#OOC | out of identities
flyingupward · 1 year
;; hiya everyone ! long time no talk ! i’ve missed writing so so much and i really want to get back to it ! i really want a fresh start though so i’m going to work on doing a bit of a reboot. stay tuned ! :) 
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sketchingdemonss · 2 months
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based off da prisoner & fools gold who were just playing in the snow behind me
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fightwing · 8 months
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bruce immediately asking if he hurt dick after days spent infected yeah okay dc i see this and i raise you: 😭😭😭
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doctorcranes-ask · 9 months
Hi!!!! :3
Hello, Richard.
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fure-dcmk · 1 year
You mean art request, right..? 💦 Is Hondou Eisuke ok? 🙏 No worries if not, pls draw what makes you happy 💕 I love seeing your art very much! ^^
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Congrats on your followers also~! 🎉🎉
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silly failguy!!!!
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gushingveins · 3 months
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it was your choice — now you get to live with it!
me? making an introductory post? that’s just typical. that’s typical. why wouldn’t i be making an introductory post? typical.
my name is JUDGEMENT BOY!! yes i am in a system. I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO SAY IT BUT I DID!! take that and eat it! eat it! EAT THE TEXT!! PRINT IT OUT AND EAT IT!!
my ‘SOURCE’ is ‘GREGORY HORROR SHOW’!! eat that with a burrito and ranch. i don’t understand ‘SAW’. but i will soon enough. i will. I WILL!!! and i’ll like it. matter of fact, maybe i’ll even kiss it. hahh. what else do i say. typical. I LIKE MUSIC AND JUDGEMENT. i don’t like FEET BOY. DON’T CALL ME LADY!!! i’m a boy. wrap that up and. i don’t know.
this is what i look like. typical. okay see ya.
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gemkun · 4 months
trying to work out veritas' actual name is so funny like one second it's aurelius then next it's bob. what do you guys think his real name is ?
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As a fellow “gifted” kid (nowhere near as gifted ofc lol) do you ever feel like a fraud? Like, somehow all of your achievements are just dumb luck? That someday said dumb luck will run out and you’ll just have to deal with the fact you were never special and you’re just another cog in the ever spinning wheels of society? No? Just me?
(btw pls ignore any incorrect spelling im half asleep while writing this lol)
I think it is just you. I worked hard on my achievements, regardless of a little help from a muse here, or assistant there. My project fell apart in the end, yes, but it wasn’t the fault of my own incompetence. I finished the portal exactly as it was designed to be.
My future may be a little…unsettled as of now, and sure, my aspirations may have been slightly pushed outside of the course of my plans…
But, it’s perfectly fine. I’m still a great scientist. It’s only a matter of time until I’m recognized as one.
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unit2282 · 3 months
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some anon doodles fo today...
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flyingupward · 2 years
;; hellooooo my loves! i have missed you all immensely ! sorry for being mia for a while ! i’ve had really low writing motivation and between having a rough semester at school and the mental and physical illnesses both flaring up, i just haven’t been able to be here. HOWEVER, i’ve been re-reading some old things lately and it’s been really sparking some inspiration to make a comeback. SO.... i think to give myself a fresh start, i’m going to work on archiving and making a fresh blog. so stay tuned for that. i love you all and can’t wait to get writing with you all again ! :D
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redrobinfr · 1 month
Hey Tim, do you have any specific type of coffee that you like? Or do you just like coffee in general?
that's... not my name... but i am a fan of coffee
i prefer the coffee from the sleepy kitten cafe, just outside of downtown gotham, though my coffee order changes a lot. the baristas are amazing though (and i stop by there often enough that they know what my order will be based on my body language)
unfortunately, i don't get the chance to go there often in my day to day life, but such is the life of a vigilante, you know?
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deathstrokewilson · 2 months
how much money would it take to get bart out of gotham and safe
"He has... his own travel agency, so to speak. Is he not willing to remove himself from Gotham? The cost depends on if you want me to personally guard him, the amount of effort I need to put in to keep him in place, and how far removed you want him to be. I need details."
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dreamsofalife · 4 months
((Pride month is amazing and I love it, but I always feel weird about it because I'm not really sure of my sexuality/romantic orientation? I think I'm on the aroace spectrum somewhere, like grayro or something? I'm not entirely romance repulsed but mostly? Like...I'm attracted to people but have no interest in dating. I have actually wanted to date all of 3 people in my adult life and none turned out well. I also don't ever plan on having sex, though it remains to be seen if I'm asexual or if that's something else I'm just a late bloomer at due to mental illness causing me to severely stagnate.
I just feel like. I dunno, I don't act queer enough? I don't really feel pride or shame for my sexuality, it's just something that exists that doesn't really affect me that much because I don't date. I don't talk about romance to anyone, I've never experienced prejudice for my sexuality, most people don't really care or know because it's not any of their business.
I guess for me, pride month is more about supporting other people than really celebrating myself. My sexuality doesn't always feel like it's a part of me. I'm pretty detached from it so I'm not sure if I feel comfortable or like I have a right to celebrate.
...I think this is the most candid I've ever been about the topic.))
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eorzeashan · 6 months
also the way Eight jests and flirts and acts so familiar, so unafraid of Jadus because he believes he's been with him his whole life/is an actual manifestation of his fear, the fear that always accompanied him on missions, the fear that lingers in the dark at night, the fear of being abandoned he had as a child. Jadus is...something he recognizes. something that's always been with him, when everyone else is gone and no one is left. something that will never leave. Jadus is the fear in his targets' eyes, the fear he commands as an imperial agent, the fear of their superiors that hangs over the Command center. he knows him. he loves him. he's always been with him. Jadus is fear, and fear has ever been his beloved companion.
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penddraig · 8 months
can i just say something. can i say something can i just say something.
asians writing asian muses on here make me smile, and make me feel so comfy. :)
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h0m3land3r-exe · 8 months
☆Do you ever think about how Vought put Homelander through white room torture as a child
☆What the fuck was up with that
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