DEEP DRAMATIC SIGHH guys i wrote the longest rambling post bcus i didnt know what to draw for the beginning of this animatic but deleted it bcus i got an idea but now that ideas just. not looking good. and now i need a NEW idea cries sobs
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hyuuukais · 6 months
oh my god so many ideas are forming PLS I CANT DO TJIS ALL
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
hey do you have helki pics compiled anywhere? i need a better look at the tattooing? on his arms. they look kind of like old japanese criminal branding tattoos to me and i wanna see if his are actually related to them, looking without a ref he might not only be a criminal but also a repeat offender of whatever crime he committed. i might be able to get an idea of what he did IF I CAN FIND THE FREAKING REFERENCE WERE FOR WHAT CRIME IN ENGLISH. i KNOW this exists but i cant find it anymore, i was actually going to wiat until i found it but its taking forever so im gonna just send it and hope ill have tracked it down by the time youre done...
LMAO, oh man thank you this is just an excuse for me to go after all his appearances, I love him. I post some that have nothing to do with the tattoos too.
I think the tattoos could be something to do with magic tattoos, althought the others seem to have more complex ones (Lycion's for example have more detail when he's drawn closer)
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Hope you find it! here's the Helki compilation
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Inconsistency in chapter 62 he has missing tattoos in a few pannels! (maybe it was fixed in the volume release?)
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Hope these help!
edit: addded more helkis!
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marymary-diva17 · 6 months
Tonowari x Mai/Ty Lee! (From: Avatar the Last Airbender) Fem! Reader x Ronal (poly mates)/ Aonung x Tsireya x Rotxo x Fem Reader (platonic/parental relationship):
Basically the Reader is like Mai but has the flexibility of Ty Lee. Anyways the he reader wasn’t there when the Sully’s arrived so she has never met them. So when she comes back she sees Jake and thinks that he is a threat so she goes into protection mode. So then they start to fight and (the Reader has throwing starts and is really flexible so she’s able to doge all his attacks) this attracts a huge crowd and when Neytiri sees her mate being attacked she steps in and also fights with the Reader (so now it 2v1). You can continue it from here.
P.s. Can it be after the second movie and Neteyam lives.
Thank you.
Tonowari x reader x ronal
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I have been given similar request for tonowari x reader x ronal like this before. I will still do the request of the reader being like Mai and ty lee, but there are going to be some changes to the story.
Pandora is a world that is always filled with mystery, beauty, and wonder no matter where you live on the planet. The navi who lived on pandora and worship the great mother, had always found a way to make something with life. There are many ways of living life on Pandora some of them similar and different. Pandora had been also filled with peace and war, even due these two situations are happening everyone had been able to make way with their lives on pandora and within their clans.
tonowari " yanwtu"
y/n " yes ma tonowari" you are standing on the beach gather some fruit.
tonowari " I was wondering if you can help me with Jake sully and his family and some friends" the sully family had arrived here yesterday and the who clan was shocked by their arrival.
y/n " I will love to help I was going to offer my help"
tonowari " that what I love about you"
y/n " good I'm guessing our ronal not willing to help at the moment"
tonowari " she doing her own with mo'at and the healers I don't think, it will be a good idea to leave her and neytiri in the same room unsupervised" you had nodded your head knowing that was the truth, as the stand off between the two was not very good.
?????? " mom" you and tonowari and seen tsireya making her way over to them, she soon stopped when she reached her mom. Looking at you with bright eyes and smile on her face.
y/n " hello my daughter now what go you in such a rush"
tisreya " well I was hoping if you can help my and the boys, with the sully kids and spider they wish to know of some of the moves you taught us"
tonowari " well my daughter it had asked your mom the same question" tonowari ahd walked towards tsireya and brought her close to him.
tsireya " what did you say mom"
????? " mom" even before you could open your mouth and say anything aonung and rotxo had come running over.
aonung " hey mom can you help us with the sully kids please"
rotox " yes it will be fun"
tsireya " well before you all came she was about to answer mine and baba question"
aonung " oh really mom please say yes beauty please, it will be fun and making lessons more interesting there so many times you can laugh at someone when they fall off an IIu ...ahh baba"
tonowari " be nice young man"
rotox " please mom it will be good for us and them and it can help us become friends"
y/n " well you all give good reason and I originally did say yes to your baba"
tsireya " wiat it no longer a yes"
y/n " it still a yes my children and I was going to ask to see if I can help them already, before I was asked"
the kids " yes"
tonowari " thank you ma y/n and please go easy on them"
y/n " oh yes I will go easy on the children as the adult I will do my best"
tonowari " I know you will"
y/n " good"
The next day
Y/n " bring the sully family and anyone else who wish to come to the beach"
tsireya " yes mom we will meet you there"
y/n " good"
ronal " I still can't you are going to teach them all you know"
y/n " I'm going to teach them some stuff but not everything"
ronal " good you don't need to be sharing all your secrets and skills" you had kissed ronal goodbye as you soon left the home and headed home, there are some skills that good amount of navi knew about and you were one of those navi. You had soon reached the beach and waited for the arrival of everyone else.
tsireya " everyone this is our mom she will be helping you all with some combat lessons or self defense"
tsu'tey " this small women is your mother she doesn't seem like a warrior more like a healer or gather"
aonung " well she also those at along with some other stuff as well"
neytiri " umm what can she tech as we have been through many battles, she seems like she done none"
y/n " fine let see what I can you as fighting you three came at me and, see if you can beat me"
Jake " are you sure about this we rather not hurt the mate of tonowari and ronal"
y/n " it will be okay" Soon all three adults had looked at each other tsutey was the first one to changer at you, and you soon enouh jumped over him.
tsu'tey " huh" you soon hit tsu'tey in his arms he soon left his limbs go numb.
tsu'tey " what have you done to me" you soon hit him in his legs and rib cage soon sending him to the ground.
tsu'tey " how is that possible I can't move"
Jake " nice trick but try to take on a man who has human training" now Jake had came at you a you ran him he tried to get you but he missed you soon tossed something at him wrapping his legs and arms up.
Jake " what the heck" you soon tap Jake on the forehead sending him falling down to the sandy ground.
neytiri " you will pay for what you did to my husband and tsu'tey"
y/n " then let go" neytiri had came to you and you soon started fighting her but when neytiri had thought she had, the upper hand she was soon brought down when you ahd beat her. Doing the same things you did to Jake and tsu'tey.
y/n " well what do you three think about me now"
rotxo " umm mom"
y/n " umm oh I did to much"
the kids " that amazing"
y/n " huh"
spider " that was amazing you moved and did that all like it was nothing"
y/n " oh thank you"
neteyam " your mother is amazing fighter"
y/n " thank you"
kiri " how did you do those moves"
y/n " well it something I learned when I was very young"
mo'at " that was wonderful" everyone soon saw mo'at standing with a crowd of people that came to see.
tuk " grandmother did you see that"
mo'at " yes I have know of clan doing that but never see it before"
y/n " yes I from a clan like that I have leaned this skills and perfected them over the years"
Jake " that good to hear umm if you don't mind can you undo what happened here"
y/n " oh yes" you ahd freed Jake first and soon undid what you had done to tsu'tey and neytiri.
neytiri " that was amazing you are one of the few women that can, keep up to me"
y/n " thanks"
kiri " can you teach us what you had done"
y/n " well yes and can teach you the combat skills and the draggers I used but it can't do the other stuff"
kids " aww'
y/n " maybe when you all get older we can come back to this subject"
tsireya " yes mom"
tsu'tey You are a good fighting you help me learn a thing or two"
y/n " thank you" you had kept the end of your promise and showed, the kdis some combat and defensive moves as well. When it came to the adults you had some them some of your moves that you used against them and helped them learn more about it. It seems like no matter where anyone else on Pandora there will always be wonder, and beauty and you seem to be one of those wonder and beauty as well.
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dragon-queen21 · 4 months
AHH im back again howdy, i dont exactly have one headcanon i go off of this time, theres a few, its more like my misc hcs until i come up with somethin i can reallt write about, i hope you dont mind ☹️ i just like ramblin in these asks, its really fun
—first off, i see brook as a regessor, but i dont see him as a little regressor or even a kid regressor. i see him regressin to his 30s, when he was alive and still with his old crew. or he regresses to his 40s; a little after he died. when hes regressed its really hard to tell, for both him and the strawhats. its in moments when he wakes the crew up with his songs or sometimes when he gets scared of his own reflection or its when he has to be left alone on the sunny. he doesnt need to be cared for like a younger regressor, but he would need care in other ways. when hes regressed, he thinks about the past, his old captain and crew, he misses laboon.
Luffy, Zoro, Robin, Brook, Nami, and Sanji are flips. (Cg + Reg)
Franky is a caregiver only.
Usopp + Chopper are babysitters & regressors.
woah they we go!!! feel free to tell me if you have different ideas ! i love hearin from others !
— i have the hc that the crew enforced little zoro naptimes because he gets fussy (hes like a cranky old man except hes like. 8.)
— luffy can walk a lot of the time he regresses, he just doesnt want too. he prefers when people carry him. it makes him really happy
— sanji and luffy regress the youngest normally. theyre really silly! luffys very energetic, and sanjis more calm, but put them together and oh boy!
okay im done now, im sorry its so unorganized and im sorry ive been sending in a lot of asks
also i hope your doing okay, make sure to take time for yourself yk:)
It’s really fun to hear from you! I was hoping you would have more to share! :D
Oooh I like that idea. Especially love characters who have been alive for longer than a normal life span, when asked “hey, how old are you feeling?” They genuinely don’t know how to answer because age is so subjective to them. (I was actually thinking about this recently for two of my own characters so it’s funny that you bring this up)
Adding my own head canon, Nami sews plushes for the crew members, she would definitely make a whale plush for Brook! (Also she would make Zoro a cat plush and Sanji a mouse, anyways~)
Adding Jinbei as being a caregiver only. Just, very dad coded.
I don’t know if I see Chopper being a regressor. Well actually scratch that, maybe a pet regressor???
Because any childhood he could return to would be of a deer so obviously it’s less baby instincts and more fawn instincts. Does that make sense??? I don’t know if I worded that right, but you get the idea
(hes like a cranky old man except hes like. 8.)
<- XD oh my goodness I love this. So much. You have no idea. It fits so perfectly
Let. Luffy. Cling. 👏 ends up clinging to his crew mates backs if they can’t properly hold him.
Mkay but might I offer you the idea of baby space luffy? Paired with little Sanji who’s regressed to around two. Just. The tinies.
No apologies! Like I said I quite enjoy these! Send in as many as you would like to I shall happily answer all of them. It feels very rare to get comments like these and I love getting the excuse to ramble about characters with someone who is also into the conversation, you honestly make my whole day :D
Also I need to take some time for myself in the creative sense. The urge to write a very self indulgent fic grows stronger each day. I just need to make the time.
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sad-leon · 1 year
i have an animatic idea in my brain that i said i wouldnt work on until i get the next chapter of Finding Home done, but the idea has gotten so strong that if i play that song all i can do is imagine the animatic lol
the song is Rachie's cover of "Fireworks Beneath My Shoes"
very good song
now im gonna go work on FH so i can make this animatic
i'll post it in the morning <3
y'all get a present in a few hours
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15 people 15 questions
thank you for the tag @letkirillfight
1. are you named after anyone?
nope! its a weird as spelling. thanks momma.
2. when was the last time you cried?
too often to count. soooooooo recently.
3. do you have kids?
about 6 minions, 4 henchmen and one cat.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
two? figure skating and dancing. OH WIAT. I used to run, and I now SWIM!
5. do you use sarcasm?
badly or dryly. no other options.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
no idea tbh. im bad with people. really bad. I tend to forget things faster than I notice.
7. what's your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings! please.
9. any talents?
doing things scared anyway. no but i write and i know a lot about history.
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
History, reading, manga/anime, HOCKEY! lbing, figure skating, swimming, drawing.
12. do you have any pets?
one cat.
13. how tall are you?
as tall as the average us navy sailor in 1812.
14. favorite subject in school?
15. dream job?
Museum work. I working on it, but I love it!
Tagging: @sxvxntyxnx71 @kudosonyou @pristine-by-snailmail @flyingchiclets @sunnysheep @starrynight0612 @stargiirl27
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saffricatrice · 1 year
i just remembered i had to write a three-part (gothic lit) series of which ive been procrastinating on for years what the Fuck. this is so shit 💀💀
the first book is suppose to be an epistolary, so it should be easy since it is all dialogue in a sense (especially the prologue), however due to the fact it is set in the perspective of a man in the 18th century, my dumbass just HAS to be a perfectionist about the type of language he uses. like: "oh, this obviously isn't the way an old timey man would speak!!! disgusting!!! i must rewrite this entire chapter IMMEDIATELY!!!"
i am also desperately trying to pay respect to the gothic lit by making sure this book won't be, like, edgy, because why the fuck would i want that? i'm trying to balance the highly triggering plot out with some silly event or some love from other characters, and then perhaps that could lead to a plot point? so it's not like, fully sad emo edgy shit?
i was trying to work on it last night, however it seems i have gotten distracted in conversation and also had another idea for a story pop out of absolutely NOWHERE jfc man so i kind of spent the time awake till 3 AM doing absolutely NOTHING.
AND DON'T GET ME WRONG!! I love writing, but sometimes it's just so HARDDDD 😭 especially if youre the type of person to hate their writing style from like. a day ago.
edit: wiat what if i make it eldritch horror at the end or somewhere in the middle....
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
more citrine bc I can’t stop myself:)))) h coming home from his little record shop job so happy to have sunshine at home with his girls waiting for him and so ready to snuggle her but he’s walking in and hearing sniffling and he’s ?!?! and seeing sunshine in the kitchen with Bonnie and dande at her feet and he’s concerned bc bonnie and dande are always so attentive to her when she’s hurting or upset so he’s assuming the worst and he’s running up to her and “sunshine! are you alright my love??? what’s the matter??” and she turns around all smiley and “hi, h!!” but then her brows scrunch when she sees his face and he’s continuing to ask what’s wrong and why she’s crying and then she starts laughing which confuses him to no end until she says “h, I was chopping onions! I’m okay I promise!” and he’s immediately deflating with relief and nuzzling his face into her neck and telling her not to scare him like that again:) 🐢
WIAT STOP:((( FIRST HOW DOMESTIC:(((( coming back t the cottage and shes already beat him there and is making dinner for the two of them w Bonnie and dande keeping her company with a record playing and hes so excited like seeing her in his kitchen and hearing the music and his girls and jsut ugh!!!! such afull heart moment but then he hears a little sniffle and sees her wipe her eye from behind and hes immediately like nononnononon like at her side immediately hands fluttering all over her and hey whats wrong what happened why are you crying my sunshine??? how can I help you what happened???? and shes all watery eyes but big smile when she looks at him like oh no h im okay im jsut making dinner and had to chop some onions im okay!!!! and hes just :((( the idea of him being so concerenedthen melting w relief and hugging her to his chest like oh okay:( and just :(((((( holding her while shes all giggly like whats gotten into you??? but hes jus3t in love :(
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beauleifu · 1 year
I'm making a playlist for Heartstrings and I wanna know if you have any songs that you think would be perfect for it :>
I love this fic so much, I hope you don't mind that I'm making a song list for it~
NAHANAHABSIDFBGDFG YOU CAN MAKE ONE!!! OMGG I WOULD LOVE THAT SO MUCH, You've gotta share it with me when you finish!! If it's on Spotify or something else cause that is a BRILLIANT idea you GENIUS
im begging you i love this
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simpjaes · 9 months
im not leaving this app anytime soon don't worry! i have a billion fic ideas for these fuckers and i won't be satisfied until they're out in the world of horny ppl
thank you so much!!!! im rly rly happy it's being received well
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ok but my idea is taht hogwarts didn't have many trans kids so they just stuck them all in one rooms to live in and it was chaotic becuase none of them were from the same house.
Lily from gyfindor, pandora from ravenclaw, Barty from slytherin, and I don't know who's to put in hufflepuff so but they would cause havoc becuase no one new they were friends
some times they would blame the Maurders for there pranks and it would be hilarious becuase magonagall would yell at the Maurders and they would just laugh nad magonagall would just be Wiat wtf
Wiat what house it Marlene's girlfriend in atyd becuase if it is hifflepuff we are set
ok so her name was acually yaz and she was a griffindor but we can tweak it a bit but they aren't dating becuase I love Dorcas x Marlene
oh and I have a head cannon since everyone ignores peter he is also trans and hangs out with them
and then Peter one day after getting more comfortable with Sirius nad Remus, he will talk about his cramps and Sirius is like " will you stop complaining about ur so called "cramps" it's getting really annoying since u talk about it once a fucking month." And then Peter goes one the period rant
but during this whole conversation James knows becuase childhood friend so and is dying inside watching Sirius learn about cramps and relise that peters Trans
then Peter walks out the room nad Sirius is there just tucking stunned like wtf nad after he goes to get a heating pad he hear " Wiat WTF DOES PETER HAVE A PUSSY AND A DICK" and James bust out laughing
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ilyuu-archive · 1 year
am i the only one who's down bad for the idea of fics where scara listens to the reader's heartbeat? because aahAhIAHefhaisfh
edit : would he lie on your chest, like, all awkwardly because ofc he’s not used to being this close to someone, let alone willingly and js andOH OH WAIT NO WIAT WIAT HE EITHER RESTS HIS HEAD ON YOUR SHOULDER, JUST SHY OFF YOUR NECK, AND PRESSES A PECK ON YOUR PULSE THERE OR HE TAKES YOUR HAND AND RUBS HIS THUMB OVER YOUR WRIST, WHERE YOUR PULSE IS, AND then kiss it
guys i like him a normal amount i swear
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affinitystoryblog · 1 year
OH WIAt Where r the pintrest boards for the girlies?
heres my pinterest with all my boards :3 theres other ocs there too
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creepywing · 1 year
ok since im not very interested in dsmp anymore and therefore never gonna write it heres a summary of one of my dsmp au ideas
OK so it was one of those space aus. Basically crimeboys are humans who were abducted into space and eventually like escaped. the kidnappers were less evil than in other aus ive read like they treated them like ppl would treat like lab animals i guess but like. they discovered they were sentient or smrh and still kept them and taught them to speak their language instead of letting them go like ppl. Anyway so bc of that they have a bit of an advantage existint in space i guess.
the actual story starts with them both staying in a random persons house bc thats basically what theyve been doing since they escaped. also the random person in this instance is eret. an uhhh they have also stolen like illegal documents ir smth like thag in an attempt to try snd get back to earth and eret finds them and is like Omg im harbouring criminals ! and fucking gets them arrested (haha get it its like when that happened in . lmanberg. or smth haha)
Anyway uhhh so they are in JAIL!!! uhh fuckin idk i guess they hid they were human somehow so they were shitting themselves bc they dont know how theyll be treated? i guess idk anyeay tommys cell has an escape and is like Omg wilbur ill come back for you king and so he leaves and breaks into erets house and confronts eret while hes there and also explains fhe situation and erets like OMG SHIT IM SORRY so tommy takes his shit and leaves .
uhh wikburs stilll in jail and jack manifolds also there and he keeps going on about how his poweful friends will come get him out Yeah yeah weve all heard that before. anyway a spaceship breaks into the jail and saves jack LOL. (its the syndicate bc jacks friends with niki) and wilbur sneaks on the ship.
Meanwhile i think tommy finds quackity and they become besties and quackitys like i know who could help you find your friend... (maybe he went back for wilbur and found him gone or smth idk) and quackity sends him off to some Place
Meanwhile meanwhile wilburs sneaking around the ship like vents maybe and falls into ranboos room and ranboos like A HUMAN?? and wilburs like Ummm whats a human and how do you know what that is. and ranboos like.Um i saw it in a book and wilbur successfully gaslights ranboo into not knowing what a human is and also not telling everyone else about him
so tommy goes to the weird place and finds tubbo whose some goat alien guy and tubbos like yo so quackity told me yeah yeah come on ill take you to snowchester and we csn use my cool computer to do it(idk what it is i could never figure that out) also micheals there lol some piggy alien
uhghhhh i guess theres a gap here but it turns out tubbos owns his own moon (snowchester) that he lives on with his- Well they usually use a specific word in tubbos language to describe it so .. his partner. whose away rn btw.
so tubbo and tommy get there and tubbbos sets up his shit while tommy looks around the room and is like huh this rooms looks weirdly familiar??? like in little ways.. and as hes looking around he notices paper with writing znd it says "Tubbo ranboo micheal" and hes like Well thats a normal thing to have WIAT THATS IN ENGLISJ and he goes Heeeyyy tubbo. (Panicking. what if this guy kidnaps humans wtf ?) How do tou know what english is. AND SUDDENLY HE GETS SLAMMED INTO THE WALL WITH A KNFE TO HIS NEck
meanwhile wilbur gets caught. obviously and is explaining the situation and everyones like Oh yeah understandable we will help. and somehow magically realise OMG tommys with tubbo! then they conviently get a call from tubbo on like the Big main screen thing so everyone can see
So tommys like SHIT IM GONNA DIE but then tubbos like. In english. how do YOU know ehat english is ? and tommy just goes HOLY SHIT in english and shoves tubbo off and reveals himself as omg im human AND IT TURNS OUT TUBBOS HUMAN TOO HOW WILD. they like laugh or smth znd then tubbos Magic Machines find wilbur on the syndicate ship, who he has access to like Ring bc ranboos there (the word from tubbos language was Husband btw) so they ring the syndicate and
Uh oh tubbos still visibly human so all the syndicates like Hey whose that and ranboos like TUBBO. and then omg happy reunion whatever idk im not.good with endings YEAH i planned thsy whole thing and never wrote it
on the off chznce anyone likes this and wants to write it PLEASE do and also tell me pls
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angelbvn · 2 years
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