guinevereslancelot · 15 days
applied to a bunch of jobs! 😅🙏
#took me three days bc i really wanted my dad's input on my resume and he took a while to get back to me#but i reallyyyy wanted to have applications in my monday morning and now i do :)#also feeling much better aboutbthe whole thing now that i have stuff to be excited about#still really really sad abt leaving the kids at my current job tho#but i drove by some of the places i applied today and researched them and im really optimistic about some of them#i even heard back from one already which i was not expecting at all#she literally emailed me like half an hour after getting my application and started asking me questions#like a pre interview#so thats nice#we went back and forth a couple of times#its not my top top choice but that place isnt officially hiring and might take forever to back back to me#this place is a smaller home daycare type place and urgently hiring but the pay is super good and a home daycare environment might be nice#and the pay is pretty decent esp compared to what im making now#the top top place is a fancy pants private school that going to be way more thorough abt references and background check#so they'll take longer to get back to me#but i found out after applying that my friend's mom works there 🤯#so she's gonna ask her to put in a good word for me :)#but they're not officially hiring according to their website it just says they encourage people to inquire so i did#so p unlikely i would get that one but you never know#anyway!!!!#finally excited abt things and not just filled with dread and sadness abt leaving the current place and kids#still makes me sad but im not on the verge of tears thinking abt it anymore lol#this has been a shitpost
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
Read These Frequently Asked Questions Before You Send An Ask!
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Patreon | Ko-Fi | Youtube
Heyo! I get a TON of asks each day, so I'm making this post so that folks know what's already been asked so my followers don't have to see the same stuff over and over, haha.
Hi! I'm Punkitt! I'm a game developer, artist, editor, director, and a bunch of other stuff! I'm working on an RPG called Astral Guard, a platformer called Susan Taxpayer, and I have a couple more fun projects in my pocket like Happup and Super Mario Death Row.
Did you know you look like weird al?
YES jesus fucking christ i get told this every day. if u send me a message in my inbox saying i look like weird al im killing you with like wizard spells and shit.
Why do you have so many hats? Do you know you have that many hats?
ye i like hats. :) free tumblr badges for one pea i like one piece and took as many as i could. free.
Where can I find your art/game development/horsecomix?
Great question! Everything I make that's my own and not a reblog is under "my posts", every bit of art I do is under "my art", any game development I do is under "gamedev", you can find all my MLP art under "mlp, my art" or "horsecomix" for the best stuff. I also have an "animations" tag and a "shitposts" tab. I also properly tag all my asks to be asks and write out the asker's name, so if you don't wanna see those just mute the ask tag.
Do you have a Patreon or a Ko-Fi?
I do have a ko-fi here! I also JUST launched a Patreon, which you can find here :)
What do you use for your art?
I use FireAlpaca and Paint.net for misc. effects!
What are you using to make your games?
I use FireAlpaca do make my assets! Astral Guard, Happup, and any other top-down RPG games I make are all made in RPGMaker 2003. Susan Taxpayer is made in SMBX2 Beta 4, a Mario fangame engine with lua support!
Why are you using a 2-decade-plus engine to make games?
It's fun!
Do you have a sideblog or something for your art?
Not right now! What you see is what you get. I do have a sideblog for Astral Guard though, if you want to follow that game specifically! @astral-guard
Can I make an OC based on your work? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!! THATS THE COOLEST THING EVER!!!! LET ME KNOW IF YOU DO!!!! I WANNA SEE!!!!
Can I do dubs/redraws of your comics? As long as you credit me! I get a ton of notifs each day, so if you wanna show me (and PLEASE i so do wanna see fun dubs and redraws!!!) tag me or DM me!
Can I use your art as a PFP? Sure! Just credit me somewhere. :D
Are you the one who trapped her coworkers in a room and made them listen to TF2 lore?
Yep! Everyone had a blast actually. :]
Did you make that comic where Fluttershy eats the weed brownie/Rainbow Dash has a male living space/someone has a cutie mark that says they'll kill Ronald Reagan?
Yep! That's me.
Where are you in MLP right now?
Currently just finished Season 7! Haven't watched the movie yet.
Have you watched Equestria Girls?
Yep! Thought it was super cute. I watched up to Rainbow Rocks and plan on watching more.
What's your opinion on MLP so far?
I love it! I think it's cute. I really don't agree that there was some sort of huge quality drop after season 2 or whatever.
What do you think of G5?
Not my style! I don't really like either animation types and it just seems like I'm not in the audience anymore. That's totally chill, but it just doesn't grab me!
Have you watched any other MLP stuff from previous generations?
Nope! But I did see a compilation called Minty Being Autistic for Six Minutes Straight that I loved. she's perfect.
Favorite pony?
Don't got one, I love all the Mane Six a LOT, but I'm particularly fond of Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity!
Favorite episode/season?
I'm so bad at picking favorites! But any season past Season 1 I have a blast with because I feel like it's just more my style. I don't have a favorite episode, but the most recent one I can remember LOVING is the one where Starlight bottles up her emotions because it was REALLY funny.
Do you like Pony.mov?
Nope! And stop saying my stuff reminds you of it, it's a lil annoying!
Have you watched the Mentally Advanced Series/Friendship is Witchcraft/Other fandom vids?
Probably not! My interaction with the MLP fandom prior to last year was pretty minimal, so I'm making my way through the show first!
What do you think of Fallout: Equestria?
I think it's super weird but really fun because of that. I've never properly read any of it but it's very fascinating to me.
Are you transgender?
Yep! I go by she/her, I'm a trans woman. Have been for many years, but I only recently came out online!
Are you a lesbian?
Nah, I'm bisexual!
Can I commission you?
Yeah! I only have my commissions available on my Ko-Fi at certain times though, so keep an eye out! I usually announce slots being open at least 12 hours beforehand. Slots are usually first come first serve, but we'll see.
Can I use your art as a Discord emote?
Yeah man i'm not scouring every discord on the planet to find stickers of my work. i think it owns if people take my stuff and make it stupid injoke emotes between friends that makes me very happy.
Can I send you an ask inquiring about gender dysphoria?
I feel like this is beyond my capabilities of advice! I'm actually very comfortable with my body and I have been for many years, so I don't know if I can give any good or helpful advice on that front. Apologies, but there are many resources out there where you can ask about those things if you look for them, like Discord channels!
Favorite Color?
I'm a sucker for blue!
Favorite coffee?
Can't drink coffee, my stomach is cringe.
Favorite tea?
I'm lame and can't drink most tea but I love this one orange-flavored tea a lot. I also LOVE ice tea.
Can I say you're horsegender/punkittgender/a little gender goblin void thing?
Well, I can't stop you, but I'm kind of beyond that phase now! I really am a boring ol' plain she/her girl, and I like it that way. It's not much, but it's honest gender.
What's your favorite game series?
Mother, Kingdom Hearts, Mario, and I USED to say Fallout, but I found out I'm really only a big Fallout New Vegas fan.
Favorite game from those?
Mother 3 is one of my fave games of all time! I love KHII, and I'm tied for SMB3 and SMW. Also Fallout New Vegas fucks hard.
Any other favs?
Bug Fables, SLARPG, and TF2!
Favorite Movie?
Everything Everywhere All At Once, no question.
Oh, are you going to college?
Yep! I'm a film/theater major.
Do you have a YouTube channel?
Yeah! Click right here for it, I stream there and upload footage of my games/animations/my film projects + other stuff.
What is that little orange creature I see?
That's bweenop, my little persona that I use when I'm feeling a little scrunkly.
Do you have a ponysona?
Yep! Her name is Star Magnolia, you can search her on the blog to see art of her.
When will Susan Taxpayer/Astral Guard/etc. be out?
No clue! I take things slow, that's just how I am.
How do you work on so many things at once?
I make small, satisfying amounts of progress! I never try to complete one giant thing all at once, I just like doing small bursts of fun stuff. I got ADHD, so I learn to work with it.
Did you know you look like Weird Al?
Im going to run you over with a clown car watch out
WHY do you work on so many things at once?
Fun! I like learning, I like making cool stuff, and I like showing it to people :)
Do you need any help with your projects?
Potentially! I'll probably put out a post asking for help if I need it.
If you could be a horse, would you?
You kidding me? Several ton beasts with the frailty of a sickly Victorian boy; my clumsy ass would never survive.
Are you some sort of...furry?
Why do you reblog so much?
Brother I LOVE posting. that's just how it is.
Fav music artists?
It changes literally ALL the time but I will recommend ANYTHING by Vylet Pony, its music is incredible and probably the reason I'm a weird niche microcelebrity now.
Why are you like this?
theater kid + having a lot of fun on the internet makes you a bit silly hehe hoo
Is it out? Not yet! But hopefully sometime in the next year. I dunno! I take things at my own pace and keep stuff fun. :)
What are you using to make it? SMBX2! It's a free fangame engine for Mario episodes, but it's incredibly versatile and has a wonderful community, so I decided to make Susan Taxpayer in it.
Is there a demo? You betcha! You can find it right here. I'll also probably put it up on my itch.io.
How do I install it? I made a post here about how to run the SAGE '23 demo!
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catgirlbussy · 1 year
holy shit i just realised im autistic
i know this seems like a shitpost, and tbf i am laughing at myself pretty hard rn. it's dawning on me at 6 AM after being awake all night, but (if you care, and if you don't feel free to ignore too, have a nice day!) hear me out, cause this genuinely feels meaningful and insightful for me with how my life has gone so far. I spent an hour writing this post in hopes someone might find it helpful too :3c
If you don't wanna read my post pls enjoy this picture of our famous friend autism baby stackin those cans before you go~♪
(source: wikipedia)
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like i already /knew/ I was before this moment, but i was thinkin about what i used to do as a kid and wow i am so autistic how the fuck did i not realise sooner. It straight up wasn't until I was already well into my 20's that I started to meet other autistic people online and learned about their experiences and difficulties from talking with them that I realised a lot of things they described matched for me too.
I live in assfuck nowhere so most of my life the only few times that I had met autistic people were like, folks who were nonverbal or whatever, just generally needing direct assistive care, and I never bothered to look things up on my own because I was already inundated with the pressures of growing up, school, mental health, etc. I remember one of the first times I had built up the courage to ask anyone about it, I was in the hospital because of mental health issues. This was in my second year uni, and when one of the doctors assessing me was asking me questions, I said I thought maybe I was autistic. He promptly and with a fair amount of snark told me that if I was autistic I wouldn't have gotten into university.
Thinking back, he was probably just an exhausted, fresh outta school resident with no special interest in psychiatric care (and also just seemed to suck in general), but it was enough that I shelved the idea for another 5 years.
Lo and behold, now I am lying here in bed, just absolutely gobsmacked by the VERY REAL idea that im autistic and like holy shit I feel so vindicated.
I've been on tumblr for just a bit, but I see a lot of folks talking in various neurodivergent circles about their experiences and that's been so wonderful for me. I also have a few good friend groups w/ a lot of neurodivergent folks, and that's been really exciting too.
Like, I'm still processing this cognitively as I'm writing, so please pardon this ill patterned post, but this feels like such a beneficial thing for me. Over time I've adapted a few strategies here and there to help myself accomplish various tasks, but now I feel so empowered to, like... actually figure stuff out.
Even after feeling confident I was autistic, it was this nebulous, floating concept in my head for so long of, "oh yeah im autistic or something idk," that I never really dedicated much effort to finding healthier ways to do things that didn't irk me or whatever. I don't feel like the label /itself/ is what is important to me here, but rather the awareness around why I do so many things in the ways that I do and that it's /okay/ that I do.
I don't want this post to go on too much longer, but I feel it's worth noting that I've fought for years with my family because they didn't understand why I was going about things the way I did. Again, remember, they all grew up in this cloistered hellhole too. But, surprise surprise, the times in my life that I have been doing better than any other are when I felt confident enough to ignore what everyone was trying to get me to go along with and instead just fashioned my own best methods (which also sometimes included informing said overbearing individual(s) to go fuck themselves cause I'm busy doing shit. It's hard for them to argue with me telling them as much when I would be completing X objective well, which is what they wanted in the first place).
I don't want to make this sound like I'm trying to be overconfident, but I mention as much instead as a sign of support for other neurodivergent folks to feel similarly empowered to drum to their own beat. Thinking back, I went from almost failing high school and ultimately retaking a grade to excelling in all my classes. Every single one. I know that's a relative assessment, you got variable difficulty levels, etc., and the grade score isn't important in and of itself, least of all because the school systems here (Canada) are a mess it seems, but just that alone as an idea, within the parameters of a particular system, I went from initial abject failure to thorough and lauded success.
Just think of what so many people could do if they weren't being pigeonholed into formats that absolutely aren't working for them.
I already have a boatload of (genuinely helpful by way of enabling access to proper education and treatment) diagnoses from my history of working with my (very wonderful and genuinely caring and helpful) psychiatrist that match with what I know about the neurodivergence term umbrella like ADHD, OCD, and bipolar, so it seems |autism| will feel quite at home in the group ^w^. I'll ask her about it at my next appointment to see if an official diagnosis has any value versus me just continuing to figure things out on my own.
Either way, I am thrilled right now thinking about the next time I get to shout
while an electric guitar squeals and lightning strikes all around me and I make cool stuff happen :3c.
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tnoy-keraxis · 15 days
What would each CC characters podcasts be about
THE QUESTION EVER!!!!!! I have developed this au so far and I love talking about it. I am going to put a cut after the background info because im going to be so annoying
So, for background, they all work for a little podcast network known in my heart as 'Bogs Hollow FM' (BHFM) <3. It was founded by Ragweed and The Narrator (David)* after their podcast was so successful that they could afford to not only expand their podcast but acquire others and fund some new ones!
*Note: I know that this mixes the two layers of fiction that we are given in CC. I know that the Narrator and Ragweed don't actually know the main characters. I know the characters are played by The Players. I know the story in CC is mostly fiction. This is just me having fun <3 Im just saying this because I would argue with myself over this.
but anyway!!! talk about the podcasts below the cut because this shit is LONG (i know you didnt ask for all the lore but i like talking)
Starting with the one that started it all, Ragweed and David have a weekly podcast called The Woodblock (this is one of the few names I'm sure of). It is just general news/guys talking. It got popular fast and good on them. It's become a huge production and most of the audience just shitposts about how they seemingly get divorced every episode. Ragweed's real name isn't Ragweed, but he refuses to tell anyone what his real name is.
Then, when The Woodblock became so successful, and they started BHFM, they acquired 3 other podcasts that were already successful in their own right and gave them increased funding.
First, The Prince (Nicholas) has a podcast which is essentially a painful rehash of alpha-male podcasts. But it did not find it's intended audience... Now it's essentially got the worlds queerest audience that just makes fun of him, but he does not notice. People assume it's a parody. It was originally just him, until he bullied Tadius into being his cohost but that's a story for another day
Then, Ella has an audience helpline podcast where she just answers questions and does general self-help/wellbeing content. We love a girl working through her trauma and helping others at the same time. She doesn't have a cohost but occasionally invites Lucy and Justine on, but they don't take things seriously enough. It is her sanctuary, and she wants to keep it as just hers. The last podcast they acquired was The Stepmother's podcast which is just an aggressive drama podcast, tragically the only way I can explain the energy is Frenemies meets Drama Alert, and I hope that gives you an idea of how horrific the energy is. Putrice and Rancilda are frequently their as well.
But when they acquired those 3, they also got handed some spin-off podcasts (which i dont have much to say about):
Rancilda has a daily riddles podcast that she is "hiding" from her stepmother (she isn't, its call "ranciriddles"). She has an audience suggested riddle every week.
Putrice has a more lowkey gossip podcast because she wants to be just like her mother but its way less toxic and tbh it's a good time.
Lucy and Justine have like a fun little sleepover style podcast, they just play games and talk and have a good time. They once did a whole episode reading fanfic about The Prince and Tadius just to fuck with them.
Crumb and Sir Hop-a-Lot (real names Chris and Harold <3) have a motivational/workout podcast, they are just the world's most chaotic duo, no one really understands what their podcast is trying to be.
The Fairy Queen has a daily affirmations podcast that she films at 3am. No one knows her real name. No one knows who she is.
and then lastly, they have a group dnd podcast run by David with the exact plot to Cinderella's Castle. It's a mess.
and that's a basic rundown of all the podcasts. There has been a lot of drama between them all including the aforementioned fanfic beef, the several times Tadius has been locked in a storage cupboard and why the Fairy Queen records at 3am but that's a post for another day.
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1/100 days of getting my life back together
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
So I decided to try to do a thing for the first time ever since forever - try to start having a blog(?) again, because, well, the brain rot is real. I've deleted twitter for now to give my brain some rest, because a lot of things were stressing me out.
My life has been a real mess the last few months and I really need to get my shit back together. This semester was the biggest flop so far (which is not to say that much - it's only a second one, but still) and I'm really upset about it.
I've come off one of my meds, that were making me insanely sleepy whenever I tried to focus (still have no idea whether that was a real thing or no, but they either way were not doing anything for me), got back on antidepressants, that are a-okay to me, at least side effects wise, and I was hoping that NOW I will be so much better at school. It got so much worse.
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Not my room, but the vibes sum everything up quite perfectly. Everything feels insanely hard to do. I feel like a failure. I'm stressed and lost, but we persevere to the best of our abilities.
Anyway, I am writing this post one day after the 3rd of July, because I figured I should start somewhere, and despite wanting to have the first entry be as perfect as I want to become later, I figured that I have already tried that approach earlier, and it always falls off. Maybe it's better to start bad, slowly trying to build up all the habits and changes.
After all it is 100 days of trying to get my life together, not 100 days of describing my life being together.
Anyway, on 3rd of July I wanted to do some document related work and do some job applications, but because of fucking up my sleep schedule days prior to finish an assignment (which I got 100% for, insanely), I could not resist falling asleep in the day and then waking up late in the evening. That then scaled to 4th of July night, when I could not fall asleep again until 4 am, and the cycle repeated again.
So, yeah. T'was a flop. I didn't do anything good or productive for studying. The only thing I managed to accomplish was tidying up the place a little, but not the dishes. Luckily, my boyfriend helped me with that. It feels so much better to be able to work as a team on tasks that feel this big and unbearable.
2/100 days of getting my life back together
Thursday, July 4, 2024
It is currently 13:44 as I am writing this. Woke up (or more so, thankfully, got woken up by my boyfriend) by about 12:30. Still feel very poopy, but in today's plans are to do some studying for the first out of my two exams, and maybe a little bit for the second one.
DB 2
DB 3
DB 4
Probably will keep editing this post for any relevant updates that are not shitposts.
15:08 - 16:02 finished the db2 and 3 bits, 3rd one was way shorter than I expected. it turned out that I already had a set of flashcards on quizzlet there on it, so that was a win. originally was planning to study for one hour, but then finished 6 mins earlier, because my brain was fried and finished the dishes on my break. now back to studying
16:17 - 18:01 finished working on the SE2, but the lecture was kinda short and won't be that important at the exam, so I can't say I studied it properly. i will put more thought into it later (maybe), but not for now, since my ass is BURNING from the heat of upcoming deadline for the exams and there are more complex things i need to learn. started working on DB 4, which was an addition on initially planned to-do list. a little more than 1.5 hours of trying to understand the lecture made my brain feel GONE. i started to feel very irritated at the end, so im gonna be taking a break.
18:36 - 19:52 some minecraft break for mindlessly and quietly doing some things around our base. cleaned up the ground for where i want to build our house, transferred some stuff and organized it in a new chests system. the project will take A LOT of time so yuh. did i spend too much time on it? yes. will i do it again? also yes, probably. then we ate some dinner and now im comming back to some studying and note taking.
21:09 - 22:22
did some more note taking on DB4, not finished with it yet, but I think I'll call it a day for today. I'll probably play some more Minecraft before sleep and reread my notes and flashcards too. overall I feel still kind of unsatisfied with the day and its' results, I think mostly because of this is 1.5 hour game break, but it is what it is for now. overall I guess I did do some stuff done today, so it's still a win, right?
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tiistirtipii · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you-meme!
I was tagged by the wonderful @hazmatilda to answer some Bad Buddy questions! Thanks for tagging me I feel like I don’t talk about bad buddy enough these days
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
Hii I’m Tii and like Harry I’m also an Australian!
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I’ve been in this fandom from the very second the pilot trailer of Bad Buddy dropped at GMMTV2022. The moment i saw Pran lying on top of Pat and saying
“Do you still want us to be just friends?”
“Do you”
I was obsessed. I watched from episode 1 when the episodes finally started coming out but I wasn’t hugely involved in fandom until later on
Favourite ship/s
Somewhere along my bbs journey I got converted into a huge WaiKorn fan. Something about the dynamics mix of enemies with benefits and also best friends to lovers just really hits the spot. Also make it sound good is just so good. But also I love PatPran so so much
Favourite character/s
I gotta love Pran. Me🤝Him fr. I love a good deeply repressed hopeless romantic character who’s really going through it.
Favourite episode/s
Episode 9. I loved seeing PatPran get to date openly at university, just getting the chance to BE boyfriends and care about eachother. Sure Pat got shot but their scene in the hospital was cute and we got to see Pran + the engineering gang as well as Wai and Pat getting along. Also Pat, Pran, Pa and Ink‘a dinner >>>> . Also Ink’s flirting, I can’t believe I went there! Also Korn being the best friend to Pat, sure he teases but when it really matters he’s there for his friend.
Favourite scene/s
Other than THE scene(my thoughts about it)? I love the scene at the benches in ep 9 1/4 where PatPran are comforting eachother after their relationship is revealed, the little things from the less sweet iced tea to holding hands, Pat willing to be the heartbroken one, it was nice to see them being so free with just liking and supporting eachother after pretending not too for so long. Also ep 8 3/4 with PatPran at their houses, it’s so nice to see Pran smile so widely with his cute elevator joke and the hugs and the headphones and shirt.
One thing you would change about the show if you could
More Inkpa. Gmmtv needs to open their eyes and give us the GLs we all want. (Also waikorn canon :))
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
Make it sound good is one of my all time favourite fics and is the reason I’m as devoted to waikorn as I am
The soulmate series actually breaks my heart into pieces I love best friends to lovers stories so so much. And I also love it when authors write both povs- you get double the amazingness!
from the tide is a wonderful magic au and I’m a massive sucker for modern magic stories and there are so many little details in this that I adore
Something about The Space Pirate and the Officer of the Law by @dimplesandfierceeyes has me by the throat idk what it is but I love it
Also you can thank @kornswasianguyswag and their amazing art for opening my eyes to the potential of the bbs OT4. I love so many pieces of his.
What are your favourite fanworks you've made?
idk I just make shitposts ok
A song that makes you think of BBS (not in the show)
Uhh. Ride Home by Ben & Ben and Juliet by Cavetown.
Im tagging @dimplesandfierceeyes and @kornswasianguyswag since I already tagged you and I love you, also @dribs-and-drabbles and @telomeke-bbs . No pressure to do it and sorry for tagging you if you’ve already done it.
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rikitachiquita · 1 year
one more pear 🍐 || p. sunghoon
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• synopsis: something really weird happens to y/n one day. it involved park sunghoon, her brother and weirdly enough... pears
• genre: shitposting, one shot, crack, sunghoon x bestfriend y/n, literally the dream i had last night made into a one shot
(1k words)
y/n was in her kitchen, eating some good old peaches in the middle of the afternoon. she had been studying all day so a healthy snack was what she needed.
that’s when a person came into her kitchen: it was sunghoon, her good friend. 
“what are you eating?” he asked
“peaches with lemon, why?” she replied, a bit weirded out that he was in her house.
who invited him? she then started guessing who it could have been, since it wasn’t her. maybe it was her mum, since she LOVED him. to be fair, who wouldn’t? he was very funny when he tried. she instantly checked her dad out of the list: he couldn’t remember the names of her friends even if his life depended on it. and she has had the same groups of friends for years. maybe her brother? yeah no. fun fact, sunghoon and her brother HATED each other. the reason why? still unknown. anyways she always had to be ready to hide the man when he was around her house, in case her brother came around unexpectedly.
“i want some pears” he said. 
was he ok? why did he want pears all of the sudden??
“take one, it’s no big deal” she said, ignoring the weird situation. maybe he was on drugs??? or maybe he was just a freak.
“thank you!” he said giggling and taking a pear.
then he took another one
and another one
and one more
a fifth one
and the last remaining pear.
y/n looked at him. stunned. what was going on? why did he take six pears? why was he being like this. sunghoon was a bit strange at times, but not THAT strange.
maybe he was trying to be more healthy? he was an athlete at the end of the da-
“BYE Y/N” she heard and then the loud sound of her front door closing (it needed some fixing but her brother and dad were way too lazy to do that)
he had left. ok. it’s sunghoon. it’s normal behavior for him. he would just forget it and live her life like that didn’t happen.
it was the next day. she had a biology presentation in a few minutes , so she was a bit anxious. i mean, dna wasn’t a simple subject to tackle.
all her classmates were there, just one was missing: sunhoon. 
maybe he was finally put in a mental hospital. after the stunt he pulled the day before, he better be locked up.
she started giving her presentation and everything was going well. the slide had turned out perfect and the speech was going smoothly.
but then her brother came in. (an: wtf my brother just texted me im actually freaked out)
why was he in her school?
he didn’t even go to her school. their schools weren’t even close. actually it took over an hour by bus to get from y/n’s school to her brother's school.
“where are the pears?” he asked.
why was everyone obsessed with pears? they were nasty anyways.
“i don’t know? why are you in my school?” she was confused to say the least.
“i need them, i know you have them”
“i don’t even like pears! oh my god why are you here?”
“ok, i’m leaving for now, but be sure to have them later”
and he did left, slamming the door on his way out.
“you can go on” said her teacher. no one wondered what had just happened.
so she just did. she went on with her presentation.
it was the next period now and she was in german. y/n hated that subject with her whole heart. why did she even choose to take it? it was her worst subject and she barely passed it.
another knock on the door was heard and sunghoon came in. he had escaped the clinic then, it was the only explanation.
“sorry, i had a doctor appointment, here is my pass” he said, handing the teacher a paper and sitting down at his designated seat at the back of the class.
another knock. again. why was everyone knocking today?
“do you have my pears now?” her brother was back, bothering her.
“i already told you, i don’t have your pears”
“just admit that you ate them yesterday”
“but i didn’t!”
“yes you did!” he was starting to raise his voice. 
“i don’t like pears, why would I eat them!”
“i don’t know, maybe cause you are crazy?”
she was so embarrassed. the whole class was looking at her. and not even just her class, but janitors and random students from other classes were gathering outside the door and they were looking at the scene.
“ I AM the crazy one? not you? the one who came all the way to my school to scream to me about some pears on the loose? and you came in twice! do you realize how out of your mind you must look? and in front of my whole class and the teachers! can’t you just leave?”
“not unless you tell me where my pears are!”
“i don’t know were your pears are!!!”
“then who has them?”
“i don’t know”
oh when she would get her hands on sunghoon. he just waits. oh he will get what he deserves for making this happen. just cause he craved pears. 
but weirdly enough , she couldn’t feel the man’s eyes on her. weird very weird.
“on that’s enough, you leave now and you try calming yourself down” the teacher finally did what she was paid for: doing her job.
finally her brother left. finally she could find peace. well, she was still at school so peace was not an option at all.
when she finally relaxed, she turned around to look at the man in question.
and he was not there. sunghoon had left. and the pears. they were all gone with him.
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author note: basically i had this dream last night. so i made a one shot out of it cause it was very funny to me. also, i might just make one shots about fruits at this point and become a greengrocer (check out my first ever fic, sweet like mango!!).
CHECK OUT LI AND I'S SIDE BLOG!!!! we talk about enhypen if they were italian and it's very funny to me ( and to li ok yes, we enjoy stuff like this)
new chapter of come back be here coming tonight/tomorrow night!!!
ok bye i'm done with the advertisment
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forsakenruin · 1 year
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#𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐍   —   an  independent  ,    private  ,    &    semi-selective    FANDOMLESS    original  character  ;  𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓱 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓯𝓽   :   daughter of world-renowned tomb raider ,  member of the secret society   DAUGHTERS OF ARTEMIS   ,  &  on the run treasure hunter .   |   est.  in  april  ,    2023  .    all  fandoms  are  welcome  to  interact    &    are  highly  encouraged  to  !!    rated  21+  .    minors  DNI  .    extremely  low  activity  currently  .    written  by  R.Z.  (  she/her  ,    25+  )  .
𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍   —   navigating hostile environments when you’re just a child ,  enemies wearing the face of a motherly figure ,  refusing to let history repeat itself ,  taking control of your own life  &  survivor’s GUILT .
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[ CARRD . ] tba
[ DOC . ] tba
[ LINKS ] prompts . character study . headcanons . wishlisht .
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blogroll .
@gunchamber / krissy chambers , spn based muse , medium activity , partially uses icons
@hdgcrft / devon ambrose , oc witch , extremely low activity , rarely uses icons
@forsakenruin / micah croft , lara croft's daughter oc , extremely low activity , might not use icons
Hi ! Welcome to my new OC blog , thank you for stopping by . I'm on the EST & i've recently come back to this hellsite after a nearly 9 year long break from writing . Lou from @tobeblamed unintentionally inspired me to come back so here i am !! i hope we can have fun & write together .
This blog is pretty much friendly everything !! I'm open to everything & i hope you will be the same . I won't tolerate hate of any kind , this is my blog . my space that i curate as a positive hub for me to escape my real life for a bit . i won't allow for it to be dulled . so be nice, just be a good egg !!
I will be on my main rp account most days !! ( @gunchamber ) so activity here will probably be sporadic . i also work a full time job unfortunately . i also believe i'm undiagnosed ADHD so i could very well be here shitposting but not replying to things , so patience is appreciated. please don't rush me on replies . if it's been a while feel free to shoot me a message to remind me , but continuous heckling will cause me to not want to write with you . i'll ask you politely once , if you continue then i will unfollow .
I am loosely a mutuals only rp blog , i'm only semi-selective . i also rarely follow first , and it's not me being a snob it's me being a pansy ass bitch that has social anxiety . if you see that we have the same mutuals , then i probably have already lurked your blog and i'm waiting to make the first move . it could be within thirty seconds of discovering you or several weeks . i am trash i know . i'm sorry .
the best ways to reach out and get things started is sending me some memes or tagging me in a starter !! if you are more into plotting , and we are mutuals send me an IM or ask for my discord !! i LOVE plotting some background for our muses to have a connection it's my favorite part !!
Shipping . it's one of those things that back then i would be like , shipping with all the muses that mine interacts with . but now i really enjoy and appreciate even the non-romantic relationships my muse gets into . i enjoy the slow build of our muse and based on their chemistry we will see if things become romantic!! world building and plotting is beautiful like that isn't it ?
Soft Blocking is new to me, but i like the concept . with that being said , if you soft block me and i end up refollowing you . i'm not doing it with ill intent or out of spite , i would just think something with tumblr happened that made me unfollow you . i apologize in advance .
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
dw its never too late for ouran i went to a convention recently dressed as haruhi (because I'm literally haruhi if she didn't cut her hair- i could give you a whole list of things we have in common, down to the shape of our glasses) and there was ONE OTHER OURAN COSPLAYER AND IT WAS A TAMAKI AND HE PROPOSED
best birthday of my life (also if u want i can dm u a picture of it because lichrally i explode /pos every time i look at it)
and while ouran stuff is hard to find i make it my goal to find everything ouran related at conventions- most recent one i got the LAST deck of ouran playing cards, a HUGE wall scroll for like dirt cheap, a print of the twins, and a buncha pins... not a ton but literally anything is enough for me
im gonna stop talking now bc i will just keep going forever ajksdfa
OMG YES PLEEEASE SEND ME THE IMAGE IT SOUDNS SO CUTE!!! I'd love to cosplay Haruhi myself one day or maybe Hani. Both would be fun and I could pull them off relatively well.
It is cool that Ouran is still big, I mean it p much was such a cultural phenomenon...so it's nice they're still selling stuff for it like at hot topic, I recently got an Ouran shirt there (I need more...)
I haven't been to a con in years, but next time I go, I hope I see some Ouran stuff!! The fandom is quiet rn but I'm use to being in very small fandoms and I like the tiny homes I make here. It's pretty lax and I can find some tightly knitted mutuals (who stand my insane ass)
I would love an Ouran wall scroll I only have one of Hetalia NAJBFEHJFBEHJ and it's been there for ages I'm too attached to take it down.
yknow the active fanbase being so small means im use to getting 100 notes on the much higher end of things after like several days, but the shitpost i made is almost already there in like an hour. I forget there are rlly popular fandoms out there with a LOT more active members than mine I feel like I'm emerging from a sewer hole lmao
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fkyumerica · 9 months
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-WowH0liGfE does she herd
facts about dalmations, oh my god get her to leave
did boy george/amber have the ugliest fucking wife inners and outers
he said it
is her whole body utters for him wtf
marilyn manson officially fucking did it
electrocuted us to steal mcdonalds
and enter in to fuck with his mom and elderly to steal all their money
and the worlds
henry ford is caught
went with 8 girls
he was 15
"new town panties"
dont let him surf
started skate boarding to knock out all their teeth
stupid right didnt know i did it
and to them i knocked out all their teeth, now first person they see they will attack and already dead haha i steal your wife
he is his own dad
and fucks his mom
to calm her down to leave
and gets her fat again
family orgies, smells like old people
and the old look is it too mom take off your wig
it will save you, now i wear it and hit old people
sky scraper
The Ride of the Rohirrim live in concert - The Return of the king Barcelona
jo just goes in there and shoots everyone
he pierced my ears and did my hair
that guy isnt the kurgan
he is heartless-kurgan
i dont care
do it
he wants gay old monster orcs to live
im not gonna let them live
each shit came on the ground
gum dots?
i ride each of their horses to kill them after
cant run
we fuck her too
other side
drugs poltergeist cant get up
spirits hold them down
they shit on me to give me armor
those guys were with gandolf the whole time
they burnt giant dads
tried to make their sons gay
i went in the castle and shot men off them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9JR5-ZecCQ he locked us out of our trailers to smash them in half
he always tried to kill alden
showed up as the guitarist once for ac/dc
and i dunno he likes metallica gay right i'll leave him there
i'll let it happen too old ones rape him
pointed at that group instead and move them forward, burnt
but its anyone wild anyways
he would just lie
that guy would get attacked evveryday
the neighbor
it might be clifford
ow ow ow in trailer park boys
did they break my tooth of because of them
probably, small
wheres the dinosaur
what present are they taking and using already
to attaack
and kill, her instead
so we got a dinosaur win a fight
kill her too, say it twice they will send more again
From the shitposting community on Reddit: How to give a kid PTSD
jimhoslovat, meant here are some to mate too and mate your offspring too then they get it they say it
every fkng day i had to kill those people
there it is got that woman oregnant and 5 girls, kidnapped him, she's with him
body bag
kevin/mike/tony was his fake name then he was anthony tscolas and anthony hernandez
and what girls too posted it on my blog
and the video of the apartments they lived in
got two women
let him in when they were asleep
kids need a home stay the night then it happened, she already mated with their dad and hey two women they were stupid it was their wives
of their dads and they were old
looks like her
thanks for the video
what a hooker
points with his thumb hey come oveeer here
and was jeffery's dad
yea i can stick it in there
judge book
every morning
the website
conquer all
and the boy lives just to be a hooker GET ME OUTTA HERE
I can live there because I saw a car go from here to there and I know its my family living next to me
Shes dead? We’re gonna fuck her  to him to be alive CRAZY GREAT  BREEDING LOVe then him then him then him then him
Their moms got  boys since, Spanish didn’t have a boat to save them, France stole it for it, gay love
Only this group would know the answer to their family feud, that is the show, then they say it after
And why, cause shes got a gross cunt go fuck him he will clean it
Half English half irish I get it, and wait in the sky scraper for old people after, after she lives in it too wtf sit I n the lobby tired I got 4 houses, fred durst. Now he wont be mad at me walked over there he fucked deedee or wtf is not fucking her I got a trend black tshirt right no hats no we’re you, surprise your family with a pregnancy they wont care
I think he told it to that other boy or he was fucking her after, goes for that
I think you did chris, for them to go at me
Scottish army then she got a wedding too, make him look bigger or show up, pregnant by two boys and one guy, Barolo, wedding singer, anyones shit (son)
The wedding singer, fred durst after, or elvis from the wedding, gotta look at a egg nest after and see if I cry, no I left her too, old ladies kissing him he can come back and her mom ripped her face off now we got three in an army keep making them scream after then walk them up to other womens privates and talk to those women from the front we do it gay
mary sue had marilyn manson(switches charles manson in the court room so her son gets out it was keep switching one in to escape prison and a court trial fake judge throw it out what note)when she slept with that older man, same one
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abigail-nicole · 2 years
tgcf liveread part 6
moving my liveread of the perfect novel, Heaven Official's Blessing, Tian Guan Ci Fu, by MXTX, from the dying twitter (fuck u elon) to the shitposting haven of tumblr, which hasn't failed us yet. probably just a mtter of time tho. xie lian would understand. anyway, continuing with Book 3, just after the Best Dinner Party in All Of Literature!
originally live tweeted on 3/30/2020:
Xie Lian, baby taizi dianxia, who can now be threatened because he loves someone
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YEAH GET MARRIED!!!! How many times will Hua Cheng have to propose before Xie Lian gets it lol
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Yes because when someone normally asks “want to get married” while holding one another in a too-small chair, its a hypothetical
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Xie Lian catching feelings
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so virtuous so beautiful......makes me plow other people’s fields all day....
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Xie Lian, staring at Hua Cheng’s throat as he swallows, deeply upset by the implication that Hua Cheng likes a girl, unable to keep working: Gay Panic
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Hua Cheng, gremlin, delights in teasing him,
now we have a nautical yarn,
Do i spy a Crimson Rain Sought Flower v Ship Sinking Black Water confrontation that will leave our magical girl protagonist scared and aroused
God this scene is so GOOD????????? I’m dying??????? This is the best adventure?????
I cannot WAIT to see this animated oh my god
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MAGICAL GIRL XIE LIAN STRIKES AGAIN oh i love him crying emoji
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Demon King Hua Cheng oh my god & his magical girl boyfriend
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why isn’t I Must Cross The Sea With My Beloved And We Have To Both Lie In A Tiny Coffin, Our Bodies Pressed Together, To Escape The Ship Sinking Black Water more of a trope
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What If Our Coffin Boat Breaks, the trope
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More like Crimson Rain Sought Flower Crown Martial Prince why did it take me so long to make this joke oh my god
hahaha sexy times in a coffin while floating in the lair of the black water demon ....just hualian things
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Hua Cheng telling Pei Ming to go kill himself........... legend
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this is also gonna blow my mind when it’s animated. Spiritual detective boyfriends! we love to see it!
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why haven’t I commented on qingxuan/ming yi romance before this????? Am I an idiot????
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an earth god and his genderqueer partner? we also love to see it
oh wait I’m idiot
This plotting is incredible???? (except for the Go Have Sexual Tension In A Coffin which was plot unnecessary but everyone is happy about it anyway)....everything else is so well done?????
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i wont post the spoiler bc its all mxtx wanted was to not share that spoiler.... but i reiterates this author note is pure evil
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listen I actually love the Ghost Kings being friends. I imagine them hanging out & playing cards together in Ghost City
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listen qingxuan & xie lian are gonna sit around & have dinner with their ghost king boyfriendOH MY GOD THIS ALREADY HAPPENED!!!!!!!! I DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHEN I SAID THAT DINNER WAS A BLESSING!!!!!!
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a) I ficking love He Xuan’s backstory
The way Ghosts Kings (ghosts?) value Knowing Even When (Especially When) It’s Bad ..... excuse me while I pull up this “TERM PAPER Villains and Dumb Babies: the Fool, The Hero, And Moral Complexity In The Hero’s Journey.doc”
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Did I think there could be an mxtx novel without Brotherly Self Sacrifice? The only thing I know about mxtx is that they’re not an only child lol
so, from another perspective, it makes zero sense that xie lian would even be there to see any of this in the first place, even though limited third person POV dictates that we must see everything through his eyes, but on the other hand,,,,KITH
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They now make out all the time but never get any emotional mileage out of it!!!!!
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aghahaha i take it back I like general pei “what the heck” god bless this translator i love them
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Oh no I was looking up Crimson Rain Sought Flower characters (血雨探花) and spoiled something for myself oh no. Its not like i know even a single character in chinese why did I think “oh I should look at these characters”
wait I wanna stop & talk about Xie Lian doing a crushing kiss and then shouting his ultimate magical girl power move “SOUL SUMMONING SPELL!” as a real MOON PRINCESS HALATION moment
It’s a STARLIGHT HONEYMOON THERAPY KISS! I know way too many of sailor moon’s attacks i should probably feel more ashamed but im just thinking.....meatball head Sailor Flower Crown Martial Prince....neo-dianxia xie lian....his transformation sequence....
I was wrong hes not a himbo he’s purebred Magical Girl. they share characteristics
There’s even a Millenium Silver Crystal.....clearly Hua Cheng’s ring....why did I spoil that for myself like idiot....i am fool.
Okay sorry I’m off my tangent & back to Mistress 9, I mean He Xuan,
He Xuan LOVES Shi Qingxuan and..... I’m just going with that
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lol i almost feel bad for qi rong but also....Bro You Can Just Leave.... except we need you for comic effect to interrupt the makeouts
okay this seems like the end of the black water arc and a good chance to break this archive of a livetweet. returning shortly
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hcrystal02 · 2 years
JSE Icebreaker Q&A cause I'm bored!
Preferred name: On this site, Crystal
Preferred pronouns: She/her
When did you start watching JSE?
Watched him off and on after watching prop hunt on Mark's channel. Really started watching during the Sister Location series
Why did you start watching JSE?
Ego content mostly but he pulled me in more with his sense of humor
What's your favourite things about the channel?
He's willing to diversify his content and take long breaks when he needs it. As far as im aware, he was one of the first gaming channels to actually step away from the content grind for the sake of his mental health and has become ever better for it.
Do you have a fave ego?
It's hard to choose honestly. If we go based on the content and lore we've received, it would have to be tied between Anti and Chase.
What type of community member are you? (lurker/artist/theorist/editor/shitposter/author etc)
Im more of a lurker than anything else. I do do a bit of writting and theroizing, but i never post it publicly
What else do you enjoy?
I'm just properly getting into D&D so thats fun. I also like to doodle a bit and cosplay on the side depending on how much energy i have at the end of the day. Maybe a bit of Stardew and Minecraft on the side.
Are you open to nice messages and new friends?
Im fine with people popping into my asks on occasion, but direct dms are a no go unless i already know you.
If anything else, you'll more likely see me pop into other’s ask box, especially when chaos starts
Ask template is based off of this post that i found at 3 am this morning
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terrifiesthem · 6 years
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mom said it’s my turn on the xbox
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galacticlamps · 2 years
Me: going about my day, driving down the road
My brain, totally unprompted: how messed up is it that Jamie’s turning 300 in two years and we don’t even know what day that’ll be on?
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perplexities · 2 years
im so burnt out
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fragmentedinnocence · 3 years
poly headcannons
pairing(s): childe x gn!reader x kaeya && kazuha x gn!reader x xiao 
summary: poly relationship head cannons but it’s on crack. basically just a shitpost while I stare at the ceiling questioning my existence in this cruel, mortal plane.
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childe && kaeya
you ain’t getting out of this one alive
these bitches don’t only got their drip and their hots, but also their fucking stupid asses
you wouldn’t know how many times tartaglia fell down the stairs. he onced fell down in front of scaramouche and it now serves as blackmailing purposes
after your date y’all were heading back up stairs and tarantula decided he wanted to be romantic or some shit idk what’s going on in his fucking head anymore 
“im falling for you babe” “aw, ajax :) OH SHIT CHILDE-”
 I mean he wasn’t wrong you’re fucking glorious af like homie 😀🔪 hand over your hots man
and don’t get me started about ice ice baby here. this bitch
he’s a pest that’s what he is
once you were braiding his hair with childe and the day ended with kaeya cosplaying as Elsa, childe cosplaying as kristoff, and you were cosplaying as the fucking donkey. don’t ask man. you guys tried making a kiss scene or whatever but uhm.. Idk how you can make two grown ass men kissing a donkey romantic or sexy believe me kaeya tried
childe deffo makes pelmeni with the gang :) it’s basically pork and chicken that’s covered in a thin layer of dough. kinda like the Chinese dumplings. 
on your anniversary or something y’all tried a 3 way kiss but if dramatic music was to play, it wouldve felt like you guys were about to kill each other or some shit
despite childe not.. yknow actually being a toy maker he does makes small wooden and clay figurines/models and gives them away to his precious comrades :) ..... most of them turn out to look like a collection of turds hE SWEARS THEY WERE MEANT TO RESEMBLE SLIMES
kaeya once compared you to a juicy, flaming hot lobster that the three of you were eating at the dinner table one night. you never looked at lobster the same again.
kazuha && xiao 
“this world is meaningless. the only constant is suffer-” “that’s cool Xiao but can you eat your vegetables now??? kazuha already ate his” “... no”
when depressed edgy teenager comes together with alchoholic broke poet and a stunning loser /j they form a nuclear bo-
mediocore chaos yahoo
Xiao doesn’t eat his vegetables. Ever. because who tf willingly eats cauliflowers and broccoli on a regular basis???????
kazuha is the opposite. Bitch eats his vegetables and appears as if he likes them.......... however, you yet to discover what lies deep within the trash can
Xiao doesn’t love wine but getting drunk with the homies is something even the vigilant yaksha does not want to miss 😌
ventis swinging from the chandelier, Xiao keep plunging down from the stairwell and childe is making turd slime figurines with kaeya, and kazuhas laughing his ass off every small movement you make. you take a wobbly step forward? hehHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH BadhHAHHAHAHhaHHAHA
whenever you ask Xiao to get some ice cream he just makes you flavored shaved ice. if it’s winter? ... you made a terrible mistake
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