#OH i could watch death parade. the dub’s pretty good for that one
graham--folger · 6 months
i finished watching death note which was my hw background noise so what the hell do i watch now
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abloomntime · 4 years
A Bloom In Time Ch 29
(This is just a random slice of life chapter to fill the gaps before the next major event in the story. Sorta like one of those speed montages in shows or games.)
Days passed since that incident out with the mafia, and the entire thing had been pushed to the back of their minds as her or the girls got things settled. Most of the days Poppy spent watching television marathons with the girls since she found them all really interesting. Most of them was kiddy shows like Detective Pengiun. Science Owl's Magic Hour, etc. But there was also reruns of Cookie's cooking show. Poppy had to ask what reruns were and Bow kindly explained that they were episodes that already aired but were being shown again, rerun on air. Therefore being dubbed reruns. They were great if you wanted to rewatch a favorite episode of yours or series, or if there was an episode you missed, so you could have a chance to watch it. Poppy found it fascinating they could magically show endless shows without having to plug in a projector and record player. Besides that she finally got to see what kind of movies this Conductor person made. Most of them were serious, with great plot stories, drama, a wee bit of romance, but mostly action. Weired titles tho. The Good, The Bad, and The Swan. Gary Pecker High Goon. Blazing Beaks. And so on. She had to admit, for a bunch of owls they were pretty good. Most of Mr. Grooves stories on the other hand were to put it lightly eye soring. Yeah. Most of them have nice or even great plots, but it was usually blind sided by the flashing or bright lights that made her head sore. But there was a few good ones too in the bunch without blinding lights. Poppy was surprised to find out the children had even starred in some of their movies. Mr. Grooves being called The Big Parade, and Conductor's being called Murder On The Owl Express. They were low key, but still enjoyable....That WAS until she saw the complete and utter DANGEROUS situations those two were put through!! Who has a child jump from building to building tons of feet in the air being followed by rockets and sparks of electricity?! AND WHO MAKES A CHILD JUMP OVER BOMBS AND DISMANTLED TRAINS WHILE SHUTTING OFF A TIMED BOMB?! She asked the two about it horrified and they just shrugged it off like they did this kind of stuff everyday.
CLEARLY she was going to have to have a talk with those loony birds and give them a piece of her mind. If they expected her to be doing some death defying stuff like that then they were CLEARLY mistaken. Speaking of those two birds, she would be getting a notice from one of them very soon. The next day actually. She was just sleeping soundly on the attic floor (the girls had been nice enough to loan her a miniature pile of pillows to lay upon as to avoid sleeping anymore on cold hard wood) when a sound a came ringing out. She didn't pay very much attention to it first, because...well she was sleeping in and felt like getting some good shut eye from doing nothing but playing with two energetic girls in a limited space it too her a long time to crawl around in. Plus being two rooms over she didn't really hear it all too well. But two little kids running around sure did. Which is when she woke up to Hattie forcefully shook her awake against her will.
"Get up!," hattie yelled practically in her ear making her yelp and sit up fast. Hand shooting up to clutch her ear as she tiredly blinked at the girl.
"What the world are you doin'?" She barely got time to ask before Hattie grabbed her hand and pulled. Telling her to get up and go to the phone. "Phone? What you mean a telephone?"
"Yeah! DJ Grooves wants to talk to you."
So the little alien had a telephone on this ship too? Huh. You learn something new everyday. And apparently Mr. Grooves wanted to speak to her? Huh. Ok. She'll get up. Poppy slowly and tiredly got up and made her way out of the attic, following Hattie down the ramp and and tiredly rubbing her eyes as she walked after her towards the machine room. Already groaning at the fact she'd be having to crawl through a small hallway again. But once she did, the sounds of grinding gears graced her ears as they rattled and worked. And found the girls huddled around what she definately recognized as something from her time. An old fashioned (well to the girls and everyone else it'd be very old fashioned by now but in her day it was a pretty new technology) phone stuck to the side of the wall and it looked like bow was holding up the end you could hear someone's voice from and speaking something but stopped when Poppy came tiredly walking towards her. Bow happily handed her the other end of the phone and Poppy nodded in thanks before holding said object to her ear to listen.
"H-Hello? *yawn*"
"DARLING!! Thank goodness you're awake!," the happy voice of Mr. Grooves boomed out from the other side of the phone making Poppy wince and pull her head away from the speaker. "I have wonderous news, Darling! Incredible, fantastic news!"
"You don't say," she muttered softly rubbing her ear.
"I found a young lady who could not only play one role but TWO in our little plays! Can you believe that!" Oh. So he found someone to fill in another role. Nice. "We're nearly meeting our quota for the entire staff!! There's still much things to prepare for like the scenes and of course, but by the end of next month I'm sure we'll have everything we'll need to start rehearsals. ....Considering if I can find someone else to fill the last few roles of course. The pressure's really getting to me, Darling."
"I'm sure ya'll find someone...*yaaaaaawn* Yer good at your job," Poppy complimented as an attempt to bring some  ease to the nervous penguin.
"Darling, you are absolutely right! I'll keep you filled in on the juicy details as they go, for now don't forget to study up on those lines dear! DJ Grooves out!"
And then he hung up. What a way to start the morning.
This was falling in such a regular routine she was starting to lose track of time and days. Kinda hard to considering you couldn't really tell time from space and there wasn't any calenders around for her to really get a good idea on what day it was or how to calculate it all. Luckily she had plenty to do around the ship. The girls acted like they were a little disappointed Snatcher told them essentially to not leave the ship with or without Poppy without his say so first, so it was pretty much a grounding without being grounded. But luckily they had a remedy-.......Making Poppy play with her. Most of the girls' days the past few-...Weeks? Days?? Was filled with Poppy running around playing whatever games these two came up with from pillow fighting to storytime. She didn't mind of course but all of this was starting to wear down on her. She was going crazy from the limited space and just watching tv. But she had other things too to try out. Like cooking one of those giant fish she got.
Hattie had walked in on her in the kitchen one afternoon(??) with one of the fish in a pan and going through her cabinets sprinkling any herbs she recongized on it, wearing that cooking apron she bought from Mafia town. She didn't hear her walk up to her until she spoke curiously looking at the entire thing she was attempting to cook. "Whatcha doing?"
Poppy had jumped almost dropping some basil and blinked down at the young girl. "Oh..It's just you." She turned back to the fish. "Ah'm makin' lunch."
"With the fish??"
"Yep! There used to be this stream in the woods where I caught these here suckers all the time. Roasted them over a fire lots of nights and made a good meal. Where I'm from ya gotta be resourceful and make do with what ya had....I don't suppose ya'll have a fire place 'round here do ya?"
Hattie shook her head no before pointing to the over attached to the stove. "But I have this. Cookie uses this to make cakes." The child happily licked her lips. "AND COOKIES!! I love her cookies!!"
Poppy opened the strange door attached to the stove top and blinked at what was inside. "What is it?"
"A stove. You bake stuff in it."
".....THIS is a stove?," She rose a brow. "Where in tarnation are ya'll supposed ta put the wood and light the fire to heat this thing up ta bake??"
"...Um." Hattie peeked inside too slightly confused at Poppy's question ...before shrugging. "I don't know, but Cookie presses the big blue button there-" she pointed to a blue button at the headboard of the stove. "-and it starts to heat up."
A stove and over that didn't need fire or wood to cook? Wow. Alien technology was sure something else wasn't it. Poppy made a mental note to ask Cookie to help her figure out this crazy contraption when she got the chance. For now she just pushed the seasoned fish into the oven and pushed the blue button Hattie had pointed to. Within half an hour of Poppy sitting there waiting, the thing got to be an impressive hot temperature. After a little while longer(and the girls asking her to read to them again while they waited), she got a whiff of some mouth watering roasted fish! She wasn't sure exactly HOW it worked and had to ask Hattie to turn it off(by pressing the same button again) but the three were treated to some of that delicious roasted fish. Poppy didn't like to brag or anything, and she wasn't the best cook, but she could make a darn good fish meal. It also took her a while to figure out how to use the laundry machine and dryer in the storage room as there wasn't any lines to hang the wet clothes on and she nearly had a heart attack when she pushed a button on the washer and water all of a sudden started spilling into it. Bow had to reassure her this was the way Snatcher always did it and sometimes Cookie if she had a lot of time on her hands-...paws. Another day(??) and again she was started to get frustrated and feel enclosed in whenever she couldn't walk around anywhere else besides the control room, attic, and kitchen. Until finally-
Snatcher decided to show his jack o lantern face again. The purple onion. He just popped up one day outta the blue so randomly and suddenly she nearly had a heart attack just walking in on him curiously waiting for her outside the machie room- But we're getting a little bit ahead of ourselves. It would be a MORE surprising coincidence after the fact she had yet ANOTHER call from Mr. Grooves, this time thankfully in the afternoon instead of early morning, no need to wake her up this time.
Poppy was smart enough to hold the old phone away from her ear this time as she could hear him loud and clear through the device. "Oh, Im sure I can, Sir. That sounds delightful."
"Wait...As in right now?"
"Oh no of course not! First thing tomorrow mourning, Darling! I want to make everything as perfect as possible!"
"Sure thing!"
Shortly after that the two said their good byes and she hung up before crawling her way back through the small hallway and back into the control room where she met none other than the man of the hour himself....Or should I say noodle ghost? Snatcher was waiting for her arms crossed and with that famous frown of his gazing as Poppy came in and paused standing up at the sight of him. Wearing that plain pink dress she bought some time ago.
"You're late!," he huffed, "You know my time is precious to me as an all powerful being like myself."
"Well, excuse me. But I will remind you I sorta have a second boss at the moment?" She frowned back. "Or did ya'll forget me stupidly gettin' mahself inta debt...again?"
He smirked. "Oh I didn't forget a thing, Red. I love the way you're always stumbling around like a frail leaf in the breeze.~"
"OH!!...PECK OFF YA ONION!!" She scowled more at him as he chuckled. "Do ya know how hard it is ta work two jobs and watch these lil guys at the same time?!"
"Welcome to MY world! And you know I could always scare you out of any debt you got yourself into with those pecknecks down there." He offered genuinely. "I may not look like it, but I'm very good at legal technicalities. I did want to be a lawyer at once upon a time!"
"....That's..actually very nice of ya to offer me, but hard pass. I got mahself into this mess and if I'm gonna survive on my own after this, ah need to learn how to work on my own out there. And I can't go back on my word after I caused so much trouble for Mr. Grooves and Mr. Loudmouth. And I already agreed to everythin'. I need to take responsibility and not just leave him with another problem." Snatcher stared at her for a moment before sighing and smiling widely again. Ah, Poppy. Always the stubborn old gal taking the weight ofworld on her shoulders. "What are you even doin' here anyways?," she asked eyeing him up and down, "It's not like ya'll drop by whenever ya want anyways, but why now?"
"Food delivery."
One of those long noodle arms detached itself from his crossed arm position and pointed down to a small bag the size of the two kids rummaging through it. Food was flowing out of it with apples, lettace, and a few other food varieties falling out. Making her eyes go wide as a moment later Hattie pulled out a s bag of cookies and squeled in delight at them.
"I said Im not completely heartless," he spoke Snapping her out of her staring to look at him. "I get them food and make sure they're well fed. ...What? Did you think I wouldn't provide for them? It's been almost a month since you're little incident so I came like any good king would and supply my people."
One of his clawed hands patted Bow on the head when the little girl hugged his tail but Poppy didn't notice. Her eyes went as wide as puddles as she stared at him like a cartoon character. .....A...Almost a month?? .....A MONTH!?!? SHE HAD BEEN COOPED UP HERE JUST WATCHING CARTOONS, PLAYING, AND WHATEVER ELSE FOR A MONTH!? PECKING PECKNECKS!!! She loved the kids as they were darlings, BUT SHE NEEDED SOME OUTSIDE WALK AROUND WIDE AREA TIME!! FOR PECKS SAKE!!! ...Well, that would also explain why the food in the fridge was starting to lower quite a bit. But seriously!? He was gone for a whole pecking (almost) month and didn't bother to tell her or visit!? Gee. What a swell boss. Poppy groaned and shook her head ....before sighing and walking around him and picking up the bag from the two girls, who at the moment, was picking up the fruit that spilt out but stopped and followed after her as she walked.
"Well, thank you for that brilliant update of yers. But ah'm goin' to that fitting or whatever tomorrow an' if ya'll don't like it then come with or too bad. But I ain't gonna beat 'round the bush anymore with these jobs."
Snatcher grumbled but SOMEHOW ended up agreeing to teleporting the trio into the Dead Bird Studios the very next day. Kinda surprised to find Poppy the one up and adam with the two girls still yawning but visibly excited they'd be getting to go somewhere today finally after being cooped up all the time. The teleporting worked as quickly as any other time he did it, when the girls and her grabbed a hold of his clawed hands. Purple energy completely took over the world around them like the many times he's done this before and swallowed them all whole, she was pretty used to this by now so she just stood patiently. Poppy closed her eyes when purple invaded her vision and the air suddenly shifted again to that blazing hot sunny desert area she saw before with the famous studios in front of them all. With Poppy in the lead the girls excitedly followed and Snatcher like in mafia town resumed to sticking into a shadow again. But this time Hattie's shadow. The two girls were babbling excitedly about how they were going to see Mr. Grooves put together their favorite story right before them. And speaking of said penguin, he was awaiting their arrival as soon as they stepped through the dimly lit hallway and into the lobby. The secritary was there too, the bird briefly looked up when the trio of gals came in but only gave them a glance before looking back to his computor screen and going back to work. Mr. Grooves lit up as soon as his eyes landed on Poppy and his large beak curled up in a smile.
"DARLING!! You're finally here!," he shouted sounding almost nervous as he rushed up to them frazzked and Poppy blinked as he grabbed her hand. He was sweating a bit from worrying. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't come!" Before she could say a word he turned and pulled her towards a pair of the giant pair of the doors to the right. "Come, come. There's so much to get done and so little time to do it!!"
The doors creaked open with a massive creak and the sounds and sights that greeted her when they opened astonished her. The place would've been very dark if it wasn't for the giant lights on the ceiling shining brightly down onto the MASSIVE hussle n bussle of the people-...penguins inside. There must've been(at least to her) hundreds of penguins behind the door everywhere. Carrying things around, pushing giant colorful props or giant crates on wagons for whatever reason, a few penguins with headsets and clipbourds were ordering things into them and checking things over and over again on the papers in their flippers. Apprently it must've been surprising for the girls too because they were gawking around too as they walked. As soon as Mr. Grooves stepped in almost all the penguins who weren't moving things turned their attention to him as he briskly walked past leading the girls.
"Mr. Grooves," a lady penguin called out nervously. "Night Scene three collasped under the weight of too many stars hanging off it-"
"Remove any unneeded weight, but keep as many shiny stars as you can!," he quickly shouted back.
"Silver or gold ones!?"
"Mr. Grooves! The steel poles for the support system came in-"
"Give them to the engineering team immediately!!"
"Sir! Coffee and lunch for staff arrived."
"Pass it out immediately!"
A whole bunch of 'Sir!'s  and 'Mr. Grooves!''s and "Boss!"s was thrown by the multiple penguins around them and Mr. Grooves impressively shouted back while manevouring Poppy around and forward the moving crowd. Sometimes completely stopping her before she hit something before suddenly tugging her forward again making her almost trip multiple times. The girls not far behind him dodging between them all with much more impressive skilled than Poppy. Easily keeping up with the two.
"W-Where in tarnation are ya'll takin' me?", Poppy managed to force out before ducking under a plank of wood being carried passed them.
"Costume fitting!," he answered back quickly, "We're already ten minutes behind scheduale!"
It was seven in the morning. But that didn't matter to the rushing penguin it seemed when he suddenly made a sharp turn to the right which made Poppy yelp and almost trip over her own foot but luckily she didn't. usually she REALLY didn't like being pulled around and would've yanked her hand away long ago but she was kinda lost in this kinda environment and would've probably gotten lost again. The hallway was a little quieter but you can still hear the noise from behind them. The hallway was a lil more dimly lit than the giant room back there but they could still see the many red doors lining the left of them and they could DEFINATELY see the crew of people up ahead of them. Four humans(2 men 2 women), and two owls. One of the owls looked older than the other, a few grey feathers sticking out here and there, with rhinestone glasses a pink dress and a pin cushion strapped to her wrist. The other female owl behind her was holding a mountain of folded fabric and a small suitcase on top of it. The owl scowled angry, wings on her hips, and tapping her foot against the floor as Mr. Grooves ran up to her out of breath and wheezing.
"You're late," she stated calmly despite her face.
"I know, I know." He apologised still nervous. "Apologies for the misunderstanding, Ms. Talon. I should've told her what time to be here but all this pressure has been building on me I forgot."
The owl lady sighed and waved him off. "No matter. Now that she's here I can get the measurements to finish these orders."
Measurements?," Poppy asked curiously.
"For the costumes," Ms. Talon answered, shifting her glasses and looking Poppy over, "You must be the princess. It's about time you got here. I only have so much time to work on these and making costumes of this scale on such short notice aren't easy."
"Uh..Sorry, Ma'am."
"Oh don't apologize." A familiar figure stepped forward with long brown hair and copper eyes smiled at Poppy when the red head looked over at her. "After all woman are known to be fashionably late.~"
" Ms. Hazelle!" Poppy's face lit up seeing the familiar face of the witch. Making two yellow eyes pop out from Hattie's shadow at the mention of the name. "What are you doing here?"
Hazelle smirked and waved her off. "Don't call me miss. Im not that old.~ But to answer your question, I'm going to be your fabulous coworker for the movie-"
"REALLY?!," Bow asked wide eyed at Hazelle who nodded.
"Yep! You're looking at the evil step sister of this Starella character you're playing. I figured what better way to get to know my pal's new friend better-"
A wing shoved between them interrupting their conversation and turned Poppy's attention back onto the elderly bird as the door next to them opened and she gestured Poppy to it. "If you'll please? I have much work to do."
Poppy happily oblidged and walked through the door followed by both lady birds and waved a quick good bye to Hazelle. At the same time another penguin had rushed up to Mr. Grooves babbling wildly about something catching on fire and they needed him right away to assess the damages and the panicked penguin boss quickly agreed rushing away to help with whatever was wrong. Leaving the group of humans awaiting to be measured. No one noticed the way Hattie's shadow enlarged and creeped along the floor and up the wall until it was level headed with Hazelle who regarded it with a lazy gaze and smile. As two angry yellow eyes glared at her very core.
"W H A T A R E Y O U D O I N G?!," he whispered to her with bit and anger in his tone dripping with each word he spoke.
"Oh come on. You know I couldn't just pass up this chance to see how it plays out. Besides. Maybe I can help when things finally go south from all this mess building up. Can't take a broom and sweep it under the carpet this time, Snatchy."
"I. Am. WORKING ON IT!!" Hazelle shushed him when one or two people turned to them...before shrugging and going back to talking to whoever they were originally talking to. "....I just need some time to figure out the best way to tell her is all."
"What have you been doing all this time in that forest? Sitting on your butt reading and doing whatever you usually boringly do and avoiding it?"
".....No," he didn't sound very convincing and Hazelle groaned facepalming. "I swear. I know it. I just KNOW this is gonna end badly."
The girls were behind them and were surprised to see Mr. Thor and Mr. Timophy from the forest there. Apparently the museum they had gone on an expidition on had long sense closed after their freezing for who knows how long and had parted ways with Mr. Oldster looking for more work and had stumbled upon Mr. Grooves's ad in the newspaper. And had sucessfully taken two important roles in his play. With Mr. Thor as the Milkyway Prince and Mr. Timophy as Starella's Father. Well that was all swell and dandy with the beefy mafia woman with them being the evil step mother. Looks like it was all coming together and they excitedly babbled to themselves about how this  would be the best show ever when another familiar face popped up next to them in the form of a small boy around their age.
"Timmy! Hi!," Bow greeted and fist bumped him when he held up his hand.
"Whatcha doing here?," Hattie asked him.
He casually shrugged. "Hazelle's been hired here and I wanted to tag along, eh? A real movie studio and getting to see the action in person. Pops thought it was 'a good educational experience' as he put it."
"Sounds like, Moon. Where is he anyways?" They hadn't seen him in like-...Forever.
"The spook the spook got shook him pretty good. He's staying in the comfort of that empty ghost zone for the time being." He Gave the two of them a curious look before asking. "By the way I meant to ask about that red haired lady who just went into that room. Who is she?"
"Oh. You mean Poppy?" Hattie asked and Timmy nodded and she shrugged. "She was locked in the crazy peckneck's mansion."
"Ya mean when noodle man stole your time piece? Moonjumper told me all about that part when he got home."
Hattie sighed. "It's a long boring story."
"I got time. Tell me."
And so Hattie spilt the whole story to him. In the mean time Poppy was getting poked and prodded by measuring tapes, fabric scrapes quickly cut from the base pattern were safety pinned around her. Ms. Talon explained that the base pattern was an experiment she'd made to make sure all the fabric pieces would fit right and that Poppy was able to move around comfortably in the actual costume and constantly asked how the movement felt and if anything was too tight, too loose, needed to be adjusted a size, if she had trouble walking around in it, etc. All the while at most it took maybe twenty to thirty minutes tops of Ms. Talon carefully walking Poppy move around in the dress and making adjustments whereever she decided needed it the most. Poppy was just going with this because she was the dress expert after all, and she learnt with everything going on for now it was better to just go with it unless she absolutely found it something she didn't want or really agree with. And so far there was nothing wrong with trying on a dress she was gonna have to use anyways. When the old bird was finally satisfied she had Poppy take off the prototype dress with her help and soon after sent her back out before calling in the next person in, which by coincidence happened to have been Hazelle. Also ironically none of the adults before this had noticed the kids chatter, but if Snatcher did he would've definately risked revealing himself when the girls told Timmy the entire tale of how Poppy came to be as his purple eyes widened in wonder.
"You're all kidding!"
Hattie shook her head. "Nope! That really happened."
"So...Finding all that hidden gold in the attic then? That was real too?," Timmy asked.
"Yep! We still got the gold skull to prove it! Like some pirate!," Hattie stated proudly but stopped when Poppy came over and smiled at them. "Hi Poppy!"
"Hey, sugarcube. Whatcha lot talkin' bout?," she asked.
"Hattie was just telling me the exciting discovery of you finding gold in the attic," Timmy answered quickly with a sweet smile. "Is it true there was a whole bunch of gold hidden under the staircase shaped like a castle?"
Unsuspecting anything Poppy only smiled at the little boy and nodded. "Yep! It's a long story but ah would appreciate it if ya'll wouldn't go 'round tellin' everyone 'bout that."
"Of course, Ma'am. I wouldn't dream of gossiping about something like that. It wouldn't be very kind of me would it?"
Her smile went wider as Snatcher glared at him from over her shoulder. Giving Timmy a suspicious glare. "Have ya'll been enjoyinh yer stay here then?"
He nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. It's very interesting to see all the action behind the cartoons and it's nice to take a break from magic lessons for once. Have you been liking it?"
She chuckled nervously and glanced back up the hallway to see Mr. Grooves chatting with another penguin who handed him a tall stack of papers. "You can say that. Truthfully Im nervous 'bout when the real action here is gonna start."
Timmy nodded. "Totally understandable, Miss. This does take a bit of work eh? Then again a wise man once said 'things get hard before they get better'. So you should have no need to worry!"
Snatcher couldn't stop the suspicious look he threw at the boy but he had to duck back into Hattie's shadow before the crowd of waiting people and penguins noticed a shadow with yellow eyes and freaked out. They were only there for a little while longer as Snatcher wanted to have one or two more words with Hazelle before they were all teleported back to the ship. But before that Mr. Grooves managed to pass out the stacks of papers to all the actors and actresses, explaining that it was the scripts for the play with their along with everyone's movements, places, and lines. Since they wouldn't be starting rehearsals until they could gaurentee the scenes would be completely be put together and for everyone to study, study, STUDY these scripts so they'd be prepared and read and to practice the movements and lines there in the mean time. Ok. Seemed simple enough in her eyes. The thing was about as think as your average library book and was expertly detailed and written to be very clear for everyone to read. Hats off to the script writer for their excellent skills. They were able to exchange a few words with Hazelle and Timmy before turning again to make their exit straight back home to Snatcher's orders, but not before Snatcher hissed one last thing at Hazelle.
''You BETTER not do anything foolish!," he hissed a warning at her to which she glared back.
"The only one acting 'foolish' around here is YOU, Prince. I'm just enjoying the back seat view in case I'm needed. If I was you, I'd be taking your own advice."
Snatcher gave her a blank look before silently slinking away from her and back down the halls after the girls who'd no doubt be dodging the working Penguin mob again.  Hazelle nor anyone else noticed the thoughtful look Timmy was giving all of them and only snapped to attention once Hazelle decided it was also time for them to leave. And get him back home to Moonjumper who'd be eagerly awaiting his arrival back home and Timmy's progress report on what Hattie told her all about Poppy. And tell him when he arrived home and Hazelle had left they did.
"My boy. What did you find out?"
"....*sigh* Sit down. It's gonna be a wild one."
The days were passing filled with reading and trying to make heads and tails of the practically book Poppy was handed by the penguin and would often go over the lines and movements in her head and spare time. She once compared the script to the actually Starella book and noticed a the lines and the movements described in the script were the same in the book, only more detailed since this would be a real life action play and not just a picture book being read to them. They would have actual people like Poppy and Hazelle be on stage for the whole veiwing pleasure. The whole thing made her get MAJOR butterflies in her stomach especially since she didn't know WHEN she was about to get called back for actual rehearsals with people and filming crew for LIVE television. But she pushed on. Practicing herself (or at least trying to)in the attic with no one else watching and trying to play and manage two energentic lil girls at the same time and taking care of them the next couple of days too. Bow having a slightly much more clingy but kinda cute bond building between the two. Poppy smiled whenever she agreed to play pretend with her or helped her comb through her curls and in turn letting her and Hattie braid her hair or doing whatever do they wanted to try out on her.  And Hattie asking her every so often to lift something as she was 'So cool!' in her words when she did things like a superhero. And of course excitedly asking her to read to them every night and sometimes during the day. Mostly it was Starella since they were so excited about the play coming out of their favorite bedtime story. Which often included Poppy tucking the two girls in afterwards and leaving to flop her own exhausted self into the small bed made of pillows she had made for herself. And it was one night when they were sleepily blinking against the soft pillows as Poppy read that she got the surprise of her life.
"Starella happily agreed and her father returned. Upon hearing what her Stepmother and Stepsister had done while he was away, he banished them from his home never to return again." She turned to the last page where it showed a very elaborate wedding and the Prince and Starella being the ones to be wed. "After a few years of letting their love and fondness for each other grow, Starella and the prince were finally married. The End." Poppy closed the book and stood up. Stretching out her back and yawning herself as she walked over to the night stand beside the bed with the lit lamp. She found that the night stand would be the book's new home for a while since they kept requesting it so much. Not that she actually had any objections to reading it so much, after all she needed as much info on the book as possible. The book was placed down and the lamp shut off cutting off most of the light in the large room minus the nightlight and Poppy smiled at the two children trying to blink awake at her. "Ok. Bed time you two."
Bow smiled at the lady pulling the rocket ship patterned blanket up to their shoulders. "Poppy...Can I call you mama?"
The blanket stopped and blue eyes looked at Bow at the sudden question- "I wanna call you mom too!" Hattie piped up shifting a little bit closer towards Bow's side of the bed and Poppy's shocked gaze snapped over to the girl who's eyes lit up with even more sparkle.
Mom?....A REAL MOM!! Just for them. Just like Snatcher said. A mom who could pecking bench press a mafia, read them stories, and was gonna be a star!! Poppy on the other head completely blanked out as if her brain was a computor and she couldn't process the info she heard properly. ....Mom? Mom who? Her?! Oh NO! No. Surely they couldn't have been referring to Poppy herself. I mean her a mom? Ha! In her dreams. Don't let it fool you, she absolutely adored children. Thought they were the cutest things since rosebuds, and these two were no exception. She loved Hattie's adventerous and free spirit. Reminded her of herself when she was a little girl. And Bow was such a sweet little girl if not also adventurous in her own ways, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't upset these two sweet kids didn't have any more family beyond the kooky ghost. BUT HER A MOM?! Honestly she's never seen herself having any kind of children in her life let alone a mom!!
"Uh- ....Who me?," she managed to stutter out through her stupor finally before shaking her head. "Y-Ya'll must be mistaken. Ya wouldn't w-want me as a mum. I wouldn't be good at it."
"B-But...You're always telling us stories," Bow reasoned face a little crestfallen, "And playing with us."
"And cooking and cleaning and you're really, REALLY cool!!," Hattie added, "And protecting us."
"W-Well yes. T-That's what I'm supposed to do b-because Snatcher asked me too-"
"So you love, Snatcher?," Hattie asked leaning her head forward to look at Poppy better. "If you guys are a couple then that really makes you our Mom!"
Poppy did a complete 180 stop, rewind, and replay of hattie's question in her mind before a pink rose in her cheeks and she stammered. "W-WHA- Now d-don't you get those silly thoughts in yer head! Your daddy's a very nice man- uh....Ghost. But that don't mean we're cohootin' like love birds! The most we are is...maybe pals, but that's 'bout it. Ya'll don't have a step mum-''
"We don't have any moms."
The sad tone in Bow's voice made Poppy pause in anything else was about to say. That reality hit hard in her mind as all of Snatcher's words came a rushing back to her-
"They're orphans."    " They have no one else."     "I don't know anything about Bow's past and neither does she. As far as I know she was raised in a crummy orphanage her whole life before she decided to run away and get tangled up in the mess Hattie made when she first arrived."   "Turns out she never had anything there to begin with."    "I don't know how long she was out there and I don't know why she wanted to go back to where she came from or what happened to make her flee again. Never asked. But I also never questioned it when she came back and decided not to leave again. She's a smart kid. Here there's people who care about her and want her to be safe."
They...They really didn't have anyone else besides themselves and that ghost. Any potential moms weren't here for whatever reason. They probably didn't even have a constant lady figure around to play with or to look up to. But there was one giant problem with this...Poppy wasn't a mother. She never planned or really wanted to be a mother, and she wasn't planning on staying here forever. She had her own life plans ahead of her she wanted to fullfill. But-....What was she supposed to tell these girls!? They really had no mother to look up to and she wasn't interested in being their mum-
"Don't you love us?," Bow innocently asked in a low voice both children gazing at her with large almost worried eyes.
Poppy still sat there in an uncomfortable silence, the sudden question making any answer die on her tongue immediately after gazing into those sad inoccent eyes of the kids who literally saved her life on one or two occasions, set her free, and honestly made her smile more than she had for a long time. Life almost felt normal behind the chaotic mess it really was.
"Of course I do.....Ya'll may..c-call me that if ya really want to. Ah don't mind."
She may have been lying to herself on that last part but it was too late to take any of that back now as she slowly pulled the blanket the rest of the way up and stood there watching as they fell asleep with happy smiles on their faces. Their new mother. Her a new mother. Watching over her children before her emotional departure to the control room. How does she keep getting herself into these situations? HOW!? How was she supposed to be dealing with any of this now that she was a 'mother' on top of the giant pile of mess she was supposed to be cleaning up herself. Two debts and an (not sure if she wanted or not) title for two little girls' happiness. Things couldn't possibly get anymore worse for her. The silence of the control room she crawled into was one good thing at least. It could give her peace of mind knowing that the only sounds came from Rumbi as he softly swept to and fro everywhere. It was a blessing really. All she needed while passing the large windows as she took a glance out to look at the beautiful world down below....And was met with the twitching figure of red eyes pressing against the glass.
She screamed.
0 notes
cloudydoodle-moved · 4 years
I hope you have a good day! Do you have any anime recommendations?
i hope you have a good day too, anon!!!!! :D i'm not the best at writing summaries, but i did it anyway! there’s probably better stuffsomewhere else but i always like an excuse to talk about my interests hehe
under the cut!! ^^
Mob Psycho 100***
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[shounen, slice of life, supernatural, comedy]
This story follows the life of Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama and how he grows and changes as a person. Mob is an awkward kid, that’s for sure. He’s unable to read the atmosphere and get his point across, and quite average when it comes to everything else. But ever since he was young, he's had incredible psychic powers. But despite all of his power, it can’t exactly grant him the thing that he wants the most: to be able to connect with people.
This show is probably my favorite of all time, honestly! If you haven’t watched it already, please do!! It’s got a wonderfully charming cast, a heartfelt message, and amazing animation. It subverts the shounen genre/its tropes and what you’d expect from it (ex: Reigen practically being the complete opposite of the Wise Mentor trope), and it’s really nice to see how Mob’s character develops.
This summary didn’t do it justice orz. But trust me! It’s amazing; please watch it if you can!
(oh, and! for s2e5! tw for bullying + violence! there might be something else but i’m not sure ;;)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.***
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[comedy, supernatural, slice of life]
Saiki Kusuo has psychic powers, but quite frankly, kind of hates them. He just wants to live a completely ordinary, normal life. His family and friends classmates, however, keep getting him caught up in stupid shenanigans. What a pain.
This show is pretty much tied with MP100 when it comes to absolute favorites. It’s honestly got the best comedy!! Saiki’s slightly tsundere nature towards his friends and his love for coffee jelly is always so fun to watch. It never fails to get a laugh out of me, even if it’s a scene I’ve watched a million times, and I can’t recommend it enough.
(also, it’s a rare case in which i actually like the dub better than the sub!)
Kaguya-sama: Love is War
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[romance, comedy, mind games (but like, not seriously)]
Shirogane Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya are their school’s best students; they’re the student council president and vice president respectively. Everyone thinks they’re the perfect couple, and despite both of them liking each other, they’re too proud to actually confess. And so, they play ridiculous mind games to try and get the other to admit their feelings. The one who confesses first loses, after all.
Kaguya-sama is extremely fun to watch, like holy shit. The silly mind games Shirogane and Shinomiya get themselves into are always hilarious to see. There are, however, really heartwarming and cute moments between the two that capture how nerve wracking a crush really is, and really, it’s all great!
(and read the manga when you’re done!!!! do it, do it, d)
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[action, supernatural, comedy, adventure]
Hiyori Iki gets into a bus accident after trying to save a stranger. She survives, but the accident ends up with her soul getting loose, and with her being able to leave her body. Thanks to that, she meets the stranger who she saved, who turns out to be a shrineless god named Yato who does jobs/grants wishes for 5 yen each. He accepts Hiyori’s wish to fully get back into her body, but, well, it’s...gonna take a while.
Yato, Hiyori, and Yukine (Yato’s weapon, made from a dead human’s soul) kind of become friends and end up learning a lot of wild stuff, and it’s something, alright.
THERE’S...a bit more than that, but it’s kind of hard to summarize this show in a few sentences, and I Am Tired. OTL. Nonetheless, this show’s really fun to watch! The characters are pretty lovable, and some parts are just...really funny. Things end up getting pretty intense and dramatic, though, and I have fond memories of staying up to watch another episode to see what the hell was gonna happen next. Super fun and a wild ride; it’s great!
(shout out to my friends who yelled at me to watch it so i could break the tie on whether yukine or yato was better lol
ALSO THE OPENINGS SLAP SO HARD....if you’re not gonna watch the show then at least listen to them bc oh my goddd they’re so GOOD)
and some others that i couldn’t include:
death parade, durarara!! (god i couldnt even TRY to come up with a summary for these two), haikyuu!!, march comes in like a lion
THANKS FOR ASKING ILY and goodnight! i really could have just written this tomorrow but shhhh that’s ok i have no impulse control
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slamsams-blog · 4 years
Spectre - #24WeeksofBond
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This week’s film in our 24 weeks of Bond marathon is the latest film in the franchise, 2015′s Spectre.  This would be, (or so he thought at the time), Craig’s final Bond outing...hence why it’s been SO INCREDIBLY LONG for a new Bond movie to come out.  Craig had other things he wanted to do before he could be convinced to suit up as Bond one more time.  But man oh man, am I over these 3, 4, or 5 year gaps in between Bond films.  Daniel Craig has held the role of Bond longer than any other actor - even longer than Roger Moore!  That’s is pretty crazy to think about.  Hopefully the next actor to play Bond isn’t so wishy-washy and we get regular installments at a better pace.  Here’s hoping...ANYWAYS
Spectre is a beautifully cinematic, high speed, throwback to the classics that all too often gets the “Tomorrow Never Dies” treatment.  This film was Sam Mendes’ second Bond film in a row, the first one being “Skyfall” which has been regarded as one of the best Bond films not just of the modern era, but of all time.  So when Spectre came out with the same director at the helm, everyone was expecting it to be the greatest film in all of cinema history.  Unfortunately, it just didn’t quite live up to the hype and therefor this movie gets unfairly ragged on.
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Not just ragged on...but absolutely SHIT ON.  I’m not kidding.  I’ve seen a lot of “Bond ranking” posts and YouTube videos where this film is in the bottom 5, and one time I even saw it at the bottom.  THE BOTTOM.  Like, worse than “Die Another Day”.  If you actually think that Spectre is a worse movie than Die Another Day, then you either have no clue what you are talking about, have poor taste in action movies, or are just trying to be controversial to be controversial.  Spectre is by no means the best Bond movie ever, it has its plot holes for sure...but it is CERTAINLY not the worst, and y’all need to start showing this film some damn respect.  Pardon my “R” rated language, YouTubers got me hot!
All that being said, I REALLY enjoy this film.  Right from the beginning we have an incredibly visually stunning pre-title sequence at a Day of the Dead parade in Mexico where we see Bond mysteriously tracking a stooge.  With heart pounding music, incredible costumes, and a beautifully shot scene of Craig tight-roping the roofs of the buildings that causes my anxiety to explode...this is such a stimulating experience.  We later find out that Bond was going rogue and M is pissed and suspends him indefinitely.  But Bond is just following a trail that Judi Dench left for him in a video she recorded before she died.  Why didn’t she tell Bond about this before she died? Whatever...it’s just a movie. 
This leads Bond to uncovering an organization called “Spectre”. You can find the acronym for it in my “From Russia With Love” post!  Bond infiltrates a secret meeting to where he finds out the man at the head table is someone from his past.  The man, who eventually turns out to be Franz Oberhauser (Christoph Waltz) was once a boy who’s father had taken Bond in when his parents died, making ole Franz jealous, and eventually kills his father and fakes his own death...after he was declared dead he adopted a new name - Ernst Stavro Blofeld.  Odd choice, but here we are.  We have a Blofeld again!
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Waltz was an exciting pick for the part, but he doesn’t blow me away in the role.  There is always a subtle creepiness to him, but I think he could’ve done more with it.  There was talk of him being replaced as Blofeld in the next Bond movie, but there was enough fan outrage where they squashed that...so I guess he’s doing something right.
One fun aspect of this film is that there is a Bond villain, that Bond never deals with.  Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott) or “C” as Bond dubs him, not really sure why, is a surveillance officer working for MI6, but secretly for Spectre.  Not so secret though, if anyone has seen “Sherlock”, the mere sight of Andrew Scott makes you think he has to be a villain.  He strolls in and politics his way into dumping the double 0 program in favor of ultra cyber security and drones.  If successful, Spectre would have full control over everything.  This guy is all M’s problem, and he deals with him from concept to completion.  Atta boy M! I just always liked how M was on his own with this storyline. 
Another aspect about this film is Bond is falling in love with Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux), the daughter of Mr. White who has been a thorn in Bond’s side working for Spectre.  Mr. White has seen the light and now Spectre has poisoned him, giving Mr. White reason to give Bond all the info he needs and to protect his daughter.  To me this relationship is a bit rushed and forced.  Bond and Vesper in Casino Royale was done properly, but here, Swann seems to fall in love rather out of the blue. And we’re supposed to believe he is leaving MI6 for her.
We’re also treated to a badass train car fight!  I love me a good train car fight...sadly I don’t think there are any more in the series.  Bond comes face to face with the silent, giant, dagger thumbnail mammoth of a man named Mr.Hinx (Batista).  I’m a little biased here because I’ve been a lifelong Pro-Wrestling fan.  But I gotta say, Batista has acting chops.  This train car fight scene is BRUTAL, and is the scene I think about when I think about this movie.
In conclusion, Spectre is a beautifully shot film with an extra dash of humor, and an excessive amount of call backs to past Bond films.  The voodoo-esque nature in the opening (Live and Let Die), the clinic where Bond finds Madeline Swann (On Her Majesties Secret Service), the crator where Blofeld resides (You Only Live Twice), the ejector seat! (Goldfinger).  While it’s fun to see Spectre tip it’s hat to the past, as a die hard Bond fan, you kind of go “ok, I get it”.  And of course, they kept dropping hints in the movie that Craig was leaving the franchise which stressed me out - especially at the end.  I LOVE Daniel Craig as Bond and I, for one, was not ready to let him go just yet. Also, because of the number.  What I mean by that is the number of films each actor has done has been different.  After “No Time To Die” this will be the movie tally:
Lazenby: 1
Dalton: 2
Brosnan: 4
Craig: 5
Connery: 6
Moore: 7
The next actor to play Bond, can ONLY do 3 movies.  If he doesn’t, it just might bother me for the rest of my life.  Unless he goes for 8?  Well, my obsessive compulsive disorder aside, Spectre is not the perfect Bond film...but it deserves respect for the cinematography, characters, and action scenes.  We should all be thankful Sam Mendes came into the world of Bond, and threw a splash of paint on the franchise.
That’s it for this week!  Hope you enjoyed it!
Reviews from Friends:
My Mom:
I was mesmerized by this film. I think the theme song and opening artwork were stunning. Daniel craig was an older, darker version of Bond. I was pretty thrilled to see him with a mature love interest for once. Someone near his own age. I was hoping she would go on through the story but it was not to be. I thought it was very well done. Anxious to see more of this mysterious dark Bond.
Jake Benrud
Until reading your blog, I didn’t realize this wasn’t a well received Bond! I actually really enjoyed this movie. I think this is the third time watching it for me, and I really appreciate the portrayal of Bond by Craig. I thought Waltz did a great job with Blofeld. The drilling scene is always a bit unnerving, but I’d expect nothing less from a sadistic Bond villain. I did think that for all the intelligence that Blofeld and the SPECTRE organization should have that it was pretty poor planning to be able to destroy their entire facility with one shot to the propane regulator. I mean if you can arrange for an elaborate Bond haunted house at MI6 ending with Blofeld hiding behind bullet proof glass, maybe take the time to protect the propane tank at your facility. Chances are if you’re an evil genius looking for world domination, you’re probably going to have Bond at your door step shooting up the place. I digress. Despite this, I thought the story moved along well and it’s a solid installment of the series.
24 Weeks of Bond will return next Monday with -
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awkwardbsd · 5 years
21 for the ask meme?
21. Anime that made you cry
No anime or work of fiction has really made me cry. Some moments have been a little close, but that’s about it! I think the only thing that really made me cry was Hachiko when I was six, and that’s based on a true story I think. It wasn’t an anime.
Here are the anime that have given me strong feels. I’m going to be putting a line because there are spoilers. If feels are on a scale of 1 to 10, these have to place 5 or higher. They’re in order (mostly) from least to most.
Note: I have not watched Orange, Clannad, Plastic Memories, and probably a few more that would’ve been “why aren’t they on here?”
If you just want to know the names of the anime: Kimi no na wa, Angel Beats, Bungou Stray Dogs, Hotarubi no Mori e, Death Parade, Your Life in April, Ookami no Kodomo no Ame to Yuki, Boku no Hero Academia, Assassination Classroom,Anohana,Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood,Koe no Katachi 
Kimi no na wa (5/10 feels)
For some reason I got feels the first time I was watching it because of the pure rush I felt. Looking back on it, I’m not that mad at the ending anymore. They practically painted the picture. It’s our job as the viewers to interpret it.
Kudos to the RADWIMP’s OST and the voice actors who actually primarily did live-action stuff. The transition from live-action to voice acting can be tough, and they did it so well. I think they did deserve the awards they got.
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Angel Beats (kinda) (4/10 feels)
This had not as much to go for it story-wise. I personally think that this show wouldn’t be anything without this song. The voice acting and that song carry the whole show. Everything else relies on the melodrama of the story which doesn’t work at times due to the fluctuation in the show’s tone.
Hiroshi Kamiya and Kana Hanazawa. I know they both worked really hard for this. The English dub is also really good.
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Bungou Stray Dogs (5-6/10 feels)
Yeah, I just wanted to mention this one. I think we all know why. I didn’t get feels the first time I watched it, but I definitely appreciate how much I enjoyed it and how important it is for the storyline. This arc, this scene, and this moment right here are what makes Bungou Stray Dogs. 
Mamo and Junichi Suwabe make this scene work really well along with the art direction and everything.
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Hotarubi no Mori e (5-6/10 feels)
Considering this movie is under 50 minutes, they did a very good job establishing it. I would’ve never guessed that Ayane Sakura and Kouki Uchiyama would’ve been capable of this. It was really quite amazing. We even knew exactly what was going to happen, yet we still got roped in.
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Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki (6-7/10 feels)
I wasn’t really satisfied with that ending. Nonetheless, this definitely deserves a spot here. If you haven’t, you should just watch the movie. 
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Death Parade(6-7/10 feels)
Oh my goodness, that soundtrack, that voice acting by Tomoaki Maeno and Asami Seto, that set up, Madhouse’s animation, the storyline, and everything about it made it fall perfectly into place. It was heartwrenching because it was so... realistic in a way. I didn’t realize how much of an impact this had until long after I watched it. 
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Your Lie in April(6-7/10 feels)
I watched the anime and live-action. Both were pretty good. It was just a very heartwarming story, and I think people were shocked by the fact that they didn’t go with the “miracle” route. They were expecting this movie to remain the heartwarming rom-com, and I commend them for sticking to the plan. Of course, the OST was amazing, and the voice actors Natsuki Hanae, Ayane Sakura, and Risa Taneda play huge roles. Not to mention, the art by A-1 Pictures was nice. Their final performance was magnificently done.
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Boku no Hero Academia(6-7/10 feels)
I’m putting this for the pure hype. Words cannot describe what I felt during All Might’s final fight. You know, Kenta Miyake and Akio Ohtsuka fainted during recording because of the amount of effort and retakes. When Miyake said, “Goodbye, One for All.” I was just so taken aback by how much that show has moved me and impacted me.
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Assassination Classroom (7-8/10 feels)
Talk about getting attached! Somehow, I guess it’s because I lacked having good teachers in my life, but this anime will just amaze you at the end. Sure, you might not know any of the classmates, but besides that, Koro-sensei! Jun Fukuyama and Mai Fuchigami are awesome in that final scene. I appreciate this anime so much. Tabidachi no Uta is also a really good song.
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Anohana (7-9/10 feels)
Anohana is one of the best 11-episode anime out there. I think the movie was a little bit of a cash grab (still enjoyable), but the TV series was so powerful. Miyu Irino, Haruka Tomatsu, Ai Kayano (it was her breakout role and one of her best roles to date!), Takahiro Sakurai, Saori Hayami, and Takayuki Kondou were amazing in this anime. The OST and writing were both extremely powerful and made one of my friends cry. Even the ED OST alone can bring back the memories.
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood(7-9/10 feels)
Oh man, where do I even start? This show... you have to watch it. You spend so much time loving these characters, and when it all comes together at the end, you just want to say everything’s going to be alright. The adrenaline, the heartbreak, and the pure emotions of the story. This is a masterpiece by all means. Hiromu Arakawa set the expectations too high for almost every other anime out there. The way it handles itself and trailblazes a mother’s pain during miscarriages, racism, a person’s sacrifice, immortality, and all the morals that go along with it. Some of these I haven’t seen before in anime. I highly recommend this anime. It’s one of my favourite anime ever, and it’s the reason I continued to watch anime.
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Koe no Katachi (7-9/10 feels)
This one hit so hard. It was like a punch to the gut, but I loved every single minute of this development and this movie. Kyoto Animation did such a good job with the art. It’s one of my favourite movies of all time. Trust me, just watch the movie. Its theme about redemption and self-growth are so strong, and that climax near the end and even the scene the movie ends at are so amazingly done. Miyu Irino and Saori Hayami could not have done a better job. This is truly what made me notice the both of them. This movie was so crucial and so important as to representation and why I think animation itself is such an important medium. This movie is a partial representation of why I like anime.
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Thank you for this ask! I enjoyed looking back on all these anime (that’s not sarcasm. I genuinely enjoyed these.)
[Send me an anime ask!]
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personagf-moved · 6 years
alphabet & soft questions ✨
I was tagged by my bb’s @prksjmiin (alphabet ask) and @joonieblossoms (soft ask) and i didn’t want to make two separate posts so im gonna apologize in advance bc i decided to stick both posts together :’) dkdkkdkd yall aint gotta read everything but if u do ily and im sorry i write novels on novels dlfksdkf
i’ll tag @koyasdad, @1ovegf, @joonlit, @sleepyyyoongs, @constellationstars and @capgi 💘
honestly feel free to do either one or both or none if u want dkkdkdkd i just wanted to tag u guys bc ily
Alphabet ask:
a // age: 21
b // birthplace: new jersey!
c // current time: 1:17 am
d // drink you had last: coffee
e // easiest person to talk to: my brother when he isnt being an absolute fool
f // favorite songs: 
aint it fun - paramore
trivia love 
honey - kehlani
abbey - mitski
moonlight - ariana grande
g // grossest memory: i was in the city one time and a bird shit on my forehead. i think about it at least twice a week 
h // horror yes or horror no:  H O R R O R   Y E S   B A B E E E Y Y Y Y Y Y Y im the absolute worst person i’ll dead ass watch a scary movie/video or read horror stories by myself just bc. 
i // in love: with my whole ass soulmate namjoon. i luv u string bean man
j // jealous of people: im not even gonna try to lie i am a very jealous person and i am so sorry about it but i really cant help it lmfao. blame my scorpio venus i guess
k // kids of your own someday: when i say i have been thinking about this everyday.........! i wanna have it all i want the kids the white picket fence the dream house everything. i cant wait to be a mommy one day and love n support my bb’s :’)
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again: we a whole ass fool on main and believe in love at first sight!!!! i really do believe soulmates are a true thing and if a love is destined to be across an infinite span of lifetimes and universes then it will always find its way back. when you know, you know, and i genuinely believe that. 
m // middle name: padilla
n // number of siblings: 1 older brother, 1 half brother (older), and 1 half sister (older)
o // one wish: to find true love
p // person you last called: my manager bc i had a work question lol
q // question you’re always asked: “why are you like this” (usually friends @ me when i wild out...which is like everyday), “are you mad?”, “how old are you REALLY?”, “how’s your brother?” (bc he ghosts all family n i have to speak on his behalf like always fsdfjksdf)
r // random fact about you: i once used a horrible bootleg copy of the force awakens to make a star wars crack video dubbing the part in shrek when he first meets donkey over the scene when rey first met bb-8 and it went viral and has like 200,000 notes and even had articles written about it. also i had a weird fascination with jar jar binks and danny devito when i was in high school and i had a habit of making either one of them my icon on school accounts so i could make people laugh when they emailed me or saw me in a word document skfkkkfkf
s // song you last sang: “abbey” by mitski :’(
t // time you woke up: exactly 10 this morning and it was weird bc i picked up my phone and it had JUST turned 10 when i looked i was so shook lol 
u // underwear colour: she be black 
v // vacation destination: paris bc im a basic bitch :’) also japan/all asian countries. i wanna connect with my roots more :/
w // worst habit: yeeting the fuck outta people’s lives when i think they’re getting too close/when i get overwhelmed. im sorry im a flighty bitch @ anyone i’ve ever ghosted :( i love anyone who’s ever tried to talk to me and its never ur fault, i just get the urge to escape sometimes and i’m trying to fix it 
x // x-rays: omg @ tori dead ass me too tho, i had x-rays when i broke my arm when i was around 6 :o
y // your favorite food: my mom’s spaghetti! and sushi. also i love any and all filipino food but specifically i like nilaga and kare-kare oooo baby
z // zodiac sign: we’re a proud libra sun 
Soft ask:
What’s the smell of your shampoo?
we got them fruity scents up in here we keep that shit smellin like a goddamn strawberry field take a fuckin whiff babes
What’s your aesthetic?
the moon and stars, soft pink and purple sunsets with a burning red on the horizon, sunrises as well, paintings and generally all art revolving around flowers and the celestial, pretty pastel pink and yellow, the sound and smell of rain falling against the window while being curled up in bed uwu 
What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
lately it’s been night time. i generally get more creative and feel more at home during the night. i miss being a morning person tho. 
What do you most like about the beach?
not a lot fklsjdjfkslkdflksdlkf i usually only go to get a tan and walk the boardwalk with my friends, but if i had it my way i would never step foot in the ocean for the rest of my life sdjdjdjdjsj we dont trust her!!!!!!!!!
What do you worry about constantly?
when i’m gonna figure out what i wanna do with my life lol. i took a year off to think about it but all i ended up doing was working myself to exhaustion and getting comfy in a work only mindset and now i’m only even more confused about what i want to pursue. i’m just glad im going to chicago next week because i feel like a change of setting for even just a week could give me a much needed reset on my mindset going into the next year. i worry about the future but the problem is i worry about the present too lol. oh well, we’ll figure it out!
What is a song you’ve cried to before?
oh boy...
trivia love
first love
she used to be mine - waitress soundtrack
20 something - sza
26 - paramore
the letter - kehlani
landslide - fleetwood mac
when you see my friends - mayday parade
and many........many many more...... skskskks music is my main emotional outlet so naturally im gonna cry over anything that reflects my heart
What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
as The World’s Number One Most Stressed Out Human Being™️ i am definitely in no way fit to give advice on how to relax LMFAO 
but i guess something that always works for me is putting on music i KNOW will make me sing a long or make me happy to distract me from the nerves i’m feeling. also putting on my favorite comfort movies to make me feel better (they’re big fish, scott pilgrim vs the world, and spirited away btw lol)
 What are some things that make you tear up?
the ending of coco, seeing my mom cry, or anyone i love cry tbh, when children are neglected/abused, thinking about the world i’ll have to bring my future children into and how i’m going to be able to teach them to stay strong and bright in the face of it, lyrics that hit too close to home, absolutely anything tbh i cry easy
What is your favorite from each sense?
sight - the view of my cherry blossom tree against a pink sunset in the spring of my childhood home, a person’s eyes and how they light up when they smile, especially when they crinkle as they laugh
smell - the earth after rain, a forest in autumn
taste - my mom’s cooking, good coffee on an early morning
sound - beautiful melodies and harmonies to accompany them, a baby cooing, birds chirping at sunrise
touch - my pillow when its nice and cool, a cat’s tummy, a baby’s cheeks, fingers running through my hair
What is an alternative reality you’d like to live in?
one where im married to namjoon n we have a lot of smart musical prodigy babies who have his dopey smile and i live comfortably in our big ass home in korea where i raise our babies n get that good pipe down every night like i should
jk i wanna live in a reality where magic is real and i can cast spells and live my best life as the true witch that i am
What are some troubles you face on a daily basis?
for starters im ugly as shit so theres one
if we mean practically then i have really bad knees and i recently busted them again so its been really hard getting up and down stairs lately and bending over 
but idk theres not really much. emotionally i just tend to get withdrawn and timid in public so it can be hard for me to speak up when i go out
What is one scene from a book that makes you really sad?
unfortunately i haven’t read as many books lately as i did when i was younger...so a lot of my memories are from books that i read like as a kid lol......THAT BEING SAID i think rue and finnick’s death in the hunger games was truly heartbreaking to read, the spine of my copies of both books have cracks on those pages bc i had to read it several times just to really believe it. also i thought it was written so heart wrenchingly well that i had to go back.  also in looking for alaska when pudge, a man who loved to know people’s last words, realized that he would never know alaska’s last words. im also really thankful for that book bc it introduced me to wh auden’s poetry and to this day he’s still one of my favorite poets of all time.  
Say something to your followers:
thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU for following me and for some reason deciding to stay after how many times i act up on the daily. all jokes aside i really appreciate every single one of you no matter the number and i sincerely hope that you always have love and joy in your heart and that 2019 treats you well. i HONESTLY mean it when i say that i am always here if you guys want to talk or send me things or roast me or talk shit seriously i wanna hear it all and talk about it all i think all of you are so interesting and so beautiful and i’d love to get to know more about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS! yeet!
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devintrinidad · 6 years
10 GIFs of Anime that You Love, Then Tag 10 People
Just got tagged by @chemicalflashes.
One of the first few anime I watched. I adored how the intricate stories were intertwined with others; how a bystander in one scene could be a hero or a villain in another. A choice that one makes can easily have devestaring consequences. And of course, the mastermind himself: Orihara Izaya.
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Death Note
Oldie, yes. Overrated, probably. Completely worth watching and still able to discuss a decade after completion? Along with a few movies, musical adaptations, and a live action remake? Oh, yes!
Favorite characters are Near and Misa. The former for his cool nature that resembles L’s, but ultimately serves as a better allegory for Justice because he doesn’t find Kira for fun. No, he captures and probably would have him imprisoned for life because it’s his duty as L’s successor. He’s also heavily under-appreciated by the fandom. The latter for her adaptability and unpredictability in situations. Did you guys watch the Yorsuba arc? The girl was calculating how cute she was going to be. Plus, she’s not mentally well (her parents were murdered in front of her), but she still managed to handle herself SO WELL during her time as a prisoner under L’s inhuman methods to seek out the Second Kira. Again, she’s under-appreciated.
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Death Parade
Brilliant idea. Has a possible tie in to Death Note. The opening was laughably so misleading!
There are some flaws, like plot holes and unfinished storylines, but it held up pretty well. We learned about the characters through how they interact with one another—especially when put under pressure. The Arbiters are amazing in that they can’t question the system, and yet, in the end, Decim tries to understand and formulate how Chiyuki is going to be finally put to rest.
If nothing else, just watch for the skating scene and the opening sequence.
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Cells at Work (Hataraku Saibou)
How could I not add this show??? I’m not that great science, but I have been intimately acquainted with how the body works (I’m frankly disappointed no one has called 1146 a granulocyte yet and we haven’t seen any neurons in the manga 😞). Also...3803 is basically me: I’m terrible at directions, I’m continuously learning new things because I moved away, and the way she met 1146...is kind of how I met my best friend, hehehe.
That said, I’m really in love with this anime/manga fandom and hope to continue writing for it. (Insert self promotion: please read my fanfics on my main platform which is ffnet!)
Another reason why I love CAW...
The neutrophil squad.
...and wbc x rbc...and by that, I mean any or all of those wbc squad can get paired with 3803. Because I have a soft spot for reverse harems. *cough Ouran High School Host Club*
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Hetalia: Axis Powers
This show made me love geography and my country so much. It’s funny, it’s hilarious, and it’s so heartwarming how the fandom likes to make all sorts of fanmade stuff to expand on what Hima-papa gives us. (YES, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2018, I SHALL REFER TO HIMARYU-SENSEI AS HIMA-PAPA. FIGHT ME.)
Is Hetalia dead? I don’t know, but the fandom and one particular FanFiction by @cultureandseptember really helped me out a few years back.
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Bungou Stray Dogs
I love literature, good looking animation, and smarmy little know-it-alls who like to play the fool. Hehehe, I’m planning on reading No Longer Human when I get the time. Does that mean Osamu Dazai is my favorite character? Well...
Can you blame me if I said yes? He’s so charming and enigmatic that you can’t help but love him. However, I think I really love him because I struggle with dark thoughts and suicidal ideation from time to time. I haven’t actively sought it out quite like he has in the past, but well... hehehe! I can also relate because he’s kind of like an outsider in the Agency due to his past—he’s different because he can’t actively cancel out your abilities, which always makes him a threat.
Anywhoozles, I’m still waiting to see the movie...Le sigh.
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K Project
This. This is not the best anime out there. Seriously.
The animation gets wonky here and there, they do the women in here a huge disservice, and they put too much emphasis on how great Mikoto Suoh. Like, he’s great and all, but the dude has no effect on the story except for the last season.
With that said, I think the main selling point here isn’t the anime, but the side materials like the manga/novels. You get to appreciate the backstories of so many of the characters and you get to feel for them because some of them have suffered so much! (Read: Fushimi Saruhiko).
I think you can get the same amount of enjoyment if you stick to the novels/manga.
Favorite characters: Scepter 4 Alphabet Squad. They are the best boys. Also, Lieutenant Awashima Seri. And Fushimi Saruhiko. You know what? Just put down Blue Clan here. They’re all nerds and they enjoy it.
Also: Domyoiji Andy reminds me of U-4989 from CAW. So...
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Violet Evergarden
Remember how I said that I liked literature? This entire anime is about the power of not only the written word, but of also the act of writing, sending, and receiving those words. The anime may be episodic in nature, but you can really connect with the character through her terrible backstory and really feel for her when she realizes that she needs to face her past. PTSD is real and I think the anime really handled the post war aspect of this torn down world really well.
I’m also a sucker for typewriters, steam punk, and characters that don’t really know how to function in society (but learn over the course of the story).
Watch this if you want feels...and get ready for episode ten.
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Samurai Champloo
This takes place in feudal era Japan.
But there’s rapping.
And breakdancing.
And guys spraying paint everywhere.
Also, there’s a sunflower samurai we gotta look for???
Hahahah, while episodic in nature, this was a joy to watch. You never get to know the characters really well and when we reach our mission’s end, it seems to fall short, but it’s not about that. The journey is what makes this anime worth it simply because the characters interactions are rife with hilarity and all three mains balance each other out. There’s a fanfic out there that describes them in detail, but in a succinct manner that had me melting. (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2351750/1/The-Order-of-Things) check it out when you have the time.
Anyway, for those of you who have watched it, I sincerely hope that they meet again in the future.
(But, let’s be real. They probably didn’t).
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Tokyo Mew Mew
This isn’t a joke.
I have a soft spot for this anime because this was my first ever anime I watched where I realized that this was anime. This was like my gateway anime. Not Sailor Moon. Not Naruto.
Looking back on this, it wasn’t the best—it’s your typical monster of the week deal with some environmental activism involved but for what it’s worth...it’s good??? Like, even the 4Kids dub (DONT CRUCIFY ME) even added some songs that were really great??? Bree Sharp’s Don’t Wake Me Up was my jam??? It fit better than the original Japanese counterpart???
TMM also introduced me to shipping, FanFiction, and amvs. That’s right, without this little gem, I would be writing/writing/thinking about FanFiction. I probably wouldn’t have been an anime watcher without this magical girl anime from the early 2000s.
So, yeah. This anime will always have a place in my heart because without it, I probably wouldn’t have become the person I am today. Thank you, Tokyo Mew Mew.
(This was also the birth of my first OTP before I knew what OTPs were: Kisshu/Ichigo...although nowadays, people are calling them Quiche/Strawberry? Hehehe, there’s so many things wrong here, I only like interactions, not the implications. That’s why I’m completely okay with Aoyama/Ichigo being endgame—and they’re actually really cute in the sequel manga???)
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Honorable mentions (because I only thought of these now after I wrote analyses and gifs):
Five Centimeters Per Second
Ouran High School Host Club
Kimi no Nawa
Wolf Children
Psycho Pass
(There’s like a dozen more, but nah. I’m good).
Aaaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap!!!
I’m tagging everyone who reads this! MWUAJAHAHAH!
I’m kidding; I don’t have that many friends here (if any) who are into anime so, umm...try it!
Thanks to @chemicalflashes for this amazing opportunity to find out why I love anime so much!
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azuregold · 7 years
_( ᐛ 」∠)_ *slides directly into the "all questions" button*
Ehehe HEY! :D
ask me about anime…
   1. My first anime
That’s kind of a tricky question, because I know I watched some (edited dubs of) anime when I was really little without having a clue that it was Japanese (like this one), but I have a hard time counting those as my first real anime. I guess Pokemon? Though I think I still didn’t really know what anime was until I started watching stuff like Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, and Rurouni Kenshin on Cartoon Network.
   2. My favorite anime
This is such a hard question. But I’ll stick with my usual answer of Princess Tutu. There are series I like more overall, but most of them were based on manga and changed/removed stuff and/or didn’t animate the whole story, which makes it harder to wholeheartedly love them as anime. BnHA is pretty promising so far, though.
   3. The first anime character I was obsessed with
Um…hmm. Probably Kenshin? I think?
   4. My anime OTP
There are pairings I like a lot, but not really one I can point to and say “Yes, that’s THE OTP for me”. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
   5. An anime I can’t stand
Hmm…no specific titles are coming to mind, because how can I say I can’t stand it if I’ve never seen it? And I’m pretty good at picking things I at least think are okay (and when I don’t, I usually drop them before it gets further than “Eh, this isn’t my thing”). But in general, harem/ecchi anime. I’ll roll my eyes and put up with fanservice if the rest of the series is interesting, but when it feels like the only point is boobs and panty shots and how many girls will be fawning over the MC, I stay far away.
   6. An anime I want to watch
Hmm…I think I’ll go with Hunter × Hunter for this one. With all the streams available these days, it’s so much easier to try anything I’m interested in that I don’t have nearly as many “I really want to see this someday!” series as I used to. I’ve deliberately held off on HxH though, because I don’t want to be left hanging or forget about it if it goes on hiatus again. I’ll definitely get to it someday, though.
   7. An anime I never finished
Ahaha…most of them, especially in the past. And not even because I didn’t like them! Either I got distracted and just never came back to them (this happened a lot while waiting for the next DVD release), or I loved them so much I didn’t want them to be over so I could never bring myself to see the ending.
   8. The most recent anime I finished
Death Parade! A bit darker/creepier in places than I normally go for, but I really, really enjoyed it. I may or may not have reblogged this meme just because of this question >.>;
   9. An anime I never thought of watching but fell in love with
I’m going to say Tokyo Ghoul for this one, even though I went for the manga first rather than the anime when I finally gave it a try and am really disappointed with how the anime was handled. Please give us a FMA Brotherhood-style reboot? Please? ;-; I avoided it for a long time because it seemed too dark and gorey for me especially with the whole…eating people thing. I’m so glad I did eventually check it out, though. It’s an amazing series and it really helped keep me going last year. I haven’t enjoyed it quite as much lately as I used to, but I think it’ll always be a bit special to me.
   10. My favorite genre of Anime
Supernatural. 8DDD Especially if it takes place in the modern world.
   11. Shonen or Shojo
Both. I think I watch more shōnen overall,  but I’ve seen a lot of good series in both and I wouldn’t want to give up either.
   12. My favorite anime character of all time
Can’t pick just one. Nope. Impossible. I can cut it down to five at best. (A year ago I might have gone with Kaneki, but these days they’re all tied again X’D)
   13. An anime that I introduced to a friend
I…can’t really pick one? I mean, any friend I could possibly introduce to anime gets shown as many series as I think I can get away with without annoying them, so there isn’t really one…oh wait! There was one coworker at my old job; she knew nothing about anime, but she loved dark/horror/thriller movies. I gave her the first DVD of Death Note for Christmas one year. We didn’t talk about it all that much, so I’m not completely sure what she thought of it, but she at least liked it enough to borrow the rest of the series from me, so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
   14. The anime that I am currently watching
Right now I’m keeping up with at least nine series weekly. I watch other things while I wait for new episodes, but I just finished a couple series (one with my mom, one on my own) and haven’t decided what to watch next.
   15. An anime that never gets old no matter how many times I watch it
I don’t actually rewatch things that often, especially these days. The closest I usually come is reading the manga myself, then watching the anime with my mom (going by that definition, I’ve enjoyed the hell out of Boku no Hero Academia and Ao no Exorcist even knowing what’s going to happen). I’m going to be rewatching Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works soon, so we’ll see how that goes. I’d get tired of anything if I rewatched it too often, though.X’D
   16. If I own any anime merchandise
Oh boy do I. (°∀°) I collect figures, playing cards, and keychains more than anything else right now (especially figures), but I have a ton of plushies and charms and more wallscrolls than I could possibly put up in my room, plus a bunch of other stuff (mugs and glasses, a fleece throw, a couple pocketwatches, a lighter, a beach set, puzzles, magnets…I pick up a lot of different stuff at cons X’D).
   17. Yaoi or Yuri
Neither, if we’re talking about them as genres/tropes. I’ve tried to watch a couple “typical” yaoi series, and I couldn’t get farther than an episode or two. If we’re just talking two men or two women in a relationship, then I still couldn’t choose one over the other because it’s about the individual characters and their relationship for me, not what gender they are. (That said, more of my favorite characters are guys, so I usually wind up with more m/m pairings I’m interested in.)
   18. If I’ve ever been to an anime convention
Yes! (≧∇≦)/ I’ve gone to my local con every year since 2005 (wow, I feel old), and there’s another one I’ve been to a couple times as well.
   19. Who is my favorite anime voice actor
Suwabe Junichi. (*゚▽゚*) I love his voice so much (;ヮ;) (and it doesn’t hurt that he’s done some of my favorite characters, haha). I’ve checked out series I might otherwise have passed over just because he was in them. ^^; I have a shortlist of super favorite VAs but he’s at the top.
For English VAs, probably Chris Patton or Vic Mignogna.
   20. Sub or Dub?
Sub, though I don’t hate dubs and even prefer them for a few series. Usually I get attached to whichever cast I hear first. In the past, that was more often dubs on TV and DVD; these days I watch a lot of streams/simulcasts so I mostly see subs (I also enjoy trying to pick out words in the Japanese dialogue; sometimes I can understand a line without the subs and I’m very proud of myself X’D).
   21. If I could have any anime character’s hair style, who would it be
Why can’t I think of anything for this, I know I’ve seen some I really loved. ;OTL Uh…something long (at least waist length, if not knee) and thick, probably pulled away from the face in a ponytail or braid. Which isn’t too far from my RL hair aside from the “thick” part. ^^;
   22. Manga or Anime?
I can never properly answer this question, haha. Story-wise, I usually prefer whichever came first. Most of the time, that means manga. I also love the art for a lot of manga. But having color and motion and sound really adds to the experience for me. So…both. X'DD
   25. If any of my friends or family watches anime
My mom watches almost everything that I do.
   26. If I listen to any anime music
It’s pretty much all I listen to. X'DD Not because I don’t like other music; I just wouldn’t even know where to start with it. I tend to be more a fan of individual songs than bands/singers, so I just go about my life and when I hear a song I like I add it to my list. And I get more exposure to anime than anything else, so…¯\_(ツ)_/¯
   27. If I’m following any ongoing anime series
Yep! I’m watching nine this season. X’D Some more enthusiastically than others.
Not going to list names unless someone really wants to know. ^^;
   28. If I’ve ever been to an anime club
Yes, a friend of a friend tried to start one in our local library. I went to most of the meetings and a good chunk of the anime we watched were from DVDs I brought. X’D We just watched them, though; there wasn’t a whole lot of discussion or “club-like” atmosphere, and it kind of stopped happening after a while.
   29. If I’ve ever cried over an anime
Yes, a few times.
   30. What my last anime wallpaper was
This one (really big image, sorry ^^; ).
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zxtsubxu-moved-blog · 7 years
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 26, 30, 34, 35, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 :3c
I already answered 1 and 24 in a previous post!
This is gonna be long so it’ll be under the cut ^^
2. What was the first anime you’ve ever watched?
Either Princess Tutu or Squid Girl! Princess Tutu is so good though and very underrated, so I’d recommend it to anyone who’s looking for a new anime to watch! It’s pretty old, like early 2000′s, but the plot gets really good as the story progresses and there are just!! So many interesting concepts in it!!
3. What was your first anime crush?
Rue from Princess Tutu, Chizuru (I think that was her name?) from Squid Girl, or Gray Fullbuster from Fairy Tail!! I really can’t remember honestly
7. Dub or sub?
I usually prefer sub, but there are some anime I initially watched in dub and so I prefer it that way (like Soul Eater and Fairy Tail!). Also, some anime sound the same to me either way, like Death Note, so I can watch either really!
8. What’s your favorite opening song to an anime?
OOF THAT’S SO HARD TO CHOOSE... I’ve always loved the Death Note, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Blue Exorcist, Tokyo Ghoul, Attack on Titan, Vampire Knight, One Punch Man, and Mirai Nikki openings, among endless others aha but I seriously.... Love so many anime openings I have them downloaded on my phone... OH AND THE DEATH PARADE OPENING TOO!!
9. What’s your favorite ending song to an anime?
NOW THIS ONE IS EASY! The first Death Note ending is so good, not only the music but the ending animation will always hold a place in my heart.
12. Do you binge-watch your anime, or take breaks?
Mostly I binge like, half of it, take a break and then forget to ever finish it honestly.The list of anime I need to finish is... Endless...
13. Do you prefer manga to anime, or vice versa?
I don’t have the money to buy the books, so I usually watch the anime! But I did read the Another manga and I still need to watch the anime;;
21. If you could spend an entire day with one anime character, who would it be?
Hard question oof,,, Naegi and Asahina seem nice to be around but so do Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki?? And Ahiru/Duck!!
23. What is your favorite anime pairing, or ship?
I have so many but I’ll try to keep this short: Nae.Gami, Mado.Saya, Kawo.Shin, Yuki.Se, Koma.Hina, Kid.Ma, Rin.Shie, Sai.Genos, and uhh Law.Light!! There are so many more but yknow... If I listed all of them it’d be 5 pages long
26. What’s your favorite anime soundtrack?
30. What is your guilty pleasure anime?
Oof uh I dunno if any of them would be considered guilty pleasures? Probably Rosario + Vampire if anything but I don’t watch it anymore rip
34. Name an anime character who annoys you to no end.
35. What anime cliche do you enjoy the most?
Gay Character With White Hair (ex. Kaworu Nagisa, Akise Aru, Nagito Komaeda...)
38. Do you own any anime merchandise?
YES A LOT!! I have a Death Note wall scroll, a Tokyo Ghoul wall scroll and poster, an Attack on Titan wall scroll and 2 posters, a Danganronpa wall scroll and Monokuma poster, a OHSHC and Hetalia crossover poster, a poster of the Hetalia allies, a PMMM poster, two Megurine Luka figurines, two Hatsune Miku figurines, two Maki Nishikino figurines, one Rin Kagamine figurine, one Hanayo Koizumi figurine, a Honoka Kousaka figurine, an Umi Sonoda figurine, a mini Kaito nendroid, a Monokuma plushie, a Tokyo Ghoul blanket, and not to mention all the anime magazines and t-shirts I have!!
42. Who’s your favorite anime voice actress/actor?
I don’t usually know the VAs but honestly I love the English VA for Doctor Stein, since he visits the con I go to every year!
43. Have you ever watched an anime that was different than what you expected?
YEAH! PMMM was a lot different than I expected, and honestly the story and plot twists in Princess Tutu surprised me!!
44. Have you ever watched an anime that made you question any religious or psychological matter?
Death Note made me question my morals honestly?? And honestly NGE made me question, like, everything...
45. Have you ever binged an anime all night?
YES! One of my friends slept over last year and we watched Seven Deadly Sins all night, and even went over to her house to finish the last few episodes!
46. Do you write fanfiction for your anime, if so, what anime?
YEAH!! Mostly Danganronpa, but i’m planning a Little Witch Academia fic, and I’m considering re-writing my old Soul Eater fanfic.
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