefully constructed. 
But the smile quickly turned sour when he brought the sandwich to his mouth. Castiel frowned when Dean sniffed at it instead of taking a bite. 
Just as Castiel was about to get really offended, Dean spoke up. 
“Uh, Cas?” He asked. “What’s in these sandwiches?”
“Just peanut butter and jelly. They’re my favourite. I ate some earlier though so it’s okay, there's nothing wrong with them.” Castiel explained. 
“No, no Cas. It’s not that, it’s just,” Dean awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck, placing the sandwich delicately back on the pile, “I have a nut allergy. That sandwich could literally kill me.” 
The blood drained from Castiel’s face. Dean had only just agreed to be his boyfriend and now Cas was trying to kill him! God, Dean would probably never want to see him again, let alone date him after this. 
“Oh my god, Dean! I’m so sorry! I had no idea. I didn’t even think. Oh god. I could have killed you.” Castiel frantically apologised, breaths coming fast and deep. 
“Woah, dude.” Dean raised his hands in a calming gesture. “It’s okay. It’s an honest mistake. You couldn’t have known.” 
Castiel could hear Dean’s words but his body wasn’t watching up. Deep breaths kept being drawn into his body. 
“Cas,” Dean gathered Castiel’s hands in his, “focus on your breathing and listen to me. It’s okay. I hadn’t told you yet. I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re okay.”
Castiel finally snapped back, his eyes focused on Dean’s. They then moved down to look at his hands enclosed by Dean’s.
Dean noticed Castiel calm and leant down to place a soft kiss on their joined hands. “Are you back with me?”
Castiel nodded. He didn’t trust his voice to speak. 
“It’s not something I usually tell people right away,” Dean explained, softly. “I dunno, I guess I feel embarrassed by it. It’s kinda nerdy. I tend to just avoid things where I don’t know that the food situation will be, y’know?” 
Hearing Dean speak badly of himself made Castiel find his voice. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You can’t help it.” 
Dean shrugged. “I just feel bad. You went to all this effort for me and I can’t eat it.” 
Castiel shook his head. “It’s okay, Dean. We still have the pie. I got an apple one because I remember you mentioning that it’s your favourite?”
Dean blushed. “You remembered that?” Castiel nodded. 
The two men looked softly at each other for a moment. Dean looked into Castiel’s eyes like he was searching for something. After a couple of moments, he must have found what he was looking for because he opened his mouth to speak. 
“Cas, how long ago did you have some of that peanut butter?” Dean whispered, moving his hand to cup Castiel’s cheek. 
Castiel frowned. “A few hours ago. Why?”
“I just wanted to check it was safe for me to do this.”
And with that Dean leaned forward to press a soft kiss to Castiel’s lips. Once Castiel got with the program, he opened his mouth to allow Dean to deepen the kiss. 
*  *  * 
Eventually, when Dean and Castiel moved in together, Castiel had to give up his favourite food. 
But he’d found that the taste of peanut butter wasn’t his favourite anymore. Instead, it was the taste of Dean every time they kissed. 
Now that was the true gift from the Gods. 
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it Lexi!
Fun fact: I have a severe peanut allergy so I really enjoyed writing this one lmao. And much like in the fic, everyone else is always more concerned about me dying from it than I am haha
If you liked what you saw, REBLOG! and consider reserving a prompt from my ‘30 Destiel Prompts’ challenge, or just send me your own prompt you’d like me to fill!
TAGS: @eccentriccas @starrynightdeancas @credentiast @imbiowaresbitch @starclaire @cockleslovesdestiel @bend-me-shape-me @destielfactory @dea-stiel @wendeano @wingsandimpalas @aggressivedean @flowersforcas @chill-legilimens @pancakesofthelord @saltnhalo @caslikescoffeeandfreckles @assbuttboyfriends @jhoomwrites @breathingdestiel @simplymisha @thekingslover @aelysianmuse
(once again tagging my faves, let me you if you’d like to be removed from future fics - or added if you’re not already there! we don’t have to be mutuals)
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joon-ipersgirl · 3 years
O7 - “the promising proposition”
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genre: mafia!au, angst, fluff, slow burn, mystery-thriller
pairing: namjoon x reader (f)
word count: 5.1k
warnings: cursing (if i miss any, let me know!)
summary: charismatic. beautiful. fearless without question. the ambitious team of seven young men in charge of spiral, downtown district’s hottest new club go above and beyond to provide 100% satisfaction to their clients. 
after an eventful night out, you have no choice but to join the team for property damages greater than your intern salary. challenging a series of events that can no longer be left to coincidence, secrets threaten to burst at the seams as your professional and private life collide, and another - more sinister - debt is added to your total. 
how far are you willing to go to pay back your pound of flesh? remember, nothing is ever as it seems...
a/n: it’s been a minute but we’re back! winter break is here and i’m determined to write so here’s part 7 as i still work on my tae halloween fic (whew) and some more holiday related scenarios/oneshots. thank you all for being so patient and i hope you enjoy this next part. i only have one more pre-written part for this story so updates may be even slower lol. as always, send your reactions as they make me super happy lmao. thank you vi for beta-reading this and enjoy everyone!
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full masterlist // series masterlist // previous // next
The four of you sit in Manager Kim’s office, tense. Well, three as Paul had ruined his chances during last week’s meeting but you know he can feel the heaviness in the air as you wait for Madeline’s decision. She sits comfortably behind her large desk after calling you in to tell you who’d be assisting her on the Cavallero project. Her large, black fedora is propped on her head at a dangerous angle as she has her feet kicked up on her desk, her signature steel toed boots accentuating her full black outfit. You’d spent the previous days in the breakroom trying to figure out what made this project a higher priority than the rest of the contracts you’d acquired and who would be the lucky winner.
“Lovely of you all to join me, though Paul you were not really needed.” He tries his best to hide behind Laura from Manager Kim’s disappointed stare, but to no avail. “I know you all have been eagerly anticipating which one of you lucky interns will have the privilege of working with me on the first part of the Cavallero contract. You’ll find out shortly as his assistant will be dropping off the final notes on what he expects to see at the event; I’ll send one of you down to fetch him. We’ll have a brief meeting afterwards and then get to work. The rest of you will work under that person, following their orders diligently. Now, I need updates on the rest of our projects. Where are we?”
You barely listen as James rattles off what he was able to accomplish with the Emmerson’s engagement party. You think his design is doable, chic for an event planned in spring, but lacking in some of the finer details you know the future Mrs. Emmerson would appreciate; she’s a woman after your own heart with her love for champagne, meals created by chefs with Michelin stars, and exquisite fine china. Of course Madeline would pit you against each other for this job though. Not that you mind, you’re more than capable of fighting for what you believe is mine. It’s just less work when it’s given to you nicely packaged. Like the gifts you’re sure future Mrs. Emmerson would like to receive from her future husband’s wealthy friends.
“Y/N?” You focus back on Manager Kim who’s waiting expectantly, her glasses slipping down her nose. “The Williams’? What’s going on there? Or have you not made any progress?”
“The Williams have signed off on the zoo theme for their son,” James interjets before you can gather your thoughts. “We’re looking into finding the best face painters in the city and we’ve almost secured a catering contract for the 150 vegan cupcakes Mrs. Williams ordered. The invitations are currently being designed based on the chosen theme and will be ready for client approval next week.”
“Very good, James. Please send me a copy of your notes to be added into the file. Y/N, I expect better from you. That’s everything I have for today. You’re all dismissed,” she finishes with a wave of her hand, her glasses sliding down her nose once again as she searches for one particular document on her desk.
You don’t wait for the rest of them to follow as you make your way back to the tiny cubicle-like room you share. Manager Kim normally never calls you out in front of the rest of them and you’re fuming. Tossing down your legal pad, you whirl around as the three of them enter the room.
“What the fuck, James?!” you hiss as he calmly sits behind his desk and resumes typing on his computer.
“Looks like the Princess is upset,” Paul stage-whispers to Laura as he too sits down. You ignore him. He’s just as irrelevant beforehand as he is now.
“What do you need, Y/N? I have to send the notes from the meeting to Manager Kim,” James responds, not looking up at you. Your face further sours.
“You read my fucking files?! That wasn’t your event to handle and you know that!” you yell.
“Well, you took too long to respond -”
“I had barely opened my mouth -”
“- and Manager Kim needed a response, so I responded,” he finishes, ignoring your outburst.
“Y/N, please calm down. We don’t want to make a scene,” Laura pleads.
“Calm down? Laura, he made me look incompetent,” you argue.
“But you are, Y/N.” You pause and turn to James once again. Disbelief is written across your face as you stare each other down. You were the imcompetent one? “You should be ready to answer any question about any event J&M has going on whether it’s your’s or someone else’s. It’s not my fault that you were never taught the basics of efficiency in a company. The job has to get done and I completed the task. Simple,” he finishes. His incessant typing is all you hear as you stare at him. James had never been this bold before. Especially not with you.
“Watch your mouth, James,” you tell him coolly.
“Furthermore, your failure in that meeting shows that you’re incapable of handling bigger projects. I mean, you couldn’t recall the most straightforward details of a birthday party for a six-year-old child. Why should Manager Kim trust you to work on the coveted Cavallero contract? You’ve given her no reason to. All you’ve done is eliminated yourself from the running, effectively leaving Laura and I. Which is no challenge because -  no offense Laura - you’re not really competition. I just hope you guys can maange when my hands are full with this project.”
You laugh as Laura cowers. You weren’t sure whether it was from the sound or James’ particularly harsh words, but the atmosphere in the room was much worse than in the meeting. Biting back the words you really wanted to tell him, you heed Laura’s advice and decide to not cause a scene. This is a professional establishment and you need this job. There are goals you want to accomplish and you wouldn’t let a slimy bastard like James Carter distract you. He’d finally shown his true colors - what he really thought of you - and you’re only grateful the others had been around to witness it.
“Alright, James. It seems like you’ve been holding back on us. Just remember: a word once let out of a cage cannot be whistled back again,” you tell him as you resume your duties at your desk. Flipping open a new page of your legal pad, you write neatly at the top: Emmerson Engagement. If James thought he had bested you, he had another thing coming.
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“Are you okay, Y/N?” Laura asks as she joins you in the staff room for lunch.
“Never better,” you reply, sipping on your iced coffee as you warm your leftover lasagna in the microwave. Gods bless your sweet, sweet roommate.
“What James said to you this morning was pretty harsh,” she says as she makes herself a steaming cup of green tea. Always the health conscious one that girl.
“James seems to be tired of our shit,” you chuckle. “I’ve heard worse though, Laura. Don’t worry about me. He said some pretty harsh things about you, too.”
She nods. “I didn’t think he could be so mean! And counting me out?! I worked really hard on my designs!” Laura’s voice doesn’t sound too sure, but you nod in agreeance.
“Your bridal party design last spring was very well done,” you tell her around a mouthful of lasagna.
“Exactly!” she says in a huff as she plops down across from you, nearly burning herself in the process. “And your event was really good too! The one you did a few months ago,” she trails off. You laugh.
“Which one was that?”
“You know, the one for the family with that really fancy theme? And lots of people came...”
“Oh, the Winter Wonderland scene on the ice rink?”
“Yes, that one!” she exclaims.
“That was Marie’s project before she got transferred to Jenson’s team,” you say with a laugh. Laura almost chokes on her tea as you wipe your mouth clean. “No need for you to try and make me feel better by pretending to remember something I’ve worked on. I’m honestly fine,” you chuckle again.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry -”
“Y/N?” James stands in the doorway looking quite displeased. You raise your eyebrows at him in response. “Manager Kim would like to see you in her office. Please make it quick as I’m going to get Mr. Cavallero’s assistant soon.” You laugh loudly.
“Of course, James. I’ll be sure to let Manager Kim know you’d like her to rush her meeting for your convenience.”
He scowls as you brush past him, your half-eaten lunch and coffee in hand. Mercury must be in retrograde for James to think that he can make demands of you any type of way. It seems that you need to put him back in his place; he’d gotten too comfortable with the little office jokes you all shared. Grabbing your legal pad and pen, you smooth down the little flyaway hairs and your white button down shirt; you couldn’t receive another lashing looking unkempt. Knocking on the door, you wait for Manager Kim to answer before you enter.
“You asked to see me, Manager Kim?”
“Yes. Please take a seat, Y/N. I’ll be with you in a second,” she replies as she finishes typing on her computer. You sit gingerly in the unoccupied chair as you’d done this morning and wait for her to rip into you. “Right. Let’s get to it. What was that this morning?” You inhale deeply.
“Honestly, I was thinking about James’ event and mentally noting changes I would make as possible suggestions to him when you called on me. I wasn’t dozing off because I was bored,” you answer.
“Hmm. And what changes would you have made?” she asks curiously as she gives you her undivided attention.
“Well, the future Mrs. Emmerson is a woman of prestige. Class. While roses are a classic choice, white tulips are pre-on-trend and I think she would enjoy being a part of that group. He also chose the Dom Perignon champagne, but I thought Veuve Clicquot would be the better option. High price doesn’t always mean high flavor. I do agree with his choice of venue though. The high ceilings will look great in the low afternoon light and the white lights in the evening will make for great photos,” I finished. “But of course, the client is always right and if this is her chosen design, we’ll go with that.”
Manager Kim stares at you until you start to feel slightly uncomfortable under her gaze. You know you hadn’t overstepped and she had asked for your honest opinion, but when sitting in front of one of the best event designers in the game, second guessing yourself is inevitable.
“You didn’t think to say anything earlier in the meeting?” she asks.
“I wasn’t aware that giving opinions on other people’s events was ideal during a regular updates meeting.”
“You should speak up more. Your ideas aren’t as bad as you think they are,” Madeline says as she leans back in her chair. “How else do you expect to lead any major project?”
Just as you’re going to respond, a knock sounds at the door. “Come in!” Manager Kim yells.
“Should I leave? James did say he was going to collect Mr. Cavallero’s assistant,” you trail off, getting ready to stand.
“No. No, you’re fine,” she says with a wave of her hand. “Ah, Mr. Carlisle - oh! And Mr. Cavallero! What a surprise! I didn’t know you would be joining us,” Manager Kim says as she stands and you follow suit.
“I happened to have some free time and decided to tag along as Lewis was dropping off the notes. I hope you don’t mind. I thought it would be helpful to have me here in case you had any questions that needed direct attention,” Mr. Cavallero responds. “And please, call me Jonas.”
Mr. Cavallero, or Jonas as he would like to be referred to, is dressed in his typical big spender suit: a deep navy blue suit with a pristine white buttoned-down shirt and pre-released Versace patent leather monk strap shoes. His aura fills the entire space, though he only stands in the doorway of Madeline’s office. You can practically feel the gel between your fingers as you look at his salt-and-pepper slicked back hair; the sheen is almost as bright as his shoes.
“And Miss Y/L/N, yes? What a pleasure to see you again. Will you be sitting in on this meeting as well? Lewis could only sing your praises after you left,” he asks. You struggle to keep your face neutral as James’ searing gaze washes over you. You know Manager Kim’s ears must be red as her secretive meeting is foiled by her best client.
“Actually, I was just -”
“- going to bring the file for the event as you were previously suggesting. Right, Y/N?” Manager Kim says as she turns to you with a stiff smile. “You are our chosen intern, afterall.” You can barely contain your gasp as she says the words. You had gotten the contract?! James does not try to hide his shock at her statement as his eyes widen and his mouth nearly falls open.
“It’ll be a pleasure working with you again, Miss Y/L/N,” Mr. Carlisle says with a smile.
“Of course,” you reply with a deep head nod. “I look forward to working with you both as well. I’ll be back with your file shortly.”
“Thank you, Y/N. And thank you James for going to get them. You may leave now,” Manager Kim adds as she turns her attention back to her guests, inviting them to sit and make themselves comfortable.
You walk calmly, though you feel anything but that, across the room as James holds the door open for you. Pleading with the gods to be on your side, you race ahead of him to the breakroom for fresh, new bottles of water - a sight to see in a knee length pencil skirt and the infamous 4-inch stilettos that are apparently still required in this day and age. Your office is filled with hushed whispers until you round the corner and enter the small room.
“You got the Cavallero project?!” Paul exclaims. “Holy shit! You’re better than I thought, Y/N!” You laugh as you search your desk for the copy of the previous plans you’d developed from that day’s secret meeting.
“Congratulations, Y/N!” Laura cheers, bouncing up and down. “Your first real major project. Isn’t that exciting, James?”
“Sure. If you can be happy for someone who fucked her way to get the position,” he says biterrly. “Lewis could only sing your praises after you left?” James scoffs. “Sounds like you worked really hard in that meeting.”
“James!” Laura gasps.
“Oh it’s fine, Laura. If you think that James, I can’t stop you,” you say with a shrug. “But I’ll be happy to discuss my scandalous sex life with you after I meet with our coveted client.”
You prance out of the office with a smug smile on your face. Of course James would resort to a low blow because he didn’t get what he wanted; he was worse than the six-year-old child he had reprimanded you about. Tucking the fake file under your arm as the real one is still in Madeline’s office, you carry the bottles of water back to the meeting. After passing the bottles to your clients, you stand diligently behind Manager Kim with your notepad at the ready.
“Please Miss Y/L/N, take my seat,” Jonas says, standing.
“Oh no, I couldn’t.”
“I insist. I do my best thinking standing up.”
“He does this often in his office,” Lewis agrees. Glancing at Manager Kim, you gingerly sit down on the end of the chair after thanking Jonas again.
“You had mentioned that you enjoyed the designs Y/N had developed, but as you know these are drafts and can be changed as you deem fit, Mr. Cavallero. Are there any things that come to mind or can we work on finalizing these details?” Madeline asks. You watch as Jonas strides around the office, seemingly in thought.
“You proposed hosting the event at one of the upscale hotels downtown, but I was wondering if you had any other options. We want the environment to feel lavish, but not over the top,” he replies. “I was actually thinking of something -” he pauses “ - more intimate.”
Writing down his wishes, you rack your brain for places that fit his description. Most clients of his caliber wanted something extravagant, but Jonas was proving to be a very different man. Quite the surprise that you were not expecting. “Would you like something with more modern architecture or classical?” you ask.
“I have always been a fan of French architecture; the European style also seems to be popular among our own clients. Most of them come from European backgrounds,” Jonas answers.
“They might find the interior design reminiscent,” Madeline thinks aloud and jots it down.
“It could be very good for signing contracts, sir,” Lewis adds.
“I may have a suggestion. Chateau’s is a little outside of the city, but the view is magnificent. It’s family owned so that may benefit you with your clients as well. It also has a rooftop that would look great in the afternoon sun as well as the late evening should the event last longer than expected,” you suggest. “I’ve also read great reviews saying that the food is well prepared too.”
“This could lower your costs for your first event and more money can be reserved for the benefit gala you’re also organizing,” Madeline sneaks in. She’s right, of course. A benefit gala planned by Madeline Kim would require much more than what Mr. Cavallero had said he was okay with spending, but he didn’t need to know that right now.
“Hmm,” he ponders turning around. “This sounds doable. I’d like to see what you can come up with for designs for this new place as well as scheduling a visit to see it for myself. All of this can be done before the initial deadline of securing a venue, yes?”
“Absolutely,” Madeline responds and you keep your composure as you review your mental calendar of events knowing this would be difficult to pull off. Brunch is scheduled a month and a half from today’s date meaning you had to somehow convince Chateau’s to take on your client, create an acceptable menu, and allow you to make any decorating changes within two weeks to make the deadline. Madeline is batshit crazy, but it would have to get done to secure the benefit gala - the whole reason for the company even accepting this contract.
“I can have all the details typed and sent to you within the next week. I’ll also keep the downtown hotel as an option if Chateau's is unavailable for your intended date. I’m sure we can use the rooftop of a hotel to create an intimate setting that your guests would enjoy,” you add. “I would also like to request the location of the benefit gala. I understand this is a very important event for your law firm and I would like to begin drafting plans for your approval at the earliest convenience.”
“Yes, of course. We use the Finca Corte as they have the best grand ballroom in the city. Lewis, please send Miss Y/L/N the past itineraries of the event so she may have a better understanding of the atmosphere we wish to create for our guests.” Lewis nods and makes his own notes, before his wrist watch alarms.
“Ah, Mr. Cavallero. Your 4pm meeting is on time this afternoon. We should leave now so you aren’t late,” Lewis warns. Jonas nods and you all stood to say your goodbyes.
“Please, if you need anything, reach out to Lewis and he’ll get in contact with me so I can answer any of your questions,” Jonas says with a smile as he shakes your hands.
“Of course, Mr. Cavallero. Please feel free to do the same,” Madeline replies though you can hear the tightness in her voice and for the third time, you wonder what her relationship is with Jonas. They had to have had some history for her to always seem on edge in his presence.
“Let me walk you both downstairs,” you offer. J&M isn’t as large as Hastings and Lewis, but there are many twists and turns on each floor that guests could get lost in.
You don’t turn your head as you pass your tiny office space and head for the elevator. You wouldn’t give any of those fuckers your attention in the presence of high quality clientele. It’s cramped inside but not uncomfortable as you ride down from the fourth floor. Jonas turns to you once again as you stand in the lobby.
“Again Miss Y/L/N, if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. Lewis would be happy to answer any of your questions if you can’t get in contact with me,” he says and hands you his business card.
“I actually did have one question before you go. Well two actually. Finca Corte - it isn’t a chain, is it? Just one location?”
“Right. On 17th and Main near the Grande Theatre, but the next block over,” Jonas replies.
“And there’s no need to call and reserve the date? The notes Lewis had given us hadn’t mentioned anything about the date or a deposit,” you state.
“No, the firm takes care of those details. The benefit gala is always reserved for the third Saturday in May every year,” Lewis responds. Three months from now, you think.
“Oh, wonderful. I know you have to get going so I’ll email you any other questions, Lewis. Thank you again. Please return to the firm safely,” you say cheerly and wave. They return it and you wait for them to get into their sleek town car before you let your face fall into a frown. You’d never been to or heard of Finca Corte before, but why did the location seem so familiar? You try not to dwell on it too much as you head back upstairs. There are more pressing matters at hand, like putting James back into the roach-infested place he’d crawled out of. You grin as you head off the elevator.
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Rosalia greets you as you enter the old two-bedroom apartment you share. Slipping off your heels that you’re sure has blood crusted into the toes from excessive wear, you scratch behind her ears as she purrs. She’s one of the better things to happen to you in your life and you’re grateful for her little pieces of affection even though you’re positive she had made some attempts to smother you in your sleep so she could have your bed.
“You’re home?” Amaya calls out from her hidden position on the couch.
“Yeah! Did you make dinner?” you ask as you follow your nose to the kitchen where a large pot stews on the stove.
“Of course I did. We all know you’d starve if I didn’t cook,” she says as she bumps you out of the way to check on the food. You mock her as you sit down at the antique metal table that you rarely ate at, choosing to have your meals in the much more comfortable living room on the sofa.
“I could survive!” you yell, trying to defend yourself, but Amaya isn’t having it.
“You couldn’t. Was the lasagna okay today, though?” she asks, changing the subject.
“The best. You should really consider opening a restaurant and forgetting all this computer engineer stuff,” you tell her seriously.
“Ha! As if that would pay off these loans. Either way, this is an investment. Once I’m done with this degree, I’ll be able to program computers to make these dishes for me and rake in a ton of money to get us out of this place,” she says with determination.
Amaya is a third year computer engineering student at Oberman University. Surprisingly smaller than you, she carries as much kick as you do, the two of you getting into numerous instances of mild misdemeanors. Amaya had actually hacked a few systems after she had found out that you weren’t really registered for classes at the University so you could get some credit; she’s a computer genius. Thanks to her, you technically have an Associates degree, but of course Oberman would never grant it to you unless you actually re-enroll. Amaya doesn’t take anyone’s shit though she looks like she’s 12 with her big green eyes and short blunt bob, the bangs a little too long and falling into her eyes.
“Thank you for including me in your plans for world domination, Aya,” you say while taking your hair out of your bun.
“Of course. You know you’re family to me, even though you leave your fucking dishes in the sink,” she replies while placing a piping bowl of beef stew and white rice in front of you. You thank the gods for her as you tuck in, burning your tongue in the process.
“I love you. So, so, so much.”
“Are you talking to me or the stew?” she asks with a laugh as she blows her food to cool it down. You laugh in response. “How was work? Oh my gosh, did you get the project?!”
You grin and nod. “I did!” She squeals in delight and claps her hands. “Though James was extremely displeased. He actually called me incompetent -”
“Hold on. He called you incompetent? Has he seen his progress report? And wasn’t he the one that forgot to submit his file that made that whole project you did a few months ago late?”
“Right. He was so shocked when Madeline announced it was me, even insinuated that I fucked my way to get the position. Kim was heated that Jonas mentioned our meeting while he was in the room though because it was supposed to be a secret,” you explain.
“Of course he would say something like that.” She rolls her eyes. “There seem to be a lot of secrets happening around you. Speaking of which, when do you head back to Spiral to snoop?” Amaya asks. “Do you think you can find anything in the hallway? Maybe you should break into Suga’s office or something,” she suggests.
“Friday night and I don’t think Suga would leave anything lying around like that for me to see again, not after I’m pretty sure he caught me reading his papers a few weeks ago,” you reply, pushing the rice around the plate. That had been extremely careless and might have killed a lead to your mini investigation before it had even begun.
“The one with all that information right? Gosh, I wish you had my photographic brain, that way you could have written down what you had seen and we could solve this whole mystery,” she groans.
“Oh no, Aya. I don’t want you getting involved with this. It seems way too dangerous and you -”
“- have my whole life ahead of me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. But I want to know where this guy went. Like what if he’s still out there and looking for you?” she questions.
“I know, I know. I don’t want you worrying about it though. I can handle it,” you promise. “I feel like I’ve seen the address before though, but I can’t figure out where.” You rub your forehead as if you could magically make the numbers appear in your mind again. Aya’s photographic memory really would have come in handy.
“What about the date?” Amaya asks. “Or the name? You said the name was weird, unusual.” You nod. What had it said?
“There was a date, a location, and a name with an amount of money. Like a contract or something,” you sigh. “It looked really similar to the ones we have at work. Fuck. I don’t know. Between this and planning the benefit gala, my brain feels like it’s going to explode.” Amaya laughs as she finishes her dinner.
“Please don’t hurt yourself. It’ll come to you,” she says, giving your shoulder a squeeze. “Well, I have Calc 3 homework to finish and these theorems won’t do themselves so I’ll see you in the morning. Wash your fucking plate,” she finishes and pointes her finger at you. You hold up your hands in surrender as she leaves hers in the sink for you to clean. It’s the least you can do as she made all your meals.
Grabbing your purse and lugging it behind you after washing the dishes, you head to your room, Rosalia following in tow. Surprisingly, your bed is still intact which means that Amaya had made sure Rosalia hadn’t gotten into your room. Bless her. Not that there was much to get into as you the minimum possessions a person could have: a bed, a few photos, and enough clothes to last you a few weeks without doing laundry. You place your files and notepads onto your bed, eager to go and take a shower before organizing your notes in preparation for the debrief you would no doubt have to give to the rest of your colleagues tomorrow.
“Was your day as long as mine, Rosalia?” You scratch her head as she hops up on your bed and makes herself at home between your papers, a few of them scattering to the floor. “Apparently not as you want to make mine even longer,” you murmur as you bend to pick up the loose sheets of today’s meeting notes from the Cavallero project. You pause.
Jonas. That was the name that was on top of the paper in Suga’s office. What would be the odds that the Jonas on the paper would be the Jonas Cavallero you were working for? If that Jonas was the same Jonas, then was the location on the paper one of the events you were working on? How would Suga have that information? You sit against the side of your bed. Unless -
Yanking your phone out your purse’s side pocket, you google “Hastings & Lewis benefit gala”. Just as you’d suspected, the information is public knowledge: the third Saturday of May at the Finca Corte. There is no way in hell that Spiral is catering that event; they weren’t ritzy enough to be hired by the likes of one of the most expensive hotels in the city for one of the biggest events on the city’s calendar. Something is going on and you just know all of this is connected somehow. You just need proof. Maybe Maya is right. You’d broken into a few places before. How hard could it be to get into Suga’s office?
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ⓒ joon-ipersgirl, 2020
26 notes · View notes
talietikasero · 3 years
Random prompt from 8/11 [finished 8/16]: rewrite the Strive ending / create an alternate epilogue [to line up with my story project]. I may or may not rewrite the whole thing for fun lmao.
[Main story preview here (contains 6 scenes)] // [Chapter 1 now on AO3]
"I guess... that's what they meant..." She let out between huffs. Both the voice in her head and the former Sanctus Maximus Populi said the same thing regarding her potential ability.
“When the time comes, with your seed, you hold the power to save or destroy the world.”
“You can prevent the end of it all.”
Energy drained, she fought off the sluggish pace her body was moving. Looking over to her partner, she noticed he was barely hanging on to his life, staying incredibly still, and trying to regulate his breathing while facing down. While her body contained the [Scales of Juno], he had the [Flame of Corruption] ripped out from his, reverting him to a human. "On second thought, don't move." Once she closed the distance between them, she knelt and put her arms around him. Face against the scuffed leather sleeve, and she struggled to hold her emotions in. "H-hey..." Voice cracking, she lowly muttered between sniffles, "please, don't go..."
"You... you stayed true to... your word about... a-about..."
"Fighting to... s-save the world..."
"If the world was going to disappear tomorrow... What would you do today?"
"What kind of a question is that? Stop whatever's ending the world or die trying."
Her embrace tightened as tears ran down her face. "Human, Gear, or neither. The world still needs you."
With drooped ears and saddened eyes, the wolf spirit whined. Its host and companion soothed it by scratching behind its ears and reassuring the worst had come to pass. "(It's okay, Rei. We're still alive.)." She whispered to the spirit in her native tongue. Another whine followed by a lick to the side of her face, Giovanna patted Rei's forehead. "What? Are you worried about me? I'm okay, I swear." She winced as another sharp pain ran through her body. "Ouch..." Her superior, the President, placed a hand on her shoulder. Half-expecting him to say she's no longer needed, she began, "I'm sorry-..."
"None of that." Vernon's voice was firm; however, it sounded... fatherly. He may have his doubts about the agent, but he knew she was more than capable of the job. Facing off against an unstoppable force, she did prove she's worth giving a higher position. "I can tell what you were thinking, but you're not being let go. You take as much time as you need off, Gio. Goldlewis, Erica, and I will await your return."
Saddened at the loss of someone he could consider a friend, the time traveler meekly looked down at the minty green and white guitar he held in his hands. This entire time he was unaware of her true identity. If he had to lose someone like her, it didn't have to be this way. Regardless of if she recalled who he was and why he was important to her in the first place, false memory or not. He threw away his chance to return home a while ago, and now he felt that it would've been for nothing had he gone through with it. "It shouldn't have ended like this... Megumi." Axl softly said under his breath.
After regaining control over his body and revealing the wicked goddess's weak point, the vampiric samurai pierced the ground a few centimeters with his sword. He kneeled to show his appreciation for defeating the evil force that used him as a puppet. Now, he could see why his master was fascinated by the will of a single person. This same person was stripped of his powers and still faced death head-on. "May you rest for now. The next time we meet, it won't be as enemies, but acquaintances." Drawing his blade from the ground, Nagoriyuki sheathed it and took his leave.
The King of Illyria – his lifelong rival and their son-in-law – made his way over to them, stopping a few feet short to maintain distance. "It's finally over. They're gone. We can... we can go home now." Part of him wanted to hold a hand out to help him stand, yet he held back and deemed that action unnecessary. Ky's spirits rose once he noticed the man in front of him was taking steady deep breaths -- body slowly moving to show signs of life.
Right hand maintaining its grip on the Outrage's handle, his free hand lightly grasped one of hers. Face still downward, a weak smile formed. "...You think so?"
She couldn't believe it. He's hanging by a thread and using what energy he should be saving to answer her with a question of his own.
"I know so."
The past three weeks were a blur. From the day she woke up and adjusted to this new world to the present, where she aided in bringing down a god. She never would've guessed that any of these events could've transpired. In the days leading up to September 2016, she was a terminally ill scientist who refused any life-saving alternative to live past what little time she had left, insisting she spent it with her significant other. Fast forward to December 2187, and she was brought back to life and became the partner of humanity's savior -- the very same person, albeit for the last time.
The next day, another patient was checked into the hospital. This time there wasn’t a commotion caused by bringing his unconscious form bursting through the front doors. She wasn’t strong enough to carry him in her arms like he held her – that’s what the gurney from the airship’s infirmary wing was for.
“I have a request. May I stay here until he recovers? I… I don’t want to leave him.”
Three days later, word had reached his family that he's – miraculously and defying all odds – alive. His refusal to follow the light after what had happened was attributed to his stubborn nature. The Grim Reaper knocked at his door, and he slammed it shut in their face. Occupying the same bed, in the same patient room as her around a month ago, the now de-powered hero lay hooked up to the vitals system.
"Is he going to be alright?"
"Hard to say, but he'll pull through. He did wake up this morning, so there's something, yeah?"
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but has anyone seen my mother? About my height, short red hair with white underneath, and wearing a blue leather jacket? She hasn't been seen since everyone returned."
"She's in the room and hasn't left at all. I had someone stop by the house and bring her spare clothes since she spent the last four days here."
"Oh, thank god." The queen was relieved to know her mother's whereabouts. She respected her parents' privacy by not asking if she was able to go in.
Ring-ring. Ring-ring. Ring-ring-ring.
Sighing in aggravation, she answered her phone. There was only one person she kept in contact with these past few days. "What do you want now? He's still not up, so stop cal-..."
"I was going to ask something else. I'm going to regret this, but are you still angry?"
"You're a smart man to keep your distance from me, but a dumbass to ask that. Of course, I am! You ruined our lives with your 'self-righteousness' and nearly brought another apocalypse."
"...Aria, I understand your rage. If only I could rewind time and prevent your illness. I shouldn't have forcibly converted him and disappeared with your sleep capsule. It wasn't my intention to have our research weaponized, but I was figuratively and literally held at gunpoint to hand it over to the US Government. I should've known better and anticipated that Chaos -- erm, the Original's creation would sabotage your activation. Your screams still haunt me... and... I'm... I'm sorry."
"I can't fix this by excessively apologizing and listing off my crimes, but I hope everything goes well for you and Frederick."
"Whatever. Enjoy the moon, or don't." She ended the call before her former friend could reply. "Asshole." Aria slumped back in the chair and opened her book to the page she left off. "We should've launched you into the sun."
"Oh my. And I thought 'Sol' was a hothead. You're pretty harsh, you know that? It's more frightening than I-No on a good day." Jack-O's voice rang through. Capable of feeling and expressing emotions herself, the Valentine was taken aback at what she heard during their calls. "If possible, can we listen to his show sometime? Please?"
"Thank you. ~"
Forty minutes after the heated conversation, a groggy voice broke the silence.
"Is the... afterlife a sterile... hospital room?" Frederick's eyes were half-open, staring directly at the ceiling.
Aria closed what she was reading and placed it on the counter. Ignoring the monitors that once kept track of her, she looked over his body to see minimal damage sustained. "Looks like you've still got some of that healing factor. Or you're just too hardheaded to die."
He slightly turned his head to face her. "Heh. Probably both."
Running a hand through his now short hair, her lips curved into an unsure smile. "Welcome back to the land of the living?"
"This doesn't look like heaven. If you're my welcome guide, then I'll stay." His body was still sore, but he extended his arm out for her to hold his hand. The warmth from the fire magic still dwelling within them made their contact feel safer.
"I should've worn that jumpsuit and halo." Her inner voice's reaction was an exaggerated throat clear. "But if I did," she held a finger to her temple, "I don't think she would've appreciated that."
"I would've been mildly annoyed at best. Mildly annoyed yet honored that you'd wear it because of what you did."
"You're really pissed off at Asuka, aren't you?"
"How much did you hear?"
"All of it. Didn't know you were capable of that."
"I felt like you after the second day." He took that as a friendly poke at his history. "Since you've saved the world for the last time, are you still up for that 'alternate life' you mentioned the other night? We don't have to stay at Ky and Dizzy's. They can arrange something for us."
His ears perked up at the suggestion. Did she remind him about his statement regarding them settling down? Having survived an act of God, living a quiet life together a few minutes out from the capital didn't sound like a terrible idea. "What did you have in mind?"
"A fair-sized home, nothing too big or small, probably just down the way from their place. I don't want to throw everything away and live in seclusion. We're way out of our own time, but we finally have a family, people who care about us, and we care about them in return. Unless you have a better idea?"
"I'm fine with anything. Can't imagine I'd be able to go out much or at all because I'm officially a dead man."
"Not too long ago, I was a dead woman walking. Besides, the world thinks that Sol Badguy is dead, not Frederick Bulsara."
"Point there. You know, now that I think about it, this situation is just like a month ago."
"With you in my place, but I didn't have to be dragged in? This is the same room where I spent my time recovering. It was also -..."
"Where you got your new start."
"Y-yeah. That's exactly it. This is where I woke up to my new life! Not as Justice, or Jack-O, but as myself. That same day, I met our daughter and her husband, and then I saw you again. Just this time... I've been here since you were checked in. Everyone tried to get me to leave, but I refused."
He noticed the duffel bag placed near the door. There was a pant leg hanging over one side of the unzipped bag, and next to it were two pairs of footwear. "Way to tug at the old heartstrings. Stubborn as always, aren't you?" If he were honest with himself, he wanted to do the same when she was still unconscious. He had the feeling that the IRMC staff wouldn't have thought about asking him to leave the premises, even though he almost kicked the doors clean off the first time.
"One of my best qualities." She winked at him, giggling at her remark.
"Hey, Aria."
He slowly sat up despite the mild pain, leaning over to bring her in for a hug. "Thank you."
Aria returned the motion, both holding onto each other, not wanting to let go. She had felt incomplete up until this moment. Preventing the end was a combined effort, and she couldn’t be any happier to have been a part of that team.
A sense of déjà vu, the song playing on the radio had neared its end.
You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words...
"I love you."
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Chapter 11: Pride
Notes: Pride is just a manipulative bitch, I dunno what else to say about that lmao
Word count: 3129 words
Written with the help of @justfor2am !!!
Next Chapter: TBA
Find the rest of the story here!
Roman was barely conscious for everything that had followed, and was only half aware that her wrists were bound in cold metal against a wall. The room was so dimly lit she could hardly see, but that mattered little right now. She had to escape, but his magic was so wore down, there was almost nothing left. Roman pulled as hard as he could against his chains but it made no difference, and trying to summon anything only left her feeling more exhausted.
The new side, still to be named, had waited for a few more hours to continue their plan. Roman was ridden of, and as long as nobody went looking for him, they could get away with whatever else they needed to. What they hadn’t expected was for Patton to mistake them for Roman, making some overly-excited comment about the new outfit. Not that they had minded, rather enjoying the compliments that Patton showered them in, and made no move to argue that they weren’t Roman. ‘Roman’ asked Patton where Virgil had been, and after receiving an answer, hurried off to find him. Now is Virgil mistook them for Roman... well this could go horribly well or awfully perfect.
Meanwhile, Virgil was still holed away in their new room, having carefully pulled its things out and making the space feel a little bit more like home… or at least, what they felt home was supposed to be like. They were surprised to have Roman return to them so quickly, and the fear of being cast out stirred up inside themself again from where they stood by the window. And yet, part of it was almost happy to see Roman again. “Hey again, is everything alright?” they asked.
‘Roman’ had nodded and flashed a happy smile at Virgil. “I hope you’re finding everything to be adequate for the time being... I’ve been working on a little something for you since I heard you’d be coming around. Are you still settling in?” they promoted, holding out their hand to Virgil. “I know we got off to a rocky start, and this doesn’t really make up for it, but I was hoping it could be a start,” they murmured, glancing a bit away from Virgil, almost looking ashamed. “I don’t know how interested you are, but I’d like to start over. If that’s alright with you?” they finished with, looking back to Virgil again.
Virgil had been a little taken aback, to tell the truth. The idea that Roman would ever want to touch them, let alone offering first was dizzying enough, but to put in the effort to make them feel more comfortable was… nice, actually. Really nice. “I… I would really like that, actually,” it said, taking Roman’s hand with a tentative grip, light enough to still pull away. “To be honest, I’m still trying to get used to all of this, but I do want to get to know you better,” they said, unable to fight the shadow of a crooked smile on its face.
‘Roman’ grinned softly at the response, pulling Virgil close and giving them a little spin before starting to walk, moving their fingers to intertwine with Virgil’s. “Well I’m more than happy to tell you anything you’d like to know. Come on, it’s just down through here,” they said cheerily, stepping down some rustic looking spiraled stairs. Roman hadn’t ever bothered to actually fix them up, since the area never got used. The new figment lead Virgil to a room with a wooden door, grabbing out a key and unlocking it before pushing it open, standing out of the way to let Virgil walk in.
As Virgil followed, they felt like their entire head was going to combust from ‘Roman’s’ suave movements alone, and they held on a little tighter than before as the two walked toward’s their next destination. It was slightly confused at first, but upon walking into the room, Virgil could feel their voice being swept away. Before their eyes was a lush and ornate garden, and there was a twinkle in the air that made Virgil’s chest tighten up with anticipation, and their head felt foggy. But realism still itched at the back of Virgil’s mind, despite Virgil’s desire to ignore it. “I don’t understand… what’s all this for?” It asked, turning to face ‘Roman’, a mix of glee and worry stirring up inside. They weren’t exactly sure what kind of answer they were hoping for or were expecting honestly.
Sighing softly, ‘Roman’ began to speak again. “I was really shitty to you before, and I just... wanted to make sure you felt welcome here. You didn’t deserve the things I said to you,” they murmured. “Truthfully, I wish I could’ve been more like you. You’re so strong, Virgil, and smart too,” they complimented, a soft look on their face. Glancing back at the garden, they seemed to perk up some. “Oh I almost forgot! I haven’t even shown you the best part,” they said, before hurriedly running ahead through some doorways made out of large bushes, looking like it was just out of a movie. The soon stopped, grinning softly and gesturing, where quite a few cuddly animals roamed the grass.
Any more compliments and Virgil might never shake off the pinky hue their face had taken on. They were grateful for ‘Roman’s’ sudden burst of excitement, and trailed after, not-so-subtly fanning their face. But whatever else the other side had been saying was lost on Virgil’s ears. A small rabbit hopped towards Virgil’s feet, and they scooped the little thing up with a cautious hand, beaming. “You really didn’t have to do all of this,” it mumbled, the delightful fogginess from before setting in again. “But it’s really sweet of you, thank you.”
“Well of course I had to,” ‘Roman’ murmured sheepishly. “It’s worth it to see you so happy. Besides, the blush is a nice bonus,” they flirted lightly. They took a seat on the ground, letting a few of the rabbits jump towards them, smiling some and petting them. “There’s a few things I have to attend to. Would you mind staying here a while? I’ll come back with lunch and we can have a little picnic, get to know each other a bit better?” they offered.
Virgil nodded, almost too eagerly; there was just something about how ‘Roman’ was behaving that they couldn’t place that made them feel wanted. “Yeah, of course! I’ll wait for you, I mean, there’s so much to look around at…” they trailed off, mesmerized by the view. Virgil would wait happily as long as ‘Roman’ wanted to, with how safe this place felt. It could hardly remember why it was nervous about being around the other in the first place.
Smiling at the response, ‘Roman’ stood up again. “I’ll see you again soon, my little meadowsweet. Feel free to look around—there’s plenty I didn’t show you.” They left with a hum, shutting the door behind them. They didn’t lock it—the illusion of choice and comfort for Virgil, it was just easier that way. And besides, the others would question if they heard Virgil shouting. That’s the last thing they wanted. They stepped into Roman’s cell, ready to patronize the other as a grin seeped across their face. “Getting cozy there Roman?” they asked. “Don’t worry, I’ve already taken care of Virgil, nobody’s questioned where you went. They all think I’m you... must say something about you, doesn’t it?”
Roman glared up at them. “You won’t get away with this, whatever the hell you are, you can’t keep this game up forever.” Even with his brazen words, it was obvious that Roman was still recovering from… god knows what this other creature did to him. His eyes lacked their usual spark, and the lack of blood flow to his arms wasn’t exactly helpful either.
“Oh but Roman, I already am,” they answered with a grin.
“So what’re you going to do with me, then? Am I no longer the thorn in your side that I was? ‘Cause if you let me out, I can show just how much of a pain I could have been,” Roman snarled.
“Good to know I didn’t take any of that hideous anger. I’m not sure yet, I rather enjoy being prince. I think king fits me better though, don’t you?” they asked, tapping their index finger against their chin. “Maybe I’ll keep you here and just take your place. No one would dare to question a king, you made it so they wouldn’t. Ah yes, that would do nicely,” they hummed, pacing the room slowly. “Oh and by the way... Virgil’s happy, I’m sure you’ll be glad to know. The poor thing doesn’t have a clue what hit it. Nobody will find it again...”
At the mention of Virgil, Roman yanked harshly against her chains again, “What the hell did you do with them?! Where are they, you better fucking tell me right now!” He shouted, eyes sparking red if only for a feeble moment. “You are no king, just a fool and a liar playing dress up. This isn’t your world to play with, and if you think for a second no one will catch on, you’re an even bigger fool than I thought.”
The trait merely laughed at the response. “Oh Roman, poor poor Roman, I think you forget... I’m still you. They don’t think any different. They have no reason to,” they answered. “You may call me the fool, but I at least know how to use the way Virgil feels about us to my advantage. Funny that you didn’t notice before, it’s in love with you,” the murmured, looking amused as they looked at their nails. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt to tell you though, seeing as you nor it are getting out anytime soon. Virgil’s in its own little magic forest... it’ll be lost on its own soon enough.”
A million and one questions were running through Roman’s mind at the moment, from the point that Virgil loved him to the magic forest. She shook her head and glared back up at the other. “You’re horrible using them like that! Let me remind you that Virgil has yet to do anything that warrants this sort of treatment!” She gritted her teeth, “You’re a bully, and a prick, and the most obnoxious son of a bitch I’ve ever met.”
“Virgil wasn’t anything in the first place. It was a mere mistake. We should’ve ridded it earlier, and you know that as much as I do, but I guess it makes me the bad guy to be honest about it;” they muttered.
Roman sighed, resting her head against the wall. “But can I ask for one thing, since you’re so clearly acting as the high-and-mighty king right now?”
“What is it Roman?” the trait asked, bored by the question. “Hurry along now, I did promise Virgil a lovely lunch. Poor thing is eating right out of the palm of my hand you know.”
“Two things, and don’t lie and tell me you’re actually eager to get back to them,” Roman snarked. “First things first, I don’t know who you think you’re fooling with that outfit, but it’s loud for even my tastes. I mean, black with ruby accents? You, my formidable foe, look like an emo nightmare, and not in the good way,” she started, testing the waters, trying to get a rise out of this strange side. “And, for my question, could you get a little closer? I know you must find my voice annoying, and I’m sure a whisper would be much less grating on your ears.”
“I’m far from eager about it, though Virgil certainly misses me,” they remarked, a grin on their face. “And perhaps I don’t look exactly like you, but a look change is easy,” they added with a shrug, simply snapping their fingers as their appearance shifted. “Though I’m certain I look twice as good as you either way,” they finished. Despite their words; they indulged in Roman’s request, coming closer and kneeling in front of her, waiting for the response.
Roman grinned, and blew a raspberry in the other’s face. He was nothing if not a child at heart. “Fuck you, and fuck everything you stand for. As soon as Virgil realizes you’re not me, they’re going to flip their shit, and it’s not going to be pretty. You’d be lucky if you escape with all of your limbs intact.” He knew Virgil wasn’t violent in the slightest, but the other didn’t need to know that. “And you still look like a freak show,” he quipped. “Maybe it’s the stupid smirk on your face, you look much better without one,” Roman taunted, mildly amused by himself for actually pulling such a stupid stunt off.
The trait gritted their teeth, wiping the spit from their face. “Roman, you keep forgetting, you’re not the only part it fell in love for,” they muttered, wiping the spit off on their pants. “Even if the paranoid freak figures it out, do you really think I’m stupid enough to let it out? It wouldn’t dare hurt me. At best, it would feel bad for causing such horrors to us, and I’ll make sure it knows it’s all its fault. No amount of reassuring from you will fix that.”
“You motherfucking—“ Roman started off blazing with anger again, but cut himself off. Her shoulders sank once more as the wheels in her head finished turning. “You’re doing this just because you can. There’s no rhyme or reason, is there? You just want the world, and to step on whomever doesn’t fit your idea of it. There isn’t a drop of remorse in your body, is there?” She wasn’t looking at them anymore, but at the floor as she pieced everything together. “And, even so, I still don’t know what to call you. You’re not Cruelty or I’d be way worse off, you’re not Hatred or Anger…”
“Oh don’t fool yourself, Roman, I don’t step on what I do for no reason. Virgil wasn’t part of the plan, we both know that. Logan’s lovely, I wouldn’t dare to hurt him. But I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to do the same with Remus,” they shrugged. “Simply put, mistakes don’t belong in my world, and as long as I’m living, it is my world.”
“You think you’re perfect,” Roman mumbled, and he almost laughed. “Logan and Remus are almost the most polar opposite sides you could have compared, of course you like Logan. They’re efficient and quiet and do as they’re told. Remus is anything but those things.” He looked back up at the other. “The only thing that matters to you is for everything to be exactly the way you want it, because obviously your way is better than anyone else’s.” Roman stared them in the eye, “You’re arrogant and see no flaws in anything you do. A perfectionist through and through… I know you’re name. You’re Pride.”
“Pride, huh?” the villain grinned. “I like that actually. It suits me well. Well... whatever this may be, I have something to be tending to,” he hummed. “Ta-ta, Roman. Oh, and don’t let me catch you mumbling to yourself anymore, yeah? Be a shame if I’d have to silence you,” he remarked, stepping out the barred door and locking it behind him.
Roman waited to the count of twenty before returning to his struggle against those dammed chains. He had to get out of here, Roman didn’t want that slime ball of a side nosing anywhere around his creations. The clattering of his shackles resounded in his cell, and Roman let his arms fall back against the wall. Whatever charm was on this place, it kept him from using any of his powers. So, she resorted to the only other option left, as humiliating as it was. “Hello?! Is anyone there?!” he shouted into the air.
Virgil had been humming softly as it pet the animals, peaceful and content. Well, at least until it heard some rattling. It stood up, taking one of the bunnies with it and carefully started stepping towards the noises. They had done some exploring, but not much without ‘Roman,’ not wanting to get lost. But curiosity got the best of it, and it couldn’t help being a little concerned about the noises it approached. It hadn’t made out the words that the person had said, but knocked lightly on the stone wall, which was covered in vines and leaves. “Hello?” they called quietly, still nervous as their heart pounded, pulling the bunny a little closer to their chest.
Roman flinched; to be entirely honest, she didn’t think that would work. But it was this particular voice that mattered more to Roman in this moment, and she leaned as forward against her chains as she could, speaking again, “Hello?! Virgil, is that you? Say something, anything, are you alright? They haven’t hurt you, have they?” she asked frantically.
“Ro... man? Woah, woah, wait, slow down—what do you mean?” Virgil was trying to wrap their head around half the words Roman had said, and frankly, they were failing miserably. The kneeled down next to the wall, setting down the bunny gently, that cuddled up to their thigh. “Has who hurt me? Nobody’s hurt me Roman—what happened to you? I thought you said you had some things to take care of then you’d be back...” Virgil wasn’t exactly sure if they should be scared, concerned, or just bluntly hurt, and somehow, they managed to be all three.
“I’m trapped somewhere, you have to to help get me out of here!” Roman answered quickly. “The place you are in now isn’t safe, you’re going to get lost in there forever if you don’t find a way out now. There’s someone walking about that looks just like me, their name is Pride, you cannot under any circumstances trust them! They locked me up, and I’m not strong enough right now to get out on my own. Please, Virgil, I need your help.”
Virgil froze up a bit at that. “Oh.” The response hung heavy in the air. They knew Roman couldn’t have just been being nice to them, of course he couldn’t. They were foolish for ever believing there was any good will to it. Still, even though it stung, Virgil couldn’t help hoping that it wasn’t true. “And all the rabbits, and hand holding... oh...” Virgil continued quietly, trying to connect the dots. They took a deep breath, doing their best not to cry. “I want to trust you, I want to say you’re the real Roman, I do but—given what you just told me, how can I even trust you?” they asked.
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kxhlzn · 5 years
[ii.] the birdwatcher & his lover.
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➳ synopsis: it's the summer of '89, and you discover new things about yourself— some good, and some you wish you could swallow and never see again. dealing with the newfound confusion of sexuality, you must learn the ins and outs of friendship and what it means to grow up.
➳ genre: coming-of-age drama, crack, violence, fluff.
➳ characters/pairing(s): eventual stanley uris/reader, unrequited!bev x reader, eventual bev/ben, eventual richie/eddie.
➳ wordcount: 5.6k of trash.
➳ song rec: don't really have any for this one. prolly why it's so bad lmao. um maybe the kenzie smith piano cover of "unjust life".
➳ warnings: profanity, henry bowers, fights, blood, flashbacks (slight chapter 2 spoilers), sexual jokes, underage smoking.
➳ author's note: this became more and more crack at the beginning and i couldn't stop it. sorry for using the phrase "sitting on his face", i saw an opportunity and took it. also didn't like this one as much tbh. not as much bev/reader as the last. this isn't edited god save me
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July, 1989.
"she's fucking insane!"
how right richie tozier was, staring in utter horror as you march your way straight toward the older boy who has tortured your friends for far too long. one of his greasy hands grips the short hairs on beverly's head, forcing her neck to recline against the bricks of the library— and in turn, your patience.
"someone's gotta stop her," eddie replies, his brows curved inward in concern. he'd be more vocal, if it wasn't for the fear of henry bowers that limited him.
stanley and bill bike their way down the uncrowded street, scanning the nearby area in search of ben, who requested they all meet him at the library for something he called fascinating. bill nearly crashes into stanley's bike when he spots you stomping your way up to bowers. he does, however, slam into the curb when you capture a handful of henry's mullet and slam your free hand up his nose until he cries out.
bill takes a rough tumble, but eddie and richie don't notice. eddie's palms are covering his eyes, and he tells richie to "let him know when it's over". stanley, on the other hand, is whipping his head between yourself and bill as he rapidly decides to minimize collateral damage from the two accidents: bill's bleeding forehead and scrapes, or the death bell slamming into his brain like a literal gong every time he hears a grunt come from bowers as he's reeling from your assault.
sorry, bill; you should have learned how to ride your bike properly. stanley slips off the seat of his transportation, for once not even bothering to stand it up properly before it is left bare, tipping over onto the curb. he's shaking from head to toe, and his footsteps are wobbly. each meter he's closer to bowers, the more he considers bolting and telling his father to never answer your calls. alas, he can't help but feel an obligation; you've saved him from more scraps with the blonde delinquent than he can count, and you always ended up with more bruises than he did— and you would clean his cuts first.
august 23rd of your 8th grade year, henry bowers takes it into his hands to destroy the lives of each and every child of derry. he's a sophomore at the high school, but that never stops him from picking on you. his first victim is stanley uris, one of your best friends of a year, as he shoves him down, forcing the boy to take a rough tumble.
eddie's prepubescent screeching exemplifies within every second that henry attacks, and by a couple minutes in, it's entirely indecipherable. henry's goon, patrick, crouches beside stanley's curly head, and retrieves his jewish kippah, examining it as though he actually cared what it was. his slimy grin makes your skin crawl.
"nice frisbee, flamer," patrick runs his calloused thumb over the fabric, waves the cap in front of stan's face, and tightens his grip as he stands. stan grasps helplessly for the cap, and you push through bowers (as he's holding richie's glasses above his head), and just barely catch the kippah before it soars into a passing bus's cracked window.
after your fingers are wrapped firmly around the rim, you slam your free hand right up patrick's nose, causing the greasy boy to take a few shaky steps backward. he grips the center of his face, blood slipping from his nostrils, and he growls.
he cries something pathetic and retreats behind henry, who licks his palm, and runs it down bill's cheek leisurely. eddie cringes at the sight. "this summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends."
"as much of a hurt train it'll be for you when you get home to daddy?" you mock with venom, and your stomach swirls in anticipation. you had been entirely aware of what mr. bowers did to his son, and you would have felt sympathetic if he wasn't such a fucking dick. you partially wish you could shove your words down into your shivering guts, and prevent the consequences of your spillage. bill's arms immediately grip around your waist, his bony shoulder turning to hide your torso. his own body trembles, but he doesn't want bowers to see the fear behind his stubborn irises.
henry was shaken at your words, entirely speechless— out of fear or anger, you weren't sure. probably a mix of both. he seems to not even realize what he's doing, but his arm is raised, and he backhands you right out of bill's shaking arms. you land straight on your ass and your ears ring; henry and his gang take a run for it, and slip into belch's car like the slimy no-good rats they are. your head is dizzy from the impact, and the losers crowd around you. four chaotic voices swarm you, and you wave them all away so they don't worry.
but you still grip stanley's kippah like your life depends on it.
the owner of the jewish cap collapses next to you, and he isn't swift to ask for it back or demand it. in fact, it's a thought pushed to the back of his mind when he sees how swollen your cheek gets, and how a trickle of blood is growing in the corner of your mouth. he is entirely aware that patrick is now determined to destroy you, or worse. he is entirely aware of what that means for you, and he knows that you know too. he knows that you know and you still caught the kippah for him regardless, and he feels his heart enlarge, growing pregnant with sadness and appreciation.
all of these voices slamming into your skull, mostly eddie's high pitched squealing, and all you can hear for a moment is stan's quiet 'thank you'.
you nod curtly, and gently push his shoulder with your fist, a lopsided grin on your bruised mouth. "ah, it's nothing, kid."
you wiggle your fingers at eddie, a sure sign that you want him to help you stand. hesitantly, the lithe boy grabs your forearm and pulls you up. you extend the favor to stanley, and yank him to his feet too.
"is everyone okay?" you chirp positively, reaching your hands above stan's head, plopping his kippah onto his mass of curls. his tall form retracts a bit, bending slightly so you didn't have to exhaust yourself. once you were content with the cap's position, you stood in a confident position, fingers wrapped around your hips.
stan removes the kippah and stuffs it into his bag, which he keeps slung around his shoulder. he eyes the losers curiously as they gape at your enthusiasm, but he's the only one that really catches your attention. he mouths a brief, "are you really okay?" and you smile at the ground.
you mouth back, "we'll talk later".
"is that.. are you seriously asking us if we're okay right now, 'cause last i checked..." eddie's words are drowned out.
stanley uris almost squeals when bowers's posture returns, and he's stalking toward your shorter self like he's going to slack his jaw and swallow you whole in one, frankly, sloppy bite. stan rushes in front of you seconds before henry takes an uncalibrated swing, and it knocks stanley straight across the cheek, and you scream. henry takes a handful of your hair and yanks you upward, lifting you off the ground slightly, but he's weak enough that the tips of your shoes graze the grass. the entire time, eddie is screaming, (or speaking really high-pitched, but you couldn't be sure, as you were getting your brains pummeled out), and richie takes a not-so-manly roar and rushes towards the bully. you'd be proud of him if you hadn't noticed his eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and his legs like jelly the entire dash over.
he pushes henry to the ground by wrapping his arms around his torso and taking himself down too. "you motherfucking slime-fucker, i'm gonna kill you, or someth—"
crunch. your first thought is henry "greaseball" bowers fucking ate richie tozier, and even after your brain rationalized the events after, you still thought that was an entirely plausible prediction. except, you think his screech would have been a little more muffled, and less annoying because you would have felt sympathy for him, for you know, being fucking inhaled like one of bev's cigarettes. both fortunately and unfortunately, it was just his glasses— and you were relieved briefly until it came to your attention that they were no longer sitting on his freckled face, which meant one thing: the poor kid couldn't see shit.
you witness beverly dig her knee right into henry's set of jewels, right before you feel a soft but firm hand on your shoulder, and you're pulled up by a flash of red — bill's gushing forehead — and shoved away from the conflict. suddenly, he's bursting towards richie, and he practically throws him out of the way as he snatches up his glasses and bolts towards the row of bikes laid out. beverly is already waiting for him, holding up the bike so he can grasp it and hop on. eddie takes his cue to get on his own, and you almost run towards stanley but bill grabs you and shakes his head.
"oh, fuck off, denbrough, this isn't a sad movie or whatever!" you break his grip and reach out as far as you can until you catch a handful of stanley's button up. fabric, or a button, tears, but you manage to get him far away from bowers enough to pull him onto the back of his own bike. before he can even adjust himself, you're pedaling rapidly after the others, with stanley's arms wrapped around your torso.
that is not how he imagined the bike moment to go: you know the one, where the girl is wrapped around the guy's chest, leaning her head softly against his shoulder blade, staring off into the sky as they pedal away from the cliche villain? yeah, no. stanley is practically squeezing your organs into your throat, panting in your ear, and not-so-gracefully swerving the bike's balance. you wiggle until he gets the gist that you want to survive the ride, and pedal as fast as your legs can; then when you've gained enough leverage against the others, you stand on the pedals, and stanley's arms slide down to your thighs.
he tries not to stare at the apple in front of his face, so he glances up, and is washed with the image of your face battered and bloodied, but you've got the biggest smile on your lips like you've just climbed mount everest— like saving him was just that exhilarating. but then you try to sit back down, and his arms around your thighs send the bike into a swirl, and you're pretty much sitting on his face until he releases your legs. as if things couldn't get more awkward.
"sorry," stanley mutters, mostly to ease his own embarrassment that's traveled to his cheeks and chest. you both look over at bill and bev, and scowl. they are literally the epitome of the "perfect couple" bike ride, and the two of you feel like barfing.
your reason much different than stan's.
"how are we going to warn ben?" you yell to the entire group.
"kid's a dead man!" richie shouts in reply.
bev jumps in. "we can't just leave him!"
"do you wanna go back?" richie inquires, raising a brow.
her silence is met with you taking a violent u-turn towards the library, and stan wants to cry. you tell the others to get to mike before he shows up unaware of the situation, while you curve around to the back of the building and park the bike by the steps.
"this'll lead us to the basement," stan states while he climbs off.
"i know," you quip.
"what if we get caught? this is a stupid idea," stan says, crossing his arms as you walk up the steps. you shrug.
"and? we get caught. what are they gonna do, take away our library cards?"
turns out they can do a lot more than just take away your library cards, but they let you both slide when they saw the bruises littering you and stan's faces— you were definitely a sight: two fifteen-year-olds caught in the basement of the library, covered in purple and red marks with innocent gleams on your lips as you try to sweet-talk the librarian into not telling your parents that you were discovered unraveled in the dark together. god, the look on the rabbi's face if he had heard that— it leaves you smirking the whole ride away from the building— through the back entrance, of course.
ben says he got lucky that you were there to warn him, 'cause he was going to come out and look for you all a couple minutes after the others departed. that gives you some relief, knowing that it was the right choice to go back. poor kid woulda been bloodied without anyone there to help him.
once you all meet in the alley outside the pharmacy, (with bev's help in distracting mr. keene, again), you mutually agree to patch each other up at the clubhouse, the only safe place for the losers' club anymore. it makes you a bit sad to think that, but nevertheless true. it's a bit worse that you guys are so terrified to leave your bikes near it, that you take a twenty-minute hike to the secret location once you've secured the transportation far away from its sacred grounds.
eddie scowls at the sight of the door in the ground, covered in weeds and unidentified muck, but he chooses not to say anything. everyone is worn out and drained, and he's just happy everyone survived it. his scowl melts into a deep frown as he goes over the events in his head— he was scared, and he hadn't helped a single one of them; he watched as bev was slammed against the library wall, he watched as stanley was decked by bowers, and he watched as each and every one of them defended each other. god, he was such a fucking coward— could he do anything right?
richie senses the weight on the smaller boy's thoughts, so he tentatively puts his hand on his shoulder. is this too much? he doesn't want to make eddie think he likes him, or anything. eddie simply sighs in response, but in his heart, he feels calmer, like maybe they do want him, even if he's a wuss.
ben crouches down to clear the entry to the clubhouse, while richie starts up a conversation about how he totally whipped henry to pieces, and how his sorry ass is gonna come crawling to richie for forgiveness. ben shakes his head with a soft smile, and richie pokes him with his foot.
"hey, you think it's funny, ben? you were stuffing your nose in a book being the biggest fucking nerd in the whole goddamn world! you just watch, bennie; crawling, i tell ya'. crawling," richie says, bending over enough to get an eyeful of ben's snicker.
"yeah, sure, rich," beverly laughs; she pulls a pack of cigarettes from her blouse, and fishes out a lighter. you can't help but stare when she places a cigarette in between her pink lips, and concentrates as she sets the tip aflame— it takes eddie's voice calling your name to draw you from her form.
"hey! take your inhaler!" he chucks it at you.
you catch it just in time and mutter to yourself about how ridiculous he's being. you roll your eyes as you release a breath of air, and place the inhaler between your lips. you push down on the bottle of medicine as you take a deep inhale, letting the contents push down your throat and into your lungs. you have to hold the air for a couple seconds and swallow.
eddie speaks after he takes a puff from his own. "getting scared like that and beverly smoking a cigarette is a death trap for us."
you blink at him, cigarette in your mouth. you inhale, release, and shrug, handing it back to beverly. "you were saying?"
eddie's face contorts to one of a miniature aneurysm, words falling short. he resorts to rolling his eyes and glaring at the dirt.
ben finally heaves open the hatchet and sighs contently. eddie slips in first, with his newly stolen med kit under his arm. ben enters next, and so on.
the clubhouse is rustic, with its oak poles and shelves of miscellaneous items, like puzzles, card games, med supplies, and non-perishable snacks. mike lights a lamp in the corner of the structure while ben pulls the hatch down to close it, and you take a look around, as though you hadn't been done here a hundred times before.
from right where the ladder drops, is a long step that extends from wall to wall, with a plush cushion positioned right next to the entrance. there's a pile of journals and books next to it, with a metal cup of pens on top of the first one. leaned up behind the ladder is a rather large one, a bit bulky and thick with all the pictures of bird species within its pages. (there's an even larger photo album seated on the biggest bookshelf in the clubhouse, shoved in the far back on a ledge where mike and ben hang out). that cushion is where stanley likes to sit, as one might infer. he doesn't like to fold his legs, so the step is nice for him to plant his feet as he sits stiffly on the, frankly, uncomfortable pillow. it explains the sour expression on his face when he spends hours sitting there, and the way he squirms the entire time like there's a nail protruding out of the cushion and into his ass. you wouldn't be that surprised, though, as he would be too unbothered or unmotivated to remove it.
on the far right of the entire clubhouse, not far from the ladder, there is a structure similar to a bay window that ben built for you after hearing you mention you'd always wanted one in your bedroom. he was eager to please everyone with the building (even though you frankly wished he hadn't put so much strain on himself by making it), so it was an easy decision to include it. of course, there really isn't a window, so it's more of a short stage covered in a colorful variety of plush pillows and blankets. he included a built-in shelf for your sketchbooks, journals, novels, and art supplies as well as enough space to include miscellaneous items that you like to decorate with. the space is a bit long, too— not long enough to be a bed, but not short enough to be a couch, either. ben, being the angel he is, included curtains you could pull pack around the section, as you often slept back there, too.
a storage section is tucked away behind a beam separating it with stan's small seat, and that's where the majority of your games and such are located. it has a wooden wall built on its left side, connecting to the open space set out for mike and bill's favorite place, which is more like a stage than your own. three extended steps stretching from the storage room to the far wall on the other side lead up to it, with a flat surface at the top of the third one. that's where you guys keep your larger things, like lawn chairs, toolboxes, and extra wood planks in case ben feels a bit creative. in the corner, though, there's a sandbox that ben enjoys building structures in (much to stan and eddie's dismay, as they both end up being the ones to clean up after him, even when the poor boy is apologizing profusely for making a mess). bill and mike prefer to have deep, intellectual conversations that are a bit too advanced for the likes of richie, and are just a bit boring for the rest of you. you like to have them too, but sometimes they become repetitive, or perhaps you just aren't in the mood to be a part of them, so the two boys retreat to the stage in the back.
eddie and richie constantly argue over the hammock that hangs comfortably in the center of the clubhouse, which is essentially a cheap old sheet tied securely to a couple beams that were set up for the sake of the structure of the hideout. they always end up a tangled mess in the middle, their heads on opposite ends. eddie likes to complain about richie's presence in the hammock majority of the time (if he's not kicking it back with you in your bay window), but he always seems the most at ease when richie is in it with him. he probably doesn't realize it, but he whines he's cold when the taller boy is absent, or hidden somewhere else amongst you.
ben and bev, arguably the easiest to please out of all of the losers, prefer to keep their hangout simple by placing a couple cheap cushions on the floor by the hammock, close enough reach so bev can pass a cigarette between herself and richie. she likes to lean her head against a beam behind her favorite location and drop her elbow onto a box of comic books that you and eddie share. as bev and richie share a smoke, you and eddie toss your inhalers back and forth between yourselves (it took you a while to convince him to do it, but he eventually decided you aren't as germy as the rest of them).
simply put, the clubhouse was home.
today, however, you decide to be a little mischevious, throwing yourself onto the hammock, with richie and eddie's eyes bulging out of their heads. you cock your chin at them, splaying your arms out to graze the dirt floor beneath you, "something wrong, boys?"
"yeah, that's my fucking hammock," richie scolds, crossing his arms while eddie places a small hand on his own hip.
stan doesn't take a seat, slipping his shoes off, while the others migrate to their most common places. "you guys get it every time. what's wrong with her taking a turn?"
you point your thumb behind you at him, nodding in tune. "see? stan the man knows what's up."
stan smirks, and just as he's preparing to plop down onto his beloved cushion, you swing the hammock close enough so you can capture a handful of his striped shirt. he stumbles into your lap, and quickly adjusts himself to save you both the embarrassment. his entirely too long limbs are lanky and take up nearly the entire sheet; you let your toes wiggle underneath his hips.
"i regret this," you mutter, stan's shoeless (thankfully with socks) foot placed next to your head. he apologizes, and swings one over the edge of the hammock, while sliding the other between your arm and your torso.
"is that better?" stan inquires, watching with amusement as eddie and richie groan and throw themselves onto your bay window. with all that space, you'd think they'd spread out, but no,— they're legs are just as tangled as usual.
"yeah," you say, "so, uh. eds, you gonna patch us up or are we gonna bleed all over our favorite shit?"
you hear an awkward crash behind you, and you pray it isn't your collection of display items on your shelf. there's a tumble, and then the patter of feet followed by an "oh, fuck, yeah". the medkit clatters quietly, while eddie digs through it to retrieve some alcohol and cotton swabs.
bill is the first, provided his injuries root from his inability to keep his eyes on the road. he doesn't talk much through it, rather sits there too calm.
"what happened?" you question and stanley shakes the hammock as he reaches over to his pile of books, and captures one in his hand. his foot digs slightly into your side, and you curse under your breath as you try to peer past his curly head.
stanley smirks slightly. "he saw you punch bowers, and crashed."
"too bad it wasn't 'cause he saw the color of your panties..." richie groans, "'cause then i'd have something to take my mind off my aching face."
your stomach curls in both disgust and amusement, rolling your eyes. "they're just blue, today, my friend."
you turn your head just enough to get an eyeful of richie pumping his fist in excitement. you scoff and throw an empty plastic bottle at him, one you found underneath the hammock.
bill hisses from his position on the floor beside eddie and ben. eddie's legs are tucked under his lap, his tongue peeking out to wet his lips in concentration; ben merely glances everywhere but the cloth on bill's forehead, face nearly a shade of green.
"stop moving!" eddie snaps, and bill mutters an apology, wringing his hands in his lap as he waits for eddie to finish up.
"on the positive side," you chirp, poking stanley with your toe, "henry might have a broken nose."
"i ain't fixing it," eddie says, a small smile evident on his lips. his eyes never waver from bill's cut, though.
"nah," you agree, reading the cover of stanley's book, "i wouldn't put my worst enemy through that."
eddie glares at the cut in response. he can't lose concentration, fortunately, but you're aware it was intended for you. "hey!"
richie snorts. "amen."
the sun disappears quickly behind the horizon, but you can barely tell from where you lay. an orange light passes through the doorway, illuminating ben's soft skin, his head in beverly's lap. he's asleep, much like bill, mike, eddie, and richie. beverly slowly drags on a cigarette, a small reflection of light gracing the freckles on her cheek. her eyes are glazed over, like she might fall asleep herself in the next couple minutes. stanley is contently flipping through his novel, the cover a tinge away from an oak brown. his brows are curled in, his entire body engaged in the pages. you tilt your head at him, curious as to what's enraptured him so entirely.
he doesn't notice, thumb tracing circles in the skin of your knee. his hand is warm, like your cheeks, but you don't notice it. seems to be a common occurrence between the two of you; not noticing things that are obvious.
beverly marsh, though, and that eagle eye of hers, notices. a smile appears on her lips, small and knowing. that's just how she is; small, and knowing.
stanley uris's eyes light briefly, and his lips pursue. he's surprised by something that has happened in the book. he seems to disconnect for a moment, glancing up at you. they drop back down and then rise to meet yours again. this time, he's captivated by you.
you take this moment as a chance to speak with him. "are you okay?"
"no," you press, leaning forward slightly to keep full attention of his eyes, "are you okay? i haven't had a chance to ask."
stanley licks his lips and taps your knee in thought. finally, he clears his throat. "um, yeah. just had a lot on my mind, is, uh, all."
"your pops?" you inquire, reaching behind yourself to get ahold of a box of graham crackers. you tear open the box and package, capturing a cracker and snapping it in half. you offer one of the halves to stan.
he takes it, and nods in thanks. "i mean, i guess. he's always nagging me, ever since my bar mitzvah speech."
you think back to that dreadful event.
"what the fuck do we do?" richie asks, legs crossed as he flails his arms. you pitch him a glare from across stanley, whose legs are tucked beneath him, his face in his shaking hands. his shoulders shake too, and he's vulnerable.
it's like watching a bird caught in a wire.
he's muttering barely coherent words, along the lines of "i can't do this", and "i'm gonna fuck this whole thing over". you grip his shoulders, and position yourself in front of his kneeling body. you give him a gentle squeeze, and he looks up just enough to meet your firm eyes.
"you, stanley uris, are the biggest loser i know, and i mean that in the kindest way. you will tackle this shit. if you choose to go the formal route, i support you. you lie to them as much as you want. if you want to tell them to shove it, i support you," you spill out, and before long, you're not sure what you're trying to imply anymore. "i... we are here, no matter the circumstances. if you want to light this whole place up, so be it. i'll be the fire."
stanley's eyes are bright, and his lip quivers. he doesn't know what to say or do. but he trusts you, and somehow that's enough.
stanley stands on that stage, and he recites every hebrew word he is expected to. it seems to drone on forever, and you can tell, even from your seat, that he is just as bored as you and richie are. his hands are trembling with each page flip, and somehow towards the end, you hear the subtle rip of one. stan chokes up but continues.
by the end, his father is (poorly) trying to hide his fury, and you resist every urge to stand and yell, "he's doing his best! shut up and accept that, you condescending prick!"
stan is silent once he finishes. he takes a minute to turn and face the crowd, but his expression is harder than what you expected when he does. "reflecting on the meaning of what i just read, the word "leshanot" comes up a lot, which means, um, 'to change, to transform'. which makes sense, i guess, because today i'm supposed to become a man."
his hands curl the microphone wire and uncurl it. a nervous tick. "it's funny, though. everyone, i think, has some memories they're prouder of than others, right? and maybe that's why change is so scary. 'cause the things we wish we could leave behind... the whispers we wish we could silence... the nightmares we most want to wake up from, the memories we wish we could change… the secrets we feel like we have to keep, are the hardest to walk away from."
his dark eyes pass over the room, examining the distasteful expressions of each jewish man, woman, and child in the synagogue. when they land on you, he feels a surge of strength, his soul hardening towards the judgmental others. all he sees is you.
"the good stuff? the pictures in our minds that fade away the fastest? those pieces of you it feels the easiest to lose. maybe i don't wanna forget," his eyes don't waver. he pictures all of the memories he has with you and the losers; the quarry trips, the arcade, the photo booth. you have brought him so much happiness. "maybe, i-i-if that's what today is all about, forget it, right?"
his father, the rabbi, surges forward, with a quick, "thank you, stanley".
you curse in your head. let him finish!
stanley dodges him. "u-uh, today, i'm supposed to become a man, but i don't feel any different. there are things i need to experience, still, i think. i'm still just a kid. i'm not ready for the responsibility, for the harshness of adulthood. i want to stay as i am, with my people. i need to."
he stumbles out closer to your pew, avoiding his dad. your nod of encouragement forces him to face him, determination in his bones. he needs this. a final "fuck you".
"i know i'm a loser, and no matter what, i always fucking will be," you say, quoting him. stanley becomes bashful, shaking his head at you. you nudge him with your toe. "still my favorite moment from that. should be your senior quote. love that for you."
"might need to change the wording a bit," he replies, picking at his fingers.
"nah, a final 'fuck you', you know?"
"wouldn't that be a sight."
"you've always been a looker."
stanley laughs softly. the hammock shudders suddenly as you crawl over to his side, and lean your head against his chest. the subtle beating of his heart lulls you into silence, and he doesn't know what to do with his hands. he feels entirely too lanky now, like his limbs might just curl around you like a vine. thankfully though, you tangled your legs with his, and wrap your arms around his torso. his palms finally settle on your back.
"you're my best friend," you mutter against his chest, and he shudders.
"thanks," he chokes out awkwardly.
he can feel bev's eyes burning holes in his cheek, and he can't bring himself to look at her, and she knows it, too. his face burns now, in turn, so he suddenly takes the new cigarette from her, and drags it quickly. he hands it back to her just as fast.
"w—" she begins.
"—shut up," stanley snaps, noticing you've fallen asleep like the others. you're so peaceful.
best friend? he thinks, why do his lungs burn like they've caught fire? why does he feel like he doesn't know himself at all anymore?
why do you feel more distant than ever?
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@hannarudick @cedricisnotonfire @russian-romanova
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agent-kihyun · 4 years
la vie en rose [chw]
Pairing: Hyungwon x fem!reader
Words: 2.6K
Warnings: war(?), death briefly mentioned...
A/N: so i had this image of Paris in the 20th century stuck in my head and decided to write a little soulmate AU with Hyungwon based on it. I listened to la vie en rose a lot while writing so here we are lmao. As you can probably tell, I’ve been writing a lot of romance with Wonnie but that’s bc i love him and again I think he deserves more love than he receives. Enjoy.
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In 1948, just after the second world war ended, Chae Hyungwon, a journalist from the south of Korea, somehow found his way to Paris, France. The company he wrote for sent him so he could have overseas experience and write about how the war impacted France. He was one of the best writers in the company, and he had been vying to visit France for a long time.
He had been alone for most of his life. He had a high school sweetheart, but once they graduated, they parted ways. Being rather career-oriented, he threw himself into his work, not caring much about romance. But now that he was in Paris, the city of love, he couldn’t deny that maybe he was ready to get back out there again. He just hoped it wasn’t too late.
You had traveled from America to teach English in French schools to children just after the war ended. You’d had a few flings here and there but never anything serious. However, you hoped that the city of love lived up to its name and wished for luck finding someone who you could actually settle down with. The war showed you life was too short to waste with fleeting relationships. You wanted romance, love, and companionship.
Somehow, fate would have its way with you and Hyungwon.
It was about 8 pm in Paris, the moon hidden behind rain clouds as it poured over the luminous city. Hyungwon, who had stayed at his office to finish something for work, packed up and got his umbrella ready to get a cab home.
You, on the other hand, were coming back home from seeing a friend for dinner and drinks. You didn’t anticipate rain, so your friend allowed you to borrow her umbrella so you wouldn’t get wet. Unfortunately, she failed to tell you that her umbrella was slightly broken, so as you were walking to the train station to go home, you were still getting very, very wet. Unpleasant was an understatement.
And then it happened. While Hyungwon walked up the street trying to hail a cab in the heavy rain, he wasn’t paying attention to where he was walking on the sidewalk, and the front of your umbrella was bent downwards so you couldn’t quite see in front of you well. As fate would have it, both of your inabilities to see where you were going causes a collision of bodies and umbrellas and before either of you knew it, you were being rained on.
You grunted in frustration at the stranger, moving your hair out of the way so you could get your umbrella from the street, but the wind was strong and began to blow it away from you so quickly that before you could start chasing after the umbrella, it was out of your line of sight. Hyungwon heavily sighed and picked up his umbrella, apologizing as he turned to you, watching your friend’s umbrella billow away in the wind and rain. He watched your figure carefully as you stood there in the rain, getting soaked. He felt bad, you literally couldn’t see because of your umbrella, he was just not paying attention. So, like a gentleman, he walked over to you and brought his umbrella over the two of you, shielding you from the cold rainwater. Fortunately, Hyungwon was much taller than you, and his umbrella was bigger, big enough for the both of you to stand under and not get wet.
Before he could even tap your shoulder, you turned around in surprise at the stranger’s kindness.
Then the world stopped. The minute eye contact was made, there was a spark, a flash of lightning, a pull between the two of you and you knew, this was it.
The familiarity was strange. No words were said, but it felt like nothing needed to be said. Yet. You felt like you had met him several times before, and he felt like he had known you for ages. A smile graced both of your faces as you finally greeted one another.
“Bonjour, mademoiselle.”
“Bonsoir, monsieur.”
His deep voice reverberated in your chest and you were surprised, to say the least. He didn’t seem like he was from around France, or maybe he was, but the French language coming from him made it seem like maybe this wasn’t his first language. Nevertheless, it still sounded perfect to your ears, the words dripping from his thick lips like sweet honey.
“Oh, maybe we should get out of the rain,” Hyungwon said.
“That does sound like a good idea,” you nodded, hugging yourself to keep any warmth you had left, to yourself. Hyungwon looked around and found a late-night cafe that looked like it was still on.
“This way,” he put his hand on your back and led you toward the cafe.
Once you were inside the cozy cafe, you looked for the restroom to see if you could freshen up. Hyungwon decided to go and purchase some hot chocolate for the two of you. When you emerged from the restroom, you saw him, sat at a table with his mug, blowing on the hot chocolate to cool it off.
“You know, blowing on hot foods and drinks doesn’t make it any less hot,” you told him as you approached his table. Hyungwon looked up at you as he halted his blowing, and you couldn’t help but giggle at how he looked. He put down his mug as you sat in the seat across from him. You slightly shivered as you picked up the warm mug and began to drink from it.
“Are you cold?” Hyungwon asked. You stopped sipping and looked up at him.
“A bit,” you admitted to him. Hyungwon stood up and took his long coat off, draping it around your shoulders. It was much drier than your clothes, and you assumed it was because he was rather quick in picking his umbrella up outside, while yours flew away from you.
“Thank you, and thank you for the hot chocolate. You didn’t need to,” you smiled softly at him as he sat back in his chair.
“I figured we could both warm up a bit before going back into the cold rain,” he returned the smile. You nodded and continued to sip the hot chocolate.
After you both finished, you picked up your belongings and left the diner. Hyungwon was ready to open his umbrella, but upon realizing it was no longer raining, he stopped himself.
“It’s not raining anymore,” he said.
“Thank God,” you sighed.
You both walked down the steps and faced each other.
“I should go...the train station is that way,” you pointed past Hyungwon.
“I can walk you there...if you’d like. You never know who’s out there,” he offered. Your face lit up at the suggestion and you nodded.
“Oh, I would love that,” you told him.
The two of you went on your merry way, and soon, you were in front of the metro station, and Hyungwon began to feel a bit down.
Hyungwon wanted to spend more time with you, he felt like the evening wasn’t over yet, but he figured it was best to let you go. Maybe you two would find each other again.
“It was nice meeting you...um…” you trailed off so he could tell you his name.
“Hyungwon,” he chuckled as he stuck out his hand for you to shake.
“Hyungwon. I’m Y/N. It was nice meeting you. Thank you again,” you smiled at the sound of his laugh. Hyungwon, on the other hand, nearly melted as his name rolled off your lips. It pained him when your hand left his. You quickly gave Hyungwon his jacket back and waved goodbye to him as you entered the train station. Hyungwon’s smile fell as he realized that he may not see you ever again and started walking away from the train station when you suddenly emerged and called his name.
The man whipped around faster than humanly possible to see you walking towards him.
“Y/N?” he asked.
“Yes, I am back. Apparently, they shut down the train stations because they are flooding! So I cannot take the train home,” you frowned as you explained.
This was Hyungwon’s chance! He could spend more time with you! He silently thanked God, or the universe or whatever force drove the two of you together.
“I can walk you home if you want,” he blurted out.
“Really? You would do that for me?” you asked.
“Why, of course. I have no plans for the evening, and the weather is nice...now,” he gave you a genuine smile.
“Thank you so much, but I should warn you, I don’t live very close to here. It may take a while to get back,” you told him.
“I have no qualms. Lead the way,” Hyungwon shrugged, and thus, your magical evening with Hyungwon began.
You led him down cobblestone streets, brilliantly illuminated by the streetlights, splashing in the puddles and chasing each other around. You led him across bridges extending over the Seine, holding his big, warm hand in yours. You led him through hidden alleys that held deep, dark secrets. The air was filled with your laughter and conversations as you took your sweet time walking home, enjoying the spring weather in Paris. At some point, you and Hyungwon had a perfect view of the Eiffel tower and stopped to admire it.
“It truly is marvelous, isn’t it?” he asked you.
“Indeed, it is,” you sighed contentedly.
Finally, after about an hour and a half of walking, you made it home. Hyungwon walked you up the steps to your door while you fished your key out of your bag.
“I had a wonderful time tonight, Hyungwon,” you beamed at him while fiddling with your keys.
“As did I, Y/N. It was a pleasure to meet you and spend the evening with you,” he returned your smile. You could barely keep eye contact with the handsome man but eventually forced yourself to, drawn to his eyes and how they practically held the universe.
“Um...maybe...we...we could do this again sometime?” you asked shyly. Hyungwon rose his eyebrows in surprise but nodded in agreement.
“I would most definitely like that. Maybe after dinner?” he extended the offer.
“Dinner by ourselves?” you asked.
“Dinner with me,” Hyungwon chuckled.
“Oh well, how could I say no to that?” you gave him a coy grin. You quickly took out a napkin and pen and wrote down your home telephone number on it for Hyungwon to call you.
“I look forward to it,” Hyungwon took your hand, brought it to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles, “Until then, mademoiselle.”
“Bonne Nuit, monsieur,” you waved goodbye as you unlocked your door and shut it behind you. Hyungwon trotted down the steps and did a little dance on the sidewalk before began his own trek home, which conveniently was not far from your home.
After that night, you and Hyungwon began to spend a significant amount of time together. Soon, you started a beautiful relationship with him and thought that you had finally found your happy ending, but the universe decided that you and Hyungwon would not end up together, at least not in this lifetime.
The day he told you he was going back to Korea was a sad one. He told you he desperately wanted to stay with you in France, but he needed to go back to his home country to serve in the military, for there was a war and they needed every man to help fight. He told you that he would always love you, but it was time for you to part ways.
“Maybe we will meet again in the next life,” he had said, before pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead. He proceeded to wish you the best, gathered his belongings and left you alone in your apartment.
Hyungwon never forgot you, and you never forgot him, despite marrying someone else later down the line. He ended up passing away during the war, the thought of you the last thing on his mind before he was taken. You lived a long life with your husband, had a beautiful family, and died of old age, and like Hyungwon had thought of you before his time to go, you had thought of him as well.
But the universe was not done with the two of you yet.
In the year 1994, Chae Hyungwon was reborn, and in this lifetime, he would go on to be a rather famous musician, touring the world with his 6 best friends and getting to perform for thousands of people, whose hearts were touched by their music.
You were also reborn in the mid to late nineties, leading a relatively normal life, going to university and choosing to study linguistics, wanting to travel around the world, learn about different cultures and new languages.
Somehow, your paths crossed once again in Paris, France in the springtime, in the exact same spot.
You had been visiting France for vacation, crossing the country off your travel bucket list. Hyungwon was on a massive world tour and had a stop in Paris, and fortunately, he had a few days to go and explore the city before the group had to move on to the next stop.
He was simply walking around a villa with his good friend Hoseok, admiring the architecture when Hoseok brought up something that Hyungwon had thought about before.
“Do you think soulmates exist?” Hoseok had asked. Hyungwon shrugged, but internally, he was screaming “YES”. Hyungwon had always felt like he was missing half of him, but never really knew why. He thought when he met Hoseok, that changed, but the feeling was still there.
“You don’t think so?” Hoseok asked his friend.
“I’m not sure,” Hyungwon responded and was going to elaborate when suddenly a body collided with his own. Hoseok gasped as he moved back and watched as Hyungwon and the person who crashed into him fumbled for a minute.
“I’m so sorry!” Hyungwon heard the person--the woman-- say. The voice was oddly very familiar as if he had heard it a million times before.
“It’s okay,” Hyungwon rubbed his arm as he shook his head and looked down to see who had run into him.
You stood in front of him, a nervous, shy smile gracing your lips as he scanned your features. Hyungwon was hit with an intense feeling of deja vu; as if he had met you before...as if he had seen your face somewhere before...as if he had experienced running into you before.
You also felt the same thing, Hyungwon seeming extremely familiar to you, despite your brain telling you had never met this man before.
“Do I know you?” Hyungwon asked you.
“I was going to ask you the same question,” you said, puzzled.
“It feels like...like we’ve met before, but...I know we haven’t,” he squinted.
“Maybe we have, in a past life or something,” you shrugged, “it’s very possible.”
“Yeah...it is,” Hyungwon said, admiring your appearance as he did the first time he had met you.
“Sorry about running into you, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” you explained.
“It’s okay. I’m Hyungwon,” He stuck his hand out for you to shake, history repeating itself. He knew it too, he felt like he had done this before.
“Hyungwon! What are you doing?” Hoseok whisper-shouted to his best friend while he stood off to the side.
“I’m Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet, you Hyungwon,” you shook his hand. His name sounded so familiar, you could’ve sworn you had heard it before, but no...your brain told you this was the first--and quite possibly the last--Hyungwon you’d ever meet.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too Y/N,” Hyungwon smiled at you.
And just like that, the universe had brought you two together once again, and this time, you were going to stay together.
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