mydemonsdrivealimo · 4 months
nobody talk to me i am thinking about him <3 (it's christopher morel. it always is.)
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janovavalen · 27 days
✧NOT LEAVING WITHOUT YOU. || percy jackson x fem!reader
summary: in which the group make their way to their new destination only to run across a bit of a bump in the road.
word count: 7,939 (what the actual…)
warnings: awkwardness between percy and y/n, near death experience, the gods literally shipping y/n and percy lowkey bc why not, slight argument. (a little twist in the story<3)
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as the group walked and walked on the endless road somehow thinking they’d get somewhere with this pace. y/n walked in the middle of percy and annabeth.
percy would momentarily look at y/n who didn’t meet his gaze. lot to lie to himself but that probably stung almost as bad as the stinger from the chimera.
deciding to talk along the quiet atmosphere around the group, percy began—‘i’ve been thinking.’ as he started, his words gained all their attention.
‘i didn’t steal the master bolt— you guys didn’t steal the master bolt. we’re pretty sure hades has the master bolt, but he couldn’t have stolen it himself. i mean—we don’t even know who actually stole the thing…or why…or, how deep this thing goes’
as they walked and listened to percy speak who talked his thoughts he looked between the group and let his gaze set upon y/n who turned to look at him the second he turned away.
after seeing grover and annabeth not talk or back him up he came to the conclusion—‘i’m the last person to realize this aren't i?’
‘yup—‘ y/n spoke while still not making contact with percy who turned almost immediately to her direction to see she hadn’t been looking at him which he didn’t want to admit but it kinda hurt in a way.
‘yeah’ annabeth spoke while grover nodded to percy who almost rolled his eyes at how he’s just now catching up.
‘okay, so…maybe when we started my head wasn’t fully in this…but since the river…’ looking at y/n who sucked in a breath and turned her head, she turned to the horizon as percy kept talking—‘it all feels different somehow.’ he boldly claimed.
smiling to himself as he thought of two things—mostly one over the other but maiming the second, he spoke once more—‘he saved me. my dad. i guess i just never really thought that’s something he’d do for me. so maybe i gotta take things more seriously now—‘
as he spoke and the group listened, grover couldn’t help but hear something approaching. y/n seeing his head turn to the road behind them she turned as well to see a small dot in the distance.
‘car.’ grover told them. the sound of the engine becoming more prominent as it got closer.
‘that can’t be a car you hear how loud that thing is?’ y/n squinted her eyes trying to see.
‘that’s not a car, it’s a bike. just let it pass.’ annabeth told them, seeing that they had people looking for them on a most wanted, y/n lightly tapped percy’s arm—‘come on’ she spoke as he turned and followed but not without looking behind him.
the group hurrying to hide behind a concrete block on the side of the road to hide; they all sat down into the grassy dirt. their legs outstretched in front of them. annabeth sitting on the side next to grover as percy sat on his other and y/n sitting next to percy.
‘i’m saying, we’re not just trying to retrieve a thing. o think we might need to be detectives here, too.’ percy looked at the group as they listened to him once more to his continued talk.
‘yeah.’ y/n agreed silently as she fixed her legs in front of her along with her pants that had still felt a bit wet. percy looked at her as she looked down at her legs and he felt a slight twinge in his stomach that felt horrible.
reading her face he noticed she was back to her quiet, and awkward self with him—did she somehow hate him again? he just saved her life doesn’t he at least have his name on a talk to list?
‘why are you being weird with me again? i thought we were doing that anymore.’ he asked out loud. grover and annabeth turned their heads to the two to see y/n look up for a second and only squint her eyes and turn her head back down, letting out a sigh as she began—
‘i’m not being weird?’ she frowned her eyebrows as he nodded a bit.
‘yes you are. you’ve been weird since we left the arch.’ he told. as he said this she felt herself get awkward again and blinked her eyes while turning around.
annabeth could almost laugh at this, grover however had never seen her like this before.
‘oh…i get it.’ he boldly claimed while blinking in understanding. did he possibly? y/n turned to him with frowned eyebrows once more.
‘it doesn’t have to be a thing; you know. that we had to—‘
‘stop! it isn’t that, we don’t talk about that—‘
‘i mean, we’re like friends now, best friends. that seems like a best friend thing to do, at least i think they do?’ percy tried so hard to get y/n to speak to him as she closed her eyes and shook her head slowly.
grover fired his best not to crack a smile or even laugh to earn a hit from anyone so he bit his lip and shook his head—annabeth could practically feel y/n begging for help so she spoke.
‘i saw the fates. back at the arch, i saw the three fates and i saw atropos cut a piece of thread.’ she told them. y/n could almost celebrate when her mind was fed something to distract her.
‘and that’s bad or…?’ percy cluelessly asked them.
‘the fates weave the life of every living thing. when you see a string cut—‘
‘it means one of us is going to die.’ y/n said while looking over at percy.
percy however didn’t catch the hint yet so he claimed—‘we’re all gonna die eventually.’
‘soon. it’s a warning’ y/n told him as annabeth nodded her head.
‘an omen’ annabeth added.
as percy looked at y/b for a bit longer they heard the engine of the motorcycle approaching them from behind.
‘okay guys, we need to talk about this whole fate thing. three old ladies with a ball of yarn can’t know what's gonna happen. what i choose to do changed what’s gonna happen, and i can choose to do anything i….want’ as they listened to the fact the engine didn’t pass them y/n frowned her eyebrows along with annabeth.
‘need some help?’ a man asked.
as the group turned to the brick in front of them as if they could see who spoke they turned to each other before raising to their knees to peer over the brick that stood in their way.
as they poked their heads over the group, they seen a man biker with a long leather jacket that draped over the backside of his black and silver bike. he wore a black helmet and had a large beard on his face.
‘beg pardon?’ grover politely asked.
‘i asked if you could use some help.’ he repeated.
grover looked over at y/n who had wide eyes as she slowly shook her head, which percy noticed and smiled too.
‘nope. no we’re—we’re good. appreciate you asking, though. so long.’ he furnished as the group slowly turned back around to hide once more as y/n gave a awkward tight lipped smile.
the man sighed as he looked ahead of him before saying—‘you don’t seem too good.’
y/n decided to turn and talk this time—‘we don’t need help and we don’t really need anything from you’ she claimed while lowering back down behind the brick and next to percy.
‘you sure? because you guys are so behind schedule’ he scoffed.
as the group heard him say this they immediately rose from the ground to reveal their full bodies and confused faces.
‘i mean, summer solstice is just a few days away. and as much as i’d love to see a good war pop off, as your big cousin, i feel like, maybe, i wanna give you a hand.’ percy frowned as y/n and annabeth knew right away. grover as well but he decided to play a bit cool.
‘cousin?’ he confusing asked as y/n turned to him—‘he’s aries—‘
‘you two girls must be athena’s kids. always gotta be the wisest one in the bunch.’ ares squinted his eyes as he leaned forward on his bike a bit.
‘why would you help us?’ annabeth asked.
‘how do you even know about what we’re doing here?’ y/n asked as well.
‘because i’m doing exactly the same thing as you. zeus sent all of his kids looking out for the master bolt, too. listen dummies, im hungry. there’s a halfway decent dinner up the road. if you want my held you’ll meet me there. but done dawdle. won’t wait forever.’ he finished before placing his sunglasses on.
before he even fully left he gave a look to them before driving away.
‘that’s my cousin? what kind of family is this?’ percy kind of in awe asked.
‘he didn’t want to offer a ride…?’ y/n squinted as she looked off into the distance.
annabeth sighed before tapping grover, ‘come on’ she told them as they began to walk into where he went off to.
after a bit of their walking they finally arrived at a pretty quiet dinner of which they saw the bike of aries.
walking into the restaurant with the sound of the doorbell and a few distant talking from the people inside, percy made sure that the door stayed open for y/n who gave a small nod and smile which he was quick to return.
looking around as they looked for them they were all met with the sound of loud laughing and a table slap. turning to see ares himself laughing at his phone as he had two plates, a mountain of fries and five big cheeseburgers in a stack.
‘guess this is the right place’ percy told the three as y/n walked forward along with grover, annabeth and percy who was close to y/n.
aries let his outburst of laughter die down as the group walked behind him which he acknowledged and looked at them—‘gimme a second, i’m just starting a fight on twitter here.’ he told them. annabeth slid into the booth first then y/n who was followed by percy and grover.
‘nothing makes me happier than a good old-fashioned, burn-it-down fight. ah…okay, done’ he clicked his last words before looking at the them.
‘so your quest is going to fail. ask me how i know’ he grinned at them as y/n rolled her eyes in annoyance then only to reach forward for a fry which ares seemed to not really care about, percy noticed this and suppressed a smile.
‘it isn’t gonna fail—‘
‘sure it is.’ ares cut of percy with a scoff—‘for starters…’ pulling out his phone once more to show a video of percy’s step dad.
‘percy was always troubled, but i never thought he was capable of something like this.’
‘wh—who’s that?’ grover asked percy who stayed focused on the phone, his face frozen in shock—‘my stepdad, what’s he doing?’
‘and in addition to the destruction at the gateway arch…’ a news reporter added before ares scoffed with a smile—‘wait for it’
‘you believe he may also have had something to do with your wife’s disappearance?’
‘a kid that messed up? what wouldn’t he do?’
‘what?’ percy frowned as y/n looked at him in a bit of pity before back at the phone.
‘wild right? the FBI is already spreading your picture around.’ ares added as they still listened to the phone.
‘it’s a camaro. i really—we really loved that car…so much…cut!’ his stepdad cried like a baby over camera as they stopped the recording.
‘i’m gonna kill him’ percy angrily promised as he shook his head.
‘i knew i was gonna like you’ ares nodded his head with a smile.
‘but safe to say, the chances of you three idiots hitchhiking the rest of the way to L.A. without getting arrested are slim to none.’ he told them.
y/n tiredly scoffed a bit while trying to somehow lean further back into the seat.
‘why are you sitting here then? if you had this to say you could’ve said it back at that brick before you rode off into the sun.’ y/n asked and mumbled with a roll of her eyes. annabeth pinched her a bit, leaving her to aggressively push her arm into annabeth.
percy sighed softly and looked at y/n, noticing how tired she was and made his way a bit closer to her without her knowing it. he hoped she’d at least try and lean on him for a bit of comfort compared to this wooden chair.
‘if your supposed to be looking for the master bolt too, shouldn’t you be out there looking for it?’ annabeth picked up for y/n as she frowned her eyebrows.
‘hmm there’s no fear in the two of you, is there?’ he asked the girls who started him down in the eyes with nothing but pure confidence.
‘doesn't matter. whether the bolt’s retrieved or not, zeus is going to war with poseidon.’ he told the four as they all looked at percy who looked at them before back at ares.
‘no. the oracle said if we return the bolt, there wouldn’t be a war.’ percy told ares.
‘is that what she said? or is that what chiron said she meant?’ as ares finished his sentence he noticed percy’s hesitation who looked around the room before back at ares.
‘yeah. your new to the family, young one, so let me fill you in on how we work. see, years before i was born, my grandpa kronos ate my aunt and uncle’s. yeah. then my dad made him puke them back up, then chopped him into a million pieces and chucked ‘em into a bottomless pit, so that kinda set the tone right outta the gate.’ the bunch taking this in as they looked at each other letting ares continue.
‘olympians fight. we betray. we backstab. we will push anyone down a flight of stairs to get ahead. and that’s why i love my family so much’ he smiled as percy sighed and leaned back a little.
‘my dad knows he’s not getting this bolt hack with quests or goose chases. he knows there’s a war coming. and in reality i think he’s okay with that. i think he feels it’s just time for a way; so we’re gonna have a war.’ as he finished his sentence y/n cringed her whole face as he placed a balled fist on his lips and inhaled.
‘isn’t that great?’ he asked then as if they would even agree. well, maybe y/n, she made bets with people on who would win in a war if there ever was one any time soon and she betted on loads of books.
‘we’re completing this quest. we’re stopping this war. you said you can help. can you?’ percy asked ares with his hard face expression.
‘okay, so here it is. there’s an amusement park up the road. i left my shield there. you get me my shield back, and i’ll get you to the underworld by lunch tomorrow with a plan to invade hades’s palace’ he explained to them.
‘you left your shield? like…you forgot it on the merry-go-round?’ y/n squinted her eyes at him once more as annabeth sighed in annoyance at her sisters words.
ares leaned forward and under the light the hung above to get closer to y/n who leaned forward as well.
‘okay. the chirping was funny to me for a minute, but it is getting old.’ ares warned her as she squinted her eyes and tilted her head a bit.
‘y/n…’ percy whispered trying to get her attention but she still looked towards ares.
‘so do we have a deal, or am i killing all three of you so i can eat in peace?’ he angrily shouted a bit at the bunch as percy became a bit nervous and looked around to see y/n biting the inside of her cheek.
‘okay.’ percy accepted leaving ares to smile and lean back—‘great. one catch. i really do need that shield back, so i'm gonna keep the satyr and wise girl here as collateral so you can’t run off—‘
‘what? no your not keeping them that’s not—‘ y/n shouted as she frowned only to be cut off by annabeth and grieve who spoke at the same time with—
‘no way’ percy said while y/n turned to annabeth and shook her head immediately.
‘we don’t split up again—‘
‘it’s okay.’ grover reassured as annabeth nodded.
‘if he wanted to kill us, we’d be dead by now.’ grover told them as ares grinned at grover who asked—‘can we just walk them to the door?’
ares sighed and allowed it letting a wave of his hand go in front of them giving them the signal to walk.
‘okay look, don’t engage with him—don’t speak too much and don’t try to make friends, he’ll want to get your riled up, get in your head and you can let him.’ y/n tired to stress as grover shook his head.
‘it’s okay. really. i know what im doing. go. get the shield. we’ll be here when you two get back.’ grover told them.
‘there’s nothing to worry about y/n. besides, this will be quick knowing you’ annabeth added as y/n sighed and nodded a bit.
as the two of percy and y/n hesitated to leave the two they slowly turned around to the door before leaving grover and annabeth with the god of war.
as the night sky had fell over everyone and the town, percy and y/n walked to the dimly lit amusement park with the sign that said ‘Welcome to Waterland’
‘i haven’t seen a lot of horror movies but this seems like exactly the kind of place they’d suggest to avoid.’ percy commented as the two stopped and stood in front of the entrance.
‘well…i never seen any kind of movie, is it good?’ she asked while looking over to him as he shrugged.
‘okay then, i’d have to take your word for it—‘
‘wait never? what do you mean never like, never-never?’ he asked almost completely shocked at the fact she’d never seen a movie before.
‘is there another kind?’ she responded as he lightly nodded his head.
‘well, if neither of us is dead in a few days, we really ought to fix that. your missing out.’ he told her almost as a promise as she lightly nodded her head in agreement.
‘in the meantime, we should probably get this over with, though.’ as he walked in front of her she slowly followed a bit far behind.
as percy walked through the metal moving doors right when y/n realized what he just did—‘wait, percy stop.’ she told him as they listened to the sound of ticking above percy.
‘what just happened?’ he asked frantically.
‘just hold still—don’t move at all okay?’ she instructed with her hands out to keep him where he was.
‘let me think…’ she replied. the sound of the metal moving against one another above percy clicking.
‘in the mechanism there, that’s Celestial bronze—‘
‘oh, fascinating. y/n, what’s happening right now?’ percy interrupted not too much interested in the subject of bronze.
‘Celestial bronze is what your sword is made of. if your human, it’ll pass right through you. if your a monster or a demigod…’ she trailed off as percy used the rest of his imagination for the rest of her sentence.
nodding slowly he breathed a bit more heavily—‘well what’s it doing there?’ he asked her while looking up, focused on the bronze.
‘i’m wondering the same thing. safe to say this place isn’t some fun amusement park for everyone. a god built this.’ she finally came to the conclusion.
‘what kind of god builds amusement parks?’ percy asked.
y/n looking around and scratching her brain for a answer she finally answered—‘Hephaestus.’
‘why would Hephaestus build an amusement park?’
‘maybe he finds them amusing?’ she answered with her hands lifted a bit.
‘that’s really not funny, y/n.’
‘it could be a little funny, i’ll say the joke again later and you’ll laugh.’
sighing as he rolled his eyes a bit to focus on the situation in hand y/n still looking at the tucking bronze she mumbled—‘oh…oh, look at that.’ she felt mesmerized by the bronze turning and clicking more—‘that’s kinda cool’ only for percy to get her back to reality—y/n!’
snapping back she closed her eyes and focused a bit more—‘just relax, i’m thinking okay?’.
as the two of them looked up at the clicking she finally sighed—‘i get this. just…push through it.’ she instructed.
hyperventilating, percy turned to her with a look of uncertainty—‘push?’
turning to do so he stopped before actually going and turned to her—‘cause weren’t you the one this morning who was all, “the Fated says one is us is gonna die and we should take it really seriously?”
looking to the side as she recalled her words she rolled her eyes a bit and in a calming voice—‘percy?’
‘just push.’ she told him once more.
sighing with nervousness, he placed his hands on the metal bars and started to walk, pushing them on front of him. the gears of the machine clanging together he finally got thought and hurried his way on the other side before anything could happen.
looking up at the yellow boxed of 0’s one turned into the number 1.
‘what’s was that?’ percy asked with a sigh.
‘the machine isn’t designed to hurt us. it’s meant to scare us. it’s a test.’ she told him as she made her way through.
the one on the yellow boxed turning into a 2, representing the number of people who’d entered.
‘Hephaestus wanted to know any time one of us came poking around his playground. i guess now he knows.’ she commented as they took their last look at the machine and started to walk.
back at the restaurant sat annabeth, grover and the god ares who laughed at his phone.
annabeth and grover gave each other side eyes before he sighed and nodded his head slowly.
‘we’ve met before.’ he told him.
‘been around a long time, little boy. i’ve bet a lot of people.’ ares told him as he still poked at his phone with one finger.
‘i’m 24’ grover told him.
scoffing he replied with—‘good for you.’
giving a tight lipped smile grover continued as annabeth sat back and listened—‘we met at the solstice. on Olympus.’
sighing with a small groan ares mumbled—‘protester.’
‘oh i wasn’t one of the protesters. i’m a fan.’ annabeth looking at him a bit before back at ares who’s finally looked up he replied.
‘i think you got me mixed up with someone else, kid.’ before looking back at his phone, grover shook his head with a small smile.
‘no i don’t’ he stated with a head shake.
sighing ares placed his phone on its face on the table and spoke—‘Satyrs eat tofu. Satyrs worship flowers. Satyrs sing songs about their feelings. Satyrs are no fans of mine.’ he told him with full confidence.
‘Satyrs are children of nature. nature is brutal. red in tooth and claw, right?’ he asked getting a bit more comfortable in his seating next to annabeth who nodded her head as ares looked up at him—‘maybe unpleasant. but that doesn’t make it untrue. you are the champion, all of that. i respect it.’ he told him.
ares squinting his eyes a bit began to speak—‘so what are you like, a casual World War || buff? you’ve seen Saving Private Ryan, have you?’
nodding a bit he looked to the side before looking back at him—‘i prefer the Turbot War. the Lobster War. the Three Hundred and Thirty-Five years’ war. your deep cuts’
‘huh…those are wars where hardly anyone died.’ he noted as grover nodded a bit.
‘i like your mellower stuff. there’s something cool about overwhelming force and a quick surrender.’ he tells him as ares begins to think.
‘no one talks about those anymore.’ he remembers.
‘they should.’ grover told him truthfully while looking him in the eyes, annabeth agreeing.
sighing ares sat a bit closer—‘so tell me where we met again?’ he asked as grover smiled a bit.
back at the quiet amusement park, y/n and percy walked around as they looked at things trying to find where ares long lost shield was.
‘oh wow, look at that. tell me the god of craftsmen didn’t build this. have you ever seen anything like this?’ y/n asked as she was interested and amused at the rides around her.
‘if it belongs to the god of craftsmen, what was the god of war doing here? aren’t they enemies? then why’d he split without his shield?’ percy asked and wondered while y/n listened to his questions.
‘if i’m guessing…ares has always had a thing with—‘
‘aphrodite. she’s Hephaestus’s wife. oh your kidding, he met her here? in her husband’s park? that’s so wrong—‘
‘in so many ways’ y/n sided with him as she and him walked side by side.
‘they must’ve got caught and he had to leave in a hurry. one thing ares was telling the truth about…this family is a mess.’
as she finished—a song started to play, grabbing the two’s attention. as they looked over they see a pink sign that blinked the words ‘Thrisd Ride O’ Love’ with a small heart above it and a tunnel with pink.
y/n felt hers grow a bit sweaty along with percy who’d looked over at her, the sense of him looking catching her attention as her eyes stayed forward—‘don’t you even try to tell me not to be weird about this.’
‘i didn’t say anything’ he said while looking back at the pink tunnel.
‘yeah but i can feel you thinking it…this must be where ares and aphrodite got caught. the shield must be in there. we just…gotta go get it i guess.’ she said.
percy turning to her and when she turned to him he faced forward, sighing he said—‘sure. let’s go check out the scary ghost ride. why not?’ he said while walking forward.
‘it’s a tunnel of love. what’s so scary about that?’ she teased only for him to roll his eyes.
after boarding the boat made for two, they sailed along the water in silence, the only noise being made was an occasional light flicker and the water moving together.
y/n letting her face stay forward to avoid any awkward eye contact, they both heard a sudden thud in the distance making percy turn to her as he adjusted his seating in worry.
suddenly the lights made a quicker more aggressive flicker only to hear the song—‘What Is Love’ played throughout the whole tunnel.
the lights dim and the tension gets very awkward.
‘are you kidding me right now?’ y/n commented as she looked around the tunnel brick walls.
‘feel like i’ve heard this before. i think from an orthodontist’s office maybe?’ he tried to remember.
just then a decorative multicolored light stuck down the tunnel, the pair following its glow. the colors now painted a purple that showed over the two. percy looking at y/n but before he could notice she looked at him back once he faced forward.
just then they focus on a back cartoon figure on the wall with a crown on and multiple legs, it moved along the wall to grow and show a small boy who was birthed from the figure.
‘wait. i know this.’ watching more of the cartoon on the wall he finally came to his conclusion—‘it’s hephaestus’s story.’
the two watching as the cartoon hephaestus hammers down onto something and tried to reach and give what he built to the other figure only for it to turn away—its signs of rejection. perturbing to y/n and he turned only for her to look at him then face forward.
‘rejected by hera. rejected by aphrodite…my mom told me these stories all the time. i remember this. she said…’ as he went a bit quiet y/n turned to him studying his face.
‘what?’ she asked.
‘she said this is what the gods are like to each other. this is the kind of family they are.’ he told her.
frowning her eyebrows y/n asked—‘why didn’t you wanna say that just now? she was trying to keep me away from you guys.’ with a bit of shock y/n let her eyebrows lift up while looking at him.
percy turned away and shook his head—‘maybe you were right. maybe she should have been preparing me better.’ he said.
‘maybe she was preparing you. so when you got to us, you’d be different than this.’ y/n told him as he looked at her for a bit longer he finally turned as the cartoon life story of hephaestus finished with him falling on the ground in failure, the light around them turned off.
suddenly a tunnel of green was in front of them and the duo was shot forward and down the waterfall—screaming in shock as they held onto the boat tighter. both of them being thrusted and moved around aggressively, percy looked over at y/n to see if she was okay and once he say that she was he turned forward, her doing the same.
the opening at the end showing more water—‘is it a bad time to say i barely know how to swim?’ y/n exclaimed while frowning, percy looked over to her shaking his head—‘it’s okay!’
as they reached a more settled but aggressive moving water they looked over to see a stage of a gold chair and a gold woman holding ares shield.
‘there it is. ares’s shield.’ as they looked forward to seeing the end of the tunnel as an empty boat was thrown off the ledge of lightning striking in the air they both looked at each other in worry.
‘jump!’ he said as she took a deep breath in and followed him.
panting as y/n struggled to stay afloat she sunk underwater unable to keep up with the pressure. percy swimming under with his hand outstretched with hers, he heard her yell his name in a muffled voice.
outstretching his hand towards her more a force of water threw itself at her then a bigger one once again only for the both of their worlds to go dark.
waking up with a gasp as they panted for air, the two laid down on their stomachs next to each other on the floor. coughing a bit they both sat up and looked around to see they were face no longer in the water and on the surface of the chair and the woman statue.
‘did you just pull me out of there with that water power stuff?’ she asked while he looked around the floor in confusion.
‘no.’ he said.
‘did you just—‘
‘i don’t know. maybe? i’m figuring this out as i go.’
‘yeah well, u owe you twice…’ she said as the two of them sat to their knees, looking up at the golden statue and the chair in front of it.
‘how are we supposed to get that thing down?’ percy asked as they looked at the shield being held and the chair. y/n studying it she noted—‘these things are connected somehow. it’s a machine but how do you start the machine?’ she asked herself.
the town of them looking around for any clues as to where to begin.
‘i hate kids. all of ‘em. i hate my own kids.’ he told the two as they listened and only could really nod.
‘um, maybe less than other kids, but still not fond of them.’ scoffing as he recalled some of their prayers to him—“look what i made”, “what are butterflies for?”, “my knee hurts.”—he finishes with a groan.
‘i love my job, but that night everyone's kids show up for the winter solstice and i have to sit through their “presentation.” that night is the worst night of the year, every year, by far.’
‘this one in particular, it seems. since one of those kids somehow walked off with the master bolt.’ scoffing ares shook his head a bit—‘says you. who knows who actually took it. plenty of people hate my dad enough to try.’
‘maybe, but not many people could pull it off.’ he reminded as ares took that into account as he turned his head to the side.
‘someone hades could’ve recruited for the job.’ he tries to say only for ares to shake his head—‘says you’ he replied once more.
‘and someone who could slip away long enough to do it without being missed, bold enough to cross zeus, stealthy enough to get their hands on the thing—‘
‘en—enough. not everything is a puzzle that needs to be solved. your as bad as my sister.’ he groaned. the mention of her mom bringing her attention a bit more making her think about y/n.
‘was she always like that?’
‘your sister, athena.’ grover told.
‘what do you mean?’ ares asked him.
‘always making things more complicated than they need to be so people will think she’s smarter then you.’ as the tension got tight and his eyes staring down grover who was growing a bit nervous along with annabeth who almost gulped—ares slammed his hands down onto the table making a loud thump scaring the two as they jumped in shock.
‘thank you! i can’t be the only one who sees it right?’ he asked.
‘no, not at all.’
‘it certainly feels that way sometimes. and seriously, she’s the smart one? really? if she’s so smart, explain the owl. she talks to it, like, all the time. this fat nasty little feathers rodent. and it’s like her best friend’ he told him in aggression as annabeth thought about her and y/n’s mom with a owl.
that might explain why y/n thought about getting one not to long ago, she definitely had to tell her about it later.
‘and we’re so sure that she’s a genius and i, no owl, am not?’ he said as grover replied—‘totally!’
‘it’s like people only see what they wanna see and ignore anything at all that doesn’t fit the story they like to tell themselves.’
‘exactly! like you being the one to find the lighting thief and not her.’ ares had gone quiet once grover exclaimed this making annabeth a bit tense as the two did then looked at ares who leaned forward.
‘what did you mean by that?’
‘by what?’ grover asked as he played confused.
‘found the thief. we both know your friend didn’t steal the bolt.’ he told him.
‘yeah, but zeus thinks he did, which is kinda all that matters, right?’
‘shut up.’ he instructed grover who watched as ares began to think.
as y/n and percy looked at the golden chair, the two of them trying to figure out what to do next.
‘it was a gift with a hidden purpose. hephaestus offered it to hera, but as soon as she sat in it she couldn’t get up. all the gods tried but the machine was too smart. it was too strong. it was too much. even for them.’ percy told y/n who looked over at him with her eyebrows scrunched.
looking up he continued—‘finally, they said if hephaestus let hera free, aphrodite would be his wife.’ looking over at y/n as he licked his lips a bit he told her—‘the chair is the bargain. one of us goes in, the other gets the shield—‘
‘i’ll do it.’ y/n immediately said as she began to walk forward.
‘what? wait a minute.’ percy was quick to grab her wet sleeved arm—‘whoever goes in, isn’t coming out. that seems pretty clear.’
‘i know, that’s why i said wait—‘
‘this isn’t the arch, seaweed braid. your not telling me to stay behind, it didn’t work then and it won’t work now—‘
‘yes, i am and yes it will.’
‘i’m not going to let you do it. it doesn’t work that way.’
‘it’s why you’re here.’ he told her as he scrunched his eyebrows, his eyes looking at her.
‘what’s that supposed to mean…’ she asked him.
‘when choosing my team, i told chiron i needed someone who wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice me if the quest required, he agreed, that was you.’ he told her as she sadly shook her head and faced forward.
‘you were right, i can’t believe it but the fates were right. there’s no getting around his. we dodged it at the arch, barely, but…maybe this isn’t something you can dodge forever.’
‘the oracle chose you. the gods chose you!’
‘stop! it isn't about that.’
‘what could it possibly be about if it isn’t about that?’
‘your better at this than me.’ when he told her this y/n couldn’t help but sadly look at him in the eyes with her brows scrunched together.
‘you just are. and you know it.’ shaking her head in denial he continued to talk—‘believe me, i wish there was slither way this quest succeeds. i just don’t see it.’ he finished as she sadly looked over at the chair, her heart clutched in a way she can’t explain.
as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the pen she gasped when she knew what he was trying to say.
‘percy no…’ she told him while shaking her head. looking up at her ad she kept her eyes focus to his hand with hers pushing it away slowly, he confusingly shook his head.
‘i’ve let you sacrifice your life for mine twice..and i’m not letting you do it again. i owe you a great amount for saving me and this is the way i’m going to do it—‘
‘y/n no this isn’t how it goes—‘
‘it’s how i want it to go! i want it to happen like this and it will. you will get the shield and get out of here to get the bolt and save your mom. you will see her again and you will finish this quest. percy, we barely know each other and you’ve saved me twice. let me return the favor please.’ she told him. he shook his head in denial while his eyebrows frowned only for her to give him a small nod and smile.
placing her hand in his before giving it a squeeze she let go as he could only stare in the spot she was once in and turn his body to where she walked towards the gold chair.
‘can you promise me something?’ she asked while turning around—‘i’m not going to let annabeth get sad and stop the quest.’ he told her as she nodded.
‘i was going to say maybe try and come back with annabeth and get me out this chair? i don’t want to be forever young in an amusement park.’ she tired to lighten the mood, making him scoff with slight tears in his eyes as she smiled.
‘do you really think you had to ask?’ he asked her as she smiled a bit—‘just reminding you’.
turning around to climb up into the chair, she sat down with both of her hands on the sides of it as it started to make noise. looking a bit worried, percy looked at her as she looked around.
‘this is kinda weird. it feels…warm.’ she told percy who had tears forming fast.
looking down, gold started to run up from her shoes and started to make its way up her body.
‘this is a bad idea—y/n stand up!’ he told her.
‘i can’t…’
‘y/n stand up, i mean it!’ he told her more urgently, his face growing more sad but he second as his heart clutched.
‘it’s okay percy…i’m okay….im okay…im—‘ just then the gold finished consuming y/n’s body as she turned into a gold statue in the chair.
shaking his head, percy sadly looked around as he watched the shield fall loose. making his way over it he ignored it and immediately went to work on the gold chair y/n sat still in.
not knowing what he was going he just started to twist random screws and geers. just then a man walked through a door with a beard and a cane.
‘can i help you?’ he asked him only for percy to ignore him completely and try to get y/n out of the chair.
‘do you need some help finding your way out?’ the man playing a flute as it made steps appear out of the water below.
‘so off you go.’ he told him as percy shook his head and started to turn random things once more—‘i’m not leaving without my friend.’
‘yeah that isn’t really how it works. it’s kind of a one way sort of thing. it can’t be undone.’ he told percy who rolled his eyes.
‘how do you know?’
‘because i built it.’ he revealed himself—hephaestus.
‘i’m not leaving here without my friend.’ percy told him once more. ‘and if you aren’t going to help me, could you maybe leave me alone so i can focus?’
‘in spite of what my brother might have told you, i am not someone who’ll be pushed around.’ignoring him as he continued to turn geers and try to get y/n out, hephaestus continued to talk—‘i know her mother was displeased with her recently, but how will your father feel if i told him this?’ he asked percy, making him almost focus on what he was saying.
‘you might not know how he gets, but i do. and this is a lot. even for him.’ standing up for a second percy listened and looked at hephaestus who’s hand held the railing in front of him.
‘you leave out of here with that shield, your a hero, on your way to the greatest glory. he will be proud and your friend might even be forgiven. and all will go back to being as it always has been, always will be, as it should be—‘
‘but it isn’t how it should be! it isn’t! eat or be eaten. peer and glory and nothing else matters. ares is that way, she’s is that way her mother… is that way.’ he told hephaestus who started to look to the side.
‘she isn’t that way. she’s better than that. maybe she was that way once, but she didn’t want to be that way anymore. we won’t be like all of you. i just won’t.’ hephaestus listening to percy as he sadly looked down and turned back to the chair, he almost went back to work only for hephaestus to blow his flute again and the geers started to turn.
clicking and making noise, percy hurried and made his way in front of the golden statue of y/n. her naturally colored eye started to show as she blinked it and the rest of her face coming back to normal, breathing heavily as y/n looked around at herself in the chair, the rest of her body coming undone.
percy happily looked at her as she looked up at him and loved her hands.
getting up as she stumbled forward to percy who grabbed her immediately he held her hands in his while looking over her face with a small smile and a tear dropped from his eye down his face.
‘some of us don’t like being that way either. your a good kid percy.’ hephaestus told him as he held y/n’s arm who worked on standing right.
‘i’ll put in a good word with your dad for you…same with you y/n with your mom.’ as he turned away from the two who looked at him before each other. the door he once went through shut.
at the restaurant the three heard the bell of the door chime through the restaurant to reveal y/n holding the shield and percy close behind her. annabeth let out a breath of relief she didn't know she was holding as grover did the same, ares looking at the two not really believing they did it.
as they walked over to the table, she placed the shield down into the table. y/n and percy looking at ares whilst annabeth and grover looked at percy and y/n.
‘where’s our ride.’ percy started off.
as they walked outside to ares standing behind a semi truck both y/n and percy said—‘your kidding’
ares with a straight face clicked his two fingers together as the doors opened to reveal animals and stacks of hair in buckets and boxes.
‘get in, don’t. i really don’t care. but in a few hours this thing is gonna be at the Lotus casino in vegas. hermes hangs out there, you play your cards right and his personal driving can get you to L.A. in minutes.’ ares told them as he threw a bag at percy who caught it.
‘here. clothes, cash, drachmas to summon hermes. i’d wish you luck, but what good would it do you?’ he told them in his honesty.
‘we’re not gonna fail.‘ percy told ares who grinned.
‘don’t worry. your dad had plenty of kids he stopped caring about once he lost interest. you’ll have lost of company.’ ares tried to make percy feel bad but it didn’t work.
‘we’re not gonna fail, and i’m getting pretty tired of you saying it.’ he started as y/n looked at annabeth and grover.
‘percy…’ y/n and grover said his name in a warning town as ares’ face dropped from its grin.
‘you think you know who i am but you don’t.’ he stated while walking up to ares who kept his eyes trained on him—‘and if you're not careful…your gonna find out—‘
‘percy…’ grover and the two sisters walked up to his side as y/n placed her hand on his arm. percy’s glare not leaving ares’s who stayed the same.
‘so, thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers…and the ride! we’re gonna take you up on that, too.’ grover told ares as he looked back at percy who finally walked off as he was being dragged by grover and given a push by y/n.
the group walking into the bus as ares looked at them as they stood in the portable barn, grover asked—‘hey, do you think we could get some paper towels or something, it’s not that nice in here.’ he finished while they looked around.
ares however only grinned before clicking his fingers once more as the doors shut.
‘well…this smells.’ percy commented.
‘if it gets us where we need to go, that's all that matters.’ annabeth told him as y/n nodded.
‘assuming ares was telling the truth.’
grover turned and picked with his hands as he shook his head—‘he wasn’t…not entirely, at any rate. he was holding something back.’ grover told him.
‘how do you know?’ y/n asked.
‘because, i think i got it out of him. i know who stole the lightning bolt.’
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asleepygeorgian · 7 months
WTTT as stuff I hear/seen at school pt. 3
Washington: Listen...I'm not gay....I'm just...elegantly fruity
Oregon: So gay?
Washington: Basically
Georgia: Alright lil bro, quit talking to me
Alabama: BRo-ll tideee
Georgia: You think you're so funny
Hawaii: Lowkey nah but lowkey tho.. *does some gestures*
Ohio: Say the hard r rn
Minnesota: *says the n-word*
Ohio: your white...
Minnesota: And?
Michigan: Respect
Texas: Number 6 is crazyyyy
Georgia: stfu
Maryland: Pookie Wookie Dookie
Virginia: Yes Kitten?
Pennsylvania: Oh my fuckin' god...GO GET ON DISCORD
*Illinois walking up happily to Wisconsin*
Illinois: Kys ^v^
*everyone bursting out with laughter*
Vemont: Gov said we're having a pickle party if we pass this little quiz thing
Also Vermont: Ima go tickle everyone's pickle at this party
*Wyoming casually eating his pickle*
*Florida and Louisiana literally sucking on the pickle in front of him*
Wyoming: YALL NASTY-
Alaska: Okay so this might seem crazy what I'm bout to say....
CDC: What?
Alaska: I can't fit in that desk
New Jersey:...why those fifth graders were kinda bad?
New York: Nah- you nastyyy
Maine: Nah it's true but....what about fourth graders
New York: Nah Nah Nah, ya'll tweaking now
Mass: Just think....Kindergartners
New York: WHAT THE HELL???????????????
DC: Okay think, what does light do for you to see yourself in the mirror?
Mississippi: Absorb :D
DC: No-
Mississippi: Wait no.....diffract!
DC: No...'Sippi...no...
Mississippi: :[
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Missouri: Ima milk you
Kansas: Bet go ahead
Oklahoma: Get away from meeeee
(No I'm not okay- save me from this place)
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hey-yes-hi-hello · 2 years
Hi! I’m just a little Panic! fan who’s listening to the new album and wants to share my little opinions even though no one cares 🥰 Let’s go!
Viva Las Vengeance
Okay this was the first song released and I played it about 30 times in the first 24 hours. I unironically fell in love with it- I loved the beat, the instrumentals, and though the lyrics were nonsense (like all others) I could understand them and enjoyed singing them.
Middle Of A Breakup
This song was… kinda bad ngl. I really wanted to like it but the lyrics were kinda trash (except for a few lines). The “oh shit you’re kissing my neck” part makes me physically cringe EVERY time because what even is this??? Needed a filler real bad 💀 It’s still a bop but I’m probs gonna say that about most of this album because I’m a sucker and don’t like disliking stuff. Doesn’t stop it from getting stuck in my head though-
Don’t Let The Light Go Out
I definitely liked this more than MOAB and Local God, though the verses felt a little rushed and still too high pitched, compared to the vibe the song was going after. And the way the chorus went all quiet and musicless and slow-paced threw me off a bit but oh well. I’d listen to it while driving in the rain.
Local God
It’s an okay song, but it lowkey annoys me LMAO. Maybe it’s just the way he says “local god” but I wanted to punch him in the face fr. I didn’t catch most of the lyrics but I think I just wasn’t paying attention- but I got the general vibe and it’s not awful.
Star Spangled Banger
God Killed Rock and Roll
Okay I can see why people are saying it’s a Bohemian Rhapsody rip-off- he didn’t even try to hide it 💀 Even this “slow-ish” song feels rushed and- wait why is it making clicky sounds- WHAT IS THIS SOUND LOL. If this man sings another high-note I swear- You’re tryna do that gritty thing but it’s not working 💀 Want a throat lozenge?
Say It Louder
First two lines really calling yourself out huh- THE SELF-MADE ECHO MADE ME CRY LMAO. Brendon the music covers up ur voice so much what are you even saying SAY IT LOUDER. This is such a mess I’m shaking and crying rn. The chorus has an good beat (rhythm? Idk I like how it sounds) but the lyrics- hm. This slow part does not go at ALL what was he trying to to LMAO. I like the little piano (I think) in the background tho that’s cool.
Sugar Soaker
Okay I like this more than the others so far, I like the soft thing he’s doing with his voice. Ah okay glad to hear the chorus sounds entirely unique and original 😃 Idk what decade this is reminding me of but it’s something old methinks. 60’s/70’s? Bro I don’t know but it’s got a vibe- not the chorus though the chorus sucks. WTF IS THE INTERLUDE LMFAO SOUNDS LIKE A DUMPSTER FIRE. “HA HA HA HA 🥵” STFU LOL. Okay I can handle a few “come on”s but dude 💀
Something About Maggie
Let him GOOOO- shh. WOAH straight into it with “makes me want to slit my wrists 🤪” bro read the room 💀 “People say people say run awayyyy” the level of cringe is unreal- THE HIGH NOTES ARE SO RANDOM AND UNCOMFORTABLE LMFAO. My dude you have a wife leave Maggie alone-
Sad Clown
Okay I heard 10 seconds of this yesterday and I think I’m going to like it so let’s see🤞🏻 “LEAVE ME ALOOOONE” BROSKI SOUNDS LIKE UR SINGING “INTO THE UNKNOWN” AGAIN LMAOOO. Okay nvm literally the only line I like is “your majesty’s magnificent, my tragedy is imminent” it’s literally the only good-sounding line WHY WASN’T MORE OF IT LIKE THIS HUH :( Every time he screams “I’m crying” I expect him to break out Local God again LMAO. “Is this all there is?!” made me wanna neck ngl I cringed 💀 Again, this slow part is NOT IT.
All by Yourself
“You sweet little kitten” STOPSTOPSOTPSOTP- Again, too many words in verses, or trying to sing too fast. Take a breather my dude. And the chorus- it’s a clear rip-off of the original but it doesn’t fit with the song at ALL. I like what he’s trying to do with his voice but he’s failing lol. I want more soft/slow lyrics/songs :( “It’s you and me~” alright Kate Bush 💀 And AGAIN he’s trying to do the gritty thing but FAILING.
Do It To Death
I like the music at the beginning. Why do “give it a try” and “before we die” sound like they’re from Grease LMFAO. Okay this isn’t as bad as the others so far I’ll give it that- nvm where did the music go 💀 Bestie you’re AT the limit and had surpassed your stay- Nvm this just sounds like such a try hard song lmao I’m not a fan. Now it’s slow and dramatic and for WHAT. OMG NO HE DID NOT. NO YOU SHUT UP. I SEE WHAT YOU WERE TRYNA DO BUT IT JUST SOUNDED LIKE THE SONG CUT OUT AND ACCIDENTALLY STARTED PLAYING VIVA LAS VENGEANCE 💀
Look, I went into this as a hardcore Panic! fan prepared to force myself to like these and defend them and bop along to them- but this was actual dogshit. As previously stated there were a few songs that I genuinely enjoyed and would listen to again but most of these were straight up PAINFUL. And they don’t sound like Panic! at ALL. And I know not every album has to/will sound the same and I don’t expect them to, but they all had a vibe, y’know? A Panic! vibe. Just enough uniqueness and boppiness and drama and angst for it to WORK. Pretty. Odd. and Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die both sound COMPLETELY different but they both sound distinctly like Panic! in ways I’m not smart enough to explain. This did not.
I’m a full on proper Panic! fan and this album was incredibly disappointing to me. I know I’m sounding really mean and negative here but I promise it’s just for the funny 😭 I don’t hate Brendon or anything. And if you enjoy the album then I support you 100%! It’s just not my cup of tea :) But I’m not giving up hope!
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Happy Thursday! It’s a very big day pascal!!!
(hint… that has nothing to do with l&o… im sorry for what im about to become…)
Okay, mothership. Let’s see how this starts out.
Okay… so… hear me out… our vic is recently out of jail, sure they were exonerated, BUT I guarantee you the parents/family of that little girl don’t fully believe it and they just became your prime suspects. (and if they don’t even question them in this ep I will be disappointed in them…)
Yeah I really like this new DA.
Ooooo and now there’s $10 million dollars involved. The plot thickens…
I think I say it every week, but I LOVE KATE
I know this bald guy from somewhere but I can’t remember where. OH!! IS IT NURSE JACKIE?! I think it’s from there.
That blue suit shaw’s got on is FIIINE.
You know… I think what I disliked the most about the OG l&o was cosgrove, mccoy and Nolan. Now two of those are gone and I’m actually enjoying the show more LOL.
Why is the courtroom backwards?
Very likely unpopular opinion: I think carisi would fit in really well on this show. We should replace Nolan with him, actually get him some screen time and court room scenes considering svu never lets him be a lawyer anymore (I know we’re getting some tonight but still. I’m salty with how few court scenes we’ve gotten since covid)
Ooooo what a plot twist!! Yaass!
Okay… I might skip TO, we’ll see if it hooks me in the intro or not
It did not suck me in. the end.
SVU here we go!
Ooooooooo a JURY deliberating?!?! We’ve never gotten to see this before!! I think this would be a super neat thing to see more often!
Ohhhh fuuuuuccckkk me. Velasco in the leather jacket and on his bike. FUCK. I literally let out an audible groan and dropped the apple slice I was eating. FUCK. I am down bad for him rn.
Who’s kid is that with fin?
Listen this like, 10 seconds of personal life is all I need on a regular basis.
Okay he’s found guilt but im assuming that the girl they “peer pressured” into it is gonna come back to bite them in the ass
There’s gotta be some weird ass connection here, OR it’s a Bronwyn 2.0 situation. The way she looked at him? Ugh.
Im over the two new girls on the squad. Over it. I don’t like either of them.
Ah.. yes.. here we go. fuck this shit.
“you’re the one who wrote the bau profile” ….they’re literally trying to be criminal minds now. They DO realize that criminal minds is currently airing right? And that they’re not directly competing with each other, right? Like…cm is on streaming, they’re on cable, and they’re on different days/time slots. Stop with all this profiling shit and stick to just the nypd detective shit. That’s WHY we watch the show and what we come for…
Welp. Adding new charges is certainly a way to go rn. BUT now the defence can come back and say that they’re making shit up just to bring a new case to convict.
I know (assume lol) that it’s the same actress but the three “versions” of Maddie look nothing alike to me. Like, that is not the same girl lol.
“why didn’t you tell anyone this before?” coming from CURRY is EXACTLY why it should’ve been another SVU detective in that room, they know how to act, how to encourage victims to open up. (I get that maybe the thought behind it was that she’s a woman vs the rest of the men, but still).
HAHAH not carisi calling out the other boys for being divorced when they’re giving him shit about marriage troubles. I love him.
Ohhhh gooodddddddd no. not repping himself… fuck.
Okay…either this guy is dumb AF, or he’s playing dumb. Like the comment in chambers all “where do I sit? I’m Canada, I don’t know how the law works down here” and now he’s getting cocky and repping himself? Like yeah, I lowkey get it, Im Canadian and know more about laws in nyc than up here but I’m sure this man wasn’t out writing fanfic while kidnapping girls lol. Like, does he ACTUALLY know enough to accurately rep himself? Probs not. Like that’s fucking dumb. Carisi should be able to get him on so many technicalities and make him look like an idiot/rile him up enough to explode.
Also highkey worried about benson on the stand. She’s already so wound up it might not take long for her to burst. AND considering the jump scare that was William lewis last week, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still on her mind and a perp grilling her on the stand is gonna give her flashbacks of that trial and we all know how that went….
How tf  did he get a MILLION dollars?!
“carisi’s right, that monster needs eyes on him” YEAH DUH. THAT’S YOUR FUCKING JOB OLIVIA! Get yourself/your team on it!
What do you mean you’ve NEVER BEEN ON A STAKEOUT BEFORE?!? Curr’s an iab captain, I’m SURE she had to start as a beat cop… cmon.. that’s lazy writing.
Okay, but madi’s mom isn’t texting the perp to actually sleep with him, she’s doing it to get under his skin, right? Or like, to seduce him and she’s going haywire to kill him, right?
This guy is SO gross.
How is he SO good in a courtroom???
I thought amanda was in this episode?
Yup. Called it.
Velasco could shoot me any day. Sir. Please. I am begging.
“and now fin I want you to leave” girl. What. You’re going so fucking rogue and im so here for it LOL.
Okay, im just now remembering the description of the ep that amanda’s in, I was confused lol
Okay, that ep was good. Lets see how OC does next
Wait… I wasn’t paying attention, was that the MIA cop? Sam? Cause if so… fuck…
Ok, judging by these flashbacks, yes.. god his poor wife.
Elliot.. youre talking like a cop. How long have you been doing this? You know better.
The pacing of these episodes is too slow, it’s getting boring. It’s too much of stabler UC and not enough of actual police work/in the office. Its losing my attention FAST.
Like.. I watch this show for the cast as a whole and when we get arcs like this it turns into the Elliot stabler show and im not here for that. Throwing Ayanna UC for the meeting was a great addition but now we’re back to the stabler show and I’m scrolling my phone not paying attention.
Also… OC always fucks up and doesn’t have subtitles on it and that makes me lose interest cause I just simply cant watch shit without subtitles lol
Man I really fucking feel for sam’s(?) wife. This is heartbreaking. Ayanna & jet both with the single fucking tear? PLEASE. I’m literally crying.
Okay, stabler’s older(?) brother? Was he once a cop too? Or is he just playing cop rn? Is he gonna get himself killed??
This man needs therapy. Period.
“im no cop…”
“relax. I’m atf.” YAS lol.
“youd be surprised” “maybe I wouldn’t” yeah…none of us would. Stabler’s always in trouble.
Man, we all knew this was coming, like the foreshadowing (for us as viewers) was SO obvious, but this still suuuuper complicates everything, ESP with joe being MIA.
Okay. That’s all. law and order day is officially over and the rest of the weekend is all about taylor swift. I’m not sorry. T-minus one hour!!!
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okay so I’ll tell this to anyone who’s willing to listen but picture this; putting makeup on shuji. It’s a well known fact that he’s a pretty boy and he’d look so good with glitter and eyeliner on his face so when you tell him “hey I’ve always wanted to do those couple vlogs” and he asks u what kind and u tell him that u wanna try slutty eye makeup on him and he’s ALL FOR IT hed never deny you happiness so if putting some lipstick on him gets you happy then why tf not? You set up the camera to record yalls lil makeup tutorial and honestly kinda surprised how easily he agreed to this whole thing like you were expecting him to reply with “sure baby as long as you suck me off afterwards♡” like ok?? But anyways so you’re putting the makeup on him while kinda explaining to the camera what ur doing and he’s such a lil whore bruh the way he’s looking at you with his already slutty eyes as he can’t keep his hands off of u, literally started by holding your waist as you dab concealer under his eyes and as you move towards the eyeliner part u warn him not temper with your artwork as his hands are literally kneading your ass like dough and he goes “whaaa?? baby I’m literally helping you relax wym?” Has a lil shit eating grin on his face and then pulls u onto his lap as u whisper scream at him lowkey and his excuse you “babe I’ve seen you more than enough to know that putting eyeliner is serious business so im just helping you have a steady hand if you’ll sit comfortably it’ll go well duh” at this point you’re not even sure what you’re doing and honestly even forgot about the vlog thing he’s just so painfully distracting who said it’ll be a great idea to put makeup on him being so close? Now it’s time for lipstick and u ask him which shade he wants from the variety of lipsticks you got and he pretends to think for a bit saying “hmnn the same one you got on rn doll” as he holds you by the neck with one hand and pulls you towards him to give you a big and lasting kiss safe to say that the lip combo you applied on your lips so perfectly is now all smudged and half of it is transferred to his smirking lips but you couldnt care less he’s your pretty lil boy<3
Since I'm fully not doing match ups ATM anyway bc of circumstances and negligence,,,
This is gold, fucking GOLD but there's MORE-
OKAYOkayY look. The cat's out of the bag now. Shuji is actually so good at eyeliner okay. He will do your eyeliner. For fun. He will ask to do your eyeliner at 11 pm on a Wednesday night because he just wants to be close and have an excuse to look at your face close up and UGH SHUJI IN HIS GLASSES WITH HIS CONCENTRATION FACE AND MUSSED HAIR IS UGH SO DELECTABLE.
Shuji starts off by very casually tugging you closer by your calves to nestle you into his lap and tucks your legs around his waist. And when you start buffering a little because no one can get used to his cheeky charms istg he puts his forehead to yours, chuckles and pecks at your lips asking if you're ready. He likes to give you interesting looks and you feel the wet liner brush just below and to the side of the outer areas of your eyes and you're confused at first. But when he shows you the final look, he's written a tiny "sin" and "punishment" in pink liner complete with a tiny freehand heart jdkxsmmeckdk
Ugh. Doing shujis make up. Getting your make up done by shuji. Both are also good.
I am, however compelled to share that doing his hair is a nightmare. You've never met a pickier self proclaimed low maintenance man in your LIFE.
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gotham--fc · 3 months
❤️-🍀yes im being a little shit about it and asking everything. So you can choose the ones you want to answer if that's easier or are more comfortable with
I’m gonna skip the ones I already answered and probably skip the ones I don’t feel like answering rn
💛: what is your favourite feature on yourself?
Honestly probably my hair (I do have nice hair it just gets greasy quickly) or my eyes
💚: where are you from?
Canada! I grew up a few hours from Toronto
🩵: do you have any pets?
Yes! I have 2 cats and a bunny currently
💙: do you have any siblings?
Oui I have 2 sisters and a brother
💜: describe yourself in five words or less
Funny, short, awkward, caring, creative
🖤: favourite hobbies outside your blog
I play soccer and recently have gotten into axe throwing, I like to watch movies and tv shows, watch sports, read, stare at my cat as she sleeps
🎂: when is your birthday?
May 17
🚗: can you drive?
I can I do have my full license
✈️: favourite place you’ve traveled
Def Las Vegas
🎤: have you been to a concert?
I have been to several, most recent was Scott helman
🎧: last song you listened to
Grammy Weeknd by Lucidious
📺: last show you watched
I watched jeopardy earlier with my mom
🍅: least favourite food
Onions if I eat an onion I’ll throw up
🍊; favourite season?
Autumn it’s not too hot not too cold and it’s not as rainy and muddy as spring
🍋: favourite genre to read/watch/write
I love watching a good psychological thriller, but also something stupid like the Simpsons, for reading I’ll read just about anything I’m an English major so I’ve read everything from literary fiction to shitty romance to kids books, and for writing lowkey I am so good at writing angst like I know y’all think I’m really good at fluff and I am but it’s also so hard for me to write bc I feel like nothing is happening like angst always has a good plot
🫐: some place you’d love to visit
I’d love to visit Europe some day
💌: why did you start this blog?
I got really into woso and I wanted to connect with some woso fans on here
🪐: favourite shows/series of all time
Orphan Black hands down no contest it’s Orphan Black (runner ups x company and killjoys)
🍄: what is something that’s happened in your life that you wish you could go back and change?
I’ve lost some friends where we’ve just drifted, I’ve also lowkey caused problems on purpose which has led to the end of friendships (mine and others) and I wish I handled the situation differently
⭐️: what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you?
Honestly probably graduating university, I was so burned out by my last year that I could barely put in effort to get my assignments done and I’m shocked that I passed but I’m also proud that I was able to push through and get it done (and graduated cum laude)
🪻: what is the toughest thing you had to go through, but can say you’ve successfully overcome?
Childhood cancer 🤪 but I’m 7 years out now
🌺: what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important?
My aunt made me a quilt when I was in the hospital (for the cancer) and my mom made me a blanket last Christmas and I really appreciate them both bc I know how much time and effort it takes and it just shows how much they care about me
🍀: what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? How has it helped you?
Okay no joke and I’m aware how scary this answer is but my comfort movie is The Sixth Sense it’s my favourite movie of all time and it just really sucks me in every time like when I watch it I just zone out and forget everything else it’s really helpful when I’m having a bad day and every time I watch it I notice something new and it just always hits
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girlgrouptrash101 · 3 years
Yena (IZ*ONE) as Your Girlfriend
Request: “can i request iz*one's yena as your girlfriend please 👉🏻👈🏻 thank you 🥺”
A/N: took a lil break from studying to write for a bit, ( i hope this all makes sense, i’m really freaking sleepy rn yall T-T )
- C
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Choi Yena - is she an idol or a stand up comedian? i guess we’ll truly never know
her bubbly personality and quick-witted jokes were actually the main reason you wanted to get so close to her in the first place, absolutely in awe of how she could bring a smile anyone’s face in mere seconds
which is why, after a few days of pep talks from your friends, you built up the courage to ask miss Yena on a date, to which she absolutely accepted
Yena was over the moon when you asked her, and the shocked look on her face told you just that as she hadn’t expected you to reciprocate her feelings - but her composure dropped for a mere nanosecond before she was back to her cheeky self, her arm already wrapping around your shoulder as she couldn’t wait to go on a date with you :]
one date quickly turned into much more, and you both felt the time flying by as you fell further and further for one another, leading to Yena asking you to make it official just a couple weeks later!
Everyone around you immediately gets soulmate vibes as soon as they see you two together, your chemistry is truly unmatchable
as wild and unhinged as Yena is, she always finds a sense of calm around you that she doesn’t with anyone else, and it’s always so cute to see her her usual cool girl facade bubble away when she’s with you 
she has such a soft spot for you that no one else could ever get, and you love it so much when her chivalrous side comes out - plus the way she looks at you with so much makes you feel like the only person on the entire planet
Lowkey very cheesy, as in hand in your back pocket, don’t touch my baby type cheesy
(which you are an absolute sucker for, by the way)
every sentence ends with baby, no matter the context or who you’re with, she just loves calling you that SOO so much hehe
your guys’ relationship is truly like something out of like a 90′s teen movie, and no matter what Yena does, she always looks so damn cool that you can’t help but get an overwhelming amount of butterflies in your tummy
imagine Yena dropping you a text at the early hours of the morning telling you to come outside - you look out and see her on her motorbike, clad in her leather jacket and black jeans, lollipop lazily hanging from her lips as she waits for you to come outside GOD
and then she’ll take you to a little beach on the edge of town, the two of you snuggled up on the sand, only the sound of the waves to be heard as you shiver a little, even though you’re wrapped up in Yena’s leather jacket, and buried into her side :’)
Cuddles usually start with you laying in bed and Yena throwing herself on top of you, making you go “OOF” and making her giggle like an idiot
but once she gets comfortable, you best believe you guys aren’t moving for HOURS
and if you aren’t wearing an item of her clothing at ALL times its a national emergency and Yena must rectify that immediately
shows her love in many different peculiar ways, from squishing her cheeks against yours, poking her finger in your nostril, randomly nipping your earlobe or blowing raspberries against your skin while she lays her head on your stomach
funky little yena doing funky little dances in public whenever something makes her happy
which you have soon become a part of, leading to the two of you popping and locking in your local convenience store when the ice cream is on sale
However, while she presents herself as a strong, carefree person, none of us are free from worries, even Yena
when her thoughts get too loud, she’s feeling down, or even if she just had a bad day, you’re always there waiting for her with open arms and willing to listen to any of her worries; which she truly appreciates more than you could ever know.
Yena’s truly her authentic self when she’s with you - there’s no front, no shyness, she’s just pure Yena around you, and it’s so comforting to know she feels that comfortable around you to be that way.
(back to the fun stuff, sorry hjdfsjsd)
if you don’t already know how to skateboard, well you’ve basically got your very own tony hawk here to teach you how to become a pro skater
or if you suck she’ll just make you sit on her board and pull you along by the hand, both of you giggling like kids as she speeds up down the street
Her ideal date is somewhere where you two can have fun together, like the arcade, fair, going on trips (although no matter where you go, Yena always makes it fun :] )
you also both love the drive in theater near your house, and you guys go so often that you’ve basically created cuddle paradise in the back of Yena’s car, bundling up in the back, wrapped up in each others arms with the seats pushed down, wanting the night to go on forever <3
has probably said ‘no homo’ after a makeout session before
but to be honest, no matter what she says or does makes your heart flutter and fill with joy, because she truly is the m0st loving and happy spirit you’ve been honoured to have in your life, and you would never, ever change a single thing about her :)))))))))))
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NSFW From Here:
yena cockiest little shit wbk
whenever she’s fucking you and you’re in any way trying to suppress your moans, she is NOT having it, simply opting to fuck you harder until you scream her name in that desperate tone that she loves so much
her favourite thing ever is memorizing the spots that make you moan a little louder, abusing your weaknesses over and over again until you’re a whimpering mess beneath her
HAS to mark you all over or else she’s not happy - leading to hickeys on the inside of your thighs, on your abdomen, your neck, collarbones, anywhere she can get access to she will always claim as hers
plus the satisfaction of seeing your spent body the morning after, the purple marks on your skin a sign of how good she made you feel makes her SO cocky n possessive and like. you’re HERS and no one is going to change that okay?
has fucked you in the back of her car after, or even during, your dates to the drive in theater,,, cuz girlie doesn’t really give a fuck, in her world its just you two and only you two
whenever you’re watching the movie, it usually ends up with you being engrossed in each scene, leaning into Yena’s side comfortably, thinking she’s paying as much attention as you - that is until you feel her hand creep towards the inside of your thigh, and that’s when you know you’re about 5 minutes away from screaming Yena’s name at the top of your lungs <3
when she invites you over to the practice room under the guise that she wants to teach you izone’s new choreo but then somehow you ended up on a chair in the middle room while Yena’s giving you a lap dance>>>>
when you’re in between her legs making you feel good and she’s looking down at you, her eyes hooded and her lip tucked between her teeth telling you how you’re doing such a good job....... FUCK
the kind of girl to whisper the filthiest words she can possibly think of in your ear then pull away and make a cheesy joke that leaves you mind absolutely REELING because like. her duality what the fuck
yena in nothing but a signature black choker with you riding her thigh in one of her oversized t-shirts, falling to pieces as she holds you close, relishing in the feeling of your dripping core against her skin,,,
also THAT mf that’ll tease you under the tables even when you’re with a group of people,, her annoying ass will just be relishing in the way your jaw clenches as you try so hard to not squirm as she teases you with her fingers
and those random times where you′re just like, at work or out shopping or vibing with your friends and then all of a sudden you get a video notification from Yena,,, and its a video of her in front of the mirror on your room, her legs spread and her fingers deep in her own heat, her breathes uneven as she does her best to keep her phone steady as she moans out your name
she LOVES doing that shit, knowing you’re turned on as fuck thanks to her just,, makes her feel so powerful
on those nights after Yena’s been away with schedules for a  while and you finally get to see her, everything is always so intimate between, with longing kisses and lingering touches that truly are filled with not only lust but love too, pulling one another impossibly closer until all your senses are clouded with another.
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
Oooooo okay okay haha I thought I read something like that somewhere but it makes more sense now,,, idk I just was listening to the song and it made me go yoongyn for multiple reasons and I thought I'd share why but also like ik were in this "hate jk" moment rn with whats he's doing but his jealousy with Yoongi,,, wow,,, especially the background jk and yn kinda have,, when the (hopefully maybe) redemption time comes for jk then only will I feel bad about his jealousy towards Yoongi cause that,,, just sucks
(also i feel like i put a lot of asks in today so if im annoying you can definitely tell me so 😅😅)
Anyways hope you have a good night!!! and I can't wait for Sundress update tomorrow,,,, stay safe, stay healthy and drink some water 😁💜
LISTEN TO ME PANINI HEAD (grabs respectfully from a safe comfortable distance) YOU COULD NEVER BOTHER ME I COULD TALK ABOUT THIS ALL NIGHT— more under the cut!
okay heres the thing about jk!!!! and also yoonyn now that i think about it — one thing that was addressed in blossom is that yoongi visited yns family home during first year . jk did not! which means that by winter break of first year (only like,,, 3 months idk how to count who knows really) , yoonyn were already in that “we’re not platonic soulmates (yet), but out of all our friends, i asked YOU to come spend xmas w my fam” stage
which really honestly means that jkyn were not like BESTIES by the time yoongi came along w his cute little face and stole her away
also, yoongi was friends with all of them, not just yn, so its not like yn ever abandoned her friends, she just brought yoongi into it and expanded the group
so it was kinda that weird friend making stage where you meet a bunch of people and vibe and maybe are close w some for a bit and then you fall into your Real Place in the group, and yns Real Place was with yoongi
so like,,, yes jk’s minor friend jealousy was warranted through the years but she never abandoned the dude, they were still close and hung out every day, so the fact that he let that friend jealousy become BOYFRIEND jealousy,,, thats rough and on him bc yn never did anything to make him doubt her feelings for him so he had nothing to be jealous about
now the boyfriend!jk era,,,,, okay yes his jealousy was kinda understandable bc like???? how do you compete with yoongi when yn will ALWAYS default to him. granted, jk was lowkey a “good friend, terrible bf” kinda guy so its not like yn just always automatically went to yoongi, she just learned over time that jk wasnt as reliable as she thought he’d be. which… is fine. acceptable. okay whatever. the point is he really shouldnt have acted on his jealousy bc he should have been able to tell his own insecurities apart from what yn was actually doing.
when yn gets yoongis name tattooed, jks already at the point where hes making snide comments and making her feel bad for hanging out w yoongi more and shit like that — bc hes jealous, which is fine. but his execution is just BAD. yns not perfect, she knows she coulda tried harder to need jk more but like,,, what does that say about jkyn as a couple — the fact that she has to TRY to need jk. and thats her platonic soulmate?? shes made it clear that thats all yoongi is so why is jk turning her amazing bday gift for yoongi into a huge fight
basically to make a long story short they never shoulda dated that was a terrible idea jkyn was MESSY and they were better as friends bc jk turned his jealousy into this Gross Act of him guilt tripping her and making it more about him and yoongi and a game of who could “win” yn over when honestly? yoongi was never playing. bc he doesnt care LMAO and bc he knows how to mcfricking communicate (re : yoonyns convo in blossom where hes drunk and sad and says his feelings HONESTLY)
so yes, we hate jk rn. hes gross. he is also Human and deserves to better himself and we will get there. but we got a while until we see that happen bc hes heinous
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
Can you talk about the purge you've gone through since starting the love tape? I am thinking about starting it as I've hit 21 days on the limitless one, but having another purge scares me. I also want to listen to the finance tape because of my job hunt but I am also scared as I am going through a second purge regarding rn and it kinda sucks!
To be honest, it was interesting. I am just now beginning week 2 of the love tape. I've felt more anxious today but given all of the self concept work I've been doing the past few months, it's a lot easier to bounce back and stabilize more than ever. I will say, I did figure that going into this the purging process wouldn't be as prominent as when I did the first round of the limitless tape. Just because like, they're pretty similar and the purpose is ultimately tied together, just with more focus.
So anyway, the first night I listened to the love tape I had all kinds of technical difficulties. Like, every other hour I was waking up to my airpods randomly not working, my phone being off, or the wifi going out. It was so funny lowkey. Like okay? I'll just fix it and keep listening! I cannot be stopped. LMAO Anyway the next night? whew that's when things got heavy. I cried myself to sleep that night, I slept for 4 hours, and cried immediately upon awakening. And I just cried and all these thoughts came up about how much I hate everything. How much I hate my life. lmao it was heavyyyyyy and it wasn't even 8am yet. But I kind of just accepted it like. Yeah okay. I hate everything right now. So what? And that kind of shifted something within me for the better. But then a little after that I got sick. LMAO And then once that subsided shortly after, I gave myself the day to just sulk. I wrote all about how I felt that night as a way of release, and decided to get myself back together the next day. And then everything just became.... lighter. Like the flip of a damn light switch. And I've been doing so much better since then. So it didn't even last that long.
I have a really good concept of self where at this point, I'm well aware that tough moments are getting me even closer to where I want to be. And that short purge was just more proof of that. I literally have just, once again, deepened my confidence and trust within myself. And not just in who I am as God of my reality, but who I am as a person too. I really feel more worthy and deserving than ever. I really feel how I am perfect for my desires and how my desires and me are made for each other. It's a really nice, secure feeling.
Does the purge suck? Yeah but you know, it's just part of the journey. And clearly you're not alone when it comes to it. And it's always going to be worth it once you make it to the other side. Just instill in yourself that knowing of, "I know I am going to make it through this and come out better than before." At this point, my low moments aren't even as dire as they used to feel because I literally know in the back of my mind that once I get over it, I'm just going to keep persisting. So in that way, it's not like as ground shaking as it used to be. Emotionally painful, for sure. But mentally? I have a better grasp on it.
Don't ever let fear stop you. Because the truth is, you're never going to outrun your fears. You're going to have to face them eventually. Whether you listen to the tapes or not. So do it on your terms. Decide you're going to make your life better for you, and nothing can get in your way. And always remember, a purge isn't even guaranteed. So there's no reason to let it hold you back. You deserve your dream life, period. Plus, the more you choose fear the more you feed into the disillusion of reality. Take back your power as God of your reality and let the illusion fade away. You allow love and everything aligned with it to take front and center stage in your life when you do this. A moment of discomfort for a lifetime of loveliness. And no matter how hard it gets, remember we're all right there with you. It's truly a journey but it's one worth taking. 💖
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staeygoldenn · 4 years
3 Days
Summary: Ethan challenges Grayson to a bet. If Grayson doesn’t fuck anyone for a month, he can get the master bedroom in their new house. If he loses, Ethan gets it.
Note: This was inspired by their video and @milliondollardolan‘s blurb about a girl showing Grayson her nipple piercings. ✨
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Tags: @milliondollardolan, @ryxgrantdolan, @bingexdolan, @evergreendolan, @blindedbythelightt, @dolan-bliss ,@vinylhazza, @angelgrayson, @333dolans, @baby-grayson, @joyrivh, @dolanstacoma @rhyrhy462, @graysavant, @mercurygrant , @tadadolan, @aquadolan @plantbasedgray @livelongdolan, @graysonswhore, @gloriousgrant @eiectricityscape, @dayofthegreatenigma , @yvonne2107, @cherryaestheticss, @khiaraaa-in-spacee, @prettyboydolan, @pineappledols, @livexdolan, @episkygrant @persistence-ofmemories @ethandolansrighteyebrow
“One month, no sex, and it’s all yours.” Ethan smirks and sticks out his hand. Grayson shakes his hand back, “Deal.” “I totally got this, I just got laid like last week, I can totally make it through a month,” he thought to himself.
Day 1… Grayson makes it through the day not thinking much about the challenge. His Insta feed made him get a little distracted but he decided to just close out of the app. Ethan came into the kitchen.
“Yeah that master bedroom is definitely mine.”
“Dude it’s only the first day.”
“That’s exactly my point, you’re already Insta thirsting.”
“Was not.” Grayson looks away and puts his phone down.
“I remember those days but now I’m a taken man.” Ethan walks away.
“Fuck, he’s on to me.” Grayson thought to himself.
Day 2… Day 2 came and went and Grayson started getting a little frustrated.
“How dare Ethan make this challenge during the month of Valentine’s Day? Ethan already had a girlfriend but it’s more difficult when you’re single,” he thought to himself.
Grayson sighed and opened the Instagram app. A girl in a black bikini caught his eye. Her long black hair, her beautiful blue eyes, her full lips, her tits… fuck he needed to close the app. “I’ll just go to sleep,” he thought to himself. Grayson laid his head on his pillow still feeling frustrated. Hmm there was nothing in the room contract that ruled out jacking off. He pulled out his phone and pulled up Pornhub. He scrolled through the trending page. He found a video that caught his eye. The girl looked similar to the one he had been eyeing on Instagram. She was getting fucked from behind while the guy had her thong scrunched up in his hand. The sound of her moaning started to get him hard. He started rubbing himself through his grey sweatpants.
“Fuck that feels so good,” she moaned, gripping the sheets.
The guy smacked her ass. Grayson took off his sweatpants and finally touched himself. He tugged at his length and cocked his head back. He stroked his cock up and down, squeezing for extra grip. The guy in the video fucked her harder and faster and soon Grayson was cumming on his hand. “Fuck,” he got up to wash himself off.
Day 3…. By Day 3, Grayson had started to crave sex. How a girl’s pussy would tighten around his dick as he was fucking into her. The sounds of her moaning his name, boosting his ego. The sight of her tits bouncing and her pussy getting wetter with each stroke. How he would grab a fistful of her hair and make her beg for it. He couldn’t let anyone on to this though, he really wanted that master bedroom.
“How you holding up, Gray?” Ethan asked him over breakfast.
“I’m fine.”
“There’s no way you’re lasting a month.”
“Yes I am, I’m gonna get that master bedroom, just like I’ve had at all of our places of residency.”
“We’ll see about that. Listen, I gotta go check on the construction progress so don’t get into anything while I’m gone or should I say anyone.” He laughed.
“You’re not getting that bedroom.”
“Bye, Gray.”
“Later, E.”
“Fuck, now he’s leaving me alone,” Grayson thought to himself. “I think I’ll just go take a nap.”
He laid down to sleep for a couple of hours and woke up to an Instagram DM. It was the girl whose pictures he had been looking at the night before.
hey 👀
“Hi 👀” he answered back.
I’m Lexi. I think we met at one of jake’s parties one time
Oh yeah hey how are you?
“That’s it. That’s all I’m gonna say that’s so boring.”
I’m good ☺️ I saw your recent pic you look good 👀
“Oh shit.”
You look good too 👀
do you have snap? 👀
He sent her his snapcode and awaited her response. He got a friend request from lexi_96. She sent him a selfie and said hi.
Wow you look pretty
Thank you so whatcha doing?
Nothing just home alone bored
Same lowkey horny 👀
Same 😳
Hmmm what?
“Ugh this stupid bet.” He thought to himself.
Do you wanna meet up tonight? 👀
I would but I’m in this bet with my bro rn
What kinda bet?
I can’t fuck for a month so I can get the master bedroom
Lmao okay or you could get laid rn 😂 I just got my nipples pierced 🥴
It is tempting... 👀 send me a pic
I already did 😌
You know what I mean
Hey it’s your turn 👀
Okay fine
He took his shirt off and sent her a picture.
Thanks ☺️
I wish you were here 😫
Me too 😔
Fuck the bet and come fuck me? 👀
She sent him a picture of one of her pierced nipples.
Okay fuck it send me the addy
Grayson copied the address and put it into his maps.
okay :)
Grayson changed into a fresh shirt and shorts and sprayed some cologne on. “Fuck, how am I gonna sneak out without Ethan seeing? Maybe he’s asleep,” he thought. He grabbed his bag and keys and closed his bedroom door. Passing through the living room, Ethan was on the couch FaceTiming his girlfriend. “Fuck,” Grayson thought to himself.
“Hey where are you going?” Ethan asked.
“Just out,” Grayson said, trying to leave.
“Okay,” Ethan said suspiciously. “It’s 11:30pm on a Wednesday night but okay.”
“Just gotta get some stuff…. okay yeah I’ll see you later.”
Ethan raised his eyebrow and shook his head. Grayson closed the door behind him and hopped in his Porsche. 30 minutes later, he arrived at the address.
He snapped her.
okay coming
He got out of the car and she met him at the front door.
“Hi,” she said.
“Welcome. My room’s this way.”
He put his bag down and she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her.
“Thanks for coming. Sorry it’s sorta random.”
“It’s okay,” he smiled.
They started kissing and he put his hands under her hoodie, she wasn’t wearing a bra and he could feel the cool metal where her nipples were pierced.
“Just be careful, they’re still sensitive.”
“Figured,” he smirked.
He gently rubbed his thumbs along them, feeling them harden under his touch. She moaned gently. She took her sweatshirt off and he took his shirt off. She gently pulled at his silver chain and pulled him on top of her. He kissed her deeper. She wrapped her legs around him. He kissed her neck and started kissing down her chest. He lightly took the metal pierced through her nipple into his mouth and she moaned and gripped his hair. He kissed down her body and kissed along the waistband of her shorts. He kissed her thighs. She took her shorts off and revealed her black thong. He kissed her over her underwear, running his tongue along the fabric. She moaned. He went back to kiss her, and she removed her underwear. He went back to kiss her pussy lips, teasing her. He lightly kissed her clit and felt her buck her hips for more pressure.
“Please,” she whispered.
He looked up at her and licked her slit and licked her inner lips up to her clit. He traced long, slow licks back and forth. She started rocking her hips back and forth on his tongue. He grabbed her hand and held her thighs open. He started sucking her clit and with his other hand, stuck two fingers in and started stroking her G-spot. She was so wet and he felt his dick twitch. She started shaking and he could tell she was close. He moved his mouth off of her and removed his mouth.
“Fuck, please,” she whispered.
“Turn over,” he smirked.
She obliged and he rubbed her ass.
“Grayson, please, please let me cum.”
He smirked and ran his fingers through her folds. He started rubbing her clit and she moaned. He held her thighs open and tried to get her back to that same place. She gripped the sheets, “Please, please, please,” she pleaded and finally came on his fingers. She flipped over and he stuck his fingers in her mouth.
“Mmm,” she moaned. “You’re good at that.”
“Thanks,” he smiled.
“I think it’s your turn now,” she kissed him and moaned at the taste of herself also on his mouth. She kissed down his abs and reached into his pants to stroke him. He took his pants off and let her continue. She kissed his thighs and licked the tip, letting the saliva strand drip from her lips. She took him deeper into her mouth and took him all the way down her throat. He groaned and grabbed her hair at the base of her neck. She bobbed her head up and down. He cupped her chin.
“I don’t wanna come yet. Can I fuck you now?”
She got up and straddled him. She lowered herself on his length and felt him groan in her ear. He wrapped his biceps around her and kissed her.
“Lay on your stomach,” he whispered in her ear.
She pulled herself off and laid down. He rubbed her clit and entered her. He started fucking her, the wet sound filling the room.
“Yeah this is definitely worth losing the room for,” he thought to himself.
She moaned as he kept stroking her G-spot. He laid his hands up under hers so she could grab onto him. She loved his weight on top of her and felt her pussy getting wetter. She loved feeling him deep inside her. Pleasure warming down her body. He slowed his strokes to try to steady himself.
“Please Grayson fuck me harder,” she moaned. She got up on her hands and knees and he started rubbing her clit and fucking her harder. He grabbed her hair with his other hand. He smacked her ass and she gripped the sheets.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” she moaned out. He felt her tighten around his dick.
“Can I nut in your mouth?” he asked.
He pulled out and she started stroking him and he came on her tongue. She kissed him.
“Fuck I gotta go before my brother gets suspicious.”
She laughed. “You still think that room is yours?”
“I mean there’s a slight chance but if I lose the bet, this was definitely worth losing it for. You were great,” he smiled.
“Text me again when you’re not in a bet and you’re a free man.”
“Will do.”
He kissed her one more time and headed out to his car. He raced home and arrived to Ethan, still up.
“Three fucking days Grayson?” Ethan laughed. “I was too generous giving you a month, I would’ve thought you might at least make it to two weeks.”
“Fine. I lost.”
“Yeah, go shower you dirty fuck.”
Grayson defeated, went up to go shower but hey at least he got laid.
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
Heyy can i please have some soft tsukkk content 🥺👉👈 like thise cutesy hcs where he sees you cry
finally some goddamn angst you're speaking my language rn you have no idea. Made this as a first time thing to give that extra👌👌somthin. love tsuks let's go
Genre: angst💧 to fluff☀️
Warnings: just general sad thoughts :(
Tsukishima Kei seeing you cry for the first time
you'd had deep conversations with Tsukki before, but raw emotion was something you hadn't encountered in your relationship yet. It just never came up, but it couldn't be avoided forever
tbh you were terrified to let him see you cry, and you felt horrible for it, because you did trust him but you had no idea how he'd react to that side of you, or rather, what you'd pictured wasn't good
it hadn't even been a bad day, that's the thing. It was just everything weighing down on you all at once that finally made it spill over
now you're able to get past it normally, push it down or tell yourself it's fine, then find a way to deal with your stress later. Really that "put a pin in it" attitude and then you never do get to it
you're not one to show these thoughts on your face either. Like Tsukki you distract from it with a snarky comment or bright smile, etc, and you even distract yourself
so you and Tsukki were hanging out in his room doing homework, and you'd been going out for a few months so it's not weird or anything
he is a perceptive guy, so he'd noticed your mood was off for a while, but when he'd asked earlier how you were you'd hit him with the "fine" and he assumed you'd tell him when you were ready nope
you had spent the last ten minutes on this single math problem, and no matter how much you tried you just couldn't figure it out and it just got to you, yknow? These thoughts in your head about how useless and dumb you were, spiraling irrationally into all these other bad thoughts
a shudder, a sniffle, a choked sob, whatever small thing it is, he notices right away
bc this mf is observant and attentive okay?
and he just freezes. and his mind just starts racing and lowkey freaking out? bc he'd never heard that sound from you and it stirred something in him
not in a good way. It was dread, and fear, and confusion
he just says your name, no emotion or anything, just an acknowledgement
and then you freeze because shit of course he noticed
"y/n...are you crying?"
his voice is astoundingly even, after all he's good at masking his emotions too
your immediate reaction is brush it off and ignore
bc you'd never been vulnerable like this. tbh you really thought he'd be uncomfortable with such strong emotions, which is why you'd avoided talking with him about it. The last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable
but oh boy is that about to change
so you shake your head, "I'm fine."
but oh, your voice breaks, and it's like the floodgates burst. That little bit of panic and stress pushed you over
and then Tsukki internally goes oh fuck
Honestly? It hurts him to see you cry, so so much, but seeing you try to hide it from him? Absolutely rips him apart
Did he do something? He goes through every little thing in his head overanalyzing and feeling worse and worse
he really spaces out for a moment bc he has no idea what to do. He's not a natural comforter by any means
"hey, what's wrong?"
"it's obviously not nothing"
"it doesn't matter" why are you even trying at this point
then he scoffs bc obv it does matter, or you wouldn't be crying over it.
and if it matters to you, it matters to him
but oOf that was the wrong reaction
bc you immediately think you've annoyed him,, so you just start packing your things to leave and you choke out
"I'm sorry"
and he breaks
tsukishima: fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
"Don't--" He winces when it comes out harsher than he means and he takes a deep breath and walks over to you
and just wraps you in the biggest hug, pressing his face into your hair and you hear the softest, most gentle:
"don't... don't ever apologize"
and then you break fr fr
because this is something you never expected, and he's so warm
every reservation and fear you'd been holding onto with him falls apart and you cry into his chest lowkey feeling bad about his shirt
and he just holds you so tightly not saying anything, just being there, and it feels so good to have him there that even after you stop you just stand there for a while
when you finally do pull away he holds your face and wipes your cheeks with his thumbs, but your eyes are still on the ground
"look at me"
and when you do, you don't see pity, you see an expression of genuine love and concern for you, which is so foreign on him and simultaneously the most beautiful it makes you want to cry again
"look, you don't have to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to, but don't forget I'm here for you, dummy"
jokes on him, because you do tell him everything, just let everything out. As hesitant as you were in the beginning once you start you don't stop
and he's a great listener. Not the type of active listening where you say mhm and that sucks etc, but his eyes never leave you and he'll drop an occasional question to understand better and show he is paying attention
wraps you in a blanket and holds your hand the entire time
and you feel a bit silly for ever thinking he'd make fun of you or reject you
and it becomes a regular thing for you two to just check in on each other and vent so you don't bottle shit up, bc even if he denies it, he does the same thing
doesn't let you get away with it anymore, bc like hell he'd see you like that again. And though he's not one to cry, he does compartmentalize emotions but you make sure he talks through it
and honestly? your bond is so much stronger for it
crying for reasons like that becomes less of a frequent thing
but obviously shit happens
not even god can save any person that makes you cry oop
he's still awkward, but much more prepared, an absolute angel. You really brought out the soft side of this boy💕
bc his heart breaks every time your eyes so much as water
there's always little gestures of comfort when he listens to you
holding your hand and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles as a constant reminder he's there and listening
If it's possible sometimes he'll wrap you in a blanket again and let you lean on his shoulder
but in terms of hugs and stuff you usually initiate it bc he wants to respect your boundaries esp if you don't want to be touched at that moment
"Kei, can I...?" *gestures with arms*
he gives the most dramatic sigh but opens his arms anyway
oh yeah he's still a snarky little shit. will throw in a little tease every now and then bc he knows it makes you smile, but chooses his moments carefully so he doesn't step over the line
is the type to kiss your tears away aw
we love healthy communication <3
I hope that was soft and fluffy enough at the end🥺 still can't add read mores on mobile 😔😔
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allkinds-oftrash · 3 years
Ya girl is watching the latest HSM series ep and Imma live blog it hshshs and will add my reactions under the cut so it doesn't end up a long post. Anyways, let's goo:
They really said we're gonna let life imitate art with Nini and Olivia huh
Ricky was SUPPORTIVE??? Damnn I really thought we gonna get a classic Ricky tantrum....
But also wow sir that sounds salty and should definitely talk to someone abt how you're feeling...A therapist maybe 👀
I know we needed to contextualise how Ricky felt abt the song but I really wanted to see Nini's interview in full!!
Sebby you're so cute I do wanna see yall do DEH
Shjshshs not the rights not being available for another 5 years 😭😭
I dunno how they're in great shape and closer to the Menkies Gold after not having a single proper rehearsal, but go off Miss Jenn
Omg honestly Kourt's costumes are always amazing and on point Imma excited to see it
Kourt is such a simp we love to see it
Carlos is so pissy this episode we love to see it shshhs
Also love the way Seb calms him down and keeps him nice it's such a funny dynamic
"We had 20 people make our Belle dress over 50 hours" Okay North High shut the fuck up
I'm calling it now the reason North High knows so much is cos Howie is the leak and Kourt has been unwittingly telling him. The way her phone keeps going off as they discuss how North High knows everything is really good foreshadowing if my prediction is right
Also like her phone went off just as Carlos said "How did they know that?" THAT'S PEAK FORESHADOWING
If Howie ain't in North High, I dunno what Tim is doing
"I have abs" We know sweetie
"I PADDED THE THUSH FOR YOU" "AWW THANKS KOURT I NEEDED THAT" THIS INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING THAT WAS SO FUNNY!! I love that it is now canon that EJ has abs but no butt love that for him
Okay but like damn these costumes are great!! North High can fuck right off with its high end ones I just wanna see lowkey homemade costumes by students; I'd watch a Broadway show if I wanted to see professional costumes okay
Damn Carlos has killer eyesight clocking in that mask in the trunk
Nini's little look over at Gina was like "Omg you guys my girlfriend is so cute and dumb" GINI STANS HOW WE FEELING?
Miss Jenn don't be that naive, your boyfriend probably put them up to it
That Insta page is prophetic with their timing tbh; all the info is a leak obviously looking at your Howie but like the timing of it all. Those kiddos don't know that they are discussing the stolen mask at this exact moment (Kourt has put down her phone after Carlos snapped at her so Howie doesn't know they are talking abt it rn)
"We don't dance with the enemy" *cuts to her dancing with Zackey later*
SEBBY WEARING THE TEACUP COSTUME OMG HE'S GOING MAKE SUCH A CUTE CHIP (yes I am still mad Seb/Joe was robbed but Imma fangirl over the costume anyway)
Wtf why does North High look so expensive - they are literally in the same district as East High right??? How did they get this much funding
North High is a very artsy and rich for a public school; they should have had Nini go here instead of YAC tbh (like this campus feels like what YAC should have been) NOW THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN INTERESTING STORYLINE
Seblos' dynamic IS ON POINT THIS EP I really love my bois so much and their back and forth is hilarious
Shhshs DIANE who loves volleyball and North High okay I totally believe it
Shshsh we love Gina knowing herself and practicing self control by volunteering to be the lookout
Omg yall listen to Carlos and stfu they are so lucky no one saw or heard them yelling Wildcats
Oh no no no no no Miss Jenn you gonna get sucked in; this is gonna be so messy
Omg I saw someone post about this scene before I watched the ep YALL ARE RIGHT THAT BOI HITTING ON GINA IS SO FINE Babes go for that one, not EJ
NOT THEM FAKE DATING UGH E W TIM STOP MAKING ROMANTIC PORTWELL A T H I N G I honestly do not understand how some of yall can ship it romantically knowing Sofia is a whole underaged babey and Matty is a whole ass grown man - like I get the appeal of the Wonderstudies getting together and they do have chemistry but the irl age gap is creepy and outweighs the appeal of shipping them romantically
As I always say; Portwell/Wonderstudies should be a BROTP not an OTP
Ugh Brotp Portwell would have clocked Lily right away; romantic Portwell making googly eyes at each other isn't helping anyone
Living for Nini getting the recognition she deserves - I really like her solo arc this season she's so much more interesting without Ricky tbh
Aww Kourt you simp I love her and I'm so happy she's happy I wanna be wrong about Howie being a North High kid
Where is the mask??
Lily really wishes she was Jesse St. James huh; you could never Lily so stop
Andrew Barth Feldman and his cute little French accent I love him so much
Hnng Miss Jenn gonna get manipulated by this hoe. Omg wowow Zackey really is a hoe, making out with another girl before the show THE AUDACITY OF HIM SAYING MISS JENN WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH I WILL THROW HANDS WITH THIS MOFO
Wait the kids didn't steal it BUT WHAT IF ZACKEY DID
Ssjsgfajhdfg I CANNOT WITH ANDREW'S ACCENT but I can't tell if its really bad or really good but I'm also confused why didn't they just cast a French person as Antonie shshhs Antoine is adorableee and a little shit the best type of character
Lily is so annoying b y e sis bye and Olivia Keegan is talented I just wish they didn't make her character such a cartoony villain type
"How about if we bop to the top" SEBBY I LOVE YOU AND NEVER STOP BEING SO CUTE I SWEAR and Awww Carlos called him Honey I am s o f t
Hnng why do these fools are really gonna give into North High calling them chickens
"She told us not to dance with the enemy. She's better than this" No Sebby, she's not *cuts to her dancing with Zackey* AND OMG THE WAY I SAW THIS EDIT COMING BEFORE IT CAME
Ooooh I like this song wayyy more whatever the mess The Mob Song became (when I first heard it drop on Spotify yesterday) Around You is such a great song musically and lyrically very relevant to these two and gosh I love their voices together
They have so much chemistry damn, go home Mike (well he technically has oop) and Mr. Mazzara
Oh god this is the scene from the trailer; she's gonna make a move on Ricky isn't she?? Leave him alone Lily he doesn't need a 3rd girl to be confused about he needs a therapist
Lily shut the fuck up with quasi; STOP TRYING TO MAKE QUASI HAPPEN
"I love Nini's song" Sure, Jan.
...Okay yes you should have called him out but don't bait him LIKE THAT oop there's the scene from the trailer
Ohmygod is Andrew Barth Feldman gonna hit on Ashlyn
Okay this is so cute but also I am VERY annoyed with the way this show handles its characters like they aren't relevant or important unless they get into a relationship or a love triangle?? That's such a shitty way to give out screentime and arcs to characters. Is it not enough to develop the characters on their own and strengthen their friendship???
HUH TIM why you so obsessed with compulsory heterosexuality??(well also homosexuality for Seblos but they are the only ones I'm not annoyed with their relationship cos its a hella big step for Disney to have a gay couple and their relationship isn't in our faces or overshadows the plot and its just spinkles of cuteness every time they interact - they are honestly who Rini wishes they were; besties in love. They are a couple that Tim should be taking notes from; leave the relationship drama in the background, focus on the theatre and friendship aspect of everything)
My mini rant aside; this is a very adorable interaction between Ashlyn and Antoine.
This is so funny he keeps picking out the hottest guys of the group; as if he himself isn't the French version of Big Red they look super alike ngl shshsh
Drama between Antoine and Red is already spicing up shshsh I cannot
Why are you so dramatic with the shuffle Lily gtfo of here...also this doesn't make sense?? She wasn't even on a BATB playlist; what if a non BATB song came on ahahah
Good to know they aren't big fans of The Mob Song like I am Awww EJ you cutie, okay I will appreciate the OG Mob Song just for you
I'm being robbed of Gaston for the last 7 eps I at least deserve an EJ solo for compensation
The way the set looks straight out of Broadway but also like omg the blue lighting and fancy stage gave me intense flashbacks to that Glee episode where Vocal Adrenaline sang Bohemian Rhapsody
Howie you hoe you gonna break my girl Kourtney's heart
Yeah...still not a fan of Antoine's Dance Remix
Yall know Gina would kill the dance number if she wasn't wearing that fit
First the Beasts led it (Howie sounded better than Ricky ngl), then the Lumieres (their voices worked hella well together; I always forget what a talented singer Frankie is THEY NEED TO GIVE HIM A SOLO SONG) and now the Belles are going at it (Ashlyn's voice is superior)
...Did anyone really win, Lily??? STFU
Oooh I did see someone talk about this when the Rose Song dropped last week, apparently its illegal to add songs to a musical you're doing for a school play; I really thought the show would brush past that irl rule but I guess they are playing into it
Okay Nini is being a little pissy about leaving her song out of the show and its a little selfish to wanna keep it at the risk of being disqualified but I also understand why she's hurt
Everyone is dog piling on her right now being against her idea and it feels like they are being against her song and her herself instead of them not wanting to be disqualified. Also like she poured her heart and soul into the song after Miss Jenn lowkey rushed her to write it. So I can see why this feels like a rejection of her and her song and why she's so hurt rather than her seeing the big picture right now
It doesn't help that Ricky said the final blow causing her to walk off
Okay maybe Zackey gets some rights for being chill and wanting the kids to be peers
THIS MOTHERFUCKER I KNEW HE WAS SHADY Also the way I gasped even though I predicted he stole the mask halfway through this ep shshsh
Stab him Miss Jenn STAB HIM
Bitch why you so threatened by East High if yall have such a Broadway-esque show planned??? They honestly should have stuck to the Little Mermaid; I really wanted to see the aquarium
"It's just a song Ricky" "A song can mean everything" Do you get deja vu? Anyone else getting intense flashbacks to Jan when DL first dropped and all the drama happened 👀
YES PLEASE STAY CO ANCHORS Gosh I love them so much esp once you take the romantic connotations out of their interactions
I love this long take of checking in with everyone's relationship status (still hate how romantically focused this show has become but still a cool shot)
Okay but like looking at Kourtney's face I have never wanted to be wrong so bad GOD I HATE IT HERE I really think he likes her and I hope they work it out
Nini setting up her own music acc feels like when Olivia rebranded her whole IG to be just for her music stuff - love this for both of them
I know everyone loves her as Nini but like I have always loved the name Nina and it really suits her to be honest also shows how she's growing up now and kind of leans into the lyric "I won't be confined to your point of view" from The Rose Song because Nini is the nickname Ricky gave her so it shows that she's outgrowing him too and I love that for her!
Overall thoughts; they really crammed all the North High drama into one ep huh. Personally would have liked it if all of this was spread out throughout the last few episodes; like different hijinks for every episode. I'm just a big fan of properly setting up the overall arc over the season instead of patching it together closer to the climax/end of the show. Cos now it lowkey feels like two different seasons - 2A felt like The Rini/Rina Show esp with YAC storyline and whatever was going on with Rina and now 2B is finally feeling like what this season should have been all this time
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izukult · 3 years
is the playlist event still open? :0 if not please ignore this !! but uhh hi! a bit abt me is i’m an enfp 2w3, i am a burnt out gifted student, and i have never once said a cuss word! i’m ambiverted and get really loud and hyper around my friends but i’m SO quiet around new people it’s kinda sad </3 but i am able to start and hold conversations w new people if i know we share an interest !! i have adhd and hyperfixate HARD on stuff! i also,,, really love idols (like aqours + vocaloid, not into kpop yet but i’m working on it!) and spend a LOT of time learning dances, i’m super passionate abt it !! as for music taste,,, i really like ricky montgomery, marina and the diamonds + aqours, and the entire genre of j-city pop is !!! so good !!! (plz listen to city by furihata ai) i also listen to lots of anime ops and artists like mother mother + will wood! also fake type songs go hard. thank you sm in advance !!!!!
you and sugawara being in love like <3 @glyxiebear
on god? on god. he teases you about the not swearing sometimes (“oh FRICK!”, “yea, what the hEck guys?”) but he actually admires you! thinks you are the absolute cutest mf ever.
he’s so good keeping up with what you’re comfortable with. he’s loud with you when you’re loud, he’s quiet when you want to be. if you’re ever uncomfortable in a social situation, he’ll come up with an excuse to leave.
yknow, honestly, sugawara would be the perfect boyfriend? i think about that a lot. clearly, no relationship is completely sunshine and flowers 24/7, but he is a good boyfriend.
burnout gifted? so is he. you two do homework together!! he makes a little date out of it and when you guys are done you watch movies, but you don’t really pay attention you just talk the whole time.
i don’t really know anything about idols, but he would listen to you talk about them for hours. hed also listen to the music w u! he learns a dance to surprise you BUT HES SO UNCOORDINATED. you two practice dances together <3 this is love.
also, i feel like suga would be really good at properly responding to adhd!! would help you if you ever needed it and Never finds you annoying.
anyway i’m sorry it took so long, here’s a playlist. i’m sorry the descriptions kinda suck i’m out of it rn haha
1. pluto projector; rex orange county- so in love. this song is just being in love. it’s him being in love with you. that’s it. have i mentioned,,, he is in love with you.
2. hayloft; mother mother- yall SCREAM this song. and i mean SCREAM. jumping around in his room and dramatically moving while singing kind of vibe. such high energy, youre both out of breath after and it’s just nice.
3. starring role; MARINA- the first time you jammed to this song his exact words were ‘if i ever made anyone feel like this i think i would simply pass away’. that doesn’t mean it’s not a banging tune though
4. silly girl; chloe moriondo- pre relationship vibes. sad pining kinda deal. i could totally imagine thinking feelings for suga were unrequited and just stealing glances at him and turning this song to 100.
5. campus; vampire weekend- he probably wanted to do the tiktok trend with you. every time this song comes on he moves his head back and forth on beat. he is so dorky with it djshfisjfks.
6. mayonaka no door / stay with me; miki matsubara- i know this song is really popular, and that’s for good fucking reason. hairbrush duets? hidden meanings? again i say, jam sessions?
7. me and my husband; mitski- do i even have to explain this one? do i EVEN have to EXPLAIN this one?? when he walks in. yOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE LOVEDDDDDDDDD
8. cabo; ricky montgomery- okay for one the little white hair white shoes line reminded me of him. anyway, he absolutely wants to hold you. it’s really a bittersweet kinda song, so any issues you had in your relationship would probably be dealt with by listening to this.
9. sugar; brockhampton- this is his song for you. he absolutely adores you, and everytime this plays he automatically thinks about you. it just checks off all his boxes
he is: waiting for you✅
you are: the only one he wants✅
he wants to: love you right✅
he also wants to: be there for you✅
10. crush; danny knutelsky- you werent the only one pining, idiot head. i feel like he definitely gets pretty insecure, and this song was like ‘nah, fuck that. confidence boost. go get em, sport!’ and then he literally didn’t make a move for months but it’s fine
11. sweater weather; the neighbourhood- :).
12. junjou; ami ozaki- i know nothing about jpop i’m so sorry it sounds very pretty tho
13. dirty paws; of monsters and men- i know this isn’t anything like the music you have, but i forgot about this song until literally just now and i cant really explain it but this would be the song that played in the background as you had your big coming of age beautiful moment together.
14. ophelia; the lumineers- he stares at you while this song plays, all quiet and dumb and in awe. you also probably bake something together with this song playing. i’m telling you, though, he is BEYOND whipped. he is absolutely GONE for you dude like i cannot express it enough
15. yummy yummy yummy; fake type- ok i’m pretty sure this song is all about eating? ‘oily chinese food’? and being hungry? but that doesn’t mean this isn’t the exact vibe he has
update: you lowkey put me on smth i’m listening to this playlist of 80s japanese city pop and it,,, GOES WILD?
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50 questions tag
Tagged by @inevitable-anna
1) what colour is your hairbrush? I have a black comb that i use sometimes, but I rarely brush my hair unless I’m washing it bc it goes frizzy and I’m very lucky to never get knots
2) name a food you never eat. Anything with soy sauce
3) are you usually too hot or too cold? Both, sometimes at the same time
4) what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Sleeping I think
5) what’s your favourite candy bar? Cadburies fruit & nut
6) have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yeah it sucked i hate football, but the local basketball team is pretty cool
7) what’s the last thing you said out loud? Yelling “love you too” down the stairs to my dad as I got ready for bed I think
8) what’s your favourite ice cream? Not a big fan of ice cream but either a 99 or ben & jerries phish food
9) what was the last thing you had to drink? Excluding water bc that’s boring it would have been slightly flat irn bru
10) do you like your wallet? Idk I don’t particularly have strong feelings about my wallet it’s okay I guess
11) what was the last thing you ate? Pizza I think
12) did you buy any new clothes this weekend? No but I bought this case.
13) what’s the last sporting event you watched? Bold of you to assume I would willingly watch sports
14) what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? Salt is the only acceptable flavour
15) who was the last person you texted? I’m assuming sc messages count so the gc with my sister and my ex-gf-turned-best-friend
16) ever been camping? Many times I love it
17) do you take vitamins? Not particularly i do occasionally though
18) do you go to church every Sunday? Im not Christian so no
19) do you have a tan? Only on my arms
20) do you prefer chinese or pizza? Pizza, but like proper homemade/restaurant pizza not shitty takeaway pizza. If ur getting a takeaway get curry or fish and chips they’re the best.
21) do you drink pop with a straw? If they give me a straw yeah but i wont go out of my way to get one
22) what colour socks do you usually wear? i only replaced my school socks last week so probably still white
23) do you drive over the speed limit? I don’t have a full license yet so I don’t drive
24) what terrifies you? Dead bugs and also Adolphus Huxley’s A Brave New World. And lowkey moomins.
25) look to the left what do you see? Cheese
~~~ several weeks later ~~
26) what chore do you hate the most? So long as my brother also has to do chores I’m not fussed
27) what do you think when you hear an Australian accent? Ongoing genocide and systematic oppression of the indigenous peoples
28) what’s your favourite kind of pop? Irn bru
29) fast food or drive in? Neither i can make much better food myself thanks
30) what’s your favourite number? 11
31) who’s the last person you talked to? My mum
32) favourite cut of beef? Mince but u gotta season it with nutmeg and stock and either worcestershire sause or paprika and cumin and be at least 50% carrot or ur doing it wrong
33) last song you listened to? What If Tomorrow Comes (I finally watched Black Friday with my sister)
34) last book you read? The Wide Awake Princess by E.D. Baker (shhhh i loved it as a kid)
35) Can you say the alphabet backwards? lol nah
36) favourite day of the week? Thursday bc it’s D&D day
37) how do you like your coffee? In tiramisu
38) favourite pair of shoes? My comfy red boots, my black low-heeled combat boots, or my nice tan sandals, depending on my outfit and the occasion
39) what time do you usually wake up? 9:30-10:30
40) sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
41) how many blankets are on your bed? One and a duvet but its too hot for either rn
42) describe your kitchen plates. Old and white
43) describe your kitchen at the moment. Smells nice
44) do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? Probably some kind of cocktail but I haven’t been to a restaurant or pub since turning 18 bc lockdown so my opinions are currently limited to “beer and wine/champagne/prosecco suck” and “vodka and cider are ok I guess”
45) do you play cards? You’re not really on holiday unless you play cards at least every other day
46) what colour is your car? Don’t have one but the family one’s grey
47) can you change a tyre? I’ve never even seen anyone change a tyre
48) favourite state/country/provence? Almería! We used to go to a lil town called Huercál and it was great. Especially the restaurant/bar thing just out of town, it was run by a guy called Eneth and there was a big-ass open fire at the end of the room where he cooked everything, and also a bunch of dogs and birds - if ur in the area go see if it’s still there for me 💚
49) favourite job you’ve ever had? The week i spent working at the children’s trust charity in the accounting department (it was work experience dw im not useless enough to get fired after a week)
50) how did you get your biggest scar? idk which is biggest probably the one from where i whacked my head on the shutter of an ice cream stall and had to get it glued back together
Tagging @femmebos @mexicanfairy @clockwork--frog @aveasorae @lilolilyr @showstoppingnumbrr @just-a-side-kick @a-little-slice-of-fandom @sunflowermycelium @mischief-pixie @jane-seemore @lucyisanerd @spiiderbiites @youvebeengnomed @peanutworm @cliyoh @sunrise-designer @isappho @woulddieforkhoward @the10amongstthese3s @bi-owen-harper @writingvenusian @the-quiver-of-aros @dontforgetpluto
(Obviously theres no obligation to fo it its rlly long but like... I love y’all and im interested)
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celesecretsanta · 5 years
@froggystyles : hello, hello, hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💛💖💞🥰🌞🌙💘🌻🌿💝💖❣🍉💞⭐🎇💓🍒
jdshk to be fairrrr, i could be in a completely different timezone, buuut the truth is it was around 5am i sent it :/ askjdhk yes, that'd be an ICONIC look on crowley
oh yeah, it is solo work which makes it. Different. ah, yes falling. really. punches you in the gut. and calls you out. and we jst. let him huh. i think it resonates w/ me bc. i've changed so much in the past 5yrs and i don't love the person i;m becoming?? i mean, i don't hate myself, it's more, i'm accepting of things i shouldn't be accepting of and idk . much 2 think abt!
hey well, if you have the power to make what you write abt yourself come true, write positive stuff and see what happens! (also: do you have a diary/journal that you write in daily? i wrote religiously 5th-8th grade and in 9th grade, i stopped. kinda wanna get back on it, but i can never stay consistent :/)
ahh okay, so basically it's a tv show remake of the musical?? idk . it's on disney+ & i my bi ass love the characters with my whole heART
hmmm that's if i ever get around to writing smth hdsfkj but! when i do, i'll definitely share w/ you :') it's more original work than an au (but! y'know how louis's the sun and harry's the moon? well. the main couple in mine are wlws & one's middle name is solange (means sun) & the other's mahina (means moon) so.. hl are my inspo as well)
i think . we feel more true to ourselves bc our lesbian mother, the moon, is out and ready to love us. just a theory sdkjfh
ooH, so you're more like an only child.. validish.sdfkj and yes, that is a big age difference. i have three younger sisters with a 2yr / 6yr / 8 yr age diff so we're pretty close (*however: i fell asleep during the maze runner and my sisters left me. on the living room floor . to wake up with an 90y/o back . is that "close" .)
ahsdkjfhk i can only do and just barely do math. i'm learning to drive rn bc my permit expires in april rip and i Hate it. i've tried cooking and it's alright?? i just don't have the patience for it
TUNAAA it's just that i used to love tuna and have good memories attached to it and jst . haven't had it in ages. wellll, i've have tuna subs from subway, but that Doesn't Count
oH praar is a beautiful name!! i'm sending my love right back to them 💛💝 nahh, that's only for winter. fall, spring, and summer, my bed's a mess
ahHH YES, they're soft and in Love and [interviewer voice] that's beautiful, harry reading fics tbh is all like 'damn i wish that were me.jpg'
HE REALLY DOES!! he's come a Long Way and i'm very proud of that, but thinking abt how ppl fixate on one (1) bad thing makes me very, very angry
omggg, 2016!! that was . a Trip, to say the least . anD NOOAFSHDKJ @ 2015 you
my friends made me watch the wymb music video at the end of 4th grade (so summer 2012) and it was Downhill from theredskjfh but no, so i knew of their existence and everything but loWkey, i only liked them bc my friends did. also i had like. google alerts set up so i knew all the Drama oof. also. tragicallyyyy i shipped elouno (10y/o me thought she was pretty ok) in 2016 though, i watched The One fimq video and sold my soul & sanity to the devil as i became the biggest larrie
oH RTTTT i went to college early bc i was ""smart"" and now . everything sucks bc i'm not the person i thought i was and i feel myself burning out but i don't care enough to Care y'know . but!! day by day, right! we just have to sit. and reflect. and change a little something each day to be the better person
yes!!! books have a way of transporting you away from reality. most times i feel like i am watching life zoom by me and that i'm living on autopilot and i don't know how to take back control? i guess we both have ''much 2 think abt!''
odaat!!!! i love that show omg, so glad it was picked up. and yeah, i think that since we are jUst getting rep, it isn't going to be super relatable for everyone. when i was younger, i latched on to any and every desi person, no matter how toxic/bad the rep was lol. i rmbr rlly liking ravi from jessie . rn, i really like skam for rep tbh
babe you knowing that you were who you needed early on is amazing. i know you'll time will come, you just have to take it ahah . one day at a time .
and this has to be my fave quote abt reading: “I have lived a thousand lives and I’ve loved a thousand loves. I’ve walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read.” --George R.R. Martin
life comes at you quick huh . my room doesn't feel mine oops, but!! i really want to hang up pictures in mine, fill up the walls with love and whatnot
okay! so! do you listen to music for the melody or the lyrics? some fics/books you'd rec?
last notes: m listeing to lorde rn and thinking of you :')
may life be softer, ✨
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