IM GOOD!!!! vaguely stressed out of my mind but also im actually holding up better than usual so like !!!!! BUT BUT BUT HOW ARE YOU FRIENDO
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thrashgirl66-blog · 3 years
Whether to end a 22 year marriage or to endure the verbal abuse and controlling ways from my inlaws.
Where do you draw the line?? I have endured numerous times where my inlaws try to control our life, children, and our home .
It started right after we were married. We flew to vegas just the two of us and were married in a quiet and private ceremony . I was 7 months pregnant with my daughter Mia who's 21 now. My husband was 30 and I was 22. I didn't feel any different after we were married all I knew was I was madly in love and was thrilled to be having my first child. I watched" a baby story" everyday daydreaming about the day i would meet my first child. Jumping ahead to the day I knew that these people are going to be a problem. The day my daughter was born it was me and my husband and my mom in the delivery room. The moment she arrived my husband and I cried tears of joy and ahhh. It was love at first sight, then the nurses proceeded to do there first assessment. Then an aid comes in and states your family is causing a scene in the waiting room. The midwife I had suggested that I try to breastfeed right now to try and get a good start because I was a new mom. Then a nurse came in and said can we let the family in they are pretty upset they haven't seen the baby yet. I guess the breastfeeding can wait a little bit so my inlaws can meet there new grandchild. They came in and asked if my mother n law could hold my baby and i said ok. She held and stared at her, she looked at her so intently it was like nothing else existed. She stared like a mom stares at her new child. I waited patiently then I told George I would like my baby back please. It took 15min for George to pry my baby away from her. When they were done they just left. Didn't ask how I was or anything but i was so pumped from my new baby I let it go. Then next day a nurse practitioner was doing rounds and in my room i felt uneasy and depressed. I knew my controling inlaws would try and take over caring for my baby and at 22 i didn't know how to handle it. All I wanted was to be left to care for my child. Before I even had my baby my mother n law said that I wouldn't be a good mom and that id never be as good of a mother than her because shes had 5 children. One of which died at 6 months of sids according to her. Here first child from her first husband she left with her x husband in the Philippines because she got remarried and was afraid her new husband would hurt her son "her words".
I went back to work after 3 months and my inlaws watched my daughter during the day. While my daughter was at my inlaws I wasnt allowed to feed or change her cuz my mil would say im doing it wrong and take her from me. The insults and digs continued consistently then when my daughter was in first grade she came home and told me grandma said your stupid and had a fat butt. Whatever, then they gave her a cell phone so they could call her whenever she was home. Then came my first huge mistake. My husband wanted to go to nursing school in Connecticut so she wanted us to leave mia there and see her on the weekends. I was weak,young and i was stupid. I went with it then when school was over and we moved back it took us 3 years to untangle there grasp of my daughter. Souly because my mother n law was worried about my daughter. Apparently my father n law filled out the 6 month check from mass health and put himself as her primary guardian. So I couldn't even take my kid to the md without my father n law. Got a job and private insurance and they had nomore BS excuses to keep my kid. Now we are going to jump ahead to the present home and how we got here.
We were living with my dad because he had just gotten a divorce and fired from his job so he needed help . When we were there my inlaws walked in without knocking and walked around like they owned the place. George was preapproved for a VA loan so we started looking for our own home. Then my husband asked his father advice on buying a home and they took over. They found this house thats 50+ years old. My husband said he didn't like the house. My inlaws said you buy this house or were not going to help you, he said fine ill do it on my own. The next day they went to George and said we bought this house and its your inheritance so dont look a gifthorse in the mouth. This is you and michelles new home. Boy was that a blatant lie. 1 year after we got there my inlaws decided they don't like my father so while he was visiting having a coffee with me . They sent the police to my home and had him arrested. Firsttime in 60 years my dad was arrested.
At that time they announced that this was their house and they will say who can and cant go over. Then while George was at work they showed up unannounced as usual and said to me we got a lawyer to make sure that when you and George divorce you will not get this house. Whatever I said but was that necessary to announce to me. Throughout the next few years they told me to get out like 6xs not the family just me. They called the police on me 3xs because they started announcing there visits but could never take no as an awnser. My daughter got lice from school not a good time ,they called the police. My son has a fever not a goodtime they called the police. They also every 3 months would show up demanding a check for $1000 to pay the taxes. Take the check and pay at town hall because they didn't believe there son who has really good credit couldn't pay the taxes himself he was too irresponsible. Now I decided that im no longer spending my holidays with these people every holiday when we show noone would say hello or even look at me. We always ate alone because they never waited for us to arrive. They put me at the kids table and it was just a miserable time. Im done trying to endure the comments and yelling. Not having anyone to talk to during the holidays. So i stayed home told my husband feel free to go bring the kids but im staying home. Sex has seemed to have ended or if im lucky once a month. Whatever love was between us has been reduced to a coparent relationship. I miss him so much but I love my husband but i cant be apart of his family anymore. Im sick of having my property thrown away. Being belittled and be told im overreacting.
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“I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me” with reddie 🥺
Gosh im sorry but HC are the only motivation I have right now :/
- the losers are now in college/uni
- They are all spread around the states
- Stan, Eddie, Bev and Ben are on the east coast and Richie, Bill and Mike are on the west coast
- They made a pact before moving that they would meet for their spring break every year and would rent out a house or cottage so they can all stay together for the week
- They decided that Nyc would be the best option for their first vacation together, bc 3 of them were already close to the city
- Except for Bev and eddie, who live together, most of the losers haven’t seen eachother since the summer
- They had all matured a bit and blossomed into young adult, but Eddie is the one who changed the most
- When he gained freedom from his mother, he slowly came to terms with his sexuality and himself.
- He dressed, ate and partied the way he wanted. It was so freeing to have proper control of his life, without having his mother analyzing his every breath (even though he has to give her daily updates of his life (he lies a lot about what he’s doing))
- Richie was the last one to arrive at the airport and all the losers were waiting for him
- They were all jumping on him the second he past the gates and were acting like a bunch of children
- Since they were first year/ broke af students they decided to squeeze in bev and eddie’s apartment.
- Bev and ben were staying together bc they started dating in their senior year
- Mike and stan took the pullout couch and bill, smirking at richie decided to sleep on the single blowup matress near the couch
- That meant richie and eddie would be sharing a bed
- That shouldn’t have bothred richie, because they had done it numerous times before but for some reason, he was extremely nervous
- (He knew why: he had ben hopelessly in love with eddie since the 8th grade and you know what they say: distance makes the heart grow fonder)
- (Also, he had never seen eddie so confident and himself??? Couldnt deny how much more in love he was because of that)
- On the first night, everyone got absolutely hammered
- Since everyone was extra loud, no one really noticed richie keeping mostly to himself
- Everyone except for beverly, she knew something was wrong with him
- So doing the most bev thing ever, she offered them a smoke and they went to the roof to smoke alone
- “Whats wrog trashmouth?”
- “Theres nothing wrong with me, red! What about yourself? How are you and old Ben doing?”
- “We’re fine, but don’t change the subject you dick. I know somethings bothering you.”
- “Ugh, why are you always so observant. Just ignore me like everyone else does, pretend I don’t have any emotions.”
- “It’s hard to do when you’re sulking like a baby. I thought you wanted to be a great actor, but you can’t even fake being happy!”
- “Low blow, Marsh. Way to kick a man when he’s down”
- “Aha! So there is something bothering you. Just tell me so we can stop being so in touch with our feelings.”
- “I forgot how comforting you are...”
- Bev hit richie in the arm and gave him a stern look saying she was done fucking around
- “Okay okay, god. I uhm, remember when I called you and said I was over Eddie? Well I’m not, not by a log shot”
- “Oh Richie...”
- “Don’t “oh Richie” me, it’s fine. Im just dying inside, no big deal.”
- “Rich, i told you hundreds of times, you have to tell him. You never know, he might feel the same way.”
- “Are you kidding me? Have you seen him? He’s beautiful and radiant, he could probably have any guy in New York, why the fuck would he want me.”
- “ because your his Richie..”
- With that bev put out her cigarette and left Richie alone on the roof with his thoughts
- He must have stayed longer than anticipated because next thing he knew, he heard footsteps behind him
- “ the city lights are beautiful aren’t they?”
- Richie’s heart started to beat faster, as his head wipped to smile at the boy behind him
- “Yeah they’re beautiful but not as beautiful as your mom”
- “Fuck you, Rich, you’re an idiot”
- “Yeah maybe I am...”
- “Why are you acting so weird?”
- “I’m not acting weird?”
- “Yeah you are! You’ve been here for 6 hours and that was your first “your mom” joke! Something is terribly wrong with you”
- “I promise you eds, I’m A-ok”
- “A-ok? Who the fuck says that! Rich, I won’t leave till you tell me whats wrong”
- “Nothing’s wrong Eddie! Leave me alone, already!”
- “ fuck off, i told you, I’m not leaving! i don’t care if you’re a stobborn shit, im way more stubborn than you and I’m not fucking leaving”
- “I-I can’t tell you, Eds. Just, please let it go”
- The tone of Richie’s plea made Eddie rush to his side.
- “Richie, please just talk to me. We can get through this right? Together, like always.”
- “Eds, this is different. This is my issue, don’t worry about me”
- “You know I’m going to worry, you’re my best friend Rich. We always deal with problems together, always”
- “ ‘Chee, please, I’m just trying to help you. Don’t push me away. I think I’m going to go back down. I’m here if you wanna talk”
- “I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me” Richie blurted out
- Eddie stopped in his track and richie wanted to run off the building side
- It had been a solid 30 seconds of complete silence and Richie wanted to Die
- “Say it again” Eddie whispered
- “What?”
- “Say it again, Rich”
- ““I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me”
- Eddie slowly turned around and walked towards a frozen Richie
- “Say it again”
- ““I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the-“
- Eddie grabbed Richie’s face and pulled him down so their foreheads were touching
- “I think I love you too, Richie”
- This time Richie was the confident one and closed the gap between
- The kiss felt like it lasted an eternity but also not long enough
- They were interrupted with whistles and applause coming from behind them and the losers were all standing there cheering them on
- “Gosh it took you guys long enough!” Stan yelled
- “You guys are going to regret it because we’re going to be making out and having sexy times all week long” Richie yelled back
- “Fuck this, I’m flying back home” Bill sighed
- To the losers dismay, Richie kept his promise...
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sisterwifeudaku · 6 years
Holla If You Need Me
Chadwick X Reader
Trigger: Miscarriage
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Chadwick pulled up to the local bar in his hometown and sat in the car for a moment to prepare himself. He had been filming Black Panther all week and on his off day he went ahead and drive from Atlanta to South Carolina to see his family and old friends.
Hopping out of the car he stretched as he locked the rental car. He walked into the bar and immediately saw the group of friends waiting on him.
"Ayyye my man Chad. How've you been brother?" His life long  friend Troy asked as they embraced one another in a hug. Once everyone had a chance to greet the star they all began to drink and talk.
"So how's filming going man" Jay, a friend he had since grade school spoke up.
"It's goin' man. I can't really say much about it tho" he said with a shrug.
"Ahh they got yo ass with that contract huh?" His loud friend Billy asked making them all laugh.
"Enough about work shit man let's get to talkin' 'bout what I been missin'. I know y'all got some shit to tell me" he asked not wanting to talk about work anymore.
"You remember that girl you claimed was never your lady but you were lying out ya ass? What was her name?" Travis spoke making Chadwick look at him. He knew who he was talking about but was confused as to why you would be the topic of discussion.
"Yeah man I know. She was a cutie. Iron Mike over here was about to throw some blows at me when I tried to holla that one time" Troy said making the group laugh.
"It wasn't like that man, and her name is Alexis." Chad said with a small smile trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Yeah well turns out she's back in town to stay" Travis said wiggling his eyebrows at Chadwick making his stomach do flips at the thought of seeing you again, you still had that affect on him.
"That's what's up" Chadwick said cooly. He couldn't hide his feelings for shit  back then but he could mask them just fine now, he'd been practicing for years. And he had done a mighty fine job at it, pretending he was happy and whole when in reality a piece of him was missing and would probably never return.
"So you gone hit her up? I know that she was like your ace or something before she left and everything" Billy said making everyone nod.
"I ain't spoke to her since she left" he stated downing the rest of his beverage and leaning back in his seat.
"Why did she leave anyway?" Someone threw out there making him tense up a little bit. He never really liked to put his business out there even if it was to his closest friends. Not to mention it wasn't any of their business.
"She said it was some family drama or something" he said back hoping they would drop it.
He woke up the next morning to the sun shining in his face. Squinting his eyes he sat up in his old bed and began his morning routine. He shuffled down the stairs of his parents home and smiled at the smell of his mother cooking breakfast.
"Glad to see you could make it to breakfast Chadwick with you coming in all late this morning" she spoke as he kissed her cheek.
"Good morning to you too momma...mornin' daddy" he spoke to his parents as he sat at the small kitchen table. As their children grew older and had their own lives to live they stopped visiting and coming home as much leading them to scale down on furniture until holidays.
His mother sat a plate in front of both him and his father before getting her own to sit with them.
"So you know Alexis is back in town right? I invited her and her family over to supper tonight at 7:30. I need you here at 6:30 to help clean up. Ya hear me?" He mother spoke before digging into her own plate.
"Yes ma'am." He said. He knew better than to complain about her inviting them to dinner. He wasn't for getting an earful today not with the way his head was feeling.
"Mama I'm a grown man if I want to dress comfortable for dinner then I will. I didn't even bring slacks" Chadwick said as he sat on the couch next to his father who dressed the way she had asked.
"Jesus...you're my only child to make things difficult. At least put on jeans don't wear those shorts at my table in front of guests" she said walking back into the kitchen.
Chadwick looked at his father who just shook his head and continued to watch the news. By the time he had changed and came back down the guest had arrived.
"Leroy, Carolyn such a pleasure to see you all again!" Your parents greeted.
"Tim, Hazel it's good to see you all as well. Alexis sweetie it's so good to see you hunny" Chadwick's mother spoke up. You smiled in response before speaking.
"It's good to see you too Mr and Mrs Boseman" you said before sinking back into the background hoping to get this dinner over with. You know why they set up this dinner and hopefully Chadwick did too. You almost stayed home but Mrs. Boseman could throw down and you weren't going to deny your tastebuds of whatever she prepared tonight.
Once your parents greeted Chadwick you all went into the dining room to began eating dinner. So far all Chadwick had done was look at you but not speak thus irritating you more than you already were. After saying prayer (idk if you do or not) the food began to make its way around the table making your mouth water.
Everyone engaged in conversation as you sat back quietly and enjoyed the meal. Of course they had to ask you a question causing all of the eyes in the room to turn to you, even Chad's.
"I asked how you've been sweetie. I haven't seen you since the incident" Mrs.Boseman asked sincerely in a kind voice. This made both you and Chadwick choke on air before glancing at each other. Neither of you had enjoyed this topic. You had lost someone dear to you and Chadwick had lost two people that he loved from the bottom of his heart.
"Uhm, I've been making it Mrs.Boseman. Thank you for asking" you said with a small smile. She gave a small nod and sad smile. You suddenly didn't feel like eating as you excused yourself from the table and out of the front door.
You had began to walk the road back to your parent's home in order to retrieve your car. You were in your own world when you felt a hand grab your shoulder. You instantly knew it was Chadwick from the tingling sensation that ran down your spine like it had when you two had first began to be friends, at the age or 8 which is right around the time that you began to think that people of the opposite sex didn't have cooties after all.
"Now you know better than to walk out here alone minnie" he stated with a small smile hoping to get you to crack your first for the night.
"Chad just let me go so I can get my car" you stated not wanting to talk to him, memories starting to resurface the longer you stood near him.
"Ok Lex damn, at least let me drive you to your car" he said pulling you towards his rental car.
Once he opened and closed your door he slid over the hood in order to get to the driver's side. As he sat in his seat and closed the door you began to laugh at him. He pulled off and smiled at you.
"I missed that laugh Minnie. Been almost 20 years since I heard it" he stated glancing at you before focusing back on the road.
"It has been that long hasn't it?" You spoke up slightly turning to him as he made his way towards your family home. After all these years he still remembered where it was.
"Hell yeah and I've missed you girl" he said grabbing your left hand and caressing it. You smiled at him feeling yourself relax. The remainder of the ride was silent until he pulled up to the house.
"So, you think you'd be up to talk? I haven't had the chance to really have a one on one with you in a while" Chadwick asked.
You didn't feel up to it but you shrugged it off. It was just as much his problem as it was yours so why not? Maybe you'd get some closure from it.
"You wanna do this here or what?" He spoke as he turned to give you all of his attention.
"We can stay here and talk. It really doesn't matter" you shrugged a little nervous.
"Awe ok so let's go to the dock then." He said turning the car on and driving.
Together they sat on a bench in silence. It stayed that way for a while before Chadwick spoke up.
"You know it hurt me a lot when you left right?" He said not looking at you.
"It hurts too much for me to be here and be reminded of what happened" you spoke looking at him.
"I mean that didn't just effect you Minnie. It hurt your family as well as mine. We all were going through something" he said.
"Well everyone has their own way to grieve the dead Chad if I felt that leaving would benefit me why would I stay?" You spat back.
"Well damn it's always about you! Me me me what about how I felt? You weren't the only one to deal with that pain. I carry that shot around in me too y/n!" He spoke as his voice started to raise.
" That was my child too! I didn't only lose my baby I lost my lady too. The one I needed the most. You were the only one that felt and understood my pain. And you just up and left" he repeated.
You sighed before speaking " Chad we were both children, two 15 year olds having a baby. It took me months to wrap my head around that. And when...when we lost the baby right before I was set to leave, I felt horrible. It felt like my heart had gotten ripped out of my body and I had to watch it get ripped to shreds."
"And you thought still leaving would make it better" he spoke up softly watching as tears brimmed your eyes.
You sighed trying to compose yourself before breaking down. Your sobs shook your body as you tried to answer.n
"I-I don't know" you managed to get out as he stood there feeling his heart break.
"Can I hold you?" he asked just wanting to comfort you.
You nodded and ran into his open arms. He wrapped his arms around you rubbing your back as he repeatedly kissed your forehead.
"I'm so sorry Minnie. I should've been there for you. Im so sorry you had to go through that without me". You looked up whipping the tears from your eyes and responded
"Im sorry too Mickey, I should have let you be there for me. I should've been there for you too" you used your finger to trace a pattern in his chest.
"Shiiit we both here now if you wanna continue get some more shit off ya chest" he said pulling you to arms length.
"I'd like that"
"if you like it I love it baby. I'll be right back imma get some blankets"
You watched his tall frame jog back to where you stood and set down two blankets. He plopped down with a grunt before summoning you to sit next to him. once you were near him he sat you between his legs kissing your cheek.
"Now lay it on me girl" he spoke opening the pandoras box of emotions you were holding back for so long.
He was still willing to lend you a helping hand, shoulder to cry on, and an ear to vent to. You could always count on him, he would always be a holla away.
@nyneebey @lady-love-and-glitter-roses @autumn242 @royallyprincesslilly @lalapalooza718  @wakandawinning @brianabreeze @noontownstudio @airis-paris14 @dramaqueenamby @kumkaniudaku @wonderwoman292 @jokerslittlemunster 
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panticwritten · 6 years
Pearl-Handled Shotgun: Chapter One
Yeah. I have no posting schedule for this haha. We’ll just see how it goes.
Word count: 2978
Emotional warfare (of the controlling parent kind)
Hardcore dissociation
Reference to police brutality
“You’re lucky we could keep it out of the newspapers.”
Alyssa doesn’t look at her father, drumming her nails against the arm of the chair. Her mom watches from a chair behind him, her disapproval clear in the curve of her brow, the thin line of her mouth. The teen turns her head so she doesn’t have to see either of them.
“That man could have pressed charges. Do you think he would have gone after your little friends?” She bristles at the sneer in his voice, but she keeps her mouth shut. “You have a promising future ahead of you, I won’t stand by and watch you throw that away.”
She nods idly, the bare minimum of what he wants from her.
“I don’t know where this is coming from, your lashing out. Your brother never did anything like this.”
Ah, there it is. Calim, the perfect son. The good one. The easy one.
“He just never got caught,” she mutters.
“What was that?”
She looks up, at the familiar anger in her father’s eyes. He cocks an eyebrow up, expectant. She sighs and shakes her head. “Nothing. I’m sorry.”
He stares at her, his gaze hard, before returning to pacing to and fro in front of the fireplace. “What else have you been doing behind our backs? It isn’t safe, and it certainly isn’t acceptable.”
“Last night was an accident,” Alyssa says before she can hold the words back. “We took a wrong turn.”
He stills, burning eyes back on her. “You shouldn’t have been out at all last night!”
“I already apologized for that.”
“You can’t really think a petty ‘sorry’ will make up for breaking our trust? For sneaking out, so you could—what? Run around the city with a group of delinquents?”
She straightens up, scrabbling to hold onto her unruffled air. “Delinquents?”
“They’re a bad influence.”
“They are not!” Shoulders squared, Alyssa’s practiced placidity ruptures at his ‘holier than thou’ stance. “Stephanie and Jared are good friends, and they don’t treat me like a glass doll or a- a- a piece of advertising!”
“Alyssa, dear, please don’t yell,” her mom warns, her voice soft. It diffuses the immediate tension in the air. Her father says nothing. The coolness in his eyes, however, tells her the damage has already been done. Alyssa clears her throat and continues with more restraint.
“I apologize, sincerely, for what happened. I should have been honest with you.” She pauses, heartened when her father jerks his head in a nod. “It wasn’t the first time I left without permission, and it was unfair of me keep you in the dark.”
“How many times?”
“How many times have you snuck out?” he asks. His deceptively level voice spreads anxiety through her chest, thick and sticky in her throat. She swallows it down and makes a mental tally.
“Twelve?” She offers. It’s not counting the days she used shopping trips as cover for driving the roads on the eastern edges of Portland with her friends, but she doesn’t tell him that.
He considers this thoughtfully, as if deciding whether he’ll have honey or jam on his toast. Alyssa sees it in his eyes when he comes to a conclusion, one fist coming down on his open palm.
“Then we’ll discuss this again in twelve weeks.”
Her heart constricts in her chest, driving her to her feet. She manages to keep her mouth shut, but that’s not enough. It’s never enough. He raises a brow, unimpressed, and starts for the family room door.
“You won’t leave the manor unattended until then. You have ten minutes to tell your friends before I collect your devices.” He pauses at the door, looking back with a painfully detached expression. “Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir,” she says automatically, unable to suppress the reflex.
The door closes behind him, with hardly a whisper. She stares unseeing at the polished surface, almost wishing he had slammed it. She lowers herself back into the chair, wiping the back of a hand over her eyes before the pinch behind them can turn into tears.
If he can keep ahold of his temper, so can she.
“It could have been worse.” Alyssa jolts violently when her mom speaks. She had almost forgotten she was here.
“I know.” She doesn’t look over, dragging her phone out of her pocket. Steph and Jared will lose their minds if she just disappears for three months, especially after her father left them in jail for the night.
“You could have been killed,” she continues, voice low. Alyssa freezes, her fingers hovering over the screen. “ Just because we are who we are doesn’t mean it’s safe to get into trouble. An officer won’t think twice before they pull that trigger.”
Alyssa nods, looking up. Without her father here as a distraction, she now sees what she didn’t before in her mom’s furrowed brow, pressed lips. Fear, not disappointment. Regret pangs in her chest. “I know, mom. I swear we weren’t trying to do anything illegal.”
“That doesn’t matter.” She rises from her chair, full of grace as always, and offers her daughter a strained smile. “You need to be careful. Smarter. I’ll try to talk your father down, but I do agree that you need time to think about what happened last night.”
She nods again, and her mom starts for the door.
“I’m sorry for scaring you.”
She doesn’t answer, closing the door silently behind her. Alyssa sighs, sinking deeper into the back of the chair, and pulls up a group chat.
A<-- Hey.
A<-- I am SO sorry about my father, I can’t believe he just left you there.
A<-- I hope you both are okay. At the very least, that you’re home safe.
A<-- I can’t leave the house on my own for a few months, and he’ll be back for my phone any minute now.
She watches the screen with bated breath. After a moment, both of their icons appear beside the messages. Before she can register her relief, Steph responds.
S--> hey!
S--> i was starting to rly worry
S--> mom picked us up right after u left
A<-- Oh, thank god.
J--> a few months
J--> what the hell
J--> my dad took my keys but like
J--> just for a two weeks
S--> im grounded for a month :(
A<-- We’ve talked about my parents before. Are you really surprised?
J--> nah i guess not
J--> but thats hella rough
J--> someone needs to take some parenting classes
S--> im sorry aly
J--> how to be a good dad and not alienate your children or whatever
J--> oh shit yeah we kinda did get you in trouble huh
A<-- It’s not your fault. My mom said she’ll try to change his mind, but I doubt that will do much good.
A<-- Besides, you both got in trouble, too. It’s as much my fault as it is yours.
J--> no man dont say that
J--> youd never been camping thats a fucking crime
J--> i mean shooting at teenagers for pitching a damn tent should be a crime but thats a whole other thing
S--> jj
S--> not funny
A<-- He’s right, though.
J--> hell yeah drinking down this validation
J--> glug glug motherfucker
S--> stop
S--> ur ok tho?
S--> like should we worry?
Her phone slips through her fingers, pulled away by nimble hands, before she can answer. She hadn’t noticed her father come back in, and he leaves again without otherwise acknowledging her. She watches him go without a word.
Arguing more would make it worse. She’s lucky to have gotten ten minutes.
Now that she’s alone with nothing to do, she hefts herself upright. She stares at the embers glowing in the fireplace, considering what to do for the rest of the day. She has schoolwork due on Monday. She needs to decide within the month between Oxford—her father’s alma mater—or the local university her friends already enrolled in.
PSU sounds more fun. She wouldn’t like to think of the repercussions that may come out of that decision, though. Her parents don’t even know she applied.
She shakes her head and strides out of the room. Her feet take her along the familiar path upstairs to her study while she broods about three months without the promise of a night out on the town or a day flying along back roads in Jared’s convertible. By the time the bars are lifted, she’ll have graduated.
And she’ll have a month with them before her inevitable shipment off to Oxford.
She slams the door much harder than intended at the thought. She’s visited the campus a few times, walked through the city, and something about it leaves her uneasy. It’s beautiful, certainly, but it feels wrong.
She leans back against the door with a sigh, peering at the stack of books on her desk. The last thing she needs is for her grades to slip. She’s on thin ice as it is.
Her gaze drifts to the shelves lining the back of the room. They hold the books she’s sequestered from the library, or those that have been gifted to her.
She crosses to the closest shelf, running a finger along the books’ spines. Many of them, she still hasn’t read. She hasn’t had time to read since her parents began taking her to functions and benefits.
She dips a finger over the lip of the first in a series of old tomes wrapped in leather, one of her mom’s gifts to her this past Christmas, and drags it out. The first seems more weathered than the rest, the cover dull and rough rather than polished. She skimmed the first few pages when she first got the books, and she know there must have been effort put into it. The whole series is handwritten.
It’s as good as anything else.
She takes the book to her desk, promising herself that she’ll only read for a while. She has to get some work done before dinner, after all.
“Alyssa? Are you in there?”
Alyssa jumps at the crackle of the intercom, heart racing and unseeing eyes leaving the yellowed pages of the book. It takes a few seconds to orient herself, remembering where she is. When she does, she recoils at the headache pounding behind her eyes, the roiling tension in her stomach.
She glances back down at the book to find it open near the middle. She can’t remember reading more than the first few pages—it was written as a personal diary of a slave girl named Brietta. She wrote in a neat script about mundane chores and city life, but she can’t remember the details of the anecdotes. She closes her eyes to try and remember.
Her stomach turns over when she catches a wisp of it, but it doesn’t stay long enough for her to grasp the memory itself.
She jolts again, her eyes flying open. She rushes from her seat to the intercom and presses the flashing button for the dining room.
“Yes, mom, I’m here. What is it?”
“Come down for dinner, dear. I hope you haven’t been working too hard.”
She hesitates before answering, looking back to the book. It must have been hours since she holed myself up in there. She doesn’t remember any of it. She shakes her head and taps the button again.
“I’m fine. I’ll be down in a minute.”
She returns to the desk, ignoring her mother’s confirmation, and turns back to the first couple pages of the book. She finds the mention of ‘afternoons near the cold river after tending to mother’s sickness,’ jams one of many bookmarks upon the desk between the pages, and snaps the book shut.
She leaves it on the desk for later investigation, hurrying out to join her family in the dining room. Maybe some food will ease her lingering nausea.
By the time she enters the dining room on the ground floor, both of her parents are already perched in their seats at the far end of the table. Her mom greets her with a warm smile, her father with a nod from the end chair.
She apologizes for being late and takes a seat across from her mom. The air lays heavy upon the room, increasing the pressure behind her eyes. Even the light viola drifting from the wall speakers can’t break the tension growing with each overdone slice of a knife her father grinds on his plate through the steak.
She struggles to keep from screwing her eyes shut against it, forcing her hands into measured strokes. One bite at a time, then this will be over.
It’s her mom that breaks the silence. All sounds of eating pause for only a moment, the rhythm of the meal changing, before continuing as though it never stopped.
“It’s gotten warm awfully fast this year, hasn’t it? Just last week it was freezing.”
“And now we’re in the upper seventies,” her father agrees.
Alyssa manages hold back a physical sigh of relief, bringing a stalk of asparagus to her lips. Her parents chat about the weather, and she keeps her head down—metaphorically speaking.
“How was your afternoon, Alyssa?” her mom asks, bright eyes on her. She lowers a slice of steak back to her plate and clears her throat with a brief glance at her father.
“Uneventful. How was yours, mother?”
She inclines her head, a conspiratorial smile playing on her lips. “Absolutely boring. My husband and daughter were hidden away in their studies all day.”
She laughs before Alyssa can feel guilty. She reaches across the table and brushes her fingers over the back of Alyssa’s hand, forgiveness promised in her eyes.
“Hidden away?” her father remarks. His words flow warmly, a rare grin directed at his wife. “My door is always open to you, Carmen.”
“And watch you approve paperwork all day? No thank you, sir!”
Alyssa can’t help but smile at the exchange.
“And you? You were upstairs for quite a while.”
The sharp change in her father’s tone straightens her spine, and her my expression morphs back into one of bland interest as she turns to meet his eyes. The sudden movement jolts her headache, and she isn’t able to hide all of her wince behind her clenched jaw.
“I was catching up on some reading for class,” she lies smoothly.
“I see.” He nods and leans forward in his chair. “You don’t look well.”
She hesitates, unwilling to admit the truth. She can’t imagine her father’s reaction to her losing several hours of time would be good, so she waits for the jammed cogs in her brain to churn out a suitable response.
“It’s just a headache,” she promises after a long pause, ignoring the way her stomach somersaults as she speaks. “Eye-strain, maybe. I was reading for several hours.”
“You shouldn’t work so hard.” Her mom’s serene interjection prompts her father to return his attention to his plate.
“I lost track of time.” Alyssa offers her a smile. She mirrors it, then turns back to her husband to discuss their upcoming trip to the capital.
Alyssa wastes no more time clearing her plate and asking to be excused. Her mom tells her to take an ibuprofen from her purse in the front hall, which she does on her way back upstairs.
Back on the third floor, she pauses at the door to her study. Just a few steps down the hall, her bedroom waits. Her bed waits, and the pounding behind her eyes feels like reason enough to take an early night.
With a sigh, still, she jerk the door open. She left the lights on, and the glare shining from the glossy cover of a textbook almost turns her back around. She stubbornly crosses the room and takes a seat at her desk.
The leather book waits for her, and she nearly flips it back open on impulse. She glances over at the stack of texts to her right, the slip of paper poking out of the first with a list of tasks.
She lifts the book, the rough cover feeling familiar under her fingertips. The cover doesn’t bear a title or an author, just the letters B.O.F. embossed across the front. She runs a finger over the initials, then the edge of the cover.
The trailing string on the bookmark knocks a pen from the desk, and she straightens up. Within moments, the book is hidden away in the desk drawer. She can read it later, when she’s gotten some work done.
Her work is much harder to get through than she may have hoped. Her headache slowly fades, but she can’t concentrate. Her thoughts keep circling back to Oxford, her friends, and the look on her mother’s face when they spoke in the family room.
That woman has been through enough.
She drops her pen on the desk and groans, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes. She’s been reading the same line over and over for the past—she can’t even see how long it’s been because she doesn’t have her phone!
You don’t need to know the time when you’re working. You’re done when the work is done.
She shakes her head in her hands, banishing her father’s words into the ether. He’s taken enough energy from her today.
It’s not fair.
She rises from the chair, every movement sticky and slow. Flicking the desk lamp off, she pads to the door, covering a yawn with the back of a hand. She only made it through two of the six readings due, and she still hasn’t touched the worksheets, but she has all of Sunday to get them done.
She barely registers the walk down the hall to her room. She doesn’t bother turning the lights on, merely kicking her shoes off on the way to the bed and falling face first onto the pillow. Her father will likely have words with her if he catches her sleeping in her clothes, but she doesn’t care.
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shanmarie2129 · 5 years
I do not preach often. I do not offend easily. I have a big mouth and my opinions are strong but most of the time I keep the strong female ideals to myself. My opinions and feelings on those topics tend to surprise people and are not always what my “loved ones” expect. Where as this is neither here nor there for me I do not like to use the little time that I spend with these people justifying or arguing or even discussing such intense issues. In fact before social media I rather enjoyed not knowing most people’s opinions on such heavy topics. There isn’t much that gets me riled up. I tend to be able to ignore people’s uneducated opinions and comments for the most part but this has had my mind occupied for the past few days and I just can seem to shake it. I went and got my hair done last week and was able to not only get some time to myself but also got to spend some time with some amazing ladies. We shared some gut wrenching laughs and some rather emotional conversation. As most know I had a baby a month ago. A beautiful girl. It was a beautiful surprise to be pregnant again. The pregnancy was tough. The labor was tough and the recovery was toughest. In discussing my ups and downs we were amused by some of the bizarre questions and behaviors people show to pregnant women. Let’s start with the most common and yet most invasive.
Touching the belly. Now I’ve been lucky. I only recall one uncomfortable belly touch and it was in my first pregnancy. I work behind a bar and I have for almost twenty years. I am protected from human touch more often than not due to my career. So when it happened I think my reaction said it all. Between jumping a mile out of my skin and my facial expression I made it quite apparent that I don’t want to be touched ever, pregnant or not, without some serious warning and we better have drank out of the same cup or have gone to the bathroom together if I’m allowing you to touch me. It always caught me off guard a little when anyone would touch my belly especially a strange women, even more a strange man!! Hands to home!
Then there are the questions. Why in this day in age with all the knowledge that we have about the struggles to conceive a child or the surge of female independance in a world of choice do we ask all these damn invasive questions.
“Oh you just got married?, when are you having a baby? Are you pregnant yet? When are you gonna get pregnant?”
Or if you’ve had a baby....
“When is number two on the way? Are you gonna have any more? How many babies will you be having?!”
Listen Helen! What is my last name?! Shit what is my first name? When did you lose your virginity? Are you still menstrating? Can you imagine if I asked if a stranger was menstrating? Working with the public these questions have come up often. I have learned that most people aren’t doing it to be rude or inappropriate. People are just simply irresponsible with their questions and most people lack total self awareness. I have gotten these questions often enough where I have learned how to deal with them.
Sometimes I’ll just be harshly honest.
“When are you having baby number two?”
“Not sure Helen, wasn’t supposed to be able to have the first one!”
That one shuts people down quick. Like what does that mean? Did the government deam her not fit to have children? Did her ovaries roll across the playground in grade school never to be found? Did she have a child once but returned it after 90 days because she wasn’t completely satisfied? I have usually only responded in this manner to people who I considered to be comfortable learning more and whom I’m comfortable with or to someone so uncomfortable I knew it would stop there. Sometimes in the midst of a large crowd when this question would appear, and you’d be surprised how many times it has while I’m four deep (at the bar), I just yell
“I have a thin uterus George!”
That shuts the crowd up, but also gives me an extra 15 seconds to grab some tips off the bar or take another order.
Now my personal favorite is a guarantee shut down. People will go silent. “Congratulations on your nuptials. When are you going to get pregnant?!”
“Well, that’s in the Lord’s hands.”
And just walk away.
Leaves people speechless everytime. You see for whatever reason nobody wants to talk about religion these days. People want to talk about everything. Abortion, sexual assault, even my thin uterus. But for whatever reason religion shuts them up. Even the religious ones. How come? Maybe because they don’t want to crush two dreams at once. Maybe because they don’t know anything about religion or they don’t want to know anymore about yours. Who cares you have ended the conversation.
Or how about this, which until last week I wasn’t aware was a thing people did.
You’re pregnant with your second child and someone asks what you’re having. You respond with; “Im having a boy.” “Congratulations, what do you already have?” “A boy.” “Ooo I’m so sorry.”
What?!! You’re sorry?! I said a boy Karen not the spawn of satan! Why are you apologizing? It is a baby. Where maybe I had a twinge of disappointment, in which in my case I didn’t, I am happy to have a happy healthy baby. Or maybe I did not want a girl. Maybe my dream was to have a house full of boys! My own NFL team perhaps. People are strange. They always want to know the name too. Sometimes I think just to make a face or criticize. I prefer to see the judgement on their faces after the baby is born. It is more uncomfortable for them. I could go on for days about the comments people make or the questions they ask. Most of them are out of kindness and curiosity. I know people aren’t trying to be malicious. Yet some of these questions are invasive.
You are having a csection....why, How long are you working, are you coming back to work? Did you gain this much weight the first time? Should you eat that? It goes on and on. But here is the one that got me the most angry. The reason for writing this.
I went home and told my husband about some of these conversations. He responds with this. Brace yourself. “
“A lot of people have asked me if you’re breastfeeding.”
“Really?!” “
“Yeah and it makes me a little uncomfortable.”
Um yeah!!! Why in gods name are people asking my husband if I’m breastfeeding? First off it makes me uncomfortable when certain people ask me. Why is it anyone’s business how I feed my child? You should only be concerned if I’m not feeding her. And why are you asking my husband. Person that doesn’t know me why are you asking? Are you planning on wet nursing for me to give me some relief? Are you going to purchase some of my favorite nipple cream? Are you even going to high give him if he responds the way you see fit? What a strange thing to ask. I feel like it’s being asked because there is no longer a tolerance for shaming breast feeders. That it is a right that we have and we as women will not tolerate being shamed for feeding our children the way nature intended. However I am not breastfeeding. We are formula feeding and we feel your judgement. In a world where feminism has taken over I feel shamed. It is my body and it is my right to feed my child as I want but gasp why are you not breastfeeding? You see it is ok to choose as a women as long as you choose the way they want you too. This isn’t all women. I know that. This is just my immediate most recent experience. And this happens all the time. With more heavy topics and I’m certainly not going there. But this is what I wish people were more aware of. Getting pregnant, being pregnant, not being pregnant, not wanting to be pregnant, breastfeeding, not breastfeeding, and after pregnant is hard for some people. A lot of people. It is personal. It is about strength and tears and challenges. It is about infertility, miscarriages, medications, injections, surgeries, hormones, medical issues, arguments, choices..scary choices. We struggled with infertility. We are now blessed to have two beautiful children. Two more than we thought we could have. Yes we could have looked into adoption. Many people ask that question to people struggling with infertility. We didn’t because my hormones were making me sick and adopting a child when i wasn’t able to care for that child at my best didn’t seem fair. We fixed my hormones and I got pregnant. I explain this only because people have the audacity to shame people for this too. That was our reasons other people have many more. But people do not consider those things before they ask. They assume they know the answers already. These immediate assumptions can be harsh. We have been lucky. Most people have steered clear of invasive judgements and questions to my face. I have thick skin though, not everyone does. Be careful. Be kind. In a world where everything is in our faces and everyone has an opinion it can be detrimental. Be kind. We cannot change the whole world but maybe we can change it at arms length. It’s ok to be curious just make sure your prepared to hear the answers.
Let me give a quick shoutout to the women and men who choose not to have children and should also never have to explain themselves!! That may be a whole different blog.
0 notes
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
"pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would Liability cost on my car?
Im 16 and i just got my license. Me and my dad are gonna go look at a car tomorrow. its a 1999 mitsubishi eclipse GS with 130,000 miles. take in to consideration all of the basic things of a teenager nothing special just an average kid how much would liability in wisconsin cost? all my friends say they pay around 65 a month but than i went to some insurance website and it said some crazy thing like 850 a month... how much for an average 16 year old kid am i gonna pay monthly for liability?""
""New driver, teen car insurance?""
does anyone know about how much the average teen's car insurance is? im 17 and looking for a car, i have $1750 in my bank account... about how much would car insurance cost me? and how much do i have to pay upfront? i know its sometimes cheaper if you have good grades, and i have straight a's. can anyone help me? thanks!""
Why should I have to pay for your health insurance?
An answerer on another question said, Do you have insurance? What of those who cannot afford it (my sister comes to mind, and she has a husband and two sons under age 18 years who are also not covered)? Medical care is extremely expensive and necessary. I'd much rather my tax dollars go toward a means of making insurance affordable to everyone than to fund an immoral war. Oh, and my sister and her husband have always worked very hard. Neither are fat, lazy bums who sit around all the time. Heck, my sister would love to have 10 minutes to herself, but can't take the time. * 20 minutes ago These people made a choice to have two children they cannot afford to insure. They had a responsibility to seek employment where they would have health insurance coverage for themselves and their two children. Or obtain insurance on their own. If they are healthy, it can be gotten at a rate comparable to what I pay through my work. I work two jobs. Both of my jobs, even the part-time job, offer me health insurance, so jobs with health benefits are not so hard to find. Why should I be made to pay for other people's poor choices? I have wants and needs, too, and it's MY money.""
If my son is on my parents insurance does that mean they claim him on his taxes?
Okay my son is now 1 year old. He is on my parents insurance, we live with them, and my parents pretty much support him.(pay for all expenses).. Now my sons father wants to put him on his taxes. I know he just wants to get money to get him a new car. he also says he will get me a car too. but idk about that. When i told him i think my parents already claimed him, he started yelling its his son, and told me to give him his security card(he has a really bad temper and gets angry to where i get scared) so i did.. but now i need to sign a paper..and i dont want too.. Here is my thing i told him that he is automatically on my parents taxes, because he is on there insurance, so that would mean i would have to take aiden off of their insurance(Which means he wouldnt be on any insurance)he started yelling how stupid i am and just to sign paper, my question is is it true that because my parents have him on their insurance, he is on their taxes. What should i do? Thanks for anyhelp. Sorry long question. Please no rude answers""
What kind of cars cost the least amount of money to insure?
I am a teenage driver and I am looking to get my first car. What kind of cars have lower insurance rates, and are still reliable? I plan on getting a used car from around 2006-2008.""
Were is the best place to get cheap car insurance- new driver!?
please dont say money supermarket! The cheapest i found is 900, third party fire and theft. I'm a 24 year old femaile just passed my test!""
Is it covered under insurance?
i want to change my old cavities to the white cavities to match my teeth. i hate to open my mouth in front of people because i have so many cavities. the thing is, is it covered under insurance and is it expensive?""
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
""Which is the the cheapest liability car insurance company in Houston,tx?""
Which is the the cheapest liability car insurance company in Houston,tx?""
Cheap auto insurance?
im 17 years old driving a 2004 pontiac grand prix. im trying to find cheap auto insurance for sacramento california. is there any deals better than 69 dollars? i have 0 credit score, no job,sleeps in my own parking lot, i only drive it to school which is 3 miles 5 times a day, and clean history. full time student holding a 3.5 to a 3.75 gpa. i also live with my parents(they have gieco and im on it temprararly until i find something cheaper) they both ahve clean records and passed high school. my mom has an associates degree. they both work and crdit scores are well over 700. please respond soon.""
What is the cheapest possible insurance available?
Including the cheapest car to insure and the best way to go about insuring that car. What is the cheapest insurance i can get? Thanks for any help
Good car insurance for a teen?
in the summer im going to get my first job (yay!) and my parents are in a bit of a financial rut so with my paycheck im gonna pay my insurance so i was wondering...which insurance would be the cheapest or have the most deductibles im going to be 18 in october, never got a ticket, never got in a wreck and i have had my license for two years any helpful answers are appreciated :) also if you need any more info let me know!:) ..oh and btw its a 1999 hyandai elantra that i drive""
Hit and run but the victims car didnt have insurance?
ok so i was in a private parking lot and i accidently scratched another car i left because i was stupid and got scared. the cops came and found me the next day and i got charged with ...show more
How much will my car insurance be?
I am a British student going to Florida to university and by the time I get there I will have just ( within the same month ) done my driving test . I am going there without any guardian and will pro ally buy some cheap car . How much will car insurance be. Ps don't just say Through the roof Or give me a link Just a plain simple awnser
What would the insurance cost be for a toyota MR2?
im lookin at buying a 1991 toyota mr2 but i need to figure out wat an average cost for insurance would be?? any help??
""My family makes 80,000 but can't afford health insurance. I have loans and all, what do I do?""
We are currently living in Pleasanton CA because I want my daughter to go to a good public school (cant afford private schools)We have no family here in California, its just the two of us with our 5 year old daughter.(my husband is an only child, both of his parents died) It is very expensive to live in Pleasanton, but we rather live someplace nice where the school system is good and we are also interracial couple. We have credit card loans,(25,000) and my husband has a student loan. My daughter is on a Kaiser individual plan which is 300 a month. We have a car payment of 312 a month and still have 6000 left to pay off. We have a low interest rate on the car loan like 4%. We tried consolidating our loans but it did not work. Now my job offers health insurance, but it is very costly, 280 a month which I can't afford, and we are not qualified for the covered California. Please anyone has any advise we would love to hear some feedback.""
Will I receive confirmation my insurance covers it?
I'm 19 and currently living at home with my parents and I am trying to keep this medical problem a secret and I found out that my insurance will cover the mini procedure. My parents keep track of the health insurance, however I have all my information. Will my parents get something in the mail saying my insurance is covering this, or will they never find out? Thanks.""
Health Insurance - 31 days after Birth?
Here is my question: Me and my wife currently have health insurance (Carrier A). Effective 6/1 I plan to get into different health insurance plan with different insurer (Carrier B). On 5/23 my son was born and as per Carrier A, I have 31 days to enroll him under my current health insurance. Since I am changing eff 6/1, will he still be covered with my current plan (even I don't add him) until I add him to the new plan? So, basically from the time he is born until he gets added to Carrier B, would he have a coverage for these 7-8 days? Thanks""
Hey how much is Honda CBR 125 insurance?
Hey I am 17 years old, living in Ontario. I want to buy a 2007 Honda CBR 125. I have my M2 and was wondering if anyone with similar information could let me know about how much I would be paying per year on insurance.""
Will a cat D effect the cost of insurance?
i know the insurers value the car at up to 25% less so it's important to get a car that is atleast 25% below most similar models but what about the insurance group does that go up?
I have got automatic driving license 2 days go and I`m looking for car insurance?
i just checked with direct gov to understand the insurance policy then i checked the compare sites to get a better deal depending on the car that i will buy , the problem the least ...show more""
What kind of insurance do you need?
can a black cab be driven on a normal insurance or do you need a different insurance to drive it .
""I'm Irish and moved to uk with my car 30 days ago, my insurance ran out today,?""
what do I need as regards car tax, insurance, mot etc, the system seems a bit different from the one I am used to back home. How much is car tax and how do I pay it etc. plus any other advice you could think of would be great. do i need to have a uk reg. before i can insure it over here""
State based car insurance?
Looking for new car insurance that covers only a couple states for a cheaper price. Looking for one that covers in FL
How much for car rental insurance?
hi i will be renting a car for 2 weeks and i need to know whether it is necessary to take car insurance and how much would it cost? also will it vary if I am less than 24yrs of age? i do not own a car and so dont have any auto insurance. i just need to know an approx figure... :)
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
How much is car insurance going to cost for me?
I'm 16 years old and im about to get my learners permit. Im not going to own a car or anything im just going to occasionaly drive my parents car. My mom says its going to be very expensive but i thought that was only when you have your full license and have your own car.
Car accident and insurance procedures?
I got into a car accident yesterday. I wasn't at fault for the accident, and I know my car is totaled. I was wondering how the whole thing will go down with the insurance and what the process is going to be. I filed a claim with my insurance co. and am waiting for them to call me up. I was wondering if the other person's insurance has to pay for my car and what not. I am also wondering if there will be any consolation since the other driver was dui.""
Is there a federal law that requires us to buy car insurance? Why or why not?
Is there a federal law that requires us to buy car insurance? Why or why not?
Car Insurance: Can they check. .?
It would be nice if someone knows this answer for sure, say a cop. I have a license, my registration is good until 2013, my insurance card says its good until 2013. Now say I do this. Say I tell my insurance company, I no longer want to have insurance with them anymore, even though I still have a card stating im insured until 2013 Will I be able to get away with a casual traffic stop (if I ever had one), since I have a card stating im insured until 2013, though in reality, I dont? Im figuring I would, since perhaps the cops computers do not have a way of checking if their insurance is valid or not just from a simple computer check. I have paid my insurance for about 3 years, no accidents, and if I had the money, id pay it. For all intents and purposes, the car insurance card only lasts for 6 months anyway, instead of a full year""
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations?
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations? Also need price quotes for both taxi car insurance or limo car insurance.
What's the best auto insurance for teenagers?
I'm a female, 17 & about to get a car. I was wondering what's the best/cheapest auto insurance for me to get.""
me my uncle and my aunt have 4 vehicles in our household. we have a chevy avalanche or , toyota 4 runner limited edition o3, toyota corola s 10, and a harley bike 07. do this vehicles like have diffrent rates each under one insurance plan? its under USAA btw. (the numbers are the year models of car)""
Can a 73 year old man get life insurance for $100K? What would the approx premium be if so?
I know it would be expensive-anyone have an idea? Thanks so much!!
Applying for medical insurance for my son..?
I'm on the COMPASS website and it asks if I have medical insurance through my job and if my child can get it also. If I'm trying to get CHIP for my son as it'll be cheaper then through my work. Should I just not say if I have insurance or should I continue and put yes my child can get insurance through my job?
Car insurance question.?
I'm working on transferring my current car insurance to Geico and am filling out the electronic form to get a quote. My car is brand new, and I have had it for like eight months. I don't know much car insurance; in the electronic form, what coverage do I pick for full insurance instead of liability? Thanks.""
Suggest me best insurance child plan in india for newborn?
i have newborn baby.
If i lease a car do I pay insurance?
I am thinking about leasing a car, do I have to pay insurance?""
Im about to turn 17 how much is insurance for a lamborghini or ferrari cuz my parents said i could have one?
Im about to turn 17 how much is insurance for a lamborghini or ferrari cuz my parents said i could have one?
What kind of insurance should I get?
I need dental braces but can't afford them. Is there dental insurance that I can get so that I wont have to spend so much out of pocket??
What can car insurance sue me for?
About a month ago I was involved in a fender bender. I don't have insurance and I let the guy know that. He told me just to pay his deductable for the damages and we'd be done. He wouldn't report it to insurance or come after me for any damages. I paid him the $ for his deductable and didn't hear anything for a few weeks. Today I got a call from his insurance company claiming that they are coming after me for full damages. All of this after I paid him what he wanted. They are threatening to sue me for my car. My car is worth a lot more than the damages were to his. Can they do this? I'm not sure where to go from here.
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
I had a car accident but insurance info exchanged what to do?
Ok today while leaving grocery store I was driving so on the middle of the stope light it turn green the car in front of me start moving than stopped all of the sudden I was about to drive and than slammed my breakes I barely touched the car in front of me he stooped came outside the car and said u scratched my car I told him I don't think that's my car . He asked for my insurance and I asked for his he said he didn't have them in the car so I refused to give him my insurance info .. I took aspic of the car plate and the damaged also he did I the same Gave home my name and my number .. Told him whenever u got the insurance info he can call me ... The problem the car is under my brother name and insured under his name as my name is not in nether of the car or the insurance.. What to do ?? My brother can't afford to add me on .. And I know the damaged wisent that much .. Please help should I call back with the insurance or just ignore ???
""I'm looking at Mercedes Benz E500 or S500 and BMW 745Li? Which car you think is better? Cost, Insurance etc.?
Mercedes Benz or BMW?
How much does it cost to get insurance on a motorcycle?
whats the average cost? do you know the cost in vancouver, canada?""
Im 16 in ireland looking to buy a scooter or waiting 6 months to get a car.?
hey im planning on waiting to get a car but would it b worth it to buy a scooter now. how much would insurance be on the scooter? and ireland with the rain...
Car Insurance Question... PLEASE HELP!?
My sister bumped another car when she was backing out, when the car saw her backing out but still went ahead and there was no damage. My sister, in a moment of insanity, gave the woman, who is an attorney, her insurance number and some other information. All she took from the woman was her name and email. Now we have a claim coming in. We have no idea what to do. She is still in college, and is under my parent's insurance. There was obviously nothing wrong with the car. My parents are beside themselves with worry, because the claim could mean anything from $50-$20,000. Words cannot explain my anger towards my sister's naivety in the human race. What can we do? We will know more about the claim tomorrow.""
Second car insurance?
If I had a leased car with full coverage ($20,000 car), how much more would it cost each month to have liability insurance on another car. How much would each cost separately? (assuming 25 years old, good record, one driver would drive both cars).""
Car insurance Help for a 17 year old?
OK i'm not a troll to start off with i'm just have good bit of money, anyways i i'm 17 and i live in Ireland i have 7.500 euros to spent on my first car and car insurance anyways this is the car i want http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS so do u know a car insurance that would insure me and i can go up to 15.000 euros if need to""
Whats a good medical insurance plan?
I am 20 years old in decent health about 6' 5 240 pounds. So here's the deal, I am currently on a plan that has 0% co-pay after deductible this includes emergency room visits, prescriptions, the whole nine yards. However its a high deductible plan so before I can reap the benefits I must first pay 3000 dollars as the deductible so my co-pay until I reach 3000 is 100% all out of pocket I mean this isn't bad just sucks until its over. Does anyone know a better plan out there?""
""Speeding tickets and traffic safety school, does the insurance find out?""
I was issued a speeding ticket today in Illinois (cook county) and I have a question regarding one of my options: If you are 18 years or older, to avoid a conviction on your driving record, plead guilty, register for traffic safety school, pay $115. So let's assume that I pay the fine and complete traffic safety school. My question is regarding my insurance company...do they see that I was issued a speeding ticket but completed traffic safety school or is there no trace of it at all? I've read many things about this; some say that the ticket remains on record but simply does not count against you. Others say that the ticket will be on record and the insurance company can still choose to raise your rates but there is no penalty with the DMV for speeding. I'm hoping that the ticket is completely thrown out as if it never happened but I'm not sure. I have state farm insurance by the way.""
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
What is The Cheapest Auto Insurance for A Beginner?
Need to purchase car insurance.. what do I do?
I got into a minor accident a couple of days ago and I did not have insurance. It was my parents' car and the damages have already been paid for from my personal savings. Now, I am going to get car insurance. The question here is if I want to get insured, do I have to report to car insurance companies of my accident? If yes, why? How would the company possibly know I got into an accident? Also, do insurance companies screen your driver's license? If so, how much more money per year can I expect to pay for 2 points on my license for an average 20 year old? Yes, I'm not the smartest for having drove without insurance, hence, the reason why I am getting insurance.""
""Hi, I'm 20 and 6 weeks pregnant. Insurance problems?""
Medi-cal won't let me file an app b/c I'm not 21, And my mother doesn't qualify for me. I make 900 a month with car payments ins. Anyway I don't have money to buy insurance. Planned Parenthood told me my edd, and gave me the positive test. I haven't seen a doctor, and I don't know what to do? I live in CA are there any suggestions?""
""21 Year old, Need Car, Low Insurance Please Help! :(?""
Ive now had 3 years driving experience initially on my car, under my mothers no claims, then my (then) girlfriends 2 cars. However, during that time I have accrued no no claims and it has been a year since I've been insured on any. I know how to drive, I need a car. Since then it is not possible for me to get a quote on any car I try which have included family cars, small cars and even extended to classic cars in order for classic car insurance. My grandfather said I could use his no claims, however my quote goes up?! No one else has any NCB years for me to use. I have had no prior crashes, I also live in a good area for insurance. At this stage I will gladly accept a car that would get be under 1.8k on the insurance, So I'm looking for any suggestions! PLEASE HELP :(""
Car insurance for teenagers!!?
I'm currently 19, I've held my driving license for 9months, since February. I've done the pass plus thing which in my opinion and everyone else's opinion a waste of time as it doesn't really save you that much off car insurance. Car insurance for me and my friends are through the roof, the only way to get lower car insurance is to get ourselves named as a named driver through our parents as they've got many years worth of no claims bonuses. Or to even change the address of where we live, such as a family or friends place, which is away from London and off the public roads. car insurance is a cheaper that way, as well as if you pay it annually instead of in monthly instalments. I work and basically want to get a car that is relatively cheap to insure, around the 1000-1500 mark not 4000 mark. I've tried fiat punto's, corsa's, the lot and they all seem to give me quotes of 4000 when the car is worth like a 1000. Its absolutely ludicrous, I want to be the owner of the vehicle so I can start my no claims bonus, otherwise my insurance will be high for some time, but i don't want to pay 4000 or go as a named driver as i will not work on my no claims bonus. Any suggestions? I both want and need a car, buying the cars not a problem, running the cars not a problem, paying for road tax or MOT's is not a problem it's just the insurance which is the main problem!!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks in advance-Mike""
How much would insurance be for a 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c?
How much would insurance be for a 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c?
What's the best way to approach someone about buying life insurance?
What's the best way to approach someone about buying life insurance?
Can insurance drop you before a termination? ?
I was terminated from my employment on 10/1/2011. I had surgery on 9/12/2011 and the medical insurance company claims that my coverage was dropped on 9/11/2011. I am in Pennsylvania and my insurance was through my work. Is this legal? I was on company approved time off when the surgery occurred, so I was still legally employed and paying my premiums.""
Is there such thing as any car any driver insurance? How do I get it?
I have four drivers in my family and at any time 3-4 cars. Is there an insurance policy that allows the drivers to be interchangeable? Or is there a policy that doesnt depend on who's driving what car with just a standard rate? Ideally I'd like to nominate anyone to be able to drive any of the cars depending on the situation. How do private car garages/dealers sort out their insurance? They have changing cars and drivers so it seems! Thanks for any help!
""Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers, Help.?""
In the UK how old does a car have to be before it comes under classic car insurance also how cheap is classic car insurance? I'll be 19 when I come to buying a car and was looking at cheap insurance, will have been driving for 1 year, I will have no, No claims bonus' If it's cheaper than smaller newer cars, What classic car would be worth looking at? How old does the car have to be before it's classed as a 'Classic' Make your you answer relates to UK rules/laws and what ever else USA rules/laws mean nothing to me and won't help.""
Moped Insurance for my 16yr old son?
I am looking for moped insurance for my son. I am going to be paying for it and i would like to do it monthly. Does anyone know of some cheap insurers? And also should i insure it in my name or his name? Ive tried a few and because ive been putting in my sons name they wont alllow me to pay monthly as he is under the age of eighteen. Also if i put in my name, i havn't taken a bike test. Do i need to take a bike test to insure a moped in my name? Im sooooooo confused!!!!!! Please help!""
""Will my car insurance rates go up, hit and run accident?""
I was parked out of my girlfriends house and apparently during my visit someone had hit my car that was parked on the side of the road. The other car just nicked my bumper (no damage to fender) but hit it hard enough to totally tear the bumper off the driver side and the front of the car and was left dangling on the passenger side. There were also scratches on the top of my driver side mirror, and the mirror itself popped out and was shattered. Basically my question is...if I claim it, will my rates go up? I believe I am insured under my parent's names and not my own. I had one accident that was my fault about 2 years ago.""
How much is the insurance cost for a $8000 dollar car and a $ 6000 car.?
how much would it cost for basic insurance monthly and i live in vancouver if it matters
Which insurance company has the quickest claim?
Okay so I want to know which insurance company would give me the quickest claim without any problems between: state farm, farmers, hardford, and all state?""
What is the cost of AAA car insurance monthly?
What is the cost of AAA car insurance monthly?
Can the Insurance company charge me 20% of repair?
I'm in California, I have full coverage, my insurance company is telling me they can charge me 20% in addition to the deductible if I don't use one of their shops, can they do that?""
Can Cancer patients have the life insurance? ?
Is it possible cancer patients getting life insurance...
Can i collect life insurance after a murder.?
My dad has a large life insurance policy on him and i am the head beneficiary. if he happens to be murdered by some unknown suspect would i be able to collect the money or would it have to be accidental or natural death.
Does car insurance pay sales taxes and destination charge if your brand new car gets damaged?
Does car insurance pay sales taxes and destination charge if your brand new car gets damaged? If your brand new car gets damage totally. what does the insurance company pay for? How long after buying brand new car does the insurance consider it not new any more?
Citroen Saxo Insurance?
Hello, im a 17 year old currently learning to drive, once i have a Full UK driving license,think i would be able to get insured on a citreon saxo? As far as i know there are a few types of saxo's, the 1.1, the 1.4 furio, and the vtr 1.6 i think! Many people have told be they are classed as a boy racer car so the insurance will be high but surely if i buy a standard 1.1 or 1.4 saxo i will be able to get insured. What do you guys think? What saxo best for first car? Any other first cars recommened? How much round about do you think it will be to insure? Thanks""
How much is full coverage for auto insurance cost monthly usually ? ?
I was thinking about financing a 2000 nissan maxima but im not sure if its a good idea because of monthly car payments and car insurance plus if it breaks down idk what I would do. I just need to know how much is full coverage for auto insurance usually cost per month or is there something cheaper I can get other than full coverage.
Car accident with no insurance?
I hit a car in Alaska, no damage to the cars except a tiny tiny dent on the other car's back bumper that barely can be visible within 20 inches distance if a person keeps looking very good. I gave all my details to the other guy and I am legal in everything. he showed me an insurance on his phone that expired on May 2012. Because I did not pay attention, right now I just found out from the VIN # that the insurance is for a different car but in his name. So I am not sure if the car I hit was insured or not. Could I get him in trouble if he tries to abuse me later? For example if he tries to go to the hospital and cause me problems, or if he calls me wanting money, or having me fix his engines issues that I never caused, because that is what he said is going to do. If he gets insurance hours later, could that save him? or he still can be in trouble with the law?""
How can I save money on my car insurance?
I'm a young driver who's only just passed. Is it OK to put my Dad as the main driver when in reality I will be driving the car most of the time? I heard it's cheaper that way. Also I know Pass Plus can decrease it. Does putting it in a garage and having good security decrease it? What other things can I do to save - the cheapest quote so far I found is 1,600!""
""What is the best, cheapest car insurance I can have for a 28 year old female?""
What is the best, cheapest car insurance I can have for a 28 year old female?""
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
What is the cheapest Insurance for a first time driver?
What is the cheapest Insurance for a first time driver?
How auto insurance works in california?
i backed up into a car today and there is no damage to my car but a dent in the others hood, and i said lets call the police and they said lets just exchange information, i said no i'd rather have them come...they said they called when i was getting something in my car and said the police said they would take a while so we decided to exchange info...i got her license but they said they didnt have the insurance info with them....but in the mean time i gave them my info...now i have a feeling that maybe they didnt have insurance and there is no police report so what can happen now?""
Affordable car insurance company's?
I am currently with farmer's insurance but i feel they are too expensive so is there any company's that are cheaper and affordable rates?
Where can I get an insurance quote for my Toyota hilux?
GoCompare and other sites don't list it when I try to quote car insurance... Im in the uk
Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with?
Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with?
Modified car insurance?
2000 mustang gt. Added cold air intake, exhaust kit, engine headers, aftermarket gps and backup cam, and aftermarket rims. Would an insurance company cover these?""
Can anyone recomend some cheap insurance companies for drives who have completed pass plus?
I'm 18, soon to be 19, and have been trying to get a quote on a 1998 vauxhall corsa, and the only 1 i got before was ridiculously high. I know it being an older model is going to make a difference, but does anyone know from personal experience or whatever which insurance companies offer decent insurance prices to young drives, who have completed the pass plus scheme? Thanks, much appreciated!""
Can employer force health insurance on me?
I currently have and paid for my own health insurance. I recently got a new job and was told that I had to elect to participate in one of my employer's health insurance plans. I politely told them that I had my own health insurance and wish to opt out of the employer's plan options. My employer told me I had to elect, participate, and pay. Can they make me do this?""
Short term car insurance (UK)?
I need to renew my car insurance policy soon but am going away in June for a year so cannot get a full years policy. My company has told me to take out a years policy then cancel it before i leave in June. Does anyone know of a UK insurance company that could give me a policy for just a few months to save me cancelling it later on. Thanks
How does car insurance work for a teenager?
I recently got my license but still do not drive due to the fact that my parents will not pay for insurance. They say it is too expensive but they also said the only way to make it affordable would be by getting me a car, which I seriously do not understand!! I don't want my own car I just want to be able to legally drive one so why would buying me a car and then insuring the car plus myself make it soo much cheaper than just already having me under their insurance and what not??? I just don't get it because once your insured you are able to drive any of the cars in the household so why buy another car just for me?? My parents aren't making sense and do not want to explain it to me. But we own luxury cars so could that be why they won't add me to the insurance? They are getting me a random, affordable used car which I don't mind but I would rather just be insured car or no car. Oh and they let me drive around all our luxury cars when I had my permit so idk why they are doing this to me.""
Car Insurance rates for a new driver.?
Hello so my question is what kind of apr would a driver around 19 or 20 get for a new car, i am looking at a Toyota Corolla, with no preexisting credit. I understand that I would need a cosigner and that is not an issue. I would just like to see what type of apr I should be expecting so I may save and plan accordingly. Thank You.""
What v8 is cheap on insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm an 18 year old guy on my parents' insurance and I have a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer that's probably not going to last me that long so I am looking for another car. I would like a v8 because I like the sound and I want descent performance but I don't want it to be too much on insurance. I was thinking about a Lincoln ls v8. Does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks.
""Got my first speeding ticket, will my insurance go up?
Im 20yrs old if that matters.. And this is only my first ticket. I was going 80mph on a 70mph. Will my insurance go up? If u know please tell me. I have state farm.
Car insurance help????????
Hello, I was rearended (not my fault) and I called my insurance companyt to let them know what happened. The car is insured and at the time of the incident was insured under my mother because I am under 21. Now two months later I am receiving a letter that I am being kicked out of my insurance unless my parents insure me. So what do I do in this situation. I find this situation very unfair because why do we need two people insured on one car? Can you offer any insight?""
What is a fixed indemnity health insurance plan?
i am looking at health insurance and have talked to someone about a fixed indemnity plan. Its all so confusing. Is this a bad risk?
What is cheapest 33bhp bike to insure?
Hi , I'm 16 and 17 soon and thinking of taking my A2 bike test which will restrict me to 33bhp i know i can buy a big bike and get it restricted but not all insurance companies cover that and the one's that do are rip off's. so does anybody know the cheapest 33bhp bike to insure, i would like it to be a 250cc or over because 125cc are to slow for motorway or modified till the insurance don't mean nothing. Thank you .""
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
What's going to be the insurance for 2007 Ninja 250?
I am 19 years old, will be 20 in 2 months. I have a driving permit for a car, I'm planning to get a ninja 250 2007. I live in Arizona. How much is the full insurance going to be?""
""My husband and I are self employed.....We are shopping for health Insurance, what do recommend?""
We are looking for affordable health insurance, but I don't even know where to begin....If you are self employed, who is your provider and why?""
Need help wit chosing car insurance!!!?
Insurance (probability)?
An auto insurance company has 10,000 policy holders. Each policy holder is classified as.. - young or old - male or female - married or single Of these policyholders, 30000 are young, 4600 are male, and 7000 are married. the policyholders can also be classified as 1320 young males, 3010 married males, and 1400 young married persons. Finally, 600 of the policyholders are young married males. How many of the company's policyholders are young, female, and single?""
Hi, I recently passed my driving test (approx 2 weeks ago) I've been looking at car insurance and the quotes are ridicouly high if I wanted to be the main driver with my own policy. So my dad has kindly said he will buy a car and be the main driver and I will be the second driver and drive the car sometimes. However the quotes are so high? Anyone know any companies that will insure me cheap below 2,000? The quotes that I get now are like 3,000+ on a standard Vauxhall Astra. Please can you let me know if you know any companies that will insure me and cheaply! Thanks.""
Car insurance?
i am currently insured and my policy expires on July 1st. I don't want my policy to renew so I called to tell them not to renew it. They said ok...and they wouldn't take out the June 1st payment. (I pay monthly). I just bought my new policy with a different company and I want that policy to start on June 31st. I made the down payment today but my next payment with that company isn't until July 31st. Basically I'm really confused....but there is probably some logical explanation. I'm not going to have any gap in coverage but I feel like I'm getting a free month of car insurance just because I switched companies.
Can I drive my mom's car without having insurance?
So I am 16 and don't have a learner's permit. My friend who is 19 has his license and has been using his mom's car for years. He keeps telling me to get my permit. My mom says it will double her insurance bill but he says his mom doesn't pay anything extra. Or he doesn't even have insurance. I don't know anything about this and legalities of everything so...lamest terms please.
Do you need car insurance to put a car under your name?
I have an used car, to switch the car to your name, and register it, do you need to have insurance?""
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
pennsylvania insurance alliance inc
0 notes